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Esoteric Wizardry


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Dear Smiley

taking my consideration at you,and of you begin the boss of /fringe, and number of other factors I have gathered in the course of 2 weeks I have reached a conclusion that may or may not be true.Again I may mistake here and not "understand" you fully which will make my thread look badly,nonetheless I give this thread not just for you but also to other people who seek development in their selfs.

Firstly, I wanted to put on the table the topic of relaxation.A truly neglected part of development not a lot of people pay attention to it .Sadly I don't see the effect of true relaxation on you."f you are relaxed and there is no needless expenditure of metabolic energy, that energy must do something. Hence, the work it does is entirely psychological in nature and scope. All your latent abilities and mental powers and faculties become sharpened. A distinct exaltation must accompany the process. There should be a fresh acquisition of intellectual power and capacity.".The problem here is the masks you are wearing which block me to see your "real you" and maybe these masks are as many and wonderful they also tricked you into seeing the real you. "ou will come to feel as I and many others have come to feel, that in knowing this technique, the whole tenor of life has been altered and changed very much for the better. It will becomeinfinitely easier to express what you are. The mask of self-deception that firmly encases one drops away, and the real personality, free from the dross of fantasy and gross limitation, is there for all to see.".

One very intuitive psychological exponent has said that the entire object of psychoanalysis and analytical psychology was to confront the individual with himself and enable him to see and to accept himself as he actually is without any fond illusions and fantasies. By means of a

prolonged analysis of one's past history and his relations with his family, and an examination of present day reactions to any and every circumstance and event that

arises, he is rid of the false mask that blinds him to himself, eliminating the shell of fantasy in which he is deeply confined. This being the case, it will be seen that relaxation accomplishes somewhat similar ends to those

of psychoanalysis without the strain that attends the latter, especially as concerns time, money, and emotional upset.


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I think that most people here label themselves as "national socialist White wizards".I liked to change that by implanting and triggering the usage of "jew" magic in one of the user here so he may spread it over time .In reality I see that magic isn't related to this or that,it isn't jew or muslim, white nor black.Think of the paint tool/brush, does it say "This is for jew?/This is for white?" I guess not.The thing is /fringe/ is a magical community where I see you as my brother as human begin who is in need of financial help.I think that trying new form of magic other than the usual "WILLIAM WALKER" and new age is necessary./fringe/ need a little diversity.I don't mean that in a bad way where Wiccan come and bullshit on this imageboard, on the contrary I want traditions and thoughts/experience of other people to come here and mix with each other creating new methods and new ways in magic . (btw I will put the rest of the books in the end)


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I want to end my topic/thread with one thing that I see lacking in most people here, having fun.Sure I understand it is "The Work","The Great Work","Serious Business".etc but this "work" isn't the casual work western world have, this work is more of a play/work mixture where it should be fun(or funny), and the person actually enjoy it and not make it a side-hobby like some sort of collecting stamps or whatever.


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I want to conclude my talk with saying that I wouldn't have actually posted this only if I knew that it would help me eventually.Hopefully magical community must be a place where we(you and me) help each other develop,encourage each other practice,share tips,guide each other, and point each other flaws.Maybe it's a fantasy but /fringe/ seem small enough for this fantasy to manifest, but I dunno really.before I throw the book related to this topic I wanted to give you a faster more direct way to interrelate what you have just read.The energized meditation(for relaxation part)



For the books


The Lazy man's guide to relaxation(71 page) and Energy,Prayer,Relaxation(81 page)

^Both books by Israel regardie


Damon brand's Wealth magic and Magickal Cashbook


I recommend Cosmic trigger(by RAW) or Angel's tech(by Antero Alli) both are an "enlightening" read.


I wanted to apologize if I misunderstood you

and to apologize for begin unable to upload the file due to slow net's speed(100kb/s)


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>Ponyshit on the Chao

If you want to promote a sense of fun and play in people, try to not immediately induce a sense of nausea in your target.




excuse me?the picture affect the message of the text?



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

About relaxation and other things. Just make sure when you go to sleep after listening to this you thank god for making the Manly P. Hall.

Here is the playlist with all the lectures.




I think that /fringe/ is more diverse. Most people just keep quiet and focus on their studies.



I didn't know that,thanks for that insight which I was blind of because of the new age follower+gnosticism throwing their stuff everywhere in here.


tl;dr, if you have something specific to ask me, go on >>>/ask/

Gotta go to work tomorrow. Spent all of today doing a lot of shit and had an amazing series of extremely improbable synchronicities, all connected to each other, back-to-back the whole day and it ended with me getting a lot of job offers



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Goodnight Smiles! :)


Read the whole thread now, nothing interesting, I just want to continue my Great Work without stalling it to uselessly share too much of it. I'd rather rule 4 of the magus.



>I'd rather rule 4 of the magus


psst…go upon a dictionary and read up the definition of hypocrisy

>Great Work

>William Walker



Thanks for the loosh mundane.



meh just because you can't backup what you say nor come up with a good reply you pull the casual "Thanks for the loosh mundane." like it was all a ruse.I thought this message would reach your "inner begin" or whatever that is, but I will try to keep off you since you are not worth it.


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It's a loaded symbol, my, created by brones to spread their disease; I gagged, too. Compare picrelated to the image you posted, and do take care not to inadvertently spread cancerous sigils in the future.



I don't even read your posts properly, I just see your name, quickly check the tone of the post, then respond and go back to doing more important shit. You don't matter to me at all and whatever you write here doesn't matter to me either. It makes 0 difference to my ascent. The practical work of my ascent is to be conducted by actually doing magick and reading my books not blabbering on here.


Like, I can hardly explain the fucks I don't give anymore, and I won't start giving a fuck until you force me to; but you can't.

Feel free to sperg out.

*resumes reading of Magical Use of Thoughtforms*




>E.A koetting reincarnate



ayy — lmao

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