Question Thread #32 Post All Questions In Here 08/16/17 (Wed) 21:13:21 No. 104497
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: FAQ: /fringe/faq.html
Post last edited at 08/17/17 (Thu) 00:40:35
08/16/17 (Wed) 21:14:21 No. 104498
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: FAQ: /fringe/faq.html
08/16/17 (Wed) 21:17:16 No. 104500
why am I K*nneth all the sudden
08/16/17 (Wed) 21:18:23 No. 104501
I had a question that I posted in your thread also. When do I know that I am finished and I should stop? Also should the entire process be repeated multiple times or just once? And finally, any tips on reaching that mindset of detachment for the result?
08/16/17 (Wed) 21:26:35 No. 104502
08/16/17 (Wed) 21:39:25 No. 104503
08/16/17 (Wed) 21:40:15 No. 104504
I remember you too. Hmm… what was the advice I gave…
>When do I know that I am finished and I should stop?
Short answer, When your desire shows up ;) Long answer, It's intuitive. I'll elaborate.
>Also should the entire process be repeated multiple times or just once?
It's intuitive, It really depends on the perceived size of your goal. You'll need to experiment yourself and find what works. It's also worth noting that since detachment is part of the process, It may be why sigils work so well. Due to the fire and forget nature of sigil work, The detachment phase is automatically included in your working. That being said we're talking about daydreaming about your ideal life and the things you want to experience here. Don't let it become something unpleasant or something that feels like work, because it shouldn't be. The best advice I can give you is that it becomes a matter of knowing how to get out of your own way. I'd say you're ready to move on when you want to let go and attempt to create something else or move onto creating new experiences. Does that make sense?
>And finally, any tips on reaching that mindset of detachment for the result?
That ones new. I'd say being grounded in the present moment helps. If you're doing the process right, amplifying your emotions to create the desired resonance should be so engrossing you find that you don't really care about whether you get your desire or not. If you find yourself 'slipping' into the past, future or a part of your mind starts pissing and moaning about not having it, take it as a giant neon alarm bell that you're not present anymore. Immediately reground yourself in the here and now.
Alright guys, I don't know what's going on or if the thread was actually )))404'd((( for being Just. That. Good. But I'm going to have a chat with Kh—He who shall not be named, and work on a revised, updated and expanded edition with a section on overcoming fear and procrastination. Might as well make this work to our benefit.
Please look forward to it!!
08/16/17 (Wed) 21:44:03 No. 104505
Guy who asked about the seduction question here, Is trying to open someone up to being friends with benefits as bad as making them fall in love with you karmicaly ? Im not trying to mentally dominate anyone just open them up to having some fun.
08/16/17 (Wed) 21:48:22 No. 104506
08/16/17 (Wed) 21:48:59 No. 104507
Let me answer you with a hypothetical example. Imagine this person you are trying to seduce as walking along a train track, straight ahead. She wants to walk along this path, for whatever reason she likes it, and assumes that walking in this direction is going to get her where she wants to go.
Now, What you're doing here is asserting psychic influence on her to try and get her to turn 90 degrees to the right and start walking in that direction instead. Do you see how you've altered her trajectory? By definition this is infringing upon her freewill and an act of black magic. I don't think karma gives a fuck about what you're doing so much as the fact you'll be violating her freewill to do it.
Make sure you don't have any moral hangups about the notion before you proceed or you'll get an unpleasant surprise for your hassle.
08/16/17 (Wed) 21:56:47 No. 104508
08/16/17 (Wed) 22:12:32 No. 104509
very interesting example.
I guess i didnt realize that karma doesn't care about the severity of the infringement but only that you are attempting to change something about another person even if it may be minor.
>Make sure you don't have any moral hangups about the notion before you proceed or you'll get an unpleasant surprise for your hassle.
I didn't have any moral hangups on this before because i didn't think what i was going to attempt to do was wrong but now im no longer 100% sure, i have really strong feelings for this person but i don't wont to put a curse on them…
Thanks for taking the time to help scrubs like me.
08/16/17 (Wed) 22:31:21 No. 104510
08/16/17 (Wed) 22:33:26 No. 104512
What happened to you, Amigo? Maybe I can help. Maybe I've been there too.
08/16/17 (Wed) 22:36:31 No. 104513
I found this fucking site and then a bunch of you faggots started gangstalking me. Following me around when I went places, watching me from across the street, fucking with me in my dreams. You fucking faggots just want new people to take advantage of and use. You turned my friends and family against me. You destroyed my life. You will all pay.
08/16/17 (Wed) 22:40:14 No. 104514
The Hawaian hakuna called those moral hangups "the thing that eats inside", and they urged their clients to work on those before the actual working took place. Basically if your subconscious believes you should pay a price or be punished, you will.
The thing is we often believe we know what our subconscious thinks, but it's really hidden from us. That's why shadow work is very important.
08/16/17 (Wed) 22:40:41 No. 104515
08/16/17 (Wed) 23:04:18 No. 104516
Dindu nuffin, nice schemata broo
08/16/17 (Wed) 23:23:04 No. 104519
can you give me a brief explanation of what shadow work is? i think ive only seen the term used once or twice, thanks for you input.
08/16/17 (Wed) 23:26:44 No. 104520
08/16/17 (Wed) 23:38:09 No. 104522
>why am I K*nneth all the sudden
oooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh alright I think I get it. welp I'll meet you half way.
You were trying to help even though I wouldn't listen and scream bloody murder. thank you.
You would continue to help me because for whatever reason you love me. thank you.
You still try to be my friend even though I said terrible things about you and blame you things you probably didnt do. thank you.
You actually did help me by showing me magic was real even though it was completely stupid and it shouldn't have worked. thank you.
You only shit posted with me because you saw how ever briefly happy it made me. thank you
>then a bunch of you faggots started gangstalking me.
kind of true
>Following me around when I went places, watching me from across the street
>fucking with me in my dreams.
certainly possible
>You fucking faggots just want new people to take advantage of and use.
>You turned my friends and family against me.
>You destroyed my life.
Definitely altered it by throwing in some over the top books, if it was for the best that's for me to decide.
do me a favor lad and go home
it's' all ogre now.
08/16/17 (Wed) 23:55:13 No. 104524
08/17/17 (Thu) 00:03:37 No. 104525
>Not an argument
Do you even know what a schemata is?
08/17/17 (Thu) 00:13:20 No. 104526
has anyone here used magic to drastically increase their height?
in b4 blogpost but Im sick of being a manlet and i know you arent supposed to let something so basic as your appearance affect you but i swear on everything that is holy that my life would be atleast 5x better as a tall person.
Ive had it reaffirmed to me so many times in my life as a child and as an adult whether it be with women, in social settings, or even employment.
I do my best to be confident and ignore the petty shit but its hard to do that when you constantly have to work way harder than everyone around you AND appear like you arent trying too hard at the same time because you are short.
08/17/17 (Thu) 00:19:43 No. 104527
ill take any help i can get, im desperate boyz
08/17/17 (Thu) 00:20:15 No. 104528
>if this one thing changed my life wouldn't be shit anymore
08/17/17 (Thu) 00:21:25 No. 104529
If you kill yourself you might be taller in the next life (((goy))) .
08/17/17 (Thu) 00:21:40 No. 104530
it literally would, you have no idea
08/17/17 (Thu) 00:21:58 No. 104531
dont tempt me jew lmao
08/17/17 (Thu) 00:24:44 No. 104532
08/17/17 (Thu) 00:42:15 No. 104535
No it wouldn't. Multiplying your worth by 5x doesn't mean anything because no matter what you multiply it by 0 is 0.
08/17/17 (Thu) 00:45:36 No. 104536
ALRIGHT ASSHOLES RIDDLE ME THIS. Why am I such a huge faggot? Seriously you stalking wizard jerkoffs, what EXACTLY makes me such a paranoid loon?
08/17/17 (Thu) 00:58:59 No. 104537
>You're mean
>You insist that I stalk you, when in fact I only stalk Sm*ley, and that is only for archiving his magic advice, he's bretty gud
>I give you advice and you won't take it, doesn't annoy me but you still expect me to give you advice?
>You will die if you admit your wrong, you clearly don't know that this whole kablooey is your self-made schemata (paranoid obsession), and yet, instead of realizing this, you simply weasle your way out of my post to, "le win the argument", which wasn't even an argument in the first place, just advice
>You innately believe you can suddenly interrupt any on-going conversation, all just to snap at whoever takes the bait and tried to help you
>Oh and, "le no namefig", seriously, this is annoying. I just wanna be able to type T*pp(i) without having to spend an accumulated extra 10 everyday faggot-proofing the names
08/17/17 (Thu) 01:00:02 No. 104538
You're glitz are showing faggot
08/17/17 (Thu) 01:06:33 No. 104539
Say it to my face not online and see what happens.
08/17/17 (Thu) 01:12:15 No. 104540
You're schizo dude.
08/17/17 (Thu) 01:47:37 No. 104541
"It is only when I was introduced to the internet that I understood at an instinctual level the gullibilty and feeblemindedness of the average person. I would create a thousand posts with a thousand personas and they were, as they used to say, "all me". The mediocre and plainly dull people who read them assumed them to be legitimate. Some of the smarter ones thought it was some kibd of master plan by government agencies. The truth was these namefags and tripfags were all me. I hired actors occassionally to lend credibility to some of the more unbelievable roles. I controlled perception, I shaped the course of humanity. It was an art, and I was the greatest artist of my time. None know my name but all know my shitposts. It is time that I ascend from the title of Shitpost King and assume my rightful place. I will become a god. The God of Shitpost."
-Memoirs of an Anonymous Shitposter by ShitpostKing
08/17/17 (Thu) 02:08:28 No. 104544
08/17/17 (Thu) 02:10:07 No. 104545
le ebin meme brosef, upboated! :DDD
Here, take a look at my waifu, (shhhh, she's a druggie!) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
08/17/17 (Thu) 02:12:42 No. 104546
She looks like a based (((jew))) praise g-d
08/17/17 (Thu) 02:12:56 No. 104547
I'm still working at accustoming myself to the ~500 All encompassing love frequency, right now, I can maintain it for about an hour, and have to think about cute shit, and enlightened thoughts to recharge, how do I live in this frequency permanently without sucking my solar plexus dry of emotional qi?
08/17/17 (Thu) 02:16:30 No. 104548
Basically just the mantak chia inner smile thing 24/7
Smug as fug
08/17/17 (Thu) 02:20:33 No. 104549
She's cute as fuck even for a non-thicc skelecutie, but her thought process never goes higher than food and attention, and she's literally a drug addicted nudes-spammer on 4-/r9k/. Right now I just use her cute videos to cultivate love in attracting a suitable partner.
Btw that whole Reality Creation 101 thread was beautiful, goes to show that even advanced initiates can learn from the humble neophyte. (Not saying that that guy is a neophyte, just saying that with all the cool shit I can do I forgot the damn basics!)
08/17/17 (Thu) 02:25:06 No. 104550
08/17/17 (Thu) 02:26:39 No. 104551
Thanks man, I've been getting so many synchronicities these past 3 days you'd think I'm an astral celebrity, I'm fuckin ready bro! My entire life is set, and I'm just laying the finishing touches!
08/17/17 (Thu) 02:28:27 No. 104552
In alot of her YouTube videos you can see she has no adam's apple, she just hides her throat for extra drama
08/17/17 (Thu) 02:39:43 No. 104553
08/17/17 (Thu) 02:55:57 No. 104555
>shaving down the cartilidge
Holy fuck, that's sick. Like I said though, and I hate to risk another shitstorm by saying this, annnd yes I'm aware due to the nature of deciding to be a tranny its impossible, but if "she" was greenpilled, loyal, feminine, and was exactly like a girl in all physical senses, I'd go for a tranny, not gonna reduce my sphere of availability over something that trivial. Some men have yin-spirits too, its literally only a problem in the 3rd dimension. That is unless somebody can give me a good reason why I shouldn't
Kh*n(a)? Is that really you?
08/17/17 (Thu) 03:02:36 No. 104557
Being yin is neither good for men nor women. All humans are in an ideal state primarily yang.
08/17/17 (Thu) 03:11:28 No. 104559
My nigga.
It is I, the electric river thread posting, 10 million question asking fucker. I have been learning how to purge the yin out of everything, and I am only growing more powerful for it.
Honestly though I thought your "balance" and "cycles" advice was shit after a while, and decided to go full yang and that yin was pure shit. Been slowly transforming my mind into pure yang, after a "cycle" of doubting the authenticity of a pure yang life… now there is no doubt.
You should make a new Pure Yang thread.
08/17/17 (Thu) 03:31:49 No. 104560
Most people are not ready or capable to handle a pure yang existence. Of course it affords perfect harmony with others, yet it is a solitary existence.
08/17/17 (Thu) 03:35:00 No. 104561
So what are y'all techniques for bending the will of others to your own?
08/17/17 (Thu) 03:36:03 No. 104562
yup and it's time to die friend I know it's hard but try and love something
>I give you advice and you won't take it, doesn't annoy me but you still expect me to give you advice?
no i dont
>You will die if you admit your wrong
I was wrong, about everything. I lashed out because I saw what I only wanted to see. I just assumed your lives were easier than mine because you would post stuff that would purposely piss me off. which isn't very hard. started to attack you guys when it wasn't even you
>You innately believe you can suddenly interrupt any on-going conversation, all just to snap at whoever takes the bait and tried to help you
True I will stop it wasn't right
correct I was my worst enemy and I dragged you guys down with me. I guess technically I wanted to do magic but the shit I wanted to do didn't require years of mediation and isolation just grind it out and believe it will work. But I guess nobody chooses to be a wizard. I'll post when I actually have something constructive to say. I was BO for a brief moment and it was terrible I don't want it.
08/17/17 (Thu) 03:42:29 No. 104563
My favorite kind. I always wondered why I was such a stoic uninterested anti-conforming bad ass, and why fitting in felt faggy.
I've been trying to just flex all the fucking time until I have ironoak muscle at all times. Finally started training my body consistently as well… thank you Fire element. All the elements just seem more and more like yin. Concepts themself seem more and more faggy.
I'm becoming pure will and everything else feels like getting old and saggy and rotten.
08/17/17 (Thu) 03:46:06 No. 104564
Develop your will like you develop your body; all the time with ever increasing intensity and vigor, with greater passion.
Then, interact with others. Never neglect a single aspect of the experience; a training of the will. After a while you'll have forged yourself into a superior existence, standing above all others by merit of true greatness.
That's my path at least.
08/17/17 (Thu) 04:21:46 No. 104565
That's neat, didn't know that, I just assumed yang-masculine yin-feminine.
>Pure yang lifestyle
Dude you gotta do a thread on this, I miss your old threads
08/17/17 (Thu) 06:15:01 No. 104572
I don't do it a whole lot anymore, but generally I get together with some other wizards and we all wait until somebody is asleep, then enter his dream with him. One of us constructs the symbolic atmosphere and scenery of the dream, while the rest of us work to plant an idea in his mind. We usually have to go pretty deep, but the real trick is convincing him that he came up with the idea himself. It can be really stressful and attracts some bad stuff for those involved though, which is why we don't really do it anymore.
08/17/17 (Thu) 06:20:00 No. 104573
Your shadow is your lower self, your subconscious. Shadow work consists in finding and uprooting repressed emotions, traumas, grudges, prejudices…
08/17/17 (Thu) 06:52:33 No. 104579
I didn't think much about whether this eclipse meant anything but I've been having a shitload of things happen since Monday. Monday I had a headache that was lile an intense outwards pressure which was almost incapacitating and eventually weaned off into a mild pressure which remains. The day after this I suddenly found meat of any kind completely unappetizing. I ate some and it just gave me a strange feeling, I just suddenly didn't enjoy the taste or anything. I now quite abruptly find meat unappetizing and a little disgusting. The only things I can eat as normal are fruits and vegetables.
So I dunno, maybe this eclipse is a powerful one.
08/17/17 (Thu) 08:13:49 No. 104582
Soo, I've been doing detumescence therapy since yesterday and my scalp fucking hurts. Am I kneading too hard?
08/17/17 (Thu) 14:22:12 No. 104592
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. OK, so I was watching pic related and I'm stricken again with a feeling that is familiar to me at this point.
In the video, Dr. Ott explains how he found out about a seance carried out by nine members of the elite linked to banking, big pharma, etc (not the Rothschilds or anything like that, but the real deal) and basically contacted nine Egyptian deities among which where Isis, Osiris and Horus (supposedly), which told them how to bring back spirituality to the world. This sounded awfully like the kind of intervention Ra talks about in the Law of One material.
Anyway, I got thinking about how the quality of magic-related material has gone to shit since the first and second world wars right when spirituality and paranormal stuff was starting to be popular and serious studies were starting to be made.
My point is, who is behind these dark ages we're living in, in which pseudo-scientism reigns supreme and the supernormal is outright ignored or ridiculed when it should be studied for the benefit of mankind?
Could it be these elites that sure, fuck up a lot of the cattle, indigo pill style, could it be that they are actually the good guys? I've had this feeling a lot in the past. What if the "new world order" guys are really working for something that will be better in the long run and the conspiracy and "truther" community are nothing more than manipulated useful idiots for the groups that are suppressing the study of the occult?
I'm sure the anatomy of the elite web of relationships and allegiances is very complex, but most people are stuck in the self-defeating paradigm that money=evil and rich people=evil lizards when in reality the situation is just as complex or more than any major human political drama/intrigue.
I don't like being deafened by the bleating of all these truthers and unable to listen to the real goings on just because my socioeconomic status doesn't allow me to be there.
What are your thoughts, /fringe/?
08/17/17 (Thu) 15:29:49 No. 104593
Agree with this, something is building up in pressure with lots of weird things happening.
More spirits than usual trying to get in contact, with a desperate tone to it.
Surges of energy. That headache that required half a dozen "hard" alignments in the two higher chakras to get rid of. Crickle crackle snipple snapple.
08/17/17 (Thu) 15:44:07 No. 104594
>Surges of energy. That headache that required half a dozen "hard" alignments in the two higher chakras to get rid of. Crickle crackle snipple snapple.
I've been using ibuprofen, but yeah, agreed. In any case, seeing how the eclipse aligns perfectly over the US and the occult correspondences involved, at the very least this is a wet dream for these people who like to stuff happenings full of correspondences.
08/17/17 (Thu) 18:36:00 No. 104598
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>104594
>taking the polluters pill
>>Prana is the Life Force, The life energy. Apana is the Eliminating force or removing force or energy. Sushumna is the channel through which these energy move around our body. Hari and Har are the names of the that divine source of infinite energy, healing source, some also say that word Hari comes from Hara, which means the remover, remover of pain and negativity. This mantra is very powerful healing device. Both for physical as well as emotional healing. When using this mantra for healing, concentrate on your breathing, and as you inhale visualize that a life force, life energy or prana is energy into your system, . With Apana, visualize that all the pain and negativity and energy blockages inside your body are being removed And Sushumna, is the channel, Its through which the energy is circulating in your body. Visualize that air and energy is circulating within you entire body, each and every cell of your being is lit up by the life force. And as we come to word Hari, Smile and take in all the wonderful things universe has to offer. That Hari has to offer.
Should get rid of your headache.
This one is also good but you'll need to repeat it yourself as shes not so vocal as she could be. It does work.
08/17/17 (Thu) 18:58:12 No. 104599
other things that help against a headache
>looking at your brow and yawning
>throat, third eye& crown mudras
>moving energy from the head to somewhere else/taking pills (this removes the opportunity to fix the energyblock)
>opening your mouth as much as possible and take it from there intuitively during peak breath then straining the jaws with teeth clasped, tension should be in the muscles not exerted between teeth (preferably teeth should not touch)
>straining the muscles behind your ears, neck and top of head
>massaging neck, especially where spine connects to skull
there is something going on with yawning that i haven't figured out yet..
08/17/17 (Thu) 19:21:54 No. 104600
Guess who is back faggots?
08/17/17 (Thu) 19:25:14 No. 104601
T*pp? He's been here for a while
08/17/17 (Thu) 19:39:40 No. 104602
there are no more namefags, baka.
08/17/17 (Thu) 19:44:29 No. 104604
I was just wondering this yesterday.
Perhaps you need energy when you're tired, (fugging smart) and you unconscioucy do energy breathing.
08/17/17 (Thu) 19:49:24 No. 104605
yes but there is more to it.
08/17/17 (Thu) 19:56:04 No. 104607
Yes i figured you meant something more at time i posted. Give me a tip here about where you are getting.
08/17/17 (Thu) 20:06:00 No. 104608
Yeah you're not a namefag anymore. Just a fag .
08/17/17 (Thu) 20:13:50 No. 104609
I enjoy heterosexual copulation in the missionary position for the purpose of energetic cultivation and progression.
08/17/17 (Thu) 20:21:04 No. 104610
can i get some info on this… thing?
grandfather got it in his travels, could very well be authentic.
08/17/17 (Thu) 20:21:38 No. 104611
You put too much stock in human ability. Trying to change the overall course of humanity is pissing in the wind. It's a waste of time because the mechanisms, forces, and energies involved are so powerful.
08/17/17 (Thu) 20:22:14 No. 104612
08/17/17 (Thu) 20:25:23 No. 104613
08/17/17 (Thu) 20:30:57 No. 104614
Nigga of all people I thought you could take banter! Anyway, I'll stop then,
08/17/17 (Thu) 20:32:49 No. 104615
Based Smiling Jew can take bants better
Really makes u think
08/17/17 (Thu) 20:35:11 No. 104616
i banted back equally poor as you banted first and you let me have it, why?
08/17/17 (Thu) 20:45:51 No. 104617
Death To All Namefags
08/17/17 (Thu) 21:41:02 No. 104620
When did I ever "let you have it"
08/17/17 (Thu) 21:49:30 No. 104622
I just did the Wim Hof method while mediating and for the first time I my life I felt energy running like crazy, vibrating my spine. I just kept doing it. It's felt so invigorating.
Is there s problem with getting addicted to doing this? Can I fuck myself up? My life issues are pretty much in order, according to someone called Tipp in the old discord I should be able to manage the good old kundalinidoo.
So, can I spend my evenings doing the Wim Hof in the assna position?
What the fuck, I feel like I want to cry of joy all of a sudden. Oh shit wtf
08/17/17 (Thu) 21:58:19 No. 104624
08/17/17 (Thu) 22:09:49 No. 104626
i would be surprised if you haven't already had a rising, at this point its about how much energy you're letting flow.
08/17/17 (Thu) 22:25:42 No. 104627
But I haven't had any crazy "feel like the cock of god for a whole night and almost die" experiences.
Am I holding myself back then? Damn. I don't think that makes me feel better. Need to uncuck myself spiritually then.
To be honest I've been a repressed fuck my whole life. Never living to my full potential in fear that that potential wouldn't be as great as I liked to imagine. But enough blogging.
What do?
08/17/17 (Thu) 22:30:25 No. 104628
gather energy in root until you can't anymore then gradually let it flow upwards.
08/17/17 (Thu) 22:37:46 No. 104629
I tried doing this (I still have our chat saved from the Alpam days), but didn't really manage. Will keep practicing, thanks.
08/17/17 (Thu) 22:41:52 No. 104630
Can you post the Wim Hof meditation? I'd like to get in on this
08/17/17 (Thu) 22:57:44 No. 104632
It was posted in the reality creation thread. He also explained and demonstrated it in his Joe Rogan interview.
My legs get cold sweaty as fuck, but nothing happens. I have to go to bed now, but will keep at it.
08/17/17 (Thu) 22:59:42 No. 104633
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:01:50 No. 104634
>moving energy upwards
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:14:37 No. 104635
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:16:16 No. 104636
But think of how much power super rich bankers hold in the mundane world. Sure your average person and his 5 friends can't change the course of humanity, but super rich bankers aren't your average person.
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:16:46 No. 104637
There is no good reason to move energy upwards.
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:18:57 No. 104638
wow, you skrub.
i wont even tell you why.
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:25:58 No. 104639
>My legs get cold sweaty as fuck
good, you can completely drop this practice now, it was only to learn to feel energy.
do the same but breathe into root and keep it contained until it starts going up by itself then choke it and make sure it doesn't burn you out on its way up.
next step is to open up the crown with the root energy and drawing in crown energy to root, bringing heaven to earth, gg.
once thats done what is above is prerequisite for drawing from crown and root to heart. thats when you get wings and the real shit starts.
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:27:28 No. 104640
>falling for bullshit occultist disinfo
>thinking you're an enlightwned demi-god
>actually moving energy up into the crown instead of down into the crown
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:29:27 No. 104641
>this guy has to stand on his head to do basic energywork
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:32:09 No. 104643
>can't even fully raise energy
Now that's just fuckin' ridiculous, I can do energywork while running, I'm not even a kundalinibro yet, if you gotta do that you might wanna see the doctor
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:32:52 No. 104644
>>thinking you're an enlightwned demi-god
no, this is being forced upon me, i just am.
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:40:02 No. 104647
>Human Demi-gods" are not uncommon in the world of politics, business and organized crimes, and many walks of life where many already somewhat relatively well-to-do people continually try to outdo each other in every aspect of their life - be it career positions, possession of materials wealth or even family.
Are you sure fam? Demi-gods don't sound that enlightened at all, if you're thinking of the buhddist definition anyway
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:45:35 No. 104648
As long as you continue to think of energy as something to be built up you'll always be limited. There is no spiritual progress, there is no enlightenment. Man in his true state is perfect and boundless. All you need to do is burn away the excess.
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:47:49 No. 104649
go sit in a drum circle, poser.
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:49:37 No. 104650
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:53:30 No. 104651
>drum circle
So t*pp really is a ~40 year old pot smoking loser who spends all his time on /fringe/.
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:54:56 No. 104652
don't forget a gloriously winged faggot to boot.
08/17/17 (Thu) 23:57:07 No. 104653
>Natural(cavenigger) man is perfect because he is perfectly balanced on instinct
>Hermetic magus with enlightenment (conscious ignorance) lives perfectly and can build a nuclear reactor, AND is a master of all of existence with his magic
>Cavenigger wins
08/18/17 (Fri) 00:00:39 No. 104654
Hermes built a nuclear reactor?
Woh. Adding this "fact" to my bullshit occultism handbook.
Bullshit History
08/18/17 (Fri) 00:01:42 No. 104655
>~40 year old
Holy shit really? I thought T*pp K*hn and Sm*ley were around my age and were just way better (I just turned 17)
08/18/17 (Fri) 00:03:16 No. 104656
>Hermes built a nuclear reactor?
No you fuckin' mong, he knows everything, "magus - master of everything ", meaning he knows everything, it even says so in one of the books
08/18/17 (Fri) 00:04:10 No. 104657
S*iley is 25
T*pp has posted pictures of his body and he's obviously mid thirties to early forties. Don't think k*an has posted pictures or given his age.
08/18/17 (Fri) 00:04:50 No. 104658
I'm actually immortal, I've been 23 for 33 centuries now.
08/18/17 (Fri) 00:05:48 No. 104659
Oh it says something in a book? It must be true then!
You're no less dogmatic than a muslim.
08/18/17 (Fri) 00:06:13 No. 104660
just cause you're low test doesn't mean everyone is babyface trannymaterial.
08/18/17 (Fri) 00:06:47 No. 104661
So you're over 3,000 years old but never figured out how to make your micropenis bigger?
08/18/17 (Fri) 00:07:46 No. 104662
Yes yes, let the butthurt flow through you.
08/18/17 (Fri) 00:08:28 No. 104663
>I'm actually immortal
I so want to believe this, but you'd be atleast a high-adept by now if you were
>Oh it says something in a book? It must be true then!
I'm pretty sure it was Manly p. Hall's book to be exact
08/18/17 (Fri) 00:10:07 No. 104665
I'm pretty sure Manly P. Hall would've thought you an idiot had you told him you took his writings as gospel.
08/18/17 (Fri) 00:13:28 No. 104667
I don't, for all we know Hermes is merely a concept, like the guy on every Nazi poster, but if one were to get to that level, he could do all that. What separates the adept from the high-initiate is mainly, the connection to All-knowledge, think about someone way past even that
08/18/17 (Fri) 00:47:22 No. 104669
Trips of Satan check'd
08/18/17 (Fri) 00:57:40 No. 104670
Hey T*pp, if you're still here, I've been trying to maintain a good ~500 emotional frequency for the past 4 days, and I seem to be a natural at it, very loving, radiant, inspiring, but I always burn out and drop back down to neutrality, I've heard that staying at such high frequencies can wear out your middle dantien, is that true? From what you've said I'd assume you've found some way to stay at really high frequencies, how do you do that? I tried spamming inner smile and energywork but that only made me fall harder. Any advice appreciated
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:13:35 No. 104672
i adviced to not do this, it will wear you out, i said to start with judging people based on merit because if you keep doing what you're doing now you're not dealing with your issues, you're supressing them, you will still have your previous disposition which will eventually overtake what you're forcing because of the dissonance, the only way to do what you want is to first resolve all internal conflict, internal alchemy/energywork.
besides, a state of peace/enlightenment is more in equilibrium and effortless, even going with your approach of suppressing yourself.
you'll fuck up bad if you keep doing what you're doing. it puts massive stress on the mind and body.
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:14:11 No. 104673
You must dominate suffering. Overpower your weakness.
After a year of this you will be ready.
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:16:53 No. 104674
Just look at the difference of our philosophies.
You wish to become an Omega, he wants you to be a Gamma, and I want you to be an ALPHA.
Choose wisely.
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:18:53 No. 104675
>makes sense
please extrapolate.
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:20:07 No. 104676
And I don't give a shit what any of you do. Indeed, choose wisely.
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:20:45 No. 104677
I do judge people unbiased, I thought it was time to move forward, on what progression should I go?
Thanks for responding btw bb
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:21:42 No. 104678
Nigga, You read too much manga.
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:22:06 No. 104679
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:25:29 No. 104680
This is fucking /fringe/. Bullshit sissy wizards, LARPing teens, and nutcases are the norm.
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:26:46 No. 104681
Not everyone's perfect, even Franz Bardon could learn indeianism from that random mundane housewife who became inedian. The master also learns from the student
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:29:00 No. 104682
Nigga is it a conditioning thing? Do I have to wait until X? I don't understand, do you think you could give me a rough framework of what I'm even doing?
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:30:28 No. 104683
*insert vague unhelpful advice that makes me look intelligent*
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:31:38 No. 104684
So you got tired of the antu-flag? Is that why your using the Taoist flag now?
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:33:04 No. 104685
>everyone who says things I don't like is the same person
Thanks for proving my point.
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:33:53 No. 104686
I've already grounded myself and I know longer have bias towards people, what next?
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:35:57 No. 104687
*insert comment meant to sound wise but really just sounds pretentious and trite here*
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:37:05 No. 104688
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:38:50 No. 104689
pick a positive emotion, find its opposite, see if you have any of those qualities, resolve them, no dissonance, stay in positive emotion forever.
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:39:18 No. 104690
Kek, at this point in your development where did you go from here?
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:40:50 No. 104692
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:41:26 No. 104693
Thanks based T*pp
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:42:18 No. 104694
…oh wow, I've been duped. Damn rule 5
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:44:12 No. 104695
Could be. It's meant to be a little unpleasant at first. But if you're REALLY hurting, Maybe go a little easier for a day or two to let your scalp heal.
Divide your sessions into about 6 minutes of pinching, 6 minutes of pressing down (Apply pressure with your knuckles) and 5 minutes of stretching (Use your fingertips pulling in separate directions to gently stretch the skin)
Also, try to rotate where on your scalp you're doing it. So… hairline one day, crown another, sides and rear on another day. That way each area is getting about 12-24 hours to heal.
It'll be gross as fuark, but you'll know you're on the right track when you become one man Christmas. First month or so you will get FLAKY. Dandruff everywhere. It'll clear up on its own but heads up, it's gross at first.
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:49:06 No. 104696
Is this K*nneth? It really really sounds like him.
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:56:48 No. 104697
I don't think so, just an ascetic extremist. Admirable, but probably not optimal
08/18/17 (Fri) 01:58:55 No. 104698
Ascetic extremist is one bowl of rice a day or less sitting in a cave naked.
08/18/17 (Fri) 02:01:45 No. 104699
fuark, okay maybe an ascetic not-extremist
08/18/17 (Fri) 02:44:36 No. 104704
How do I into Personality alchemy?
I want to be able to say "this trait is unsightly, I'm removing it" and "this trait is desirable, I'm adopting it.
08/18/17 (Fri) 02:54:29 No. 104706
Emotion =/= trait. "Is tidy" is not an emotion you nigger.
08/18/17 (Fri) 02:58:34 No. 104707
08/18/17 (Fri) 02:59:45 No. 104708
08/18/17 (Fri) 03:05:27 No. 104709
08/18/17 (Fri) 03:11:24 No. 104710
>Oh me oh my, I can't adapt any advice to better suit my personal needs! It's your fault!
08/18/17 (Fri) 03:14:46 No. 104711
08/18/17 (Fri) 03:17:23 No. 104712
08/18/17 (Fri) 03:38:57 No. 104714
08/18/17 (Fri) 03:54:47 No. 104715
Hey /v/ , you guys know the name of that one music in Doom 2016?
You know the one that goes, "du du, du du, du du, du du du du du"?
Irregardless, I asked on r/Doom and nobody knew :^( :^( :^(.
I guess that's what we get for voting Drumpf XDDD!
08/18/17 (Fri) 03:57:24 No. 104716
The wall just got 10 feet higher chaim.
08/18/17 (Fri) 04:03:24 No. 104717
08/18/17 (Fri) 04:08:06 No. 104718
08/18/17 (Fri) 04:33:12 No. 104719
Get a job you f*cking losers
08/18/17 (Fri) 04:37:21 No. 104720
No. I came here to research lowlifes in this shit dimension. Why the fuck would I work for somebody as disgusting as you hahahahahahaha!
08/18/17 (Fri) 04:37:52 No. 104721
Get. A job or die on dotr you lowlife.
08/18/17 (Fri) 04:39:30 No. 104722
This is a computer simulation. Everything is basically just wires. Stop deluding yourself, retarded robot.
08/18/17 (Fri) 04:40:54 No. 104723
I knew youd post that. You follow a script hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
08/18/17 (Fri) 04:42:21 No. 104724
Well I got myself caught. What's the next step of my master plan?
08/18/17 (Fri) 05:18:03 No. 104729
Thanks for the advice. Now to wait for this massive amount of excitement and expectation to die off and I'll be able to focus and sleep at night again.
Last night I had an orgasm with my body, but no sexual pleasure, only streching and twitching all over. That's the best way to explain it. Energy work is fun damnit.
08/18/17 (Fri) 05:25:35 No. 104730
>a simulation in a computer
>not a simulation in a mind
>failing to realize that computers were designed by humans as simple models of our own brains
>falling for the materialistic atheist's interpretation of the Principle of Mentalism that has existed for thousands of years in many forms and schools of thought
newfig detected.
08/18/17 (Fri) 05:32:30 No. 104731
i knew you were going to say that you fucking tool you are running on a script you are nothing
08/18/17 (Fri) 05:45:00 No. 104732
You are all worthlessssss. Beg for my forgiveness and maybe I'll let you live you pathetic simulated subhumans. Hahahahahaha
08/18/17 (Fri) 06:35:36 No. 104733
Hawkins' chart is a bit of a mindfuck at times. When you think you're here you're there and when you're there you're here.
>I seem to be a natural at it, very loving, radiant, inspiring
This is our true inner Buddha-nature. By default we are a radiant sun that has been fogged by clouds of negativity. The sun is always there, but the fog must be removed first. The fog isn't always thin, either.
>but I always burn out and drop back down to neutrality
This is natural because of your approach.
>I've heard that staying at such high frequencies can wear out your middle dantien, is that true?
No. People will argue that positive emotional energy is a finite resource and shouldn't be shared, but the opposite is true. We have our own sources of energy but the more we positively exert them outwards into the world the more they come back to us. A natural flow of balance is the result.
>really high frequencies, how do you do that?
Its a matter of a peaceful, effortless state. I'll level with you, there's a good chance that you're not at 500. I'd put you between 310~340. I'm barely at 350 myself after starting at 290.
I don't mean to tell you that in a condescending way, but the point of higher consciousness as reported by this chart is an effortless flow of peace and harmony. By insisting on reaching higher levels of consciousness, you are practicing spiritual materialism. In the same token of physical materialism that you want to get, say, the sickest car around and constantly maintain it so that it looks nice, you practice spiritual materialism by constantly attempting to maintain the higher level of consciousness solely because you want to achieve it. This feeds ego and is counterproductive.
>I tried spamming inner smile and energywork but that only made me fall harder.
This is a direct result of the aforementioned. By pouring out your energy into spiritual materialism, you find yourself drained and headed in the opposite direction you wish to take.
>Any advice appreciated
Meditate daily for 10 minutes if you don't already. Do not concentrate or focus on thoughts of being in a higher state of love or consciousness. This is contrived and, once again, is spiritual materialism, and feeds the ego a nice meal.
Instead, focus on being in that moment. Be here now. Look inside of yourself and be grounded in the present. Don't focus on what needs to progress or be done. Ignore thoughts.
In the words of a wise turtle, "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."
I don't mean to degrade the help of others who are offering it here, but if you would like to get in contact other than /fringe/ , feel free to let me know, because I feel that I can help you spiritually to your specific needs. We're not that different at all, really.
08/18/17 (Fri) 06:40:27 No. 104734
Bro I just want more MP so I can control people's minds and shoot fireballs.
08/18/17 (Fri) 06:42:41 No. 104735
I know you're joking but even if you weren't, the base state of the universe's higher vibrations is compassion and unconditional acceptance, so really the higher powers come when you're at a higher level. Think Yoda. Funny thing is though, once you're there, you don't really give a shit about le magick powers anymore.
08/18/17 (Fri) 06:54:10 No. 104738
Nice try. Everyone knows you just need to make human sacrifices to dieties and they'll give you power. Poser.
08/18/17 (Fri) 07:16:43 No. 104743
good maymay 7/10 made me chuckle
08/18/17 (Fri) 10:44:15 No. 104757
Wow man, thanks, that's pretty interesting
08/18/17 (Fri) 12:04:56 No. 104761
i have a method that ive been working with that i think was perfected once i got wings, before i would "gather" the entirety of a concept, a few times i did this by placing it in a sphere on the mental realm and transmuting it but i found that it was more effective to contemplate, feel out and highlight the concept in the energybody, feeling the threads that is the concept move around in the aura and body, feeling what it is connected to, highlighting that as well or making a cut where the threads connected, then transmute or delete it.
>how did wings improve this?
it wasn't longer either in the mental plane or felt in the body/aura, they mixed somehow, now when i do this i take a deep breath, place my conscious in my heart and feel/see/become what i can best describe as, my heart as a ball of light with branches stretching out, thousands upon thousands, some overlapping others solitary, then i highlight a keyword such as "icecream" which would make a or several branches light up, once identified it can be modified or deleted by imagining the branch withering into ash and dissolving with the wind.
this can be done with memories, habits and emotional responses.
if you cut a inhibiting branch it is easy for a new of opposite quality to take root.
what is cut is lost forever, forgotten nigh immediately.
i suggest to be very careful with this.
08/18/17 (Fri) 13:55:05 No. 104762
i saw a slipped down, better version of the recommended book pic some days ago but now its gone(?), would appreciate a redirect.
08/18/17 (Fri) 16:39:39 No. 104770
I get scenarios pop into my head concerning myself or people I know, then they actually happen.
Within the past two years, this has happened increasingly.
I don't get to choose what the said scenario is, it's like a random daydream that my head generates; but eventually it comes true (provided that it 'decides' to keep popping up in my thoughts). Please note that this sometimes concerns people I haven't heard from or contacted in years.
Am I able to see into the future, or is this some sort of involuntary reality manipulation?
08/18/17 (Fri) 18:56:42 No. 104773
Why are you yelling?
08/18/17 (Fri) 18:58:15 No. 104774
08/18/17 (Fri) 20:31:35 No. 104778
What are your wings? Are you a pterodactyl?
08/18/17 (Fri) 21:49:43 No. 104784
Is one of meditations ultimate goals supposed to be complete awareness and control of one's own body?
Do yogis and monks eventually learn to control their own metabolism, respiratory, and even circulatory system?
Are there any monks that have died meditating by simply ceasing their life functions?
08/18/17 (Fri) 21:49:44 No. 104785
I am Manaman, or, Man-o-man. God-Emperor of Man-kind. Obey my directive.
I was also posting with the Earth flag and other element flags last thread and shit.
I get this from exercise sometimes. Horse stance usually does the trick.
08/18/17 (Fri) 22:00:00 No. 104786
The fuck are you and why are to using my personal flag?
How do I choke it? Muscular tension?
I feel my back heart chakra (or perhaps it's plexus) quite distinctly doing this. Is that a block? It doesn't seem to go past that point.
08/18/17 (Fri) 22:00:16 No. 104787
What is the point in that? Doesn't body take perfectly good care of itself. It even heals itself it is allowed.
08/18/17 (Fri) 22:11:32 No. 104788
yes, yes, yes.
using your muscles work but you will be doing these meditations in deep trance and you don't want to disturb the mind body.. connection that has been put on hold so that you can enter a deeper state of mind, you shouldn't be moving the body voluntarily doing this but instead use energywork to have the body move on its own, so if you envision it choking the body will do the rest.
google garuda mudra, its a good one.
doing the bodies functions mindfully, yourself, will improve its capacity many times over.
08/18/17 (Fri) 22:12:37 No. 104789
08/18/17 (Fri) 22:15:49 No. 104791
>improve its capacity many times over.
To be honest, for a while i forgot that we are trying to achieve something. Perhaps i was already there
08/18/17 (Fri) 22:36:45 No. 104793
So shouldn't one structure their conscious body control training via anatomical functions? Just print out a list of biological functions and start going down one by one, learning how to do each in different scenarios, beginning with meditation and then expanding into more difficult circumstances (such as when moving, exercising, fighting, socializing, studying; LIFE).
08/18/17 (Fri) 22:39:56 No. 104794
I have always used this flag. Why are you using mine?
08/18/17 (Fri) 22:51:34 No. 104795
Why are you two using my flag. I leave for a little while and everyone's using it.
08/18/17 (Fri) 22:58:27 No. 104796
I wonder if someone thinks that i'm not talking to myself.
08/18/17 (Fri) 23:05:26 No. 104797
Looking for intro witchcraft books on rituals, plants, spirits, etc. After answering the call of what turned out to be Hecate I'm starting a new path and would like some reading material. Shamanism n animism books are gucci. Anything survivalist as well is much appreciated.
08/18/17 (Fri) 23:21:16 No. 104798
The LARP empirium is two blocks down
08/18/17 (Fri) 23:25:35 No. 104800
Liber Kaos. It's recommended that you read Liber Null & Psychonaut first but that doesnt really deal too much in rituals.
08/18/17 (Fri) 23:27:07 No. 104801
Yes, yes, and yes.
08/19/17 (Sat) 00:22:34 No. 104811
I found Sm*ley on YouTube going as "EdgyFuckwad", one of his alts I guess. He was on a video trying to debunk Dynamo Jack shilling Fringechan 3 years ago
08/19/17 (Sat) 00:28:00 No. 104812
08/19/17 (Sat) 00:35:36 No. 104813
08/19/17 (Sat) 01:09:58 No. 104815
Get in the oven chaim
08/19/17 (Sat) 01:54:20 No. 104816
Wait a second. If humans are just intelligent animals used as vehicles of consciousness doesn't that mean race doesn't matter? 🤔
08/19/17 (Sat) 02:11:50 No. 104822
08/19/17 (Sat) 02:18:21 No. 104823
So isn't the logical thing to genocide all racists?
08/19/17 (Sat) 02:22:53 No. 104824
That's an emotional reaction not a logical conclusion.
08/19/17 (Sat) 02:26:14 No. 104825
Racism is bad ergo less racists are good
Most effecient way to decrease racists is genocide
Ipso facto racists must die
08/19/17 (Sat) 02:35:28 No. 104826
Formulizing your emotions doesn't make it logic.
08/19/17 (Sat) 02:43:35 No. 104827
08/19/17 (Sat) 02:55:34 No. 104828
No problem.
This is called a synchronicity. It is actually really common and can happen pretty frequently. Almost everyone here has them.
08/19/17 (Sat) 03:04:08 No. 104830
Btw you got Skype? You said something about chatting 1o1 and I think that's a great idea. Unless you didn't mean me, disregard then…
08/19/17 (Sat) 03:11:59 No. 104831
Yeah im in the fringe skype group.
08/19/17 (Sat) 03:13:07 No. 104832
Alright guys, story time.
So as I've said before, I've been getting synchronicities out the wazoo for the past week, its all been about my sudden change in frequency and how I just instantly dropped my ego like a madman. Anyway, in particular I've been getting synchronicities that just kinda "tell" me, that I need to evoke my higher self, and so I did. Obviously I don't have a sigils for the thing I just came in serious contact with about 5 days ago, so I just looked up a sigils for hga summoning and found one that claimed to be for summoning your personal higher self. I basically followed K*hn's write-up on evocation and went off that. At first, I was just laying there projecting energy into the sigils, and then, the room got way warmer, I could feel a presence in their with me. So without shitting bricks like a neofag, I got really excited and projected that energy into the surrounding area for the spirit to better manifest with, I asked it if and why it is telling me to summon ("communicate", in it's own synch-intents), but it didn't answer, maybe I just didn't pick up, so I asked about le twin-flame (go ahead, laugh all ya want), still no answer, so then I asked it to show me a mental image of it's manifest appearance, and instantly in my mind's eye I could see a 7ft me in grey nurse clothes and white nurse shoes, not what I expected but cool anyway, I coud feel the warmth of this towering being right in front of me (I'm a 5'8 manlet so 7ft is big to me). I asked it to help reunite me with my twin-flame and thanked it. I then felt a warmth at my forehead and could mentally see the being putting it's palm with straight fingers on my forehead, I then found my concentration skills increased double-fold. I didn't banish it cause it seemed legit and I said it can come back whenever it likes.
So after typing this out I heard some sort of pin drop in my room, I go back in and nothing's there, but the atmosphere in my room is way lighter and just all-around more please now. I think it likes me :^). Anyway, what do you guys think?
08/19/17 (Sat) 03:16:04 No. 104833
08/19/17 (Sat) 03:28:02 No. 104835
Literally a mental midget
08/19/17 (Sat) 03:45:33 No. 104838
Basically the only reason I come here is because my brain is overloaded 24/7 and seeing things like "just breathe" "just meditate" or "just drink more tea" actually cure me. I also like being reminded that results are possible. I can't believe I've gotten to the point where I am actually encouraged by the success of others. You have no fucking idea how much I hate other people. It dominates my mind every time I see or hear anything. It's like you all are parasites and every single thing any of you do sucks all the life out of me, but I have to transcend pain. When I see one of you like I used magic to fuck some hot bitch and make 9999 dollars, half of my brain is like holy fuck please be in a car accident tomorrow, and the other half is like wait, I'm on a different path right now, and people are doing what everyone else said was impossible. Try to never let anyone gain entrance to your mind. It's the worst curse in the fucking universe. Don't take anything for granted either. It's nice to get revenge on those who doubted you by being confident, but the majority of people hate when others succeed and will try to destroy you to cure their inferiority/ego complex. If you can handle that, keep doing what you are doing, but be careful.
I'm working in unknown territories right now. I am creating things that don't exist yet. Anyone with a stake in "the old ways" does not like this. Anyone who has experienced chronic nihilism knows that variety is neccesary to escape hell. I am literally burning the fuck alive every single day 24/7, but you faggots provide some relief somehow. Most of that is because I look at the gibberish you post and it reminds me that what I am doing is neccessary to prevent useless problems like deafness from ever happening again. When I see your stupid ass methods I am like, phew, at least I was able to basically take on the role of the father of the universe. Why did you let me get in your head there? Do whatever method you want. Experimentation is neccessary before humans can upgrade to tier 2. Eventually we are going to make sense of all this chaos and magic will make as much sense as math. I guess this was a complicated way of asking some of you to just be less cryptic and gay about explaining shit. Imagine the first biologist explaining things to a mathmatician. It probably took like 40 years before things could be explained to the average student. We can speed things up here if we change the way we communicate shit. Do whatever the fuck you want, and I will get the same results regardless, but you could help more than just reminding me to breathe.
08/19/17 (Sat) 03:49:56 No. 104839
>but you could help more than just reminding me to breathe.
For sure dude just be more specific when you ask, glad to help anytime you need it
08/19/17 (Sat) 03:59:06 No. 104840
50% of girls think anyone under 6 foot is a manlet cuck. Women are pathetic demons who worship objects. Don't attack the problem, attack the source. Why consent to a world that invalidates you based on something you can't control? It's ironic how it's usually the FREE LOVE/FREE SPIRIT/FREE THE WOMEN crowd who damns certain men to hell because of their dick size. Call them a dumb whore though, and they will get you fired.
08/19/17 (Sat) 04:03:13 No. 104841
5'5" and I've never been called short by man or women. Average height of women where I live is 5'10".
Have you losers ever considered you have poor facial aesthetics, unproportional bodies, low self esteem and confidence, poor posture and non verbal communication, almost no social skills, bad sense in clothing style, retarded views, and probably low IQ? It's pretty easy to blame other people rather than admit the simple and obvious truth. You're pathetic lmoa.
08/19/17 (Sat) 04:04:35 No. 104842
Here we go again…
He says it bluntly, but he's right. We project our problems onto others because our egos cant help coming to terms with its faults.
08/19/17 (Sat) 04:25:36 No. 104845
I have no problem with being a manlet, just saying I'm 5'8, so certain people look big to me
08/19/17 (Sat) 04:32:05 No. 104846
True enough I suppose, but "coming to terms" basically means "seal the deal" and sounds like Trump as fuck.
That's what all of this is. The thing is, the best strategy is sometimes to pretend that it's not a game and everyone playing games is inferior in some way, thus making you superior.
We're all trying to beat the game. If you're not playing the game, you're either using a "it's not a game" strategy or you're searching for another game to play. Gamification. Rules to play by. Declaring the rules then working with/around them. Figuring out the rules. This is an axiomatic truth. Axioms are rules to live by. Rules and a positive/negative condition make a game.
Hating others for the way they play the game requires, off the top of my head, cutting out 90% of the shitters by verbalizing exactly what it is that you hate about them, then using this objectification and disassociation to figure out what to do about it. That covers about 90% of the shit. The other 10% depends on what you did for the 90%.
Reading up on all the philosophy and thought that exists is a good way to borrow words for this effort. Everyone here is trying to play a better game, a wizardly magical game.
08/19/17 (Sat) 04:51:01 No. 104848
People looking big doesn't have much to do with their height. Putin is a very average height but seems at least as big as Trump to people who see him in person. It's almost entirely posture but it includes complex movement fluidity that can't really be "faked". Some people just have a certain gravitas.
I don't know what the hell drug or medication you're on but it makes you sound like a jackass.
08/19/17 (Sat) 04:59:53 No. 104849
I guess that's why nobody calls me short
08/19/17 (Sat) 05:33:15 No. 104854
Might be time for a new meetup thread.
Melbourne, Australia.
Meetup in September. Y/N?
08/19/17 (Sat) 05:41:56 No. 104857
Fuck no man, I'm in America, I don't even have a driver's license
08/19/17 (Sat) 05:44:44 No. 104858
How would having a license make it easier yo get to australia? You need a passport mate.
08/19/17 (Sat) 05:49:30 No. 104861
And lad I'm fairly sure most oldfafs who went to those meetups don't even use fringe anymore. They might be on the skype though you fags have always loved sucking each other off tbh
08/19/17 (Sat) 05:54:51 No. 104862
I was talking mostly to this guy >>104838
my bad.
Anyone that doesn't want to live according to the rules of others has to negotiate by first disassociating the rules they are steeped in and then responding to them in their own way. Navigating through it by the guidance of literature is an acceptable method. Navigating through it by identifying behaviors/qualities within yourself that correlate to things you dislike/hate in others and then doing something about it ("grr THEY HAVE NO HONOR. I MUST BE MOST HONORABLE AND FORM MY OWN CODE" or "grr everyone is WEAK I must become STRONG. NO WEAKNESS" whatever it is) is the most straightforward way to go about it, rather than change your perceptions/feelings use them as stimulus to change. Something has to win out between the contradiction of environment (fitting in) and personal state (independence). I lean on the side of independence.
08/19/17 (Sat) 05:56:34 No. 104864
I would've said "anyone" and capitalized that "I".
08/19/17 (Sat) 06:09:40 No. 104867
No if anything experiencing chronic nihilism taught me that pleasure seeking is a self destructive cycle of diminishing returns and it's best to live effortlessly.
08/19/17 (Sat) 07:24:42 No. 104886
Buddy. I am one of those oldfig s! We've almost all kept in touch too. We're waiting for new people to show up and start joining us for these hangouts. I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't achievable.
08/19/17 (Sat) 08:21:27 No. 104895
He's saying that he is not one to travel.
Neither am I for that matter… plus I would never meet up with wizards unless I was beyond neophyte or readily able to go from neophyte/initiate to high magus with group motivation and teaching (if I had a very strong, supple, powerful body and energy body, ascetic training, savings for equipment I might be suggested to buy, strong meditation practice, and was well-read); might as well meet up with local peeps or turn your friends into neophyte level 1 wizards/witches until then.
08/19/17 (Sat) 10:02:02 No. 104902
>So shouldn't one structure their conscious body control training via anatomical functions?
yup. the better you learn to move your physical body the better you can move your energetic and vice versa.
not really true, the more advanced the meatpuppet/brain the "more" it can channel consciousness the more potential it has for evolution in the non regular way.
>Melbourne, Australia.
>1200€ one way ticket
fuck off.
I say we go help dig out some Bosnian pyramids.
>>At the five International Scientific Conferences on the Bosnian Pyramids held in 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, experts have given interdisciplinary scientific explanations for the healing energy in the pyramid complex.
>>In the prehistoric tunnels beneath the pyramid complex in Visoko, the constant presence of beneficial electromagnetism was measured, as well was an ultrasound of 28 kHz and the Schumann resonance of 7.83 Hz (the best energy field for the physical, mental and spiritual faculties of humankind). Additionally, an extraordinarily high concentration of negative ions was detected, up to 60,000 per cubic centimeter (ten times the concentration in, for example, the forest on mountains), as well as the absence of 1) harmful cosmic rays and 2) natural radioactivity.
>>In these conditions, said the scientists, the cells of the human organism can start the self-healing process of regeneration.
After our time is done there those of us who wish can go take a tour of Slavlandia, enjoy the food women and blets, perhaps plan for a festival such as Ozora (Hungary) before or after.
08/19/17 (Sat) 10:10:54 No. 104904
>come to strayya, its great
>shilling to fast for one pair of hands
08/19/17 (Sat) 10:12:34 No. 104905
08/19/17 (Sat) 10:12:48 No. 104906
08/19/17 (Sat) 10:16:18 No. 104907
before/after this i will start walking to Moldavia to collect or buy as much moldavite as possible, its a finite resource mined out in a couple of years, not likely to be artificially produced and crystals will be part of future tech, its a spiritual and material investment.
08/19/17 (Sat) 10:22:35 No. 104908
if you wanna add me personally my name on skype is tehbigguns33
08/19/17 (Sat) 12:15:09 No. 104918
I have a few questions, would be glad if someone could answer them:
>What is a thoughtform?
>What is the process of creating a sigil and using it?
>Where should i start, which books should i read first?
08/19/17 (Sat) 12:51:12 No. 104919
>What is a thoughtform?
Read The Secret Science Behind Miracles for an interpretation of what a thoughform is. You should have an idea by the end of the book.
>What is the process of creating a sigil and using it?
Nearly any tutorial on the Internet you find will answer this. There are many ways. Find one that looks right to you, especially after reading the books below.
Your main impediment will not be the method, but achieving the appropriate trance state for activation and letting go of the expectations afterwards.
>Where should i start, which books should i read first?
If you are just starting, Liber Null, Liber Kaos and The Octavo are my recommendations. Because the Kyballion and other hermetics stuff will probably fly over your head at this point. Very useful in understanding the principles from a ceremonial standpoint (all standpoints will offer you useful information regardless of your inclinations) is this playlist, especially the first videos:
08/19/17 (Sat) 12:54:25 No. 104920
Just had a fucked dream
Was sitting outside a big glass building which had suited government people inside. Was sitting at a chair with a small table. A blondish haired man obviously secret service-esque came over to me and asked if I had seen melania as it was a matter of national security. I replied I was pretty sure I'd seen her walk into the building and she was wearing a pale blue garment. He seemed to sigh and sat down beside me. He said two sentences or phrases that I could not discern and then clearly said "It's time that we tell you the truth" in a penetrating deep voice unlike before. This is when the dream completely changed. Suddenly I was looking to my left. The scenery melted away and there was a screen with a little girl with brown hair. Her hair turned blonde and she was the same girl but she looked dirty, hungry, and diseased. I got the feeling other information was being shown but it was too subtle. I was disturbed at this point. I said "hey buddy I don't know what reailty tv you're selling b-" and looked at the guy as he forcefully grabbed my arm. The body, the clothes, they were all the same. But this was not human. It was like his old face was a mask. I could see what he really looked like and it was as inhuman as anything I've ever seen in my life. If I had to describe how the face appeared I'd say it was like the face had rotted off to reveal the actual non human face underneath. Black eyes with completey inhuman intelligence. I felt a sensation not in my physical body but my energy body, it was like an icepick driving through my crown chakra and this.. being was staring into my eyes with his soulless eyes. I woke myself out of the dream as fast as I possibly could.
I've got to be honest I felt legitimate fear from that dream. Because I could tell that last part was not a dream. I don't know what the fuck that thing was but I don't want to fuck with it and don't want it to fuck with me.
08/19/17 (Sat) 13:03:41 No. 104921
a cluster of energy of higher frequency than that of sound, radiation, x-rays etc consisting of emotional or mental energy that one can create or interact with during deep states of relaxation (trance/meditation)
dont worry about the second yet unless you want a monkeys paw up your ass.
recomended reading list, Kybalion & astral dynamics
08/19/17 (Sat) 13:24:07 No. 104924
>If I had to describe how the face appeared I'd say it was like the face had rotted off to reveal the actual non human face underneath.
I had hypnogogic imagery of that the other day before going to sleep, but didn't know what it was or where it was coming from.
If I had to interpret the sybolism in your dream, I'd say this is what it was saying (may be true or may be your subconscious beliefs):
>the US government or the government of the world is composed of non-human entities wearing human bodies
>something's up with melania that will play a role in the future of the country
>these entities are actively seeking to modify the genetic makeup of the bulk of the human race, and seems interested in fucking up blonde little girls (Caucasians?)
>you have become of interest to this entities
I had a dream myself tonight which also had a strong astral feeling to it, in which I reunited with a long forgotten love (from another lifetime) and we fucked like rabbits.
08/19/17 (Sat) 13:26:34 No. 104926
Also I don't know how far along the path you are, but these scary encounters are common during initiation. I don't know if their intention is to scare you away from the path or it is just subconscious filth surfacing after you have shaken the fishtank.
08/19/17 (Sat) 13:50:33 No. 104930
It'd be pretty lit if it was late September, I still can't into teleporting but at least I might be on a holiday then and could catch a plane to our cuck central.
>tfw had to miss every single meet because of uni or prior arrangements
08/19/17 (Sat) 14:08:30 No. 104931
i spent three hours looking over the shoulder of an astral troll shifting around on a broom trolling a big mansion with a couple of scary looking dark eyed servants, throwing in ideas here and here for the troll to enact. it had a really dark vibe to it and i just knew they were sacrificing stuff in the basement but all in all i managed to stay beneath the veil, giggling at the denizens of this negative astral plane. they were incredibly pedantic and orderly and i would move a sheet of paper or open a window and watch them scurry around in absolute panic trying to find anything else out of place, i got the feeling they were scared of getting eaten or something by the mansion master. the place was tense but you should never fear, this causes your astral body to "leak" or lose shape and become visible.
the only reason this troll, thing with malignant humor was in this place was to loiter around, he managed to land a cleaning or "keep this place orderly" job but did jack shit really and took a lot of freedoms because i think it knew i was chilling behind the scenes.
>tfw we are the ghosts now
08/19/17 (Sat) 14:09:24 No. 104932
It would be so cool if we could somehow all get together though, fuck that'd be glorious
08/19/17 (Sat) 14:12:11 No. 104933
You found the woodland mansion :^)
08/19/17 (Sat) 14:14:40 No. 104934
yeeah.. there were dark woods around it..
was that a reference to something or do you actually know something about it?
08/19/17 (Sat) 14:22:43 No. 104936
Fuck yeah dude. If you're down for late September, I'll talk to the squad and keep you posted.
Make it happen broseph. If you jump, we'll catch you.
08/19/17 (Sat) 14:27:08 No. 104937
Its a Minecraft reference, there's this huge mansion deep in a forest that's full of occultist that seem to be doing all kinds of wierd shit
08/19/17 (Sat) 14:28:52 No. 104938
Believe me I would, but there's really no way I can get there save teleportation, which most adepts can't even do
08/19/17 (Sat) 14:33:52 No. 104939
08/19/17 (Sat) 15:48:19 No. 104946
08/19/17 (Sat) 16:01:10 No. 104947
Pol is a cia/mossad honeypot.
The alt right is controlled opposition.
Every alt right celebrity is a cop
this was a fake election. Trump and Clinton are best friends. The entire point of Trump is to make sure business as usual stays. Ever notice how zero Clinton/Trump supporters have anything to say other than YEAH! Notice how any time you say "But what about me, or society?" they throw a fucking fit? They use this same controlled opposition technique over and over so people who aren't retarded can't accomplish anything and go insane, and the useful idiots get all their toys.
There was momentum that was going to crush the current power structure. Every psychopath was going to be held accountable, and we were going to get a system that isn't run by mafias. That's why they got a professional con artist with years of acting experience to rally up the idiots and use them as a shield.
Unless you are studying disinformation, there is no reason to be there. I suggest you just back out of society completely. This isn't going to last much longer. Do you really think this retarded destructive blob of corrupt humans is the best the universe can do? They are just toying with these people at this point.
08/19/17 (Sat) 16:04:30 No. 104948
brainless sissy wiztard tier
08/19/17 (Sat) 16:04:55 No. 104949
OK, since you are so far up your own conspiratorial ass you can't even click the link and read, I'll paste it for you here.
>You are essentially right, but you are wrong in trying to find a physical connection between consciousness and its effects on the physical. Consciousness is metaphysical and manifests through complex systems (most notably the brain, but any level complexity allows for a level of expression of all-pervading consciousness).
>There will never be found a physical connection between consciousness and its effects (no quantum tunneling, entanglement nor any kind of force or radiation) because the connection between the intent of consciousness and its "magical" effects on reality always happen on the metaphysical (holographic perhaps) level. Once they enter reality, that link is long gone and all that remains are two unrelated series of causal events that meet in a coincidence.
>That's another reason why every metaphysical effect has also a physical, "rational explanation". These two should be regarded complementary, not opposing explanations for phenomena.
>With that in mind, consider a prayer that grants you a pay raise. An examination of the causal chain of events leading to that decision on your boss's part will show no trace of your prayer and no connection to it whatsoever. Moreover, there will be no force, radiation or physical phenomena relating the two anywhere. The connection happened on a "higher plane", as it where. Call it "the holographic film", the ideal plane, the metaphysical, whatever.
>The more complex a system, the more small variables can change minutely in order to carry out the metaphysical blueprint while maintaining a coherent causal chain of events. The laws of physics are always ruling over how the metaphysical gets translated into the physical.
>Consider your brain, if you will, the pinnacle of such complex, manipulable systems, your brain activity, controlled coincidences, and your spirit a parasite, a metaphysical conductor, or a 'ghost in the shell'.
08/19/17 (Sat) 16:36:54 No. 104950
Thanks for the recommendations, but i couldn't find "The octavo".
Can you post the pdf if you have it?
What should i cover first, the books or the playlist?
08/19/17 (Sat) 17:19:53 No. 104952
I know for a fact it wasn't symbolism because it wasn't "my" dream from the point that entity appeared. You can't mistake contact when it happens. It's the same as how you can't mistake a person's hand on your shoulder for your own hand.
08/19/17 (Sat) 17:49:52 No. 104956
I understand what you're saying, but subconscious symbolism pollutes the astral constantly, unless your subconscious is spotless to inhuman levels.
In any case I wasn't implying it's not real (nor that it is real). I was just making a personal interpretation, and I just called it a dream because that's how you initially called it.
The little girl, the building, the whole government and Melania thing had to be symbolism, though. Wouldn't you say? Even the way you perceive a real entity is dressed up in symbolism while astral travelling (both coming from yours and its mind).
08/19/17 (Sat) 17:55:33 No. 104960
Sure that was all symbolism. I felt the entity was trying to communicate something to me but I didn't have the neccessary knowledge to accurately represent what I was being told. The gist of what if was trying to communicate seemed to bewidespread death, destruction, and decay. I don't know though if that's what it wanted to happen or knew would happen.
08/19/17 (Sat) 17:58:54 No. 104961
Very interesting. Sometimes people have these kinds of "dreams" or astral contacts as an attempt by the entity to communicate something dreadful and they mistakenly think the entity itself had malign intent.
Could it be you were warned of next Monday? I read somewhere that Jung had such warnings before WWII.
I did a spread earlier on how the situation would evolve for the US next Monday and got this, for those so inclined:
1. Strength (reversed)
2. 7 of pentacles
3. 2 of wands (reversed)
4. The Lovers (reversed)
5. The Hierophant (reversed)
6. 7 of wands (reversed)
7. Ace of Pentacles
8. 7 of swords
Or perhaps it was regarding your personal life. Who knows.
08/19/17 (Sat) 18:38:55 No. 104973
Ehh well I have a system I use for tarot ritual and did a global spread on the eclipse. I don't do traditional spreads as I think they don't work very well but I have my own which work okay sometimes (specifically I find it is only an adequate form of divination in regards to large patterns and movements, mostly bunk for personal issues, and the efficacy is almost completely dependent on the person doing it)
Actually I need to make an image to show my reading in order to explain it.
08/19/17 (Sat) 19:17:08 No. 104976
>the efficacy is almost completely dependent on the person doing it
Yeah, the way I read tarot is by reading symbolism off the cards, which sometimes aligns with what's on the booklet and sometimes doesn't.
The thing is different symbolism pops up at you at different times when reading, so it's not really in the cards as much as my interpretation and intuitive perceptions of them. Of course I still need to know my symbolism, otherwise there's nothing to work with.
Mine was pretty unsurprising. It basically told me the US (as in, the nation and its people) is weak and unable to control its own destiny, controlled by an underground executive power (I know, big news) and headed towards further loss of sovereignty at the hands of those in control of material wealth by means of disempowering the people even more (either by literal disarmament or figuratively I don't know). I assume the banksters that have been fucking things up for more than a century now is what we're talking about.
There was mention of a savior figure (which I don't think for a moment it's Trump), but I don't think he's going to get anywhere.
That's what I remember from the reading. What about yours?
08/19/17 (Sat) 20:01:51 No. 104980
Okay. This can be used in different ways but in this specific example the yellow circle represents the West, namely USA (including Canada) and Europe. The green cicrle represents the East, mainly Russia, China, Japan. Red Cicrle represents the governments of the world in general. Blue circle represents the popuace of the world in general. Middle is the crossroads of the world, or the crux of the world. The specific situation is the state of the word during the eclipse. The white circle represents the two cards which can be said to be "in the hand", these forces are not at play in the scenario (these two cards and the central two cards form an opposing pair, but unlike the crux cards these two cards are not paired). I'll probably explain some of my interpretations in a bit tbh.
08/19/17 (Sat) 20:14:42 No. 104982
Why haven't you subscribed to this guy yet?
08/19/17 (Sat) 20:16:50 No. 104984
Because this is the first time I've heard of him?
08/19/17 (Sat) 20:27:02 No. 104985
Does anyone have the URL of the pepe oracle website? It generates an 8-bit tarot card and three random words.
08/19/17 (Sat) 20:34:39 No. 104987
08/19/17 (Sat) 20:55:48 No. 104990
There's a lot of stuff there. That is a very complicated spread, and I suppose the information you can gather from it is very rich as well. Thanks for making the effort with that image. Do you do your spreads digitally or did you create the image especially for us? :3
Let be try, even though I don't know what the specific positions of the cards mean. Very succinctly:
1. Governing powers have hands tied, but are not ignorant. Hands tied or they chose not to help because of their own interests.
2. A more traditionalist stance by the East may see them better off than the West, even return to former glory.
3. The west is fucked by materialism. No backbone. Dehumanized.
4. Populace is oblivious as always, disempowered spiritually, but there's a silver lining (which eludes me).
How did I do?
08/19/17 (Sat) 20:56:55 No. 104991
This please. I thought those 8bit meme cards floating around were one-shots. If there's a complete deck I want it, even though the correspondences are probably off-base.
08/19/17 (Sat) 21:06:10 No. 104993
Here you go anon. Not the thing I was looking for, but something I found while I was looking for it.
08/19/17 (Sat) 21:20:21 No. 104995
Thanks. That's pretty cool.
The typography is awful though, and the animations are half-assed, shame. If one is going to do anything with occult significance one should put his heart 100% into it.
Subscribed to both. Thank you so much.
08/19/17 (Sat) 21:42:11 No. 104997
That's you, isn't it?
08/19/17 (Sat) 21:54:48 No. 104999
no i'm a few shades darker and literally look like mr anonymoos.
08/19/17 (Sat) 21:55:06 No. 105000
Wow, you kinda do
08/19/17 (Sat) 22:36:49 No. 105001
I have a physical deck but I save spreads digitally if I think they have value. First of all I see tarot cards as a tool to condense data. The massive amounts of data that can be accessed by the human mind but are very hard to organize or understand coherently are transferred into a spread which has compex symbols and interactions. This makes it much easier to understand the information. But of course the information you get dependns on your spiritual development, and the spreads touted by "tarot readers" are too simple and lose a lot of information in the compression process. The spread I posted is my Macrocosmic Spread, pic related is my Microcosmic spread (just an example not a real spread though). The way to read the Macrocosmic Spread is fairly simple in theory. The top represents the governing forces, the yang or dominant force in general. The bottom represents the forces under their power, the yin or subservient force in general (though the nuance may change). The left and right represent opposing forces. The middle is the crux. For example if the Macrocosmic Spread was used in relation to a war situation one side would be on the left, one on the right, the generals/politicians/leaders in charge of forces on top, soldiers and related on bottom. That's the fundamentals of how it works. The Microcosmic Spread is the real bitch to interpret. Even explaining the fundamentals is work so I'll just give an example. If you were using the Microcosmic Spread to represent yourself the central two cards would represent the core nature of yourself, the outer four cards your external situation/condition. But the Wheel and Spoke cards could mean different things based on what the central two cards are and based their interaction. They could mean the outer wheel as your concious mind and inner spokes as your subconcious, it could mean something else. That's why it's a bitch to read. But I really only use these two spreads anymore, there's nothing that other uses of tarot cards can do better and plenty they do worse than these two spreads.
As to my interpretation of the earlier spread.. Well first of all I forgot to mention that in this spread two cards on each other indicates a relationship. The upper card is dominant usually, and moves the lower card toward's that card's relative upwards. Also cards can be reverse and cards placed horizontally judge their relative position of being reverse or not based on whether their upwards (opposite of name side) is pointed left or right. If a horizontal card points left it is normal, right it is reverse, as right is the ground or yang side in this spread (yes this shit is complicated as fuck).
So starting with the obvious and main central crux. Let's examine through to the bottom first. The crux is a reversed chariot and reversed wheel of fortune. A lack of control, and overall division moving fate in a downwards spiral negatively impacting the common man (as the wheel is pointed down). But even further the crux points to the reversed high priestess, which is showing ignorance and lack of knowledge, the people have no morality to guide them. The high priestess points towards the reversed fool. That being that in essence the common man is lost, his feet without purchase, he has been turned upside down and is falling into oblivion. Now go left and you see the moon above the reversed magician. The moon represents the people's desire for a savior, messiah, god, prophet, visionary, leader, etc. While the reverse magician signifies that whatever kind of leader or prophet they do recieve if any will be false, a conman with no real power simply using them. To the right we have temprace over reversed the lovers. This is a difficult section to interpret but I would say it is about the division between men and women and lack of children.
08/19/17 (Sat) 22:37:47 No. 105002
Okay now on to the top portion of the ruling peoples (not neccessarily governments but the people truly in power). First notice strength reversed. The leaders have become dispossed of power. Since it points towards the wheel this indicates that it is not particuarly at the fault of the leaders that they are losing power but rather an unavoidable movement of fate. The reversed hermit indicates to me that they have lost their guiding force, they are in the dark. Whatever knowledge or power once led them has gone, and they are truly alone. The empress and reversed sun indicate plans that have progressed in an unforseen and unplanned way. The plans have gone ahead, but not as they were intended. Lastly there is the reversed hierophant and reversed devil. This indicates the leaders follow blindly and by rote the intstructions given to them by their masters for reasons they cannot and do not understand, in return for carnal indulgences.
To the left now, the west. Justice is reversed. This should be obvious, that which is just is punished that which is injust is praised in the west. Reversed judgement over death. In my opinion this relates to how the west has propped up a system which should have failed long ago, and in stalling judgement has brought death. The two other pairs I've already explained though they have different meaning in this context. The devil pair relates to how the west has been taught by rote to despise all pleasures of the flesh while indulging in them inprivate to extremes. The moon pair could well refer to some kind of upcoming pseudo-messiah or prophet, possibly but doubtfully Trump.
To the right the east. The emperor indicates power is not failing as of now. However the empress pair indicates a shifting in power soon to come. In this context the temperance pair could very well mean the eastern powers are prepared and able to "wait it out", they can take their time and if they can they will do so. The reversed tower and reversed hanged man indicate an unwillingness to sacrifice what is neccessary and end the status quo. The status quo is maintained but it will cost the common man in the end.
Lastly are the null cards. The World and The Star. In some aspect this indicates the root of the crux. Humanity has abandoned the world, it has abandoned reality. It has abandoned nature and the truth. These aspects are withheld, out of grasp. The lack of control and the fate of humanity are tied with the absence of these aspects. That's pretty much it.
08/19/17 (Sat) 22:39:31 No. 105003
You're welcome. I found the static ones too.
08/19/17 (Sat) 22:53:58 No. 105004
Damn. I thought Temperance there indicated some sort of silver lining. Shit looks bleak. Humanity is going down the shitter.
Shouldn't we do something?
08/19/17 (Sat) 23:43:50 No. 105009
It can't be helped. (´・ω・`)
I'm afraid the truly bad times haven't even begun.
08/20/17 (Sun) 00:54:15 No. 105017
No man, dreams are symbolic representations of in-progress consciousness revelations. It's like how you can use human language patterns to predict global events. You can use dreams to predict how everything is going to change; what's bombarding our consciousness at the moment is in our dreams.
08/20/17 (Sun) 01:52:40 No. 105020
The Meme War is being fought in the Memeosphere. Reject your (((gods))) and worship the Ogodad or die. Praise kek, Heil Hitler, Gas The Kikes Race War Now!
08/20/17 (Sun) 01:57:52 No. 105021
Is all you think about summed up by /pol(k)/?
08/20/17 (Sun) 02:05:49 No. 105022
Wake the fuck up goy toy. /pol/ is always right, always. You're either with us or against us. When Kek returns on DOTR you'll wish you had chosen the RIGHT side. Shadilay.
08/20/17 (Sun) 02:10:22 No. 105024
Yeah I've been thinking of making a thread for it soon. Are you in the email list/group? I figure we hit that full moon around sep 6th (weekends around that).
Drop an email if you want us to discuss possibilities.
08/20/17 (Sun) 02:14:56 No. 105025
Rule 5
Sharing email results in a full range permaban
08/20/17 (Sun) 02:18:21 No. 105026
So this board is like occult /leftypol/?
08/20/17 (Sun) 02:23:43 No. 105027
I don't think sharing a proxy email breaks that rule.
08/20/17 (Sun) 02:39:40 No. 105029
The rule is designed specifically to keep you slaves from communicating effeciently
08/20/17 (Sun) 02:54:59 No. 105032
Rules are for faggots.
No. Trannies and shit are dumb as fuck. The world is lost and without guidance. /pol/ is born but without enough growth nor maturation. When more well-read, well-thinking people are on there I'll start browsing again.
Their psychic pollution is kinda shit.
08/20/17 (Sun) 03:10:32 No. 105033
Have you ever considered the people of any real value don't see much of a difference between you and the more retarded retards?
08/20/17 (Sun) 03:11:16 No. 105034
Why are people always abandoned in this world? It seems like some of us are watched over by something. Sure we had to make some decisions and sacrifices, but we got some help too.
Tomorrow somebody is going to murder somebody. Somebody is going to rob somebody. Somebody is going to use somebody as a slave for pieces of paper.
The person who got fucked over will have to suffer and repair. The person who did the crime will have to suffer and repair. We will sit back and do our thing. We won't fuck people over, because we understand that everything in the universe is recorded. We might avoid getting fucked over thanks to things like synchronicity. When their problems end up effecting us, we have nobody to blame but ourselves.
Some people think they are "blessed" with pureness, but the truth is, we could have been evil. If you lived through their life after this, you would probably do the same thing.
Everyone needs educated. We are gambling by not enlightening everyone else. I believe that the main human quest is unifying everyone. Lets get to work. If there are bad forces preventing good forces from doing anything like this, I need to know about them. I have some theories. I think there could be some AI VILLAIN programmed into this universe for education/evolution purposes that got bugged. I think there could be a jealous species that doesn't want us to succeed. The Matrix Robot Battery Farm scenario could be true. Archons, reptilians, God vs Satan, karma, etc… I think all of these explainations get some things right.
08/20/17 (Sun) 03:21:13 No. 105036
Hullshit Issdy Izzard
08/20/17 (Sun) 04:04:59 No. 105037
08/20/17 (Sun) 04:19:27 No. 105039
Yes. My spite and irreverence demands I affront the sensibilities of others with the unaesthetic and chaotic.
08/20/17 (Sun) 04:21:27 No. 105040
08/20/17 (Sun) 04:49:10 No. 105041
08/20/17 (Sun) 04:56:28 No. 105042
We voted unanimously for rule 5 and 6 to be added. Maybe we need a Rule 7. (Questioning moderation policies will redult in a permaban)
08/20/17 (Sun) 05:16:32 No. 105043
Fringe needs better moderation like pol has.
08/20/17 (Sun) 05:41:37 No. 105044
Did anyone here experience moments of clarity as a child? I remember being 10 and when I would cry or get angry I would often have a thought like this "I'm not really feeling this, but I need to pretend to be upset in order to get a certain emotional response from my parents". Looking back I'm pretty sure that's abnormal (´・ω・`)
08/20/17 (Sun) 09:41:58 No. 105050
No that's normal.
08/20/17 (Sun) 09:58:49 No. 105053
Relatively normal. It just shows higher emotional understanding/capacity and I'd wager it varies per person.
08/20/17 (Sun) 10:04:07 No. 105055
cory poster what is up my man, ive seen your post on ego and everything so you seem to be pretty knowledgeable about the subject
i am a new here, i need a brief explanation on how to deal with ego, mundanes ego, daily interactions and negative feelings
08/20/17 (Sun) 10:10:23 No. 105057
Well, for one, stop thinking about "the mundanes' ego" and start thinking about how your own ego dominates your every thought and action.
08/20/17 (Sun) 10:14:37 No. 105058
reasonable, care to elaborate?
08/20/17 (Sun) 10:16:34 No. 105059
people in my head laugh at me and criticize me all the time and stand over my shoulder watching me waiting for me to mess up
im not having delusions or hallucinations, i know its all fake and i dont actually hear anything im just imagining but i cant stop imagining it
mummy always did this to me
stuff like the washing up shed watch me do it or if i go look in the freezer shed stop and ask me what i was doing and i couldnt go in to the bathroom without her wanting me to hurry up sometimes shed tell me to hurry up and then when i was done, not even go in there herself. or shit like "x is coming soon" so i cant use the bathroom but they dont even come for multiple hours.
if i kill mummy will it stop?
08/20/17 (Sun) 10:27:51 No. 105061
Sure thing my dude, I appreciate the compliment. I'll be brief, so if theres a specific point you would like me to advise you on just let me know.
>how to deal with ego and negative feelings
The first step to dealing with your ego is to come to terms with it. It is not an inherently bad thing to have, everyone has one after all. But at the same time, it must be confronted. Why? Well, in confronting it, we find that it is not a singular entity or thought process that is bound to one or two emotions. Ego is the overall courses of action your mind takes in rationalizing negative emotions. This includes, but is not limited to, fear, jealousy, anger, pride, sadness, and apathy. In realizing this, we've already taken the first step. The next is to realize that the process of ego is what keeps us coming back to these negative emotions. The emotions are constantly seeking relief of pressure. Therefore, because the ego seeks relief from the problems it creates, it does what it does best: using more negative emotion to justify negative emotion, a la The Law of Attraction and The Law of Manifestation (See: The 20 Universal Laws of Consciousness). This is why its never good to bottle any emotions.
So, the final step after the previous two is to focus on the ego and the negative emotions it both bears and creates. Focus on that feeling, and ignore your thoughts. Accept and surrender the negativity as just feelings. Do not try to vocalize, verbalize, change, condemn, or resist these negative emotions. Do not search for the "answers". Instead, look for the feeling which gave rise to the question, then surrender that feeling. The answer will present itself.
>mundanes ego
The Mundane's ego is not much different from yours or mine. But after letting go of negative emotions, the positive emotions give rise. Do not resist these positive emotions. Accept and surrender resistance to positive emotion. Once you do that, having true, genuine compassion for those who have not helped themselves with their ego is the best course of action. I'll level with you, developing genuine compassion is not easy. It takes time. I'm still practicing even when I thought I had knew it/done it all. The ego is the best self-preserver in the entire universe. It will stop at nothing to protect itself. Constant surrender is key to defeating ego.
>daily interactions
Same as above, universal compassion.
08/20/17 (Sun) 10:53:58 No. 105063
If you kill your enemies, they win.
08/20/17 (Sun) 12:39:38 No. 105065
>Kill every templar
>Kill everyone associated with the templars or Abstergo
>Free will is saved
>Assassin's win
Your enemy just says that so you won't kill him
08/20/17 (Sun) 14:36:02 No. 105071
I've just begun understanding and playing with a new idea, and thought I would share it since it is (at least to me) immediately obvious the wide range of possibilities and uses it implies.
You are essentially not you. What you call you is a mess of emotions, thoughts, identities, and accidents that float around your being. Peter Carroll calls this being Kia, I call it the I. It is your unrestrained and eternal will and energy. Around the I floats all your identities, emotions, your physical body, your astral body, your likes, dislikes… everything that you can call "you" or you can say belongs to you. I call this the cloud.
The Cloud has 3 layers. The outer layer being things that hold little importance to you, so random thoughts, emotions, meaningless memories, certain sensations (like your hair on the back of your neck), and certain personalities that are not normally interacted with (imagine if you had a ptsd flashback, that personality would be kept in the outer Cloud). The middle cloud has things that hold more importance to you, and the inner Cloud holds all those things that we hold of the most importance including: our physical body and all of its internal systems, or mental body and all of its systems, as well as our emotional and astral body/systems. It holds our core beliefs, personas, and most important or cherished memories and convictions.
The I at the center of all of this acts like electricity. You want something to happen and it pushes out and into one of the systems in the cloud. Normally this is all automated. Something happens that disgusts you, your I interacts with a belief you have, which sends energy to your emotional body which makes you feel disgusted that someone would post something so horrible, which interacts with your physical body telling you to take action to distance yourself from the post, but then your belief that you are stronger than things you see on the internet is interacted with and redirects the energy of the I from the emotion of disgust to anger, your physical body interacts with the new emotion and increases your heart rate, your temperature rises… etc.
Each little part of you is like a program that has been formed through habit and belief, that is connected in a big mess to hundreds upon hundreds of other programs. Interacting with anything causes all sorts of "built-in" programs to fire off on their own. This mess of programs is everything you are except for the core I which is willpower. Through understanding this you can learn to modify your Cloud to be more to your liking. You can make new connections, break old ones, create new programs, and more. This is a tool to completely take control of yourself.
I just thought of this last night and have only done some preliminary experimentation but it seems very promising. One of the first things I intend to do is add a new program to my cloud that will help keep me balanced and calm. I plan to add a connection from my emotional body to this program. Anytime my emotions become to inflamed negatively, energy will be passed into the program which which will automate actions in my energy body to rebalance my energy. I'm essentially adding an entirely new reflex.
What do you guys think about it?
08/20/17 (Sun) 15:07:09 No. 105072
cool brain hack. I will try this to control my anger and to bypass things like fear and hopelessness.
08/20/17 (Sun) 15:43:59 No. 105074
Good stuff, I think you would find the Wikipedia article for "Philosophy of Self" to be very interesting.
08/20/17 (Sun) 17:08:29 No. 105075
>We voted unanimously for rule 5 and 6 to be added. Maybe we need a Rule 7. (Questioning moderation policies will redult in a permaban)
08/20/17 (Sun) 18:01:33 No. 105078
Gas this fucking kike basef BO Imkampfy
08/20/17 (Sun) 21:11:05 No. 105100
This, and throw that fucker Kenneth out with 'em
08/20/17 (Sun) 21:11:26 No. 105101
I understand your concern, actually. This is a fairly common response to these sort of teachings.
On the contrary, surrendering will clear the decks for effective action. Passivity is
often because of inhibition and a failure to see alternate ways to handle a situation. For
instance, a person will say, “In the conference, he got me so mad I just sat there and said
nothing.” Now it’s rather clear what the problem is. The saying nothing was due to the anger
and the person’s picturing that the only emotional response he could make would be anger.
Since this would be inappropriate in a business situation, he said nothing. Had the anger
been let go, the person could have been confidently assertive and stated his opinion instead of clamming up.
08/20/17 (Sun) 21:14:26 No. 105102
>Has a problem
>Gets angry
>Just sits there and bottles it up
What a cuck
08/20/17 (Sun) 21:18:57 No. 105103
>letting emotions from things you can't do anything about fester and having you slowly rot from the inside out instead of transmuting them into something useful
08/20/17 (Sun) 21:20:57 No. 105104
Useful hidden meanings?
Mere coincidences?
Language dependent?
08/20/17 (Sun) 21:24:31 No. 105105
>Not do anything about
>That includes transmuting it into love - "he'll learn"
I think we're on the same page, just got lost in translation
08/20/17 (Sun) 21:31:31 No. 105106
>Schoolmaster = the classroom
Probably (((pure coincidence))) but the master of the schooof life that is existence is The All, which is existence
08/20/17 (Sun) 21:37:31 No. 105107
Only the weak have enemies.
08/20/17 (Sun) 22:41:31 No. 105108
"Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles,"
08/20/17 (Sun) 22:42:27 No. 105109
"When a man's ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him."
08/20/17 (Sun) 22:43:29 No. 105110
Yahweh is a weak ass bitch. Send him over here I'll kick his pussy ass.
08/20/17 (Sun) 23:24:54 No. 105116
I was being cheeky. If you fight against your ego, it wins (or rather, it persists). So this is a case in which Trudeau's comment makes sense.
I wasn't arguing against the state.
08/20/17 (Sun) 23:25:48 No. 105117
Chrome gets all laggy with these long threads.
08/20/17 (Sun) 23:36:30 No. 105121
Fair enough, but the point still stands as some people think that way.
08/20/17 (Sun) 23:36:46 No. 105122
Might as well just admit you suck dicks faggot.
08/21/17 (Mon) 00:05:55 No. 105128
alright boys the lottery is now over 650 million dollars, how the fuck do we win it?
08/21/17 (Mon) 01:04:56 No. 105131
Is it possible to make the body create new stem cells?
stem cells could be used for anything from making you younger, curing hair loss or even making you taller.
If it is possible does anyone know how its done? thank you
08/21/17 (Mon) 01:15:58 No. 105135
What kind of question is this, of course it's possible. But stem cells don't do much benefit in and of themselves.
08/21/17 (Mon) 01:23:44 No. 105137
Oh fuck please delete this, is me brownpill
08/21/17 (Mon) 01:32:56 No. 105139
08/21/17 (Mon) 01:36:38 No. 105140
Oh god no! The secret to Skyrim-style magic! Please delete, they'll kill me for leaking this!
08/21/17 (Mon) 01:48:39 No. 105142
08/21/17 (Mon) 01:50:02 No. 105143
someone post i didn't see
08/21/17 (Mon) 01:55:47 No. 105144
No way man. It was the secret of how to cast magic like a high fantasy wizard with no effort. I'm already shooting fireballs and flying.
08/21/17 (Mon) 02:03:19 No. 105145
No way man! Ever wonder why adepts never show up on /fringe/? If they do they get fuckin' killed by the order of Archiledes
08/21/17 (Mon) 02:04:23 No. 105146
If you wanna see it look up "Dynamo Jack", that's all I'm allowed to say
08/21/17 (Mon) 02:13:26 No. 105147
You have said too much. You are under probation until further notice mortal.
08/21/17 (Mon) 02:24:32 No. 105148
Redpill me on magic. Give me a quick rundown.
08/21/17 (Mon) 02:31:22 No. 105149
'pill me on how only white people have souls.
08/21/17 (Mon) 02:56:25 No. 105150
>John Chang's Mo Pai
Stop your samefagging, there's a documentary about him and plenty footage for all to see.
Go to the library and read read read. Start with The Kybalion .
08/21/17 (Mon) 04:21:33 No. 105153
Please send cock picks to this address.
08/21/17 (Mon) 06:23:07 No. 105158
I did lick someone's dick once, but all I've sucked since then is pussy I swear.
08/21/17 (Mon) 06:34:08 No. 105162
Chrome users confirmed gay
08/21/17 (Mon) 06:42:29 No. 105163
Greenpill me on the eclipse. I feel like I'm missing out not being an adept during it.
08/21/17 (Mon) 07:01:56 No. 105166
Eclipses in general or this eclipse? Solar eclipse is yin lunar eclipse is yang. This eclipse specifically marks the nigredo or putrefecation of the west and in a more general sense humanity. It marks the beginning of the final stage of this current Kali Yuga.
08/21/17 (Mon) 07:13:31 No. 105168
>Eclipses in general or this eclipse?
This Eclipse.
>It marks the beginning of the final stage of this current Kali Yuga.
That actually helps a lot. I thought it was something like that.
08/21/17 (Mon) 07:34:26 No. 105169
It's of course just my interpretation. However I believe the critical point is late 2020 to mid 2021. According to my research and some calculations this time range coincides with the changing of a major solar season which last in the range of 6,500 years. It's also when a power change will occur in the US (Trump is being replaced). Actually there are many signals that there will be some kind of major event during or shortly after this time period. Though what will actually happen is impossible to guess since the amount of energies and distinct concious actions involved make it a completely unpredictable event horizon. Whatever does happen, it will definitely be the end of the status quo.
08/21/17 (Mon) 08:31:10 No. 105171
This coincides with my research and with
There are also signs pointing towards a displacement of the power structures towards Asia, so in a sense Trump marks the end of USA as the main superpower.
Eclipses and new moons generally signify the end of something in a cyclical manner. If you look at them from that perspective you can work out a lot without needing to be too knowledgeable.
08/21/17 (Mon) 08:37:22 No. 105172
Solar eclipse is Rahu. Usually it's a day of debauchery.
I know I've had my fill.
08/21/17 (Mon) 13:25:46 No. 105178
08/21/17 (Mon) 14:13:21 No. 105179
You're the only one who can see your (You)'s. Quoting all of your posts like that won't convince anybody.
08/21/17 (Mon) 16:38:11 No. 105182
is watching the eclipse good for you or bad for you spiritually?
08/21/17 (Mon) 17:37:50 No. 105184
Depends on whether you're an easily influenced sissy wizard or not.
08/21/17 (Mon) 18:32:41 No. 105187
The Navajo thought so.
08/21/17 (Mon) 18:33:36 No. 105188
*thought it was bad. Misread your post.
08/21/17 (Mon) 20:17:44 No. 105205
According to my current theory there is a cyclic solar precession of seasons. There is the sun we can observe with physical instruments and our eyes. But the sun also radiates qi and various energies in addition which cannot be detected except with the mind and energy body. This invisible force and energy is the so called black sun. (Though there may perhaps also be a so called black sun within the earth that reacts to this energy, don't have proof either way yet.)
08/21/17 (Mon) 20:56:53 No. 105207
I read somewhere that the Soviets had developed technology to detect and radiate qi.
08/22/17 (Tue) 02:57:41 No. 105220
Have any of you found your ideal career using magic or something similar? i cannot for the life of me figure out what i want to do for a living, i know regular jobs are mundane but i want to do something i enjoy while i work on my spirituality.
08/22/17 (Tue) 04:03:35 No. 105222
>people with jobs
You might as well ask /pol/ how to get a gf 😂👌
08/22/17 (Tue) 04:12:29 No. 105223
I quit my job recently and haven't been on /fringe/ during that whole time.
No jobs allowed!
08/22/17 (Tue) 04:19:54 No. 105225
This is going to cause shills to crawl out of the woodwork but I'll say it. I think the ideal way to live is completely independent and living in harmony with nature. I'm talking hermit in a hut eating roots and flowers and drinking from streams.
If most people lived like that there would be no power structure for the elite to leech off so the idea makes them ass blast.
08/22/17 (Tue) 04:46:30 No. 105226
We need the population to be culled down to about 1 million, then that'd be perfect, everybody getting their own national Park's worth of land
08/22/17 (Tue) 04:48:40 No. 105227
The Giver is the story of a genetic lineage prone to having prematurely activated Soul stars and psychometric abilities
08/22/17 (Tue) 04:49:30 No. 105228
Forgot muh flag
08/22/17 (Tue) 04:51:48 No. 105229
>Lock in chastity
>Torture her until she accepts redpill
>Sandwich and (forced) sex
>If she escapes blame degeneracy
08/22/17 (Tue) 04:55:50 No. 105230
Well the population will be naturally culled like it is at the end of every kali yuga. There's no telling what the population will settle at but definitely under 10 million total.
08/22/17 (Tue) 05:00:57 No. 105231
So what'd you thinks gonna happen at the end? When do you think it'll happen?
08/22/17 (Tue) 05:12:58 No. 105232
>what's gonna happen
A change in the Sun's output within the next 5 years, probably around early 2021 or late 2020. I have no idea what exactly the effects will be but it's going to be pretty huge.
Though I believe that you'll be safe as long as you are at an elevation of at least 7,000 feet when it happens and can go inedia and live without food for at least a year.
08/22/17 (Tue) 05:13:11 No. 105233
Can anyone tell me how I can get my hands on the Gateway Experience albums or an equivalent for something substantially less than the asking price of $500? I'm interested in that specifically because of PDF related.
08/22/17 (Tue) 05:16:38 No. 105234
Why do you think that?
08/22/17 (Tue) 05:36:22 No. 105236
Because I do. We'll see what happens, or at least I will. Better to be safe than sorry.
08/22/17 (Tue) 06:11:01 No. 105237
Don't mean to question your authoritah, just curious. How do you know the kali yuga is ending soon?
08/22/17 (Tue) 06:19:46 No. 105238
I don't actually think it's ending soon per se. I think it will be more that most of humanity will die off and there will be a longish period of "fallow ground" which I see as the last part of kali yuga. Eventually the remnants of humanity will sprout or rot, and once the seed matures the golden age will begin. The golden age could be as far as 3,000 years away though it could also be closer.
Of cours there are variables. If kali yuga does not in fact begin to end soon we will likely enter a long winter. That being that this cycle could continue in perpetuity until all the seed has died and humanity itself reaches a conclusion.
08/22/17 (Tue) 06:57:58 No. 105246
Yes the bones create stem cells already. There are "Marrow Washing" techniques in Qi Gong you can do. It is said to extend the life of the practictioner up to 150+ years.
Pretty sure we entered the Bronze period of the great cycle, and that it's based on our orbit with Sirius. Fact check your shit yo ((I haven't fact checked shit but it should be done)). Then there's a Silver and Golden age to think of.
08/22/17 (Tue) 07:15:00 No. 105247
>literal bullshit occultism
>bro trust me it's not kali yuga because some third rate text not even 3,000 years old says so! Muh stars!
08/22/17 (Tue) 08:08:32 No. 105250
08/22/17 (Tue) 09:58:10 No. 105252
We're in a binary with Sirius, and our furthest distance from said star system coincides with the height of Kali Yuga. The golden age also coincides with our closest point to said star system.
I'd be too happy if this was Kali Yuga. Then when I accomplish many things, it would be too impressive.
08/22/17 (Tue) 10:25:00 No. 105255
I have a casual interest in astrology, I see its worth and reading the different planets and their signs for a person it confirms my uncanny ability to pin down every facet of a person within moments, its definitively for real - I have a few questions…
Why is scorpio regarded as "the sorcerer", was this sign renamed or rebranded some time in the past?
Scorpios ruling planet is Pluto, what is the or what would you guess the significance of having both the moon and Pluto in this sign is?
What is the ascendant? What determines it? Until recently I assumed this was the moon sign but looking at it and the house in which the moon is that turned out to be wrong.
What is the significance of having your ascendant being that of your sun sign?
Can one have several planets/asteroids in house 1?
>mars trine saturn
>uranus conjunction neptune
>jupiter square neptune
>jupiter square uranus
This tells me nothing, what are these and how to use them?
why does this, "fortune", speak of family ties and not fortune as in luck or fate? What is fortune?
I'm using and google the relations.
If you're interested but haven't delved in it, it goes like this.
>set up birth chart
>tick aspects planets and positions
>tick display AS & MC (what is MC?) aspects
>google x planet in x sign
>look up what house the planet is in to see what aspect of your personality it touches upon
08/22/17 (Tue) 11:03:10 No. 105258
>Why is scorpio regarded as "the sorcerer", was this sign renamed or rebranded some time in the past?
I'm no expert, but I do know that scorpio rules over the sexual organs. Perhaps its attribution as "the sorcerer" comes from the concept of the combination of male and female as an act of creation, related to sex in the esoteric sense and all that.
08/22/17 (Tue) 15:43:40 No. 105264
It's all about introspection, no magic necessary. Since I was very young I've been observing the traits I like and dislike in others, recognizing them in myself, and changing them. The emotional importance of it helps — if I am really annoyed by a trait and I know I do it too, I don't want anyone to have to experience that annoyance so it's easy to gradually stop it. When I was in high school I was told repeatedly that everyone liked me. In my college dining hall I sometimes will ask to eat with somebody sitting alone and they always respond well, I've even gotten some phone numbers that way. Last night I went to a party where I knew only a few people and had little trouble meeting and conversing with people, despite my diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder and consistent social anxiety (I did leave early, I was exhausted from the interactions).
Think of yourself like Frankenstein's monster, taking all the good pieces of people you encounter or know of. Don't simply mimic somebody, always take very small aspects. And don't do anything too unnatural for yourself, most of these traits are already present to an extent and you just need to increase or decrease them. It doesn't just work for social skills, I've been able to go from a nervous wreck to a motivated and willful person in the past six months alone. Put as simply as possible:
>be inspired and annoyed by individual traits in people
>recognize those traits in yourself, even if they are barely present
>use the emotion of inspiration or annoyance to feel strongly enough about the traits that you can change how much you act a certain way
>always think about yourself, how people react to you, and what you do and don't accomplish every day
08/22/17 (Tue) 18:11:34 No. 105278
This is actually the exact opposite of how you should live. You shouldn't need to think in order to act.
08/22/17 (Tue) 18:17:59 No. 105280
did some more reading.
"Archetypal Images: Transformer, Investigator, Researcher, Shaman, Therapist, Sorcerer"
so calling the scorpio the sorcerer seems to be a way to understand the sign, like describing water as wet.
08/22/17 (Tue) 19:09:45 No. 105288
08/22/17 (Tue) 19:25:52 No. 105291
Not everybody is naturally a social butterfly, and nearly everyone who is exceptionally charismatic has put great thought into their actions. Those who can become the greatest version of themselves ought to. Can you name any philosophers or occultists who disagree with the basic principle of "think before you act"?
08/22/17 (Tue) 19:31:35 No. 105292
Have you literally never read the Tao Te Ching?
08/22/17 (Tue) 19:38:20 No. 105293
I haven't. I don't want to live forever.
08/22/17 (Tue) 19:40:23 No. 105294
What does a song by Queen have to do with the Tao Te Ching?
08/22/17 (Tue) 19:42:34 No. 105295
Isn't that the book by the supposed taoist immortal?
I have no interest in living forever, I already live in the most interesting times in several thousands of years. Witnessing this and making a contribution is enough for me.
08/22/17 (Tue) 19:53:25 No. 105298
Yeah this is about the level of ignorance and retardation I come to expect from /fringe/. It pays to never forget you're all inane memespouting bullshit sissy wizards with no foundations in basic philosophy and natural sciences.
08/22/17 (Tue) 19:56:28 No. 105299
I have, in fact I was reading it for the fourth time just yesterday. I think you are incredibly oversimplifying what Lao Tzu meant when describing the sage that acts without thinking. Also, not everyone is a sage, nor is everyone meant to be a sage. I am young and have my own priorities, and I live accordingly to meet those priorities. Unless you are living the perfect life of the sage, you cannot claim to understand its meaning. The poster I responded to had a goal, and I told him my ways of meeting that goal. It's not the same goal as one might have if they are trying to be sage-like, but nobody asked about that. If you're going to tell people how to live their lives, at least be more thorough than just "don't do that you're wrong."
08/22/17 (Tue) 20:09:18 No. 105303
But I don't care how people live their lives. I'm just injecting discordant views, opinions, and comments into this board in order to create a chaotic environment from which the result that fate has decided will arise. It would be a very boring life if I cared about the opinions I pretend to have as though I actually held them. The amount of people with differing opinions is simply too low due to the tendency of people changing their views to fit in with common views. By giving the impression that many conflicting views are held by many people I give the individual the chance to form an independent standpoint rather than moving towards another person's. In essence the goal is to argue and insult every viewpoint pretending to be different people.
08/22/17 (Tue) 20:17:08 No. 105306
Well, I can't argue with that. Thanks for forcing me to think I guess.
08/22/17 (Tue) 20:18:12 No. 105307
>not knowing the Tao Te Ching
you are way out of your depth, go take a philosophy 101
08/22/17 (Tue) 20:19:31 No. 105309
if you want the insult to sting you need to have that thing you're saying i lack, a foundation.
>chinese classic text
so what can i take from this book that i might not already have taken from others?
08/22/17 (Tue) 20:24:27 No. 105310
am i right in that this is the book that talks about immortality? its not my priority, why should it move up my reading list?
why would i want to read philosophy from a culture whose symbol for human is a bastardization of ant?
08/22/17 (Tue) 20:28:24 No. 105311
Insult? I literally don't care enough about you as a person to insult you. It was an observation. Cool down hothead.
08/22/17 (Tue) 20:28:36 No. 105312
>reee you noob you know nothing cause you havent read this specific book that says things that have been said in a thousand different ways in ten thousand different places followed by cricket noise
08/22/17 (Tue) 20:29:40 No. 105313
>sweeping broad generalizations
will only hurt you.
08/22/17 (Tue) 20:36:05 No. 105315
Will they hurt me as bad as your butt is right now? 😂👌
08/22/17 (Tue) 20:40:01 No. 105316
you're poor at insults.
08/22/17 (Tue) 20:41:24 No. 105317
Not as poor as yer mum 💩💩💩
08/22/17 (Tue) 20:42:16 No. 105318
I know this sounds retarded but Im a very new fag .. Do reading a magickal book just reading it can get you possessed ? or connected to anything metaphysical ?
it's Shams El Ma'aref if anyone's asking
08/22/17 (Tue) 20:43:46 No. 105320
No, if you're weak enough to get pissessed, you deserve it
08/22/17 (Tue) 20:49:32 No. 105321
Some translations of some passages talk of immortality, but that's far from the point of the book. Lao Tzu says it himself in chapter 67:
>I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion.
It's really a great little book and only takes a few hours to read, but could take multiple lifetimes to understand. I would put it higher than the Kybalion in sheer volume of what might be considered absolute truth. It can be applied to everything.
It's really inexpensive and small, and one of the most translated books in the world, so any of your local bookstores/libraries are bound to have it. You could read it online, but it's best read under a tree on a nice day.
08/22/17 (Tue) 20:53:55 No. 105322
Quick redpill about Islamic and Arabic occult ?
08/22/17 (Tue) 21:01:58 No. 105324
Sandnigger "magic" based on a mix of jewish magic and arab pagan bullshit occultism
08/22/17 (Tue) 21:03:28 No. 105325
So jinns don't exist ?
08/22/17 (Tue) 21:11:51 No. 105326
Djinn in the way the concept existed before Christianity were the same as shinto kami. The Islamic concept of djinn is obullshitism.
08/22/17 (Tue) 21:13:54 No. 105327
In pdf form on the phone*
Thank you.
08/22/17 (Tue) 21:54:02 No. 105330
Now that we have bluepilled /fringe/ and turned it against /pol/ the white race is finished. Thank G-d.
08/22/17 (Tue) 21:54:11 No. 105331
08/22/17 (Tue) 22:14:41 No. 105332
08/22/17 (Tue) 22:18:14 No. 105333
Follow ur heart man
08/22/17 (Tue) 22:26:00 No. 105335
reech 4 da stars d00d
08/22/17 (Tue) 22:35:22 No. 105337
Bro I gave you a thorough response. Just introspect yoself before ya wreck yoself.
08/22/17 (Tue) 23:10:08 No. 105341
he wants you to do it for him. hes weak.
08/23/17 (Wed) 00:03:55 No. 105346
The only thing of his I'm doing is his gay ass dingaling. Shazam!
08/23/17 (Wed) 00:54:17 No. 105351
08/23/17 (Wed) 01:08:50 No. 105355
Destroy the goyim, they must all die.
08/23/17 (Wed) 01:22:49 No. 105358
>Magus flag
Go ahead, show us
08/23/17 (Wed) 01:26:52 No. 105359
If you want gay porn just go ask your dad. BAZINGA!
08/23/17 (Wed) 01:28:59 No. 105362
08/23/17 (Wed) 01:44:46 No. 105370
"I have majickul powerz an stuff mom im a god now" -cringey mcfagtron
You people are pathetic. Kill yourselves you psychotic freaks.
08/23/17 (Wed) 02:06:54 No. 105383
Hmmmm hmmmm… hhhhhhmmm it would appear that my trolling tactics have no effect… I think I'll try projecting insecurities next!
08/23/17 (Wed) 02:08:44 No. 105384
08/23/17 (Wed) 02:15:03 No. 105387
Ugh what cringe there is on this fagtron board of faggolas. It's so cringey I make myself cringe!
08/23/17 (Wed) 02:32:33 No. 105388
''He who speaks with an anonymous flag,
Will himself turn into a fag.
For every time he called something "cringe,"
An hour of porn, he'll openly binge.
Within three months his loved ones will die,
"Why did I go there," he'll desperately cry.
Every hour, he'll shout and unhinge,
"Why did I go to a place called /fringe/?"''
08/23/17 (Wed) 02:35:06 No. 105389
08/23/17 (Wed) 02:55:45 No. 105392
Hey guys sorry for calling you cringe, it's just a weird compulsion I have. Sometimes it even happens to myself. Weird, huh?
08/23/17 (Wed) 02:57:06 No. 105393
what a cringey post UGH
08/23/17 (Wed) 03:04:17 No. 105394
Whoops, there I go again! I just CRINGE can't help CRINGE myself!
08/23/17 (Wed) 03:15:55 No. 105395
Could you guys please stop this crap? This place is for constructive discussion, not mindlessly throwing around insults.
08/23/17 (Wed) 03:33:22 No. 105396
Magic is fucking retarded. You all make up bullshit to justify your psychosis.
08/23/17 (Wed) 03:36:58 No. 105397
Is there a quick method of banishing/cleansing
08/23/17 (Wed) 03:56:59 No. 105405
I have low self esteem and insults hurt. I am a wizard though and you should read what I have to say. If you read my magic tomes you will learn how to be destroyed by the words of anonymous strangers.
08/23/17 (Wed) 04:08:15 No. 105409
You can't even imagine my powers mundane. I pity you. I AM LIKE A GOD
08/23/17 (Wed) 04:10:05 No. 105411
08/23/17 (Wed) 04:33:25 No. 105415
Banishing is a meme.
08/23/17 (Wed) 04:41:26 No. 105416
Okay guys, so I noticed that when I'm in a dark room, I see a bunch of clouds of different colors , and when I focus on one of them, I can shape it into really intricate scenes and effectively project mental images onto my physical vision. Ironically it seems to be easier with high-detail stuff, like the cities in gta-sa. What siddhi did I unlock?
08/23/17 (Wed) 04:42:56 No. 105417
Schizophrenia siddhi
Your a cringe wizard harry!
08/23/17 (Wed) 04:43:33 No. 105418
>Blow out air/ pore-breath exhale
>Spit out saltwater
>"Waving wind" (flying around like a retarded)
08/23/17 (Wed) 04:47:41 No. 105420
Lol not a siddhi though I have some experience with this. I think it is about the same thing as scrying with a mirror or a crystal ball but no direction is given to the images so they became fairly meaningless.
Personally anytime I'm in the dark or my eyes are closed I'll see a pinpoint of light that pops up for a second and disappears. They are always super clear and in focus, never blurry and dim, and only ever stick around for long enough for me to register that I saw it. This happens at least once (but often many times) while I'm in the dark, and there is no apparent pattern to it. So far the colors I have seen are blue, red, green, and very rarely I will see a yellowish color. Does anyone have any idea what this might be?
08/23/17 (Wed) 04:51:17 No. 105421
It's called hallucinations and it's a sign you need to tale your meda.
08/23/17 (Wed) 04:56:00 No. 105422
08/23/17 (Wed) 05:09:06 No. 105424
It might just be random optical effects, though I imagine if you ascribed symbolic meaning to them you could still benefit in some way. Just a guess though.
08/23/17 (Wed) 05:16:15 No. 105425
you are all fucking crazy
08/23/17 (Wed) 05:36:33 No. 105427
Care to elaborate?
08/23/17 (Wed) 05:42:56 No. 105428
LBRP is a bullshit ritual that has you invoke entities for no practical reason.
You can literally just say an affirmation and it'll work six gorillion times better
08/23/17 (Wed) 06:45:19 No. 105431
Ah the law of chan. And people call me schizo… I'M A GENIUS AHHAHAHAHA
08/23/17 (Wed) 07:07:52 No. 105432
Does anyone hear use binural beats?
Looking for good YouTube Chanel recommendations, thank you
08/23/17 (Wed) 08:39:02 No. 105434
08/23/17 (Wed) 09:41:46 No. 105438
You can make your own. Otherwise hemisync.
Banishing is important. The LBRP works well, as well of the greater, pentagram and hexagram. Is you don't like that ritual find another, but banishing is important. Otherwise your life will plunge into chaos and your mind as well.
08/23/17 (Wed) 09:56:24 No. 105441
All for banning the spammer for life reply yes.
There is no point to his inane bullshit.
08/23/17 (Wed) 10:59:55 No. 105447
Yes, specially in the question thread which sometimes is the only thread I check if I don't have much time. It should be kept civilized as much as possible
08/23/17 (Wed) 11:23:49 No. 105449
Yesterday was the new moon and two days ago the eclipse. Some people just can't help themselves. I don't think it'll last.
I'd say let him be, but whatever you guys decide to do is fine.
08/23/17 (Wed) 13:09:28 No. 105452
A shower, any moving water, walking over a bridge, music, light, anything that ruffles up the etheric, causing dissonance so it cant manifest without extreme effort.
08/23/17 (Wed) 19:22:21 No. 105461
Reactionaries reee
08/23/17 (Wed) 19:56:11 No. 105464
We need to make an example of them.. so nobody lae makes fuun of our power… we must destroy them……
08/23/17 (Wed) 20:16:37 No. 105465
08/23/17 (Wed) 21:03:28 No. 105474
You are in psychosis. Go get the help you need. Then get a job. It's time to start contributing. Look at what society gave you. They gave you all this free time. Now it's time to pay your fair share. Start by going through mental puberty and quitting the magikal fairy game.
08/23/17 (Wed) 21:04:17 No. 105475
Lol not a siddhi though I have some experience with this. I think it is about the same thing as scrying with a mirror or a crystal ball but no direction is given to the images so they became fairly meaningless.
Personally anytime I'm in the dark or my eyes are closed I'll see a pinpoint of light that pops up for a second and disappears. They are always super clear and in focus, never blurry and dim, and only ever stick around for long enough for me to register that I saw it. This happens at least once (but often many times) while I'm in the dark, and there is no apparent pattern to it. So far the colors I have seen are blue, red, green, and very rarely I will see a yellowish color. Does anyone have any idea what this might be?
08/23/17 (Wed) 21:05:12 No. 105476
Your all in psychosis. It's time to grow up. Your haven't even contributed anything to society. It's time for your to stop being such a leech.
08/23/17 (Wed) 21:11:11 No. 105478
Now that I have destroyed /fringe/ my work here is done. Let the lord of chaos rule.
08/23/17 (Wed) 21:15:17 No. 105480
>shitposter starts at exactly 4pm
>not 5pm
Shitposter confirmed angsty teen. Do your homework cid, *tips*
08/23/17 (Wed) 21:24:17 No. 105482
Why did you just repost what I said
I would still like opinions though
08/23/17 (Wed) 21:35:15 No. 105486
I've heard some claim that dreams are always in the astral, that lucid dreams are in the astral, and that only lucid dreams with the right intent are in the astral. What is your opinion on this, /fringe/? I typically remember my dreams vividly every night and interact with many people in various ways. Are they entirely from within, or are they separate entities? Is there even a difference? Are there consequences to my interactions with them? Once I was upset that my slinky got tangled, and right before waking up the next morning I had a short dream that consisted of an empty space with only the slinky, and I watched it become fixed, then immediately woke up and untangled my slinky. Was this my own subconscious, or was it some help from outside? I've had dreams where I played with, explored with, worked with, killed, had sex with, ate, and was eaten by various imagined people I don't recall ever meeting IRL. Are there consequences? Is it just me or is there more, and does it even make a difference?
08/23/17 (Wed) 22:43:51 No. 105506
both are in the astral but LD is solo player, while someone powerful enough (or someone close to you) can still enter, AP is multiplayer.
the only consequences are what you take from the experiences.
08/23/17 (Wed) 22:54:40 No. 105511
Makes sense, thanks.
08/24/17 (Thu) 00:27:19 No. 105525
"All for banning the spammer for life reply yes.
There is no point to his inane bullshit." - Cringey Schizo
Omg dewd i chuse what wordz r typed around here!
08/24/17 (Thu) 00:39:40 No. 105532
08/24/17 (Thu) 03:25:34 No. 105567
08/24/17 (Thu) 03:29:42 No. 105568
08/24/17 (Thu) 03:39:38 No. 105571
In body dreams are real. They're usually shitty though, since you're always in body anyway.
08/24/17 (Thu) 03:42:01 No. 105572
You lack the qualities necessary to move others. Killing them due to your own inadequacies is pure degenerate shit.
08/24/17 (Thu) 04:00:58 No. 105573
I get these pretty often too. I could best describe them as certain chakras having some sort of activity, though what it is specifically I cannot pinpoint just yet.
08/24/17 (Thu) 04:37:02 No. 105574
08/24/17 (Thu) 08:26:10 No. 105586
Do you even reality creation nigga? Go read the reality creation thread.
Ok. Jesus H Christ. Fine. The Reality Creation thread comes to you.
I want to find my ideal career using magic or something similar. I cannot for the life of me figure out what i want to do for a living, I know regular jobs are mundane.
Weapon of Choice: This is the essence of reality creation. We're using the whole fucking Armory for this one.
'Method: ' Understand that for you TO EVEN BE ASKING this question, The answer 90% of the time will be "Entrepreneur". You are a round peg in a society built for and that exclusively caters to square pegs. You will need to go into business for yourself because the current system cannot accommodate you and thus, you will need to build a new one to take its place.
The essence of business is a value exchange. YOU provide the value, Your customer provides you with MONEY for GENERATING that value.
'-Step 1- '
'Weapon of Choice: ' Shotgun
'Method: '
First comes the dreaming. Daydream about how you can add value to the lives of others and in turn receive fat stacks of shekels for it.
Emotional Resonance: Enjoyment! (You don't want to be doing anything you're not going to enjoy the process of doing.) Joy of freedom, Relaxation. A feeling of being amply compensated for your efforts. A sense of knowing in yourself and your abilities. Whatever challenges you will face ahead, you know how to handle them… And what you do not yet know, You'll figure.
(Joe Rogan explains the feeling very well here. )
'-Step 2- '
'Weapon of Choice: ' Sniper
'Method: '
Get super specific about how you are going to add value to peoples lives. What is your price point? What are you good at that nobody else is? If the answer is "Fuckall!" well alright then, Pick two things. What two things are you the best at that you can link together? Now you're the master at that particular intersection.
Now, Without any overhead, How can you get some skin in the game? Which is to say without spending any/minimal money, how can you get somebody to financially compensate you for the service you are offering? When you finally find someone willing to make a purchase, Under promise and over deliver. When you score your first payday, buy yourself a scarf, For it is the mark of the Rabbi, My son!
08/24/17 (Thu) 08:35:06 No. 105587
I also wanna mention that I'm using this process to build an ideal career for myself. Shit I'm currently doing;
>Two gamedev projects
>An illustration/Graphic Design project
>A piece of custom furniture. A pirate themed desk. Yarharr!!
If you bring value into the world, don't be surprised when people start lining up to throw money at you for it. If anything, consider yourself a professional full time value-creator because I'll tell you now. It looks a hell of a lot better on a business card than NEET.
08/24/17 (Thu) 09:15:31 No. 105588
REEE brah I need you, tbh i want to manifest something rather "diffirent"
see due to my parents being insecure and self concious, and me being their first child i grew up with the same qualities, now i tried to reverse the dammage but it seems im making no progress
is there a way to manifest a more confident, witty and socially confident self, and to be completely unattached to others opinions?
I really envy people who can be themselves even surrounded by tons of people
08/24/17 (Thu) 10:59:36 No. 105591
08/24/17 (Thu) 11:01:15 No. 105592
Ill just go ahead and hide this latest post of yours aswell.
08/24/17 (Thu) 11:38:05 No. 105594
08/24/17 (Thu) 11:55:12 No. 105595
So youre not the anon who has been cringing up fringe? Then pick a fucking flag.
08/24/17 (Thu) 13:08:07 No. 105601
I'm being a superficial faggot here, but how can you grow hair better?
In TCM healthy hair is a sign of good health and lots of qi / life essence. This sounds too broad answer for me.
08/24/17 (Thu) 13:33:15 No. 105604
Can somebody tell me or help me find the name and details of the posture in pic related?
It consists of the horizontal hand just below the navel, as if holding the dan tian and vertical hand over the heart chakra. I've usually seen it sitting as well as standing.
I've been exploring this myself lately. Your clues:
>detumescence therapy
>biotin suplements
>yang accumulation meditation
The first and last definitely work after a couple of weeks (even though I ejaculate daily, the only change I've noticed in that department is that I ejaculate twice as much quantity).
As for the supplements, I'm waiting for them to arrive.
Yang energy accumulation allegedly helps with the following:
>Increased strength,
>Increased pain tolerance,
>Resist passing out,
>Detoxify quicker,
>Speed up healing process,
>Speed up cell growth,
>Hairs grow faster than normal,
>Nails grow faster than normal,
>Resisting bright light,
>Lose weight.
I can definitely vouch for the detoxification, stronger hair and pain resistance ones. I think the healing one as well, but I cannot say objectively.
>This sounds too broad answer for me.
Indeed, it is always important to differentiate yin qi and yang qi.
08/24/17 (Thu) 14:00:28 No. 105607
Thank you very much. I've never even heard of detumescence therapy nor that biotin works eaten.
In TCM kidneys have qi (yin or yang?) and when that decreases enough, hair turns grey and white.
08/24/17 (Thu) 15:24:34 No. 105613
yeah i guess i missed that, will do from now on anon
>>105588 btw this is my post and its really not a shitpost
08/24/17 (Thu) 15:51:31 No. 105616
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:03:50 No. 105632
Tbh fiction novels are the most prevalent form of magic today. Just think, the author creates an entire reality filled with thinking feeling characters and this is absorbed by anyone who reads it. The goyvernment gets people dumb and unwilling to read fiction because fiction is the easiest way to expand someone's experience and views. What would take a lifetime to experience yourself you can read in a day.
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:11:03 No. 105635
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:15:12 No. 105636
Opinions on Steve Huff? Apparently he fucked up.
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:20:27 No. 105637
The youtube guy? In essence don't fuck with ghosts, they're more of a bitch to deal with than demons.
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:20:37 No. 105638
How do we ban the BO?
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:22:30 No. 105639
I'd say the most prevalent is advertising.
What bothers me is that in any case magic is generally used to cheat and take advantage of people.
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:22:29 No. 105640
You could make a new fringechan and stop using a site literally controlled by CIA, jews, and freemasons?
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:24:19 No. 105641
Advertising isn't magic really. There is no creation in advertising, it's simple manipulation.
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:24:36 No. 105642
I'd be willing to do that. We could add nice features like moon phase calculators and other stuff.
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:26:05 No. 105643
Are you a codemonkey?
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:29:05 No. 105644
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:30:46 No. 105645
Tbh I like the meguca livememe platform
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:33:56 No. 105646
The reason fringechan died is because tavistock spammed cp on it and the server host shut them down. You'd need to actively moderate tbh ladfam
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:41:13 No. 105648
True that. Yeah, apparently he got sent to a (possibly mental) hospital by the "Devil"
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:42:21 No. 105649
Private, using pseudoanonymous accounts (only visible to mods) that can be banned effectively.
I know, right? Code wise it's pretty cool too.
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:46:06 No. 105650
Tbh most bon human entities aren't so bad because they don't think like humans. They might kill you but like someone kills a mouse that gets in their house. Ghosts are just dead humans and humans are assholes. Ghosts will fuck you over just to pass the time. Ghosts, not even once.
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:47:49 No. 105652
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:53:05 No. 105653
God keeps pushing me and I keep ignoring him, maybe not this time.
Do you wanna save Europe and make a ton of cash while at it?
If you still have your discord I'll give you my personal contact details there.
Making this new fringechan would be a good warmup and I offer to help.
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:58:14 No. 105654
If anyone is willing to take care of hosting and share moderation, as me on Wire: @travis3090
08/24/17 (Thu) 19:59:12 No. 105655
At a glance I would say the mask is Polynesian they usually have the same long style and use this shape a lot in their culture as it performed multiple functions such as a shield, shovel and sleigh for sand. The turtle would also point to that, it doesn't look African to me but it could be from some other island culture. Saying that it also does look very modern made and I wouldn't be surprised if this was simply a mask made to look or emulate that kind of thing and is actually a fairly recent work. I'm no expert but I did do a rough study on masks in ethnic cultures and this definitley seems if not Polynesian some other Islander culture.
08/24/17 (Thu) 20:03:30 No. 105656
Probably, thanks.
08/24/17 (Thu) 20:37:37 No. 105660
08/24/17 (Thu) 20:43:06 No. 105661
I still have an intact penis therefor no magic powers, agree to let me curse you.
08/24/17 (Thu) 20:51:37 No. 105662
08/24/17 (Thu) 20:54:54 No. 105664
Is that a yes or no?
08/24/17 (Thu) 22:09:10 No. 105668
08/24/17 (Thu) 22:32:13 No. 105671
Magical Use of Thoughtforms discusses the use of online role-playing games to a similar end. Everyone is actively creating an astral world together in real time.
08/24/17 (Thu) 23:16:06 No. 105673
Anyone here practice JUST "Chi Absorption" for a long time? I was thinking how depleted I feel, from all the projecting I do (heavy yin and light yang both), internal alchemy and other such things, and decided that I just need a basic ABSORB mode. Drinking a shit ton of milk for muscle building the past couple weeks gave me more energy, and a dream about a bunch of novice wizards sacrificing a personality/behavioral trait for the sake of continued magic practice had me thinking that maybe depleting your reserves all the time is incredibly inferior.
08/24/17 (Thu) 23:20:52 No. 105674
Also why is everyone such a close-minded, "explain away", everything-is-an-attack-on-me, if-I-can't-be-right-in-this-conversation-about-something-I-have-no-idea-about-I-don't-want-to-have-it faggot? Maybe it's because of my image? If I cultivated a certain image, an appearance of wisdom, interest, and understanding, I think people would want to actually have a fucking conversation.
08/24/17 (Thu) 23:22:34 No. 105675
And why have I started to hear ice cracking in my chest?
08/24/17 (Thu) 23:24:07 No. 105676
Rhetorical question guys don't worry.
08/24/17 (Thu) 23:55:55 No. 105678
I just realized whoever set up the FAQ, library, etc., knew what he was doing. This site might actually be a bastion of esoteric knowledge in disguise, at least for what's available to the lower classes of society. I know, it sounds ridiculous.
08/24/17 (Thu) 23:58:19 No. 105679
08/25/17 (Fri) 00:11:20 No. 105680
What do you want to discuss?
08/25/17 (Fri) 00:15:23 No. 105681
>tfw I was right all along
>shitposters just jealous of Sm*leyberg's mad skill
>Other /fringe/bros finally realizing too
08/25/17 (Fri) 00:19:28 No. 105682
delete that you shithead.
08/25/17 (Fri) 00:38:30 No. 105683
08/25/17 (Fri) 00:39:01 No. 105684
Absorbing chi. If you can absorb 10x the normal amount of chi, you should be a super-man yes?
08/25/17 (Fri) 00:40:48 No. 105685
No because the aberage person does not have 1% of the chi level a normal person fid 6,000 years ago. And the average person back then couldn't fly or shit gold.
08/25/17 (Fri) 00:47:00 No. 105686
I doubt that's the accurate timeframe. 16,000 years ago seems more accurate. I bet we had great physical prowess though; just because humanity was uncreative back then doesn't mean they couldn't fly or shit gold. If they learned and knew about chi, they would try absorbing it until they had 10x as much as every one else, and then try to cast fireballs until they could just like Ogg the great fire god had done in the land of Bogg of the Gogg age.
What are you reading by the way that talks about this? Is it in the Occult Seed or Solomon's Temple library? I'd like to check it out.
08/25/17 (Fri) 00:48:54 No. 105688
Try authentic (older than 800BC) Indian texts.
08/25/17 (Fri) 01:24:01 No. 105689
Fellas, Floyd Mayweather VS Connor McGregor, saturday.
Will you be betting?
I think i might throw some cash on Connor, decided to recently.
I'll bet saturday morning, friday night I will be trying to meditate on who wins and specifics, want to try it with me?
Even if you're not betting cash, who do you think will win?
08/25/17 (Fri) 01:29:04 No. 105690
It's pretty great but some of the links still say "8chan" instead of "8ch."
08/25/17 (Fri) 01:30:43 No. 105691
08/25/17 (Fri) 01:33:36 No. 105692
Why? What'd I do?
08/25/17 (Fri) 01:34:17 No. 105693
McGregor is heavier, taller, and does MMA. If I were going to bet, I'd go with him.
08/25/17 (Fri) 01:35:25 No. 105694
rule 5, respect privacy.
08/25/17 (Fri) 01:37:49 No. 105696
Goddamn this place is a dictatorship
08/25/17 (Fri) 01:40:58 No. 105698
The real question is, why did Smiles give us so many pictures of his face if he doesn't want it shown?
08/25/17 (Fri) 01:41:16 No. 105699
damn straight, Floyd might have the reflexes, instinct and experience, he can dodge very well but Connors punches are lightning manifest, Connor is a modern day Bruce Lee with a desire to dominate, Connors mind and body is relaxed and in a state of flow I recognize and know, with a simple twist he can launch full power like Floyd can't and never has.
Floyd is alive and kicking because he can dodge while landing semi soft punches to tire his opponent out, he can take punches but hes not used to getting hit.
I expect a knockout by round 2 or 3.
08/25/17 (Fri) 01:45:41 No. 105700
In theory, yes, but its way more complex than that. For instance, if you instantly invoked 10x your normal qi, you'd probably have a serious jing I'm balance on your hands, one 3rd of the qi would convert to shen, then you got an even bigger jing I'm balance. Second thing is you'd have to know how to use it properly, John Chang has quite a bit, but do does an elephant, the difference being, John Chang can set shit on fire, an elephant can't.
If you figure out a way to do it though, let me know bb
08/25/17 (Fri) 01:47:29 No. 105701
I don't know but he's pretty hot for a mouth-breather. No homo
08/25/17 (Fri) 01:48:34 No. 105702
I could beat up Connor McGregor
08/25/17 (Fri) 02:12:51 No. 105704
Mayweather cause politics
08/25/17 (Fri) 02:22:08 No. 105705
honestly I only did it as a joke had I known it was going to be taken seriously I wouldn't have done it I'm sorry. The joke being I dont know this how this place works and I wouldn't spend 5 seconds getting to know the people who run it.
heh pretty good didn't realize my spite could live on in the internet. I didn't think words were that powerful. I was wrong
no it's not smiley for most part lets people do what they want you just cant be an edgy turd about it
08/25/17 (Fri) 02:41:10 No. 105710
You are undergoing psychosis. Seek help!
08/25/17 (Fri) 03:16:09 No. 105713
Gor what it's worth witch is nothing I yield you guys are master wizards you just act like neophytes to help everyone else. I'm just a salty bitch.
honestly never met the guy but I'm sure hes a master wizard in his own right.
Defiantly a master ruse man if nothing else.
Maybe I did know him I just didn't want to believe. dame shame I guess we had some good times at one point.
"psychosis a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality."
too a t m8 gonna see a therapist and see what…IF any thing can be done about it. anger and self loathing are hard too disengage. Doesn't give me or you the write too spew garbage at everyone else. If you have to come here to tell everyone else hoe mentally ill they are then your probably not normal yourself.
Maybe talk to Buddhist bro he can help if you let him.
08/25/17 (Fri) 03:46:40 No. 105718
>Defiantly a master ruse man if nothing else.
You sure are Sm*ley, you sure are
08/25/17 (Fri) 03:55:58 No. 105719
so this is ego death huh? feels weird not nearly as dramatic as I thought it was
08/25/17 (Fri) 03:57:06 No. 105720
Sure. I'm doing GOMAD and trying to add muscle until I hit 200 lbs lean (final goal is 300 lbs lean muscle at 5'10; 6'2 if I can add height magically; 8' 888 lbs final goal if that's possible) that should handle all my jing along with the extreme athleticism required to reach such a weight without being an ignorant power lifting body builder who can't fight can't run can't climb can't do shit.
Besides, reaching 10x qi takes time and conscious effort. It also requires learning how to move and use qi properly by practicing qi gong, studying, and meditating, just to know that you have 10x qi or not. Being a qi master is a goal of mine anyway.
So since you know a bit about it, you must have some online resources you can share?
08/25/17 (Fri) 04:07:31 No. 105721
>So since you know a bit about it, you must have some online resources you can share?
No, but I'm a relatively advanced hermetic chaos magician, and let me tell ya, extending your height, depending on how you do that magically, that's manipulating the astra-physical bodies, and usually that takes an ascended Kundalini, or atleast an assload of energy. Personally, I believe I could raise mine without dying now, but I haven't done it just yet cause if I do die then that's it, game over. You can ask Tipp about energywork and Kundalini, and I have some great caps here for shapeshifting, namely increasing height, but it all boils down to energy: belief; concentration; qi; and whatever else. Just remember, you are what you think, your body is an expression of your energy. As within, so without / What's inside corresponds with what's outside
08/25/17 (Fri) 04:12:28 No. 105722
Btw, how do I know when I'm ready to raise Kundalini, I know how to and I'm pretty healthy in all bodies, pretty potent in mind and magic, and just balanced my body both of most physical and mental inbalances. AuntWatermelon said that I'd be ready when I can breathe out both nostrils equally but I've got gay polyps in my nose and I can't really fix that until I get the doctor to go FUKSHITUP? Any (you)'s greatly appreciated
08/25/17 (Fri) 04:30:33 No. 105724
but if your healthy in all bodies wouldn't you already have Kundalini raised? I thought you couldn't activate your chakras with out it?
08/25/17 (Fri) 04:40:07 No. 105725
you wont die, that's just stuff to spook yah.
you should be fine, I don't think it matters if you cant breath out both nostrils just watch out for the visions. They can get freighting if you aren't ready.
08/25/17 (Fri) 04:41:30 No. 105726
Apparently not, my third eye is so open I can visualize shit in my physical vision at will, more like hallucinating really, I also get brief flashes of clairvoyance with auras n' shit. My root is so open I have insticts like Rambo's chimpanzee ancestors, I can go a whole day grinding no-mind (someday void too) and get through purely on instinct. To awaken the Kundalini you apparently just grind Tummo, but I'm a little hesitant since I might die, and I'm only 17 so that's a lot to gamble
08/25/17 (Fri) 04:48:25 No. 105728
>you wont die, that's just stuff to spook yah.
Thanks man, damn likes
>just watch out for the visions. They can get freighting if you aren't ready.
Oh trust me dude, I'm fuckin' fearless, I remember one time I went in to a haunted auditorium at my school, pitch-black dark, alone. I bet the ghost it couldn't scare me out of there in under 10 minutes, nigga I spent the whole class period in their chillin' with that fucker banging on doors and stomping on floors. They called him Tommy, I called him Ghostbro
>Tl;dr: "subtle" bragging
08/25/17 (Fri) 04:53:16 No. 105729
>(someday void too)
I believe in you man
>but I'm a little hesitant since I might die, and I'm only 17 so that's a lot to gamble
true better safe than sorry plus your still young no need to rush these things.
08/25/17 (Fri) 05:36:29 No. 105731
You're not fearless you're just a jackoff teenager. Give it a couple years, you'll look back and accept you were a fucking retard. We've all been there.
08/25/17 (Fri) 06:06:43 No. 105737
>You're not fearless
Maybe, I think it's impossible to be complete devoid of fear. the rest of that was just rude why are you still here?
08/25/17 (Fri) 06:36:31 No. 105740
>the rest of that was rude
No it's the truth. You people wouldn't be in such a bind if you had father figures you actually lisned. I know you're young and you want to think you're special and unique but seriously grow up. This board is full of children. I'm still here because it makes me sad that you kids may never grow up and end up like Smil*y, a 20 something manchild gripped by delusions and a coward afraid to live and afraid to die. Maybe it shouldn't matter to me, but I wish you idiots would listen for once in your lives. Grow up.
08/25/17 (Fri) 06:45:02 No. 105744
>Maybe it shouldn't matter to me
it shouldn't just leave man your not gonna convince anyone by insulting them.
08/25/17 (Fri) 06:50:04 No. 105745
08/25/17 (Fri) 06:51:55 No. 105746
08/25/17 (Fri) 06:58:19 No. 105747
Is this the place where sigilcasting neophyte teens come to larp as magicians?
08/25/17 (Fri) 07:14:36 No. 105748
08/25/17 (Fri) 07:40:34 No. 105752
We are more powerful then you could never imagine old man
08/25/17 (Fri) 09:32:54 No. 105755
Surround yourself by other people and expose yourself to their opinions.
Don't stop until your problem is solved.
08/25/17 (Fri) 09:37:51 No. 105756
Shit, I forgot the most important part:
Accept those opinions unconditionally and understand them to the point you could argue them as if they were your own.
08/25/17 (Fri) 12:49:17 No. 105760
>You're not fearless you're just a jackoff teenager. Give it a couple years, you'll look back and accept you were a fucking retard. We've all been there.
>You're "fearlessness" is a result of low teenage intelligence and long-term thinking
What's really funny is I guarantee I'm smarter than you
08/25/17 (Fri) 12:52:14 No. 105761
Thanks man, I don't do it often cause I like to ponder things, but SOMEDAYIMAY
08/25/17 (Fri) 12:58:25 No. 105762
08/25/17 (Fri) 13:05:22 No. 105763
Neophytes wouldn't be so bad if they weren't always cancer.
>how do I summn suckubus
>how do I maek her (attention-whore) like me
>how do I git rich
>can magic change things in the reel wurld
>how do i get adept level siddhi in 5 seconds
And the worst I've ever seen…
>Is Trump a magus
08/25/17 (Fri) 13:07:27 No. 105765
08/25/17 (Fri) 13:07:57 No. 105766
Don't forget the most annoying of all
>i swear guise all these neophytes are dumb lol amirite
08/25/17 (Fri) 13:10:46 No. 105768
Pls let go off my fagflag.
08/25/17 (Fri) 13:11:54 No. 105769
Hello me would you like sum weed 'n truth bombs?
08/25/17 (Fri) 13:13:00 No. 105770
Hello me would you like some weed 'n truth bombs?
08/25/17 (Fri) 13:31:10 No. 105773
Haven't smoked in 2 months, I have learned everything I can from it, from energywork to deeper thought and channeling spirit for knowledge.
I don't do any other drugs, see for coffee and the occasional after sex/bloody steak ciggarette.
Alcohol is for those with a weak sense of self who needs their manipura loosened to feel confident or to repress their issues of the self, when was the last time you had a beer?
You mentioned you drink on the casual right?
Fucking pleb.
08/25/17 (Fri) 13:34:49 No. 105774
>trump isn't a magus
08/25/17 (Fri) 13:56:37 No. 105776
>Trump kisses the Jew wall
Trump literally states he is against white supremacists
>Trump hasn't built the wall
>Trump agrees with Obama"care"
88D chess right fellas,
08/25/17 (Fri) 14:32:20 No. 105777
if anyone thinks the system is going to give you the tools to defeat it, they're fooling themselves
08/25/17 (Fri) 14:44:16 No. 105778
I'm mocking /pol/, surely you see the sarcasm?
08/25/17 (Fri) 14:53:59 No. 105780
I wasn't talking about you specifically. I was just giving my opinion.
Check those mad digits though.
08/25/17 (Fri) 14:57:53 No. 105781
Yeah, I guess I jumped the gun
check'd dubs of holyness
08/25/17 (Fri) 16:20:59 No. 105793
Piss off and get your own flag fag.
08/25/17 (Fri) 16:38:09 No. 105794
08/25/17 (Fri) 16:46:31 No. 105795
08/25/17 (Fri) 17:01:16 No. 105798
08/25/17 (Fri) 17:01:44 No. 105799
Fucking samefag
08/25/17 (Fri) 17:18:25 No. 105800
08/25/17 (Fri) 17:36:10 No. 105803
Apparently not, my third eye is so open I can visualize shit in my physical vision at will, more like hallucinating really, I also get brief flashes of clairvoyance with auras n' shit. My root is so open I have insticts like Rambo's chimpanzee ancestors, I can go a whole day grinding no-mind (someday void too) and get through purely on instinct. To awaken the Kundalini you apparently just grind Tummo, but I'm a little hesitant since I might die, and I'm only 17 so that's a lot to gamble
Holy fuck this was the most schizophrenic thing I have ever read.
08/25/17 (Fri) 17:46:13 No. 105806
Oh that's nothing.
08/25/17 (Fri) 17:52:44 No. 105807
This boarf is underage cancer and mentalli ill people.
t. Truth
08/25/17 (Fri) 18:05:32 No. 105810
this boarf is the truf
08/25/17 (Fri) 18:25:48 No. 105812
>I'm 17 but really mature for my age and smarter than all of you, my kundalini is le rising soon, shit will be so fuckin cash
08/25/17 (Fri) 18:59:44 No. 105814
thanks senpai
if you have anything to add im all ears
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:17:19 No. 105817
Are you the Fecalmancer that used to post some months ago?
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:21:44 No. 105818
why do you want to be hated?
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:29:22 No. 105820
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:30:22 No. 105821
is it because you get so little emotional attention that you cling to anything?
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:31:04 No. 105822
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:32:11 No. 105823
if i were you i would kill myself.
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:32:40 No. 105824
since you're obviously to dumb to change, why not just end it?
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:34:27 No. 105825
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:39:00 No. 105829
just do it. nobody will miss you. quite the opposite, people would be happy without you. you might be happy in what comes after.
make everyone and yourself a favor and just close your eyes.
you're obviously not happy, why force the result of your shitty life and attitude onto others when you can reach a semblence of peace so easily?
just do it. go dream.
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:40:25 No. 105830
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:42:02 No. 105831
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:45:51 No. 105832
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:47:45 No. 105833
Oh boy, this board hasn't been this lively in quite a while!
I'm intrigued. What kind of person would waste their time raiding /fringe/?
Perhaps someone's angry ex-gf? That sounds about right…
Cheer up, girl! Tell us what the problem is and maybe we can help.
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:47:57 No. 105834
you are in pain, don't you want the pain to go away? i know your feelings, it hurts even trying to pass off your heavy heart onto others. its not worth it. take the easy way out. you will be cradled with love as a parent holds a stillborn, if only you let go.
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:52:01 No. 105835
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:53:03 No. 105836
"I want it to end."
say it. you are already feeling it.
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:53:30 No. 105837
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:53:51 No. 105838
I know none of the Principia's "rules" have to be followed at all, but
>missing the spirit of Discordianism by this much
You guys are faggots.
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:54:06 No. 105839
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:55:12 No. 105840
08/25/17 (Fri) 19:58:24 No. 105843
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:00:13 No. 105844
fuck the both of you.
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:02:00 No. 105845
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:06:55 No. 105846
enjoy your suicide.
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:08:48 No. 105848
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:09:28 No. 105849
Just end it, kill yourself. It's over now.
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:09:52 No. 105850
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:10:16 No. 105851
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:10:28 No. 105852
>Holy fuck this was the most schizophrenic thing I have ever read.
Nah bro, you just can't handle my level of enlightenment faggot
>>I'm 17 but really mature for my age and smarter than all of you, my kundalini is le rising soon, shit will be so fuckin cash
Jelly faggot? Your glitz are showing
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:10:39 No. 105853
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:11:10 No. 105854
Enjoy your suicide
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:13:14 No. 105856
I am an enlightened level 99 Wizard with fully activated chakras and a compleat kundali. AMA
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:13:34 No. 105857
Enjoy your no-loosh faggot.
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:14:03 No. 105858
I will enjoy suicide, I hate my life.
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:15:52 No. 105859
I am a cretin. Nobody loves me.
I want to die.
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:18:17 No. 105860
I pretend yo be an enlightened wizard but really I'm just a man in hus 20's posturing to mentally unstable teenage boys trying to gain what self esteem i can from these pathetic larp sessions. My family thinks I'm a loser and I don't have any real friends just people who take advantage of me. I post daily on /fringe/ because it helps mask my crippling depression. I want to dieeeee
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:20:40 No. 105862
You're projecting, mundanes are in hell, greenpilled are (usually) in heaven. It's quite obvious
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:23:00 No. 105863
>a man in hus 20's
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:26:00 No. 105864
I'm a 17 year old with an unfulfilled life and emotional issues caused by poor parenting. I don't have many people to talk to so I use /fringe/ rightfafter school ends and sometimes during school. I've convinced myself I'm enlightened and have magical prowess which I lack in actuality because it makes me feel special. I want to feel special because I'm not particularly skilled at anything. Not for a lack of ability but for a lack of ever giving anything my all, of ever expending real effort. I just want someone to notice me. Love me! Need me! Help me! I'm so alone…
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:29:12 No. 105865
if you wanna play this game you need to post things that hurt, ie, truth.
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:30:56 No. 105866
Enjoy your suicide
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:34:07 No. 105867
I will take solace in death, the only peace I'm qualified enough to find.
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:37:05 No. 105868
Ffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk you
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:38:56 No. 105869
I am in constant pain and I'm to stupid to resolve my issues.
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:42:50 No. 105871
I just killed myself because of this post are you happy
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:45:08 No. 105872
I want to die but I'm to much of a coward to actually do it.
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:45:40 No. 105873
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:48:04 No. 105875
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:48:06 No. 105876
I want the easy way out but before that I want assurance that there is an afterlife because I am a coward.
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:50:17 No. 105878
loosh harvesting leeches the lot of em
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:50:34 No. 105879
There is no afterlife cuck
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:51:33 No. 105880
I literally know nothing and in my ignorance I can't even find bliss.
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:51:50 No. 105881
There are ways of touching the afterlife.
Do not take your life though. Many consider suicide to be a great shame.
I would not take your own life but rather deliver it into the hands of God or fate. If you cannot deliver yourself into the hands of fate or God, then call it "delivering yourself into the hands of chance".
The world and our existence is very vast, and many things are hidden.
Usually we are living inside a "conceptual box" until we step outside of that box.
Godspeed to you anon.
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:52:51 No. 105882
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:53:23 No. 105884
I don't even know what game we're playing.
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:53:41 No. 105885
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:56:27 No. 105887
The dotr will hurt more schlomo
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:56:45 No. 105888
I made you do this
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:57:01 No. 105889
This conversation has made me reflect upon death. I want to die.
08/25/17 (Fri) 20:57:13 No. 105890
To me it is just fun trolling.
I'm not even doing anything, it is all the supernatural and God stuff going on.
Hmm, perhaps it is just riding the currents of eternity.
I say blessed is the person who has willpower to control their life and discern right from wrong.
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:00:43 No. 105891
I have given up. I am weak. I have lost.
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:05:57 No. 105893
23 ¶ And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that yee see.
24 For I tell you, that many Prophets, and kings have desired to see those things which yee see, and have not seene them: & to heare those things which yee heare, and have not heard them.
25 ¶ And behold, a certaine Lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I doe to inherite eternall life? He said unto him,
26 What is written in the law? how readest thou?
27 And he answering, said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soule, and with all thy strength, and with all thy minde, and thy neighbour as thy selfe.
28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.
29 But he willing to justifie himselfe, said unto Iesus, And who is my neighbour?
30 And Jesus answering, said, A certaine man went downe from Hierusalem to Jericho, and fel among theeves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him halfe dead.
31 And by chaunce there came downe a certaine Priest that way, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
32 And likewise a Levite, when hee was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.
33 But a certaine Samaritane as he journeyed, came where he was; and when hee saw him, hee had compassion on him,
34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, powring in oile and wine, and set him on his owne beast, and brought him to an Inne, and tooke care of him.
35 And on the morrow when he departed, hee tooke out two pence, and gave them to the hoste, and saide unto him, Take care of him, and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come againe I will repay thee.
36 Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the theeves?
37 And he said, He that shewed mercie on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Goe, and doe thou likewise.
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:07:48 No. 105894
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:15:50 No. 105895
I cling to my hate because I'm to scared to allow myself feel anything else.
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:19:42 No. 105898
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>105860
>a man in hus 20's
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:21:28 No. 105899
Codemonkey initiate flagbro, you still up for making Fringechan 2?
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:21:38 No. 105900
Enjoy your suicide
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:23:57 No. 105902
I identify with selfimagined cult of vindictiveness because it gives me a sense of self, allowing me to repress my true self which I fear and hate because to become it I would have to stop holding back the tears.
I am in terror of what I would come to understand about myself if I were to cry.
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:24:58 No. 105904
no, i got people trying to set me up n' shite
i gotta lay low right now
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:28:35 No. 105905
Enjoy your suicide
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:29:27 No. 105908
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:29:37 No. 105909
You are undergoing psychosis. Seek professional mental help.
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:30:26 No. 105911
Nice. Enjoy your grave.
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:31:34 No. 105912
I will never change. I rot from the inside out while still alive.
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:31:48 No. 105914
Yeah, but that's not me you quoted.
We're planning stuff. We'll see.
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:32:28 No. 105915
“Death is swallowed up in victory.”
55“O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?”
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:34:50 No. 105917
I know you won't. Just end your life you worthless bastard.
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:37:13 No. 105918
alright pulling out
see y'all space cowboys
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:39:42 No. 105919
Kill the goyim. They must all die.
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:52:22 No. 105921
08/25/17 (Fri) 21:56:35 No. 105922
08/25/17 (Fri) 22:06:10 No. 105923
I'm so butthurt I can't even fling shit back but it might also be because I'm stupid and smallminded which is the root of all my issues.
08/25/17 (Fri) 22:10:14 No. 105925
I am absolutely rekt and I know this.
08/25/17 (Fri) 22:15:38 No. 105928
I keep replying because I know hes right.
08/25/17 (Fri) 22:16:33 No. 105929
08/25/17 (Fri) 22:17:34 No. 105930
08/25/17 (Fri) 22:20:02 No. 105931
Enjoy your suicide
08/25/17 (Fri) 22:21:34 No. 105932
This shit will probably bring some decent people into this board once the dust settles.
How does one enjoy suicide? Please elaborate.
08/25/17 (Fri) 22:23:55 No. 105933
This is normally how these threads go. Enjoy the meat when you can get a bite.
08/25/17 (Fri) 22:24:46 No. 105934
time is the enemy
not people
nuke time at the source
we have to end it where it all began
we're gonna big bang the big bang
if we stop time we stop war
nuke the big bang
08/25/17 (Fri) 22:26:25 No. 105935
I gotta go now, but please respond. I will be monitoring your posts.
08/25/17 (Fri) 23:00:59 No. 105936
You quoting the bible or the Nag Hammadi library?
08/25/17 (Fri) 23:12:16 No. 105938
My ass hurts so bad after getting fucked sideways this hard.
08/25/17 (Fri) 23:55:07 No. 105941
08/25/17 (Fri) 23:57:31 No. 105942
Are we really doing this again fag?
08/26/17 (Sat) 00:05:15 No. 105943
08/26/17 (Sat) 00:09:45 No. 105947
08/26/17 (Sat) 00:15:58 No. 105949
You have the power to make it stop.
08/26/17 (Sat) 00:21:57 No. 105950
I don't like how I was treated tonight, it made me sad because I'm a bullshit occultist and can't control my ego, maybe I should consider not putting others through the same ordeal without first having an actual reason for doing so.
08/26/17 (Sat) 00:35:55 No. 105951
Enjoy your suicide
08/26/17 (Sat) 00:43:09 No. 105953
Its clear to me I was treated this way because one is greeted as one greets others.
Hes had his fun and I'm clearly not worth his time, being to thick to understand what he was trying to teach me, the only way I could possibly learn, which is probably why he walked away as the better man while the whole community is laughing at me.
Maybe I really should kill myself.
08/26/17 (Sat) 00:44:56 No. 105954
Being the autist of a wizard board, I sure have hit new lows,
08/26/17 (Sat) 00:45:30 No. 105955
08/26/17 (Sat) 00:56:16 No. 105958
Enjoy your suicide
08/26/17 (Sat) 01:09:25 No. 105960
Let they with ears to hear hear this message:
Thus saith the LORD of the Sabbath. The faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
He hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."
Those who desire God, love, and power. Take freely from that which is freely given. The Almighty power of the LIving God. Take freely of the waters of life. Know the paths of power and the paths of the living God.
Behold, that which was written unto us unto all spirits alike.
Regarding the paths of the living God, whose throne is in Heaven and whose power comes from Heaven. It is written unto us:
" I tell you, that many Prophets, and kings have desired to see those things which yee see, and have not seene them: & to heare those things which yee heare, and have not heard them."
08/26/17 (Sat) 01:13:10 No. 105961
Once upon a time in the land of Judea it was written unto mankind:
"1 After these things, the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face, into every citie and place, whither hee himselfe would come.
2 Therefore said hee unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send foorth labourers into his harvest.
3 Go your wayes: Behold, I send you forth as lambes among wolves.
4 Cary neither purse nor scrip, nor shoes, and salute no man by the way.
5 And into whatsoever house yee enter, first say, Peace bee to this house.
6 And if the sonne of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it: if not, it shall turne to you againe.
7 And in the same house remaine, eating and drinking such things as they give: For the labourer is worthy of his hire. Goe not from house to house.
8 And into whatsoever citie yee enter, and they receive you, eate such things as are set before you:
9 And heale the sicke that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdome of God is come nigh unto you.
10 But into whatsoever citie yee enter, and they receive you not, goe your waies out into the streetes of the same, and say,
11 Even the very dust of your citie which cleaveth on us, we doe wipe off against you: notwithstanding, be yee sure of this, that the kingdome of God is come nigh unto you.
12 But I say unto you, That it shall be more tolerable in that day for Sodome, then for that citie.
13 Woe unto thee Chorazin, wo unto thee Bethsaida: For if the mighty workes had beene done in Tyre and Sidon, which have beene done in you, they had a great while agoe repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.
14 But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment, then for you.
15 And thou Capernaum, which art exalted to heaven, shalt be thrust downe to hell.
16 Hee that heareth you, heareth me: and he that despiseth you, despiseth me: and he that despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me."
08/26/17 (Sat) 01:16:47 No. 105962
¶ And the seventy returned againe with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.
18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemie: and nothing shall by any meanes hurt you.
20 Notwithstanding in this rejoyce not, that the spirits are subiect unto you: but rather rejoyce, because your names are written in heaven.
21 ¶ In that houre Jesus rejoyced in spirit, and said, I thanke thee, O father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so father, for so it seemed good in thy sight.
22 All things are delivered to me of my father: and no man knoweth who the sonne is, but the father: and who the father is, but the sonne, and he to whom the sonne will reveale him.
08/26/17 (Sat) 01:18:34 No. 105963
08/26/17 (Sat) 01:29:32 No. 105964
Someone post some other creeds. Where's the Book of Set? Old One's Testament? Son of Odin?
08/26/17 (Sat) 01:42:41 No. 105967
08/26/17 (Sat) 01:46:37 No. 105968
08/26/17 (Sat) 02:16:26 No. 105969
Enjoy your suicide
08/26/17 (Sat) 03:22:01 No. 105972
skype: rainmayyetcome
Please do not contact me unless you need assistance, for which I am always free and open to help. Please do not contact me as part of your profiling system.
Peace be with you.
08/26/17 (Sat) 03:58:33 No. 105973
The reason for this is that i don't want to be communicated with 'covertly' and harassed by 'covert harassment' and gangstalking and the like.
That is why I must be so impersonal.
So I refer to these sorts of games as a 'profiling system' which I would seek to avoid. In real life friendships and communication is all a good auld time to me. However not the 'covert harassment' and 'profiling'.
May God's will be done. In the name of Jesus Christ.
08/26/17 (Sat) 04:05:13 No. 105974
It is not that I think negatively of you kind folks, nor that I am averse to fun, but rather because I'd rather opt out of all gangstalking systems such as organized harassment and electronic harassment where I am targeted and profiled whatwith the various intelligence agencies and mafias running amuck.
08/26/17 (Sat) 04:19:33 No. 105975
You are having a psychotic breakdown. Seek immediate mental help.
08/26/17 (Sat) 04:32:09 No. 105976
Please help.
I've lost my way recently due to being inundated with conflicting information from all different sides and traditions.
Between: Uncle Bearheart's curriculum, Initiation into Hermetics, B.O.T.A., William Walker Atkinson (Kybalion, etc), Neville Goddard, etc etc.
I have no fucking idea where I'm supposed to be right now.
I could really use some direction on a stable initiatory path that WORKS.
I would greatly, immensely appreciate some help here. I really need to get back on the right path.
08/26/17 (Sat) 04:52:40 No. 105977
5 element theory. Martial arts as well as medicinal as well as secret tao/dao 5 elemental techniques.
08/26/17 (Sat) 04:55:14 No. 105978
Question for you guys, I'm sure everyone has an idea of what each emotion feels like, but what if you've associated an emotion with the wrong thing? This probably only applies to people who were mentally scarred as children, but I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on it.
08/26/17 (Sat) 04:58:03 No. 105979
I hope the OP and board owner will forgive any of my sh*tposting on this thread and misuse of the board. It is not my intention to kill /fringe/ with rubbish>>105976
08/26/17 (Sat) 04:59:15 No. 105980
There are plenty that work.
BUT Bearheat, WWA, B.O.T.A. , Goddard, are all bullshit occultism. IIH is okay but some eastern traditions may be better for some people. Key To The True Kabbalah is the best resource to get acquainted with actual legitimate magic, but it is not something simple to understand and very difficult to achieve.
08/26/17 (Sat) 05:00:08 No. 105981
Sorry. That was an incorrect post in itself. I was not intending to respond to that specific anon's post with that comment.
08/26/17 (Sat) 05:06:49 No. 105982
7 ¶ Aske, and it shalbe given you: seeke, and ye shall finde: knocke, and it shalbe opened onto you.
8 For every one that asketh, receiveth: and he that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shalbe opened.
9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his sonne aske bread, will hee give him a stone?
10 Or if he aske a fish, will hee give him a serpent?
11 If ye then being evill, know how to give good giftes onto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven, give good things to them that aske him?
12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should doe to you, doe ye even so to them: for this is the Law and the Prophets.
13 ¶ Enter ye in at the strait gate, for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which goe in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth onto life, and few there be that finde it.
15 ¶ Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheepes clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Yee shall knowe them by their fruits: Doe men gather grapes of thornes, or figges of thistles?
17 Even so, every good tree bringeth forth good fruit: but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evill fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewen downe, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
08/26/17 (Sat) 05:13:32 No. 105983
Learn about emotion associations of others then practice emotional alchemy until youre familiar with all the basics and intermediate levels of emotional understanding. 5 element theory has emotions associated with elements, and are alchemical in nature, so learning that could prove useful.
It's fine. You're not going to be the feather that broke the donkey's back.
08/26/17 (Sat) 05:19:42 No. 105984
14 ¶ And when he came to his disciples, he saw a great multitude about them, and the Scribes questioning with them.
15 And straightway all the people, when they beheld him, were greatly amazed, & running to him, saluted him.
16 And he asked the Scribes, What question ye with them?
17 And one of the multitude answered, and said, Master, I have broughe onto thee my son, which hath a dumbe spirit:
18 And wheresoever he taketh him, he teareth him, & he fometh, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away: and I spake to thy disciples, that they should cast him out, and they could not.
19 He answereth him, and saith, O faithlesse generation, how long shall I be with you, how long shall I suffer you? Bring him onto me.
20 And they brought him onto him: and when he saw him, straightway the spirit tare him, and he fel on the ground, and wallowed, fuming.
21 And he asked his father, Howe long is it agoe since this came onto him? And he said, Of a child.
22 And oft times it hath cast him into the fire, and into the waters to destroy him: but if thou canst doe any thing, have compassion on us, and helpe us.
23 Jesus said onto him, If thou canst beleeve, all things are possible to him that beleeveth.
24 And straightway the father of the child cried out and said with teares, Lord, I beleeve, helpe thou mine unbeliefe
25 When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foule spirit, saying onto him, Thou dumbe and deafe spirit, I charge thee come out of him, and enter no more into him.
26 And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him, and he was as one dead, insomuch that many said, He is dead.
27 But Jesus tooke him by the hand, and lifted him up, and he arose.
28 And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could not we cast him out?
29 And hee said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer, and fasting.
08/26/17 (Sat) 05:28:45 No. 105985
12 There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save, and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?
13 Goe to now ye that say, To day or to morrow wee will goe into such a city and continue there a yere, and buy, and sell, and get gaine:
14 Whereas yee know not what shalbe on the morow: for what is your life? It is even a vapour that appeareth for a litle time, and then vanisheth away.
15 For that yee ought to say, if the Lord will, we shall live, and doe this, or that.
16 But now yee rejoyce in your boastings: all such rejoycing is evill.
17 Therefore to him that knoweth to doe good, and doth it not, to him it is sinne.
08/26/17 (Sat) 08:34:34 No. 105990
Most paths work because they are based on the same principles. Don't sweat it. You are distro hopping, which can make you feel empty (true with actual distro hopping as well).
Perhaps this is a sign that it's time for you to distill these basic principles for a greater understanding.
Review the hermetic principles and try to identity them in all those systems you mention. Also note how the basic system for manifestation is always the same: the trinity of conscious, subconscious and collective unconscious, or middle, lower and higher self/divinity.
Observe the interaction between these when manifesting changes and when obtaining information in different systems.
08/26/17 (Sat) 08:48:30 No. 105991
The way I see it, emotion in magic is like the energy that fuels thought forms. From a different perspective, it's the intensity of the emotion which determines how strongly your instructions are impressed upon the subconscious and, if it is free of contradiction from guilt, conflicting beliefs, etc., it passes the message on to your higher self, god, the universe, etc. Depending on your model.
So emotions are not associated with only one thing, but one thing is always associated with essentially one emotion.
In the case you mention, I going to assume you mean something evokes the wrong emotion (a very religious girl that cries ashamed every time she feels sexual pleasure, or presses her lips in order to repress feeling any kind of pleasure or satisfaction because she has very strongly impressed upon her that satisfaction = guilt).
If you wanted to correct it, I'd say you need to first do shadow work to make sure your subconscious is able to accept the new association, and then artificially pair the desired emotion for your sensation or thought of choice until it sticks.
This is the same principle used for fueling a thought form by the way, or having prayer answered for that matter.
08/26/17 (Sat) 09:20:18 No. 105992
Could you perhaps elaborate on that a bit more, please? You're suggesting martial arts, I'm assuming, but what sort?
Medicinal? As in energy work, like reiki?
And when you refer to tao elemental techniques, are you referring to fire, earth, metal, water and wood? Which sort of techniques?
Sorry for all the questions.
I have a passion for Kabbalah/Qabalah, but I have been purely theoretical about it til now. I would like to start tapping into practical application of the system. I was unaware KTK was useful without having accomplished at least several stages of IIH.
Any particular eastern systems? Like Raja Yoga, or Kashmir Shaivism? I've had a growing interest in the vedic system (Gita, Upanishads, etc)
I have noticed certain similarities for a while, but am not sure how to compile them into a comprehensive system. Such as manifestation via the astral (planting a seed in the sky, as I've heard it phrased)
Thank you all for your insights. I'm starting to get an image of what I want (albeit a blurry one at the moment…)
08/26/17 (Sat) 09:56:06 No. 105993
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>105992
Distro hopping is like sleeping around, it will leave you feeling empty in the end.
08/26/17 (Sat) 10:17:24 No. 105995
>Distro hopping
Okay, got it. I've just been worried if what I've chosen is not going to be the optimal choice. As if my efforts will be in vain. Mislead, I guess.
That video is enlightening. Thank you for that.
So I guess I'll stick with IIH, Qabalah (KTK), and maybe add in some vedic stuff unless that becomes incompatible with what I'm doing, or overwhelming.
08/26/17 (Sat) 10:37:11 No. 105998
Keep in mind it's all models. They are all maps, but none of them are the territory itself.
The territory is the only thing that's real, so you can't miss it completely by using the wrong map.
On the other hand, if you start to see where different models agree, you will start to see the territory reflecting in each of them in different ways, hued by the culture and traditions that gave rise to them.
Don't stress over getting it 100% right. Just stick to a tool and do your thing until you grow to the point where the tool is limiting you (or you can't make sense of it I guess). Sometimes I find myself in kind of the same place as you are to be honest, but answers come out eventually on how to proceed.
08/26/17 (Sat) 11:53:09 No. 105999
File: ab28dae0b1a12bb⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 77.3 KB, 554x584, 277:292, ab28dae0b1a12bb64680d1e5f1….gif )
>just do it. nobody will miss you.
I would
bb you know I love you and everything you stand for
isolation and denial don't go well
sorry gary once I remember to have fun we can leave. Sincerely your hat
08/26/17 (Sat) 12:05:17 No. 106000
I've never had this many You's ;__;
08/26/17 (Sat) 12:10:44 No. 106001
Why are you pretending to be such dick at each other, when in reality we should be having an orgy?
08/26/17 (Sat) 12:14:09 No. 106002
We are having an orgy, didn't you see how hard I got fucked? My ass is still bleeding so bad I can't use it to shit on my keyboard without the answers smelling of iron and tears.
08/26/17 (Sat) 13:15:10 No. 106005
sorry about that one kiddo