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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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What does /fringe/ think of the black cube?

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread )


Either the demiurge or my nigga. Not sure. Leaning towards my nigga at the moment.



nah , nvm fuck the black cube, it has a reference frame.



The Cube of Space described in the Sefer Yetzirah provides a very intriguing insight into it. It could almost be substituted for the TOL, if one is using it for a map. Saturn is not to be feared, it is just another stage to overcome.



its what all major monothesitic religions worship, whether they are aware of it or not


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I'm just a little black cube of darkness

A little black cube.. of darkness



Cube, cube? Cube?








Rule 2. Questions belong in the questions thread. Stop polluting my board.


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Kikes and their Mudslime halfspawn are obsessed with it. Kill them all, FREE THE CUBE!



ada 6 my boi he got 26





I think the feces obsessed wizard "Bullshit Occultist" took a bunch of his shit and made it into a brick, and now people who are retarded enough to fall for one of the Great Abrahamic Scams go worship the shit brick when they aren't shitting on everything reasonable in the world.



Nobody goes to the fucking questions thread. I would have never known this black cube of shit was being discussed if a thread wasn't made. Get over your autism and go with the fucking flow. This might hurt your brain, but it comforts mine. 99.99999999% of the world benefits you and kills me. Let me have this one fucking thing.



The questions thread has the most unique IPs. It's where most people go.



I'm not actually the BO, I was just posing. And everybody goes to the questions thread except for you, so get with the program.



cube cube cube.



cube cube cube



cube cube cube



An object which has been used to educate people to be a modicum smart about the universe. Specific, regular communications have been developed which are, "meta" communications. This is to say, the set of these communications is one of the fastest ways to teach a human.



cube cube cube


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This cube you mean? It is the manifestation of YHVH. The murderer of millions in the Old Testament. An amalgamation of psychic energy, its intention is total assimilation and loss of individuality for all souls on Earth. Enslavement and soul death. This is the fate awaiting all those who follow the Abrahamic religions and also the same fate that those who fell for the meme of "The All". Yes goy, give up your soul and individuality - come merge with the (((Godhead))). Once you read this you see through the bullshit.

You realize WHY the slavemasters of the Abrahamic religions hate the occult. The occult offers self-empowerment, true spiritual development, strength and independance. (((They))) and their Christian and Muslim puppets murdered thousands of pagans who possessed spiritual knowledge and contact with the Gods. The goal is to keep humanity ignorant, to keep them waiting for a "savior" that will never save anyone instead of saving their own souls through power meditation.

The Jews and their ilk of course try to snuff out any real knowledge of the occult. Even now they are corrupting it in turning buddhism into a death cult, and the invention of the new age faiths. They use it for their own means and manipulate their puppets to assist their plans. Ever wondered why the Jews exert so much control over the world as it is today? Well, most everyone here knows of the power of the mass mind, the mass consciousness. The Bible and assorted books love to praise the Jews as the chosen and loves to praise Rabbi Jewsus. This energy of millions that tie into these ideas serves to empower the Jews and their schemes.

In addition, the focus on "loving" everything in the New Age religions makes it extremely easy for any negative astral spirit to project a little loving energy and deceive you into eventual enslavement to drain you of your vital energies. Same thing with "THE ALL" and the (((Godhead))). They are merely aliases for the cube, the huge loosh farm known as YHVH.


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Do you mean Abrahamic or are others included?



well wouldn't the cross represent being freed from the cube as it is opened and christ died on it for the sins of man?



The cube represents the Cube of Space from the Sefer Yetzirah. The Cross does play into that but not in the sense of being "freed" from it. The Cross represents the unfoldment of the Cube upon the Tree. The Cube of Space is tied in wth the letters and the TOL. Saturn is the last influence to overcome at the abyss. As such it is no surprise that it has a nefarious reputation as it represents death, limitation, and restriction. But death brings forth life, and restriction keeps us focused and on target. Until the influence of Saturn upon our psyche is rectified, there is no crossing the abyss. For those that think that Saturn is "evil" and don't want to have anything to do with its influence, they only hinder their own spiritual growth.



The hexagon is the entrance to Inner Saturn. All planets are hollow though not all have entrances to their inner bodies.



interesting, is this a general Rosicrucian outlook or something else?



In the sense that traditional Rosicrucian philosophy is carried over from the Christian Cabalistic views of the Renaissance.


File: de1a961322d6310⋯.jpg (29.97 KB, 320x240, 4:3, BorgCube.jpg)

I don't think this choice of spacecraft shape is an accident.



look, I understand you like the concept of borg cube but it sounds ridiculous, why would star trek writers even know about something like that in space if no religion talks about it?



its good to think on






maybe, could explain why 9/11 stuff was always in cartoons


File: cba276d77d9779f⋯.jpg (13.4 KB, 300x180, 5:3, swastika and star.jpg)

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Remember those people stole every single thing they use and perverted it. The Ancient Egyptians and also Hindus were the ones who originally used all those who they learned it from is debatable but the fact remains.


File: 26f398f54c6d4a1⋯.png (12.59 KB, 1070x93, 1070:93, fucking fuck the memes.png)


Going even deeper.



Kikes always claim the ebul nazees stole the swastika but it's just projection. Jews can't create, they can only bastardize.



Kill it with fire.



Bullshit occultist fresh from /pol/ detected



Doesn't the cross represents the breaking of the cube tho? I don't know, if christianity is also part of the scheme, why does ((((them)))) hate it so much and are always attacking and trying to destroy it?


why the fuck are you guys scared of a CUBE

no it doesn't represent the corrupted demurring.. it's JUST A CUBE. It happens to resonate with physical reality sometimes though

so why do muslims pray towards and consider a representation of physical reality as 'the house of god'

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM so the physical universe is the house of God HMMMM


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>if christianity is also part of the scheme, why does ((((them)))) hate it so much and are always attacking and trying to destroy it?

It got away from them.

Transcendent unity of all things? The universe as a single perfect and eternal object? Dualistic self-emergence? Natural law as the guiding force behind all nature's wonders? Equality of opportunity among men and free will?

None of that is Abrahamic. It's ancient spirituality that has welled up under their stomping boots despite them.


It's irrelevant and has been removed from this sector along with overt reptilian influence by Patti Brassard


Guys don't be stupid. Every religion was originally legit and of the same true spiritual ideology of logic. Then they all got corrupt.

Except the Quran, in my experience it has always been infallible and full of truths. And yes I have debated many times with bigots, they are always left with nothing to say

Of course, Islam has become corrupted with practically No Muslim who even reads the Quran, with terrorist ideologies that blatantly contradict the Quran (the main one being Salafism, which the Saudi Monarchies believe, which they then spread and propagate to create terrorist groups. Yea all terrorists are takfiri extremists aka salafis)

But anyways, there is a shared truth within ALL religions. Hasn't anyone heard of the perennial philosophy?


What sector?



sufism is definitely in the top tier for mystic traditions



Sufism might as well not exist. I've never read any fringe level sufism stuff, if you have read things you liked please do share.

Only thing I needed was Quran and logic. My understanding of nafs and rue come from buddhism and jungian psychology.



The solar system and moons orbiting Saturn specifically.



Alpam needs to die



Not sure if you are being tight lipped on purpose or if you just don't want to share if no one is interested but I am sure that many are interested, at least the lurkers

So naturally I have to say, tell me more!


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Star Trek writers need not know. Do you think P.E.P.E. knew what they would one day summon?


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the black cube is a part of pagan islam and judaism.

pagans! all of them!

yet they have the nerve to criticize christianity!



How hypocritical can you get



hahahaha holy shit do you have anything to back that up



I said like five different things what do you want me to back up


The cube is a battery. All the major faiths have people pouring their energy into it, yet only a handful of people know how to tap into and use this energy.



how do you do it then


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The plan is to pit false opposites each other. And Christianity is hardly so hated. It is the most populous religion on Earth…just like the Sun is our strongest influence.



False. In the same way that the moon influences the earth more than the sun due to proximity Christianity (Abrahamaich religions in general including judiasm/islam) acts upon humanity at this time. And just like the light of the moon, Christianity only gives you enough light to see shadows and shapes even at its apex (which is certainly not now).




Christianity and other religions like it are basically the definition of "blinded by the light."



cube cube cube


> cube

Oh, hello VIKING (roman numeral 6 + king), nice to see you there, wot with your 3 axes giving the 6 cardinal directions of power projection.

Of course if you were a white cube then the sky would have ink dots instead of stars and we'd have "sun phases" instead of lunar ones.

C'est la vie!


File: 48f1195cdc449c3⋯.png (7.98 MB, 4152x3060, 346:255, 9562227593.png)



SEVERELY related. post the full image next time.



>(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread )

It's good we keep good threads up by not allowing pointless material to kill old threads but it's also very stagnant in terms of thread freshness and quality on /fringe/. There's some good questions that do make actually decent threads all on their own. It sucks when a bunch of questions have to flow together in one giant questions thread and just get lost completely. Sometimes it feels good to have one organized thread for one good question that creates a huge amount of conversation on that one question alone and the efforts to answer it in many different ways. I think that rule 2 should get a remake or be indefinitely disabled so that /fringe/ can get a little more active and have some more threads with greater levels of participation. It goes back to how many boards mods get mad at you for making a thread because technically anything can be accused of being a questions or request thread given enough mental gymnastics, and all it does is kill good discussion potential and discourage activity on the board. Some questions are really good questions and spark massive deep conversations that might otherwise never happen, and that's threads worth of material. Please BO consider allowing "good questions"



/christian/ deleted my thread 3 times for posting this

they couldn't handle the questions and ideas being presented so instead of having a good discussion with me they simply deleted my thread outright in fear because they didn't want their foundations questioned. I'm guessing they refused to talk because their foundtations were already too shaky. You should always question everything and you will always find out what you are not allowed to question and who seeks to be your master.


saturn is completely neutral



Wow. A pro religion board deleted a thread attacking religion. You don't say?

Why don't you to to >>>/saphhic/ and bash lesbians while you're at it?



I'm going to give you the same response I gave everyone else who made the same argument.

I posted highly related content talking all about christianity in the thread, basically the same as what was posted here. only because it's in disagreement with them doesn't mean it isn't discussion about christianity, as I was fully on topic in that sense. as for what I was expecting, I was expecting better than them considering that they believe themselves to be so high and mighty and forgiving, but they covered their ears and screamed "lalalalalaALALALALALLA" until they sounded like admiral snackbar about to teach me the religion of peace. in the end I feel like the further reinforced my ideas about them and proved themselves to be exactly what I had already known about them. had they actually held a civilized conversation with me and provided me with a bunch of solid facts and blown my mind with the "actual truth" maybe- just maybe I would have accepted that and changed my mind a little bit or completely in their favor. they deleted my threads and shut down my discussion like an oppresive government hell bent on shutting down dissenting views from it's populace, rather than accept the chance I gave them to prove me wrong. the truth fears no investigation, and they feared not even investigation, but only discussion. this to me is proof that they are no the truth.


proof of stalker



>A religious board deleted a thread calling all religions false?

>Why don't you go over to /a/ and call them weebs and virgins too? That'll show them!



You have been stalking me.

Don't delude yourself, I'm a crossboarder and I'm tired of seeing your shit images on my boards. Get out of my sight or I'll delete your mewch thread too.



>stop stalking me by somehow always being where I was going to stalk you on purpose by accident!

wow did you shills do so many mental gymnastics that your brains melted?


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stalker shill proof



Alright anon, this is getting ridiculous. Half the front page has been bumped by your image AGAIN. Make a thread like the one you have on mewch and post your updates in there. The only reason I haven't banned you is because I believe you have good intentions, but this will be my only warning.



>Alright anon, this is getting ridiculous. Half the front page has been bumped by your image AGAIN. Make a thread like the one you have on mewch and post your updates in there. The only reason I haven't banned you is because I believe you have good intentions, but this will be my only warning.

Alright, that is fair enough. Thank you for seeing that I have good intentions. It honestly is very exhausting to post my updates to so many different threads. I just felt the need to update once I posted it, but then I started to think that it may just be better to link back again to whatever single thread I create.

Would you find that acceptable? perhaps I could link back in all the related and relevant threads that I link to when I make an update, but "Sage" those specific new posts with links related to updates in case anyonee will see them but without bumping the thread. I hope you reply back soon. maybe I will just report this thread with this post number so you can see my reply.

to clarify I still intend to create a "home" thread for my content, and maybe just link it absolutely only where it's relevant in other threads that I'm reading, but with a "sage" as to not disrupt anything.

Thank you again for being so understanding. I'm really happy to contribute this content because when the energy speaks out to me I have to speak out again in return. It is my purpose.


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shilly willy and the blowfish update image.

had a nice conversation with the BO or a mod from /fringe/ (didn't get a reply yet)

but I promised I was going to create a thread just for my content only and that instead of reposting the images and bumping multiple threads with it, I was instead going to just link back to my thread only in threads where my content is relevant but "Sage" my posts so that I don't end up bumping a bunch of threads unnecessarily. I haven't created my new thread yet but I have this shill stalker update so I'm updating this and creating my thread later because I'm very busy.

I usually keep my promises because I can't account for absolutely everything because "muh imperfect human being" but I am keeping my promise here so this post is saged and will not bump this thread

this is probably the last set of updates (all saged posts) I'll be posting outside of my yet to be created new thread so I'm sure some people who are genuine posters (and not shills) will be somewhat pleased by this news.

In good faith I'm hoping these saged updates wont be taken as an act of hostility against what I have been told not to do anywhere (which is bump a bunch of threads) sooo yea.

to be totally clear:

>posting this last shill image update in the same threads with the other updates and then stopping because I will soon be making a thread just for my content as I have been instructed to do by mod/BO. (you're all very much welcome to post your content in my thread if it's relevant.)

>these posts are SAGED and will not bump the threads they are posted in.

>I'm going to stop posting these big shill/ spiritual religion redpills outside my thread (hasn't been made yet)

>in the future I'm going to link to my thread only where relevant (as I have been, on topic only!) but it will not include an image because it will only be in my thread, and the link to my thread will be politely "SAGED" as to not bump the thread either.

Hope this makes sense. Peace /fringe/ bros. I'm Pewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwdiepay fucking kek just kidding, wow could you imagine?



Are you fucking serious










>in the future I'm going to link to my thread only where relevant (as I have been, on topic only!) but it will not include an image because it will only be in my thread, and the link to my thread will be politely "SAGED" as to not bump the thread either.

Yes you can link people to your thread, just don't go back and post again every time something changes (for example an update). One short and sweet link will do. It's true we don't want a bunch of threads bumped, but we also don't want other threads to be disrupted with constant updates. See >>120378



Thanks, you're really cool. I haven't made the thread yet because I'm very busy but I will get around to it hopefully soon.



new thread is finally up. I got motivated to do it because the mewch thread suddenly 404'd for mysterious unknown reasons so I remade that one again and said "oh wait I have a chance now" and made the 8chan /fringe/ thread finally. So that's up now! cool. thanks so far for all the understanding. I won't sage this one reply because I don't really know if you'll see it if I sage it.



i just wanna crack that thing open and see whats inside dont you? what sort of secrets do the global elite hide? id just love to know



That which must be measured is that which is mundane.

The cubit was the ancient unit of meaure.

The cube represents three dimensions of space as measured by man.

Saturn is reductionism incarnate.



In essence it is the arbitrary discrete nature of man projected upon a reality which knows no "things", only a unified continuous totality.


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>worshiping anything other than yourself, the divine spark within you, and your divine will…

absolute pottery



I am no fan of YHVH for sure so I agree with your post. I just don't know how or why this Abrahamic cube thing got associated with the ethnically Roman god Saturn. Probably because of all the Jews in Rome, but Saturn is a native Italian god, who takes its name from an ancient place name as well. I associate the cube and its different manifestations with these Canaanite freaks.


>>125837 Here


This post is related to what I am saying. They do not create anything, only pervert. They perverted Saturn, who originally was a god of harvests and abundance.


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I feel that I can answer some questions.

It relates to the analogy of the cuboid monolith in 2001, there is the ideal, the master of motion which guides our actions, our spirit. The spirit is promoted by progress, as described through the Hegelian synthesis, we are confronted with nature, and we learn to survive it, this is the principle of Darwinistic ideology, that life will adapt to it's environment, now…

In 2001: A Space Odyssey, the apes are content in their habitat until the fateful monolith emerges unto them, the monolith is a perfect geometric phenomena, in other words, it is not of the form of the earth, it is beyond our nature. This conflict of reality, between understood knowledge and mystery is the basis of exploration, intellectually and environmentally; progress.

If the apes had not come into contact with this object, they would not need to understand it's existence and to thus understand their own in relation to it. This separation between self, other, mind and body is the inception of humanity in it's collective unconscious towards the emergence of idealistic progress, towards solving the mystery of the monolith and claiming mastery over their new environment. Think of the mind in it's own essential form; such as the body, such is the mind, like how Baphomet is portrayed in it's prevalent humanity. Now think of problem-solving, it works in the same way as adapting to a physical environment, except it is mental, this is often why thought is personified, why we "overcome" or "move past" things, it only makes sense to think of the mind as it's own type of animal.

So humanity has progressed, now we travel to the moon to find another cuboid, this represents a milestone of collective progress for humanity, the 'aliens' are guiding our mental and physical evolution towards total transcendence, as we see in the finale of the film. Freemasonry is heavily cynical of humanity and seeks progress as an escape from the cruel order of the universe.I

The black cube of Saturn has many memetic properties, I have heard that Eden was an age of being, when we had two suns and we lived in eternal summer, but as time progressed, Saturn's orbit allowed for seasons to determine a fallen age of Gaia, of death and rebirth, in Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. As the second sun dimmed, it turned black, such as the cube. One of the supposed plots of the NWO is to endure into another Eden, to have the sun reflect off of Saturn's body to be projected here again.

I have different theories, I think that a cube, to begin with operates as a parody of nature, to perfect a craft, in a magickal sense, an object of perfection to rival with God's imperfect creation, the cube represents Lucifer's domination over the illusion of the world, to impose magick unto the order of the demiurge, to prove our superiority.

You will notice too that the illuminated Eye of Horus is shaped in a hexagonal display. A hexagon is the map of a 3D creation, it elevates the mind into matter through Will, creating a cube out of paper literally transcends the 2-dimensional into the 3-dimensional through the 4-dimensional tunnel of time, this signifies Will, through orchestrating reality to manifest in our desire. The Cube represents it's own attainment through Magick.

Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of the Law, Love is the Law, Love Under Will



>not always the basis of exploration

Nice Hegel, but I think that "thought-axioms" fail humanity in practice.

:Not everything is black & white."



Who remembers Crowley referring to the being he interacted with in Egypt as "the Beast".


>"Freemasonry is heavily cynical of humanity and seeks progress as an escape from the cruel order of the universe."

Perhaps we find that the Freemasons were/are "dogmatized".



This, Saturn is a difficult planet to work with but an important step for advanced practitioners.



oh shit hes based


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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