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Esoteric Wizardry


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Core Concepts In Magick

>Idealism or The Principle of Mentalism

"The Universe Is Mental; The All is Mind." - The Kybalion

All things which you consider physical are no more than condensed thought and held in the mind of God…and all thoughts which you consider non-physical are composed of mental substance.

Matter is Energy is Thought. If you need help understanding this, read Dynamic Thought by William Walker Atkinson, although he was wrong on one point about gravity the rest of it gives the highest teachings concerning this subject.

Mental substance comprises your aura which interpenetrates your whole body and extends beyond it. It runs through your nervous system and animates your body. Every thoughtform is comprised of mental substance. It acts upon "material"/"physical" substances and some substances, blood for instance, are especially responsive to it and condense it well. Fluid condensers are made from substances that condense mental substances well.

The creation of our universe was and is the condensation of thought. From the currents of thought upon higher planes, everything below is shaped. If the magician consciously resonates with these higher planes and is operative upon them he can cause all manner of effects.

>Concerning The Physical Realm Being A Condensation Of Thought

Similar to how one element becomes another element, heavy concentrations of thought become physical. That is the final outcome of condensing thought to a very high degree through intense emotionality and prolonged meditation drawing down the mental energies or substance to this plane. It should be noted however that this state of "physicality" we experience every day is relative; all things are physical to each other on their own plane. While you are still bound in your present physical body and you are not fully phased in with another plane, it seems more plastic, less rigid, less physical; but if you were to be wrapped up only in the substance of that particular plane and to have your awareness active on just that plane, it will be physical. You are just looking into another plane with less of the usual constraints of spacetime active upon you.

Make two tulpas, make a room for them, give them some boxes and stuff and generally fill the room up with objects. Leave them for awhile to interact with each other and the things in their environment. It is all physical to them. When you die, the next plane upon which you will find yourself conscious, it will be as physical as this one. When you visit other planes populated by various beings, they experience their realms as physical too, if they are native to it and not outsiders. If you talk to them and tell them you come from a different plane, they may think you are crazy, or that you are channelling something, or dismiss what you are saying, or they may sometimes understand perfectly well that you are indeed an outsider.

…and then again all this said about things being physical to each other on their own plane, it should also be noted, that if you obtain a high degree of development or unfoldment then regardless of what plane you are on you will find it malleable to your will. A big part of the practice of raja yoga or anything concerning the identification with spirit, the I am, is to help you resonate on the highest spiritual planes and to recognize you can subject anything below you to your Will. One day, whether it's in this present life you're living, or another one you will snap out of the sense of powerlessness and recognize your true self and again reality will become very fluid and responsive to your Will.

>Thought Operations As Observed In Practice

[…] I want to write all of this down but I am going to sleep now, I will detail various ways to act upon mental substance / thoughts / thoughtforms here.



>The All in All or the Holographic Principle

From L.O.O.N. Apikorsus

1. The Whole is encoded within each of its constituents - "As above, so below."

2. The Whole is interconnected, and all relative wholes partake in consciousness to varying degrees.

3. The Whole is self-organizing, and the evolution of all forms is governed by similar principles

Understanding holograms is key to understanding the reality we live in. If you have a hologram of a rose, like the one mentioned in The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, and you cut it up… each piece of that holographic tape will reproduce the rose in its completeness, albeit perhaps a bit out of focus.

All substance in this universe partakes of this holographic principle. Focus on any point, anywhere at all, and therein is contained the rest of the whole universe. The centre of all is everywhere.

Everything that is blends into each other. Everything exists at different rates of vibration. Everything transforms one into another.

>The Mystery of Centers

Open up a 3D modelling program and any object you make in it, there will be 4-dimensions to it. There is XYZ; length, width, and height and there is the central point of the object which is its 4th-dimension. This is right in its centre. This is talked about in Initiation Into Hermetics rather briefly and it may seem like something to skip over, something not important. However this central point is the control centre for any being or object. Whether you wish to exercise an influence over an object in your environment, another person, or an entity you are dealing with that is the point to focus on for many actions you are to perform. Don't forget about this 4th dimension, you will find it is important. It corresponds with the akashic/causal principle.

>The Mystery of Creation vs Manifestation

In Magick you may divine or manifest, create or evoke; if you think about it the difference is not so clear. When creating a thoughform you'll focus on some point, you will imagine it and pull it together, the mental substance is condensed and takes form. You as a spirited being Will it to happen, you intend for it, and it takes place. An attractive force is exerted and various influences are spun together into one package. You typically don't plan out every detail of your thoughtform, you might not have given any thought to what colour it should be, its texture, or various other aspects of it and yet it'll be there; it all gets filled in.

It all comes from somewhere. An archetypal signature, the alchemical sulphur, sets the pattern and draws it together. If you think about it one way, everything is created and recreated, and in another way nothing is created it is all merely called fourth and rests upon eternal principles.

If you are to consider something as artificial or created, as something you "made", and not merely called fourth; then it's in the drawing together of previously disconnected mental currents into one thoughtform. So if you plan out an entity and put it together from various combined aspects it may as well be created, as opposed to when calling fourth a pre-existing combination.

When it comes to divination, it is much the same; you are manifesting just as much as you are divining; creating it and receiving it.

Through the action of the water element any substance may receive upon it impressions, that is register the vibrations of substance elsewhere, and reproduce them. This enables all manner of magickal operations.

>The Qualities of the Initiate or The Four Laws of the Magus

1. To Know

2. To Dare

3. To Will

4. To Keep Silence

If you are to progress in magick these attributes must be your own. If they are not, you must come into possession of them. Most people are defeated by simple lack of interest, the lack of a desire to know. Of those that take a look into it and tread the unknown grounds, many more are defeated by cowardice, scared away by all manners of fears concerning the subject. Of those that have the courage, there is then the matter of will, it is a great struggle to develop oneself and to tread this path and to face the challenges it brings and many fail here. The final law can be explained in many ways, but it can be said that those that talk too much or focus too much on awakening others, stifle their own development as well.

He who is silent, who is strong-willed, daring, and desiring to know; he will progress the furthest.


[ - - - MAGICK NOTES - - - ]


When you have been taught (usually without you knowing it) the materialist reductionist philosophy by default and do not understand the hermetic foundations of scientific thought, it is hard to really comprehend the universe you live in, or understand the western esoteric magickal worldview. This series of notes is meant to clarify my metaphysical stances.


The spirit is pure awareness and will. It is eternal, divine, and shares in all of the attributes of God. The soul is the mind, mental substance, mental body, etc. a collection of archetypal energies and thoughts drawn together by spirit. The physical body is the result of a condensation of thought, it is animated and kept alive by the vital life principles, and doctrines that apply to all bodies apply to it. The body and the soul are temporal, the average man dies twice, and these aspects of himself are not reincarnated. In some cases the soul is displaced from the body by another before the body dies.


The cause of all things is the interplay of tanha (will) and karma. Karma is emotions and desire. Absolutely everything from atom to mineral, plant, animal, human, and beings more advanced in the scale of life than man are moved by an emotional nature. Every thought and memory and everything else is formed out of emotions. Just as man acts and is compelled to live his life by his emotions, the very same compells action in everything else (as above, so below; principle of correspondence). Desire is unexpressed emotional tension which builds up in the consciousness.

The emotional plane is also the causal plane. In magick, emotions fuel every development, all of the abilities are acquired and every thoughtform generated through use of the emotions paired with intent and imagination.



Reincarnation is the result of karma. Unfulfilled desires cause a rebirth under circumstances that cater to the karmic needs of the advancing spirit. Good karma is accumulated simply by the cultivation of virtue, transmuting the desires for low things to the desires for higher things. "Bad karma" is typically the result of ignorance and immaturity leading the underdeveloped soul along dark paths and also receptivity to and lack of filtration of negative mental influences.


Karma, which is emotion & desire, must be paid attention to always when researching the occult and psychic phenomena. Always notice the role that the emotions play in all of this. All the psychic powers are essentially developed and expressed by the strong concentrated emotion. Following with the mind the karmic lines is the means by which divination is possible, because all future events proceed along these lines, the whole


One of the attributes of God is Omnipresence. God is The All; and there is only one All or else The All would not be The All. The All is in All; this means that everything contains within it everything else, everything is infinitely interconnected, everything is part of one universal body. This is why divination can be done with anything, guts, cards, stones, sticks, birds, palms of hands, and anything else may be focused upon until visions of what the diviner wants to know arises in their mind. This also relates to omniscience because the knowledge of all things is wrapped up in everything and the rightly trained mind can access all knowledge from any point or center; the center of all being everywhere. It is just a matter of drawing to you through intention that information which you need. Psychometry is also explained by this principle, as any object can be touched or focused on, and then impressions can rise up in the mind related to that object (that which comes first usually being those events that were the most strongly emotional surrounding the object but the mind of the psychometrist can filter and look for specific events based on their intention in connecting with the object and its connections).

For those that do not know what a hologram is, if you have some holographic film of say a rose, and you cut it up into many pieces; each piece will reproduce a complete picture of the rose when light is shone through it. The smaller the piece of film the more out of focus the reproduction of the rose may be, but none-the-less, it is a complete rose that is reproduced. Each piece of the holographic film contains the complete rose. Each part of our holographic reality, contains the complete reproduction of all reality within it. Remember that awareness is one of the qualities of spirit, and think about the gnostic term "the divine spark" or "divine fragment", and you can see that spirit is like a light shining through reality.



Intention is an extremely important factor in magickal operations. Intentions are what program everything and it is also intent that you must focus upon when you want to effectively defend yourself from or resonate with others; for example you may imbue your room with the very strong intention that nobody who has bad intentions for you may enter.


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