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Esoteric Wizardry


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Okay first a quick introduction, I'm tipp. I've been lurking chans, particularly 4Chan since 2008, along the line I awoke Kundalini 2012 as the planets aligned, since then, and some time before, I've been shitposting /x/ & /fringe/ with Auramancing, Crystals, Meditationthreads, advanced Psionics, Sigils and thoughtforms, I'm well read and have a broad base of knowledge from which I draw.

I'm only telling you this because it might simplify the discussion we're about to have; I need help, there is a demonic entity in my vicinity and the issue is not resolved easily.

There have been… Suggestions? Reaching me about this before, but thinking with my cock I paid them little heed. This time however, things couldn't be more crystal clear.

The first time I felt something was 'off' was the third or fourth time we met, it was in her apartment, we were feeling each other up on her sofa when out of bumfuck nowhere I get a strong, lasting vision that seized me cold for two seconds, and had me stunned for another three. I've had precognition in dreams before, many times, but this was different. It felt, literally like I was clubbed as a strong imagery caused everything but it in my to exist. The vision was of a hog butchered in an ungodly way, its skull exposed and rotting pieces in process of sloughing off.

This made me dread, and I knew it was somehow connected to this woman, but ignored it for the moment and continued the night by giving her the D.

Second "outside of normal occurrence" happened some weeks afterwards, during kissing and touching before going to bed, there were no lights in the apartment and what little light that flooded into her apartment cast her face in a demonic sneer, mind you my vision in the dark is 9/10, i blinked only to see the same visage upon her face several times. I ignored it as well. This also happened once during a late night out.


I am plagued by night terrors The most vivid apparitions stalk my dreams, demons in all shapes and sizes burst out of plague ridden corpses, slither out of those dear to me, torment me with words and violent scenarios. It is seldom I have a dream that is not waging a war against filth, negativity, corruption and hate. During the night as my sleep schedule proceed I find myself taking mindful control of the dream, I cut them down with swords, I mock them, belittle the vermin and call upon the name of God to help me smite them with holy fire. A normal night is filled with beasts more frightening and real than anything Hollywood might produce. But I am in control, and I am not afraid.

Not this time.


>in a dusky apartment/space with grey light that emanates from everywhere and nowhere

>i am the observer of the dream, there are 3-5 individuals with me

>the dream is vague and gentle, it wants me to drift along with the script

>a plan, a grand scheme, something is to be done, i am at the center

>a child, a sacrifice, an abomination, a creation to be used, secrecy and hushed talking

>the child is not yet born but is to be, and i have a powerful connection to it

>something goes wrong/spills/broken

>i am sitting on the floor carefully picking up small jars of glass of scent/oil, one is spilled

>carefully, slowly collect spilled scented oil back into glass jar

>a friend of the woman is there, she is picking up broken glass

>i do this futile work for a long period of dream time, like meditation/one mindedness, i gather myself ever so slowly, on edge of ridding myself of the hypnosis that has me dancing like a puppet to the dreams predestined fate

>there is a knock on the door, someone of power (benevolent/friendly/caring vibes) wondering what is being done here, he knows something is amiss

>individuals strongly convince/tell/imprint thoughts that i should take care of the "problem", tell me to lie and get him away, i must lie to him, he must not know

>i am the semi conscious observer and feel that something is gravely off/wrong, it triggers even more awareness in the dream

>still in a trace like foggy state within the dream i lead him around the "space" and tell him the lies i was told to tell, that all is fine

>switch scenery, he is gone, we are heading to the basement for some sort of fulfillment

>the child/abomination/creation, the holy corrupted of use/sacrifice is to come / something nears completion

>in the staircase of a gloomy grey/brown building towards the basement

>impulse, act now, break free

>i move towards the stairs rails, i step up to it with the intent to slide down the building

>hisses, screams and advice against it, telling me its dangerous, that i will hurt, that i should walk the stairs

>hesitation, only with a strong will i force myself to sit on the rail, at once i find balance, i find zen, the middle path, i am at once aware and myself

>at once i am at the basement and the others are nowhere to be seen, seemingly powerless and gone

>something has been foiled

>disorientation, i see with my minds eye a sewn together carcass of a newborn, hiding, alive, it has disposed of itself

>connection, i feel connection to this abomination/creation, it is holy/pure and wants me no ill/wants to help me

>vision of the creature, it has a large cavern in the forehead in which an eye is seen held from popping out by veins of red

>our minds merge, a flash

>i am in the apartment/space again, sitting in a sofa in front of a table

>first thing i see is a laptop, the screen chokes me with information, at once i know/remember all that has transpired during this dream, i remember, i sense/feel the plan/scheme but can't wrap my mind around it

>i reach to change the "dream", i could do it by rewriting the "powerpoint presentation" which has filled me with information, i can rewrite it, i can fix it, i can end it

>a hand grabs my wrist as i reach for the keys to delete/end/rewrite

>someone/something raised in darkness sits to my right, its eyes tinted sickly yellow with a slit pupil

>i have been in situations like this before, a contest of will, i just need to impose my sovereignty over this creature to end it

>stalemate, i can't banish or incinerate it, it does nothing to me but hinder me from reaching the keyboard

>if i can't change/control this dream i'm sure as fuck not staying here

>attempt wake up

>delay, what is usually instantaneous turns into a calm before the storm moment of staring into the eye of the person veiled in dark

>change, no longer in apartment/space/couch, i'm astral projecting above my body,

>girlfriend is to my right, her one eye two thirds open

>relocating from dream to AP above body our gazes never faltered

>no more than a few seconds i wake up proper

>every hair on my body stands up, adrenaline is pumping, fight or flight, terror live never before

>girlfriend is looking dead on where i just hang floating

>i move not a muscle, wait and see what happens as the unbearably long seconds go by in what has turned from a bad dream to occulus, hell expansion

>1.5, 2 seconds after i catch her eyeing where i had just been floating her one open eye darts to my eyes

>10-20 seconds no blinking, i was ready to bite her throat if need be

>she shuts her eye and turns her head away after another moment of nothing

>i pray to God like a madman for a quarter then take a long, cold shower


If I didn't know this girl to be the kindest, most pure hearted individual I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, I would have broken contact on the spot after she left, some 30 minutes ago. As is, she noticed immediately that something was wrong, we're both sensitive, and I told her what had happened. She became sad, a little frightened… She doesn't have the extensive knowledge that one would pick up from reading a lot, but shes intuitive and knows enough to trust me when I told her about this. Shes willing to visit a priest, but they need a letter from the Vatican to approve such. Maybe just a blessing and some holy water will do.

I have Photoshopped the first and second seals of the Sun on top of an image of the Sun to empower them, I played Gregorian chants the whole morning, i played various chants from different cultures,I'm five minutes away from polishing the rough wall so that i can engrave the second pent of the Sun above my bed, I will assist her in Auramancing meditations to fix any and all holes in her bioelectrical magnetic field so that no negative entities can get through, I'll be making a pendant and enchant with a sigil using Cybershaman, as well as regular intent enchant meditation - I need any help you could possibly assist with.

She has history with depression, lower level negatives are attached to her base chakra, but overall shes happy see for a few days a month when hormones take over. She does have suicidal thoughts, as recently as yesterday, is that enough negative emotion to feed on for, say, one of the more powerful beings of the higher, negative dimensions to root?

I love her, shes worth battling a demon for.


>unironically asking Smiley for help



smiley used to be worth something

now he's just broken and depressed and addicted to buying overpiced electronics



Could you tell me the story of this "Smiley"??

Why is he addicted and depressed?



bcuz ur a fgt omran



I only skimmed through your post as it reeks of christinanized subconscious programming ( you should address that )

When you get visions of horrors and violent things, it means you're about to get to somewhere or unlock something worth a fuck - your mind / subconscious gives you those images so as to dissuade you from going further on an experience which may otherwise shake it's foundation and cause cognitive dissonance, requiring the human ego to reset - it's a safety mechanism, just as in meditation, the more fucked up shit you see, the more you have to ignore it and beat that fear - most of these are programmed into you subliminally at he age 1-7 period and cemented until 14. Past 16-18, a die-hard religious nut will usually be that way unless an insane paradigm shift in their reality allows them to see the logic in their foolishness.


Furthermore females are more prone to chemical issues from foods and consumption of alcohol and cigs - Wifi itself fucks with folk on a molecular level which then affects the chemistry which fucks with the circadian rhythm. Your girl's thing isn't new, my ex also had tendencies to be bipolar as fuck and it was from her stupid meds and the garbage fast food she indulged in.


>I love her, shes worth battling a demon for.

You're the demon you're battling, your subconscious - she doesn't really exist, she - like all of this - is a living allegory for the mind and process - only in your reality are you the focal mover and shaker, everyone, including me and my post TO YOUR perspective is but a reflection of an aspect in the area between Physical experience and Non-experience - the void of the subconscious mind which serves as a sort of membrane between tangibility and possibility.


because he didn't start lifting/working out and prolly still consumes highly acid-forming foods. Furthermore any disdain you hold chews at you with even greater zeal once in the magi-tier of mindsets, everything is enhanced and boosted, so a slight insecurity may turn to be a crippling fear, as thus is the only way your over self or the greater aspect of you which some call higher self or HGH, which is you once you have completed the refinement process in the OXYDATIVE - HYDROGEN - CARBON based reality.


@ OP, do some shadow work from C. JUNG and do a darkness meditation as recommended in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCdoZ_2mDZs


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>christinanized subconscious programming

>mfw he does't even know about lower & higher entities


>blames wifi

>>a die-hard religious

>implying i haven't reached zen, become liberated through Moksha & dismantled Maya

>implying i can't see all faiths for what they are, a means to spirituality and understanding

>>no anon, ur the demon


False wisdom coupled with arrogance is dangerous.

>>When you get visions of horrors and violent things, it means you're about to get to somewhere or unlock something worth a fuck - your mind / subconscious gives you those images so as to dissuade you from going further on an experience which may otherwise shake it's foundation

I'll give you that, thats a good sentence, but

>another chaotee throwing around the use of cognitive dissonance like its salt in the neighbors flower lot.


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add him on skype: fringewizard

also maybe repost this on >>>/ask/

he's been MIA lately


use solar banishing outlined here


and if that doesn't work try using NAP's spirits from here:-



Invocation For Protection from Evil(don't forget to follow the instruction pointed in the thread)

''I invoke Thee, GAH-DEE-ELL, in Thy power and wisdom to place around

me a shield against which evil shall be powerless. Those who would

harm me shall be powerless, and their evil shall return to them a

thousandfold. Be Thou ready and able to place this protection, as I

seal it with Thee with the Words: EE-YOTE-EEYAH-VAW-ARE-ZALL. I am

within Thy protection now and my enemies cannot harm me. So mote it be''

If that doesn't work, these pdf will probably help(FUCK THE PDF UPLOAD DOESN'T WORK), I will link the book after 30 min.





Will accept any and all other constructive suggestions.



Yo man..I got the stuff


Go to the folder in the torrent ebook 1→ spiritual cleansing.

Also don't forget LBRP

also no need for priest..tell her to take spiritual exercise of Loyola, and do Solar banishing 2-3 time a day.


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That should suffice greatly, thanks.

Have some sigils in return.


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I wanted to contact you on skype if that is possible, I wanted to know your style and enrich myself from your knowledge and experience, my skype is omranana1



The only thing you can do is murder your girlfriend in her sleep ASAP. Don't hesitate.


I used to hang out on 4chon /pol/ and occasionally check the Anti-ZOG Garden. Smiley's wacky antics and whimsical japes were always a source of never-ending amusement. Imagine my surprise when years later I found a board focusing on esoteric wizardry, with none other than Grand Wizard Smileberg in charge.

Dear God I wish I had been party to everything that happened in between.

Still Smiley, you helped get me on this weird path, so thank you.



>because he didn't start lifting/working out

he's done judo his whole life lol

his problem is that he barely sleeps at all and has genetic disorders



you have not ZERO POINT.

please zero point.


Everything you said is in part religious programming. Everything is the mind. Everything you could ever perceive or experience is a bounce-back from what's inside.

To a color blind individual the world is different than yours… but what happens when they made corrective lenses for that and now they see colors they have never seen in their life before. You too shall see the full spectrum and innerstand it's all darkness, the pure triple dark matter.

all faiths are not a means to spirituality and understanding, as many master metaphysicians and true immortal alchemists aka al khem aka from the black land or the darkness, have shown in many of the content i provide - that all of these religions are man-made inventions, most have been rewritten over and over to include secret messages and codes for processes, yet having the preface of being highly mind-control based. Woman+Man have always been on this planet. This is not a flat earth. A fuck ton of you are still stuck in religious programming such as astral realms and entities and demons and angels which are summed up as manifestations of the very mind which permits you to fathom I AM - feel me G?


Attack of the 50 Foot Eyesores[edit]

In a parody of the 1958 film, Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, Homer goes to Lard Lad Donuts to get a "colossal doughnut." Upon realizing that the colossal doughnut is the name of the doughnut that Lard Lad holds and colossal doughnuts that size do not exist, he denounces the store and vows to get a colossal (sized) doughnut. That night, he steals the giant doughnut from the Lard Lad statue in front of the store. In the midst of a freak storm, Lard Lad and other giant advertising statues come to life to terrorize Springfield. Homer eventually returns the donut to Lard Lad, but that does not stop Lard Lad and his friends from causing any more destruction. Lisa goes to the ad agency that created those advertising characters, and an executive suggests the citizens stop paying attention to the monsters as they are advertising gimmicks, and attention is what keeps them motivated. He suggests a jingle will help distract people from watching the monsters. Lisa and Paul Anka later perform a catchy song and the citizens of Springfield stop looking at the monsters, who lose their powers and become lifeless, except for Lard Lad, who manages to tempt Homer into looking into his donut, stating that it now has sprinkles. Homer falls for it, but Bart and Lisa pull him away from it, threatening to poke out Homer's eyes if he does not comply, much to Homer's anger. This causes Lard Lad to lose his power and become lifeless.



What are you?smiley's biographer?



no, just his friend


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go away amateur psychologist crockpot village witch, we're doing real magic over here.

all is mind, the creators mind




You could have stopped him.



if we never crossed paths he, i dare say, might be much worse than he is now



your writing style makes me laugh

you should post here more



that rainbow text is nice. each tier seems like my one and only idea put in a different color.

oh and i still don't get why all you wizards want to go high/more/better/etc. when you get there you'll just want to come back and be unconscious little plant cells anyway. not to mention you're pretty much just doing what everyone else: trying hard.







Get yourself a bottle of sage essential oil and put that on yourself.

Sage is good for banishing and protection from negative entities.



>reviving this awful thread with poor advice




It's not poor advice.

Also get yourself a bottle of peppermint essential oil.



…and one more thing, there's this plant with red colored wood, forget what it's called but I have it growing around me a lot here… it's great for fucking up bad entities. Just whip them with it.




Okay, sage isn't poor advice, but you should know how to use it.

Besides, it was one of the first things I did.

Is it like a bush? Distinctly red tangles of cords?

Where is "Here"? Can you get a pic or a name?

Might have it in the backyard actually.


A little more advice from a special snowflake…

Take stock of what is stirring up your emotions throughout the day and the night. Note everything. Endeavor to seek out emotional stimulants that are pure such as beautiful art. When receiving thoughts, intuitively or otherwise recognize their signature "where they come from", and put blocks or filters in place or address senders who are sending disturbing shit to you by reaching out to them and processing them until they calm down and stop sending out negative thoughts.

Also, invoke more air if you want to be able to dynamically respond to and process things while retaining your awareness, more fire if you want start creating your own space and dwelling within it where you may secure that place from outside influences, more water if you just want to get hammered with more shit, and more earth if you want to step up your game and make things more physical.

Another thing; try collapsing negative energies in on them self.

>i'm astral projecting above my body,

That's not very grounded my man. Floating around like a leaf in wind… not that you can't assume a great deal of weight and still be lifted by a powerful earth energy into the air…



Here = Ontario.


Return neg energies into undifferentiated akashic form and then release them again in a new form.


is smiley jewish?



Damn right I'm not grounded for shit.


I usually trap and consume, or incinerate and release.

Care to recommend a book or two?



r u a 2m tall qt blondie 3.14?



no but i consider myself not from this world and i relate to pleiadians best.



>5'4 brown eyed middle easterner detected

You need to get over the inferiority complex and realize that in the image of God you are perfect, and so is your next.



what happened with this anyway, tipp?




rape it make it call you daddy



Were not together any longer. Did some solar banishing, NAP that didn't see to do shit, played gregorianska chants and some mental against negs, but I think it's her anti depressive opening up her aura for foreign influence.

Besides that, soulmates as we were, it wasn't our time.

I'm going to tell her about her about this and her med, instruct her to do solar banishing, then we're done.



Seem* gregorian* mantras*



OK, now it is clear that people should just ignore everything you say.



Kek, don't forget to sage the thread you dumb cunt.


stop shitting up my thread tipp.



When you stop shitting up my board by retard threads, killing good content and bumping dead threads.



What a lame ass excuse to make a subhuman feel good about their body.

Pleiadians are the final form of humanity when we have reached perfection.



No he's Dutch.



>muh soulmates

>muh not being able to handle shit so you let relationship die rather than go boss mode and fix it all like a true hardcore wizard



Yeah but everyone is in the image of God, one should be able to take solace in this fact and feel blessed.

You know I'm right.


Okay I get it, i shouldn't throw around new age terms like that.

By soulmate I meant, our auras synced almost perfectly, at the point in time which we were together our individual development made us perfectly suitable, emotionally and intellectually to engage in a relationship.

Being totally honest, she being thetan playground wasn't why we broke up, we broke up because shes 30 while i'm 22, she needed someone to give her a kid or three and that wasn't me, but we had a good run, very progressive, we both learned things, lots of things, rapidly. We healed each others wounds and made each other perfect, for a time. That is all one could wish for.

Can we please let the thread die?

Mod please autosage.




This is important, please deleted that post.



retarded manchild



>i shouldn't throw around new age terms like that.

>thetan playground

(don't worry. i saged)



pls no h8/r8 or bully my new fav phrase fam.


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>we had a good run, very progressive

open your ass and your mind will follow



This is bait. If you really were what you said then you'd know how to fix things. 1.5/10



yeh, one definition of soulmate is simply someone to grow with spiritually.


> We healed each others wounds and made each other perfect, for a time.

lovely. I had something like this for a while

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