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I have many questions but they sort of might intertwine.

I have been looking into Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, and Montalk and David Icke stuff for a while now. And this stuff seems fascinating. But there is so much that is still a mystery to me. I want to know more about the Monad, Demiurge, Sophia, the nature of reality(s), I want to know my place in the grand scheme, and Why is the Ego so hated by many occultists, especially eastern philosophers and hippies? And what the hell is the Monad? Is it a person? Am I a Monad? Many people say that the goal is to unite with the Monad but would I lose my sense of "Me"? I feel that after looking into some esoteric thoughts, that I should feel guilty for wanting to be "me" for some reason. And the Demiurge, I heard he runs this universe, why is it so shit? I know there are many good things in life here, but there are so many inconsistencies as well. Just the little things that dont make sense but they are that way. And now lastly I have very bad focusing problems when I try to AP/Meditate or anything. I just cant keep my mind clean for more then 5 seconds. I start thinking of stuff and picturing things, there will be music always playing there in the back of my head. I try to "erase" everything but it doesnt work for long. And Ill even start thinking of not thinking! Its weird and annoying. How do I clear my mind properly? Is it because I play video games before going to bed? Or is it because I work during the day? It doesnt make sense. Also the weirdest part is that I have to keep using the bathroom with this.

I apologize for writing a fucking jigsaw puzzle of questions. But any help with ANY of these would be appreciated. I read the Kyballion but could not get into the other books into the stickys as they felt too "New Age/Yogi Hindu Breathing" type stuff. But if its important I will look back into it.

Pic unrelated, I just could not find anything else.


From another thread, I've read that Atkinsons "personality" is called "ego" in the eastern beliefs, hence the hatred you noticed. As for meditation, I think it just comes down to practice. That's all I can answer confidently, since I'm struggling similar to how you are too.


I would answer them all, but instead, I have 2 words.

Questions, Thread

Try again, and you may get some more help.


>I have very bad focusing problems when I try to AP/Meditate

Meditation will build your ability to focus, both in life, further meditation and in magical activity, as far as magic is concerned that's a main goal of it.

Don't try to AP too early you might burn yourself out trying and failing. Spend your efforts on things that build your ability to work with energy, forces, visualisation and meditation to build your focus.

You can use the lbrp and middle pillar to build what I mentioned above. Have a daily routine of lbrp, middle pillar and meditation for a few weeks and you'll have more luck with more exotic things like AP.

The book in this post has how-to on middle pillar and lbrp >>47073

Use the relaxation script as well to boost your efforts in middle pillar, it hugely improves it being thoroughly relaxed beforehand. ALSO a period of relaxation allows for increased insight to occur as well as spiritual contact.

I would also suggest offering rituals to spirits, this creates a relationship which will hugely build your magical ability. Take an analogy of lending money to a complete stranger or to a close friend, you would lend much more to the close friend than the stranger. Offerings turn spirits from strangers to friends. Add this to your daily routine as well.

I would also recommend looking into developing a spiritual mentor either with the book linked above OR omrans guide here >>52078

This book has a script for offering rituals as well as other magical practise and important theory, you might get on with it better than the new thought stuff, I know I do. https://mega.nz/#!j1JUWCYL!OL89ImKbu7Aq5nXNA4bTzSJLKij054-AD_xqS9vhskg

You should also look up the half lotus asana for meditation, use a pillow or cushion to sit on. Correct posture hugely improves your efforts as well as your physiology.

This all should keep you busy for a good while, by all means research yourself, read more and practise new things as well, but this is a solid magical routine.


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I also do Skype 1-on-1 on skype:omran anal

so lonely

Also on AP

Warning/Note to astral plane traveler

Don't go to astral world/plane until your astral sense "accomedate" with the physical world(from your astral body).

The trap of entering unprepared into the astral realms is similar to the drug-induced experiences reported in psychological journals and the popular press. The difference between the "good trips" and the "bad trips" are the differences between the individual's astral reality at the time of the drug experience. In magical training there is no use for the drug-induced astral experience, except to point out the similarity of dangers to the unprepared in projection to the astral realms.When entering the astral realms, preconceptions, beliefs, and assumptions act as effective barriers to prevent people from learning anything that they are not ready to learn. In the astral body,it is difficult to indulge in fantasy and self-delusion about the physical world. No such barrier exists in the astral realms, where thoughts create reality, based upon both conscious and subconscious desires.

Here lemme quote crowley, he seem little more "dramatic" with it:-

'' The Magician may go on for a long time being fooled and flattered by the Astrals that he has himself modified or manufactured. Their natural subservience to himself will please him, poor ape!

They will pretend to show him marvellous mysteries, pageants of beauty and wonder unspeakably splendid; he will incline to accept them as true, for the very reason that they are images of himself idealized by the imagination.

But his real progress will stop dead. These phantasms will prevent him from coming into contact with independent intelligences, from whom alone he can learn anything new.

He will become increasingly interested in himself, imagine himself to be attaining one initiation after another. His Ego will expand unchecked, till he seem to himself to have heaven at his feet. Yet all this will be nothing but his fool's face of Narcissus smirking up from the pool that will drown him.'' ~Crowley,Notes for an Astral Atlas




Not omrananal



How can I make sure I am ready before I go into it, though? I've just started the Mastering Astral Projection program and that quote always has me worried.



If you follow a path similar to this one >>52857 you'll be able to tell from having magical dreams occuring naturally periodically. They will reflect where you're at.



You stay on the physical plane until there is only small difference between what you see astrally and physically.

Also work on black and white soul mirror so your purity and belief is reflected unto the astral (honest with yourself = astral honest with you)




You'll probably end up astral projecting while asleep without even trying to.



Not quite sure how I'm going to pull off out loud rituals in my current position. Is it really safe to call on spirits so often though? The PDF suggested for the middle pillar is calling upon at least 5 entities before the middle pillar ritual and says nothing about offering anything back. The last thing I want to do is call important entities and annoy them.



They're not entities, they're names of god. God don't need no offerings, he's of a higher order. You can also do the ritual and not take any stake in the godhood of jhvh.

Spirits are a different model of magic.



Do it in a astral temple, method here ( >>52145 )

Uses for your astral temple:


Meditation [all kinds and astral work]

Telepathic communication with other human beings

Meeting with entities

your own personal astral temple will boost your astral abilities

The method I prefer now is outlined in Jason Augustus Newcomb's book "The New Hermetics". (Since he then build a whole system on that temple)Basically, in meditation you enter a temple with four walls, colored according to the elements.

But if you want a fast guide try this




MMO stands for massively multi-player online game. This analogy leads to a slightly better one: let us assume, for just a moment, that the mind is indeed like a computer. And if that comparison holds, then the astral plane is like a network of minds. In this view, then, day dreaming and working in the astral temple is like playing a game or using one's computer in single player mode. Whereas day dreaming is like playing a single-player only game; using the astral temple is like playing a single-player game that also supports multi-player platforms.

So if you know how to day dream, then you can build an astral temple. And if you can build an astral temple you can certainly astrally project by selecting the multi-player options. Furthermore: if you build an astral temple, you can also fully utilize some of the basic techniques of ars memoria to increase your ability to memorize things!


Unless you're artsy and really need to go haywire. You'll want at least two things to make full use of this primer: a room for evocation/invocation, a library for ars memoria techniques, and a room with a doorway or archway that goes nowhere for astral projection. The last aspect can be included in the evocation/invocation room if you want to keep it really, really simple.



I will add you on Skype tonight


So if I practice meditating and using visualization techniques they will help me with Magik/ap and everything?

Also guys, I tried the 90 day program but could not really get into it. What's the ultimate book on learning to ap?


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Yes hone your skillz



thanks for the pdf too I will look into that tonight as well!


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May Amon-Ra blessings be upon though.

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