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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1441586987919.png (121.73 KB, 320x395, 64:79, 1436623261540.png)


Have any of u guys got really paranoid when researching the new world order, jade helm, september 23, asteroids, marshall law and such? How did u guys handle it? Im not doing so well… I know i should just stop reading alll that shit and i have for the most part but sometimes i think about it and its overwhelming… Wat do?


I was too excited about it and always looked up the next doomsday prophecy. 2012 cured this obsession. I just don't care anymore.



<<53040i know some of tgat has at least some merit but im nore talking about the 2030 agendahttps://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/post2015/transformingourworld. The pope, Obama, putin, and the leader of china r meeting in New york like between the 21 & 25 i dont remember and the pope is making a speech shortly after about like how christians need to abide by this agenda. Do the research.. But alot of this seems like establishing the nwo what better way than to say its for the good of mankind?


<<<53037 but what if 2012 was just a big dis info campaign to distract from this event??? I used to have ur opinion but not anymore… I dont think this is the end of the world. More like mass genocide. Im concerned because i live in texas where all this shit is supposed to go down


File: 1441597897623.jpg (Spoiler Image, 63.22 KB, 640x640, 1:1, mlfw200_medium.jpg)

Here we go again.

just fap,read some book,go outside, and change your lifestyle a little bit.


File: 1441618240263.webm (1.42 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 3rd ROCK FROM THE SUN 199….webm)

I could have swore I uploaded these earlier….

Were they deleted perhaps?


File: 1441618371863.webm (6.62 MB, 640x360, 16:9, BACARDI Triangle.webm)


File: 1441618501590.webm (5.03 MB, 494x360, 247:180, Flash is Dead!!.webm)


File: 1441618610161.webm (6.26 MB, 638x360, 319:180, II BROS.webm)


I guess I was just imagining it. Maybe I uploaded them in a dream. Oh well.

(last one)




Paranoia isn't the best way to go insane, because you'll probably get stuck into a specific reality and unable to get back.

Read the "Illuminatus!" trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson. It is correctly said when you read it, they come for you. You will laugh at the conspiracy idiocy and also if you survive you will become one of us.



Please go away.

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