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Esoteric Wizardry


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/revelations general/ & /immersive questions/

This is my thread, there are many like it but this is mine.

In here I will post new revelations* and progress, you may contribute divine inspiration of your own as well as report on personal progress and success.

This thread is mainly for compiling "Revelations", *knowledge that randomly and instantaneously presents itself to the conscious mind, allowing you to have a broad and detailed understanding of the subject without contemplation.

You may also see this thread as a v.2 of the Question thread, in here we can discuss in detail what you want and I will share everything I know about it as well as I can.

Everyone is free to contribute input on anything, it is both appreciated and encouraged. If you can contradict me, do so and I will owe you a debt.


I'm considering writing a book. I know a lot of things and have a good understanding of what interests me, I could make a good compilation of various fringe related topics, short texts with a lot of information, nothing in code, no excess words, all from a scientific POV.

To do this, I want to know how much interest there is for such a "Hermetic grimoire", to report interest, post >book with the topic and questions you want it to contain, if i get enough replies with a broad spectrum of subjects to bring up, enough to call it a "book/booklet", I will write it.

I will accept all help and quotes from people willing to help.

It will be released online and maybe published for paperback.


>post divine inspiration/revelations

>post personal progress, new ways to work energy, unlocked chakras & techniques, successful rites

>good questions get good answers

>ITT you either flagfag or namefag so I can keep track of you.


Something like the book of knowledge in the mega. If you can cover the topic discussed in that book and elaborate on them or give us insights on the book it would be nice.


I'm the 12% root chakra guy.

So, today I meditated on my root chakra, visualized red a lot, ate lots of protein, lifted weights and done Kundalini Yoga (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4Et5iQFoPI this one, I know it's mommy tier but I just wanted to know the basics) and danced like I was possessed.

Feeling good.

I've got passive income so I don't have any time problem.

What are good ways to advance as fast as possible?

Prolonged energy work (hours)?

Lifting and stretching a lot to develop the energy body, right?

What about chi/prana? How to gain the most life force other than perfect breathing, perfect mastication and general health?

Is sungazing legit?

What are the effects of LSD, Weed and tobacco on the energy body? They say LSD is a crown activator, while Weed is a third eye activator. Makes sense since I write a lot better on LSD (inspiration, flow, almost absurd) and I can sense people's bad influence on me while under the influence of weed.

Thank you again, you're a kind person.



Also, on a 1000 ug LSD trip I had a STRONG feeling of solipsism, 1 point.

I kept writing "we're all 1", "it all comes down to 1", "the cycle of birth and death, I now understand, I'm just learning", "do what thou wilt", "to keep silent", "love is everything there is", "you can program reality".

I felt like I've already been there before, I've seen my dreams as drops in the ocean of that "wholeness" I felt.

Then the singularity became duality.

Then the duality became trinity, a triangle.

Moments of eternity with a strong vision of the DNA (and Baphomet).

That trip made me start taking occultism seriously, was it just my subconscious?


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>as fast as possible

Drugs and a dark room away from society, reflecting and doing anything that comes to mind. Its not something you can force, the mood has to be right and you have to make sure you never reach a state where you feel like you "need" it to do tasks, if you reach that point, stop, be sober and only do it on special occasions.

Physical exercise is great, physical and energy body are in balance, affecting each other. If physical is X, energetic will align into X from Y, vice versa.

If this transition is neglected progress will not be made. If you have a radiating and positive emotion or thought and the waveform does not reach the physical, the physical will not align, but if the physical does align through a pose representing the emotion you will for as long as your posture allows resonate this emotion from the physical to the energy body long after the moment of emotion is felt.

Reversed, you can do a lot of lifting to align the body to perfection but if you never allow contemplation your energy body will not align with your physical and your physical will regress more quickly, you will keep the beliefs from before lifting which will eventually show again through bad posture if you stop lifting.

As for collecting energy, you can draw from your surroundings, the air, the forest, other people, eating healthy foods, sun..

Yes sungazing is legit but if you start you have to continue or you risk getting sunspots. You'll get them at the start, eventually they'll fade away as you progress.

>drugs affecting the body

The chemical structure of what we classify as recreational or "useful" drugs are of a very high frequency, if consumed they will align you with that for a time, best used for learning from a state which you normally are not in, if you take with you after the trip lessons and implement them into your life you will casually be in a higher frequency.

There is a very good inforgraphic in the drugs thread about which drugs are related to what chakras, if you find it please post it here, or link to it.


It wasn't just your subconscious and you should make an effort to meditate on what you brought back from that trip and understand it not just innately.



Ever since I started meditating (2 months ago), when in non-meditative state, some days I am having painful childhood memories with all the emotions I've felt back then. It was as much as horrifying as it was interesting, I didn't try to banish them from existence while indulging in food, porn or reading (something i would do when I'm stressed) but let them in my consciousness and tried to analyze them. Some days are really awful, like I expirience emotions and memories all day, good and bad and it doesn't stop. Im very aggresive and easily moved during that period. IT is as if Im 8, 12, 14 years old agian. Next day usually Im fine. Is this happening because Im meditating?



Yes its happening because you're meditating, thoughts and emotions are stored in the subconscious, a component of your energy body, when you meditate you create motion or flux in your energy body to force the energy to various centers, repressed memories are knots that float to the surface because of meditation, they get stuck in centers where you're trying to create an active flow and block them.

Its good that you're trying to analyze these childhood experiences, you'll be stronger after you've solved these issues, can draw strength from overcoming it and the same thing will unlikely mess with you again. clearing the path allows for you to keep walking it, you should focus on these and do your best to progress.

A good way to do so is to talk about it, either create a thread or see a shrink, or a compassionate friend, lover or family member. Especially if it concerns them to.


Interesting thread, I am always having constant revelations without having to comtemplate much of it. Since before even waking up, understanding these things was just logical to me. I wonder what that implies. I probably did all this shit before



You've got results, my feet were really cold yesterday, knees and joints stiff, and today my wrist is weak and aching slightly.

I'm going to put up shields and amp my aura, just for you I'm going to stop fapping and collect as much energy as possible.

If i still feel this going on by 18:00 tomorrow I will lock on to you and not stop until you are dead. Should this escalate I'm starting sooner.

I'll also be kind enough to inform you that I work in medicine and caretaking, I've seen people die and have recently acquired two spirits of deceased individuals dear to me in life that I'm thrilled to try out.

You will not last long, this is your only warning, cease immediately.



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- Going to sleep after the sunset (before midnight) and waking up before the sunrise

- Dream journal

- Perfect mastication

- Letting water stay in your mouth for a couple of seconds before drinking

- Complete breathing

- Chakra meditation

- Semen retention

- Sungazing

- Perfect form lifting

- Randomly dancing throughout the day

- Stretching

- Meditating on psychedelics

Anything more to add?



>chakra meditation

Do you know how to close them around people? If you're in a bus your aura intermingles with others, picks up thoughtforms and leaks loosh. Other than that, its a very complete list.



Ah! Blessing food!



When I'm around people I usually focus on my solar plexus chakra, holding it firmly with my mind, is this the right way to do it?

Also awareness of other people's intention, obviously, can read people like books.


Added it to my list.

Let's say I'm cooking chicken and rice, should I just think positive thoughts like "I love you" and "I appreciate you" while focusing what I'm cooking?

Or bless it just before I eat, like thinking "I'm grateful for this food, this food will heal my body, this food is rich of energy and will make me more powerful"?

Also, is saying and thinking basically the same thing while willing something to happen?



Hey tipp, what do you think, is it possible for your thoughtforms to directly transform your body like the guys at fringechan are claiming?


thoughts on astrology?



Also, what about the MBTI?

I would say that most people interested in the occult are intuitive types, serious ones are thinkers instead of feelers and perceivers instead of judgers… that means xNTP.

What zodiac sign and MBTI type are you?



Yes, over a long period of time, if the thoughtform is realigning your aura, or if you're working actively to shape your aura, your physical will align, but because the aura flows according to your body, your body will in time align your aura.

We're talking minor changes and nothing full fledged werewolf. If you delve into madness and identify as an animal, you will pick up some charasteristics.

The aura or any thoughtform you can create is just not high enough frequency or power to instantly change you, theoretically possible, say if God stepped in and realigned the monad and infusing the spacetime with a lot of energy, the area would comply to the energetic imprint.

There are reported cases of schizophrenic people changing eye color between personalities but that is different because the eyes is the mirror to the soul and between personalities different entities inhabit the body, and because eye color is relatively easy being a reflection of light.

Minor changes. Over a lot of time.


This is a subject I haven't looked that much at, what I know is a little practical on the planets, altough I'm currently learning more and quickly as we use it for CS.

Astrology is legit, just like sigil adhere to sacred geometry to direct or accumulated energy the planets abide by the laws of the Universe/God, they exchange energy, form patterns in their orbit (I read somewhere that the pents corresponding to each planet is their eliptical orbit around the sun (or was it Earth?)), when they align they heighten the vibration of anything in the way, much like on 2012, this brings new cycles and evolution. I didn't want to believe it before I got into "magic", and not even after because it was so far fetched, crazy and superstitious, but drawing from all other knowledge, yes, I now believe with certainty that the alignment of the planets matter, very much so.

Virgo, I think I did this test a couple of years ago, does INTJ mean something?

Wrist is much better, thank you.



alright, say I want to make my unaesthetic roman nose smaller, a thoughtform would be able to do that?



I did something similar when I was 16, my mother had a nose like Annie from attack of titans (sister is identical to her with a little more booty and muscle) and knew nothing of magic, it involved first a lot of self hate (depressed at that point in life and hated myself), then a lot of will for it to be straight, it eventually manifested into me breaking the cartilage over and over, pushing, realigning, to shape it straight.

I wouldn't recommend it, but if you're hellbent on it, push on the protrusion until you feel and hear a crack by running your finger up and down from nose bone over cartridge to tip of nose several times, gently, with a slight increase in pressure on the bend.

This is probably the best way, which I still do once a month. First time I did it I just pushed hard on the bend without doing as suggested above.

Note that this breaks the nose cartridge and forces it to regrow in a new shape, you do not want to take a punch during this very lengthy process.

Combine with realigning your aura, (hard, high skill level energy work) and envisioning how you will look, how you LOOK NOW, enforce it.

Really force into your soul (It was a combination of above and this) that;


This can be used to change most anything.

Still, just live with it and learn to work it, if its to crooked this might not give great results.

If you like you could post it (remove later) and I'll say if its going to work or not.




Mass will be about the same.

Just learn to rock it, go for the Greek look, remember to have empty pockets.



oh shit, that sounds painful as fuck




You know what I was thinking was that theory in the shapeshifting thread on fringechan about you changing your etheric body so the molecules align accordingly to your preffered shape



That could be one technique yes, haven't tried it. Solar plexus receives, close it and nothing will get in. Heart sends.

Thinking positive thoughts and being grateful for the food while cooking it will make it taste so much better, positive vibes.

You should also bless it before eating, work energy and all elements into the food and drink from the surroundings.

Saying and thinking are basically the same thing but intent and emotion are conveyed better through the more solid waveform of the voice. And if you say the words love and grateful you will trigger your aura to resonate it.



hardcore m8


Your etheric body doesn't contain enough energy/isn't dense with enough energy instantly align your physical body.

Its done over a long period.



Oh yeah I get that, So That's Why I was thinking of making a thoughtform so it would do it all for me, the more I charge it the faster it changes no?




alright, thanks, you seem like you know your shit, also what's your opinion on deconstructing your beliefs on reality? Apparently the less you believe in science and physics n sheeeit the more power you get over this reality



>deconstructing your beliefs on reality

Vital, it'll make you a better person, give you lots of answers, to learn why you think this and that, why something is wrong or right, ability to discern falsehood from truth, deeper understanding of everything.

Its like a reboot where you clean out malware and update to let the system run more smoothly.

>Apparently the less you believe in science and physics n sheeeit the more power you get over this reality

Thats only if you're to dumb to understand the science behind practical use of quantum physics ie magic.

If you decide to toss science out the window it'll open you up to new perspective of that which you thought impossible because you couldn't comprehend it but ultimately its a crutch.



Got it, thanks again


how often do you astral project tipp?



every night unless i fap. sometimes even then.


For the record I hate it, its mostly not a conscious effort/desire, I just slip into the astral and gradually wake up in there.

I had a period where I did LD for months on end, being awake only a few hours a day - so I've got control-, but going from meditation to base plane from body, ripping energy body from body has been a few awful experiences full of fear.



With all my respect, but you either seem a very skilled individual, or just delusional.

Can you send something not so agressive towards me, something enough to make me believe in your stuff?

(Don't take me the wrong way, I'm a bit new to all this)


Would you just spit out "knowledge", or actually complement it with practical stuff?



I post a lot of practical stuff all the time.

I made the mistake to post my wrist with a sigil on it, that's where guy got his target/link, something with my etheric imprint on it to send to.

Be my guest, post a picture of your face with eyes looking straight into the camera and I'll have you hooked on backalley gagging once I got CS up and running.



>hooked on backalley gagging




>hooked on backalley gagging

What does this supposed to mean?

Can you add me on Skype? (Miguelmush) Not going to share a picture of me here.


I'm not adding you on my one and only personal Skype.

>curses are a lot more noticeable than blessings

>have nothing against you

>don't have CS, would curse you with a thoughtform feeding off you and block other chakras

>you said youre "new", you might not get rid of it


>have nothing to prove

>maybe I'm delusional, who knows

If you want to test magic go post your picture in the cybershaman thread and piss off slapper.

If you want to test me, not happening, I don't like hurting people.



I thought I'd share my progress tipp

the last couple of days I was bored and did a 1000 times this method each day

>Concentrate on your starting idea –or decision, which constitutes the backbone of your Entity. While you are concentrated in this way, contract all the muscles in your body powerfully, without moving any part of your body. Then imagine the Entity in the shape of a small thick cloud or of a ball of condensed fog above you. Gradually loosen the muscle tension and simultaneously visualize that neuromuscular energy flowing out of your body and into the Entity. Do this for about ten seconds, until you become completely relaxed.

Honestly, it looks like I can already see the changes



I'm new to practicing, yes, but I come from a family with much experience, just tried to deny everything they tried to teach when I was a child. Could easly get someone to get rid of it for me.

But oh well, since you are "excusing" yourself not to do it… Still interested in the knowledge you have to share.

Keep up your progess, and thanks for this entertaining thread.



>Concentrate on your starting idea –or decision, which constitutes the backbone of your Entity. While you are concentrated in this way, contract all the muscles in your body powerfully, without moving any part of your body. Then imagine the Entity in the shape of a small thick cloud or of a ball of condensed fog above you. Gradually loosen the muscle tension and simultaneously visualize that neuromuscular energy flowing out of your body and into the Entity. Do this for about ten seconds, until you become completely relaxed.

>tfw Mouni Sadhu is rolling in his grave right now.




Are you tossing bait to test me or magic?



The method you got this from was from Zivorad's book which he got it from Mouni Sadhu book on hermeticism.

Basically Mouni Sadhu tried to put intentional disinfo so people don't abuse the methods he listed in his book and now you're publishing the method without the disinfo.

I didn't want to imply that you're an arrogant irresponsible kiddo who do fap sigils



>Are you tossing bait to test me or magic?

He is teasing your phallus.



I don't need to test magic itself.

All I wanted was to actually get a taste of what you could do, and then be willing to report the effects directly.

I'm sorry if you think that I'm "baiting" or If I look like I'm disrespecting.

Not my intention at all.



oh, how do you know all this?



Seems fair.

Hoping to have any experience worth posting in the near future since I'm now starting seriously on the path.



I read both Zivoard's book and Mouni's book.



and they actually mention this in their own books? lmao, the books themselves though, are they good?


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Smiley literally copy pasted that from Zivoard's book.

Zivoard's took it from Mouni's book.(It is in the 10th arcaneum)

Zivoard's book is an easy read but Mouni's book is packed with hermetic teaching and touch upon wide variety on subject using tarot as the name of each chapter.


>every night unless i fap. sometimes even then.

So you do fap! I've been experimenting with transmuting desire and I found out masturbation/ejaculation/porn in general put me in a low-desire state. In my journal I call it "high prolactin curse, 5-8 days"

I'm trying to sublimate and pour all my desire into drawing but it just isn't working out. I know I should be emotionally aroused when drawing to create habit connections, but it isn't happening

When I was younger I'd open eyes at the morning and immediately stand up thinking "so nice, I can't wait to draw the thing I thought about for 2 hours when falling asleep yesterday"

I lost it and don't know how to transmute my desire to have it back. I clumsily try to put myself into that drawing flow again but I end up boring myself to death when practicing anatomy, copying from references, not feeling anything. There's no flow, no passion, no desire to express anything. I just want to draw so that I can do creative work from home instead of wageslaving.

I tried thoughtforms, sigils, reaffirming myself under cold water or naked in snow. I go for long no-fap streaks and don't listen to music in attempt to force my body to express emotions through drawing, but it isn't working and I intuitively feel I'm totally missing something



This is a last resort, fap till you're tired of it.

You'll feel blank and digested with yourself, with any hope you'll realize that it's not viable or worth wasting your life doing it.

Also you'll be so devoid of thought and distraction you can sit down and do pretty much anything automatically, like drawing, writing or answer questions.



Tried that, had fap sessions for 4 hours 3 days in a row. I could make it worse but on the third day I've already started to see what is happening to me and I didn't want to keep spiraling down.

>Also you'll be so devoid of thought and distraction you can sit down and do pretty much anything automatically, like drawing, writing or answer questions.

I envy the way fap works for you. For you it takes away the distraction, but I'm in distraction-less state all day already. Fap sessions makes me utterly and absolutely satisfied, warm, and gloomy for days. It's as if I have X amount of energy and I can spend it either on emotions that inspire the desire to do something good, or feeling good in my dick, which only inspires a load of cum.

Right now I still have traces of desire to expand my mind and build my future. I was productive today. If I fapped now, my whole perception of the world would instantly change, like a curse. I'd change my posture in chair to fucked up one, put legs on the table and think "yolo, I don't desire to do anything in life, gonna escape in some comfy gaems now. i don't want to think. when my parents die I'll just kill myself or smth AYY LMAO"

After the week or few days this spell wears off and I'm like "holy shit, what am I even doing? my mind and body is all I have. I've got to use my time here to the fullest and secure my future. there's so much beauty to cherish and share with others in the world."



> satisfied, warm, and gloomy for days.

Yeah no desire to do anything so you can mope around doing things that usually get you itching to do things that matter more.

>which only inspires a load of cum

and nothing else. thinking about it its really sad.


i think >>71482 works because nothing matters anymore and then you wont be nervous about writing the essay or job application, or not doing perfect when drawing.



First day of work

>pyrite in front pocket

>onyx in backpocket


>six female coworkers

>chubby handleader looking at me for a long time

>made good contact with sharp minded, slender ex realtor, 25 yo looking, is 35yo

>by mid day she was wagging her ass while walking away from me and pulling her cardigan over jeans line to show ass, bent over to show cleavage

She might not have done it consciously, but she did and i noticed. Gonna make sweet love to that, butt is small but firm.

>another girl, short, thick legs and hips, plumb, totes into me but didn't have much time together, just interested looks

>on bus home girl locks eyes as I walk past

>I sit two rows back, talking to to two female coworkers

>after they step off I fiddle with my phone, she looks at me, eyes, it's out of my field of vision but I feel it and lock her for a second

>my aura is very noticeable/dominant/strong,few people can hold my eyes and often they look away instantly, she did the same

>jump forwards two seats

>sup, do I know you?

>"No, I don't know" smile and giggles

>why are you looking at me?

>"whaa, I'm not, i wasn't.."

>interpretation her, (if I hadn't she would have probably excused herself) - you gave me looks as I walked up to my seat and just now

>she smiles like she got caught lying

>well I think you're cute and I think you should give me your number (9/10 ez, Swedish standards)

>*kek* *paus* "I have a boyfriend" said reluctantly

>oh it's fine, you'll break up with him in a month or two

>give her a smile that lets her understand that I could and would fuck her raw

>she keks hysterically and tries to get forth a "Nhoouuee.."

>do you go to raves?

>"yes" thinking how did I know

>give her my phone, add me

>"I have to get off here but my name is ** ****"

>No, write your number

>we hold the door open and she does


oh also, I've got two girls adding me on random by Facebook and started chatting like they're interested.

That shit does not usually happen, God I LOVE crystals and all this confirms this awaited cycle will be great.


I'm going up five tomorrow morning so I'll be using meditation to gather energy instead of letting body do it automatically.


Also, ex realtor who wanted a period with more chill work has sharp eyes, can hold my eyes during conversation and even made me look away two or three times.

That's how you tell someone is good in bed.


Have you read The Law and The Promise ? If yes, I was wondering whether you could answer me a question, nevilles storys in the book show through repetetive imagining, the wishes of the people in his stories become true. Montalk says that you should wish for something and let it go, not anticipate it, because that will draw it even further away from you, so what is it ? Repitition or once and let it go and why ?



Dont think that i have, but I know the subject. Its Law Of Attraction.

Montalk is good, but this is a hard question..

First off, you never wish. Wishing is a state of not having, craving, longing for.

It is far better to align to already have because then you will exude the confidence of a man who has already had a million dollar business, a GF or multiple high paying jobs.

Second, I don't do Law Of attraction anymore, I just energy work the people I meet and want to influence, connecting auras and different emotions.

I used to do LOA, then I would align myself with something, resonate it fiercely and then for a while, just like with any meditation, set it aside for a bit until I wanted to do the same working.

If this book writes "Wish", burn it.

Repetition is not bad to really etch yourself into your new vibration, but I wouldn't go 24/7 like an alcoholic in the desert about it.


After being awake for 23 hours, working 9, I successfully substituted my stunted sleep schedule with meditation.

I woke up energetic and alert, feel like I've slept for eight. I'll post the working once I get on the bus.



>I don't do Law Of attraction anymore

Not consciously anyway, I feel like if that if the crown is open and well developed, the Universe will provide if you have even the slightest idea of what you want.

You will be presented moments to seize if you're brave/alert enough.


No sleep meditation usually goes as follows

>crystals over chakras

>warm first three from root up

>relate them to planets, affirmations, "i am in control, I'm sexy, I'm confident"

>triangles pointing up, spin clockwise, drawing in energy from surroundings (depending on skill you can draw from breath, room energy, air, forest outside your house

>crown, third eye, throat, pyramids pointing down, rotating counter clockwise, relation and affirmations as above text

>have focused at all on heart, do not until now

>feeling your aura is hard if you're depleted

>yesterday it immediately spread strong and long (like my uncles dick)

>expanded to outside house, city, decided for the seven planets this time

>ask for strength wit grace and health

>draw energy from them, thank them

>keep drawing while decreasing aura/awareness to normal 3-4 meters, connection is set up

>fill aura with energy/light

>circuit from heart to third down legs, up root, up spine to crown, down legs in one

During feeling/activating, short, quick deep breaths which eventually settle into a more automatic relaxed breathing.



RE yesterday

>have dishwasher

>I sit at table reading stuff

>ex realtor goes handwashing butt towards me knowing full well that I'm looking

RE sleep meditation, did energy work on all patients and coworkers

>bridging third chakras with patients

>set up connection with crystals and own chakras to ex realtor from my heart nd second to her second, third and sixth

Today on the buss, morning

>guy in front of me is a little bit to curious, attempts eye contact, not judging, just curious, something makes him practically stare when he thinks I'm not noticing

>mudra and light trance, steal some loosh to boost my day for the hell of it

Second day nofap


RE sleep meditation stats

>1 hour active meditation and circuitry

>exit trance, remove crystals and binaural beats headset, sat breathing automatically, rythmically

>this breaks after an hour light sleep in crescent moon position, no pillow, connect to sun, imagine cradling its warmth

Feels like I've slept for eight full hours, no morning wearyness, no tired eyes, no aching limbs, no cold feet. Very serene, alert and responsive.

There's one drawback; got a suppressed haze in the back of my mind, if normal sleep is not had within two or three days you will most likely crash.

Just had a cup of coffee, feeling like I could scale a mountain, albeit in no rapid pace.



3 hours total rest whereof two light sleep*

Energy body expands it's normal boundaries in normal sleep to recharge energy from surroundings, doing it automatically it's nigh impossible to reach deep sleep.



want to learn more about crystals and what they do, any complete resource/post?








Derp, DERP.



Check current or last question thread, I did a good post about basics there, how to pick, what to get, how they work and how to use, there's also a dedicated crystal thread which you can post more in if you have a question.

>Ctrl f crystals


I want a girl that had a crush on me to message me, haven't seen her in months.

I've got her photo.

How to induce her to message me?



Talk to her. Tell her you want to go out for coffee and that you like her but couldn't answer her feelings at the time.





I'm getting bursts of emotion and that made me think "aww so sweet".

oh god, i think i need ot release heart energy somewhere


I'm now thirty two (32) hours into not sleeping properly (three hours light meditation).

Body is rested, mind is weary. Not in a state of collapse, I'm still alert but there is "tiredness" accumulating behind the eyes. Drowsy without need for sleep.


Two cups of coffee this morning, no energy drinks.

A few ciggarettes and three snus. (they help to keep you awake and alert to some extent as a form of light stimulant.)




>35 hours in

>14 ago since wake up from meditation

>last i ate 13 hours, two cheese ham mustard sandwitches

>don't feel hungry

>forehead is a little bit warmer than usual

>mind still in slight haze

>a joint two hours ago (this boosts chi)

Honestly I think I could keep going for another 12 hours.

If I do the working again (which I don't want to because I want to sleep) another 24 easy.


>before those sandwitches a chicken breast and some potato, 20 hours ago


No hunger or desire to eat. *


wait, how did you replace sleep with meditation?




its usually a last resort because i can't sleep for days doing this, had to chose between trying to sleep three regular hours and then head back to work, from night shift to early morning.




nofap doesn't mean "i'll stop now this time for sure", its aligning yourself to not get sexually aroused by things that aren't real women.



and why do you do this instead of sleeping?



>its usually a last resort

>had to chose between trying to sleep three regular hours and then head back to work, from night shift to early morning.

i'm going to go out on a whim here and assume you're wondering why i don't meditate like this instead of sleeping.

i haven't tried it for prolonged periods, not sure how healthy it is. i do feel just fine, but forehead goes warm and its just my instinct that the head should be off at times.



but is it meditation just to have more energy during the day? I assume doing going deep meditation instead of sleep would suck bad



I'm going to answer that with yantra tantra mantra, Google it.

Meditation is baby's first step.



I know m8, I meditate daily, I'm not well-versed in /fringe/ terms though, I was just curious, do you meditate simply only because you need more energy than what sleep of 3 hours could supply, or do you do more stuff during your meditation? I thought about this earlier if I could replace my sleep with meditation, but if it's only meditation to get energy and nothing else it's useless as long as I can sleep long enough to be well rested.


Fuck it here comes the aeroplane!

Meditation is not just for introspection, it's to learn and then use and guide your energy with your awareness.



Ofcourse, but that only seems useful to me at a level where I could manifest shit from thin air, I use meditation for forcing stuff to happen through emotions, thoughtforms, law of attraction, visualization, affirmations, scrying etc, I do believe that energy work would benefit all of those things but I haven't established a routine for it, is meditating on each chakras considered energy work?



Yes. It's like sharpening the knife when you're going to skin something.

It helps develop vizualisation, you'll reach a stage where your mind can keep track of every chakra and even from the get go instead of doing one at a time.

It's harder to do the less energy you have.

Well technically brain goes into sleep frequencies during some meditation. You could. I just don't want to. I like sleeping.

As mentioned I did do other stuff. First dusting off gear, gather energy and focus to easier target people and their centers.

Doing what you do you do manifest shit out of air. And doing energy work would improve what you mentioned.

Sorry for being a toothy cunt. Effects of being over tired while also not tired.

I posted this in the dream thread, first post, read that won't retype.

You can do manually what body does normally in a longer period, but I suspect brain needs to be shut off for a bit, say deep meditation, no thoughts no workings no light sleep no distractions.


>Well technically brain goes into sleep frequencies during some meditation

If you decide to find specifics for this please post it here.



I've heard that entities like to interact a lot during prolonged periods of deep meditation, is this true?



Doesn't have to be prolonged but chances are you bump into some if you chill receptively, willing to listen.

I meditated in one of Swedens last ancient forests, not large by any means, an hour and you're through, early in my initiation, full of reverence for the beautiful forest, almost as I sat down in the rain I had a presence over my right shoulder just being there, looking over me, zero hostility, not much friendliness either but it radiated pride solid/earth/based.

>on subject of forest spirits

At the time I wasn't sure of everything but knew something was there and that it didn't want to hurt me.

They respond very well to honest praise, reverence and love.


Don't litter.


On thoughtforms, Does having more than one thoughtform in any way lessen the other thoughtforms effectiveness?


>39 hours in

getting a shower after that i'm going to force myself to sleep or a very long deep meditation.


no, depends what you feed it.



>no, depends what you feed it.

uhh, Visualising it receiving energy from me?

what else could I do?



tie it to a crystal and leave it in the sun.

or program a crystal.


>> ITT /immersive questions/

>questions with a thick informative text detailing what you know and how i can help the best, get me interested in your shit please

Everything else pls go





Revelation from work today, fat people have poor taste in music (rap) and seem to be generally unaware of real flow and rhythm because their energy body is so crippled because of spiritual neglect or the shit they eat that they can't feel the energy flow from music through the body.

Another reason to fatshame.


>41 hours, eyes slightly heavy

>still feel like it's 18.00 and I woke up at 11

I'm going to conclude the no sleep meditation with a last input on how this attempt to roll over goes. Wildly successful so far.


Whats the easiest magic spell I could do right now to convince myself that magic is real and worth the time I want to put into it ?



i'm not tipp but here's an answer

"instant results" is basically the opposite of magick because magick is based on belief. you have to truly believe that what you are doing will work and it will. mind is all and whatnot

Imagine a ball of white light spinning around your palm in both of your palms. Rub your palms together in a circular motion for a while and then stop. You should feel your palms pushing away from each other. Even mundanes know about this, so here's another step. Wait until they push out to about your shoulder length or longer. That's the size of your aura. Imagine getting hugged by a cute girl, or just generally doing something pleasant. You should feel your palms pushing yet again. This is because your aura is expanding. Now imagine getting kicked in the balls. Your hands should start pulling together, because your aura is shrinking.

Start flipping a coin. Don't tell anybody you're doing it, and probably don't do it sometime after this message because I might be influencing your result by accident. Psych yourself up and know that you WILL get the side you want. You should, most of the time, get that side. Not all the time, especially as a beginner, but most of the time.

Read Prometheus Rising, it's got some good exercises and approaches it in a mundane matter.



Could you please expand on the solar plexus receiving, heart giving? What about the other chakras?

I have heard about energy leaking multiple times, but I am still not sure how to do it so that I dont leak energy. First time I am hearing about solar plexus and heart advice.

Does that mean that if am in public, and I dont want their thoughtforms invading me, closing the solar plexus will not allow them?

I remember reading in mantak chias (or whatever his name is) book something how people leak through the root chakra.

Would be great to find all of the leakages, while my mundane routine does seem quite healthy, I dont really have an abundance of energy for some reason. I did find some meditations for bringing in energy in the meditations thread. So basicly, as magicians, if we want to do cool shit, gathering energy is something that we have to do constantly? You mentioned taking energy from the people around you. Is that what would be considered vampirism?

Interesting thread by the way. You seem experienced, so would be interesting to hear your opinion on these things.



In question thread 20, ctrl f chakra, read that then ask followup questions.

In wiz talk yes root is leaking, in common tongue, people do not have something to stand on, no balance in their life, nothing they could call their Kingdom, unstable home, this manifests in walking improperly, without rhythm, it hurts the joints and does not foster support for spine, no energy go up the spine as opposed to walking meditation done right.

Best way to fix this is to take long walks while 420 or shrooming to relate the rhythm and motion it bestows to your normal day walking. Uneven paths are good. Forest walks with some light jogging in between walking is best, you want to reach a state of mind that aims for perfection, least amount of resistance.

You can also check the rhythm meditation I wrote up in cybershaman thread, I'm going to post that in the meditation thread later.

At collecting energy, yes.



Slept like a babe for twelve hours, woke up like a newborn god, yawned and stretched a dozen different muscles.

Feel rested to the bone albeit mind is still in good morning phase, groggy/heavy/dense.

By comparison waking up from the energy work was crystal clear, eyes open, sit up, awake with no sleeping hangover.

No fap day three, dreams are back.

Lightly feverish forehead is cooler than before I went to bed but still a little bit warmer than normal, might be unrelated. Most likely related.

Heading outside to chainsaw a cherry tree after coffee and wakeup phase.





Awareness meditation for many hours every day made it so that nowadays every time I get spontaneously excited, aroused etc. I'm very aware of certain patters in my mind to the point my experience is less spontaneous and generally weaker. I fear that through constant awareness I'm detaching myself from genuine experience and in 3-10 years I'm going to numb myself to everything.

Living in state of inner peace is cool and all, but I'd like to, you know, create something valuable, make a humble, independent living from it.

I noticed the most creative inventors or artists do their work without much awareness, they just get emotionally into it, they're like children when they work. These who create the best things are people who have genuine passion to express things, they get into the flow and derive pure pleasure from the process of creating. Awareness seems to be the opposite of that? Constant awareness might give you inner peace, but for one who wants to create something valuable, isn't awareness meditation counter-productive?



I think the most creative people were always those with low awareness. They were always like innocent children and they created great things becuase they never detached. The less aware and more childish you are, the more vital force/energy/loosh/desire you have to express.

Awareness meditation apparently rewires pathways in the brain, but is it for the better? I should ask for a meditation type to learn to be more present and into things, not aware!!! I'm very numbing myself into low-energy depression with all this awareness meditation, am I not?

Pls respond



It's good reaching a state where you can analyse yourself, but always being in this state of awareness or reflection with a voice in your head can get both tiresome and boring, you're always thinking so you'll never be in the now, someone cracks a joke or she motions for you to follow to the toilet, you hesitate because you're analysing and suddenly the moment is gone.

This state of reflection is powerful but you shouldnt always be in it. Give yourself to relax, let your guard down among friends, don't over think.

Quiet mind meditation to seize the now.

You're still going to be doing what you do now because you've wired your brain to understand and see further and through deception, but when the mind is quiet you'll do it in the back of your head instead (a lot faster at that too) and receive the conclusions as packets of emotion telling you "safe or danger".

Awareness, thinking, contemplating is not in the now. The now is something you have to seize, to adapt to or to create. The now is feeling the flow of the Universe/God and move to its rhythm, if you do that the Universe/God can flow more freely through you to create.

You think great artists and creators have a stunted awareness because you cannot access this type of thinking of now/present moment while being stuck in one mode of thought.

Don't be so quick to judge.



Just do it faggot.


>this is meaningless

>this is not constructive, fulfilling, purposeful

>a real woman is much more fun

>fleeting satisfaction doesn't last long enough

>the satisfaction I get over long term not fapping such as social skills and confidence is better than what I get from jizz ing

>if I want that cheap meaningless high I might as well go get some Mdma/LSD THAT makes me feel much better and clean, holy

>decide that 2dporn doesn't really stimulate me enough to have a good ejaculation

>beating it for the sake of wasting time or supressing thoughts and emotions

>decide that you want a pair of lips to kiss, eyes to look at you like you're a God, breasts and body to sense, warmth, emotion

Factor in all the things you're missing and you won't get get a boner from porn. It's just so cheap.



There's also a factor of will and internal alchemy involved.


when is ww3?


Is it feasible to become so good at energy manipulation that stuff would pop out of thin air as the other guy in this thread mentioned?



I answered this recently, lurk please.

Theoretically possible but you don't have the energy for it to manifest.



30 minutes.




A way to do this would be with pentagrams, collecting energy, storing it and charging the thoughtform manifesting as whatever you want, say, diamond.

Its the kind of testing I'll be doing once I build my house and rooms with pentagrams like the ones posted in the CS thread, going to have one for sending made out of orgonite inlaid in the floor.

Theres also stories of how Gurus were so in tune with Universe/God that they could draw upon it to manifest items.

Should be possible, but becoming a perfect conduit of spirit is near impossible.



Thats interesting.

If you have an energy container, could you just not store a little energy at a time?

So if you could not manifest it instantly, you could store energy for like a year, and manifest it then?



oh shit and what if you draw pentagrams on yourself



I still don't think thats enough energy to manifest even a tiny thing.

The amounts of power required to blast one base element with particles to remove or add particles to change structure is tremendous, to create out of thin air, absolutely savage amounts.

Without direct intermission by God/Universe I don't think its possible.


>>"have you tried sitting in a pentagram for seven days?"



>have you tried sitting in a pentagram for seven days?




I do not know if it was coming from you, but I would read it often here and in many other sources that one should do awareness meditation during all everyday activities and as often as possible. In question threads it was often advised to always stay in full awareness of every surfacing thought so that one is alert of attacks of:

- negative, malicious thoughts,

- positive signs,

- and generally so that through awareness meditation one is learning about the habits and patterns of the beast that is unconscious.

If I misunderstood all that, then is there a meditation to get more into the present? I am over-analytical, detached, schizoid type. I wish I actually were like the artists who are in the rhythm.



What you've brought up is true but being in your own mind and not part of the flow of a conversation leaves you sitting there, analysing the subject they had three sentences ago, you'll miss out on your input and often seem like a misfit.

Being always in your mind and aware instead of being conscious as I define it fosters what you brought up, being detached, schizo because you're balling one thought against another from different points of view while trying to be part of the event unfolding before you.

You'll never be a part of what is happening if you sty in this thinking. Been there, done that, learn to be in the now, reflect on it later.

Awareness is good but leads to indecisiveness.

You will still pick up on neg/pos signs or attacks, and you will note them to think about them later because you've trained your awareness to that mode of thinking.

You will be conscious while automatically being aware at the back of your mind.

I would only be in awareness mode in social circuits if I had a hard challenge ge ahead of me, like getting accused of a crime, being in court, when I need to watch my tongue extra carefully, in between conversation with a hard chick etc.



Duuuuude, nice, thanks.

I had this acquaintance that would seem to be draining me sometimes, or like trying to push a negative vibe on me.

Today I decided not to let in his negativity in by closing the solar plexus.

Worked like a charm. What is crazy is that he actually started reacting by wanting to get in even more, to implant negative vibes in me. I mean this dude is negative most of the time, but still. Crazy. But he didnt, I could not be phased. Amazing what an effective technique.

I read the question thread, with the figures rotating in the chakras.

So are those figures … like associations of desired commands? Up,down-pyramid up,down

sphere-eject, suck in energy?

Do they work on any chakra any way, or only like specified?


could you post the link to the cs thread ? couldnt find it



>like associations of desired commands

yes, pyramids direct energy

circle collects

cube.. not really sure. i use this to cage stuff.

they work on any chakra but you don't want to use them in any other way, unless you know what you're doing.

exception is heart which can be merkaba or just the sign for your for stability without flux.

crown which can be expanding lotus instead of dpyramid drawing in cosmic energy

third which can be sphere if you want to collect instead of channeling to heart




Hm, yea, did some more testing in social situations. Really good shit. I can't believe how simple it is. I also now understand the tip where someone was talking about how you should not "let in" evil spirits. We are always doing it, letting in various information, amazing. I sometimes used to get overwhelmed when entering big social groups, but now I can just glide in.

Okay, so I am now practicing it closing/opening in various situations.

So heart chakra creates the force field around us right. Could you expand on ways to use that? As I understand, the way that your mind works, your inner you is embedded in the field, and you can both read other fields, and change your own based on circumstances. I think this should be a great help in persuasion techniques. Got any tips on that?

Also, there has to be a way to become "invisible" with this right? I heard there is some sigil, but I think by creating a sort of a distracting field, you could theoretically become unnoticed by the trained eye?



Mm.. you're heading the right direction but I want specifik questions.

Yes, unnoticed is the right word, not really invisible, people just don't notice you.

People won't talk to you in grocery lines, no eyes in class or bus.

If it's strong you'll have people joke with you, throw eyes, attempt lock, be curious, want to be close to you because (there's a really good, in depth post in the stickied Qthread about how auras interact) you send out what they lack, you're literally a + to their - and attract them.

As to persuasion, if you speak with your heart you'll have emotions and thoughts flow through you in body language giving you an aura of honesty, knowledge and truth. You can tell people just about anything and they'll buy it, as long as it contains truth, a semblance of truth of truth from your perspective. A lie will not work as well doing this. If you want to lie, shut this function off completely or you'll look away during telling, display nervousness etc.

If you want to persuade someone to like you, just be honest about what you like about them, nothing more.

I'll give you the following but really, I want questions that answer what you're looking for.

Your hearts physical alignment dictates your auras alignment, each cell in your body has its individual autonomous energy field like a battery, +, -, they're usually scattered as in not aligned/focused to a needlepoint.

Last I checked this wasn't discovered by medicine; the reason they don't acknowledge auras is because the body isn't (according to modern medicine) powerful enough to create such a field, but they aren't accounting for that each cell has its individual BIOEMF, together they amplify and create the aura.

The cells with the strongest aura are located in the heart.

There's an exercise to align your aura, I can't recall it 100% but I think it's used in martial arts, to throw punches, to focus your entirety into the blow.

Do some breathing, upon chosen heavy breath out you focus your aura forward to align it.

Or, during deep meditation, breath in, feel each cell align inwards, breath out, outwards.

I haven't done this consciously in a while, that's the best you're getting.

Learn it and you can use your aura better to dissect others centers like a scalpel, pinpoint sending energy or packets, full control.



>Or* truth from your perspective



Hm, yea, checked out the Qthread. Thanks

Okay, so now I think I have the basic understanding of this. Just one more thing about heart chakra. So merkaba is the mix of the lower and higher self, two triangles interlocked. And you mentioned another symbol but you did not say what. For the calm state. The mekabara is used for aura manipulation? Could you clearify that?

Okay, lets talk some specific experiments that I could do. I find this the most fun way to learn.

So if I would want to be a rockstar for the night, the center of attention, what would do build up tons of loosh, and expand my aura, infusing it with loving and awesome intentions. This would attract anyone to me correct? I am socially savvy, so I get the whole game, but it would be interesting to consciously reach the state of peak flow while out, which you don't get to experience that often, but this does seem like the way to do it.

Would that mean that in order to become unnoticed, I would have to reduce my aura and energy movement to the minimum? Do I visualize it subtracting all of the way to my body? Do I lower my overall state in to a lower trance state, or simply reduce the size of the aura?

What about a confrontational situation? If I would not want to be affected by hostile environment, I would first close off my solar plexus, so that the influence of surrounding would not come in and change my vibration right? Then is it basically a question of feeding the negative influence's aura with calming or any other intentions to disarm it?

By the way, what are your own thoughts on solar plexus open/close ratio. Because when I first closed it, a realization came to me that I don't have to allow all kinds of shit in me, from other people and other sources of influence as well. So I guess the only time to open it is with friends, family and loved ones, and in nature, or simply when there is good energy around.

But you can use it to suck energy from anyone I think, right? What are the "ethics" of this kind of sucking. If I suck energy this way, from trees and people, can I deplete them of their own power? Or is an exchange always?

Okay, I think that is some more concrete questions. I want to try out this aura stuff in practical conditions.




sucking cock



Where? And how are you so sure?

I mean, I don't doubt it. Dude was a bonafide adept who got the Master's Grace from Ramana Maharshi, so I'm sure he'd add disinfo in there to mess with the script kiddies. But I'm curious as to where else you found it. I have his book on Tarot but I have yet to read it.



Usually crown is dormant, if active it either reaches out to connect with (for mutual exchange) or draw energy from "divinity", higher energy, crown/lotus for bridging with "God /space/universe, down pyramid to connect.

Drawing from both heaven and earth grants balance and both types or energy, "male/female", and they meet in the heart.

A merkaba draws from above and below but also creates a flux that discharges after they blend, it's a violent process, a lot of energy.

Merkaba meditation to heart, gathering energy, is my basic routine, from there I'm charged and can do everything. It's a starting point. I try not to do this with people around because it's a meditation to gather energy, to power up, you might draw from people around you and that energy hasn't been cleansed, you take in thoughtforms from others and they clutter your centers, you take on their self conscious negative traits, their positivity, their intoxication.

For a stable calm heart, unpaved by its surroundings you want something like a 3d ○|○, like a vortex in on itself.

Seen the vortex math or the aura pic in the posts where you read about the first chakra posts? Like that.

If you expand your aura and infuse it with love and light you won't be the center of attention, you'll force your aura upon others, it will spend massive amounts of energy to subdue others into aligning.

To be the center of attention you're going to want to boost your third while keeping it just closed enough to not take in negativity, boost fifth so that you're talky and quick mouthed, keep heart stable and strong in your radius, normal 2-4 feet, overload root to be as confident as possible and have second a little bit more open than normal to exude an aura of sexy confidence with your moves, this will attract all the bitch and have people want to be close to you because you are the life of the party, not grumpy, not sad because some hoe isn't in your lap yet, you'll have the attitude that you'll get what you want by the end of the night.

Keep aura close to you and anyone getting close enough will notice immediately,they'll either resonate (people think you're great, buy you a beer, asks to sit down, asks to dance, try to contribute the best themselves) or be repulsed (robots mirin on chad from the corner of the room).

@hiding yes. Make yourself as tiny as possible, close off your heart with a circle that doesn't let anything out of you/your immediate area.

Putting yourself in a state of "not caring about a thing or anyone else",low frequency, people will feel there is nothing for them to get and will leave you alone.


@avoiding confrontation, yes that's right, if, say, gf goes mental on her period, do that.

Keeping heart open is still going to have you be in her presence, that's good or bad depending on the situation. Maybe she wants you to listen, maybe you want to listen to think about it later without giving a fuck right now, not allowing emotional outbursts.

If you do not disconnect heart you're still in the conversation but instead of responding you're present/leading.

Close heart will not have you respond, closing third will not move you emotionally if she looking for tears, closing sixth will have you zone out and think about how cheese is processed, closing first won't have you flinch if someone throws you a fake punch or a punch.

People talking shit and you have to stay? close third and fourth, take no part of, be no part of, listen and intervene only if you must.

More serious confrontation where you are directly involved instead of passively, a fistfight? (SEE BELOW FOR TL;DR) First off, you should laugh whatever off, what you might cause him is not worth him causing you.

If that doesn't work know that most people picking a fight are cowards preying on weak, so, if I were about to get into a fistfight with no escape I would puff up to scare him off, take a fighting stance (root which adrenaline will boost), align root with third (assurance/guts) and consciousness (sixth) through heart into a one mindedness with root in a stance that displays "I am intent on beating you to the curb, no restraints, no fear, if you drag this any further." This usually makes most people think twice about picking the fight. If he would whip out a knife, I would not back off immediately or with fear (I would do my best to not pick this fight without showing fear), would calm myself even further, do my best not to escalate and to display that, if he drops the knife and gets on the ground he won't get back up.

If you have no fighting skills, I advice against, but the attitude is good to keep for everyday use.

If he pulls a gun, back off calm and collected, apologetic (if you're in wrong) or submissive. Leg it around a corner if you're sure he pulled it to shoot you.

Most of the time it's better to cause a stalemate and leave if you cant back off before shit hits the fan, where opponent doesn't want to fight, instead of getting run down and hit in the back of the head by him and his friends.




Best is to be respectful and understanding and you'll never get in a confrontation. Most things can be laughed off.

Confrontation, body language/stance is very important and all rely on your confidence (third), courage (heart), adrenaline (root).

One mindedness with survival while still inhabiting the higher rational thought, calm and collected.

Let root show that you will fight and fight good through stance and intent through your heart/aura. Never let root anger rule your emotions and thinking in a fight. If you go into a fight, do so with cold calculated determination of crippling opponent. If you let root take over you'll just go apeshit, throw a half assed punch and get btfo.

Sorry for the life lesson but this is what I think, is the best emotional and rational approach and you said confrontation which is a broad subject.


Ratio depends, usually in my sphere, focused on the people I talk to, makes for great, rapid conversations with high value exchange of emotion and thought. By zoning on to others and locking gaze they respond to you. In a way you're bridging a temporary (can lead to permanent) connection and boosting them, inviting them to understand and interact with your jargon. Depends on how well you connect.

As a person it's mostly closed and I let few come within my walls, but when I have decided to have a crazy night out its fully open in my sphere. Most always it's open enough to understand the three nearest conversations but to not care.

When on my phone texting, typing or drawing I'm immersed in the subject and few things can reach me. Meditation, depends on where I am and what I do.

[Spoiler] there is no mutual exchange, you're stealing life force and it hurts the people you do it to, I frown upon it, see it as evil or used only when desperate. If I come across someone doing it to me I react violently. [/spoiler]


>personal progress and revelations

I'd like to finally sort out information on the following topic, because right now it's a mess and I have contradictory ideas about it:

I remember when I used to drink alcohol some muscle deep in my ass would always relax. It also works slightly less when I drink a lot of yerba mate.

It makes me think, isn't kegel/prostate one of these places that have to do with releasing and managing hormones? Most people sort of clench their ass when they get angry or experience strong emotions in general. There's something big about it in any case.

What if I forced myself to keep my kegels open and 100% relaxed all the time, what effect would should it have on my perception, well-being. I wonder if it would make me more open, social and in the flow? But then jhanas mention something like "closing" this "lower opening" so that "energy doesn't leak out"?




I'd like to know all possible pills (if there are different ones) on letting ass loose + meditating/deep breathing on it



File: 1457506460619.gif (497.95 KB, 500x593, 500:593, 1361884697346.gif)

>passively collect so much energy i can't sleep

this was why i fapped.

pouring energy into crystals wont work. i've been doing workout and tossing powered up thoughtforms like a camel spits. i want to sleep.



heres two tricks

lay on your floor for 15 minutes and your body will beg you to lay in bed and sleep

focus on relaxing instead of sleeping, if you are relaxed enough you get as much rest as sleep anyways and you will find yourself falling asleep anyways

t. insomniac




Feel ya, muh nigga, same boat here. Too much energy works kills sleep.

Energies at the time of sleep get withdrawn into the heart.

If you can't sleep, it means that there isn't enough space for your whole body's energy to be withdrawn in the heart and, that your heart center is not developed enough to hold such large amounts of it.

The easiest way to release the heart's energies is, to put all your love in an activity before going to sleep, devotional prayer, singing, dancing, art, poetry,… Choose one you like and do it with your consciousness in your heart center, outpouring love and care and you'll sleep so damn well, narcoleptics will hate you. It's also a part of the reason why, in all traditions, prayers are usually done before and after sleeping and energy cultivation.

If the problem is not really in the heart, but that your body holds too much energy for it to be contained in the heart, ground it. Send the energy into the earth. Just put it all in there. Don't take it back. This develops your energy channels, especially those in the legs and is pretty quickly done, when finished, jump in a relaxed way for a couple seconds and shake yourself. Don't sit or lay down for 5 to 30 minutes. You may also want to work on the heart itself during your waking consciousness, making it able to store the energy it needs to store.

You can also make the passageways of the heart run smoother by doing nadi sodana, to purify the channels.

And yeah, you can also fap, but then, fap with love, friendship is magic.

Nothing wrong with faping though, when you can regain all the energy lost in faping in a couple minutes, and not identify with it. As in, having a mind disciplined enough mind to clear all thoughts relating to porn away from your consciousness and only keep in the eternal moment of NOW, at all times, faping is as good or bad as typing on a keyboard.

Fap and meditate after that, go back to the Immediate and that's it, thoughts of porn tend to create nasty thought forms, the same is also true for any good or bad thought, so think when you need to think on what you need to think. The only sin is identification. Aka, long as the mind is still, you can kill rape and steal. Krishna killed his uncle and a fuckton of demons and self sentient beings. He was still an enlightened nigga… Enlightenment just means equilibrium with the universe, but that's a story for another time.

On topic though, I try to always keep a balance between waking and sleeping 4 hours is a good number, less then 2 is a bit "eh" for the physical body and mental sanity, filling the 2 hours of deep sleep needed by the body by meditation helps a lot though.

Sleep well.


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>I've seen people die and have recently acquired two spirits of deceased individuals dear to me in life that I'm thrilled to try out.

lmfao what the fuck man



>filling the 2 hours of deep sleep needed by the body by meditation helps a lot though.

What I meant by that is to withdraw all of the energy of the body in the heart consciously, it creates a deep restful state of sleep. It's the "true way" to do the so called "yoga nidra". You can also choose what you are going to dream about too, just impregnate the third eye energy with the dream you want and send it down to the heart.



>fap with love, friendship is magic


>you can regain all the energy lost in faping in a couple minutes, and not identify with it

Strangely enough my urge to do magic skyrockets after fapping, I guess stagnating stored energy isn't quite as beneficial as constantly moving current of sorts.

Will try drawing all of it in the heart center next sleepless night though, thanks for the suggestion.


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Thank you Kek for speaking through tipp, but If I wanted Your help, oh almighty trickster, I'd just ask You directly. No offense to You, may legion of pepes never be defeated and the memes that constitute reality eventually collapse into chaos etc etc

We both know I'm not speaking about constipation but the lower energy pathway entrance that some gurus recommend to always keep closed and others to relax. It's like touching tongue to your palate or touching chin to your chest, except on the other end of the circuit


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You don't want shit your pants every time you skip a sidewalk, do you?

I cant help you feel out how you should be having your anus muscle adjusted but,

>or tensing neck, or looking eyes to third eye during meditation, breathing properly, not leaking




Spirits of mentally stunted just stick around and continue on with their daily routine until they lose all their loosh.


>you don't want to be the guy who shits his pants skipping a sidewalk*

>imagine this cretins personality


When I express my feelings of loyalty/love I get an urge to cry, it's very weak but it's there.

What does it mean?


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>give cat leftover energy

Birma is now in bliss or lobotomized.


Going to do some testing but I think this new technique to carry energy might be really good.

>muster up intent/desire/command

>move energy to throat

>make a rapt "KSH" sound that carries over several hundred meters

>attach all energy to sound


Am now officially lightning mage.

During deep meditation I was cycling energy through the mudra thumb to pointer finger, during very deep state my fingers slipped apart with a charge building up in either finger, maybe they did twitch to meet, maybe they did not, either way some time after the circuit was broken a large accumulation of energy passed the fingers instantaneously, jolting or zapping me, approx twice or three times as powerful as the common electrical prank pen, or for reference, at least twice as strong as the electrical clicker of a lighter.




Claiming these posts


Afraid of getting hurt? Figure that out yourself, there could be many reasons.


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Glory glory glory, praise God.

I prayed and I received.

>acquired fit 16 yo swedish gf/apprentice

She was ecstatic upon hearing me explain what causes her to feel when others are looking at her.


Did OPs pic always have the girl in it? I can't remember that.


>acquired fit 16 yo swedish gf/apprentice





Oh yea, love it when I meet some girl that is interested in this stuff. Easiest seduction eva.

Gratz. And on the lightning mage thing


>remote viewing gas never interested me

>think about girl

>strange backofmymind thought, white cat

>ask girl 'sup

>sending pics to friend

>cat pics?

>omg how did you know

>lol psychic

>what color is it?



>stare at cat for 20 sec, tell me when you start

>K go

>immerse myself in/with her aura, impressions/surroundings, focus on screen, impressions not visuals

>white cat with brown ears, Is there something blue there too?

>OMG you're right

>really? first time doing that, let's try something else, throw your clothes on the floor and stand in front of a mirror pls



Better play it safe, or she may outlast you, friend.


I've been exploring occult practices off-and-on over the past few years, whenever I'm moved to. Recently I've come to personally understand Robert Bruce's contention with the New Age use of the word "visualization." He thinks visualization is useless without having some root in the body. I've started paying close attention to where I hold tension in my body during certain emotional states, and I now see exactly what he means.

I've struggled with an anxiety disorder for all of my life, and have outgrown it very much in recent years, but just in the past couple of weeks in applying this practice, I feel like I'm quickly evolving. I've started watching how my shoulders, back, chest, neck, and jaw become tense from anxiety, and I've learned to meditate upon that tension as it happens, imagining a warm energy or massaging hands gently easing it away. At first it takes a keen ability to differentiate between easing it away and trying to fight it off. They're very different, and the latter only brings more tension. I like to conjure up the feeling of a warm, soothing wet rag being placed against the body part, which I'm sure relates to my childhood somehow.

I'm already feeling incredible, like something new is unfolding within me. It's as if I'm breaking through a black shell and discovering the light and color of life. A lot more comfortable, confident, and grounded. I believe this is what is referred to as "de-armoring" as well.

Sometimes it's shocking how simple some meditative practices can be. I highly recommend this one if you're having some hardwired emotional issues.



Thanks but opening energy pathways/fixing correct posture was among the first things I did.



Sure, I glossed over the prerequisites that I had also learned over the years. Those are definitely important.

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