>in a dusky apartment/space with grey light that emanates from everywhere and nowhere
>i am the observer of the dream, there are 3-5 individuals with me
>the dream is vague and gentle, it wants me to drift along with the script
>a plan, a grand scheme, something is to be done, i am at the center
>a child, a sacrifice, an abomination, a creation to be used, secrecy and hushed talking
>the child is not yet born but is to be, and i have a powerful connection to it
>something goes wrong/spills/broken
>i am sitting on the floor carefully picking up small jars of glass of scent/oil, one is spilled
>carefully, slowly collect spilled scented oil back into glass jar
>a friend of the woman is there, she is picking up broken glass
>i do this futile work for a long period of dream time, like meditation/one mindedness, i gather myself ever so slowly, on edge of ridding myself of the hypnosis that has me dancing like a puppet to the dreams predestined fate
>there is a knock on the door, someone of power (benevolent/friendly/caring vibes) wondering what is being done here, he knows something is amiss
>individuals strongly convince/tell/imprint thoughts that i should take care of the "problem", tell me to lie and get him away, i must lie to him, he must not know
>i am the semi conscious observer and feel that something is gravely off/wrong, it triggers even more awareness in the dream
>still in a trace like foggy state within the dream i lead him around the "space" and tell him the lies i was told to tell, that all is fine
>switch scenery, he is gone, we are heading to the basement for some sort of fulfillment
>the child/abomination/creation, the holy corrupted of use/sacrifice is to come / something nears completion
>in the staircase of a gloomy grey/brown building towards the basement
>impulse, act now, break free
>i move towards the stairs rails, i step up to it with the intent to slide down the building
>hisses, screams and advice against it, telling me its dangerous, that i will hurt, that i should walk the stairs
>hesitation, only with a strong will i force myself to sit on the rail, at once i find balance, i find zen, the middle path, i am at once aware and myself
>at once i am at the basement and the others are nowhere to be seen, seemingly powerless and gone
>something has been foiled
>disorientation, i see with my minds eye a sewn together carcass of a newborn, hiding, alive, it has disposed of itself
>connection, i feel connection to this abomination/creation, it is holy/pure and wants me no ill/wants to help me
>vision of the creature, it has a large cavern in the forehead in which an eye is seen held from popping out by veins of red
>our minds merge, a flash
>i am in the apartment/space again, sitting in a sofa in front of a table
>first thing i see is a laptop, the screen chokes me with information, at once i know/remember all that has transpired during this dream, i remember, i sense/feel the plan/scheme but can't wrap my mind around it
>i reach to change the "dream", i could do it by rewriting the "powerpoint presentation" which has filled me with information, i can rewrite it, i can fix it, i can end it
>a hand grabs my wrist as i reach for the keys to delete/end/rewrite
>someone/something raised in darkness sits to my right, its eyes tinted sickly yellow with a slit pupil
>i have been in situations like this before, a contest of will, i just need to impose my sovereignty over this creature to end it
>stalemate, i can't banish or incinerate it, it does nothing to me but hinder me from reaching the keyboard
>if i can't change/control this dream i'm sure as fuck not staying here
>attempt wake up
>delay, what is usually instantaneous turns into a calm before the storm moment of staring into the eye of the person veiled in dark
>change, no longer in apartment/space/couch, i'm astral projecting above my body,
>girlfriend is to my right, her one eye two thirds open
>relocating from dream to AP above body our gazes never faltered
>no more than a few seconds i wake up proper
>every hair on my body stands up, adrenaline is pumping, fight or flight, terror live never before
>girlfriend is looking dead on where i just hang floating
>i move not a muscle, wait and see what happens as the unbearably long seconds go by in what has turned from a bad dream to occulus, hell expansion
>1.5, 2 seconds after i catch her eyeing where i had just been floating her one open eye darts to my eyes
>10-20 seconds no blinking, i was ready to bite her throat if need be
>she shuts her eye and turns her head away after another moment of nothing
>i pray to God like a madman for a quarter then take a long, cold shower