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Esoteric Wizardry


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I am helping Smiley publish a book AMA.



is it any good?



It's a thesis on how every occultist except WWA is a bullshit occultist.



i expected nothing less. godspeed.



Dude I am surprised that there aren't 5 threads on how to fuck a succubus and contacting Lilith

I did not have much fun on halfchan's /x/ before the exodus. At the same time it's where my curiosity was catalyzed when I was still a mundane

Point is, this place could be much, much worse. I suggest we should all express gratitude to ward off bad energies.


Has anyone got any tips on reading efficiency? (increasing reading speed, better comprehension, anything else). Thank You



Ty for making the thread anon 👌


What are your exercise routines anons?




An impression that leaves itself is neutralized in the temporal flow.

An impression that remains in itself gestates like a fetus until it is born and becomes an independent form within yourself to serve its original purpose for life.

All impressions are born within the first impression (You) and thus serves You.

To turn all impressions back in on themselves, preventing their neutralization in the temporal flow, you must STOP having impressions, thus defaulting to the unreceptive state of impression-turned-in-on-itself. This state is akin to Zazen, yet the intellectual foundation verbalized and written, no-impressions defaulting all sensors (impression receivers) into the unimpressable "occupied" impression-turned-in-on-itself state, permits it to become the default state at all times, thus becoming master of reality, and a true wizard.

To visualize:

An Egg like a woman's egg, with a small sensor rod sticking out of it, is the receptive state of "passive experience of temporal flow of impressions".

The Egg prepares to retract the rod, having been out for some years, having accumulated the energy of the outside world into this one rod like a burning fucking hot billet of near-molten steel.

Cooling takes place through some internal chemical, physical, mathematical, psychic, spiritual or otherwise, process.

The Egg prepares its internals to accomodate the sensor rod.

The Egg retracts it.

The Sensor Rod dissolves in the egg and an internal layer is separated from the outter egg, beginning "cellular division".

Embryonic shit happens, division, organs, frequencies, etc.

Mind baby is born 9 months or 9 hours later; the Man might come out looking like an old buff wizard baby or something, maybe a dragon, maybe looking like Set or some god, depending on the individual.

New life of individual as fully realized human being, having processed the impressions of their entire life.


All internal chaos, division, problems that are unmanageable, are the result of not having turned inward and rejecting all new impressions, in order to turn the original impression of being born a baby to being reborn as a FUCKING MAN. Thus one must shut down all impression making, reject the outside, be totally unreceptive to the outside, and have all their backlog of impressions sink into the mindscape and become the cells, organs, tissues, bones and nerves of their new identity.



Power snatch and curls (zottman, hammer) with 37.5lb DB

Push ups

Sit ups

Walk or run

Horse stance or squats

I usually do at least one set of each a day, usually more of one or the other.


Let me specify, no OUTSIDE impressions…. in order to default to internalizing impressions, thus preserving their development and learning from said impressions… which is meditation really.



…. and then no inside impressions either, but you need to not have outside impressions first, in order to have the shell so to speak to not have internal impressions by preventing the outside ones from entering, and then the inside ones from fucking with the other inside ones.



wait no… I'm going against my original thought. Turning off outside impressions in order to process all of the already internalized ones. My bad. Reorganizing and familiarizing oneself with the inner world/mind.



Take a look in this collection of archived threads https://ghostbin.com/paste/mbk8f to see if you there is a thread about what you want to know.


I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea that positive and negative energy can manifest themselves in people and influence them too. Is victory a manifestation of positive energy? I'm thinking of these things in the same way that the elements work, in that they could be concepts that manifest themselves based on their traits. For example, if heat, expansion etc are of the fire element, maybe freedom, peace etc are manifestations of positive energy. Am I interpreting that wrong, or talking complete nonsense, or is that somewhat how it works? If that is how it works, and victory is inherently a positive characteristic of things, negative influence (demiurgic kike shit) is doomed to fail, since failure would be a characteristic of negative energy.


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Hello Guys

I stumbled on this board and I have a question after a few days of lurking.

Is it possible to time travel? I want to go back in time to the 1940s-1950s and start a life there. I'm sick of my life and I want to live in the 50s.




wrong thread and

>no pullups



Just read the Kybalion it answers all questions inshadilay!



Well I don't like having to go to a park at night to do pull ups, but occasionally do. Last time I did them a few days ago I could do 10 wide grip pull ups so at least I still got my strength.

Any STEM here? Any STEM + Zazen?


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STEM here, trying to figure out how to properly cast a spell to get Matlab to output a root locus diagram of a closed loop transfer function of a plant combined with a lag compensator.

I'm not even shitposting.



Why not overlap the real computer with a holographic representation with a "ghost in the machine" servitor that receives your commands to change the real one. The more detail they both have the more likely you'll achieve your results.


What does "AUM" mean



Because I haven't appeased the machine spirit yet.



>The eternal, the infinite, the boundless, and the uncreated have been expressed symbolically by the word AUM and the dark purple to black color.

It doesn't really mean anything



That only keeps it's equilibrium really, mine was 6 years old and worked peak until it screamed and and died.

I swear my pc ran on prayers more than electricity.



And it only helps a little vs software errors.


In my experience.



Perhaps making the PC an altar would work better.


How am I supposed to observe my train of thought? What am I supposed to be thinking about? Isn't pursuing my train of thought contradictory to the act of passively observing them?



Usually you listen to your thoughts in sequence. If they're distracted then they're a sequence of distracted thoughts.

As in another thread however it's unwise to constantly monitor your thoughts, as it leads to editing an organic process that would be better left alone. ((I am referring to the anon claiming that meditative states are merely your brain flat lining and becoming utterly suggestable)).

Better to read many books by intelligent people on a variety of topics in depth than sit with your own thoughts, to stagnate or destroy or listen to them and whatnot.

For instance, the book I'm reading "Making the Social World" is about the unique human ability to make "Status Function Declarations"; status functions being that the intention of something meaning something gives it a status that serves as its function (such as rocks lined up against each other serving as a boundary to declare private property; private property itself being a status function declarative). A declaration being that which we make to be the case by declaring it to be (e.g. declaring war).

SF Declarations are posited to be what permits all human civilization, and are formally linguistic and originating in the mind.

If you destroy all your thoughts and acts of thought/thinking then you are destroying your ability to cognit reality in terms of intention, and intended function… the foundation of magic, invention and society.


What's your take on orgone and Reich work. Some of my trusted sources say it's ok, other say it's bullshit and I don't have the mean right now to try it out.

Thanks !


I did DXM last night for the fourth time, and after taking 10 shots (5'7, 137 lbs) I barely felt any effects of the "trip" but it's morning now and I can barely walk around my apartment as usual. Has anyone else had this problem/thoughts on why this may be?



Ten is ok.

I just did 12 out of the blue, up me faggot.


Great stuff, I love orgone. do it right and they wubwubwub harder than crystals in the sun.



look for the orgone thread in the archive, i made one under the name qp where i pretty much wrote down everything about them, might have also copy pasted that into a later questionthread.



>ingesting coughsyrup



Has anyone saved a thread that was on fringechan that listed various different types of meditation? I remember at least 20 different styles listed and I'd to check that out again, but fringechan has been down for a year or whatever now and I doubt it'll come back.



wotf, a year?



I hope it doesn't end up being that long ):



Fringechan is never coming back. Any fringe site is killed off like freedomboard



I got the skills and work colleagues to set up a new site but i wont pay for it, would the userbase be interested in a patreonfunded thng like this?

it would a lot better, my codemonkeys are pros.


puting together new pc, im excited but its a lot like legos, i want to step on it but itll hurt.



>Dude I am surprised that there aren't 5 threads on how to fuck a succubus and contacting Lilith

Make it happen anon



you wanna lose feel in your arms as well as your legs cripple?


>waterflag, not wheelchair

well thats not half as fun as it was supposed to be.



Thanks for this. The fringechan meditation thread had like 5 to 10 more meditations if anyone has that could they post it?


Not rly






Yeah but Smiley's book should out near the end of summer/beginning of fall. All the information anyone will ever want is in it.


What ever happened with that's frogoid GF anon? The thread is 404d.



Thanks based jew smiley


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Hey when I use to do them more often 16 was my max. Feels like iron harnesses bend and fall off when I start exercising again, like I got an exosuit to limit my power level (kekeke).

My theory is that mental functions require limiting the neurological ability of the muscles in order to redirect the energy, and I'm very mentally active so I face extreme resistance doing anything new unless I'm socializing or staying active and mentally flexible by picking up new info, new knowledge, new shit in general.

I think it's like that with everyone, iron clogs their veins and they lose all capability. Not enough fire to smelt it all into some mega engineering.


I think I've come into great psychic power by way of Shaman's Death.



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>Franz Bardon is a bullshit occultist

>also how do i get a gf guiz



Ahh, the path of astral solipsism

>Astral project to the 50's

>slowly leak energy in paradise and slowly cease to exist

What a waste…



I got a gf recently she(male) is very beautiful.



Degenerate scum, the commie antifa lgbtq children have touched you in the head and now you must either repent or burn like the log brained piece of wood you are.


What happens if I charge a crystal with a specific intention/energy and then microwave it?



>I don't believe in "non-physical reality".

Stopped reading there. Really. Was gonna read the post eventually but I literally haven't yet. kek I got better things to do


you simply need to lurk more instead of being so triggered. I've explained the very basic logic and semantics and objective philosophies in what I say, in nearly the same words I've explained it a handful of times on this board. What other people post is also, at least I can describe to myself, objectively explainable. Maybe I will babyfeed you later but you should lurk moar


I accept this (as a) compliment.

Hey, I like to offer all the possibilities that I see. Options are always good! Smoke weed get paranoid and accept it as another attribute of decision making through reality manipulation (or don't do any of that your choice just explaining my own personal mechanism taco taco) and practice equanimity google it have fun maybe I will explain what I read in this budhism book l8r. Eventually all the crazy thoughts just deal with themselves in the back of the mind, spitting out relevant info to your consciousness to make decisions from


plenty of info on the internet about this but what you discover has very interesting metaphysical implications

if you're minds voice shuts up, if you can read without making noises and just taking in the letters and words directly as symbols and concepts, you read a lot fucking faster

can't sufficiently summarize all the reasons for this phenomena right now, but let's just say most everything comes down to silencing the ego


I don't want to write 5 essays, please ask a specific question


maybe through reincarnation. maybe you can accept agreements of ego splitting and memory swapping with someone back then. go astral project and ask some deities. in theory you can do it yourself but mastery of the ego that this requires is much too far beyond any guide you will find here.


some say the noise/tone/hz resonates with the fundamental vibration of our realm. maybe I can find you the video if you are interested


Yes do not purse any train of thought. Passively observing doesn't mean you "think about anything"

There is no supposed to think about, thinking is the output to observe; do not have input to think about.

If you do not pay any special attention to a thought, you do not give any energy to that train of thought.

As you let go of the importance in your thoughts, all thoughts go passing you by in neutrality

Simply witness these thoughts coming from your subconscious. Don't fall asleep though…!

Here is a suggestion to react to your thoughts "hey that is interesting that I would have that thought. oh that too."

When you are done your meditation session you can think about the nature of your subconscious for whatever purpose you desire, by considering the deeper and deeper thoughts that you witnessed

Or you can stop your neutrality and chase a thought whenever you want, especially if it feels insightful/intuitive or like a revelation.

Remember that meditation is just a tool (of many possible techniques) that can be used towards any sort of goal

So what is your goal?


what the hell does 10 shots mean. there's whole lists of charts showing bioavailabilty relative to your weight.

at the least go to erowid reports and check out the authors dosage and weight for each report. don't read the actual report if you don't want any influences to your trip but I suppose that doesn't matter much.



orgone makes noise???



don't dare make a site without having an archive in place. the prospect of having everything deleted forever is just fucked up. why the hell didn't the old site have it's database backed up. the site just got wiped out?


>>slowly leak energy in paradise and slowly cease to exist

>implying astral solipsism isn't real and paradise doesn't exist in your mind


>microwaving gemstones

what the fuck oh god stop torturing reality the demiurge will molest you



no clue but i love the way you think…



its more like a feeling, crystals, anything that is charged oscilates, crystals and orgone especially so with moldavite being amongst the strongest, orgone comes out on top as well.

hold it tight, relax, feel it beating like a heart, they have different rhythms.



I just wanted to leave the Matrix for a few hours man ;_;


To clarify, the 10 shots were 10mL of Delsym each with 60mg and I was trying to hit the 3rd plateau. The problem could have been that I spaced it out over 2 hours, but that was the most I've ever had too so I doubt that was the issue.


How do you stop constant entity attacks? LIke they mess with dreams multiple times a night and say things all day.


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>I got a roastie and I'm proud!

Pathetic sissy wizard



>implying paradise doesn't exist inside your mind

Look up second death, we need to figure out astral immortality, fucking pronto!



Depends on how real it is, the denser the attack, the more formidable the attacker.



I had the belief they lived n the body and they would do lots of things while I was asleep. Like recently I thought "there should be an immune system against this" and then had a "dream" where I seemed to be puppeted and they asked for help chipping something away (like they were covered in something hard) and then "I" said something about "there's no way a mixture of <> would create metal." It's smoe sort of pupperty because I don't want to do these things.

They were fighting that immune system with some sort of hypnosis.

This is just one example, there are many.



realize your power, let go of fear, you are much stronger than these astral parasites, create funny astral weapons and fuck them up.

if you can't while sleeping, meditate on heart to strengthen aura. find mantras on youtube to remove bad stuff.

affirmations, tell yourself you're stronger than them and you will be.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yes why not just use natural crystals and gemstones


100ml is not enough. I just checked erowid reports since you too stupid to listen to me and most reports people doing at least 300ml (atll at once) for proper trip



Have you tried telling them to fuck off? You are the one in power. The only power they have is mindfucking you to pay attention to them allowing implicit consent for you to get fucked. But in actuality you are the eternal being here that they are jealous of, but currently these things are feeding off of you. So try explicitly denying them.

At the very least it's a feedback loop; if doing the same thing over doesn't work. I doubt they are a part of your body. things can't 'live in the body' unless it's the subconscious which you have control over at the end of the day. It doesn't really matter much. either way you should balance your chakras. watch this beginner video from kids show. whatever is stopping you from dealing with these entities is linked to underlying subconscious problems


second death is like a spiritual/higher dimensional form of ego death. if it happens it's meant to happen as a development process (which you would have consented to at some point or another). remember that there's always a higher version of you. Even your higher self as a higher self. It goes on forever towards the eternal source.



>second death

tell me more, ive been at it for a few weeks now trying to formulate a thesis on how ive shed several skins much like the first ego death and this is the first i read or hear about this.

its hard putting a finger on when it happens, it happens in cycles and is sometimes instantaneous, sometimes takes longer period where i fall as deep as i rise high in the end.



the attributes of the physical and spiritual "ego" are one I haven't figured out yet

naturally, an increased mastery of astral projection would be required for this understanding



>I don't want to write 5 essays, please ask a specific question

I did. Do positive and negative energy manifest in the same way as the elements, or is it different?



depends, how do the elements manifest for you? how do you work them?


But yeah pretty much, tell yourself you're amazing and you'll feel it.



"Positive" and "negative" energy don't exist in the same way that the elements do

All energy is the same. What makes something positive or negative is the intention. So an adept can identify signatures and other attributes in said energy but it doesn't really matter when all "forms" of energy can be transmuted into another


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The crux of your definition of truth or "true reality" isn't based on reality as it is but reality as it is experienced. This is what I mean by "somatic" or "subjective" vs "semantic" or "objective".

As you are exploring truth is accumulating a field of information that is at certain intervals (moments of opportunity) transformed into semantic logic in a perception-to-world fit of objective comparison.

Otherwise I believe you are using denser subjective comparison and soma (I'm guessing through visualizing the problem; if you can see it in your mind or around you, you understand it) vs denser objective and semantic comparison.

My criticism is that such magnetic definitions are most viable if you have a library of knowledge, skill and information. Magnetic approaches, the soma, the subjective, are greatest for creative purposes. That is why it's inherently best AFTER you have already gone down the Electric path. The Magnetic is already inherently powerful in human beings, and the Electric is beta to its alpha. That's just how Humans are. It's only appropriate to cultivate your Electric David before your Magnetic Goliath.

Cultivating the Electric, objective, Intellectual, Technologically apt, Rough neurological, Truth oriented, semantic; rejecting the Magnetic, "Service to Other" dichotomy asserting bs, subjective, Creative, Socially apt, Smooth neurological, Love oriented, soma; this is the honest path to mastery, power, balance, wisdom, and so on and so on.



what the fuck are you talking about lol

define "reality as it is"

have you ever heard of cogito ergo sum? the brain vat theory? the implications of the dream of being a butterfly?

I've explained it like a dozen times on this board but you continue to spew verbal diarrhea

what I say is entirely based on logic and objective reasoning



I've heard of it but your belief in it does not make it true. Your reason for believing it has not even been explained. You've only declared it to be true, why the fuck do you think that's proof or evidence of anything?

I've heard of each of these and plenty fucking more. An idea does not make reality. I can believe whatever the fuck I want, it doesn't make it true.

What you say is not based on objective reasoning, and explaining the idea is not explaining the validity of the idea. I would think the intelligence of this board would be greater than 60, and there would be a clear understanding of what logical fallacy and evidence would be.

Implications of the dream of being a butterfly is a good brain shit though, really good. If I just focus on those implications I'll reach divine truth and become one with god. Maybe the simple symbolical meaning of transformation can simply mean there is a transformation and a part of your psyche finds it pleasing?

It only means as much as you invest your emotions into it. Emotions are a person fitting the world to their perceptions of it, not the other way around. In other words, you are inventing interpretations of the world that are not inherent to existence, but to YOU. It's YOU investing into your own subjective bias, thus being relevant only to YOU, the Human. A psychological fact, a Human fact, but not a fact of anything else.

What I mean by this is that though it's emotionally and biologically and psychologically useful to believe these things, it is not in FACT objective reality. Reality has objective fact, and the OBJECTIVE fact is that it is only relevant to the well-being of your psyche and as a result of the psychosomatic, your biological body.

Belief is a tool, an instrument of our will, and as such is not a representation of reality but of your own psyche and those of simliar psyche. Nothing less nothing more.

Yes our psyche affects reality, but so does everything else. It's nothing special. It's called Psychic ability. It's not evidence of God, it's evidence of the Reality of Reality, of the objective existence of the Psyche.

We can use technology to create nuclear bombs, the internet, cameras, cybernetics… we can use our bodies to play an instrument, art, write, speak, run, jump, fight… we can use our minds in tandem with our body to change the environment… it's just another step in understanding. But no amount of steps will ever determine the nature of God or the Subjective, it's a black box where we can only understand the expressions of the unknowable in all its forms, yet not the essential nature of the unknowable God. It's a fucking waste of time is what it is.

Explain to me your purpose for denying objective reality to discover your psychic nature. God is suppose to represent the infinite, the physical the finite… well, that's all it is. The infinite being possibility, the finite being actuality. We do it all the time, achieve the possible but not the actual, to make it actual. Sure one could figure out how to achieve the near-infinitely impossible.. but by the efficient subtle machinations of the mind and body and all it has power over. The mind discovered how to create nuclear bombs, civilization, spaceships, and all else… it's the individual that is great, and great individuals create even greater. Great individuals together create the greatest.

The subjective avoids the tedious task of solidifying all 9999999999 of their insights by "Just Doing It"; whatever that is, being a wizard or magician or monk, etc. That doesn't make all 99999999999 of the insights some mysterious break from objective reality, it just means objective reality is more than boring.

All of your interpretations are boring as fuck and unenlightening. Your mind is a result of a bunch of half-smart men jizzing into a cloning vat. You're unoriginal and don't add or subtract or reorganize the information in any insightful or creative way. I'm telling you you need to add fucking value not "BE the value man".

Disclosure: You are not alone subject to my criticism. You are part of a larger problem, the redundant and lie perpetuating retards that permeate every population ever. So let me repeat myself: Electricity is the mechanism to cleansing the lies out of a person and reducing the tyranny of the Heart and its Silk Gloved Iron Magnetic Fist.

Fuck all of you and your emotion fueled not-logic. Soma shills GTFO



The onus is on you to show where I have made a logical fallacy, or my lack of evidence in logic.

I fucking dare you to give even one exmaple



>your purpose for denying objective reality

I literally never said this, and have explained the objective phenomena and objective mechanisms behind subjective phenomena many times

If I actually read any of your verbal diarrhea it's just full of strawman arguments. you are arguing with bullshit that you create. you entire present existence is a classic example of futility

you literally not only have no idea what you are talking about, but you haven't been able to comprehend a single thing I've said as you continue to regurgitate these ramblings of lunacy. feel free to prove me wrong though. if even know what it means to prove things, which I doubt due to your complete lack of willingness to engage in logic



Your theory of reality being a simulation, and thus unrepresentative of "true reality" is unsupported. Tell me what you think is true reality, and what is false reality.



>reality being a simulation

I literally never said this

phenomena exists. that is a substantially objective fact about reality. this phenomena may be entirely subjective, but through the use of axioms we've been able to establish objective mechanisms like causality that created the field of math and science. Tell me why you think you deserve me wasting my time repeating the same fucking shit to a loser like you who doesn't know how to read



>false reality

anything invalidated (by logic)



I'm asking you then, what do you mean by "cogito ergo sum", the brain vat theory, the implications of the dream of being a butterfly?



cogito ergo sum and it's critiques prove that phenomena exists (though we cannot be sure of anything else in the substantial objective sense)

the implication that we could be a butterfly having a human dream leads to the conclusion that reality could be just as real as any dream. however what sets it apart is CONSISTENCY AND PATTERNS though even these are based on axioms

Like I said, you would know this shit if you could fucking read for once instead of sperging off into your incessant ramblings



I understood just fine, I wanted to know what you thought they mean.

Uncertainty is to be contracted into certainty by evolving methodology.

Exercises of the imagination are poor replacements for CONSISTENCY AND PATTERNS, and should be considered primary if you would like to ever connect your experiences and become fully functioning, onto super functioning, onto god-like functionality.

There's intellectual work to be done, and all I see are games.



I must admit I was off with some of the dichotomy about electricity and magnetism and such and such. Misapplied to the circumstances.



>There's intellectual work to be done, and all I see are games.

careful with that perception. bias and all that

intellectual discovery is a game onto itself in the game of life that is full of tests and trials for growth

not to mention this might as well be a mmorpg. getting to level 99 is always an admirable endeavor




What reality is NOT is often more important than what it IS.

I would say most on this forum have some sort of psychosis in one form or another. Most of what is experienced is hallucination. Such as the "astral" is more often than not the currents through one's magnetic fields, and more often than not physiological processes that create said currents that bring into awareness certain things after the fact that have nothing to do with psychic perception but just psychological (psycho-physiological) function.



>horse stance or squats

Gotta confuse the wizard right babe?


To see your chapped skin and pretend you've been transported to a dry cracked salt flat in some scorched corner of an alien world is a game.

To see your chapped skin and to know you see your chapped skin is indeed intellectual honesty, and work rather than play, though the pursuit of it is more satisfying than play and games.


One is static the other is dynamic. What do you mean? (horse stance) or (squats) not (horse) (stance or squats).


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah…. the nonphysical phenomena as we know it is entirely reliant on physicality. this is a very sobering and most important thought

I will say though that it does work both ways. It's like in the multidimensional theories in physics, the last dimension is a single point like the first dimension


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I am sure that everyone who watches that video will get instantly and continuously mindfucked for the entire duration

so here is a lighter video to explain it all! pretty new and also shorter than others while still making sense and hilarious


File: 1f0be6f3938259e⋯.png (469.84 KB, 1310x2779, 1310:2779, Eidetic Memory Guide.png)

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File: 69fcf0ba0e3b1f2⋯.png (42.83 KB, 549x965, 549:965, ServMemGuide.png)

I've been trying to figure how to use servitors to help with memory. This memory guide shows promise but fails to explain crucial things. This quote from halfchan said that using Servitors and programming a "Personal Akashic record" to store memories for you is how servitor-memory can be done. I drew something quick to explain how the process is supposedly meant to work.

My Questions:

How do I program a consistent and lucid Paracosm/Wonderland/memory palace/"Personal Akashic record"?

And how do I program servitors to store information I get permanently and accurately in this paracosm/etc., so that these servitors can retrieve it and "bring it to my attention" when I need it?



Thanks anon!


Just got some weed that hit me like Gabriel's trumpet to the back of my head, we could be having a very interesting week ahead of us if you get good at asking questions.

Alex, lets get on discord and ball topics back and forth? Anything you want to talk about? I want to talk about microwaving crystals but with how good this weed is I might have it solved in fifteen minutes.



Your whole psychological paradigm is complete bullshit and there's no such thing as hallucinations. The astral is literally just a plane of thought. People act like the astral is some hard to reach place but you're there already when you daydream or sleep and dream. No thoughts occur in isolation. There is none of the subjectivity you imply in that term "hallucination". The only issue is what people are tuning into, namely, is it useful information or nonsense.



oh god i think we cern'd again, and if so, to a universe where people dont know about AP or LD, i have a close friend that today called it "mass confusion and psychosis" and we have had langthy discussions about it before and he had been testing it out long before i met him.



It's a meme from /fit/



Ya know, for some reason I like how no one knows anything about magic. I mean, I got my books, and a strong crown. I could pretty much learn the rest in isolation



You don't even need books, you learn most of this as you grow older, we're just hurrying up, sometimes by centuries.



Well, you need to be (self) initiated first, every old person i've known personally has been a complete waste of a fucking life.



Also, I would say that most of the shit we find in books is probably just relearning from past incarnations. The probably of 1. finding the occult and 2. actually internalizing the information is so astronomically low.






Yeah fuck that, I wanna be an adept someday


That's a very interesting point



*someday in this lifetime




then stop being a shitter



How many of us have had past lives in the 60 or so years that IIH has existed?



IIH doesnx't have new infornation, it's just putting to text generations of teachings from hermetic orders. Occult truths have never changed. Thougj, obviously the methods through one becomes a magician nowadays are different than in centuries past. These are the days of being your own master and guide.

Most everyone I've talked to who is. interested in magick has reported the same general experience of the occult always following them through their life, and then suddenly finding it and everything "clicking." You don't chose the spriritual path, it choses you.



On further note, people usually reincarnate with that which they were mentally close to in previous incarnations. So for all we know we could've all been part of the same lodges and sects throughout our lifetimes



fringe meetup? we could all go help dig up bosnian pyramids during the summer?




What about those of us who don't remember having any past lives?



i dont. i did guided meditations/hypnosis to find out vague stuff and then never pursued it further.


Im pretty sure I fathered many children(cambion) trough Noctural Emissions.

should I expect to meet one of them someday?


Past lives is trippy. If you choose to refuse an identity or are forever ignorant of it then that is your reality and yet at anytime you can identify with and/or channel into whatever you want



Wait that became a meme? Shit wait, tell me what it is. I might have been that meme.




I know what it is but sometimes it's inner processes, and sometimes it's outer processes. Inner plane vs outer plane.



Subvocalization is when you voice the words in your head. It improves comprehension so for heavy stuff you really ought to just free up more time for it (stop browsing websites). Otherwise, try to read a word and move on to the next word before you get the chance to voice it in your head. It takes some practice but you'll get it.



I'd love to meet you guy's in person, unfortunately I am a 18 (16) year old NEET with no mode of transportation. Well shit,



Rich Piano-Panini Piana



open invite.

volunteering for digging out the pyramids is mostly digging, in hot weather or cold wet tunnels, its slave work.

but, the center of the pyramid is powerful and dug out, it would be a spiritual journey aside from a meet up.

working hard for food and water during the way, maybe with shovels, sleeping bags or bed under temperate european skies, bosnian qt women interested in foreginers, cheap beer, probably weed to find, definitively hasch.

it would be an adventure.


this or next or the summer after?


not to mention the landmines on the pyramid of the moon.



He has a fucking horse stance vid?



No it's not. We're dealing with something that is non-local in nature. As such your in-out distinction is completely arbitrary. Don't you know I can access your whole personality, all your thoughts, all your memories, and everything else tied up in the package of your being just by shifting my awareness to the parts I want to access?

All these things are timeless and spaceless. I am saying this in a practical manner, not just an absolute philosophical perspective. Any piece of your being I want to experience is open to me. There is nothing "inner" or "outer" to me, in my practice.

Some people are simply tuned into stuff that is removed from their most current surroundings/situation and thus they produce behavior that seems deranged to other observers or they're just irrational or stupid or what have you.

There are many personality flaws that need to be fixed. Obsession/Preoccupation (with things not worth focusing on so much), Irrationality, Stupidity, Delusions, etc. are some examples. If we'd talk about the actual character flaws in people and get them to fix them, and to understand why they are being dysfunctional, we'd make some actual progress.

…but you don't need terms like "hallucination" or "psychosis" or "schizophrenia". Psychology has gone through a variety of stages. Freud embodies the stage when psychology became obsessed with sexualizing things. Today's psychology is obsessed with pathologizing things. There was a point (William James) when psychology was pragmatic and concerned with actually understanding and effectively using the mind and we need to get back to that. The terminology as such needs to change. We must drop the bullshit terms in the DSM, aka the holy book of the pathological psychology, the psychology that sees everything in terms of "illness".



I can't travel to Europe or indeed anywhere outside my country. I can't get through any of the security checkpoints and would get arrested. I'm basically stuck where I am, living as a ghost.



No, I was just trying to crudely insert a Piana meme into the Questions thread like an autist. Basically I meant, "either horse stance, or squats, but either or in an attempt to confuse (2 syllable word related to the occult). It was a pretty bad joke



Yes, silencing the ego in a way. Quite interesting


>just by shifting my awareness to the parts I want to access?

no you can't stop role playing

Overall, what you are saying and what he is saying do not contradict.

Why don't you be more specific in what exactly you're trying to say.

Most of you accusations are strawman fallacies


stop being a terrorist



You would require the knowledge of where and how to access the location of record-keeping on my person; this from a past life or current life or whenever.

This place of record keeping would likely be planetary or solar; stored in the core of the Earth. You would apply for access to this information and however it works, you may be allowed access.

This is not non-physical, it's non-crude/gross and subtle. All functions through the laws of matter as well as others.

When we want to put all the "bureaucracy" of matter aside, we use such terms as "One with the Force" or "Higher Self" or "Faith" or "Resonance" or "Flow" to direct our intentions. This is not literally non-physical, but rather non-ordinary.

The issue in truth is that we think some matters, some phenomena, is beyond human. Is beyond knowledge as we have it. We're basic bitches, the world is God, bow to the infinite. In fact, there's just so fucking much more to the basics of Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Fields&Waves, Linguistics, etc. that expectations are shattered again and again due to the inclination of Mankind towards "Obsession, irrationality, stupidity, delusions, etc" as well as ignorance of the depth of explanation that basic subjects afford.

We are indeed flawed biological beings. We have to accept that we are born and die in this lifetime, because we are in fact a composite of forces that do not exist after we die. Separate BEING couples for the duration of this life, and then decouples and goes their separate ways. We are forged by circumstances. We can only change these circumstances, in order to change ourselves. We will never be what we were before birth because we won't be what we were, after death; along with the fact that WE aren't alone in our body, as the body itself is its own unique phenomena we are coupled with. And I speak in this disassociative fashion, when in fact I could identify with my body first and then my mind and whatever the fuck else. What we identify with will in the end determine where we actually end up.

Make the best of your mortal flawed existence while you can, because every action has consequences, and you and only you have to live with every single one of them.

I am interest in you verifying your claims however. Name one of my dogs, past or present.



>core of the eartth

This is how I KNOW you're an obullshitist. The Earth is hollow.



>implying science hasn't reached the limit of physicality and hit a dead end for decades


File: 601e942e9a3cdf8⋯.jpg (336.51 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Dragon-Desktop.jpg)


No, that's scientists. And their theories. They don't connect their research at fucking all and never revamp their perspective of the data or have inventive experiments/research. They're dusty corpses of research. They've all been neutered.

Science can only be science if coupled with philosophy and psycho-spirituality. If we are never aware of our fallabilities as organic living organisms plumbing the unknown, projecting our expectations and wishes upon our endeavors, we'll never arrive at truth, never have the distance from the thing to see it for what it is.

Science is like a library of knowledge that has none of the self-awareness to connect everything it knows. Read and know that they do not know what they know.



Science must be swallowed whole by a greater whole to be digested and assimilated into the next Expansion.

That is the future of Earth, else it fall.



>I don't get it so it must be wrong

that's literally your response to both science and spirituality, what the fuck

Take the truth of science and connect it with spirituality yourself, instead of crying at eveyone here jeeze you are just full of cop outs


then start swallowing



Bumping my first post again. Please see pics for more info.

How do I program a consistent and lucid Paracosm/Wonderland/memory palace/"Personal Akashic record"?

And how do I program servitors to store information I get permanently and accurately in this paracosm/etc., so that these servitors can retrieve it and "bring it to my attention" when I need it?

May spam this a few more times during the thread


Hey /fringe/ I just became homeless. Not out on the streets, thankfully, I stayed at a friends house last night and have a house for another few days, but not sure whats gonna happen after that. I'm also not working because I was trying to make money independently, and of course that hasnt made me anything.

I read once (though for the life of me I cannot remember the name of the book) that being homeless is one of the best ways to develop your 'magical' ability because you are forced to fend for yourself at all times. Do you think this is true? Really I just need some advice on what the fuck to do.



get a job, get welfare, live in mcdonalds, etc


If you just want better memory, why not save energy and cut the middleman to actually pay attention to whatever it is you want to remember? This requires actually coming down into perceptions and being 'in the moment' and really 'caring' about whatever it is. You say you want a servitor/construct that you would use to store things. well you can store things simply by 'becoming one with it' truly feel the information and embrace all it's meanings and implications infinitely instantaneously



two options, get utilities, a good, solid sleeping bag, emergency phone with GPS, a weapon or slingshot, knife, machete, even a spear if you risk bumping into larger animals and you can't get a gun, learn what to forage, put up rabbit traps, set up windshed or ropehouse near a river and fish.

or get a job today.

what country, climate?



How bout in the USA?



>go dig out mound in USA or snoop for atlantic treasures in the grand canyon

>get shot for trespassing and your remains are put in a box next to indiana jones in some smithsonian warehouse




No, I mean how easy is being homeless in USA?



Yeah I probably should just go get a job today, but I was trying to earn money on my own and not have to commit to a job. I was gonna set up a website to do tarot readings for people, and then I was gonna try and do writing for people. Maybe thats immature but it was my dream to make it on my own and be my own boss.

I've been doing all these automated online tarot readings for myself because I'm too invested in the answer to do an accurate reading for myself and they have all been pretty negative. Fuck im just frustrated.

My spirit guides keep telling me weird shit too and I dont know what to do with that either.



dunno, how good are you at fighting off coyotes?



>spirit guides

I want the general /fringe/ opinion on this now, I for one would never let tulpa like entities rule my day.

Are you talking about synchronicities and the feel of knowing you're in the right place at the right time or are these entities you hear or hear in your dreams?


>doing tarot readings

get a real fucking job



Eh, I usually dont see them or speak to them in dreams but it has happened very occasionally. Its a mix of the synchronicity and I can actually talk to them. AT THE SAME TIME they have never led me wrong, and I don't but supreme importance in what they say. However the majority of the times i can feel the truth in their words. Often times they simply act as emotional support and give me good practical advice.

I do understand being sceptical of guides though, but the way I look at it is if they haven’t steered me wrong whats the harm? I don't feed them energy or concentrate on them like I would a "tulpa", they came to me and I can feel them.




Also they dont rule my day. They never tell me what to do. I will ask them questions and they will give me advice. Fuck, they've helped me destroy other entities that are harming me/others.



To the guy who's writing a book that boils down all occult teachings to basic linear instructions: Doesn't The Book of Knowledge already do that?


How do I bend spoons psychokineticly



Tried it last year, managed a month in the city before goin countryside. And another month before taking shelter somewhere till now. City are even more hell if you're homeless.

But yeah, great way of improving yourself.

But to live it off real good you need to drop most, if not all, attachment.


Same here. Following that mindset and those advices is though, but if you manage to be all the time in that kind of connection you will make it fine.

I'm living like a third worlder in a barn right now working on myself before trying again, but if I can give you some tips on living the life just ask.

Godspeed special snowflake.



get welfare


your fucking homeless, making websites isn't going to help shit


what are they saying? what are you disagreeing with



I'm confused. What are they saying when? Right now? And I'm not really disagreeing with anything… i just need a bit of clarification.



>My spirit guides keep telling me weird shit too and I dont know what to do with that either.

feel free to share more about that. Welfare is usually incredibly easy to get for homeless people



Oh well they keep saying stuff about how i need to "come into myself". And then they say "you are not fully you". It seems like I am unable to access all of my power, though I feel like its just as much a psychological thing as it is a "magical" thing. I really don't know how to explain it.

Then I was asking for more clarification and they said something along the lines of "you know exactly what we're talking about, dont play dumb. You have restricted yourself from accessing all of your power. You are purposely hurting yourself because you refuse to face your destiny". Tbh im a little scared to push for more clarifications because then I get overwhelmed by energy and images.



well why are you homeless


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


To fully attain self actualization at the crown chakra you must balance all other chakras. here is a simple explanation


File: 2bb8b742a3e723c⋯.png (549.57 KB, 2000x1309, 2000:1309, ClipboardImage.png)

Here is a related concept in western psychology



The video is blocked in my country, for some reason, which is odd because I'm in the US. However I think I get what you're saying, I'm too caught up in my lower emotions and little problems to move forward in life.



>The video is blocked in my country

That's insanity. Does this one work?




Yes this works. I remember watching this cartoon as a kid, I'm surprised now how well they dealt with such a topic. My guides tell me my main issue is with my heart chakra. Thanks for linking the video it was surprisingly helpful



You are most welcome



Those stuck in level 1 must become King of Level 1.



The problem is you need more cultivation, practice, training.

Do some Qi Gong and Gong Fu training. Train the whole, not the parts. Balance parasympathetic (relaxation) and sympathetic (aggression/tense) forces whilst seeking greater strength, perseverance, conditioning, suppleness, super powers, and shit like that.

By training the body you train the energy body you train the mental body you train the emotional body you train the personality body you train the spiritual body you train the sexual body you train the karmic body you train the sensual body you train other bodies you train all the bodies.

Ever hear how training legs makes the arms stronger? It's true. As well, the circulatory system is a perfect example of wholistic balance. Integrity must be maintained across the entire system lest it all fails. Honestly, personality and intelligence improvements aids physical ability as much as physical trianing aids physical ability. That's a principle to live by. Less polarizing and compartmentalization, more intra/interconnection.



Bumping my first post again. Please see pics for more info.

How do I program a consistent and lucid Paracosm/Wonderland/memory palace/"Personal Akashic record"?

And how do I program servitors to store information I get permanently and accurately in this paracosm/etc., so that these servitors can retrieve it and "bring it to my attention" when I need it?

I may spam this a few more times during the thread


wtf posts gone


Okay posts are back


If you just want better memory, why not save energy and cut the middleman to actually pay attention to whatever it is you want to remember? This requires actually coming down into perceptions and being 'in the moment' and really 'caring' about whatever it is. You say you want a servitor/construct that you would use to store things. well you can store things simply by 'becoming one with it' truly feel the information and embrace all it's meanings and implications infinitely instantaneously

I may spam this every single time you spam that since you ignored my response


Please just answer me ,

inb4 I am a complete newfig here

I am currently a skeptic muslim who want to the find the truth so kindly tell me which one of these theories of God is right :

>1st : one Almighty God

like all the monotheistic religions say and when judgement day comes,who didn't follow him will get BTFO

>2nd : Multiple Gods

Greek, Nordic, Egyptian, Abrahamic Gods all exist and whoever you followed you will be judged according to , and ==IF== that's right , do they like talk and communicate with each other or they're separated and each one has a world of his/her own

>3rd : God is a faggot

I am really interested in the many faced god story in Game of thrones which basically says that there's only one God but he takes many shapes to satisfy different people



Hello again. I have read WWA books on the subject of memory which do boil down to cultivating attention & concentration and cultivating an intense interest in the topic at hand (Which is annoying because Atkinson used two books of 150 pages to say that "pay attention and be interested") . I didn't mean to offend by not responding to your first reply, it is very sound advice and it lines up with a lot of other things I've read about memory improvement (something I have been interesting in for a year now).

I should of rephrased my questions specifically to : is a near-perfect memory system using Servitors and Memory Palaces like mentioned in the guide, the halfchan /x/ post and the other pic in my first post >>99570 even possible? And how would it be done regardless of the insane amount of energy needed to set it up?



the first and third is implied in second. And believe it or not so does the Quran. All the Gods are the same thing, just different personifications. All is One, a central tenant in all religions, is of course the core of Tawhid


Well from what I could tell what you posted didn't imply anything like a 'photographic memory' where you see it once and remember it forever, but more like that you have to 'tell your servitor' to 'remember this' and the moment you yourself tell a part of you to do something, well that's all it is.

On a side note, the key really is to be interested but if you can 'pretend' to be interesting it's pretty much the same thing in effect

Learn to pretend to be anything, basically be able to shift perspectives at will (perhaps to something that resonates to the ideals and archetypes that created/manifested the information that you want to absorb) and this malleability in perspectives is basically is the main factor in any magick or optimal performance in anything

If what you posted implied photographic memory then maybe I misread so feel free to explain and maybe the missing information can be filled in



It's implied that the memory is Eidetic memory (which IS a photographic but there will be a ton of people there to 'correct you'). I think it's pretty rich of me to expect people to read that whole guide unless they're interested.

I'm assuming you know how Memory Palace's work? The servitors are an automation of that method.

The author describes that he has a Memory Palace with hundreds of rooms. He has Servitors which understand the rooms and know what is where and organize what information is in there. Specific servitors are assigned specific tasks eg: he has a handyman servitor who "memorizes" practical repair videos from youtube, and a chef to "memorize" recipes.

The /x/ post only briefly mentions something similar. He mentions programming your own "Personal Akashic Record", which is basically a permanent storehouse of your memories and thoughts, very similar to a memory palace, to which Servitors would automatically store what you have read/heard/etc. into this "Personal Akashic Record" and later retrieve it to you when needed. it's also very vague.

In brief, information follows this route:

Your senses → servitor organization process → A Permanent place in the Memory Palace.

And When you need it, the Servitors (who know where it's stored) bring it to your conscious.

Has that cleared anything up?


Have anyone read Ride the tiger by Julius Evola? Am i the only who doesn't understand this at all?



I get all that but my question is if this is a "process" or if it is instantaneous memory recollection. If it's a process, I would say that the process is just a proxy for a more fundamental 'hidden


If it is instant then what you describe may be worth pursuing,

Servitors are great things but I don't see how they can be helpful in memory collection. If your process requires one to actively tell their servitor to remember things, if one decides that something is not worth remembering then they won't tell the servitor. This goes back to the basic problem of being interested, but in terms of problem solving when you don't know what is important or not (so you should hold everything in your short term memory until the problem is solved)

But on the other hand for example a Servitor can be programmed to tell you what piece of information is important. Like if a Servitor was tasked to figuring out a mechanism for 'why this bitch crazy' then this servitor would make observations about said bitch's behavior that you can hold in your memory or something.

Servitors have a great role in your subconscious mental mechanisms like much of my debate skills is just servitors ingrained into my subconscious, though I'm pretty much making new ones as I learn how to better identify more logical fallacies. Knowledge and understanding is one thing, but learning to identify relevant occurrences is pretty much entirely servitor work.

Well I hope that wasn't too off topic



This is how the process works. When you want to remember something you visualize a strange and surreal image that reminds you of the specific information you want to remember. You then place that image in a place in your memory palace. When you wish to recall the information, you visualize the location in the palace and what the image was to remind you what it was you wanted to remember. That is called the Method of Loci (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_of_loci) and has been around for 2000+ years.

Servitors automate that method for when you wish to remember something, making it instantaneous and without effort on your behalf. A servitor tasked with recalling the first sentence of a book "The Time Traveler was expounding a recondite matter to us." would automatically create the image associations and place it in the memory palace in a place it can recall.



If it doesn't matter which one you follow and all the same thing. what's the point of heaven or hell ?



Instantaneous to recall sure, but is it instantaneous to store? FYI all practical use of normal memory recall is instantaneous


Technically it doesn't but I won't bore you with the details of the endgame of reality.

If your a good person you will be a good spirit. If you are a bad person with guilt (ie morals/values from religion or otherwise) then you will accept great punishment to break away at your naughty ego. If you have no remorse or guilt even at the deepest spiritual level you will basically become a naughty demon.

Humans can do everything jinns can do plus more. When you astral project (or die) you basically enter the world of jinns



Instantaneous to store is what the guide implies. The /x/ picture even says "speed-memorize every word you've glanced at". So I would say yes, It implies it is all "stored" instantaneously. Like you said, it sounds like it's worth pursuing.

Now the question is: how?



Have you read his other works and Guenon?

Ride the Tiger is the third book in a series as well, Revolt against the Modern World and Man among the Ruins come before it

Evola is one of those authors where you need to read and re-read, not to mention other background info



No i have not. I came by this book by random. For all i know, this could contain all secrets of life and wouldn't even notice.


Guys, I know this is dumb, but does anyone here know some tips or breathing exercises to ease stress, nervousness and anxiety in the short run?

I've been under a lot of stress lately because of studies and I'm also talking to a girl, so whenever I speak to her I get a lot more nervous and I'm afraid I might freeze/block myself

I'm going to practice Yoga in a month too, but I need something for the following days.



Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold in for 2 seconds, breathe out slowly for 10 seconds, and hold out for 2 seconds. Repeat for two minutes. We do this in freediving to lower our heart rates before dives so we don't end up running out of air too soon, it works wonders. I have an anxiety disorder (like most freedivers for some reason), and I don't get too nervous before things anymore with this ONE SIMPLE TRICK™.








This post is all you need. Pretty nice



Well shit. I haven't entirely engaged in this phenomena you speak of just since it feels so extra to me personally but if I figure something out I'll let you know

Feel free to spam until someome does figure it lol



You mentioned your experience with servitors? How would you program them?

And could you please list a number of uses for them? I mean every where I search it's the usual "anything you want" or just a few broad examples like "typing".


Should I abstain from masturbation ad aeternum?




meant to reply to




I recommend Introduction to Magic, then Revolt against the Modern World before that.


How do I take care of obsessive thoughts and anxiety/depression?

I had something of a collapse beginning a few months ago for no discernible reason. Not as bad as it was but I keep getting this nauseated feeling which tends to throw me back in.



>obsessive thoughts

Self-relection shall lead you to find the source, for there is no effect without cause. Once you catch a glimpse of it, you may begin to cut off the mental link which indisposes you or to resolve the issue it stemmed from altogether. That is something you must figure out for yourself.


Grasp the poles of these emotions and vibrate toward the desired extreme. This can be done through a variety of methods, the easiest being developing a mental image of the mental state you want.

Remember that you can kill depression no more than you can kill heat or cold, you must instead seek to transmute it so that it might be useful to you. To 'cure' cowardice one must become courageous; to 'cure' hate one must cultivate love. You will not seek to eliminate these things, but to change them to your liking.



I meant to write self-reflection, of course. As a side note, you must remain vigil so that you do not suddenly lose control of your mind. You should take it apart and reconstruct it every now and then, that way you will have much greater awareness of it.



Thanks. This is sort of what I've been doing, particularly finding the source and developing a mental image. The problem is the mysterious nausea. A demon seems like a good way to describe it. I feel fine but it appears for seemingly no reason, and sometimes moves around and takes different forms of distress and doubt. I can't pin-point an actual reason for the nausea and i'm not sure how I would transmute that. Maybe I should get more mental will.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


all mental action contributes to the infinite servitors that make up your ego. I've never really tried making an isolated servitor or thoughtform, although many years ago I tried making sigils/tulpas and wanking off to them with limited to moderate success

For a quick way to register an extreme significance to something so that your mental faculties get on the look out for anything related, or anything that can make it come true in the case of 'wishes'

making your own sigils and charging them can work



The video doesn't go into activating and charging sigils though. The key is to completely forget that you ever made the sigil in the first place. it has to be entirely subconscious for maximum efficiency. Our conscious overthinking monkey brains only get in the way. Charging is also a symbolic thing jerking off to a symbol instead of titties usually ingrains the damn thing into your psyche which is really why it works

Just burning the paper usually is enough to 'activate it' into the sphere of the shared human subconscious

Funny thing is proper use means that you never even realize that it worked or not, maybe when you accomplish it.

This is the most basic way to 'cast' sigils though. A more active way is to make a sigil representing a servitor and memorize the sigil and talk to it. If you want to keep it subconscious like I do, I would make new sigils and burn them out of existence simply for communication to the thoughtform. Perhaps I would memorize and burn the sigil, and redraw it slightly different for any reprogramming burning it again.

This shit is chaos magick, if it sounds like it makes sense to you, then it will work for you

Personally I think the best benefit of chaos magick is just literally letting the subconscious do ALL the work for you.

My relationship with reality (and I think this is the healthiest way) is instead of wasting time stuck on problems, simply 'expose' the problem to reality and let it autocorrect and deal with it by itself. In this sense I imprint my plans and desires into my subconscious and let my mind do the magick. I'm just here along for the ride


And if none of it "makes sense" then that means you need to develop your own understanding of the mechanisms of the relationship between consciousness, personal subconscious, collective subconscious, and physical reality


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Yo, so I have this exam next week and I need some help

>1 - how to have a strong aura, I wanna be the male who stands out (usually an exam room have about 5 males 10 females) and 3 guards

>2 - is there a way to get better grades, or answer in a better way through some sort of thoughtform/ thinking way? I really wanna ace that shit

no rituals lads, have a nice evening



Iron pill and Brown pill.

Martial, gymnastics, conditioning and weight (oly) training. Mobility training is a third of it as well.

"Science of Breath" read and practice it.

You'll be fine just doing that. Exercise 1 set of something every 30 minutes or hour, and cluster of sets of something(s) once or twice a day. Mobility every hour, and a cluster once a day.

Don't leave your calm center. Don't get pulled into shit, stay within your intuition.



I'll look into all that. Thanks.


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>I wanna be the male who stands out

I think you're a guy who has a good sense of style, so you could try to dress like your pic related. Also don't shave for a few days before the exam so you have a cool looking stubble as well, chicks dig that. If you some other fashion accessories like rings or head wear (fedoras are an excellent choice), you should wear those to stand out of the commoner rabble.

>I really wanna ace that shit

You need to realize that we're living in a holographic universe, this means that the reality that we know is merely a projection of a higher level of consciousness. The common plebs who don't know about reality manipulation need to put effort into their work, but us wizards don't have time for that mundane shit. All you have to do is intensely visualize yourself getting full marks for the exam. Do this for as long as you can, at least an hour and then completely forget about it. This means you mustn't think about this exam at all and this includes revising for it. Trust me on this, I do this for all of my uni tests/exams and I'm tearing through them without an ounce of effort. Good luck.


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wow excellent suggestion would totally match my outfit (pic related)

but seriously tho I can't tell if you're being serious about the second part, my knowledge about the universe and it's laws and everything is pretty mundane-tier, i've read normie books and i've expereminted a bit with it but i'm not consistent

now back to the exam, I didn't study much but i would really really like to get some good grade

>inb4 lazy cunt who want shortcut

well isn't that what all humans desire?

so if you're being serious, care to elaborate about the "holographic universe" and how do i get instant results, my exams start tomorrow btw so any help would be appreciated



>well isn't that what all humans desire?

No. Just manchildren



>optimizing one's chance in getting something he desires with a simple mind-shit or a changed way of thinking is being a manchild


Greenpill me on telekinesis. Is it real? If it is, why isn't there more evidence for it than teenagers on YouTube moving pieces of paper using their breath? Which guides/exercises would you recommend?



I imagine if it is real, anybody who can do it is versed enough in the Mysteries to know not to tell/show the uninitiated.



Its real, but you need an extremely strong energy body to be able to do anything useful. Franz Bardon gives good instructions on how to learn it in Initiation Into Hermetics. Further more, have you read any of the recommended books?



>implying using magick to skip studying for an exam can be done by mere "mind-shit or a changed way of thinking"

Skipping the journey of learning and self discovery and relying on outside forces to accomplish things is nothing more than black magick, the kind of shortcut that only backfires on you




go away

go study


and never come back



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I m looking for good links, literature or infographics about occult hand signs & mudras. Google just gave me the usual illuminati conspiracy sites with celebrity pictures. I'm more interested in old sources that explain the usage and meaning of those hand gestures.


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I don't have anything of value to add but I thought you should see this



Do some yoga and meditate with your hands on your knees palm up

your fingers will make the mudras themselves. if you want to learn, observe your fingers

I say yoga because I once did a hardcore yoga move and literally ever since them my body has just been stretching randomly whenever it feels like. The body knows what to do with itself much better than you can know



IIH has a section on hand signs in step IV physical


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I want to use this but make hamboning my magical gestures so that I can do a really tough hambone and my enemies will die.


The lastest episodes of Doctor Who are absolute shit.

But I'm intrigued, because it looks like the writer as been reading Montalk.

>The Mechanics of Free Will

That was too much.



Based [redacted], is that you? Have you finished IIH yet?

(5. No identifying posts / namefag drama)
Post last edited at



First of all, rule 5.

Second of all, I am the person in question to whom you refer to.

Third, this is my first post in this thread. I don't have any other posts in this thread. I don't know why you think that anon is me.



are you still living on a farm with no direction in life? or was that someone else



Doctor Who has been garbage since and even before Russel T. Davies left. "Let's kill Hitler" being the lowest point it got.


Bumping my first post again. How do I program servitors to use the Method of Loci automatically for me (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_of_loci) ? For context, I know how to use it too.


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How do I create my eternal spirit?

~Epyc Wang


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hey did anyone notice the esotericism thread on /pol/ it wasn't bad at all





Stay the fuck off my board kikes. Now, where's the exit in this shithole?..



It's my board now faggot


Was out hiking in the National Park in my area that used to be Native American lands. My friend and I both dropped 300mics of lsd, and I have never experienced so many elementals in my life. 25% chance of rain turned into thunder, hail, blistering heat, intense winds, pouring rain, etc. The earth elementals on the ground were pulling us down each step and it felt like we were walking through fields of cotton. The wind elementals would rush past us almost like greeting us momentarily. The natural spirits came out to observe us for a while. We connected with higher spirits above certain areas that took charge of shaping the beauty of the landscape. That was my favorite part, feeling it move through you as you appreciated its art.

Though during a part of the hike we were walking into some dark woods and I got this foreboding feeing. It felt like everything was being ripped apart from the inside out and I had images in my head of my friend trying to kill me. The cloud of ego death just enveloped me and penetrated my entire being. My friend told me that it's the feeling of the abyss and that's where he sits 24/7.

Im going back sober tomorrow with a mundane friend to the same hiking spot. Anyone have any elemental advice or books I could read? Im ready to learn from the natural teachers of the universe.


How does one go about creating a servitor? Is it done in a similar fashion to making a sigil, and if so aren't you supposed to forget about the sigil after you have charged it? I want my servitor to take in certain information from the area I'm living in and relay that information back to me, and I'm not sure how that is possible if I have to forget about it to make it work.

I've read a few guides online on how to do it, and most of them suggest I give it some sort of shape based off of what I want it to do. Some examples are to make it armoured if it is for protection, or to give it wings if it is supposed to fly, but is that really necessary? I think the appearance of the servitor is more or less useless other than as a way to make your mind connect to it better. Couldn't your servitor be more or less shapeless and still accomplish whatever task you want it to do given you put enough energy and direction into it?



>the natural teachers of the universe


I hate this board.



Oh come on if he thought lsd could let him learn from the natural teachers of the universe he wouldn't be asking for advice or books to read

especially psychedelics can be a learning experience but it's only to learn of the possibilities of what there is

And now that he has experienced the possibilities he wants to pursue this path of learning


It seems this board lacks an expert on servitors. I just think of it like chaos magick. mind fuck your subconscious well enough and you'll be manipulating reality in no time. but actually truly understand how the subconscious and consciousness works though. you need to comprehend the order before you apply chaos unto it



If you dont have anything constructive to say, fuck off to under whatever rock you crawled out from. :^)

Dont be jelly mundane-san, just go out and meet some wild spirits



I found this really nice essay on the subject (and damn humorous too when he starts talking about zippy) and I plan to start work on my servitor tonight.

I'm living in some college dorms right now and everyone is all paranoid about the campus police. I plan to make a servitor that essentially looks at everyone who enters onto the property. If they aren't campus police than it does nothing, but if they are then it turns red and contacts me. It then rechecks every minute until it can no longer find campus police, in which case it contacts me glowing green, and then resets itself.

Is it amazingly useful? No, but for experimenting with servitors I think it is perfect.


Would the Canadian wilderness be a good place to live innawoods and grind magic for 60 years like the Tibetan adepts? Whats the chance of being caught by rangers?



Servitors are limited to your perception. For it to have a nonphysical body of it's own it needs much more energy to become an egregore from there it can even turn into a deity

which is incredibly dangerous as it can say fuck you and turn into like so many demons


that being said it can scout your peripheral and access all the senses that are dormant that you don't use to get information you never realized you had


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I've been feeling pretty blue lately /fringe/

A girl I was talking too just told me she has a bf and I assume things just won't work out for us. I was also super nervous and stressed lately and my mood has been extremely down. Music has been helping, I discovered Jeff Buckley thanks to this.

It's weird, because (around 1 week ago) I was feeling extremely stable and I was growing in mood, however, since I started talking to her, I've been depressed and had trouble sleeping (max 3 hours of sleep and waking up feeling like shit). I had nothing to attribute to this (well, apart from the fact I "fall in love" too easily maybe), because it was just friendly chatter, however I do believe there must be more to the mood swing.

Call me a pussy, but I feel like I'm in a hole of sadness lately, and I'm trying to pull myself out, but knowing what others do in these situations might be insightful.

Can you guys share some media (whatever it is, books, movies, videos, etc…) or personal experiences that makes you feel happy? I watched 2 Bob Ross videos, but it hasn't been helping.




go meditate you noob


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Your taste is not my taste. I listen to dubstep n shieet but I could make sick playlists in any genre

I like partying alone with my weed


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


reminds me of this, which btw is currently 'the' meme music since that what google spits out despite being almost 10 years old




Watch Moomins. Or Winnie The Pooh. Or a comfy anime. Stuff from your childhood is good, or it can be. Old movies you used to like as a kid or maybe a video game idk. Although it can make you feel worse if you start ruminating on how your life turned out to be shit.


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How can I convert to Zoroastrianism or one of its derivatives?



You can't, they don't allow converts

You have to be born to Zoroastrianist parents to be one


I've been having a problem recently. I have identified a lot of emotions, thoughts, habits, and actions that are not good for me, and that I really should let go. Part of this is an obsession with dark things. The woods at night, depression, suicide, pain, they all are incredibly interesting to me but I know that they are destroying me. I feel like my personality is being destroyed one part at a time, stripping me away from all things that are not me, but I've hit a point where I am too scared to go any farther. I hold little attachment to material things, but I cannot get rid of my attachment to a lot of my emotions.

I literally fear going "into the light", and I don't know why. I think it might be the unknown that I'm afraid of. I've been "in the dark" for so long that I know identify with it, and to move on would be to destroy everything that I am. I desperately want to but the fear is practically overwhelming.

How can I get myself out of this? How can I move on? I really need some advice with how to deal with this. I am literally going to destroy my life if this doesn't get fixed. Sorry if this was at all unorganized, these feelings are a bit hard to put into words.


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The Cult of Mithras accepted converts.



Update on this, less than 24 hours in and my servitor/egregore decided that it is better than me and that it should steal my energy. I think part of the problem was I didn't charge it with my energy, but I tried to use a 3rd party energy source, which i think gave it too much independence from myself.

Destroying it is also proving a bit difficult lol. I destroyed the sigil and instructions I made for it by cutting it up with a bunch of scissors and putting it in the dump. However that didn't get rid of it.






>mind fuck your subconscious well enough and you'll be manipulating reality in no time

What is the best way to do this?



You're scared of having been permanently changed. You're probably a fire type, yang, so yin is interesting.

ANYONE KNOW ANY YANG TECHNIQUES? Learning how to heat the body is taking a while, had a small success yesterday but then cold energy circulated from it and now it's another day another problem.

If I exercise too much, heat too much, anything, it stirs the chi pot and the cold gets mixed in too fast and now I have to heat up slowly again. Need some like, 1 2 shit.

Got extreme yin disease. I'll try just getting all the heat in my I can but something unintuitive or higher level would be great.



If you are talking zodiac, then I am not a fire sign I am an earth sign actually. Also, I can heat my body using a technique called dragons breath. Just focus on breathing and absorbing outside energy on the inhale, then pause convert it to yours, and exhale fire that surrounds the part of your body you are trying to heat.



Well I'm a water type in the zodiac but my body and personality is Fire in the chinese 5 element theory.

But yeah I got a shit ton of yin energy (sharp, cold, calculating) and not enough yang (blunt, hot, radiant). Depressed fire.

Develop the low dan tien to produce a fire based alchemical elixir. World is yin man it needs more yang.



Could you give me a link about the Chinese system? Is it just based around the Chinese zodiac or something else?






Appreciate the help

I decided to watch old school Spongebob and Courage the Cowardly Dog. They remind me of the good old days.


This did actually help and I feel so stupid because I didn't do it before.

I guess I need to put meditation in my schedule more often.

I have another question though:

Is there something at work in my love life? I mean, the last 3 or so girls I've talked to (with romantic interests) or that have shown interest in me were/are all in relationships. And when I come to think of it, it has been happening a lot in my life, ever since high school.

Now, I don't really know if life is trying to tell me that in order to get a girl I must play the bad guy and cheat, which I find extremely difficult to do, because it must be horrible to be played, or that I must have patience/virtue and stay on the good path until I get "lucky" with someone.

I know I must have read about the recurring incident thing somewhere, but I don't exactly remember were (maybe Montalk). How does everyone treat it here?


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>limiting yourself to a single element

>limiting yourself in anyway

always exist on the threshold to allow infinite possibilities

fire is pretty OP though. Why do you think Trump won. First president with an actual backbone

I used to think Ron Paul should be president, but honestly that guy is a wimp. He's the hero we need but Trump is the hero we deserve




Get it while the session is still up.

Legit medical text on chinese qi gong therapy. 900 pgs. Comprehensive. Full schabang.




but more than just meditaing, meditate throughout your waking life. as in you must exist in the present moment observing all phenomena. namely all of your own actions thoughts and emotions.

to reprogram yourself you have to always question yourself. leave no stone unturned in finding out the motivations and causes of all your actions. have a satisfactory undertanding of yourself

also simply coming to realization after realization will radically transform yourself

have a satisfactory comprehension of the universe. keep learning the truth until you are truly satisfied. After a certain point, the things you do not know will no longer make your curiousity a priority in comparison to the other things that give you motivation

tldr:have a satisfactory undertanding in every way possible

in other words. BREAK THE CONDITIONING. it's these hidden notions and beliefs in your subconscious that leads to dissatisfaction



Limitation is redirection is a multiplication of power not a limitation of it.

If you're obsessed with infinity you just fucking dissolve like salt in water.

Yang is needed. There's 5 elements though and Wood is is also Yang so that's at least 2/5 of reality, and you can really go in depth with the Yang that way.

World is full of yin, low yang.

So really you're DELIMITING 'cause motherfucker you gotta shake off the shackles to have any freedom. Can't yield forever. Can't remain under the oppression of Yin forever.


Meditation is shit. I'm just learning how to generate body heat and I'm overcoming all conditioning by default. You only ever need to do the one at time shit when you have Yin, a huge fucking backlog of unconscious shit that only exists with all this cold energy. Focus on Yang and it just BY DEFAULT transforms the past into the present.

I've just been trying this for a few days, 4 I guess, I've tried before but not for more than two days at once, and i had a breakthrough with body heat last night. Strong heat at the front of my low navel.

Before that it feels like burning in my guts, I got a dry throat, mind is going fuckin' coocoo and it's all weird. I'm getting cold flashes, random bruises, and random bleeding popping out of needle point size wounds. The cold is going into circulation because of the heat and it's nuts.

Now I'm heating up, and knowing it's working. The cold is disappearing. The feeling of all these thoughts and stored shit is gone. No backlogs now. Random emotions still but they're being burned through. My soft side is groaning and then disappearing and I'm going, "YEAH BITCH CAN"T TAKE THE HEAT GET OUTTA THE KITCHEN"

So yeah I spent most my life following that "meditation all the time" bull shit… it's trash. Fucking trash. Pure trash. Burn the trash. Set that shit on fucking fire.



you have no idea what you're talking about.

first of all stop blogposting

second of all you can't read my mind, don't even try.

you must be projecting how you yourself are oppressed by an imbalance of energy

if one is truly balanced, they exist on the threshold. this is literally all I said and you went on and on about your stupid shit accusing me and misrepresenting what I said. I am sick and tired of people misrepresenting what I say. especially you if you are who I think you are shitting up this board with your pseudoscience and complete misunderstandings of all that you teach


so actually I meant to say unfuck yourself.

actually I'm lying. when I said mind fuck your self I was in a different state of mind in awareness of the ways one can mindfuck themselves. not only did I forget, but I don't have much interest right now to know of it. it doesn't resonate with me to say the least

frankly chaos magick is incredibly dangerous. in my grounded state ATM, I don't want to pursue it and don't want to tell anyone about it. However, instead of telling you WHAT it is, I can refer you to a thread exploring the WHY and HOW. This background info should give you the understanding to accomplish whatever you intend to do




I'm not reading your mind I'm basing it off "don't limit yourself to one element" and the general atmosphere of "infinity man" of esoteric sites and fringe.

sharing results of a practice =/= blog posting

and I already said I have too much cold energy; if I have cold flashes trying to heat myself up then I have too much cold.

You are quite angsty. Not everything is directed at you personally. Snappy.


Link to the Chinese Medical Qi Gong textbook again. Hurry up before it's gone. temp session.



To add, I don't make my own servitors consciously. wait what the hell I already explained all this

consciously doing chaos magick is not something I want to pursue, but it's like long ago I inadvertently made an egregore to make further serivtors for me inside myself. I don't do shit I just taught my ego to do everything without bothering me about it.

here's my post where I explained chaos magick


the important part is this

>My relationship with reality (and I think this is the healthiest way) is instead of wasting time stuck on problems, simply 'expose' the problem to reality and let it autocorrect and deal with it by itself. In this sense I imprint my plans and desires into my subconscious and let my mind do the magick. I'm just here along for the ride


if it's not directed at me then don't fucking reply to me, saying "if you're obsessed" and "you're DELIMITING 'cause motherfucker you gotta shake off the shackles to have any freedom"

of course you are projecting, but now you are straight up lying that it wasn't directed at me.

I think you are just realizing your mistakes and trying to backtrack what you say without admitting that you made a mistake (infact you are so narcissistic you can't even admit these mistakes to yourself. but hey this is conjecture, I can't read your mind either)

but honestly I don't give a fuck. like you (failed to) say, this is less about you (you are hopeless as fuck) and more about others who can could get misinformed otherwise. they can make their own opinions about what is going on, I'm just going to share my responses that I feel are appropriate



Whatever sure it's directed at you and you alone.



no it's directed at yourself. Most of the shit you say is really a desperate plea for help from your subconscious, trying to show you the way

that's what the word projecting means, fyi


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


none of that sounds like it would be inherently bad for you. just lower the priority to fuck around innawoods at night. demon slaying can be fun too but doesn't help anyone

there is no 'bad or good' it all depends on context. reduce the priority of 'bad' things but don't discard it. keep it around for when the context allows a situation/opportunity for the 'bad things' to actually be good.

don't destroy yourself, restructure yourself. break your self down completely and build yourself back up. But don't discard any pieces, that would be wasteful

you remind me of riku in kingdom hearts. once you give into the darkness you cannot let it go. you must accept who you are. no shame in it, power is power.

>Mickey: Your darkness belongs to you. Just the same way your light does. Up till now, I thought darkness was something that should never exist. Then I spent time with you and changed my mind. The road you chose—I didn't know. Light and dark, back to back. With you, I think they might meet in a way nobody's seen before. Wonder where that road leads. I'd like to see myself…

>Riku: What are you making me choose now?

>DiZ: Between the road to light—and the road to darkness.

>Riku: Neither suits me. I'm taking the middle road.

>DiZ: Do you mean the twilight road to nightfall?

>Riku: No. It's the road to dawn.

oh man I love this game so much



Alright it's directed at myself.




I was thinking more along the lines of seeing some shit that forces your subconscious to accept something as fact


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


maybe you aren't supposed to get a girl yet (as that would require changing who you are?). there are many stories of those who had a great destiny in their lives, but then they fell in love or something

Like my brother, fully planned on going to med school but he secretly eloped before even finishing his useless bachelors; got married to run off and 'live his life' and now he's working in marketing living on rent paycheck to paycheck trying to raise two kids

Or like The Great Gatsby himself

>But he never accepted them as his parents at all. In his own imagination, he was a son of God…destined for…future glory. Chasing this destiny,

…15 years later

>He knew..his mind would never again

>be free to romp like…the mind of God.

>That falling in love…would change his destiny…forever.



sounds dangerous. me no likey. maybe I'll look into it later



>I must have patience/virtue and stay on the good path until I get "lucky" with someone.

so yea I would say it's this basically if u want a tldr



although I will add that's what smoking salvia did to me. some fucked up shit mayn



The thing is that i've already had serious/dangerous stuff happen to me but in a way it just doesn't feel like it's enough.

I've had doors completely open and slam shut with nobody there (it was a demon and did other shit), visits in my "dreams" except it was not my dream, source(no idea)/spirit guides talk to me, mad synchronicity, law of attraction working great, a lot of other stuff. I don't want trauma (as I'm actually probably subconciously traumatized by some spoopy stuff) but i just want a bigger push in a way.


I will mention that I don't do any drugs



I don't know but trying to heat my body up is causing a lot of emotion and fears and memories to come up. It can be stopped any time as well so you might want to try it out.



wait you want MORE of this stuff? ground yourself that's so overwhelming at least it would be to me

slowly more and more I'm able to not be overwhelmed dealing with extreme stuff

but dude you could break open the earth with this

but if you are ready… to pilot this flow of infinity… I don't know what to say

maybe you should do drugs if you want more extreme shit

I did salvia specifically with 'i want to get fucked' in mind and I did and ever since 2011 i've been overwhelmed. i did shrooms last year and nothing happened but me scared of accepting I was god and worried i'd accidentally break reality so I specifically chose to remain mundane. technically i didn't even hallucinate though. but salvia was fucked. i don't care about dying but I want reality to keep going. delusional as it may be it's these thoughts that I get in attempts to stay logical while on drugs. do not attempt to be logical on hallucinogens/psychedelics/enthogens/deliriants. it will fuck you up.

anyone smarter than me with insight to give consider this problem. instead of going bottom to top, my chakras are more active at the top going less active the lower you go. it's pretty fucked and makes me hypersensitive. oddly enough paradoxically it's like I can feel reality too much and am way too 'close' to these perceptions. much of my self development was learning to dissociate from the moment and let my ego take over.. all the spiritual fringe books I read is like DUUUHH no shit. it only serves as verifying what I already know. I would call myself an empath but it's way more than just that




I guess you are right, if I fall in love too easily at the moment, I don't deserve to have a girl, or maybe I shouldn't try to make it out as big as a deal as I think it is. This sort of stuff happens always and it's not going to be the last time I get hurt. Feeling sad/pain helps people understand themselves. I need to have thicker skin about this stuff and keep a positive mindset hoping things sort themselves out.

I'm just going to be straight up honest with this girl too and clean my conscience, I think that would help me to grow a bit, because I just bottle everything hoping it goes away.

Guess I'm extremely immature about it, because I get in just a few intimate relations with females, and most just want to have fun, while I'm hoping to find an idealized girl.


Why when I dream it's mostly in third person and I can see my self. Shouldn't it be from you know my point of view?


>I'm hoping to find an idealized girl.

find one that makes you laugh. Make sure to count the little moments



This is very helpful


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Speaking of demons, demon fighting techniques? Martial power works, punch through the veil and they get the wind knocked out of them. Veil of intimidation. Not fall for that shit and just punch 'em where it hurts. That's all I got though, even if it works for the average demon it's still based on limited knowledge.

Anyone have knowledge of demons and daemons and what hurts them the most? What energy hurts them the worst? Yang is working but wondering if ya guys are wise on somethin' great.


For men the low navel is the yang center, so focus on your yang. According to IIH at least. The East focuses on the low navel for good reason, it's the lower burner, and the bladder is the container for the alchemical elixir.

Exact same thing happened to me by the way. Drugs, too logical, thought I was god, came back to human level because I was afraid of breaking reality… the solution is vitamins, diet, exercise, body heat generation, herbal and regular tea, no more drugs, and getting the body temp way up mixed in with some balancing shit. I can see you already try to use your mind to get it back so to speak, so, good luck with that… the act of reading a bunch tends to help me.

When you realize you have so much power, the logical mind says "I am God!", you realize that all this time (either consciously now or not) that you were denying your power over others when you denied God before, and also it's based on the old English word Gaud or Gaudy, so I bet that doesn't help any…. point being that for the body to have proper command over its energies and powers and to prevent it getting out of control and from performing random acts of magic there has to be a strong body, a strong mind.

The way I understand it is though, our ego is based on our telepathic communications with others. By changing your self you get reactions from others telepathically. This could be violent, encouraging, manipulative, or otherwise. When we take drugs I suppose that at least the part where we realize that we're more connected and conscious than is accepted enters awareness. But it COULD be people who are in telepathic link with us seeing us as God when the drug awareness catalyzes changes in everyone around you and you blow their fucking minds because you're logical enough to explain shit to them sub-consciously while on acid or whatever it is. The latter seems most likely.

To protect yourself from the power of OTHERS and have control over our own energy, it takes physical training. Yang can handle more energy and transform it better, while the structure of perception gets fucked by drugs. Working with the energies is best and most straightforward, but unless the body is strong it'll flow out of control again and again. Training montage mode is the only thing that works, working from the mind side is like trying to lift 100lbs with your pinky.

That's my take on it.

Read some manga for inspiration; the Daily Cultivation thread has some good recommendations :^)

This is for anyone that's taken drugs and has gone "I am God!" then lost control of their mind or even body long term.



once again you have misunderstood and horrifically misrepresented what I say

do you know what chakras are dude? you completely ignore that part of my post

why is it that you ignore what is said and instead jump to all the implications that you perceive.

I fucking hate communicating with implications forcing others to assume, because assumptions are not logical to say the least.

I say what I mean so do not ignore it

you give advice, but your advice is completely useless as you failed to connect your advice to how exactly this will reduce my sensitivity or fix my chakras or any connection to anything that I made in my post

I literally never even said that I thought I was god. what happened to you is the complete opposite of what happened to me. I wanted some insight, not incoherent advice about exercising and vitamins and shit. this is a lifelong issue, changes in diet has zero effect on this.

What I posted, it was because I tangentially could relate to that extreme anon. I doubt anyone can understand what I say but I would be willing to extrapolate anything I mean to those who are curious. but instead you ramble and ramble and ramble assuming everyone will relate to what you're saying

I say what I mean so do not ignore it. this is what I had said.

I specifically said that my problem is hypersensitivity and being overwhelmed, and how my chakras are seemingly active in the compete opposite order of what is 'supposed' to happen

instead you talk about yin and yang but never explain what the hell that has to do with anything. I would ask you what you mean, but you will only give me things to read. I don't see the benefit, and when you fail to explain yourself it only shows that you have no idea what you're talking about. especially

fuck I'm not gonna waste my time explaining anything to you anymore. I got a big post typed up but fuck you I know you aren't going to comprehend it and then reply with more ramblings. I guess I will have to include this paragraph though

yin yang is an analogy to understand the unity of duality. I'm not gonna bother to research your silly notions of yang/yin being in static places specific to a gender just in an attempt to comprehend your ramblings. this is ridiculous. chakras are meaningless in terms of understanding where they are in the physical body. it's just correlations to understand the nonphysical phenomena. chakras are something I have explained time and time again and it seems to be standard knowledge around here except for you. it's even in western psychology in the form of maslowe's hearchy of needs.



It was for me also. I was quite young and only played chain of memories on the GBA and never got around to playing the remake

my jaw just absolutely dropped when I saw that video. I think I've seen it 3 or 4 times now since finding it in making my response for you. I thought it was always implied but never saw it explicitly explained like in that scene. my greentext is what I remembered from the ending of the game but wow, riku is even more bad ass than I had ever thought



What he is saying is that your energy is too passive, and to build a dominance over things and you will not be bothered by them.


What do y'all think consciousness actually is?

How does it get into a human?

Personally, I'm a theory of the concept that consciousness comes from some form of energy that lies within a higher dimension. I also like the thought that there are parts of the brain that 'resonate' with certain waves of consciousness which essentially means the mind is a radio antenna for consciousness.



You said you were scared of accepting that you were god and breaking reality, I connected it to it being a fear of breaking reality in a relative way, insofar as it affects other people's minds and perceptions and "black magic" fucks them over. By this I mean your fear is not for all reality, that the fear comes from your sub-conscious making the ocnnection that you have power over others but it isn't infinite.

The lower chakras relates to physical reality, rather than mental reality. Red, Orange, Yellow; Physical, Emotional, Ego. Ego is said to integrate psychic, emotional and intuitive energies. The low navel is the center of gravity/mass when standing upright, has the second largest cluster of neurons (a second brain), and is a very important center in the East, being the largest center of Chi or Lifeforce, the alchemical center or at least holding center for alchemical liquids, and is the center of Jing. Jing is the grossest/crudest energy, being physical energy; below Chi and Shen, the Lifeforce and Mental/Spirit force. We inherit Jing from our parents and then take it in through food mostly.

Since this is the center of crude, physical energy, you may have figured out that it's least sensitive. Horse stance and other exercises are meant to unlock the inner Dan Tien and release a level of lifeforce from this center, vitalizing the body. It is necessary to "Root", as is the name of the first chakra, in order to draw Earth energy up into this center and nourish the body. When you do unlock this center, either in exercise or energy cultivation, there will be a great vitalizing heat that fills your body and strengthens you. If you wish to ground yourself then I recommend physical means to it. A lack of proper nutrition, vitamins, minerals, activity, leads to physical imbalances and you can't progress.

When there is a Root, energy can be literally grounded through the legs or by being transformed in the alchemical center the low Dan Tien, or merely by having a robust energy system from exercise and/or energy cultivation. There is a reason that the kundalini rises from the "Root", the base of the spine. The Root isn't the low Dan Tien but their formation are closely linked in time and practice.

Besides having enough grounding to deal with more energy, relieving energy blocks by clearing the meridians or energy channels prevents energy from hitting these blocks like electricity hitting a resistor and consequently 'pop'ing and short circuiting the body. The more energy that runs through the system, the stronger it is and more it can handle later on. The normal means to handling this is by physical training and cultivating the low dan tien in a basic "heating" method. By normal I mean basic, tried and true means. If you have a weak body, the energy system is weak more likely than not. Even if strong, if you need a lot of warm up to access that strength then you have energy blocks. Blocks can form anywhere, and thus intense activities overall help, but physical means are strongest and lead to more growth. Mental or emotional activities aren't as effective as physical ones.

Workout fullbody, light, throughout the day until your circulation improves enough (blood and energy both) add the tissues are prepared enough that you can go for more intense sessions. Have enough food around and eat plenty. Keep yourself slightly over heated. Practice heat generation in the low dan tien after exercising, but not at night or where it's cold.



no man I mean like when I did salvia like a bunch of insane trippy shit happened and one was a line came down and everything ripped apart like the universe disappeared into blackness. that's what I mean about breaking reality in the most literal sense of the word. there is no experience more extreme than this actually another thing that happened was also extreme but not visually

hey this is great, makes sense I guess though I think your over simplifying the chakra part and I don't think there is anything like a brain in the intestines, maybe in the heart though in terms of electromagnetic fields

but yeah I'm not sure if there is a 'short circuit' happening; it's like I have way too much energy. Like I'm feeling too much, like an empath but hypersensitive in many ways. I'm pretty fit I was working in a warehouse 60 hours a few months ago, but like I said I have always been like this. It's not that my lower chakras are unbalanced, it's that my higher chakras are over active incrementally decreasing in literally like an upside down pyramid


i'm just able to comprehend your post now, my point is that you're giving advice on my problem from when I was on drugs. the obvious solution is don't do drugs lmfao….

fyi pretty much everyone has that telepathic experience on acid. heard very similar things else where. I've literally thought the same but managed to simply say 'i think we are having the exact same conversation' to my sober friends. there's no reason to think about god though. it just means godly social skills or something but what your saying could be true too it's something that needs to be tested with a theory and I got a real good one that I won't share haha though it's nothing to do with emotions so idk what you did what I figure I wouldn't consider black magick but I only did acid once or w.e it was

but yo 7 of us did shrooms and it was pretty fuck lol no one could use ps4 any more we barely did any but after being stuck doing nothing for a while i was like fuck this and took an uber home and proceeded trip the fuck trying to clam down (weed seems to make shrooms trip less trippy). trying to go to sleep because what the fuck will happen in that crazy state of mind while going unconscious


I don't think so man

just smoking weed is too much for me I don't get how people smoke so much weed all day. obviously most of them have the chakra imbalance so they probably don't feel shit

But yea I get what he is saying now, well idk about build dominance to not be bothered where that came from. interesting but don't think that applies to me but that sounds like a universal thing, that I would do only for the environment, and over myself as in the ego to a partial degree.



Microwave weapons tested by military could be dissipated in victims of it by heat, but otherwise would stay in and damage the body, interrupting normal signaling.

And connecting that to what I've read about Yang energy, heat energy in Eastern texts, learning how to heat the body + yang activities like exercise force the energy to circulate throughout the entire body rather than localize in any one place and cause damage, diluting the batch as well as modulating the intensity of it.

As well, if you have one part of the system that's over-active, you COULD take it as an opportunity (curse for some, gift for another) to bring up every other center up to speed as soon as possible to utilize the power of it.

Hitting the root would be logical. Horse Stance man. Physical energy. Can't be normal physically because your higher centers aren't normal… and horse stance is said to be a direct method to forming the root.

Kind of weird, but physical training really is necessary in every scenario of unlocking greater power. I cultivated pure virtue (as torturous as it was) after opening a sort of floodgate of empathy, self-debasing as it sometimes felt to sacrifice my pride and security for others. I'm sure it's similar. Mine differs in that I forced too much energy into a minor psychic organ in the brain (which I've read is common enough and difficult to remedy) and based much of what was going on on that. It was off-base however… a lot of psychic perception that, since it was a minor organ, was not too discerning or relevant to the bigger picture.

Months later only physical training seems to work, after all my experimentation, and now I've found heating myself up works too… like it seems to really work. Vitamins and herbal remedies (teas, supplements) seem to have an understated contribution however, being an easy passive remedy.



Excuse me, how do you open that mega link?


so my point is because of my experience on salvia I completely tripped the fuck out on shrooms thinking what could happen if I fell asleep, also other things happened that felt like magic but was probably more likely my very short term memory failing but who knows

my point originally was in that post, I don't get why you would WANT extreme stuff. I mean that would be overwhelming for anyone trust me

but I mentioned my actual problems because I think they are related in the sense that if I am already overwhelmed like I was always like this, then it's probably why the most insane shit happened on salvia. or on shrooms I mean. I actually have no idea salvia is always crazy, should read the erowid reports. I would just need more practice for shrooms I'm sure.

so I don't think it's even actually related I was just reminded about this that hey I actually have a problem and was able to articulate it already


well I personally define consciousness as it's most essentials, the ability to perceive and the ability to make decisions. Everything else is input, ie perception, and decisions are the output. now what part of your subconscious/ego/self 'dies' and what part stays between lives is something that's yet to be determined. what does stay between lives, would be nonphysical and that's certainly in the higher dimensions. as an aside I wonder what 2D consciousness is well I got theories and they certainly have no potential to even reincarnate as that is at least a 4D thing but there is residual energy that can grow within physicality

it very well might be an entirely 'subjective' thing as in if you believe that you will cease to exist then that is what will happen but people with deep guilt will certainly have hidden beliefs I mean that's just psychology

I can go on and on with my theories on thiswhat I'm saying is each of those things earlier I could write a damn essay on; haven't even started on the other thing, I'm not gonna dive into your 'consciousness receiver' idea yet lol


dude that means you don't identify with yourself fully, you are already having the experience of 'observing yourself' (happens from meditation and other things) what you want now is having dreams of being stuff in video games yeeaaah those are the best

also I mean like you should be like trying to have lucid dreams otherwise you can only hope for what happens in your dreams… actually I never properly tried meditating before sleeping that would probably work as a direct action, making your own mantras or affirmations doesn't really work more than a coupe times, to repeat is a very inconsistent method

but actually my point is when you realize the lack of


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



but actually my point is when you realize the subjective nature of identity you can choose to identify with anything, and identifying solely with your physical body usually leads to spiritually unhealthy behavior. And will lead to docility unless you decide to be impossibly selfish like LHP or just a slave or confused in life. video is actually very related to what I'm saying. but not at all to what you were saying lol but actually of course it can help everyone


>Anyone have knowledge of demons and daemons and what hurts them the most? What energy hurts them the worst? Yang is working but wondering if ya guys are wise on somethin' great.

idk what kind of demons that get affected physically but you need to use the same weapon as they do. it's entirely mental so you are right regarding the 'veil of intimidation' but I would not call it any veil as intimidation and fear is literally the substance of this phenomena since for them fear is an energy they feed on. and they literally are absolutely useless compared to human as all their power entirely comes from intimidation which tricks you into giving them attention and energy (this is no matter what the environment/situation/context is)

but in the same way when you intimidate them that's not energy they can feed on LOL. Without directly perceiving them and interacting in the astral I don't see how else you can hurt them from physicality outside of intimidation. They can't hurt you either though (or ever for that matter), however they can induce hallucinations on you if they want and are capable of; can happen if you are even a tiny bit mentally unstable.

consider going down the servitor route if it's a real problem and you got nothing else you can do (assuming you actually want to do some serious harm to them. intimidation is usually enough as a method of defense, even when you are entirely blind to them)


idk what you mean exactly but I think I have mastered the art of being invisible (complete dissipation) actually I swear I used to be autistic growing up, but that was just on the outside I would completely block myself from most of what I would do since I didn't want to sound crazy and couldn't get over that until I started smoking weed but I'm sure that's just because I never did anything socially since my mom never let me outside growing up so weed was like the first actual social activity rofl

anyways, I think what I should say is that it's just overall an abundance of energy throughout my body. I quite like this actually even if sometimes I get angry a lot usually it's fun; I was just wondering if anyone had any theories of how come I have this abundance of energy. btw when I was younger I would punch hole in the wall when I got angry. Had to develop some self control at least so that I would stop breaking stuff…



btw I'm sure there's a million ways to fix mental problems though (self) therapy of discussing the nature of emotions and such, but it seems you at some level would rather go the physical route. might be due to your beliefs. fyi psychologists believe mind over matter and give therapy, psychiatrists believe matter over mind and give psychoactive meds, actually matter over mind is the thought of doctors/homeopaths/massagers/(actually pretty much everyone else other than therapists)



I don't know about WHY but you should channel that into a goal/purpose.

You probably have a lot of liver/gallbladder energy, since it governs anger, and that tends to clog things. Drink coffee, two cups a day. Coffee dregs up liver energy so it can circulate rather than be congested. It's Yang, but clogs rather than make you go fucking crazy with anger. Science of Breath in the Occult Seed folder in the library will help you, the lungs and large intestine are the controlling organs of the liver and gallbladder, and will prune some of the energy in order to properly channel it (Wood or Tree pruned by Metal or Saw).

Personally I want to become a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor to learn in and out the energy systems of the body and the energetic as well as herbal methods of healing with the far eastern perspective, and as well a Martial Artist, as I believe they compliment each other and would allow me to realize my full potential in this world.

Will probably take 12 years to achieve. I'll have to learn Chinese too.

One provides skill and knowledge and a method to self-healing, and the other provides plenty of wounds and fatigue and chi fluctuations to train my medicinal skills on. I could be not only a normal doctor but a warrior's doctor, for martial artists, and develop the martial arts/fighting through the recovery techniques. I would have the know-how to attack weak points in the body and use energy based attacks as well, with mastery.

The super powers and immortality would be feasible after 12+ years, and I would have enough time to gather and research varying texts… perhaps going on trips around the world by offering medical services internationally, or just making enough money locally (wherever that will be) to eventually have a large library of books for the purpose of achieving greater power and eternal life. I hear alchemy is promising in respect to achieving eternal life. I'll be able to bring my apothecary knowledge into it and expand both systems after entering into the field of Alchemy, and publish books on it.

Comprehensive martial arts/healing manuals would also be part of my career.




I made an account so it's permanent now.



I believe physical methods in the context of long-term comprehensive mastery is superior for the virtuous man, and cultivation of virtue and philosophical insight/perspective/depth to be the superior method for those lacking it.

Physical, martial and energetic mastery are to be trained in parallel I believe, after one has contemplated virtue and philosophy to a satisfactory zenith. The physical/martial/energetic then subsequently shatter much of this culmination of mind/spirit while reaffirming, strengthening, solidifying what is essentially true within the mix of it.

That's my perspective.



If I relate however from personal experience, Metal has never helped me, being yin and cool, despite my readings of the 'cause of energy congestion via liver energy (which I identified with having) and the proposed solution being more Metal.

Heating up the body has served me better in allowing me access to and creative power over my energies, mind and body.

Masculine energy people seem to experience heightened "sensitivity training" at some point in their life yet I have no idea what initiates it



are you crazy I am not fucking drinking coffee. caffeine is one hell of a fucking drug

even tea can be fucked. if anything i'll drink matcha or at least green tea. and with a goddamned water filter. i sure hope no one is using tap water. i got zerowater filter that's 0 PPM 0 nonwater Particles Per Million particles of water.. brita filter is 30 and cold tapwater is 150 and hot tap water is 280. it's fucked

btw at this point in my life I have 100% control of my anger. I simply let my anger out in the most productive way possible as keeping it in is bad, and getting a punching bag for anger is just conditioning you to punch more. I ain't no pussy, if I'm angry that means something in reality made me angry so you bet your ass I'm dealing with it head on! yeah that's probably great for my lower chakras too

but I could hold it in if I wanted, then I would do that physical shit to relieve the mental build up creating physical free radicals or rather 'wild radicals' in every sense of the word

those two are good things to strive for, but no need to stop there. I go for everything. family comes first though. but dude just read all that there is to read and compile it and make your system for herbal that would take like 3 weeks full time lol. martial artistry can take years though. that's an art. and actually growing herbs is also probably an art.

..putting research into practice towards super powered immortality would probably take 15-20 years though. Just finding knowledge should never take too long though, the only thing that gets in the way is disinformation I should say or rather false implications which is why compiling your own information for logical consistency is required

If you're ever going to read any Montalk it should be at least this page


you might need to travel just to find the more obscure/secret info on super powered immortality. Should start a foundation for people all over the world to collaborate once you've established yourself as a leading master


what… you ate metal?


that is an odd belief. first time I hear of something like that. the way I see it, for as long as there is corruption in the world, that means I am not virtuous enough. Until global christ consciousness is achieved one cannot be entirely virtuous.

anyways if you are able to open all your chakras you get infinite energy. to fully open throat and third eye chakra, you at the very least need to fully accept the truth and become aware of the necessary illusion of existence.

physical fitness is required for the lower chakras. if you aren't physically fit you won't get the blood flow to the brain lol! pretty simple. my biology teacher said that best thing to do for exam is to have a jog in the morning as then you've vastly increased the soft limits and capacities of blood flow for the entire day. that's why yoga is important. the body know's what's best though. just like play some music and dance every so often lol.

energetic is how the chi experts can burn paper with their hands I assume. there is at least physical, energetic astral, mental, and flexibility. I would put martial and yoga together, both of them somehow as subcategories of flexibility, like tai chi?

anyways they have no order and are just distinct skills (like skills for the muscles for physical or something). though level 5 of one person is different for level 5 for another, but level 99 would be just about same for everyone xD

but as I was saying, philosophy is for mental, and virtue would be a subcategory of that.



I don't think those guys can do much magick. INNAWOODS is just a stupid meme that is never a good idea unless preparing for apocalypse


fyi I warned ya lmfao


very interesting though. if you want your servitor to have a mind of it's own, well that's just a tulpa imaginary friend, but for it to be an egregore and interact with the universe

what you say means that it needs energy outside of you from the universe. makes a lot of sense

I might look into the 'essay' you mentioned I think I found it


that's so stupid it just might fucking work. not even joking


considering stuff like randi challenge, I think it's a combination of being paranoid of getting hunted by the government, or actual devices/entities/spells/etc that negate all energetic interactions; probably with white noise wouldn't be hard.


psipog used to be a great website but owner shut it down. here is a working mirror I just found




>Eidetic Memory Guide 1st pic

Could someone please explain this guide for me? I understand the use of the memory palace and the Gnosis trance/meditation/self-hypnosis. But the author has 1 tulpa to memorize recipes, another for DIY videos, and another for all these facts and other info.

Is it even possible to use a memory palace and have a Tulpa store and organize info for you like in this guide?


Why are you fat and unhealthy?



anon don't be so mean to yourself






My question is this : How does a Tulpa recall memories for you? does it use the method of loci if you taught it? or can Tulpae really know stuff you don't know

How does a Tulpa recall perfect memories for you?


Are there any notable occultists who didn't have someone to teach them? That is to say, they learned everything about the occult themselves somehow?



>dude that means you don't identify with yourself fully

interesting I guess I'm more high strung than I cared to admit. Problem being I barely sleep and dreams aren't that often. I looked into The Lazy Man’s Guide to Relaxation by Israel Regardie but are there tips besides meditation to help sleep better?


>you can choose to identify with anything

but isnt that a good way to become unstable? (trannies,bronies,etc) I can understand why identifying with spiritual paths can help, but even then it seems once you reach a certain point that you will have to agree to disagree. Fringe looks like a good example.



All occultists have "teachers", but they might not exactly be human teachers. For instance, you have a teacher, /Fringe/, and all the stuff that randomly pops in your head.

And to answer your question, I think Hermes figured it out on his own, though he was pretty advanced anyway.



idk about having "learned everything" but all of them had to have intuition to make connections resulting in their novel analogies


Did you watch video? this is why you are supposed to identify with something more than yourself that still includes you, like family, community, country, humanity, eatth, the universe, god, etc. ok not sure about the last on. but yea you need to have direction to be grounded and the video goes into that


could be similar to entering the trance state and perceiving the subtle energies, while calling for your tulpa. kind of like how that thread talks about fake memories during meditation




>I can understand why identifying with spiritual paths can help, but even then it seems once you reach a certain point that you will have to agree to disagree. Fringe looks like a good example.

I truly wonder what you mean by this



Hey dude… I just had the most crystal clear fucking dreams of my life last night, and waking up I'm getting mind impressions of ultra crystal clear quality of my imagination. In other words my third eye is woke as fuck.

You have to woke your low dan tien. This is all happening first of all after ramping up my self-awareness and association with my own mind 100%, making every slight change like a bowling ball drop when especially it's inappropriate. This is after drugs, spiritual awakening, hypersensitivity/empath stuff, and I having already very acute empathic and imaginitivee qualities.

After that, the catalyst for this alchemical soup was activating the low dan tien by attempting to heat the area behind and a bit lower than the belly button. The bladder holds the alchemical elixir, go ahead and read the "EightExtroardinaryMerideans" in the Daily Cultivation Thread near the bottom.

Just attempting to heat the area will work. It's an emotional center so expect many strong emotions to surface, but continue on through it.

Your emotional life will also become amazing, unlocking all those feelings you never knew you could have, filling your soul with life and love and joy and awe and wonder… the world opens up to you and you to it. Alchemical or something.

After all my trials and tribulations I think my psychic, subtle perceptions are all opening up. It's all in the energy channels and centers. Unlock your Low Dan Tien and amazing shit shall commenceth.



If you want to sleep more actually don't sleep at all for one day and wait for the next night. should reset your circadian rhythm

practicing sleep deprivation is also a good way to hone your wizard skills



I guess the point was that I had the best dreams of my life and this would definitely help that.

Besides that I feel more rested and like I have more relaxed energy than before. I can decide to not feel tired or be tired, or have lots of energy.

Low dan tien so good



Nice. Keep tapping into that abundance but, as I'm sure you already know, don't forget to cultivate the energy itself towards something greater.

One must not be wasteful with the holy gifts they have managed to open themselves up.

A saying in my culture points out that gratitude and patience is all one ever needs


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Alright, which one of you was it?



Not me. Sounds like bullshit disinfo



It's more so to keep in mind what reality is and not fall back into a mundane mindset


2 questions:

Anyone got books/resources about love?

I wanna have a spiritually healthy love relationship with myself and others, since I've noticed through reading my Astrology chart and obviously knowing myself that I'm always too harsh and have an inferiority complex.

Also, that would help people around me so I could treat them better and hopefully make the world a better place, sadly I get too confused and distrustful with people so I need to work on that too.

This is more important than the 2nd question at the moment btw.

The second question is: I know people talked about their bad/good parts, their dualities and all the stuff, but I feel like my "evil" or demons (as in, damage others verbally/psychologically) part is extremely proficient and talented. I have too keep fighting this, but honestly, I'm super good at offending people and poking continously at their psyche trying to break them. I can make a person feel bad about themselves, by planting little stuff mischeviously or making them lose confidence in themselves, sometimes unintentionally. In High School I was like this, but at college I noticed I needed to fix my life, so I'm dealing with my sins and trying to be "good" (as in, what gives the best outcome for everyone, sometimes throwing myself under the bus)

It's all so horrible because it's not like I do it purposefully, but rather as something that is second nature to me. In fact, a friend of me tells me from time to time something like:

>I respect you man, because I know you can be the most evil person around, however I also know that you hold back and try to always be good and do the right thing. (It's not the exact words, I had to translate)

It's weird, because everything I read says: do what you like and are good at, well, matter of fact is that I sometimes like doing the wrong things and fucking with people, but I want to keep friends, family and romantic interests in my life, but if I fell down the abyss I would just be the biggest asshole 24/7 and cause everyone to hate themselves/me.

I feel like fighting myself for so long might take it's toll on me in the long run. But I keep putting a facade in order to get by, second guess the words I will say and keep a positive attitude. I just wanna hear your advice about it.



That's exactly what salvia did to me. Proof. It was more than I'd need for a lifetime.



>This is after drugs

stopped reading


never mind


Worth a try thanks



i agree with the other guy and lol


>stopped reading

have you ever had coffee or alcohol or tobacco? then you've had drugs. get over it; they're a useful tool at times.


sounds like your higher centers were already developed and you needed to unblock the lower one keeping them from lighting up with kundalini energy. cool.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah dude I have a friend who's completely off his rocker doing n boms or god knows what.

I think this guy is being mostly legit but one post took me so long to get until I realized

>i'm just able to comprehend your post now, my point is that you're giving advice on my problem from when I was on drugs. the obvious solution is don't do drugs lmfao….

that really was funny. vid related explain best use of drugs though, just one puff of a joint every few weeks and it's GO TIME. I personally smoke under half a gram a day or so


bruh coffee is a fucked up drug and so is alcohol. cigarettes are just cancer, but there could be some use in limited smoking of natural tobacco and I wouldn't call that a drug. Unless you mean drugs like aspirin, in which case herbal remedies are also drugs.

I recommended matcha or green tea, that's so limited in caffeine and comes in ratios with other natural chemicals that it's not really a drug.


Mind altering substances

Altered states of consciousness

Even these are part of the mysteries of life that if one chooses to can try figuring them out. I wouldn't exactly prioritize this endeavor though



that place is disturbingly pathetic


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this is relevant to my interests



Drugs were a short phase of my life. Now it's just coffee, occasionally alcohol.


Tea is good yeah. Coffee I'm sure has shit besides caffeine but it's just a black liquid like any other liquid, weak in its affects (relative to other shit) and great as medicine if you have the right disease/imbalance.



coffee has antioxidants, good to jump start your body perhaps before or after a cleanse

But that get's me aggressive without even realizing it. Usually I'm aware because I would know the source of my emotions


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What do I need to start studying to eventually understand this shit? Should I become a Mason? Study geometry, Pythagoras?



that shit is probably a red herring so that smart people completely waste their time and continue to be useless


Last night I had a strange dream.

Or two.. I was dreaming about trying to fall asleep but every time I did I had a nightmare and "woke" myself up, all in the dream. After doing this a few times and explaining in the dream my problem to someone I tried one last time to fall asleep.

Shortly after falling asleep in my dream I dreamt, only this time I realized that I was dreaming, so I figured I'd take control.

Tried to alter the environment (an office) to no avail.

Now my brain didn't like this or that was how I interpreted it, so it manifested strangely cliché nightmare elements..

After fighting to pull a man in a hockeymask towards me with my thought (he moved away if I only walked) I got his mask of somehow, which prompted him to stab me.

Thus waking me up for real.

Did I lucid dream, or did I only dream I did?

How would I successfully take full control of I ever experienced this again?

I have always been able to wake myself from a nightmare att some points when I get scared.

I've only lucid dreamt once before, again only in a set environment and only until a nightmare started manifesting and I woke myself up, at least this time I had control til I was stabbed.



>they're a useful tool at times.

True but I haven't done hardcore psychedelics which seems to have been a gate way for alot of you guys which is fine but got to take into consideration that because of that people who haven't are gonna get different results I'm sure working on low dan tien will have beneficial results but I doubt it will be as dramatic as >>100152 was saying


If smoking weed gets the creativity going then go ahead, For me at this point it just makes me retarded and doesn't help me accomplish anything so gonna quit for awhile


There's a whole guide >>99570 dedicated to tulpa-perfect-memory but doesn't explain how. How do you use Tulpas for perfect memory recall?




Remember that Pythagoras was interested in harmony. A lot of how we remember him is a product of understanding harmonics without a lot of info on harmonics



I like it, volcel master race



Maybe you should try keeping your mind distracted by always trying to think about only those good things that people in front of you have. Like maybe keep yourself always mentally occupied by thinking about their nice positive traits and those times when you have had fun with them, and like keeping this feeling with you by forcing you to think about that continuously.

Then maybe just tell people that you sometimes can be a bit harsh, but that you also don't want to hurt them. I think being humble might help, just try to express positive feelings towards other people more openly, maybe it will help your dark side get a bit of light. If the problem is that you do it without thinking them maybe you need to start thinking before you talk, a good way to do this is do force you to mentally say a word before you say anything out loud. For example "love". You make an effort to think the word "love" every time you're going to open your mouth. Then you try to make an effort to remember thinking only positive things when you find yourself about to speak. You think that could work?


Forgive my doubts, but have anyone actually done something 'supernatural'?

I've learned many things from your books, teachings and practises. I can control my actions, thoughts emotion etc. in almost inhumane measures, but i don't count any of this supernatural or even magical.


Was wondering if someone could help me find some names.

the first is what do you call a book of feelings, thoughts, secrets, notes dealing in the supernatural. basically a mix between a grimoire and a journal.

Also i have formed a group of people who are all into the supernatural, psionics, astrology, spells, crystals.. we are meeting weekly but trying to figure out a general group name like coven or circle, but since we are not a wicca group it's hard to find the right title.


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Does semen retention lead to control of the elements, or does it just help a bit?



I've moved bottles with my mind, raised my body temperature 16 degrees in an AC'd room, over-stimulated my crown and went crazy for a day, seen ghosts (well, more like experience ghosts), gotten info from lucid dreaming, and enchanted shit where normalfags notice without being told. But this shit takes a lot of practice, and building up to this is like lifting weights so you can one day deadlift 600 ib.s, but you're not even sure if that's possible… until you do



gotten info from lucid dream, you mean asking questions in them?


>>100225 gotten info from lucid dream, do you mean by asking entities questions while lucid dreaming?



Too much Ether/Akasha or Space of the Ayurvedic tradition.

In the Void, psychic energy accumulates and spontaneous psychic manifestation occurs. Thus, cultivating Earth its opposite would balance it.

Heavy, dense exercise like weight lifting and heavy dense foods will solve your issue of falling asleep awake and having shitty dreams. As well, you will sleep much deeper since Earth can pass through several layers of the conscious to the unconscious undisturbed.

Water is also good, the cohesive force in the ayurvedic tradition. Soft, detoxifying, wet, etc.

Thus Tai Chi (you can probably perform it spontaneously/improvise), weight lifting, stomping and slapping oneself (samoan), water and tea, lots of food, and anything heavy like a challenge or big project or big task… overcome something heavy in your life.


Damn that's good.


The most apparent shit I've done involves psychic perception where I heard my aunt cast a death curse on my mother, touched my cat and _ I _ started purring, causing technology around me to malfunction sometimes in very specific ways, communicating with normal people psychically/energetically without them knowing it, being harrassed by demons and people with grudges or just reacting to my long-distance energy, inner training that allows me control over my thoughts/emotions/blood/energy/physiology, magnetic powers related to the tech fuckery and also mental fuckery which permits me to basically retrieve knowledge and skill and connect with individuals on other planes of existence (other spectra) including masters of whatever path that teach me shit, a girl online asked me to send her energy to make her feel better and I did, making her entire chest vibrate… that's it.

Oh and I have a problem where I am mentally invasive naturally, long distance. My father is the same. Too bad I never met my great grandfather though, he was a 62' Freemason and could have taught me shit. My father's father's father too…. could have been a potent inheritance.



I went to sleep focusing on finding out how to get passed that gay ass turret in Star Wars: RotS. And while I was lucid enough to fuck around, I didn't remember to seek out the answer until I saw my uncle, the answer popped into my head and I asked him if it would work, he said "Worth a try". Sure enough, when I woke up it worked, barely, but the point is, get gud at remembering dreams by writing them down, autosuggestions like, "I will have control", having an alarm ring while your asleep to remind you. You seldom full on know your dreaming when you first fall asleep.



That's cool as shit, you could be a great healer.


>>100234 i understand lucid dream and aside from the last week i have been fairly good at them for the last 15 years. something happened last week in one of them and i have not been able to lucid dream since.. hoping to fix it soon, pretty sure something decided to fuck with me.

Anyways yea i learned a long time ago to seek out entities in my dreams i classified them as oracles, sometimes they would appear within moments of me going lucid and other times i would have to spend months or years seeking them out (funny how time passes in dream, last night i had a 20 minute dream where i spent two weeks with a friend of mine) back to what i was saying these oracles are entities in which ask many questions from questions about good to scientific theories, when i'm lucky they will also add some additional information that i did not ask for broadening my understanding of a subject that i though i understood. lately my questions have been about magic and eternal life… it's been a difficult set of questions and getting answers from them is like pulling teeth because my questions have to be very very specific.

this however was until about two month ago when things started changing. i'm use to using triggers in my dreams to wake myself up but around two months ago entities would show up knowing i was in a dream when i dident even know, they would force triggers on me causing me to wake up. but then about a month ago the oracles stopped showing up and instead this well dressed man in a black suit and black hair started showing up. he does everything at his own pace and is insanely difficult to speak with or get answers from often telling me it's not his job or he has no need to. the few answers i can get from him seem to be when i ask him about gods at which point he seems to suggest being one. i don't know who or what he is but i'm tired of him showing up and i want the oracles back.

anyways sense you seem to understand lucid dreams i was wondering if you could tell me how to ether make this guy actually useful or how i simply git rid of him. when he is there i am still lucid but i seem to lose control over the dream.

anyways fun times i'm actually thinking of starting a group based around lucid dreaming and seeing what we can accomplish.


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>fancies himself a god

>puts others down

This wouls suggest he's StS, I don't think this is tough love/no spoonfeeding

Now as to where he came from, and thus, how to get rid of him, it could be anything. Infact, he may not even be an objective intelligence, after all, this is your personal dream. Next time he shows up you should dedicate a few dreams to just observing him, how he moves, how he reacts, his sentiment. If he's subjective find the root of his manifestation and balance him, if he's objective, you could banish him, keep your dreams at a frequency that he won't like, if all else fails you may have a fight on your hands, but stay calm, if he is an actual, alien intelligence, know that he see's your thoughts like you see his body. He's a mental creature, thwarted through mental means. Also, you have a physical ground, he doesn't, if you can't banish him, or kick his ass, attrition is the incarnated's fail-safe. This is just my advce, but I've never had to run any body off before, so someone might have a better answer.



Do the right thing.



Do not be arrogant.



I will try it for the next few days and tell you how it feels.

I didn't mean to say it as if I was an asshole to everyone always and that I couldn't stop it, nowadays I try to be a pillar and someone people can rely on in times of need. I've changed my ways in the last 4 years and luckily I had found good friends over that time.

I just have an issue with being good/proficient at being mean to people, because imagine if you were good at robbing or causing trouble to others. It's like I know there's a demon inside me that tries to come out at every chance, and I have to keep it under control 24/7. If I had to attribute it to something, I would say that I was bullied early in school, and since I felt the world hurt me, I had to make sure everyone felt it too.

I've been pondering over it and while I was writing this, I remembered about Jung's Shadow and how we have to reconcile it to make use of it and grow. I think that's what I need to do. Maybe it's not about keeping the beast locked, but taming it and giving it chances to help me about when it's needed. However, this shows that I'm still a very resentful person (I'm 100% sure about it), so I think I will have to find ways to make go away or calm that, so maybe the problem had a bigger scope.

I really need help with the 1st question though >>100169

(if you or anyone has any information). I think I need some practical advice about how to grow love to myself and others, because it would really benefit my lifestyle and I'm drawn upon it by something I can't explain. It's easy to say you want to love yourself/others, but so much harder to put into practice




You guys don't believe me but you HAVE TO PHYSICALLY TRAIN. No other way. It's just energy, you can tame it like it's a small kitty rather than a tiger just by training your body.

Ayurvedic element interpretation guide:

Earth: Heavy, stable, slow training. Weight lifting or one arm/leg versions of stuff, still need to add weight.

Water: Bring it all together, cohesion, soft. Flexibility, mobility, tai chi training. Bring the dense chi in the legs, develop strength in full range of motion at all angles through tai chi style movements and yoga, strengthen the corners and end of range of motion.

Air: Speed, agility, lightness, precision. Rep stuff out, train plyometrics/agility, run and sprint, jump, make a slow movement a fast movement, train to hit/kick with precision.

Fire: Intensity, endurance, speed. Train with intensity, heat, longer training, clustering together more exercises, max effort and max time type work, until you want to puke. The more dynamic and chaotic and explosive (combative) the better.

Space: Emptiness, turn the training into meditation and make it effortless.

Find out which you're weak in (my Air/Fire is what's holding me back) and hit that shit 1, 2, 5 hours a day with cycles of light, medium, heavy, max work in it. It's literally what's holding back every single one of you.



I'm sorry i don't understand but i'm more than happy to hear you out.


sorry but an StS, what is this? also thanks for the advice.


do you mean in addition to what he is saying or do you mean what he is saying is too arrogant for the situation, if so i would enjoy hearing your point of view on the matter.



I am plagued by problems of a mental/energetic nature without exercise for reference. I have highly developed energetic and mental abilities (psychic, clairsentient, skill/knowledge absorption, energetic/mind projection that can affect others immediately, etc) so physical exercise is absolutely necessary to even be functional.

Everyone here fucks with energy so start training. You'll be able to run 20 mph, lift 500 lbs, throw 100 mph baseballs/rocks, knock out big dudes with a body shot, etc. and more if you continue your training… but at that point you guys might be satisfied with how far your energy/mind abilities are allowed to progress by reaching that point of physical prowess.



>This is just my advce, but I've never had to run any body off before, so someone might have a better answer.

>do not be arrogant

Care to elaborate?



StS (Service to Self) is just a Casswiki term for selfish shitheads like the majority of reptilians, jews, and alpha thetans. They often share similarities in their belief of cold-blooded heirarchy, forceful domination, and sadism. It can sometimes be very subtle the difference between an StO, (Service to Others), and an StS, but you can usually tell by: An StO alpha male will always leave his tribe motivated and ready to achieve their greatest, an StS alpha male will abuse his power, and leave everyone feeling inferior and inadequate.



All training is inconsistent in results or stagnant until you realize how training actually works.

First your energy is organized and harmonized, THEN the body makes progress. With greater energetic power , the more chaos initially and thus longer time before progress comes and you finally have stable progression.

Full body, all areas of training, must be done before it harmonizes and you can progress the body all at once and make near superhuman breakthroughs.

Gradually work your way up to hours of training a day…. after a few months you can train for hours at mostly mid and low intensity.

After long enough, a full day of intense as possible training will make regular occurance in your life.

Learning healing techniques, what healing herbs/teas/foods/powders/supplements there are and how to get them, how to use hot/cold and inner energy to train or heal…. will be necessary.

Until that point, just being aware how the training feels and integrating your intuition into physical training will give you the best long term results. Your energy will harmonize with your body and vice versa and with the environmental factors mcuh sooner this way.




'''This, this, and THIS!

Not only maintain, but renovate your temple of solomon. On a magical level, you can't do cool magus shit until you have a really high energy circuit, but if you're a weak dyel phaggot your circuitry will, "melt" under the intense electric heat. So to maintain a high voltage circuit, you need "thicker wires" or, in real terms, a stronger physical body to balance it out.

When the fire gets too hot, you need more earth to shield it.



Fire and pressure forms gemstones in the Earth and metal in the Sun.

Increase your density and you'll manifest destiny!

Fuck you "raise your vibe become like light avoid dense low vibe stuff" fuckers.




Oh and everyone with strong emotions/empathy/sensitivities take note. That shit is high voltage energy, you guys HAVE to train.


Hey servitor guy here again. So I made another attempt to make one. It is now dead. Let me walk you through everything that happened and it's construction so that maybe you can help me figure out where the hell I went wrong lol.

I basically wrote a long list of instructions on a piece of paper for it. I basically acted as god. I wrote on this paper that I was it's creator, I gave it a sort-of name-of-power for myself and then told it never to call me that name but to call me master or it would be destroyed. I told it to obey me at all times or it would be destroyed. Then I outlined what it would be made from/its power source which was various emotions and characteristics of me. The idea was that anytime I felt one of the emotions the energy would go to it. Then it was told what it's job was, which was essentially to work to bring me money and to improve certain features of mine (such as my vocabulary). Afterwards I spoke about how at anytime it fails in it's duties it will be destroyed. Then a name and a symbol was given. The name if spoken by me would call it and give me power over it, and the symbol acted as a house for it so it could easily be destroyed (believe it or not I did learn from my last attempt lol). Then it was given reasons to listen to me (which was mostly that otherwise it would be hurt and or destroyed), and it was reminded that if it disobeyed it would be hurt and or destroyed lol. Then I simply commanded that it exist. Finally I folded it up, and wrapped it in another piece of paper, and taped it up.

I read it outloud to bring it into being and immediately my heart chakra began to hurt, pretty badly too. However, my servitor was alive and listening to me. I thought the problem was that I had opened a connection to it that it was constantly feeding from which was causing me pain. I did not blame it for this but rather saw it as a flaw in my creation of it and sought to rectify the situation. I could see it on my hearth chakra, and what I did was I cut the energy tie I had with it and pushed it out so it could be more of a separate entity than a leech. There was still a bit of pain at various points on my body but I attributed that to a lack of energy and believed it would heal as my energy replenished.

Here's where the weird thing happened. Less than 20 minutes after it's creation I hear my spirit guides destroy it. They told me I did something really wrong and that essentially it wasn’t safe or good to keep it alive, but that once I figure out the problem I can remake it. So wtf did i do wrong? I really don't understand this time.





That place reacts vehemently to true volcels. They think they hate incels but are incels themselves.

The mods banned me like 10 times because I was offering actual advice towards wizardry


That sounds like the kind of dumb hypnosis that would detach you from your essence


I can't answer your second question if you consider it to be anything less than the highest priority

Which is why I can't answer your first question as you have provided no justification of why it's not your lowest priority

In my perspective you've already shown your arrogance and lack of desire to learn when you already established fallacious priorities, but of course that's speculation. And I sure ain't going to give any benefit of the doubt; not to mention to be able to help you you'd need to provide more information for the reasoning behind your decision making

I will say that at the very least the answer to both your questions is being able to accept yourself. This is a three step process from understanding yourself, accepting who you are and what you must become, embracing the journey towards manifesting your higher self, and then finally you'll learn to love yourself fully by the end.


Visual representation of cognitivce dissonance. Pretty typical as far as your first few lucid dreams go. Soon you will people who help you along with people who try to hurt you. They are all a part of you though, you're presence will always be the most significant thing that everything reacts to

Lucid dream doesn't mean full dream control, the most basic meaning is having some control of your thoughts, Sometimes you can realize and then forget you were dreaming because the 'storyline' of your dream happens to be interesting/distracting


go away CIA


Depends on how it's organized. Just sounds like a guide to me


>I went to sleep focusing on finding out how to get passed that gay ass turret in Star Wars: RotS




pbbbt all you need is logic. There's two things I've already said for solving this, that I'm gonna go look for to copy paste now



No need to be autistic. STS is being selfish and STO is being selfless (at the most inherent level for motivations and goal for your entire existence)


You do not have a temple of solomon. You have a temple and it's your choice to develop it towards an ideal, for example the ideal of solomon's temple

Your different bodies are the temples of god housing your godspark

And although that maybe true, it's an exponential increase in effciency, not linear. Once connection to abundant energy is made, the smallest increase in physical form and flexibility will lead to an overwhelming amount of energy. Without an appropriate change in lifestyle to accomodate the energy, you're just going to have even more problems.

What's really important is the temperance of the mind to hone the energy of the emotions. Emotions and feelings must be allowed through the gate by the gatekeeper that is the mind.


Stop projecting your energy towards an opponent that doesn't exist. Unless you want someone who wants to be an opponent to come along.


Don't train hard, train smart


I read two lines and just facepalmed. All healthy relationships regarding respect must have the respect be mutual. Maybe not equal but at least equivalent. Even the relationship between creator and creation must be of mutual respect. Both must know their place and role

basically, stop powertripping vid related. that's you


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Well, seeing as my last servitor decided in under a day that it was better than me and didn't need me i thought being tough would work better. I wasn't cruel though. Here is part of what I wrote

>All things listed are my commands and my commands are the very fabric of your existence.

>To go against me is to go against yourself and I promise it will hurt.

and later

>This paper is your code, your instructions for life.

>If you ever do not know what to do or begin to question your existence consult these papers; for I am your creator, and I have given you life, and these papers are what you are, your foundation, your reason for being, and all good things in your world can be derived from them



It's just evil, and that's not who you are, so you can't maintain a relationship like that.

Be yourself and you can maintain the relationship. Be as benevolent or as logical as you are.



when you realize the subjective nature of identity you can choose to identify with anything, and identifying solely with your physical body usually leads to spiritually unhealthy behavior. And will lead to docility unless you decide to be impossibly selfish like LHP or just a slave or confused in life.

if you identify with humanity and 'love yourself' and 'be selfish', as you feel everyone is a part of you then you care for them

You are absolutely right about Jung's shadow.

none of that sounds like it would be inherently bad for you. just lower the priority to make sure everyone also feels pain.

there is no 'bad or good' it all depends on context. reduce the priority of 'bad' things but don't discard it. keep it around for when the context allows a situation/opportunity for the 'bad things' to actually be good.

don't destroy yourself, restructure yourself. break your self down completely and build yourself back up. But don't discard any pieces, that would be wasteful

There's nothing wrong with being resentful. Energy is energy. Just learn to direct it, even the resent itself. Instead of blaming the perpetrator of harm, understand that even they are victims of a society and culture that allows/encourages psychopathic behavior

resent the J00Z or illumniti or whatever if anything


If you don't give an entity room to change, it will eventually force change.

Because you made such limitations on the entity, the entity when it would decide in the future that it wants to change would perceive any change would only be possible though the destruction of it's master the very act of imposing such absolute limitations. I cannot think of anything more crueler. In my own life, I don't care for anyone to be mean to me. But when I am ignored/misrepresented or when a limitation is forced onto me, you better be prepared for mental assault

You said yourself that your last one did that probably because you used an outside energy source. So it probably was just hungry for such delicious energy as your energy would be very plain in comparison.

FYI having your creation think it is "better than you" is not "wrong" especially since the purpose of it's creation is to do something that you won't, for whatever reason. Even if it's just to enable your laziness, you would be dependent on your creation at the end of the day for whatever purpose or task you gave it


as in your energy that you willingly give would be less tasty than the energy you exfoliate from being force-drained or from getting your jimmies rustled



>servitor chan begins giving wrong information to snowflake bro to make him look like a dumbass




I am not sure what you mean. Also it's been established that no one here knows anything about servitors.

this guy already seems to have more experience in this than anyone posting otherwise the question being spammed for so long asking about the mechanism of how servitors can enhance memory, literally been asked since the start of this thread repeating himself and no one replying cause it seems we don't know sheet

Energy definitely come's in different flavors. I was just referring to rustling of jimmies as a meme, and subtle reference to making fun of him through comparison to south park



You said it would start developing a taste fo higher energy, namely by trolling snowflake bro, to which I immediately thought of the servitor giving him wrong answers on a test, after all that work, it'd definitely piss me off



I am that person spamming the same question. It's not just been this thread it's been the last 3 threads.


Ok, I understand needing to have a healthy relationship with your servitor, but I still struggle to see how what I did is wrong. I see how it is cruel, but I guess the real issue is I don't see a better way to have a relationship with it.


At least consciously I don't see how I could ever falter in my relationship with it. Sure I may have been a bit cruel and harsh, but that is simply to establish rules and guidelines and in action I could be much more forgiving if I felt the need. Also, the idea of commanding a servitor as a god to his creation came quite naturally to me.


Why would it ever need to change? I gave it strict guidelines and rules because I knew what it wanted to do. If I ever wanted it to grow I could do that myself. How could it ever benefit me to begin to make its own decisions? I understand why some could need that, but mine was simple enough that I feel like it shouldn’t need to.

Also I made it, it is a part of me, I feel no reason to be empathetic towards it. I am essentially harming no one but myself if I so chose to harm it. If you make a program to accomplish a task, and it does not accomplish it, then you destroy/remake the code, correct? What I am doing is not really much different. Sure it has some semblance of a personality but it needn't be much more than a simple analysing of certain objects attributes, and even then I think that is not completely necessary. It's a simple yes/no. Is this money? If yes bring it into my possession. Is this expensive? If no then no need to bring it into my possession.

Sure maybe doing something like improving my vocabulary could be a bit more difficult, but I think that can be dumbed down to a certain degree in which not much brain power is necessary. And doing something like improving my confidence is easy (just have it radiate the emotion). None of these things require particularly complex thinking or a well developed "brain".

I started rambling but essentially what I'm trying to say is I don't understand why it should need to change or why I need to be kind to it. All that being said though I will continue to brainstorm other methods of controlling/creating servitors while I continue to try and figure out what I did wrong on this one.



I hate double posting but I feel this is sort of important.

I talked to my spirit guides (who suddenly are more than happy to enlighten me on why the killed my servitor. I guess they just wanted me to be confused for a few hours or something) and they told me the issue wasnt so much my perceived "cruelty" towards my creation, but in the essence of how it was made. According to them it was like I ripped a part of my spirit or essence and tried to form my servitor from that. Something similar would be like in the Lord of the Rings mythos in which the angels (or whatever they are called) lose their power as they create something because they use their very essence. Pretend I was a rock and I chipped a part of me off, that little chip was the servitor. That is why it was attached to my heart chakra, and why I was in so much pain. I split my being. Here is the first few things I said in the instruction sheet:

>I am your creator

>You are born from me

>I am your master, your father, and if you disobey me your destroyer.

(notice how in the first few lines I firmly state my position and my servitors fragile existence)

Then in the final set of lines I state this

>So here I call you into being, [redacted]

>Come into your house [sigil went here] and be real

>(more stuff about obeying me and killing it)

>I am [redacted] and I command you to be real, to exist.

>Now go out and do my will

Though I state at some point where it draws it's power from, i never give it any initial power. I never provided that first oomph to get it going, I just ripped it and commanded it from my being. Next time I do this I will put a fair amount of energy into something and then command it to be birthed from that energy.


Are succubus real and if so how would me and my wife summon one.. as innocently as possible (no goat death, sorry still use to all the occult stuff i grew up with)

i have been thinking for a while that they may not be demonic in nature just that they need energy, i am very good at producing energy, farming energy, and when needed i have a nearly limitless supply… i just suck ass at any kind of energy manipulation so i generally just store it in my pool. Anyways im interested in A: trading energy to an entitiy for knowledge and B trading energy to an entity for lustful interactions… if said entities exist.


I had a dream where I woke up and got out of bed then went down to the bathroom. I didn't realise it was a dream. I looked in the mirror and saw a third eye just above and inbetween my brow line. It was completely black. I panicked and got scared shitless, I thought it was real life and not a dream. Then I thought "I need to get this out NOW!" so I dug it out, squeezed it into mush and washed it down the sink, then I woke up for real.

Does that mean anything?

It was actually a few years ago but I never forgot it. Only other dreams I remember are one time I was being chased by a cow and I went to my park and jumped in to a phone booth to escape it and there were two hot women there and I started to fuck them, then I woke up as it began to get interesting. I also dreamed once I was being chased by witches so I jumped in to one of those big red buses you see in London in the UK and decided to use it as my vehicle of escape. Don't remember what happened after that.

These last two don't seem that significant though.



channel venus and mercury.

>dealing with lesser spirits




what do you want to know?

short questions that allow for specific answers please.



It's about Tulpas/Servitors and using them for memory recall.

This Eidetic memory guide >>99570 talks about using servitors ( he calls them Tulpa) for memory recall. He has a memory palace and has tulpas that memorize the stuff they're assigned to but he doesn't explain HOW they memorize stuff.

Here's the part he speaks about it:

>in my house I have hundreds of rooms. Each room has something unique and different in it to associate a task. The rest of my Tupla's are librarians that understand the house. Each tulpa acting as a librarian understands different things. I have a handy man that memorizes fixing stuff, very handy when I need to absorb youtube videos of car repair or carpentry or whatever physical stuff I need to learn that I don't have the physical process down. Another knows where technical information is and sorts it for me like a infinite database of useless and useful facts, stats, news, places, names, things. I even made a cook to memorize recipes to impress friends and family with a recipe I see happen once. My fourth is a 'wizard', he wanders around spouts spells, meditations, psychic defense, etc. Anything that I don't need in the other 99.9% of my life he deals with.

HOW have his Tulpas memorized things? And HOW do they recall stuff for him?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I want to mention that I do not identify with any of the flags.

Some more representation from Greek/Classical antiquity like Hellenism would be nice.

I personally like Neoplatonism the most.

People don't seem to understand that Montalk has nothing to do with Christian Gnosticism and in fact he was trying to reclaim the term Gnostic from this nonsense towards the original sense of the word, as it means 'knowing'; ie agnostic vs gnostic.

Montalk himself won't shut up about aliens so I can't identify with that either until I talk about quantum mechanics as he made the etheric connection; although I had figured it out myself and try to make connections with as little reference to Montalk as possible.

Because as he himself says, he made no particularly new revelations and simply compiled and correlated all the info of, well he made a damn list on his Gnosis Intro page.

Oh he himself also mentions Carl Jung. That would be a cool flag too as Jung's discourse of archetypes and the development of the psyche completely correlates with any esoteric text discussing self development and 'higher subtle entities' influencing humanity, so to speak.

For now I identify with Alex Jones the most the moment I heard him drop his 'big enchilada' last time he showed up on the Joe Rogan show. vid related. enjoyat least for lulz

So yea.. There should be a meta thread. Also some sort of a philosophers & practitioners discourse thread.

These ask threads are getting way too cluttered

Imagine we just had a handful of stickies completely removing the need for threads haha. After that it would just be attempts to make 'Generals'


oh your use of pronouns had me stumped. excuse my autism


your persistence is admirable



aredsn't the answers to these pretty straight forward?



>your persistence is admirable

It's almost desperation at this point. "If you figure this out you can get an eidetic memory" is motivation enough.


>aren't the answers to these pretty straight forward?

I always thought Tulpas can't do anything you can't do. He says his tulpas just memorize videos or recipes just like that! Doesn't say how they're programmed or anything. I've practiced with a memory palace and I can't do that. how do I develop a tulpa that can?

Maybe I'm just missing something obvious idk



>I've practiced with a memory palace and I can't do that.

I can't do that instantly*




If you can make a memory palace you know everything you need, see this place as your mind.

working with the servitors in your minds palace takes time but they learn to do the tasks eventually, just make sure they know their tasks in their creation and dont sully them with dumb shit like sex.

takes time but they'll learn.


To everyone who is constantly asking for very specific details as to how things work and how you will achieve things: the answers to these questions will never satisfy you. The understanding you seek needs to be discovered through your own eyes and through your own experience for you to truly end up comprehending it. You shouldn't worry too much about theory and just start doing. When people were trying to fly, there were rich companies working hard on flight theory, but they didn't get many test runs done as a result. The Wright Brothers risked their lives and went through thousands of flight tests, and they succeeded because they took action instead of sitting around discussing action. I have had some success with memory servitors, companion tulpas, and demonic intuition. And it didn't click right away because somebody explained it to me. You just have to start doing things yourself. I meditated for an hour every morning at 5am for months, and I practiced with my tulpa and servitors every single day for years. If you can't do at least that, then there's no point in discussing theory because you won't make it. Sometimes you have to take action before you have everything planned out, because until you have experience you really can't plan everything or understand all the theory in the first place. Spoonfeeding is for babies. Men take action.


i didn't bother responding because something felt off or not in sync or not in accordance with the flow like i'm not supposed to answer, but i read your posts now and i'm typing.

there is nothing to tell on servitors really.

if you can move energy in your body you can move energy in your minds palance, there its as easy as taking a piece of clay (energy) and molding it the way you want it.

whats important is setting the things tasks, not giving it emotions, having it basic.

compartmentalizing your mind, making servitors for different things.

you can do anything you can imagine.

except for following the principles your servitors are only as limited as you are.

>nobody knows

nobody bothered to answer cause it feels like anon is looking for an easy fix, its not, its simple as fuck but takes time and energy.


Why would you want to do this though? Feels like a massive waste of time.

Also robs you of the pleasure of figuring something out again if you forgot it, which is unlikely.

Have you raised kundalini and developed the energy body? Start with that, before servitors, servitors are low level magic and you wont need to do it if you've done the initial steps because those also make the brain run faster and better.



>nobody bothered to answer cause it feels like anon is looking for an easy fix

How dare you speak for others. Get fucked



then why didnt you answer, cause you didn't know?


chirp chirp motherfucker.



Hey I actually figured out a long time nuance of the astral realm that I never bothered to think about before. The mechanics of memory in the astral and therefore for entities like servitors and for what part of ourselves will exist after death. It's quite simple I'll explain later once the losers leave or get fucked

But of course you don't need to know for it to work. Most All magick is essentially chaos magick in that you don't need to know shieet as long as you trust yourself or whatever thing you need to. Belief creates reality and all that. Oh and emotions are important.


You're spirit guides probably know better as I cannot say what made you tear a part of yourself, even if you had shared those instructions before hand. To really think about creating entities, think about how God creates us. Infinite division of infinite consciousness/love/power. All energy and emotions is technically 'love' in one way or another. Tap into abundance and cultivate a mass of energy before doing any of this to avoid tearing a part of yourself… Also visualize protection and a single conduit or something like that to make sure your creation doesn't steal energy from you.

Despite what other anons may say, your creation can potentially do more than you can in a certain situation/category/context. You exist physically and they don't. Both have their pros and cons. Of course, you can technically do all mental/astral phenomena once you use your subtle bodies, but multitasking in multiple realms is just ridiculous so that's why servitors are nice.

Here's what I really want to tell you using example. A good commander tells one of their soldiers general goals but lets the specifics up to the soldier instead of demanding the soldier to follow a specific plan. With a specific plan if the going get tough the soldier will just say plan sucks mission failed but with just goals the soldier makes their own plan and feels responsible for it and will tough it out dynamically adjusting the plan to make sure the goals are met. This is what I mean that they need 'room to change' for all things have an element of willpower. I got the idea from this podcast 22:06-25:39 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFYvmTWHhnc&t=1326

See the thing is we are talking about egregores. Servitors can't be a torn part of you or be able to directly steal your energy. How do you make a servitor without it becoming an egregore? I don't think you can and I think you need to plan for the servitor to possibly grow and/or make contingencies that can act themselves out if needed. Perhaps you can make conduits and use instructions to create a sort of circuit for their willpower to just loop forever without growing in the form of autonomous processing. Room for change is pretty much always needed.


>third eye blind

gg no re


channel lilith. ask nicely


I already did give multiple answers but he kept asking how and I feigned ignorance because I wasn't sure what he was asking and didn't want to read his source to comprehend something I already understood. All of this is short for Didn't feel like articulating my thoughts. Especially when I answered pretty much every other question this entire godamned thread.

Not to mention I was just trying to meme how we don't know shieet. You can stay in your arrogant delusions all you want but those posting here those who are helpful and willing to give answers don't tend to actually engage in servitors. It has been clear that there isn't exactly a resident expert on servitors. Literally everything else it seems we are experts on. You're not even an expert in spelling l0l. Oh btw Fuck off with that reddit spacing. Just pure cancer

And I would have left you alone since someone finally attempted to give a full answer, but you just had to show your self-importance and then in response to me further sperged your arrogance


This is plain wrong. You are all dumb. I'm outta here. None are worthy. Except the guys who actually tried and tried to make servitors. Found myself making responses when I didn't feel like it.



>don't tend to actually engage in servitors

speaking for the two of us now huh?

can't say you're wrong. waste of time.

>implying servitors are hard


and fuck you "reddit spacing", been there once looking for some redhead to fap to. green pantsu webm.



not plain wrong, pretty accurate.


if only the majority of us weren't selfhating sexual degenerates with twisted views on social anything. in a few years we set up one of the best, freest, no strings attached schools of magic in history, made it board culture and spread it.

think what could have been.

it also makes me think, would as many of us have found magic if it weren't for just that?

but how much does this background truly impair us?



Thank you that makes sense. Essentially I was attempting to micromanage which would/could cause to much friction. I need to set guidelines and let the servitor/egregore/whatever find the best solution itself.

I understand exactly why I split a part of myself in making the servitor, maybe I'm just not explaining it well enough. If you are curious I would be glad to expand on it.


Interesting to think about it.


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you mind not posting this stuff in Fringe? Some of us have problems with pornography addiction and find it very difficult not to jerk off ten times a day.



>3D women



So it's using the same method of loci that they memorize stuff? interesting.

Tell me: If I adjust my mindset to believe my memory palace is my mind, and ask my servitors to "remember this" would claims like memorizing books verbatim after a single read be possible?






What do you want when it comes to sex?



dunno, haven't tried or done it, why would i want to memorize a book anyway? whatever 10% useful stuff i get from it it saved as.. lessons? become part of me? anything worth you take out of a book that you resonate with you implement into your ego, how well that stays depends on your other thoughts causing dissonance.

i see no reason at all to be able to memorize a book other than useless talent which might be cool.

again, anything that is worth picking up from a book you know and can word in a thousand different ways, sometimes in better ways.


>memorizing a book instead of learning its content



>useless talent which might be cool

I'd say it's a talent that's definitely cool. I would mainly use it for poetry or religious texts, but I wouldn't know when it would be handy. It would be a 'trick' that would be there if I need it. I mean couldn;t servitors speed memorize large bodies of text like that?






they can, sure. go for it. might be good for normie studies as well.


not enough. you lack developed sexual tastes. real world sex taste, not r34 tentacles or insects.

if you wanna fix it its easy.


those two videos and meditating to all the things you want to do with the opposite sex while in a "pure" state of mind, genuinely caring, giving as much as you take.

save this feel. now go fap to >>100311 or any woman, preferably one you have real feelings for (this will make it so that you will most likely never get to have a relationship with whoever you're thinking about because you're polluting the clean paper between you and all those desperate faps you've done to her sits like energyknots in the back of her mind making her feel repulsed at you for no reason she can think of.

do it anyway.

cum to this pure ideal of sex, playful, teasing, violent, tender, anger, sadness, doing diaphragmatic breathing with each stroke, every breath in your draw from the sacral chakra, your balls, to the solar plexus, every breath out you further push the energy to the solar plexus and save it.

cum once you know that this channel is open and unhindered.

try to go nofap for a week, it will be easier now because you've had a taste of the real thing that involves actual emotions, or you have reminded yourself of what you're missing out on.

fapping is empty but if you have to fap, this is what to do. fap all you want, but do this.

you'll be a whole new person.

rub it out nice and slow, have fun.

tip of the day, rub one out and you lose all subtle attraction, unless done this way which can amplify and make your aura stronger.

its ALL what you fap TO. be very mindful of what you fap to because you're aligning with the tentacle rape which will broadcast from your aura and can be seen clearly in your everyday movements.




>tip of the day, rub one out and you lose all subtle attraction, unless done this way which can amplify and make your aura stronger.

theres a limit, it depends on your latent energy, if you've saved up some loosh and want to retune your sexuality in this way, don't do it more than once a day with days in between.

you could get away with getting it off once, maybe twice, maybe thrice but you will lose everything you have built up.

it will just fucking disappear once you feel the lazy feel good lean back, then those quick seconds of the rush is over and GOOD JOB, you're now depressed for half a week because you don't have the loosh to stay in equilibrium.


not to mention this way of fapping feels much better. much much better.


>tentacles or insects

i was totally into this for a while.

something about stripping the female of all power and choice, total domination, making her dirt by having her fucked by a giant insect.

what did this do to me?

every time i came to some womb with eggs in it i affirmed my belief that women are inferior, to be treated like animals.

what did this do? it made muscles in my eyes, face, body language, posture, signal all my indecency.

women were repulsed because even if i acted chill and all there was a coldness behind my eyes that conveyed everything.


its more important what you fap to than that you dont fap.



>they can, sure. go for it. might be good for normie studies as well.

ok. Assuming i know self-hypnosis and chargin energy into a servitor. How do i program a servitor to memorize large chunks of text like that?



give it a mental hug, feed it energy and tell it what its task it.

>your purpose is to record everything when i call upon you to do so and to channel me the information if i want it

you'll have to remove some basic blocks that discards useless information and compresses it into short thoughts or visualized idea/scenarios.

i wouldn't, you could fuck up bad. like really bad. what if you end up remembering everything you read and its to much so that all this information starts messing with other functions of the body?



You;ve been very helpful thanks man.

I always imagined them as automatically thoughtforming a book for later retreival


Oh yeah, when you cum, make sure the released energy goes into the solar plexus.

cum on a breath in.

if the energy didn't move to the stomach, spend a long while doing a kundalini rising, you could have overloaded or broken the sacral.

TL;DR bask in normal, interessting, inventive sexuality.

your creativity gets better the longer you go without fapping, makes for better sessions.

edging is a-ok too.

edging to these feels is helpful, it reminds you that you're sitting there with a dick in your hand when you want a boob to squeeze.

whereas, if you were looking at the pc screen, your mindset would be different from that of normal reality, immersed in the screen you're not really in your body, you're in your mind and your mind is bored, you're not horny, you're bored and you're looking for an easy fix, rubbing one out between a lost counterstrike game feels great and makes you forget those horrible russkis, but you're hurting yourself.

take a step back, leave the pc. go do some situps. anything. just get away from the pc if you're bored because you will sit with one hand hovering over your dick instinctively, until you get rid of this compulsion for easy satisfaction.



>lie down on back, drift into lucidity manifesting your palace

>set up solid grounds

>visualize energycluster, mold it into a stable shape, the more you focus (or the more focused your focus is) the faster it becomes

>give it basic tasks

after the tedious task of creating this absolutely useless semitulpa living in your head you need to learn how to let it share a space of your mind to let whatever information it holds flow into you.

also need to make sure that it doesn't become sentient. as little emotion as possible. you want an automaton.

its a construct of ego which deals with emotion and information, if you give it spirit, you fucked up.

if something inhabits this thing, that lives in your head, you fucked up.

im telling you this is a stupid idea.


praise kek, praise kek, praise kek.



I appreciate the warning. I thought i oculd use another loyal Tulpa to prevent things lik ethat.


porn isn't bad, its just hard to find porn with legit passion.

if you find such porn, go for it, could be used as a tool to help you get better.

aaand one last thing. looking at porn, you look at the female, right? you try to not see the guy sticking his dick in her, right?

because of that, on some level, you identify with the woman. think about it.

thats fucked up. you're empowering your own femininity when you should be empowering your masculinity, your creativity, drive, instead you're looking at and identifying with her pleasure, you equate her pleasure to yours and therefore your pleasure, while fapping as one usually does, is in getting rammed hard. faggot.



i didn't bother with that thread but there was one guy who had half a dozen tulpas, one got infected by his sick degeneracy or got inhabited and corrupted by something, he tried using the other tulpas to heal the broken one, didn't he end up with mean voices in his head that he didn't have the power to remove?

someone update me on that thread please.



If you are reading religious texts try to only memorize the actual original scripts like kione green and hebrew for bible or whatever

all of a sudden I thought of a million ways to use servitors but i'll probably forget I'm just behing


are you crazy bitches already won't leave me alone now no way I'm going to risk any more attraction to me

why you want us to send loosh to redditwhore? weirdo lmfao

what does it mean to be a whole new person anyways



now you are definitely just sounding depraved

what I end up doing is not fap for nearly a week then edge n jizz multiple times finally cumming and then not fapping for as long as I can

If I got my shit together I could stop if I wasn't worried about a mess in the morning


maybe rules should be changed. at least always spoiler or something


there's nothing to fix asshole. fuck off


why do you feel the need to share this


don't fap to normal porn or you're basically cucking yourself


edging is the only way to retain energy though if you have enough self control to not uncontrollably jerk to jizz you're probably close enough to make it your last time and stop forever.

lmfao that's a good way for edging just tell yourself this has to be your last and start reminiscing with your dick

>you're not really in your body, you're in your mind and your mind is bored, you're not horny, you're bored and you're looking for an easy fix

what are wet dreams


kek would frown upon degeneracy


cause nobody wrote it before.

cause i had to remind myself.

cause someone might find it useful.

good for you, i do the same but with 2-3 weeks and im planning on just quitting, theres nothing online i haven't fapped to anyway.



>there's nothing to fix asshole

good for you. not sure who i'm talking to. feels like myself.

still. if your only desire in sex is to have babies, you will be lackluster and boring as hell.



But! Its a good start in transmuting yourself away from tentacles and sissy porn.


Sometimes there are days when I just can't do jack shit in magic, even basic shit like no-mind, these 24 hour periods are accompanied by a very rushed, and impatient feeling. Then it goes away afyer a day, these happen like once a month. Anybody have any ideas?



i think its the planet alignments.


You guys talking about putting your energy in your stomach when you finish… fuckin' nasty.

Tip #1: Don't listen to random fuckers on the internet.



someone could find anything useful doesn't men you share every godamn reason or thought for everything

there's a fine line between giving advice and blogposting



>all of a sudden I thought of a million ways to use servitors

Well would you like to list them? bounce ideas and see how those things could be done.



no this is some uber 1337 reality hacking

it must be top secret i wanna try it myself first which I won't for a long ass time

sorry but the implication is there. at least regarding learning languages. remember that servitors have access to your perception, even if you do not pay attention to all noises your servitor can process background info while you process a different stimuli




>you will be lackluster and boring as hell.

that explains why bitches won't leave me alone. I try to be ugly but they just coyly try to convince me to shave :DDD


Remember to learn how to cool your body temp as well. Going to 105F and as well 86F. Dual elemental wizardry c'mon step it up



To what end?



What other specific and non-esoteric things can servitors do? I know they can do "anything you want them to" but that's always a bit too general and I was thinking of making more. I've read about Alarm clock ones, I've read about typing ones. What other practical, non /fringe/ things could they do?


Tipp I don't get it, how did you raise your kundalini and not die from all the drugs 'n bitches I think you do. Also, is energy work your thing, I see you talk about it alot and you seem pretty good.

Also, I've been doing Robert Bruce's new energy ways for a while, but I was wondering, what should I read past that, or what should I be doing for more advanced energy work?



Being kool



I don't want to have the need of sex. I feel like if i could have women 24 hours a day i would do it, I get hooked on things very easily. First it was cutting for like 20 years, then alcohol for some some 5 years, now it's weed since 2015 and I don't want to make it sex the next thing.

I try to force myself to think about women as interesting human beings but I just can't, as much as I want to pretend I just want to hear their opinion, all the time i'm just wondering what words should come out of my mouth in order for me to maximize the chances that i would get laid.

Are all men like this? Do you have this constant voice in your head doing mathematics with your words in order to ensure that you don't fuck up your chances of having sex?

Also if anybody's got any tips for me, they are welcome. I feel incredibly sexual and i just want to fuck fuck fuck , is there a good way to use sexual energy other than masturbating 10 times a day? I'm starting to practice Mantak Chia's exercises from Taoist Secrets of Sex (or something like that). Rising energy from your testicles up into your crown, i'm still at the testicles and i plan on moving up to the top "chakra" by the end of the year (trying about one month for each step )



since you asked, blogpost inbound

i had been doing meditations and some basic energywork some 6-8 months before the night of 2012 with the alignment of the galatic center, at that point i didn't know much but had learned to move energy with rhythmic breathing down my legs and then focusing that energy on each chakra to make them flare up like giant energy clusters, this is basic stuff.

i was waiting for whatever was going to happen on that night, end of the world, aliens, tectonic plates shifting, what not, i was just chilling at home waiting for the end of the world, you know, meditating here and there, smoking weed and thinking.

at the exact clock tick of the new year, nothing happened. nothing at all.

so i smoked some more and started coughing which had me do some quick heavy breathing for a moment (which i found out is much like the way one breathes to raise kundalini, then i went inside and sat down in the sofa in a poor posture.

just chilling, 12:10 or 12:11, suddenly the atmosphere changed, there was a static buzzing that ramped up and i felt a rising (did not know/could not identify what it was then) of energy from the root, i remember feeling like someone uploaded what felt like to much information to handle rushing into the crown, at the same time energy like never before was streaming into me from all around and i started getting a epileptic seizure, my legs spasmed, i was in poor posture trying to straighten out while not having control of my legs and the right arm and i just focused on breathing, staying alive cause this was intense as never since, when i came to some eight minutes later it was all over and i started looking for what the fuck happened.

turned out that the alignment with the galactic center sent a shitload of energy our way like a massive spark discharged between two people and this energy change could probably be felt by anyone in tune, and most surely did something to the collective consciousness of the planet.

after this my body started to crack and snap more than ever, every movement properly aligned my body posture, sure there were some errors when i forced it and i paid the price in slipped disks, which were later solved by having the lungs press with the right amount of air against the ribcage, but the whole process was really fast and with every new snipple snapple i could move energy in new circuits and could do more, feel it better and make more powerful workings. two years, and the years after that fine polishing the higher chakras and finetuning the others. i don't know the regular time periods but i'm pretty sure i was extraordinarily fast in acclimating to the new vibration and that is due to me being a broken person, trashed and wasted with suicidal thoughts and depression, still depression to some degree, due to upbringing, i wanted to change really really bad and that was the change. i wanted to carry my shoulders straight. i wanted confidence and power to help others.

i don't do half as many drugs or bitches as i like, i do smoke a lot of weed though and i am pretty damn good at sex for no apparent reason, bitches be digging the rhythmwork.

energywork is my thing because all other occult aspects of practice demands it, if you know even a little of energywork you can circumvent all the stupid sigils and rituals meant to have the subconscious move the energy on its own from place a to b.




as a skilled energyworker you don't need anything else but if you do take a try at anything other than energywork it is incredibly easy and very powerful, not necessary but, an example would be me making a sigil, it would be useful as a focus but nothing else, the same thing can be done with a quiet mind and 15 minutes of meditation, or just trance walking/rhythm dancing while thinking about what you want, which i would argue does more to signalboost your intention, and it boosts your power, if you find the right feel and move with you it resonates with you and amplifies.

energywork isn't everything, to be able to utilize it you need to fully understand the principles of how energy and all things behave.

make it a goal to immerse yourself in the Kybalion and take the principles to heart.

that book by robert bruce is good and i admit to reading it enthusiastically but there are few good books like that, what you want to learn can only come from practice, combined with strong intellect and stronger intuition you can figure out what energy to move from one chakra to another to cause this and that.

trial and error. read everything you find, discard the bullshit, keep the good stuff. anything can teach you if you are receptive and smart enough to link the random shit you get thrown at you to some issue you need to solve.

if you want to get good i have two main things you ought to do, kundalini and a heart meditation that brings heaven and earth to your heart.

crown chakra energy is good at controlling root chakra energy, open your crown with kundalini, imagine a lotus flowering then draw the energy you now have access to to the root and let it fill your legs, now its easy peasy to move around the usually slow, tar like energy (consistency) of the root, now make both heaven and hearth energy meld at the heart, i think this is what gave me wings.

>good to know

>try breathing in tact with your heart

>drawing from the crown inhale in a way that you hear it behind your ears like when you yawn, tensing the scalp, neck and ears

>keeping a steady flow of energy is directly related to rhythmic breathing and visualization

>drawing from both earth and heaven requires a light and rapid diaphragmatic breathing, its a rhythm that is very hard to find because this is no longer basic energywork, keeping one circuit steady requires skill, keeping multiple is something that takes a lot of time to learn and a sort of 'think' to incorporate in that the circuit you set up is to be kept in the back of your mind along with the breathing associated with the movement, then you need to keep that up while creating a new circuit that also requires a different rhythmic breathing, so, you need to use muscles you've probably never used before to move the lungs in a way you're not familiar with, massaging them to get that extra circuit while breathing for the first circuit

sometimes when i meditate i find a rhythmic breathing that has me completely still but makes the bed violently rock back and forth, dont know what name this technique or whatever has been given but its what you want to reach eventually, breathing doesn't even have to be powerful, just in rhythm, this collects massive amounts of energy and also makes moving the subtle body easy.

energywork until you can sit and meditate in your own body, lotus, in a lucid dream and you'll be top notch.

make energywork part of your life, live and breathe the rhythm.




Thx 4 d advice :^)



> :^)



How do I make my dig bigger using magick?



Yea most men are like that, we're just humans.

But you're also in a mindset that you need to change and if you're already working on it in the best possible way I have nothing to say but good luck.


This tipp? Much more unhinged compared to nearly a year ago and not in a good way


Pretend they have a penis if you have to or something. Or at least forget the concept of genders and consider them as humans

What I'm trying to say is, if you can talk to other guys then pretend the girls are guys too and talk the same way. I used to be like this too but then I was able to change my perspective. Over all being able to change your perspective at will is very useful pretty much a super power



True. Not feeling great. All ok though.



Hey at least you're not wasting your time trying to undo the brainwashing of your parents. it's such a fruitless ambition but I am such a moralfag lol


Question to /fringe/, especially chaosanon and alexjonesanon: what actions are you taking to treat your delusions of grandeur?


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The whole point off social interaction at that point of development is making sure that you aren't crazy. Long as people are understanding you and in exchange of ideas there is agreement that these ideas are logical then either no one is deluded or everyone is.

Do you have any suggestions for making sure one is not deluded?

Since logic is objective always doubting yourself and being skeptic of your own logic seems to be the best way to deal with thoughts in real time, outside of social interaction. Of course logic should be applied in social interaction towards reaching agreement

Who is chaos anon. I have used the chaos wizard flag before and often change my flag. I use alex jones flag specifically when I am expressing or speaking from cynicism. Everyone is retarded, never trust the status quo, there's no point in good news for you need bad news and criticism to figure out what the problem is and fix it.

Going around complimenting each other and spreading joy and good news and such does nothing to fix the worlds problems. The Cynics were legit, along with the Stoics and Idealists and such

sorry but talking to me will lead to consuming red pills whether ya like it or not


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I suppose this from Fringechan should help? I mean if you're not being sarcastic






Isn't he in prison?


Cube cube cube


Is /fringe/ dead?


File: dea77f1fd6f44a0⋯.jpg (92.68 KB, 960x446, 480:223, black sun deer.jpg)

What secret societies are National Socialist-friendly? I'm thinking either the Rosicrucians or the Theosophical Society. Hesitant about joining the Masons because I don't want to be bound by a creed I find morally objectionable.




yea, the get god has decided.

/fringe/ died with that wasted, cheated 99999 get.



lizards got him? why?




get good.




What do you mean specifically?

If you mean, undo the negative reinforcements, been there done that, not a waste of time or a fruitless ambition, you need to cast away everything before you can build from the bottom again.


Does anyone have a English PDF of Liber Lilith by Donald Tyson



ignore my faggery i found it in the librery



The rumors are for CP



That came first, they treat me like an adult now and understand the concept that respect is actually supposed to be mutual.

But this religious fundamentalism and cancer of cultural inventions undermining anything associated with it just leads to plain stupid behavior that I refuse to accept ignore or let go


that website is still broken right? Or just dead. I can't believe there's no archive


yup nothing to see here


None. All societies are compromised


File: 80160731fc21673⋯.png (273.44 KB, 1783x959, 1783:959, Concise Reality Manifestat….PNG)

File: 1298736274aac0a⋯.png (269.26 KB, 1790x792, 895:396, On immortality.PNG)


>I can't believe there's no archive

These were posted in previous Question threads. I specifically found the for you shape-shifting thread and added it in.

>Meditation Super Thread


>Beginner Spirituality Thread


>Western Magic


>Grand Order of the Draco Slayers


>Energy work, Qi-gong, Chakras and Taoism


>/fringe/ Condensed & Concise


>The mundane's guide to the galaxy


>Shape-shifting thread


>Inedia / Breatharianism / Living on Light


>/library/ sticky


>/ask/ sticky (question thread archive)


or alternatively



>Hey I actually figured out a long time nuance of the astral realm that I never bothered to think about before. The mechanics of memory in the astral and therefore for entities like servitors and for what part of ourselves will exist after death. It's quite simple I'll explain later once the losers leave or get fucked

>But of course you don't need to know for it to work. Most All magick is essentially chaos magick in that you don't need to know shieet as long as you trust yourself or whatever thing you need to. Belief creates reality and all that. Oh and emotions are important.

It took me some time to respond but even though someone has answered me already, I would definitely be interested in knowing more about this.


A little help?

So I was doing tarot readings and I was starting a 4th question when I realized that I wasn't shuffling. I was just holding the deck and sort of fingering itb couldn't get my hands to move enough. I gave up and set the deck down and texted about my starnge delay. This has never happened to me. Even after breaking to text I could not touch the deck. A feeling like someone is squeezing me. Holding me down. But I can use my phone?

The baby stirred so I got up to comfort him. The feeling is still enloping me. I hold myself and reach out. Very bread vision of a shadow man in my room. Delayed reaction.

I get up quickly to get my sons beads. He is not old enough to wear them but I pray with them and connect them to him. They are his protection. I bring them over to his side as he sleeps.

The engry is still flowing. I swear I can hear thunder with each surge. Start to cry sudden flow of emotions.

Start to write this.

More thunder. Cat has joined me on my lap

Need to pack cards away. What is going on.


I want to test some theories with energy and for this i need some help finding something. long story short i work best with visual aid

I need a rune, symbol, or said visual that i can draw that represents universe, energy transfer, and black holes…. that black hole one is key though (i don't know if there is a symbol for energy transfer but that was more of a in the moment thought)

i'm not good with symbol's and runes so i don't know if the above even exist or not, i plan to get into ruins but my knowledge of it right now is nill.


Not sure if anyone is on but i have a question i was hoping to get some help with. i'm looking to better understand energy, producing, channeling and forming. i have dabbled in the past but i want to start from the begging, i was wondering if anyone knew any good books for this that are not just someone looking to make money from writing a book they no nothing about.



Cooling your energy slows it down and crystallizes it. Like water to ice, or air moisture into snowflakes.

Also you can cool yourself in ultra heated fucking shit this way… so you can handle higher temps. Not a huge deal to be able to cool yourself down since it can be done pretty easy, I do it and suffer for it because it feels like knifes are entering me. Heat is better, only reason I would think you should cool yourself is if you live somewhere that's 120 F every day.

Let me reiterate: Cooling yourself down to 90 F or lower is easy and fucking dangerous, heating up to 105 F is not easy and fuckin' dangerous if you can actually do that and you're not just radiating 96 F in a 70 F room really well while remaining 96 F.


Martial Arts? A skill? Training?





to START OUT WITH. AS WELL I want to become a MARTIAL ARTIST AT THE SUPERNATURAL LEVEL (Heavenly?). AFTER THAT I'd like to do a META STUDY of ALL EXISTING KNOWLEDGE to decide my next move, so I leave myself free outside my ambitions in the medical and martial realm.

I need all of your resources and advice on physical training, medical books, martial arts, etc. that would be relevant since you seem to have a lot of them but keep them to yourself since everyone here is novice trash, though I can't say I'm any better at the moment.

If anyone else has resources similar please share. Working my way up to performing intense martial arts training half the day, medical training half the day, and ingesting pounds of food and herbs and teas and such somewhere in that time isn't a problem; I just need the resources to make my time more effective until I can enter a TCM school and pay for various martial/medical texts and tutelage.



Have you tried yelling FUCK OFF. Intimidate them and threaten their demise.



actually ask nicely first, giving a respectable warning. It doesn't seem they've done anything to you, and that you are just reacting to their presence. They may be benevolent but their energy/power may be perceived as intimidating to you. It is obviously disconcerting none the less and so something must be done to let them know that they are not wanted due to negative and natural uneasy reactions from you to them. They might just not know better and need to be told.



>I am plagued by problems of a mental/energetic nature without exercise for reference. I have highly developed energetic and mental abilities (psychic, clairsentient, skill/knowledge absorption, energetic/mind projection that can affect others immediately, etc) so physical exercise is absolutely necessary to even be functional.

Ooookay I just read this post properly now it makes sense what I perceived to be an unhealthy obsession of balancing chi/qi/jing or whatever plethora of terms you have for the yin yang energies that according to you have so many nuances. they simply are not relevant to me as I will expain. Of course you need constant physical training to temper the outflow of energetic energy; the only alternative is to close this outflow

>Everyone here fucks with energy so start training.

Hell naw! As you imply, once the flow of internal energy becomes an outflow of energetic energy, one must constantly be guiding this flow in some way or risk backlash/misfire/accidental harm to others/etc.

That's why I have no intention of opening this internal flow to externalities. In the same way I have no intention of opening my third eye without first learning how to close it again along with so many relevant nuances. Surely forcing it open will detrimentally lift the veil and I will be exposed to things that would only greatly distract me, to say the least.

I have all these flows internalized and I still have an abundance of energies! First I must deal with my voluntary obligations of the mundane nature before dealing with this.

And surely, this abundance of internalized energy will greatly help me in these obligations; manipulation and perception of subtle energies will not help me and I fear will only attract unwanted attention.

This is what I mean when I say that I stay invisible.


So in a very abstract sense, you are right in a way when you say that all virtue must be dealt with before. Well I don't feel like articulating such deep ideas right now maybe I will paraphrase you latter with more depth


Yes what you said here is correct in a certain way. It can be much better explained than the way you said it though lol; it seemed like a sort of insult that you considered yourself to be more virtuous than everyone else. But of course even virtue is a subjective thing. You accept what you can take, or what you prefer.




I was saying I think a man who has considered virtue in its essence and form and appearance shouldn't dwell on virtue any longer than he already has if he indeed has. Like, "Get out of your head." sort of thing.

As well, it can be considered a substance useful in alchemy of the individual.

Don't neglect your poverty for your riches, when they tend themselves. Diminishing returns.



long as you understood what I meant

>alchemy of the individual


I identify with the entire godamned universe. beat that. i am yo fatha sorry I was browsing the interwebz MEME OVERLOAD



You should read "Incarnation: A Philosophy of Flesh" by Michel Henry. I haven't really read it yet ( :^) ) but the table of contents got me excited so it must be awesome. It seems absolutely amazing from what I've randomly read.

"Logic of Worlds" by Alain Badiou seems like a deep learning experience as well.

Check 'em out



Energy Work by Robert Bruce.


>>100480ill look into it but why this book?



>Robert Bruce

Not who you're asking, but he is the pioneer of this century in astral traveling and related phenomena especially regarding visualization and physical sensations and the like



Was it preventing me from reading my cards or was that just me unable to?


File: d961b5f53ffe7b8⋯.pdf (2.47 MB, Morphosephram_ebook.pdf)

Is the Morphosephram any good?

Also are there any books anyone knows that deal with influencing/manipulating the biological functions of the body?



>All societies are compromised

Maybe. What makes you think so? Got any evidence to back it up?





Thunder is the result of ionic build up in the atmosphere that fucks with the brain and body in ways. You were just sensitive to the electric phenomena around you. With more electricity in the atmosphere, every normal process becomes like a KRAKOW of lightning. You also seem like you enjoy the awe of mysticism so you're adding more to it than there is with your imagination.



It's gud



I think the point is "rely on yourself and trust no one with your destiny". It's all about finding out HOW others are corrupt/corrupting and beneficial and making the cost/benefit analysis.

So outsource as little as possible and cultivate as much passion as possible so you can do everything yourself, and then outsource once you know how to do it yourself, so you can learn from seeing others do it as well as constructively criticize them… thus raising your level of discernment so you can find better groups/people/professionals/etc. to outsource to and raising your level of ability at the same time.

Any society can be of benefit in this perspective. Treat it as an Adventurer would, with daring and passion.


So the more I heat my body the more yin/cold energy I discover and the more I realize that it's been the cause of all my problems. Yin overload. The more it fights back as well…. Evil as fuck. Every time I make progress it fights harder to keep me cold.

If you have any experiences associated with Death, Being Dead, Dying, Endless Darkness/Night, or similar, you have too much Yin (Extreme) and heating the body will bring you into Life, Growing, etc etc etc.

I keep seeing icy blue sharp fingered ghost looking fucks too, like wraiths. Also now seeing more and more demonic figures. Saw skeletons in bell shaped multicolored clothing (and saw myself as a weird more blocky less multicolored blocky headed… dude. Not skin color or normality, more cartoonish) I think they were associated with a galactic center and had secret knowledge associated with genius or at least greatly advanced; as well, I understood myself to be a sort of Initiate in their knowledge, and I understand all the parts of my mind and perception and history that connects to this group so WOWZA it's cool to have an image associated with experience.

As well, I'm being manipulated (attempted) by moralizing dreams, classic Judeo-Christian Communist morality and beliefs.

On top of all this I keep perceiving killing intent from A BUNCH of shit. I know killing intent, and imagery of figures attempting to harm me has been the default of my day for months now.

Interesting that they are all related.

Fuck monotheism.

>Can any of you heat a room with your body? Like, be the source of heat for a home level shit.



If you want to form energy outside of yourself you must have more Yang.

Basically heat train. My energy only flowed backwards if I attempted to project before, could only manage to use my energy in the most economic and effective manner (.01 J turn the door knob with a rubber glove vs 10 J break the door down), but the more I heat train my body and physically train my body (also an outward flow training and anti-yin) the better I can use my energy in any circumstance.

Take a shower as hot as possible until it feels like you'll melt. Heat water on the stove and put your hands in it, and the feet, and at some point the top of your head dipped in. The heat will circulate throughout the body so you get first degree to the hands/feet/head and second/third degree benefits to the body.

Then, at some point, use heated rocks or bags of sand on the torso and face.

Eventually you'll have 10000x more energy to work with and all energy work will actually work and you can truly discern BS from TS (true shit)



That's what I was afraid of which is why I described it as a delayed reaction like does this mean something or is it just me. I'd rather believe it to be thunder then sprits. I have not encountered and sorts since I moved away from the city



>Universe sigil

The most common symbol fir the universe is a circle with a dot in the middle, representing the macrocosm and the microcosm

>energy transfer and black holes

Easy, they are bove easily represented in vortexes. Basically the outlines of a circular funnel, or, this -→ OO, kinda looks like infinity right? That's because it is.

You need to find a way to combine these 2 universal symbols, but you have to do it, as a sigil is more effective when it is made, or understood intamitely by the user.



Well to be honest it increases psychic perception so it's both. They're there anyway but the thunder makes you perceive them more easily.


Seed of Life?


When I went to high school, for first time In my life I was interested In fashion etc. Very shallow things. During summervacation after first year, I got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Does this have something to do with my solar plexus? Did I shut it down or made it Unworking? Should I do some healing energywork? TY everyone.



read up on the diabetes scam.

iirc it cn be fixed with diet.

i read about some guy who had to amputate his legs but instead changed his diet and stopped eating.. what was it..

anyhow, he saved his legs, doctors were like "did you.. make any changes to your diet?"

they know it can be treated easily but are paid to shove you the diabetes needles because they're a good business.



Diabetes Type 2 is definitely a scam.

anon has Type 1. I am not sure if that is a scam, but it's actually the opposite. body can't store sugar properly or something. anyone know it works?



i think he kickstarted the pancreas with some sort of food. can't remember for the life of me.




Interesting. I really like chakras myself so I would focus on the three chakras between the root and throat chakras to balance them. ie stop stressing love life etc

yoga can't hurt either


can anyone explain how you manifest physical changes to the body? Im talking about things like getting taller or changing bad genetics.

I think visualization might play some part of it but either than that im lost.

I know its easier to just accept your body but i refuse to stay the same if i can change it, thankful for any help.



what do you want to fix?


How do you enlarge your penis without resorting to mundane and temporary jelquing? Is there a better method?



A few things, i want to be taller and have nicer hair, very vain i know but i also have asthma id want to fix too.



stop jerking off. the unnatural jerking ruins circulation. after even only a few days of no fap my dick is bigger. not going in to detail to risk gay fucks become gayer



stand up straight and use organic shampoo

when you feel bigger people will think you're bigger



my hair is starting to get thin, im not sure if organic shampoo is what i need but i wont ignore the tip, do you have anything esoteric/magical kinda advice for this?



supplements and getting rid of stress and all things negative emotions, they take a toll on the body and hairloss is among the first symptoms to show along with poor posture.



thank you for the advice, ive started taking supplements but im not sure how effective they are, is there any certain distressing mediations or experiences you could recommend?





well it's a representation of what you are. stress leads to weak hair, certainly true of my beard and whiskers to fall off


destressing you mean?



yeah typo




Chakras are gay.

Learn how to just generate hot energy throughout the body through tactile methods (just feel it out don't visualize) until you're radiating heat and heating up the room you're in till everyone around you wears sunglasses and sweats in the dead of winter

Thsi will basically reset you back to newborn health levels and physical/mental ability… high quality advice right here.


File: 16d6ee311e636db⋯.jpg (57.45 KB, 582x800, 291:400, sigil magic.jpg)

I have a question regarding Sigils;

To make make a sigil, I have to (with great concentration/energy focused into to the process) write out the intend, do away with the repeating letters, than form the remaining letters into a symbol

Then to cast the Sigil, I must burn it

Is this correct? Is there anything else I need to do or be aware of? Also, is there any kind of energy that I should use or avoid using when making a sigil?



You're gay. And you're spreading misinformation and distraction. fuck off



I hear meditation is a good way to get rid of stress but it only feels like a temporary fix



Meditation is only a tool. For example if you don't know what is causing stress you meditate to find what is hidden in the subconscious,

to do this one must first let go of surface thoughts and then instead of riding thoughts to the top, keep letting them go to the bottom of the mind stream to reach the ocean that is your subconscious. from there you can better know yourself for discovering what exactly is the cause/trigger of negative thoughts and emotions

for as long as you have thoughts/feelings/emotions or even actions, that you cannot explain or you don't know why, this is indication that there is still something hidden in your subconscious



You know nothing.



So he knows more than you



very insightful, thank you


File: 0b3597929de294a⋯.jpg (4.97 KB, 210x230, 21:23, 1497377822679.jpg)

I just learned about servitors and enhanced memory techniques etc.. ,, however I also lurked in >>tulpa and saw multiple threads about how can tulpas be very dangerous and control the host , so I have multiple questions :

Are servitors the same as tuplas ?

Can they be dangerous?

Can I create a servitors specifically for sexual intercourse without giving it any self-awarness ?


File: 616d5f71d096127⋯.png (1 MB, 850x797, 850:797, ClipboardImage.png)


the burning part isn't really the casting

you have to first imprint it into your subconscious (which itself is imprinted into the collective unconscious of humanity, which may or may not matter to you)

this is why the method of imprinting is usually fapping to the symbol; that would really imprint it.

for it to work you have to forget it consciously, keep it out of the conscious mind and let the subconscious do all the work.

hey where did you get the pic from? Never even knew about the other two methods although I never researched properly. I reverse searched it and found a useful pdf but I am not sure if it is th egenuine source. I'll post what it says anyways seems quite legit

>To successfully lose the sigil, both the sigil form and the associated desire must be banished from normal waking consciousness. The magician strives against any manifestation of either by a forceful turning of his attention to other matters. Sometimes the sigil may be burnt, buried, or cast into an ocean. It is possible to lose a word spell by constant repetition as this eventually empties the mind of associated desire.

> The sigil is charged at moments when the mind has achieved quiescence through magical trance, or when high emotionality paralyzes its normal functioning. At these times the sigil is concentrated upon, either as a mental image, or mantra, or as a drawn form. Some of the times when sigils may be charged are

as follows: during magical trance; at the moment of orgasm or great elation; at times of great fear, anger, or embarrassment; or at times when intense frustration or disappointment arises. Alternatively, when another strong desire arises, this desire is sacrificed (forgotten) and the sigil is concentrated on instead. After holding the sigil in the mind for as long as possible, it is wise to banish it by evoking laughter. A record should be kept of all work with sigils but not in such

a way as to cause conscious deliberation over the sigilized desire

ohh yea this is description of picture

>Peter Carroll's draft of #Sigil creation to be used in the second and revised edition of Liber Null 1981 #ChaosMagic

book is called Liber Null & Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos Magic by Peter J. Carroll

the pdf I found is some sort of boot leg copy


they are different and here's a pic explaining a few things

the problem is when one get's too involved with the servitor or with even making it, it often grows into a tulpa accidentally, if proper precautions are not made. or simply if there is no conscious interaction. the servitor should be interacting with you giving you feedback, not the other way around, except maybe for reprogramming purposes which is risky for the same reasons

a sigil is entirely internalized towards the subconscious and betyond, while a tulpa, although still inside your mind, is externalized in the sense of perception

I'm not entirely sure of servitors myself, I consider them to be mechanisms of the subconscious interacting with itself

>Can I create a servitors specifically for sexual intercourse without giving it any self-awarness ?

I would imagine no. I mean if you could, it'd be like fucking a lamp post. but for you to get aroused the object of your attraction must be arousing; this would create a relationship/connection where both exchange equivalent energy. not equal mind you; ie. a predator that feeds on fear exchanges terror to prey to get it's fear food aka loosh

this is only a theoretical explanation so make of it what you will



Thank you for the information about tulpas and servitors. I have another question if you don't mind…

I've been practicing lucid dreaming for a while now .. if you recall a real person you already know from your memory into the dream and interact with him , Is he/she considered a tulpa then ?



I don't know that's some advanced lucid dreaming.

You already seem certain that it's still all within the dream landscape of your mind

tulpas are considered to be consistent

are memories consistent? this seems more like a visualization of analyzing earlier memories. I mean in your subconscious there's always background analyzation, and you can contemplate things while awake.

On the other hand depending on what you're doing, you would be creating new memories but you obviously would not be associating this with the real person. However I think the analyzing still holds true, as you would be interacting with your subconscious understanding of their persona.

For it to be a 'tulpa' you would be interacting with this persona while awake. and that would be pretty weird.

(but in a way, don't we all kind of already do this? pretending to have conversations in your head for no reason? or is that just me. I used to do it a lot years ago, actually had a problem thinking too much and doing nothing. or thinking of alternate scenarios of what happened during the day, while trying to sleep)

anyways, a real tulpa has the ability to talk to you while you aren't thinking of them at all.

I mean if I wanted to, I could call up anyone I know in my mind, and 'talk' to them having a pretend conversation.

or at the very least, anyone can go 'what would x do/say while y is happening'

most popularly, "what would jesus do?

so if you kept doing this actively, you would be indeed, at the very least conditioning your brain to start doing it without your input.

wow tulpas make a lot more sense now. but this can't be the whole picture. there seems to be two kinds of tulpas. and they are very very similar until the more independent version is able to figure out how to use it's powers.

of course this would be really easy to develop. from either way actually. it is all entirely in the way you talk and the words you use.

asking for opinions or imagining certain scenarios (by having 'pretend conversations') is one thing. but TELLING it things is completely different. the moment you go "hey did you know…?" I mean that's a question to that it would naturally answer… sounds dangerous already.

many different things I could say. like spontaneous tulpas, children that have random imaginary friends. very interesting indeed


we should be using the word persona more.

do you have your own persona? we all have many personas. the different faces of the ego

but our perception of other people only see one persona, maybe two (which is when we might think they are crazy)

but inside the body little changes feel like a big deal for obvious reasons of being attached to this said body, so our different attitudes, moods, behaviors, are essentially different personas

like that lame disney movie with the different emotions being different people. seen it in other children shows too

and for god's sake I know what someone might be thinking, making tulpas out of these things would be a horrible horrible idea. it allows possibility for an emotion to leave. this can explain a lot of mental disorders.


>I don't feed them energy or concentrate on them like I would a "tulpa", they came to me and I can feel them.

you only do that when making them and giving them independence. one they have it, and "realize" their own powers they can do whatever they want, even if they are still only limited to your headspace

so yea. I do think your spirit guide are actually tulpas.


yea that's a tulpa too. but using outside energy source and being so incredibly independent so quickly, I think it had the potential to be an egregore to go hunting for more energy.

I think your spirit guides simply killed it before it could kill them, in self defense

and they don't want to admit that they aren't all powerful spirit guides but just tulpas, a part of you. (well actually since you already believe them to be spirit guides it's all you will perceive them to be, and it's impossible for you to perceive something different from your perception. we can't have perception breaking, that's not good. like PTSD or something.)

a part of you… which killed another part of you trying to escape you.

which is all well and good since you are actually infinite and can have infinite parts. everything kind of is, but in this case that egregore had a greater rate of increase in power compared to a typical tulpa which normally would have never needed to ever tap into power

it's a crazy world out there, I would imagine smarter tulpas choose to stay in the safety of a headspace. and then some try to dominate it…



likely another conscious in your dreamscape.


File: d995be18cad06a2⋯.jpg (14.32 KB, 190x380, 1:2, adonis.jpg)

I finally achieved to attract women(and some bois) after intense and continous usage of pheromone binaurals.

Now, gentlemen, the situation begs the question..how do I TURN IT OFF?

These womanly monster are now wanting to suck my dry off my vital energy and they don't really think about carrying my baby.



Start collecting Yugioh



Honestly though, you should probably just grind enough discipline to resist 'em. The adepts are notorious for having a hoard of bitches wanting them constantly, this is because magic is all about energy, and they have shitloads. Now let's be honest, we all wanna be adepts here, so you're gonna have to deal with this anyway, might as well make it now




Isn't the point to just build a good deck trough?


i guess so. Maybe this is some kind of "magical graduation test" to another level.



So simply be very nonchalant about their pursuits, hints and advances?

Nonchalant to the point where you're effortless in being sexually powerful, for your own sake, because it makes you feel fucking awesome, the social leverage you gain is immense, you are the divine but untouchable, people will suspect you might be homosexual but because of the attraction you generate you can take you pick amongst the best women, showing up with girls way above your usual punching range.



In reference to my spirit guides, they don't give a fuck about my belief in them, or them talking to me. They told me the only reason they actually talk to me is because I wanted them too badly enough and put the time and energy into contacting them.

The way I honestly view them is as a sort of a tulpa. I do not contact my guides directly (only a few times in dreams and the energy was so great at first all I could focus on was the pain of their energy flowing through my body. However when I told them it hurt they did some things to alleviate the pain). Rather there is a sort of tulpa in my brain. The body is created by my subtle biases and beliefs about the universe, and the energy that fills it is my guides. In such a way I can form a rough communication with them. The "tulpa-guide" cannot tell me anything that is outside the realm of my own mind, but my guides can still implant ideas and thoughts into me through it. It acts as a medium for which I can contact higher energies.

Do not misunderstand though. Another possibility is that my guides are purely a creation of my own to help my development, and in that sense are a tulpa in the pure sense; however, I am not bothered either way as they have done nothing but work to improve my life. The second they stop being useless to me, or move against my best interest they will be destroyed and removed from me, and they agree with this sentiment. In fact I have even thought about stopping belief in them completely and changing my view of life to be more focused on pushing out (as in free will, I am god) instead of the inward focus I currently have (as in destiny, and fate), and they told me they didn't give a fuck if i stopped talking to them completely.

tl;dr I think my guides are something more than tulpas but it doesnt matter because they serve my best interest

>also yeah I suck at making servitors lol. Maybe I should stick to perfecting the sigil first which I also suck at. I'm a shitty magician.

Switching topics now, what are some things I can do to swiftly and radically improve my life? I don't want to live a normal life, I don't want a job, I'm couchsurfing, hell I don't even really want my sanity (well some of it but I'm very okay giving a portion of it away). Is there anyway to throw myself into chaos and not be signing my own death warrant? This is probably just stress finally getting to me but I feel like I need to be broken further to improve myself more. Like I need to be stripped bare so I can be built again.

>guides are telling me I'm retarded but whatever



What are the binaurals you've used?


Not trolling, how do I get a bigger dick with magick?



>stop jerking off. the unnatural jerking ruins circulation. after even only a few days of no fap my dick is bigger. not going in to detail to risk gay fucks become gayer



yeah fam but I'm pretty sure nofap will not grow my dick a few more inches



they may be a special fruit or concoction you can consume for enlargement

google it. I just did and found dates and bananas can do it

just eat lots of natiural and organic stuff lots of fruits and veggies

what does it matter though, as long as you can stick it in and make babies then move on and do something with your life



so now that women won't leave you alone, do you regret turning it on?

if you were looking for a girl to marry then they probably aren't the type walking around going up to guys

get some hobbies if you don't already, and start being social with them. like join a band or something

I guess now that you have lame woman friends you can be friends with their friends and their friends and eventually you'll meet someone cool

just you know, develop social skills and be social


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


that's jokes. it doesn't really matter what you "believe" it often does seem that you can believe whatever you want (once you 'uninstall' all notion of blasphemy and shame that is, which it looks like you already did lol) just consider your goals to see what is most appropriate. is it more empowering to believe they are genuine mediums for higher energies, or different versions/parts of you.

there is the higher self, the version of you that exists outside of time, but I don't think that's what your spirit guides are; but maybe they are the medium for that, or a medium for an ever higher source.

anyways what belief is most empowering, or do you even want to be empowered? I'm pretty sure the answer should always be yes but what do I know

this was all only in response to the first part of what you said but it's easily become a response for the second part too

whether you want to believe whatever about your guides, or whether you think falling into chaos/despair, or listening to your guides or, breaking apart or just exploding to pick up the paces and reconstruct yourself (so any way that first deconstructs), or burn out and resurface anew, or take it slow and steady, perfectly to perfection, etc. all of this depends on what your goals you have or, what you even want

so figuring out what you want is actually the more important thing usually, as everything else will fall in place then.

and of course the best perception for figuring out what you want is really considering what your different fates can point to, to discover what your destiny may end up being. see what are all the things being pointed towards and consider all prospects because it's hard to tell which ones are actually possible fates or just (conditioned, brainwashed, indoctrinated?) fates forced against you



I've heard about crazy shit, but never pheromone binaural beats

Like, how is that supposed to work?



I don't know man, mind is body, maybe he just really believed it and it caused him to emit mote magnetic energy



>Not trolling, how do I get a bigger dick with magick?




I typed this b4. Saved from Fringechan


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What is the /fringe/ stance on idle fantasising throughout the day?

I remember reading here once that it is harmful because it dissolves or separates you from yourself in some way, but I'd like to hear some details.

More importantly, can it be used in a beneficial way?


My mind is fighting too hard against everything written in here. Any tips how to lose those distracting thoughts? Also ive had trouble clearing my mind also when meditating, so how could I also then bounce them away?


lol I am getting carpal tunnel. too much shitposting on the internet


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>gg no re

explain more

pls halp



bruh just meditate. look up what the different charkas mean and represent. also look up maslow's hierarchy of needs. same thing same order as chakras

in there it is mentioned, acceptance of truth. third eye is about seeing through illusion

nothing "happened" in your dream, it was a dream symbolic of what you're going through. you didn't see through the illusion of the dream and did something stupid. your subconscious knew you would pull your third eye out if you were in such a scenario, so it created the dream environment to show you this incredibly literal metaphor.



ignore him, if anything that dream symbolizes the third eye unclogging, lifting the veil, seeing, from a state of blindness.



nvm, ignore my post, good post.

i still, personally, got the feel like it was on a journey to unclogging, and the the rest are related to it, you should try to untangle and understand the other parts, would be helpful.


does magic real or are all of you LARPing or crazy?



we're crazy and larping. definitely nothing to see here ;)


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great, back to /v/ now

i'm gonna make a tulpa, if you guys want to help me or not, i'm gonna do it anyway, any tips on how not to end up like pic related and how to do it properly?



cntrl-f tulpa

i just did an expose about them here



but we've been talking about them quite a lot in this question thread already

pic related got fucked (we have a thread dedicated to that pic btw) because having sex with your tulpa means giving it energy which allows potential for it to grow into something greater than a tulpa. see



oh I didn't look at pic properly.

there's a thread for a pic with a WAY WORSE outcome



idk how that person made that tulpa, but you have to actually talk to the tulpa through out like an actual person with respect




thanks guys, also can someone do a quick rundown on the process of creating a tulpa so i can see if i wasn't tricked into summoning a rape demon or something. also how can i bind it to some sort of object i can destroy in case it gets out of hand?


>hai gais im not know much magic maybe is real, i like /x] spoops and sasquatchis, makings of tulpas ok pls halp?

i swear.





nigga this is the sticky and first thread on this board, it's solely for asking questions, you should expects us 'mundanes' to swarm around and ask questions, it's an interesting subject and i'll be fucked if i don't give it a go so i can see if it's all bunk.





in a video game you can't enter the harder part until you level up or you fucking die

go learn to lucid dream first. I don't get why people want to make tulpas. I really don't get it

I don't see the harm either if you can do it right. and if you fuck up then you deserve it good riddance lolol



>I don't get why people want to make tulpas

Because they are lonely.

Personally, I just want to get down and make a servitor to help with memory recall, although I do not want to fuck myself up in the process.



dude I went back to the last last question thread and saw I think you posting your memory request and the first response was the most legit short and sweet

just imagine a librarian that stores shit




that kind of thinking makes a lot more sense to me now, i figured it out and made those two posts


I >>100768

so make a tulpa without independence outside of interest in storing knowledge



>Because they are lonely.

don't people talk to themselves? I am the most interesting person to talk to hehehehe



I'm not that person, but I figure this guy >>100300 says it well.

I still need to finish "Magical use of Thought Forms," but I figure that after that I should be ready to begin.

As long as my purposes for the servitor are pure and honest, I feel I should be safe.

I'd also like it if someone could answer my question >>100725.

Like you, I have the same problem of overthinking during the day.

One final interesting thing that I just remembered: a year or two ago back when I was still into some kind of extreme masturbation so to say, I would not use porn but would create an entire world for the sake of the specific character that I would be wanking to.

There would be a lot of talking, yes, but most of it would be me imagining what the other party would say. However, on rare occasions, I would definitely "hear" them say things that I definitely did not imagine.

I've long since stopped doing that, and am trying to actually quit fapping, although progress has been slow.


Most tulpafags want to make their waifus "real" so they can have sex with them.

That was largely the motivation behind the tulpa threads back in the day on /mlp/.



that guy says it terribly. one should never stop their quest in logical understanding

your question. well there's nothing wrong in it. but how it's useful, i'd have to write a huge paragraph, and I'm getting carpal tunnel. i can post response much later

i used to have a problem with overthinking but I don't think I mentioned it here lol where did you pick that up from

yea that's why fapping using imagination is great. no tulpamancing but very very good way to increase imagination powers

when I'm sleep deprived or randomly I will hear voices and noises. pay no attention to them as they are nothing. unless you don't want them to be nothing. lol

just stop fapping. what's the big deal. just get ready for waking up with a mess.

it's usually because you have nothing better to do. be driven to a goal and all of a sudden fapping becomes a huge waste of time

but waking up with a mess is a huge waste of time in the morning. i haven't made a schedule to deal with that so I sometimes let myself have a wank. and sometimes I get carried away triggering and conditioning the fapping addiction

a couple times a week is probably okay and would go away once life get's it's shit together

>Most tulpafags want to make their waifus "real" so they can have sex with them.

*facepalm. I thought so… just sexual depravity. might as well look for orgies. install tinder. it's way easier. stupid fuckers.

oh you wanna fuck a pony? just learn to lucid dream


Oh, for the record, fellow degenerates

>quit fapping for a week

>solved major issues with my sister

>solved family crisis

>got a gf

>the state come out of nowhere and said it'll give me 400€/month for nothing and i'll get to keep it while working part time if i find any jobs

Just do it. Just stop. If you're decent at meditation the attraction you can garner just by quitting is immense.

And remember, if you don't want whats going on, just fap and everything will come crashing down.


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It's the summer solstice. Today's the day I dive in. What do you anons have planned?



mmmm those trips

i do not plan. i feel the flow and energies. they are catalyzing again

good time to meditate for further energy cultivation if you're into that, or other things




7 might be astrologically bad luck for me. I'm a little worried. I was thinking of making a twin Tulpa to help develop a photogenic memory and increase deduction abilities as well as having personality traits I lack.



Wicca is shit


I want to ether summon or create a new being according to my specification… how would i go about that?




i wanted to summon a succubus but i was told that given my religion the summoning would not be accepted.



>dude I went back to the last last question thread and saw I think you posting your memory request and the first response was the most legit short and sweet.

That is not the same guy. I'm the guy who has been asking about memory since Question Thread 27a; I've been posting this guide >>99570 in every thread and asking the same questions. This thread has been the most productive by far.

>Just imagine a librarian that stores shit.

I've been told in this very thread to imagine a memory palace as part of my mind, so it's more permanent. After I develop that mindset, to memorize I program a servitor for a specific task (eg: memorizing poems).

I make sure to program my memory-servitor without storing limitations (because I can't consciously remember a whole stanza after I've read it) and circumvent that mental filter that says "this isn't useful" so it is able to store large amount of words. It uses the method of loci and creates an association/image and places the information somewhere in the memory palace. The servitor knows what it stored and where it stored it. This way I have a Servitor who absorbs lines of a poem as I read them and I can later recall the poem verbatim.

That's all theory right now. I've got nothing to say that this wouldn't work. But what trips me up is circumventing the mental filters, making the servitor absorb tons of information at a time. Any guides or specific ideas?



>getting my dick succ

>you social outcasts angry about it

double the profit.



>Getting my dicc succ

Be sure not to spill ur loosh, I remember last time I did I could barely raise or cool my bodyheat

>social outcast

I'm not angry, I like it this way, more time to study and practice. I get you having enjoyment from something that would seem quite foreign to me, but ur still a normalfig

>that pic

>no results

Holy shit Tipp is that you? No homo you're hot as fuck!



>i wanted to summon a succubus but i was told that given my religion the summoning would not be accepted.

Told by who, a bullshit occultist? A succubus doesn't see sex as, "Come here who wants to fuck me the 3D ape?", they see it as, "Come here, who wants enough energy to survive a month?". A succubus don't give a shit about your religion, just as you don't give a shit about a nice big cheeseburger's religion.



I find it funny how every time I see a large post with multiple paragraphs and the anonymous flag, I always know its servitor bro. By the way, in your studying on servitors, how exactly do you make a one?


What would be the best way to block sexual thoughts? I was thinking about making a sigil but I'm having trouble with the declaration I should write, because basically I want to eliminate things so I would have to use negative sentences like "I don't have sexual thoughts". I find positive affirmations to be too vague , "I have eliminated all sexual thoughts" , or "My mind has overcome sexual thoughts".

I want to make this very powerful because these sexual thoughts are taking something like 80-85% of my waking time and it's annoying as fuck.



From my understanding you imagine a person who is always going to be there. Then you either "parrot it" showing what it has to do until i does its job automatically, or just command the ever-present servitor to do its function automatically, paying attention to it and sending it loosh.

I imagine a person but in any case it can be anything ou want it to be. a glowing orb, a cube, a CRT monitor. provided it has a function. I'm trying to figure out how i program one to do stuff even I can't do.




He/she seems like a really nice person but they are a satanist so it's possible they hold it in high regard to their religious veiws idk. that said i'm also looking for something more than just sex, i was explained that a succubus could also be a mentor into the astral would as well as help me with grow magically.

I'm interested in summoning one that no only wants to be with me permanently but also my significant other who is also in women. i have some mental characteristics i am looking for them to already have or adapt to and i want it to be a long term thing. I am willing to give as much energy needed and if things go well i may be able to give more energy than any human is capable off. I just need a spell that does not require me to repeat the phrase hail Satan, and that actually works. again i'm looking for something long term that's faithful/loyal but would also be accepting of my significant other. So if you know where i could get such a spell let me know.



continue (ignore servitors, i was just trying to copy the word, if i can't summon what i need i am thinking of making it)


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Wow thanks man, good advice


>I just need a spell that does not require me to repeat the phrase hail Satan, and that actually works. again i'm looking for something long term that's faithful/loyal but would also be accepting of my significant other. So if you know where i could get such a spell let me know.

Well, I don't know much about succubi specifically, but an evocation can be boiled down to just being mentally close to an intelligence, intamitely understanding it, and just in whatever tone or assertion asking (or telling) it to commune with you. You could probably take out all the Satanshit mantras and keep what is specifically about the succubus, unless you have to invoke Satan to get to the succubus, that's another story. Basically all magic boils down to ritual magic, and direct magic. In this case, ritual magic, a ritual is just an externalized thought, for when something is too complex to just no-mindedly intent. It also makes for a great display, and show of devotion, making it great for evocation



"It also makes for a great display, and show of devotion"

i have spent this year leaning why people use words, rituals, symbols. It's sentences like this that help build a foundation of why we should use these techniques. I'm not one to just jump in and go "ok i need to say words because it says so" it's difficult for me not to question things sometimes but little things like this makes for logical reasoning.

sadly yes the only spells i seem to find are those where i am summoning is through Satan and even though i'm a very open person this is one thing i can't bring myself to do. none the less your post makes a lot of sense, and from what i have bee learning this year you are absolutely right. I'm not much for stringing words together but if i can find a spell that i can cut satan out of i will try this.



>That is not the same guy

this isn't you?


and here's the response. short and sweet

>Just imagine a librarian to store your shit for you. Interact with them like they're some super smart photographic memory woman that'll pull up any information you need.

is the short sweet repose I was talking about lol

it answers your concerns. treat the servitor like the person and convince them to be interested. they will think it's useful

also I even told you myself that you don't need servitors in the last thread, especially regarding the "mental filters" saying "this isn't useful"

Here it is

>On a side note, the key really is to be interested but if you can 'pretend' to be interesting it's pretty much the same thing in effect

>Learn to pretend to be anything, basically be able to shift perspectives at will (perhaps to something that resonates to the ideals and archetypes that created/manifested the information that you want to absorb) and this malleability in perspectives is basically is the main factor in any magick or optimal performance in anything

being able to pretend and shift perspectives is basically a superpower. anyways

all your questions have been answered like 10 times honestly. I never even had interest in tulpas but found myself figuring it out anyways and, just like everyone else said, you're over thinking it. that's not a valid excuse for not providing an explanation in of itself. but you're overthinking the advice looking for how it's illogical and then throwing it away, without even explaining to anyone else why you think it's illogical

it's okay if you want to derive more logic to ensure your theory is consistently coherent. but if you see a lack of logic, it's your responsibility to specify how the advice you're given doesn't make sense

what you're doing is straight up ignoring the advice given and then complaining that no one can answer your spamming. where's your head at?

did you even read the two responses I gave??



it explains the logic. humans create servitors ALL THE TIME without realizing it! How do you think children get imaginary friends? same fucking shit. read this shit and tell me how it doesn't make sense


>From my understanding you imagine a person who is always going to be there.

no. you don't imagine it always being there, you simply talk to it all the time and that will condition your brain to have it start interacting with you automatically. like a habit. because that's what everything is. either it is conscious and independent and autonomous and does new things like a tulpa/egoregore, or it is 100% habits. many humans themselves are less than a tulpa. they are biological robots. yes. humans themselves, are like biological robots. until they doubt themselves and become aware. thus, you want a mental robot. never 'question it' about itself or make it doubt it self

>Then you either "parrot it" showing what it has to do until i does its job automatically, or just command the ever-present servitor to do its function automatically, paying attention to it and sending it loosh.

no no this makes absolutely no sense. you just talk to it. don't make it parrot you, then it will just repeat whatever you say. how would it learn that it has to do it without you telling it?

you talk to it and get it interested. a new thoughtform is much like a child (with at first, no reason to live). just make a game out of remembering your shit. like wow this is fun! now you try. or something. all of this has to do with universal leadership skills

>I imagine a person but in any case it can be anything ou want it to be. a glowing orb, a cube, a CRT monitor. provided it has a function. I'm trying to figure out how i program one to do stuff even I can't do.

this would take a LONG time. especially if you imagine a person. but even a simple screen with text or something. well I don't know how it would recall for you. might end up with obtrusive hallucination of the screen trying to tell you something with text randomly

your own thoughts work on SOUND. when you recall something, it is essentially symbolism with the memory encoded into it exactly.

I mean actually everyone is different. for me mostly it's audio. however you best learn remember and recall. you should be 'teaching' your servitor by interacting with it and calling on it to recall actively so much that it eventually starts happening by itself.

getting it to "parrot" you entirely through habit… well the days and weeks of daily hours of this habit forcing. you could probably do so many other things

a more simple and natural thought form, I'm thinking of a tulpa that has no independence, I think these are also servitors, all you do is go on your daily life and simply interact with it. no meditation required, no need to spend hours 'coding' it or making it parrot you


as an aside, when I am watching the news or listening to a fast rap song or something like that, I start consciously imagining the words like subtitles or like a lyric music video. I haven't let it be a subconscious process though, that would be annoying

as another aside, one of the visualization practices for lucid dreaming is counting to 10 visualizing the numbers WITHOUT making any sound. this is incredibly hard for me but the opposite is obviously very easy to recall the sound of words and numbers without thinking of the visual symbols


this is terrible. why would you rely on an outside entity? for something as fucking simple as memory. why would you ever rely on an outside entity, EVER?


yea you are better off making you're own entity.

btw what do you mean significant other. you want to make your own or is an alternative finding a real person to help you?

what exactly are your goals


that's incredibly homo


make a tulpa. and let it grow into an egregore then deity, then worship it. this sounds terrible idea. what exactly is your goal lol


just replace them with something else, like bad thoughts. I used to do this until my sex thinking habits was completely broken down. everytime I'd think of titties or pussy or something, I would imagine them being slaughtered and the boobts cut off and shit. or my own dick being sliced in half. just general violence like someone's head being chopped off. general dearh decay works. go watch some uncensored beheading, and then recall the beheading every time you get aroused. should put an end to that

if you are into blood and gore…… find something that you're not into. scat? uhgh.

or you can be a little more sane and think of pikachu. or something. but anything that wasn't fucked up, would end up becoming sexualized. my sex brain would be like yea let's fuck pikachu uhh. can't ever do that with gore though. if you can, then i think you're fucked. just stop using media completely for as long as possible and if you have to fap use your imagination. or something.

are there people actually turned on by gore? what the fuck would be the solution for them…


>why people use words, rituals, symbols

they are just proxies to recode your subconscious mind. you cannot program youreslf directly maybe a magus can so you need a 'middleman' to do it so to speak



What is your goal

i have many

but we will start with the succubus. A succubus does not have to be some kind of cumdumbster slut, they can form lasting bonds and relationships. they can be teachers and help you in the astral world.

First i want her to become a mentor in the astral world but more so she truly needs to be supportive of me. as i said before i already have some characteristics that are important. I want her to be my teacher, my ally, and my friend. In exchange i will offer her a lasting relationship and what i hope to be a level of energy that few can offer.

Second i am already in a long term relationship with a women (yea god forbid) that said she loves me but she wants to experiment with women purely for for physical enjoyment. She loves the dick but wants girls with nice tits and ass. She's also practices astral projection. So i figure we can invite the succubus to help her play out her sexual fantasies.

Third i want a special kind of relationship with the succubus something long lasting, i want her to be loyal and faithful. i want to be somewhere between lust and platonic love. it's hard to describe.

I have big plans and honestly it comes down to needing someone who can freely travel the astral realm while being capable of contacting those in the real world, she needs to be a mentor and a lover. a succubus is perfect for what i need, it honestly fits everything. with this kind of help i could accomplish my end game, and if done right her supply of relations/energy would be endless in every sense of the word.

As for

>why people use words, rituals, symbols

no i get it i spent this year learning it's just that comments like this teach me new ways of looking at what i learned. i use to think rituals, chants, incantations were shit but now i understand their significance. And yea very similar to what you explain.


If space don't real, what are shooting stars?



why space not real, which theory are we talking?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Be sure not to spill ur loosh

If its actual sex you can spill a few times a week, you'll lose the material semen but during sex, if its proper sec, rhythm and equal movement, your two energies intertwine and amplify.

Real sex isn't anywhere close to as bad as masturbation.

>im not angry

If that true, okay, good for you, but don't delude yourself if you're scared to make yourself vulnerable and take chances.

>no homo


>being able to pretend and shift perspectives is basically a superpower



>counting to 10 visualizing the numbers WITHOUT making any sound

i strongly recommend you pick this practice up again, there are few practices like this, this is mental gymnastics, if you manage to do it you will have instantly learned a new 'mode' of thinking which can lead to an upgrade in the operative system.

I'm not sure how hard this is to accomplish but I'm gong to post a meditation that did a massive number on my brain/aura connection.

>picture a circle

>the circle expands and contracts with your breathing

>imagine the 2d circle becoming 3d, still while moving with your breath

>now, place your consciousness within the sphere, be the circle as it expands and contracts with your breath

4d think. master this mental exercise and you are closer to integrating conscious control of the aura, and once you can think in a way such as this a whole new horizon will open up.


Why not be introvert AND extrovert?

Make those few times you meet people count? Be grateful people want to meet you?


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that seems really easy to me. i am very good at math.

am i IN the sphere or am I the sphere itself. my perception would only be half a sphere as it changes direction if in the sphere but the sphere itself like I am the surface of the sphere….

this is kind of how I visualize my thoughts already anyways when trying to comprehend it's mechanisms.

you are the sphere and inside you is an ocean planet. as you become more aware of yourself, the sphere becomes smaller and you can start touching the ocean planet and then going into collective unconscious or something

actually doing this is overwhelming and I haven't felt like doing it 'just cause' since I didn't bother thinking of a good purpose that's interesting enough

but decoupling the symbols of numbers from it's sounds… that particular thing seems to be quite hard wired due to perhaps engaging math at such a young age

I have done some other trippy things like visualizing a circle going up an down your body. in retrospect it's basically pic related lol

then you try doing two of them starting at opposite ends of body going up and down and going through each other in the middle

but when I visualize it's always in an abstract sort of sense. the tangibility from waking life. maybe when I'm high lol. I should stop smoking weed. but last year i stopped for 9 months and mundane life just got more and more lame which is all I have time for

a better thing to do is to explore your house visually. "remembering walking around" and "visualizing walking around" is coming close to projecting

visualizing to space and beyond is overwhelming too and pointless to me




you are in the sphere and you are the sphere.

thats the trick.

you need to change your mindscape from seeing from one point of reference towards a flat space into being omnipresent in your mind, seeing and feeling the object from all directions.

its what this meditation is designed to do.

make it happen and you will be different. nothings going to fuck with you in the astral because much like some of the stronger stuff that might have fucked with you before, you are in the walls, you are untouchable, everywhere.

visualization improves, a lot. etc.

its an original meditation so either save it or do it, its important.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


well before you read any of this. did it work? the way I see it, you can't visualize something you've never seen before. if it's completely unique and foreign to you it might as well not exist. you can visualize a new thing using two older things, but not something brand new

but if you did actually make progress somehow then it may be different from what I am saying and what I'm saying could accidentally overwrite what you figured out so make sure what you know is super rigid and understood


my mindscape is pretty infinite. however I don't think the mindscape is perceptible.

perception as we know it is always mapped out 2d. it's very easy to visualize anything complex and have it mapped out in an "infinite" 2d "space" that completely changes with movement happens on drugs but also see vid related. technically all information is there but it's not in a form you could normally comprehend

>you need to change your mindscape from seeing from one point of reference towards a flat space

one point of reference towards a flat space, and then what. this doesn't really add up. point of reference does not have to be the source of vision, when you focus on things you ARE what you focus. peripheral and distance is just an illusion due to having data and information from eyes being mapped out on a 2d space. the "source" of your focus doesn't really exist and you can make it whatever. the "border" or "frame" of your eyes and face or w.e does not have to be one of the points of reference in terms of focus.

what your thinking of is limited to mapping out 3d spaces on 2d canvas

generally people have one point of focus with a peripheral. I have long since learned to focus on the peripheral and see what is happening and see people looking at me without me directly looking at them. and then when I slightly move my eyes they completely change directions of looking it's hilarious like they think I can't tell. peripheral vision is another super power basically

but actually changing focus from one point to a "square" focus and different shapes. is possible and completely brand new when I figured it out

microdosing on salvia smoking it mixed with weed over an hour did help me experience this in a tangible sense. it is quite simple to change focus to any shape that you want with 3d and higher levels becoming more abstract perceptions but if you never done it it feels impossible.

visualization doesn't require eyes so you can use 2d mapping for conventional focus or 3d shapes/mapping and beyond for abstract focus

>being omnipresent in your mind, seeing and feeling the object from all directions.

so this is you are the surface of the sphere. this is literally impossible without 3d mapping. you can perceive the surface with 2d mapping if you rip it up with teleporting peripheral or something. otherwise you need 3d mapping which get's abstract. like how do you feel something behind you? without 3d mapping that's impossible but somehow it's tangible without being perceivable

>make it happen and you will be different. nothings going to fuck with you in the astral because much like some of the stronger stuff that might have fucked with you before, you are in the walls, you are untouchable, everywhere.

whaaaat I wasn't suspicious before but now I am lmfao


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


now using the surface of a sphere as a source of vision seeing out in all directions all at once, is like mapping out an entire 5d space on a 4d canvas. or something.

that require infinite time travelling in one instant. this can happen with heavy dose of salvia. I literally had multiple events happening at once, although I remember them now as separate events


trying to articulate this is a waste of time lol

>4d think

>master this mental exercise and you are closer to integrating conscious control of the aura

but why

>and once you can think in a way such as this a whole new horizon will open up.

to what end?

the point of a quest is not the destination but the journey


>perception as we know it is always mapped out 2d


>trying to articulate this is a waste of time

Damn straight son, just do the meditation.


If you're having trouble going from 2d to 3d to 4d mental perception, start with making different shapes, cubes, triangles and what not and rotate them, train 3d think.

You either follow me or you don't, can't explain it more plain.



I did it's easy.

>now using the surface of a sphere as a source of vision seeing out in all directions all at once

even this can be done but not instantaneously



I'm trying to articulate what YOU want

you are trying to say do "this" inexplicable thing, without even a why

I can do whatever, but I can't read your mind LOL


do you perceive tastes? smells? do you perceive sounds?

there's more than one definition here. our pure visual perception has to be mapped on a 2d plane but "depth perception" without 2d mapping is when you get "abstract 3d perception"

conceptual perception is infinite



>closer to integrating conscious control of the aura

>Not directly flowing the energy between chakras


no but seriously what is it you want to do lol



>Be grateful people want to meet you?

I keep telling them to fuck off but they'll even show up at my door with spliff in hand






Both me.

Any questions about servitors/Tulpa for memory has been me for the last few threads and even on Fringechan. I am also the person who gave the Servitor advice you just dissected >>100807


Listen to >>100816 on servitors instead. This seems to be far more informative

Thx for responding in the last threads. I mean I didn’t mean to brush off your advice and make you think I thought it was useless. The reason I did not take it on board was cos I've been set on that Eidetic memory guide (1st pic here >>99570) where the servitors and the memory palace are part of a 'Mental System' to help the hosts' memory.

I was confused because I was not sure how Servitors & Tulpas could memorize large quantities of info when the host can't. I thought it was like this:

>I can’t memorize a whole book after one read.


>My servitors can’t memorize a whole book after one read.

Regardless of their level of interest. I suppose this is wrong? And that I do have to form a servitor (using the method you described) and get it interested in anything related to Topic X or Y depending what I want it to memorize?

Am I missing something still with servitor-memory? Could I do this and memorize books in one read at long last?

Also I didn’t read your posts on personas and how people make thought-forms cos >>100769 isn’t me.



I didn't read your larger post on persona and thought-forms because >>100768 is not me. *


How to feel safe and compassionate?

Models like chakras, Maslow's pyramid and most mainstream religions (I'd really like to try Buddhism, but I can't for that reason) require it (at least in theory), but I just can't do it.

I've been meditating for some time now, but I don't feel any more compassionate. If anything, I notice more glitches in reality.

People act really strange and often aggressive towards me for no reason. It's as if I had "the autistic kid, please do bully" written on my forehead. It happens every time I interact with people. Yesterday an elder man started to criticize me incomprehensibly, because I said "Good Morning" to him. I know I live in a big city and there are many weirdos here, but it happens constantly and almost exclusively to me.

I'm trying to act nice and I constantly get attacked for it. If I were to act like a regular person, just neutrally, I'd probably get fucking stabbed.

I don't hate people, but it's really hard to feel empathetic about someone/something you don't understand and to feel safe around such a person (or almost all humanity in this case).

I know you'll say I'm attracting negative people, because at this point I just except people to be rude to me, but what do I do about it? I've tried writing a "gratitude journal" (had nothing to write in it; just general truths like "thanks to my parents for giving me food and shelter", "thank God I weren't born in some African shithole" etc. I ran out of ideas really fast), I've tried to expect the best out of people and other gay exercises, but it just doesn't work. I don't know what I'd done in my past lives (I think I might have worked for the communist regime in China, because I get weird flashbacks where I stare at the painting of Mao Zedong, someone talks in Mandarin in the background and feel really calm as if it was a childhood memory), but my karma must be terrible and trying to make it any better is a vicious cycle, because I get disappointed so fast.

tl;dr: why the fuck are people so mean to me? how not to hate them for that and how to feel safe around them, so I don't fuck my chakras up?




Let me tell you something a succubus once told me: "Never trust a demon". That includes sucubbi. They may seem like they are intensely loyal, and they might even be that way for some time so long as you are providing them with ample food, but they will always take a chance to fuck you over if they think they can get away with it or that it will be better for them. I have had a bit of experience with one and I promise you it is not worth it. They will fuck you over, I've learned the hard way.



It is entirely unexplainable.

It's like updating your mental operative system.

Like how everything is sharper if you raise the kundalini or overpower third eye.



Is ramiel to be trusted?



thats great but again like almost every other post no one really seems to get the point that this is something i want to do. if you have a better entity for me to summon besides a freaking Tulpa i will gladly look into it. as i said before i am looking for a female mentor that i can also have a relationship with. i'll take and use any spell that does not require me to invite Satan or kill something.

This is not some game, i am aware of the consequences and i am ready to suffer them. So all it comes to know is me learning to ether summon a succubus or summon something similar to one without invoking satan.

"Succubi/Incubi looking for relationships with humans like you and I. It is very much comparable with a human relationship in many cases, but better. There is love, care, intimacy, sharing of thoughts, conversations, all that. Including sex, if that is what you wish. The benefits however, are invaluable. For one, as they care about you, they will help you ascend and spiritually advance to their level. They'll make it a priority that you open your astral senses so that you can feel and see them, and they will aid and help you along the way. It does not stop there - like I said, they will help you in advancing spiritually to Godhood. This is stark contrast to what the modern definition is. The contemporary current definition of a succubus being nothing but a cumdumpster slut just fuck and dump is a grossly corrupted concept by the YHWH collective to further pollute and enslave gullible minds."




yes i am aware i can google a succubus spell but as we know most of that stuff is fake, every spell i have ever googles has been a dud. people here though actually know their shit and i know people here are competent enough to know which spells to use and not to use.


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IDK, I'm really unsure about the whole thing. Let's just go with pic related.


Why did you post that? It has nothing to do with what I asked.


I feel trapped in this world of illusion and suffering. It all just sucks.

What do?



Yourself. Build yourself instead of relying on others.



i want to rely on others, spells are about getting what we want. what we want is not always the better option. I don't want to build a mentor i want to summon one.



Have you tried Buddhism?



yes i was a self studying Buddhist for years but i left that behind a long time ago.



Then, I guess, I'm you from the past. I have yet to try some stuff that probably won't work.



That's not true.

Each human has individuality and with that certain skills sets or skill affinities as well as things they just naturally suck at. i think metaphysical capabilities work the same way. When it comes to the metaphysical and training ourselves we are going to need to find our own skill sets. just because Buddhism did not work for me does not mean i wont work for you. it's like astral projection everyone in my family but me can do it… it's not a strong point for me. But unlike the rest of my family i have access to a limitless supply of energy when i train correctly. i'm also proficient at stealing energy from other which again my family can't do.

i also ether suck at spells or can't get my hands on the right ones because while spells seem to work for others they don't seem to work for me. It comes down to each of us finding what were good at. in place of spell casting i have what's my parents label as a knowing… i just know things. i use to get called out by my friends for bullshit scientific theories that i would produce on the spot, come 2010 new discoveries proved i was right. i just have no clue how they hell to practice this skill. My sense of n,e,s,w is shit but it's impossible for me to get lost, i can also tell my friends when friend X is on their way over or if we need to cancel our plans because something bad is going to happen. Additionally i'm good at making tulpa, but i don't like them because i suck at limiting them.

So again it all comes down to using our strengths like we do with careers in everyday life. if you think Buddhism works for what you need give it a try.


Good book on chakras?


What do you think of Sufism ?



"goatfuckers" - that one rich arab kid from UAE whos practice of witchcraft could get him beheaded



Fair enough, I just wanted to give you a warning since I didn't really see many others doing so. If you are dead set on having a relationship with a succubus I am not going to stop you, and there certainly can be benefits.

Unfortunately I can't give you any spells or anything to summon one, as the one I found was "housed", so to speak, in another human, and I found them through a kik group chat lol. Personally I would suggest maybe going for a nature spirit as opposed to a demon, but once again do whatever feels best to you, and good luck doing it.


Want to die too scared to kill myself.

Can one of you use magic to kill me painlessly in my sleep tonight?




Since tulpas sound like a terrible idea (yes, emposing limitations on other beings, I'm living through being a slave [figuratively] to another human and it wrecks my heart), is it a fine idea to have an experiment where I construct an egregore without it originating from my soul, and then see if I could have a mutual relationship with it? Is it even possible? Or should I just find myself an egregore or godform and go from there?

Also, it is possible to become a part of a godform? What does that entail? I mean, surely, since godforms are self-perpetuating, there must be some kind of godform that's open to recruitment. It could only help to perpetuate itself.

Lastly, my biggest goal now is to leave human existence. It sucks balls. Could you give me a summary on the pathways I could take, or point me where I can look?

I'm on the fence with magick because it entails the power to abridge free will and I'm afraid I lack the foresight and discernment to prevent such from happening 100% of the time. If you could convince me otherwise, please do so.


Guys my power level is insane today. I have perfected my diet and other factors. Every time I look at the clock it's an exact time, like usually right on the hour, and I am unusually well rested right now and my senses are open so I'm hearing and seeing all this esp shit right now. My skin feels softer and cleaner than ever before. My energy is unusually pure and I feel greater understanding and capability today. It is raining very hard and the intercom system in my house is going insane. My computer also has been behaving in very strange ways, it has been in sleep mode for a long time, but it randomly started playing music today. I have been spontaneously doing yoga poses and I feel like I am safe within the wisdom and power of God.



Just focus upon absorption of your lower mentality into God or to get over your fear of death let the mind go clear while the singular intention of slipping out of your body and mind is held firmly and expectantly. Read up on the Plenary trance and endeavor to achieve it. It is the same as death.





Maybe try going a month with out drugs, mental fortitude and all that


>You either follow me or you don't

give me lsd and I'll THINK about it


>It is entirely unexplainable.

>proceeds to explain it

>Like how everything is sharper if you raise the kundalini

tell me about your kundalini experience


>Build yourself instead of relying on others.




Do you masturbate?




I just did after managing just three days and now I hate myself.

I deserve this flag.


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How do I get a GF like Cassie?

Can I summon One?



Go to the realm of elemental water and hit up a nereid or something



Was thinking more this plane of existence 🙃



>wanting 3DPD



Look of I could travel body and soul to other dimensions for that sweet 9th dimensional pussy I would.



Sounds like you are afraid.


I think i the whole thing.

Some five years ago i tried to make a tulpa. I had no spiritual or esoteric insight at the time. It just seemed like a rad thing. I spent huge amount of forming it and it's personality. At the time, as today, i was quite self-destructive, so i promised to my tulpa the it can take my body and do as she please.

Time went by, nothing seemed to work and i just forgot the whole thing. Today i read this whole thread about your naive ideas about tulpas and this came to me.

I killed myself long ago. I am my tulpa.



This is the problem i have with people. They ether forget how strong they really are or they like to RP… maybe that's why i can't AP, i full heatedly believe in it but at the same time i won't let myself get sucked into a fake experience.

That said there are three issues i have here. As someone who has formed and lives with formed Tulpa, there is no real way they can take you over unless you hand them the reins, and even then you can take them back at any time if you bother trying.

Second If you were a tulpa explain to my why you waste your time here with normal beings? i know if i let mine take over they would be out living life through my body not just sitting behind a keyboard telling people there tulpa, hell they would get away with using my identity until they got to cocky. but again that's not a position i could ever let them have. The amount of effort required to give true control to one of them alone is enough to show that at any moment i would also be strong enough to take it back. The one and only time was challenged for control i locked away the entity.

third your soul still exist, meaning that at most you altered your own personality to that of the tupla you wanted to originally create. there is a reason the devil takes your soul when you die and that's because the body needs it. It's one of the fews things blocking us from developing real soulless homunculus. Only the most powerful beings could exist without their soul.

All this said i won't call you a liar what i will say is you have lost yourself in something that you don't realize you are powerful enough to pull yourself out of. So just do it unless you want this persona to stay in power….. however "if" you are fake you are nothing more than a disgrace to the rest of us who actually spend night and day trying to achieve anything meaningful. Don't call us naive then expect us to play nice.


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I remember a year or two ago, some people found invisible wires strung between various buildings. I think they tracked it down to some jewish ritual related to the sabbath?

Anyway, recently I thought of another possibility: Suppose there was a ritual that required you to draw a circle in blood over a large area; the larger the better. What if, instead of painting it on the ground, you "drew" the circle by stringing up invisible wires dipped in blood across the area's rooftops?

A related question: Blood is more transparent if the red and white cells are removed from it. Assuming you wanted to avoid detection, would pure plasma still count as blood?



>you altered your own personality to that of the tupla you wanted to originally create.

I was trying to say this. My attempt to create tulpa backfired. There never was another sentient. Just like this guy explains >>100668

I only called you naive because some of you, not everybody, were making tulpas mainly for sex. And that's childish.

Not to defend actual RP that is constantly seen here, isn't ego/persona larping from point of higher self?




has anyone made a description of all the flags and what they mean??



The Veils not only conceal the ONE—they also serve to reveal and disclose His presence and movements



Tulpas are just as much another sentient as is one person and another. Your soul was born of soul stuff as was your body born of substance Every child is possessed by a tulpa spun of the thoughts that came its way.



Does a brain count as a head?


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Bon appetit bitch :^)



>Good book on chakras?


I know there's a ton of new age books on chakras, I want a reliable one that goes in depth on how to balance the 7 main energy centers of the body.



>reading any of those

>even to just sort out the shit from the..


go do it yourself.



>How do I get a GF like Cassie?

>Can I summon One?


I am able to cause a sensation seemingly at will that occurs throughout my body but I find the forearms and hands to be the areas where it is strongest. It feels tingling, energetic. If I focus on this then I can continue to build it up throughout my body and it will feel more prominent in other areas. What would you make of this? Thank you for any answers.



Wondering the same thing, i started being able to send these feelings through my body a few weeks back. I think it's nice to be able to have this level of control but i would love how and what it would best be used for.




The hands are one of the main energy ports of the body. Maybe you only gathere through the hands?


Can you grow while in the astral? I read you can only grow while incarnated in 3D


as I understand the greenpill on male masturbation is that its a massive discharge of loosh, and should always be avoided if you wish to retain maximum energy and become physically immortal. (if you just want to be an average wizard, once in a while without external stimulation is ok.)

what is the greenpill on female masturbation?


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Can still be negative since it would further reinforce lustful thoughts and feed those astral parasites. I wonder if camwhores who masturbate in front of thousands of men jacking it to them somehow feed on their loosh.



I bet she does. The one time I posted a picture of myself anywhere it was of my feet and I could distinctly feel when some pervert was masturbating to them. A camwhore wizard could probably accumulate quite a bit of loosh.


Is there something wrong with daydreamers?



There's something inherently different perhaps, but I don't think being inclined to daydream means something's wrong. For one, they're better at visualizing.


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I had a vision while meditating a few days ago, and I wanted to share in hopes that someone has experienced something similar. I'm fairly new to magick/hermeticism/meditation, so bear with me.

I was standing in front of my old high school (Very large, tall white building) when a niggress demanded that I take a handful of small diamonds from a pot she was offering to me. She had very unsettling senpaku eyes so I just slowly took a handful of the diamonds. She disappeared. I stared at the diamonds in my hand. I gave them a light squeeze and they slowly turned into ashes, then into dust, and blew away in the wind.

Everything turned dark as I turned around and walked away, but I took no heed to it, except for the fact that I noticed I had begun to wear a large brown hood. As I turned around, 4 figures wearing the same hood standing under dimly lit lanterns said "We've been waiting for you for a long time." I assume they meant they were waiting for me to start delving into esotericism and the occult with meditation. They told me that I was/am a singular reincarnation of a suicide pact of 4 other powerful psychic occultists for the purpose of becoming one potentially incredibly powerful wizard/occultist/practicioner of magick. I started getting anxious so I bowed out of that session of meditation.

I somewhat understand what they meant by becoming one single person who was able to tap into magick easily. I've always observed synchronicities, hermetic principles and my own clairvoyancies, but before I started researching esotericism and the like, I could never necessarily articulate it properly like the Kybalion does. In other words, they said I have much potential, and I think they might have been right because of esoteric abilities I possessed even before becoming aware of their labeled existence.

Does anyone have any advice as to how I should go about this? Was I being astrally trolled? Should I seek out the 4 Hooded Figures again?

I apologize if this sounds special snowflakey, but there is no way I can describe the experience without it sounding like that.




Robert Bruce - Energy Work

…or just focus your awareness around in your body until you fine various points of interest, highlight them with your awareness, and start reprogramming them through intention.



Sounds to me like you're cruisin' for a rusin'. Be careful of slipping into dissociation, as that is something I could see happening if this idea of being four people or whatever were taken as valid, and that may be all this "vision" is intended to accomplish. I mean, even were it true, is anything different after the fact? Is it something that helps clarify what you'd already suspected, or is it an odd, out of place sort of thing to incorporate? If it's an odd piece, best to leave that out of yourself.



Sounds like 4 brown pills were watching you m8. In any case, no matter how real or not they might be to you, at the very least you could use them as a sort of mentor figure. Visualize them again and ask whatever questions you might have. Hell, ask them to explain who they are to you if you're curious.




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Is Ophiel any good? I have pdfs on all his books yet only his astral projection book has been recommended. Are his books good/bad? Are they worth reading? If so what books?


Whats everyones opinion on ankhing? For those of you that don't know it is an Egyptian technique for males to use during sex/masturbation. Basically as the sexual energy rises through your body you are supposed to re-route it out through the back our your heart chakra, and it will take a natural channel around your head and back into your heart chakra, thus retaining all the energy that would normally be lost. According to what I read on it the Egyptians considered it key to attaining eternal life.



Interestingly, there were also Taoists who believed semen retention during sex with many women for many decades would allow one to accumulate enough energy to live forever. There's definitely got to be something to it all.


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Not sure if this will support or undermine your ppint, but

>Sigmund Freud Psychologist, founder of Psychoanalysis: “Freud held the opinion (based on personal experience and observation) that sexual activity was incompatible with the accomplishing of any great work. Since he felt that the great work of creating and establishing psychotherapy was his destiny, he told his wife that they could no longer engage in sexual relations. Indeed from about the age of forty until his death Freud was absolutely celibate “in order to sublimate the libido for creative purposes.” – accord

ing to his biographer Ernest Jones

I think he believed that each orgasm brought one closer to death and away from vitality.

(Unrelated aside: Wagner accused Nietzsche of being am inveterate fapper.



I think it's all the same: retaining the large amounts of energy lost from sexual release. A lot of people on nofap claim great physical, mental, and even spiritual gains.


I want to get into Gurdjieff since I heard a person name drop him and I'm clueless about him

Where should I start?


Even if it's within my power to change my life I just.. don't. What is wrong with me?



You're content with whatever mediocre life you currently live. You have no great goals that you set for yourself to work towards over the long term so you just focus on your reasonably comfortably day to day routine. There's nothing wrong with you, this is how most peoples' lives go by.


I heard tulpas are dangerous.

Can I create some kind of imaginary friend that isn't dangerous. I want it to be my waifu. I'm so lonely. I don't want to have sex with her. If anything I want her to encourage me to not masturbate.



Thank you, friend.



Hardcore mode: Beezlebub's Tales

Normal mode: Ouspensky's Fourth Way

Also the introductory lectures on gnosticteachings.org are heavily influenced by him and may help.


>Fire Salamander

What of it?


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How do I get a GF like Cassie?

Can I summon One?


What's the difference between the thought control/observation and vacancy of mind meditation techniques in step 1 of IIH?



With thought observation you're just letting thoughts flow freely and not trying to influence them, with vacancy your actively trying to keep your mind empty throughout the whole mediation.



Thanks fam

I'm reading Ouspensky right now, pretty interesting and quite informative at the moment. It isn't all verbose or blabblering as I have come to expect from some of these texts.


Has no magician ever thought of putting their spells on tape to increase credibility?



Most tapes are spells.


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Why would anyone here care about having some sort of credibility? During my meditations last week I've had a vision of someone dropping explosives on some governmental looking building and today I've heard news of just that happening in Venezuela. As I'm left wondering if these visions of the future were merely me receiving the thoughts of some Venezuelan rebel intensely visualizing his plans or if I'm actively reshaping reality with no intention to do so, it is the least of my concern whether someone would believe me.



When people get far enough into occult abilities they realize the important of secrecy. Anybody who has attained immortality, for example, is not going to go admit it to the world.




I'm pretty sure it takes intention to do that much, unless you're already regularly causing crazy shit around you. Which, tbh, if you're posting here, you aren't.

Just a regular vision, whether you received it from some dude or the aether


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Couple of questions.

I have been getting into alchemy recently, but before that I made somthing akin to a stone. It didn't use the process of making a stone but its shiny, waxy and hard. All I did was dry strong green tea and scrape together the tar that was left. Is it a stone or is it just an extract?

Also, I have a question on loosh transfer. Since animals can produce loosh, can they willingly give it to humans? My cat always lies near me and I've noticed that while he's usually just body temp. he heats up and the area he lies near gets really warm. Not just warm, but it felt like a mutual warmth, like a sharing of loosh.


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Permaban me!



Seconding this.



If you don't find anything, here:


Look at organ associations, the energy functions of the organs, and then craft your own methods. Meridians associated with each finger would help, and th edifference between left/right, and boom bada boom.



Initiation Into Hermetics discusses these in enough detail for somebody who has made it far enough to read about it and has a decent understanding of chaos magic should be able to excel with hand symbols.


(1) Idealize the desired things, happenings, or conditions just exactly as if they were existent and active at that particular moment—right “here and now” before you.

(2) Idealize yourself as you wish to be or to do.

(3) Idealize others as you wish them to be or to do.

(4) Idealize happenings as you wish them to occur.

(5) Idealize conditions as you wish them to be.

(6) Idealize your environment as you wish it to be.

(7) Idealize your power, strength, and ability as you wish them to be.


(1) Discover what you crave to be or to do, or to have happen.

(2) Form a clear, strong, and distinct Ideal Image, or Thought Form, of such.

(3) Vitalize and energize this by Will Power aroused by Desire and stimulated by Faith.

(4) Project the Ideal Image, or Thought Form, into the Ethereal Substance, there to become materialized.

(5) Keep the picture clear, strong, and corrected “up to date” in the same way.

(6) Keep it supplied with continuous interest and attention, and energized by Desire, Faith, and Will Power.

(7) Then wait confidently and expectantly its Materialization and Realization—for “lo! your own shall come to you.”


A great opportunity arose. I just caught a flu from a friend and i know this diease could last up to week. So now i can prove myself I can heal myself with my will.

But how do i do this? What is flu in esoteric perspective?



>still getting sick




Also having having sex and drinking. I'm just a beginner.


I seem to have a hard time remembering events in my life. What can I do about it?


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What does this tarot mean?



>adept rank

>can't be bothered to even read one book about tarot

>doesn't know anything about interpreting it

Take off that flag.



Do these idealizations have to be limited to what is physically possible?



There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.



But what does it mean?



Divination isn't as objective and set in stone as you seem to think it is. What it means depends on who drew those cards for you, their beliefs and confidences, and your beliefs and confidences. Read at least one of the dozens of books available for free on this website before continuing to pollute this thread with your ignorance.



>Polluting a question thread with ignorance

>Doesn't even recommend a book

<Too fool for you?

nice trips though so fair enough, bye


Why doesn't my higher self help me with anything? Do I even have one?


How do I change my personality or wipe my memory? Or if that isnt possible, how can I become permantly possessed by a spirit?


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How do I go back in time?




This is a thread with partial information about radical self-transformation. Very simple stuff so everyone from Mundane's to Master of Masters can use it.


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Whenever I get a lapse in my concentration usually after getting completely exhausted, what does the trick is pouring a whole heap of earth element, golden love thy body sort of energy and affirmations that I'm in perfect health. Haven't encountered any dis-ease that I couldn't purge this way in a day or less, ranging from flu to tooth aches.


Have you tried talking to it? Maybe you're just an organic portal who doesn't belong. Go away NPC, this is a player only zone.



maybe you already did.

the path you are on is the one that will lead you higher faster, so the things you learn from pain will help you grow, and probably faster/in a certain way that you might not have gotten to in a better way.

try to currently get steady on the path of greater light/good/whatever, and ask your higher self/angels/guides for lessons to come in a loving way, and agree to follow them.

That's my way out of any desire to go back in time. I maybe already did.

and now it's time to put in the work to deserve the brighter future, one possible outcome of which could have been another time i'd wanna go back in time because i did or didn't do x and I can fix that now




both of these guys may be right. safer option is ofc not to bother with anything

keep to what is useful



yeah of course. Kundalini energy.

life itself.

i'm somewhat surprised not everyone knows about it



>or you can be a little more sane


> and think of pikachu. or something. but anything that wasn't fucked up, would end up becoming sexualized. my sex brain would be like yea let's fuck pikachu uhh.

lol… lol.

> can't ever do that with gore though. if you can, then i think you're fucked. just stop using media completely for as long as possible and if you have to fap use your imagination. or something.

>are there people actually turned on by gore? what the fuck would be the solution for them…

the final solution.

but srsly shit idk exorcism and shit, need to clean that vessel real good.



can't you just meditate and control your thoughts?

if you can't do it after a vipassana 10 day meditation retreat maybe you can't. then you can reprogram yourself instead like the other guy said.


When I bring my body-awareness to my head I get really strong sensations just above/around my temple areas. Is this significant at all?



Strange… fapping or not, I feel the same.


I need some personal advice fringe…

im 25 and in school but i feel like the major ive been working to is either gonna be too hard for me or im gonna hate my job in the end.

i never really found my passions in life, ive never had that moment as a kid where i knew what i wanted to be for the rest of my life.

I feel like a huge disappoint. I know i might be silly for trying to ask you guys for help but i hope maybe some of the more enlightened friends around here could lend some advice.


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"Were running an experiment does ultimate power ultimately corrupt. You know it does.



Smileycun why havent you killed yourself yet? You could have spared us this whole event but you just had to be a smug little cunt. Now none of its real.

Tell me how does it feel knowing that you can only derive joy from manipulating people? How hard were you laughing when I first came here hmmmmm?



How long is the longest you've gone without it? For me it doesn't feel much different until a few days have gone by, and I've heard that 3 weeks is a big change as well but I wouldn't know. There were some Asian societies that wouldn't initiate people until they had lasted 4 years.



2 weeks.

The only thing different is that I was hornier



Interesting. Maybe you should go for a long time just for the benefits of wanting to talk to women more or enjoying your fap more, but you do you since it seems pretty individualized.


Has anyone ever heard spirits arguing about you? Sometimes I'll just be walking along and I hear a spirit mutter something, and slowly it turns into this big argument with a different spirit, often times about me.

Yeah I know they could just be thought-forms or tulpa's or whatever but I'm just curious as to if anyone has ever experienced this before.


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>there's at least one anon on this board whose dick was called small by succubi that he summoned



you probably feel different when you finish, if nothing else.

where does the lust come from? probably a build-up of energy. Draw the energy up the spine and into the head, then later down the front and into the lower dantien when you're done with it.

I did nofap (or nofinish at least) for 2-4 months a couple years ago. I got pimples, hair, energy, stuff.

definitely got more courage/testosterone and what-have-you. definitely went a little crazy from too much energy.

It's generally a good thing tho, imo

read mantak chia's cultivating male secual energy or multi-orgasmic man if you want to learn exercises to help draw your energy upward


>i never really found my passions in life, ive never had that moment as a kid where i knew what i wanted to be for the rest of my life.

I don't know that i've 'found my passions' but there are things that I do that I like a lot better than other stuff.

Energywork, ceremony (group stuff especially), travel, martial arts, yoga. They activate the artist or warrior within me.


>'good' guys and 'bad' guys


sex is fine if you don't frequently ejaculate.


I think it takes a good while to not get sick at all. Or at least I seem to recall in one of Mantak Chia's book that it seemed not to imply any form of imperviousness to disease


>(3) Idealize others as you wish them to be or to do.

Sounds like a waste of energy, assuming this means attempting to change someone else rather than attracting new people.


>Smileycun why havent you killed yourself yet? You could have spared us this whole event but you just had to be a smug little cunt. Now none of its real.

spared us what? what's not real?

the stuff he wrote there seems fine enough, aside from one thing I pointed out


What's the easiest thing I can do to prove to myself that magic is real?



Easiest thing? Kill yourself.



look in the meditations thread and there's one about making a poltergeist.

I haven't done it so uh, do it at your own risk


the other guy is technically right too, as much as i don't care for that response



does this site work



I've accidentally done this before.


I'm good

I'm asking just to reaffirm the ideas to myself. I can do things but I don't have any specific desires so I'm hoping that this can give me the desire to do some again



William Walker Atkinson, Robert Bruce, and whatever couple wrote Magical Use of Thoughtforms all include simple and easy experiments in their books.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

has anyone here gotten good yet?


How do I summon succubus to fuck with every night?


Sometimes I sit and visualize a house I imagine is my own and inside is my waifu and I try to imagine it in as much detail as possible so it is real. Throughout the day I sometimes talk in my head to her as well and sometimes she just pops in to my head without me intending it.

Is this a tulpa?



>low level materializing

if only you knew how easy everything is



If it's so easy why don't you give me a link, or a guide, or any help in this matter so that I can do this easy task myself?



dont want tor, it would hurt you, man up and get some real pussy you faggot.


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are wet dreams REALLY succubus demons?

if so;does that mean I fathered children the sperm a succubus stole from me and will give to a female while dressed as a male succubus?

Ps answer, this is very important as I have had like 20 wet dreams



Yes and on your 21st wet dream all your spirit children will come back to haunt you.



>I've accidentally done this before.

then… you don't need more proof, I'd think.

but draw what you want toward you. Ask for a sign in x days.


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Dolores Ashcroft Nowicki :^ )


God your a faggot, I know alot of people use he hermeticist flag, but whoever you are, that alone was enough for me to not like you



If she's independent in any way, I think so



It's not proof I need. The problem is "want". I can't think of anything and if I just pick something random out like money, I end up stopping because in my mind I think meh.



/tips wizard hat


>tell someone to get a real woman instead of eacaping into their dreams

>grt called faggot

something here does not compute.




two, maybe three.



Do you have any idea how terrible 3D women are?



He is probably still blue pilled, this is why he called me a faggot in the first place and told me to get a real woman. As if a succubus would hurt me more than a mundane 3D whore. I am pretty sure that I know what I want and don't need a parent here to tell me what to do. Anyway, I will keep searching and in the meantime working on my magick skills and my understanding of the world. I am pretty sure the guide for summoning a succubus will pop up sooner or later, no matter if mundanes like this guy keep trolling and refusing to share it. Truth be told I believe he is just pretending as has no clue himself how to get a succubus.




wowe, you guys ought to fix that heart chakra.

just cause you got rejected once or twice doesn't mean all women are cunts.

then again, because you have that attitude that you have, you are treated the way you are which reinforces your beliefs.

change start with oneself.

everything is duality, the exception is you, you are heaven and earth, in your heart you bridge the material and the spiritual - love is a high value resource, you will never attract it if you don't have it but if you love yourself you will find someone who resonates with those vibrations, and who will love you, to add to that, love comes from within, its an intangible buzzing that makes you smile for no reason, if you love yourself and fill up your essence with the confidence and happiness that comes with, you will have love in abundance to share with others, its noticeable and makes you, and everyone near you, like you better.

love yourself, you're worth it, smile, you have a reason.

i keep lurking this dead board because you fellow lurkers are the future, you will all accomplish great things in these interesting times, you are chosen, avatars of gods and deities, you all have potential greater than any other 'mundane', i'm not going to tell you how to get lost in dreams fucking low level astral parasites to feed your ego, you shit, you, by choice, came here for great things and you're just loitering around.




Y'know I hate being "that guy" but maybe they need to interface with the lesser astral parasites before having an epiphany.

Just sayin, life ain't like one of those self-help spiritual books from Barnes and Noble.



You feed your ego with 3D parasites, why can't you let a fellow man feed his ego with astral parasites?

I love myself and I love you and all fellow man. I know we are all worth it however you are still a mundane faggot for not giving me the guide. I want to hone my skills and broaden my knowledge of reality. I am almost 30 btw, so I don't really think I am the future. I am already too jaded and all I wanna do is get the fuck out of this earth, there is nothing here for me, especially not mundane women. Since you are so wise and full of love maybe you are the future. You can help me by showing me more parts of this reality and help me to escape mundane 3D matrix.

Now don't think women reject me. I have never even made an effort to get myself a girl, yet I had two girlfriends. They both came to me without me doing anything and it sucked, so I left them both times. 3D women are not for me, to be honest I don't think too highly of them, but I am still hetero and full of lust. Maybe succubus is the kind of woman for me that will help me out of this misery.



>You feed your ego with 3D parasites

i sure as fuck don't.



It's ok my friend, may you go lurk this board in peace. Also enjoy your 3D women, but don't shove them down everybody elses throats. I am not running around trying to shove succubus down your throat am I?



since we are talking about succubi here…is this legit?




THATS what you're after?

Ugh. I'm starting to see the other guys point. Here, fuck it. I'll info dump.

Succubi are energy feeders (duh) that only offer a service of some form of sexual gratification as a service. Most argue they make godawful partners for long term astral romance. You don't date prostitutes after all. Generally though, they have a tendency to flip out and go full dominatrix mode when they realize they are with a weak willed partner. The actual entity does not have a gender and simply pilfers "creation energy" every opportunity it gets.

Honestly any ritual you see trying to draw specific ones in was made by schizophrenic individuals (generally speaking). There is really no reason to try to draw one as they just have a tendency to broaden a fetish range and turn you into a chronic masturbator. That's it. Pretty neat eh?.. not really. A succubus/incubus sees people as cattle and their orgasms as milk. They will simply turn you into a loosh fountain with really no benefit to you. But if that's what you're REALLY after my memory serves me that you can call on their services using black candles and waiting for a new moon.

What you really want is a good spirit spouse instead. Guess what though, it also requires time and effort like a physical relationship except the general direction is to assist with any work you need done and inner reflection. World of difference. These actually require you to make some form of effort to learn basic projection and other sensory exercise. Once again… Little to no interface with the physical body. Primary interface with the higher body. You can find these by creating a "calling card" preferably during dawn or dusk on days with a full moon.

Other than that specifics are varied and guidelines are custom for each entity. Just make sure you don't get something life-threateningly possessive and you should be fine

Just don't come crying to me when you're all drained and tired and haven't learned a damned thing or when you just get a helicopter spirit that will literally make your life hell because you didn't do one silly little thing of appeasement.


All these theories like "everything is in waves" "an action of a certain size will get a reaction of the same size" "treat others like you want to be treated yourself" etc… They all seem to support neutrality, which would be a weak way to live, I am definetly missing something, can anyone elaborate?



>just cause you got rejected once or twice doesn't mean all women are cunts.

You're projecting, I've had plenty of girls swoon after me, and I turn them down every time. You need to go read the archived ignore women, acquire magic thread, cause you really don't know what you're talking about. Incase you don't, I'll give you a quick rundown:

Schopenhauer once said, "Where nature grants the boar tusk, and the lion fangs, she granys women manipulation. Think about it, the women who will reproduce the most are the sluts, who, in the early neolithic tribes would whore around with every caveman, and because she's a whore, every man must take care of the baby because nobody knows who's it is. The women who allocate the most resources are the ones who survive, and if you look at all the rich fucks in the world, you will see this boils down to being a sociopathic manipulator. Women are servile and less intelligent than men, while we busted our asses getting meat and building shelter, they sat around and nagged for more, but when an enemy tribe came knocking they always whined for us to, "jus get along XDD". Why, because they are servile and have no sense of individual thought, when a tribe sacks another, they kill the men and rape the women into submission, they secretly like this because the ones who did survived and reproduced more.




Mankind was never cavemen, aliens.



I think it is pretty obvious to anyone with even half a brain that human women are utter shit. I'd rather get drained by a succubus than dealing with women but of course being celibate and using your loosh for higher purposes and magick is the real way.

By the way, don't be silly fuckheads and let this man explore the dark side of reality for himself. How the fuck you expect him to become a wizard if he cannot even learn the basic lessons and experience for himself? How will he learn? If he wants to explore, let him, if he wants to make mistakes, let him. The real way to becoming a real wizard is to dive into it and do the magick, interact with occult reality even if that means starting with succubus and getting drained as fuck. Eventually he will make it and ascend. I want to tell this guy that he should aim to renounce lust altogether and go celibate instead when he is ready. Plenty of higher magick can be done with your loosh, there is not really a need to waste it on parasites except for the initial experience and knowledge.


the rest is pretty spot on as an observation of societal functions (between animals) but is also a very basic, infantile reasoning that strips women of everything that they are and attempts to equate women to material unconscious objects, this reasoning on your behalf (which stems from a strong desire or need for control, created and enforced by insecurity and, or stunted emotional growth), i would argue, makes you less than your idea of women after you've robbed them of sentience, which, again, is a result of your need for control because that is all you've got, backed by physical strength.

i'm telling you to change because you're in a bad place, i'm telling the other guy to not summon that succubi because its a lost cause and he could instead focus on his mental health and internal alchemy.

women are not property, women are sentient beings, a woman is a mans other half and vice versa, they are less in some regards, more in others, because you do not respect something does not deny it its value, because you approach the world and the other gender thinking that they are objects to be used, they are repulsed and you will only attract people who are also in this state of mind of abuse or contentment with being abused, physical emotional or spiritual.

your worldview, your life.

>>(actual projecting)



The real problem is what neither of you are addressing. The base ruling class promotes instant gratification. This leads to the rise of "fling" culture and rampant bodily issues like obesity. The two are problems on their own but together create a world of suffering unlike previous generations of man have ever seen.

Fling culture. Promoted by goddamn near everything nowadays. Swipe left, swipe right. No one has any value that isn't linked to their bodies. Everyone is just an object of comfort or sexual release with more and more desiring to be used and to use others.

On top of that more and more individuals are bloating like drowned swine as immediate comfort food becomes a national pastime. The only outcome here is a perversion of physical form into something slothful and hideous.

Mix the two together and you have braying pigs squealing to be bred while sharing an instinctive disgust with each other's form.

It's at this point the only thing I think will push humanity in the right direction is physical work and restrictions. All if just to keep the porcine aspect of the modern first world human at Bay.



yes, that to, good post.


>learn to lucid dream

>or even better, learn to astral travel

>fuck everything and anything in the astral planes

>beware of negative parasites dressed up as women to lure you in and drain all your energy

>fuck them anyway

>manifest whatever you want and fuck it

>meet fellow female astral travelers and fuck them

Welcome to heaven…or hell. This is the real deal, fuck that succubus noise.


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How to cure the shizo in the mind?

It's a totally mundane and mostly impeding function and has way too much impact on my wellbeing.

I consider it an obstacle.



>human women are anything akin to the Divine feminine principal

Gtfo normo, Dion Fortune was mentored by 3 adepts, and Jesus himself, and she barely got to high-initiate



Schopenhauer once said, "It is no measure of a man to succeed in a sick society". Being schizoid isn't an illness, its seeing the truth. If you mean schizophrenia however, that means you have an overactive 3rd eye



Atkinson noted in his travels and among the students and practitioners he met, in addition to historical cases, that women tend to make better clairvoyants and receptive telepaths. I've found this to be the case in my own experience as well. He says it's because they're more sensitive. It seems pretty common on this board to discount any positive qualities of women, and I imagine a lot of that is due to negative life experiences with them or not knowing many very well. But it is retarded to claim that man can be the physical manifestation of the Masculine Gender while asserting that women are not the physical manifestation of the Feminine Gender. You guys need to study the Tao, yin/yang, and find more balance in your life in general.



How do I produce light? I want to cast light spells, make shit glow, light up a room, that sort of thing.



Focus on "Connection", as in a forest. Turn your body into a hivemind of sorts, within itself.

Connect to nature.

Connect to your body.

Connect to your mind.

Art is good for flexible connection. Harmonies and intentional dissonance or resolution of dissonance and such in music, art, writing, etc.

Schizoid stuff is when you have a million pieces of information/experiences and can't connect them all.



Young men usually want love and acceptance, but they want discipline and purpose from a group as well. The young men on this board lack the latter two in their life, so they compensate in the areas of life where they do or can receive the former two by applying discipline and purpose to it. It's a matter of "Coming to Age" that is lacking in society and culture, as there's no clear "Boy to Man" ceremony or tradition. Thus, every thing they do must be a Boy to Man ceremony in order to become a Man slowly and surely, the alchemically arduous way.

You could say that the real problem is that society threatens one's status as a man constantly; it's incredibly easy to be considered a "boy", a manipulation tactic in place to emasculate men and keep boys boyish. You're immature if you believe in magic for instance. You're immature if you don't fit into society, dysfunctional and retarded. You're a man child autist if you criticise society and are "enlightened by your own intelligence" *tips fedora*. It's all meme trash that pollutes the mind.

It's part of the social engineering by the deep state. Turn the genders against each other. Women get what ever the fuck psy op, but I haven't really considered it too much so I don't know what exactly it's like or is.

Boyish = Acceptance and Love in today's society

Man = Crass and Crude pig who needs sensitivity training and to give their job to a woman in today's society

They're trying to turn us into children… and have been exceedingly successful.



It's funny but… Hitler was right.

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