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Esoteric Wizardry


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Let's talk about the occult and esoteric traditions of the Abrahamic faiths, whether their origin is in that faith itself or from some outside source. Unfortunately, I am not that knowledgeable on this topic (which is why I made the thread), so I don't have many resources to jump start this conversation. Some interesting things that I find to be worth checking out, though:


Recently found this Wahid Azal guy on youtube, and he puts forward some interesting points of view. Video is embedded, but look up his channel and his blog as well. He is a Shia Muslim who has started his own Sufi order.


The only resource on Kabbalah I know is the author Gerschom Scholem and scant references to the topic in some of Evola's books. I would appreciate good resources on this topic as I am very curious about it. Other than that, I'm familiar with Maimonides' book Guide for the Perplexed, but if I'm not mistaken that's just Aristotelian philosophy concealed by a Jewish exterior. I think Nahmanides was the more mystical medieval Jewish thinker, but I don't know much about him.


I'm familiar with authors such as Macarius, and I would particularly check out his Spiritual Homilies. I personally have only browsed it, but it seems worth checking out. The Ladder of Divine Ascent also seems interesting. The only work I can think of off the top of my head that I've actually read (several times, actually, it was fantastic) are Gregory Palamas' Triads. But that isn't an exposition of the esoteric Christian tradition as it is a defense of it against the "rationalists" of his era.


bullshit occultism - the thread #65


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>Abrahamic faiths


No, lets not. Theres enough churches on this planet that need burned and replaced with looney bins. This stuff has all been debunked. If you are a "powerful wizard" go face some conflicting information. Search magic debunked or religion debunked.

You arent a loner because you are a hermit, you are a loner because everyone thinks you are fucking insane. Who the fuck wants to be around somebody who thinks their existence is liKe SUpER ImPoRTant. No. Stop. Follow the laws of the world like everyone else so we can stop wasting resources on mentally ill deadbeats and you can join society.

Name one thing in this world that cant be done with magic. Name one industry that is fueled by magic. Everyone is living life while you fall for this trip. This shit is designed by ambitious people to distract other ambitious people from achieving their goals so they have more room to do shit. You know I'm right. I DONT FUCKING KNOW YOU SO GET OVER IT. KILL YOUR EGO AND MOVE ON. You people are so far gone you are gonna attack me for trying to help.


Churches are different from ancient patriarchal religions. The latter were the real deal and you even got cute little girls to diddle. Win!


The Hebrews were druids. Repeat it after me.




The burning bush was the third eye. The manna from heaven was monatomic gold. The ark was the container of this levitational 3/4D substance. The bloodlines are the European races. The law was set forth by the Annunaki. The blood shall not be tainted. The goyim is the creatures that don't have Annunaki DNA. The Annunaki is a split faction and one side of them has the Reptilians working under them to enslave humanity through Jews(part reptilian) and transhumanism. Related alien hybrid programs are working dubiously for their own goals to get some of these genes. Women are really fucked up half-thought genetic creations that are apish because they didn't get enough jizz from Father. This planet has a consciousness called Sophia that all higher female images depict (where the knight kneels and stuff). You can talk to our 4D friends if you figure out who they are and you can even unlock the blocks on your DNA that limit 90% of your potential if you know the cool tricks. That's Earth for Aryans in a nutshell.

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