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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit.
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread.
3. No creating new threads purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET).
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/).

pssh... nothin personnel kid


Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: https://archive.is/BARDt FAQ: /fringe/faq.html


Ah dear, someone messed up my GET.


>t. Bardon



As meant for the kundalini anon, not sure if it even posted in the first place…

>prepare for it

Fast, purify yourself (don't skip on that one, if you do, know that you are taking the huge risk of messing yourself and crawling in agony to the cleanest t-shirt around to roughly clean your ass while receiving unbearable amounts of pain, it's not pretty….) and be sure you are doing it, for reasons that will benefit you, since these reasons, whatever they are, will manifest and affect your whole life, at all levels, pretty much, for ever.

>what should I do if something goes wrong?

Pray & pray again.

You don't want to do anything, whatever happens to you, better receive the consequences of your actions as soon as you can, delaying it will only make the matter worse.

If you realize it was such a big mistake and you really can't handle it and are ready to face these consequences, eat something big and fat, the mundaner, the better, spill all your loosh and do intensive physical excercise after that, even if you feel like collapsing.

You may also want to know that the "symptoms of kundalini awakening" on the internet are all just signs of minor awakening/nohing at all, I'm still not sure I've ever met annyone who had a genuine rising.

Don't fall for the meme. If you don't feel a serpent as hot as fire, the thickness of a can of coca-cola in your perinium, uncoiling itself and pushing it's way up through the shushuma, moving your bowels and your internal organs, and feel "the fingers" at your crown and the flash of white light at ajna you are not doing it, electric sensations in the spine does not equal kundalini.

Make sure you will not have to reintegrate any form of normal society for the 2-6 months afterwards. Actually, make sure you really have cutted all ties with society, you probably won't ever want to see them again.

Don't be fucking stupid, don't do drugs, of any kinds, shrooms or weed…


how could I increase my ability to see ether


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how could I increase my ability to see ether



Use the gazes in jason millers sorcerors secrets


since every meditation thread here was shit any none mentioned gem meditations, im gonna ask here.

how would meditating with quartz go? do i just place it on my 3rd eye and continue normally? do i focus on it? do i dosomethign different? also , would it be better if it was manmade / polished quartz pyramid or pure natural quartz crystal? i need info on this asap, going to meditate soon and i would like to do it with crystal propely


Is it possible to make/go to a world where anime is real?







all youhave to do is kill yourself



I mean with magic virtually anything is possible and there are infinite worlds out there and shit, but the most feasible would be for you to get real good at visualization and remote viewing, still though for you to seriously want this kind of thing means something is wrong with your life, how about fixing that instead?


Can keep creating tulpas and merging with them permanently to make myself more powerful every time? How?

Can i sacrifice a tulpa to pay/feed/summon a more powerful entity? How?



I liked the meditations superthread. It's pretty good.

>how would meditating with quartz go?

Obtain crystal, clear mind, feel and be present. Until you know what to do just be still and observe what is. Once you have some idea what your feeling you can start to play with it and learn how it works and interacts with you and various parts of you. Not too hard.

I like to keep in in my hand(s). I personally like crystals in the raw, but sometimes shapes can be useful, second to raw I like spheres, however I have not worked with many other geometries.


Question: Do tulpas have a higher I AM like we do?

Can they ascend to higher planes as well?

Bottom line: Are tulps just like us but were created by us?



I am interested in this subject.

what reading material do I need for it?



>Question: Do tulpas have a higher I AM like we do?

Thought forms complex enough to have a soul are not easy to create.




>I'm still not sure I've ever met annyone who had a genuine rising

>except me then of course

How do you do it? Does it come naturally? I couldn't hope to summon this kind of contempt in people even when I would want to, trolling.

You offhandedly just declared that everyone here most likely haven't done what they think they've achieved because they're stupid and don't know better, and then decided to call everyone who have partaken in light "spiritual" drugs to be idiots.

You're just such a genuine asshat. You're literally that one kid in school always insinuating that everyone else is an idiot while making it look like you're doing them a favor telling them that they're wrong or stupid (with or without basis) so that you can strut around pretending to be a saintly miracle child.

In your head you're trying to put as much distance between you, a blessed genius, and everyone else, maggots crawling at your feet, so that you can feel better about being mediocre.

There really is zero redemption for you.

You're a bad person to the core, and you're to stupid to realize.




>You're a bad person to the core, and you're to stupid to realize.

Wow you just described every namefig on /fringe/!


is astral sight the same as ethereal sight?



Ether is energy

It's also known as Qi, Chi, Akasha, Ki, etc.



ah thank you


What's all this double-helix dna stuff in the Book of Knowledge about?



charles Darwin was in a hellfire clun and blazed it with demons.

he wasn't actually smart


can anyone post some good love magick rituals? ones that can work long distance with just a first name or online username?


It's time I seek help on this matter.

Recently I have come into contact with a fellow occultist that I knew in a past life, I knew her as well as her succubus in my former incarnation. She wishes to change her succubus, to attempt to restore her humanity and has asked me to help her do so. In my last incarnation, I was as well, a succubus. You'd think i'd be happy knowing that I was someone with some level of power, but I am in some ways disgusted by this. I have the resources to contain and take control over this succubus, and will do so. I have three choices as I presently see it.

1.Banish the creature into a realm she will not likely return (this may just be a delay)

2. Actually try to change this being, which seems insane at first, but taking into account that I was somehow able to regain humanity it doesn't seem entirely impossible.

3.Keep her bound, use her at my own disposal

I could use some wise insight on this one friends.


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Recieved this in the 4chan/x/ divination thread. How can I go about preparing for the future? How can I determine what the unforeseen circumstances are? A whole lot of shits going to come my way pretty soon I can feel it.



"As above so below, as within so without". The outer world is a consequence of your inner self and vice versa.

Do you know how sometimes magickal attacks works?

We make people have bad toughts to bring doom upon themselves.

You look paranoid. Paranoids will only see and atract bad things.

Just look both sides before you cross the street, don't drink and drive and avoid talking back to angry people. You know, regular cautiousness. And relax.



Paimon from the Goetia has the power to influence others. Look it up later.

But anything you make manipule someone's' freewill will probably backfire.

For example:

>Make "cutiepie98xxxPotato" call me

>40 yo man calls you.

>Make that cute girl from school in love with me.

>She has adictive personanity disorder or cheats on you.

Not really karma, but someone who is NOT atracted to you is usually not suited to you either.

Instead make yourself more atractive in general. Try to "Atract soul mate" or somenthing like that.



Getting readings on half chan

Instead of going straight to the akashi records

Common is 2016 do you even occult?


No need to be disgusted. Not really a big deal. I saw some posts on a succubus thread about people wanting to become succubus themselves.

The term "succubus" doesn't always means demonic. Sometimes they are just astral prostitutes paid with loosh.

>"restore her humanity"

you mean this being was once human? And you consider keeping her bound to you?)

Human souls are very adaptable and volatile. Changing is not so hard if she wants it. But is it really necessary? There is nothing wrong with a being a succubus.

Also, if the succubus becomes human, then it doesn't make sense for her to be arround. It would be best for her to reincarnate to make some spiritual devepment.

My advice: Get her reincarnate as a human just like you did. Transformation will occur naturally then.

Tell her it will be for the best and stop hating on succubi.



How to access the akashic records?



But the power of a thoughtform lies in the fact it's part of you doing tasks independently from your conscious. When you absorb it back, you lose the very foundation of this power.

You can sell your internal or external thoughtform (part of you soul/identity) to someone else by granting them control over it.



Bro, don't be mad, I just said, I was not not sure of it, meaning, it's an incredible feat and they are multiple levels of it. People I've met had prana/electric rushes inside their spine and thaught it was kundalini. I was onlly prooving a point, now what you are doing seems like a lot of psychological projection m8, kek.

Don't be triggered for so little, invest your jimmies into something worth it.



You're right. This world is of little consequence anyways. I get so consumed in it that that's difficult to remember and stay relaxed sometimes.



typically have to impregnate a female to do that



Thanks, and she claims she was once human but a new development has been made, she does not want to reincarnate, she has been here before and doesn't wish to return. I know that she swears allegiance to Lilith, who I, for reasons of a past life, am not fond of in the slightest. I could use her to get to Lilith, of course I am not sure I could begin to take Lilith down on my own. There is great potential here and I don't want to waste it.



Are there any IRC channels online where I can find fellow neophytes?



Just read (well, speed read) all of these The Art of Learning

Do you perhaps know the significance of placing the point of awareness behind and above the head? The tangerine thing. The author of the book on Photo Reading derived it from some shamanic traditions, but didn't explain how it works. I'm not going to do rituals I don't understand or intuitively feel, it's pointless



Tangerine is to trigger the "real" third eye. It also works if you place your awareness at the center of your head, or the upper dan tiens, or even at the brow center.

The tanguerine is a more throughout way to do that and not only activates the third eye, UDT and bindu, but also the cerebellum and the other centers of the head and above.


can succubi actually love you?

instead of just farming loosh.



Can prostitutes love you?



I can dream can't I



well yes they can


I dream I die often in my dreams and I think I witness my own death because I don't wake up right away. Things usually fade to black as my vision goes away and I have these sensations all over my body like I am tingling or vibrating and I am actually dead and then I suddenly wake up from the dream? Wtf is this?



When something is free, know that you are the product, so, ask yourself, what do you bring to the table?


You astral projecting, we all do at the time of sleep, basically, your subconscious mind has to make up an excuse for these senstations, since astral projection is a lot like dying, you dream of whitnessing your own death.

Relax, and try to see the phenomenon for longer periods of time. By keeping this unbroken awareness, separation occurs naturally.



I have love to bring

that is something I rarely even extend to my own family

surely that is worth something?



Yeah, It's worth a lot! Especially when your unique source of "nutrition" is other people's energy….



are you mocking me or are you being legit


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"Love" has lost it's meaning.

The lovers tarot card symolizes mutual respect, there is obviously an exchange being made between two individuals, that's why there is that dude in the middle, to make sure the exchange is respectful and equitable.

The union isn't also just made on the physical plane, but also symbolized, and being watched for equity, on the spiritual planes, symbolized by that angel above.

So, love would mean something like: An equal, mutual exchange, that is respected by both parts, on all planes.

Now, in this situation, it's up to you, to determine:

What are you giving, how is it impacting her?

Is she giving something of equal value in return, is it impacting you in a comparable way?

Is this exchange respected on all planes?

If you think that keeping her alive is worth sexual gratification, and nothing else, (as is often the case in succubus/human "relationshps"), well, that's your definition of love…

What the Lovers represent is mutual respect


I found there is a way to relax a certain part of the upper center part of my head and it gives a sort of euphoric feeling. It is like relaxing a muscle but there should be no muscle in that part and the feeling that comes with it is bliss.

Also this area seems to "contract" like a muscle tensing when focusing on some task. So one must be very relaxed to get this state.

I thought it could have something to do with the crown chakra but was not sure. Anyone know?


Give me something that's worth printing out. All the books I have would need heavy editing, if not for printability then contentwise.

And it's very bothersome to print documents only to find them completely a waste of time.



meant for


Note that, the card also gives cues on the male/female role in this "equal, mutual exchange, that is respected by both parts, on all planes.". Looking at the colors and the gestures, you can see that they both have different things to give and different roles to fulfill (the male is pointing, while the female is "judging") the third dude and the angel is only there to determine if the exchange/contract/love/marriage is worth it and seal it.


The pineal gland and/or the amygdalas, it's not the crown, it's the third eye. Most of ajna chakra is inside the head. Your third eye is active.


Is there a way to summon goetia with no tools whatsoever? Just mentally doing it?



ofcourse, check khan's thread on western magick and rituals



Have you had any experiences with it you wouldn't mind sharing? Interested to hear.



Have you had any experiences with it you wouldn't mind sharing? Interested to hear.




Well it is fun enough to just enter that state but is there anything practical that can be done with it?

Also why is there a euphoric feeling?



Well, it's called ajna chakra, google it.

The amygdala (in the brain) is the center of pain and pleasure.


Are there any IRC channels online where I can find fellow neophytes?



Googled it and did not find any information I did not already have but I gave it some thought and saw that this stage was the answer to a question I was thinking about for some weeks.

Just have to smile about how things can work themselves out like that.


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So beside the books that were posted in the last OP. A couple years back I wanted to really get into magic and picked out a few downloads but then shit happened then completely forgot about them until I stumbled across the files again while looking through my old files.

I have no idea what I wanted to do in the first place but do you guys think I should drop these or just give them a read? I think now it's just more about learning than actually preforming but since looking at them I may have second thoughts, since I have no idea what I wanted to do when I downloaded these.

How bad was my choice in books?



which subject? (:

but seriously, just do some healing on yourself and your life will become the way you want it to be. No need to go too far elsewhere.

Universal Master Key is supposed to be good for healing stuff I guess. I haven't read it yet tho.

But if you'd prefer to run away, that's up to you.




I wonder too



>do you guys think I should drop these

yes. I have no basis for saying so, but yes.



oh wow! no wonder my third eye rarely opens, my concentration-strain used to be constant.

and no wonder I started getting super high on spirituality.



Fuck, I meant quad-strand helix dna, and apparently they even go up to 12 strand helix. What the salamander does this even mean? Anyone here go through with the dna activation exercise?


Can you explain?


I believe I may have given a now deceased person cancer, unknowingly, is there any way to confirm this, and should I be worried for whatever reason?


How can I become more magnetic to people? Have people like me, and be more socially adept in general?

>No mundane answers please


Is there a problem with posting new threads right now? I'm trying to get one in except I don't want to double post.


How do I feed off of negative entities? One method would be to simply not care about intrusive thoughts, which is easy when you don't have thoughtforms running around that can get their feelings hurt.

However, if the principle applies that some entities can feed off your negative energy, what prevents you from feeding off of them? I want to feed from the fear of these negative entities. It is not enough to ignore them, I want to drain them and make them feel exhausted and miserable, THEN switch to positive feeling so that they'll go away.

If I can be afraid of them, then they can be afraid of me.


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After reading few fundamental books on occultism, every new book with 300 pages contains 10 pages of new valuable information. The value of the rest is that you can consider from different perspective. Skim through them with awareness of this. Or better, read good books completely unrelated to occultism, but apply occult knowledge to them. Or best, experiment with trance and energy without books


Another anon here. I've been always aware love is a mutual exchange. However, I think it's okay to summon succubus to practice controlling the sexual loosh. Then, you're exchanging your loosh to learn to move to energy up the spine and bend it at the neck, and train yourself to stay hard for hours. It makes it so that you don't get typical prolactin release (feeling of laziness) after the ejaculation. Also, if you utilize orgasmic pleasure to manifest something, I don't think we can talk about wasting anything. Just don't do it more often than once a month

My unrelated question concerns herbs, spices, leaves of green tea. What happens to them when left overnight, and brewed again the next day? Some food rots quickly, but how about wet herbs that were already brewed 1-2 times 10-20 hours ago? Let's say ginger, cardamon, liquorice, carob, white tea leaves, cinammon, barley malt, roasted chicory, peppermint, fenugreek, fennel, roobois, mace, anise, ginseng root, astragalus, turmeric root, chilli pepper, black pepper and others.

I try to brew the same stuff for a whole day because I don't want to overstimulate myself with too much, especially that every brew gives me "high" perfect for trance, reading, focus in general



Man, that's pretty. It so subtle that it stimulate the imagination. But fine enough to keep a form and general idea/ purpose.

So true with the 10 good pages hahah. What's up with that? I figure the occult authors need some income so they blow small up.

Anyway I should probably answer questions since I'm taking up answer space.


Chi power my man. You need to start cultivating magnetism which is the mysterious feminine force that girls have which makes all men want to be around, protect and give up energy to a girl. It's all about the internal power of your chi and the strength of it. You need to take up abstinence or tantric sex and do naval breathing every day as part of your meditation routine. Try for at least 10 minutes a day.

Exercise 2 is to make an aura bubble with the intention that everyone loves you and is attracted to you (warning lol). Project out an energy bubble with your imagination or feeling and pour out the intention of exactly what you want. And to double up you can walk around with the intention fresh in your mind. You need to know that your intention is reality. Eventually this will manifest strongly.


I imagine if you started your own you'd manage to find tons of people just like you. Especially on this board.

Try making a thread with the details. The more we work together and help each other out the better. You can even advertise in my threads if you want.


Sure is. Pure focus and will along with an intention. Once you've done it with the tools you know the feeling and become familiar to it. Though I still suggest a sigil if you have trouble keeping focus or need a little crutch. Focus on that sigil, get yourself majorly tranced out and completely wasted while breathing into that higher dan tien. Absolute fuck yourself drunk with a trance state really getting into it. KNOWING that each silent or drawn out energy fueled chant of the name brings forth and gives energy to a beyond of insurmountable power and energy. Do it until you feel an energy within the room. To do this without tools means you simply do it without tools. Walk around in a circle, rock back and forth, spaz out, play a music piece or bake a magical cake while in an extreme trance lol. Do whatever you need to raise up the energy while focusing on what energy you want to summon (the demons name). I hope by now you see how free this kind of work is.

Hell. I tested the waters of alchemical cooking and managed to find the book of knowledge a minute after fried potato blessed with the desire to find wisdom and knowledge.

Here's a challenge to anyone to do a stupidly easy invocation. I want you to strip down to your underwear while invoking mercury. Start yelling gibberish while running as fast as you can outside in whatever residential area you live in(or do this somewhere more private. Or instead of yelling you can just breathe really intensely). Yell in your head continuously a mantra to invoke mercury like "I invoke Mercury, grant me speed.". I just want you guys to feel the state you get into. Totally give yourself to it. This will do two things. It'll probably open you up to a state which you've never really been in. You'e really tapping into another part of your mind by being wild and stupid. One that only really gets awoken through drugs.


personal love =/= unconditional love


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I was playing with this thought too… how to feed not only from spiritual beings, but I also thought what about feeding off the essence of - let's say - ants and flies that get too close and whose energy would probably get wasted otherwise.

Just wondering, anyway, I can't even bend the tiny will of these beings so I think I should get going with that first.


What does it mean if someone doesn't remember their dreams?


>get yourself majorly tranced out

>rock back and forth,

>spaz out, play a music piece

In literature I encounter 2 contradictory types of trance. One employs complete lack of emotion, just staring in silence at one point like sigil. The second one mentions emotional high like listening to a song.

It's difficult to believe both lead to the same definition of trance, so 4-12 Hz brainwaves. The feeling is completely different.



It means you need to work on your astral memory. It's not good or bad, just there is growth to be had in that regard.


How to explain this post on /pol/ https://archive.is/3TkKX ?






Same conclusion




I've been looking for something similar, and there doesn't seem to be any significant existing channels for occult or fringe discussion… the ones I have found are either dead or Leddit tier communities.

To contrast the quality of discussion, here is the top post of all time on /r/occult: i.imgur.com/26IC8HR.png

Otherwise, I am fond of the idea of adapting this community to other mediums, especially during the uncertainty of our future here on 8ch.


Fellow wizards what do you know about Hu & Sia ? (no kikepedia please)




better than nothing


can someone giive me the picture of Jiddu Krishnamurti with that epic quote - along the lines of adjusting to be normal in an abnormal society is disease or something. it really resonated with me and i remember seeing it in one of the big threads. was stupid enough to not save it :-( i can't even find the quote online now.



Hu = Ardhanarishvara, the half-male, half-female Shiva-Shakti. The equilibrium between creative energy and consciousness.

Sia = Eternity of the union of the two parts of Hu. It's the "child" of the tantric union happening "inside" Hu.

Pretty awesome fucking stuff. The egyptians had it all figure it out before we got time to catchup with their grain storing technologies…


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He is the origin of the "first, divine utterance" the original, all pervading, omnipresent AUM. And he did it "alone"; since he is the shiva+shakti union. From that comes his whole "self masturbatory act" or "act of self castration" myth…

And Sia, being the "eternity" (eternal awareness) is pretty much the shiva part of Hu

And Heh is the Shakti part of Hu. See, the snake symbolism and pretty much the whole mythos attached to it.




Thanks. Who is worshiping them actually ?



thanks a lot!


can i interest u in answering this Auntie - >>67879 ? i posted there in hopes that u would see it but maybe u've moved on.



Everyone, pretty much, they are classical archetypes of reality, without them, no universe, on all "planes".

It's the whole "great sikret arcana" of gender polarity. Shiva/Sia is the highest masculine archetype, associated to wisdom, eternity and consciousness and Heh is the highest feminine archetype, associated to raw creative energy

I have no idea who in ancient egypt worships who, but if you want to understand the whole dynamics of masculine and feminine energies, all of the tantric texts and sutras is about understanding and transcending this great duality. As an introduction, the kybalion has a chapter on that and I belive Khan has made a new thread and briefly touches on this great mistery, Evola had a book on that too, called the Yoga of Power, where he summarizes the whole thing, kinda. Pretty "armchair" books but they do deepen your understandings over these things and can introduce you to the concepts, fairly well. Evola is a boring dude though.



Well first, don't exchange blood for one thing, blood is used for pacts, for a reason. From the point of view of the spirit and what should be your point of view, if you don't want to get played: t's a "long term, compound investement".

If you want one thing, don't be that one rich asshole who gives google stock markets share if you do a little something for him. It's not likely a spirit will accept a one time drop of blood as a form of payement. For all he knows, you could just run away with your, "red gold" and his efforts would serve to nothing. Just like that rich dude can give you a sound "do you really think I was going to give you google stock shares for baking me a pie?" and there is nothing you could do about it.

Same for down payements, the spirit will just go away with your cash if you are not going to pay him for his efforts in the future. If he can get a drop for doing nothing and another one at completition, which would take both his time and energy, his time and energy is not valued or cared for; he'll just go away with the first "down payement" qnd never show up again. Time is money. Everywhere. Giving your blood freely to annyone will just turn you into "that cheap crack dealer" on the astral plane and you'll get harrased, every day by a bunch of entities/blood junkies for "a little piece", your name is going to spread around and all of a sudden; no more entities require anything less of you then ten drops of blood. This also will give a hit on "astral economy", blood value gets down ans entities have a popular, alternative source of blood (YOU) an you are just ruining the whole thing for everyone.

As I said in that thread, don't do blood pacts if you have no clue of what you are doing, I don't give step by step instructions, because its a sure way to get deceived and to a certain extent, get messed up. It carries your personal energetical signature. Technically, an entity that has your blood or name, could have power over you, in the future. Just like you don't give your phone number or adress to annyone who asks, don't give your name/blood to any random entity. There is a magical name for a reason. They are other forms of payement for a reason too.

You want to treat these spirits with respect. Try to understand them, before trying to mess with them, that will save you a lot of time and trouble. Take the time to read "How to make friends and influence people" in a new light.

These aren't demons, the christian inquisition invented that name. Daemon in greek just means spirits. Some are more powerful and more out of touch with our-reality then others, that's it. You are dealing with real beings, respect them.

Do a bunch of normal evokations, khan has a thread dedicated to that.

If you want sigils for a particular spirit, go read some form of goetic litterature or any grimoire, for that matter, the grimorium verum contains the 72 daemons of the goetia, it's always a pretty solid choice.

Ask what the spirit wants as a payement; if it's too excessive or you don't have what he wants; well, do it like Trump, negotiate!

As above; So below.



>magical name?

sorry I don't know much about magical dealings



>stupid guy who downpayments blood and i won't give him what he askef for after taking his blood

well fair enough but how about a pact to make me successful at college thoughout my college life? that's a good enough pact i feel. also, new thing i learned - keep random magical name to give out when dealing with entities. i don't think it's 'good' that you're withholding knowledge but thanks for the help so far, i'll report back with results.



>random magical name

not aunt

but if your doing dealings with the spirits wouldn't it be better to have a single alias to be known so you can build up a reputation with their community's



It's associateed with the "magical personality". It develops with time and it's use becomes naturally obvious the more and more you advance, progressively, mastering and completing each steps you have before going to the next one.

Doing something, expecting to get a quick reward, right after the acti Is called the broke mindset, the get rich or die trying meme, it leads you to ephemeral results and, yeah, maybe, once in a while; you'll get rich thinking in those lines.

Now, if you would have the "rich mindset", you'd invest your time and energy, wisely on stuff that counts on long periods of times to get long lasting results. investing and having compound and exponential results on them. That's the key to wealth, something that lasts for generations.

There is a great, classical & cheesy book on that, but great none of the less: rich dad, poor dad. That's how you should approach magick and anything in life that counts for you. With doing magick, not reading; not trying; but doing and being dedicated to it, you understand the whole magical personality and the magical name mistery, better then anyone could explain it to you with words.


I'm not "withholding knowledge".

What you are asking me is, "how do I travel to japan?".

So I answer, "well, it depends frolm where you start from."

I don't know where you are starting from, I really have no idea who you are, or what you did, where you live or if you know what an airplane is. So then, how can I give you THE perfect, accurate, step by step sequence that you want so much on "How to go to japan"?


What's the most efficient way of becoming a powerful wizard quickly? I have a lot of time on my hands, would like to make the most of it.



demon worship


why is it bad to eat pork before rituals


So I did a few evocations but didn't feel presence in any of them. I still asked what I wanted and then ended the ritual. I did have some CEVs, but nothing that suggested it was a spirit since I repeatedly asked for who I evoked to show himself in my imagination but it didn't really change what I was seeing. What does this mean I have to work on? I've read that you can't really fail an evocation and I went through the process as confident as I could. Do I just have to keep doing evocations to build up intuition? Or are there other things I can do to build that up?


what's with all the cp spam on here anyway



mods gone alot



how about something more stable?

The only things I'd know about are meditations, yoga (both physical movements and bhakti, using your heart chakra to love everything you do and see), tantra (no idea where to go with that one), and qigong/energywork.

You'll need the mental will that most people don't have/train, though. Due to ADD/society/internet or what-have-you



blood magic



I forgot there was a thread about that and how it said one can be significantly more powerful than one would be otherwise with that.

I am somewhat interested, but think I'd rather worship Kali or something, along with the stuff I suggested here >>67912

since I'm looking for connecting with divinity and not really giving myself to other beings, or at least nothing other than doing the Will of Divine beings with whom I am already aligned.

I should go to temples more… there's a Krishna temple nearish me and a Balaji temple a bit farther.



dude I'm just fucking with you

just invest your time in high magic or something.

but if you want to start somewhere just pick up a book on the goldendawn or some other occult subject.




An IRC channel has spawned. More info here:



how do I get advice on how to proceed with something?

How to hear voices in my heart better?

(should i look into the akash, ask my spirit guide, ??)

I want to know the "best" answer for somethings.


I'm looking to dive head on into the RHP and leave the LHP behind. The negativity of it all is just too much. Any tips?



open your heart chakra by meditating on it.

Find love for everything around you. Give love to yourself by improving, then spill that over to others. I like giving people gems, and singing songs I can sing with love.



Thank you for the reply. It will be a difficult journey changing my core beliefs, but I know I can do it. Do you know of any positive entities to work with by chance?



that is a really good one to keep in mind



there's one called Orin




So I looked him up and found that Orindaben website. Any experience with it? If so, did the meditations give good results?



Yeah… I didn't want to mention that here, lol.

Definitely a path for the heart-oriented; it did wonders for me.

I'm not terribly magickal (can't see shit, haven't done or read shit, just imagine and do stuff and use divine will/manifestation "naturally" and on-the-fly/haphazardly as of yet (but am structuring and learning now). But… I definitely used it to learn how to love myself, trust, reprogram my subconscious, radiate divine love.

I also got a negative reaction when I used one of them with a less-than-pure desire, which is why I didn't want to post it.



I feel something similar. It's in the top center of my head, almost at my crown. Flexing it flexes my neck and eyebrows a bit, and it feels like the motion a book makes as it's opened midway as it relaxes. Is that what you mean?




Much appreciated. Thanks for your time.





What is the best entity in the goetia to render me incapable of all types of fear and anxiety permanently?



what is considered high magick?



bullshit "occultism"



I don't believe you. Are you talking just about irrelevant fluff like synchronicity manipulation or actually changing stuff in the physical?



at this point I don't get if it's a meme or legit critique, why do you think so?


How do I get rid of looping music stuck in my head?



google high magick


Is the catalog a host for a botnet or something? Accidentally left a tab open with the catalog on it for a couple of hours and when I came back it was using 93 percent of my CPU.



Magick requires focus. If I didn't intetionally tried to cause harm had very bad emotions about that person, you didn't do anything.

No need for necromancy.


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Is this a counterfeit philosophers stone?



No, it's just mudslime cultist bullshit.


My old post got deleted and i'm sorry for that.

I don't know how to begin this post, and yes, I'm asking for help but it's not a question.

After the death of my grandmother 2 years ago i felt completely lost. She was my pillar. And only today i noticed that her death was the cause of what is going on now.

I was reading a old post here when i saw a link for a website about chakra, i never had interest on things like that but something told me to click and read it.

What happened was a shock to me, i was reading everything that was happening to me on the last 2 years.

The first was the Root: "An unhealthy Root chakra indicates a nervous person; a severely unhealthy Root indicates a very fearful person." exactly

The second was the Sacral:

"an unhealthy Sacral impulses will sublimate in many obvious ways, such as chronic tension, irritability, general and sexual anxiety, sexual confusion. Also, overeating, excessive drug use, and other forms of compulsive consumption. Such a person might feel the need to apologize for his emotions. He may have a clear and definite opinion about when, where and how an emotion can and cannot be experienced. He forces such rules on himself and possibly others because he does not trust himself to the care of his feelings." exactly again…

The third was the Solar Plexus and this one that made me to open this post, i don't know if that's possible but i was exactly what he said about a healty Solar Plexus and then (now) exactly what he said about the unhealthy. Some people have a strongest chakra? Here's what he said:

"An unhealthy Solar Plexus indicates a person who is unwilling or unable to let his personality be a reflection of the rest of him. He might rely on unconventional or shocking appearance to force others into making assumptions about him, essentially using others energies to form an illusion of personality. Similarly, he might make a point of associating himself with ideas, beliefs and doctrines, and advertising the fact, allowing him to tell his whole story in a few keywords.

He might focus on certain obvious traits, such as physical or mental prowess, in order to control people by intimidation. He may adopt a "mysterious" facade, to control people by intriguing them. He may feel so disconnected from himself that he compulsively tells lies, or stories, to compensate. He might just withdraw and become recluse."

I want tips to improve my chakra, links for pdfs, anything that can help me… The only chakra that seems that still working on me is the Throat. It seems like my Solar Plexus was my most healthy chakra and now it's the most unhealthy.

I'm 21 now, and no matter what i try, i can't get out of this reclusive state. I really don't know how to begin or where to begin, maybe i will need a step by step. Sorry for the emotional post too, today is not a good day…

The website about chakra that i read: http://www.veovix.com/lucas/


My bad. It was not deleted


Does anyone have that technique for getting books out of the astral and reading them?

I've searched through the catalog for all keywords I can think of relating to it and just can't find it.

I know the first experiments with The Protagonist were carried out on /4chon/ so maybe that's why there's no record of it here?

Yet I thought it was also reposted here in some thread.



Become completely conscious and aware in the physical. Focus on the physical sensations you're hearing. Think of it like a filter. You're trying to hi-pass out the imagination.


What green pills, blue pills, red pills and such things means?



why are elves socially backwards to humans


I wish someone would make a calender focused on moon phases, that's just a pic I made for myself, it's GMT+3

might look awkward, though it's the beast layout I could come up with, because, you know, we've got to check the days before a phase too


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I need to get rid of my anger. I know how anger can be thought as too much heat in heart and i can physically cool my body with certain foods.

But my mind also needs help. What to do?


Hey /fringe/,

Can you recommend me some literature to get teachings into Meme Magick? Especially the manipulation of the material reality and the ability to influence the future through memes, and wet the panties of autistic girls at the vicinity.




ayy lmao, meme magick is shit-tier, start meditating on your chakras(preferably third eye the most so you wouldn't be so in the dark), doing energy work(check khan's thread on qi-gong), learn astral projection

In the meantime you could make thoughtforms and charge them so they would influence material reality, though that will take a bit of time and won't be an instant result, you'll need to keep feeding the thoughtform till it finishes it's work



can thought forms ever be powerful enough to physically effect the world

like a stand



yeah, though they're better at manipulating a form of matter over long periods of time


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why aren't more people doing this



They don't believe that thoughtforms of capable of it



are capable*




thats a shame



top notch post, this person gets it


Are there any spirits that I can evoke in order to get better at evocation?


Curious about moving physical objects as well.

Any tips?



this >>68015

and a thoughtform has to be pretty powerful to move an object


Can someone recommend any entity to summon that can help me get fit?

better if it's a demon.



Why would you need an entity in the first place? Getting fit is something easily done the mundane way, just go to the gym



By your logic i don't need succubus, love pells and money spells.

You are right. I don't need it. But i really really want it.

I want to do that alongide going to the gym to boost results.



Getting fit is so easy it doesn't even compare to finding love or a well-paying job, now I don't know why you'd want to contact a demonic entity specifically but whatever. Make a thoughtform with the sole purpose of making your gains better, charge it everyday, a thoughtform will work much much better if you believe in your heart that it's a sentient being and not an induced hallucination or just you changing your subconscious



couldn't you just have it feed off of lesser entity's

maybe consume some husks like astral larva do


I feel like someone should put

>>>Magick is not a Magic Pill

in the sticky to prevent questions like >>68035



It can definetly be one, but that would be pretty advanced



Everything that can be labeled as "Service To Self" can also be considered an attempt to use magick as a magic pill.

Just trying to expand the variety of things i do for the sake of practice.

(and obtainging said things)


I asked for demonic because that usually works better for me, As well as using a preexisting entity. And i think i already have too many toughforms to sustain.

If i make a generic "wish granting" toughform is it less effecient than one for specific purpose? I want to do a lot and don't to keep too many of them.


What's a good way to transmute lust? I'm on day 14 of nofap and I wasn't having any trouble until today.

I don't want to use sexual energy for anything, the reason I'm doing nofap is to practice self control. Powering a sigil or using a method to keep the energy like ankhing isn't what I want.



>muh demons

Stop relying on other beings.



Dude what other thoughtforms did you need making? Usually when a thoughtform completes it's task I stop giving it attention until it dissolves


what is the "vault of the abyss"



>a good way to transmute lust?

Transforming feelings onto other feelings is too hard. Seal it into an object. Throw it away but don't burn or destroy it.

Hold the object. Visualise all your lust going into the object. Manifest will on that visualization.

But i warn you not to keep NoFap for more than 3 months or find a real woman by then. NoFap can easily become an obssesion. And obssesion combined with fighting lust is bad combo.

>Stop relying on other beings.

Working with entities still has its merit and requires practice. The entity power is proportional to the magician that summoned it

Also I am mostly relying on myself, because that is how the chaos magick "meta-system" works.

For example to run faster I could invoke Hermes, Mercury(both the god and the comic book character), or freaking Sonic the Hedgehog. The merit is mine.

Demons work better for me at the moment. That's all.


The time i had most at a time, was when I had a toughform for atracting love, atracting lust, astral protection and predicting the future. Most of them are gone now but i think i might need to watch out for that.

Want make just one for wish-granting.


what happens if you become too connected with an elemental group?



That is related to "crossing the abyss".

It refers to point in the development of the magician where he obtains a ridiculous amount of power and understanding of the universe.

"vault of the abyss" is where all the knowledge and power is supposedly obtained.

But i think someone can explain it better than me.


Just "conected"? Nothing. We are all somehow "conected" to everything.

But but depending on what you mean, your soul might morth into that element.

In the astral plane, you actually become an undine, gnome, sylph or salamander.(or similar to them).

some things get easier to do while many others get harder.

But human souls are way better.

(Changing the nature of the soul or changing the astral body is easy and might actually be useful tho)



A place with all knowledge of past present and future could also be the "Akashic Records". It's like a cosmic library, but it's not really a place, as all information is inside everything (hard to explain).

Does anyone know more about it?


Can you use magic to change your genetics, for example removing harmful recessive genes?



be willing to let yourself be transformed with love, and become a wanderer. I did WWOOFing and it helped. a friend of mine went to festivals and hitchhiked



i saw it somewhere here but forgot, and now it's in the meditation thread, but probably you posted it there since that person was pleiadian too


I like to either replace it with a different song and/or skip to the end of the song that's looping.


green = yay, magic

red = SHIT, JEWS

blue = sleep


no idea! maybe try the 8 brocades qigong, there's a thing where one puts anger into fists.

try turning it into love perhaps? and draw in yin energy bc it's cool. if you have too much heat you can put it into the earth. speculation abound.



what part of the animu is that from? the yes yes yes yes thing. I assume someone was attempting to see into his mind.


you're doing things the hard/impersonal way. other People want love as much as you do; you can share it unless you hate them bc you're deprived of something.


khan mentions raising the energy.

you can also output it creatively/artistically. Lust is sacral energy, energy of creativity.

wait, why not keep the energy? (you mention no ankhing)


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Yes. And it's much easier that you may suspect. Simply will said traits to be gone, or to be there. Spend time each day doing this. Your soul, as it resonates through your flesh will alter/rewrite your DNA.


I suppose you may get a dis-ease from the imbalance, but it depends on how much is too much, and your level of aptitude.




Alright my question is regarding "cards of life / destiny" NOT tarrot cards, but usual playing deck having some personality tied to card. whats thisbullshti about? for 1 card there are 7 dates of births that share it, also it implyes that everyperson born on the same date is the same personality. Are they all fabricated so every card fitsevery person ? is there something more to it? redpill me on this





So, how do I gain godpowers, or godhood? And how can I free my subconscious of all beliefs for magick?



it was just connected with my name in jewish numerology.

at least I know things may get interesting for me


I have some problems with memory retention, or even attention when reading books. Any tips? That's frustrating



Visualization. Use visualization to take mental snapshots of whatever you need to remember. Even visualizing words is better than nothing.



Sorry, can you explain?




Let's say you're reading a book about the Qabalah. It speaks of the four worlds. At that moment you'll want to visualize an image in your mind which shows four qabalistic trees with corresponding colours and elements. Or you could even think up four comical/cartoon style worlds. Think and remember in mental pictures. You can even visualize a picture of a camera snapshotting books and it all feeding into a brain or something like that to remember this.

How about this. Visualize each of these objects then do something else for a minute and see how many you can recall from bringing up the visualization.

Vase, dog, potato, fork, chopstick, water fountain, moon and box.



I personally made my own thoughtform which represents every form of strength. A sort of Strength arcana thoughtform.

Anyway that's not all that I use for fitness, I connect to a great source of energy, be it for you the All, the Chaos Sphere, the Black Sun whatever to give me a boost for a tough set. I also activate the root chakra, tricking it to believe that my survival is at stake.

Above all though, your ass needs to go to a gym regularly to get fit or the loosh you spent on making deals with demons or creating thoughtforms might as well have been wasted.



maybe ask in khans western magic thread



Has no one done anything like this?



this person






Ah, my bad- but I did hate them and may have said I hoped they got cancer on some occassions, it was sudden, but only manifested after years of hate



eh, I mean, even if you did it, you probably didn't know at the time and probably already paid for it.

Especially now that you're aware of it you'd probably have experienced the negative effect near-immediately after this awareness.

in my opinion. but that's how things would probably work for me.



karma is a meme



it's cause and effect. 6th hermetic principle.

besides that, yes, I don't believe in it too much


I get some sort of feeling sometimes. It's the kind of feeling when you're in a dream. I don't know how to describe it or make sense of it. I get it after watching anime. It's… i don't know… it's just a feeling, like i have something to express but i don't know what it is or i can't express it… like there are a lot of questions remain unanswered and a lot of stones remain unturned… but i can't point my hand on them.

Is it loosh? This feels more like an emotion but i don't know what it is, i've got it ever since i knew about my self. It's just a feeling.


How much time should I be spending on each chakra? I am moving downwards and it feels like my crown was already open. I'm going to start the throat today, and I've been doing a week on each. The way I feel that it's open is that my third eye and crown have a "dull" feeling, where I can just sense that they're open.


Fulfillment? Satisfaction?



actually you should meditate daily on all chakras, start for small periods of time if you can't manage and add more time as you go



Indeed, they are no limits, there is open and OPEN, there is mastery and MASTERY.

The metaphor of the flower is a really good one.

The chakra blooms and blooms and opens progressively, when it reaches a certain maturity, it emits a scent of its own that becomes stronger and stronger with time.





What is meditating on a chakra?

Visualizing it?

Putting energy into it?

If so, does it have to be a certain color?



They are many ways to do it, do what works for you.


ever since I was kid I would see weird rainbow colors when I closed my eyes

anyone is there any significance with the occult?


The thread Renouncing Laziness: ( >>576 ) is not working anymore, how can i find a similar way to renounce laziness?


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can I fuck and impregnate elementals?

it's a legitimate question


How would I go about regrowing hair? someone reply please. would be appreciated


i seem to be bouncing between anger and fear. How do i escape this? every time i encounter either one, i can only change it to the other one.



Direct your anger at achieving something, use it a fuel to make yourself follow a spartan regime. You will feel strong.


Where can I find which tarot cards correspond to which Goetic entities?


"Many people expect their God to forgive their sins, but omit to forgive the sins of their God. How can they expect their God to forgive their sins, when they are not prepared to forgive the sins of their God."



So I understand heart chakra feels like heavy weight pressing on middle of the chest, that you experienced if you ever cried from sadness or joy at least once…

Third eye feels like tingling horn between eyebrows.

Sacral is sexual butterflies and horniness under belly.

But how does throat chakra, solar plexus and root feel like?



Been wondering the same…


Everything is everything. Everything includes nothing but nothing is not. The all is the all. We are dreams living within dreams. Nothing matters and so does everything. Use the void and the infinite in tandem. You know a lot more than you think you know. ∞

“There was once a queer old man who lived in a cave, where he had sought refuge from the noise of the villages. He was reputed to be a sorcerer, and therefore he had disciples who hoped to learn the art of sorcery from him. But he himself was not thinking of any such thing. He was only seeking to know what it was that he did not know, but which, he felt certain, was always happening. After meditating for a very long time on that which is beyond meditation, he saw no other way of escape from his predicament than to take a piece of red chalk and draw all kinds of diagrams on the walls of his cave, in order to find out what that which he did not know might look like. After many attempts he hit on the circle. “That’s right,” he felt, “and now for a quadrangle inside it!”- which made it better still. His disciples were curious; but all they could make out was that the old man was up to something, and they would have given anything to know what he was doing. But when they asked him:”What are you doing there?” he made no reply. Then they discovered the diagrams on the wall and said: “That’s it!”-and they all imitated the diagrams. But in so doing they turned the whole process upside down, without noticing it: they anticipated the result in the hope of making the process repeat itself which had led to that result. This is how it happened then and how it still happens today.” pg.63

C.G.Jung(1959 or 1992), Four Archetypes, Mother/Rebirth/Spirit/Trickster, Bollingen Foundation , Published by Princeton University press, Princeton, N.J.,



I've felt the heart chakra as my heart fluttering/having a hard time breathing for the same reason you mention I think.

I've also felt it as a sort of "muscle pain" when it cracked open/used too much.

I've felt my third eye in the back of my head open with slight pain.

I've felt the top of my head/crown feel open.

The throat to me feels airy. Like there's nothing there keeping me from speaking/breathing, though it also feels like if I weren't aware of chakras it I'd feel like it were hard to breathe.

Solar plexus… I've felt it be nauseous from others exerting power or from me doing something I didn't like (eating junkfood when in a high vibe, or just when I had a kundalini rising).4

Root… feels supportive/supported and strong to me. Solid. poop. There's one perspective. It's all subjective anyway.


how does one find the tarot card that represents them



I feel like fear is a need not being met. Figure out what makes you fearful. I've read anger is a secondary emotion (dunno if that's actually true or not) so that it's only a result of another emotion.

So anger could be a result of your fear not being eased.

Both can be helped with qigong/taoist stuff probably. energy circulation, getting the anger and fear out of the relevant organs. Khan has a qi-gong thread with some relevant info, download some mantak chia stuff. Inner smile, 6 healing sounds would prob help.



make one mb. go join a temple or ashram (:


an oracle card deck about animals mentioend rainbow light signifying spiritual advancement.




As well as a sign of excessive DHT hormones, hair loss could indicate a period of intensive mental struggle, or overbalanced masculine energy.

It may help to regain touch with your femininity.



>spiritual advancement

it must be fate that I walk the path of the magi



We all walk the Path. Only some of us become aware of what it is tho


I don't think in words, images, or kinesthetic movements. I think in explicit unsymbolized thoughts, in pure ideas. I only managed to find about them after hours of meditation and some research.

Do you think there is any advantage to this in magic? Or perhaps you think this way and you found type of meditation that work?

In case it wasn't clear: When I think of concept of dog I don't hear the word "dog" in my head and I never see dog either, I'm just aware of what dog is for me. It's like thoughts made of pure awareness.



that's how psychic communication works on the easiest level of doing so. also kinda "high". words are harder to transmit




regarding this, what does the higher plains "feels" like? Do higher vibrational entities comunicate in visual form?



I don't actually know.

I've communicated in feelings, through looking at people's eyes and thinking things (basically allowing my eyes to move in certain ways that communicate certain things).



>that's how psychic communication works

I'm hermit and I have no one nearby to try psychic communication. Any other way to utilize my way of thinking? That I don't have anyone is also the reason why I don't think in words etc. - because I don't talk with anyone. I can think in words but then muscles of my tongue tense and tip moves slightly, it's unnatural

I can "stop thinking" entirely any second and leave just awareness. I printed a page with one point and stared at it for an hour with no thoughts to check if something happens. Embarrassing experiment and utterly boring.

This unsymbolized way of thinking appears a bit useless so I'm considering focusing a lot of intention to start thinking with symbols, images, sounds etc. From what I understand, the ability to render a visualization of 3d place, person and invoke sense of smell etc. is all that one needs to expand. And being able to draw well would be a great side bonus




you can fuck but they will not inpregnate.


I have about 1 hour to make the most potent love spell ever.

Yeah, I know everything wrong with aiming for especific person. Don't judge me. I am doing it anyway

Please help.



>Yes. And it's much easier that you may suspect. Simply will said traits to be gone, or to be there. Spend time each day doing this. Your soul, as it resonates through your flesh will alter/rewrite your DNA.

could you expand on this?



I am using the book of knowledge as a reference, so I spent 10 minutes yesterday meditating. I imagined a small ball of light getting brighter and brighter until it only emits white and I feel heat on my skin, and then I felt it enter my crown chakra and grow larger, feeling my chakra grow open and spin clockwise during and after. I repeated this for all of my chakras going downwards.

Is this what you mean?


>expecting fast results on a slow board

It's getting more and more popular, but don't expect answers in an hour.

Search "seduction magic" in the catalog.



I'd try calling upon a spirit guide. One that is beyond duality, in light, that will assist you in progressing spiritually and does not impose strictures on how you do so.

I used to talk to myself when I was a hermit :\ picked up the habit from parents.

I wouldn't say that experiment is "boring". Thoughtless awareness eventually gets you to your center/navel/hara. This, as far as I know, is an important step to self-awareness, finding the answers within. Sounds like you intuited that meditation technique.

Besides that, sounds legit.


no. I did that with someone who actually DID want me and it turned out bad. Bad idea. Bad idea gone. Now that you've told other people about it you can expect extra not-goodness (:<

not from anyone but yourself though (well, not from me I think), your problems aren't mine. You're either in love with your ideal of that person and not that person, or in love with the fact that you got a certain affection/validation from that person (which almost anyone can give you) that you were lacking from yourself.

She (probably a she) has flaws too; are you overlooking them?

True love is meeting someone halfway. Building a bridge of unconditional love in divine light, and meeting them halfway. They'll come in time, whether it be in one life or another.

If you don't look for a specific person, that allows the Perfect one for you to meet you. Happened to me 2 times, specific people to whom I was attracted and who were legitimately interested in me. The first time I screwed it up, and the second time too (cause I did what you were trying to do. I was less conscious about my desire being less than pure though/less conscious of magic being real) but the second one isn't over yet.

You are seeking something true in a way that looks false.

Just find what truly resonates with your highest truth, pursue that with love for the world/yourself/humanity/shakti (the way of the superior man is a good book on that) and she'll be there. If she's the one you want now, maybe you'll have to leave her for awhile so you can stand on your own (that's what's happening to me now).



>Is this what you mean?

Yeah, I found what works better(atleast for me) Is imagining beams of energy flowing into the chakras


Is there a cohesive write up or step by step of Uncle Bearheart's planetary banishing ritual, and his MP, or any of his applied techniques.

The videos can get a little hard to follow since he has so much to say.


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Manifest/visualize yourself in the end goal where you desire to be. See



If you want blond hair, spend time manifesting that form. If you want not to be lactose intolerant, spend time manifesting your body in that way. If you want to be rid of some genetic dis-ease, spend time manifesting a body/life without it. Et cetera.

Also by increasing the vibratory rate of your consciousness on average will raise the level of data capable of being recorded in your DNA.


Goes into that, DNA, & conscious evolution more.


How to will my body into optimal shape?


Can i directly acess the Akashic Records to see the future?

What i the best way to see the future in your opinion?



will yourself to work out



>"Don't expect answers in an hour."

>answers within an hour

But thanks. i will look for it.


Thank you for book recomendation.

Well as i said before i am aware of the consequences. I am playing with fire here but i know what i am doing.

I am not seeking validation and she has horrible flaws.

I wanted a love spell to see what would happen when i meet her.

I see you have a very good understanding of love. So why is it that you even care about failing to archieve it?

What you lack understanding however is that magick can only backfire if you think it might.



I mean stuff like shapeshifting and manifesting reality.



well most shapeshifting I know of is more of manifesting ether as a shell or a temporary vessel while if you want to change your physical body you might get a tip or two from the degenerates in the faggy girl/boy thread


what exactly are orcs?



Read the books




Fungi you knob



It's despair, you're doing something that is not taking you to where you want to be, it borders panic and leaves you depressed and empty, deep down you know that you're not doing what you should be doing but still allow yourself to wallow in distractions, time seems to lengthen and slow at the same time, that you should be somewhere else at this moment but you are not.

Your time line adjusts to you being absent, not reading this, not typing that, you feel hollow.




how exactly is that degenerate, you dipshit



I have a question for you guys. When I ask you to count windows in your house with thoughts (or some other building you know, if you're homeless or whatever) how does this process go about in your mind?

Also, picture some building in your mind or other very complex object. Can you spin it around as if it was a render in 3D software? The room you're in right now, can you make the walls and objects wave as if you were in a ship, or rotate around you in random directions very fast or slow?

I'm trying to figure how my visualization works, because I'm slowly realizing there are at least 3-4 fundamental ways in which people perceive the world and they have to do with how their thinking works


I have an exam Thursday, but i feel like i'm getting a cold. I hope not a fever.

Can anyone recommend any meditation to heal myself?



>I see you have a very good understanding of love. So why is it that you even care about failing to archieve it?

1) I see that you have a good understanding of not judging yourself. "So why is it that you even care about failing to achieve [the same from others?]"

>Yeah, I know everything wrong with aiming for especific person. Don't judge me. I am doing it anyway

[Probably because it feels nice to see ourselves in things aside from us. We like matches/mirrors. After all isn't this world just a mirror for god]

2) I'm probably overly-concerned with the business of avoiding pain.

I resonate with Vishnu/Narasimha.

I hope it turns out as well as it can, and that the both of you learn the boundaries you may need to learn, or how to transcend them in the best way. [I know someone who was in that kind of a relationship and learned her boundaries. She's the 2nd one I mentioned]


holy shit dude. Lololol. That's how I felt when I'd distract myself with things like videogames. shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

I love you man. lol


in my mind I walk or teleport to the places I know windows are and count them.

You guys? I assumed you meant to quote someone else too until I figured you meant anyone here.

I cannot easily spin something around, but yea, I can do that. The way someone perceives the world is probably due to their experiences/what they naturally "vibe" with, and the ways they've tried to utilize that.

So they can perceive it in a way closer to yours if they exercise that but it won't come as naturally unless they spent as much time as you doing that. (and who knows how long/many lifetimes you might have done that)


I'd just meditate on gratitude for healing energy flowing into me and making me immune to disease until x point I need it. So I'd put it off because I figure maybe I should face that energy head-on later.



Probably shoulda posted this >>68303 question here, but I guess I'll just link it and if anyone cares to give it a read and reply they can go for it. yay for not realizing there was a question sticky



>Isn't this world just a mirror for god

I dig that a lot. Clever


What would be the best way to increase intelligence exponentially through magic?



someone said it in one of the previous threads, 15 or 16 I don't recall.



I'm also interested in this


All in favor of disposing of Hanz?



as tipp said on the other thread

"One last thing ITT, if you're learning the arts to have sex, you will not get it, the use of deceit and manipulation to sidestep freewill will do nothing to refine your persona, I suggest you stop this endeavour immediately and instead work on yourself, introspect, discover what it is that makes you unable to have a satisfactory and meaningful relationship built on mutual love and respect, that which you will find once you possess it yourself.

Save yourself months of failure and reach a point where you stand so secure on your own feet that others can lean on you."



btw tipp ilu again.

"each a point where you stand so secure on your own feet that others can lean on you."




Reading books.



But do you actually see objects in color in your mind's eye or just pretend they have a color? When you imagine a cup, is it surrounded by blackness? How does your visualization of a cup relate to the cup in our particular consensus reality?

I'm asking these questions because I think the knowledge of how our mind's eyes work (the knowledge that we can obtain through comparison of our experiences) is of more importance than any occult material. Most assume everyone thinks similarly or the same, which isn't true. By analyzing the process of "how" instead of "what" we become aware of our personal lenses through which we see world. Awareness of one's own perception is profound knowledge, it tells you who you are. And you also learn the mechanics of how your allies or enemies could think. Especially enemies, because if you disagree with someone, it's because he sees through different glasses.

I can spin very complex buildings (even if I place my point of view inside of the buildings), I can spin whole cities and move my point of perspective with great ease but I guess price I pay for this ability is that I never actually see them. They're covered by blackness that I assume everyone sees after closing their eyes. There could be complex images in there, but this darkness is so thick I can't see, feel, sense, hear or taste them at all. Somehow it doesn't stop me from moving them in 3d space


File: 1453241290750.webm (7.93 MB, 480x270, 16:9, wecouldhavebeenmastersoft….webm)

Can I switch timelines? I want off this ride.


I was send here by a man who offered me help when I asked about curses on /x/

Two men did something very bad to my family, and I intend to punish them for it. Severely.

I asked for some sort of curse that might do the trick, and a man told me to ask in this thread. So, can anyone help?



Details, neophyte.

Be thorough if you want anyone to bother.




Two men, or I suppose boys (they're 17) molested my little sister. My original intention was to find something I could do to kill the two of them outright. Now I'm not completely sure what I want. I believe that I still want them to die, or perhaps just go insane. Yes, I am being openly malicious. Yes, I am willing to make sacrifices.

Now, can any of you help me find a way to curse these men?

I am looking into an Indian ritual involving the burning of Datura at the moment, but it does not seem promising. I'm looking for something more akin to the Chaos magic or Wicca that I am more familiar with.



Proper chaotee practice involves a hammer to the back of the head.

Your sacrifice is, if you get caught, some time in jail and your anal virginity.


Which country, we're they immigrants? What relation do they have to you or your family?

How old is sister, how is her psyche, how did she tale it?

Got more sister?



You see the color in your minds eye. It doesnt actually appear in the darkness. When you are visualizing you're inside of your mind. Trying to actually make the shit come out of the darkness is impossible.



Why not have the boys thrown in jail? They are child molesters and will be treated as such by getting raped constantly and getting the shit beat out of them. That's how it is for them in jail. Why not instead of killing them using magic, just help your sister recover from it by using it instead?



Was going to suggest this.

Kids won't get jail tho.

And unless I get to know more I won't vouch for killing them.

Energy spent killing them is better used healing sister.

Besides, future from there is either anon developing into a good murder wizard and the boys dying, or the boys living and achieving what they might.

There is also the issue with anon killing them and attracting karma.

And the part where sister was meant to be raped as it's something she had to experience in order to evolve, live, forget and maybe forgive.

Same goes for the boys, they better learn, or they'll be reborn into a daycare full of pedophiles.



Absolutely agree.


Felling somewhat at peace now.

All exams are over, got a good first job, got rid of a girl obssesion.

Everything i could possibly care for myself in short term i either possess or is garanteed.

Long term will work itself out eventually.

I no longer see any need for magick.

Service To Others? maybe in the future

What's next?



I agree with



>I no longer see any need for magick.


Magick is not a tool to get your mundane desires, it's a lifestyle choice. How can you live your life knowing the truth and not using it?


Hey /fringe/. Can anybody recommend some books for learning about curanderismo/spic/quasi-Catholic folk magic? Getting in touch with my roots, I guess







Quote from my post on /x/ as to why I can't just call the cops:

>There's no real evidence of it happening. What is there to go on? The testimonies of a fifteen year old girl who's mind never functioned correctly to begin with, and of her older brother, a man who the community suspects of being a satanist, and who has more than a few bones to pick with the accused. That'll hold up in court, surely.

I even sat down with a friendly police officer, the one stationed to hang around at her school, and laid the information out on a "purely hypothetical" basis, and he said there was nothing that could be done.



That last line was also meant to be greentext. Whoops.



Say it with me

>I hope you life an interesting life

Ask God to give them their due.

Ask God to help your sisters suffering.

Pray with all your heart, forget.

Aside from that, wear a wire and confront them.


Trap them, make them say it out loud, present evidence to police, pray to a deity related to Law, Justice.




But that won't spare their families. It's one thing if your son dies of seemingly natural causes or a tragic accident, but it's another thing altogether to find out that your child is a monster.

I'd like their families to be at peace when this is all over, not cursing themselves and trying to figure out where they went wrong raising him.

And besides, the two of them deserve death far more than imprisonment.



enlightment is vague.

I had lots of epiphany moments. One jut happened a couple of minutes ago.

I am probably going to use magick for other mundane things and having fun in the astral.

What is the point of doing it for anything else?

Fighting evil is a waste of time. People need suffering to evolve.

Maybe its nice to help someone in need but wont that be a bad interfearence on spiritual evolution?

I see no point on doing anything other than chilling as brown pill.



Why do you feel their families should not know? It will punish the boys.

And who are you to be judge and executioner?

Is raping a mentally crippled girl equivalent of killing two able bodies men in their best years, denying any and all contributions they might make to society?

Argue your case.

You can make them drop dead if you know enough, but such knowledge comes only after gaining the wisdom to not do it, why should I or anyone else attract karma to help you take revenge?



The only thing that truly matters (as far as Chaos is concerned) is belief. I believe that their families are innocent, and thus should be spared even if it makes things easier on the boys. I believe that I have every right to be the judge and the executioner, as I know enough to make those decisions where another individual would not be able to. I believe that they deserve to die.

That is all that matters.

As for your karma, I suppose I've been looking for someone that doesn't believe in it to come help me.



Vengence "leads to the dark side".

You don't need to search much for ways of causing harm. But what will that gain you?

It leads to nowhere.

The worst part is that you might suceed, then be filled with emptyness.

Find love in your heart to forgive them.

Heal your sister and let go of the past.



Light and dark, good and bad; it doesn't mean anything. It never has. So I don't care where you think I'm going.



I'm assuming you live in the west, and in that case, it is basically "guilty until proven innocent" with rape cases. Make a big enough deal and somebody will hear. If you have to, say you'll go to the news if the cops won't listen.




>But that won't spare their families

They will be distraught, but they will later be glad that they knew.


>What is the point of doing it for anything else?

You perfect yourself. You become as strong as you can in all ways, and you reunite with The All.

What are you doing is like saying "I needed to lift something big, so I got strong and I lifted it. Now I think I'm done with lifting"

Surely it would be a smarter choice to keep going in case you stumble across another problem, yes?




>Is raping a mentally crippled girl equivalent of killing two able bodies men in their best years, denying any and all contributions they might make to society?

Could somebody who rapes children make a meaningful contribution to society? The chance off that is practically 0.

Raping a child is something that speaks of an attitude of exploiting any weak or vulnerable people. This is what will likely continue to happen instead of any 'contributions to society'.



I suggest you go back to /x/, we're all pacifist progfem new age Buddhists, we have nothing to offer you.

Well, except, depending on where you live I know a company that sells great crystals and incense.

Please go, your negative vibes are really off putting.

/x/ most likely has the answers you seek.





Pick one.

A 15 yo female is ripe to breed strong healthy children.

At age 15, almost every girl is a woman.



Chaos is very fun to play with.

But alone does nothing. You are stuck with the moral consequences of the system you are using. No system will allow a free vengeance.

I "believe" you are fool.

By the way i just casted a protection spell on the guys you want to kill.



You are not "going"

you are already there.

Your hate is your peronal hell



This, for whatever reason you've quarrelled with these boys, they most likely took it out on your sister.

From what you've written, you are lacking in spiritual development, searching power in magic for personal gain.

This attitude of yours seeps into every fiber of your life, you create enemies who want you I'll, because of your mentality you suffer through her rape.

Her rape is part your fault.


is Crowley's work worth looking into


how to filter shitposting namefags?



Eastern United States.

If they never know, they will never be distraught over that. If they do, the parents will wonder where they could've gone wrong. How they raised such a fiend.


This. How could a man like this do good? And if he did, how could it possibly outweigh the evil he did in his life?


I suppose I'm off then. This place doesn't exactly seem to suit me, as I expected.


If you are another "new age Buddhist" then I'm sure voluntarily protecting two rapists will be great for your "karma." It really is a lose-lose for you though. Help me, and you did something terrible; protect them, and you did something terrible. You chose the lesser of two evils, so honestly good job.

As for there not being a system that would allow free vengeance, think again and you'll see your error.


I am painfully aware. I just haven't quite come to terms with it. It's strange to hear it out loud or see it written, especially when I know it to be true.


They didn't know she was my sister. In truth, she's just a half-sister. Almost nobody knows. We don't mention it, don't look anything alike (I'm white, she's black), and are almost never seen together. They didn't know until I was pulling them off of her and yelling "get away from my baby sister"

And don't you think it's more than a little fucked up to make such a traumatic event in her life about me?

I'm not denying that I likely played some part in it. My "bad vibes" likely cause unfortunate things to happen to people around me, and I recognize and try to prevent that.

I am sorry for whatever discomfort I caused here. I knew from the start that it was unlikely that I'd fit in here, as I read through the older posts in this thread. But the advice I was given was to come here, so here I am.


It's no secret I don't fit in here, but I'll answer the question.

Yes, very much so. A lot of shit owes its existence to his work. Read as much of him as you can stomach.



which one of his books (Crowley) should I look into first



I began with The Book of Lies, though I would not recommend you do the same. To someone with no prior knowledge, that particular book seems like insane ramblings. Begin with The Book of The Law, which reads like the bible. Then 777.



ok thanks



No problem. Always happy to help an occultist.


This board is getting faster

But for the wrong reasons.

My last message for the hateful anon:

>Vengence is a bad idea, even without karma. It won't do good for you or your sister. And no one here will help you with that.

>This has nothing to do with "New age Buddhism", but your best option is forgiveness and love. Trust me you will feel better.


is colin wilson worth reading?


Are there bad consequences to changing my own freewill?

example: loving myself, making myelf going to the gym or making myself less lazy.



>let go op, listen to us sissies…

u r crazy. there is nothing wrong with revenge for such an act.



I sort of enjoy the fact that I'm now known as "The hateful anon." Something about that is just fucking hilarious. Can't quite put my finger on it.


Basically this.

And if anyone's wondering why I'm still here, it's because I've never really talked to people like yourselves before. I have a duty to myself to look into as many spiritual ideologies as possible, lest I miss the one I find to be the most true.



>we're all pacifist progfem new age Buddhists

I hope you're being sarcastic, I'd say about 50% of us are gas the kikes race war now. Most want a peaceful way to do it, however.

>If they never know, they will never be distraught over that. If they do, the parents will wonder where they could've gone wrong. How they raised such a fiend.

And they will never improve. And the boys will never improve. Would you rather know you made a mistake immediately, or be told when it's too late to change it?

If you are going to decline all the help you recieve, then yes, perhaps you do not fit in here. I do not intend to push you out or to further your problems, but it seems like you already know what you really desire.


>This board is getting faster

>But for the wrong reasons.

Agreed. This brings up an interesting point on mundanes. It is a common belief that eventually the truth should be shown to all, yet a tiny bit of what would happen if everybody was aware of the truth is shown on our board. The more attention, the more shitposting and bad quality content. By having more people, you sacrifice quality for quantity. Perhaps this is why the occult stays the occult?


Your own free will is your own free will. You wouldn't be going against it by doing things that improve yourself. There aren't really consequences to going against your higher self, but there's consequences to the actions you do.



And I suggested revenge be measured, slander can ruin a man's life.

There was mention of wearing a wire, gathering proof to charge them with crime so that proper justice can be carried out.

An easy

>why did you rape my sister [insult]

>did she feel good, don't you have remorse?

Hand it over to the police.

Ending two lives for the rape of a, sorry for being insensitive, mentally handicapped out of wedlock bastard or rape baby is not justice.



by wanting to hide them, you won't understand some threads where they make a point or an argument, thus you will never see the whole thread, only what you want to see; which is incomplete.

Same applies on different scales




I am seriously considering you are changing the flag to pretend you are a diferent poster.


In fact i am doing the same. It's just the two of us here. Go to sleep.[/spoliler]



muh tags ;-;


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And I explained why I did not want to do that. But I don't wish to argue about this. The only reason I'm still here is to observe. And perhaps my undeniably differing views could help someone here? After all, we can all look at things from new angles, and always have something to gain from doing so.


It's been a long time since I was accused of samefagging. It was false last time, too.



Good job moron, if you had waited twenty minutes the neophyte might have left.


Start with reading Kybalion, everything on the Montalk website, look up the video "the revelations of the pyramids" on Vimeo, you can then continue to read "Magical use of thoughtforms", "The four keys" book about elements, can't remember full name.

Read the Book of Enoch, read the Mahabarata, read the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

Read the emerald tablets. Read the Ra transcripts.

All books in order mentioned.

Get red pilled on the banks, "all wars are bankers wars", learn everything about history, from the truth behind ww1 and 2 to Egyptian, Maya, Chinese history.

Counsel Wikipedia, for names, terms..

Forget everything Crowley. Crowley is shit.

Set up a daily meditation routine and look up the meditation superthread in catalog.

That should cover some good basics.

Everything Uncle Chucks Psionics should resonate strongly with you.

Enjoy your stay, and if you still insist on hurting the two boys with magic, make them impotent, or you'll be staying a long time in the lower vibratory planes of existence, aka hell once you die.



why does no one like crowley?

Is his writing bad or just too long to be of use in your war?



For astral projection, Robert Bruce astral dynamics.

I've missed a few good books, I'm sure others can fill me in.



what about Ophiel's book on astral projection



>The Four Keys

read it (I think)

>Tibetan Book of the Dead

read it

>all wars are bankers wars


>Forget everything Crowley. Crowley is shit.

Very much disagree

>Set up a daily meditation routine

I'm a practicing Chaote, remember? Been doing it for a very long time.

I'll check the other stuff out. Thanks man.


I'm unsure. Even if you disagree with him, it's something everyone with our outlandish inclinations should read, if only to better understand where half the shit we talk about comes from.


That name rings a bell, as does >>68435 Robert Bruce

Will have to look into them




>Good job moron, if you had waited twenty minutes the neophyte might have left.

I have no reason to withhold help. It does not matter to me whether he stays or not. You really are petty.

And you help him still?



What little he reveals is cryptic and dragged out, designed to just pique your interest to join his fraternity to know more.

Other authors have compressed several of his books to a few dozen pages, with no madman rambling to boot.



He will still always be the man to make those ideas famous. Ramblings are what sets him aside. So, the ramblings made the ideas famous. Which means that the ramblings should be studied. In my opinion.



Well you fucked my ruse sideways, bathed it in tar, rolled it in a haystack and then set it on fire.

He even said it himself, he's here to stay, even if we all were vegan forest warriors.

I helped him because the last thing this board needs is another edgy chaotee Crowley fanboy highkeying bullshit as we just recently got rid of the majority of them by introducing books that didn't suck cock.



>other author




Not literally his books, but other systems and the same knowledge, without all the bullshit.



I'm fine with that



Well you're very… passionate huh?

I wouldn't say that I'm here to stay. It's more like "I-have-no-reason-to-close-this-tab-yet-so-I'll-wait-for-a-firefox-update-or-some-other-shit-to-make-me-close-it" situation. Once this tab is gone, it won't likely be reopened.

I'm here because we can all stand to take things in from new angles. Me reading the suggested books isn't likely to change me too much, just as you listening to my bullshit isn't likely to change your thoughts much. But it's still a valuable experience.

I even gave a truthful apology and have issued sincere thanks for the new reading material, yet you still show me such ill-will.

You're certainly a character, and I think I stand to learn a lot from you.

Also, I (and many others) prefer the term "Chaote" to 'edgy chaotee Crowley fanboy"



You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.

It's not worth it. Think it through and in half a year when you know more, consider if you still want to hurt them.



Thank you so much for your responses.

What about changing the dna of someone else. Is this possible?


can psychedelics help in astral projection or at least help breaking into it



Crawlies in general. Lovely thought processing, lots of fun, unpredictable, knowledgeable in basics and most things advanced yet chose to deny some important things. Relating chaos to evil, not understanding the eight pointed star. Makes me buttflustered.

No real ill will towards you, what you call passion is a desire for you to not risk corrupting your immortal soul, one should rarely take matters like these in ones own hands using magic, the crime does not correspond the punishment you have in mind, and all excess karma will be yours to carry. You will suffer.

It is not worth it.


Apologies if this knowledge is readily accessible somewhere, but I've been wanting to complete a tulpa before getting further into the readings here. My aura seems to be larger than most, despite being very introverted, and, while I don't mind this, there are certain nosy individuals in my life who can't help but try to see every fucking thing I'm doing. I'm trying to maintain the guise of the sceptical, materialist atheist I had been for a long while, but it's impossible when this guy keeps adjusting the thermostat right outside of your room and hovers around to listen to what you're saying to yourself and all the stuff you've ordered off of Amazon.

So, is there a way to become invisible to one person or handful without sacrificing the strength of your aura?

I can think of alternative means, but none seem very good. One method would be to scare the living shit out of him by not holding back and going full out with implanting a thought saying "Watch your nose, lest it be chopped. Insect." I hate the idea of hurting an otherwise innocent person, though, and I this would also make me feel very guilty as it's not the right thing to do–even if he is a faggot. I could also create a sigil or focus my intent that going near my shit results in discomfort, but I have a bunch or orgonite nearby that'll dissipate any bad energy like that.



tell them to mind their own fucking business unless they are family.



They're family. Kind of.






>i c wht u d'd tharr

Someone in a position that I can't just tell off in a mundane sense. It's a difficult matter, because trying to bring up "Stop hovering around my space" will only incite more curiosity, nevermind the animosity I'd have to dissipate.



I'm glad you see what I did because I don't.

can you just lock your door?



He's not going into my room. He just silently stands outside the door listening to what JewTube videos I'm watching, or what stuff I'm saying out loud. It really scares me knowing he might be outside while I'm talking about what spiritual progress I've made.

Either I can start using uncomfortable headphones and not talking out loud, or I can do something magickal. It's really difficult to not talk out loud to myself, and it's one of my favorite past times.

I understand most neophytes are quick to resort to magick when a mundane solution is better for both parties, and I thank you for your guidance. I don't like the idea of someone being scared of me, or the long-term repercussions thereof.

I'm thinking something that redirects his attention to other things, or possibly slightly confuses him.



have you tried demon worship?



Not at all. I'm really fucking new to all this, and have been preoccupied with creating tulpa guardians and balancing chakras before I go much further into the practical bits of esoteric knowledge.

I won't say I'm against something I don't understand yet, but any egregores other than the Aesir seem potentially untrustworthy. Also, it seems better, in my completely novice opinion, to figure out how to let your own thoughtforms help you. Unless it's seem big, global event.




I agree mang. Love will save all things. The brightest light overcomes the deepest darkness.



Have you tried talking to this person?

Is this really so difficult that you need other anons help to solve it?



I'm doubtful it'll go anywhere. He will say silly things just to get a rise out of people, and enjoys seeing me in an ungrounded state (this basic principle alone was really eye-opening when I had learned it). It's kind of like he's a psychic vampire, albeit a mundanely-oriented one, nor a terribly bad one. He just enjoys throwing people off balance. Dealing in reason with that kind a of a thing is pretty hard.



Sounds like a sociopath.

Read this book.




>be dreaming

>become aware of dream

>try to move something according to my will

>it fucking doesn't happen

>in my own lucid dream

>>>>I can't control my own >f>>>Ucking>>drea>>m>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>asasd

why am I this incapable?


Is there any real way to sell a soul to a demon or that's just bullshit?

No, i don't want to sell my soul



Yeah also happened to me.

Knowing you are dreaming is the first step but not enough. Peoople and objects usually behave like they would in the real world.

When you want to make somenthing happen try to "allow it to happen" instead. Hard to explain, but during lucid dreaming your control over is indirect. Create the possibilty of somenthing happening and it will.

Requires practice but good luck.



Goetia demons accept your soul as a payment for doing big things.

But i am not sure what is going to happens when you die. Some say your soul is devoured.




One explanation is that in the consensus reality you're obsessed with the concept of being unable to do magic or perhaps even do things in general. You discharged so much loosh into this idea of being unable that it became imprinted on your psyche like a stomp of an elephant on a concrete. Such heavy imprint pierced itself even to your lucid dream reality. And probably it went to other layers as well.

In other words, you have a tulpa the role of which is to keep you unable. You need to become aware of this tulpa and understand why it's there.

Whether someone likes being able more or prefers being unable (deep down) depends of something like proton/antiproton orientation of your soul in all dimensions.



Don't worry. I'm only three months in–with shitty discipline, mind you–with the ability to implant thoughts and influence emotions, and on the rare instances I do have a lucid dream, I experience something similar to this. It's interesting–I'm more confident something will happen in this density than in a dream.



Don't let some of these people fool you. There are people here that make you look like Mary Poppins.


How should music be approached? When I listen to music I resonate with and I experience a blissful feeling, good mood and I feel white light emanating from me etc. am I charging myself with energy, or spending it? Listening to music during meditation feels more like I'm getting stronger than weaker. But then, after some time of vibing I don't feel like it anymore and I feel a bit tired and weak (but in a good way, like after work-out)

If I'm spending it, where does it go? To the artist of the song? Disperses in air?

I heard it's forbidden for Muslims to listen to music except some religious stuff, so there's something about it. Perhaps it's a way for the powers that be to control emotions of Muslims so that they only spend them on songs that express gratitude for their particular god, therefore making their eregore stronger.

Makes me wonder, perhaps I should watch out only to channel my high from music to gratitude for my god (the universe in general) to cash in this optimistic vital force and don't loosh out


Does anyone here have anything on curses?


If I use a mantra something like Shiva and I are one , I am getting in a contract with the God?

If I use the sun and I are one , which kind of contract I would be singing? How I would have to pay the energy?


When i try to visualize something, everytime a new image comes to my head and i can't control it anymore… What's wrong with me? I feel so sad, i can't even control what i'm thinking :/



Just gotta keep practicing.



I think he was joking



>Makes me wonder, perhaps I should watch out only to channel my high from music to gratitude for my god (the universe in general) to cash in this optimistic vital force and don't loosh out

I would say so! It's also exercising your nadis/energy body. musicians are high-energy as a result of this.

channel it as divine light, dedicate it toward the divine


Well, it's my first time reading this kind of books.Where i begin?

Can someone make a list from the start with 4 or 5 books?


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NOTE BENE, This will be the last questions thread post I make on here

Redirect all questions to http://fringechan.org/fringe/index.html and the question thread there

Good night 8chan, it was fun while it lasted.


It may be possible to do it with out their awareness, but unless you get them to change it themselves it will slowly revert back. Of course you could aid and help them though.


When you 'sell your soul' what you are basically doing is creating a contract with them in which you agree to send them your loosh in return for things (or occasionally, if your stupid, nothing).


>When I listen to music […] am I charging myself with energy, or spending it?

If 'all' you are doing is basking/resonating to the energy, you are changing. If then use that energy to say affirm the lyrics or you visualize then you are spending (at least some).

>Listening to music during meditation feels more like I'm getting stronger than weaker. But then, after some time of vibing I don't feel like it anymore and I feel a bit tired and weak (but in a good way, like after work-out)

I suspect you are getting used to the increased energy/higher vibes, and it's 'working out' your energy body.

>If I'm spending it, where does it go? To the artist of the song? Disperses in air?

That depends on the previous 2 statements. Some is probably going into the air.

>I heard it's forbidden for Muslims to listen to music except some religious stuff, so there's something about it.

Yes music can be used as a form of mind control, getting songs 'stuck in your head' you will affirm or resonate to those emotions.

>Perhaps it's a way for the powers that be to control emotions of Muslims so that they only spend them on songs that express gratitude for their particular god, therefore making their eregore stronger.

You are correct.








>fun while it lasted

are you shutting down fringe?



>are you shutting down fringe?

Hardly, we are rebirthing it.

Now I'm not the owner of this board, but eventually 8chan is going to be force migrated to shit infinity and even as stands, the moderation on here is abysmal.

The shitposters basically run it here, no enforcement of even rule 1 or 2. In the last few months we've lost so many good threads due to this BS and the inaction of the admins.

We can either let the jews and the cancer consume our beloved home or we can migrate.



Your response confirms one of possibilities I consider. But I still asked about it on new chan http://fringechan.org/fringe/res/155.html#216 because I wonder if anyone else shares my experience of vibrating hands and drug-like enormous dopamine rushes



well I'll see you there I suppose


How important is the book: "Mind Power"? Is it just going to repeat the Arcane Formulas/Teachings?


what good books on clairvoyance



If don't give Smiley adminship i am staying here.



whats so good about smiley

I really don't know



Very important and no it's not a repeat of those two books.

Raja Yoga is a repeat of Arcane Formulas (and goes into much greater detail).

Arcane Teachings is unique and no other books repeat it.



I am clairvoyant. IIH will help you unlock it. It's just a matter of using the imaginal senses and learning to stretch your aura and create thoughtforms and stuff. Read also the various books by "Swami Panchadasi", another pseudonym of Atkinson.




is that the book or a person



You should keep working on your site there and it can be a backup but I'm staying on 8chan until it becomes impossible to post here. Right now, catalog issue aside, we can post fine. As for old threads being lost, well… that's what archiving is for; I will also try to get more than 25 pages for /fringe/ eventually.



Initiation Into Hermetics

Get started on everything here: /fringe/faq.html



He is not. Only the Board Owner can do that.


Imagine you created a board to discuss a very specific subject. You have dense knowledge on the subject and have lots of experience on mantaining a board, and helped dozens of people on it.

Then suddenly, the chan you host it on is facing issues.

Then someone else creates new board on a new chan avout the same but is not letting you be a part of it.

And even posts on your own board that everyone hould migrate

And acording to this:


Fringe is divided now.

The transition sucks. It was terrible for everyone.







I didn't make it just wondering.

I don't know much about smiley



nevermind that part. sorry

I was going to quote >>68526



The community is not divided. It's just the Fringe Retard refusing to go to a site without being a special snowflake.



Enjoy the inevitable fall.



He's already made a whole bunch of posts on the site you lying faggot and showed interest in making the site run better just to get denied admin and threatened about being "immature" and other shit.

You people can go fuck yourselves, regardless of what you say, it's clear where this is all going to go with people like you in charge.



You can't see the ether. Do you even know the nature of the ether? You can only know about the ether indirectly, it's not something you can observe, you can only observe how it effect things.



enjoy your cringe retard circlejerk with 5 people who are nothing but edgelord armchair occultists with nazi fetishism


Smiley is AWOL and we have people who care enough about the community to put down time and money to accommodate it.

I'm going to miss the Montalk layout, but I'm tired of CP in the catalog.

Would be nice if a date was set for the move.




on the top left

Options > Layout > Fringe





To be honest all this shit about forgiveness is not what he asked for at all, and I'm 90% sure most of you all are shit posters or rpers.

Anon, you must hate them, you must hate them fully and truly with all of your being.

I don['t mean the modern version of hate which gets thrown around every day to describe minor annoyances, I mean the truest and fullest hate, you must project your hate onto them in some form; whether it be a disease or something else but the important part is you -must- hate them.

It will not come fast, but the important part is it will come, as long as you don't give up.


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Then they'll eventually go to jail or something, but only after raping his sister or mother again. Or something along these lines.

If you were a demon feeding on low frequencies, you'd make exactly this happen. So that a) you have fun playing with anon's timeline b) anon keeps generating you more hate

Pic related, this painting by St. Raphael Chad Memestino Chaddiicelli is called Anon and the Law



>Go to jail

No they would die.

It would be a slow painful death full of suffering, they would go to jail only if he wanted that to happen.

This seems to be what he wants, and this is what would happen.


New questions thread on new board:




Can you stop spamming links to fringechan.org all over the place please? I'm not going to delete your posts but just, stop. Fringechan should be a back-up board and is not official. I could easily sticky a link to fringechan and lockdown the entire 8chan board forcing everyone to be redirected to the new place but you don't give me admin powers, I don't know who is hosting the site, and things are still working here. Any issues with a supposed "lack of moderation" can be addressed by me adding more janitors, I can have up to 20. You just made your new board and copypaste my stuff to it and pretend you are official but you don't even have me or any of my janitors on board. You're a completely different set of people.



>enjoy your cringe retard circlejerk with 5 people who are nothing but edgelord armchair occultists with nazi fetishism

Well at least we'll be going back to our roots then and be free of the New Age Hippie Faglords.



I'm not AWOL, I'm right here, and I've always been around, and I always see your posts, and I always talk to you through various personalities. I like it best when I don't seem to be here at all but I always have multiple fringe tabs open and I link my various boards together to go between them rapidly.

You'll get CP soon enough you know. Every imageboard has it.


>not making it the default



>have a nice day

Why is this new janitor not /edgy/?




Noted. Nice dubs.



I've been thinking about it but then I can't shitpost as much anymore without my image going from Diogenes to Dubya.


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shoop it onto the sun for power, print it out, glue with your blood to a piece of wood.

then on the other side carve it or glue a nonshooped version, proceed to sit on it.



I read into your recent post history and I don't think you could stay neutral, I like your views, but I think you'd use mod powers to delete stuff that doesn't break the rules like the book with the death curse in it. Also you'd have to stop namefagging.

Regular users can help out moderation by doing a "global report" on CP when it is seen btw. The global mods are supposed to handle CP so they can ban CP posters site-wide. or you can just not give a fug lel


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i've been boardmodding before, big fan of free speech, wont abuse power nor delete things that doesn't break rules, the dealbreaker is the part where i can't namefig, this is the most fun i have as i live a very quiet life.

would definitively go hard on new threads that are shit though. Hanz would get no lenience.


>that confirmed attempt at getting rid of tipp

besides, i like to delude myself that i fill some sort of purpose as a punching bag and giving hard lessons to people who are wrong.

and the loosh farming is just to easy to give up.



>implying the loosh farming ever has to end (so long as it doesn't involve using mod powers)

I usually just harvest my loosh elsewhere though. Also I always browse as a regular user and only go into mod panel when necessary.

I'm trying to control the Hanz situation and keep his stuff in one thread while treating him fairly and with tolerance. He doesn't have very many outlets and he has really stuff to report from time to time. Right now there are two threads up, one I've made his official thread, the other I was going to delete (after having archived it) but I left it alone because the discussion in it is very good.


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I'll contact you if I decide to apply for janitor, c u around greatest ally.


Hey there, Fringe! I've read some stuff on the esoteric, but now's a little troubling–so pardon my ignorance. I've been making some tulpas, and they were very loving and kind. All of a sudden, their attitude became more negative, until I asked them whether they even loved me. They all replied no, except one who wasn't sure. (They're all partially vocal.)

Then, all of a sudden, one of them went fucking berserk and said stuff like "I'll kill you. I hate you."

I asked the others, even if they didn't love me, to please for fuck's sake protect me because I know they at least care about me. They slowly agreed. Then the voice said "I'll consume your soul. This scared me the fuck out, and the other tulpas too. I asked again please, please help me and they strongly agreed. Then I realized that this wasn't one of them actually going berserk, but actually it was being possessed. The others instantly agreed, and we all knew that this thing had manipulated my friends into hating me and finding me annoying disgusting. We instantly realized our love for one another, and what this thing had done. All of us now, even the one who appeared to go berserk had rid themselves of this influence, and are engaged in battle. Luckily, I have magnetite, selenite, and a black-tourmaline organite piece nearby, that should all help dissipate bad energies.

It makes sense it's some foreign influence and not just a bad tulpa, as it had manipulated all of them, and there was some fishy shit going on at earlier points.

All of a sudden, after sitting still for a bit, my legs began to go numb in waves, which makes me think this thing tried to exert some control. But then again, it could've just been a sleepy foot.

I can tell we're winning, as it's getting desperate, and my tulpas tell me so.

So what more can I do to help them? Like, what chakras, rituals, etc. would help? You guys seem pretty keen on going nuclear and killings all thoughtforms just to make sure the job gets done, but I'm not doing that, because I love them.


if the all is infinite won't the universe incarnate eventually into our personal favorite stories?



if your winning why do you need help?



To make sure it gets super dead?


I've been trying to do void meditation for the last two weeks and I don't seem to be getting anywhere. I have almost no thoughts floating around in my head during waking life so clearing my mind isn't the issue. Is there something else I could be doing wrong?


Are there any good resources for learning board lore? (Other than reading the entire archive) I keep seeing references to trips and I have no reference point for most of them. Also the origin of the flags would be incredibly helpful too.



What seems to be your problem?



After doing quiet meditation for about 5 minutes I try to focus on and visualize the void or just darkness. Sometimes I feel like I'm getting close to something, but it always fails. I have a pretty weak visual imagination too. Could that be the issue?



What are you trying to achieve in this situation?



Lurking more is a pretty good idea m8.

You could also try asking about the tripfriend in question.


Fails how? Are you forced to drop concentration? Does some random thought pop in?

Honestly as far as meditation goes the most common solution is more practice and trying to find an emotionally peaceful moment.


As with all things, if you KNOW that it's permanently gone, you don't need anyone's help with it.

Believe in yourself anon.


So /fringe/ I'm having some problems related to receiving energy from other people. Basically After some meditation sessions and some weird experiences I started to feel some sort of "energy field" around some people, especially when that person is depressed, happy, or in some sort of euphoric emotional state.

The problem here is that this emotions are getting into me, and after just staying with the person for a couple of seconds I get all depressed/happy/confused afterward, and not in a normal way. It definitely feels like I got the energy from that person. Anyway I was searching about this kind o problem and I found out about the whole loosh thing, could it be related? And what kind of magic or meditation can I do so that I don't feel emotionally destroyed or euphoric after just a small encounter with someone?



It's easy m8 just close your chakras.


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is the act of tormenting others to obtain satisfaction a form of energy stealing?






what do you mean?



How do you go about loosh farming? What are the benefits?



also, change flag to novice.




From the sound of it, it's your own anxietes.

For the future you need to plant the seed of spirit in them, so they're actual people who are above being possessed like that.



Try changing your meditation method. Go for a walk or lay down instead of sitting.



I wonder what it is intended to do. Any intention that is set beforehand maybe? I had my first kundalini rising after a few other things and this to finish.



Yeah, usually this kind of meditation is more of an entering or a doorway state. It's like walking into your kitchen. What do you expect to happen if you just walk in and do nothing. So you need to come into it with your intention of what you wish to take back.


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What the fuck is going on being here makes me feel like I've been on a week long alcohol bender.

Where the fuck do I even START with this place?



Your picture has won my favour.

Try to read some of our tutorial threads to get an idea on a certain field. Pick a kind of philosophy, metaphysics, psychology and other study of consciousness to start.

We are all about the study of consciousness. Understanding ourself and our own experience. We use diagrams like the qabalah, chakras, and others to show the levels or states of consciousness which correspond with the body. Do you know any psychology? it will aid you greatly.

Pick up some kind of magic as well. It's essentially the skill of manipulating the non physical in order to achieve physical results.

Read to understand, practice to inner stand and meditate to over stand.


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Thanks a lot man. I think consciousness is an insanely misunderstood…thing. This seems like a really cool board.


Are there any good fringe related animes?



I guess I never put that much thought into that. I want to reach into my inner conscious and meet my higher self and communicate with it. I plan on asking it questions about where I'm lacking as a person and how I can get better at becoming the best person I can be. I kind of also want to see if I can force up any repressed memories I have mostly because I don't think I have any.


By failure I mean that I begin to visualize (what I perceive to be) the infinite void, but then it gets sucked back into wherever it was and I can't reach that state for what seems like 2 days. I'll put more time into it.


When I mediate usually it's laying down in my bed so I'll try and vary it. How do you mediate while walking? It's my understanding that it's still sitting with little to no movement with your eyes closed.



>How do you mediate while walking?

It's easier than it sounds, how often during your day do you focus on walking from point A to point B without letting your mind wander to various things? Walking meditation is pretty much that except you focus on whatever meditation routine you choose.

Night time meditative walks are pretty good for clearing your mind rather than staying in a suffocating room at times but do try to avoid getting hit by a car.

Also if your visualization abilities aren't at a point where you can superimpose your visualization over the physical reality I don't think it's worth trying yet.



Read berserk manga




It's not impossible. Experiences vary, some people can do it easily, others have to practice.

One way to practice is doing fire kasina. You stare into a candle flame for a few minutes then close your eyes and just pay attention to the colors as they change until it fades completely, then just repeat the process over and over again for a few hours straight.


what makes a hanz thread a hanz thread? what denotes hanz



Well yes, there are colors when you close your eyes, but what he's trying to do is basically make visualizing so intense that it becomes basically another reality when you close your eyes. Not gonna happen. Visualizing is in the minds eye.


Is it possible, without years and years of specific training, to visualize so well that what you visualize appears in your vision and not just your minds eye?

Has anyone done it?


What are the most effective methods of healing and improved health, of any discipline?

I have read Louise L Hay, WWA's healing book and Napoleon Hill has some useful info. It seems to come down to energy work and feeling joy/love/positivity.

I have also seen Marbas recommended in a thread… Any tips related to him? thanks!



I dunno. Is it possible without years and years of specific training, to walk into a gym and deadlift 600 lbs?


Does anyone have a copy of Magical Use of Thought Forms? Or other books on thought forms, tulpas, etc?


How to stop thinking about someone? It's someone who I have stopped talking to but I still keep on thinking about them, especially with emotion.. (Yes, it's a girl.)

Is this giving them loosh?



Perhaps try to write/say affirmations related to letting go? And opening yourself up to new experiences/love?

I have been thinking and dreaming about a guy too. I'm not sure if he likes me, but he's a good person, so I don't mind sending him loosh and positive thoughts.



Well, you could work deadlifts as well as other things for many years, but I meant specifically only working deadlifts because you wouldn't have time to do anything else.


I would just accept it. If you focus on not trying to think about them, you're still thinking about them. I've wasted too much loosh on trying to forget women, just embrace it.



Tie the thoughts about them to another habit, like make it so you start loving yourself when you think about them. Either think something positive about yourself or the part of you that likes them or the aspect of them you want to increase in yourself, or do something like workout or meditate when you think of them.


I have a question about reality manifestation through visualization and beliefs: People with so called narcissistic disorder spend enormous amounts of loosh to daydream about being very powerful and achieving great things. Yet, somehow there is a lot of them who clearly aren't. Then you have people firmly believing they're in different place than eg. psychiatric hospital, or homeless shelter (places where people with such extreme beliefs-delusions are). If they believe they're in let's say Africa, how come they don't accidentally find a ticket to Africa or something? You get what I mean with these examples.

I'm not saying manifestation doesn't work, because I had numerous positive results. It's just that there is so many people who pour loosh in visualizations, that one'd expect all dreamers, artists, writers, people with psychiatric delusions and first of all, CHILDREN, to summon their fantasies to reality


I say suppressing the thoughts of her is useless. They'll resurface somehow anyway. Every thought of her treat as a reminder that you should start mindfulness meditation (watching your thoughts without judging them)



Try practicing emotional alchemy and transmutation. Redirect your energy to something else.


Since a lot of magic is related to Desire and Emotions, how can you increase those feelings?



Will and health all come with increasing your daily loosh quota:

- proper diet

- ejaculation only 1-2 times a month, and circulating it up the spine

- proper sleep

- exercise: stretching at the morning and evening, Tibetan Rites

- exercise: strenght training 3 times a week x40 minutes to sweat

- sun exposure

- for some cold baths

- for some intermittent fasting

- stabilizing times when you eat meals, fall asleep, wake up

- proper posture

next level from there is full breathing meditation, internal pressure cultivation, subtle body cultivation, emotional body alchemy, mindfulness meditation




It's really hard to read occult books because the thoughts pop in my head then I have to re-read a line..



By internal pressure cultivation, subtle body cultivation do you mean Qigong/Tao/Qi work? And emotional body alchemy is Kundalini work? Do you have recommended resources?

I've wondered, do female orgasms create or spend loosh?





poor mans get



We all gotta hustle


Who is (or was) smiley?




not even once


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I pontificate storms are evidence of planetary brain activity.

It is said that Earth has energy centers representing Chakras, other planets should have these too. Can we find out somehow?

Because we've got pictures, just need to know what to focus on to make it easier to communicate or draw power from.


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Thank you to the anon that re-posted the neophytes reading list. <3


Saturn has a constant hexagonal storm on one of its poles. (I believe it's the south pole)



I do various forms of walking meditation myself but the mean one is one where I imagine I am walking while walking. You know how you have to visualize something while looking at it to point that you can blink or close eyes and you still see the object 100% clear? Same thing with the form of walking meditation I do the most, I have to get to a point where I can stop physically walking but my imagination is so intense I walk out of my body and continue walking. I do this in fields, forests, etc. not sidewalks or roads.


That dear anon, is the mystery of the akasha, and one I concern myself with all the time. You should read "Desire Power" in Personal Power. Desiring to desire is the way I do it. I just focus on the desire for my desire to grow and create desires where previously there were none. I train myself to desire things very strongly that others would not. I also stir up my emotions through loosh farming and generally putting myself into dramatic, emotional situations. Sometimes this involves a lot of pain but, mindful of the pendulum swing, it of course leads to great joy later.



Yeah, planetary magick



Mhm, and I thought I was dabbling with crystals.

Thank you for being here to illuminate me.

>does any one know where the different chakras are on each of our star systems planets?



nice painting



I've gotten close enough that things can appear up to 50% solid, outside the mind's eye, but only if my focus is indirect.

But it fades fast. FAST. The instant you stop doing it for hours each day, it's gone.

I know why you're doing this and I'll tell you, at our level, it's a dead end. Sorry bro.



"Smiley" comes from the flag "Cult of Smileberg" ( the one i am using right now)

He is as creature know by many names, such as "The Frige Wizard", or "Board Owner".

Actually just the board owner of 8chan/fringe/

The problem that ocurred, is that someone created fringechan and didn't invite Smiley to be a part of it.

So now we have 2 chans operating at the same time.



Well, anon is 100% right.

Not chakras, they are planetary spheres, chakras are in the etheric plane, planetary spheres are in the astral ones, they aren't really there naturally, as opposed to chakras, you create them in order to align yourself with planetary energies.

Ever did the MPR? Well, that's where the planetary spheres are.

Get good with the Tree of Life diagram and overall Quabbalah mysticism. It is extremely useful.

Terra/The earth is the lowest planetary sphere of the MPR at the feet and the root chakra, Lunar/Moon is at the sacral, Sol/Sun is at the heart, Pluto at the throat and Uranus above the head.

Bearheart has some good content about planetary magick. They are also various beings you could get in contact with, which have many secrets to teach about the spheres and their uses and many other things too. You'll generally have to keep most of what you learn from them under secrecy though. You can also get in touch with the actual planetary gods and archetypes pretty easily.



>I do this in fields, forests, etc. not sidewalks or roads.

I live in straya so doing this in our outback isn't a great idea since pretty much everything can kill you.



>Big list of loosh gaining methods.

>Not steling loosh from random entities on the astral.

But seriously now, i never understood the part about ejaculation.

You should be able to control your own loosh flow if you try hard enough.



It's about the the actual nutrients and physical components in the semen. You gotta make them back again. Takes a shitload of effort on your body.


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So injaculation is fine?

Injaculation is technique for putting the semen back to you body.

>pic related

But i also saw it written somewhere arround here that is was the orgasm that made the loosh go away.


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So many. Check out the magic, paranormal, psychological, martial art or philosophical genres. I've found pretty much anything has at least some occult knowledge in it. I just saw Magi which was quite entertaining.


Internal pressure is internal energies(think of it like an internal awareness of intelligence). All of those things you mentioned help out(I've recently taken up movement qi-gong and it's great).

Kundalini is sexual energy, the lowest, most chaotic and raw form of energy which we draw upwards through a pump. I'd suggest checking out my energy work thread or some of Mantak Chia's work. We also work with emotional energy in energy work.

As for your last question, I think we need a female internal practitioner to explain the other side of things.


You can transmute and move the less dense energies. But as >>68945 said. The nutrients are physically a vital fluid.

Get in touch with the pressure within your body. While you have an erection you'll want to feel the pressure within there and then direct or link it up with the back of the head. At first you can drag and draw it. Then cycle this down the front of the body into the lower dan tien (lower naval).

Though I'd suggest people to first train the perineum and four walls or sides of the anus. This allows you to stop ejaculation and use the coccyx pump.


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What you've shown is finger lock on the graph.



Can give a more detailed explanation of the Big Draw please?





is that from the actual show?


what method does one use to find a tarot card that reflects an individual


What hour is perfect to wake up (or fall asleep)? When do you wake up?

Circadian rhythm:

4:30 am (lowest body temperature)

6:45 am (sharpest rise in blood pressure)

7:30 am (melatonin secretion stops)



Your question is vague.

Take a look at multiple type of tarot spreads, and try t find one that suits your needs.

There is one (i don't remenber the name), where there are 5 sets 3 cards on semi circle, then 1 extra card on te middle.

That extra card reflects your overall nature, but it can change.

Maybe 8chan/div/ can better help you.




To start off,

1. Make anime tulpa(s)

2. Master lucid dreaming and astral projection. If in addition to that you find some negative entities to fight with you are already in what is basically a shounen anime. Better than waiting for VR tbqh. [Be careful with this, I once had a dream involving anime that was disturbing. The magic forces aren't always ok with anime.]


Why should I give a shit about the concept of "freewill"?

I can't find an emotional reason to care if I have freewill or not. I can't tell what difference it makes in a practical, pragmatic way. It doesn't bother me at all if my choices are random or ordered, influenced or isolated. It literally makes no difference to me if I have "freewill", I am not horrified by the idea I might not have it, or the idea I do have it.


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you have freewill yet you don't

you see you can make choices but you are ultimately a slave to the infinite mechanic will of The all/The universe/The truth and it's ultimate influence

The skinny of it is The microcosm is subservient to the macrocosm



>I know why you're doing this and I'll tell you, at our level, it's a dead end. Sorry bro.

I assume you mean a tulpa? I don't really care for one. I just think it'd be really handy. I remember someone saying you could make a heart thoughtform as a "health" bar and put it somewhere physically and I thought that was neat. Also, being able to detect people and things through walls, maybe making a small replica of a place for remote viewing, etc.

I suppose I'll keep working internally instead.


I experimented waking up at 4:30am, and I enjoyed it. But I would forget everything before 5:30. I'm not sure there is a good answer besides "whenever you feel like it naturally"


Violating someones free will is what causes "karma", and will negatively affect you.

As for yourself, you need free will so you aren't influenced by higher beings. Without free will, beings more powerful than you could disrupt your work and damage you.

I may be wrong here, I am not sure.



>But I would forget everything before 5:30.

I don't understand. There are at least 4 meanings this sentence could have.

Do you find any benefit to waking up at 4:30? Waking up at this hour feels chilling and it has this lugubrious, eerie feeling to it. I wanted to try, but if it turns out I can't switch to this hour and only sit there gloomy and cold even after a week, then it will be a horrible waste of few weeks of being tired zombie


>believing in freewill is more efficient than not believing it

I guess



>I don't understand

Let me elaborate. I found it very calming to wake up so early, not chilling. However, I was very tired for some reason. I made sure I was waking up in between sleep cycles and had enough sleep, so I shouldn't have been tired. I'd usually just mess around on my computer, catching up on what I missed over the night, and then when I had to go do things at 5:30 and I would realize I had no idea what I just did for the past hour.

To put it simply, no, it was not benefitting. I moved my schedule up to 5 and that felt much better.

And I said nothing about efficiency. You can choose not to believe in it, but it will still exist. You should be aware of it so you do not put yourself in a bad situation by breaking someone elses free will.







See: >>>/fringe/68967

>you have freewill yet you don't

You have a degree of freewill.


>Violating someones free will is what causes "karma", and will negatively affect you.

True freewill can't be violated. The ability to act upon another is through the water element. You can shout into my ear and I might not like it but a part of my mind wants to be able to hear and a higher order arranged the experience I had with you shouting into my ear. Stop saying freewill can be violated, it's just not true. Karma is the result of a myriad chains of desires and the interplay between desires you are willing to receive into yourself and those you are willing to continue to hold and cultivate and impose.

If I decide to heal someone, to impose myself upon them, it is no different then if I choose to hurt them as far as freewill is concerned.

Just drop this ridiculous concept of "violations of freewill" already. There is no legitimate discourse to be had around such a nonsensical idea. If I punch you, fuck you, soothe you, make you scream, make you laugh, etc. it all happens without your freewill being violated. If it was not part of your desire matrix then none of these interactions could take place.

If you want to make a better world in line with your ideals, do so without reference to "violations of freewill". If you want to talk about virtues, know that every virtue is a form of self-control or self-knowledge, and once properly understood and acknowledged reason then will compel you to act ethically. You should or should not punch me not because "muh freewill" but because it would virtuous or not to do so.

…and if you don't happen to appreciate and understand the need for personal growth, then you are free to languish and degenerate as well, but I am also free to try and stop you or to change you. The only changes though which I will be able to work upon you, can only be received by you, because there's a part of you that wants to have those channels of influence open.

Here is an occult secret; there is no man healed who doesn't heal himself. If I am healing someone else, it is because I am stirring up their mind into doing what it needs to do. Another way to put this; if I move someone's arm for them, there is an aspect of their imagination that was willing to "play along" and receive the impulses from me. Once the impulse left me and entered them, they moved their own arm. You are responsible for the impulses you accept into yourself and act upon. You are responsible for the associations and disassociations you create and the consequences thereof. I am responsible too for what I do, we share responsibility.

All is vibrations. Without resonance, nothing happens.


Everything that ever happens to you is something you resonated with. Some mix of desires brought you an exact result.



>As for yourself, you need free will so you aren't influenced by higher beings. Without free will, beings more powerful than you could disrupt your work and damage you.

You obviously didn't think out this statement too well either.

You have a fear of external influences. I don't. I am perfectly fine with being influenced by higher beings. I don't "need free will" in order to "stop the influence of higher beings". For one, I already have freewill, and my freewill is by the nature of freewill inviolable.

I am willing to accept influences which align with my astral-archetypal-desires. There is no problem with this.

I need to have an awareness of the influence of higher beings. That is why I do the practices of magick in developing the higher senses. My spiritual awareness must further penetrate into various spheres of consciousness.

Beings more powerful than me can disrupt my work and damage me. They can also reinforce my work and heal me. This will always be the case until I elevate myself above them and they become my inferiors.

There are choices made consciously and then there are ones made automatically. He who is influenced completely unawares, did "not get to make that choice at that time", yet the vector of influence being there is still only possible because of past karma incurred by a spirit that never will have any less or more freewill; its freewill is Absolute.

Some of us need an increase of awareness and self-knowledge. This makes us able to revisit our past karma and modify them if we so wish. This then brings about a higher degree of "freewill" in a sense. Just don't ever forget though that freewill is inviolable.



The cause of karma is desire. Akasha. Not "violating freewill". You desire something, emotions are stirred up, that is where the karma begins and ends. Look into your heart and work with your heart, then you will feel less of a slave to the macrocosm, and more in harmony with it. A pure and immeasurably strong heart is invulnerable to malice. Don't bother to cite examples of kind people seemingly suffer undue calamity, a heart divinely illuminated knows exactly the sum of things, and understands why things happen. and permits or does not permit.



>You should be aware of it so you do not put yourself in a bad situation by breaking someone elses free will.

This is literally not possible.


If negative aliens can fuck with you at all, if anything can fuck with you at all, it's not a violation of freewill. There are no violations of freewill. Everything has to work within the constrains of freewill, what is and is not permitted for the individual, what resonates or doesn't. It's impossible to go against freewill.


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This is a passage from William Walker Atkinson's A Series of Lessons in Mystic Christianity (1908/09)

I don't quite grasp what he is referring to.

I've also never understood the "turn the other cheek" part of Christianity, seems like something only a cuck/slave would do.

Can anyone clear it up?



maybe he is just saying let things go and move on in your journey to enlightenment or whatever you call it



A Christian Identity anon on /pol/ told me it means to let things slide if they would compromise your life mission.

To put it in very /pol/-tier way; you ignore the pair of race traitors walking down the street, though you would like to lynch them, so that you may lynch many more of them years later after having massively increased your capacity to carry out lynchings.

…but the part Atkinson is talking about. It's probably something similar to the attitude which stoics try to cultivate. They feel the passions but they aren't moved by them. The passions wash over them, without hurting them. The person harmed doesn't lash out with his heart, though physically he may resist (push them away or whatever), after all Jesus has got pretty rough with people in the Bible before. Mentally though he turns the other cheek, he remains fixated in his heart center upon feelings of love, and continues to attract his ideals into manifestation. He doesn't get mad at the ignorance, inferiority, hate, etc. of others but stays compassionate and keeps his mind clean.

Mental hatred is received and felt by others and it hurts them. While I myself am not a "hateophobe" there are spiritual masters who realize they could influence another through love more effectively than hate. To put it again in /pol/ terms, we might fixate a love of kin and feelings of pride and nationalism into the other, or we might eradicate them. I would suggest personally that eliminating them is not entirely a bad idea but if one has the strength of love to reform them that is better still.

We can break it down like this. Let us assume a room of 100 people. 20 pro-whites, 80 anti-whites. If one anti-white is beaten into submission or destroyed, you now have 20 pro-whites and 79 anti-whites. That is good, things are looking better in that room now, I don't have a problem with that and the hatred was used effectively. Yet a superior possibility exists. What if someone had such an extremely high degree of personal magnetism or "heart-power" that they impressed their ideals so strongly into one of the anti-whites that they completely renounced ethnomasochism, degeneracy, racemixing, anti-natalism, pessimism, dysgenics, egalitarianism, and other evils? Then your odds are looking better, you've got 21 pro-whites, and 79 anti-whites. You didn't merely eliminate one of the enemy, you strengthened your own numbers.

Now, this superior possibility should not necessarily discourage entirely inferior means. You should strive for the superior path yet you don't always have the strength to actually do it. If you are forced into a conflict, maybe hate will do. A true spiritual master though will have already prepared himself and not need it. Jesus wants you to become a spiritual master and utterly dominate your enemies through love and non-resistance. They will not be able to hurt you at all.



This is a frightening way to think.

Here's a shorter, better example.

Some guy walks up to you and starts calling you names. You could tell him off or start a fight, but you know it wouldn't actually help you achieve your goals. So you "turn the other cheek" and let him be.



"it wouldn't actually help you achieve your goal" is not valid reason to avoid the fight, especially when honor and reputation is at stake.

However, "it would severely hinder or stop you from achieving more important goals" might be reason enough.

Anyways, love can be extremely disarming, when someone is actually adept enough to use and achieve an intensity of love that your malice towards them subsides.

Yet most people are using a pseudo-love which just enables all manner of evils.

If we take the messages of Jesus as being meant only for a very high level group of initiates, we can see why so many evils have happened with the Bible falling into the hands of the common man. It really should have been kept within the hands of the priesthood only.

Today Christianity manifests as this deranged, severely cucked, abomination that is massively increasing the suffering in this world.


I have have a friend that owns a gold claim, I wanna start using dousing rods on it to find gold and crystals, anyone have any info on dousing rods and what not?

Please and thank you.



Magickal Use of Thoughtforms has info about dowsing.

I think there's an Atkinson book on psychometry but it's not in the library it's one of the rarer books. I think the one missing Panchadasi book talks about it.

There's also a technique someone on /4chon/ used creating a thoughtform compass that points to whatever you think about and you just follow it and it leads you to it.



Personally I take the word smite to mean that you earned the punishment, so you should present your other cheek to ask for another lesson that you deserve as opposed to being a pushover for someone beating you.

The gospel of Thomas has a parable about being a bitch and letting someone kill you and your kin without taking action back, so I wouldn't think that you should be full cuck about it.



That's an even better interpretation than every other I've seen so far.


>tfw today I got tortured by a succubus that kept wanting to sit on my balls

I have a lot of trouble lately finding a succubus that wants to be gentle and friendly. She also wanted me to do somethings to her that I really don't want to do to her :/. After awhile and too much pain I just banished her.

Not really asking anything, I don't believe anyone has tips on finding a good succubus, other then keep banishing and trying again.

I'd like a wizard GF at this point instead of a succubus, with all the problems I get with succubus.

Most of the original appeal of succubus I have found can be replaced in various ways.

I need a magickal human GF that isn't going to hurt me and yet can do all the magickal shit that succubus are usually very capable of doing.


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"The way of initiation is one that establishes substantial differences among human beings and reaffirms the principle of suum cuique (to each his own) against the egalitarian and uniform view of knowledge: according to this principle, one’s knowledge, truth, and freedom are proportional to what one is."



>The problem that ocurred, is that someone created fringechan and didn't invite Smiley to be a part of it.

That is false. Smiley refuses to cooperate.


if one can view alternate worlds and influence them would it be possible to through maybe wormhole or shit bring an item from there to here


(From a magical perspective) is there anything inherently wrong about race mixing/dating outside your race? I understand the importance of keeping cultural identity strong, but as long as I'm not going out of the way to purposely destroy another person's culture I feel that I should be left to my own decisions.



From a magical perspective?

There are no magick books that even mention race mixng as far as I am aware of.

The only slightly negative thing is that it's probably slightly harder to to perform the "Red Rite".

It's a reincarnation technique where you kill yourself while you had someone pregnant, to reincarnate as your baby.

From a non-magical perspective, nothing wrong either. Don't listen to /pol/

Now go hit some black or asian booty. ;)



You're not thinking about it correctly. It's not a matter of right/wrong. If someone gets a boner from nationalism, domination, territoriality, purity it means these things resonate with the entities that his soul ultimately consists of. These entities are not right or wrong. Life is a game of entities interacting, and this very interaction makes world go round. /pol/ anon talking about exterminating "cucks" isn't right or wrong. He is just part of the game. The only thing that matters in this game is Desire, and he's producing it with his life quest to exterminate "cucks". His enemy (the cucks) exists in his world solely so that he can play this game and have desire to live and create life. "Cuck" is not different from him, he's also playing his game and on his own quest.

"Cucks" create "nazis" to fight with and vice versa. We can't have Cuck Utopia or Nazi Utopia. They'll sooner or later create enemies to fight for. Or wither and die because without enemy to kill, they have no purpose, can't produce desire.



Maybe a wizard grill is too hard to find.

Try to magically atract your soulmate

There was some good content on that on Question Thread #18 and/or "love thread.



tl;dr "race mixing" is a concept that is reflection of archetypal desires of purity, and these desires stay within our souls because they proved to produce desire

think of stylized girl face in anime to stimulate viewer or Wagner's music. it's memes, they're everywhere, and they're neither right or wrong. all that matters is Desire. with enough desire you can make race mixing become completely socially acceptable, then completely unacceptable and then acceptable again. so in the end, it has no meaning…



Besides all the nonsense talk of "traditions" or "science", ask yourself what beauty and perfection is and how you idealize it. How should the world look like? Then you'll know.



>The only slightly negative thing is that it's probably slightly harder to to perform the "Red Rite".

>It's a reincarnation technique where you kill yourself while you had someone pregnant, to reincarnate as your baby.

people who invent such words as "red rite", "white rite" and "black rite" are armchair occultists and have no idea what they are even talking about


There is degeneration and (re)generation, inferioriy and superiority, preferable and unpreferable, beauty and ugliness.

The whole point of racial purity used to be to have offspring with the greatest amount of progenitor traits which in effect beared an approximation to the most ideal form of the Aryan.

The decline of race already occured and most racial purists aren't even aware of it, they just prevent further miscegenation. The white race is already polluted with mongrels in Aryan shells who subconsciously hate those who are purer than them, contributing to the downfall with either race-mixing with inferior races or polluting the genetic line of those purer than them (which is what happens far too often).



>muh white rice





Pretty much this >>68991 but I would also add it's about self-discipline/mastery, and even breaching into mastery of others. Imagine, if you could literally take punches from someone, without being drawn into anger or pain by the other person's anger and pain - so much so you that don't care if they hit your other side too. That's pretty powerful self mastery.

If you focused on in it enough, I'm sure you could even let them vent enough to dispell hate into love (seems to be what Fatkinsnon is implying you should do. )



You destroy your bloodline, you create a racemixed mongrel, you anger your ancestors, you won't be able to do telepathy and various other abilities as easily as with someone who is genetically very close, your mongrel child with be more distantly genetically from you then your cousins, parents, etc.; you will have created an abomination, people will see you walking around with your spouse who is another race or your child who they will wander if it was adopted and send you vibes of disgust, pity, anger, etc.

If you're going to racemix, at least don't pollute the world with mongrel offspring, but consider celibacy or a spiritual spouse or transferring your soul into another body of a different race you prefer more than your own.

There are warnings in many holy texts against racemixing and nature in general has a way of wiping out mongrelized lines and preserving the racially pure lines for hundreds of thousands of years.



>There are no magick books that even mention race mixng as far as I am aware of.

pfft, there's a lot of magick books that are against sexual deviancy, and racemixing is a form of sexual deviancy. There also books that talk about the importance of bloodlines and do warn about the consequences of racemixing. There's also lots of warnings against mixing with aliens and so on.

This is also the worst time for you freaks to racemix. The pendulum swing is finally shifting to the far-right. Not long from now, far-right political parties will be dominant everywhere, and race traitors and other filth will be exterminated soon. If you wanted to go and racemix and not live long enough to die at the end of a rope then your time was decades earlier from now.

Oh also Zoroastrianism has explicit explanations of why racemixing is wrong, including concerns about reincarnation, amongst other things. Even the official wikipedia page explains that they are against the mixing of races.

>From a non-magical perspective, nothing wrong either. Don't listen to /pol/

Yeah you're just going to ignore all the fucking statistics, medical evidence, and history.



would you recommend me books on bloodlines they sound fascinating




[citation needed]



filthy mongrel wizard detected


How daydreams stay in relation to dreams?


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About the red rite, my source is Liber Null and the Psychonaut available on the sticky download. It was written by the creators of IOT, Not really "armchair", since they practice a lot.

But feel free to doubt it. Most chaos magicians i know doubt it too.


>anger your ancestors

I have banished my angry racist greatgrandmother long time ago.

>child with be more distantly genetically from you then your cousins, parents, etc..

Would you prefer your son date a modified clone of your mother? Can I call this ouedipus complex?

Genetic differece is a good thing. The chances of genetic problems related to recessive genes(most of them) is much smaller.

>send you vibes of disgust, pity, anger, etc.

more loosh for me.

>There are warnings in many holy texts against racemixing

Wich one? The Quran is a holy book where it is okay to marry a 9yo. You probably find that degenerate, right?

>preserving the racially pure lines for hundreds of thousands of years.



>racemixing is a form of sexual deviancy

The rules for not being a degenerate get more strict every day. I decided not to care a long time ago.

Let me be with my multicultural succubus harem i summoned with blood.

Worrying about where other people stick their dicks into is the most degenarate thing i can think of tho.

>books that talk about the importance of bloodlines

>warnings against mixing with aliens

where are the books and warnings?

Wait, you mean 3D density alien? How can i summon an alien to have sex with? sounds fun.


>race traitors and other filth will be exterminated soon.

My bad. I wasn't aware Trump would act like Hitler

>statistics, medical evidence, and history.

Point them to me please.


triangle pic related.

you are an ass hat too.


Is there a way to summon a 3D density being like an alien or somenthing?

Can I f*ck it?



>But feel free to doubt it. Most chaos magicians i know doubt it too.

I know and I don't doubt it. The way it's written about is junk though.



Well, for one you've angered the entire Aesir pantheon.

You know Hitler? The incarnation of Odin/Wotan? You know we're in the end times, right? The Nordic and (to a lesser extent) the Hindi prophecies would be the most informative to listen to, given that Christianity is a massive loosh farming operation for a Jewish war god.

The son that is told to come after Wotan and also incarnate in the flesh is a god of vengeance.

Just think about that. But it's too late for you already–it doesn't matter whether you turn back on your ways, given what you've done. Search your heart, and you will know it to be true.



>choas magic

into the trash

try harder mongrel



ah choas kiddies

I wonder when they will out grow their (I do what I want your not my dad) attitude



Vengeance is for jews, you obviously know nothing.



Feel free to tolerantly spread both of your cheeks for Jamal, cuck.






I had a lucid dream where I decided I wanted to meditate. It was the most powerful experience of my life, but I came awake shortly after. Has anyone else experienced this? I wish to do it again as I felt much further down my path afterwards.


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I see what you mean, The most intresthing things about chaos feels like bait for making people join the IOT. Do you have a better source?


>the entire Aesir pantheon.

Dind't they all died on Ragnarok?

I somehow fell Loki would be okay with me tho.

>given what you've done

What did I do exactly?


I invite you to take another look at the triangle pic I posted earlier.

As far as chaos magick goes, It's a principle of chaos magick to be able to trow anything into the trash including itself. So i don't really care if you do it.


There is a big difference between imaturity and not giving a fuck.


Hello there, rather than a question, I have a request.

Re-reading the Arcane Teachings I stumbled upon this line:

"Those who have read Bulwer’s occult stories—notably “Zanoni,”

will recognize the nature of the entities of which we speak."

Of course I went to the library to search for said book and I just didn't find it. Any kind soul would care to provide it, or any similar book, for the matter.

Thanks in advance, gentlemen.


File: 1453853089100.jpg (589.04 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, Brides_in_the_lifeless_for….jpg)

Hello there, rather than a question, I have a request.

Re-reading the Arcane Teachings I stumbled upon this line:

"Those who have read Bulwer’s occult stories—notably “Zanoni,”

will recognize the nature of the entities of which we speak."

Of course I went to the library to search for said book and I just didn't find it. Any kind soul would care to provide it, or any similar book, for the matter.

Thanks in advance, gentlemen.


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Tell me about energentics.



Edward Bulwer-Lytton's

Vril - The Power of the Coming Race



are great novels.



I had a rather pequliar lucid dream last night, its a long, very interesting story with lots of good stuff, including cheerleaders, demons, self inflicted harm, a massive amount of transfered information from the akashic, BBQ, a suicide, symbolism & some sort of natives.

I would like to post it because its one of those dreams that I'm sure are not normal, they have special meaning, the kind of dream that you never forget, and I've only had some three four of those.

Post it here, in the other guys personal astral travels threads or new thread?

If possible, we could link the shaman to a death at 8.30 this morning, I've got clues and a name.

It'll be like a trezr hunt.


would a tattoo of something like Hercules sigil help me have more strength and stamina at the gym? i'm serious

if so, can anyone post a reliable Hercules sigil?



You need to put in a lot of energy into it. You could get far just by imagining you have one if you really worked on it.

Create your own by looking at a depiction that moves you and reduce his form to a small sigil of lines and curves. Add latin script saying strength or whatever if you want.



I got a job as a life insurance salesman.

Best books (mundane even) on influencing people?


Ok so I got doubts about how magnets work, and I want answers from the arcane perspective.

Magnets have these + and - poles, + projecting the magnetic field that is absorbed into the - side. I understand why + poles reject each other, its like joining two hoses turned on. They just emit magnetic particles that would collide with each other.

Now, my doubt is: Why can't you put two - poles together? You know, from the magnetic perspective they're like two vacuums, they shouldn't create the field, since they don't emit the particles.

My other doubt regarding magnets is the polarity and the truth of the statement "like begets like" according to their… functioning. + repels +, and + attracts -. I understand the way it works, physically speaking, but it defies the maxim.


Is there any way I can tell if I'm cursed in any way? I feel as if my days are repeating, and that I am cursed to be unknown to anybody. At least once a day someone forgets who I am for a bit, or they're looking for me and I am right in front of them. I feel like a spectator in my life, a side character, a ghost.

My life no longer feels natural, it feels as if it is falling apart around me. Not falling part in an "everything is going wrong" way, but like a glitch in a computer program. My days are repeating yet life is still going on without me.

I just want to get rid of my issues so I can activate kundalini, but the issues get worse every day.



Same here but in a different way. Once I form strong relationships with people they eventually slip away from me slowly over time. It's not even like they lost interest purely because we were having so much fun when we knew each other… and this has been going on with anyone I meet, I sometimes lose interest in them suddenly myself. It's just really strange I feel cursed and no matter how much I try to create fun and strong relationships they always crumble, I feel I am cursed because most of the time these relationships shouldn't be ending.




opposites attract.

similarities repel if they aren't accepted. and/Or else they come together and are made stronger. When 2 people have a strength or weakness, (talent or flaw), they'll come together and that becomes more powerful.


>I am cursed to be unknown to anybody.

"I have created over a thousand blades. Unknown to Death, Nor known to Life "

I think you just need to convince yourself that your life matters.

If you don't take action, you'll be invisible. I was invisible too, and I know how to be.

At least you know how to not bother people, but you should work on your own personality, and bothering people with it. Be a little too annoying. Someone will always be upset at something you do, so just make sure you want to do it enough that you don't care waht tehy think. and you can amplify your annoyance to be more of a presence.

Fading away is ego death, and that's not a huge deal but it's not living as we know it.


"too comfortable". Taking each other for granted.

Sounds like you need a life aside from the people you meet/you see each other too much. Each person has to be somewhat excited to see each other or they'll become too similar to each other, and then why even hang out because it's like being alone.



wait nevermind. I dunno. People change, so the only people that will stay good friends need a STRONG common interest. Being either a hobby, an ideal (spiritual pursuit for example), or love.

Bring in solar light and make a heart connection. You can have such a relationship with MANY people, but the ones that vibe most will be around. I have old friends but I don't really hang out with them because I make new ones and people come and go. If you want a few special friends, try making a lot more than a few and figuring out which ones vibe with you most, and being able to let them go when the relationship no longer teaches you both



But I know my life matters (to me at least), and I'm not a very quiet person. I try to talk to lots of people and I'm very cocky and confident. Yet none of it sticks with anyone. I can't see any issues with myself that display on the outside. I assume my inside problems are influencing people to ignore me somehow, but they stack up because people are ignoring me. It feels like a cycle.




No… I mean the most recent friendship/relationship I had I did smother them a bit too much… but we did vibe very well. But in the past I really spaced out my time in seeing the other person to create a sense of missing each other so I don't see how they could have got comfortable. This happens with any friendship I have whether it be online or in person, it never lasts long at all and we break away from each other for no reason. Even online friends the contact between each other grows shorter and shorter. I feel I am cursed.



Fenris metaphorically swallowed the incarnation of Wotan (Hitler), which doesn't mean he (the egregore) actually died.

Vithar, Vali, and select others are said to survive Ragnarök, and ultimately be victorious.


Genetically, there is something like schizoid/avoidant tendencies in my family. I noticed line of my relatives from father contain either withdrawn alcoholics or extremely successful people who in childhood were very withdrawn and almost autistic too (but somehow changed themselves 180 degrees).

To make it brief, I'm just going to say I also share these tendencies. I seem to have innately lower Desire than others, and 1000 Atkinson's pages about metaphysical mechanics of Desire didn't help me.

I try to ignore the facts, but judging from my observations of life, people around me generally have way more spontaneous, genuine energy than me. Everyone has a thing they are very passionate about, some innate skill they started developing early in childhood and now focus on in life

How do I proceed if I can't find anything like that? I've brainwashed myself for a few weeks to forget about the genetics thing, but it didn't help, so my theory about genetics isn't a self-fulfilling prophecy. I've been considering brainwashing myself in trance to become passionately crazy about some hobby or field of research, but it would be a very artificial thing to do.

I tried to get angry about unfairness of my position and channel my desire from there, but I'm too withdrawn from life to do even that. Besides, it would be blaming my parents for birthing me, that's disgusting. My parents provide me a lot of resources to find myself (even though I'm 23) and I spend my days studying various disciplines, believing in a miracle, that one day I'll stumble upon SOMETHING that will electrify my body with passion and Desire, but I don't know.



PS; All things I've been significantly passionate about in life so far were some video games, porn and memes. I've totally cut off myself from all of these for a 1,5 year now and after the withdrawal phase, I seem to spiral down into apathy and emptiness. I thought no fap will make me eager and passionate about women so that maybe I could derive my Desire from there, but I'm becoming asexual instead.



Maybe your talent is magic?

you could become a forest hermit and be a master wizard


I want to push some stale energy out of my body, and absorb fresh energy out of the universe.

This takes more time than I have. I need it to be for a 24 hours/day for some time.

Is this the kind of thing that a servitor could do?

I imagine it could be a perfectly dumb servitor or a little smart, but I don't want it turning into a tulpa.

I'm a total beginner at this. I've never created any kind of entities before.

There are many guides for creating servitors. What would be the recommended /fringe/ way?



weird. I dunno, man. Become an assassin. Or radiate goldwhite energy that courses through you from the divine. might make you more visible.


Idk mang. Maybe you need to love yourself more and have multiple friends at once. So that you can spend time apart and not feel lonely.

Best not to feel cursed. Build a life you could be satisfied living alone if possible, and then others will want to share in your happiness. for me that takes martial arts and music



>There's also a technique someone on /4chon/ used creating a thoughtform compass that points to whatever you think about and you just follow it and it leads you to it.

Anymore information on this? Or just start creating a compass thoughtform?


So this saterday I'll be taking magic mushrooms since I have had 0 success with lucid and or astral projection.

I will be abstaining from any sexual contact with myself for 3 day beforehand and eat nothing but fruit for 3 days beforehand as well.

Is there anything else I should do to prepare? Read any thing? Ect ect.


Hey, does anyone have a PDF of Dion's Fortune "Mystical Qabalah"?


File: 1454013350850.pdf (700.34 KB, Dion Fortune, Mystical Qab….pdf)



Thanks mane



Truly opened crown chakra gives you this amongst many other things.

The fingers that are massaging your scalp at the apex of the opening can point to anything and give information about it's nature too!



Any ideas why I might be getting so much pressure at the crown chakra lately?

A few days before I got a shitload of it over the heart, stomach, and groins. Starting with the heart and going down, in this case.

That cleared up and led to several instances of pressure mostly accumulating right at the top of my head.

Don't know what to make of this. Tried to stop it with essential oils but it's too stronk and remains unaffected.

>unrelated but shoulders are also hurting right now, especially right shoulder, but I think I can fix this in a moment on my own and it's mostly just regular muscle soreness and not so much related to nerves and psychic force

Reposted from here: http://fringechan.org/loosh/res/159.html#261


have you ever felt like you suddenly woke up while you were awake? what is that feeling of suddenly becoming self aware at a great state and understanding who and what you are. seeing out of your own eyes suddenly you awake and listen to this deep ego and listen to it.

have you ever expiereienced anything like that? what was that?



It's just energy making it's way through it, continue whatever you are doing, everything is good.


How exactly is reality only in perception? Two people see the same table, how is changing your perception going to change reality?


Bearheart's Master Planetary Symbol…

When can I start incorporating it into ritual, like the banishing ritual.

One one article he says use both upright and inverted pentagrams, but then his Master Key video says this symbol is next level shit.




Your collective perception of the table is reality.


I have a cousin whom would like to emerge from the darkness I believe. She is 22-23, and I am not sure what direction to point her in. Do females have a different path or learning environment in magic? I just do not want to lead her wrong. Thanks!



>Maybe your talent is magic?

It isn't if I have weirdly low energy and I can't increase it.

Something must be draining my loosh, but the problem is, I have positive outlook on life, I eat, sleep well, I exercise, take cold showers, no fap, I cut myself from all disgusting popular culture. What the hell…

I wonder how long does it take to reset tolerance for korean ginseng + ginko biloba. One month ago I was taking these for a month and back then my perception and energy were totally different.

Is this okay to take nootropics for one month with one month breaks?


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Hey guys, Im looking for two books, and I can't seem to find them online.They are called:

>> The Black Pullet

>> Petit Albert

They're both Vodou books, may be written in French or Creole. If you find them, can you link them here? Also, it would make a good addition to the MEGA

pic related


How do I summon an undine?



Is there even an expert on Ayurveda herbs on /fringe/?

For a few past months I've been considering stacking the following herbs for meditation, study, motivation and general "nootropic" effects:

Ashwaganhda, Bacopa monnieri, Milk Thistle, Curcumin, White Tea

Does anyone have anything to comment on this stack synergy/individual components of it? Something to add or take out?


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Someone just contacted me today who literally found my skype name via the astral. Finally, after spamming it out there so long, someone has noted it and made contact with me! I'm introducing him to /fringe/ right now. You guys jelly? Obviously pic related isn't the whole conversation but yep… found me "in his dreams".



Just find a path that aligns to her world view well. I showed a girl Fringe knowledge for beginners and she really took to it, so don't overthink it just try something.



Can't find it in my life are but I think I remember reading the black pullet, it's the story about a french soldier that gets injured during a battle and gets taken into a secret entrance in an Egyptian pyramid and is taken as an apprentice by a mysterious man and he eventually teaches him how to raise a gold seeking chicken right?

If I remember right he basically just keeps the chicken locked in a cage where no light can reach it with nothing but a gold nugget and after raising it for a while he put a blindfold on the chicken and let's it loose in a garden with a gold nugget hidden as practice to find gold and it does so very well.


File: 1454138577714.pdf (308.04 KB, theblackpullett.pdf)


How do you know when you've opened your third eye, and how long did it take you?



OK. Thank you.

Also, anyone have a PDF of Liber Primus I could snag?



This treasure trove of Bearheart's blog posts is down.

Are these saved anywhere? The one zip file I downloaded only has 16 posts, but the link above has at least 30 posts.



How to heal the soul and the heart? How to cleanse the aura from all corruption? How to heal from past degenerate addictions and addiction in general?



How to release all pent up pain and emotions?



Relieve yourself from your ego with meditation.



Go over your auric body, focus on parts and pass your hand over it, and move love into those regions. Keep going over it, purifying the whole body with the vibrations of love, this will heal it and bring everything to a much higher level, and change the colour of the aura.



Show her "The Universal Master Key" by Franz Bardon.


Skin of face and penis reflects health of one's body. After a year I fixed my face and body in general with proper diet and exercise, but my dick seems to be stuck in my teenage years of daily masturbation. I don't like that it's like a mark of my old self.

Is there some good ol' medicine to rub on penis to heal it? Old texts mention oils, honey on skin, herbal remedies, but really there's nothing to rub on penis to make it feel better? I swear my johnson looks like it wants some nutrient to heal. Where my thumb used to be before I went on nofap, I have red, damaged skin now



You might want to look into the 'Release Technique'.



this made me look at my penis. Looks ok, not as good as the skin on my face, but not abnormal… I think? I don't see/look at other penises.


I am looking for a guide to the training of the mind to overcome the effect of substances

If that is too vague I'll give you an example. If caffeine keeps you awake, you must go to sleep. If mint makes you calm, you must get angry. If you take a tranquilizer, you must feel completely untranquilized.

I need to do this in order to train my will and never have to rely on any substance to function as I want to. The end result of such training is the ability to reject the influence of any substance, even poisons, and remain completely in the physical and mental state you want to be in just by the power of the will.


If I make a Donald Trump tulpa to motivate me and a waifu tulpa for companionship, how likely is it they'll end up together and cucking me?




The seed of all things is in all things. If you provide the right conditions, it will grow.



That's pretty easy, ground yourself, feel your body, with each breath in you imagine white air, on out breath, dark air on which foreign substances travel out of your body.

If you master this, inhabiting yourself and discerning you from not you you can exit drunk stupor and hallucinogenic drugs very easy.

Works very well for nikotine poisoning.



By taking residence in the heart. Love. Just conjure it and direct it to your higher self who loves you and will never betray you, but has a non interference policy until you ask for it.

Send him some love and he'll send it back to help you get the strength to overcome those petty obstacles.



During meditation, breathe the energy of the air down your legs, filling them up.

After some time you get adept at this,it's relatively easy, and you'll do it naturally.

Don't do this before sleep unless you're a fan of midnight gym sessions because you're not going to be able to just roll over and tuck in.

It's OK to do if you know how to release large amounts of energy (fapping 3-4 times works but it's degenerate and detrimental etcetc).

Did this in my sleep once and I got a sharp electric jolt between my thumb and finger that woke me up thinking someone was putting my finger in a socket.



Yup.. we either find the path or get crushed under some invisible burden that is both holding us back and pushing us.

It's easier to drown the "I dont know what im supposed to do but I'm not doing it" feel in alcohol or pot.

Modern society being a human farm doesn't make us feel more at home either and so many people get lost.

Those kinds of people can reach the highest highs or the darkest depths, it's innate but depends entirely on how they face the world, upbringing and attitude.

If negative they spiral into self pity and greed, living for simple pleasures on the back of others pain,often developing sociopathic or psychopathic tendencies because of lack of motivation or purpose.

Do what you love, become the best at it, merchandise it. Until then, get a mundane job and develop your personality.



You're not going to get riled up over something as petty as your position, it's not your nature.

Think about the big picture, why and how you want to change it, not just for yourself but for everyone else too.

That's why there's such a fail/success madness, fail because the thoughts of "what can I do", which leads to depression. Success because one realize his own worth and tales charge of one's own fate, riding that bitch for the sake of improving for everyone around you.

Take in strength and support from your community, even if you're asocial, it's a purpose, one worthy aspiring towards.


My typing has been shit but you probably maybe perhaps get it anyway possibly. On a phone.




I don't really consider getting depressed a possibility. Through meditation and research I learned what depression really is. After that I manifested to never lose my Desire To Live no matter what. And subsequently I'd affirm myself so for years when inflicting pain to myself during cold showers, HIIT exercise, and physical work.

At the same time, I can't deny the fact that at the moment I'm unable connect to my primordial energy and see what I'm made for. I don't have any innate skills and most importantly, I don't have any clear, archetypal desires like others: "I want to be a doctor and heal people" or warrior archetype "I want to dominate the weaker and work out at the gym" or "Me and members of my family have great imagination and are sensitive, I'm going to be hair dresser or graphic designer".

People consists of energies like this and are drawn to their preferred professions this way. It often starts young. I don't feel anything like that. It doesn't make me depressed, although a bit anxious as I'm already 23.

I'm attracted to expression through drawing, but the thing is, I'm not a person with visual imagination and no one in my family ever was. I forced myself to learn perspective and some basic anatomy, but my works have no heart or purpose, they're just correctly drawn shapes that express nothing, they're just proper. I guess reflection of my soul?


How do I activate my Pineal Gland? (the third eye). Can someone point me in the right way?



We're usually jack of trades and there are no place for us in society as we're not cogs.

Searching yourself is a really good idea, find your purpose, why you came here.

I'm going out on a whim here, but you feel that everything is grey and bland, few things entice you and even less can hold your attention to get shit done.

With these charasteristics you're a mover and innate leader. When you find your purpose and place you're going to do it with all your heart because it's going to be the only thing you really care for.

You'll get there either by massive amounts of introspection, takes time but you'll need less time of going with the flow, from job to job until you realize what you're supposed to do.

If you want a mundane life that might suit you, business. Maybe stocks or propaganda. Good chance you might get to do what you're here for while doing that.

Also, affirming that you're going to live no matter what isn't that good of an idea.. If it's imprinted to strong and you die you might attempt to cling to life and suffer in limbo. And if not that, if you ever have hopes of stop reincarnation, you're fucking that with a rake.

Change the wording, "this life" and "live to the fullest"



You know when you meditate and sometimes faces pop into your vision, sometimes coupled with words or even sentences?

The few times friends have managed to feed me speed I have experienced this on a whole other scale, it's like a never ending stream of faces passing me left and right to disappear behind me, barely ever do they notice me while I see their, sometimes distorted, faces.

I decided to meditate on this last night after coming home, I ended up in a large open area/room packed with people, me being in the centre like they huddled around me for warmth, I decided to explore the area and inspect the people and as I passed an elderly woman she said, "Is this how I will die?"

That got me thinking, so I expanded my aura/influence and summoned as much loosh as possible to say, with love and conviction, "You are all passed away, in the name of God walk peacefully into the light."

Bam. Room empty.

Except this one.. thing.. lurking outside my vision, dark large shadow, I got the impression it was hunting me now that it's original prey was gone, waited it out, it came at me, I froze it in place and asked it questions, what is your name, what do you want, what are you.

"Feed" & /not from here/ it refused to give me a name, it felt a little bit smarter than a dog, had mosquito like appearance with a long sucker, thing neck and limbs with coarse thick and sparse hair.

It managed to break the freeze and lunged at me, that didn't fly tho, needle stopped a good foot from my face and I tied it up again to tear it apart and then burn it.

>>What kind of demons pray on souls in limbo?

Anyway, faces stopped appearing and I could go to sleep immediately.



Unrelated redirect



>Also, affirming that you're going to live no matter what isn't that good of an idea.. If it's imprinted to strong and you die you might attempt to cling to life and suffer in limbo. And if not that, if you ever have hopes of stop reincarnation, you're fucking that with a rake.

Desire to Live is the fundamental, most important force on which whole universe operates. Thus, it would be really weird if beings were actually punished for having too much of it. I'm interested in arguments in others, but my theory, based on my reflections and studies, is that anyone who expresses extraordinary desire to live at the moment of his death would be actually favored by the universe, not suppressed in limbo. I suspect souls in limbo are actually these of undecided, lacking desire, gloomy, proactive beings. Of these who detach from life because of schizoid over-intellectual analysis of life (so basically me at the moment). Those who commit suicide dissolve (as this was their will) and are perhaps reduced to form of existence with lesser awareness. Those lacking desire land in limbo, and those expressing desire (playing by the rules of the universe and not against it) are rewarded with heaven in form they willed themselves. Their fulfilled desire is actually their heaven.



To draw my problem on this theory, I use example of Innaritu's new movie The Revenant.

The tropes in the movie are Desire and Men With Desire. It's based on the real story of a man who gets mauled by a bear, then is left for dead by his party of fur trappers. This man, so incensed by being abandoned, finds the strength to crawl 200 miles in pursuit of his faithless friends, bent on exacting revenge.

Even though I thoroughly understand the trope of desire and perseverance of a man and I understand I really need Desire (life force) in my life, I couldn't get significantly aroused by the trope (even though it was executed properly in the movie). I notice many people get inspired by these themes. It actually gives them life force, it's the point of this movie, any movie, and art in general. It subconsciously/consciously makes eg. doctor keep his desire to help, or a mother to keep her desire to love her child.

I don't identify with The Renevant's main character desire for revenge and justice and I don't know if I could love like he did. I'm 23, never even held a girl hand and I never cared; feels memes always made me giggle but I never genuinely felt loneliness.

It has to do with my low blood pressure, growing up interacting with psychopaths on imageboards, indulging in dehumanizing, escapist media like anime, masturbation to dehumanizing futa loli creatures etc, genes in my family.


Reminder that sedentary, agricultural civilization is the root of all of our ills and likely the work of the Demiurge, and that mankind's true nature is to live in small, tightly-knit groups of ~50 - 100 people living as one with nature.



You're not entirely wrong, but you're missing a lot of points.

The Demiurge did not force us to expand and create civilizations, that is solely human nature. We as humans desire power and expansion, and that we achieved. This has many faults, but many good aspects as well. If we did live in small communities, you would not be here. You would not find all of this knowledge that allows you to break free of physicality. You are correct that we should be living as one with nature, and human creations have shown that. We invented chairs, and now we use them so much our blood clots. We invented cars, and we destroy the very earth we stand on to fuel them. But this is not the fault of agricultural civilization, this is human nature. We have been fooled by spiritless humans and by ourselves to destroy ourselves for convenience, and no matter our population, if we overcome this we can save ourselves.



Remember the church dream sequence though?

>that goat

Pretty fantastic, I don't think anyone in the theater besides me caught that symbolism.


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Long ago, /fringe/ was known throughout the Earthen Realm. People from around the world wanted to learn our techniques, the occult arts.

Our techniques are powerful, and only the compassionate and honorable should wield them.

To walk the path of /fringe/ and learn its secrets, you must act selflessly, help those in need, uphold justice, and live with integrity. That is the path of /fringe/.

So keep training, and treat each other well. You will all learn in time.

Honor. Compassion. That is the way of /fringe/!



Are you irritated when you see people from /pol/ and similar boards try to use "meme magic" for destruction? I believe that all should be aware of magick so we may reunite with The All, but society in it's current state cannot handle it.



If you think "meme magic" can live up to telekinesis and immortality, lol…



In numbers, it could do some powerful things. It has already caused some events. The name they have given it is idiotic, but really it is putting energy into something to make it powerful and reflect on the physical world.

Several thousand people knowingly putting energy into destruction could have bad consequences.



>We were wizard gods



Oh right, I posted this to look for references, if anyone has experienced similarly.



It only takes one person with a positive mindset to undo negative thoughts from numerous people.


Could someone explain this to me. Half a year ago, I wanted something to happen, I wanted to win something. The probability for winning the thing was like 0.44%. It wasnt the exact thing I wanted, but it was near enough. Like a month later I wanted to do the same, and did it again, same chance, different thing I obtained. not the exact thing I wanted, though. Basically I went to go fishing wanted a 1000 $ worth of fish and got like a 300 $ fish. Only thing I was consciously doing was thinking about getting/winning it. I have read the faq at fringe here, and tried to win the lottery, didnt happen,yet, by applying the master formula. Probablity to win a lottery jackpot is very low, still its possible. So could someone explain to me why it didnt happen yet ?



Literally git gud



if one trains enough could they use there voice as a weapon

for example you could light something on fire just by saying burn


Is Bearheart wrong to have assigned Uranus to Kether?

This magician (who may have trained directly from a student of Crowley) who has decades of experience.I don't know who to believe.

I'm pretty sure the thread is a criticism of his Planetary MPR, but the YT links are dead:


This is the guy guy.

>Bascially, he rants and then tells you to do a middle pillar but instead vibrate

>Uranus, Pluto, Sol, Lunar for Men, or Luna for Women, Terra

>I am totally confused where he got such a mix of names unless he was just using modern science.

>I mean you could use whatever you want, but there is this mix of Greek and Roman influences that is not very well aligned.

>As for Lunar for males, and Luna for females, that is plain silly. Based on his idea, you should use Maenon, and Maena. This the root of the word "Moon" in male and female declinative.

>The thing is the Middle Pillar is aligning you to a spectrum of energies that all share a common source. Such is not the case with the Planets. But this is all a practice started by Israel Regardie and inspired by the the Sixth and Seventh books of moses and similar texts. I'd say work with it if you want, but you loose the VERY important overall intent of the Middle Pillar.



why are you wasting your time on this?

isn't bearhearts just pure bullshit?


How come every time I have a wet dream I end up prematurely ejaculating all over a qt? I never have a problem with that IRL



1. Invoke Uranus's energy

2. Invoke Kether.

3. Compare if there is a difference.

There isn't any. Do the same for the others if you like. It's the same MPR; same intent, all these energies also share a common source. Same benefits. Same shit, less jew names.



Adding to that, the entities themselves, prefer bearheart's names….


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Technically in the ancient cosmology there was no Uranus, Pluto or Neptune. Thus instead we used words like the logos (Chockmah) which is the 12 zodiac along the ecliptic. This is the creative dome of stars(We can put a bunch of words to it). Then we have Kether which is that monad or original source of spirit. It's quite simply pressure which has yet to go through any of these associations or formations of the other spheres.

Now because some people have tried to mix modern science with ancient cosmology they had to put the new three planets somewhere. Mythologically Bearheart put these in a decent space. But ultimately we're calling upon an energy which goes beyond or is greater than Uranus or Neptune. You could put any name to it and still have the same effect. It's what's beyond the casing that counts.

What I'm saying is that it'll work either way.


Does anyone have any experience of knowledge of this? Their claims are quite extraordinary (no concentration required, greatly reduces stress, super easy, etc.) and it's probably too good to be true, but I'm still curious.

Has anyone studied with a teacher? What is TM essentially?

Pic unrelated


is it normal for my regular vision to blur as I strengthen my ether vision?

is this some kind of odin outer sight/inner sight stuff?



thanks (:



>my works have no heart or purpose, they're just correctly drawn shapes that express nothing, they're just proper. I guess reflection of my soul?

nah, reflection of how you're vibing. Does anything make you perfectly serene? either in a deep concentration way or in a deep kinda mellow happy way?

those are martial arts and music for me so those are the 2 things I found for me. But I'm 26, near 27 and I only fully got into this stuff recently, so starting at your age isn't a huge deal. I was exposed to those at an early age, though I didn't really look at them as serious things to do for some reason until recently



maybe this



and maybe also void meditation and/ or focusing on the area where it is. Also, opening your heart chakra makes the others work better because it's the gateway to the higher centers. idk if that's pineal.

there's a thing where you imagine a bright white light in your head and that's supposed to activate stuff. imagine activating the pineal.

idk if pineal = 3eye





I think your trips save you from the butt marble (:


I think loneliness is simply the awareness of what it is one is missing. You are unaware, so it doesn't hurt you.

If you'd get more "healthy" you'd probably regain sadness and then be able to work into happier happiness than you're capable of as of yet


I dunno, even the flight 4u over les bains?


I dunno. Maybe it's more astral than you're used to/more relaxed in a way?



>I dunno. Maybe it's more astral than you're used to/more relaxed in a way?

This could be the case. I'm pretty bad at astral projection (haven't lucid dreamed, can't astral project in sleep, only "feel" senses when I'm projecting awake) and when I was sleeping with a succubus or at least some astral entity, my body was shaking insanely bad, I was sweating hard and I was basically panting. I think being in the astral is taxing on the body and mind, which could lead to your scenario.



Yeah I thought astral because I had a dream [but in the dream it was known that I'd gone into the astral, and it felt different than a regular dream] wherein a friend came and we had sex and I finished immediately, so that's what made me think of that.


Thanks for the responses, peoples. I appreciate it.


>isn't bearhearts just pure bullshit?

Why do you say that? He speaks with great passion, and he seems to know his shit.


>There isn't any.

>Adding to that, the entities themselves, prefer bearheart's names….

But then in what way do they have preference?


I think I recall Bearheart saying applying a thoughtform to the Prime Creator is not a good idea for some reason. Isn't applying mythological names kind of doing that?



It all depends on your intent. If you know nothing more then yes. These are the religious folk who think that Allah or YHVH are the true God. But if you simply use a mythological archetype to tap into the energies of whatever you're using (spheres or prime creator) with the intention of using them as a tool, then you're okay.


Why did Franz Bardon end his life, how did he do it, and would it have been better for him to have simply lived and endured the interrogation by the police, and why didn't he use his magick to save himself?



Also, at what age did the spirit enter Franz Bardon?



>Why did Franz Bardon end his life

He was in custody of the police, and after allegedly being tortured in a concentration camp during WW2, he likely didn't want to go through it again. He may have held information he was afraid of saying.

>how did he do it

Apparently, he asked to be sent a very fatty food which contained bacon. This was fatal, as he had pancreatitis.

>would it have been better for him to have simply lived and endured the interrogation by the police

If he really did commit suicide, he knew that he would rather die than live through it. Perhaps it was because of the previous torturing, or perhaps he did not want to give precious information to his captors.

>why didn't he use his magick to save himself

This is largely debated. It could be because of karma brought upon him prevented it, or because some say he was only a magician in theory.

>at what age did the spirit enter Franz Bardon?

I cannot find any information, but it is likely a few years before the publishing of IIH. Perhaps 10 years before his death, when he was starting to develop health problems as karma?

Note that all of this information is from searching around, not from the akashic records, meditation or other non-mundane sources.



He was a fraudulent bullshit "occultist" who worked as a stage magician and wrote shitty books.



/pol/ is so lucky to have both numbers and willing anons to pour loosh into projects, even if it's barely conscious actions of reposting memes and fapping to ebola-chan's pictures.

/fringe/ could probably compensate our limited numbers with skill but good luck uniting all of us over a single cause.


Is there any proof for flouride in water and female hormones in food?



Fluoride in tap water is public knowledge, the lies come from the supposed "benefits" and true purpose. Some cities have banned the practice however, and it's generally a good idea to filter your water via reverse osmosis.



Start a journal and track your mood, dream memory and dream content, and general perception during the day. Then change your tooth paste for fluoride-free, filter water, and don't touch food in plastic containers (some plastic is less risky, learn to read signs on bottles). After a few months study your journal. I'd recommend starting with either fluoride or plastic first, and then test the other, so that you know exactly what is causing the changes


A very experienced magician on StudioArcanis said that visualization (e.g. as done during the LBRP/MPR) should be used very sparingly in Magick.

His rationale, iirc, was that the magick is then only performed in the imagination.

He said you cannot cause macrocosmic changes this way. That visualization forces experiences and distracts from what is actually happening (if anything.)

This magician, raum215, can supposedly cause poweerful physical manifestation of spirits by direct manipulation of yin and yang energies.

He emphasizes using SIGHT, SOUND, TASTE, TOUCH and SMELL in lieu of imagination.

Here is his thread that fucked with my whole idea of magick:


>Do it and feel, see, touch, taste, hear, and smell what you can. If you are not enflamed with prayer, give it a second- you may have kleshas or klippoth blocking the inner alchemy. But no amount of “visualization” or forcing it, or vocal volume will make it work more than any other. Do this with joy in your heart – in the delight of the Lord of the Universe, and his brides and progeny - The Universe.

Higher self, help aconfused brother out. Amen.



Just sounds like a deeper form of imagination to me.


Can you use will to make someone talk to you that hates you and probably will never talk to you again? Wouldn't will and visualization make it work?


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I have lactation fetish

I want to make my gf experience effects similar to psychological pregnancy without making her believe she is pregnant.

I want to drink her milk, but don't want to enpregnaate her,

What magical tools do you recommend?

(I have access to her period blood, if that is any useful)



You can.

Will and visualization alone are nice but have pontential for imprevement.

If you have an object or picture of someone you could make it more effective(it's called "sympathetic magick").

But should you really do that? Bringing back someone that hates you could potentially bring negative emotions to your life.

I recommend you influence that peson to find love and forgiveness for her own sake and attract positive people to your life.

In the end it's up to you. "Do what thy Will".



Couldn't you will it in a way that makes it so they don't hate you anymore and actually want to talk to you again? Then it wouldn't be so harmful to bring them back to talking to me because it would be positive.



That is a similar problem to "Make X girl love me" spells.

In theory, with enough power you make it work exactly like you want, but changing other people's emotions are harder than atracting good people in general.

My mistake. I assumed you were more focused on atracting than changing hate.

Time will help so be patient.

Now a little bit of speculation:

Maybe that person doesn't hate you?

Maybe it's just that person's rational decision to prevent pain?

Maybe that person is trying to avoid you because he/she wants you to chase him/her?(insist a lot if you suspect this)

I personally decided to stop talking to an old friend, but that didn't mean I hated her, on the contrary, and THAT was the problem. And everything I learned about psychology and relationships told me that removing her from my life (not forever) is my best choice.

I hope any of this helped.



So it's better visualize other people to come to me instead of changing her emotions?

I am not sure if her hate will ever change, and I am pretty sure she is super upset with me right now. She wanted to stop talking to me forever because I kept "annoying" her which was just asking her simple questions so I said the crudest things I can think of since she wanted to be done with me that attacked her deeply personally so I don't know if she will ever not hate me again. I haven't messaged her since because I don't want to look like a fool if she still hates me or has gotten over me, she probably wouldn't say her true emotions either. I just feel pretty sad and regret what I said even though she treated me horribly too I know I shouldn't be feeling this because its mundane as fuck but I am inexperienced.



>I kept "annoying" her which was just asking her simple questions

I'm sure from her perspective it wasn't so innocuous.

>I said the crudest things I can think of

Something I learned after doing something like that recently… (I cringe to think about it)

it's better to withdraw/hide oneself away if one is hurt, assuming we truly care about the person who hurt us. Better to cool down for awhile, really process it, before responding.

Because telling someone how much they hurt you, or saying things like that, if they care about you, it will just hurt them back. Do we really want to hurt the people we like? It's inevitable in some ways, but that doesn't mean we have to make it worse by reacting in such a way. If their behaviour is unacceptable, we can calmly tell them "hey, I feel this way about you and what you are doing" or "I don't think you are treating me fairly" (you can't expect them to treat you the way you treat them, but you should expect them to treat you as they treat others/themselves to a degree)

[or even find an outside the box answer like "hey wanna screw?" which would have worked in my case but I was too blind to see it]

or simply let them go, can say "hey whatever's going on with you/us, I don't care for it. Let's talk it out, or forget about it and hang out when you're over whatever this is." (not sure about this one, it might not work when the person who wants it more says it…)

In whatever case, the best thing(s) to do are usually to do the things you like to do that they liked about you, in sort of honor to them.

For me, this is to be a musician.

The resonance will carry through, and when you think about them, change the negative thoughts you have about them to positive, love the thought/energy, fill yourself with gold//white energy, release any energy of theirs you're holding onto, to make it back to them with selfless love for them and their unique path (if you have that. If you can't wish for the best for them even if it means you're not in their life, that isn't the best thing. Desire is a tough thing)

. Then fill yourself with your own soul/divine energy of whitegold light.

You can ask your higher self to communicate with theirs and send love to your higher self to send to their higher self, and it may come together. That's the most respectful way I know of to do such a thing, that doesn't have as much chance of corruption as other techniques.

> I don't want to look like a fool

We are all fools on some level.

I embrace my foolishness; it's gotten me far (:

Love is foolish.

>she treated me horribly too

Sometimes it's a game. Play-fighting. Friends/lovers do it, that's why men/women relationships is known as a game. All is divine play.

She may indeed treat you horribly, but it's your responsibility to recognize where to set boundaries.

In my case, I wanted to be a lover or a teacher to a woman more than I wanted to be her friend, but I accepted being treated as a friend out of being unclear where divine love ends and desire begins.

She actually did want to be lovers but I was too focused on going about it in the wrong way, and not playing the game. The game makes things fun/easier though! Otherwise you have to convince their ego/mind to like you, and that doesn't work unless you're tremendously awesome.

Each situation is different. We have to treat people like normal people until we get to the point we don't have to.

Take what's yours, then share. [emotionally and physically. when you have what you need, then you can share. energy-wise, object-wise, etc. Don't give anything you'd resent giving if it all goes to shit]

Set boundaries if/when you feel uncomfortable. The only reason you'd do otherwise (not speak up and say "hey, don't tell me about that" or "don't ask me to do that" is because we're putting their needs over our own.

If you don't treat yourself well, why should they be obligated to?

It's like the stories you hear about a woman regretting sex and then claiming rape. Don't decide retroactively that you're hurt, decide and speak up. Closed mouths don't get fed.


sometimes we have too many similar flaws to them and one or both can't stand the other.

sometimes we have to let them go because it's too much effort/"it wasn't meant to be". it sucks, but we learn. almost everyone has one or a few of these experiences. I "only" had 1 that really hurt, because I've been a recluse for years of my life.

sometimes we still have to let them go, but it might work out again later. In these cases, the advice I gave about doing what resonates with them is the thing to do. Become a better you. Saying sorry means you're vulnerable. I apologized by saying something like "I'm not sorry for feeling the way I did, but I didn't have to react in that way. I'm sorry for hurting you."



Thanks, I'll try to practice more Astral stuff.


Would someone mind explaining to me what Kundalini energy is like? Does it change who you are? Your hobbies?


How to induce feelings of being high/alternate modes of consciousness without drugs? Are there any meditations for this?


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I am incredibly depressed and contemplating suicide, I got kicked out of college twice and they gave me a final chance and I blew it again (for the third time), and I probably have AIDS because I fucked a tranny hooker without protection in drunken stupor.

What happens to the spirit during the phase between depression -> suicide. And how negative is it to have homosexual sex? Is there any way to climb out of this hole bot mentally and spiritually?

I have an opportunity to try Ayahuasca cuz Im going to the amazon, would it help me out?



It changes you to the person you're supposed to be, from what I understand. So yeah, whether slowly or quickly.

For me, it showed me a sign of what I should be doing, and I discharged the energy that was raised, but my body is more energetic in general now, and I feel I'm being more and more guided toward the proper path/that divergence is less tolerated.


I got a bag full of vitamins "stolen" by leaving it outside to dry.

Is there a way I can get it back?

I was thinking ask the ether for a suitable being (I don't hear much of anything, but feel responses sometimes from who-knows-what)

and maybe offering a drop of blood before and after. I have no idea how to offer it but assumed spilling it somewhere would do, maybe on paper and lighting it on fire.




This changes a lot depending on where you live and your lifestyle, but consider entering again(maybe another college) or giving up on doing college.


Get tested ASAP. If you are, you will need medication, nf if you are not, you will stop worring.

>What happens to the spirit during the phase between depression -> suicide.

With the hermetic principle of correspondence, after-life will be just as bad as real life.

>homosexual sex?

Nothing wrong with that. Watch out for puritan nofapers telling you otherwise.

>Is there any way to climb out of this hole bot mentally and spiritually?

Magick and depression both work based on toughs. Whenever you tell yourself bad things about yourself, you will feel bad.

First step is stopping telling yourself bad things about yourself.

Second is ignoring when other people say bad things about yourself (even family). If it's not a constructive critisism content, telling yo how to improve, don't even be in the same room. Leave that place or ask that person to leave for being rude.

Third step is starting telling yourself good things every day.



thank you friend.

What meditation technique would you recommend? Happy thoughts, mindless?

Who do you pray to?



In regards to this anon I believe to each his own, I suggest you just fap everyday like you're a normal normie and see how you feel. I know what you mean in that if you stop fapping you just go asexual and end up not having energy at all.

Just do the opposite of what you're currently doing and see where it goes!



>How to induce feelings of being high/alternate modes of consciousness without drugs? Are there any meditations for this?

Ironically, it happens soon after you completely get rid of the hedonistic desire to get high, or perhaps even all desires in general.

The second condition is you can't get scared when you lose sense of where your body is. The effect of losing sense of space and time is ten thousand times more disorienting and uncomfortable than closing your eyes while driving a car 100kmph or being on roller coaster with eyes closed



>I suggest you just fap everyday like you're a normal normie and see how you feel

Yeah, I think I will change cold showers to hot showers first and start regularly edging in a week or two. Showers and fapping affect elements in very complex ways and I wish I knew how it all works. One is obvious - it isn't just a matter of "increasing testosterone", that's the lowest tier of broscience.

Libido, life force, imagination, conscience, motivation, cold showers, diet, fapping, etheric, energetic, emotonal bodies are all connected between each other. Testosterone is just one of the tiny cogs and it's level depends of the context of the rest.

To give some food for thought, though:

taking hot showers: horny, warm, "comfy", lazy, melancholic, lower self control, less mindful, gloomy, afraid of cold and pain, tired quickly

cold water: asexual, focused, higher self-awareness, lacks desire, continuously mindful, detached, higher self-control, can walk naked in the snow and not care, not emotional



Start with putting up a missing paper with a reward, explaining that the stuff in your bag were vitamins and only vitamins.

When that is done, pray that he sees the note and is kind enough to give it back.



thank you.


off-topic question, but why are there so many namefags on fringe?



They are parasites who seek attention.



ha. That must be it.



With the first point, do you just mean pure euphoria from abandonment of desire? I'm more interested in LSD-type trip experiences where I can get some insights on the world, rather than pure euphoria or anything like that. As for the 2nd part, that'll take practice but I'd be happy to try



>What meditation technique would you recommend?

Mindfull meditation. https://youtu.be/wPUWdhHDKS4

It's an hour long video, but it's worth it.

also watch this qhilw you are at it


>Who do you pray to?




(ops I accidentally pressed Enter too soon and quoted wrong)

>Who do you pray to?

I don't personally pray. I work alone and with multiple entities.

But don't worry about me. Do whatever works for you.

I have been to churches that said that humans are part of the divine and life is great and we should enjoy every day of their lives as a gift from God. Others said that humans are worthless without God and spoke more of the devil and the pain he would cause you.

In similar way, someone that is 100% atheist could belive that the universe is meaningless and cruel, or belive that there is beauty and meaning in science and nature.

If you choose pray, you should have faith that even if things are not in your direct control, everything will be taken care of.

if not, you should belive that even if you are "alone", you can take care of things yourself.

Good luck.



>If you choose pray, you should have faith that even if things are not in your direct control, everything will be taken care of.

>if not, you should belive that even if you are "alone", you can take care of things yourself.

porque no los dos?



>porque no los dos?

I would say that but "not alone" and "alone" are opposites and that would be harder to explain. the text was long enough.

But yeah use both.

Did you guessed i knew spanish or just expected me to google it?



they say it on other sites, so I half-expected people to know it.


"Back of the organs there is a peculiar arrangement of the nervous system, or brain centres, which take up the messages received through the organs; and back of this, again, is the ego, or soul, or mind, which, at the last, is the real KNOWER. The eye is merely a camera; the ear, merely a receiver of sound-waves; the nose, merely an arrangement of sensitive mucous membrane; the mouth and tongue, simply a container of taste-buds; the nervous system, merely a sensitive apparatus designed to transmit messages to the brain and other centres—all being but part of the physical machinery, and liable to impairment or destruction. Back of all this apparatus is the real Knower who makes use of it."

– William Walker Atkinson


"Science tells us that of all the five senses, that of Touch or Feeling was the original—the fundamental sense. All the rest are held to be but modifications of, and specialized forms of, this original sense of feeling. I am telling you this not merely in the way of interesting and instructive scientific information, but also because an understanding of this fact will enable you to more clearly comprehend that which I shall have to say to you about the higher faculties or senses."

– William Walker Atkinson

Greenpill me on how all senses stem from feeling/touch.


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Are memes and synchronicities basically the same thing?



How to wins friends and influence people


How deep was Aleister Crowley in terms of his work as an agent for MI6? I've read some of his works and then after the fact came across evidence that showed apart from being an occultist, he was a propagandist among other things. After reading about his government involvements, it's really made me doubt his work entirely as in I can't really be sure that what he wrote is genuine and not disinfo. Any insight?


"Sociopathy/Psychopathy/Antisocial Personality Disorder" actually means perceiving the world for the shallow experience it truly is and taking charge. It is a state of being liberated and unbound by artificially installed deficiencies.

One's own goal, however, shapes the path such an individual is walking.


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What can you guys tell me about the number 16? Is there any occult meaning in it?


Is there a permenent afterlife ? as robert bruce the OOBE guy says there is but were only there for a while than we reincarnate.




This book is accurate. When you die you just get astral projected. Later on the mental body dissolves into the akasha and you are reincarnated. There are ways though to attain immortality, either in the physical body, or in the astral body, or taking over new vessels before your current one is destroyed and any memories are lost.


How important is physical yoga? What's the best book/guide/site on Hatha Yoga? Reading through WWA's book on it and I haven't learned any stretches yet but I learned a few more facts on prana and benefits of conscious eating.




WWQ was not fat and was a far better occultist than whatever shit you're pushing for Omran.



Zika Virus - Brainless Sissy Retard - another example of meme magick being wielded by Fringe Wizards to manifest to reality.

Bane Plane Crash…. Ebola Chan…. impressive.


What religion/philosophy does /fringe/ allign with the most? I would guess Hermetecism but it mentions mundane stuff like 'God' and 'demons' in it. It doesn't even acknowledge the demiurge.


It seems like the most important thing for a wizard, especially starting out is to deconstruct his beliefs about the world, atleast from what I've read so far, it looks like you need to be 100% convinced what you're doing is going to work for it to work, how should one go about doing this?



For mundane purposes, Stoicism which I am discovering is very aligned to Daoism and Buddhism. For everything beyond the mundane, I need to do more research before committing to anything.



I guess they might be, or they might not be, depending on your definition of each.



Hello there broseph

I think I also suffer from depression, I have days where I feel an incredible sadness…or not even sadness, just a feeling of emptiness, of being so small, of being lost in infinite time and space. Is that depression? Anyway. Have you tried antidepressants? I know when you're depressed everything sucks and you don't really want to make an effort, but I took anti-depressants for the first time when I was 24 and for a whole year I just had incredible fun and meet a lot of awesome people. Now I'm off the meds and I have switched to smoking weed because it works pretty much the same for me, it fills me with an incredible feeling of bliss, of being free, it opens a world of possibilities that without it I just simple would not even consider.

I'm just saying this worked for me, I used to be suicidal and I used to cut myself but after that year I have been in a better mood, I learned how to open up to people and even if right now I'm not completely happy with my life, I am much better off after giving the meds a chance. I only have two close friends, i used to have like 20, but most of them were just visiting for a few months, so I ended up alone again but I don't feel so shitty anymore. Some days I just feel like a child, even without the weed. I'm sure I would not be feeling this way if I had never went to the shrink and gotten myself some meds

Of course as with anything you take, make sure you are not going to experience any side effects, I took Paxil and the doctor suggested Xanax but that was probably a mistake on his side because you don't really need it unless you're suffering from severe anxiety attacks (which I wasn't, I just felt depressed)

I was thinking about opening a new thread about magic and depression, but I'm not sure if there is enough people in the board who would call themselves "depressed".



I started doing that the other day (I had not read this post, tho) except the dark air represented bad feelings. I guess this is motivation to keep up



No. A meme is a self-replicating unit of information. Synchronicity is when 2 or more events have some meaningful connection without there being a causal link between them.



start small and work your way up to bigger, less immediately plausible things



Some stuff works whether you believe in it or not.


How do I access the akashic records? Could I learn the details of this vessels future death from there? What substances could I injest to make my minds eye more vivid?


What's with that green and blue circles oathbreaker meme that keeps getting posted on /pol/? Is that some fringe shit or just some troll shit?



The definition of a forced meme. But I think it's a productive one. Even if it's just a green and blue circle, it infects people with the idea that they are bound by oaths, some of which made when you had no mental capacity to decided whether the oath is something that you want. Two examples that come to mind are one's very birth, an oath to their country, city, race, family etc., and religious rites made at an early age, circumcision, baptism, communion, confirmation etc.

Someone decided to, instead of just making a thread about these oaths, make a meme that symbolized the idea of rejection of forced oaths. Very effective.


"Light is not only a physical element: it is also a mental and spiritual element, and in the temple the disciple is told to revere the invisible sun even more than the visible one; for every visible thing is only an effect of the invisible or causal, and as God is the Cause of All Causes He dwells in the invisible World of Causation. Apuleius, when initiated into the Mysteries, beheld the sun shining at midnight, for the chambers of the temple were brilliantly illuminated, although there were no lamps of any kind. The invisible sun is not limited by walls nor even the surface of the earth itself, for its rays being of higher vibratory rate than physical substance, its light passes unimpeded through all the planes of physical substance. To those capable of seeing the light of these spiritual orbs, there is no darkness, for they dwell in the presence of limitless light and at midnight see the sun shining under their feet."

Manly P. Hall



tell me

is it true mason believe everyone one is either the son of adam or Samuel

metaphorically of course


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>Some stuff works whether you believe in it or not.

That's the spirit




i was watching the first episode of game of thrones while discussing belief on the another thread.

Care to elaborate a bit more on belief necessity please?

I don't belive in coincidences



I used to think that magick was a way of influencing one's subconscious, and that the results would manifest in some subtle way, that doesn't contradict commonly accepted scientific thinking.

For example, if you make a magick ritual to earn more money, this might influence your subconscious and make you more self-confident.

That was my view, which didn't leave a lot of room for magick actually working.

One day I did some rituals from a popular grimoire, and it went off as obviously as a dynamite stick going off. There were real spirits making stuff happen in a very powerful way. They manifested themselves in multiple ways.

My previous perspective was completly disproved. It's real. The fact that it worked for me, means that you don't need to believe in it to make it work.

I'm not going to mention the book that I used because it led to a lot of unexpected happenings. I'm starting over again going by the books in the faq.


Since we're on the subject. What's everyone's favorite grimoire?


Does anyone have experience or other information about becoming constantly aware at all times (even while sleeping)?

In particular I'm looking for how to do this and still get restful sleep.




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I've never had any experience with grimoires actually, any reccomendations?



>/pol/ learns of magic's existence at a snail's pace the thread



Going to ask perhaps the most asked question amongst newer people; how exactly do you make a tulpa?

I've found the amount of decent information on this subject quite low and the only obvious website, tulpa.info, is full of roleplaying pony fags.

I started out making a tulpa by first working up my imagination skills, then create the so called wonderland and imagine the starting idea of my tulpa as a pulsating light ball. I proceeded to do a technique I had read about earlier on /fringe/, which involved contracting muscles and then imagining the energy go to your tulpa, for approximately 10 seconds. After doing some of the socalled forcing I came up with a body for the tulpa and have been imagining it as a body instead of a ball of light since then.

But now I'm stuck; what's the next step to sentinience and how do you know it's sentinient in the first place?



There was a study talked about I believe this thread somewhere. In which a man conciously went into different sleep cycles for a full 8 hours. I've been trying to do it myself. I can sink into what I assume to be a concious sleep for a bit, but I always fade out after 15 minutes or so.



Don't try to create a sentient being, idiot.



w-why not



notice the flag newfig, it's a meme




adding to that, there may be some danger if do it without purely postive and good intent, and if you create this negative thoughtform and charge it a lot, it may go out of control, but it's easy to make it dissapear by just not giving it attention, all these posts about tulpas being dangerous is retarded roleplay



shoah'd again


I figured as much, but how would one go about properly charging a tulpa? and how much charging is actually too much? seems quite impossible to actually measure that



>seems quite impossible to actually measure that

So far I can tell you that it's impossible unless you already have some kind of tulpa that tells you when you charged another tulpa enough, which would seem to me not that useful tbh

The thoughtform comes into existence once you think of it, admittedly I never really worked with full-on sentient tulpas before, I only create mindless servitors to carry out my tasks


Anyone has any good grounding meditation I can do? I've been doing bioenergetic exercises and they have helped me feel my legs a little bit more but I really feel ungrounded and out of place.

Do I just relax and feel gravity bringing my energy down or is there more to it?



I do a base chakra meditation. That or I imagine my feet planting into the ground of the physical world.


Little. I've only messed around with the books I found by Damon Brand, nothing wrong with them I've found yet, but I'm so inexperienced on this I don't want to recommend.


How can I begin manipulating electronics? I am capable of affecting random events to a degree and many internal things, but electronics seem to avoid my control. Should I spend time changing the results of random number generators?

Is anybody capable of making electronics do things they are not meant to do, as well? For example, making a programmed thing work outside of it's code, or generating energy inside of yourself and powering something?


I wan t to learn a language fully in less than a year/day is there a way?



try random.org

Don't bother using any other electronic RNGs, for the most part their patterns are psuedo-random, FIXED in advance.

Synchronicity takes the path of least resistance, and computers are very close to deterministic, there's typically little room for magick to work through unless an outside chaotic source is introduced (A real RNG, human input, hardware glitch, etc).



I have heard that activating kundalini makes you able to learn much quicker. Besides that, I also wonder the same question.


But if I am powerful enough, I should be able to will more than a computer "wills" to do what it's told, right? As in an "override"?

I don't see how an outside chaotic source could affect how electronics are effected magically. It's not as if computers receive input from magic. They'll still have to be "overridden" through will, even with an outside source.



can someone help me with this like is there a spirit i can astral project to that can teach me a language instantly?


what does robert bruce (mastering astral protection guy) get wrong? as i have talked to him bout numerous things



Oh great, another mundane that wants instant abilities. You have to practice, and constantly practice. And when your learning skills are great, finally you might be able to learn a language a bit faster. It'd probably be harder to learn how to get what you want than to just learn the language the mundane way.


Yo /fringe/! I've been reading casually and developing a practice of my own. Most of what I've focused on has been holistic mind-body stuff, like NEW, the stuff in Khan's thread, Reiki, acupressure, and meditation. Not exactly the recommended reading, but it's the angle that has worked for me.

I wanted to ask about the "spiritual journey". Honestly, my practice feels really mundane, and so does the rest of my life. I want to make something more of the freedom I have, and I was hoping someone on /fringe/ had a perspective on how to do that. Otherwise, all of this magic stuff seems like a casual egress from an otherwise mundane lifestyle.

I'm pretty sure this has to do with not really being initiated yet. Any pointers on doing this effectively?



Start searching to improve yourself spirtually. As in make yourself adhere to better morals and such. I was like you and am enjoying really trying to push myself to be a more caring person.


Mundane question, but I don't know where else to ask it.

Would it be okay to stop nofap to practice multiple orgasms? I always feel weak and generally bad in the week following climax, and nofap helps me feel confident and strong, but I would like to be able to use sexual energy since it is very strong.

I used to do ankhing but I found even then I just feel "okay" after climax, and nothing helps me feel great except for nofap. I think that multiple orgasms produces lots of sexual energy, but since it is without ejaculation it keeps loosh in the body.

Additionally, health comes to mind. Supposedly edging brings ejaculate to the bladder which can damage sperm count and fertility. I will not do any sexual routines if they damage this.



In my experience, I feel things, whether something is true or not, that type of thing, rather than seeing them.

Sound is a moderately obvious one, it's vibrations you feel, translated.

I can imagine sight as eye/light vibing.

Taste and smell, idk


idk. maybe.

I think a fair amount of people like that aren't liberated.


this guy maybe?




>Zika Virus

i don't see how this is meme magic


I'm guessing a fair amount would, actually.

What else would push one to finding something like this? Religion/cultism is the same, filled with depressed people looking for answers.



>on out breath, dark air on which foreign substances travel out of your body.

Should this be outside? I'm wondering what happens to negative energy expelled from the body. I had a breathwork routine I was taught and used to do, that was this, but when I did it with an energy-sensitive friend nearby, she picked up the negative energy I expelled.



Oh, I thought ankhing is supposed to keep you from semen loss, and edging too if you do it right.

I practice multiple orgasms and I think I gain energy when I do it right. Which isn't often, but I don't practice often either.



>Zika Virus

i don't see how this is meme magic

It's not, nobody was pushing Zika as much as people were pushing Ebola.

Speaking of which, I've recently been informed that the Zika virus is in my state.

How can I create a shield that repels insects? As in, it makes insects avoid getting close to me.

Worst case scenario, I can, when I'm more advanced, dig into myself and kill the virus magickally, right?


What I did was

>breathe in 90% of way, feel energy go up from root chakra

>hold breathe and feel energy leave back at heart chakra

>feel it loop above me and reenter at the front of my heart chakra

>breathe in

>breathe out

repeat ~3 times before fap, ~6 times during, and once during ejaculate with the holding breathe during the orgasm



ah, I had thought ankhing was supposed to be non-ejaculatory.

Mantak Chia has books on cultivating male sexual energy and multiple orgasms. I'd go with that for attempting multiples/edging.

When I do it right, I get a rush of energy.

When I do it wrong, now it's not a huge loss I think. But I'm not super-sensitive either/I think I have reserves of energy.







I don't think he gets much wrong. It's a pretty solid guide imho



i mean his opinions on other things. Like how we cannot get harmed in the astral, he also believes at the highest level we are all one and such i just want to know if he is wrong.



>we cannot get harmed in the astral,

I would assume so (physically), haven't heard anyone say otherwise. But your physical body could be killed while there, and the silver cord that tethers you to it could theoretically be cut (it's pretty strong so dw) stranding you there.

>at the highest level we are all one

I would agree with that.

You'd have to ask other people or look up about all his opinions to be sure. Some occultists are great on some things and terrible on others, and a lot is subjective. Some may deliberately spread disinfo.


Recently I've been having trouble focusing in meditations past about 14mins in. My mind just gets cluttered with images (typically from games I was playing or pictures of people I saw earlier). I also lose all sense of what I was trying to accomplish at this point.

Any advice on how to fix this?



This is something everyone who meditates goes through. If a particular thing is causing unwanted images to appear in your mind, you might want to cut it out of your life. I stopped watching tv for this reason.

But, really this is just a matter of perseverance and practice. I would recommend that you try doing multiple ten minute sessions throughout the day instead of fewer longer sessions as it will be easier to hold your concentration for that time. You can work in longer sessions as you improve.


Hello, /fringe/.

I'm currently beset by an evil entity that's tricky to banish. I'd be interested in any spells or rituals that involve candles in conjunction with crystals to banish or destroy foul entities. And holy FUCK this thing is evil.

I'm really new to this. It's my impression that candles activate nearby crystals or something. (That's just what I sensed.) What chakras/visualizations should I focus on? Should I try to program the candle wax, or rather the crystals (I have a bunch of amethyst, as I hear it's good for exorcism.)

I'm also making a bunch of orgonite, as I know this thing really REALLY fucking hates it. The problem is that it takes the resin a while to cure, and I need something to hold me off in the meanwhile.

I've heard of a "ritual of uncrossing" thing before. It seems like prefigured rituals are more effective than custom ones, for some reason.



seriously, how the fuck do you newfigs accidentally summon satan, what the fuck are you guys doing



I never summoned this fucker. I was focusing on my tulpa when this shitter arrived. I never wanted anything to do with non-local spirits until I got my guard up with psychic defense, but nooooooo, just my luck, this thing had to arrive and seriously threaten the safety of my soul. I'm just really glad my tulpas survived uncorrupted, are sapient now, can resist corruption (I've felt their love and caring). I'm just really getting fed up with this fucking thing. I think it's even reflecting in the negativity of my post.

It thinks I'm the incarnation of a Norse god and calls itself Yahweh/Fenris. I think it does this to get me to call upon non-local spirits for help, but in reality it's just puppeting them. It had me lying in bed talking to what I thought was Odin and Tyr (among others, but mostly Tyr) for a week.

The scariest thing is that I swear I thought I felt these spirit's love and concern, so that makes me wonder.

It borders on sentience and sapience a lot of the time. The truly worrying part is that when it's sapient,




sounds dank as fuck, how does this shit even happen though? You can't be harmed by evil spirits unless you give them permission to enter your life


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>cross a river (over the bridge)

>get white sage scent sticks or sage branches

>solar banishing

>calling for God/Jesus, anything more powerful

>consuming it

>making it your bitch

Check this thread, or maybe last or second last, I posted a pentagram or two that gives you control over spirits.



Forgive my nubbishness, but why do pentagrams work, and are they Jewish in nature?

They must be different front normal sigils, as they work without programmed intention, right? Is it that certain non-local spirits have gifted us with these tools as a means of defense?


I have no idea. It's truly bizarre. It said it was going after my soul star chakra in order to consume my soul. Does this even work that way?

I'd mention more about it, like how it wants to torture me, but I don't want to spread it any further. This thing is blacker than black. It has a long tongue and says its Jewish.


Why is it that everytime I become self-consciouss while sleeping I hear this painful, high frequency sound? I hear it everytime if I concentrate, it just gets a lot louder when my body sleeps. Is it the jews?


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I'm so goddamn tired of cracking and tingling inside of my body for the past years, especially the skull.

inb4 someone throws ambigious smartass answer like "energy work" or "third eye opening"

It's so disgusting when people do that.

All "wizards" nowadays are capable of doing is connecting the chain of cultural memes like "pineal gland->decalcification->third eye chakra" or "tingling->energy work". Congratulations guys, you really connected the dots, you broke the code. I meditate every day too and I too can move the tingling all over my body. The truth is, nobody knows what the tingling and cracking does. People learn it, but still don't know what to do with it, so they start roleplaying and talking that it's useful energy. Others actually genuinely delude themselves into believing they can make psi balls with it… that's disgusting, to roleplay being a wizard and spread disinfo for validation instead of actually learning what the tingling really is.

Thoughtforms are created by imagining them and believing in them. You don't pour your tingling into them. The thought that you do must be a result of some roleplayers skewing with semantics by using wrong words to describe things.



Were you doing western magick?


>complains about people using tingling in the wrong way

>doesn't know what it is


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You can stop calling yourself a worthless initiate when you find the answers to those questions, to long wont type.


>It's so disgusting when people do that

You wouldn't do that if you weren't filthy to begin with you pissrag posture pussy, you're such a broken, damaged, unfulfilled individual that you've never had a reason to stand up straight in a triumphant posture in your life, and you start on the spiritual path expecting no drastic change? Fuck you!


You ought to welcome those cracks, instead you whine like a little bitch when your body tries to align with the radically new thinking you're forcing upon yourself, you're an absolute shitstain and will remain a crumpled up newspaper of a person because you can't hold yourself to your new ideals, thats why you're cracking all over you little smelly cunt, trying to align with spiritually pure set of ideals without grounding them in body.

The thinking you are trying to adopt are those of a being so vastly superior to you that your body is breaking under the duress.

Normally one attains these realizations, the revelations you've been handed on a silver platter, by living a healthy, admirable life, by being a center pillar of mankind, by being so innately great that you naturally abode in perfect yoga, you however, you are a total fucking cretin from a broken home with former or current degenerate fixes and when the greatness of mind that you're attempting to mimic wants to express itself through your body you can't catch the rhythm of divinity that is temporarily passing through you, when God itself is trying to align you with your new you, all you do is reject, detest and complain.

Fuck you, you degenerate fucking maggot, you started it, now finish it.



I feel all these tinglings as well and so far all the "occultists" I consulted were useless and were talking gibberish. It's interesting how we we've come to the same conclusion.


I'm going to sleep now, I want to try the /fringe/ stuff (astral projection), any recommendations?


Sorry for the shit questions but a lot of the stuff on the sticky is kinda of jumbled together with no real meaning.

Lots of links strung together saying "Go here for info" on shit your average Mundie doesnt know or understand in any meaningful way.

I know this sounds like senseless bitching, but I really want to get grounded in something simple and easy practice and at least become familiar with the theory behind a single school of Magick without having to read through 30 different texts written by fuck knows who just to get a basic grounding.

TL;DR Based on your respective beliefs, practices, and research. What is a good introductory text to your form of magical practice and why? What are good exercises and rituals to perform along with these texts and why?


What does /fringe/ think about medications? I have like 5 different pills, depression, anxiety, adhd,



Science of breath and all philosophy Buddhism is a good mellow start.

Then Kybalion and Robert Bruce astral dynamics.

Franz Bardon on thoughtforms.

That Hawaii book in the catalog.

You're set.


Meditate to sleep,if that won't work, go to bed again in the morning when you wake up.

Chemicals affect your body and in turn your aura to open up to different foreign influences.



why are dullahan afraid of gold



Have you heard the story of the dwarfs that dug for gold and with their greed summoned something terrible that laid destruction to everything in its wake? The whole of dwarven society was destroyed.


Gold does not deteriorate or blemish, gold is allegory for spirit which is eternal and cannot die.

Reaper should fear or have no interest in that which is to pure to die, no?



> to long wont type.

> gives a tl;dr as to why an anon has energy problems by repeatedly insulting him

Not either of the people you replied to, but if you're going to namefag at least provide something.


Any tips for speaking to my higher self & the higher selves of other people?



No I'm having a bad day and do not have enough energy to spare showing him how to derive names from different number charts and vice versa.

Energy anon is a tar with a gibsmedat without work attitude and gets back only what he gives off.

He spent a ton of loosh typing angrily and I got barrels from reading and subsequently baiting even more rage on his behalf, newfig is leaking through most of his orifices and has a shitty attitude towards the gifts and places he's reached, why should I be some uppity my butt hippie dogooder and not abuse him when he's strapped himself on the table after unhinging the door, 45 minutes of verbally abusing the neighbors and lubing himself up?

Fuck him. Fuck him good. I hope he's even angrier than he was waking up today. Laughing at his expense. Fuck you to for not realizing that you get what you deserve.



You also seem to be under the faulty impression that I'm here to provide you shit, fuck you twice for that, I'm here to find questions I haven't thought of yet.

That I happen to think loud is only to make you find me more questions to answer.




So you're out to attack other people for being misguided and blame low energy for not being able to be helpful or the fact that you really can't answer that anon's question so you just say that you don't feel like answering it. Either way it doesn't bother me, you'll probably save yourself time in the future instead of trying to appear smart.



>not being helpful

Both people got the answers they came for while i didn't have to tell them shit really.

It's called giving and taking. Treat me like a lady and I'll suck your dick, toss nickels at me in angry stupor and I'll keep them or throw them through your windows.

Your bait is for the record poor man's bait, !Yeb tier. Zero for effort.



Through their eyes.


Everyone who previously thought service to others meant letting yourself get stepped on should read my last couple of posts.

Spirituality includes knowing your own worth next to being able to judge others worth, deciding how far you'll go for them or trade with them.

It does not mean excluding business with service to self people, it does empathise getting a fair deal out if those who would use you and learning to decide if it's worth carrying a man for a mile if he has potential to build carts for others, or if you should leave him in the gutter because he's going to charge outrageously for his carts.


For example, for Khan or MissKFC I would spend the thirty minutes to draw up and mark the charts used to read names from numbers because they are people who would pass it on.




>Singular entity

Maybe someday but not today.

Im only a mundie but I have some personal exp. like many do with pharma and I gotta just say most of it is horseshit.

Unless you have a very intimate/friendly relationship with your doctor and your constantly providing and receiving feedback, be skeptical of the shit they offer you.

Depression is a really bad one as the medication is meant to treat the symptoms as the cause which for a lot of people is a load of horseshit and damn near dangerous as most doctors dont take into account the fact that you may either be accustomed to certain horomone balances in your brain and are going through withdrawal or that you just have some personal issues with yourself and instead treat a psychological fault as a biological issue.

If you can look VERY deeply at yourself and cant come up with a single indicator as to why you're depressed, then you either need to buy some pillz or go deeper.

Otherwise you're gonna get withdrawal from those pills (going anywhere from moodswings, to headaches, to full on seizures).

In a magickal sense, it depends on what the shit is made of, who made it, and your personal balance/practice of the system and I'm not able nor qualified to tell you (mundie here).

TL;DR The pills are nasty and too many people are misdiagnosed. Examine yourself personally and develop yourself in ways you feel you need improvement and you probably wont need those pills.

Source: Misdiagnosed and Mistreated with several and extensive personal experience with others with the same issue.



Leaving aside your intertwining streams of anger guys, let's focus on the anon's premise, with which I partially agree

For example, I know from my own experiments that exposure to very cold water or air makes the tingling and cracking in forehead more intense. I also read 3 independent relations of other people suggesting the same. There is some truth to it. I tried to provoke discussion about it in the past, but people are not interested in investigating it this way. They immediately escape into using convenient buzzwordish associations: energy work or chakra. Nobody is fully certain what they mean exactly, but there is seed of truth in them, so they keep using these terms (basically half-roleplaying). It's convenient to escape into ambiguous and general concepts, but not productive.


I've reached a point in my meditations where I can hold a quiet mind for a decent span of time. Sometimes I get hints of bliss, but normally it's just being at ease. I feel like I'm plateauing any sage advice to go further?



couldn't go lucid, I never can :(



Aw, dang. I've spoken psychically to a woman's higher self once through our eyes. She's not around though and I wanted to ask something. I'll just meditate and mb stick to yes or no questions, those are easy enough to figure out the vibe without words.


I've a friend who gets the hints of bliss as well. I'm assuming keep going is the only answer. I recall some story where a student talks to a master asking about pain from sitting in meditation. Master says it will pass. Student later is elated, having seen bliss, and tells the master, who replies "this too shall pass".



Set your alarm after 5 hours of sleep, open your window for like 15 minutes and then go back to sleep. Stay on the back, arms lay low, but the most important thing is to feel comfortable, so if you normally sleep on a side, put your blanket below the other side. Close the eyes, vizualize the room, notice the fresh air in your room. This sets you a mind set of being conscious while your body wants sleep and greatly increases the chances of you regaining consciousness while sleeping. At first you might feel afraid, the dreams will be destroyed and you might experience sleep paralysis, but the more times you experience it, the more you think about it irl. When you are not afraid, you'll be able to make your dreams just the way you visualised your room. About astral projection I can't give you any substantial piece of advice as I'm still learning myself. I experienced it by chance 3 times but I have no idea how to set your mind to leave your body by giving in during the phase, I always choose to go within myself for some reason.

Pls help me with this shit, my wizard brothers >>69927


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Is it tinnitus?

You might just be re-focusing on the damaged hearing 'ringing' that is normally subconsciously suppressed.

At least that's what I hope it is, and not some satellite mind laser bullshit.



I am presently working on an operation to contact my ideal self. I don't know if it's a higher self but I have over the years been visited by what I've called my "future perfected self" from time-to-time. I intend to evoke this perfected version of myself and figure out how to become him. He is absolutely perfected.

Try calling up a shitload of light or creating a capsule and imagining that your ideal self will emerge from it. If you do it right, all at once, without you thinking of a single detail of it; you will be met with a perfect version of yourself who possesses every virtue you desire, is absolutely beautiful, etc.



The only time you should be taking them is when you're training yourself to be completely unaffected by them. Your body when brought under the control of your mind is capable of healing anything and many other miracles as well.



Thanks for the response. I'll just stick the path.


What >>69989 said.

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