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If i work with an random entity for example Cthulhu, does Cthulhu actually exist as a thoughtform or did i just use him as a clutch to make my mind believe i am doing magick?


Is NLP worth look into? Can you recommend any good books on the subject?


What is a banishing ritual and how is it done? Also what are some ways to increase awareness and mental clarity?


Oh boy okay, new friends.


First you.

Lovecraftian beings already actually exist. Transplutonian monsters, they are probably some of the most horrid creatures in existence. You don't even want to know. However the character cthulhu of the cthulhu mythos does probably have an egregore because it is known. Don't know what you would get from working with it though, but it will basically be the egregore of the fictional being.


I'd be careful with the banishing ritual, the jew version links you to a vampiric archon that will drain you of your energy and give it to the illuminados. The LBRP shows the entire astral your position and level of awareness, think twice before using it. If you are going to use it, use bearhearts version. As for awareness, most of the practices here help raise that. Just look around.


New thread :DDD





looshhhurt /pol/cuck



So beings like the ones described in Cthulhu mythos existed before us, unlike the thoughtforms/egregores of the fictional creatures in Lovecraft that occured when people started making all those imaginations of deep sea monsters.

How do i explore these things? Not like go on the internet and search, i would rather like to see for my self if they do exist in the galaxy, as well as other things. I don't think astral projection will work.



No you do not want to meet one I assure you. They are more horrible then demons and reptilians. You can't look at them directly without going insane, you have to look at them peace by peace. There are ways to summon them but you have to do grotesque and depraved rituals. They are from the deepest darkest depts of realms. They are killable just like any other beings though so I have heard. They are completely alien beings and are really hard for the human mind to comprehend and put together. They don't follow the universal law of our particular system, so they are not to be trusted either. Trust me you don't want anything to do with these beings.


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How do I make someone over the internet completely obsessed and in love with me?

please help fringe



Not necessarily with *those* beings. Just tell me where to start.



Well technically yeah, you can see them in the astral. You'll probably have nightmares for months or worse go insane. You can see any beings in the astral technically. As for more detailed information on them honestly I couldn't tell you. Just the knowledge of their existence is high level occult information, most people aren't even aware they exist. I know that people have made grimores with information on how to summon them. Your best bet is gathering information in your dream scape or the astral realm or simply asking around places like here.


Dude there are like fucking tons of methods for that simple mundane shit. You can use autosuggestion and magick to make yourself attractive to women, you can woe her psychically, you can use a black ritual or spell or even just solidify your intent with some basic magick, you can AP to her house and load up her dreams with her having sex with you, all kinds of shit. Just google it man seriously there already is a thread on picking up women here. Just let me give you a fair warning, all of this shit is greatly violating both her and your own free will. You will generate a shit ton of bad karma for doing this stuff, and I guarantee the likeliness of your relationship with her ending horribly.



Cast a spell on them. Using the herbs of venus. If you can't single out someone by username though then its pointless. Your sensitivity to the ether would in then be too weak. Don't use demons or spirits though. Just give up.


Is a Christian idea of heaven impossible? For there to be no evil, there has to be a lack of freewill right? Does the demiurge just recycle christian as they die until they wake up and ascend?



lol negro, you need to do more research. The demiurge does not control life or death, it does not function in the afterlife. It controls physicality. The christian ideas are all fucking nonsense that was made for the sake of corruption and control. The real teachings of christ horribly altered. 5th density would be considered 'heaven' it is probably an amazing place. However stay there is only temporary as you will eventually reincarnate. However if you ascend passed 4th in your evolution. Then you can stay as long as your freewill dictates I imagine.




you both have no idea what you're talking about



You were born with one testicle.



No I wasn't.



Where's a good place to learn about the demiurge and his limitations? From what I understand he's malevolent and this is his world.


Then please shed light on it for me.



No. I have just enough energy to say what I did. Was it worthless to you? Only if you're dumb.


Amateur question, but I just can't figure it out. Is there any way to force lucid dreaming? I've been keeping a dream journal for a year, sleeping on my back, and sleeping in segments. I'm not too far away from setting something to schedule me every 10 minutes to reality check. The journal is to pick up on patterns, but in over a year I haven't found any.

I know it also gets easier as I go along the path, but that may take a while and I'd like to get a good amount of lucid dreaming in before I start astral projecting.



The demiurge is nothing but a program that takes every desire, every thought, we have and weaves it into reality. It is blind, passive, and feeds on corruption just as it does its opposite. It's only fault is that it has not the intelligence to filter out the bad. It must act on every evil thought fed into it. We've filled it up with mental pollution and it has woven a world of suffering and delusions out of it all. If you know what you are doing, you can use the demiurge for positive ends.

See the montalk.net definition of the demiurge.

Now you might ask, if the demiurge manifests every single thought given it, why aren't we living in a clusterfuck of random thoughts more resembling a mad dream? Well we are. It's just the intensity of each thought fed into it is not the same, many ripples in a pond, only a few big splashes. All thoughtforms are charged by desire and all manifest things have at their root desire/emotion. Spirit is the wild card here because it can choose to focus on any desire and in so doing it intensify it simply by "entertaining the thought". Desires have a way of feeding on themselves, if you keep up long enough, it gains a lot of momentum and becomes a real force of nature. Spirit is Awareness + Will, the will can move one's awareness to a new desire, and start feeding it in this way. Raw unfocused emotions manifest themselves in unpredictable ways, feeding into all manner of thoughcurrents, and manifesting in so many different ways. There isn't a single desire which does not bear its fruit, every thought changes the world in proportion to its degree of vibration. Highly desire-concentrated thoughtforms made for specific intents can have very obvious, overt, magickal influences. The astral is superior to the mental and physical planes which pattern themselves after it. Astral here meaning essentially a plane of emotions, mental a plane of highly fluid mental substance charged by these emotions, physical being a plane of highly objectified mental substance condensed to such a low vibration as to be very hard to change by your will alone unless you have cultivated your mental and astral qualities to a very great degree.



Desire to die very strongly one night and to be parted from your body. Ignore feelings of pain, cold, numbness, etc. and the very alarming feeling that you are indeed dying. Once your connetion to your body is so weak you should be able to just stand up out of your body and wander off and drop the desire to die at that point as you won't need it anymore unless you truly want to die.

Alternatively, stop trying to AP, and instead focus on developing your imaginal/astral senses. Imagine sounds, sights, smells, textures, tastes, etc. as much as you can and use intense desire/emotion to charge these senses. This will make everything easier.

As for lucidity, it has to do with your astral memory and your awareness, you need to make a copy of your physical body and memories and use that as your vessel for wandering the astral while staying lucid. Then you need to translate the astral memories and experiences you just had back to the physical body, gently, without interruption.


Here's an idea I posted on /x/, but they're super lame. you guys are too

Could you use a tulpa as a soul for a golem? Could you bind them together and make a new created being with free will?


How much practice did it take you to be able to control energy in your body? I can sort of feel tingling sometimes when focusing, I guess it kind of represents energy, but I can't make it useful yet



You don't really need to. When you pour enough energy into a tulpa it might materialize on its own. Likewise you can put a tulpa into an inanimate object which naturally requires far less energy but a ritual on your part. It won't be a new being though, the same tulpa entity will inhabit either the real person or the object.


Depends on your talent and amount of time you want to dedicate. I'd say with daily practice one would easily be able to control energy after a month of directing it around and out of their body.

Practice makes perfect.


Is there a connection between demons and reptilians? Which are more involved in everyday affairs?



Btw, which are more powerful


What's the proof for there being an omnipresent universal mind?


Alright let's end this once and for all, can thoughtforms/servitors/tulpae have an effect on objective reality?


What the fuck is this thread m8s? Have feminazis finally infiltrated /fringe/?




Among many others




They are not that different in terms of functions and existence. Reptilians are semi-physical and are unable to really go beyond that save for their astral bodies. Demons are completely non physical dark beings with mass AI intelligence. They were both formed by 6th density STS thoughforms like the demiurge. Reptillians are more like flesh vessels for demons in actuality, as the STS hierarchy is more like a dog eat dog hive mind then not. Both are equally involved. Demons and reptillians have been around since the beginning and have been manipulating humanity on every scale. Both demons and reps have been summoned by the illuminatis as well as other horrid creatures. Honestly the differences are not really that important as their natures are basically the same. You wouldn't really catch a demon in a ufo though.


The nature of consciousness is proof for that, you should look more into fringe science and DMT and shit.


Yes this has already been answered.


What do you guys do when you get a left ear ringing, how do you react? Or am I the only one getting that kind of attention?



>Yes this has already been answered.

But can they actually like move objects or something? And basically if I experience this whole thing, if I see a thoughtform move an object, wouldn't this be me just hallucinating really specifically or something?



Idk I don't do anything, just what I noticed is, I usually get it in times of stress or sadness



Nigga just make a poltergeist and don't regret it.



>The nature of consciousness is proof for that, you should look more into fringe science and DMT and shit.

What do you mean by fringe science? And what would be some credible sources? As for drugs, I believe it's really just delusion


How long does it take you guys to create a thoughtform? Not complaining or anything, but suppedly this method

>>25313 should work really fast, it's been 2 days, i'm probably just not investing enough time or anything, Currently I do it for about 10 minutes a day



If you want make a sigil. You can power it with sex energy which is really powerful as well. Whats most important is to know that it is done, and to not anticipate it. It's possible to succeed the first time, so I don't think the amount of time you are investing in it is what matters.



Not talking about sigils, more about servitors



>power it with sex energy

How exactly? Do I just jerk off and when I come just imagine I'm cumming energy into the servitor?






You can make a servitor with a sigil is what I am saying.


You don't even have to cum, just make sure you move the sex energy into what you want. Whether it be at the sigil or whatever.


Is there any proof for hermes trismegistus existance?



Has anyone actually tried it with another person present to watch the process?


What is the best way to learn occult knowledge by myself, that is, without many books? I thought like there was a training ground. Is the astral best for this?



Stop being a scrrd baby and go make a poltergeist. Obviously people have seen magick in action, niggas have summoned beings from other realms here.


Nigga if you want to learn you have to study, if you prefer to learn hands on. You can try the astral or lucid dreams. But you would probably do best finding a mentor. Though I wouldn't trust anyone enough to go do that myself.



So I guess I could record it, that should work right?



Is surgo ad disinfo or not? and if yes, then why?



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What do you guys think of telekinesis. Is it legit? I used to be really into it as a teenager, and built one of these "PSIwheels", I even got some results, but I couldn't do it consistently and figured there were other more grounded reasons for why it worked a few times.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wrong video.



*audible facepalm*



I tune into out to suss out it meaning then act according to the knowledge and wisdom.





>desire to die very strongly and then drop the desire once your connection to your body is very weak

That sounds way too risky, an OOBE isn't worth possible physical death before I'm even knowledged enough to it without that.


Can evocation be done without any ritual?


Good books on enochian magic?


Do i have to sleep in order to astrally project?



No. You can evocate via astral projection/scrying.


Go check out the 10 or so books Satoga wrote. His website is Loneman pai.


No. Check out mental proejection/scrying. The astral is your imagination so you can enter it whenever you want. Sleeping just means you're in a deep trance state so it's extremely lucid and easy to interact with.




I mean yes. Apologies for that.




Alright, thanks


Anyone know how I can get rid of the jew in the NAP rituals? Also anyone know any good invisibility/protection rituals?




if telekinesis is real it sure as hell is not what you see in those videos, that looks fake as dicks


When we die, how do we know where to go as a spirit/consciousness? Am I a being, stationed somewhere, remotely controlling this 'character' that is my self here in the physical, like a kid on a couch controlling a video game avatar? Or is my consciousness contained in this vessel? Or is it something else entirely? Can anyone direct me to credible and thorough information on this, the various planes of existence, reincarnation, and how to have more control over what happens?



Basically, when you die you OBE. You enter the astral and from there you can do what you want. There will be a light or tunnel that you can enter that will send you upwards to higher density. Here is where you might get fooled and drain by some malicious entity that will make you think you are in heaven. Your consciousness goes up to 5th Density in where your next incarnation will be decided. You can pray to the divine forces or your higher self or whatever to help bring you somewhere safe if you want. If you stick around and not enter the light, you will eventually be approached by demons or become earth bound. So it's best not to stay around for too long or risk becoming a lost soul. This is just from what I read, but perhaps someone else has another idea. We should make a thread on this. There are many people with experience and knowledge on the after life. Which by the way, is just the astral realm.



Thanks, I would love to have a thread to discuss this more but I know the mods don't like making threads to ask questions so I figured I would come here first.



Just write a few paragraphs on a subject to discuss it and it'll be fine. Why do you BSRs have such trouble doing that? You can literally make a thread to ask a question for anything as long as you present substantial information, resources, commentary, or whatever while doing so.



Dwarf is that you? Are you trying to enchant Smileberg?




It could easily be faked, but a lot of people do it and claim it's legit. I don't know why so many people would want to play pretend. It's a lot like the tupla community, I don't know if they're serious or a bunch of roleplayers trying to convince themselves and others that it's real.


newfig question

You can only experience reality inside your mind, this much is certain, so if you by acts of magick change your reality, then are you not just making yourself hallucinate what you want to see? Making yourself crazy and not even knowing it?



Yeah this question gets asked all the fucking time. Just try some magick boy, plenty of people have done tons of experiments proving it's effect on objective reality. Get creative, and try some out yourself.



Actually on this subject, I don't actually believe it's possible to hallucinate so much that you can't tell the difference, I really don't, though if it is, please correct me


Where should we go if 8chan dies?



same thing popped into my head while it was down yesterday



Visit the /fringe/ of the astral. Massive library there, safe(ish) spaces for experiments, even an arena of sorts to test your strength against others in magical battle. Though the main focus is the equivalent of this board in astral form still.



How do you do that?



There is a /fringe/ in the astral? Holy fuck nuggets, that's where everyone is then.




While it could do with more organisation and such, it is there to be used. When you are travelling astrally, seek out this board and it can act as a gateway of sorts to the /fringe/ micro-realm. If you haven't used the internet in the astral before it may take some getting used to though.



You guys ever get any emails from spirits? You think that is a good way for secret communication?



Email or IM via astral internet is possible I suppose, though telepathy is more common, being the default form of communication really. As for keeping it hidden from people in this world, it is a decent method to apply but astral spies exist too.


What exactly is gnosis?



While it can be described or explained to you as a 'unified state of consciousness' or whatever, no matter how detailed, gnosis is something that only you can understand for yourself.

Meditate, achieve gnosis.



How do I achieve it?



If you have been sufficiently practicing meditation you ought to be achieving gnostic states of trance already. Again, there will be attempts at guidance out there somewhere but it is down to you. Have a look for a guided meditation to reach gnosis, if you can find one you trust, use it.



I have been practicing meditation by opening my chakras every day for a month now, also before every session I do quiet mind, before sleep I go into trance meditation and try to do the Voice of god technique(only did this a few times so far, it's getting better with every try, but still not completely "feeling" it yet) Should this be enough to achieve gnostic states of trance? I assume what you mean by this is just very deep relaxation?



You will know gnosis when you reach it. The internal and external will be unified




What I'm asking if it could become one with the golem and control it. Could it become the soul for a soulless golem?



One with the golem, you mean one with the material body of the golem?

Isn't a golem basically a fancy word for "a thoughtform inside a physical body"? And a tulpa is a certain kind of thought-form, so it should apply likewise, i would suppose

Isn't the whole story of the golem based on the positive answer to your question? Or perhaps you're talking about the subtle difference between a tulpa with a consciousness and a servitor that just obeys your command?


Anyone got a book of celtic mythology? I wanna read the Tuatha.



Yes. It was creepy af the first times. Honestly it's still creepy. Especially to get vivid communications in an otherwise normal dreamtime. I've scryed the future in dream time and had a spirit talk into my head.


I fucked up fam, all my loosh …. I came… why god



you can do this fam, dont give up



Don't stress it fam, just a minor set back




Thanks fam, you guys a great.


How to destroy myself so I may rise anew? I want to kill the conditioned responses of this flesh that restrict the true me. I've done this before so I know it's possible to do even in a single night.

To clarify: I need something to fundamentally shock the body I'm in and 'restart' almost. I.e. wipe the slate clean, or turn it more animalistic, anything but the state it's currently in.


Was just scratched out of thin air. Is this a sign from some entity that I'm on the right track? A warning? Or am I under attack. It felt just faint enough to know it was there, and left a scratch around what you'd get from a dog or cat playfully scratching you.



You are over interpreting it majorly. You should probably protect yourself from that thing.


You could just reprogram yourself. Lucid dream and work on your astral body. What you manifest in the astral will manifest in reality.


For modifying rituals, could I replace Yeshua with Apollo or just sol? What can I replace yod-eh-vah-heh with?


How do I become more intelligent?


As an Occultist should I stay away from marijuana?



Unless you are a drug shaman, you should stay away from drugs completely. They are hazardous to your awareness, and can also fuck up your aura. Not to mention, imagine getting psychic attacked or influenced while high. Not fun times m8



What about alcohol?



Up to you really, mind altering substances become problems in there own. As you evolve you will notice how these things only serve to hold you back or distract you. They become more and more pointless.



How would I go about protecting myself from said entity? Would rather hear it from you then possibly get misinfo'd by someone on google. Would appreciate the reply.


Alright so two questions, first of all, before I started studying the Esoteric I'm pretty sure I created a thoughtform unknowingly and am still dealing with it, it's one of lust I believe, I used to deal with OCD and I'm pretty sure that's what caused it, me periodically obsessing over a thought. It could also be that I need to quit masturbating, I do find my self over sexual and it's becoming a real annoyance.

>Question #2

I'm looking into getting my body into shape, i'm not completely unhealthy or anything but I could stand to lose about 30 pounds, I'm not looking for an easy way to do this without physical work but if there's ways to speed up and solidify the process I'm open to it



Praying to your higher self and or divine prime creator or whatever represents divinity for you would be the easiest effective method. There is a psychic self defense section in the MEGA. I suggest you download it.



I can help you with question 2.

Look into the Keto diet. Basically you stop eating ALL carbs, and your body changes the way you burn fat. I'm going to start it this month after I finish eating the last of the rice and noodles I have. It is also good for you if you have symptoms of hypoglycemia. People on Keto can easily lose 60-70 pounds in half a year. Start doing body weight exercises too. Pushups, squats, and planks. Any amount you can do is better than none and you will get stronger as you go as long as you do some everyday. Go to /fit/ and read all the stuff in the sticky.



>Any amount you can do is better than none

A million times this, sometimes I'm feeling fucking lazy and I just say "Ok, I will do TWO push ups." And then I do two push ups, and continue with my day. A lot of people think you have to start with series of 10 or 20…not at all. Some people find those numbers intimidating. If you just have in mind that you're going to do 2 or 3 push-ups, it will get easier to decide "hey I can do a second series of 2 push-ups right after the first one"

sounds stupid but it works, silly brain afraid of big round numbers




Thanks to both of you, I will read up on the Keto diet at once.



This. To add to what a drug shaman would do with marijuana, it modifies the chi and sets the demons are ill ease to modify their configuration.



This is true.

By the way about the drug shaman thing, not everyone can sustain that use. Some people are led to their destruction for pissing off the demons because they are not powerful enough.




Don't do keto. It will acidify your body, give you bad odor, dislodge calcium from you bones and other shit. Eat organic alkaline produce.





I have one question regarding the sun.

on one hand it gives us energy and nourishes life. brings light into darkness. i felt it was a universally positive symbol. i created pictures of the sun for me and also for others to see and thought it a no brainer.

but on the other hand we have rudolf steiner with what he calls the SORAT(hebraic) sun daemon, corresponding to the number 666, which halts develepment. the sun is sometimes(i forgot where i got that from) the second planetary incarnation(?) of earth in our solar system, so it would be a backstep. in that system we are 4th planet, from SATURN to SUN to MOON to EARTH to JUPITER to VENUS to VULKAN.

theres also neo-martial-folk i listen to which features the sun a lot.

my question would be: if i want truth, enlightenment and evolution, what should i do?



All is mind



I know this saying, though I myself have not found enough proof to confirm it for myself yet



Spoken like a true mundane. There's very little proof or debate when it comes to occult most of the time, a world of conjecture. A universe of façades. The only thing you can do is jump in and find your path nigga.



making the impossible possible?



I'm creating a thoughtform that will make me astral project atm, if I can learn something in the astral and come back here and confirm it's true, THEN I will truly believe, I've been at it for 3 days so far, any tips on how to speed it up? I'm doing the fast method described in the tulpa thread



Why would people talk publicly about magic like this? Isn't magic a little more covert? I know I'm just a noob, but if it was real magic wouldn't it be dangerous to talk about it so openly?



The methods that are out in the public require dedication, time, discipline and motivation which is rare to find. The methods and technologies that require little of the above mentioned are almost never shared.


I normally wouldn't be asking such a mandane question on here, but I have a great opportunity for a job in which I can make a reasonable amount of money in a short amount of time. It has all the interests a mundane me would enjoy and comes with regular time off for the occult to boot. I've considered entering the field for years, but now that I'm heavily considering it there's something about it that gives me an aweful feeling. Like I just don't feel right about it. As I said before I normally wouldn't ask this here but I was on Montalk and read "Second is stubbornly pushing oneself toward some goal or duty that causes one great stress and discomfort, especially something that is soul-killing."

My question is how do I know whether or not I should do it? Can I get in touch with my higher self to run it past him?



No. You can definitely go from waking, eyes open to astral plane.


Is 8ch dying?


The Beauty Detox Solution


Think patiently and be always contemplating without accepting any answer which is not perfect from all angels.


All is magic. The people who want it to be secret are demons: pricks. They suffer.


You don't want money. You want what it provides. Apply for foodstamps, reduce you expenses and read in your free time. Move back in with your parents.




Why do i constantly have thought-episodes about killing/torturing/raping my own family? I don't even enjoy them it makes me sad

I thought it happens only when i'm stressed out, but i think it happens all the time, is some entity fucking with me and loosh farming me hard?



Yeah it could be a million things, don't worry I used to think about killing and torturing my family all the time. I love them and protect them more then anything now. Basically don't over think the details, simple fact is it's a an internal thoughtform that you can rid yourself of.



Well i can transmute my emotions to happy so i stop feeding my negatie thoughtforms, but the problem is the pendulum swing gets me due to a faulty worldview (i guess) and there i go in the pit again.



Dude, why the faulty worldview? This infinite badass universe is better then a god damned video game. There are actual solutions to all suffering. What's better motivation then trying to save your family from reincarntion? Not to mention you are now aware of the knowledge to acquire anything you want. Meditate on these things, or if you want. Just reprogram your mind, and delete them. Best is lucid dreaming and doing all this work in there.



Thank you my friend



Well, how /do/ i end the suffering? I feel like no matter what i do i'm just gonna feel pathetic in the end… Yeah, i know it's the uprising and we are starting to fight back the reptilians, but it all feels worthless if i don't feel happy



Yeah I know, even I sometimes feel that way. But when you think about it or meditate on it. You realize it is an imposed poison on your subconscious. Just think about it, it doesn't make sense that it is there. That what they did to you my friend. To all of us.



>I feel like no matter what i do i'm just gonna feel pathetic in the end…

In the end of what? Your mind is lying to you when it tells that it is hopeless. It gives you an image of a future in which you fail, but it is a fiction. There is no future, there is only now. And right now you can choose where you place your attention. Do you want to place your attention on feeling pathetic, or do you want to place your attention on feeling empowered and helping others?

Remain present and exercise your will. No matter how hard your mind tells you it is, no matter how much it tries to interfere, you can do it! You always have a choice!


Any good banishing ritual that doesn't alert the whole fucking astral?


What is considered "high/higher magick"?



A conversation and an astral kick in the rear. Not being a scrub.


Anyone know any banishing rituals that doesn't light up the whole astral realm?



You can try Damon Brand's in his protection book.



Yeah I read his, he says that his banishing ritual makes the astral light up as well.


>magic book to make every wish come true! :^)

>but anon, you can't do that, magic is not powerful enough :^)

This makes me want to kill people.



used to be in the same shoes as you, instead, learn how to astral project(easiest way: make a thoughtform shaped like a ball that will take out your astral body in accordance with your will), astral contains more useful information




Someones gonna have to give a good non tainted source for learning NLP sooner or later. It's about damn fucking time. I remember in the last thread some guy talking about 2 types of suggestion.



Thank you. This post means a lot to me. My main problem is a huge demotivation.



It's not the thought of working or money that pains me, it's the thought of this job in particular. I can easily provide for myself quality food and water for a long time as well as working less than 30hrs per week, but for some reason just thinking of this job gives me a headache.




>Is 8ch dying?

It wouldn't surprise me if this site would go down soon. It's already a dysfunctional shithole with the spam, tons of errors recently and that fucking captcha. A mess only waiting to be cleaned up as no one apparently is fixing it.



>A mess only waiting to be cleaned up as no one apparently is fixing it

Infinity Next is being developed right now, so the technical issues will be gone. The spammers should be able to be filtered too.


Sounds fake, especially the "arena" bit.



Stop it.


I'm a piece of shit useless awkward degenerate creepy unlikable weak ugly human being who is too pussy to sudoku since that would require courage, which I obviously do not have hence why I'm here today to grace you with this useless shitpost.

Someone give me realtalk on sudokuing by supernatural forces, and don't give me advice on how to improve my situation. Trust me m80s when I say that everyone will be better off without me around, what little family I do have hates my worthless existence, and rightly so.

inb4 "what you deal with in the afterlife will be worse than what you deal with here", at least I'll be away from my current reality and all of the obligations that it entails



I just can't care. If you don't want to improve you're just trash. You found this wonderful board that gives plenty of opportunities, you're not a skeptic and yet you still want to reset your whole existence, risking a worse body, a worse situation, and not ever finding such a place again. Truly pathetic.



If you're willing to kill yourself, then there's no reason to not improve yourself. What do you lose by improving yourself if you do kill yourself?

Remember that you are not a name, nor a job, but an individual. If you can physically travel, you can leave anything behind.


Alright so I'm reading Initiation into Hermetics, and it says to do all the practices in order, or it could be detrimental. My problem is rooted in impatience, and the skills I want to achieve are further along in the book. Would it really be detrimental to skip some steps?


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I have some time on my hands.

I was wondering what you guys would do if you could live a completely /fringe/ lifestyle. What would your schedule look like?

Thank you.



It's best if you don't, though some physical exercises aren't nearly as important as the soul/spirit.

To be totally honest though, few people adhere to just IIH for the duration of their magical growth. For example it's highly likely that during the first steps you won't just clear your mind, but also practice visualization, thus making it clearer and clearer, which in itself is very basic but for some reason is brought up a bit later than I'd like in the IHH.

So my advice is at least attempt everything at least once, but don't fixate on the 5 minute mark Bardon sets for all the exercises. If you want to skip all the steps and go ahead to setting shit on fire with your mind, you're shit out of luck since that'd be akin to breaking through a wall with your head rather than taking the time to assemble a high tech drill and using it for the same task.






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Alright, /fringe/, I'm thinking of exploring magick once again.

I already read Kybalion, Arcane Teaching and Arcane Formulas quite time ago

What's the ideal book to start the practical stuff: Initiation into Hermetics, Book of Knowledge or some other book?

Also, what the fuck happened to the smilingman?



book of knowledge and initiation into hermetics, also start practising astral projection asap


Is 4chan overrun by shills or is it really impossible to attain anything physical through magic?



It is possible to physically manifest through magic. I'm ignoring your question about shills.



Maybe I misunderstood something, Is it possible to change your physical body through magic? I thought if it was possible to heal it(which I have experienced myself) It was possible to change it too



Everything is possible with faith/magic.



any specific resources you'd recommend to read?



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is this guy telling the truth?



A failure of a shill tbh, this would make me even more curious




No. He has a weak lower chakra so he's having a bad time for it. No grounding in the root chakra to help his prudence in seeing in not seeing, acting and not acting, etc. No temperant sacral chakra…he's unbalance. I'll leave it like that.


alright folks what's the fastest routine for spiritual advancement? Most people say do the LBRP ritual or something, but apparently it's corruped by kikes or some shit



do bearheat's LBRP or merger.


That which is not balanced very well is capable of the greatest evolution.

When it comes to the health of a body, you want something pretty close to an equilibrium of the elements, less too strong a shock overwhelm the entire body and dissolve it.

However have you ever observed that greatness is born out of instability? The greatest healers sometimes were or are very sick. Those who have suffered and been abused immensely, if they survive, develop an intense motivation that carries them forward through life.

Many great men of history, soldiers, artists, scientists, and sportsmen… all of them were severely dysfunctional in some way yet this dysfunction drove them to great heights.



Yeah, noticed this too, but sometimes it's from an inferiority complex that they strive so hard


OK this might just sound like a completely retarded mundane question but can someone explain to me in more detail what 'loosh farming' is? As far as I know it's harvesting energy of some kind inhibited by extreme emotion (love, fear, hate ect) however I'm not sure if that's even correct. Any further reading on how to do this?

Loosh is energy right? So I thought that loosh farming is basically harvesting this from others? Is this correct and if so, How does one achieve this?

It sounds very intresting. I've found I can use my words to convince, intimidate, inspire and generally get my way using an seemingly psychic level of knowing what to say and knowing what others are thinking at times.



Is that enough for a daily routine?



the merger+meditation is good

I would recommend taking IIH if you're serious serious about it




what do you mean?


Is philosophy/psychology worth reading or should i just continue with fringe material? Imo philosophy is some good shit, The Gospel Of Thomas and Nietzsche's works go so well together.

One more thing everyone has failed to clear up. How exactly do we affect reality with our minds? Reality is said to exist in the mind of the All, but is is also said reality exists only in our mind. So are we as the collective of all minds the All (one grand mind)? But the Kybalion explicitly says we are not the All. But if we were not the All, then the All wouldn't be all as it was said in the kybalion. what the fuck?



Could I make a servitor to do stuff like quickly find the answer to math problems or to delve through my memory to find things I need? Maybe make one so I can memorize entire books quickly and recall them from my head? Does anyone have any good servitor making guides? I have tons on tulpae, will those or at least be similar? How would I go about killing/destroying a servitor or tulpa when I'm done with them?



If you only want to study standard western occultism (Wilson, Crowley, Regardie, Hermeticism, Kabbalah, Ceremonial Magic, etc) then Philosophy/Psychology and recorded official history/ancient history will be of complementary and essential value.

This is not the case if you wish to acquire psychic abilities and transcend the barriers of consensual reality.



Not that guy, but what do you need to study to acquire said abilities? I'm practicing some stuff from IIH and book of knowledge right now, are these legit sources?


Why is Uncle Bearheart taken so seriously? He speaks like an edgy, self-aggrandizing kid. Nothing about his manner suggests any kind of divinity or wisdom. He also makes some pretty questionable claims and badmouths other magicians.

Note that I have not tried any of his teachings (for the above reasons).


I'm pretty new to all this /fringe/ stuff, but there is something that has been confusing me ALOT.

Is The ALL in the Kybalion the same as The LAW in Arcane Teachings, or is The ALL the "Cosmos" where The Law was superimposed? I first had the idea that The ALL was the Cosmos, but then stuff like this messed with my head;

>1. THE ALL must be ALL that REALLY IS. There can be nothing existing outside of THE ALL, else THE ALL would not be THE ALL.



The all is dumb.


Feel like im possessed constantly, world feels different, dont feel im in control of anything, what do i do?



yeah, and look into chi gong as well as kundalini



Isn't both essential? I mean you could get psychic powers but philosophy and the rest is why those powers work in the first place.



Sorry, correction, philosophy and the rest /expains/ why and how those powers work in the first place.




You deserve err thing you get fam tbh



Can someone…?




Not really. Most children are naturally psychic but get it supressed with irrelevant junk, for example. It's all about the usage of your time and energy - priorities. Trying to figure how and why everything works without actually developing yourself will lead to armchair occultism and frustration.

Not saying you shouldn't read, but there is a lot of bullshit that can drag you down and impose limiting belief systems.




I'm pretty sure they are but someone will probably prove me wrong.


I shoulda submitted that shamanism icon I made way back when. I wanna use it now :/



There is a warlock icon.



It won't do. Maybe I'll remake it. I remember what I did. I have a new computer but I can handle a bit of photoshop.




Psychic abilities is about intuition. This is why even those new age fags can develop them. It's more about feeling and concentration. Being a know it all philosophy douche is not required. Honestly you can just practice 3rd eye opening exercises and it can work. Though I would not recommend that.



>Honestly you can just practice 3rd eye opening exercises and it can work. Though I would not recommend that.




Well psychic abilties attract a lot of attention. A LOT, depending on what range of abilities you have and how well you can use them things can get pretty hot. Whenever you use psychic abilties you release energies that entities love, and that sends a beacon out that can attract entities to you. If you become really good at it, you can also attract alien and illuminati attention. Depending of course, that's only likely to happen if you're a contactee. Psychic abilities of not kept in check and assisted by a well trained mind can be dangerous. Your abilities can be taken advantage of by malicious entities and can also drive you mad if not properly honed. Honestly the best way to go about it is to train and build all parts of you with the third eye. Be knowledgeable that you can handle having psychic abilities. Otherwise just stick to the guides and books and such in the MEGA. Go in the right pace, don't rush it.



>Honestly the best way to go about it is to train and build all parts of you with the third eye.

Like opening all the chakras daily?


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Oh, I don't see why people would skip that, unless they give all their practice time to third eye only


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Some do it it works horribly.



Should I do something more than opening my chakras to advance faster? also, why the random images?


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Because vision is power. No.




Can anyone else tell me what they think of this? Thanks



This board is pretty slow, be patient


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Here's my take it on it:

Yes. The All is God is The Law. As in the 7 Hermetic Principles are intertwined into what may be called the Generative Principle or The Law through which The All manifests. Without these boundary conditions on reality nothing could exist (there cannot be The All without The Law). Just as a computer program would not run without the written code behind it. The Seed of Life represents the 7 Hermetic Principles together in unison. Just as a tree is spawned from an acorn, all of creation is generated through their synthesis.


something happened around the start of the year, was in solitude for a week because of it and thats when things got really weird, felt fear and disgust like never before, no escape not even in my dreams, could not function, horror movies actually became scary, every single thing scared me until i slowly got use to feeling that way until i was unable to process the feelings anymore. and i started feeling weird things like i nolonger am a person or that im possessed. experienced paranormal things and became more and more in sync with repeating numbers and my ability to function in the world and succeed in anything i tried. Nothing surprises me anymore and i cant enjoy things.

What do i do?


Above navel vs below navel?


I want to fight against the succubi demons that are infesting our world. How can I start a proxy war against them?



How do I deny witches, /fringe/? I'm trapped in the year 1986 with this fucking witch killing me and my family over and over again.


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Hey niggers.

I started IIH. I'm at the point where I'm assessing my negative attributes and associating an element with it to see which elements I am deficient in.

What element do you think addiction falls into? In my case it's not really drugs addiction, but moreso internet addiction. I just love going on there and wasting time and I know I'd be better off not doing that. Is that associated with having a weak will?

I'm also pretty shy, get social anxiety, and have trouble verbally communicating, so it seems like I am lacking the water, air elements, ya?

a brief read and it seems Earth is definitely my "strongest" attribute. Also got some elements of fire, but not as many as earth.



Too much earth.



>How can I start a proxy war against them?

By first declaring war against yourself.


I recently experienced a neurosomatic/energetic condition where I felt a constant warm, energetic, and pleasurable sensation across my body. I felt utter equanimity with pain, too. It felt powerful, free, and conveyed a very strong sense of well-being. It also seemed to go hand-in-hand with a kind of detachment from external pleasures.

Anyone know how to cultivate this kind of state? I had it down, but I lost it at some point, and I've been having trouble getting it back more than a tiny bit. Any resources I could check out?


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Just die. You deserve it.


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I war against the dark.



You're a cute boy but it won't transcend your spiritual breeding.


How do you know if you astral projected outwards or inwards?


So what exactly do I do to make a servitor? Just visualize it frequently?



Not sure what you mean?

I was hoping that by being able to induce this kind of state, people's subjective well-being could be improved. Not the most spiritual solution in terms of transcending material conditions, but worthwhile, I think.

Either way, I just had an insight that makes this goal seem less interesting by comparison.

Could you elaborate on 'spiritual breeding'? If that's something I want to transcend, any info on going down that path?



I mean you suck and will suck to the end of your life.



What a useless way to think.



You believe that about yourself, what a shame.

In this field anyone can learn not to suck, all is mind.


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where is a good place to start learning? i am inexperienced and have walked into some risky situations. where can a retarded novice learn the ins and outs of this mythical magical nonsense?


Create Paste

Followup Paste


These nights when I goto bed I feel as if I am a puppet..as if summoned or else invaded..please, how does my experience relate to us? also, often folks I have known or else folks in my routine may summon me and if I ever mentioned my experience they would never admit to knowing


What does fringe think about deja vu? Lately I've constantly been getting it concerning completely irrelevant things.



It's a synchronicity, deja vus usually mean something changed in the timeline. Look at montalk.com for further info.



Start with the books recommended on montalks resources page.



If you check out your image, you'll see that there are 6 circles whose center point is on the circumference of a single circle.

So, The Law spawned 6 sub/consequent Laws?

Seems 'bout right.



>magical use of thoughtforms

was on the MEGA, but i think it got purged


I asked this on the Sleep thread and the Hypnosis thread. I'm curious if I can get more responses here, given that this thread probably gets much more traffic. I'll also make this post more detailed, in hopes of getting exactly what I want. Long story short I'm trying my hardest to do polyphasic sleeping, but I can't quite master falling asleep immediately, making 20 minute naps pretty nonexistent.

I've read Steve Pavlina's article: "How to fall asleep in less than 30 seconds" http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2013/07/how-to-fall-asleep-in-less-than-30-seconds/ and I'm doing everything it says. I'm dropping caffeine, and lying down with my alarm set to 20 minutes, and waking up with an alarm normally.

I want to know, is there any way to speed up the process? Someone in the Hypnosis thread suggested anchoring to trigger a state of going to sleep. I know very little about that and Google did not help me. If anyone can explain that a bit more or link me to something that can, I'd be very grateful.

If there is anything else that can help me, any other ideas, please let me know.

I'm assuming that I have a lot of stress or a lot on my mind. Ironically this is something that could be solved by more naps. But I'm meditating and writing in a journal in the meantime. I just hope there's more.


So I picked up NEW, and I started working on the exercises. I can get a barely-noticeable amount of stimulation going with intense effort, but aside from that, I'm having a few troubles.

Firstly, whenever I focus on moving my point of awareness around, I end up visualizing its position on my body, distracting me from actually being aware of that point on my body. My eyes also move to look at the position unconsciously, even if my eyes are closed.

Secondly, I can't easily remember the sensations I scratch into my skin. I guess this one just takes practice.

Third, I can't make my clockwise circular motions adequately circular, so I can't get a good flow going.

Any thoughts on how I might go about correcting this?

I think I'm usually very disconnected from my sense of touch since I'm usually up in my head. I think I'll try attuning to a whole-body awareness first. Then I'll practice focusing on specific parts of my body, then static sensations, then remembering sensations.

Think that'll work?



Question answered in the Qi-gong thread. Disregard.



Not true. Everyone who sincerely wants to can. NO one all wants to.






I didn't stutter, nigger.



>NO one all wants to.



How do i worth with the Qabbalah? No book talks about how to get from Malkuth to Kether, just about some jewish letters and numbers, it's pretty boring. I liked the Khan thread, he talks about each individual sphere, what it represents, etc. But he doesn't say how to work with these spheres, and i can't find any book that does.



Start of by learning astral/mental projection. Once you can do that, scry the planetary sigils of the spheres. You can start to journal and scribe down notes about each sphere to learn more about them. Once you've learned a decent amount you can begin using them in ritual via correspondences. Colours, feelings, representations, Gods, incenses, etc. That's a little more advanced though. Otherwise you can get yourself a book on pathworking and traverse the paths and spheres that way.

Think of it this way. You're either being active - a magician performing ritual or being passive - a mystic scrying(There is a yin and yang side within yin and yang or an active side within passive, vice versa). Think of it like the Qabalah is your list of programs. Which one do you wish to work with today. It's all just a frequency or state of energy that you're learning about and learning how to work with.

So you can either structure a ritual around your knowledge of a sphere or access the idea of it within yourself and do work that way.

Hope you get all that.



Cool, i kinda get that.

Also, what's the qlippoth? Does it hae anything to do with qabbalah?




It's basically like the inverted Kabbalah, the word itself I think refers to black magick.


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Don't you guys think it's so easy to have acess to low level masonic knowledge(a good part of occultic knowledge, no doubt) but when it's time to learn about who's the good guy there's is almost nothing. Shouldn't it be worrying this board more? that this information could be used against neophytes for heresy?

If the ashkenazis jews and caananites of old - are of Caananite descent, then what are the goyim(us) descended from?

Yes we would all be from Adam but… we can't really call ourselves the lineage of Adam since caananites are too… and Abel was killed and it's unsure if he had sons… maybe that lineage went on secretly? even more so than the evil sick societies?

in short - what lineage/secret society is helping the truth and light instead of this rampant satanism everywhere?

What can people siding with Jesus call themselves? Is the tribe of Judas of good alignement? Wasn't Judas the traitor? Why is it represented by a Lion when Jesus is also represented as a Lion? Could a Lion symbol be wrongly used ; other than courage/vitality/etc representations?

So many references in video games about this (binding of isaac, vampire bloodlines, dragon age, etc)

but nowhere to understand whom we are, there is only info about the evil societies and evil means, magick is no exception.

Everything that seems to bear the good name ; always end up with an Eye/pyramid symbol on it, and I find it despicable, like it was marked as a sign of victory over good.

WHY isn't there more people fighting the good fight? Especially on /fringe/ where power can be used more efficiently, why use it for mundane satanic usage??? WHY? just fucking why??



if by satanic you mean materialistic, is because most people came here because they had depression, they had depression probably because they could not achieve their dreams



I guess, and that's the trap




Well idk, those people seek out external magick mean(not that its all bad) often, instead of God, shouldn't that say that everything?

through those materialistic desires we are controlled by metaphysical forces(or whatever u call it)

some of /fringe/ even go to do rituals and fool themselves into it, so just imagine all of this combined

how many demons/negative chi can a person get is the question they should ask themselfs



I mean yeah, when you get down to it, but still, you need money to live(until you go breatharian or something), what do you mean by

>some of /fringe/ even go to do rituals and fool themselves into it



Damon Brand = another bullshit con-artist




Not that guy but… he cursed us all for pirating his material.

Although personally I feel his stuff is half decent.



kek, well, okay


How do I become a master yogi like Mahavatar Babaji? Someone direct me.


So what, according to /fringe/, differs a shaman from any other wizard or person who works with magick?



Did I stutter, nigger?



Spiritual insight and trance.



Did I stutter nigger?


Spiritual insight and trance



Pretty much this >>59949

It's called the land of shells since it could be thought of as a defective universe. Everything is dual but polar so you can think of it like it as the dark component to the Qabalah.

Here are some lectures if you're interested further.




Really? Well damn. I think we need a board protection egregore to defend from trouble like that.


How do I get into a deeper trance? Also how do I see people's auras?


Does anyone here have all of the axioms from The Arcane Teachings and The Kybalion in one place? Is there a thread for all of that still up? I need it.



I practice a form of strong PK that doesn't involve shit like that which is easily moved but instead involves moving heavy furniture and for whatever reason it works really fucking well on very heavy objects.

It's not like you'd expect at all, I guess light objects are moved more easily by a force projected towards them, but the TK I do isn't a projected force it operates directly upon the object and kind of shits it in some way out of the normal state.

I fuel it with fear or other strong emotions, anything will do, but it's wonderful way to purge self of some negative emotions by forcing so much of it into PK.



I practice a form of strong PK that doesn't involve shit like that which is easily moved but instead involves moving heavy furniture and for whatever reason it works really fucking well on very heavy objects.

It's not like you'd expect at all, I guess light objects are moved more easily by a force projected towards them, but the TK I do isn't a projected force it operates directly upon the object and kind of shits it in some way out of the normal state.

I fuel it with fear or other strong emotions, anything will do, but it's wonderful way to purge self of some negative emotions by forcing so much of it into PK.

It's along the same lines of Holmes or whatever his name was that got spirits lifting up tables for him.




The trance part I understand, but every magickian has spiritual insight, am I correct?




The trance part I understand, but every magickian has spiritual insight, am I correct?


The less power you have the stronger the influence of the consensual reality ("demiurge") which shapes and manipulates your existence. Expand your consciousness and that of those you deem worthy and unlimit yourself in the process, thus gaining power, liberty and immortality - godhood.


I've been meaning to dive into Tarot lately, does anyone have advice for some nice resources on it that aren't too disinfo-full?


Could you explain how, or any advice on training it? Also, what kinds of results are we talking about here, teleporting tables?



I've been meaning to dive into Tarot lately, does anyone have advice for some nice resources on it that aren't too disinfo-full?


Could you explain how, or any advice on training it? Also, what kinds of results are we talking about here, teleporting tables?


I've been meaning to dive into Tarot lately, does anyone have advice for some nice resources on it that aren't too disinfo-full?


Could you explain how, or any advice on training it? Also, what kinds of results are we talking about here, teleporting tables?


I've been meaning to dive into Tarot lately, does anyone have advice for some nice resources on it that aren't too disinfo-full?


Could you explain how, or any advice on training it? Also, what kinds of results are we talking about here, teleporting tables?





Goddammit 8chan.

Forgive the quadruple-post, the posts weren't updating over the timespan of around half an hour so I assumed they didn't get through.



8ch is getting weirder day by day, I had to same problem as






I mean the ability to say "This spirit says this thing and this is what it means. Plant spirit says this and its guardian spirit says this and this plant says i will heal this and this spirit says etc etc. Not all magickians can do that at all. It is a prereq to call yourself a shaman.






Can someone point me to some exercises/resources about increasing mental clarity?


How would one go about growing thicker hair using magick?



autosuggestion should be easiest


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Calling out the elephant here. If all is in the mind then what about others? I am definitely conscious.


I'm thinking of making myself some Ritual Robes, does color matter? I don't want to wear black Robes and have it negatively affect a ritual.



You're Mind, they're Mind.

A singular mind is just a local, discrete structure in a continuous field of Mind.

When you hear "All is Mind", you gotta think about the differing meaning of "Mind" in that context. If you assume the mind of "I have a mind" is the same mind as "All is Mind", you're bound to be confused.




You're Mind, they're Mind.

A singular mind is just a local, discrete structure in a continuous field of Mind.

When you hear "All is Mind", you gotta think about the differing meaning of "Mind" in that context. If you assume the mind of "I have a mind" is the same mind as "All is Mind", you're bound to be confused.



You're Mind, they're Mind.

A singular mind is just a local, discrete structure in a continuous field of Mind.

When you hear "All is Mind", you gotta think about the differing meaning of "Mind" in that context. If you assume the mind of "I have a mind" is the same mind as "All is Mind", you're bound to be confused.





Oh wow. Whoops.


So what exactly can you do in the astral? From what I've read your rituals are apparently 10x as powerful there



It's up to you bro. It matteres not really. If not black then white.


Everything. I can do anything in the astral.



>Everything. I can do anything in the astral.

right, but does it manifest into 3rd density?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What do you guys think of "mindandmagick"?



It CAN. But sometimes one can think they are in a place which corresponds to the 3-dimension but they are really in an exact copy which corresponds to a place which isn't what they thought.

BTW I don't subscribe to this nth density bullshit.

[30 minutes later] 8ch is kill



oh, not really what I meant though, can you make changes to the physical reality through it?



I already answered you.


Is magick able to alter your physical looks? If so, how



I practice a form of strong PK that doesn't involve shit like that which is easily moved but instead involves moving heavy furniture and for whatever reason it works really fucking well on very heavy objects.

It's not like you'd expect at all, I guess light objects are moved more easily by a force projected towards them, but the TK I do isn't a projected force it operates directly upon the object and kind of shits it in some way out of the normal state.

I fuel it with fear or other strong emotions, anything will do, but it's wonderful way to purge self of some negative emotions by forcing so much of it into PK.

It's along the same lines of Holmes or whatever his name was that got spirits lifting up tables for him.



Yes. With faith and shaped energy.



Yes it's possible. Took me forever to understand why exactly it is possible in the most simplest of terms but then I figured out a way, at last, to explain it.

Matter is objectified thought.

Literally all you have to do in order to change the body is imagine very intensely that it has changed until what you imagined becomes objective reality.

Just start imagining a new form for yourself, then wear it, such that you can't see yourself any other way then the form you've assumed.

The result will be that your body changes to that new form.

Before you do that though I recommend you imagine a lot of heat condensing in your hands or being hit by a metal baton somewhere until you get an actual bruise show up on your physical body.



If you have the time, could you elaborate on the techniques my friend?



Yes it's possible. Took me forever to understand why exactly it is possible in the most simplest of terms but then I figured out a way, at last, to explain it.

Matter is objectified thought.

Literally all you have to do in order to change the body is imagine very intensely that it has changed until what you imagined becomes objective reality.

Just start imagining a new form for yourself, then wear it, such that you can't see yourself any other way then the form you've assumed.

The result will be that your body changes to that new form.

Before you do that though I recommend you imagine a lot of heat condensing in your hands or being hit by a metal baton somewhere until you get an actual bruise show up on your physical body.

That's really all there is to it. Imagination. If you don't want to directly imagine something then use gnosis technique, summon up a shitload of emotion and intend it powers a certain change, until you have this gut-instinct feeling of total conviction (even if you deny it verbally) that what you have done has come to pass. The details will get sorted out by the demiurge / world soul which is perfectly capable of acting on your desires, be they strong enough.



If you have the time, could you elaborate on the technique my friend?



Yes it's possible. Took me forever to understand why exactly it is possible in the most simplest of terms but then I figured out a way, at last, to explain it.

Matter is objectified thought.

Literally all you have to do in order to change the body is imagine very intensely that it has changed until what you imagined becomes objective reality.

Just start imagining a new form for yourself, then wear it, such that you can't see yourself any other way then the form you've assumed.

The result will be that your body changes to that new form.

Before you do that though I recommend you imagine a lot of heat condensing in your hands or being hit by a metal baton somewhere until you get an actual bruise show up on your physical body.

That's really all there is to it. Imagination. If you don't want to directly imagine something then use gnosis technique, summon up a shitload of emotion and intend it powers a certain change, until you have this gut-instinct feeling of total conviction (even if you deny it verbally) that what you have done has come to pass. The details will get sorted out by the demiurge / world soul which is perfectly capable of acting on your desires, be they strong enough.

>flood detected, post discarded



Shaped energy? Would you mind elaborating my friend?





shaped energy?



Thanks Indigo. Also, I've been very curious since I arrived here to know how you progressed in your powers. How you trained, tips and so forth. You seem to know your shit.


Why do I feel like god/universe/whatever the fuck is making fun of me or something? Day to day things are pretty normal and boring but in retrospect sometimes some things stand out as pretty unusual when considered together. But not in a meaningful, grand way, more just like weird, quirky coincidences. Kinda like someone else is having a laugh just putting random Easter Eggs in and getting a kick out of it. I can't tell if I'm just going batshit crazy but it's making me feel uncomfortable.

Anyone here had the same thoughts? Dunno what to do.



not just related to changing my physical form but manifesting anything, does it help to draw/paint what is in your imagination or is it a hinderance to fully forming an image solely in your imagination, making manifesting it more difficult?

I Have taken up charcoal drawing and watercolors as a hobby and could see it as a good way to "cement" a specific vision if I become skilled enough at it, or a hinderance since I wouldn't be able to capture the most "realistic" vision on canvas unless I adopt a photorealistic style that mimics material reality closely.

Does anyone else use art to enhance imagination or find it to be an obstacle?



Seriously should I do a special meditation or focus on a chakra or something?


Will Buddhists, Taoists, Daoists, etc. ever attain the nirvana, enlightenment, oneness with God that they so desire? Are the ways we're trying similar to theirs, and will our methods work and will there's work?

To really clarify, I understand Buddhists meditate and introspect upon themselves, but do they have the abilities we have? Should people look up unto them, or are some Buddhists helpful? Are occultists the ones who are attaining anything, or are the other religions onto something?

A bit of a weird question, but I think I stretched it a bit so you understand. It's kind of weird.



I think the same thing often when seemingly out of place events occur or synchronicities are recognised. Then i think of how weak a being would have to be to spend their time on me and disregard it as a larger principle that effects a lot of people.


Is this the correct way of raising the kundalini? This is from the book of knowledge and he doesn't mention any dangers associated with it

"Sitting on the floor with legs crossed, relax every muscle and organ in your body for 5-7 minutes. Imagine a golden-white light caressing you on the inside, releasing every concern, worry and tension you have.

Next, let your body gently undulate back and forth, in small circles, or in mini-figure-eights, or in whatever ways that feel most natural, easy, effortless and sensually enjoyable. You can even move as if you were having a very relaxing, slow, sexual experience while sitting with a divine being. Let the rest of your body move and sway as it needs to.

Let each vertebrae in your entire spine (all the way up to your head) be affected by the undulating motion of your body. The energy is flowing up from the bottom of your spine to the top of your head. You can also imagine that your spine is as loose as seaweed on the ocean floor. It is so relaxed and at ease, going with wherever the ocean waves flow. This will loosen the Kundalini up so that she can rise completely out of the top of the head.

During this time, keep your attention on the energy between your sexual anatomy and the base of your spine. As you are undulating, breathe into this lower area deeply and slowly. Imagine a golden Lotus flower, radiating rays of light, blossoming there.

With devoted concentration, you will feel a warm tingling energy along the base of your spine, or perhaps higher. The more conscious and relaxing the experience is, the more the Kundalini will move and grow.

When you begin to feel a rising sensation of energy, stop the undulation and be completely still. Sit and let your thoughts slow down and eventually stop. Begin to relax into the stillness. Breathe slowly and deeply into your belly for 5 minutes, without forcing it. You will notice that your body is breathing on its own. As you continue watching your belly breathe naturally, follow your breath, as it will take you deeper into the stillness. When you are completely relaxed into the stillness, rest deeply inside. Relax, but keep your spine vertical—aligned, yet deeply relaxed.

As there is absolutely no more tension in the body, imagine that a rainbow of energy is forming along the back of your spine and down the front of your body. Each area or charka has a specific colored light associated with it. Please visualize the following colors for each area.

Red = Base Orange = Sexual region Yellow = Solar plexus Green = Heart Blue = Throat Indigo = Forehead/ 3rd eye Violet = Top of head White/golden = Center of the top of the head aligned with the spine.

Depending on how tall you are, there will be between 3 and 8 quarter-sized balls of light in each chakra region. As you place your attention on a colored ball, it can ignite your whole body by filling it with light.

Starting at the base of your spine, very slowly follow the center of your up the front to the top of the head, then down the neck, and back…following the spine to make a complete rainbow circle. You may also start up the back and go down the front. Go in any direction that feels most natural for you. The quarter-sized balls may grow or shrink in size and the colors can merge and fade into the lights next to them. When you have made at least 10 rainbow circles around the body, imagine that a white/golden ball of light is forming at the center of the Earth, rising up in a column of light to the Earth’s surface, and entering the base of your spine.

Feel it slowly entering you. As it slowly ascends to the top of your head, allow it to flow out of the Crown Chakra like a fountain. Let the energy cascade all over your body and bathe in the shower of this golden, loving light. Allow it to penetrate every muscle, organ, and cell in your entire body, and purify your entire energy system! Stay in the shower of golden light for as long as you can.

I recommend doing this golden showering for 10 minutes every day.



Yes. If I did I would mind. So I won't.


I'm not your friend. First: Have faith, the ability to do the impossible because you can. Second and last: Want to do X completely with all your soul then it will be done.

Failing that you still need enough directed energy to do it. I feel like if you're asking then it will take a LONG time for you to get to the point that you can do it. As in you will be an old man before you can. People born with the capability don't need to ask so obviously.


That's a lot of questions. Each one a baited snare. Don't fall for it, anyone.



There is more than way to raise the Kundalini, and this is one of them.



Yes. If I did I would mind. So I won't.


I'm not your friend. First: Have faith, the ability to do the impossible because you can. Second and last: Want to do X completely with all your soul then it will be done.

Failing that you still need enough directed energy to do it. I feel like if you're asking then it will take a LONG time for you to get to the point that you can do it. As in you will be an old man before you can. People born with the capability don't need to ask so obviously.


That's a lot of questions. Each one a baited snare. Don't fall for it, anyone.

8ch is kill. I don't want to post on a board that won't accept posts.



Yes. If I did I would mind. So I won't.


I'm not your friend. First: Have faith, the ability to do the impossible because you can. Second and last: Want to do X completely with all your soul then it will be done.

Failing that you still need enough directed energy to do it. I feel like if you're asking then it will take a LONG time for you to get to the point that you can do it. As in you will be an old man before you can. People born with the capability don't need to ask so obviously.


That's a lot of questions. Each one a baited snare. Don't fall for it, anyone.

8ch is kill. I don't want to post on a board that won't accept posts.




> does it help to draw/paint what is in your imagination

This is an excellent idea. Take an object or figure, examine it closely. Then draw it from memory in as much detail as you can. Repeat until you can see that object very clearly in your mind and drawing it becomes as natural as breathing.

Later on, you can move on from drawing external objects to drawing the images in your mind, as the principle is the same.


I've heard it said that the eastern path is the direct path to God and the western path is the scenic route.



Yes. If I did I would mind. So I won't.


I'm not your friend. First: Have faith, the ability to do the impossible because you can. Second and last: Want to do X completely with all your soul then it will be done.

Failing that you still need enough directed energy to do it. I feel like if you're asking then it will take a LONG time for you to get to the point that you can do it. As in you will be an old man before you can. People born with the capability don't need to ask so obviously.


That's a lot of questions. Each one a baited snare. Don't fall for it, anyone.

8ch is kill. I don't want to post on a board that won't accept posts.


How do i release DMT through breathing?



Yes, it is the most natural way to raise it. Beautiful synchronicity actually, I just raised my kundalini a couple days ago and maaan, everyone still having their serpent coiled up is missing out.

However, you need a guide to do this, a spiritual guide is good enough, God or your divine self is even better. Real life guides must be awesome yogi tier to be of any use.

You don't need to sit crossleged though, if you are not comfortable with it, don't and use whatever assana you are comfortable with. Make sure you have a solid background of energy work, a solid kundalini understanding and experience of meditation in general. (Kundalini tantra and Crowley's book called meditation are pretty awesome and frankly, all you need.)

When you have a guide to help you (the guru is within), a solid background in energy work and are an okay meditator, that is, you can be relaxed in your assana and do energy work correctly for an hour or two, without feeling discomfort or boredom and feeling the energy going in on every breath, being dedicated and having fun at the task and have been having this daily routne for a couple of weeks/months, you are ready for the big K.

I woud first recommend doing a round of intense stimulation of each chakra, starting at the crown, filling up with light and going downwards with the divine energy, without forgeting the back of each chakra, raise the energy of all the chakras you encounter up to the the crown then "circle" upwards to the third eye, basically already giving you the "habit" of the kundalini sensations and doing a sort of kundalini style energy raising for each of your charas. When you reach the root, do the Book of knowledge technique.

You likely will have imbalances, during your chakra stimulation and the first ignition will be paineful, like an old mottor starting up again, except that, you will feel like your spine is being stabbed in many places by huge acupuncture nail, not being placed at the right position, these are where your imbalances are at. Be sure to ask your guide/higher self/god to help you to balance it all. You could do it yourself, but the experience is so exhilirating, paineful and orgasmic that it's like solving a rubics cube while you are at the peak of an orgasm at a bdsm club, it's pretty hard to focus.

The pain goes away extremely quickly if your guide is good and you help him too, you basically raise the energy of the imbalace upwards to the crown then third eye, if the pain persists for too long and you can't handle it anymore, stop what you are doing, take a break until you feel normal again and go back at it.

When you get that flash of white light, enough kundalini energy has successfuly gone frome the sexual to the brow center. You can continue to enjoy the feels and of course, have as many raisings as you like, each time being a new spiritual experience. Later, you could also try while fasting, and even in day to day situations get a little bit of that sweet kundalini up to your brow to give you an instant energy boost/prepare you for a magical working. You can also use it for practical magic and manifesting thoughtforms, just send some of that kundaini kool aid to your thoughtforms to make them manifest in no time.

Have fun. This shit is absolutely awesome!

PS: if you do not have any inner guide, use the voice of god method in the book of knowledge and ask the creator for guidance. This is not for beginners, but can be done by experienced regular and motivated practicioners who practiced the basics for long enough that they feel confident in their energy body.


Do I need to name thoughtforms so I can call upon them? I'm creating one to assist me astral projecting, but I have not named it.

And wording doesn't matter, intent does, right? I don't have to say the same thing every time I give energy to it or remember everything?


I see the world "thoughtform" being used a lot around here, but i can't find any good info on it. What is a thoughtform? How do i create one? Are there any good books on it?


why aren't the new replies showing up?



8chan is FUCKED



Is it basically the same as the voice of god technique in the book of knowledge?


Couldn't find a thread, so here is my question:

I recently found out about the palm-leaf manuscripts, which are said to tell you exactly your past, your present and how your future works out. What do you people think about that? Is it worth going to one of the readings?



so can I get rid of my phimosis via visualisation alone?


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That's some demonic stuff, I can see why the big two hate it so much. Anyways, give me spiritual reasons not to masturbate. I'ts been two days so far and I'm slowly losing my ground.


Does anyone here have resources on practical electronics creation and electrical engineering?



Arduino is a pretty fun way to get into it.


Is it a bad idea to perform multiple practical acts in a day? For example, apart for daily practice, should I only do a single sigil or a single evocation in a single day? Or is it OK to do a few sigils one after the other, then maybe an evocation or two a few hours later??


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There's nothing wrong with doing that, though what might happen are weaker results




It's pretty hard not to get bored with energy work though




Is there anything that isn't fundamentally worldly/demiurgic? Spirituality seems to miss that it's still a product of conditioned existence. Is everyone just missing the point?

I'm sick of this world, and hate desire. But hey, that's just more conditioned arising, so fuck that too. Where's the way out? I know what it is, but I can't see into it.


How do you make the connection between your higher self clearer?


Is there anything that isn't fundamentally worldly/demiurgic in nature? Even spirituality has the nature of conditioned existence. Is everyone here just missing the point, or are they simply looking for something other than supreme liberation?

Now, I'm getting pretty sick and tired of conditioned existence. Except even that is conditioned in nature. So what then? Where's the way out?




Jeez. Anyone know why this is happening?




I'll do you one better. Do masturbate when you wanna and be mindful of why you are doing and contemplate whether it benefits everyone at the same time or not and if you find at does then that was good, if it does not then seek to temper and channel that energy elsewhere. I masturbate currently and I'm heading toward enlightenment in this life. It it circumstance. I was molested and given an excitability I can not discharge but little-by-little by masturbation. Each time I masturbate I let a little bad excitability out and I come closer to sexual equilibrium. It's all about why and how you do things, not what you do.



Do what feel comfortable. No one can teach you to experience your body/spirit and what you can do. Only HOW to experience your body/spirit and what you can do..



If you can't see it then you do NOT know what it is. The moment you seek the right thing your teacher who has that right thing will appear at the exact same time.



Do that which makes you bodily clean and you spirit will be cleansed. Coffe enemas, all the right vitamins(A,D, and K are a MUST), decalcify your pineal gland. Eat 3/4 cups of wheat bran and 2tbsp of psyllium husk a day to get old gunk out and start the uptaking of old bile. This is true.



Yeah I already lead a healthy lifestyle, I want complete telepathic connection



I doubt you are doing enough. Like anything I said.



No you don't.



No you don't.


Can I redirect my sexual energy to any other kind of stuff? For example, I masturbate quite often and I was wondering if I could transmutate that energy into finding a job for a friend, but I was wondering if any of the sexual aspect of that energy would go into him . I don't want him to suddenly start thinking about me jerking off



fap to sigils for now, but quit as soon as possible


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I have been trying to Astral Project for a while now but have not ever done it yet. Last night while trying it to do it again and I just saw a white light at the back of my head. I heard a particular sound inside and had this heavy pressing on my body. So heavy that I started breathing heavier and I believe I was bought out of it. Sometimes I also see shadows of abstract 3d animations in the darkness, its hard to explain it further. Do these symptoms show that I am on the right track? Do i fail because i jack off twice a day? What meditation(s) do you recommend to practice?



There are transmutation techniques that retain energy in Jason Miller's sex magic book.


I have been trying to Astral Project for a while now but have not ever done it yet. Last night while trying it to do it again and I just saw a white light at the back of my head. I heard a particular sound inside and had this heavy pressing on my body. So heavy that I started breathing heavier and I believe I was bought out of it. Sometimes I also see shadows of abstract 3d animations in the darkness, its hard to explain it further. Do these symptoms show that I am on the right track? Do i fail because i jack off twice a day? What meditation(s) do you recommend to practice?



I'd recommend opening all chakras daily and doing 5-15 minutes of mindfulness meditation beforehand, what method were you using?



I usually do the 4x breathing once in the day. At night while astral projecting I will try to focus on each part of my body and then maybe count down until I hear a sound in my head after which I will focus on that sound. At this part I either give up or fall asleep



I usually do the 4x breathing once in the day. At night while astral projecting I will try to focus on each part of my body and then maybe count down until I hear a sound in my head after which I will focus on that sound. At this part I either give up or fall asleep.



I usually do the 4x breathing once in the day. At night while astral projecting I will try to focus on each part of my body and then maybe count down until I hear a sound in my head after which I will focus on that sound. At this part I either give up or fall asleep.



I usually do the 4x breathing once in the day. At night while astral projecting I will try to focus on each part of my body and then maybe count down until I hear a sound in my head after which I will focus on that sound. At this part I either give up or fall asleep



le bearheart has an astral projection technique thats worth trying.

I'd recommend the middle pillar to build your astral body, meditation in general to work on emptying the mind and maybe offerings in exchange for help APing.


Is the third eye just another name for the pineal gland or is there some difference?



le bearheart has an astral projection technique thats worth trying.

I'd recommend the middle pillar to build your astral body, meditation in general to work on emptying the mind and maybe offerings in exchange for help APing.



le bearheart has an astral projection technique thats worth trying.

I'd recommend the middle pillar to build your astral body, meditation in general to work on controlling the mind and maybe offerings in exchange for help APing.







I usually do the 4x breathing once in the day. At night while astral projecting I will try to focus on each part of my body and then maybe count down until I hear a sound in my head after which I will focus on that sound. At this part I either give up or fall asleep



I usually do the 4x breathing once in the day. At night while astral projecting I will try to focus on each part of my body and then maybe count down until I hear a sound in my head after which I will focus on that sound. At this part I either give up or fall asleep


what are the demons of salazar?


anybody know a good book on lumerians?


anybody know a good book on lumerians?

>Flood detected; Post discarded.

(thanks 8chan)


why is only this thread not able to refresh like this?


anybody know any good books on lemurians?


anybody know any good books on lemurians?

>The server took too long to submit your post. Your post was probably still submitted. If it wasn't, 8chan might be experiencing issues right now – please try your post again later.



I usually do the 4x breathing once in the day. At night while astral projecting I will try to focus on each part of my body and then maybe count down until I hear a sound in my head after which I will focus on that sound. At this part I either give up or fall asleep. But a few hours ago I tries it again but this time with the rope technique. I got to the point where my chest and stomach were feeling heavy but the feeling ended and I gave up.



I usually do the 4x breathing once in the day. At night while astral projecting I will try to focus on each part of my body and then maybe count down until I hear a sound in my head after which I will focus on that sound. At this part I either give up or fall asleep. But a few hours ago I tries it again but this time with the rope technique. I got to the point where my chest and stomach were feeling heavy but the feeling ended and I gave up.



le bearheart has an astral projection technique thats worth trying.

I'd recommend the middle pillar to build your astral body, meditation in general to work on controlling the mind and maybe offerings in exchange for help APing.



brah i used to have a tight foreskin too, what i suggest you to do is put coconut oil on it when you fap or something, or if ur /fringe/ tier and don't fap just put the coconut oil on it.

Also It helps to clean the dick out more than soap can by itself too so theres that.



Watch videos on youtube. i've found them to be consistent and informative. Maybe watch some michael tsarion about it. He's got some good shit and not good shit to say but god damn is he a wealth of knowledge on the stories and myths of the path and he shares them.



Watch videos on youtube. i've found them to be consistent and informative. Maybe watch some michael tsarion about it. He's got some good shit and not good shit to say but god damn is he a wealth of knowledge on the stories and myths of the path and he shares them.

God damnit, now I gotta flood this thread to get the bullshit to post



Watch videos on youtube. i've found them to be consistent and informative. Maybe watch some michael tsarion about it. He's got some good shit and not good shit to say but god damn is he a wealth of knowledge on the stories and myths of the path and he shares them.

God damnit, now I gotta flood this thread to get the bullshit to post



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I'm a faggot



Stop watching filthy frank faggot.

What the hell is up with all these posts?


Does not masturbating really matter when trying to become more powerful in magic?



Yes it does matter, a fuck ton. So stop being a fucking lazy ass addict and spend your time doing something better with your loosh.


Why does nothing on /fringe/ help me with my existential crisis/deppresion?

Even though i use the fucking law of vibration and afterwards keep in mind that im not my emotions etc blah blach that stupid bullshit, it doesn't help. How come there was once i time where i was a kid and was at peace? How come when i use the law of vibration i kinda feel better but then it turns out im a dick to other people, so why even bother in the long run?

How is that when i gravitate between the two poles i either laugh like a maniac nothing really bothers me but when im at the other side i bawl my eyes out everyday? Why am i so fucked up?


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Most of us aren't psychiatrists.

Things were simpler to you, and you didn't yet realize everything that was going on. There is some truth to the saying "Ignorance is bliss." Your mind could not yet comprehend the size and scope of the world until later.

You're using it for self gain.

See first answer. If you don't go to a professional, at least find a bartender, friend, etc. that will listen. It seems hard to find someone like that these days due to all the social media, but they're there. Usually offline or on one of the older forums or irc.

Everyone asks themselves that until they gain enough confidence to deal with life. Until one actively decides to change, they will be stuck in a spiral of repeating events that they think they can never escape from. I would recommend going to church and getting involved, but, I cannot in good faith do this, as so many churches these days don't follow their own religion, and are more concerned about money or feeling good rather than edifying and lifting people up. The hardest part anyway, is finding a friend that will listen to you. It's difficult to get better on your own, unless you have a drive towards one specific goal and don't focus on anything else.



I feel arrogant saying this, but i do think no one can actually help me. I saw someone mention it, that it's the result of a deep seated psychological issue. And no, friends don't wanna listen, for example they ask me to come and rehearse for our band and i tell them im not in the mood, and they try to force me… And when i do come, they make fun of me.



I feel arrogant saying this, but i do think no one can actually help me. I saw someone mention it, that it's the result of a deep seated psychological issue. And no, friends don't wanna listen, for example they ask me to come and rehearse for our band and i tell them im not in the mood, and they try to force me… And when i do come, they make fun of me.



anyones got brand's books in a mega or something. looking for ones like the angel one and seduction if u have it.



This bullshitter can't "curse" anyone. Don't be silly.



Apparently some fools got scared and removed them from the big mega - nothing of value was lost.

Trust me, this kind of "occultism" is 100% dependable on you, the magician/practitioner, not the content of the "spells". No amount of chanting a bunch of nonsense after drawing silly doodles is going to be a better tool for synchronicity and reality manipulation (which is what is this bullshit "magick" mostly is) is going to be better than using your own intent and willpower in a way that suits you.

Better read Montalk articles and Atkinson instead of this mind toxin filled with thoughtforms designed to lure people into spending money. A brilliant move, this "cursing" of pirates, right? All the cucks wetting their pants and buying it.



If he can't curse anyone why bother using his books?


Do i absolutely have to read Arcane Teachings the whole way through? It's getting really boring.




If he can't curse anyone why bother using his books?



If he can't curse why bother using his books?


Damn it'd be great if this thread didn't fucking lag


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So, I didn't want to start a thread and it's technically a question, but I was wondering if there was someone who is generally well rounded in /fringe/ knowledge (Doesn't have to be anything crazy, just well rounded), who wouldn't mind adding me privately to discuss fringe knowledge.

I'm very open minded but not gullible and I do have some basics down on /fringe/ ideology. Current topics I'm acquainted with are Tarot Cards, Meditation, Meta/Spiritual philosophy, and other dimensional entities.

I'm not asking for in depth one on one sessions, just someone I can converse with every once and a while who feels charitable enough to donate some time to someone like me.

I'll be glad to use any routes of communication you find preferable, my current one:

Skype: sam.johnson8551


Can't find the answer to this anywhere. Noob neophyte wondering what kind of energy the moon emits. I would think it emits yin, but since it's reflecting the suns rays shouldn't it be yang?

Also, do chakras have any sort of alignment to yin and yang? And if they do, would it be wise to charge crystals with their corresponding chakra's energy?


Can't find the answer to this anywhere. Noob neophyte wondering what kind of energy the moon emits. I would think it emits yin, but since it's reflecting the suns rays shouldn't it be yang?

Also, do chakras have any sort of alignment to yin and yang? And if they do, would it be wise to charge crystals with their corresponding chakra's energy?


Can't find the answer to this anywhere. Noob neophyte wondering what kind of energy the moon emits. I would think it emits yin, but since it's reflecting the suns rays shouldn't it be yang?

Also, do chakras have any sort of alignment to yin and yang? And if they do, would it be wise to charge crystals with their corresponding chakra's energy?


Noob neophyte having trouble finding the answer to this anywhere.

What kind of energy does the moon emit? I would think it's yin, but since it's reflecting the sun's rays, shouldn't it be yang? Or is the moons energy completely independent from the sun?

Also, do the chakras have any sort of correspondence to yin and yang? If they do, would it be wise to charge crystals with their corresponding chakras energy?


As I've been reading about stuff, I haven't made too much major progress along any particular route, but I've become more and more aware of my own inner condition, and it's worrying me.

I feel like I'm kinda asleep all the time. Not really all that aware. If I put any effort into staying more alert, I get very, very sleepy, like a narcoleptic. The same thing happens if I meditate or focus on a chakra or try to do mental math or remember something. I just seem to be lacking mental energy in a really big way.

Anyone have any advice on what to do about this? How I can get more all-purpose mental energy?




Real talk, it's probably because reptilians kek. You think they are a game? Nigga you probably got a shit ton of entity attachments. Let me link you this shit http://www.selfhealinghandbook.com/about-2/book-download-page/

Psychology, magick, spirituality, metaphysics these things go hand in hand. You believe people can't help you so it doesn't. But the main fact is, you probably don't want to help yourself so you don't get better. You may be in denial about something, perhaps you have unchecked repressed trauma. If you really want to resolve this, then that desire to is all you need. Desire is what fuels creation, and that my friend is what started our universe. Meditate, use psychedelics(warning ofc), lucid dream. Do what you can to dig deep, and don't run away.


As I've been reading about stuff, I haven't made too much major progress along any particular route, but I've become more and more aware of my own inner condition, and it's worrying me.

I feel like I'm kinda asleep all the time. Not really all that aware. If I put any effort into staying more alert, I get very, very sleepy, like a narcoleptic. The same thing happens if I meditate or focus on a chakra or try to do mental math or remember something. I just seem to be lacking mental energy in a really big way.

Anyone have any advice on what to do about this? How I can get more all-purpose mental energy?



I mean nothing from it in that sense. It's really a question of whether the ways of the Taoists, Buddhists, etc. are in right mind. We seem to meditate a lot as well and many here do not masturbate. I've read here, in this thread, that it makes a difference.

It can even be stated as a difference of goals. We wish to reach the goal of separating ourselves from our mortal bodies. That is similar to how Taoists believe after death, the spirit separates itself.

There is a belief in reincarnation here. Buddhism has the same concept, but the goal is to escape from such. It is as we are.

I am not implying anything of thievery actually. I imply that our goals are similar, and I wonder if Buddhists and Taoists can achieve their goals (being free from death). For Buddhists, it can (supposedly) take lifetimes to become Enlightened. Then again, there seems to be differing opinions about enlightenment. Whether it's knowing yourself or possibly something else. I am not read up on such a thing.

Have I explained enough, or should I continue? It's a long and winded question that may be difficult to answer, but I like to ask such questions because it allows people to think and gives a lot more insight than a run-of-the-mill question.


Should I read Chasing Phantoms? Apparently it gets you abducted by aliens, which I think would be the ultimate proof that magick is real without a doubt so I can improve without any questioning. But it would be terrorizing, and I'd be afraid I wouldn't be able to stop the abductions or I'd scare myself off magick.

Anybody have any experiences with it?


does anyone have any idiot proof guide/techniques/book to meditation and deep relaxation for entering the theta state? It will help me with visualization, Astral Projection, and other things. So far nothing is working too well.



Who the fuck said this?



Here? It's brought up at >>36837 negatively and mentioned at >>38704

I can't find anything on the book besides the site it's released on, so I'm not going to take my chances until I can guarantee it's safe.



Well the thing is, if you are afraid of them it could perpetuate their presence. Getting paranoid and such. Don't be scared of them, they can be delt with and have been slane as well. You should look for the bearheart thread here. Learn a bit about warrior spirit. Or you can develop yourself internally and remove fear all together. Just know that some information comes with a price, so stay calm. You control your reality. If you don't have a history with abduction and such then chances are you will never have to deal with aliens. Don't provoke or invite them into your life though.



Traditionally, it is said far and wide that the moon emits a feminine energy. Yin. I don't know about the chakras.

Some say the chakras can be yin or yang but I don't believe its that cut and dry because no merely yin or yang thing could contribute to a balanced system of androgyny which occurs in the health crown chakra. Feminine = receptivity and Masculine = creativity and neither chakra can function optimally with only one. The feminine is needed to see and the masculine is needed to effect change at every level. So, no. No chakra can be called merely yin nor yang.

>would it be wise to charge crystals with their corresponding chakras energy?

I charge all my crystals with the golden white light of my aura.



That's entirely up to you, if you have an instinctive understanding of it though, I see nothing wrong with skimming through it faster than you normally would.


You'd be far better off asking Khan in one of his question threads.


I do Electrical engineering in uni, want muh notes?



I would love that if you did not mind.



I am only a neophyte but one thing that becomes apparent very quickly is that purely mechanical approaches to magick do not work.

In other words, he is a fraud. His curse is that his nonsense does not work unless you have cultivated your abilities on your own. In which case, why would you need anybody else anyway?

The people that actually paid for his books are under a much greater curse that cost them energy in the form of money.


Damn am I retarded or something? I wasn't able to make a thoughtform in the span of two weeks, how do you speed this up guys?



As much interaction as you can fit. Constantly feed it.


If you were more precise what kind of circuits you need information on, I might be able to provide too.


Any way I can memorize an image completely down to every small detail and recall it any time I need?


Any way I can memorize an image completely down to every small detail and recall it any time I need?



Did his curse affect you lmao. I've got like 3 of his books dl-ed but I don't think I'm under any curse yet, though I haven't read it much nor practiced it.


Well the thing is StudioArcanis has got lots of positive things to say about his angel books. They also like New Avatar Power too but say that Damon's angel books are like the, upgraded version of NAP so to say.

And his Sword Banishing ritual is highly recommended too. I guess he can curse those who've pirated his books but can he really claim ownership of the techniques / rituals themselves?

Alternatively do you recommend any Modern Grimoires for a newfig like me?



This is basically what I was looking for. Thank you. I'll just continue using the sun and moon because I'm clearly a beginner and that seems like the easiest thing to do. Again, thank you.


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Can something 'be' and 'not be' at the same time?

Or is there 'no such thing as a middle answer', like Aristotle claimed?

If logic truly isn't logical, how would that affect your world-view?



Eat organic rosemary daily to improve your memory in 4-6 weeks. Continue forever.



Eat organic rosemary daily to improve your memory in 4-6 weeks. Continue forever.


I pirated his book. Fuck that guy. I used it anyway because angels is my underlings. They do what I say anyway.



Eat organic rosemary daily to improve your memory in 4-6 weeks. Continue forever.


I pirated his book. Fuck that guy. I used it anyway because angels is my underlings. They do what I say anyway.



Well, the solar energy can fade some stones like amethyst and citrine. Make sure it is not counterindicated for the specific stone or your stone will be denatured.



Fuark, I just reread them and turns out there are pretty stern copyright notices on them.

Sorry about that but I'd rather avoid getting fucked in the ass by my admins since there weren't that many people in the course.



No problem.


We are all aware of how 'As above so below' works

But how does 'As below so above' work?



The C major scale is C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C Take it up and octave is the same thing, down and octave is also the same. It's all an analogy.


we need ponies flag tbh smh fam.


Haven't really read much of vedic philosophy, but how much does it differ from Atkinson's view of the universe?


Haven't really read much of vedic philosophy, but how much does it differ from Atkinson's view of the universe?


Just exactly how are we "all one"?


Just exactly how are we "all one"?




"as above, so below, as within, so without", Universe is holographic (the whole is contained within each part) etc.



All is Mind. All is one.


Anyone have rituals or the like for enchanting. Not charging things.



I'm not sure about that, can we really affect the spiritual world from the material? Most of magic seems to be purely mental and targeted at doing things on planes other than the physical, I'm not sure about "as below so above".

Also question, I was wondering if you guys know of any good books on mind control, I want to make sure I'm ready to convince people to leave me alone doing my own stuff and stop annoying me, for example trying to be my friends/date me etc. Or for instance, if I'm stopped by a policeman , I would want to well, do some jedi-level shit and just have him let me go along with my day unnoticed.

At the same time I don't want to do any more bad karma shit, so i was wondering what kind of mind control can be considered safe, if any? If I believe that my spiritual path requires me to go unnoticed, would that justify the use of such magic?

So let me know about your best resources on that, please.



I'm not sure about that, can we really affect the spiritual world from the material? Most of magic seems to be purely mental and targeted at doing things on planes other than the physical, I'm not sure about "as below so above".

Also question, I was wondering if you guys know of any good books on mind control, I want to make sure I'm ready to convince people to leave me alone doing my own stuff and stop annoying me, for example trying to be my friends/date me etc. Or for instance, if I'm stopped by a policeman , I would want to well, do some jedi-level shit and just have him let me go along with my day unnoticed.

At the same time I don't want to do any more bad karma shit, so i was wondering what kind of mind control can be considered safe, if any? If I believe that my spiritual path requires me to go unnoticed, would that justify the use of such magic?

So let me know about your best resources on that, please.


Does astrology work on birthdays for fictional characters?

I started studying it and tried applying it to mai waifu. I didn't expect it to work but it seems to describe her too well to just be a coincidence.

I picked the date myself (no canon birthday) based on intuition before I got into any occult stuff.



You're the same person from the other thread. I knew you didn't know shit about magick



You're the same person from the other thread. I knew you didn't know shit about magick





I'm not sure about that, can we really affect the spiritual world from the material? Most of magic seems to be purely mental and targeted at doing things on planes other than the physical, I'm not sure about "as below so above".

Also question, I was wondering if you guys know of any good books on mind control, I want to make sure I'm ready to convince people to leave me alone doing my own stuff and stop annoying me, for example trying to be my friends/date me etc. Or for instance, if I'm stopped by a policeman , I would want to well, do some jedi-level shit and just have him let me go along with my day unnoticed.

At the same time I don't want to do any more bad karma shit, so i was wondering what kind of mind control can be considered safe, if any? If I believe that my spiritual path requires me to go unnoticed, would that justify the use of such magic?

So let me know about your best resources on that, please.


why can I not see the replies I can see no the front page when I actually open the thread. Is 8chan kill? 8chan is kill


Is a crossroads only four way or can it be a three-way (straight or turn right vs left or right turn).


Hi /fringe/. Im a blue collar worker that does a lot of pyshical stuff daily. Everyday after work i feel too tired to do my daily meditation training.

My question here is, can someone in similar situation as i am devise some sort of exercise that i can do while i am working that can help me develop my astral sense consistently, mainly the sense of touch and Sight cause i hear those are the most important one to develop first. Thanks in advance !



I dunno, i've not heard great things about polyphasic, but that was from mundies.

I've read that the more chakras you have developed the less sleep you need anyway, and then no sleep when it's all done. (just resting for the body's sake)

Navel is supposed to be the void,

root to ground. mb one of those chakras. But I'm only answering bc no one else has. Not sure.



I'm not sure about that, can we really affect the spiritual world from the material? Most of magic seems to be purely mental and targeted at doing things on planes other than the physical, I'm not sure about "as below so above".

Also question, I was wondering if you guys know of any good books on mind control, I want to make sure I'm ready to convince people to leave me alone doing my own stuff and stop annoying me, for example trying to be my friends/date me etc. Or for instance, if I'm stopped by a policeman , I would want to well, do some jedi-level shit and just have him let me go along with my day unnoticed.

At the same time I don't want to do any more bad karma shit, so i was wondering what kind of mind control can be considered safe, if any? If I believe that my spiritual path requires me to go unnoticed, would that justify the use of such magic?

So let me know about your best resources on that, please.


Can autosuggestion change physical things about your body, such as eye color? Also, can the subconscious trick you when you wish for white eyes and instead it makes you blind?



A lot of people on that Merlin's World site use subliminal recordings to try to change physical aspects of themselves, some claim degrees of success.



Thank you for posting real magic websites.




The subconscious responds to desires not words. You could yammer nonsense into there and still get the desired result. Someone could speak in other language and still hypnotize you.

If you are using recording btw then you are just doing self-hypnosis. No hypnotic videos can have any effect on you unless they were enchanted specifically for you OR they were powerfully enchanted and you were amongst first to be exposed to it before the power of the spell runs out (so super obscure recording you found that nobody else has watched yet might do something to you if a real wizard is behind its creation and not a fool).

t. knower


Just wanted to share this good resource for anybody interested. Loads of info on this.





The subconscious responds to desires not words. You could yammer nonsense into there and still get the desired result. Someone could speak in other language and still hypnotize you.

If you are using recording btw then you are just doing self-hypnosis. No hypnotic videos can have any effect on you unless they were enchanted specifically for you OR they were powerfully enchanted and you were amongst first to be exposed to it before the power of the spell runs out (so super obscure recording you found that nobody else has watched yet might do something to you if a real wizard is behind its creation and not a fool).

One other way would be recording/video whatever is enchanted specifically to target you or you are first matching target in either case the spell doesn't go off until it hits its target (you view/listen to the recording). In such a case, non-targets wil not be effected, though you will be once you get exposure.

t. knower

(also subliminal recordings sites and providers of hypnosis vids and stuff are shit, don't assume you've found a "real magic" website yet kiddo, you want real magick just hope I and others of my calibre stick around /fringe/ enough to drop more wisdom… I come in from time to time and this is my favourite site for greenpilling when I get in the mood though I drop greenpills everywhere that synchronicity calls me to.)


Hypnosis vid/recording is one part rhythm to loosen up the conscious attention (principle of rhythm) and encourage trance state, one part imagination and suggestion (principle of mind/mental) focusing your intent, and one part emotion/desire/loosh usually supplied by you to charge the whole thing.

HardXCore wizard like me knows how to do all of this in many ways for any purpose and any target.


Hypnosis vid/recording is one part rhythm to loosen up the conscious attention (principle of rhythm) and encourage trance state, one part imagination and suggestion (principle of mind/mental) focusing your intent, and one part emotion/desire/loosh usually supplied by you to charge the whole thing. If you are wondering where the other four principles come in, they are there in the work too e.g. image or word corresponding with the intention or target (principle of correspondence).

HardXCore wizard like me knows how to do all of this in many ways for any purpose and any target.


Hypnosis vid/recording is one part rhythm to loosen up the conscious attention (principle of rhythm) and encourage trance state, one part imagination and suggestion (principle of mind/mental) focusing your intent, and one part emotion/desire/loosh usually supplied by you to charge the whole thing. If you are wondering where the other four principles come in, they are there in the work too e.g. image or word corresponding with the intention or target (principle of correspondence).

HardXCore wizard like me knows how to do all of this in many ways for any purpose and any target.

brb, casting spell to speed up process of cripple fixing this damned site so my posts actually get through when I submit them.


File: 1447597663569-0.jpg (2.23 MB, 2215x2711, 2215:2711, 1436646595307.jpg)

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I found this floating around near my cute anime girl folders. I guess I probably got it a few years ago when I was a serious poster on /x/.

Is there truth in these 3 pics.






Why do people constantly make fun of me? What am i supposed to learn this way if the cosmos is just a learning program for us?


Why do people constantly make fun of me? What am i supposed to learn this way if the cosmos is just a learning program for us?



I don't know an excercise but…all the senses are important to develop. Neglect of one will spoil the rest. The seven senses from root to crown are Smell, Taste, Sight,Touch, Hearing, ESP, and Empathy.


I don't want to bump a shitty thread, so I'll just post this here. What are your guys thoughts on technology and magick?

I've always loved technology, and I love working with computers. But seeing magick, it's almost as if technology is the mundane version of magick. And because of this, it feels like technology is holding us back in the physical. Instead of trying to fix our problems we are progressing technology to fix those problems for us, when the problem lies in the metaphysical.

I'm looking at something called JanusVR right now and it reminds me of what i've read about astral projection. It's just amazing to me how we can do these things with technology, but at the same time it's not spiritual progress.



I've come to the realization that I'm trying to "grow" spiritually and personally to avoid tangible emotional problems, mostly involving my social life, close relationships, and love. When I get around people, I lose the happiness of being totally involved in my own contemplations, and feel closed and constricted, unable to really engage people or act spontaneously, be loving or open or free and giving.

I'd like a way to work this out on an emotional level. Could working with the unconscious be a viable way to do this? Anyone have any resources on dealing with things like this?



drop some green-pills



No he's a retard and you're a retard.

Pineal Gland is for a physical form of telepathy, it has this sand stuff in it that registers subtle vibrations.

Third eye = you open it by practicing visualization, that simple.

Pineal Gland detox? I don't know how he suggests that be done but I'll tell you now detoxing is mostly a matter of the Will and the use of etheric energy. The body is always detoxing itself, you can help by not consuming lots of food full of pesticides and hormones and crap, basically having the farmer diet.


How can you change the etheric energies?



I may not have notes for you, but I remembered that I've had a book that covers pretty much the same thing I've learned.


I hope you'll find it satisfactory.


Maybe because they're jelly of you or you're doing something wrong with your life. You really aren't telling us enough to make a judgement.


I guess some would argue that technology has done more harm than good to the development of the human race in terms of spiritual progress. I may be a little bit biased since I'll be a certified engineer in a couple of years but I recon the development of technology is important too.

A whole lot of us would be locked to the enlightenment through hard work path, whatever the yogi call it, I forget. Either way it has certainly made life much easier for us, from general quality of life to the far more important for us lone practicing wizards, sharing of information.

Make no mistake though, the majority of the human race is completely enslaved to technology. If you're 16-24 years old you know that the best way to fit in is to stare at your shitty phone screen as if you have to talk to someone. Or the vain trend of selfies and posting your whole life on social media, giving up all semblance of privacy.

Rambling aside, as long as you know that if tomorrow you've lost all your electronic devices, you wouldn't panic and shut down, you're alright. Practice non-attachment like you do with all your physical possessions and everything should be ok.


You know about about invisible influences other people have on you, don't you? Odds are the people you interact with are bluepilled as hell, so their infantile world views sort of rub off on you. I wouldn't recommend just running away from all relationships and emotional problems, master that shit.

Become good at dealing with that garbage. I've been pretty introverted but time and earnest desire to be competent socially brought about my "normal" everyday persona.

Just keep spinning that blue sphere in your throat chakra area and affirming that you're a social person and by law of attraction you'll get the traits you desire.


how does one access the akashic records? If it's really advanced then is there any other method for acquiring all the information you need?



I may not have notes for you, but I remembered that I've had a book that covers pretty much the same thing I've learned.


I hope you'll find it satisfactory.


Maybe because they're jelly of you or you're doing something wrong with your life. You really aren't telling us enough to make a judgement.


I guess some would argue that technology has done more harm than good to the development of the human race in terms of spiritual progress. I may be a little bit biased since I'll be a certified engineer in a couple of years but I recon the development of technology is important too.

A whole lot of us would be locked to the enlightenment through hard work path, whatever the yogi call it, I forget. Either way it has certainly made life much easier for us, from general quality of life to the far more important for us lone practicing wizards, sharing of information.

Make no mistake though, the majority of the human race is completely enslaved to technology. If you're 16-24 years old you know that the best way to fit in is to stare at your shitty phone screen as if you have to talk to someone. Or the vain trend of selfies and posting your whole life on social media, giving up all semblance of privacy.

Rambling aside, as long as you know that if tomorrow you've lost all your electronic devices, you wouldn't panic and shut down, you're alright. Practice non-attachment like you do with all your physical possessions and everything should be ok.


You know about about invisible influences other people have on you, don't you? Odds are the people you interact with are bluepilled as hell, so their infantile world views sort of rub off on you. I wouldn't recommend just running away from all relationships and emotional problems, master that shit.

Become good at dealing with that garbage. I've been pretty introverted but time and earnest desire to be competent socially brought about my "normal" everyday persona.

Just keep spinning that blue sphere in your throat chakra area and affirming that you're a social person and by law of attraction you'll get the traits you desire.


File: 1447768853530.jpg (80.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

Is the Law of One worth reading? Do i really wanna read a book which was written by a occultist that looks like /this/?


What is a good grimoire for neophytes (other than The Lesser Key of Solomon)?



Be careful with the looks approach.


Freedomboard revival when?



Why? I mean just looking at her i get a sentimental "love and light" all is one new age vibe.



You care abou that? I thought you meant her being retarded, fat, wearing glasses thus proving she never applied any regenerative measures. But you care about that nonsense? You are truly lost.






She was a trance-channel for a higher intelligence, which dictated answers in response to questions.

Read it if you fucking feel like it. Do you want to ask us whether you should wipe your ass when you take a shit too?







She was a trance-channel for a higher intelligence, which dictated answers in response to questions.

Read it if you fucking feel like it. Do you want to ask us whether you should wipe your ass when you take a shit too?



Energy follows attention.


How do I awaken my kundalini?



I train while at work which is also training in itself. Some things you could do are breath work, self hypnosis, or predicting what people will say/do. It really depends on your work situation.

When I get home I clean my feet, hands, and face. It is important to take your time cleaning yourself, think of it like cleaning away your fatigue/stress. At that point I will be very relaxed and can pursue many goals.

It might be different for you, in what you need to do to get yourself ready for meditation training. You really need to examine your situation. Why are you tired? Physical job. Why does a physical job take away from a mental exercise? Too tired to stay awake in a near sleep like state? Get more sleep or endurance.

Break things down like that and find solutions to the component problems.



I train while at work which is also training in itself. Some things you could do are breath work, self hypnosis, or predicting what people will say/do. It really depends on your work situation.

When I get home I clean my feet, hands, and face. It is important to take your time cleaning yourself, think of it like cleaning away your fatigue/stress. At that point I will be very relaxed and can pursue many goals.

It might be different for you, in what you need to do to get yourself ready for meditation training. You really need to examine your situation. Why are you tired? Physical job. Why does a physical job take away from a mental exercise? Too tired to stay awake in a near sleep like state? Get more sleep or endurance.

Break things down like that and find solutions to the component problems.



I train while at work which is also training in itself. Some things you could do are breath work, self hypnosis, or predicting what people will say/do. It really depends on your work situation.

When I get home I clean my feet, hands, and face. It is important to take your time cleaning yourself, think of it like cleaning away your fatigue/stress. At that point I will be very relaxed and can pursue many goals.

It might be different for you, in what you need to do to get yourself ready for meditation training. You really need to examine your situation. Why are you tired? Physical job. Why does a physical job take away from a mental exercise? Too tired to stay awake in a near sleep like state? Get more sleep or endurance.

Break things down like that and find solutions to the component problems.

>flood detected



I train while at work which is also training in itself. Some things you could do are breath work, self hypnosis, or predicting what people will say/do. It really depends on your work situation.

When I get home I clean my feet, hands, and face. It is important to take your time cleaning yourself, think of it like cleaning away your fatigue/stress. At that point I will be very relaxed and can pursue many goals.

It might be different for you, in what you need to do to get yourself ready for meditation training. You really need to examine your situation. Why are you tired? Physical job. Why does a physical job take away from a mental exercise? Too tired to stay awake in a near sleep like state? Get more sleep or endurance.

Break things down like that and find solutions to the component problems.

>flood detected



I train while at work which is also training in itself. Some things you could do are breath work, self hypnosis, or predicting what people will say/do. It really depends on your work situation.

When I get home I clean my feet, hands, and face. It is important to take your time cleaning yourself, think of it like cleaning away your fatigue/stress. At that point I will be very relaxed and can pursue many goals.

It might be different for you, in what you need to do to get yourself ready for meditation training. You really need to examine your situation. Why are you tired? Physical job. Why does a physical job take away from a mental exercise? Too tired to stay awake in a near sleep like state? Get more sleep or endurance.

Break things down like that and find solutions to the component problems.

>flood detected



I train while at work which is also training in itself. Some things you could do are breath work, self hypnosis, or predicting what people will say/do. It really depends on your work situation.

When I get home I clean my feet, hands, and face. It is important to take your time cleaning yourself, think of it like cleaning away your fatigue/stress. At that point I will be very relaxed and can pursue many goals.

It might be different for you, in what you need to do to get yourself ready for meditation training. You really need to examine your situation. Why are you tired? Physical job. Why does a physical job take away from a mental exercise? Too tired to stay awake in a near sleep like state? Get more sleep or endurance.

Break things down like that and find solutions to the component problems.




I train while at work which is also training in itself. Some things you could do are breath work, self hypnosis, or predicting what people will say/do. It really depends on your work situation.

When I get home I clean my feet, hands, and face. It is important to take your time cleaning yourself, think of it like cleaning away your fatigue/stress. At that point I will be very relaxed and can pursue many goals.

It might be different for you, in what you need to do to get yourself ready for meditation training. You really need to examine your situation. Why are you tired? Physical job. Why does a physical job take away from a mental exercise? Too tired to stay awake in a near sleep like state? Get more sleep or endurance.

Break things down like that and find solutions to the component problems.


>8ch doesn't want me to post



I train while at work which is also training in itself. Some things you could do are breath work, self hypnosis, or predicting what people will say/do. It really depends on your work situation.

When I get home I clean my feet, hands, and face. It is important to take your time cleaning yourself, think of it like cleaning away your fatigue/stress. At that point I will be very relaxed and can pursue many goals.

It might be different for you, in what you need to do to get yourself ready for meditation training. You really need to examine your situation. Why are you tired? Physical job. Why does a physical job take away from a mental exercise? Too tired to stay awake in a near sleep like state? Get more sleep or endurance.

Break things down like that and find solutions to the component problems.




I train while at work which is also training in itself. Some things you could do are breath work, self hypnosis, or predicting what people will say/do. It really depends on your work situation.

When I get home I clean my feet, hands, and face. It is important to take your time cleaning yourself, think of it like cleaning away your fatigue/stress. At that point I will be very relaxed and can pursue many goals.

It might be different for you, in what you need to do to get yourself ready for meditation training. You really need to examine your situation. Why are you tired? Physical job. Why does a physical job take away from a mental exercise? Too tired to stay awake in a near sleep like state? Get more sleep or endurance.

Break things down like that and find solutions to the component problems.



Want to help you out but 8ch won't let me post. Testing with this post to see if I am being filtered.



I train while at work which is also training in itself. Some things you could do are breath work, self hypnosis, or predicting what people will say/do. It really depends on your work situation.

When I get home I clean my feet, hands, and face. It is important to take your time cleaning yourself, think of it like cleaning away your fatigue/stress. At that point I will be very relaxed and can pursue many goals.

It might be different for you, in what you need to do to get yourself ready for meditation training. You really need to examine your situation. Why are you tired? Physical job. Why does a physical job take away from a mental exercise? Too tired to stay awake in a near sleep like state? Get more sleep or endurance.

Break things down like that and find solutions to the component problems.



yeah, but from what i've read it only affects it during trance right? when you go out of trance the etheric body goes back to the same etheric make up right?


Is there some good material on cleaning up your subconsciousness? Since it takes whatever is conveyed to it, it must be full of many things we don't need. I believe this to be the key to power.


Is there some good material on cleaning up your subconsciousness? Since it takes whatever is conveyed to it, it must be full of many things we don't need. I believe this to be the key to power.


Yuropoor here.

At the time of Paris attack, which I did not know about, I had an unusual feeling, like if something was really wrong, the impending doom kind lasting for about 40 minutes, could not concentrate on anything, fear-like sensations in chest, body in rush. then about a hour after it stopped I read about the shooting (about 50 were dead). Such an event would for sure release great amounts of energy, Could that be some random ass feeling or could I sense it in some way?


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Do you guys like 2D girls?



Okay thanks a lot. I'll work on making sure they're all open.


It's been day six on no fap and im experiencing a serge in energy, I remember someone saying about thoughtforms is visualize them as a gold ball of light over your head when your starting them, any advice for this and afterwords?

also, what else should I do with all this energy, im not faping till the end of the year.



Looks are valid, just read this book though before you judge "the without" so you can relate it to the within.



It's been day six on no fap and im experiencing a serge in energy, I remember someone saying about thoughtforms is visualize them as a gold ball of light over your head when your starting them, any advice for this and afterwords?

also, what else should I do with all this energy, im not faping till the end of the year.


It's been day six on no fap and im experiencing a serge in energy, I remember someone saying about thoughtforms is visualize them as a gold ball of light over your head when your starting them, any advice for this and afterwords?

also, what else should I do with all this energy, im not faping till the end of the year and I have pretty good willpower.




Should I buy Franz Bardon's books? Apparently after all these years typos still exist in them which is really dismaying considering the absurdly high price for them. I might just have to stick to my PDFs.



I was thinking about this again while in the shower, after my shower my mind and soul felt clean and fresh too, is it this simple?



I was thinking about this again while in the shower, after my shower my mind and soul felt clean and fresh too, is it this simple?


Do i need to practice psychic powers or do i get them when i reach a higher density? Or is reaching a higher density only possible with practicing psychic powers?



Looks are valid, just read this book though before you judge "the without" so you can relate it to the within.




I was thinking about this again while in the shower, after my shower my mind and soul felt clean and fresh too, is it this simple?


Of which element(s) consists electricity?


Of which element(s) consists electricity?



it's trainable.

read cyclomancy

watch movie: chronicle


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Hey guys.

Is it possible in astral to go to a different universe and merge with an alternate version of yourself?

Can I permanently move there and make it my reality?



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Hey guys.

Is it possible in astral to go to a different universe and merge with an alternate version of yourself?

Can I permanently move there and make it my reality?




Looks are valid, just read this book though before you judge "the without" so you can relate it to the within.



Can someone please let me in on a technique that can help control or eliminate almost crippling anxiety?

When I try sitting down to meditate lately, it feels like I'm trying to sit down in the squishy beach sand in the ocean while trying to maintain balance and being pushed and pulled by the tide.

I am so sick of being like this.


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How do I ascend to higher dimensions, /fringe/?


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Can you guys give me some information regarding prophetic dreams? I've been a lurker for some time now, and I recently (1 month ago) had a minor traumatic event matching a dream (or what I could remember about it) I had several months ago, down to certain details. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a deja vu, because I remember thinking about the dream a few times before that incident.

Once I realized I had that dream later that night, I got really spooked, thinking it was some sort of important event in my life. I'm pretty much a mundane, being a fedora most of my life, and reading some of the books in the sticky, half-wishing for something interesting and out-of-the-ordinary to happen in my life



But i don't even want psychic powers. I mean it's cool. But my main priority is to achieve reunion with the All. How? I don't want chicks, cars, robes and a huge astral dick to show my wizard friends.

Same as this guy >>61413

Does any book or site talk about this? Any site just says we have to wait for the collective ascension process which is bullshit and /fringe/ is busy making thoughtforms for getting a girlfriend.


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Is there any (preferably in english) documents/books from Thule society or NS related occultism? I prefer to read from the subject itself, but other non-direct material will also do.



Well, prophetic dreams don't always mean an important event. In fact some prophetic dreams are self fulfilling. Your third eye is probably open.


Where should I go from here?

I feel like a broke through some kind of barrier and was made aware of spirituality during a very intense LSD trip about six years ago. Full blown telepathy and thought sharing. I'm still not really sure I understand the mechanics of consciousness, or why it works.

What I do know is I can make some tingly shit happen in my spine and crown, "project"/flex my energy so others can sense it, and from time to time have some strong telepathic experiences. I feel that my thoughts influence reality (and that other can pick up on it) more or less constantly, it's simply a matter of to what degree and how much attention is paid at any given moment.

I've read the Kybalion and tried meditation on and off without really sticking to it. That's about the extent of it. Other than that I've just kind of been waffling around with no real direction as to what I'm supposed to do with this and it's lead to some stagnation.

I also feel somewhat disheartened at times because I feel there is so much we are kept in the dark about and that most modern systems assault your consciousness and spirit pretty much constantly. I have turned to alcohol, tobacco, pornography and masturbation for the past few years to cope in general and it's undermined my development in this arena.

Can somebody give some advice as to what to study that is manageable to start with? I come here and ask because I have kicked the booze, tobacco, porn and masturbating for about a month now and feel that I can finally turn a corner at this time in my life.

Thanks for reading my blog.


Ok, so i've read the FAQ but i still don't fully know what this "magick" you all talk about is. Can someone explain it in a sentence? As far as I've seen it's just believeing really hard in stuff and making it happen. So are you just basically giving yourself moral support or RPing wizards IRL or what?



Why don't you read one of those books in the FAQ in the order they are put in, or even google a little before asking stupid questions ?



No one's RPing here as far as I know, and it's a big misconception to think it's all only psychological, simplest way of describing magic is just changing reality with your mind, it's proven to not be hallucinosis because when you do actually hallucinate paralyzing chemicals are released into your brain



In the early neophyte stages, I find it's important to set yourself clear goals and challenge yourself.

Can you silence your mind for timed 5 minutes? How about creating a persistent thoughtform that brought you results? I recon IIH is perfect for that sort of thing, but the main thing is, you must always move forward like a shark.


Magic or magick, spelling semantics really don't concern me, is in essence the "science" (using the word loosely, since most results cannot be reproduced by the scientific method) using the mental powers of humans in accordance to various theories about the mental nature of the universe to shape the world to our image, or in more realistic case of most people here, shift the odds in our favor.

Apart from that there's also astral travels, remote viewing, slowing time, fast healing and other superpowers people unlock after years of hard work.


Repeating the question anon said before. How do we get ti higher dimensions?


Hey guys I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this. Not sure if the mega files were edited or not, but I recall awhile back seeing an giant NLP video course in one of the folders. Each file was an mp4 ranging between 200-400 MB I didn't bother to download it then, but would like to now. Any help would be appreciated



Magic is fucking magic. Making things happen through "supernatural" means, supernatural being a word that makes it seem silly in a culture with a logical positivist bias.



Magic is fucking magic. Making things happen through "supernatural" means, supernatural being a word that makes it seem silly in a culture with a logical positivist bias.


Neophyte/Initiate here.

I've read a lot of books, practiced a lot and know for certain that magick is real.

But my motivation has burned out.

Now that I can do pretty much every mundane thing, I don't feel like doing anything anymore.

Sometimes I work up my will power and start doing some amazing things, but afterwards I just feel the same way.

Any help/ideas for this?



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There's been people on this board saying how the early fringe consisted of racist wizards.

Why should a superior wizard, who controls his emotions impulses, turn against his fellow human beings and destroy harmonic coexistence with a racist and aggressive worldview? Does gnosticism play a role here?

Give me the Ironpill, I think I'm ready for this path. Please recommend literature.



Can you astral project/lucid dream? If answer is no then start practicing those



Can you astral project/lucid dream? If answer is no then start practicing those



Can you astral project/lucid dream? If answer is no then start practicing those



Thanks for the reply to


I can meditate basically. Mindfulness for 20 to 30 minutes. I guess I should practice meditation more, but my initial questions remain, what am I supposed to to do with this? Telepathy? Fucking around with my energy in my public? Holy shit I feel that I am slurping up energy sometimes like I am eating a bowl of soup. I feel mildly deranged at times but also totally enlightened.



>why don't you spend hours researching something that might turn out to be of no interest to you whatsoever instead of asking questions about it in a thread dedicated to that

I read the OP right, yes? did he mean some other thread? if so, where?



i suppose that clears it up a bit. >>61474

mentions healing and stuff. could i fix my eyesight completely using these methods? like it's not very bad, i generally don't even need glasses but if i wanna read stuff longer away i have to really focus my eyes and squint a bit to make out the words and even that's not enough sometimes. could i completely fix that and regain perfect eyesight via these methods? if so, how long would it take me to obtain and practice the knowledge required for the desired result?

also, and don't take this for trolling, i'm genuinely curious: do you guys know if ghosts exist? if so, would i be able to hypothetically fuck a ghost girl? would i feel anything and would she like it? did anyone try it?



Can you astral project/lucid dream? If answer is no then start practicing those



>what am I supposed to to do with this?

Whatever the fuck you want really, that's be beauty of being a wizard. Want to send sexual energy to that qt over there to troll her? You can do it.

Want to find out something you're not meant to? Enter the mind of some important person or remote view their meeting.

Seriously, anything goes but do at least try to have some sort of moral code if you don't want to deal with repercussions of fucking random people up using magic.


>could i fix my eyesight completely using these methods?

Yes, I'm pretty sure William Walker Atkinson has a book on healing that I recommend you read. People have also reported getting results from the New Avatar Power by Geoff Gray Cobb so you could look into that as well.

>how long would it take me to obtain and practice the knowledge required for the desired result?

All depends on how much time you'd dedicate to reading and practicing. Your results in magic are very dependent on how much effort you put in but I recon in the best case scenario your eyesight should improve after a few weeks.

>would i be able to hypothetically fuck a ghost girl?

Yes, in the astral you can find an astral entity that might resemble a ghost and sex her. Astral projection as a skill takes significantly longer to master though, I'm pretty sure there are even people here who've been trying it for years now.



ok, well, i'm not sure what to think about this but you've tickled my interest. are there any books that expand on the process of learning? is one able to learn how to improve one's studying capabilities? can you enhance them with magick, make yourself remember better, understand quicker or something? enhancing your learning abilities seems like the first logical step to take if you intend to study something this profusly



Your current position is my goal, what's the most insane thing you can do?


How can you get rid of allergic reactions?


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Oh, never mind, I think I was guided to an answer already.

Started reading Evola. Together with the Gnostic worldview, you get a really disappointing impression of reality - malicious demons leeching on your spirit, hylics getting in your way and general suffering in the demiurge's playground.

Really a tough pill to swallow, I'm still digesting it.



Is berserk THE /fringe/ manga?




The thing is this is the most basic stuff. It's called ascension. There are many systems that end at this exact thing. You can do yoga, internal alchemy, any other esotercism or none at all. The idea is to not be held down by the lower. You need to find self realization, or you can become STO which is completely selfless without being a doormat of course. You need to meditate a shit ton, make sure you do this everyday. What also might help is becoming breatharian, it brings you closer to the one and also brings you closer to STO status. Heal all your traumas learn your lessons and know who you really are. That's all apart of being here in the first place.


Yeah psychedelics tend you raise vibration and allows you access to your higher nature. Psychic abilities can awaken like this as well. Read montalks website, then read the books he recommends. Or just start with the basics here and get the books in the MEGA and check out some of the threads already posted here.


Try to think back about yourself, your drives and dreams. Challenge yourself to achieve things in the real world. Try to live out the desire of your soul self. Basically I think it's time for you to find some self-realization. If anything do yourself and others some good, and do some write ups or find ways to help others. This kind of thing will definitely open things up for you as it's all a part of the process in itself. Your evolution has not ended yet friend.


Can someone spare some info on fasting guides/advice etc?



You could always try autosuggestion. Allergies themselves are just an overreaction from your body. So you should be able to correct that with your mind.


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The meta bullshit in Umineko is pretty /fringe/ if you ask me. Possibly even more /fringe/ than Berserk.



Sorry, but if you want substantial information without all the disinfo and rumor mongling you're better off looking for German sources. No non-German speaker will ever delve deep enough.




Nah homunculus is


how do i do protection magick for a friend?

additional information: ZOG is after him


I tried to do the Channeling the Higher Self meditation as described in the Book of Knowledge, however when I got to the part where I had to arrive at the place to meet the Higher Self I instead arrived at two different locations (I attempted this part twice) and got psychically attacked both times.

What is the significance of this and how do I prevent it from happening again?


I tried to do the Channeling the Higher Self meditation as described in the Book of Knowledge, however when I got to the part where I had to arrive at the place to meet the Higher Self I instead arrived at two different locations (I attempted this part twice) and got psychically attacked both times.

What is the significance of this and how do I prevent it from happening again?



Berserk later on literally qoutes IIH


Has anyone been able to do the first exercise in cyclomancy to make your hand warm while holding ice? I'm wondering about experiences on it and how long it took to do.



post some examples, it would be interesting ^_^



can't remember which chapter but later on when they meet the witch


Why can't i enjoy music like i used to? Even old stuff i liked doesn't lift me up like it used to. It's not like i feel unhappy or down or anything like that, it's just that i miss listening to something and getting imediatelly hooked to it. What gives?



Smoke some weed if you can handle it.

Or you could do an invocation of a musical deity.



Smoke some weed if you can handle it.

Or you could do an invocation of a musical deity.



Smoke some weed if you can handle it.

Or you could do an invocation of a musical deity.



Why is thinking everyone equal foolish? If we are all god, what makes one person superior to another (aside from their choices/strength)?

I don't believe people who are vastly different should interact with each other much at all (say, the violent extremist and the enlightened sage), but I definitely don't believe in violence as a purveyor of anything other than more violence.

A decent amount of what you said is acceptable, though.

If we are all one, is not violence to others violence to yourself? Is not lifting your darkness into light, love, and superiority better than attempting to kill a part of yourself?

Sure, it must happen in pieces, lest your darkest part attempt to kill the lightest, but as we all develop, so we open the door for the next.



It's not simply a matter of having them open, but of them being secure.

As a friend told me, you have to be able to "stand" on them. He also said meditating on them makes them stronger.

I read a book (the chakra handbook, first result $4 on amazon)

that said something like…

8-10 sacral

6-8 solar plexus

5-6 hours heart chakra open

4-5 hours throat

I think.

I believe that what it means is if you make one strong enough to live out of when you're awake, (interact mostly through that) then you can proceed to the next one. Also, developing the heart is supposed to develop the other ones naturally (to a lesser extent, I imagine, but I know my third eye opens up hardcore when my heart chakra is open)

Someone here said opening chakras is like exercising a muscle. I don't know if that means they should be flexed a lot, or if they have to develop to a certain extent or what. Maybe when you start living in a new chakra, the lower ones have to be flexed constantly to a slight degree.

(Any muscle can be trained to do that)

Good luck.



First, stem the loss. Abstain from masturbation. Porn, at least, if you can't manage that. Sex entirely if necessary. Use that self awareness to target your mental and emotional problems. Your feelings towards taxing co-workers, family, or friends, for instance. Detach yourself from the feelings - for now. You can get back to those when you've centered yourself.

Next, do things which are stimulating. If you currently lack the concentration for proper meditation, settle for deep breathing exercises to start. Improve your diet. Cut out junk food and soda, drink more water and tea. Eat fruits, nuts, veggies, and decrease or increase overall portions as needed. If you're poor, that's no excuse(assuming you live in the first world). Make it an absolute priority. Sleep - not just for long enough, but also with enough regularity. Doesn't matter if you're getting 6-8 hours if your rhythm is skewed. Intense exercise, continuously increasing either resistance, actual intensity, or duration.

Read things that uplift, inspire, or educate you. Listen to powerful music. Avoid depressing music until you're capable of using any kind of emotion as a good source of energy. You can even watch movies or television if you're careful.

This is a very generalized list. You know what makes you tick by now. Focus on eliminating stress, both by removing any sources of and improving your resilience to it. Double down on the things which increase your confidence and make you happier.



Concentration is what's helped me the most in my uni work. Practice focusing on a single thought for a set amount of time, say 5 minutes, and reset the clock every time you notice your mind wandering to something else.

I guarantee that the first couple of times you try it, you'll notice how many fleeting thoughts get in the way of your chosen subject, but really the only way to get better is with practice.

A while back smiley posted a tutorial for memorizing books and it should be in one of his threads here.


The same way you'd protect yourself, raise those anti jew energy shields.


What the fuck? How do you arrive to difference places? It's meant to be your sanctuary with nobody but yourself and, well your higher self. Can you go into greater detail?.


I'm pretty sure I can do it since I'm pretty good at elemental things, like cooling and warming my body and the environment around me. Will try tomorrow.



Concentration is what's helped me the most in my uni work. Practice focusing on a single thought for a set amount of time, say 5 minutes, and reset the clock every time you notice your mind wandering to something else.

I guarantee that the first couple of times you try it, you'll notice how many fleeting thoughts get in the way of your chosen subject, but really the only way to get better is with practice.

A while back smiley posted a tutorial for memorizing books and it should be in one of his threads here.


The same way you'd protect yourself, raise those anti jew energy shields.


What the fuck? How do you arrive to difference places? It's meant to be your sanctuary with nobody but yourself and, well your higher self. Can you go into greater detail?.


I'm pretty sure I can do it since I'm pretty good at elemental things, like cooling and warming my body and the environment around me. Will try tomorrow.


What is a good book to start doing planetary magick?


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2 questions.

People mention going crazy from this stuff. How to avoid this? Grounding meditations, or avoiding certain things?

How to increase masculinity, or is there any listing of traits that are masculine/feminine?

I'm a guy who's been perhaps a bit too feminized. Or maybe I'm balanced, beats me.

Either way, my masculinity isn't as well-developed as I would like, so I'd like to figure out how to do that.

I learned a simple qigong exercise for increasing yang energy. Wuji stance, palms facing forward, imagining being somewhere outside an hour before sunrise, absorbing solar energy.

Yin energy is supposed to be at night, clear sky, 9 days in a row leading up to the full moon, palms facing backward.

One can cut the clouds out of the sky for when there's cloud cover (the guy who taught it said he'd never seen 9 clear nights in a row). Sword hand mudra, something like this if not exactly this.

I considered making a new thread for this.


2 questions.

People mention going crazy from this stuff. How to avoid this? Grounding meditations, or avoiding certain things?

How to increase masculinity, or is there any listing of traits that are masculine/feminine?

I'm a guy who's been perhaps a bit too feminized. Or maybe I'm balanced, beats me.

Either way, my masculinity isn't as well-developed as I would like, so I'd like to figure out how to do that.

I learned a simple qigong exercise for increasing yang energy. Wuji stance, palms facing forward, imagining being somewhere outside an hour before sunrise, absorbing solar energy.

Yin energy is supposed to be at night, clear sky, 9 days in a row leading up to the full moon, palms facing backward.

One can cut the clouds out of the sky for when there's cloud cover (the guy who taught it said he'd never seen 9 clear nights in a row). Sword hand mudra, something like this if not exactly this.

I considered making a new thread for this.


is shiva the right side of the brain, shakti the left, or vice versa?

also, is shiva the energy, and shakti the creative consciousness and directing force/purpose, or vice versa?


is shiva the right side of the brain, shakti the left, or vice versa?

also, is shiva the energy, and shakti the creative consciousness and directing force/purpose, or vice versa?


is shiva the right side of the brain, shakti the left, or vice versa?

also, is shiva the energy, and shakti the creative consciousness and directing force/purpose, or vice versa?


is shiva the right side of the brain, shakti the left, or vice versa?

also, is shiva the energy, and shakti the creative consciousness and directing force/purpose, or vice versa?


is shiva the left size of the brain and shakti the right, or vice versa?

Also, is shiva the static power source and shakti is the creative dynamic energy/prime direction setting force or vice versa?


If i have chosen the STO polarity, how do i know if i am helping someone or i am just making it worse? For example, if i had a little brother who is lazy and asks me to do some chores for him or anything random like that, my options would be to either help him or not help him. Now, by helping him, i'd actually not help him in the long run, because his laziness would just increase thus not making the situation any better.

Where else can i work to become more STO oriented other than STS?



get a kindle & you can keep pdfs. someone here said led screens are far superior to lcd, in case you want to use a comp monitor.


If I'm not mistaken, grounding helps with that. I imagine that's a christmas chakra thing (red and green chakras).

You do sound not-grounded. Maybe try buying a stone for grounding. Petrified wood was my first one.

I like the 'healing crystals for you'

site for info on gems.


Need some help interpereting my dream, I'd take it to dreammoods but I feel that I won't get the right answer.

I was in a building that was all black (it looked like something out of the game antichamber) and there were other entities that were Egyptian gods. I then floated out of the building and told myself that "I need to kill them, because I am God"

Kind of an interesting dream, any help is appreciated.


Need some help interpereting my dream, I'd take it to dreammoods but I feel that I won't get the right answer.

I was in a building that was all black (it looked like something out of the game antichamber) and there were other entities that were Egyptian gods. I then floated out of the building and told myself that "I need to kill them, because I am God"

Kind of an interesting dream, any help is appreciated.


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Why is this shitty thread not updating?

The first page of /fringe/ shows new posts, but I can't see them when I open the thread.


I need help:

My lumbar vertebrae area(mite b the sacroiliac joint) is hurting for a long period and i wanted to ask methods for healing myself (besides going to specialists, i will do that).

Additional Information: my left side is 1 cm shorter(the pelvis bone isnt balanced), i may have overworked myself with weight and work, someone may have wished me ill.

i have trouble fulfilling root and sacral chakra attributes.







I am not the poster, but maybe this:

Dan Davidson - Shape Power


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How do I pick my next incarnation? Is there anyway to induce death besides suicide with occult methods and to choose what you are reborn as?


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The past few days something very similar to pic related has been creeping around my dreams.

It hides in the shadows of my dreams until i realize its there and drag the shadow/humanoid out of the darkness.

It's different than anything else i've experienced in that I can't easily make it go away or talk to it. When I see what may be one of many and grab it to keep it from skulking away it just kinda struggles and tries to bite me, but really it is just gumming me with light pressure.

The shadow creature(s) persists until I change the landscape.

It/they doesn't seem malicious it seems to just want to observe from the shadows.

Does anyone have any experience with them? I kinda figure they have always been there and I am just now starting to perceive them.


The past few days humanoid shadow creatures all the way pitch black almost like they are in a body suit of black cloth have been creeping around my dreams.

It/they hides in the shadows of my dreams until i realize its there and drag the shadow/humanoid out of the darkness.

It's different than anything else i've experienced in that I can't easily make it go away or talk to it. When I see what may be one of many and grab it to keep it from skulking away it just kinda struggles and tries to bite me, but really it is just gumming me with light pressure.

The shadow creature(s) persists until I change the landscape.

It/they don't seem malicious it seems to just want to observe from the shadows.

Does anyone have any experience with them? I kinda figure they have always been there and I am just now starting to perceive them.


I need help:

My lumbar vertebrae area(mite b the sacroiliac joint) is hurting for a long period and i wanted to ask methods for healing myself (besides going to specialists, i will do that).

Additional Information: my left side is 1 cm shorter(the pelvis bone isnt balanced), i may have overworked myself with weight and work, someone may have wished me ill.

i have trouble fulfilling root and sacral chakra attributes.




I've been reading Neville Goddard's collection of books, and have found them fascinating. But he does not seem too offer a who lot of deep, practical advice. He is very redundant in repeating "Living from the wish fulfilled".

Are there any books, or resources that might offer insight into successfully applying the LoA to one's life?



I've been reading Neville Goddard's collection of books, and have found them fascinating. But he does not seem too offer a who lot of deep, practical advice. He is very redundant in repeating "Living from the wish fulfilled". I have tried is in as many ways I know how,

Are there any books, or resources that might offer insight into successfully applying the LoA to one's life?



I wouldn't be sure it means anything. But if it does, I'd say it's about a birth that won't happen.



>People mention going crazy from this stuff. How to avoid this? Grounding meditations, or avoiding certain things?

Pretty much, don't stay in the astral too long and remember to keep up personal shields. After a while entities will become drawn to you and shadow people spook some people into insanity.

>How to increase masculinity, or is there any listing of traits that are masculine/feminine?

I think both me and Khan covered something like it briefly before. Basically you should perform evokations of existing thoughtforms that are your ideals of masculinity and take up their traits. Whether the thoughtform is Zyzz or the Roman god Mars doesn't matter, as long as it's some deity that represents masculinity for you, it'll work. Also get in the habit of auto-suggesting something along the lines of "I am a manly masculine man who shall not be a tripfag or a namefag on an anonymous image board, especially when it's entirely unnecessary for the sake of the discussion."


I know STO is a lifestyle but you really aught to apply it in a more magical sense. Got a lazy brother? Fill him with the fire element to fill him with passion and drive for activity. Laziness is never a virtue so feel free to do it. Read the universal master key and if anyone you meet doesn't fit some ideal in that book, use the appropriate element to improve that person.

It will obviously be very draining so do it one person at a time, ok?


The cripplekike has been lazing about for months, all of 8chan is dying in anticipation for InfinityNext.


If you don't know what the problem is, find out first, since if you're not clairvoyant you need to know for sure. Anyway people have said that the healing mantra in the New Avatar Power (a thread on it is still here) helped them, energy healing is also an efficient method that I usually use and have used for my dislocated lower back after deadlifts. Bare in mind that while it removed pain it was only a temporary solution, I haven't managed to use energy work to click the bones into place.


Acquire highly developed consciousness so that you don't enter the astral after death like the rest of our non spiritual comrades.


I just sort of visualize a sudden rift, or a couple appearing and slicing them into bits, alternatively I create some sort of weapon like a sword and slice them with that. Thank you astral projection and lucid dreaming, you've made anime sort of real for me.



Cool. But then again, i don't need magic to lead an STO lifestyle?



Sounds pretty good to me. Evokations, hm. I've been doing very little work outside of basic energy work and varied meditations I've been doing for awhile.

I'll have to work on reading/applying some stuff. I only learned what Akasha was yesterday, ha.

>"I am a manly masculine man who shall not be a tripfag or a namefag on an anonymous image board, especially when it's entirely unnecessary for the sake of the discussion."

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

>if anyone you meet doesn't fit some ideal in that book, use the appropriate element to improve that person.

holy crap. I've been wondering what to do about a friend of mine who's kind of a shithead but I feel obligated to help somewhat.

Not to mention I was a little bored skimming tUMK because I was only looking for something more like "how to work with x element for beginners", so this makes me far more interested in it. Thank you very much.


I've encountered the idea that some people don't have the higher 3 chakras.

Is this true? I wouldn't want to "waste" my time working with some people if they're that way.

If it is, how do I tell, as a beginner?



I can tell you how to unlock auric vision (it's basically a matter of seeing, in colour, the desires/emotions emanating/animating everything… once you see the desires/emotions that make up the astral body of a person you can see their aura.

The Swami Panchadasi book on the subject, which is in the library under New Thought, works.

The Golden Dawn elemental vision thing you might want to look into.

As for energy centres / chakras I studied them extensively and I now feel they very much because I constantly listen to and feel what the various parts of my body are telling me and take not of correspondences between pressure sensations I get and certain activities I take part in.

I guess you want to see them though not just feel them, even though for me feeling them is very informative.

There's a LOT going on in each of these centers in the body. I know how to recognize a lot of the activity associated with them and indirectly infer their presence.

Not too sure though how you'd directly see, specifically, "the chakras" whatever you mean by that and tell that 3 are missing.

Maybe you could do tests to stir up activity in various of the chakras and see if a person gets no response for the highest 3 of them.

It could just mean they are inactive, blocked, whatever though and not truly absent.

Still blockages for me feel like pressure piling up against a dam… if they were completely missing and not just blocked that would surely not be felt.

tl;dr I'm really not sure what the best way to accomplish what you're asking is

Maybe just use trance (excite the emotions) and then concentrate and strongly desire to see the chakras for many hours until you build up enough desire-force that the ability manifests.

…or try channeling a solution in some way or other, reading through akashic libraries, meeting with entities, whatever.



Skin colour.



You just visualize killing random shadows? How does that work?


No not necessarily, but he said in a magic sense. Magic is everywhere it's just how you look at it.


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ok fellow goyim i am just confused as fuck, but since this is basically a question i refrained from making my own thread

before i heard read or learned anything about esoterism/occultism, i as a philosopher became dissatisfied with physical realism and saw the human babble and bullshit of religion caked all over the deeper (and in many ways simpler) truths of the historical texts they refer to, which put me in a position of throwing away both traditional religion and atheism as dogmas of the same error: realism towards their projected perceptions. i then threw away cartesian substance dualism and realized it was the root of the irresolvable metaphysical debate between theists and atheists, both of them believing in substance but disagreeing only as to how many kinds exist, and i theorized that there is no substance, only something i can vaguely refer to as "phenomena" without noumena, that exist on a spectrum from objective (the world) to subjective (each mind) with individual minds being like peaks of waves on a sea of phenomena that rise above objectivity and become distinct as individuated waves; such is the generation of mental life: phenomenological individuation = subjectivity = mind.

now i've read the corpus hermeticum, definitions to asclepius, and most of the kybalion, listened to a few occult lectures/podcasts and how the occultists describe the occult, and it seems like the view i've stumbled upon as a philosopher is one that occultism confirms and takes to the next level and i had never even realized it before.

at this point i should note i am probably less than a neophyte as occultists would measure me, because i have zero practice and am still trying to work through occult theory and establish a baseline on how to possibly interpret anything else

which brings me to my problem which i can't seem to resolve: when it comes to things like evocation, it sounds a lot like magicians are just trying really hard to see things in their imagination. i understand the importance of not viewing imagination with the condescension of the atheist, as if what is imagined is void of meaning; but i am at a loss as to how, if the beings that are evoked are in fact produced by my imagination, how could that be any better than theorizing as a philosopher and simply coming to the conclusions that such beings would have given me, but instead i produce it from first-person perspective and not as if from second-person via an imagined entity?

furthermore i am foggy on the concept of the astral plane(s); by the principle of mentalism i understand that one can say everything is "real" while refraining from realism about reality, but how does my personal imagination fit into that picture, especially in the causal nexus? how much of my imagination is localized to myself and how far into objective causation does my imagination extend? i can see two pictures: occultism as a universal godlike tool and as a stupid waste of time. i am sort of on the fence, but the way it appears to me is that both are actually true at once.

what the fuck is magic



psst, your post there, it would have been perfectly fine for you to have made it a thread.

"What is magick?" + nothing else = would break rule 2

Your post with paragraphs of text = doesn't break rule 2



The answer to most of your question comes in the contemplation of the subjective and objective.

ProTip: /vis/magick.html


can you guys please give me some insight on how to use magick to cure depression?


Could you guys please give me some insight on how to use magick to cure depression?



>learn mental transmutation

>circulate energy throughout whole body to head

>go into deep trance

>fix brain

One of many methods… you should probably diagnose the true cause of your depression first though could be ignorance, could be diet, could be past traumas, etc.



>You just visualize killing random shadows? How does that work?

Here's the general process

>see spooky face shoving itself in my field of vision

>visualize a sudden dash of light going across it's ugly face (see animus with katanas slashing fools in lightning fast strikes for inspiration)

>watch as it slides apart or dissolves from view into tiny particles

That's basically how it goes, and the world is a better place after that so I go to sleep or have some adventures in the astral.

Like with all visualizations that you want to manifest in reality, you must have unshakable knowledge that however you chose to dispatch the shadowy presence, your method will purge it without fail.





Eat organic lemon balm daily. It lightens the heart.



Invocations would be more effective than evocations, but i'm sure you meant invocations too



food is degenerate



sounds legit. Thanks.

Definitely want to see auric vision.

Yeah, I'm also more in tune with feeling than seeing, but I would like to refine my sight.


It does seem like BS, now that I think about it.

But it's useful in that it causes one not to waste too much time waking up others rather than progressing with one's own path.


What do you guys think about Tomoko? From what I understand Tomoko is a poster on /x/ who clams to be god or something.

Link to current thread: http://boards.4chan.org/x/thread/17006288



Thanks, but I don't think that's it


Are organic portals actually a thing?

This "all is mind" thing kinda screws me up here because there has to be some level of objectivity… it's a trump card.




oh, right, this is the same question, but I'd forgotten the term.

So, one person says no, another "if they're not white, yes", and the other "here's how you might tell".



Organic portals just lack the individualized spirit (will + awareness). That isn't to say there is no spirit back of them animating them but it's not one coupled to the body like it is for a normal spirited human being. They are just a puppet with no specific spirit connected to them… no will of their own, animated by the animal principle or sometimes controlled on and off by aliens / demons / elementals / etc. that temporarily control them.

They are the same as your average animal.

Sometimes organic portals are created through severe trauma and abuse that is so extreme it drives out the original spirit completely which deserts the body.

Other times they exist just because they are of inferior development, "more animal than man".

There might be other reasons it happens too that I haven't thought about right now.

They are second density humans.


What is the gender of the demiurge?

I'd think the demiurge is 100% female but the gnostic mythos doesn't seem to reflect that.



thanks for your help. i dont like the NAP, though because i dont chant unknown languages.



You're literally an autist.



Yeah, it's just a bunch of nonsense. You could be shouting anything really.


Used to meditate and project as a child, was raised w/ Siddha Yoga. Im just now remembering all of this after a few months of daily meditation, but I feel very blocked. I'm not sure what happened to cause me to stop meditating, but now I meditate and cannot for the life of me AP. every night and some mornings I'll try to project but I just sit there, I cannot feel my third eye, I cannot feel my energy as I used to, and I cannot leave my body. I've read many sources about APing and nothing has helped. Thank you.


I used to astral project often, before I knew what it was. I was raised on Siddha Yoga and from ages 4-11ish I meditated almost daily, but for some unknown reason I stopped. I've been meditating again for the last 5-6 months (19 now) and I've been desperately trying to AP, but for some reason I cannot. I just lay there with a blank mind. I cannot feel my energy or my third eye anymore like I used to.

Do you guys think there's something that is blocking me? Or maybe I'm just not doing something correctly.

Thank you.


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Good catch, thank you, that's exactly what I meant.

That's what I get for only going on /fringe/ late at night and not proof reading my shit.



You do any chakra type meditations like the Yogi chakra spinning or the Middle pillar?

If not you could try doing them for a while since they're more beneficial than regular mindfulness meditations for astral projection.



Probably androgynous. Otherwise he could not see and create as a single person. Feminine is wisdom or sight. Masculine is 'the means to create' and creating. This is a plane of androgyny.


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Is there anything magical about sunsets?



obvious roleplay



He's stupid and is less that what he says he is.


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Is there any way to make more life force? ie sperm?

I'm really, really, mad about wasting so much and I want to make up for it.

Exercising? Becoming a raw vegan? Energy work in the sun? Anything will do, just tell me - just no demonic or dark path stuff.


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Is there any way to make more life force? ie sperm?

I'm really, really, mad about wasting so much and I want to make up for it.

Exercising? Becoming a raw vegan? Energy work in the sun? Anything will do, just tell me - just no demonic or dark path stuff.

I've already started to exercise and eat a shit-ton of fruit. I dropped milk and replaced it with yogurt and honey. Of course, above all, dropped masturbation. I'm also working on making myself believe in magic by increasing my height/eyes and would like some help with that as well.

Thanks wizards!

The flood thing is showing up so this might come up multiple times, I apologize in advance.


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Is there any way to make more life force? ie sperm?

I'm really, really, mad about wasting so much and I want to make up for it.

Exercising? Becoming a raw vegan? Energy work in the sun? Anything will do, just tell me - just no demonic or dark path stuff. I've already started to exercise and eat a shit-ton of fruit. I dropped milk and replaced it with yogurt and honey. Of course, above all, dropped masturbation. I'm also working on making myself believe in magic by increasing my height/eyes and would like some help with that as well.

Thanks wizards!

The flood thing is showing up so this might come up multiple times, I apologize in advance…


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Is there any way to make more life force? ie sperm?

I'm really, really, mad about wasting so much and I want to make up for it.

Exercising? Becoming a raw vegan? Energy work in the sun? Anything will do, just tell me - just no demonic or dark path stuff. I've already started to exercise and eat a shit-ton of fruit. I dropped milk and replaced it with yogurt and honey. Of course, above all, dropped masturbation. I'm also working on making myself believe in magic by increasing my height/eyes and would like some help with that as well.

Thanks wizards!

The flood thing is showing up so this might come up multiple times, I apologize in advance…

You really need to make a new thread/board/whatever to stop this stuff from happening.



Smiley?! Are you back?


How do I astral project?

Can someone post step by step instructions or give a quick explanation of how to do it?



Absolutely nothing, we have a few token resident tripfags like Smiley here but most of us don't give a flying fuck about cross board or 4chon drama.



So what are siddhis and how do I attain them?







Like… WHATEVER, dudebrother!


I know the techniques that could be used to change my life around, and the lives of ones around me; but i don't have the motivation? I want to help others, being of STO orientation but magic seems very discouraging and uninteresting the moment i look at it. Tips?



As with other stuff such as studying, reading, etc. I have a really short attention span. I start with reading Initiation into Hermetics for example and drop it the day after. Am i missing the fire element? Or do i have too much of the earth element?


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Try the guided stuff on YouTube or have a read through this. It's basically training your body to fall asleep whilst remaining conscious, which is why it usually takes a long time to accomplish.


I feel like my extra energy gained by various techniques is leaking away, mostly by heat or some sort of flow through limbs. How can I preserve better those enegies?



How could I go about "supplanting" a spiritless human vessel in a different world with my own soul/spirit? To be more exact, how could I go about attaining a fresh start on a new world?

I dislike my current living conditions to a great degree. While I acknowledge many great things and experiences have come out of this life, I can see the writing on the wall. It's just going to get more horrible as the years carry on and I want an out.



What could possibly be so inescapable that you think it's only going to get worse?



If you have the power to do what you're asking, you also have the power to change this reality to your liking.



bump for pls help



You don't need to read all of the theory before beginning the practice. Start the stage one meditations and other practices, then go back and read through all the rest. These meditations should help with mental focus. I remember the first time I tried to meditate, the five minutes seemed like an eternity. A few weeks later an hour seems like nothing.

Apply yourself m80. If you can't will yourself to read a few hundred pages, how will you ever be a wizard?


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Thanks bro, I really appreciate the help.


thank you everyone for doing this. you answer questions without asking for anything, giving your energy and invaluable time out of your life to us fag anons who will turn around and ask the same stupid and repetitive questions again and again without doing basic research, bothering to look through either the faq or the catalog, and who think that reading is for fags. just wanted to you to know my immense gratitude to all you unnamed soldiers fighting for this world and fighting for us. it is a huge confidence boost to know that others exist, this board exists, and wonderful resources like you fine spirits and souls exist.

to all the people who merely browse the website, take and don't (scumbags)/can't (due to being too low level like me (which is fine, don't posit info like its 'fact' unless you are sure of something)) contribute, please make an effort to wish these tireless folks well. imagine the poster of every answer you think is helpful, to be enveloped in any 'light' powerful colour of your choice (i do white with a golden hue) and imagine good things for them (surrounded by piles of cash, Aum appearing over them and suffusing them with brilliant glow, benevolent deities behind their computer chair blessing them, them becoming really healthy, active, and attractive etc.). I think this is basic etiquette. It will also give incentive for people to write better answers, if you want to be dry and practical about it. A big, bright, golden, Ganesh-manifested Aum to all.

P.S - For the love of all that is holy, do not bless them as christians unless you know what you're doing. I don't want anyone to have the attention of 'God' or 'Jesus my lord and saviour ooohhhhh mmmmm' unless they want it and unless you know what you're doing. Jesus the man is/was not Jesus the christian dude. As for their being one single God, and NO OTHER OR I'LL FUCK U UP, well lol to that.

P.P.S - if anyone read this far down, please send my way any good applicable hindu resources. i'm at a needy point of my life and a lot is riding on me (family, loan etc.)



I answer questions to shill for stuff that actually works and benefits everyone compared to the people who recommened pure nonsense and disinfo.


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Pull all excess energy into the lower dan tien located around the naval - a bit lower and inwards. Just either drag it to the naval or lower and it will go into storage.


Either that or learn mental projection/scrying. Focus on whatever vibration/frequency/sigil you want to to go to and start exploring.



what would you say is pure nonsense that gets recommended here?



Do not do and it will be done.



>any thoughtless/diluted rituals, sigils, mantras





>Damon Brand



>Planetary Magic

>edgy nonsense/Satanism


>Samael Aun Weor

>some parts of montalk.net (montalk is a hit or miss)

>Israel Regardie

>Robert Anton Wilson


>Thelema, OTO, A.' A.'


>anything that praises stagnation and that everything is good as it is


How do i go directly from awake and fully active to astral projection? Is there a meditation?


What do you suggest then?



Bardon, Atkinson, The Book Of Knowledge and anything about raising Kundalini, Chi/Prana/Vril cultivation (Qi Gong, Neikung, Yoga), etc. Add some vital parts like right diet (between raw vegan and breatharian), right breath, body exercises and you got plenty to work that isn't mere synchronicity, probability manipulation and placebo.


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I'm experiencing very similar thoughts as this guy and would really appreciate some explanations and answers to his last three paragraphs.

I'd really rather hear you guys' opinions and thoughts on the matter than get linked to a bunch of stuff. It's just easier to grasp and wrap your head around things if they're told from different perspectives.



What about koetting kek



I like his Soul Travel program. Robert Bruce is also ok.



Alright, koetting was intended as a joke, but I agree with everything else you reccomend, though I don't see why the stuff you deem as garbage is bad, why do you think they're bad?



>Tantra on bullshit list

>recommend anything on Kundalini

Kundalini is Tantrik concept, get your shit straight.



Tantra is heavily loaded with superstition. Kundalini isn't a concept. Neither are chakras or dantiens, the aura or the subtle bodies. They are all real and experienceable.

Kundalini and Yoga are not free from disinfo, but so far mostly good material has been posted on /fringe/.


Because it's mostly diluted, disinfo or heavily loaded with superstition and therefore a waste of time. Do it properly or don't do it at all. However, personal affection plays a huge role…



Okay, in other words, Tantriks have developed methods of raising Kundalini.

What do you mean it's loaded with superstition? Could you give any examples?



I said that in context of Tantra, not the other things you claim to be bullshit. Why is it, from your point of view, loaded with superstition?



I said that in context of Tantra, not the other things you claim to be bullshit. Why is it, from your point of view, loaded with superstition?

Because I agree that most people talking about Tantra have no idea what they are talking about, eg. "tantric sex".



There are way too many traditions that are no good. It would be easier to tell which ones are useful… and I haven't found any yet.



>stuff is garbage, but it has been very effective for lots of people


>energy body is capable of being experienced, but denies effect of mantras and sigils on auras and subtle bodies

i understand if you would rather chuck all the god stuff in the bin, but what do you have against sigils? try holding the 'Aum' symbol in your mind and be suffused with a golden light, maybe do some clockwise energy rotations around it, and tell me u don't go into another state of being.

and do you acknowledge that 'probability manipulation' can bring about real results in our world, through techniques such as the 'Secret' and other fag stuff?



What's wrong with tarot and tantra?

I get accurate divinations from oracle cards, and Osho's Book of Secrets has taught me more than most (or maybe all) books I've ever read.


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I need a hand here. A long time ago, I messed around with meditation and focused too hard on my "third eye" which I presumed to be my forehead. Now I'm left with a weird stuffy sensation around the area.

How do I fix this issue? MRA came up with nothing and acupuncture and CSF massage only eases it for a short while.

Any help on the matter would be appreciated by this newfig. Thanks.

This has been ongoing for years and I'm kinda desprate.


I need a hand here. A long time ago, I messed around with meditation and focused too hard on my "third eye" which I presumed to be my forehead. Now I'm left with a weird stuffy sensation around the area.

How do I fix this issue? MRA came up with nothing and acupuncture and CSF massage only eases it for a short while.

Any help on the matter would be appreciated by this newfig. Thanks. //

This has been ongoing for years and I'm kinda desprate.


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I need a hand here. A long time ago, I messed around with meditation and focused too hard on my "third eye" which I presumed to be my forehead. Now I'm left with a weird stuffy sensation around the area.

How do I fix this issue? MRA came up with nothing and acupuncture and CSF massage only eases it for a short while.

Any help on the matter would be appreciated by this newfig. Thanks.

This has been ongoing for years and I'm kinda desprate.

Flooding detection wont let me post


Requesting help. A long time ago, I messed around with meditation and focused too hard on my "third eye" which

I presumed to be my forehead. Now I'm left with a weird stuffy sensation around the area.

How do I fix this issue? MRI came up with nothing and acupuncture and CSF massage only eases it for a short while.

Any help on the matter would be appreciated by this newfig. Thanks.

This has been ongoing for years and I'm kinda desprate.

Also flooding detection wont let me post


Requesting help. A long time ago, I messed around with meditation and focused too hard on my "third eye" which

I presumed to be my forehead. Now I'm left with a weird stuffy sensation around the area.

How do I fix this issue? MRI came up with nothing and acupuncture and CSF massage only eases it for a short while.

Any help on the matter would be appreciated by this newfig. Thanks.

This has been ongoing for years and I'm kinda desprate.

Also flooding detection wont let me post


Requesting help. A long time ago, I messed around with meditation and focused too hard on my "third eye" which

I presumed to be my forehead. Now I'm left with a weird stuffy sensation around the area.

How do I fix this issue? MRI came up with nothing and acupuncture and CSF massage only eases it for a short while.

Any help on the matter would be appreciated by this newfig. Thanks.

This has been ongoing for years and I'm kinda desprate.

Also flooding detection wont let me post


How much does tap water hinder our practices realistically?


How much does tap water hinder our practices realistically?


I get the sense I am a puppet in dreams


I get the sense I am a puppet in dreams


I get the sense I am a puppet in dreams


I get the sense I am a puppet in dreams



>What do you mean it's loaded with superstition? Could you give any examples?

It's religious, isn't it? When I looked into it it didn't sound profound. Maybe you can prove otherwise. Sorting through tons of material is exhausting.


>i understand if you would rather chuck all the god stuff in the bin, but what do you have against sigils? try holding the 'Aum' symbol in your mind and be suffused with a golden light, maybe do some clockwise energy rotations around it, and tell me u don't go into another state of being.

It's simple. I could have the same effect with another symbol (i.e. Swastika) or technique which means there isn't one specific way. I am not saying it doesn't work, but the mechanism behind it may be not always well-explained or even congruent with your own intentions.

Subjectivity is not negligible.

Sigils are just a tool of "Mind Power" and entirely up to the individual in their degree of functioning unless imbued with some force which is rarely the case.

>and do you acknowledge that 'probability manipulation' can bring about real results in our world, through techniques such as the 'Secret' and other fag stuff?

Obviously yes. "The Secret" is incomplete though and in order to achieve better and faster results one must advance (=reaching proximity to godhood/divine core).


>What's wrong with tarot and tantra?

Divination can be done with anything and is sadly a matter of interpretation than a concrete statement. Tarot users are more often than not pretentious and feel entitled. Again, this is something that might have worked better in the past and is now simply too weak.


So I was doing 5 minutes of QMM, and then I was visualizing a girl I want to seduce, and out of nowhere an intense wave of negative energy came upon me. Literally made me physically ill and depressed. What the fuck happened?



ProTip: Look up Bahá'í Faith and its stance on race. It's exactly the same stance as the old founders of this board, the "racist wizards", have with only one key difference; they do not espouse egalitarianism, they don't hold everyone to be equal they just completely reject that notion, but the stuff about preserving the races and respecting and cherishing diversity all applies.

Look up also Aryanism.

They just want you to mate like with like or choose celibacy in order not to burden future generations with your mongrelization or your defects.

Racemixing is a destructive and hateful act of genocide and very unkind to one's offspring.


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What the "racists" are aiming for is National Socialism for every race so that everybody cultivates themselves and improves with each generation bringing out the best and most noble traits for each race.

When everyone loves their own people and works to purge degeneracy and uplift the consciousness of their respective races towards God then National Socialism will have prevailed.

Egalitarians who want to pretend everyone is equal and there is no inferior and no superior and therefore no work to be done, no cultivation, are a force of stagnation and decay.



>it sounds a lot like magicians are just trying really hard to see things in their imagination.

A non wizard would think this, he'd call us delusional retards at best or insane hallucinating schizo's at worst.

In reality, we can't really give anyone solid proof that what we do and what we experience is real, but there certainly is a distinction between visualization and plain daydreaming which can be easily felt by anyone who is capable of both. This means all you have to do is take the first baby steps of occultism and decide for yourself if what we dedicate our time to is real or not.

>i understand the importance of not viewing imagination with the condescension of the atheist, as if what is imagined is void of meaning; but i am at a loss as to how, if the beings that are evoked are in fact produced by my imagination

It has to do with the idea that we're part of The All, so in a way, by being aware of those thoughtforms, they exist as a part of you. My interpretation anyway.

>furthermore i am foggy on the concept of the astral plane(s); by the principle of mentalism i understand that one can say everything is "real" while refraining from realism about reality, but how does my personal imagination fit into that picture, especially in the causal nexus?

All those thoughts dreams and imaginations are stored in places other than your head, the astral plane. Anything you can dream up, you can find there, this is why most waifufags want to learn how to get there and experience an astral plane where their waifu exists.

>how much of my imagination is localized to myself and how far into objective causation does my imagination extend?

Everyone's imagination can be found in the astral, dreams as well.



There is only superior race and we are its degenerate offspring.


Has anyone here tried the rituals from The Picatrix? I kinda want to turn my Djembe into that storm drum or whatever it was that I read about a while ago.



>calling Tantra disinfo, not knowing shit about it

really sun ?

> it didn't sound profound

so, if I understand you correctly, being 100% immortal and being able to achieve enlightenment and in the mean time being a baller and developping siddhis faster then any paths is "not that profound" ?

>Sorting through tons of material is exhausting

You really think magic will ever be served on a golden plate ?

That never happens, you need to understand deconstruct and simplify the shit that you read and yes, cipher through a lot of material. This is not New Age.

Now go read Abraham and Hicks and some New Thought thinking WWA is a gret occultist and let the real meat for the mens.



Yeah, to a good extent.

I got some pretty clear statements in card form before, though. It depends on the question, but some questions have the perfect answer in a place like that ("what is this person to me" would be one)

It is a "beginner's" tool, of course, since one gets closer to being able to reach into the "other" and get the answers.



Blowback. If either of you think it's negative, you'll get that.

I assume you were visualizing a specific one, because if you do it with no picture there might be someone who would actually want to do that.

But with that sort of thing, they're not going to be someone you'll like, overall.


antlion! (I antswered your question in the other post)


Im afraid of being eternal fringe.

What if i get bored of all the countless lifetimes? Is reunion with the all death? When i actually trully metaphysically die, if that is possible, do i get reincarnated again?

I think memory loss is a blessing.



Thanks a lot, man. It helps to get it straight sometimes. I'll get back to reading.


As hard as i try, i cannot understand the first law in the kybalion. The rest are just fine, as there are visible examples in the world all around you, but the first one can't be just explained in layman's terms.

I'm probably just dumb and lazy. But please, just try to clarify by using layman's terms so i can piece the puzzle back together by rereading it again, and then hopefully i'll understand.



It's a sad life you live.

Maybe not being scared of death will get you doing something you love ?


What are siddhis?


Alright guys, I really need to access the akashic records how do I do it? I've read somewhere that it's even possible to create a thoughtform/servitor capable of reading them



If it were possible for you to become so bored, you probably wouldn't be here to pose that question.

In regards to matters of death, you may want to check out The Life Beyond Death by Atkinson (found here: http://yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/index.html).

Are you sure that it's really a fear of eternal life that you have, or are you just hiding other fears from yourself with that label?



All of reality is a singular vibration of electricity, sound, light. Uni-verse. One verse. Your mind interprets this the same way that tvs do through calculus mathematics. It converts this singular vibration into the reality you see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Thus your entire reality is created through the minds interpretation or perception. Not only this but your imagination is like an overlay filter on this vibration. Which means we change our perception which changes reality through our mind or imagination. All is mind, the universe is mental. You will come to understand this from an experiential basis through occult work.


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How I can make my Mom make more sales?

She and my aunt they sale tupperware and i want to help them , which kind of ritual, sigil ,meditation or whatever I can do for they to sale more ,to get more clients and the like,

Also I got a lot of stuff I don't need and I know having tings you don't use around make you stanag and I don't want to trow it to the garbage becose is good clothing, just not my size anymore and charity will resale it and I want to know that the one who is recibing it really need it that they really are going to use, the same with my old tv. There's is something that I can do for this a ritual, sigil or whatever to sell it or to giving it to someone who will really used?

Thanks in advance.


How I can make my Mom make more sales?

She and my aunt they sale tupperware and i want to help them , which kind of ritual, sigil ,meditation or whatever I can do for they to sale more ,to get more clients and the like,

Also I got a lot of stuff I don't need and I know having tings you don't use around make you stanag and I don't want to trow it to the garbage becose is good clothing, just not my size anymore and charity will resale it and I want to know that the one who is recibing it really need it that they really are going to use, the same with my old tv. There's is something that I can do for this a ritual, sigil or whatever to sell it or to giving it to someone who will really used?

Thanks in advance.


File: 1448925175229.jpg (581.56 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 20151130_180348.jpg)

How I can make my Mom make more sales?

She and my aunt they sale tupperware and i want to help them , which kind of ritual, sigil ,meditation or whatever I can do for they to sale more ,to get more clients and the like,

Also I got a lot of stuff I don't need and I know having tings you don't use around make you stanag and I don't want to trow it to the garbage becose is good clothing, just not my size anymore and charity will resale it and I want to know that the one who is recibing it really need it that they really are going to use, the same with my old tv. Actually a lot of other diferent items There's is something that I can do for this a ritual, sigil or whatever to sell it or to giving it to someone who will really used?

Thanks in advance. Pic related


How I can make my Mom make more sales?

She and my aunt they sale tupperware and i want to help them , which kind of ritual, sigil ,meditation or whatever I can do for they to sale more ,to get more clients and the like,

Also I got a lot of stuff I don't need and I know having tings you don't use around make you stanag and I don't want to trow it to the garbage becose is good clothing, just not my size anymore and charity will resale it and I want to know that the one who is recibing it really need it that they really are going to use, the same with my old tv. There's is something that I can do for this a ritual, sigil or whatever to sell it or to giving it to someone who will really used?

Thanks in advance.


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chill out bro smoke more



Even if there's blowback, I'm still achieving my goal, correct?



If I do meditate, become more conscious and aware, and do the standard things that people do to get in tough with your 'higher self', what else can I do to get better at manifesting? Is there something that can enhance and 'complete' the Secret?

also, what are the limits to the Secret? can I fully believe with all my being that the corner of my cupboard will have 2 100 dollar bills? If I imagine that with my full thought power, and 'believe' in it strongly, will it eventually happen? How can I set a specific date by which it should happen?


Is it possible to kill the soul completely. IE for my consciousness to cease to exist, no hell, no void state, just a complete cessation of any form of awareness?


Lol testing


Are there any "mainline" Christians (not Gnostics) on this board? Whats your opinions on mainline Christianity? What do you think about the Christianity's prohibitions on witchcraft?



>so, if I understand you correctly, being 100% immortal and being able to achieve enlightenment and in the mean time being a baller and developping siddhis faster then any paths is "not that profound" ?

Enlighten us, please.

>You really think magic will ever be served on a golden plate ?

And you think it should be kept secret or what?


I've read the first four books listed in the FAQ, and I was wondering, do I need to establish ego iii before I keep reading through the other books? Or will the other books round out my knowledge in a way to help me establish ego i/ii/iii?


I've read the first four books listed in the FAQ, and I was wondering, do I need to establish ego iii before the other books are worth reading? Or will the other books round out my knowledge in a way to help me establish ego i/ii/iii?


I've read the first four books listed in the FAQ, and I was wondering, do I need to establish ego iii before the other books are worth reading? Or will the other books round out my knowledge in a way to help me establish ego i/ii/iii?


I've read the first four books listed in the FAQ, and I was wondering, do I need to establish ego iii before the other books are worth reading? Or will the other books round out my knowledge in a way to help me establish ego i/ii/iii?






Sorry for the flood

We need the new software!


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Holy fuck! What does this mean, /fringe/?



It means you're gay



>Enlighten us please

Eat your vegetables first.

>And you think it should be kept secret or what?

Well, since you are complaining even when all of the teachings are in the open, yes, honestly, it should have been kept secret. People who would have had a true interest in it would either, become buddhist monks, get inspired/divine it, get the teachings from a self realized being/internal guru or, and that's the best case, never know, shut up and stop complaining about it like a summer camp of 10 years old wanting to be fed, hitting the tables with their forks and knifes, screaming their wants thinking it will make any sort of difference.


So…magic(k). How? What? Like, fireball? Heal? Light? Teleportation?



Yeah, but it'll take a long time before you can do that, what most people here are doing are tipping the odds in their favour



Probably, but it won't turn out well for either of you in the end. there are other threads on here about that.

It ended poorly for me when I wasn't even intentionally doing it.


I dunno about killing it but I assume merging or splitting is possible.



Anything has to be possible.

Just continue to advance and master astral projection where you will pick up skills that will be better than anything you can learn here.


Through introspection i have found myself to be very fascinated by the earth element, concepts like tradition, protection, control, material wealth and order instead of chaos are both very appealing and very lacking in my life. How do i manifest the earth element in my life? All i can find online about it is JoS crap.


How adept was arnold schwarzenegger at magic? Serious question, that man literally achieved everything



So…how? Is it a lineage thing? A learning thing? How could I go from 0 to mage?


Practice the techniques given in initiation into hermetics by franz bardon, the book of knowledge, introduction to magic by evola, Focus on meditation on all chakras and astral projection for now, you will be able to pull information out of the astral soon enough, read about thoughtforms/servitors/tulpas


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does anyone know the origin of aibi.pdf?


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does anyone know the origin of aibi.pdf in the fringe library?


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Hello. Lately I've become more and more convinced that this is not my first life, for the great differences between my current self and my I, since I started reading the right stuff.

How can I delve deeper into my previous life?

I think I already have the most important things, being my comprehension of the occult and my thirst for ascension.

Anyway, other than meditation, can I get more information on my previous self by other methods? Is there any ritual-pattern-etc. meant for this??

Thanks for your time.


I can't seem to Astral Project, I can clear my mind (mostly) and lay still for hours, but nothing seems to happen, except my eyes start twitching for some reason


I found a book a long time ago I can't find anything about online. The title was something along the lines of "Universes their genes". It was credited to G. de Purucker, but I can't find it mentioned anywhere in bibliographies. The cover was green, it was a paperback about the size of a 7" tablet.


I've seen numerous posts of people talking about them meeting demons and angels during their trances. Do you guys think that what you're encountering are not really demons or angels, but in reality meeting psychic aliens who are either friendly or hostile? Have any of you entertained the idea?


I've seen numerous posts of people talking about them meeting demons and angels during their trances. Do you guys think that what you're encountering are not really demons or angels, but in reality meeting psychic aliens who are either friendly or hostile? Have any of you entertained the idea?


I've seen numerous posts of people talking about them meeting demons and angels during their trances. Do you guys think that what you're encountering are not really demons or angels, but in reality meeting psychic aliens who are either friendly or hostile? Have any of you entertained the idea?


How to get rid of no motivation and depression using occultism? I don't want to go for medication, it seems like a way to fuck up the brain, but it's my only option if I can't do it myself. No energy or motivation for anything.



How much food do you eat per day and what generally is it?

Do you do any meditation, breathwork, qi gong, exercise or other body related work?

How much do you sleep?

How much sun and outdoors time do you get?

Are you on any medications or drugs?

Do you have favoured hobbies or goals in life?



By killing mobs such as sandniggers orf niggers out in the urban jungle to gain XP which is used to level up and unlock abilities.

Alternatively you can wait for a massive PvP event soon which will be the 3rd one to gain loads of XP there instead of randomly killing low level mobs.

Read a book and practice what you read nigga, also read the FAQ for a starting list of recommended reading, all of which can be found in the mega archive posted in the sticky.



That should be enough anon, visualize yourself in a clear mental body in some room with rotating objects like 3D numbers to detach yourself from your physical body instead of just lying there like an idiot for hours.


That's entirely possible, but having stronk defense when astral projecting makes that sort of distinction entirely irrelevant. It's all a matter of perception anyway.

What do you believe in more, ayy lmaos or demons/angels?



I myself am getting a lot of troubles doing this, but I've read all the theory about it.

If you can achieve the clear mind and the twitching eyes, you probably detached from the conscious part of your body, meaning your body is sleeping and the "twitching" is the REM.

Now comes the part where you start commanding your astral body without moving your physical body. It can take several tries, but start with your fingers, then your feet, until you feel ready to stand up and walk, astrally.

Well that's the theory. I get locked in the state where you see just black, not even sleep paralysis, but well, I'll start trying again when I get some vacations.

Luck, mate.




SO basically this gentleman asked instead of answeting.

>Eat "just enough", healthy food, maybe allow one treat per day (good tasty coffee, a little cup of wine, some snack you like).

>In the normalfag tier you can just exercise, at last 3hrs/week; later as you read more stuff, you should be doing a breathwork out of every moment in your day.

>Sleep is good. How much is good for you depends on what you do, 6-8 hrs is the goal for me, I study medicine, what about you? are you tired everyday despite not doing much? Sleep more.

>Outdoors helps you focus on your goals, since you don't have your privacy to whine about other things. You get the wind (and all that tasty prana), the sun, etc. to help you see the colors of life.

>Avoid medications, I was on them some time, and they just don't help that much. Not as much as a focused will.

>Fucking goals in life: How do you expect to have some motivation if you don't have strong goals? Aim for the sky anon, make your goal so big it pulls you with it's gravity (yeah, that fucking huge). Really, if you're here in /fringe/ I guess your goals include raising in the spiral of being, and breaking the human bonds (in some other life), but now in your human life you can focus on acquiring Egohood, mastering your personality and taking no shit from the world, filtering only the stuff that will help you.




I think some guy with a philosophy degree posted it on /fringe/ awhile ago. Maybe it's Guy Anderson, the guy who wrote three write-ups already about magick?



Androgynous is not a gender.


I think the demiurge is feminine because it just weaves things into being which are inputted into it by spirited beings.


Does anyone here have advice for training to see psi/astral light/chi/whatever?

I've been trying to get it to work for a decent amount of time and still failing, wondering whether something is wrong with myself or my third eye or something.

[Apologize for doublepost if it happened]



I think there's an Atkinson book about auras in the Mega under some Swami pseudonym


Can someone explain the benefits of charging your aura for social situations? Been hearing some talk about this lately, but no one has articulated well enough for my little neophyte mind to comprehend. Also, how would I go about charging my aura in the first place?



Depends on who you are really, if you feel energized by social situations and you feel amaizing when being with a lot of people, you don't need to charge before going out, because you are automatically charging on the energy of others and are called an extrovert.

If you dislike parties and social events because it just drains you and you prefer reading a book and bettering yourself rather then going to the next Project X, not because of social innaptity, but because you actually and naturally enjoy being in the company of yourself then you are called an introvert. When you go out, charge yourself and your aura so you don't feel too much of a difference when others are feeding off of you. It will also make you more attractive because you will have a lot of energy, people who need it will find it nice to be around you.

The kind of energy you charge yourself with will attract the people who like feeding on it. If you want to attract wominz who are willing to have sex more easily, priming and charging your whole body with sexual energy and especially, overcharging your root chakra, will help a ton and guide you to do the right moves and all. Females will naturally approach you and will like being around you/enjoy physical contact.

That's what happens when you hear girls being all "Well, he's not really cute or anything, but he just have something in him that makes me…you know…". Or when you really get excited just by being in contact or seeing an average female that you wouldn't have looked at. But the thought of seeing her moving on your pole gives you a diamond boner and all of a sudden you are flooded with all this sexual energy.

You attract the people who need your kind of energy, it's not really a law of attraction thing, but more of an energetic contact, the people around you who are searching for that energy will be drawn to you. It works for all kinds of energies, spiritual, sexual, emotional, intellectual,…


Can someone explain horoscopes and its significance? Also want to know more about the Ophiuchus and why it just popped up only recently.


What's the purpose of life? Is it to grow? Is it blind hedonism? Does any such purpose even exist?



Is to grow

Once you reach the peak

Is up to you to give it meaning

This reality is like a Gym and you will be given the tools to reach the peak awakening, enlightenment once you reach your Goal is up to you to find it a new meaning, don't worry God don't awake anybody who is not ready, if you were awaken is becose you are ready


How do I contact my ancient ancestors?


ITP -- answers to people's questions they were too dumb to not post in this thread. Don't be like these faggots and just post your questions direct in the question thread.

>What are the best ways to acquire previously unknown information through the mind? ( >>62790 )

Channeling, mediumship, thoughtforms of various types that are created for the purpose of gathering information or learning things then taking it back to you, akashic records (which can be accessed in many different ways you know), mind-reading, thought-packet transmission (usually visually represented as light blobs), time-dilation techniques so you can enter meditation and experience weeks/months/years worth of stuff before coming back here with all that new experience, remote viewing, and I would highly recommend any of the book thoughtforming techniques as a way to get information out of the astral... and also a thoughtformed computer that lets you connect to astral internet.

>What's the meaning of life /fringe/? ( >>57720 )

I might ask first what the meaning of your question is as different people mean different things when they are asking this question however I'm going to tell you something important concerning this question. If you feel life is meaningless this a consequence of a deprivation of astral energy (emotion) and you need to correct that. Everyone has to do different things to feel that there life is meaningful and their own emotions are the guide (as well as the source of meaning and of creation since desire is the ultimate cause of all things). If you are becoming anhedonic / emotionally numb you've got to work out the mystery of your own life principle by undertaking those actions that make you feel "alive" again, that fill you with inspiration and drive, that strengthen your will etc. Sometimes you just need to banish parasitic thoughtforms and beings that are draining you too much and sometimes you need to spend more time in settings or conditions where you take in more energy than you lose. The profundity of life and the understanding of how all ephemeral things partake of eternal principles should instill you with a sense of transcendent meaningfulness and connectivity no matter what position in space your body occupies or how mundane the role you seemingly occupy as a person is. Disconnection, alienation, energy deprivation, etc. produce a depressed and numb worldview.

>anyone else likes numbers? ( >>62769 )

I think this was a duplicate thread of a previous shitty thread. Should have been banned under rule 1 as this thread exists: ( >>62070 ). Your question sucks.

>How can I use my sex energy or sex drive for something constructive? Other than sigils, is there any other way to use my craving to beat off for something magickal? ( >>62477 )

See the very last section of Personal Power which deals with it aka XII. Regenerative Power; or, Vital Rejuvenation.

Also check out The Mystery of Sex or Sex Polarity also by Atkinson.

Don't beat off, use sexual energy to charge thoughtforms of various sorts, and conduct transmutations and drive the energy up from your lowest energy center steadily upwards filling every other part of your body. You could evoke a succubus, you could master psychokinetic sex, you could do something like that guy with the giantess tulpa where lust is the basic energy driving the whole thing but a lot of different stuff happens.

Be careful though if you get carried away with this or do things wrong lust will use you instead of the other way around.

>Are there any drugs,psyhical locations or even meditations i can do to psyhically go back in time? I really need to visit this world as it was some years before. ( >>62441 )

Why do you need to go back in time physically? This would be an extremely advanced operation and to even get to the point you could do it you'd probably reconsider and do other things with your life instead. If you really want to go back you can't change this timeline by doing so you'd just split off into a different timeline. There is only way to "physically" go back in time without creating a new timeline and that's to transfer your spiritual essence into a selected person in the past and to experience everything they experienced and do and think everything they did exactly the way they did it. You wouldn't change anything, you'd just end up experiencing their whole life, and at the end of it all take that back to you to this timeline.

If you don't care that you're splitting off into a new timeline you'd have to learn to materialize an entire body and couple your mind and spirit to it.

If you want to change things in the present by changing the past, well you can't actually change the past you can only change the present, still there is a technique by Neville Goddard where you seem to change the past and it causes changes in the present. e.g. creative visualization applied to revise an instance in the past where you fell and broke your leg, with the end result being that after completely revising the memory, the scars and fractures in your leg disappear in the present.

You apparently want to do this though to see if dinosaurs existed and learn kung-fu... you don't need to physically transport yourself to do this, you can just remote view the past, and as for kung-fu you don't even need any sort of time travel at all for that.

>how do we defeat lumerian time-sorcerers? ( >>62039 )

By creating even more dank memes.

>How can I become a god? Failing that, how can I enter a fictional world? Give me powers, /fringe/. ( >>56039 )

God is far more abstract than you can ever hope to comprehend at your current level of development. You don't want to become a god, you just want to develop a higher level of mastery over the elements, time, and space; aka become a wizard.

"God designs what only God can design. The rest is delegated to lesser beings who design lesser things. In being the greatest being of all, God therefore designed only the greatest things of all, that which cannot be created by any other being in existence. That thing is existence itself." http://montalk.net/science/163/intelligent-design

...and now some archives of quality shitposts that had to be deleted:




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I read the divine paradox chapter of the kyballion and the part warning of the differences of the errors of the half-wise and transmuting or vibrating on higher planes to ease troubles of the lower planes left me confused.

I know that walking around, thinking

>everything is an illusion, nothing is real, i can jump out a 10 story building and it won't matter

is what the chapter is warning against but i'm wondering if it's also warning against for example putting your hand over a candle and choosing to feel pleasure instead of pain? Can one vibrate on a higher plane of feeling to get to this point? I imagine if so, it would only be the first step and the next would be doing it without consequences to one's body.

Is this the distinction that the chapter was supposed to teach me? You have the power to do certain things but you must still do them within the confines of our laws despite knowing that our existence is "an illusion". You can't just go recklessly ignoring laws because you are part of this illusion. Would testing yourself with such an experiment be considered reckless and half-wise?

Most importantly, would it be considered transmutation or denial? Is it even possible to ward one's body of minor physical harm via transmutation?



You don't understand. I'm not asking "what's the meaning of earthy life". I'm asking what's the purpose of existing for any known organism. Aliens, plants, amoebas, catterpillars, etc. Is there any predetermined purpose and meaning to existing within the mind of the all or is it all just for the hell of it.



We're all tulpas of God. Make a tulpa to understand the process of creation and purpose.

Everything that is, is, because the was a desire for it to be.

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