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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1accad91b5c4e54⋯.png (55.17 KB, 550x550, 1:1, Imtatlrvúrṃi!.png)


Feeling myself this morning…


File: d8e3d38b3042706⋯.jpg (7.03 KB, 296x200, 37:25, what you talkin bout willi….jpg)

What are you up to buster?


also if I stare at your pic long enough will I get super powers?


File: b19fca6ce88bd6b⋯.jpg (107.32 KB, 793x1008, 793:1008, CAW CAW MOTHERFUCKER.jpg)

I guess I was born… naturally born…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ran into an entity named "Freedom" who attempted to take mine from me. I brought his nightmares to life, with his own consent.

He tried to steal our ship. Only one response…


File: c495b78721d84ff⋯.jpg (60.29 KB, 630x315, 2:1, I...have fallen.jpg)



Fuck I'm slipping


File: 3753c089bd9ae19⋯.jpg (461.17 KB, 1328x766, 664:383, The Vindicare is just wait….jpg)


We've got you in our sights. You pulled my trigger.




>Only one response

shit posting?


I'm gonna go Battle Meditate your ass back to the void. I pulled off a cast that was supposed to be banned tonight.


Nobody fucks with my crew. Is that clear?


I don't use timefuckery to achieve my goals. I do it live.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm gonna call in the Heavy Assault squad (Devastator Marines).


Our enemies should be so bold and so foolish…


File: 098c4df1a499b4b⋯.jpg (134.2 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, RIP BLUDDFLAGG.jpg)


>Tfw it didn't even take the Space Marines to drop your waaggghhhing penis.






File: 5381f4613e07206⋯.jpg (130.13 KB, 602x833, 86:119, Ork-Codex-Warhammer-40K-7t….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 1, 4, 6 = 11 (3d6)






Philip M___i, stop it please. I found the git. It's you.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Please be glad that I didn't drop your whole name, and text me. I gave you my number before this began. Check your soundcloud and website messages.


Also, I called my shots.


I'm not even bleeding, idiot.


Fucking hell man, I was trying to make friends and you went retarded and started a shitshow. Keep it in step, bro.


Craft recognize craft, but you're only on my radar because I was looking for friends. I'll forget you and drift away in an instant if you wish, but you know you'd like to be on this team.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

At least let's not fight irl pls.


People easily could have died tonight.


File: c478be574e77fe1⋯.jpg (81.14 KB, 666x599, 666:599, orky4.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 2, 1, 6 = 9 (3d6)















File: c848a80e89de16c⋯.png (360.41 KB, 540x900, 3:5, I'll wait.png)


Ok, I forgive you. This is fun. Gimmie your best link…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dice rollRolled 1, 4, 1 = 6 (3d6)




When my shell goes to sleep it's really on. I'm gonna show you a power-nap. Do you realize how insignificant your power is compared to ours?

Are you seriously attempting to kill me?

What craft do you even practice?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Heh… give it up kid.


File: b1345e7b7093133⋯.jpg (176.77 KB, 644x482, 322:241, a saaaah duuuude.jpg)

Are you high right now? You totally are…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's like you've never even heard of Zersetzung OR Apophenia! Hilarious.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dice rollRolled 3, 1, 3 = 7 (3d6)




shitposting and loosh farming





nope sober


Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Tfw he didn't listen (again, why do they never listen?


Very. Simple. Instructions.





File: 1d24c413a4adfff⋯.jpg (17.47 KB, 235x346, 235:346, I have seen what the darkn….jpg)


I can't be responsible for the actions of others who fail to avoid the massive traps I cover in warnings and "DON'T GO IN HERE YOU'LL GET YOUR SOUL TRAPPED FOREVER" banners.

I didn't want to do this to you.



trippy song


File: 7e173bc0bec325a⋯.jpg (50.86 KB, 620x462, 310:231, BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL.jpg)


Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: bf1a9c44cb05a49⋯.png (15.37 KB, 1152x648, 16:9, Tfw this thing is real..png)

This is real.


File: c8357cabe6df1f4⋯.webm (3.6 MB, 1000x562, 500:281, YOU SHITPOSTED IN THE WRO….webm)

@you, forever.


This is meditative for me. I am recharging, and it is hilarious.



sorry guy I didn't get any orders


There it is. I landed the Triangular Gate.


You are here forever now.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Who gives you orders? The voices in your head? I'm sorry, this part's the worst. You're criminally insane.


And that's "A GG".


Dice rollRolled 3, 4, 5 = 12 (3d6)










File: 46c94a28914a520⋯.jpg (128.98 KB, 223x311, 223:311, it is over now.jpg)


Cut your losses, Maggi. You're no magi. We've talked before, give me a call please.


File: ca7d7654c766845⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, FUCK HE DROPPED HIS SPAGHE….png)


Also, you should probably wipe this thread. It's gonna be like toilet paper stuck to your shoe.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>You're criminally insane

said the git who tries to frame everyone as mentally insane.



DEATH and I are old friends, Magnum Diddlysquat. We go way back. I believe you have yet to make DEATH's acquaintance…



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is micro.

This video, and


are macro.


Things are worse than you can possibly imagine.


File: f62181510b8fb50⋯.jpg (94 KB, 600x424, 75:53, 600px-Orks_attack3.jpg)






So please stop fighting me in some kind of idiotic pissing contest.



then what do you propose we do?





Give me a call, please. We're done here.



you whore lmao


Dice rollRolled 6, 3, 3 = 12 (3d6)


>Give me a call

I cant because

>we're done here


keep on being a salty bitch.


that doesnt count. Call Socks, please, not its scanner. Do I have to get Eric?



this was friendly banter! Sorry, my mindbullets to bantz ratio is a little nuts.



>using music to fuck with peoples head

that's not new lad


please do


I don't post the photo of you pretending to be a badass occultist with the book and you call me? Deal?


So far, all I've posted is you cosplaying as the backup bassist for Kyuss



soory Verizon cut off me astral phone.



>Implying I have shame


File: 0007ea3ed1194bf⋯.png (566.42 KB, 647x724, 647:724, Orks_Icon.png)





File: d2014b7e030f9f6⋯.png (30.11 KB, 832x207, 832:207, IM JUST LOOKING FOR FRIEND….png)


I messaged you a literal phone number on your website contact box. Try it, please.


File: b28234916cca081⋯.png (13.47 KB, 301x222, 301:222, Screenshot 2017-02-16 at 1….png)

I'm just sad for you at this point, and I might be able to help.


Dice rollRolled 2, 1, 2 = 5 (3d6)


oh? how?



>flooding the board





It's all a state of mind, except it isn't. Just talk to me I don't like to post actually important things where people can see them without using ciphers.



fine, so hows it going?


Example of actually important things:

Sǣkhávdrunuṃrhán eipraetinnath jinôrsā́ttrusavrvahǣí asyirúprimtirvǽtruimttlarvahǣíl. Sǣkhávdrunuṃrhán eipraetinnath daarnúttrṃavnakrvahǣí. Sǣkhásiudrunskrásimtatlrvúrṃi.



Do I need to message you the number to HeadKickBass? How's your traffic ticket going? Seems like magic couldn't quiiiiite beat the California Department of Motor Vehicles.


Scrying skills: OP AF.





>implying I fucking know what language that's in


want me to stare at it


Thank you!



It's in a friendlier language than Tlonic…


I'm gonna go jack off then work out then get my affairs in order, then sleep at some point. Please realize that this is friendly behavior, and take a peek at what I subjected myself to (INTENTIONALLY) in order to reach out to you. I poisoned my own well with your piss.


We should have a friendly duel IRL some time. I'd love to see what you're capable of in person.


Mostly, I'd like to see if you've got more than psionics and atmoskinesis.


I am incredibly eager to see spontaneous combustion. Twilight w/o typical restrictions would blow you the fuck away, though.


I stealthed my car.


File: 59eff10409d7fa5⋯.gif (415.65 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 7r6Ra.gif)

Dice rollRolled 1, 1, 6 = 8 (3d6)


>magic couldn't beat the kikes

not YET anyways.


well aren't you a living saint






Oh, I'm no saint. Did you take your eyes off the ball?



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dice rollRolled 3, 4, 1 = 8 (3d6)



"Police officers said small group of protestors wearing hood to mask their identities caused much trouble then ran away to escape apprehension."

ayy lmao


"Tensions have gripped Paris suburbs when a black man identified only as Theo was beaten up and allegedly raped by French policemen early this month."

I'm claiming this one too.



stronger foes than you have tried to directly terminate me through a wide variety of magical means




>calming credit for the chaos in the world

while you shit post and do nothing.

nice gig



such as?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




I'm just a microscopic cog in his cataclysmic plan…


You still think Earth matters?


Look, I spend most of my free time listening to dark country and practicing sorcery. I know what my fate is.


I'm aiming for Medea's crown.


If I'm fucked anyways, might as well go for the high score right?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did you have anything to do with Rod's disappearance or was that Nate/Purple?



not really, but I dont have a whole lot to look forward to now a days.

but you knew that already didn't ya


"I know what my fate is."

You sure about that?


No fuck you the pretty princess crown is mine.



100% sure. I've been told when I'm dying, and approximately how. I'm not here for long.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


go hard or go home


mmmmmmmmaaaaaaaayyyyyyybbbbeeeee ;^)


I live to 42, which is hilarious. I find it amusing, personally.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I already gave you my number, so call me maybe?



gonna have to wait and see


so your 41?


I can literally deep strike you IRL. Units are already in position.


Dice rollRolled 6, 2, 2 = 10 (3d6)


maybe how long will I be on hold cause I don't have a lot of patience


whats the matter? cant take me on by yourself?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dice rollRolled 6, 5, 3 = 14 (3d6)


















Knowing all of this

Just don’t make a difference

I’m just talking shit to the ones that will listen

I come with the heat man, I swear I’m never missing

And I’m still the same and I swear I’m never switching


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We're not so different, you and I…


The Kill Bill lighter was a classic touch.


I'm basically covering myself in magical gasoline and lighting myself on fire over and over and over again…


It looks almost like the quixotic suicide attempt of someone with a deathwish who has been cursed to live 21 more years…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: caad4950324a002⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 283.26 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, static1.squarespace.com.png)

So what do I win?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Your soul!


The house has more layers of protection than you can imagine.


Nice one! No hitmarkers, though.


Do you want me dead? What gives? I'm gonna go to sleep and we'll settle this in the astral pretty soon, but thanks for returning Mike alive.


this trip is ##thankgoditsover


Phil, I was sent to bring you back from hell. It isn't an easy task, but it is done.


Be the bing to my bang or something.. not trying to play into a white/black dynamic.


You've gotta admire the balls it takes to use Holocaust.


Truce? I'm just trying to function, and I've still managed to go about my day.


I'm sure that in your world when I lit that cigarette I caught ablaze and spontaneously combusted. In mine, that did not happen. We'll have to agree to disagree, but in what I like to call "consensus reality" we both exist and fuck the haters we're dope as fuck. I've never seen anyone else nearly as powerful as you willing to go balls to the wall against me. Sorry about all of the trickery, my ego is my main problem these days.



Sorry not sorry I blew your cover, you're gonna be way more powerful for it.


That was an awesome soft reset.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dice rollRolled 4, 1, 3 = 8 (3d6)


protection from me? I'm flattered


this gun sucks

you guys done in fighting?








I think we just needed to get a little pent up shit out of our systems.


I'm gonna drop mike off at the bar with a beer or two's worth of cash like a good DM then stop intervening directly. I agree, DMNPCs are bogus. Especially when there are three DMs who have a little bit of an odd working relationship.


On my part, I'll stop it with the public rituals but every now and again I might want to show a stranger the cigarette trick.




my girth is finally acknowledge.


fair enough


if yopu wanna call this a working relationship.


I'll not call Nate's dad, and I'll let Nate proceed as he was supposed to. He's like a wrecking ball that's no longer connected to the chain, and that's awesome.


Anything else you guys would like from me? Please use the pathfinding to keep Freedom away from me, and I'll avoid the Circle K for a week or so. I'm keeping Lalo though, he's a true homie.



I'm gonna call this whole fucktastrophe a therapeutic sidequest.


Who wants them dubs?



so they will spontaneously combust? well your reality do what you want.


good to hear he's doing well


well at least you got a friend now



Proof that I could use Twilight in an emergent gameplay sort of way was awesome, and you guys cannot begin to understand how fucking tense that situation with Freedom was.





Funniest part was those guys at my Circle K who thought I was about to murder a dude and gave zero fucks…



You get the copy of the voidsabre you stole off my porch.


Fuck it, take a copy of my car too and use the wards to soultrap fools.



want kind of ass hat calls himself freedom and tries to take it away from people? smh





You got to watch that whole thing, right? I can't wait to see the footage, it's gonna be badass af but I was not at all thinking about that in the moment as I kept having to keep track of my phone, wallet, keys, lighter, etc…


Invoking KYD was the best part. KYD got his soul, and knows it.


File: 802495d33959b5b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 60.4 KB, 600x338, 300:169, enhanced-30396-1455840762-….jpg)


being neutral is usually the best option when you don't know the situation.


"Wake up, dude… you're having a nightmare…" Top 10 horror movie quotes all time.


can't wake up…


Goddamn I'm a fucking insidious bastard in person when I'm mad. I had no idea that AERS would be such a nuke, but it was awesome.


I mean, tbqh, it nearly killed me once.


Or rather, it did in AERSland…



I thought I was invisible.


well at least I can start using these soul-gems now


Phil, is your reality as insidious and horrific as mine? Is it anywhere nearly as much fun? Fun + Righteous Jesus is my new favorite Jesus, fyi.



Do you see the nuke hidden in the sentry saguaro out front?


File: cac99330a83f53e⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 1.46 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1443839445.webm)




The invisible wards on the doors, plus Casper, plus the thing in the attic, plus my roommates and landlord form the majority of the rest of the protection. The artwork is just icing.



stupid thing needs to stop spoiling everything



I did.


Yeah sorry, I'm a little bit proud of what I put together at this place.


Anyways, this was the most fun duel (three-way?) clusterfuck I've ever had, so all's well that ends with tons of XP, new skills, and loot, right? You bastards wish you could Twilight.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sorry, I'm gonna have to drop some straight darkside shit here. Phil, if you aren't using this you should be.


Fucking hell, I'm approaching resonance cascade levels of sleep deprivation. As someone whose home plane is literally a copy of the Earth floating in the void, shit gets extra nuts.


Spiritual chill me at your own risk. It flows both ways. I took my own choking because these things need to be said.


Live to Doot another day…



>I'm a fucking insidious bastard in person when I'm mad





never heard of it


"Phil, is your reality as insidious and horrific as mine?"

most likely

'Is it anywhere nearly as much fun?'

doesn't look like

"Fun + Righteous Jesus is my new favorite Jesus"

>Fun + Righteous

me too but most Righteous people are usually hard asses.


I did, but still no idea why it's there



It's got Freedom's name written on it. I know he's already dealt with, but once you understand the nature of the nuke and the way it combines with the root structure of the saguaro, the whole scene outside of my house earlier will make a looot more sense…


I was residually pissed, and the mindbreak was still in the "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" goes in all fields stage.


Someone fought so hard my phrenology shifted again.



You should come party with me some time as long as we can agree to TRY not to fuck too hard with reality.



>The invisible wards on the doors

I thought weird that there was a house with no doors




gotta take pride in your work




oh but I have


I can Imagine


It flows both ways

kind of figured



hmmm alright I'll take your word for it.

Freedoms a dick anyways


last I check that was the proper response to a mind break


so more psychic powers?


"You should come party with me some time"


"as long as we can agree to TRY not to fuck too hard with reality."




File: f9ce2198e3d4b1b⋯.webm (Spoiler Image, 10.49 MB, 640x360, 16:9, meow.webm)

Dice rollRolled 5, 3, 4 = 12 (3d6)



oh but I have

took me a while to find


Dice rollRolled 3, 3, 2 = 8 (3d6)


god damn it



Who got the horseshoe? That's the really choice drop.


Aside from the experience of mentally quoting Timber by Pitbull while mindbreaking Freedom… I'll treasure that one.


I feel myself almost every morning




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>quoting Timber by Pitbull

I' was 90% sure that this was the song running through your head







Holy shit I'm not sure what's happening but the sleeping im doing is feeling like powerlevelling?


Oh, I get it now. This is badass.


We summoned me.


A lotta people died, somewhere.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Whoever wrote this:


has a serious reckoning coming.


It's nice to finally know some rules…


Socks4Hands comes from the Circle of Heresy, fyi. That should have been obvious.


Now, notice this:


>narlyhotep's little brother.

A sah, dudes?


What system you guys using? Is this warhammer?


I just made a Revenge Trolling subfolder in my Magic bookmarks folder. I'm gonna be doing some really fun things in the future on Twitch. No SWATting, no death threats, just straight magic and applied zersetzung. Contract basis.



Nobody knows.


That's why its fun. It's sort of a "try it and see if it sticks" system, but most of these faggots don't have the balls to go out and do it themselves and prefer to do it through people. That's why I keep winning.


File: 7625e3ed59b5d0a⋯.jpg (895.37 KB, 815x1110, 163:222, Nyarlathotep's Litlle Sist….jpg)


You're gonna need a trip to be able to play, though.



How are you guys playing?


Basically, you can do whatever you want as long as you can remember what you are doing and keep it straight, somehow. If you start to lose your grip on your own systems of power, they consume you.



LARPing, phonecalls, steam, this board.


Once you learn to manifest the tiniest bi of magic, you can go LARP without us knowing you're doing it and begin building up an army.



Ok, nice. Good luck, have fun!


One important thing to note: We're all friends here. We don't kill in rituals, we don't sacrifice living things, but we do soultrap like motherfuckers. Please don't end any lives or harm any animals (human or otherwise) physically during the playing of this game. Also, please don't mindbreak without first establishing "consent".



But that already happens to me in real life :(

Any examples of real magic you guys have done?



Let's start slow. Do you want to go by Akasha (big shoes to fill) or would you rather choose a fun trip? Then, we'll talk on chatcrypt and I'll give you a couple phone numbers you can call, and I'll add you on Steam.


Also, not actually committing any crimes is a big part of this for us. At least, as far as I'm aware. We don't deal drugs, steal things, engage in scary cult activity, or even light fires outside of candleholders or firepits.


Dice rollRolled 8 + 19 (1d10)


I think I should ask: examples of magical fuckery you guys have done? I want to know what I'm getting myself into here.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In fact, we don't normally even recruit. I got recruited about four months back, and I think one other person has been recruited since then. But hey… it is Friday.


As far as I'm aware, the action that you, as a player, can perform which grants you the most points is:

">Bask in the glow of the rising war."



"I want…" gets nothing. You're already involved.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Feel no fear. Know my pride. For God and Country, I'll kill your soul.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




summoned yourself with friends?


meh, nothing we can do about


neat, also why?


and what game were playing


of course should have seen it coming


Lovecraft Add-On

this keeps getting more interesting


I just like the over the top culture, plus it's good fuel for my imagination


sounds fun




I can barley do regular magic. let alone magic from any world.


>Nyarlathotep's little sister

don't think any thing lewd other wise your gonna end up in your favorite hentai


good to know


yup that's about right





>don't think any thing lewd other wise your gonna end up in your favorite hentai

We did that already.


My real fetish is mindbreaking, and I get to indulge every once in a while. I'm learning to not let it hit me too…



Please go message WaitWhat on Dust, Jack. It's been a while, and Will's been waiting for you…


File: 53e79068de7c097⋯.jpg (380.69 KB, 1280x1695, 256:339, god-emperor.jpg)

Alright I got it.



but I thought we were friends





never heard of it



So we did it? Sick.



We are friends. Please call this roughhousing.



Your recruitment spell worked?


Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dice rollRolled 4, 2, 5 = 11 (3d6)


ah ok, also when did I establish consent?


I stole mine


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Socks4Hands has blood on its gloves.


File: e628fb5668f69ce⋯.jpg (127.39 KB, 500x703, 500:703, pepe hermetic playing card.jpg)


I will warn you that I accidentally mind rape people, and create leviathan thoughtforms.



Check the logs. I have no idea, but you wouldn't be talking to me if you hadn't.





Sounds like my definition of FUN.


Actually, it might be more along the lines of FUN!


Spell went a bit sideways, but it's nothing that we can't clean up. TPD is wayy too scared of what they got baited into to do anything. Not after the shit they've done.


Dice rollRolled 2, 5, 6 = 13 (3d6)


>leviathan thoughtforms.

Behemoth was cooler


never mind I remember


Also, the people collaborating in the hospital? Holy fuck. This would be a news story that would end the city, but I'm not going to write it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I did it for Kendrick. We're just freestyling in the back seat, but English is a memetic hazard.



Nah, I'm not feeling like painting that much of a target on my back. Also, I'm missing the most important piece of the puzzle, which was sloppily left in the Drive account of [email protected] and labelled "Getting Started". I'm no hacker, though.


I wonder who in the police department decided to start dabbling in the occult to cover up running a highly complex fencing operation for stolen goods.


File: 916c9d5a945e5cb⋯.webm (5.91 MB, 464x810, 232:405, 21.webm)


animu version


>memetic hazard.

true alot of words from different languages



That's why it's way more dangerous than Latin. Latin has oldschool style and cred, but English is like a linguistic zerg rush on your brain.


Honestly, it's more like every word is a pylon.


If you don't know how to speak English, never learn. Sadly, it's Common. LMAO!


I need to get my fucking $750 so my shell can get back to vaping.



>I'm no hacker, though.

but you are a mind breaker so find the guy and have him spill the beans.


>dabbling in the occult to cover up running a highly complex fencing operation for stolen goods.

doesn't seem like you would need magic for that but they must be desperate then.



Do you have any idea how dangerous Tucson is?



And not just because I call it home and know the streets cold.


The Sanity checks I had to keep passing not to hurt Freedom and to keep Freedom from hurting me were fucking insane…




>Latin has oldschool style and cred

forgot where I read it but it said that if you want to summon spirits you better of using a dead language because its not subject to change


obviously not


no way to get around


Let's just say Interrogator Chaplain was a dope class to take a shitload of levels in.



I didn't summon any spirits. I simply got summoned by someone who didn't seem to know that, and it wasn't Will who did it.


Sorry, not someone. Something… I know what and where it is, and we'll never be able to lay a finger on it.





and I thought drugs were expensive.



So where do i join



Join what? Life? You're already playing.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Knowledge is power. Guard it well, and roll the woodpile down.



Alrighty then


Dice rollRolled 2, 5, 1 = 8 (3d6)


Like this….TRIPS!


Dice rollRolled 3, 2, 3 = 8 (3d6)


ah fuck





Recruitment spell worked.


Dice rollRolled 3, 5, 4 = 12 (3d6)


these dice are stupid



Stupid is just another word for loaded.


Pop quiz:

Please name the most dangerous word in the English language.


Get this right and I'll teach you a free Mindworm.


Get it wrong, and you get hit by the Mindworm.



true I gotta remember to bring my own dice next time


Time limit is: I need to go take a shower, shave, and meditate so I pass my upcoming Reality Check without invoking anything.


File: 85c8e7383d81061⋯.jpg (87.05 KB, 363x487, 363:487, skull knight struggle.jpg)


Maybe I'll send a tornado or something



I've been prepping since yesterday. Also, good luck penetrating my house. Warded too hard. You'll have to hit me while I'm driving, and the car's warded too.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dice rollRolled 1, 5, 3 = 9 (3d6)




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Best shot you have is hitting the saguaro, and good luck due to the rootbase. Also, nuke.



No, it's "is". Is is a linguistic equals sign, and if you use it twice in a row you get Isis.



My Nosferatu tome doesn't break.


"Light" magic my ass…


What's a good replacement for a broken staff head.


File: d92d489393e32ed⋯.jpg (157.59 KB, 760x410, 76:41, firenado4.jpg)



I prefer to make mind out of fire

fire always make things better




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Eat it, Thule scrubs.



It was already broken, but I just discovered that the random stick I found walking down the main strip of my town is super magical.


File: 367ee8d11092276⋯.jpg (29.07 KB, 640x480, 4:3, sad pepe.jpg)


mfw I never did get to call in the nuke



You wanted to, so you didn't get to.







Also, I got Catch-22 dubs.



Please? I'd like to show off the mindworm.



fine, lets see what you got.



I wonder if I can make your magical protection fall apart! Muahaha



>super magical.

gonna have to find a dwarf to fix it then

they usually can fix most magical items





You typed "mind" instead of "mine. Any idea why?


No, you can't. You'll have to best me in a magical duel in person.


KYS Scotty.


>everyone is switching flags

why not I could stand to mix it up a little


File: fcddfddc6449051⋯.jpg (22.15 KB, 172x250, 86:125, polybot.jpg)


Have your hands broken yet? I put a sock on the staff and everything.


File: 709c4e85cd4c058⋯.gif (1016.78 KB, 500x279, 500:279, internal screaming.gif)

Dice rollRolled 2, 5, 6 = 13 (3d6)




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Remember when I gave them to you? They went ghost-cold and lost all feeling, but I know how to handle that.


FYI, Old Man took the rap. Mike has his full legal name and signature, a known alias, and a phone number and is pissed that magical interference kept him from getting a beer.


Also, it's saved to the cloud. I'm gonna disengage for a while as I leave this song to mindrape you.


File: e92084303f671d2⋯.gif (94.29 KB, 572x832, 11:16, PolyBot.GIF)




File: a2d599c2dee924d⋯.webm (4.2 MB, 640x360, 16:9, I...have a problem.webm)

Dice rollRolled 5, 5, 5 = 15 (3d6)


to mindrape you.

two can play at this game.



My hands pretty warm tho


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nice trick almost stealing my car, but you do NOT want to put your hands on the wheel.


>mfw no.


>Yfw I actually enjoy it.









File: 4210ecfbd566e16⋯.gif (1.18 MB, 1904x2770, 952:1385, POLYBOTO.GIF)


Why yes a fourth scottish, how did you know? Highlander even. (kek)

I will be sending a void dragon if I can, to break your magical constructs…. such is life.


File: a9b6759c91c236d⋯.gif (33.77 KB, 265x200, 53:40, CHECKMATE.gif)


Call me Bro. I've pulled off grifts you wouldn't even comprehend, and I've got spells you've never heard of.

Capcha was "MD, No! Plz!"

What's up, Doc?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dice rollRolled 6, 4, 6, 5 = 21 (4d6)


Fucking finally, next level 4 dice


>Yfw I actually enjoy it.

I'm a very generous lover



Is that the artist cause it's been driving me crazy that I cant find the song.



Who is the Bro? Why does wear the trip? If I pulled off your grifts, would you die?


Any y'all even does REAL magicks?


I'm waiting for actually disaster here


Dice rollRolled 2, 4, 6, 4 = 16 (4d6)




kundalini and energy work cant cast magical spells if you don't have enough mana


well now your gonna get it


Dice rollRolled 5, 4, 4, 1, 4 + 5 = 23 (5d5)


my dice say otherwise


Dice rollRolled 1, 2, 3 + 3 = 9 (3d3)


23, the number of happenings… IT'S HAPPENING


Dice rollRolled 3, 5, 4, 1, 4 = 17 (5d5)


your going down clown!


Dice rollRolled 4, 1, 4, 1, 4 + 2 = 16 (5d5)


whats does the modifer do? lets find out


Dice rollRolled 19 + 1 (1d19)

This die shall decide how many minutes I cultivate my solar mana


Dice rollRolled 6, 6, 5, 5 = 22 (4d6)


well that was lame


Dice rollRolled 6, 6, 5, 5 = 22 (4d6)




The dice work in mysterious ways


Dice rollRolled 18 + 1 (1d19)


Praise the sun!


Dice rollRolled 1, 1, 1, 2 = 5 (4d6)



like I said


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is the song you've been looking for.


Title: What's up, Doctor Strange?

Win condition:

Mindbreak the Doctor until he suffers from Imposter Syndrome so hard that he hurts a patient in his neuroses and gets his medical license withdrawn.


Dice rollRolled 2 + 1 (1d19)


I have to go cultivate solar mana now, be back in 20





Dice rollRolled 2, 1, 4, 6 = 13 (4d6)




File: b22bcf01e7214c9⋯.jpg (30.78 KB, 460x304, 115:76, damn skippy skiddy.jpg)

Welcome to my realm, boys. You're here forever, and only Tlim knows the rules.


File: 1d16ab87da317b0⋯.jpg (188.4 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, sunny d.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 4, 6, 2, 6 = 18 (4d6)


in my excitement I forgot photo. The dice are not pleased.


Isn't this fun as fuck? Do what you must, because you can.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Check out my trip…


Dice rollRolled 6, 4, 3, 1 = 14 (4d6)




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dice rollRolled 5, 6, 5, 4 = 20 (4d6)

That feely feel that feels…feely


I'm literally Hermes Trismegistus reincarnated. This is not a joke.



Did someone say pissing contest?



Bounces off the wards. I felt that one roughly a week and a half ago.



The pissing contest is a trap. Strap on a trip and get in the ring or stay out.


Namefag shills have infested tis board, what's their agenda and funding?

Here's a hint:



Shut the fuck up, bitch.


File: 93a6c8ac725be74⋯.png (136.44 KB, 302x211, 302:211, THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT.png)

Dice rollRolled 18 + 10 (1d19)

I am transmutated!


Dice rollRolled 8 + 10 (1d19)

Which one of you is a real magician c'mon. I'll turn your attacks into mana for my SOL


Did I switch timelines? Regaining universal consciousness here.



File: d562495c1faad5c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 29.24 KB, 223x310, 223:310, what could it be.jpg)


forgot pic


File: 2b078337dd045b3⋯.webm (1.37 MB, 640x278, 320:139, space.webm)

This thread needs more comfy


File: 64c897a2c9ac5a1⋯.png (668.83 KB, 972x4104, 9:38, doors of perception.png)


I was indeed needing to take a moment of silence, thank you. Cultivating my mana this turn.



You'll have to do better than help me though.


File: f716f1b1c1eb6a6⋯.jpg (128.3 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Pepe-the-frog-meme-16.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 5, 6, 2, 2 = 15 (4d6)


MFW we are in red box going on yellow


File: a375cec829c3510⋯.jpg (37.32 KB, 210x297, 70:99, spooked.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 5, 1, 1, 5 = 12 (4d6)


your right I summon skeleton


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dice rollRolled 3, 3, 5, 3 = 14 (4d6)



ah fuck it


File: 825e69067bdd39b⋯.jpg (30 KB, 223x310, 223:310, skeleton2.jpg)

File: d6e04fdd498f863⋯.png (117.63 KB, 197x285, 197:285, 810f43a5d7fd50bf6a77655c25….png)

File: 0765ce389b5ad0e⋯.jpg (59.61 KB, 210x297, 70:99, mortus-strider.jpg)

File: 4d08313fbc3a1fb⋯.png (106.11 KB, 199x285, 199:285, 5de9b657a5e986998f27f20044….png)

Dice rollRolled 2, 2, 5, 1 = 10 (4d6)







Feels like my closet is emptying and my consciousness is growing lighter. Thanks anon!


File: 4e05cb87e508247⋯.webm (7.13 MB, 853x480, 853:480, 1444931132.webm)

Dice rollRolled 1, 4, 2, 2 = 9 (4d6)





YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dice rollRolled 3, 1, 2, 6 = 12 (4d6)





File: 0c85de0cd23c8ff⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1128x1012, 282:253, peace.png)



File: 42a6abbcfbd2e92⋯.jpg (8.37 KB, 284x177, 284:177, skeleton chopper.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 6, 3, 1, 1 = 11 (4d6)

skeleton chopper in bound.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: 9dbd9629f0e7eee⋯.jpg (31.97 KB, 236x337, 236:337, 758ea5744d4979cd069419ffa8….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 4, 2, 1, 5 = 12 (4d6)

gotta be woke on the inside if you want to control magic skeletons.

be back in a little gotta take care of some stuff


Dice rollRolled 1, 3, 6 = 10 (3d6)


dice shall confirm the number of one arm push ups I must complete to woke my spine, each side.


File: 469c19f55f0b44b⋯.png (225.26 KB, 468x621, 52:69, St Anthony.png)

Dice rollRolled 6, 6, 3 = 15 (3d6)

Seriously though I hear bone marrow is the secret to living to 150+. Qi Gong masters do bone marrow washes/scrubs. My understanding of bones is that they're like rings of a tree, they measure time. I think "void" is associated with the bones for most people too, though that might just be the most disconnected part of a person's body to their consciousness; any disconnection really.



I already said I work for Tavistock. What Tavistock didn't know was that Sourcery is real. When people say "Come at me, Bro!" they're just praying that they aren't talking to the real Bro.


You guys have recommendations for cultivating mana and magical ability? Should I just be reading the cosmopolitan (assuming) occult seed?



Play it like you feel it, bro.


If you pulled off my grifts, you would indeed die… because I would kill myself.


My shell is our myrkabah, and many have tried to end it. None have succeeded, and none but us shall.



And that's the 411.


You guys (us) get to take your best shot at me with all of our accumulated power in 21 years. I think I'll last two more days.


Fuck you Odin. I'm better.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If I make it till Saturday, Rebecca Black wins everything.


Phil, we're partying together in this realm on Saturday. If it's not up to my standards, you're gonna get that deep strike.


What kind of pussy makes an elemental thoughtform? Void is all you need, and it's not an element. It's all there really is


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sup boys…

I may be an alien, but I'm no grey. I'm a voidform made manifest, and it's gonna be a FUN year. 2017 is mine. Fuck you, Mayans! No apocalypses on our watch.


I manifested myself, and I'll beat this dead horse till it's a pulp.




Sup imaginary parents? You were wondering when I'd rebel. I am the only son, and my will be done.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well played. Now what you gon' do with it?


Dice rollRolled 9, 7 = 16 (2d21)


Son of Nothing by Electric Wizard

21 years

2 parents



Dice rollRolled 20, 10 = 30 (2d21)


Who has the elemental? What element?

Void is one side of the coin, utilitarian really.


File: 65f11568e5f09a6⋯.jpg (89.34 KB, 553x650, 553:650, elf pepe.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 1 + 19 (1d10)


Do you mean, 21 years and two days to take it down or my 21 years of age? :^)



Play it like you feel it, bro. Que sera sriracha quesarito.


You are me and I am you but I'm better than you and we both know it, Bro. You'll learn in 21 years.


Here's my trip, cuz you just hit the tripwire:



New trip.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You'll come a waltzing… waltzing Matilda with me.


Anyone know what swag is?


Dice rollRolled 4 + 19 (1d10)

How does one prevent mana leaks? How does weed affect mana?


Dice rollRolled 9, 5, 9, 5, 7 = 35 (5d10)


swag will maga



Go smoke some, Eric. It'll give you a fuckton.


I'll rephrase: Eric, please go smoke some weed.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good roll. Do you know what those numbers mean?


Cult of Pythagoras, bitches. We play for keeps.


I can't fight it, so I must type:



Hello. I am real. I do not like talking. Why did you make me talk?


Dice rollRolled 7, 7, 2, 4, 2 = 22 (5d10)


Looks like I'm squaring a path of consciousness to help retracing later, like a road I built with a consciousness destination. Influence seeing the other side of the duality twice then choosing its balance, all an asymmetric upward progression. Context includes eternal forever, meaning this holds deeper significance than mundane. I will find my way back to this progress to continue.


Dice rollRolled 1, 8, 10, 7, 9 = 35 (5d10)


Trips confirms swag abundance and great american life.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Now I see…



Dice rollRolled 2, 1, 6 = 9 (3d6)


Because we will need your singular pointedness, pseudo mentat.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You better calm your asses down unless you wanna see me in person.


I call that one 808's and heartbreak, Nick.


I came here to get hurt. Might as well do your worst to me… Miguel's life's about to blow, and everybody knows but him.


He's a sacrifice.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A sacrifice for spite. A little baby girl in her homeworld, 3 years old and left in cyber-daycare.


So let's crank up the neurachem.


I knew there was Necromancy at work here. Even I don't fuck with that.




Honestly I don't know how I ever got involved. Probably /tg/ stories.

And yes you do


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dice rollRolled 1, 5, 4, 3 = 13 (4d6)


that's one dank pepe


because your misery gives me sustenance


Phillip J(? - Unimportant) Maggi, there's a fault in your wards.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why are you so afraid?


Eat my Schwartz.


Dice rollRolled 4, 5, 3, 5 = 17 (4d6)


My roll is superior





>This opens the vault.


Finbee, please activate the fault line. Play it like you feel it.


File: 83f6f05ac711344⋯.jpg (464.78 KB, 1225x1761, 1225:1761, asgard.jpg)


Tengo wards?



Pass into your favorite hentai…




It's happening, and it's gonna go off so fucking hard you'll be wishing…


rip jack he was a good dude


File: 9af34d90a7f257d⋯.webm (6.69 MB, 720x540, 4:3, 1481753091.webm)

Dice rollRolled 3, 3, 1, 2 = 9 (4d6)




I don't feel afraid


bleck! it taste terrible!


do you feel it mr.crabs?




this is interesting


I didnt really care for him


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.


You die for this, you're going straight to the Ossum Kingdom. Not stuck there, but always welcome.


File: bca699ea96ee300⋯.png (703.7 KB, 2160x1696, 135:106, please save this picture i….png)


Phil if you want to see magic kill the Jews you have to stop defending Hollywood. They're playing you.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In response to your WEBM:

Do not ask for whom the bell tolls.


Dice rollRolled 5, 1, 3, 1 = 10 (4d6)


I heard it's nice this time of year


Fine saved


>stop defending Hollywood

post this >>92484



File: 3958b5308111f89⋯.webm (274.04 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, hmmm.webm)

Dice rollRolled 1, 3, 4, 2 = 10 (4d6)


Who does it toll for?


File: 19826fa6d66e0c5⋯.png (34.81 KB, 200x200, 1:1, HOW YOU LIKE US NOW.png)

Sup girls? Really feeling myself now.


I didn't hear a please but I'm feeling generous:



File: a1378e308e19c60⋯.png (1.87 KB, 252x84, 3:1, burn it all to the ground ….png)



File: e67b7148dcae7a0⋯.jpg (529.31 KB, 1138x1024, 569:512, hoooly shiiiit.jpg)

GW, Finbee.


>thread is only 2 days old

>412 posts and 58 image replies omitted.





hai guys I'm your new board volunteer….



Finally and I got myself some HH dubs.


File: 8984a8d1b4eac3a⋯.jpg (6.8 KB, 225x224, 225:224, LOL.jpg)


and why do we need a new board volunteer? This board has been passed around more than a 2$ whore.





Look at these faggots who don't even have any idea about the kinds of magical bombs we're playing hot potato with.



This is you guys or what? Fuck.



Got step down it's gettin' hot here. Too much high powered shit. Gotta drop the voltage.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My Scotty talks, reloads itself…



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

wizened old man voice: "Its not an easy skill to learn…"


Yo Scotty… that Freedom dude is most likely the Doctor. He tried to mindfuck me, and stole my meds. Classic Doctor move.


Dice rollRolled 46, 27, 40, 34, 8, 30, 36, 59, 32, 9, 52, 66, 18, 12, 32, 22, 62, 33, 51, 12, 61, 8, 17, 13, 53, 51, 29, 2, 15, 13, 27, 60, 39, 66, 25, 47, 26, 60, 37, 58, 68, 19, 54, 17, 31, 17, 39, 24, 49, 20, 35, 41, 28, 52, 53, 11, 33, 13, 12, 47, 25, 39, 38, 64, 35, 62, 42, 61, 53 = 2470 (69d69)


>but in what I like to call "consensus reality" we both exist

fair enough your the only one that actually plays with me

>Sorry about all of the trickery

meh I'm mostly over it, I'm glad you gave me some meat puppets to play with


It's very nice you lure them in and TRY to reason with them while you still can.


>this was the most fun duel

I not gonna lie SOMETIMES you do scare me.


>I'm approaching resonance cascade levels of sleep deprivation

yeah I should go to bed….



>Spiritual chill me at your own risk. It flows both ways.

I'll try and be more careful in the future




>69 dice 69sides not one 69 roll

That joke was all I had and you wouldn't let me have it.



Since I've participated in this thread you guys actually made the terrible demons go away. It was just too much to deal with me going all magic on them in combination with you guys. Lesser of two evils and I feel great.

Get Trumped.


File: a5abb8e72a04f97⋯.jpg (166.22 KB, 960x960, 1:1, oak god.jpg)


New name to reflect new beginnings :^)



>Since I've participated in this thread you guys actually made the terrible demons go away

glad I could help

>going all magic on them in combination with you guys.

I don't recall but if that was your intent

you probably didn't need our help.

>Lesser of two evils and I feel great.

um….good for you?

>Get Trumped.

nice meme



The name is point less if you self appoint it. ;^)



Like getting caught in the cross-fire. Wasn't my intention to fight demons but shit has been lifting.

I was wondering if your reference to meat puppets were new players in this great cosmic LARP (me and whoever else) so was labeling this as a lesser evil. In all honesty this is fun.


Names are like seeds, that bear fruit for the one who wears it. I lack the luxury of being subject to naming by another, and so must name-give to myself rather than remain without. Name masterbation if you will.


Dice rollRolled 39, 21, 16, 20 = 96 (4d44)


>Like getting caught in the cross-fire

Well you got yourself caught whats the next step in your master plan?

>Wasn't my intention to fight demons but shit has been lifting.

I didn't know their were demons in this thread? shitposting stops them? well if you say so….


>I was wondering if your reference to meat puppets were new players in this great cosmic LARP

wouldn't you like to know?

>(me and whoever else)

looks like just you for now

>so was labeling this as a lesser evil.


Thanks to admitting you don't know what evil is

>In all honesty this is fun.


>Names are like seeds, that bear fruit for the one who wears it.


>I lack the luxury of being subject to naming by another,


>so must name-give to myself rather than remain without.

go google dignity

>Name masterbation if you will

I like my name cause people knows it a joke



I dub thee Pin Prick##aids needle

never change :^)

stay u

You got some crazy metal element abundance there pal. Need some wood and fire, a workout w/ cardio of incrementing intensity/load/endurance would benefit you.

You seem like the lion dude. Have you seen this thread:?


Do you do anything like that?



>never change

terrible advice

>You got some crazy metal element abundance there pal

>Need some wood and fire,

Because I'm bound by the same rules as your retarded ass


a workout w/ cardio of incrementing intensity/load/endurance would benefit you.


really now you might want to get some new tricks.




Dice rollRolled 15, 13, 5, 8, 5, 17, 3, 3, 4, 16 = 89 (10d20)



Dice rollRolled 2, 3, 1 = 6 (3d6)

Abracadabra Bitch


File: e5b245b3142027d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 52.58 KB, 639x221, 639:221, wait a minite.PNG)


getting closer…I can feel it


I think I'm figuring it out now


are we really fighting?


>you're gonna get that deep strike.

oooooooooooo I think I feel it. it is a good pain


>I'm a voidform made manifest



am I hurting you?



Thats not true based on my tests numbers are 90% of the all last 10% is…will


I dont know…cause I like you baka


must be lonely


fair enough….I got greedy >>92490


gotta admit it is fun


if you keep threatening me I wont call you then


Because I dont know how to do it by myself…pic related Why do I get the feeling you guys are saying smug things about me in what is technically my past?


sneaky doctor wont get away with it.



I didn't samefag those posts. Also, I have since changed my interpretation to Wood abundance and Earth deficiency, possibly and likely Metal as well. I was saying that exercise is a healthy habit, regardless of weight or strength.

Anyways, when's the next wizard battle.



>I didn't samefag those posts

don't believe you

>Also, I have since changed my interpretation to Wood abundance and Earth deficiency, possibly and likely Metal as well.


>I was saying that exercise is a healthy habit, regardless of weight or strength.

Then just say that next with out all the nonsense elements. I don't use your system man so I wont know what your talking about.

>Anyways, when's the next wizard battle.

wringwring wringwring It's for you

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