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How do I make someone completely obsessed and in love with me, in real life and over the internet? especially over the internet.

questions thread is full, sorry boys


Is it someone specific or someone in general?

I'd recommend Damon Brands love magic book and NAP/NMP invocation for love.




Note - to get NMP to work you need to do lbrp, the relaxation power calling script, the middle pillar and then the invocation.


Reverse question: how do you tell if a spell like that has been casted on yourself?



Use divination. I'd use a pendulem.


kek why don't you ask E.A Koeting, I'm sure he would tell you to masturbate at a candle with her name on it.



Create a desire elemental for the purpose. The instructions are in Initiation Into Hermetics around Step VI.



that works btw sexual shaman reporting in



Tell us more about the pendulum.



Tell us more about your shamanism!!

Please :-)


I've got a pdf for demonic sexual magic. It works. Post your results afterwards


File: 1446496560966.pdf (1.34 MB, SelfHealingHandBook.pdf)

>How do I make someone completely obsessed and in love with me,

Don't. Most likely there will be resistance and the spell might bounce back. If you're having problems letting go of attachments then use divine invocations , you can find some of them in this book



>I've got a pdf

>doesn't post it


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My love for your stacks of slunks is already very much but never full enough.



>how do I mindrape someone pls I want to control people

Talk about bad karma, you fucking cuck



thats pretty simple

make yourself worthy of praise and admiration




What is the occult way of achieving this?



>emotional alchemy

>finding your true self

>lurk moar



Good old fashioned hard work.


That's like 90% of magic.

You might be able to become just competent enough to evoke a demon/entity/alien/spirit/whatever to make someone love you and skip some steps but even that takes a lot of time and effort and has costs that won't be immediately apparent.


Why are people still responding to this. OP is gone bro.



eat my ting poop


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I would also like to know this please



fuck her right in the pussy


Find a fat bitch with borderline personality disorder and show interest in her. She'll immediately become completely obsessed with you.

The cost is that she'll hate you as well, and do everything she can to manipulate you into paying attention to her constantly.


Read "Psychic Sexual Seduction", do " New Avatar Power" alot and use the Hermetic Laws. Works.Every.Time



For reference.


Personally I refuse to upload NAP due to it's potential for harm to the novice. If some one want's to badly enough they will find it.



Really I used to be like you, but what I found is that you'll never really fully love someone unless you love yourself, I'm trying to fix myself up atm I suggest you do too



Damon Brand's seduction book is good.



Your skepticism is bullshit


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It's so easy to control situations in your life. Program coincidences and good luck are the easiest kinds of sorcery ever. Just a neophyte can't do it.

Don't matter how many books do you read, if you don't know how magick works in pratic, nothing never gonna work.



and how does magic work?


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In two word. "Absolute Belief."

To explain it in a little more detail, magic is the imagination creating something, then the will impressing that created pattern upon reality.

Technically, every thought and emotion is creative. So cultivate an absolute mastery of yourself in all ways. Then play around with your new-found abilities and just be open and observe what is, with out any preconceived notions, see what they do, and what happens with out expecting the outcome to be this or that.



What's potentially harmful about NAP?



They are jewish demons (service to self entities).

Why don't you look into yourself? You don't even need to go beyond /fringe/








has anyone had any luck with the rituals in this book?

if so, let me hear your story



>How do I make someone completely obsessed and in love with me

So you want to rape someone without dealing with the consequences and wonder if there's a magickal way that will let you get away with it.

Good luck lol.



Let's talk about this. Is changing someones emotions to pleasure you, rape? In non-buzzwords, does it go against somebody's free will?


In this thread, it states how to pleasure a woman from a distance. This definitely sounds like impeding on free will to me. However, is changing somebodys emotions to desire something they don't, and do something they could possibly regret, impeding on their free will?



Considering the following:

If they have awareness of their emotion's causes then they can change them, ergo they have freewill over it, and if they do nothing they assent.

If they do not have awareness of their emotion's causes then they can not change them, ergo they do not have freewill (in that aspect) to be violated.



That makes sense to me, but consider that it's you. Wouldn't you be upset that a guy changed your mind to want to have sex with him? Would you say he still didn't violate your free will?

I'm not so sure that not being in control of your emotions = having free will. I think we all have free will, and harming somebody from advancing on their path is violating their free wll.



>Wouldn't you be upset that a guy changed your mind to want to have sex with him?

If I was aware of that, then I already made my choice. If I was not aware of it I could not be upset…

>Would you say he still didn't violate your free will?

…because I don't know what I don't know.

>I'm not so sure that not being in control of your emotions = having free will

You are correct, there are as many aspects of freewill as there are things in existance. Which is why I isolated the example to emotions (because we where assuming emotions where the determining factor).

>I think we all have free will

In varying degrees of varying things, yes.

>and harming somebody from advancing on their path

Who are

you to say it's harming them or diverting them from their path? (Unless you are literally killing them, it's all a lesson for them.)

>is violating their free will.

Again, if they had freewill, they could choose to exert it and not go down that path in the first place. You're not kidnapping them, you're asking them (abet with magic).



>If they have awareness of their emotion's causes then they can change them, ergo they have freewill over it, and if they do nothing they assent

And how many people are aware of the causes of their emotions? I would assume most people just experience them, but they don't stop to think about them. "I feel angry because…", "I feel horny because…" if a girl doesn't ask this questions herself, does it really violate her free will?

When I dress smart, comb my hair, wear cologne, and go to meet a girl, am I not using physical means to alter her emotions? Am I not trying to get around her basic defense mechanisms? Humans use "deception" all the time, it's seems to be part of our nature to hide certain things about our personality?

I'm not saying that it's entirely okay to do love rituals or love magic to get a person to fall in love with you. I still think there's something "nasty" about it, but I'm not sure why. I think it's because magic is a bit more refined than pure strength or pure looks, so one doing magic is supposed to be more aware than your average joe who works out and uses sweet words to attract women. My only concern with love magic would be finding that I've been wasting my time trying to bring someone close only to find out that the person is not what I thought she/he was, and then just regret wasting all my time and energy into getting laid.


>Why don't you look into yourself

And what exactly does this mean



>And how many people are aware of the causes of their emotions?

Probably not that many, it's one of the stages of awaking we are here to master.

>if a girl doesn't ask this questions herself, does it really violate her free will?

I would say no, because there is no freewill, no actual decision to be violated, just pure animal instinct.

>When I dress smart, comb my hair, wear cologne, and go to meet a girl, am I not using physical means to alter her emotions?

You could say that.

>Am I not trying to get around her basic defense mechanisms?

That depends on your perspective, the question is framed in a negative way though so more may agree than it in was say asked like Am I not trying to impress her? (To the end of influencing her, etc.)

>Humans use "deception" all the time, it's seems to be part of our nature to hide certain things about our personality?

There is often lots of layers to the ego's mask, things that it thinks that if other's knew it would not be for the best.

>I'm not saying that it's entirely okay to do love rituals or love magic to get a person to fall in love with you.

IMHO, that's another category altogether.

>I still think there's something "nasty" about it, but I'm not sure why.

I would say it has to do with the lowerself presuming to know what is best from the perspective of the higherself (which it does not have). This can cause pain and detours on the path of growth that is life.

>Why don't you look into [it] yourself

I missed a word. I was just linking the other threads on the subject.



how do love rituals / love magic?



Best post ITT.

Once you love yourself, people will notice that you have room to love others, this will attract everything you want.



By psi research institute?



write their name on a candle and masturbate and imagine the candle and then put your cum in the hot wax and let it burn


>How do I make someone completely obsessed and in love with me, in real life and over the internet? especially over the internet.

>Am I not trying to get around her basic defense mechanisms?

The wording of these questions reveal a mindset that in itself is a spell that is holding you back.

These beliefs are ingrained deeply and are bad and need to be rooted out and destroyed.

In other words, you need to reclaim your masculinity. (I'm gonna assume you're a dude here)

>>58837 (OP)

>Really I used to be like you, but what I found is that you'll never really fully love someone unless you love yourself, I'm trying to fix myself up atm I suggest you do too

I think this answer is spot on!

Also, women want men just as much as men want them. The only thing wrong here is men often don't know what women want. You cannot rely on women to tell you this, because you don't ask fish how to catch fish. You ask a fisherman. Anything that is endorsed by women (or politically correct society, approved by females) is most likely wrong and will not help you here.

For example - women want a guy who treats them right and is a gentleman who is always thinking of them. This is a lie, cunningly crafted for women to easier screen out the undesirable men.



I am horrified by the fact that this ritual makes sense.

Simphatetic candle magick with sexual energy boost.


wanna know what women really want? someone that takes what he wants.

by this i mean, sexes her like an animal. women want to be used in the bed, used and abused, women crave it. it gives them purpose and fulfillment.

this is why women go for the "selfish idiot", because they can count on him to have enough greed fueled guts to take what he wants, IE, her, roughly, in bed.

you need to develop yourself, mature into a point where you're confident enough about your sexuality to exude this, that you will sex her up like a champ, without tip toeing, without asking what feels good, face it, THE biggest turn off is when you pause your rythm to ask if shes ok or if its working for her.

asking questions during sex is only acceptable if its asking how many times shes cum, if you've lost count.

now, to recap, prince charming is a guy who can dress and socialize, but fucks like a beast. if you're a somewhat clean guy with decent clothes and manners, but still manage to exude the confident "i'll drag you to me instead of climbing on all fours to you, and flip you over when i feel like it", women will feel violent attraction to you.

the ONE thing you need to ensnare a woman is being able to convey, with body language, that you will take what you want without being afraid.

most men will never achieve this, the majority of humanity will never love themselves, they get stuck on worrying about little things, which drags their confidence to the ground.

>TL;DR emotionally ruled women want to get fucked good, chances of getting fucked properly increases if guy is selfish, takes what he wants

>if you love yourself you will be confident about yourself, meaning you'll know what you want and be confident about taking it, which is usually to stick your penis inside the vagina, women will allow you to do that if you display signs of knowing how to

its literally that easy.


Confidence is not just shown with body language, although that is what will make her pussy tingle, if you speak with confidence you will pique her interest.

However if you manage to both say something confident or funny, to make her think or laugh while your smile, gestures and positioning says "I'm going to fuck you raw", chances are if you're bold enough she'll spread her legs for you on the restaurant table.

Feel like this next part shouldn't be needed, but i'll state the obvious, when you're with a woman, give her absolute 100% attention when you want to drive a point home, or when you're speaking. You may be lax, have your attention drift slightly, while surveying the whole area when you're ordering food, observing nuisances and so on, but if her eyes drift while you speak (which you shouldn't do to much of) , you're not going home with her.


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Heres what you want, you nospine jellyfish degenerates.

You still wont get your dick wet unless you can act on what they provide.


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One last thing ITT, if you're learning the arts to have sex, you will not get it, the use of deceit and manipulation to sidestep freewill will do nothing to refine your persona, I suggest you stop this endeavour immediately and instead work on yourself, introspect, discover what it is that makes you unable to have a satisfactory and meaningful relationship built on mutual love and respect, that which you will find once you possess it yourself.

Save yourself months of failure and reach a point where you stand so secure on your own feet that others can lean on you.

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