Question Thread #24 Post All Questions In Here 09/02/16 (Fri) 05:04:41 No. 83143
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: FAQ: /fringe/faq.html
Post last edited at 09/02/16 (Fri) 05:13:01
Fringe Wizard 09/02/16 (Fri) 06:35:22 No. 83144
You do realize 750 is the bumplimit and this was premature right? There can still be 50 new posts made in the previous thread…
09/02/16 (Fri) 07:10:48 No. 83146
I thought it was over what was wanted since you stopped >>77303 at 657, but it you want it closer to 750 next time I'll wait
09/02/16 (Fri) 08:05:08 No. 83150
09/02/16 (Fri) 17:00:18 No. 83163
That was done because the thread was all fucked up at the time and a new one was needed to get by the glitchiness it was causing.
09/02/16 (Fri) 20:24:35 No. 83187
If i want to get into wizardry, what do i start out with? I'm pretty good with meditation, but i don't know what books to read.
09/02/16 (Fri) 20:30:30 No. 83190
Feeling out your chakras and learning to move energy from one to the other to induce desired states of mind or moving energy outside the body to manipulate probability and people.
Deep meditation, trance.
Crystals, music, mantras.
Drugs, staring at geometric shapes.
History. Lots of history, to learn symbolism and to become initiated, to be able to read between the lines, to know what you read.
09/02/16 (Fri) 20:31:40 No. 83191
Book. Kybalion.
Integrate the laws into your being and truth will unfold.
09/02/16 (Fri) 21:55:10 No. 83198
Initiation Into Hermetics
Universal Master Key
09/03/16 (Sat) 02:12:59 No. 83229
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Guys what is your current magick To-Do list?
For me it's…
>finish my doll and program it for a wide variety of functions I need it for
>practicing psychometry on my books I bought by placing my hand over it and waiting for impressions of the pages and then turning to the page I see and checking it against my vision
>strengthen my clairaudience
I also have some other powers really fucking well developed right now. I will probably meet up again with some Fringe Wizards in my area and push those abilities further.
09/03/16 (Sat) 02:22:46 No. 83233
a 300x300x20 cm sigil with replacable parts for it to be a hexagram or septagram for planetwork made out of metal filings, crystal, epoxy, precious metals, wax and blood encased in a pyramid of glass to be placed in the forest complete with heating, high quality speakers, comfy cushions and something to sleep on watching the stars.
09/03/16 (Sat) 02:51:37 No. 83244
09/03/16 (Sat) 06:06:20 No. 83251
What's /fringe/s thoughts on dragons?
09/03/16 (Sat) 06:11:09 No. 83253
Curious what /fringe/ thinks about music; I'm too neophytic to ask any more specific questions, though one about my own behavior would be that I listen to music almost constantly. Will that be an impediment (or boon) to my development?
Additionally, is it a good idea to keep plants?
09/03/16 (Sat) 07:31:43 No. 83257
>properly learn stoicism
>finish reading vital book
>start reading some other books
>clear mental issues to prepare for harsher work
>attract healthy people to myself
>learn how to heal body
That's just what I think is most important now.
09/03/16 (Sat) 09:35:27 No. 83259
House plants filter out CO2 (helps with sleep) and toxins.
09/03/16 (Sat) 10:49:31 No. 83261
Music? As in researching how it can affect emotionally?
09/03/16 (Sat) 11:17:13 No. 83262
Christian here, Please explain how prayer works, but there's no god? but if you pray to god he becomes real?
09/03/16 (Sat) 11:49:59 No. 83263
Also, staring at geometric shapes?
09/03/16 (Sat) 13:08:58 No. 83266
Why are women considered inferior?
09/03/16 (Sat) 13:18:55 No. 83267
They aren't? It depends on what is required, sometimes women are better at it and sometimes men are
But women of today's society are considered much more brainwashed than men due to many factors
one factor is their need for 'helping' or activism, which is how (((they))) are able to manipulate women through third wave feminism and other general liberal degeneracy
09/03/16 (Sat) 13:49:33 No. 83274
09/03/16 (Sat) 13:52:10 No. 83275
listen to any of the last three songs in the music thread for an example of prayer and music.
09/03/16 (Sat) 13:56:58 No. 83276
I mean in this kind of stuff - fringe stuff, spiritual development, I don't know the right definition for 'this'.
In most religions and traditions women are considered inferior, not just physically, but also spiritually. I am curious why? Is it true somehow? Do women have weaker willpower, or what exactly makes them 'weaker'.
09/03/16 (Sat) 16:20:27 No. 83279
Is sigil magic just getting clear about what you want and then moving towards that goal. Or dose transferring actually have a supernatural effect outside of you?
09/03/16 (Sat) 16:32:11 No. 83280
significantly weaker willpower, not sure how this relates to spirituality besides being lazy though
09/03/16 (Sat) 17:19:34 No. 83283
Don't bother asking nu/fringe/ the home of /leftypol/ and cuckolds.
"One race the human race. Women are equal to men in every way. There is literally nothing wrong with being jewish."
-/fringe/ circa 2016
09/03/16 (Sat) 17:27:23 No. 83284
in hindu/buddhism women can't reach nirvana.
i don't know why really, never bothered with that.
09/03/16 (Sat) 18:19:16 No. 83285
It's literally just one anon that's probably even b8ting
09/03/16 (Sat) 19:16:34 No. 83288
>In most religions and traditions women are considered inferior, not just physically, but also spiritually.
They can have a more difficult time reaching enlightenment possibly due to less willpower but it's certainly not impossible. Due to how nature works women have more of a responsibility of taking care of others.
Saying one gender is weaker or stronger is a false dichotomy. They are equivalent in potential or features or what have you, but obviously not equal
09/03/16 (Sat) 20:06:15 No. 83293
kali yuga ends in 2025 right?
09/03/16 (Sat) 20:56:49 No. 83296
Women aren't inferior. This is a brainwashing technique used on us to think that the feminine energy of the universe is inferior through associating the human gender with the energy on a subconscious level. Every energy sensitive female I've ever met has always been more developed than the male side of my friends. More women are sensitive so theres a wider rider of female newbies who don't know their shit and talk the most. We all know the wise and strong keep more to themselves and aren't as publicly vocal about it. Men seek to conquer usually so our understanding of the spiritual is inheritly biased, but no one ever takes that into account. They just assume its all about willpower. Manifest some goddesses into your life. I associated myself with Pan for long enough that I started meeting "nymph-like" girls who were sensitive as fuck. By having that actualized experience it showed me what I really wanted in a woman I could work with energetically for my rituals. Out of the 2 I can work with, one does chaos magick on her own free will having never read anything on it, and the other made me a witch's potion thats been opening my 3rd eye for me over the course of the past week. My empathy is through the roof and my understanding of the structure of magick has drastically shifted since I've met these women. So go find some spiritual women in your life.
09/03/16 (Sat) 21:26:22 No. 83300
Seconding all of this.
09/03/16 (Sat) 21:48:31 No. 83302
09/03/16 (Sat) 21:54:08 No. 83304
I just had a very important revelation. Gay people are disgusting. They are ruining the balance in the world. There are 50% men and 50% women for a reason. I've done every bit of mental gymnastics that I could think of and flipped sides on this many times, but the true answer is - fags are fucking disgusting.
This is coming from somebody who wants all drugs legalized / is basically an anarchist at this point. I've spent thousands of hours meditating so this isn't just some retarded caveman christian saying this.
Look at us now - men are fucking pussies. Women are trashy disgusting whores with horribly smelling cunts. Everything works better when men are men and women are women.
I'm not saying we should kill the gays and trans. I've done some gay as shit before. Never sucked a dick or anything faggy like that but I've jerked off to faggot ass shit before. The truth is, that wasn't me. I was in a state of delirium probably put on me by this fucking disgusting society we live in.
Maybe you gays should have respected the old world more, because what opened my eyes was how fucking selfish all you faggots are. Every single one of you has that look in them like "Yeah, I am destroying humanity, so what? I do what I want. I am the only person experiencing reality and you are all my props."
You just lost a big ally fags. We are going back to the good ol days now.
09/03/16 (Sat) 22:06:36 No. 83308
greeks were fags tbh, fags would actually be ok if it wasn't for the propaganda pushed everywhere
09/03/16 (Sat) 22:59:13 No. 83309
>greeks were fags tbh
Yes and Greece post 700BC was completely and utterly shit.
09/04/16 (Sun) 01:04:23 No. 83316
>I just had a very important revelation. Gay people are disgusting.
but really though, you're overreacting. there are a lot of faggots that destroy society, but even straight people do this, just in different ways.
09/04/16 (Sun) 01:21:40 No. 83317
>what are lesbians
09/04/16 (Sun) 01:37:48 No. 83318
09/04/16 (Sun) 02:03:28 No. 83320
You fucking degenerate.
09/04/16 (Sun) 02:10:35 No. 83322
Dose sigil magic have anything to with spirits?
09/04/16 (Sun) 02:39:24 No. 83323
symbolism. what exactly about them? they don't really exist physically but many are in the astral plane
second link is definitely fake, pictures are art project
first link is wind and clouds and shit
09/04/16 (Sun) 02:44:36 No. 83324
there was also a thread on it you can check out
09/04/16 (Sun) 03:45:26 No. 83327
09/04/16 (Sun) 08:05:21 No. 83333
As basic as it can be explained, thoughtforms are how the universe works through one perspective through the lens. Sigils are basic functions of the mind, not really conscious exactly but able to perform simple functions. As you move up in power so does the intelligence and awareness. Your mind is made up of multiple thoughtforms, personalities, and sigils type functions. Just learn to discern them. It really helps with sigils so you don't accidently create a thoughtform that keeps feeding off you after you think you've finished using it. Awareness of everything is key.
09/04/16 (Sun) 12:43:05 No. 83345
How do i balance my chakras?
09/04/16 (Sun) 17:03:30 No. 83348
>As basic as it can be explained
>rambling paragraph
"All is Will, Awareness is Soul"
09/04/16 (Sun) 19:46:31 No. 83355
>>"All is Will, Awareness is Soul"
>>all is will
All is mind
>>awareness is soul
Consciousness is spirit vice versa
i would have a hard time TRYING to be more wrong in one sentence. literally neopyte.
09/04/16 (Sun) 19:47:52 No. 83356
Affirmations, energy work, binaural beats, talking about emotions, displaying emotions, music.
feel free to combine them.
09/04/16 (Sun) 20:00:29 No. 83358
This is a shitposting thread you idiot
09/04/16 (Sun) 20:19:32 No. 83360
09/05/16 (Mon) 07:00:50 No. 83367
>arguing semantics
09/05/16 (Mon) 11:55:08 No. 83375
Is energy work necessary if all I am interested in is evocation, sigils and affirmations? If so, why?
09/05/16 (Mon) 12:38:58 No. 83376
energy work is required for any direct interaction with the nonphysical realm. as sigils and affirmations are more like indirect interaction technically you don't need energy work
but for evocation? definitely otherwise they won't hear you calling, or even worse you won't hear them answering then they'll get cheesed and spook you
09/05/16 (Mon) 14:13:53 No. 83381
Thanks for the response. I have seen evocation how-tos with no mention of energy work. Is it best to do some kind of gathering process before the evocation, or is it assumed that through regular practice the evoker has enough energy to just plow ahead?
09/05/16 (Mon) 17:10:55 No. 83440
>I have seen evocation how-tos
Most information about esoterica online is bullshit and disinfo.
If you don't know what is bullshit and what is not you probably should read a fucking book.
09/05/16 (Mon) 20:49:32 No. 83446
What's the most effective method of meditation?
09/05/16 (Mon) 21:28:36 No. 83447
Yes, because there are no occult books that are full of bullshit. Sound advice.
09/05/16 (Mon) 23:34:26 No. 83448
feel free to share the method. if it is legit then perhaps some steps actually are some sort of energy work and you didn't realize it, which would make sense since if you don't know how to energy work you probably wouldn't be able to recognize it as such if you saw it
but who knows there could be some short cut or circumvention. I can't imagine though since you need to communicate to something out side of the physical plane. how would you do it. maybe if the entity is strong enough it will force feed thoughts into your head but you probably shouldn't be fucking with those kinds of entities anyways. the positive ones respect your free will and without energy work you could be subconsciously denying permission as that's what most mundanes would end up doing with subtle fear.
meditation is a tool. the different methods is like different ways of using or applying the tool.
so the most effective application depends on your goal. what are you trying to do, to what end will your meditation be?
09/06/16 (Tue) 05:49:16 No. 83473
Hey there, magicians.
Why hasn't any of the skilled goetic magicians out here summoned the real Kek and asked him about meme magic/his gaenda/the whole deal with Hillary and Moloch? Also you could ask him how to worship him properly, what is the real role of dubs, etc.
09/06/16 (Tue) 09:54:57 No. 83474
Not really summoned but I meditated on kek once and I dreamt trump winning the following night
09/06/16 (Tue) 22:17:13 No. 83545
Can you guys point out a good source for binaural beats? Or are the ones found on youtube good enough?
09/06/16 (Tue) 22:33:25 No. 83546
Don't use the youtube ones they give cancer.
09/06/16 (Tue) 23:33:14 No. 83549
look at this man, don't be him.
09/06/16 (Tue) 23:37:28 No. 83550
Its like you want to die or something.
>youtubes binaurals
09/07/16 (Wed) 02:30:10 No. 83554
is crying ok, does it have any negative aspects or how about holding in emotions?
09/07/16 (Wed) 02:32:38 No. 83555
its ok to cry anon. its actually good to let it out sometimes. pretend its raining.
09/07/16 (Wed) 03:13:43 No. 83557
my post got stickied in pol
what do I do with all this loosh?
09/07/16 (Wed) 03:15:33 No. 83558
they should be, depends on what you'r'e doing. If you're really serious there's programs out there that lets you create you're own binural beats from scratch. torrent whatever u need or buy it to support developers and shit but there's a lot of scams for bunural shit on new age sites
09/07/16 (Wed) 03:44:50 No. 83560
link to have some of ours to?
09/07/16 (Wed) 04:49:58 No. 83561
you literally can't miss it but sure
09/07/16 (Wed) 04:54:13 No. 83562
I think we should offer the loosh to the KEK god, aka KUK the egeyption god of primordial darkness
09/07/16 (Wed) 06:00:41 No. 83563
If you have access to two rocks, preferably crystals, a battery, a plastic cage the size of a hamzer cage (about) some copper wire and a recording device (phone works) you just record rasping the rocks together then make another recording from inside the box and set the hertz to 430 respectively 434 in gimp audio editor, put one audio left speaker and one right and you're set.
How the sound affects you depends on the rocks.
Good luck!
09/07/16 (Wed) 23:00:46 No. 83587
O_O what technical wizardry is this
btw there are like 4 different brain wave states but I guess the difference of 4 is for theta and a difference of 6 for beta or something this just off the top of my head
09/08/16 (Thu) 02:56:52 No. 83594
is there any truth to palm readings, and if so can someone recommend a book on the subject.
James McField 09/08/16 (Thu) 03:23:18 No. 83596
09/08/16 (Thu) 05:45:10 No. 83597
I started asking for aid in my pursuits in the astral, at least I think that what it is.
I've gotten some good advice but, I'm still critical of random advice from entity's and test the info i'm given.
had any one had experiences with entity's from the astral?
how dose one navigate the astral?
any way of just getting reliable help from the astral?
09/08/16 (Thu) 08:36:51 No. 83600
Is it normal to be able to immaculately reproduce the taste of any food you've ever eaten through visualization skills to the point that you can almost feel and taste the food?
09/08/16 (Thu) 09:59:41 No. 83605
That's what the battery and wire are for, can't really remember how they fit in, old thread was slid.
09/08/16 (Thu) 14:02:37 No. 83612
Man, I've been asking these same questions for years, all I can say is they are just like people and everything that applies to spirits applies to people. Some are useful and helpful and very powerful, some aren't. You gotta attract the right ones.
09/08/16 (Thu) 14:47:07 No. 83613
Why is fapping to porn so disappointing? Why is fapping in general so disappointing? It pretty much feels like nothing. Maybe, just sort of, a little bit you feel something briefly and then it's gone.
On the other hand, and again I don't know why, having a succubus suck your dick feels intensely more pleasurable right from the first stroke and everyone after as well.
Any kind of sex with succubus feels legit pleasurable while fapping just makes me feel gross, disappointed, and drained.
Any explanations?
09/08/16 (Thu) 17:36:19 No. 83625
I've answered you on the lust thread here: >>83623
09/08/16 (Thu) 17:45:20 No. 83627
Who keeps switching which months go in which season? They've switched it two increments since I was a kid, now only one of the winter months I learned is still a winter month, the rest have been made autumn months.
I've noticed other people getting confused by this but being afraid to say anything.
09/08/16 (Thu) 18:03:11 No. 83628
>why does sex feel better than jacking off
For you big guy
We're entering a global cooling phase and the word is getting colder, global temperatures will probably drop by 2-4C total by the end of the century. That's why the seasons are changing.
09/08/16 (Thu) 18:13:30 No. 83629
That's not what I mean, there are conventions as to what months y are referred to as being in season x. And the convention has discretely changed on atleast two occasions without it being made an official spectacle or anything.
09/08/16 (Thu) 19:21:47 No. 83633
my mom was raped and my sister got cancer
it's been 20 years and 10 years since it happened
ive never gotten over it
09/08/16 (Thu) 21:53:37 No. 83637
you also can't read since this thread is for asking and answering questions yet you didn't post any
if you wanna get over it then stop being a faggot that lives in the past
09/08/16 (Thu) 22:07:02 No. 83640
>ive never gotten over it
>something bad happened to someone else
>pay attention to me
victim mentality, you're scum.
09/08/16 (Thu) 22:40:58 No. 83649
holy shit that's actually incredibly accurate. so many times when people try to discourage others they say something like "imagine how I would feel!!" like fuck the world doesn't revolve around you think about someone else's feelings for once
09/09/16 (Fri) 02:41:27 No. 83652
will having sex with someone set me back magickly?
I'm just wondering if it's different from masturbation spiritually.
09/09/16 (Fri) 02:57:16 No. 83654
It's a very different process and neither of them sets you back unless you allow it.
09/09/16 (Fri) 03:20:35 No. 83655
It depends whether you're using the golden elixer and the age of your partner.
09/09/16 (Fri) 20:36:51 No. 83696
>golden elixir
09/10/16 (Sat) 04:06:20 No. 83698
How to NOT AP?
What energywork?
Close crown?
09/10/16 (Sat) 06:34:55 No. 83701
Are there any good books about masks and their esoteric significance?
I'm still trying to find my path with the essential and recommended texts, but I read an interesting post that spoke of the use of masks in an esoteric context.
Masks have always fascinated me, and any information would be appreciated.
09/10/16 (Sat) 11:55:45 No. 83708
If you want to know about masks you should first know about Bane and why he wears the mask.
09/10/16 (Sat) 16:01:22 No. 83711
Hey folks got a question that has been bothering me for some time.
A while ago, I had a series of strange dreams that ranged from "this is not an ordinary dream" to "it's just a dream" in feeling. In these dreams, I was contacted by something that was trying to get me to take up its mantle or join its cause or something; it was a little unclear. I had never heard of it before, but when I looked its name up, I eventually did find some information.
Also, I wasn't practicing at the time.
I have the following questions:
What's the best way to go about finding out what this thing really wants, if indeed it does exist?
What are the chances this just be something created by my subconscious that only coincidentally corresponds with something I had never heard of before?
Over/under on this thing being predatory in nature?
Also it wasn't a spoopy demon or anything. It claimed to be Ha, an obscure egyptian god of desert, foreign lands, protection, etc. He seemed like a chill bro who just wanted me to help him, but with what and how I have no idea.
pic unrelated
09/10/16 (Sat) 22:43:58 No. 83717
I know what and who he wears it for. But why should I wear one?
09/11/16 (Sun) 00:34:17 No. 83725
>What's the best way to go about finding out what this thing really wants, if indeed it does exist?
Just ask him exactly what he wants. You can also feel the nature his intentions by simply listening to your intuition of how you perceive him.
>What are the chances this just be something created by my subconscious that only coincidentally corresponds with something I had never heard of before?
"Ha" is a very simple sound and It's possible you heard about it subconsciously but I can't really estimate how likely it was.
>Over/under on this thing being predatory in nature?
Most likely not. Those kinds of being are not smart enough to trick trough dreams.
>It claimed to be Ha
Kek is our biggest ally. The egyptian gods are with us.
09/11/16 (Sun) 01:14:27 No. 83726
There hasn't been a decent post on 8chan's /fringe/ or fringechan in atleast a month now, what happened?
09/11/16 (Sun) 09:04:36 No. 83734
nobody answer this, i'm working on it.
09/11/16 (Sun) 12:55:36 No. 83737
Is it possible to do WILD in the middle of the day, or is completely dependent on you already being tired, or semi-conscious?
09/11/16 (Sun) 14:24:08 No. 83738
Hi /fringe/
The other day I had a warm flame like feeling in the Solar Plexus area after reading some inspirational words.
This feeling made me: Confident, proud, patriotic, strong and gave me a lot of self-esteem as well as energy.
Does anyone know what caused such a feeling and how to recreate it?
09/11/16 (Sun) 18:19:05 No. 83745
probably ate some bad cheese.
09/11/16 (Sun) 21:14:23 No. 83748
What were the words?
09/12/16 (Mon) 23:50:38 No. 83759
Hey anon, thanks for the response! I figured the answer would be something like that. I'm just not very practiced, so I didn't want to stick my dick in a proverbial beehive. Usually these types of questions have answers that fall into 3 categories: "figure it out for yourself, you'll be fine", "figure it out for yourself, try not to die", and "don't try to figure this out on your own, you will probably die".
I agree that this feels like this is more of a 1 than a 2 or a 3, so I will go ahead and attempt some kind of contact report back with the results. Hopefully I'll have some interesting news in a couple months or so.
09/13/16 (Tue) 00:23:52 No. 83760
>3 categories
>"figure it out for yourself, you'll be fine"
>"figure it out for yourself, try not to die"
>"don't try to figure this out on your own, you will probably die".
You're glorious anon.
09/13/16 (Tue) 09:13:12 No. 83766
how does cannabis cause feelings of dread? explain in spiritual and phyisical circumstances
09/13/16 (Tue) 10:28:31 No. 83772
You could not be meant for spirituality in this lifetime but instead for a life of learning basics with a program run by the Spirit for the Ego to avoid or associate with fear aka you're not allowing yourself to access the higher chakras, perhaps because you're afraid of the insight, maybe because of a previous life where you were very superstitious and judgemental (think bible thumper) or gutted at an altar to have your Spirit, higher self, avoid religion and spirituality (which is magic) thus the higher chakras of that weed stimulate.
I'd say its your calling this life to get over this phobia of wizards you have.
09/13/16 (Tue) 16:53:50 No. 83789
Two years ago I got diagnosed with ADD. I assume most people here believe that ADD is bullshit, but the fact still stands that I have a lot of trouble with the typical ADD stuff. Reading a ton of books is at the moment impossible for me (that include audio books and such). My biggest problems are poor concentration, poor memory (very poor memory. I can't remember most things I read, and I even have trouble remembering 99% of my favourite shows. one time I even had to check my id because I couldn't remember my own age. I've started reading the Kybalion several times, but I've given up every time because I can't remember what I've read earlier), and forming new habits and actually sticking to them. I even have trouble doing the things I really like for a longer period of time. Time just tend to slip away from me. What steps do you recommend for me? I've managed to meditate almost daily for two months, but I can't seem to progress beyond that.
09/13/16 (Tue) 17:10:45 No. 83790
ADD is bullshit but you still have something wrong with you.
Autism, ADD, ADHD, OCD, they are all the same thing in reality just to different degrees and manifested in different ways.
You see what happened is your mother ate or drank some jewish bullshit while you were in the womb. Might've been smoking or drinking, might've been drugs, and it even could be as simple as fluoride and lots of preservatives. She could've also just been past her mid-thirties. All of that shit fucks with the development of a fetus in the womb and makes it come out retarded to some level.
The only things you can really do are meditate, cut out all preservatives, fluoride, and tap water from your diet, the only meat you eat should be grassfed without hormones or antibiotics, and daily light cardio and calisthenics at least an hour a day will all help.
You can actually fix what's wrong with your brain through the application of Will but that's only if you manage to get to that level.
09/14/16 (Wed) 05:46:27 No. 83801
its not all the time, i'm quite aware and immersed in the spiritual side of life, weed is now quite mystical instead of debilitating sleepiness it used to cause
this life, i am rather the opposite of nice. i probably have a phobia of being nice
a phobia of being empathic. i think its a control issue
09/14/16 (Wed) 10:54:54 No. 83802
Both of my parents were in their mid 20s when they had me, they have never smoked and don't drink that much, and while I'm not a mind reader I never got the impression that they messed around with drugs. I already cook my food from scratch and get my meat from a friend who hunts, and I lift weights or do cardio daily. For what it's worth, they did an IQ test on me when I was evaluated for ADD, and it turns out I have above average IQ, so I'm not completely fucked up in the head. It's pretty damn frustrating that I can't actually put it to good use though.
rip 09/14/16 (Wed) 13:14:58 No. 83803
Dito this
Get pills.
Amphetamine 5mg.
Won't just pull your thumb out your ass, makes for great partying.
09/14/16 (Wed) 14:39:40 No. 83806
"All suffering is self-caused"
Is this new-age cuck-think, or in some way legit? Personally I find too many things that cause you suffering out of your circle of influence
rip 09/14/16 (Wed) 15:10:16 No. 83807
You can chose to not let it hurt you, you can change your view on life to have it not affect you, you can cut off friends who hurt you, you can do anything to so desire to mold the world into your liking.
If you suffer cause gf cheated you its because yo put to much value on that bitch who never really deserved it, or lost all claim to affection once she betrayed you.
Let go.
09/14/16 (Wed) 15:16:03 No. 83808
What good is there to life if I can't reach for the stars? I should change my thinking and accept it? No, I can't
rip 09/14/16 (Wed) 15:35:40 No. 83809
You missed the point.
09/14/16 (Wed) 15:44:25 No. 83810
Imagine the shape of your soul, your aura, that in which thoughts and emotions swirl around to be a puzzle piece, if you experience something that resonates just like that puzzle piece they will resonate and grow stronger together, the reasoning behind soulmates and in this case music, which is why music is magic, certain words, others emotional response, sound and pictures all affect you to different degrees.
If you experience something that is discordant with you you will likely not even remember it while something that fits with your autism puzzle can heavily influence you.
09/14/16 (Wed) 15:52:28 No. 83811
Is having your dreams out of reach not suffering?
09/14/16 (Wed) 16:09:24 No. 83812
Nothing is out of reach if you adapt and evolve to face the challenges.
Crybaby. Negative attitude.
09/14/16 (Wed) 16:16:03 No. 83813
I don't believe such things myself actually
I'm talking about your usual normie
09/14/16 (Wed) 16:19:06 No. 83814
Are you the usual normie? No. You've got knowledge and power to draw from that they don't.
Nothing is out of reach. Adapt. Evolve. Change. Grow great.
Do you suffer because you can't reach your dreams? Thats an attitude that has you stuck in perpetual suffering instead of positive outlook looking for the answers.
09/14/16 (Wed) 16:19:59 No. 83815
09/14/16 (Wed) 16:23:00 No. 83817
Weird how these simple phrases always carry the most power, I guess it's easy for the sub-conscious to pick it up
I have several dreams right now, I will do my best, I have been lurking this board for too long without settling down on a solid energy work schedule
09/14/16 (Wed) 16:25:13 No. 83818
Its because I wrote it with true conviction from the heart.
09/14/16 (Wed) 16:25:25 No. 83819
btw what I still meant by
"I don't believe such things myself actually"
Is that I don't believe that some things are unachievable, in case you misunderstood
09/14/16 (Wed) 16:26:19 No. 83820
If something is out of your reach its not attainable by you.
How did i misunderstand?
If you're of the attitude that you can't have it then you wont have it.
09/14/16 (Wed) 16:28:31 No. 83821
What I meant is that the average normie believes that he can't reach certain things
09/14/16 (Wed) 16:30:26 No. 83822
09/14/16 (Wed) 18:45:30 No. 83824
Yes goyim take the goypills it'll totally not fuck up your hormonal balances.
09/14/16 (Wed) 18:54:48 No. 83825
They already are, even if they do there is a semblence of normality during social events, no more spacing out thinking about bridgebuilding or relative trivialities, losing the "meh" to engage with the people at the event.
Even if it does fuck serotonin/whatever balance its something I accept because being able to focus on the people I care and want to spend time with is worth the day after.
Fuck off you cunt.
09/14/16 (Wed) 18:58:45 No. 83826
This cumguzzling tosser might well be disinfo keeping us non mundanes away from that which would swiftly and powerfully push us forwards.
If you're not, fuck off with your absolute morality attitude, your extremist puritan upbringing, don't push your retarded parents retarded ideas on us masquerading behind a Schlomo charade to imply you're in the right.
09/14/16 (Wed) 19:01:14 No. 83827
You're such a good goy tipp becoming addicted to our medicines.
>m-muh morality u-u christcuck
09/14/16 (Wed) 19:05:15 No. 83828
Legitimately retarded.
09/14/16 (Wed) 19:21:24 No. 83830
Speed is an awful drug to rely on longterm though, in his defence.
I used it for a while, initially to motivate myself to get work done when I couldn't otherwise be bothered, but after a while it kind of drained my creativity and its effects combined with the general lack of sleep sent me temporarily insane with my shadow taking over for a few months.
I've long since put it behind me and these days rely on an unlimited source of energy that doesn't require drug use at all. I don't mean to moralise but you should learn to do the same. Ideally.
09/14/16 (Wed) 19:40:39 No. 83832
>Speed is an awful drug to rely on longterm
You only pop speed when you really need it.
09/14/16 (Wed) 21:43:51 No. 83833
Is life some type of spiritual game?
09/14/16 (Wed) 21:58:44 No. 83834
09/15/16 (Thu) 02:36:29 No. 83840
Physical life is more like a lesson. You chose to go through this exact life knowing what would happen because you know you needed to learn.
09/15/16 (Thu) 17:40:55 No. 83849
Well you sound like you have it under control. I didn't so much. You could say I found it moreish, as I do with a lot of potentially addictive substances for that matter, and ended up using it when I had no reason to do so.
Now I don't need it at all and and have gradually phased out most vices in an attempt to master myself completely. It turns out an addictive personality can be just as effective at developing good habits as bad ones if used correctly.
09/15/16 (Thu) 18:03:50 No. 83853
Over a year ago smiley made an in depth thread about various meditations. I cant find it anymore does anyone have it?
09/15/16 (Thu) 18:28:11 No. 83858
Boards been wiped numerous times by jews & autists, it was saved and moved to fringechan.
However the place has a serious case of reddit cancer.
09/15/16 (Thu) 19:49:42 No. 83860
Youtube binaural cause cancer? um ok good to know anything else I should be avoiding on youtube?
09/15/16 (Thu) 19:56:03 No. 83861
09/15/16 (Thu) 19:56:09 No. 83862
09/15/16 (Thu) 22:17:37 No. 83865
09/15/16 (Thu) 22:22:38 No. 83867
Since theres two of us now I'm going back to best flag.
09/16/16 (Fri) 07:02:35 No. 83884
It's on fringechan
09/16/16 (Fri) 10:54:25 No. 83890
Anyone here remember the board /elephants/?
It's gone now but I was just thinking about it today.
What the fuck was that all about?
09/16/16 (Fri) 13:50:45 No. 83892
What was on /elephants/?
As for gone boards, I wish the BO of /sphinx/ would come back.
09/16/16 (Fri) 23:54:48 No. 83902
where do i find magick stuph better than /fringe/? does it magically appear once i'm ready for it?
09/17/16 (Sat) 01:09:03 No. 83903
>does it magically appear once i'm ready for it?
The real road is this but you have access to /fringe/ hotline question thread.
09/17/16 (Sat) 02:18:00 No. 83904
Become an ordained member of some eastern religion or join a secret society don't join a secret society unless you like sacrificing newborns to some shady ass god and wearing a goat costume while having a gay orgy .
Most sects and societies don't share their shit.
Just read Franz Bardon you fucking special snowflake
09/17/16 (Sat) 06:55:38 No. 83905
/fringe/ I'm still a beginner but i've been thinking of creating a fictional character for a degeneate community and take loosh from the attention and people fapping to it
I'll admit i used to be part of said community and i pretty much abandoned it however i want to feel like my wasted time there shouldnt be only wasted time and see if i can apply my knowledge in that area for a good source o loosh. However i'd need to spend some time first "getting popular"
Do you think this is a good idea? I mean even if it fails i could learn something useful
09/17/16 (Sat) 09:55:09 No. 83912
sometimes i feel like i've died and the external reality mocks me for the duration..
09/17/16 (Sat) 15:34:02 No. 83915
Baneful magick is never a good idea, broseph.
Do you feel like you deserve to be mocked by any chance?
09/17/16 (Sat) 19:19:17 No. 83923
On a second thought youre right i should prolly not do that
I'm aware but thanks
09/17/16 (Sat) 20:23:36 No. 83924
only to to the degree that i made bad decisions at the time, but counter it with "if i didn't i wouldn't be here"
and when it passes life is like "haha lets get you back on track"
09/18/16 (Sun) 13:46:12 No. 83941
Where do I start with occult mathematics?
09/18/16 (Sun) 15:50:57 No. 83943
try basic numerology, you can find tons of books on it with ease
09/18/16 (Sun) 16:16:09 No. 83944
I know about sympathy pain but I think I have sympathy pleasure, when i scratch my dogs I can feel being scratched where I scratch them.
09/18/16 (Sun) 16:45:42 No. 83946
First you need to understand mathematics at a PhD level. Then you need to apply occult principles to your knowledge and meditate on mathematics constantly for the rest of your life. This is what basically every great mathematician in history did.
Don't do this numerology is mostly bullshit.
09/18/16 (Sun) 16:51:01 No. 83947
>numerology is bullshit
shekelburg please, it doesn't work out alot because people fail to find the words in their original language and it's true numbers.
I suppose he should just read up on Pythagoras and whats left of his works.
09/19/16 (Mon) 00:41:29 No. 83958
if i act STO i will become STO with time?
09/19/16 (Mon) 23:34:50 No. 83992
my cousin is a schizophrenic, I heard something about them being overloaded on energy or something.
it wouldn't bother me but when I was going through his stuff I recognized some stuff being potentially occult symbolism.
I don't have the picture but I'll draw it down as I remember.
the words next to it where
no tomorrow
lost life"
that black spot on the bottom is fire
09/19/16 (Mon) 23:36:55 No. 83993
sorry I forgot a single detail
09/20/16 (Tue) 02:03:04 No. 83995
09/20/16 (Tue) 02:32:49 No. 84003
I require all books, sites, and other information anyone here has on Reiki. Quality sources preferred most but a comprehensive list of it all I want as well. Currently downloading The Temple of Solomon The King, hope I find some stuff in there.
09/20/16 (Tue) 03:14:24 No. 84010
>bullshit occultism 101
It's a library full of books. How is your criticism of that entire library valid?
>more like making a contract with entities that farm your loosh in the afterlife
Yeah I know. I'm not intending to get into Reiki but I need to understand it as I'm dealing with someone who does Reiki.
Hermetic Quote of The Day 09/20/16 (Tue) 03:22:05 No. 84012
83. Avoid all Conversation with the multitude or common People, for I would not have thee subject to Envy, much less to be ridiculous unto the many.
09/20/16 (Tue) 03:23:07 No. 84014
What entities do you make contact with when doing reiki? I thought it was just pushing positive healing energy through touch and energy body work.
09/20/16 (Tue) 03:33:43 No. 84019
Wtf I hate reiki now
Any source for that, though? I really don't know much about reiki and searching online has so much disinfo.
09/20/16 (Tue) 03:46:32 No. 84025
>when fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinaly die
09/20/16 (Tue) 03:52:31 No. 84028
so an angel just stabbed me in the ass and insinuated that you are a lazy thoughtless shill
to know is to place your awareness (you) into an idea
days after i became aware of this, this piece of knowledge cropped up elsewhere
09/20/16 (Tue) 04:35:52 No. 84030
>What entities do you make contact with when doing reiki?
There is an attunement thing involved in it. When I first hear that from the Reiki practitioner I was talking to (and who wants to initiate me as well in Reiki) I was alarmed. I remember from my readings of Franz Bardon and other books and my own meditations that you should never accept a blind transmission of all kinds of shit from some entity.
>I thought it was just pushing positive healing energy through touch and energy body work.
I let him do that on me, while keeping certain mental reservations and protections of my own in check. That's what it appears to be. Forcing in that positive, white light, that "doesn't harm" and "can only do good" and so on. Only problem with that whole idea is my own meditations upon the problem of evil, upon many of the things this man has said that I intuitively found wrong, etc. have led me to some conclusions such as:
1. "Evil" is the clash of unlike natures.
2. Those who talk too much of "evil" and "good" are showing ignorance / low development.
3. What is good for one man is not necessarily so for another.
4. What is wrapped up in the ideal of one man (or entity)'s conception of the good and also the particular astral/archetypal influences it's bounded to can be destructive to another man.
I don't like vagueness when dealing with anyone. I hide as it is my /pol/-tier beliefs and many other things I can't be open about. I put a shield on myself to filter whatever he was doing, so only influences I actually desire to take into myself find their way in, and btw he found my energy extremely fucking strong and that my aura pushes him back to the wall.
I prefer specific operations for specific results no vagueness. No blind trust in unknown entities. No initiation / attunement where you don't know just what it is you're taking into you.
>I've interacted with healers before who can see auras etc and as far as I remember it was always strange how Reiki needed specific initation. That's more than just fishy.
This is why I'm so worried and need all the material I can get now on the subject from here. That and also some statements he's made that my intuition disagrees with and which are clearly statements of limitations that don't actually have to apply and really just indicate some kind of dependence and enslavement. The guy is clearly a medium for something else to work through btw, and he talks very intelligently while in trance to me, but otherwise isn't that remarkable or well-learned.
Hold on a moment… I am going to quote something for you from The Universal Master Key and then write my own response to you.
Objectivity 09/20/16 (Tue) 04:45:48 No. 84032
22. Objectivity
In the concept of objectivity we see something real that we can comprehend well and also prove with our senses. Objectivity is close to the universal truth because objectivity contains the best will, every matter, concerns, problems, opinions, point of views, work, art, basically everything that exists. To be objective we need to liberate ourselves from all the sediments of exaggeration, wrongness, distortion (of facts), of lies and even our personal, realistic truth. We need to let go of everything, all matter, every idea, which could separate us from the truth. If we want to make practical use of this effort of objectivity, we must always throw away the shell of the matter, the problem and the idea and cut out the core, if possible, which is the universal truth. But this requires the astuteness of an expert and his all-round talent of cognition in respect to the extraordinary large number of existing things, ideas and problems in every field of endeavour of human explorations, in culture, art, the sciences, work and similar things.
Through the right kind of objectivity we attain the cognition of things, above all those which we consider important on the part of evolution as far as human life is concerned, and the usefulness and development of human life on the whole. By discovering the core of every matter, idea, opinion, concept and impression, we reach the edge of universal truth; that is why human beings who operate with this attribute attain the maturity for self-knowledge. The attribute of objectivity puts them on the track of the different values, above all Elemental attributes and compositions, compounds and analogies that exist in the cosmos, from the tiniest atoms to the macrocosm. From this knowledge they form and develop the correct conclusions, which they can make practical use of in life.
Every expert in this field clearly knows the kind of people who cling more to realistic values, in other words, realities, or at least make the effort to recognise and uncover these realities; then there are those who are only interested in superficiality, in the words, the shell, the external appearance of things, ideas, opinions, arts, sciences and problems and who pay no attention to the core of a thing, and who have no interest or the faintest idea about it. Furthermore, objectivity is beneficial to a person who never lets someone down or stands someone up in an important matter; instead, after careful consideration about the reality and in accordance with the core of the matter, the problem, he acts according to his best decision-making abilities, which protects him from various damages, losses, troubles, difficulties, unpleasantness and failures.
Also, when it comes to magic, where we cannot reach the universal truth when it comes to particular ideas and problems, because we are not mature enough yet, then we only get closer to the universal truth step by step through our development. And that is accomplished through objectivity, which leads us as close as possible to core of the matter that we want to recognise.
On the material plane making use of objectivity is made more difficult because everything material (physical) has a short lifespan, and is accordingly subject to change and in the end passes away. This also applies to the physical body of a human being. Even when time and space are enormous, nothing which has been created on the material plane can be permanently preserved, everything exists only temporarily. And should the occasion arise, this process of deterioration and transitoriness repeats itself during particular periods. In the invisible world we can get closer to the universal truth through objectivity. However, that depends on the magical development of the initiate, who has already here on the material plane, on this path, the possibility to attain the universal truth, provided he possesses the prerequisites, namely, he must possess an absolute equilibrium of the elements.
09/20/16 (Tue) 04:52:18 No. 84033
From every lie I discern the truth. The constant and strong desire for objectivity, to really know the things that actually are, to grasp the essence of everything, and to think clearly keeps me on the correct path. Even a book that is entirely bullshit will at least stimulate me into a mental revolt, in which I will think it all over, and discern again the truth from the lies. I am sure the libraries contain a variety of books, from the complete garbage focused on outer-form and other transitory things, to accounts of universal truth presented as purely as the author could possibly put it down given the terminology and the understanding of the readers. Let us also not forget that a pure statement of the Truth can only be received by minds ready for it. Each man, according to his development, will possess a relative truth that approaches closer and closer to that of the universal truth until at last the Perennial Philosophy is revealed.
>2. For there can be no Religion more true or just, than to know the things that are; and to acknowledge thanks for all things, to him that made them, which thing I shall not cease continually to do.
>5. But he that shall learn and study the things that are, and how they are ordered and governed, and by whom and for what cause, or to what end, will acknowledge thanks to the Workman as to a good Father, an excellent Nurse and a faithful Steward, and he that gives thanks shall be Pious or Religious, and he that is Religious shall know both where the truth is, and what it is, and learning that, he will be yet more and more Religious.
(Above greentext from Corpus Hermeticum Book One)
Post last edited at 09/20/16 (Tue) 05:00:26
09/20/16 (Tue) 05:06:10 No. 84036
>I only pick the quotes I like and omit those I don't while roleplaying a 'hermeticist'
Quote me a single thing out of the Corpus Hermeticum that I might not like. So far I can't find anything in that book to which I object at all.
09/20/16 (Tue) 05:08:23 No. 84037
>to know is to place your awareness (you) into an idea
>days after i became aware of this, this piece of knowledge cropped up elsewhere
I wrote this down long ago as "To Know Is To Embody".
PDF is very related btw. It's from that very same library that ( >>84022 ) insults.
09/20/16 (Tue) 05:13:51 No. 84038
Who here has worked out or tried to work out the nature of beauty and what it means? What is beauty?
The answer seems to be related to order, harmony, archetypal purity, clear perception, the astral light, and God.
09/20/16 (Tue) 05:25:12 No. 84042
i'm quite addicted to knowledge…
though i wold prefer emotional experience
09/20/16 (Tue) 05:30:35 No. 84043
09/20/16 (Tue) 05:33:27 No. 84044
My rough plan is 5 years of mostly study, lots of book knowledge and knowledge from discussions and such, and then next 5 years will be knowledge through psychometry, channeling, and experience.
I have so many books I carry around with me all the time and always multiple books open on my computer and on my tablet.
Do you mind writing an essay on the nature of beauty? Busy at the moment reading again through parts of the Bardon Companion and the Corpus Hermeticum) and planning out what I'm going to do in about an hour in the astral .
09/20/16 (Tue) 05:43:03 No. 84046
I think I found the solution to getting decent, restful sleep in the Corpus Hermeticum btw:
>1. My Thoughts being once seriously busied about the things that are, and my Understanding lifted up, all my bodily Senses being exceedingly holden back, as it is with them that are very heavy of sleep, by reason either of fulness of meat, or of bodily labour. Me thought I saw one of an exceeding great stature, and an infinite greatness call me by my name, and say unto me, "What wouldest thou Hear and See? or what wouldest thou Understand, to Learn, and Know!"
Awhile ago I ate sourdough bread with a LOT of goat cheese and meat. Everything of the highest quality… and nothing else on that day. Repeat again for about 3 days. All the while doing also nothing but hard labor all my waking hours (besides when eating). During that time my body was able to sleep much better than when eating other foods.
My restlessness comes back to me again if I don't work out really fucking hard and eat like that.
I have an inhuman capacity to work non-stop at hard labour btw that causes a lot of comments from various people where they note how exceptional, how rare, etc. I am.
It makes me think sometimes if I should go to the Olympics or record myself beating a world record one day but there is so much power in obscurity and I don't want the mental weight of the world watching me causing me to synch up so hard with the masses. I can only progress by staying in the dark, staying true to the path of Kek (do recall what our Frog god meant to the Egyptians).
09/20/16 (Tue) 05:45:56 No. 84047
nah (not that i know with precision for that matter)
i'm almost cursed with an inability to express myself too
09/20/16 (Tue) 05:49:15 No. 84048
i just wish i could cultivate pride
rip 09/20/16 (Tue) 06:52:00 No. 84052
Think really hard, I'm sure you have something to be proud of.
First he takes my flag then he takes my dubs, will I be seeing him walk off with my astral castle too?
09/20/16 (Tue) 07:09:46 No. 84055
its almost all that autistic
or cringeworthy to the eyes of others. probably why i gave up trying. because theres nooone to impress
09/20/16 (Tue) 07:30:14 No. 84059
Out of curiosity, do you have alot of saturnian influence in your natal chart (trines sextiles conjunctions)?
I'm trying to see if this astrology stuff is legit and by your description of yourself id imagine saturn plays a huge part in your chart.
09/20/16 (Tue) 07:30:48 No. 84060
>Think really hard, I'm sure you have something to be proud of.
Let me fix that for you. Concentrate intently, I'm sure you can embody/manifest something to be proud of.
>mfw cure sickness by literally forgetting your sick because you get so fixated on the idea of health, it gets so thoroughly impregnated into your astral matrix, that it just manifests
Not sure what you're getting at there but I feel so much love for you right now you're going to get bathed in it. I could just cuddle you right now and realign you with a sense of great purpose and meaning again.
09/20/16 (Tue) 07:35:32 No. 84061
I have never done a natal chart and besides reading a bit about astrology on montalk and /fringe/ and a little here and there in the books I pretty much have never latched onto the subject and don't have much to say other than that you can divine anything from anything (The All in All + Principle of Correspondence) and so astrological knowledge probably doesn't have any tighter a connection as a means of divination than anything else. I guess however within the consciousness of man as a whole, the astrological stuff has become so tied up with man, that the synchronicity is probably very intense for just about everyone.
How do I give you a natal chart of myself?
09/20/16 (Tue) 07:45:43 No. 84062
After you submit your info click "Chart drawing, Ascendant" near the bottom and it should look like this.
Also don't forget to block out your info on the top left.
If there's a good amount of saturn it'll be really reassuring to me that astrology is legit.
09/20/16 (Tue) 08:15:23 No. 84066
Although i probably should've said this earlier, I'm so sorry i didn't. I don't recommend posting your chart publically cause i've heard that it makes room for black magic workings as it allows rapport to be made between the black magic worker and yourself.
So if you don't want to post your chart i'd understand completely but if you still want to help me out you can just tell me if there's a lot of triangles/stars in the area i highlighted.
Glad I got to post this before you responded…
09/20/16 (Tue) 08:16:28 No. 84067
forgot pic with highlight
09/20/16 (Tue) 08:48:35 No. 84068
well theres my runescape account i gave up on and then got it banned
09/20/16 (Tue) 09:12:33 No. 84072
can someone tell me more about this?
09/20/16 (Tue) 09:58:18 No. 84074
Well, at first glance it appeared to be a simple shitposting board but among that was some very interesting information regarding occultism, conspiracies, school shootings, mind control, etc.
I asked them about the board just for the hell of it and one answer I got was very cryptic. The other reply I got was the trailer for the Babysitter's Club movie.
It had a unique "board culture" that didn't include any of the dumb memes you usually see everywhere. I'm not sure of it's origin.
My best guess for the /elephants/ name is that it was based on this movie, since it is about school shooters, a common theme on the board.
09/20/16 (Tue) 16:00:07 No. 84077
Can I get rid of my nose bump with magick?
09/20/16 (Tue) 21:08:08 No. 84081
I want to learn about astrology, but so many different systems and the complexity of the subject has me a bit baffled about where to start. Any suggestions and/or recommended resources? Links to books especially welcome.
09/21/16 (Wed) 00:39:12 No. 84166
any1 know about colloidal gold and other ormus stuff
09/21/16 (Wed) 01:24:05 No. 84167
theres a thread on fringechan with some loon drinking mercury (don't do that).
09/21/16 (Wed) 01:58:11 No. 84169
>not drinking mercury like the based moderator of fringechan
>OP deleted his thread out of shame 09/21/16 (Wed) 02:26:16 No. 84171
File: 24224881aceaf36⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 512.07 KB, 1899x1561, 1899:1561, Screenshot from 2016-09-20….png )
File: e3704b7a8763b01⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 21.62 KB, 599x201, 599:201, Screenshot from 2016-09-20….png )
File: 3df7f13d495c52c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 19.31 KB, 606x155, 606:155, Screenshot from 2016-09-20….png )
Cringey Christian Retardation.
09/21/16 (Wed) 03:39:40 No. 84177
Yea I know that I was thinking something like this.
The gold chloride is very easy to come by…
09/21/16 (Wed) 03:43:13 No. 84178
09/21/16 (Wed) 03:51:48 No. 84183
Are you making fluid condensers?
09/21/16 (Wed) 04:01:38 No. 84184
Thing on the right looks for me like a pentagram inside of a diamond…
09/21/16 (Wed) 04:09:38 No. 84186
>fluid condensers
I have no idea what those are and all the articles I found are super long.
Anyway I'm going to order some gold chloride and test it out with green+black tea mix as the reducing agent.
I also found this method
Not sure what the difference is but I'll try if the tea doesn't work.
09/21/16 (Wed) 04:19:48 No. 84187
Franz Bardon and Pascal Beverly Randolph are the only two occultists I know of that ever talked about fluid condensers. It originated with PBR in fact. They are useful for if you need to do a magickal working that is going to have very strong physical effects. Psychokinesis can be massively enhanced with them.
09/21/16 (Wed) 04:23:24 No. 84188
>Can I get rid of my nose bump with magick?
You can modify your body however you want with magick including changing it forms, changing its function, and changing it genetics (so as to remove genetic diseases for example).
Talk to the Ponymancer anon about it. All I can recommend is "The Occult" by Collin Wilson.
I don't have much of interest to say about any of that unless you want to narrow your question down more.
I saw this book in a book store but didn't have enough money at the time to buy it and want to get it, is it a good one?
Post last edited at 09/21/16 (Wed) 04:44:30
09/21/16 (Wed) 06:07:09 No. 84192
>You can modify your body however you want with magick including changing it forms, changing its function, and changing it genetics (so as to remove genetic diseases for example).
Sounds cool m8, I should probably check the shapeshifting thread on fringechan right? Should I work to attain siddhis?
09/21/16 (Wed) 06:08:34 No. 84193
>so an angel just stabbed me in the ass and insinuated that you are a lazy thoughtless shill
ok, I just wanted to know if he was being influence or something occult.
09/21/16 (Wed) 06:43:51 No. 84196
I don't know anything about what the pentagram inside a diamond might mean, but your Saturn is pretty active in a mostly positive way. It's trining Jupiter which is bretty nice and it has also has semi-sextiles with Venus, Uranus, and Neptune which are also helpful. Although, from what I'm seeing your Uranus and Neptune are also really active, even more so than Saturn. They're involved with all the other main planets in one way or another except for Pluto and the moon which is pretty interesting. Anyways thanks for helping me out man, appreciate it.
I was recommended this book in the previous questions thread which wasn't too bad and is an ok resource. What I recommend doing when first learning is examining/meditating on your own chart and trying to learn what each planet/zodiac sign represents. Also if you have some close friends I'd recommend asking if you can read their charts and see if how you see them/how they see themselves is reflective to how their charts say they are.
Also I would recommend watching Uncle Bearhearts videos as he explains planetary magic better than anyone I know and practicing planetary magic will get you acquainted with the planetary energies which is very important in understanding astrology.
Bearhearts videos -
Bearhearts Blog archive -
Useful list of planetary influences and correspondences -
This is what i used to read my chart for the first time and was really helpful. (first two links)
I've been watching this guy recently and he seems bretty gud, he makes videos consistently and is pretty informative.
Sites for making an astrological chart.
If i can remember any other resources i'll reply to this post. Good luck brobro.
09/21/16 (Wed) 08:00:08 No. 84202
i want to learn more about the ropening
flag related
09/21/16 (Wed) 10:42:08 No. 84204
I work in manufacturing and I create literally thousands of acrylic objects a day. I'm the first one to touch them, and I have uncontested contact with each and every one. These objects are distributed throughtout the USA, then bought by consumers on vacation and further spread.
As an aspiring magician, I realize this is an opportunity the likes of which Wizards of old would have done much to obtain.
Are there any good books on Enchanting objects, or imbuing them with a spell?
09/21/16 (Wed) 14:18:22 No. 84205
Thanks for the lengthy answer and taking the time to gather the resources together. The book certainly seems like a big read, but if it even halfway lives up to its title it'll probably be worth the time. I was thinking with something like astrology it's probably better to get an overview-intro of all the different schools of thought and any broad consensus they each might share. Maybe the book will provide that, I dunno. I'll check out this Bearheart guy and Colin Wilson that the other anon posted (cheers for that as well). Anyway thanks again.
09/22/16 (Thu) 00:23:45 No. 84214
>You can modify your body however you want with magick including changing it forms, changing its function, and changing it genetics (so as to remove genetic diseases for example).
09/22/16 (Thu) 00:33:39 No. 84216
In his right hand he holds an iron rod, in his left a blunted dagger of bronze. On his left shoulder lies a frog, on his right a dove, coiled on his neck a golden serpent. Last born child of the final ruler of babylon, heir to nothing. Son of man become god, prophecy made flesh, emperor of mankind. Upon his tongue be truth and in his path be damnation, born to save the children of heaven, born to condemn the faithless. In his wake only the white shall remain. And they shall call him thus: Barron
-From the Prophecies of Kek's Prophet
09/22/16 (Thu) 00:37:47 No. 84217
i didn't know you were a certified pdf file
09/22/16 (Thu) 01:17:33 No. 84218
Trumps son is the tool of salvation?
09/22/16 (Thu) 10:23:56 No. 84221
>and changing it genetics (so as to remove genetic diseases for example)
Why didn't Nazi and the hitlers do this then since they were all wizards anyway?
09/22/16 (Thu) 17:08:44 No. 84228
Ever since I was a child, I have had prophetic dreams of the future, usually of random mundane moments because I lead a boring normie life, is there a way I could refine this ability in to a useful clairvoyance?
09/22/16 (Thu) 20:11:17 No. 84231
I've personally never been able to do it, but I think psychomancy is what you're looking for.
I'd upload the file but whenever I try to post attachments on my phone they never show up.
09/23/16 (Fri) 02:31:21 No. 84236
Did any of you ever created a servitor to "improve your presence" or aura, to make people more susceptible to your ideas or something close to it?
How did it go?
09/23/16 (Fri) 03:21:52 No. 84240
What would be the steps to creating a physical human body?
09/23/16 (Fri) 04:52:55 No. 84244
elaborate on your question
09/23/16 (Fri) 07:11:49 No. 84245
09/23/16 (Fri) 07:59:12 No. 84246
The insertion of male sperm into a female egg cell followed by a 8-10 month period of gestation.
09/23/16 (Fri) 09:20:50 No. 84250
Why does magick seem to always be about obtaining money, sex, love, success
I don't really care about those things. Sure, I'd enjoy them but I know intellectually that they don't matter
I just want meaning
09/23/16 (Fri) 10:50:04 No. 84252
My pursuit of spiritual gold has enabled me to more easily acquire physical gold.
Be careful that you don't neglect the material in pursuit of the immaterial. Both are equally important and duality an illusion. Balance is key. Middle pillar, middle path.
09/24/16 (Sat) 00:37:04 No. 84270
Create a human "shell" perhaps to put a created consciousness into it or transfer your consciousness to it.
Someone mentioned a shape-shifting thread but I can't seem to find it. If someone could link me to it that would be nice.
09/24/16 (Sat) 00:43:34 No. 84271
Are thoughtforms designed to do a task supposed to be simple to create or overly complicated? I was attempting to create one and I kept thinking about how it would actually work down to the smallest details and I'm not sure if it's better or worse.
09/24/16 (Sat) 02:42:04 No. 84273
>not living the ascetic lifestyle
>not getting them mad prana gains and living off pure energy
Come on anon come on.
It doesn't matter how it works as long as it works.
09/24/16 (Sat) 03:30:04 No. 84275
Then how to make it work
09/24/16 (Sat) 03:41:10 No. 84276
oh god oh god oh god
it's all coming tumbling down
all i will have left is knowledge and willpower
09/24/16 (Sat) 06:38:16 No. 84280
feeling weightless yet?
09/24/16 (Sat) 06:40:16 No. 84281
09/24/16 (Sat) 06:41:21 No. 84282
massage the top of my neck connecting skull
09/24/16 (Sat) 09:01:13 No. 84283
sometimes i see little pink dots in my vision, and when i'm having a mental meltdown, say, like a delusional psychotic moment, i start too see green smears
what iiiiiiis itttttt
why is there no blue?
09/24/16 (Sat) 09:07:17 No. 84284
always have
recently have acquired timeless directionlessness
09/25/16 (Sun) 08:12:21 No. 84303
09/25/16 (Sun) 23:52:58 No. 84318
I know how to enchant objects but a basic enchant takes like an hour or two and any serious enchants take days of work. All on just one object. I don't see how you're going to mass enchant tons of objects.
09/26/16 (Mon) 08:29:13 No. 84334
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>84333
check em.. also video above is called 'black sun source of death' by uncle bearheart.
09/26/16 (Mon) 10:32:51 No. 84336
how can i rebuild my serotonin+emotions from scratch
09/26/16 (Mon) 13:31:46 No. 84346
Besides wikipedia and /pol/ crap?
Isais/Isis/Ishtar/Ashtaroth/Astarte desires to purge this realm.
09/26/16 (Mon) 13:41:10 No. 84347
Fellow Traveler, I would be careful with the information in this video. The Black Sun is certainly representative of Death…but not in the sense of a blood sacrifice from the "Illuminati" and their Lord of Darkness Jehovah. It is about Death from this Illusory World, the Prison of Time and Never-Ending Cycles. Here everything dies, one should aspire to not return.
09/26/16 (Mon) 13:43:56 No. 84348
>information in this video
How can anyone listen to this obnoxious douche?
09/26/16 (Mon) 14:36:38 No. 84349
>provides nothing to prove all the shit he just said
For all I know it could be just another disinfo channel
09/26/16 (Mon) 14:49:01 No. 84352
>another disinfo channel
It used to be heavily propagated here under the pretense of being 'legit' and 'powerful' because the channel was 'banned' from youtube for spreading too much 'truth'.
09/26/16 (Mon) 14:50:41 No. 84353
Wasn't that bearheart? Or is this the same dude?
09/26/16 (Mon) 14:59:06 No. 84354
Yeah, that's the same bearhearts.
09/26/16 (Mon) 15:06:43 No. 84355
> one should aspire to not return
Why can't time, space, reincarnation and death cycles be perceived as a tool to learn, grow and evolve as human beings? People demonize the saturnine current, but there is a function to it that isn't entirely negative. If unevolved aspects of infinite awareness were allowed to grow endlessly while still in spiritual adolescence (like human beings), it may result in unhealthy mutations. We have already undergone much pain and suffering due to our desire for a speedy ascension, but we are simply not ready to process most of the info. We are still trying to process the gnosis given to us via our dealings with non human intelligences and it's causing excessive pain and suffering for many. Defending this beautiful realm and humanity in its natural state from those seeking to subvert, industrialise or destroy it is important. Yes this is illusory from the vantage point of the absolute, but when you hit your head against a rock you will realize you are in the manifest. You are in reality. And you must make yourself strong and intelligent and many more things. That's what this realm is for imho. Train yourself and take your lessons with you in your next life. Yes you can force an escape out of all this, but doing so requires working with extremely potent energies that will drive you insane while still in human form and lead you to do things that aren't goinh to be good for anyone. Not saying you can't dabble with the cthonic entities etc, but trying to escape all this in one lifetime as a human would require working with these entities almost exclusively. And that will lead you into things humans don't have the ability to handle. Some do and take the chance. I would suggest working with infinite light of true creator, connecting with the higher self and letting that connection guide you through this process IN BALANCE instead of plunging yourself into an extreme which is what happens to people working sxclusively with things like black sun or certain buddhist sects seeking paranirvana asap etc. But hey that's just me. I want to take my time and tread lightly, because I see potential for immense beauty in this realm and with humanity, and part of it has to do with mastering our senses and emotions among many things.
09/26/16 (Mon) 16:26:32 No. 84356
> Being in Earth in the middle of the ascending era of KaliYuga.
> Wanting to be a bodhisattva
t. Mara
09/26/16 (Mon) 17:33:21 No. 84358
You make a lot of good points, but I never implied the Black Sun was about a speedy ascension. We are in a beautiful and glorious Holy War against untruth…and in discovery of the Self.
Yes perhaps the All created this world in search of answers, but these things are not necessarily in conflict.
At any rate, "humanity" is so far gone that very few remain which are not programmed flesh automatons. The only way to achieve "immense beauty within this realm" is with the 12 ϟ of the Black Sun. And that time is very near…
09/26/16 (Mon) 17:53:21 No. 84359
Isn't kali yuga coming to an end?
09/26/16 (Mon) 17:53:59 No. 84360
Supposed to end in 9 years or something
09/26/16 (Mon) 18:02:58 No. 84361
Point taken. I do think there are groups of people abusing the potent energies inherent in these occult technologies exclusively for themselves.
09/26/16 (Mon) 18:49:57 No. 84362
From the spiritual view point I have a really doubt about it. Even in material sense the description applies very well.
Anyhow, we are suppost to be ascending from the bottom of the kali yuga to the new era.
I see this more like a nice story to bring some happy to my heart.
We should never "hope" for what >>84360 said. We CAN and SHOULD hope for a better future but not counting on it.
What >>84358 said. It sparks my curiosity. For what reason did hitler's party used so many hindu-buddhism stuff? The "indo-european people"?
Hitler was right about islam being really good for war but buddhism is the worst religion if you really wanted total world domination (as media says about his plans). I really wonder why mixed the two. The black sun (fenrir eating the sun and the swuastika). Not that they are contradictive but buddhism focus alot in peace even self defense - legit - maybe be denied.
Anyhow it seems the tibetan school developed alot of mystic knowledge. There's alot of speculation about the nazis going to Tibet. The various "forest" schools in the indian's continent also know alot about it but they don't even want to talk about.
> Just a curiosity
The "arians" are not the - so to speak - blonde guys with blue eyes that modern media talk about. It comes from the term used in the pali canon to describe the "noble people". "Arya" is an adjective to describe the people that are in the path to liberation from samsara.
The "arya" is used for people in the path. They don't have to aim straight to liberation but they must have a kind heart and wisdom. They must also have "faith" in the teachings i.e. see for themselfs that the path is actually correct. Not some ranting chants to get you out of here but hard work.
Some of the worldview of the buddha to help the liberation maybe confused by communism by your random polock tho.
They focus alot in the community. The american's mindset (even worse with this hellish mundane consumism) is not very compatiable with it.
That would imply that the american mindset - (((())))?- is somehow anti arya.
09/26/16 (Mon) 23:36:55 No. 84369
Any decent books that may be able to tell me more. Forgive me for being skeptical, but I cannot bring myself to simply believe the information put forth in these videos without reading any sources.
If you cannot think of any or do not wish to spoonfeed me that is fine. I will simply go searching. But I fear that much of the material on it is quite elusive (much of it has probably been destroyed or lost in time).
Also, please something written before to 1970ish if you may. The older the better.
Typically I would feel guilty asking so much from anons, but as this is a thread specifically designed for questions I will ask.
09/27/16 (Tue) 00:49:54 No. 84371
> Forgive me for being skeptical, but I cannot bring myself to simply believe the information put forth in these videos without reading any sources.
This is the OP that posted those videos. That's good you're skeptical and not being a fucking sheeple. I posted it because I didn't find similar info anywhere else and wanted to provide a different viewpoint. Uncle Bearheart in general has tons of info nobody has. Like his unique middle pillar and lbrp rituals etc. But yeah I'm skeptical on many things in relation to his videos, but there are TONS of gold there.
09/27/16 (Tue) 00:54:45 No. 84372
He is focused on palo mayombe right now.
09/27/16 (Tue) 01:13:20 No. 84373
Source on this? I've read different shit from google searches.
09/27/16 (Tue) 02:42:05 No. 84379
Somewhat related to Bearheart's materials…
Are the common hindu christian and sufi rituals, mantras, prayers, incantations linked to any archonic entities or malevolent egregores? I am srill very much learning, but it has come to my attention that not all magical rituals are linked to spiritually beneficial energies even though it might seem that way.. eg - gplden dawn middle pillar and lbrp.. . What energies can we use that are truly linked to the powerful infinite prime creator and what tools can we use to discern whether the energies we are working with is truly beneficial? I bring this up because I watched some bearheart videos on lbrp and middle pillar etc, and he emphasizes calling on planetary deities or energies as opposed to the traditional enerhies called which are archonic in nature (according to him).
So this is why i ask this.
09/27/16 (Tue) 04:58:47 No. 84382
An Anti-Trump-shill-CTR-Goon-professer was teaching a class on Trump.
"Before the class begins, you must get on you knees and admit that Donald Drumpf works for Hillary!"
At this moment, a brave, western-culture-loving, loyal /pol/ack who understood the internal workings of Meme Magik and fully realized that Trump would become what his shitposts said he would become, stood up and held up two sandwiches.
"What is inside these sandwiches?"
The cuck smirked quite jewishly and smugly replied, "one is Turkey sub and one has poop in it."
"Wrong, one of these sandwiches may have shit in it, and one definitely has shit in it. Me? I would take the one that may have shit in it, because the potential of not eating shit is better than the certainty of a shit sandwich. And that's why I support Donald Trump for President of the United States in 2016."
The pinko was visibly shaken, dropping his staff and copy of "The God Delusion", and stormed out of the room too feed his wife's son.
Inside the white audience members eyes a fire alighted, and they immediately slaughtered the filthy sub-humans in the audience. Through the western window a Bald-Eagle named "White pride, World Wide" flew into the the room and perched atop the American Flag, shedding a tear on the cloth. Shadilay was sung many times, and Trump himself threw the Mexicans across The Wall.
The filthy Commie lost his tenure the next day, forcing him to get a real job. On his death bed he secretly whispered "If only I had better taste in Chinese Cartoons."
Hail Victory!
Fringe Wizard 09/27/16 (Tue) 06:28:25 No. 84385
I never did this before until this month and a bit of the previous month before…
Every time now I am to do some magickal working, I turn my mind to God The All, and I literally receive this immense influx of energy and raising of consciousness by so doing which makes whatever I do next easier.
…because of this one simple trick, I am now able to regularly perform higher level magick than ever before, with much less effort.
This invocation of God, connecting to God, feeling love for God, feeling piety or religious feeling (but in the highest sense of that word), this devotion makes everything easier and ups the meaningfulness factor.
Just to give a weird example, two days ago I had this odd experience where I kept seeing people at a distance in trance and as I'd get nearer to them they'd get older and then when I got too close they'd disappear. They might start off as very young while further away, but when I'm very close they're really old and aged, then poof and they're gone. I am not sure what I was seeing and I couldn't stop it from happening either but it seems like I in some way transcended some aspect of time.
I also met my own doppelganger, stared into his eyes intensely, and then he glared back at me and I felt this intense energy run through my head (I guess through the third-eye) and down my throat and through my whole nervous system. My whole body was instantly heated up a few degrees in that moment too.
I am mostly 100% focused on the particular goal of clearing out my parents house right now but once it's done and I've moved into the basement, I have plans to carry out very extreme high level magicks, and I also found a doll in the basement that I didn't know we have that is quite suitable for my magick even though I never made it myself. So I might be using that doll, giving it a soul.
I have been doing lots of energy work and have a really fucking strong, really powerful energy, and everytime now that I go outside I project energy into people and see my intent manifested in them. I change how everyone acts apparently and my mom notices this when she's with me, people all behave really kindly and respectfully to me, and I often receive gifts and special favors and so on. My personal magnetism is at very high level.
I am constantly reminded that I only have about a year and just a few months to accomplish my goals or kill myself. I am pushing very hard to get it all done. I want this house clean before the first frost, I am not sure that will be done, but I've got a huge portion done already.
People are saying about me that, wherever I go, I make everything better. I change everything for the better. It's like some vector for positive change to radiate out into this world and I wonder if it has to do with my meditations upon God every night, maintaining a regular flow of higher divine energies all the time.
09/27/16 (Tue) 11:42:58 No. 84389
>I asked them about the board just for the hell of it and one answer I got was very cryptic. The other reply I got was the trailer for the Babysitter's Club movie.
Well that's wit. Seems it may have been an off-site secret club for some users, which apparently is a site of chatrooms where people can only post images. Might be why they didn't give you a straight response.
09/27/16 (Tue) 11:45:40 No. 84390
always makes me laugh when people say 'the good old days' as if they were there. the world has been shit for a very long time, and romanticising the past doesnt help anything. nostalgia is a powerful intoxicant.
everyone is bisexual by default, its the conditioning of peoples experience that gives them sexual orientation.
really, in this over populated world; at least half of the population should be homosexual or celibate. the world cant sustain the amount of people there is.
you know thats what all social animals do when theres no predators, otherwise they use up all the food.
whats wrong is that people have had to repress their natural sexual urges for generations,which has made them degenerate.
imagine a completely sexually liberated society, no ones gonna have fucked up fetishes because theres no repression (and im talking gay and straight). in a utopia youd jus be intimate physically w people youre intimate mentally and emotionally. its nothing to do with gay or straight, its just about sensual enjoyment of the human condition with other humans.
>TL;DR: ejaculative penetrative sex is fuckin sacred m8 and should only be done by 2 conscious individuals who want to have a child.
>nothing wrong with homosexuality in and of itself, infact its way better than the average person who jus marries some bitch after fuckin a few bitches and spreading their degenerate genes.
>just saying somethings disgusting and men should be men is a fucking weak argument (tbh whats manlier than 2 guys fuckin each other in the ass lmao).
>you know what i find disgusting: lack of consent, manipulation, repressed desire. and go on any porn site, gay or straight, and look at the depravity that infects the human psyche.
>dont tell me being gay is disgusting when guys have fuckin rape fetishes,abusing women fetishes, etc
09/27/16 (Tue) 11:55:02 No. 84391
for centuries people said there used to be these lizard things called dragons which existed before humans and even alongside us for a time. then some archaelogist finds bones and names them dinosaurs and we laugh at how silly we were in the past.
for centuries people said illnesses were caused by legions of evil spirits moving as invisible winds which could be breathed in by people in a state of impurity, and certain herbs could be used to drive them away.
then some dude invented a microscope and said there are things called germs that infect people, and certain chemicals can be used to kill them.
how silly we were in the past.
09/27/16 (Tue) 12:00:55 No. 84392
its easier to turn a cry into a laugh than to stop crying altogether.
09/27/16 (Tue) 12:32:36 No. 84395
The videos are disinfo. Genuine information is often only available in German. There are few translated works.
The Prophecy of Sajaha and the Third Sargon
The Book of Ashtaroth
Isais Revelation
Miguel Serrano
Causa Nostra
09/27/16 (Tue) 13:20:08 No. 84396
> videos are disinfo
It's not disinfo. The black sun has a specific function that is useful when worked in conjunction and in balance with the light of the prime creator. It' ALL ABOUT BALANCE. What the narrator in the video is trying to say is that there are people who have gone into states of imbalanced extremes and are abusing the fuck out of one end of the polarity to their selfish ends.
09/27/16 (Tue) 13:41:53 No. 84398
The mental diarrhea of bearhearts is far removed from fundamental truth.
09/27/16 (Tue) 13:56:19 No. 84399
> the fundamental truth
You mean YOUR fundamental truth right?
09/27/16 (Tue) 14:04:54 No. 84401
I'm not saying I buy 100% of what he says, but there is a lot of gold to be extracted from his material. Uniquely apply them to your magical models.
Personally,I resonate with his stance that this physical realm, human beings and humanity in general in it's natural state (before the genetic manipulation by reptilians) is meant to be cherished and not reviled. As far as defending it against draconian entities, well that's where things require serious scholarship to fully grasp the extent of the draconian threat.
09/28/16 (Wed) 00:53:32 No. 84410
How is Bearheart mental diarrhea?
09/28/16 (Wed) 02:15:11 No. 84411
How do I know if I'm doing real magic and not just deluding myself into thinking I'm doing magic by implanting false ideas into my head?
09/28/16 (Wed) 03:56:07 No. 84414
When you're able to walk on water and shit nigger.
09/28/16 (Wed) 05:12:50 No. 84416
You can't ever really know. You could be in a coma right now, imagining this entire universe. Best just to keep working. Remember: All is mind. If you think it's possible that you're implanting false ideas in your head, it's very possible. So stop believing it.
09/28/16 (Wed) 10:43:26 No. 84420
>>everyone is bisexual by default
I bet that's what bisexuals and gays actually believe.
09/28/16 (Wed) 14:19:25 No. 84427
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>84411
Watch this entire video. It will plant some seeds.
Personal magnetism 09/28/16 (Wed) 19:53:36 No. 84431
I learned today after some bumps in the road that my wife thinks our emotional connection has died. We have two younger children and she is the love of my life. We've been married nine years and together for almost seventeen. I know her very well and reconnecting with her is critical for our relationship to survive.
I'm doing my non-esoteric part to increase my attractiveness after a heavy self-evaluation. However I think the real key will be to increase my personal magnetism. Please provide sources for doing so, I have Atkinson's book but was looking for other sources for practical exercises.
09/28/16 (Wed) 23:31:14 No. 84436
If you're overweight/obese you should tackle diet first. Step one is replacing all liquids with water, then cut out processed foods like chips and cookies. Eventually cut out all snacking so you're just eating set meals. Then evaluate the contents of the meals eg replace fries with roast potatoes. Walking 3-5km a day will also have a huge impact in the early stages. If you're up for it you can skip walking and go straight to jogging/swimming/any cardio that isnt reliant on machines really. Just take it easy to begin with.
As for building muscle I reccomend losing the fat first so you dont end up bulking up a shitty fatty body
09/29/16 (Thu) 00:00:04 No. 84437
Try liver flushes, they're magik. If she thinks your emotional connection has died your likely both physically sick and she's desperate for stimulation.
>However I think the real key will be to increase my personal magnetism. Please provide sources for doing so, I have Atkinson's book but was looking for other sources for practical exercises.
Am I on reddit
09/29/16 (Thu) 00:32:08 No. 84440
I only slightly overweight. I'm currently at around 17% bodyfat and working my way down on an extended caloric deficit. I have a decent amount of gains but nothing huge. I've been lifting and doing HIIT.
This is all pretty irrelevant to this boards content though. I know I'm not on /fit/. I've always put walls up around myself subconsciously even though I can be outgoing if I want. In the past it has worked for me since it limits the daily small talk I don't care for but now I want the reverse which doesn't come naturally to me.
Maybe the back story was superfluous but I wanted to make a distinction that I'm not coming from the "guyz I want to attract hot girls" angle. In this case she expresses want to return to the way things were so I'm not violating her will by working towards this goal.
Southpaw and Magick 09/29/16 (Thu) 08:40:24 No. 84455
How does being a lefty affect my practice in magick?
I.e. if there is a instruction that I should do something with my right hand (maybe a yoga breathing technique where you close one nostril), should I use the left hand instead?
Are there any lefties here that could share their experiences?
09/29/16 (Thu) 16:41:21 No. 84461
The first step would be to not take anything literally.
09/29/16 (Thu) 22:13:53 No. 84470
I have bough a book from the black lodge
it is called Chanel whispers, when I touched it it had a strange feel about it.
that being said I know that they don't mass produce there books, they make them when order.
could they have done something to their book to have a affect on me?
09/30/16 (Fri) 21:34:06 No. 84506
the ego is an interesting thoughtform
09/30/16 (Fri) 23:35:54 No. 84516
I have managed to heal all the scars all over me except in areas that have some strong negative thoughts connected to them on the arms.
Litearlly, all, just completely gone; from every area I never gave a fuck about. Doesn't matter how deep it was, it's gone.
The arms though, in the areas where I'd rather it be gone, they haven't disappeared yet. I have to hit those area with some intense programming.
tipp 10/02/16 (Sun) 09:49:40 No. 84581
Would you pay me to test different drugs and describe in detail what they do to the physical and mental body?
I would be testing different types of LSD, DMT (vines & crystal in joint) mushrooms (Amanita among them) but mainly previously strayed away from alkaloids like Datura & Burgmansia to sit down and describe exactly what they do in the up, peak and afterglow, how they could mess you up and how you could use them efficiently in working with trance.
Why? Because there is so little to read about it on the net, because shamans aren't readily available to dish out the info and because anyone who has tried Angels Trumpet wont do it again (much like Salvia) these drugs are not for people who are looking for fun or to get drool down the chin wasted, these drugs can be legitimately scary if you can't handle your mind and the spirits that will become attracted to you and appear or just downright become visible during the raise in personal frequency.
Datura & Burgmansia seem to hold a lot of power yet I find nothing on the topic of these herbs related to magic to read, whereas with Salvia there is at least something somewhere.
My main questions are, how much do they dissolve the border between the mental world and the physical (on a high near lethal dose), which astral plane is the default connect (if so), can you raise or lower your frequency while intoxicated to reach from lower to higher vice versa or are you stuck in the frequency of the plant? Of which I theorize that yes, you're stuck in the frequency of the plant - But where is that?
I know from previous experiences that Mushrooms and Ayahuasca lets you rub the other side like a cloud against the gentle sea - Why is Datura & Burgmansia so violent? Where do you end up? I strongly suspect that its neutral but violent in the way that it rips down the facade, letting you "wander" between the negative and positive 1-2 maybe 3 if we go by the idea that there are seven hells and seven heavens, realms of vibratory existence of mind.
And what does it do to the third eye? I want to capture the energywork, energetic pathways of the drug, the process it does naturally to develop a meditation topossible recreate this state of mind using no supplements.
tipp 10/02/16 (Sun) 10:00:15 No. 84582
tipp 10/02/16 (Sun) 10:01:23 No. 84583
>> Brugmansia suaveolens This is the old world type white flowered B. suaveolens
most potent.
10/02/16 (Sun) 19:11:11 No. 84593
>Would you pay me
10/02/16 (Sun) 20:13:49 No. 84594
>would you pay me to be a junkie
tipp 10/02/16 (Sun) 23:37:59 No. 84600
10/02/16 (Sun) 23:53:00 No. 84601
Any columbiafagmagi here that can gather me some Brugmansia seeds? (Will pay).
10/03/16 (Mon) 01:14:23 No. 84603
why don't memories integrate properly when your attention is split?
10/04/16 (Tue) 10:54:37 No. 84618
implicit and explicit memories
10/04/16 (Tue) 10:57:46 No. 84619
dont expect to get paid dude, just experiment and record your experiments in a journal and share it when its done.
10/04/16 (Tue) 13:25:35 No. 84624
>would you pay me to use drugs
No but the US government will if you're a nigger.
old/new testament god 10/04/16 (Tue) 19:24:06 No. 84628
So its pretty obvious that these arent the same God.
I figure its pretty obvious old testament is Demiurge, but what God does Christ (new testament teachings) represent? I've read that him being the son of God isnt literal but actually more of a misnomer. What he actually is is an aspect of that god. But what is that god? Is the God actually not a God but just Christ himself? (Christ being a super enlightened being)
And did Christ incaante himself as Jesus in order to help enlighten people who were serving the demiurge? To take it a step further did he perhaps claim to be an emissary of their God so they would listen to him? (Kind of like a white lie I guess?) These are just my speculations. If anyone with the knowledge could explain it better i'd lke to hear it.
10/04/16 (Tue) 23:22:27 No. 84637
Hey guys I was wondering, are kinetic powers real? I was reading about aerokinesis and I was wondering where I can find more information about it. I always wanted to be a real airbender
10/05/16 (Wed) 00:33:27 No. 84638
Kill yourself redditor
Christ was an aryan hermeticist who hated jews because they were fucking kikes and the synagogue of satan. Jews worked on subverting Christianity into a jewish religion. Their main achievement was the 30 years war which was orchestrated by jews and was the sign of the true beginning of the end of Christianity, the scofield reference bible created (by jews) in the early 20th century was the final nail in the coffin and completely subverted the message of Christ. The Second Vatican Council then completely eradicated any merit of the religion.
Israelites were white, jews are a parasitic race that have pretended to be their descendants. Jews serve various demons and by extension the demiurge.
gas the kikes
10/05/16 (Wed) 00:45:04 No. 84639
We are all god. Anyone claiming to be the ultimate god is fucking retarded. We are all the same person experiencing reality in different bodies. If you worship someone else as a god you are basically going to be eaten and never exist as you do now again while that person gets stronger.
667 dude hail Jesis
10/05/16 (Wed) 00:49:11 No. 84640
Everyone is the same person. Every male is a female too and vice versa. We need to create at least 10 new sexes. Men and women? Two choices suck. Get the fuck lost Abrahamic faggot.
10/05/16 (Wed) 00:53:53 No. 84641
Why would you think I'm from reddit?
10/05/16 (Wed) 01:01:11 No. 84642
>Christ was an aryan hermeticist
That would be the Zoroaster actually. Christianity was subverted before it got out of the Middle East.
10/05/16 (Wed) 04:35:43 No. 84645
can you be trans and enlightened?
or does the very act of transitioning destroy your spiritual ability?
10/05/16 (Wed) 04:49:33 No. 84646
Define transitioning. Becoming androgynous is okay, but filling yourself with chemicals is gonna fuck you up. And since as within, so without, you're spiritual ability is gonna be lacking. Assuming you're going from male to female, you're gonna be more emotional and less logical. Try to keep enlightenment on your mind (since it's easy to get caught up in other things, especially as a woman) and manage your emotions.
10/05/16 (Wed) 04:52:54 No. 84647
Faggots are annoying. Their mistake is, like any other 'minority' that gets uppity, not knowing when to quit. Kind of like (((another))) group.
10/05/16 (Wed) 08:56:07 No. 84651
Greenpill me on Tibetan Buddhism. Is it a legit ultra quick way to enlightenment or actually a disguised demon worship?
10/05/16 (Wed) 11:36:41 No. 84655
your retard, spiritually balancing the gender energy is good but physically it's horrible.
you start to warp and destroy the base of your being under ignorance and insanity.
10/05/16 (Wed) 11:38:11 No. 84656
shitposting like this should be banned
10/05/16 (Wed) 13:08:20 No. 84659
>can I be trans and enlightened
That's like asking if you can cut off a finger every year and be enlightened, you self-mutilating fuckers. If you want to be a woman just kill yourself so you can be reincarnated.
Being a jew, gay, or tranny should be a bannable offense. Smiley should hop in an oven, fucking kike.
Buddhism itself doesn't lead to enlightenment at all, the goal is dissolution.
10/05/16 (Wed) 15:18:11 No. 84660
>can you be trans and enlightened?
you know the answer better than anyone
>or does the very act of transitioning destroy your spiritual ability?
not more or less than eating cooked food, but hrt is hardly the only option
10/05/16 (Wed) 15:31:13 No. 84662
Anyone got any good koans?
10/05/16 (Wed) 16:08:48 No. 84666
At the beach of the sea three old monks were living. They were so wise and pious that every day a little miracle occured for them. Whenever they had done their morning devotion and went to the bath they hung their coats into the wind. And the coats were floating in the wind until the monks came back to fetch them.
One day when they refreshed themselves again in the water they saw a large eagle flying over the sea. Suddenly it rushed down to the water, and when it rose again it held a wriggling fish in its beak.
One monk said: "Evil bird!" As his jacket fell out of the wind to the ground where it remained lying.
The second monk said, "You poor fish!" - And his coat also pulled away and fell on the ground.
The third monk watched the bird that carried the dissected fish in its beak. He saw it getting smaller and smaller and finally disappearing in the morning light. The monk was silent - his coat stayed hanging in the wind.
10/05/16 (Wed) 18:43:10 No. 84669
Discompassionate. Interesting trips to accompany it. I wonder if a monk had cheered the eagle, would his coat have fallen?
I suppose you know the sound of one hand clapping.
10/05/16 (Wed) 18:46:50 No. 84670
That's not the actual lesson.
10/05/16 (Wed) 19:10:54 No. 84675
Tibetan buddhism is great but the esoteric teachings have for the most part been buried. Current dalai lama is a jewish cocksucker as you well know…
10/05/16 (Wed) 19:12:08 No. 84676
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>84666
>3rd monk's theme song
SAGE! 10/05/16 (Wed) 19:19:31 No. 84677
Which is to not say he doesn't speak a lot of truth, because he does.
10/05/16 (Wed) 19:36:59 No. 84678
Yeah Dalai Lama sounds like a total bullshitter who would bend the teaching so that it would fit the western new-age hipsters. A typical political figure.
But what I'm concerned with is this worship of and practice of identification with the "wrathful deities" who seem pretty demonic if you ask me.
10/05/16 (Wed) 19:50:49 No. 84679
Like most religious worship, there are different sects and cults, especially for Buddhism which is more open for interpretation than other religions. My advice would be to familiarize yourself with what Siddhārtha Gautama aka the Buddha said and did himself.
10/05/16 (Wed) 20:36:18 No. 84682
Dude I'm not asking you guidance on how to become a proper Buddhist. I just want to know what's the esoteric opinion on Tibetan Buddhism with all of its weirdness. I'm just curious, is all.
10/05/16 (Wed) 20:48:33 No. 84683
My opinion is that it's not related to Buddhism at all, in the same way Jesuits are only tangentially related to Christianity.
10/05/16 (Wed) 21:34:31 No. 84685
Suspending judgement?
10/05/16 (Wed) 22:17:46 No. 84686
They're not demonic, not in my understanding. If anything the new age interpretations of peace and love are demonic. Wrath is sometimes the only way to restore Dharma.
Much like Kali has been made out to be a "demon". Technically yes they are demons if you look at the true source of that word, but not by the colloquial definition. That being an inherently malevolent being.
This is a decent source:
10/06/16 (Thu) 00:59:58 No. 84693
The enlightened sees the origin of events and not their outward appearance. Morality a crutch of the ignorant.
10/06/16 (Thu) 12:42:08 No. 84705
Looking for good books in relation to tje following subjects:
1. Non-hebraic qabala as practiced by pre-christian europe.
2. Planetary magic
3. Magical courses based on traditions like IIH and MM
4. Hindu magic that is not hardcore LHP and somewhat similar to western mystery traditions. If that even exists..
Also was interested in knowing about some scholarly initiatory lhp organizations other than temple of set.
Help would be appreciated
10/06/16 (Thu) 12:43:51 No. 84706
> pre christian europe
Scratch that. I guess pagan europe before hebraic monotheism.
10/06/16 (Thu) 22:59:23 No. 84719
I feel like mystifying times have gotten ugly
10/07/16 (Fri) 00:48:21 No. 84728
Magic, like poetry, resists precise definition; and in particular its connexion qith religion is perplexing. There would appear to be no religion without some magic at its foundation, and certainly there is no magic in any significant sense without deep roots in religion. They are not unlike Siamese twins, inexorably yoked together yet spiritually incompatible. It undoubtedly needs an effort to contemplate this union objectively.
10/07/16 (Fri) 09:39:48 No. 84735
The Kingdom of heaven is manifested below by the hands of flesh:
As an occultist the benefits of physical training are bountiful. Not only does it have many benefits such as better health through increased blood circulation, muscle and bone density etc but it also helps to build a strong will through continually over coming adversity by pushing past milestones.
This will can be directed into your magickal practice and also strengthen your aura and energetic bodies.
Like with anything we will never reach perfection which is why we will always strive to chase it.
Many people in the occult shy away from physical exercise because it is challenging. My friends, nothing worth while comes easily but with dedication and practice we can liberate ourselves in the realisation of how powerful we can truly become.
The Saturnine current is heavy and restrictive just like a heavy weight. You can let it become a feared enemy with its relentless pressure or you can let it become your greatest ally by working to deadlines, achieving goals and striving to be your best with the short time we are given in this life.
I love you my friends. Let us become our inner champions and defenders of humanity. We always be shunned by society, segregated and demonised but we should never let that stop us.
The people have been conditioned to believe we are monsters while we are really humanities best hope in creating a real change.
Occupy the Astral.
Lion Heart
10/07/16 (Fri) 10:55:00 No. 84737
You're stuck in survival mode.
10/07/16 (Fri) 12:25:12 No. 84738
Did physical training give you the upper arm strength necessary to levitate that camera?
10/07/16 (Fri) 13:16:23 No. 84739
All there is, is lessons.
10/07/16 (Fri) 14:44:11 No. 84743
Damn yo that's deep.
10/08/16 (Sat) 04:34:49 No. 84777
Evola wrote a book called the tantra of power, which I haven't finished reading, but might be relevant to your Hindu magic interest.
What is IIH and MM?
10/08/16 (Sat) 04:35:46 No. 84778
Does anyone still have that useful guide made years ago on how to get rid of facial acne using a couple methods? I'm disgusted that after so many things i haven't paid attention to such a visible and annoying issue
10/08/16 (Sat) 05:36:16 No. 84781
10/08/16 (Sat) 06:58:13 No. 84785
and IIH is Initiation into hermetics by franz bardon
and MM is Modern magick by donald michael craig
10/08/16 (Sat) 15:16:18 No. 84797
Don't listen to the retard who replied to you.
Your skin is the second kidney of your body, it processes waste and toxins and excretes them, and it can get clogged by excess waste and dead skin. Use a natural skin brush daily and exfoliate the skin until it is pink, brushing towards the heart. Apply a topical solution of ACV and raw honey mixed in a ratio that doesn't drip off your face, then wash it off with ice cold water after 20-30 minutes.
Do this daily and your acne will stop.
10/08/16 (Sat) 19:57:57 No. 84799
Is it possible to steal someones body, soul and life? I want to steal someones life that I want.
10/08/16 (Sat) 20:17:28 No. 84801
Yeah, just fucking kill yourself.
10/09/16 (Sun) 16:20:31 No. 84831
It's a little more complicated than that.
t. knower
10/09/16 (Sun) 22:56:11 No. 84839
Any good intros to Traditional-Catholicism out there?
10/10/16 (Mon) 00:56:05 No. 84847
What happens if you drink someone elses blood?
Can pyschomancy or something be done?
10/10/16 (Mon) 05:35:11 No. 84852
So I just learned that an excellent way to use the Tarot is in conjuction with Qabalistic work. Essentially, they are graphic and subjective symbols of that which is experienced on the paths between the Sephiroth. Fascinating.
From my observations, the Rider-Waite deck is the purest in it's artwork. Can anyone recommend some good books on qabalistic tarot?
10/10/16 (Mon) 08:42:16 No. 84854
Tons of gold in this book. Don't sleep on it. >>84852
Qabalistic tarot by robert wang
10/10/16 (Mon) 09:44:27 No. 84855
How do I start having relationships with gods and shit? Any good books on the subject that aren't just LARP stuff?
10/10/16 (Mon) 12:25:20 No. 84856
You're larping all the time anyways. The way you conduct yourself in front of different people is larping (your gf/bf as opposed to coworkers or family, etc). Even if you conduct yourself the exact same way in front of everyone, you're STILL larping because if you told people every single thing going on in your head, you'd be banished from society. Your personality complex is mix of social/cultural/genetic/memetic conditioning. You are a larper just like every single human being on this planet.
Everytime you watch a football game and cheer for your team with high octane emotions related to power and glory, etc., you are giving the essence of that team more power. There is an egregore in the astral planes of every football team. If everyone hates the team and thinks nothing of it, it will lose. If the team's fanbase are rabid fanatics, they will win.
I understand it's hard to take a ritual seriously, but you and everything about you has an astral blueprint. Learn lucid dreaming and astral projection and see for yourself.
We look at old magical ceremonies as strange because we're here in 2016 and watch movies where people do shit like this so we think doing them in real life won't make any connections… but they do!
Once you understand these principles, you will see why ritual magic is such a powerful tool.
Isolate yourself from the world and turn your room into a portal. Look within and dig out your emotions, observe them and find and find ways to cultivate the will and use your intellect to map out your intents. Attribute all of these to a traditional ceremonial ritual and do the ritual like once or twice a week in a good spot. Just larp the fuck away and immediately after you're done, make a sandwich and turn on some bossa nova and come back to the real world and act like nothing happened. This will release it from your grip (expectations) in the astral and make an impact. In this case, it will make a HUGE astral impact because not only did you just do a traditional ceremonial ritual, but it sends signals to actual spirits.
This is why the majority of occult is described so allegorical and artistic and symbolic and expressive as opposed to exact and algebraic.
You have to cultivate an inner world for whatever you want to commune with. That doesn't mean you still can't do the normal things normal people do. In fact, the more you do normal mundane shit in your day to day life and treat magic the same way a christian going to church, that will have an even bigger impact because you are grounded in physical reality.
This whole idea of looking or feeling ridiculous when doing a ritual is social conditioning.
Here's a simple ritual for you that doesn't require any scholarship at all. Go and run deep into the woods. And roar like a fucking lion. As loud as you can. And proclaim to the dark lords of the Illuminati that your soul belongs to you and they will never own it.
Take advantage of the woods. Screaming and making loud noises and acting totally out of character will help you.
Once all the rage and screaming dissipates (because that's the easiest to conjure up), meditate on the infinite creator. Meditate on love, power, glory, virtue, sex, lust, anger, envy, pride, ego, no-ego. All emotions are useful. Bring pictures of men and women who symbolize higher ideals.
I mean…. yeah this is what you have to do to make an impact in the astral. You can't just watch family guy in your living room with your friends and just make shit happen with your mind. You don't have the mental will for that, so this is what you have to do.
If you really care about your reputation, might as well keep it under wraps from your friends/family. Anyways, I've been ranting for awhile.
Find attached file for good energy giving rituals.
P.S.- Stay away from jewish rituals. All their egregores (even the archangels) take energy.
10/10/16 (Mon) 16:46:50 No. 84858
>If everyone hates the team and thinks nothing of it, it will lose. If the team's fanbase are rabid fanatics, they will win.
If this is true, how haven't the Jacksonville Jaguars won a single superb owl?
10/10/16 (Mon) 20:12:30 No. 84862
I was just trying to make a simple point. I should have come up with something better.
10/10/16 (Mon) 20:31:49 No. 84863
I've recently come to the point where I'm able to astral project for the first time. But unfortunately great power does *not* come with great self defense skills.
I'm in need of some form of banishing. Basically astral self defense, yknow?
Anything involving pentagrams is out. Seems like a LOT of that stuff has been corrupted I'm not clever enough to sort the useful bits out of it.
A friend suggested invoking Jewish archangels but I know shit when I smell it. That's out too.
Is there anything else that works I could use? Thanks in advance.
10/10/16 (Mon) 20:44:45 No. 84864
IIH and PME have what you're looking for if you're not a bitch afraid o doing a little work.
I wouldn't use anything touched by jews.
10/10/16 (Mon) 20:56:50 No. 84865
Franz explains the difference between LARPing and actually communicating with gods. You need to complete IIH up to step 8 first though.
A lot of people shit on Franz but his books are quite good, they're gold compared to Atkinson (the professional armchair occultist).
10/10/16 (Mon) 21:24:29 No. 84866
You would very likely get sick. Your body knows it's not supposed to drink blood because you're not supposed to be bleeding that much, and it will reject it. You will also get iron poisoning from the blood itself and open yourself up to many other diseases and problems.
Don't be an edgymancer.
10/10/16 (Mon) 23:24:45 No. 84867
10/11/16 (Tue) 01:08:27 No. 84872
Start working out and learn a martial art. Fight them back.
10/11/16 (Tue) 01:09:01 No. 84873
No it isn't. Go down the rabbit hole and you'll find truth.
10/11/16 (Tue) 02:08:25 No. 84875
No astrology is very much real and legit.
10/11/16 (Tue) 14:12:44 No. 84893
Not true. Planetary correspondences are different depending on which current you work with, some more accurate than others. Either way you can use them for magic. Planetary high magic is some of the most potent form of magic there is.
Call on the deities each planet is named after. None of them are 'evil.' They all serve a function.
10/11/16 (Tue) 17:24:24 No. 84899
Some applications from certain schools are very valid. For instance if you calculate which star a person was born under using the exact latitude+longitude and hour+minute of their birth you can determine quite a few things. However the pop-occult muh zodiac muh astrology shit is by and far bullshit. The legit stuff is based on planetary and celestial alignments.
10/11/16 (Tue) 22:42:54 No. 84914
Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't mean to imply everyone practicing planetary magic really understands it.
10/12/16 (Wed) 01:56:03 No. 84924
Sorry for being so late but thank you, i'll try it
10/12/16 (Wed) 02:40:02 No. 84925
I tried a ridiculous number of mundane techniques like this and never got any results.
Then I tried using a thoughtform and it went away.
You just have to reprogram the subconscious so it stops being retarded and functions properly concerning your skin.
10/12/16 (Wed) 02:44:11 No. 84927
How do I stop masturbating? No matter how hard I try to focus my will, I relapse. The longest I had gone was 7 days, but then I started to feel physical pain in my testicles. I had to ejaculate, as it helped ease the pain (and it did).
I fear a Jezebel spirit has latched on to me and is feeding off my loosh. What do?
10/12/16 (Wed) 02:54:45 No. 84929
theoretically if someone is able enough in energy work and in energy healing could they rejuvenate their old cells to work like new if they bathed in a tub of fresh blood, as a way to extend their life. There would be barriers around the area to prevent any greedy entities to partake as well.
10/12/16 (Wed) 03:09:38 No. 84932
You sound like you're using occult stereotypes as an excuse to be edgy. Especially if you're also the person who talked about drinking blood earlier.
10/12/16 (Wed) 05:21:39 No. 84938
I know about the stereotype but thats not why I'm asking, I'd prefer not to use blood for it either do to possible medical problems that could cause but I know it holds lots of energy that could be used.
Lets just forget the blood thing, can someone keep themselves young and or moderately healthy through energy baths.
10/12/16 (Wed) 05:38:01 No. 84941
You can become immortal through Will alone.
But you will die.
tipp 10/12/16 (Wed) 08:20:20 No. 84944
It gets easier to stop once you can move energy around, a lot easier once you can move all the energy from the fap to the heart, you don't even want to fap after doing that with intent like "I'm beau and already have what I need, I don't need to nor want to fap because that is energy wasted that I could have used to reach the desires that fapping substitutes like a cheap whore."
Yup. If I remember correctly, also by drinking it.
But you would need young fresh, human blood.
>rob a blood bank vampire
If this is something that concerns you, that you feel you need, goats milk and honey is a better alternative.
This kind of magic isn't being practiced in civilized and recently civilized places around the world anymore although it used to be prevalent in Pagan Europe, Zoroastrian Arabia, Hinduism, old Buddhism, its the essence of magic and energy work that all religions are centered around and divulge piecemeal.
MKULTRA is related to this type of sorcery, if you want a human soul to do as you wish you need to program it, using methods, torture, fear, bliss through whatever means to convince the soul to do as you want you have succeeded, if you also kill the person in this state of singular purpose it will, as a poltergeist carry out the objective, guard this tomb, make whoever enters sick, give this human a heart attack, protect me, invigorate me..
In traditional sacrifice you had an animal on a mountain, the stronger the animal the more loosh (bull trumps goat), the more loosh the stronger the signal or flicker in 4d space directed by the sorcerer who forces the soul of the animal do to accordingly.
Some evil bastard, somewhere, decided to use humans.
>be sacrifice
>be drugged raped and tortured for days
>have to stare at cow of brass while they take turns and eventually slit my throat
tipp 10/12/16 (Wed) 08:23:47 No. 84945
10/12/16 (Wed) 17:14:55 No. 84959
Sounds very jewish
10/12/16 (Wed) 18:42:05 No. 84960
The united states government and their people think they own reality. The think they own the universe. They want to control yours and everyone elses destiny.
If you are using your magic to get laid instead of fighting the enemy of humanity you are a fucking idiot.
News flash - shitty things happen to evil people. You missed out. All the "fun" of being evil happened. You can add extra unnecesary chaos the world but me and infinity others are going to fuck you up.
Focus on the important stuff now. Big brother is winning because 1/100000 try to fight the beast. What happened to the 99% vs the 1%? Some mages you guys are. Every movement that tries to free all of us dies and you do nothing about it. We could have 100000x more than this bullshit world if y'all would fucking do something.
10/12/16 (Wed) 18:49:25 No. 84962
You know you're terrible at loosh farming right?
10/12/16 (Wed) 18:50:19 No. 84963
The fact that the dea and cia still exist is all the proof you need that you and your shitty books are retarded.
Drugs are illegal - EVIL 1 WIZARDS 0
CIA keeps murdering people - EVIL 1 WIZARDS 0
The government is going to come after you the moment you see actual results. You think they arent gonna wanna get their hands on a spell that turns water to wine? There are people actually fighting this bullshit , but its neary impossible because all of you are chaos worshipping faggots who are doing nothing to honor anyone who freed your mind, and doing nothing to help those trying to free others.
If karma isnt real I'm gonna fucking make it real so watch what you are doing. I am everything and nothing so I will find you, I will fuck you up, and you wont even know what happened.
Go get weed legalized for fuck sake. Stop collaborating with the enemy or you are my enemy.
10/12/16 (Wed) 18:51:18 No. 84964
There is no such thing. Sigals and loosh are fucking bullshit. Go meditate for 10 years. Thats your punishment for wasting my time with your schizophrenic nonsense.
10/12/16 (Wed) 18:53:18 No. 84965
Everyone please stop what you are doing and laugh at the schizophrenic who unironically used the word loosh
Actually its not even that funny. Why am I surrounded by so many stupid fucks?
10/12/16 (Wed) 18:54:37 No. 84966
This thread is basically people playing world of warcraft. Ok , stop roleplaying and lets deal with the fact that the royal fucking family still exists.
10/12/16 (Wed) 18:56:26 No. 84967
Im gonna celebrate crowleys birthday by doing heroin, fucking a bunch of dudes, dressing up like a clown, stroking my ego, and then dying
10/12/16 (Wed) 18:58:14 No. 84968
Hey! 665! You are now cursed lol pwnzor ROFLCOPTER
Hahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha loooosh!!!
Crowley! For. CROWLEY! @.@ @.@
Shit in his ass all day, for he will shit out your shit into your shit mouth and you can spit your shitty breathe on everyone you see - AH MEN! HATE IS THE LAW!
10/12/16 (Wed) 19:00:06 No. 84969
Magic is based on delusion. Science is based on reality.
Role playing time is over mental patients. We have real problems we need to attend to. Either help or take meds and die a shitty irrelevant death.
10/12/16 (Wed) 19:02:33 No. 84970
Wow I just used magic to make me coffee. I did a these things with my hand, ground coffee, and a machine, and a warm caffeinated beverage appeared. I wonder if Crowley will bless me with a few of his ass hairs to spice up this magical brew?
665 667
10/12/16 (Wed) 19:53:35 No. 84971
>hasn't practiced magic
>thinks he has a say on whether it's real or not
10/12/16 (Wed) 19:58:18 No. 84972
I know but I want more time in this incarnation, I have lots of things I want to do before I continue my journey elsewhere.
10/12/16 (Wed) 23:20:20 No. 84974
Is there any truth to iridology?
Are my green eyes actually diseased blue eyes?
10/13/16 (Thu) 00:38:22 No. 84979
My eyes used to be brown, they are now light green and turning lighter.
10/13/16 (Thu) 00:42:28 No. 84980
Fucking idiots
10/13/16 (Thu) 04:42:30 No. 84985
this is actually true /fringe/
10/13/16 (Thu) 19:48:25 No. 85020
Yeah it's smiley tripping out on drugs
10/13/16 (Thu) 21:17:21 No. 85021
Drugs are for degenerates and I do not do them.
t. a mysterious poster who often has posted with a ☻ symbol
tipp 10/13/16 (Thu) 21:23:40 No. 85022
charlatan conjurer
10/13/16 (Thu) 21:30:52 No. 85024
10/14/16 (Fri) 00:56:44 No. 85030
I smell samefag
10/14/16 (Fri) 08:20:14 No. 85041
Totally agree with you on the term "LARPing." I only used it to differentiate real information from silly mythology books that are valuable for entertainment only.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your post and thank you for it. Unfortunately I don't have much to say to match the length of your post but I suppose that's normal from a student.
10/14/16 (Fri) 12:01:51 No. 85050
10/15/16 (Sat) 00:53:42 No. 85091
G'day Ausfags. I remember hearing about a meetup that went pretty well in Melbourne Australia last year.
Now on the other fringe, Some of us are getting the ball rolling on another one. I'm posting here just in case any dedicated /8/fringe users see it.
Would anybody out there in Melbourne like to come meet up with your fellow Fringers?
10/15/16 (Sat) 01:08:32 No. 85093
Why don't you cunts come to Europe you don't even need a visa.
10/15/16 (Sat) 01:31:46 No. 85094
10/15/16 (Sat) 06:49:02 No. 85115
If anyone potentially wants to get some new threads, videos, etc. please vote for one of the legit options in this poll or add something similar.
>What magickal stuff should I do for the next couple days / week?
If nobody gives a shit, I'm just going to shutdown /fringe/, because this place is dead.
not really, I am kidding, but that is how I feel with no redpilled wizard buddies to work with and to motivate me… I have more intresting fringe discussions on /pol/ now.
10/15/16 (Sat) 11:46:06 No. 85119
Good morning /fringe/. Complete neophyte here.
I've been willing to ask you: what should i need to do to achieve a level of thought and curiosity equal to those of Da vinci's?
You see, i want to understand this reality and its patterns. My interest does not reside on money or fame, but in knowledge and its applications on the physical plane.
Where should I start to achieve this goal? How can i sharpen my mind and harden my willpower to reach that extent?
tipp 10/15/16 (Sat) 12:52:46 No. 85120
a POV that everyone else is wrong on everything until you've confirmed it yourself, stemming from a God given conviction that you are meant for greatness.
10/15/16 (Sat) 13:40:37 No. 85121
Thank you for taking your time to share this advice. i understand what you're saying, although i was expecting a more detailed explanation of this process.
If I continue this journey into the occult, will I be able to achieve this state of mind? If so, where should I begin?
(as i said before, i am but a neophyte on the subject. Currently reading the kybalion and developing the habit of meditating twice a day)
tipp 10/15/16 (Sat) 14:13:51 No. 85122
Affirmations during deep meditation where you are in perfect sync with your bodies, in absolute tune with yourself say positive things and love yourself for your good qualities.
I'm curious and intelligent.
Let the thought radiate throughout your whole being and all essence to be it.
10/15/16 (Sat) 19:46:02 No. 85135
I only started coming here recently, and I'm pretty skeptical about most of the things I read here. However, I'm thinking of starting to practice meditation and lucid dreaming. Can anyone provide any resources for either of those two things? Thanks.
10/15/16 (Sat) 22:37:11 No. 85143
the sticky might have lucid dream info but for meditation check out the meditations thread on fringechan (actual website called fringechan) its the thread with the pictures of painted potted flowers. Goes over all kinds of meditations
10/16/16 (Sun) 04:12:35 No. 85148
Lucid dreaming is just a matter of sharpening your mental senses. You do that by concentrating on each sense like in IIH.
Meditation? There's thousands of meditations…
10/16/16 (Sun) 08:53:02 No. 85157
i feel like killing myself with the power of thought
specifically induced metastasis of melanoma
what would the DMT gypsies think of this?
tipp 10/16/16 (Sun) 20:00:39 No. 85176
do energywork on your way to lucid dreaming, gives actual results and will open you up to the other stuff.
a bad idea, however much you like to think you're going full norvini after this life because you learned from basics that used to be widespread before indoctrination and witchhunts fact of the matter is you're on this ride until you've learned from all the lessons this life has offered you, if you do not you will live again, some other, maybe worse time, until you as a mature being have learned everything from it which is why I implore you to instead take joy in all that you have now, that is not sure to be with you the next time but your issues certainly will be.
Suicide is dumb. Your incarnation is not yours to do with as you please, you have a responsibility towards those which allowed you to experience, those who stood out because of you and those who loved you enough to bring you into this world, these beings not just your parents but the spirit which guided you, let you, gave you this life.
If you do not respect and feel gratitude towards your gift, do you think you will be given another easily?
10/16/16 (Sun) 20:53:31 No. 85178
he has a bigger responsibility to himself than people who "gave" him life. of course i'm not saying he should kill himself, but this whole "suicide is selfish" shit is fucking ridiculous.
10/17/16 (Mon) 00:49:00 No. 85189
>i feel like killing myself with the power of thought
This is all I've been thinking about today and yesterday as well anon.
Maybe we should question our thoughts right now?
I tried already last night to kill myself and I came out of some kind of magickal coma later not knowing exactly wtf happened.
10/17/16 (Mon) 05:45:35 No. 85195
Can't fault you for feeling that way. The world is going to hell in a handbasket. It's… these times we're living in. Wanting out is a sane action. Proof that you're still human in an inhumane world. But suicide is a permanent solution to what is very often a temporary problem.
I'd advise you both to think very long and hard about this matter. If you try to skip out early, before learning your lessons the universe doesn't take so kindly to that. If you kill yourself, you will be back here. You'll just have to do it all over again…
And your lessons will be harder next time.
10/17/16 (Mon) 17:23:44 No. 85207
>implying everyone reincarnates on Terra
10/17/16 (Mon) 17:45:19 No. 85208
What do you know/think about Ouiji board?
10/17/16 (Mon) 18:42:34 No. 85209
What are the risks of sigil magick? What's the worst way I can possibly fuck up?
10/18/16 (Tue) 00:21:09 No. 85222
>What's the worst way I can possibly fuck up?
Using a sigil someone else made.
Never do this, they could have made it to do quite literally anything.
10/18/16 (Tue) 19:26:58 No. 85257
This.unless you absolutely trust the grimoire or person giving you the sigils. I read somewhere you get your own personal sigil unmistakable transmission from the entity. I think some sigils are best used if given to someone in a more purified stage than you.
Like the goetia is probably best used via those original sigils but who knows.
Some clarifications from an expert would be cool
10/19/16 (Wed) 13:26:41 No. 85287
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Check out Hail Mary Mallon. I am of the opinion Aesop Rock creates audio hypersigils through music. All "expressive and symbolic"
10/19/16 (Wed) 16:03:23 No. 85291
Almost complete Mundane here. All the experience I have is in a bit of self-hypnosis. I wanted an eidetic memory because I''d find it useful and I find most memory books and feats are really trivial,( like memorizing a deck of cards or your shopping list,). i'd like to be able to memorize books veribatim among other things. So i read pic related but I'm afraid I've just missed something in it and don't understand how to continue or what its'telling me to do.
The guy mentions the process of memory by association relaxing your mind to "crystal clear lucidity" (like in Part (A) &(B)).
But then he talks about (C) Tulpa construction and (D) Reinforcing and anchoring and both of those parts read self-hypnosis scripts for like believing in yourself and feeling good about yourself. Yeah he said you need to be in a good mood to be in the right receptive state for memorizing, but I don't seem to get what I have to do once I've achieved (A) through to (D)
Once you're in the right mindset and have control of your thoughts, what do you do? I was expecting the whole process to be:
1. Relax and concentrate, calm your mind and get into the right receptive frame of mind (Part A through to D in summary)
2. Some missing process about building a Tulpa, maybe through normal means of building a Tulpa
3. Some missing process about somehow training or making said Tulpa to help you store info and help with instant recall
4. From then on, whenever you want to memorise something, you enter that positive and focus mindset from part A -D focus on it what you need memorised, the information would go straight into your memory where your Tulpa will help by sorting and storing information and later recalling it
5. Proceed in life by memorizing whatever you need or find useful, books, songs, videos of carpentry and DIY repair like the author does, etc.
I have read the meditation superthread about reading books and walking memory but I really feel like I have missed something in this guide and an eidetic memory is just one thing I'd like to have. I have checked the other question threads both here and fringechan and they either reference pic related or the meditation superthread or sending loosh to your memory.
Aside from looking at pic related and meditation superthread, i've only been using affirmations in the Scott Adams way, writing "I will develop and eidetic memory" on a page about 10 times a day and trying to really believe it.
TL;DR: What have I miss in pic related because and/or how do I develop an eidetic memory?
Also pic related mentions something about flash mental calculation which he does not go into so any info on that as well?
10/20/16 (Thu) 04:07:39 No. 85307
Quick question: alternatives for LBRP?
Tired of jew/planetary shit.
10/20/16 (Thu) 04:12:25 No. 85308
What the fuck is up with Mantak Chia.
He has so many books and I have no idea how to get into reading them and which ones are outdated.
Alpam !Satan4MeU2 10/20/16 (Thu) 09:08:11 No. 85325
Reinforce your energy body using native protection. Win/win.
Also, clean your energy body and aura.
Protection by a Guardian Demon will protect you from essentially every attack or intrusion.
10/20/16 (Thu) 19:33:36 No. 85339
Fairly sure he said he was tired of jewish bullshit.
Franz Bardon PME
10/20/16 (Thu) 22:54:33 No. 85343
tfw have been feeding a lust thoughtform in order to restore my sexuality and make me horny now for months
tfw feel like I've come along way and finally start to feel lust come of its own accord, naturally, such that it's almost compulsive or uncontrollable (which is my goal)
tfw fixed myself of my asexuality and programming myself to be a normal heterosexual person
10/21/16 (Fri) 00:42:44 No. 85349
Anyone know any videos similar to "I, pet goat II"? I'm looking for videos that use lots of occult symbolism to create a positive/uplifting message.
10/21/16 (Fri) 01:13:23 No. 85351
Now you must rape all of the women my good Jamal.
10/21/16 (Fri) 22:35:38 No. 85367
I´ve noticed some "Eris" graffites around my town. Isn´t that name of some god of chaos? What is the meaning of this?
10/21/16 (Fri) 23:13:20 No. 85368
"The best way to learn how to go with the flow is going against the current." - Jesusmerlin Gandalfsatan
10/21/16 (Fri) 23:15:40 No. 85369
Probly some peope trying to bring about change through chaos, because when there are no other options for achieving your goal you might as well summon a storm to provide cover while you loot your enemies ship in the sea of LIFE!
10/21/16 (Fri) 23:57:29 No. 85371
>I am of the opinion Aesop Rock creates audio hypersigils through music
What makes you say that?
10/22/16 (Sat) 06:51:22 No. 85377
Khan 10/22/16 (Sat) 08:45:09 No. 85378
I knew there was a reason to check this thread/board lol. I'm down. Feel free to come for anyone else who can make it to Melbourne. is the youtube email I mainly use.
10/22/16 (Sat) 13:04:11 No. 85381
ah yes the lessons
the lessons.. what where they again? i need a book.
10/24/16 (Mon) 01:51:11 No. 85420
Where's the fucking /fringe/ CSS at, I need it.
10/24/16 (Mon) 05:41:16 No. 85425
Don't you see the board pages listed at top?
10/24/16 (Mon) 11:24:24 No. 85428
it's just that my emotional torsion is starting to present itself as muscle spasms pain and twitches, there's only one place i trust and understand and there is not here.
i also believe that any phantasmal idea like this, in your eyes would be demonic in nature.
but i believe. i believe in unicorns.
10/24/16 (Mon) 11:27:43 No. 85429
Hillary - a mass of eyes
Trump - a mass of teeth
What does this mean?
10/24/16 (Mon) 12:20:27 No. 85430
envy envy envy, all i do is envy, especially their pride
10/26/16 (Wed) 01:46:22 No. 85464
I have a question
First let me apologize for anything I'm not getting about 8chan or /fringe/ I'm new just came in the 4chan /pol/ crisis
Now I am a bit curious about Wicca I've heard of it on the 4chan /x/ but it wasn't commonly talked about but from what I've read in articles its much easier to become initiated through someone you know personaly.
Sorry not sure what I'm doing
1.What are the general thoughts of Wicca in the world of occult
2.What type of Magic(k)s are preformed in most Wicca
3.How would one begin Wicca without knowing anyone who personally follows it
Sorry I've really only been lurking for a week.
10/26/16 (Wed) 03:14:22 No. 85465
Wicca is obullshitism, just follow Smiley's guide to armchair occultism if you want to LARP so badly.
10/26/16 (Wed) 04:25:04 No. 85468
Check out this greenpill.
>le destructive criticism with no proposal of alternatives
10/26/16 (Wed) 05:01:12 No. 85469
ive been out of the loop recently, what happened to 4pol this time?
10/26/16 (Wed) 06:36:42 No. 85471
I have two questions that I was hoping one of you would be kind enough to answer:
1. What are /fringe/'s views on waifuism?
2. I am 27 years old and still mundane. Does someone like me still have a chance to accomplish anything meaningful in this lifetime or have I missed that boat?
I'm asking because reading that bit about "suicide if not adept by 25" left me somewhat demoralized.
Within the year I'm moving to the country-side of Eastern Europe where I plan on dropping out of modern society and diving into the 1tb+ of /fringe/ material I have acquired so far. Perhaps that will make up for some of the many years I've wasted.
10/26/16 (Wed) 09:15:25 No. 85474
Are you healthy? Do you have serious problems weighing you down? If I was healthier I wouldn't be considering suicide at 25. I have to get my shit together soon.
If you're capable of moving out like that and so on, there's no reason for you to an hero.
Please remember to use The Kybalion as the master key it is btw and to read Montalk's stuff on discernment. Strong discernment is needed to tell apart the essential from the trivial, the valid from the invalid, etc. It also helps me a lot that I've always had natural abilities and experiences to give me perspective and show me so many things others miss. Just holding a pure intention though and asking God every day to provide answers will get you anywhere though. Use the master formula of attainment as mentioned in the FAQ.
Waifuism is a very powerful practise. The rosicrucians and other groups did it. See also: spiritual spouse
10/26/16 (Wed) 09:20:59 No. 85475
Preperatory work:
1. Start practising visualization NOW and get good enough at recalling visual memories of stuff that you can look at a page in a PDF or book and recall it completely in your memory and then read it that way with eyes closed (no strain).
2. Learn all that discernment stuff to filter noise from signal and so on.
You're going to have to process very large volumes of information and to do that effectively you need a good research method and plan otherwise it's going to take you FOREVER.
Also remember that key to forming strong memories is to have a strong interest. Maintain an attitude of complete absorption/fascination as you read. Your emotions create strong thoughtforms and memories themselves are thoughtforms. There's a reason you remember all the most traumatic and most joyful stuff in your life the easiest.
10/26/16 (Wed) 09:22:53 No. 85476
Basically just stare at an object and then close eyes and picture it again in your mind. Do this constantly, every day, for about 2 weeks. By the end of that time, you should be able to recall anything you want with perfect details, and to see pages of text in your mind with every sentence there.
10/26/16 (Wed) 09:30:14 No. 85477
Wicca is garbage it's literally the watered-down feminist SJW occultism for people that want to dress up as witches and who don't know shit about anything.
If you ever find a so called "Wiccan" that knows anything they found the information in Hermeticism or some other source.
There is only one type of magick with endless applications. Magick works based upon a system of universal laws that can be applied to many different situations. All the different occult groups just have a different presentation/stye/wrappings but they all operate based on the same principles. See also: the perennial philosophy and also The Golden Book of Wisdom
You can begin Wicca by memorizing the three-fold law (which is bullshit btw) and then dressing up as a Witch and whining about how persecuted you are by Christians.
You can begin to be a respectable and genuine occultist by following pretty much ANYTHING else but Wicca (just look at the flags).
Wicca is at the absolute bottom of the hierarchy of occult paradigms.
10/26/16 (Wed) 09:43:06 No. 85478
ProTip: you never EVER forget a single thing truly.
Everything you EVER experience is recorded, 100% complete
All that ever happens is, you lose access to your memories temporarily, but they are still there.
If you decide to just take a good glance at ten thousand pages in the various books in the library, it's all there, and your subconscious will absorb it and begin processing it so that later if you read the books properly it'll be easier.
The other important thing for you to know is, you can remember ANYTHING, even stuff you never could perceive before, even memories that aren't your own.
The real struggle is having enough loosh flowing and having a system in place to index your memories so you can follow them to what you want to recall.
That's where memory palaces and tulpa servants and so on come in handy.
If you want to memorize a full book verbatim, go find a physical book to practise with, and what I want you to do is just hold the book in your hands and feel your awareness enter the book and register all the vibrations of the book and recreate it as a thoughtform (a condensation of mental light). After you have reached a certain point, you will have a book in front of you that is as real to your mental senses as the physical copy, and which you can mentally open and you'll see all the text of all the pages of the book there. Whenever you need to recall something, you can just evoke the book in your own mind again, and look with your mind's eye.
10/26/16 (Wed) 15:28:03 No. 85487
>Waifuism is a very powerful practise. The rosicrucians and other groups did it. See also: spiritual spouse
Could you tell me a bit more about this or recommend a book?
10/26/16 (Wed) 22:56:22 No. 85497
what do black eyes on astral beings mean?
10/27/16 (Thu) 00:49:36 No. 85499
idk about those otherworldly beings, but for humans, if i am not mistaken, according to the Bible i believe there are narratives of people being possessed by devils having blackened eyes (may want to look that up in the Bible, as far as the specific instances are concerned
Jesus tells us:
"22The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!"
10/27/16 (Thu) 05:33:29 No. 85504
Dear Sir,
I can not pretend that I know or understand any of the hardships you face; I do know that this world will lose a great Teacher once you are gone.
I am truly thankful for all the replies you have made to me, and to others. I respectfully ask, should there be any possibility for you to keep going, that you keep teaching, regardless of whether or not you ever achieve your goals.
Take Care
10/27/16 (Thu) 07:30:12 No. 85511
Something I experienced often During consumption and meditation. I have never experienced such a Feeling of dread like on cannabis. Where my Friends would Just Pass Out I had this oncoming Feeling of approaching a place I had forgotten. Something deeper. I saw All possible choice flow Out before me, but how was this Little me even justified to make a choice, on what grounds could I make a single choice, how was I allowed to choose between good and evil?This Dilemma felt like it was ripping my very soul apart (I assume this is one of the ways schizophrenia can manifest). My sense of time slowed down seconds became eternity. I tried moving but my body was moving only slowly like an unoiled machine in the same patterns over and over (at this point I realized the mechanical nature of the body). I experienced an ego loss or severe ego dissolution several times, a life changing experience.
Best of luck
10/27/16 (Thu) 11:21:15 No. 85516
I have had a major, long-term problem with depression and/or ego death. What can I do to unfuck my shit?
10/27/16 (Thu) 15:23:50 No. 85522
describe everything
10/27/16 (Thu) 17:06:52 No. 85525
If I even sit down to meditate I start getting scared.
"What if someone breaks in and murders me while I meditate"
"What if I loose myself to some being"
"What if I connect with my super ego"
"What if I go insane"
Wat do?
I mean other than stop being a lil bitch
10/27/16 (Thu) 21:58:23 No. 85532
This may seem like easy advice but literally just ignore them. If you don't give them attention the thoughts starve off and die. Just do your best to focus on what you're trying to do and move all your attention to that goal.
10/27/16 (Thu) 22:20:10 No. 85535
Yes, they are not worth the attention, see for when you examine them and come to the root of these seemingly irrational fears, which will make them instead dissipate.
You have nothing to fear, if they wanted you, you wouldn't remember it anyway.
10/28/16 (Fri) 01:36:43 No. 85539
Do you want my life story or something specific?
10/28/16 (Fri) 02:11:53 No. 85540
10/28/16 (Fri) 05:06:07 No. 85543
Took your advice and although I wasn't able to enter a meditative state I could achieve comfort in the act of it for the first time in a long time.
Thanks anons, feel a bit dumb for not just forcing myself from the start
10/28/16 (Fri) 05:49:20 No. 85545
Has anyone read Way Of The Shaman by Michael Harner? It's in the library Mega folder, so I figure someone might have. I haven't read it, but I've been practising shamanic journey once per week with two friends who know more about it than I do for the last two years. For anyone that doesn't know about it, it's a kind of guided visual meditation with a drum beat, in which you kind of just let whatever happens happen. For the last 7 or 8 weeks, my journeys have always involved myself stumbling upon a house in the middle of nowhere, going inside, and encountering some kind of scary, violent life forms that somehow can't harm me. It's not something I'm consciously deciding to do. For some reason, the aspect of stumbling upon an evil house feels significant, but I don't want to apply meaning to something I don't know anything about. Does anyone here know about this kind of thing? Is it something significant, or is it just coincidence that it keeps happening? I don't really have time to read the book at the moment.
10/28/16 (Fri) 06:33:35 No. 85548
I have chunks of it but not all of it..
Your situation is perplexing.
Try IIH-style impregnating your room with a light to raise the vibrations of the entire room and try specifically to connect to me
then report back
10/28/16 (Fri) 07:22:46 No. 85549
Thanks for offering to help, but I haven't started the practical side of IIH yet, so I don't know how to remotely connect with people or anything like that. I'm a neophyte. I started doing shamanic journeying before I knew what any of this was. I figured I'd ask here because I've heard that there are some symbolic things that come up in undirected visualizations (I remember something about wolves in Magical Use of Thoughtforms, but I don't remember the context), and it might be something mentioned in The Way Of The Shaman (not my specific situation, but things like that in general). I'll read it eventually, but would it be better for me to just develop my astral senses more and figure it out that way?
10/28/16 (Fri) 12:39:17 No. 85555
>no life goals or direction
>didn't know what to do with myself at age 15
>over 10 years later and still can't answer that question
>nothing has any meaning to me
>no motivation to do much of anything
>willpower is not in my vocabulary
>my life seemingly has no purpose or meaning
>often wonder why I'm still alive or even exist
>always feel alone even when among family
>can't trust anyone
>feel like I can't be helped by anyone
>nobody really cares about my plight
>the only thing I want to know is what happens when we die
>would probably seriously consider suicide if I knew the answer
>but probably wouldn't believe what anyone says on the matter
That's all I can think of right now. If anyone has any insight or suggestions I'd like to hear it. I'm not a robot I swear
10/28/16 (Fri) 16:11:59 No. 85558
you are in the absolute best state for growth at any time - really, when you are nothing, thats when you are basically tuned into nothing but the universe
sit back shut up and learn
your problem might be that you havent learned that there are lessons in everything.. there is always a bright side
If an ex girlfriend chops off your arm, well shit looks like you now know she wasnt your true love!
Use shitty experiences to grow. I would tell you to go be selfish and "Find yourself" but there are enough of those retards bringing needless chaos into the world.
Every single answer is sitting right in you. You know everything you have to do, you just created invisible barriers. Part of you just wants reminded that people care about you before you embark on a long journey of self discovery/improvement… well we fucking do, and thats why we are here sharing information with you. We are all rejects, sociopaths, psychopaths, losers, poets, artists, musicians, whiners, thinkers, failures, I'm sure that basically describes all of us.
I was literally fucking coming here to describe how happy I am to be poor, have no status, power, failing health, because I have a completely fucking clear mind (ok thats a lie I'm just thinking clearer than ever), and OH WHATS HERE BUT THIS POST. In my mind, that means you are somebody important. I have no clue what you will do and will probly never meet you, but thats ok. I only trust people with suicidal thoughts, and we need more people on our team to excel, so fucking just do it.
Pity Parties are great at first. They allow us to poeticly describe our misery and for whatever reason that "gives some meaning to it". This is because it gives us that epiphany where we are like "OH OK SO THATS THE SITUATION IM IN, I GOT IT, I JUST HAD ALL THESE RANDOM THOUGHTS BUT NOW THAT I EXPRESSED IT I UNDERSTAND" We've all been there - surrounded by a group of people explaining how miserable / difficult our life is while everyone stands in awe like "man, that person really does go through alot." It validates us.
The problem with pity parties is our brain gets tricked into thinking its going to be comforted every time we are in a crisis. Start working on solving crisises on your own now. People wake up every day for ten years like "Man I'm just an ugly 40 year old woman I will never find love I'm fat an ugly and useless." Every fucking day. Ten years later they are 50 years old like "Man I am so ugly and fat nobody will ever love me"… I completely understand the invisible barriers that beat us down and prevent us from solving what looks like simple problems, but nobody is going to save you but you. Eventually you have to make the decision to go "Man I'm fucking miserable, but I'm gonna do one thing that makes me less miserable." The moment you make that choice and get through the discomfort of becoming your own source for inspiration you will be fine. There is no glory in this path, but it works. Thats all I got for now - I hope you can take something from my nonsensical ramblings.
10/28/16 (Fri) 16:13:00 No. 85559
I love typing up a big wall of text and I fuck up the first sentence - I MEANT YOU ARE IN THE BEST STATE FOR GROWTH OF ANY KIND
10/28/16 (Fri) 16:23:23 No. 85560
I haven't told anyone I loved them in awhile. I love you all. Have a wonderful Halloween. Help somebody struggling. They need it. You've been there, and they will be there for you. That's basic science. I changed my mantra the other day from "I want to kill myself" to "I want to live". I have literally no fucking reason to want to continue. My life is a fucking mess, but being something is better than being nothing. I've been in this self harm/suicide mindset for over 10 years now…. but it's time for a change. I can feel the tides changing, so lets get this right. There is no reason why next Halloween we shouldn't have depression cured. Nobody should have to be sitting around cutting themselves and giving up. It's time for these people(including me) to heal, and the world will be better because of it.
10/28/16 (Fri) 16:34:38 No. 85561
A woman invents something that saves millions of lives. Her design was immediately stolen, patented, and she missed out on 50 billion dollars because she was too busy caring for her sick mother. She was so miserable that she gave up. Eventually she died alone.
Society tells you that that's it - that woman is a loser because shes poor, a freeloader if she needed public assistance.
Spirituality tells you that this woman is important and her good deeds will never be forgotten.
Society is shit and based around greed deception and lies.
Spiritually is based around love collaboration and truth.
Fuck society. These naysayers who spread their atheist "this is nothing you are a mistake it's impossible to change anything" will be dealt with. The message they are obsessively trying to beat into our heads is causing people to kill themselves out of hopelessness, causing people to engage in insane behaviors etc. They are right - this really is nothing and we are just in a black box computer simulation, but if they think that systems weren't built or can't be built then they are in for a big fucking surprise.
10/29/16 (Sat) 00:05:47 No. 85571
Thanks for the post anon, I'm glad you took the time to make it. Though I must confess I have heard some of these things before from other people but whenever they've said them it's always washed over me with no effect. I'm not sure how much of that (lack of) response is down to me or them or even my perception of them. Not that I mean to hog the thread for my counseling session, but some things I feel I should mention:
For some time I've had the feeling that if there was a reason for my existence, like if something was meant to happen it would have happened by now. I don't know where I got that idea from. I feel like part of me craves a purpose, something with real value or meaning while another part of me is scared or otherwise fearful of what that might be, if I'm even ready for it or if it even exists. Yet another part of me doesn't seem to think there is anything in the world as I know it that could have the meaning that first part requires. Which is kind of why I'm here.
To build on what I mentioned in the first paragraph, I have had the invisible barriers analogy put forward to me many times by my father as building walls around myself. With the way I shut myself in he definitely has the right of it, but for some reason I never felt motivated enough to do anything and when I have tried to do something to get myself out there or make a 'positive change' in my life I've always ended up bailing on it. I can act like I'm getting my shit together for a time, but I always end up falling back into my usual patterns. I don't know why I've been like that but that's how it's always happened. I think part of me feels like it happens because these things weren't what I actually "wanted" to do but I don't think I should be making excuses for the way I am. Which is actually hypocritical of me as I've said to my father many times that I can't change the way I am, but he's always disagreed. Just to clarify, I'm not a nigger and I normally have a good relationship with my father, though it's more strained when I'm like this compared to when it seems like I may be turning a corner, even if I may not actually be doing so.
To go back to the invisible barriers problem, I know there's truth in it but I feel like I don't know how to get around these barriers (and if I already have the tools to do so, I wouldn't recognize them, etc). I know a part of me hesitates because it doesn't want to waste time going down the wrong path, so to speak, even though I have absolutely no idea what the right path is. I also think part of me is afraid of what that path may be or what lies behind these walls. It may just be that it's easier for me to remain in my comfort zone then stumble out into the world with no direction. In the end I think I'm afraid of a lot of things. Which is also kind of why I'm here.
I think I need direction and a clear, actual purpose the most. Though in the end I don't know if I can even trust my own judgement on what that is or even what I actually do need. Again, if anyone has any insights or suggestions I'm all ears.
10/29/16 (Sat) 03:02:40 No. 85581
What do daemons usually ask for in return of their service/information? Specifically talking about the Grimorium Verum and the Goetian daemons.
10/29/16 (Sat) 04:09:39 No. 85585
Past lives. If we reincarnate, is there a legitimate way to see who or what we were in them?
I've been told by someone I care about that I give off the impression of being a "very old soul." A lot of my friends tell me that I look and feel like I'm out of place in time, and at times even I feel like I'm in the wrong place and the wrong time. I'm hoping that if I can learn more about who or what I was in past lives, I could gain a bit more understanding of what I should become in this one.
I've read some of the introductory books (mostly from Nietzche Anon's list, which was recommended to me), but I feel unsure as to how to progress in relation to this problem.
The same person who started me on this line of thought said to seek a medium, but I am wary of being tricked by a charlatan, or simply being told what I want to hear.
Is there anything I can do on my own to learn more about myself in this way? Any trusted ways to find information out? Are there any specific texts that will help me learn more about this sort of thing? Have I been misled from the start, and am I wasting my time wondering about the past?
Any advice would be appreciated.
10/29/16 (Sat) 08:42:13 No. 85593
I had a thought a shot while ago about the nature of the physical universe in that it is simply not a place for the fulfillment of personal desires, whatever they may be, whether base or lofty. Rather, the limitations of expression that we find ourselves shackled with serve, in the natural sense, as catalyst for individual and/or collective growth, supposing they were applied as such. In seeking to reach the fullest expression possible within such confines, we can.. do something, that's about as far as I could get.
Supposing this isn't an entire load of hogwash, do you have any similar thoughts?
10/29/16 (Sat) 21:39:40 No. 85608
>the nature of the universe is not A, but B
You just give 2 sound ideas of mechanisms that occur in the universe. Both are true and they do not exclude each other.
>the universe is a place for this or that
The universe right now is simply a place for anything that has proven to work. Anything that exists right now, exists because it has proven to be efficient enough not to be nullified by something else.
The first mechanism you mention (A) is that of desire. These who didn't express desire have been nullified by these who did express desire. Therefore, the universe right now is a place that encourages the mechanism of desire.
The second mechanism you mention (B) is that of expression. These who didn't express were quashed by these who did. Therefore, the universe right now is also a place for the expression.
And it's not all. The expression of some was limited and it only ignited them more to express. So it looks like the whole social dynamic of the suppressors and the expressors has proven to be evolutionary efficient. The young had to be limited by the old so that this very limitation could contribute to development of their life's meaning (overcoming the limitations). All in all, this dynamic between young and old has proven to be generating enough energy for the universe to accept it (and subsequently, now for us to witness it). So yes, the universe is a place for both the limitation of expression and the expression itself.
10/29/16 (Sat) 22:05:22 No. 85609
>I feel like part of me craves a purpose, something with real value or meaning while another part of me is scared or otherwise fearful of what that might be, if I'm even ready for it or if it even exists. Yet another part of me doesn't seem to think there is anything in the world as I know it that could have the meaning that first part requires. Which is kind of why I'm here.
Yeah, you're the standard case of an emotional vessel without any strong core value installed. The classic.
A lot of people go through this. It has been so common that a self-regulating mechanism has developed. It's a mechanism that your body triggers during highly emotional moment. If you're value-less like that and something big happens, you get an epiphany during which your higher self installs some core value for you. Usually such default core value some kind of god, although other core values happen too. You become greatly changed, and are living on incredible dopamine high for the next few months. Then it normalizes, but you're still a happy person with purpose and everything is fine.
The problem is when you're actively sabotaging yourself with fear of the change. You see, after the change it doesn't matter - you're very happy and 100% faithful to your new core value. The problem is only before the change, when you're afraid of it. What happens is your core value slowly becomes the maintenance of identity of a sufferer or a nihilist. You become attached to it and don't want to let it go. It's a core value all right, although unhealthy. And so it spirals into depression. In this ridiculous situation your higher self can't provide a nice core value for you because you become horrified you'll lose your identity in the process or some other mental gymnastics.
This is why people successfully commit suicide. It's the only way it can happen. In all other cases, your body will save you from suicide by giving you a spiritual high and a purpose. But if you assume depression as your core value, you're done for.
10/30/16 (Sun) 03:30:57 No. 85615
So how can I get in touch with my higher self? I'm not sure if I like the idea of sitting around until some highly emotional moment (I tend not to get emotional about much of anything) somewhere possibly far off in the future.
10/30/16 (Sun) 11:32:48 No. 85622
You're right. Even if you encounter a serious crisis in life, there's no telling you'll get epiphany, especially considering you're aware of all this I wrote here. Your inner child is learning as you realize these things and pathing all the holes so that you can't leave its matrix. So deciding to wait would be a stupid way to go.
I'd say the first step is to make sure what are the programs on which you operate. Most of the world operate on the mundane desire for comfort and safety. The second most common is desire for validation. 99% of their thoughts and decisions circle around these evolutionary programs. Breaking free from these programs aligns your first two biological circuits, oral bio-survival and emotional-territorial. Your depression surely also have to do with these first two circuits. You'll know you have them aligned when you notice you care about cold way less or have no cravings for sugar and shit food. Or you don't get triggered by social threat to your face. This mental set up frees tremendous amounts of dopamine and other neurotransmitters for you to feel good and focused whole day. Doing healthy things stop being a matter of discipline, it's just something obvious you do because it's logical. You don't even feel proud for yourself after going to the gym or being productive, you just do it because it's logical, that's it.
You achieve this status by living your life on awareness meditation 24/7. The awareness mediation allows you to catch the evolutionary programs booting up in your psyche the moment they appear. For example cold shower during awareness meditation. You observe how your body releases all the negative emotions as cold water hits you. You realize it's your irrational inner child trying to protect yourself (cold water -> threat to health), by activating programs from the level of first bio-survival circuit (concerned with survival, comfort, physical safety, suckling, some grooming like cuddling). As you observe what's going on in your mind, certain structures (that the inner child consists of) are rewired, and later on your journey start to become aware of itself. Your inner child learns it's fine to be uncomfortable under cold water, it's fine to be uncomfortable during exercise, or doing math. Eventually it and stops obsessing about safety and you move on to the next circuits.
Keep in mind cold water is just one of many examples I could use here, don't obsess about cold showers alone. It's just a good example, that's it. Everything you do has to do with some evolutionary programs.
One more detail: you ask about getting in touch with "higher self". Higher self and wizard's abilities like telepathy is something that truly becomes relevant around the fifth-sixth circuit and up. The first two circuits deal with the inner child, which is another expression for the lower self (it's called "lower" because it's animal-like and primal). Just for the matter of clarity, you're supposed to get in touch with your lower self to fix your depression.
Of course there's also the option that your circuits are more or less fine, and depression has to do with the realm of beliefs structures alone, but it's very rare (eg. an otherwise spiritually healthy person accidentally develops counterproductive set of beliefs eg. by reading wrong philosophical works at 15 and later wakes up in ideological dead end).
Middle 10/31/16 (Mon) 01:15:29 No. 85635
Practices. I find there is so much talk here about reading and intellectual understanding, but it seems real truth is intuitively felt. So what are some good practices? Meditation is obvious, as is chastity. I also hear a lot about energy work, but have no idea what that is. Living in the now a la Tao/zen/Tolle. I am also doing the Wim Hof method. Any other suggestions?
10/31/16 (Mon) 02:20:35 No. 85636
>that pic
I never say sorry when forced to. Even when I've been beaten. If I am actually sorry for something that was truly my own fault or whatever I sincerely express it. I won't say sorry when I have no actual reason to.
10/31/16 (Mon) 02:31:54 No. 85639
Greenpill me on The Magus by Fowles. Was Fowles an initiate of some esoteric tradition? Is the book unveiling some occult secrets in some way or is it just sophisticated hipster mumbo-jumbo?
10/31/16 (Mon) 02:53:06 No. 85646
>Your inner child is learning as you realize these things and pathing all the holes so that you can't leave its matrix
That's… disturbing. It sounds like I really need to get my inner child/lower self in order then. It will be much harder to break my inner child's grasp since I've been the way I am for a long time, won't it?
>by activating programs from the level of first bio-survival circuit (concerned with survival, comfort, physical safety, suckling, some grooming like cuddling)
So basically what I need to do here is get out of my comfort zone? Or is it more particular things my inner child will react to like the cold showers? If you have any other ideas I could use I'd appreciate it.
>awareness meditation
I have been trying to be more mindful of myself lately. I tried this earlier today for about 15 minutes, just sitting still, focusing on my breathing and thinking about nothing. Is there anything else I should be doing during it other than that?
>(eg. an otherwise spiritually healthy person accidentally develops counterproductive set of beliefs eg. by reading wrong philosophical works at 15 and later wakes up in ideological dead end).
I don't recall doing anything like that, I think it was just a series of poor life experiences that made me how I am. Though speaking of which, I am going to start poring over the /fringe/ library tomorrow. Is there any (other) books or resources you can think of that would help me out? Thanks again for your help so far.
10/31/16 (Mon) 08:09:53 No. 85656
Will the internet and 8chan in particular survive the coming events of this American Civil War?
It feels dead already. All the chans seem to be emptying of people for some reason. Barely anyone is posting, anywhere… and I am filling in time with magick stuff more and more but I feel so alone.
10/31/16 (Mon) 10:25:25 No. 85658
theyre emptying because these boards are being infested by racist deluded fuckers like yourself. do you want another war? the world has seen too many. do you want to fight in that war? do you want to die in that war? do you want others to die in your place? if there will be a war it will be because the ones in power profit from it, and use simple warmongering people like you to bring it about
10/31/16 (Mon) 11:35:12 No. 85661
>waaah muh racists
m8 no one wants war, racial purity in every nation shouldn't be a reason for war.
It is "them" who present the choice between racial and cultural genocide or war.
All I want is a world in balance where every peoples have their own land and where nature is the governing force and thus is respected honoured and protected.
And spirituality could use a good boost because I hear people seriously thinking going to the gym fulfils every criteria of religion and that just makes me angry.
10/31/16 (Mon) 13:46:57 No. 85669
Yes. Good thing you notice this.
Intellectual understanding is only one modality. Energy, emotions, physical body is another thing.
Look at the library, New energy ways and such. Anything with energy focus.
Its crucial to understand and heal/repair/upgrade it.
Taking care of the energy body fixes many intellectual, emotional, physical problems.
Also, I am coming to understand that learning to master the elements is the baseline for all learning. Its mastery at the core.
10/31/16 (Mon) 17:12:38 No. 85675
The most crucial things to progress are
>development of the ego either using Bardon's astral mirror or some other relevant method
>development of the senses using energy work and exercises on the elements
>development of the body
Hapless hermeticists forget the last part, they remember "As above so below" but forget that it's "As above so below, as below so above".
10/31/16 (Mon) 17:12:38 No. 85676
How do I "let go"? I always come back to shitposting and cute anime girls no matter how hard I try. I'm always afraid that if I try becoming a wizard and find out that it's all a bunch of bullshit I'll have wasted my time and might not have a place to return to.
10/31/16 (Mon) 18:21:22 No. 85678
The change must be internal, not external. Don't think about the external events, let them happen naturally. Keep shitposting, but do it with an awakened consciousness.
Start off by approaching it from a "even if it was fake, this would still be beneficial…" standpoint. For example, meditation, personality development, etc. Eventually it will start getting more and more real. Centuries of writings and teachings from different traditions across the globe can't be fake bro. Also remove fear.
Middle 10/31/16 (Mon) 19:29:31 No. 85680
Could you recommend anything specifically from the library for energy work? The concept is still quite new to me. I see "vampirism and energy manipulation". Is that a safe place to begin?
Any other general advice, websites or videos are a plus as well.
10/31/16 (Mon) 20:16:57 No. 85682
>>Your inner child is learning as you realize these things and pathing all the holes so that you can't leave its matrix
>That's… disturbing. It sounds like I really need to get my inner child/lower self in order then. It will be much harder to break my inner child's grasp since I've been the way I am for a long time, won't it?
See, this is your inner child speaking right now. It has to be because approach like this apparently allowed your ancestors to survive till now. Do you see the ridiculousness of what's happening? Exquisite example of the kind of mechanism according to which the inner child operates, right here. The inner child is doubting whether it will manage to come to terms with itself.
*It's going to be hard. Help me, somebody. Am I good enough to do it? Can somebody do it for me? Do I really want to do it?*
In this whole discussion here we're all the time moving in the realm of belief systems. You need to realize you could come to terms with your inner child right now, in this very second. If you believe it's going to be a slow process, it will be a slow process. If you're insane enough to deeply believe it will be quick, then it will be. Yep, it's very often that insane is synonymous with powerful wizard.
>>by activating programs from the level of first bio-survival circuit (concerned with survival, comfort, physical safety, suckling, some grooming like cuddling)
>So basically what I need to do here is get out of my comfort zone? Or is it more particular things my inner child will react to like the cold showers? If you have any other ideas I could use I'd appreciate it.
The inner child extends into all of the first few evolutionary circuits. In case of the first one that deals with safety, cold water is a good example because it's easy to do, grants immediate observable results, and cold showers is perhaps the only way of inflicting pain on yourself that is healthy.
Another way would be to go homeless for a month, and live in constant stress for this time. Then after the month you are given lots of money, shelter, and your crush lies with you and whispers to your ear that you will always be safe now. I imagine your first circuit would be aroused to its limits. If you maintained high awareness during such situation, you'd learn how the first circuit feels like, and then it would be easy to catch it activating in day-to-day situations.
Or, you know, take heroin? Considering the authorities are lurking 8ch, I'm forced to explain I'm joking. Just in case.
In my meditation practice, the first circuit appears as the primordial womb of ocean that is calling me to come back because it's missing me. I'm drifting through the bottom of ocean that is full of eel grass moving in slow, hypnotizing dance. I feel like my brain is melting from the pleasure. I'm becoming a thoughtless potato. Do you know the feeling when you wake up at the morning, even though you have had not enough sleep? You think it's time to go to work or school, but then you realize it's Sunday and you can do whatever today. You jump back into bed and your body rewards you for this action with neurotransmitter high that actually makes you moan for real. Exploring it in meditation feels like this, except 10x. In day-to-day situations you do counterproductive things motivated by doses of the same neurotransmitters that are 0.005 of that.
Heroine addicts get that high with the drug, and it heavily fucks up with all the evolutionary programs that rely on the same neurotransmitters. Eg. you don't get the high for food or sleep. Taking opioids is like putting your dick in the fractal textures of your DNA-RNA and wiggling it around, deregulating all the structures you work on.
10/31/16 (Mon) 20:18:23 No. 85683
>>awareness meditation
>I have been trying to be more mindful of myself lately. I tried this earlier today for about 15 minutes, just sitting still, focusing on my breathing and thinking about nothing. Is there anything else I should be doing during it other than that?
Why not meditate while talking with someone or when you do some regular shit on the Internet? You just do what you always do, except now you track the responses of you body.
>>(eg. an otherwise spiritually healthy person accidentally develops counterproductive set of beliefs eg. by reading wrong philosophical works at 15 and later wakes up in ideological dead end).
>I don't recall doing anything like that, I think it was just a series of poor life experiences that made me how I am. Though speaking of which, I am going to start poring over the /fringe/ library tomorrow. Is there any (other) books or resources you can think of that would help me out? Thanks again for your help so far.
This kind of meta-question makes me think you don't really feel like reading? This is smth I'd ask when in wrong mental state. In the right mental state you don't even ask, you just go through the material not to waste time. If you want to go quickly through fringe library and have a lot of fun, stop taking caffeine, find yourself good quality panax ginseng (mine has at least 16-26mg ginsenoids per 350mg). Matcha potentiates its effect, but you can't take other sources of caffeine often. This way you'll learn how neurosemantic–dexterity circuit feels like, you'll read faster and have a lot of fun vacuuming 10 books a day. Thinking and writing down thoughts also starts to release a lot of dopamine (I wrote this post in like 7 minutes). You can also test whether neurosemantic circuit is active in your body at all right now by watching this video and observing whether you feel bored or excited
11/01/16 (Tue) 00:56:26 No. 85694
I don't know why but after I read your posts I lied in bed with the lights off and felt
>upset (at how accurate you were regarding "my" thought processes)
>angry (at my inner child for making me be this way, regarding it as my enemy)
>angry (threatening my inner child with death (suicide, I guess?) for doing this to me)
>upset (willing to "call time" and give up on the test that my life apparently is)
>suicidal (basically contemplating various methods to ensure success and for some reason imagining myself surviving the attempt(s))
I also started thinking about who my soul-mate is or might be or if I even have one and felt a little despondent. Then I felt a burning sensation in my heart and those feelings went away. I still feel it a little bit. I'm not sure what to think now.
>*It's going to be hard. Help me, somebody. Am I good enough to do it? Can somebody do it for me? Do I really want to do it?*
>This kind of meta-question makes me think you don't really feel like reading? This is smth I'd ask when in wrong mental state. In the right mental state you don't even ask, you just go through the material not to waste time.
The thing is, my whole life I've had a problem with over-thinking things in favour of just doing them, something else my father has noted. It's always easier to find an excuse not to do something, he would tell me. I think the way I try to justify my behaviour is to say I don't want to "waste time doing it wrong" (which is hypocritical of me on the basis that I waste all my time doing nothing whatsoever). Thinking this way has made me afraid to try new things and even stifled my enjoyment of things I used to do. I seem to think I am incapable of self-improvement. I seem to think that unless I can instantly become an expert at whatever it is I try to do, I shouldn't waste time embarrassing myself as I'll never understand it on the level that I seem to require. I think on a base level I'm afraid of failure and making mistakes. Fear is a big issue for me.
>If you believe it's going to be a slow process, it will be a slow process. If you're insane enough to deeply believe it will be quick, then it will be.
Honestly, my ability to believe in myself (and other things) is very weak. It's not something I've ever really done before, which worries me. And yes, I realize this must be my inner child talking again. This is what I (think I) really need to do, dissociate my thinking patterns from it.
>Why not meditate while talking with someone or when you do some regular shit on the Internet? You just do what you always do, except now you track the responses of you body.
So what I should do is be mindful of how my body reacts to things? For example if something makes me laugh, I take notice of how I laughed, what made me laugh, etc.
11/01/16 (Tue) 07:06:41 No. 85710
>So what I should do is be mindful of how my body reacts to things? For example if something makes me laugh, I take notice of how I laughed, what made me laugh, etc.
If you want some good pointers read the practical part of Evola's Doctrine of Awakening.
11/01/16 (Tue) 07:28:15 No. 85711
Cucks like you are newcomers to imageboards and imageboards have started dying when CTR/cucks infiltrated mod positions.
11/01/16 (Tue) 13:07:03 No. 85713
What are miracles? How do I cause miracles to happen?
11/01/16 (Tue) 17:50:46 No. 85715
>>angry (threatening my inner child with death (suicide, I guess?) for doing this to me)
No need to be angry at your inner child because your inner child is not a conscious person that wants to fuck you up on purpose. It's actually the illogical inner child who is getting angry at the inner child (and it's fine). Whatever horrible things the inner child does, it does it for yours (itselfs) best interests. This is why it's called the inner "child". You really need a moment to appreciate just how hilarious is the idea of inner child getting angry at itself and threatening itself with suicide. It could even try to kill itself as a part of the regular programming to save itself from death. It's as cute as a puppy barking at itself in a mirror or all the dumb and cute things that children do and say.
This is why awareness is the only real thing here. Everything other than Awareness is not real.
11/02/16 (Wed) 02:02:21 No. 85721
Most faggots are created in the basement of the masonic lodge. Quit with that keys of David shit.
11/02/16 (Wed) 02:19:14 No. 85722
do you think i could stop the flow of my biological clock if i removed all senses of time?
11/02/16 (Wed) 13:27:52 No. 85730
What do you think of Ralph Smart? Interesting videos, although he shills the vegan diet like Alex Jones shills filters.
I know a lot of normish crystal/cat ladies that like him, that should probably be a danger sign.
11/02/16 (Wed) 13:39:27 No. 85731
That guy makes me cringe so hard. Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaceeeee
11/02/16 (Wed) 14:43:06 No. 85732
Can - I - Get - A - Hell - NooooOOOoooooOOooooOOOOOOOOooooo~
Lucifer 11/02/16 (Wed) 19:58:27 No. 85743
I've been leisurely researching into masonry and their alleged Lucifer worship, and in order to understand what they're up to I decided to see what do all those plentiful home-made left-hand path magicians say about him, like in video related. From this video you get the impression that he's a pretty cool guy who helps people get their shit together, encourages non-selfish motivation etc. What's even more interesting, is that in the youtube autosuggestion videos you get a plenty of "left-hand path" videos, not general magic guidance videos. See where I'm heading? Exactly, Luciferian masonic propaganda by jewgle in full swing! But maybe it's just that there are more edgy Satanist people on the internet.
And of course I got an idea of summoning Lucifer and asking him about what the Masons and the NWO are up to. Moreover, I have to admit feel some sympathy for this romantic character with his story of aspiration for the higher and an eventual fall from heaven to the deepest of depths which seems to me a sort of archetypical story which has curiously re-enacted itself in my life several times. Living a secluded life of a social reject, no wonder when I heard you can summon an entity and talk to it as if it were your buddy I felt a strong sting of longing for a similar soul, a friend, which I attribute to my being, as it appears, pretty fucked in the head, so that I'd rather empathise with an being from other dimension instead of a fellow human, rather than to the magickal influence from an outer force. I have to note though that while watching related videos and reading stuff I encountered two synchronicities of the numbers 4:13 when looking at the clock and later when pausing a youtube video.
I'm only a beginner magick practitioner, I've been practising LBRP and middle pillar rituals for a few months now, and I don't know if I'm ready to summon such an entity. People say you should not mess with such forces, but life is really boring so… why not give it a try? So what are your thoughts on this? What do you know about Lucifer?
11/02/16 (Wed) 20:40:24 No. 85746
11/02/16 (Wed) 20:53:46 No. 85748
11/03/16 (Thu) 00:03:50 No. 85750
Not sure if I'm talking about the same guy, but I can't stand watching him because he stares into the camera. There's a reason interviewers tell the people they interview to look beside the camera, not into it. Besides that, I think he's a good guy, I don't watch many self help people because I can't really relate to them. They all live in tropical environments and are too happy to relate to. I'm sure he's got good intentions, but I can't stand it.
Could you mean synchronicities? There was a thread about them, but I can't seem to find it on here nor fringechan. There are many methods to make them happen, I would suggest willing it into existence; believe it already happened (because the higher planes that willing works upon lacks time) and feel what you would feel like it already happened. I would also suggest affirmations (also past/present tense).
11/03/16 (Thu) 03:22:57 No. 85757
Gotta watch more of his videos, (Through a proxy. Don't want that son of a bitch popping up in my youtube suggested anything) Saw he had one on the seven hermetic principles, which I'm curious.
The immediate vibe I get is that something about him is…off. Can't quite put my finger on it though. He seems to be quite fake, Very manufactured. Like he's channeling a bit of protestant preacher and it shows. Not only that, but even an offhanded glance though his archives show how clickbait-y his video titles are. That just might be him trying to be as mainstream and massmarket as possible.
…Tinfoil hat /pol/tard in me says "Muslim plant? Trying to convince people not to eat meat to weaken and make them docile?" but… that's why it's a tinfoil hat.
11/03/16 (Thu) 04:02:01 No. 85759
A lot of people that only focus on positivity come across as "fake". You need imperfections to have a personality, I think. You won't be happy all the time, so acting happy all the time is very odd. The clickbait is understandable, I would do the same thing if I wanted to spread word fast.
>Muslim plant? Trying to convince people not to eat meat to weaken and make them docile?
Try to separate yourself from /pol/ beliefs. They're good for starting to doubt everything, but quickly become dismissing everything because degeneracy/non-white/cuck.
11/03/16 (Thu) 14:22:49 No. 85768
The main value of his videos is that you can analyze how he manafactures his persona and all the tricks he uses. This insight helps to understand the phenomenon of many modern spiritual gurus, and even successful salesmen.
That being said, his intentions aren't necessarily malicious.
He operates with very general concepts and easily-digestible ideas. The little precise information he offers are cultural stereotypes that confirm subconscious biases of the mundanes who swarm at his videos. 95% of his videos are tricks like camera angle and intonation. Take it away, and each video consists of just one short paragraph of content that are just representations of representations of representations.
11/03/16 (Thu) 14:33:15 No. 85769
>I know a lot of normish crystal/cat ladies that like him, that should probably be a danger sign.
This cat lady type has their iceberg more submerged because higher awareness wasn't beneficial for their predecessors. If they really obsess about something, I'd be a bit cautious.
There are so many of these people everywhere and I swear, one of these days they'll start killing each other over some stupid thing. It makes me want to live in the forest
11/04/16 (Fri) 00:08:46 No. 85780
What is existence like for the "god" of this universe, the Demiurge so to speak, not THE ALL? Is he a similar being to us, living his life in another physical universe and our universe is just his daydreams or something? Or is he really "from another plane", an existence far different from ours where our universe is in his mind and he can dwell in it, turning himself in a magic fiery bush, parting the waters of the sea and personally revealing himself in the minds of humans and talking to them. If it's the latter then long ago was he also a being like us humans?
I believe in parallel universes, but can they be so radically different from ours that they would be fantasy to us? Or are all universes relatively similar? Do fantasy worlds like Middle Earth exist solely in the mind of the human creator or are they physical places as "real" as our own, that function with different rules?
If you imagine something and it happens did you cause it to happen? Or did you only imagine it because it was gonna happen? Are the two one and the same?
If you desired to do something that was considered impossible by the rules of this physical universe would you move into a similar one where the rules allowed it? Is the change gradual?
11/04/16 (Fri) 01:45:28 No. 85785
what actions/thoughts/emotions cause serotonin to be produced in the brain
11/04/16 (Fri) 06:21:15 No. 85794
Surely, you'll get some definitive answers to all those questions from an expert
11/04/16 (Fri) 06:36:58 No. 85795
Meditation anchored in physical reality, the present moment and based on awareness and observation rather than concentration is the first thing everyone interested in magic should do, in my opinion. DAILY Meditation for a minimum of an hour a day (minimum). The more the better. It's going to suck ass, but that level of persistence will set the stage for the rest of your magical career.
Focusing on the natural breath and observing it (not regulating it like pranayama) is really the best thing to do. I know a lot of people say there is no wrong way to meditate, and they're correct, but that is true only after a certain initiation stage.
Visualization is not anchored in physical reality, so you will remain disconnected from reality.
When focusing on the breath, don't try to visualize what the breath looks like in another universe or whatever. Just watch the breath coming in and out.
I know I sound like new age/buddhist/eastern here, and I know the first thing you look up on how to meditate is to focus on the breath, but it really is an excellent tool for a magician because you are connecting mind and physical via your breath
11/04/16 (Fri) 09:50:29 No. 85797
if i observe my own wavefunction do i die?
11/04/16 (Fri) 11:16:53 No. 85798
11/04/16 (Fri) 11:17:47 No. 85799
People say murphy's law is bad for you… that you can't light a cigarette while waiting for the bus, because the bus will arrive as soon as you spark it… well… 4 days ago I was waiting for a bus and it was late. Like 20-25 min late where we didn't think it was showing up "any second now." I didn't even want to smoke, but I took a cigarette out of the pack and basically thought to myself "I'm gonna use murphy's law to will this fucking bus into existence" … like using my will and shit with full confidence it's gonna happen… Lit the cig.. 5 seconds later, bus arrives. Now that is some gangster shit right there folks. I just wish I had gotten my dick sucked immediately after it happened. Instead some guy started laughing at me thinkin I lost a cigarette. No bitch I just helped you out.
11/04/16 (Fri) 11:37:42 No. 85800
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>85464
New Wicca is absolute garbage and that has been done on purpose.
True Wicca is an extremely powerful and beautiful spiritual system rooted in ancient european orders and traditions.
Vid related
11/04/16 (Fri) 12:48:52 No. 85801
the idea was giving me a panic attack in my mind
Podesta photo 11/04/16 (Fri) 17:51:27 No. 85809
Hello guys, I've come from /pol with a question about this particular leaked photo of Podesta. He has now been implicated in CP sex parties and satanic rituals in the latest wikileaks release. One of the photos intrigued me as I could bot decipher it (although I do know a few things about occult symbolism). What do the fish and the 14 represent?
11/04/16 (Fri) 18:04:16 No. 85810
Fish is a symbol for Jesus, for some, that's why you see it stuck on people's bumper.
While that's probably not helpful you should know that occultists can create their own symbols that are only known and only have significance to them or their associates.
11/05/16 (Sat) 00:46:10 No. 85822
i need to be sure of this before going any further. is it possible or not to transform your physical form thru magick?
im asking because the green pill FAQ and the kybalion both focus on mental/spiritual empowerment as opposed to tangible matter.
11/05/16 (Sat) 03:09:45 No. 85824
There was a shapeshifting thread. Czech the catalog.
11/05/16 (Sat) 04:10:36 No. 85827
Someone mentioned a shapeshifting thread a while ago and I never found it. Checked again now and there's nothing.
11/05/16 (Sat) 07:05:32 No. 85838
Guess it slid off or I must've confused it for the one on fringechan. Here it is.
11/05/16 (Sat) 08:30:16 No. 85841
A few days back I read the entirety of the Kybalion using some speedreading software. I read it in an hour at 800wps.
The day after was great and I felt more focused, happier, more social, more confident and more intelligent tbh.
Even though I felt exhausted mentally.
But the past two days I've been coming down, the first day I was just a bit less happy. Nothing unusual.
Now however I feel like I have a fever, I keep splashing icy water in my face and drinking as much cold water I can without feeling too ill.
What can I do to get rid of this?
I'm assuming it isn't fever because I just feel hot and a bit dazed, not ill.
11/05/16 (Sat) 13:00:18 No. 85846
After I fap for a long peried of time I get the perfect state of mind so clear and focused. Is there a way to attain this state of mind without fapping? It's a waste of time and I usually feel like shit after the period of clarity ends.
tipp 11/05/16 (Sat) 16:17:10 No. 85847
Read it again, you have blocks in your aura because you got lots of new knowledge that you don't really understand/can't implement.
Get high, read it again, slowly.
tipp 11/05/16 (Sat) 16:56:59 No. 85848
The described symptoms are to blame because of rapid spiritual evolution - if it can't pass through you unhindered it will force it's way through different energy centers, chakras, causing them to somewhat malfunction.
11/05/16 (Sat) 21:04:48 No. 85851
Was it your first time reading it? If so, I think that was completely unproductive. You should read it slow and carefully, dwell on passages until you understand them better, and really let it sink in. Also reading it again after some time has passed brings new revelations too.
I can't imagine you can learn anything reading such high level material at a whopping 800 words per SECOND? Is that really true? Well I don't judge, if it works it works.
11/05/16 (Sat) 21:06:34 No. 85852
11/05/16 (Sat) 23:14:08 No. 85860
My post may have been a bit misleading, I never did drugs. I just had some weird high the day after "reading" it.
I will read it again, I might retry 800wps but I'll do it the old fashioned way first.
I've read and meditated upon the axioms and have previously read some of the book
I just wanted to blast it Into my subconcious and services what happened.
11/05/16 (Sat) 23:15:22 No. 85861
wew I'm retarded 800wpm of course. It was still too fast to register
11/06/16 (Sun) 08:36:21 No. 85892
I am doing a shitload of research on LEDs right now for many different purposes. I got into contact with Tom Montalk about it too and he shared a lot of stuff with me. I want to use LEDs to influence plants, animals, etc. and I am doing occult experiments with them. The next experiment I will be doing involves using LEDs that only emit light in specific parts of the spectrum and I will be mentally concentrating on them. So far I have found that mental concentration on the light of LEDs along with mental programming is amplifying my powers a fuckload. I am pretty much charging and vivifying my mind greatly via mental concentration on pure red right now.
Anyone want the stuff I have from Montalk?
11/06/16 (Sun) 08:38:33 No. 85893
Speed-read the Corpus Hermeticum and The Secreat Teachings of All Ages and 2013SeriesLessons.
11/06/16 (Sun) 11:38:35 No. 85894
Sounds fun, thought you might find this of use so no harm in posting it.
11/06/16 (Sun) 14:48:35 No. 85899
As someone who can have no thoughts for longer periods of time (with or without focus on the breath), I feel confused about what my next course of action should be. Meditation becomes empty idleness for me, possibly leading to atrophy (?).
I mean, I just sit there with empty mind on the couch for hours. Observing breath or just being aware. I've been doing it for so long.
It feels like that time when you lie in bed and wait to fall asleep. I'm completely thoughtless and calm. Minutes or even hours go by. And so what? Am I going to just idle like that till the day I die? I guess that's fine. Or is it?
I'm getting the impression meditation is for people with ADHD. If I have no problems with my thoughts, is it really for me?
11/06/16 (Sun) 15:50:47 No. 85900
can I convert bodyfat to loosh?
tipp 11/06/16 (Sun) 20:13:12 No. 85911
If you\ve already achieved meditation 101 and can be without thinking then proceed with learning about your body, mind and energy in that state.
tipp 11/06/16 (Sun) 20:14:09 No. 85912
yes, thinking takes calories, you could be thoughtforming your body the way you want while losing fat.
11/06/16 (Sun) 20:33:35 No. 85914
It seems to me that in order to learn about body and energy I have to unlock certain low-brainwave relaxation state. It's where I hit a wall.
I understand there is a low-brainwave state that may be something between sleep and wakefulness. During this state, energy can be felt and insights can be acquired.
I base this on tens of testimonies of various people now and in the past, ancient and modern scientific knowledge, as well as traces of my experiences.
I've tried to get to it through relaxation, but I learned my body holds especially tight into the sober state of awareness. I end up in idle awareness meditation for hours without moving anywhere (and yes, I've mediated with both: intention of progressing and not)
11/06/16 (Sun) 21:19:13 No. 85916
If "As above so below, as below so above", doesn't that mean that descent is ascent is descent is ascent?
Meaning that one can achieve the same results through both degeneration and purification?
Why should anyone of us who are all likely spoiled spiritually chose the impossible path?
Can we be cleansed?
11/06/16 (Sun) 21:49:48 No. 85918
>I have a question/doubt about "As above so below, as below so above"
>doesn't that mean that descent is ascent is descent is ascent?
>one can achieve the same results through both degeneration and purification?
if you zoom out far enough, then yes. for every timeline in which you upgrade, there is a timeline in which you downgrade. warning: don't believe my post if you want to find yourself in the timeline in which you upgrade :^)
11/06/16 (Sun) 21:57:15 No. 85919
Hmm, I take it as meaning spiritual ascension is descent and vice versa.
Technically the lower you get the closer you get to the fundamental truth of things.
Closing in on matter to start seeing the atoms that build it could be seen both as ascending or descending it's all relative.
But interesting point of view, fractals I've studied
11/06/16 (Sun) 22:39:05 No. 85920
>Technically the lower you get the closer you get to the fundamental truth of things.
Under microscope everything is organized and forms simple, neat patterns. The effects of the illusion of chaos are indeed weaker when you zoom in.
kṛṣṇa !!Pl17JKGhvc 11/07/16 (Mon) 05:21:12 No. 85939
right, because it is ordered
11/07/16 (Mon) 07:09:17 No. 85942
A long time ago I had a dream where a man painted this symbol on my grave, for the longest time I thought it was a bindrune (made up of those runes in pic 2) but I'm not sure. Any ideas on what it might be?
!XezU.VITKI 11/07/16 (Mon) 07:51:21 No. 85945
I take it you know the two ᚹ (wunjo) runes combine to make the ᛗ (mannaz) rune?
Wunjo on it's own likely represents a woman and means joy.
Mannaz means man (as in mankind) and likely represents a man and a woman kissing.
The third rune is inguz… I think.
Which would mean love, completeness and destiny. (It's Jera except making love instead of representing marriage)
So you have man and woman intertwined (could mean spiritually or physically) and the symbol for making love.
Your subconscious is telling you to get laid maybe?
11/07/16 (Mon) 07:54:12 No. 85946
oh well that makes sense, it was right before my wife got pregnant.
!XezU.VITKI 11/07/16 (Mon) 07:58:50 No. 85947
Neat, that could probably be it.
Only you can interpret your subconcious, what the gravestone is about I don't know but it could simply be a misinterpretation runestone.
Something being "set in stone" is one of those ancient symbols we are born with.
« 零 » !Ry9.FWKNDY 11/07/16 (Mon) 08:05:17 No. 85950
11/07/16 (Mon) 08:15:52 No. 85953
Maybe my goal for this time on earth should be to have lodes-a-children. I dunno, need to sleep on it, thanks for the interpretations and info lads.
« 零 » !Ry9.FWKNDY 11/07/16 (Mon) 08:24:13 No. 85954
tipp 11/07/16 (Mon) 08:24:57 No. 85955
Put hands next to legs, lie in bed, pointer and thumb closed with hand in a resting position so they don't drift apart, repeat mantra such as hare krishna or some shiva stotram, or listen to it loud enough for you to feel the base, let body go to sleep, breathe energy into your legs from air (advanced is drawing from Earth or sun through root or crown), think about nothing while staying awake, after an hour allow yourself to drift into sleep.*
It's pretty surefire to get an experience of some kind.
You can also opt to not fall asleep, it's up to you.
Either way, learning to breathe energy to your legs is a good way to start with energy work, getting accustomed to it and various energy centers.
If you can fall asleep after doing this, it leaves you very energized*
tipp 11/07/16 (Mon) 08:27:16 No. 85956
Clarity comes when you reach rock bottom or highest peak.
It's up to you to chose which to chase.
tipp 11/07/16 (Mon) 08:32:51 No. 85957
Define miracle
Yes, cykling through I am fire water earth air is power.
I do this sometimes and combine with stuff like I am power, instantly gives me attributes related to the elements.
tipp 11/07/16 (Mon) 08:36:47 No. 85958
Unless you feel it would be beneficial for you in this life to know about your past you are wasting time.
If you are familiar with meditation you can try a past life regression, I'm not on my computer but do have an audio file of one, either find it yourself or ask and I'll upload it.
tipp 11/07/16 (Mon) 08:41:09 No. 85959
tipp 11/07/16 (Mon) 08:43:48 No. 85960
Just remember that if they wanted you you wouldn't remember it. It's not worth worrying about.
11/07/16 (Mon) 16:07:19 No. 85970
I have nobody to help, for I am the one who needs the help now. And there's nobody to give it to me. Everybody I know is much more successful than I, and even though I know fucking magick, I feel very worthless in comparison. Especially as I am failing to use it to help myself.
Best of luck to you, anon. But good words do little for me in my state.
tipp 11/07/16 (Mon) 16:47:14 No. 85974
But I am great. I'm fuckin' amazing. I succeed in whatever I endeavour. I'm perfect. I am a son of God. I am blessed.
11/07/16 (Mon) 20:06:03 No. 85981
Your hubris pleases me.
11/07/16 (Mon) 20:44:33 No. 85983
Yes read it again. A lot of the concepts of the Kybalion weren't entirely new, but my third eye is getting a workout. Headache!
11/07/16 (Mon) 20:56:52 No. 85984
tipp 11/08/16 (Tue) 08:13:25 No. 86018
Yes, me to, are you new here?
tipp 11/08/16 (Tue) 08:14:19 No. 86019
Not hubris is true.
11/08/16 (Tue) 11:33:48 No. 86021
Has anyone ever encountered a being referring to itself as Zun-Gri-Moth? Appeared as a 7ft tall shadowy form with really broad shoulders and an indistinct face, had incredible speed. Spoke in my head with a growl saying "You will be mine." among other things. It was incorporeal.
tipp 11/08/16 (Tue) 15:45:58 No. 86028
I've trapped, tortured and incinerate something similar, did you get an insect ish feel?
This thing fed on about 40 old people in limbo, not sure what that means but it wasn't your average leech.
I git no name, or I think I did, did ask it, can't recall.
11/08/16 (Tue) 22:57:40 No. 86037
if it doesn't appear regularly, then it is a meaningless brain fart. don't even think about it unless it's recurrent
11/09/16 (Wed) 00:28:54 No. 86039
Anyone trying to learn occultism has at least brushed up against Thelema and Crowley so I've been tangentially aware of what it is and what it entails, but this whole cheese pizza meme with Podesta has gotten me interested again because the rituals described looked distinctly Thelemic.
So give it to me straight, /fringe/. The more I read about Thelema and the AtriforceA the more it just looks like all that bullshit was a meme invented by Crowley to farm loosh from normies and wide eyed novices. Was he just fucking with everyone to further his own ends?
11/09/16 (Wed) 07:07:01 No. 86051
Rituals are designed to stir up emotion aka loosh in order to power the operation.
So of course whatever shakes people up emotionally will be used.
tipp 11/09/16 (Wed) 08:49:46 No. 86056
I used to think supplements for bullshit occultist rituals such as wands, swords etc had no value, I never needed it, but lately I've come to think that su h items have an intristic value, even if the items have little to no personal connection with the wizard.
Talking about seemingly worthless things, of course I see value in leaves, earth, material, metal, to summon from them the spirit of the item, but a sword/dead frog can be helpful in directing and focusing, even if one doesn't consciously fully grasp what the item represents they are tied to the ritual and process.
I used to think not because if they did not strongly resonate with or evoke emotions, it was not so useful.
>wands useless
No. Good for focus. Was an example. Never used one though.
>not using a laser pointer, non visible spectrum
11/09/16 (Wed) 15:04:20 No. 86066
tipp 11/09/16 (Wed) 19:39:57 No. 86071
please refer a post and specific statement you disagree with or people will just think you're retarded bro.
11/10/16 (Thu) 05:44:25 No. 86092
How do I stop my past from haunting me? Every time I find happiness, it is shot down because I find something that reminds me of a time where I failed at something. It's gotten to the point where I can't enjoy anything anymore. I hate to ask such mundane questions, but it's something I can't avoid addressing now. Even doing things like taking cold showers and being thankful for small things in my life, I find myself happy until something knocks me down and I disassociate into my mind within the minute.
tipp 11/10/16 (Thu) 07:20:57 No. 86099
Accept it and forgive yourself
11/10/16 (Thu) 10:38:48 No. 86104
The problem isn't your past necessarily. A lot of people are depressed these days, there is a gloomy atmosphere on earth. Happy states tend to be dissipated on recalibration.
If it is your past bothering you, it's not the right measure. Take the opposite example of someone used to succeeding but who may have come to a drawn out crushing halt. The past is where they want to be and maybe it worries them that they've lost whatever gave them their success; stressing them more than your dissapointment does to you – you at least have a high peak left, if everything has been a failure so far.
11/10/16 (Thu) 15:35:04 No. 86116
Read the Kybalion.
What's next?
11/10/16 (Thu) 15:37:02 No. 86119
>Accept it and forgive yourself
*kill yourself
11/10/16 (Thu) 18:12:22 No. 86124
What if my peak already happened? I'm not sure if it actually is bothering of the past, or just depression in general. I guess only time will tell.
11/10/16 (Thu) 19:12:43 No. 86125
If you'd had your peak, you wouldn't be unsure about having had it. 8channers can be pretty smart, and taking cold showers (which isn't necessary but at least you can face them), are favourable signs that you can pull out of the bad rut, even though it's really hard to do. I don't have any advice, hypocritically I'm now in the same state as you, despite winning 2 grand on Tuesday.
11/10/16 (Thu) 21:56:46 No. 86136
I think it would be fun to try. I had a similar idea of something similar upon getting some nice candles, just to add some humour to a boring evening, but actually I'd rather not. If Lucifer is the patron of freemasons, and you aren't a freemason, he'll appear and chew you up in his three jaws, and it might dissappoint God that you didn't think to summon him instead, or you might feel ignored and ridiculous.
Let us know if you get a result, will you?
What is your board called robotnik? I stumbled on it once, it looked interesting.
11/10/16 (Thu) 22:11:02 No. 86138
When I do energy work I notice my eyes move with the movement of my consciousness on my body.
should I try and keep them from moving as I do energy work?
tipp 11/10/16 (Thu) 22:42:27 No. 86142
11/11/16 (Fri) 01:33:11 No. 86148
will you tell me why, I'm just curious
11/11/16 (Fri) 04:07:40 No. 86155
>some scientists accepting the existence of the aether
11/11/16 (Fri) 05:03:01 No. 86157
Any event that leads to happiness is a credit that eventually must be repaid with an equal and opposite emotion. How much interest you pay on it is up to you.
11/11/16 (Fri) 13:18:56 No. 86172
A lot of astral projection techniques say it's way easier to do if you can fall asleep on your back. I've been trying for several months to make that happen and I've gotten nowhere. For as long as I can remember I've only been able to sleep face down. Is it completely necessary, in anyone else's experience, to lie on your back? If so, has anyone else been in my situation and found a way to fix the problem? I am aware that astral projection itself has nothing to do with what position you lie in or whether you're lying down at all, but whenever I've tried to project lying face down I can't help but fall asleep, and whenever I've tried to project lying in any other position (especially on my back) I can't get anywhere.
tipp 11/11/16 (Fri) 15:37:40 No. 86174
Energy twitches up or down the body, being relaxed and letting the energy move unhindered unlocks new pathways, it's a good thing the eyes move.
Only time you should be mindful of position of eyes is when you're forcing a third eye or crown meditation as they are the locks that trigger energy flow to these places.
11/11/16 (Fri) 18:38:04 No. 86192
Anyone noticing this "enlightened materialist" phenomena popping up everywhere?
Seems that there are quite a few dudes and dudets that are all like "yay, I have found out that my ego is not me, I am enlightened my children, yay" and it kinda makes me wonder….
How many of you guys actually had some really obvious psychic, paranormal phenomena happen to you?
I cant wrap my head around, how can people be missin this side of the game. Is it just me? How can they go "oh yea man, all is like, illusion, except the belief system about reality that was handed down to us by mainstream science, that is real, in the illusion.. so basically, its just ego brah "
Anyone get what I am on about? Really weird and I have nobody to talk about this with, because I don't know any person who actually experienced some real shit himself.. Is experiencing some real life paranormal shit so rare or so hard to achieve?
What are your thoughts on this?
11/11/16 (Fri) 18:59:54 No. 86193
I'm sorry to bother /fringe/ with such (political) boring questions, but I cannot seem to understand it on my own.
Where do the ideas/dogma's people adhere to come from?
Take /pol/ and /leftypol/ for example, why do they both believe they're right, educated and that their side is the only way to true progress?
The same with the past presidential election of the USA, both sides believe they're morally superior (esp. the liberals), but when things do not go their way they riot.
From what I understand now is that people simply go with the ideas/dogma's implanted into their heads while their young.
They only differ in which ideas were implanted.
>be me
>have friends of all backgrounds, my best friend is muslim
>turn 17 years old and comletely disinterested in politics
>discover rothschild
>get scared and find /pol/
>go full /natsoc/ and think i'm smart
Only after a couple of months I actually started reading, and when I did, I discovered that I did not know shit about anything. I simply copied what I found on /pol/ because it gave me a sense of belonging and make me feel important/intelligent and safe.
tl;dr: Where do the ideas/dogma's people adhere to come from
11/11/16 (Fri) 19:44:43 No. 86197
How do you guys deal with disinformation? Why is there so much of it out there? How can I spot disinformation where I see it?
11/11/16 (Fri) 19:57:11 No. 86198
i'm not sure what you mean, but a lot of materialists don't actually believe what they say. they repeat it as a mantra but they don't believe it. they'll say "life is an illusion" to feel good but they believe mainstream science in every way.
unfortunately there are a lot of /pol/ people here but i think a lot of us came from /pol/ and became more anarchist/libertarian the more we read here. /pol/ isn't entirely wrong but they are very mislead.
intuition that develops naturally. also read Discerning Alien Disinformation by Montalk
tipp 11/11/16 (Fri) 20:09:38 No. 86199
There is disinformation because people are stupid.
11/11/16 (Fri) 21:36:44 No. 86201
You've just realized you are what everyone is.
Don't for a second think you are alone in this, the difference between you and them is that you have awoken.
You see that you are just a product of your environment, that all your schooling was intended to shape you into this "sheep" for lack of a better term. Somewhere along the line you unlike your classmates discovered a rift in the narrative your brethren swallowed whole. This has finally allowed you to see that you don't know anything, this is a great gift.
You are now being reborn, this is when you should start looking into the /pol/ recommended literature.
Ponder everything stated, read it not as fact but as food for your mind to process.
Always be critical.
/pol/ isn't an entity
And no, no one fucking swallows the redpill and goes back to being an edgy teenager.
Truth is truth and cannot be unlearned, all you can do is desperately try to condition yourself to suppress it.
Nature is law, law is nature.
The law is immutable.
Infractions are punished dearly in this life or the next.
11/11/16 (Fri) 22:46:37 No. 86203
/pol/ is far from truth. why don't you go back if you can't understand why yet?
it really is a shame that "kek" worshiping roleplayers come to here from /pol/ because they think they can do "magic"
tipp 11/11/16 (Fri) 23:03:37 No. 86205
11/12/16 (Sat) 01:04:05 No. 86207
Oh and thank you~~
11/12/16 (Sat) 04:06:44 No. 86217
>tl;dr: Where do the ideas/dogma's people adhere to come from
they come from the positive people, most people are negative and will believe anything told to them in a confident and strong manner.
11/12/16 (Sat) 13:10:03 No. 86227
how do i shift from enjoying negative energeries to enjoying empathic energies?
tipp 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:18:49 No. 86228
First put into words, a well structured concrete sentence of your current attitude, or a couple if you cant summaries to only one, Analyze it, why you think this and that, what you like and dislike with it, next make sentence on how you want to be, why you want to, why it would help you or others.
If you do this with conviction truth and heart it'll instantly realign your thinking but only if you actually want to change.
It's like building, you need proper blueprints before you start hammering.
11/12/16 (Sat) 16:18:01 No. 86235
honestly some form of magickal glossary would be the most help right now i feel quite blind without knowledge
tipp 11/12/16 (Sat) 16:32:06 No. 86237
Then rephrase question, I won't sit here and guess what you want.
11/12/16 (Sat) 16:55:01 No. 86239
sorry to bother you with my insolence
do you know where the previous 20 odd question threads are archived?
tipp 11/12/16 (Sat) 17:06:41 No. 86242
its not insolence but do me the courtesy of understanding the question well enough to phrase it.*
start reading from QT 17(?) to this, has the most answers, on basic stuff and terms, techniques etc then read 1-16
tipp 11/12/16 (Sat) 17:09:09 No. 86244
besides, you did understand your question, from where did you suddenly start asking about a glossary? i didn't use any tricky words in my reply, didn't you understand? if so point at what and i'll try better.
tipp 11/12/16 (Sat) 17:10:13 No. 86245
theres a good glossary on montalk
11/12/16 (Sat) 18:07:11 No. 86254
no, you're right i'm just very vague and formless and words are a tangible shaping tool
i probably do understand it but i'm just very hesitant to express anything at all
tipp 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:10:05 No. 86255
tipp 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:19:15 No. 86256
If you want to change you need to know WHAT to change, you need a very good understanding of your self, your Ego, its preprogrammed by everything you've experienced and can only be hardcoded by your conscious self, your Spirit.
Your Spirit must work to understand the Ego fully, I wont say "only when that is you can…" but it would certainly help if you can pinpoint with accuracy, through self reflection, what it is you don't like about yourself and then impose a conscious desire to be the polar opposite.
… kek i was going to type up an example of negative self image but my mind went blank for five seconds.
Say you spontaneously think
>I am pig
throughout the day, everytime you do you trigger bad feels which parasites feed off and in turn impose more things, or make the existing self hate stronger, to feed itself.
When you think
>i am fat
you have a couple of options, either accept it and decide that its easy to fix, by working out from time to time and quitting junk food.
>i am fat
Examine that thought, why do you think it, what triggers it, how does it make you feel? Not great, right? So its not worth thinking.
Now, either accept it and love yourself anyway, fat is good, it wont let you freeze during the winter. Or really think it through, are you really fat or is it something you're just telling yourself? If so, say or think "I'm beautiful."
"I'm beautiful, my body is functional, I'm healthy and I'm grateful for being born perfect."
11/12/16 (Sat) 18:29:44 No. 86258
yes i am grateful i am functional, i'm not fat i barely eat food tbh
but there are some imperfections severely impacting my developed sexual self
or are they just super huge lessons i have to overcome? or overcoming with shapeshifting would be nice, or is that too much desire for a perfect self image?
tipp 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:36:24 No. 86259
If something is in your power to change, change it, if it means a lot to you. If its not, accept it.
Popular opinion is to accept everything because its a lesson for this life to overcome, personally, I fix what I can, within reason and if I might need it to achieve my grander goals.
11/13/16 (Sun) 00:05:46 No. 86287
Here's a good rule of thumb: If it's too incredible to be true, it normally is.
11/13/16 (Sun) 00:06:15 No. 86289
too incredible to be true, that is.
11/13/16 (Sun) 02:29:04 No. 86294
are you a freemason in a lodge or just practice their rituals?
If your in a lodge would you answer some of my questions
11/13/16 (Sun) 03:12:08 No. 86297
would I be correct in my assertion that by definition the meaning of everything is movement itself.
meaning is defined as the expression or expressing of something, literally everything in the all at some level moving ether it is atomic or cosmic.
The very path of spiritual upliftment or spiritual degeneration would also be apart of it.
Am I partially right or am I missing something?
11/13/16 (Sun) 06:43:11 No. 86308
Oh wow, why couldn't I think this up myself. I'm going to wait and see what some other anons say, but this is a better theory of meaning I think than the previous stuff I've thought up.
11/13/16 (Sun) 06:56:26 No. 86314
What do you even mean by "meaning"?
11/13/16 (Sun) 10:06:34 No. 86320
even unconscious thoughts are motion between emotional connections
11/13/16 (Sun) 16:09:12 No. 86337
I use it's definition of the act of expression or expressing.
I'm still contemplating the concept of purpose of the individual and collective of all things.
11/13/16 (Sun) 17:47:11 No. 86348
Hi /fringe/, who do you think rules the world?
Will Trump actually get any power?
11/13/16 (Sun) 18:30:11 No. 86352
What about if it seems too horrible? Like say for example… A metaphysical Christian Borg cube in the astral powered by the suffering of human souls?
11/13/16 (Sun) 20:10:46 No. 86360
1. What's the effective way of gainining money by occult means?
2. Is there some good entity that like to help people with their life in exchange for their grattitude?
11/13/16 (Sun) 20:40:20 No. 86366
The rule of thumb in life, whether it has to do with money, success, fulfillment, love, or what have you, is that you have to give something of yourself in whatever your endeavours may be if you hope to expand your horizons. In the case of money, that may mean investing what money you do have in some way where the outcome could potentially contribute toward the generation of more funds. Whether or not that is the initial result is a bit beside the point – it's the act of showing that you're willing to entrust yourself, and whatever you may possess, to the universe, as if to say, "here, this is all I am able to provide, and if it be suitable, may it help contribute in some small way to the grand design." It's like if you had a spinning wheel or some other machine that did some work for you; due to entropic principles, the wheel will eventually cease to work without input of additional energy, whereas with the investiture of yourself in what ways those may be, it's, if such a term may be used, an operation of the "anti-entropic" principle which enables the wheel to perform even more work than it could've before.
Basically, there's no free lunch, but that doesn't mean you have to starve. If you're willing to provide all you can, the infinite creator will provide in turn.
At what level? As for the president-elect, I don't doubt that he'll be able to do some of what he intends, but probably not all.
11/13/16 (Sun) 20:59:22 No. 86371
You mean like an "objective meaning of everything"? The myriad of possible forms of expression are likely meant to serve such an end, like the exploration of all such possibilities by "God" if you will, but the notion of such an idea is, I find, somewhat nebulous or perhaps beyond our ability to comprehend at our current stage of evolution. Even so, I don't think you're too off-base with that idea.
The notion of "too good to be true" stems largely from tendencies toward wishful thinking - not being as realistic as can be when it comes to evaluating certain fields of information, letting beliefs dictate what is and is not, et cetea. Things that are "horrible" from our perspective are certain to exist, whether that be borg cubes, interdimensional flesh-creature cubes, skeleton cubes, or any other variety of "cube" that subsists on human suffering. Of course, from the perspective of say, a bug, you or I could easily be seen as some kind of merciless, otherworldly being as well, so po-tay-to, po-ta-to.
Sweet Blood? 11/13/16 (Sun) 21:50:39 No. 86375
What does "sweet blood" mean? I saw it in the astral today, written extremely clearly on paper. It was something like "I only spill sweet blood", I remembered the exact phrase awhile ago but again my memory got disrupted by an interruption, now I just remember "sweet blood" for sure only.
There was also an entity I met in an underground place where there were some weapons and I was being trained I guess to throw pens with very high accuracy to stick into corkboard. He randomly wrote in orange ink on something nearby "MK ULTRA" and wrote several circles around it. I then tried to make a little target on the cork-board (like a + inside of a O) with my blue pen I had but my hands did not obey me and instead drew a spiral several times over on the spot.
I also got one other ultra-clear message that appeared as written in text to me, but I have now since completely forgot what it said.
I have no idea why that one man wrote MK Ultra as I'm only 23 and there's no way MK Ultra is relevant to me.
11/13/16 (Sun) 22:19:32 No. 86376
The highest level. How much of the Rothschild/secret societies conspiracies are true?
11/13/16 (Sun) 22:29:13 No. 86377
I did the one day flag degree course so I can use this badge on social media, but that's as far as I'm interested. Sorry.
11/13/16 (Sun) 23:05:34 No. 86379
There's a 100x more disinfo conspiracies than real ones, so not many.
11/14/16 (Mon) 02:04:33 No. 86385
The Kybalion states that the Cosmos exists only as a mental creation of the All, but the Arcane Teaching claims that the Cosmos arose from the Infinite Nothingness of Chaos reacting to the absolute power that is the Law and emphatically denies the explanation given by the Kybalion. Who is right? Do these "core" books really contradict each other on such an important topic or is there some understanding I'm missing?
11/14/16 (Mon) 07:37:24 No. 86392
The Arcane Teaching isn't a denial of The Kybalion, it's an elaboration. I don't see why you think it's a contradiction?
11/14/16 (Mon) 07:53:17 No. 86397
How do I create something ethereal without it physically manifesting?
t. getting plagued with physical manifestations of tulpas I try to create to point it seems like everything I "create" is just contact with the future
I want some invisible, ethereal, servants n' shit but everything I create seems to end up having a physical existence and coming to meet me.
11/14/16 (Mon) 16:17:02 No. 86410
As above, so below. If you'd really prefer it that way though, perhaps working with a physical object (like say, a rock) and charging that with your given instructions would work out better? Like it's already physically manifest, so the only way to go is "up" into ethereality so to speak.
11/14/16 (Mon) 20:43:32 No. 86415
What books are recommended for a complete neophyte on the subject of meditation?
tipp 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:08:49 No. 86421
Science of breath.
Meditation aids, crystals.
You're putting to much effort into them for them to remain a servitor, a simple command, would be great to store in a crystal.
11/15/16 (Tue) 02:01:33 No. 86430
>keep finding myself unable to completely release my passions and habitual limitations because I can't find meaning in living for the sole purpose of spiritual development
>unable to completely fall into hedonism because I find it lacking in purpose
just fuck my shit up
tipp 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:47:33 No. 86455
Walk middle path.
Captcha called you a cuck.
11/15/16 (Tue) 23:12:08 No. 86476
can you trigger a political revolution as a kind of hermit monk with the right esoteric powers/mantras/whatever else technique?
11/16/16 (Wed) 00:27:13 No. 86485
What comes of mastering all the exercises of the liber null?
11/16/16 (Wed) 00:39:09 No. 86486
Before I answer, you must realize the following.
You have this astral circuit concerned with Nietzschean will-to-power. It's the reward center that generates your political thoughts and fantasies. It's responsible for your desire for power. This desire is expressed every time you do or think anything political. For example, if you shitpost on the Internet about SJW or Trump or whatever, you're connecting to this circuit and getting emotional (energetic) response from it. In fact, you're connecting to it almost always, even in casual conversations with people that don't seem to have anything to do with power dynamics on the surface. But that's enough you need to know so far.
Now, you're asking about hermit monk magic that could trigger a political revolution. This kind of powerful magic can be achieved by sublimating the energy that lower circuits generate. For example, your reward circuit concerned with will-to-power, the one I described above. If you want to channel magic powerful enough to trigger a political revolution, you would have to first stop spending your energy on the lower circuit. Which you obviously do, if you have desire to trigger a political evolution. I mean, you're spending your energy to get emotional response from political thoughts. You'd have to first learn a lot about this circuit in meditation. Come to terms with it. Then you suddenly find yourself with lots of spare energy to use (and a pleasurable state of mind).
You'd also have to seal your desire to trigger a political revolution and set the opening date until after you're done gathering energy. It's in case your personality changes when aligning lower circuits. Absolutely all actions in the default, mundane state of mind are based in the desire for safety and power. Once you align them and stop obsessing about them, you find yourself few centimeters above the ground, in a very different headspace. Coming back to ground to deal with politics becomes such a boring thing when you start having glimpses into different timelines and such. If you ever feel like exercising your will-to-power after having lower circuits cleaned up, it will probably be in form of dominating position in sex with a girl or other similar aesthetic-sensory experiences. Not so much politics
If you're not powerful for this high magick, you can always make a sigil about political revolution and arouse your second circuit to it. Take it mind, however, it's not "hermit monk" approach you asked for. It will fill you with powerful obsession about starting a political revolution and you'll most likely become a political extremist. Your wish will be realized in the way that is most energetically efficient and that means your body and mind will be put out there, and put to their limits to realize your desire. What will probably happen you'll start experiencing extreme depressive states whenever you're doing anything that doesn't lead to political revolution, and will start deriving strong dopamine rushes from any actions that do lead to political revolution. If the emotion you pour into sigil is very high and odds of achieving political revolution from the current timeline are very low, then you might even go through multiple mental breakdowns, blow yourself up somewhere, become a CEO or prostitute yourself for 30 years for old men in order to gather funds for political revolution. It's definitely not a hermit monk approach and I'd advise you not to try. When I imagine someone's fate like this, I feel tremendous pity and sadness. You know, there are many ways of wasting your life. However, wasting it to get high on power-circuit is like choosing a glue sniffing addiction from all the possible drugs. But I imagine the glue sniffer doesn't know what he's missing, so in his reality tunnel it's the best thing…
11/16/16 (Wed) 18:47:15 No. 86515
Lately I have become acutely aware of "something" in my vision. It manifests in two ways, usually at the same time. The two ways may actually be one way, or nothing at all, I'm not sure. It's always there, but I don't really notice it unless I look for it. The first way is that I perceive something akin to TV static. It has the same "flickering" effect as static, but on a very subtle level. If you've ever tripped and stared off into space, it's a bit similar to that but each circle or "pixel" making up the static is very small. It's only noticeable because of the surface area it seems to cover.
The other thing is harder to explain. You know how when you close your eyes, you see nebulous formations of different colors, creating shapes and patterns, always changing and never discernible? I know perceive this with my eyes open. Not very colorful or obtrusive, but there is a strange feeling of movement even when looking at inanimate objects.
Is there something actually there or am I imagining things? I am but a neophyte, and cannot come to any conclusions.
11/16/16 (Wed) 19:00:55 No. 86517
yay for siddhis, train to see peoples auras
11/16/16 (Wed) 19:08:06 No. 86518
So they're auras huh. How should go about refining this skill?
11/16/16 (Wed) 23:15:30 No. 86528
The TV static thing might be visual snow. https://
I have it very lightly, and sometimes it isn't there. It might depend on how bright the room is. That, or it isn't a medical thing and it is some kind of visual manifestation of energy. I wouldn't have a clue.
11/17/16 (Thu) 00:42:53 No. 86530
Yeah my experience with it so far sounds like yours except I can see it when I close my eyes. Probably not a big deal in either case.
11/17/16 (Thu) 03:51:36 No. 86532
so if the jews within the last few hundred years are lizard people would that mean that any mischling would be part lizard person?
11/17/16 (Thu) 05:59:06 No. 86539
This is the first time I've heard someone discuss "circuits" in this way. Where did you find out about these? Does a chart exist or are we talking about something that exists purely on the experiential level?
11/17/16 (Thu) 08:24:54 No. 86545
my noise went away for a few years, now something else has taken its place. its little pink dots and then formless green smears appear
appears around nature scenes more than anything, like when you're staring out a car window with a blank expression, it just becomes present
11/17/16 (Thu) 15:44:47 No. 86551
How can I better determine what "I" want as opposed to what "Me" wants?
11/18/16 (Fri) 10:08:18 No. 86560
Read this whole thing. It's only 24 pages. It'll help.
11/18/16 (Fri) 14:38:34 No. 86570
Hello friends.
I am very much interested in reading some stuff about King Arthur, Merlin, and the Graal. But I have no clue where to start. Anyone got some tips?
Also, It'd be really cool if anyone knew more works like Waite's explanation of the tarot, as in, writing that focuses on the meaning behind hermetic imagery. More works like that would be much appreciated!
11/18/16 (Fri) 17:01:56 No. 86576
Is this whole thing basically self-study? I know what the obvious answer will be but I see books referring to teachers and students and I get the feeling this isn't the sort of thing one learns in a classroom. Unless it is somewhere?
A not-unrelated question: What can I do if I feel like I'm "not taking in" the information from the books I read?
11/18/16 (Fri) 17:34:27 No. 86578
Crowley was an Anglo ( strike one ), funded/supported by Jews ( strike two ), part of Freemason fraternity ( strike three ). Stay away from sodomites and their black magic.
11/18/16 (Fri) 21:38:31 No. 86582
Crowley was a degenerate but his work magick is a must read for anyone who wants to studie western occultism
11/18/16 (Fri) 23:51:25 No. 86588
Kek is a symbolic manifestation of VERY REAL unconscious tendencies and beliefs in society. It expresses the archetype of a joker, but it's not a joke in itself. It should be treated seriously and stopped before it gains too much traction.
You must have noticed that 8ch generally consists of people who are far-right and/or dream of BIG HAPPENINGS. It's common that "the happenings" people dream of scenarios like zombie apocalypse. For them it's all about the fun of happenings, falling away of the old order and laughter at the chaos that ensues. To quote Shadilay song they're ``confused descendants of rebel cells``. They poses genetic archetypes of the bringers of change.
Kek has been awoken by these people. Far-right and Trump JUST HAPPENS to be the vehicle through which Kek acts. It's because dreams of far-right hegemony happens to be one of the fantasies of Kek-worshippers (fantasies of breaking of the old order and causing the happenings, whatever they are).
Because it's certain that Kek is flying towards this timeline, it needs to be stressed that far-right relying on Kek is incredibly irresponsible. The endgame of Kek is not to make America great again. It's complete chaos in both the physical realm and metaphysical realm. In the Kek's endgame, the concepts of right or left lose meaning.
You CANNOT use Kek to advance your goals and think you'll then thank him and he'll go away.
It'd be like using a help of some religion to take over a nation, and then attempting to ban the religion while your whole nation stands on it.
``cosmic absolute, regular reality
breath of a image/concept, syntony of civilizations
confused descendants of rebel cells
I fly towards the universe, I'll pass through it
if you are a star, show yourself, I will stop
shadilay shadilay my freedom
shadilay shadilay oh no
shadilay shadilay oh dream or reality
shadilay shadilay oh no
(you) fly into my life, no it's not finished
I will stop
set my sails, in the sky or at the bottom of the sea
11/19/16 (Sat) 01:16:10 No. 86593
Well it is a deity of "primordial darkness". I don't know what else anyone was expecting in the end. More than that, what would an ancient Egyptian deity really care about American politics anyway (unless it could be used to serve its own ends)?
I think the likely explanation for the continuing interest in this entity is that it has proven to be one of the more apparent instances of metaphysicality (timeline alterations, et al.) that many people've come into contact with, which the materialistic worldview that our modern world provides cannot reconcile. It's dazzling and mystifying, but what's more, it wants to help me ? It's kind of strange but I can't complain; sign me up, weird frog-being!
On a more serious note, in the Ogdoad to which it belongs, the female manifestations of each entity is some type of snake-headed thing. What the reason for either symbol is I can't say, but the serpent imagery is a red flag in my book.
11/19/16 (Sat) 03:30:16 No. 86596
What I -really- want to know is if it's an old god from a forgotten pantheon people have somehow tapped into or just a parasitic thoughtform people have been looshing for giggles
11/19/16 (Sat) 12:25:41 No. 86605
>Is this whole thing basically self-study?
why not both?
11/19/16 (Sat) 12:36:55 No. 86606
figure out what you don't get, what doesn't click and read more about that.
try history or physics.
11/19/16 (Sat) 12:39:11 No. 86607
I like the graal being made of a giant piece of Moldavite theories.
Could be an allegory.
Did you know that in a Siege, a metallic disc blasted open the walls for Alexander the great to push through.
11/19/16 (Sat) 16:29:32 No. 86610
When I get emotionally aroused in meditation/listening to profound music my stomach starts to "jerk" or "jump" kinda like during laughter.
It's a kind of reflex that my body does. It feels as if my body was trying to do something to help itself. Kinda like body makes you move your leg if it starts to fall asleep.
I don't know what my body wants to do, but I think it's good for me and I should help it. Is this some kind of blockage? What do I do? What is it? Does it have to do with solar plexus? Is there some kind of exercise to try?
11/19/16 (Sat) 21:44:31 No. 86623
Lad it's your Lower Dan-Tien.
Try doing inner smile by mantak.
11/19/16 (Sat) 22:01:03 No. 86626
is the Barron companion really nessesary for ihh
11/19/16 (Sat) 23:52:54 No. 86631
Inner smile is for healing the organs. There's something other at work.
Pelvic contractions during arousal can be very pleasurable. My stomach jerking is ABDOMINAL contractions, but the mechanism seems very similar. I contract abdominal muscles and hold a breath for 2 seconds when high on meditation or music. It's something I do instinctively to feel better just like I instinctively do kegels during intercourse or fap.
Laughter (series of abdominal contractions) has de-stressing effects. I think I'm onto something here.
How do I utilize this mechanism? I just KNOW spiritual masters from the past must have discovered and experimented with it. Do I just "kegel" my stomach when high, or breathe in a specific way, drawing energy somewhere?
Google makes me drown in buzzwordish shill disinformation, fourth stage of simulacrum, terabytes of meaningless articles
11/19/16 (Sat) 23:59:01 No. 86632
How to heal any injury completely? i have runner's knee and i want to heal it completely
11/20/16 (Sun) 02:25:00 No. 86636
>some kind of blockage
11/20/16 (Sun) 06:40:57 No. 86645
I realize this is probably going to come off like an insult, but I don't mean it that way.
I'm going to be playing a campaign of Hunter: The Vigil and I thought it'd be cool to make a character based loosely on you guys. Any tips?
11/20/16 (Sun) 10:28:39 No. 86649
Hi Fringe,
My cousin has been schizoid for 2 years and now it is his 3rd time locked up in the asylum after attempting to kill himself last week.
It's quite interesting, the background story:
He was a neglected child and even before any of this he had a thing for talking about strange things. (Typical, I know)
I do not think he was into Occult but I am convinced at some point he subconsciously Kundalini'd // 3rd Eye'd // premature source'd into things beyond his capacity.
I should of noticed the red flag when he introduced me to the "love of his life" a few years back and was convinced she HAD to marry him or else the world ends. She didn't return the same sentiment and obviously cut him off. He didn't take it well.
A few days later, I hear he went drinking or something - met a homeless man who he was convinced was the spirit of his dead older brother who died in infancy… a policeman found him on the streets next morning. Brainscans revealed some brain tissue damage here and there and his shit was jacked.
For the next few months, he ate like a pig and craved a lot of sugar. He was all round ecstatic and was obsessed with the idea that he is Edward Elric from FMA… an anime show we watched together as kids… I don't really understand why he was so fixated on this idea, but it's worth noting that this was a show about Alchemy and watnot.
Eventually he went overboard with his ramblings/behavior and had to get put in the asylum… heavy drugs and tranquilizing treatment.
…We are Mongolians, so we took him to several shamans (A system that revolves around letting spirits enter the medium and give consultation from beyond) and one of them said ominously that our family is forever cursed and that there is a great demon and other entities within my cousin… he gave us a necklace with 3 brass metals to hang around my cousin's neck and said that if he can keep the necklace on for one year then the curse will be lifted. However, the thing inside him will do everything to convince others to take it off of him, for it cannot remove it by himself.
I had my fun with this thought, and roleplayed with my cousin. And weirdly enough, whenever I asked or teased him about the stupid necklace he said he wanted me to take it off because its useless….
I can go on, but I don't think it's relevant. Do any wizards here have experience in treating schizhoprenia? I know mad wizard syndrome is a thing here, but wondering if there is some general template or something I should use to approach my cousin before he offs himself for good.
Anything appreciated.
11/20/16 (Sun) 10:50:50 No. 86650
>My cousin has been schizoid for 2 years
He's been schizophrenic, not schizoid. Schizoid is a pathological detachment which leads to underactive energetic system. Schizophrenia is the opposite in a sense - it's overactive energetic system which leads to too much too intensive thoughts. When schizophrenic you have incredible amounts of energy that you don't know how to channel and so the energy expresses itself using the path of least resistance: you hear voices, have hallucinations, see patterns after closing eyes, think many things at once and very fast, and have illogical belief systems. When schizoid you suppress and cut off yourself from emotional energy in pursuit of comfort, and therefore have no energetic resources to connect to anything or anyone
11/20/16 (Sun) 17:29:48 No. 86652
Who here has had a near death experience as a child
11/21/16 (Mon) 05:21:31 No. 86674
Me. Are you looking for details or is there another reason you're asking
11/21/16 (Mon) 07:44:36 No. 86697
11/21/16 (Mon) 07:46:06 No. 86698
11/21/16 (Mon) 09:05:36 No. 86701
What's keeping me trapped in this realm and how can I overcome it?
11/21/16 (Mon) 17:29:12 No. 86710
You, by finding yourself.
11/21/16 (Mon) 17:44:33 No. 86712
Your brother, if schizophrenic, lacks a routine in the ego/sphere/aura to block/ward off intrusive thoughts, these root like any other astral parasites but have a lot easier time tormenting their target.
You should try to reach him and then have him assert that he is the master of his own body and his own mind.
Actually, one of those shammys might be able to do that.. Ask them to personally or if they can't, ask a spirit to tell the Ego with confidence that he is the master of his mind and his body and that none unless allowed to speak may speak to him.
I would implant this basic instinct or command into his ego by way of powerful autosuggestion and it seems the guy who made the necklace can do just that, even tieing energy with the intent into an inanimate item. Cool guy.
11/22/16 (Tue) 02:28:24 No. 86726
I have a loose theory that people with high natural energy levels when about to die unconsciously shift reality and change their local reality so they have a near death experience. So for example you fell in a pool when you were a kid and nobody was around, but right as you were about to drown and die you shifted reality to where someone had come and saved you in the nick of time.
11/22/16 (Tue) 04:41:46 No. 86732
I ask because I've found alot of people on 8chan have had near death experiences with water
post pic when the site is working
that actually happened to me when i was a kid
11/22/16 (Tue) 06:48:49 No. 86739
Yeah unfortunately I have no personal memory of my NDE, it happened when i was 1 and it involved choking from a seizure caused by a fever. I only know about it because my parents told me the story otherwise i would've probably never have known it happened. Hopefully someone else can offer what you guys are looking for.
11/22/16 (Tue) 06:56:14 No. 86741
I've had many NDEs.
Yet I've never gotten an injury worse than superficial, never really had anything bad happen to me at all. People like me without having even met me and I get along with practically anyone without any effort, while definitely not being a social person (I never made any friends or really have ever had more than what I would call acquaintances).
Sometimes I wonder if it's some kind of personal synchronicity and I'm affecting my local reality, really makes me think.
11/22/16 (Tue) 07:03:08 No. 86743
>had to be told about what happened
>never made any friends or more than acquaintances
I can't believe I have more in common with you guys than most people I've met in real life.
11/22/16 (Tue) 11:18:23 No. 86748
>I can't believe I have more in common with you guys than most people I've met in real life.
Well it stands to reason that people with personality types that don't value seeking human companionship wouldn't meet each other in real life.
11/22/16 (Tue) 15:48:06 No. 86753
Does anyone on here have experience with Fourth Way/Gurdjieff groups? I have the opportunity to join one, but I see mixed things online
11/22/16 (Tue) 20:26:28 No. 86757
I might have a silly question.
I know meditation is very important, maybe even vital for all these things… But just like going to a gym, it's something you have to do regularly and in increasing time to get the desired effect. Which I havent done. I got close this last year, but stopped in the summer. And now I barely do it.
Still, magick is very much alive in my world, dimension, life, whatever you wanna call it, and meditation never really made that much of a difference so far, even though I could try and apply again, I can only imagine what other people really get out of it.
I never reached the visible, light chakras state, where you move between them and such or meditation induced kundalini. But I have had and can still have full-blown other-dimentional experiences, not just in dreams, but also with my imagination ,creation and magick. But this all started with a profound life changing experience when I took LSD and got the «reality» veil removed from me, and saw many things that are not only impossible for me to imagine again, but also impossible to describe for there aren't any existing words that do justice for all that has been seen and felt.
Anyway, *to get to the point, my question is: Is it okay to skip the mediation part, and go straight into exploring other areas?*
Deep down I know I should start meditating again, day by day even if just by a little bit to build it up, but at the same time, I just wanna skip that part to learn and try actual, practical, mindblowing things.
But again, as the mind is the most important tool for this maybe meditation is vital…
On the other side, we also meditate maybe even more deeply on our sleep, and maybe our minds can be powerfull enough with self discipline, unshakable faith, control, imagination and will to do all we want without being too dependent on meditation and such…
I just feel meditation is a waste of time sometimes… Maybe it's because I haven't experienced it's full purpose yet.
11/22/16 (Tue) 20:33:26 No. 86758
I've had a hard time focusing lately. What can I do?
11/22/16 (Tue) 22:22:40 No. 86768
observe the thoughts that distract you. determine their source. act accordingly
11/24/16 (Thu) 10:21:23 No. 86835
so what if i don't kill myself, what happens when i die with or without living up to my expectations
11/25/16 (Fri) 02:40:18 No. 86854
I have literally done everything that all you guys have, and have no clue what the LBRP is. What sort of life are you people living where you need to engage in such a ridiculous ritual? Anyone who has actually left the delusion stage and understand how this universe works knows that stuff like this isn't really needed at at. Are you all part of a cult or something? From what I understand you actually have to spend like 5 minutes doing the LBRP… ok, so who other than the person who invented such a ridiculous thing benefits from this?
I think you are weak as fuck if you rely on things like this, and I think you are holding yourself back by giving power to a ridiculous ritual. I would love for somebody to prove me wrong, as I could always use some new cheat codes, but the whole thing seems useless to me. Why can't you just say BANISHED, and then be done with it?
11/25/16 (Fri) 02:49:12 No. 86855
So I just tried it. I didnt face north/south/east/west but basically did everything. I feel a slight calm, but at the same time I feel like I just sold my soul to the same jews who charged me a 7 dollar service charge today that put my bank account at -.45. If this doesn't work I wont report back, but I will be open minded and will give credit if its due.
11/25/16 (Fri) 02:54:35 No. 86857
Also how would somebody do this ritual if they don't have arms? Are they just doomed to be fucked by evil spirits forever, or can the process be simplified by saying something like YOU ARE BANISHED, CENTER YOURSELF, OM, etc? If you guys do this more for a "if its not broke dont fix it" reason then please be honest. I kind of want Abrahamic religions to fuck off permanently unless all the abrahams pay the price for all the pain they brought into the world, so I'd prefer that johnny occultist stops saying the names of people who just remind me of all the horrible shit Christianity/Musliamanity/Jewdianity brought to the world.
I can say from experience that basically any mantra, or even something like playing an instrument or making breakfast can replace the LBRP if you just want to 'Center yourself'.
11/25/16 (Fri) 20:25:16 No. 86889
I'm think about quitting /pol/, you guys have any thoughts on it?
11/25/16 (Fri) 20:59:44 No. 86895
I'd be willing to answer your questions if you weren't such a pretentious cunt. You are admittedly ignorant on something and then have the audacity to mock the people who are in the know and then ask them to teach you? You have to have some literal form of aspergers if you think this is normal.
11/25/16 (Fri) 21:01:45 No. 86896
11/25/16 (Fri) 21:56:59 No. 86900
Pic related in case you need confirmation.
11/25/16 (Fri) 21:59:04 No. 86901
Further confirmation.
11/25/16 (Fri) 22:09:06 No. 86903
thanks anon, I guess I'll let go of /pol/ and see where the current takes me.
11/25/16 (Fri) 22:55:08 No. 86911
11/25/16 (Fri) 23:08:02 No. 86913
Unsure if I should go with 11 or 911 with this one or both or none.
11/26/16 (Sat) 01:20:33 No. 86930
meh which ever one you want.
Just remember to have a little fun now and then.
11/26/16 (Sat) 13:59:51 No. 86967
How long does all of the stuff in IHH tend to take to complete? I have a bunch of spare time over the next three months, but I'm also doing Robert Bruce's Mastering Astral Projection 90-day thing over that time, so I wanted to know how time consuming it is.
11/26/16 (Sat) 16:13:20 No. 86970
IIH is more like a way of life. It can take you only few month or it can take multiple lifetime to get to the end of it.
11/26/16 (Sat) 16:25:48 No. 86971
Is there any significance to the fact that we are all experiencing life right now in this time period? I mean, is there a reason that we are all here at this particular moment in time?
11/26/16 (Sat) 18:26:33 No. 86973
Depend. Maybe you're here to help us (the ALL) bring forth the new Satya Yuga. Maybe you're here for another mission. One thing sure, we're all here to learn.
11/27/16 (Sun) 03:23:21 No. 86994
11/27/16 (Sun) 03:38:22 No. 86995
how do I find a like minded roommate?
do I want a like minded roommate?
11/27/16 (Sun) 08:38:18 No. 87010
You move to Waterloo Ontario when BO makes his Fringe Wizards compound.
11/27/16 (Sun) 19:52:18 No. 87029
I'm annotating my books and writing the important information in them in a notebook, once I'm finished I plan on going though everything and taking out everything that doesn't work.
Is this a good method or is there a better one?
11/27/16 (Sun) 19:53:20 No. 87030
Yeah, nah. There's no American flag on this website. I guess I'll have to provide my own symbol that I myself can agree with.
11/27/16 (Sun) 19:54:56 No. 87031
The best method is the one that you figured out of your own fruition and ability to overcome your own feelings when you fail and succeed.
11/27/16 (Sun) 22:31:50 No. 87043
How do I into Aleister Crowley? Where to start? What order should I read his books? Any authors I should be familiar with before delving into him? Also WHY should I into Crowley? What does he have to offer that makes it worth reading him?
11/27/16 (Sun) 23:08:51 No. 87049
Now I'm interested in Joy of Satan but I feel they are a bit to trusting on dogma about things, I want to see if anyone here has had a negative experience with them?
Egyptian Magic 11/28/16 (Mon) 01:23:25 No. 87058
What is the best way to get started with Egyptian Magic? I saw a talk by Stephen Skinner and he seems to know what he is talking about. Has anyone read "Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic"? Is it any good?
12/02/16 (Fri) 09:24:52 No. 87156
how can i rebuild my personal skills
being a person is scary i think that's why is stopped doing it
12/02/16 (Fri) 16:39:11 No. 87161
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>87049
Why don't you ask the High Priest who raised his 'dragon' Kundalini and went off the map never to be seen again after making some very strange youtube vids…
Of course, not much explanation was given from JoS. The guy was having a very supernatural experience then disappeared… Some say for the worst. I've heard otherwise…
Probably JoS's heyday right there because now it's a bunch of dogmatic idiots, edgy faggots, and 12 year olds. Nothing against 12 year olds ;)
12/02/16 (Fri) 16:47:06 No. 87162
you don't into aleister crowley. crowley intos you
12/02/16 (Fri) 16:59:47 No. 87163
/pol/ is a total joke, total waste of time, and the most cucked place on the web where you can't even talk about 12 year olds because it is largely Marxist co-intel fueled by useless idiots at this point and no longer a refuge for truly contrarian views
>The first veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the first veil and find the world of politics. We will vote, become active and develop an opinion. Our opinions will be shaped by the physical world around us; we will have been “conditioned” from our days in public education to accept that government officials, network media personalities and other “experts” are the primary voices of authority. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the third veil.
>The second veil: Ten percent of us will also pierce the second veil to explore the world of history, the relationship between man and government and the meaning of self-government through constitutional and common law. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the third veil.
>The third veil: Ten percent of those who pierce the second veil, will eventually pierce the third veil to conclusively find that the resources of the world, including people, are controlled by extremely wealthy and powerful families whose incorporated old world assets have, with modern extortion strategies, become the foundation upon which the entire world´s economy is currently indebted. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fourth veil.
>The fourth veil: Ten percent will then pierce the fourth veil to discover the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and the other secret societies. These societies use symbols and perform ceremonies that perpetuate the generational transfers of arcane knowledge that is used to keep the ordinary people in political, economic and spiritual bondage to the oldest bloodlines on earth. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fifth veil.
>The fifth veil: Ten percent will progress to pierce the fifth veil to learn that the secret societies are so far advanced technologically that time travel and interstellar communications have no boundaries and controlling the very thoughts and even the very actions of people is what their members do as offhandedly as we tell our children when they must go to bed. As in the days of Noah, this technology is even creating synthetic life forms, as man seeks to displace God. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the sixth veil.
>The sixth veil: Ten percent will progress to pierce the sixth veil where we learn the dragons and lizards and aliens we thought were the fictional monsters of childhood literature are real indeed and are in reality the actual controlling forces behind the secret societies uncovered in the fourth veil. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without piercing the seventh veil.
>The seventh veil: Ten Percent will progress to pierce the 7th veil where the incredible world of fractal geometry and the universal law of numbers will be fully understood and embraced. The creative force of the entire universe will be shown to be linked to numerical code formulas and sequences, and all “mysteries” including the very fabric of time, space, parallel universes, and access therein is unlocked. Those whose intellects allow them to pierce the seventh veil often succumb to the lure and promise of massive wealth offered by the ruling elite, and thus over ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without piercing the eighth veil.
>The eighth veil: Piercing the eighth veil reveals God and the pure energy known as LOVE that is the pure life force in all living things – which are one and the same. Deep-seated Humility is needed in order to ever pierce this veil.
>The ninth veil: Piercing the ninth veil means perfecting the pure energy known as love and thereby becoming truly one with God and His formulations. By perfecting this pure energy, one then fully embraces charity and therein gains full understanding of the universal plan of sacrifice, death, and redemption; life itself then becomes complete and one truly comes full circle and looks at the world through the eyes of an innocent child, yet with the deepest wisdom born of pure LOVE from the eighth veil.
12/02/16 (Fri) 17:22:01 No. 87164
Why do I talk about 12 year olds , you may be wondering?
Note my dictum and how it corresponds to the veils I've pierced. It comes down to blooming lifeforce and the appreciation of it. The only way for the Aryan man to become uncucked is if we start fucking/marrying 12 year olds again like a taoist sage biblical patriarch and that's not just some pedo opinion, it's practically metaphysical doctrine. Bless.
12/02/16 (Fri) 22:39:30 No. 87171
I have two questions right now:
1- How do I master the elements?
2- How do I raise the kundalini, and should I activate it?
12/02/16 (Fri) 23:11:22 No. 87174
As a person who was suddenly awakened in the middle of a horrible environment to awake, during a heavy and potent and basically first LSD trip, yes I know what you mean.
During that trip, not only I almost lost completely my sense of self, my ego was shattered and lost, if not killed, I fell into a void, or what I think now it might have been something like the «nirvana» state, I fell into it unconsciously multiple times during the trip, where the notion of time and reality totally disappears, and all you feel is this really potent energy, I saw the image of a large colored, ball, I almost felt as if I was the ball.
Even though this sounds kind of cool, it was extremely terrifying for me, everytime I came back from that void, I would be lost and in a confused state, not knowing where I had just been, very strong uncontrollable effects, bad environment and ppl, etc..
Anyway, after this life changing experience, I not only realized how fake the reality I and most people live in, is. Because it wasn't even the same anymore, society seemed so staged, phony, ridiculous, fake, evil and asleep.
I also realized how unconscious I was of everything, in the past. Even of myself. I wasn't even being true to myself and to a whole lot of other things.
The only advantage I see now, before the trip and before I woke up, is that I wasn't as anxious, and I didn't overthink so much. Maybe I was more in the present, even if I was unconsciously so, and rather foolish.
After that, I became extremely conscious of everything, not just myself but my surroundings.
I felt people's energy really strongly, and still do if I wish to, sometimes it was even too much for me to handle.
I became more thoughtful, and deep.
Way more reflective, questioning everything, and learning many new things, almost as if I was reborn, but with a bit of disgust for the world (at least city life/society/tv/etc..)
Sometimes, not long after that day of the trip, I could still see myself from an upper view, as if I was a spectator watching me. But it did take a big spiritual, energy toll, to the point where it left me alienated and totally out of balance.
Now that I've recovered, and lots have happened in these last 2 years, I can say it changed me for the better, maybe I even needed that bad trip, or difficult trip.
It basically slapped my «person» mask off my face and stripped down my sense of self and left me there soul naked in the middle of a really unpredictable crowded place, with really menacing energies all around and left with nowhere to go.
I was with my friends, but I couldn't possible walk home. I could barely speak.
But the result was, getting to really know myself, understand lots of stuff I didn't, get into magick and the occult to realize I've already been practicing lots of the Hermetic principles for years, and lots of other stuff I didn't see as magick before, and it truly is.
I began orchestrating, this giant wave of synchronicity, and I can say I have witness countless predictions, extreme coincidences, totally mindfuck moments, unique moments, and things that are impossible to explain.
I know how deep the rabbit hole can go, but I haven't been going there as much, mentally, as I used to, because as far as we know, that hole only exists in your head, right? Or is it? ;-)
In the image, my first thoughts is, manifestation of Horus, crucifixion, what seems to be a sacrifice or a saving; number 7 also pops in mind, those colors.. It is a weird image…
And of course, by weird, I mean strong impression of the suspension of natural laws or the presence of unseen worlds or forces close at hand.
What is it anyway?
12/03/16 (Sat) 01:47:26 No. 87188
12 year-olds? That seems… odd. How are those relevant?
I suppose I'm at the point where I'm no longer attached to illusions of morality, and I'll admit that I like my lolicon, but what does that have to do with anything? Isn't child molestation just another relatively unimportant pattern in the physical world? Who cares if /pol/ doesn't wanna talk about it?
I'm past the sixth veil and desperate to keep moving up. How do?
12/03/16 (Sat) 01:59:57 No. 87189
Normally these things wouldn't be answered unless you had been initiated. How should I initiate you?
1-Breathe them in and out and visualize yourself immersed in them through deep concentration. Progress.
2-Do strict yogic and breathing routines along with the correct merkaba meditation. Endure.
Heh… Should you?
Idk. Maybe it's not relevant. I was just making a passing opinion on JoS then rolled with it.
Usually I just think, what would a Taoist sage do? Then go with that. Do you know some used to go door to door and leave dried dates for young virgin girls to soak in their cunnies with their parent's permission then come back to eat them? Just saying…
Learn to recognize patterns and become cognizant of the unseen laws of attraction that govern universal forces through a type of physics. Numbers are merely one expression of this, as they are only a language and not reality itself. I'm personally not big on numbers but they do have their uses - take music, for example. I'm not a fucking rocket scientist, alright?
12/03/16 (Sat) 02:03:32 No. 87190
Just kidding, 12 year olds have everything to do with it because internal hormone combustions are one of the most powerful forces in the Universe if properly harnessed.
12/03/16 (Sat) 02:18:17 No. 87191
Kidding again, it's not about random 12 year olds, but the Four Kumaras.
12/03/16 (Sat) 18:36:59 No. 87198
Hmm so that's it? Meditation is all I need to master the elements?
What difference will it really make? I thought many other factors were involved, like exercise, expression, creation, invention, reading, running, loving, etc…
I think my Kundalini has already risen anyway… I mean, looking back now I had all the «symptoms» and effects during my first real lsd trip, and the after effects were also the ones described by the kundilini awakening…
I just wasn't aware of it back then and I thought it was only the drug working on me.. But it worked, that's why I'm here now, 2 years later.
Oh, and I am initiated.. I was wondering if I could rise the kundilini again, this time fully conscious and preferably with no drugs.
Khan 12/04/16 (Sun) 03:35:11 No. 87212
Summoning Khan
Does Khan still post here? His channel has disappeared and I want to get a message to him.
12/04/16 (Sun) 10:46:40 No. 87216
What should I master in order to lead the best life I possibly can, and to be all I can and wish to be? In the most effective, practical way and without getting into too much conflict.
Can anyone answer this for me?
tipp 12/13/16 (Tue) 21:22:28 No. 87671
tipp 12/13/16 (Tue) 21:23:05 No. 87672
And rhythm. Attract what you want or need at the best possible time
tipp 12/13/16 (Tue) 23:05:18 No. 87675
12/13/16 (Tue) 23:40:50 No. 87676
Shit, where did you find it ? Can't get my hand on the site where I first saw that.
thanks for pointing that to me, I did think about it not long ago.
12/14/16 (Wed) 00:21:06 No. 87680
Who here /urbanExploring/?
What is the creepiest thing you ever found? Video related.