Question Thread #26 Post All Questions In Here 01/14/17 (Sat) 04:27:43 No. 89607
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: FAQ: /fringe/faq.html
Post last edited at 01/14/17 (Sat) 04:39:39
01/14/17 (Sat) 04:31:57 No. 89609
01/14/17 (Sat) 04:55:22 No. 89611
01/14/17 (Sat) 05:15:51 No. 89614
How reliable is Ophiel? I'm reading his Creative Visualization book. The way he writes seems a little autistic with the capital letters and underlined sentences, and this book's practical work, which is meant to be about manifestation through creative visualization, starts with a pentagram ritual, with seemingly no explanation of its relevance or about how rituals work (if I'm going to be invoking archangels and shit, I want to know what the fuck I'm doing). Is this book still worth reading, and if not, does anyone have any other books they could suggest?
01/14/17 (Sat) 05:56:32 No. 89616
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>89614
Never read it so I can't really say, however I can recommend you what I do have on that topic. What I recommend is The Arcane Formulas, this Montalk article, and this video. Last time I watched the video was about a year ago but it is in my favorites so I assume it was good. Also there's a tldr in the FAQ for reality manifestation aswell.
You only know what I allow you to know, goy.
01/14/17 (Sat) 05:58:01 No. 89617
Montalk article and Arcane Formulas
01/14/17 (Sat) 06:17:27 No. 89618
I've read both of those, but thanks for the video. The reason I was reading that Ophiel book is because it was in the library Mega and I'm trying to find supplementary material that focuses on how to create mental images, rather than how to manifest them on the physical plane. I'm not terrible at creating images in my head, but if there's information that outlines ways to improve it, I feel I might as well look for it.
01/14/17 (Sat) 07:26:53 No. 89622
Ah i see, here's a fun little tip that works for me (thanks bearheart). Just ask your mind to show you what you want to visualize and your mind will naturally create an image for you. For example, "what would it look like if I quickly grew to be the size of the sun?" and almost instantly your mind will create the image. It's simple and works well. Also don't force the visualizations, allow your mind to show them to you.
01/14/17 (Sat) 11:21:26 No. 89623
Stop spreading misinfomation, Smiley/TheFringeWizard is still alive
01/14/17 (Sat) 15:04:13 No. 89630
I did the instructions in this post >>88249 but I have no idea what any of this chart means.
I, er, does anyone have a guide?
01/14/17 (Sat) 15:58:46 No. 89632
I've started lurking this board some days ago, became interested in all this stuff after some strange shit started to happen in my life.
I downloaded all the books I could from the library, but reading them is a pain in the ass because they talk about shit I don't understand yet.
What would you all reccomend me to get the very basic concepts? I don't even know anyone near me who can introduce me into this shit.
Thank you in advance.
01/14/17 (Sat) 17:03:22 No. 89635
01/14/17 (Sat) 18:05:13 No. 89638
read all the previous question threads.
01/14/17 (Sat) 20:02:35 No. 89644
I'm new too. But after reading glossary on montalk's website I've gotten more understanding of the terms used. Like the difference between astral and etheric, soul and spirit.
01/14/17 (Sat) 20:08:15 No. 89645
Is there magic that would help me improve as a music producer?
tipp 01/14/17 (Sat) 20:17:08 No. 89646
no but if you reach far enough you can hear the music of the universe/God. rhythm like you've never felt before. can definitively be used in musicmaking.
01/14/17 (Sat) 20:20:39 No. 89647
If you are trying to accomplish anything avoid people with tattoos. They will do anything to impress other people, so beware. These people promote a society full of douchebags with poisonous egos.
OMG LOOSH FARMING go back to the mental instituion
Your cult is fucking stupid. I dare one of you faggots to prove me wrong and break this stereotype. You can't do it because you are 100% driven by the approval of strangers.
01/14/17 (Sat) 20:49:11 No. 89649
>Got invited to a mason group while walking down the street
>Rejected it because I don't have time
Did I just miss out something important? I feel like I did.
01/14/17 (Sat) 20:59:31 No. 89650
tipp 01/14/17 (Sat) 21:01:12 No. 89651
Say it to my face and not online kid. I'm in Sweden, come any time coward.
tipp 01/14/17 (Sat) 21:41:32 No. 89652
You're right but there are cases where you are wrong.
The attitude of destroying your skin irreparably for the approval of others, for fitting in with a niche group, is toxic.
Avoid women, more so than men, with tattoos.
The exception is a tattoo made for oneself, for nobody else. For the memory of a loved one or for progress in the arts.
Would you disagree?
tipp 01/14/17 (Sat) 21:45:31 No. 89653
You didn't get drugged and raped, noice.
There is nothing I know of that could make you musically gifted, there is however a stage in development you reach which would grant what he wants, a highly developed energybody able to pick up the sound of the area, of emotion and of thoughts which can be heard in the mind as music.
>lelele i did it again
implying i would post in >tfw no hermeticist gf, cancerous thread, invokes desire instead of already having which lets you attract.
01/14/17 (Sat) 22:26:54 No. 89658
>You didn't get drugged and raped, noice.
He's not a pre-pubescent girl, why would freemasons drug and rape him? Everyone knows masons=child fuckers.
01/14/17 (Sat) 22:28:59 No. 89659
In such a case the tattoo would be hidden by clothing and the person would never speak of having it.
Having tattoos is like being gay, nobody gives a shit as long as you keep it to yourself. Nothing worse than faggots who talk about how gay they are and tattoo faggots who talk about how SICK AND KEWL their tattoos are, fucking attention whores.
01/15/17 (Sun) 00:40:49 No. 89666
This place is fckin pathetic. I can't figure out whether this is all just a bunch of over the top rolepay or you're legitimately mentally ill schizos. "Magic" is not real, it's physically impossible. Get. Mental. Help. Crazies.
01/15/17 (Sun) 00:44:30 No. 89667
Is the Gizmodo article out? Sure feels like it.
01/15/17 (Sun) 00:51:52 No. 89668
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>89650
Why are you yelling you autist
If you mean music producer as in you make electronic music (I've never understood why people who make electronic music call themselves "producers" specifically instead of any of the other many words that mean you write music, but so many of them do), then you probably won't like this music, but this band, maudlin of the Well, would write music by having astral projections and bringing music back with them. You could do that.
The first 50 or so pages of Montalk's Fringe Knowledge for Beginners is pretty easy to understand. Then he starts talking about aliens and reptilians and other shit like that that you can't prove the validity of, and I'm sure you want to figure out what's real and what isn't necessarily real. You might find the rest of it interesting, though. I don't even completely believe the alien stuff, and I've been here a little over a year.
We're all pretending. This is a roleplay board. Everyone who has ever had a paranormal experience over the last several thousand years of known human history has been pretending. All of the people who spent their entire lives and countless hours, weeks and years writing all of these books we read did it because they were being ironic. You, the person too close-minded to give any of this a chance, are the one who knows the truth.
01/15/17 (Sun) 01:25:40 No. 89669
How can I find my true calling in life?
01/15/17 (Sun) 08:00:47 No. 89681
I don't even know fuck what the fuck
>live in texas
>almost every day walk at a park
>there's a big mound of dirt with weeds and brush grown all over it next to the path, quite large at least 20 foot diameter
>today it's all flattened out when I pass by
>there was no sign of any vehicles to do this or anything yesterday, it's all flattened out dirt now
>put a single foot on it but don't step completely on to it
>a couple minutes ago I decided to walk there again even though it's late and foggy as fuck
>get to a part of the path like 70 feet away from where the mound was
>humanoid with white hair COVERING it FUCKING APPEARS OUT OF NOTHING
The humanoid was about the height of my thigh. It had sort of tuft-like white hair all over it about maybe 6 inches long everywhere. The thing fucking appeared out of nothing, I was looking there and suddenly it was just fucking THERE like ten feet away and started coming towards me. I kicked at it and it backed away twice, then I yelled at it to fuck off and it stopped, I backed the fuck out of there. The thing didn't make any noise, it was completely silent. But what's crazy is when I was leaving I saw two identical cars, white with full tint windows (illegal for normal people here) drive towards that area. I honestly have no fucking idea what happened, I was always skeptical of cryptids but now I can believe they're everywhere.
This experience changed by entire worldview. I just wish I knew what the fuck that thing was.
>inb4 shills tell me it wasn't actually a humanoid and didn't appear out of thin air, oy vey it was just a hallucination
01/15/17 (Sun) 08:33:42 No. 89683
Stare into the abyss, abyss stares back. I believe you, anon. What have you been thinking about lately?
01/15/17 (Sun) 09:09:00 No. 89685
Before I commit a ton of time to reading about it, is it worth learning about qaballah/tree of life stuff? What can you do with it and why do people learn about it?
01/15/17 (Sun) 10:25:33 No. 89687
>qaballah/tree of life
it's bullshit armchair occultism. stay away from it and from any "teachings" that rely on that crap. if you want to learn about human soul and its development look into auras, chakras and kundalini as well as taoism. that's where you will see results and not just read mountains of garbage and think you progressed on sephirah…
Middle 01/15/17 (Sun) 14:51:14 No. 89689
Do you have any places to begin with this work?
Middle 01/15/17 (Sun) 15:06:37 No. 89693
01/15/17 (Sun) 15:45:09 No. 89696
01/15/17 (Sun) 16:51:34 No. 89699
I don't understand all of this shit but my tulpa keeps telling me about things like how I should stop masturbating to become more "powerful" and how various beings leech off the energy of humans. She also tells me about how I have great potential and that I need to cross the "line".
She wasn't even supposed to be a tulpa anyways, I just looked into the "how to tulpa" guides out of curiosity, thought a bit about that old fancharacter I made and she just sprung into existence. I figure you guys would know if she really exists on some level and is somehow acquiring spiritual knowledge.
picture so that I don't get ignored
tipp 01/15/17 (Sun) 17:07:24 No. 89702
first find yourself then find your place in life then maybe you'll find your true calling.
its more than likely its not a tulpa but an entity inhabiting the basic thoughtform you've set up, probably following the conditions for the blueprint you made.
ask her about it, inquire her real name and nature, tell her you're thankful for her help and company but would like to know the truth.
see >>89687
01/15/17 (Sun) 18:07:20 No. 89703
The true kabbalah is completely valid you retards.
01/15/17 (Sun) 18:20:51 No. 89705
did i talk it down you retard kike?
tipp 01/15/17 (Sun) 18:21:51 No. 89706
this site is broken, more so than your faggot ass rignmuscle
01/15/17 (Sun) 19:14:12 No. 89707
just don't expect results immediately, magick is a goal that requires patients or you may fall prey to black magick and disinfo.
do not be look unto false prophets but look through yourself for truth.
01/15/17 (Sun) 19:36:57 No. 89708
>requires patients
What if I'm not a doctor?
01/15/17 (Sun) 19:49:20 No. 89712
The names of the symbols are on the bottom left. The shapes names on the bottom right are found in the link in the original post but I found a better one with all the same symbols except for Pluto which is "♇" . The symbols on the outer circle are the zodiac signs. The symbols in the inner circle are the planets. Since you don't have your birth time the houses didn't show up which is important for knowing which energies effect certain areas of your psyche/life/personality etc. The houses show up as 12 lines going across the chart, if you ever get your birth time you'll see what i mean.
What you should do is google the meanings of everything you see there. For example, you have your moon in Sagittarius, google "natal moon in sagittarius meaning" do this for all your planets. After you've googled the meaning of every planet in it's respective zodiac sign the next step is the bottom right chart. This is where you have all your trines/squares/sextiles etc. You have a fuckton of trines with venus so I'd probably start with that but if it's too confusing just start with the sun and just go across the list. To maneuver the list slide your finger down each planet and whenever you see a symbol slide your finger to the right and see which planet it's affecting. So starting with the sun you'll see that you have 3 squares (with jupiter, pluto and chiron) and a bi-quintile with eris., google "natal sun square jupiter meaning" then next would be "natal sun square pluto meaning" then "natal sun square chiron" then "natal sun biquintile eris". then you'll move on to the moon which has a square, 2 trines,and a sextile, do the same as you did with the sun and slide finger down and when you reach the symbol slide to the right. Do this with every planet until you reach Eris which is when you're done. I do recommend however getting your birthtime so you can see your houses which gives a lot of info.
If my explanation isn't very clear maybe this will help you more, it's JOS which is frowned upon here but the info in this specific article is mostly legit and doesn't have any of the Satanic dogma being pushed at you.
Also as a side note, don't post your chart publicly as this allows rapport to be made with you which can lead to magic being done to you. It's ok to post parts of it but I don't recommend to post the full thing unless you're sharing with someone you trust.
If my explanation is confusing in any way please let me know where so I can attempt to clarify, I'm writing this with my mind kind of sleep deprived and I feel I didn't explain it well enough but who knows. Good luck fam.
01/15/17 (Sun) 19:59:01 No. 89713
your link keeps saying origin error
01/15/17 (Sun) 20:11:59 No. 89714
01/15/17 (Sun) 21:08:23 No. 89717
So im new to the whole fringe scene and I've been reading the recommended reading and I noticed a few strange things happening. It feels as if there are dark forces working against me that don't want me to wake up and kick my programming. Every time I sit down to read fringe material I feel anxiety and if I read for a long time I find the world becomes darker(if that makes any sense).
Also the other day I woke up and my computer was in a pool of water. There was no glass near it (I had a few drinks the night before so maybe I slept walked and peed on my computer)
Anyone have similar experiences where it feels like something is trying to prevent you from gaining knowledge?
01/15/17 (Sun) 21:26:25 No. 89718
I find it hard actually starting to read something. It's as if something is making me resist or be lazy.
tipp 01/15/17 (Sun) 21:36:04 No. 89719
Meditate to these, asking for help and sending them gratitude for the help.
Any Shiva Tandava Stotram works too, which I recommend, realize Shivas strength, the power of Consciousness, true thought, being in the now - Shiva is an Avatar of God, of the trinity, Avatar of Consciousness.
Consciousness, thought, is divine and can vanquish all lower parasites intent on harming or stopping your progress.
Seek Shiva the Destroyer to remove all enemies in your path, there are also hymns specifically for that.
The Hindu Pantheon is immensely powerful and still active at this time on Earth.
01/15/17 (Sun) 22:02:02 No. 89721
Can we free ourselves from astrological influence?
01/15/17 (Sun) 22:04:34 No. 89722
01/15/17 (Sun) 22:05:01 No. 89723
I see a lot of talk about a wizard protecting and defending themselves from outside influences and whatever, but what about a mundane/neophyte? Would they not have been vulnerable to said influences for their entire lives?
01/15/17 (Sun) 22:08:30 No. 89724
If anything, that should be more reason to get into it so that you can learn to make it stop.
The masturbation thing is true. It depletes your loosh. Loosh is used for stuff like manifestation.
They would, unless they were instinctually and unknowingly protecting themselves subconsciously. That's probably a big part of why so few people ever give this kind of information a chance.
01/15/17 (Sun) 22:13:37 No. 89725
Planets and stars are lesser divine beings, artificial intelligence compared to the beings that can channel Spirit, which are emanations of God, God is part of me, I am part of God.
Being in the now, constantly, the planets will effect you less.
Those who do not actively channel Spirit dances to the flute of fate and destiny, those who have awakened instead dictate the song.
Raise your Kundalini.
>>instinctually and unknowingly protecting themselves subconsciously
This is the case but a minority of old souls are not awakened. They could also have been bullshit occultists in previous incarnations.
01/16/17 (Mon) 00:02:16 No. 89728
Threads dead, what i miss?
01/16/17 (Mon) 04:35:07 No. 89736
>3, 6, 9
What was he getting at?
01/16/17 (Mon) 08:32:37 No. 89738
01/16/17 (Mon) 15:02:47 No. 89741
Does Plato's "Form of Good" have any esoteric meanings, or is his Philosophical Theory on the Platonic Forms just as-is?
Pic related. Plato pointing above to represent his belief of the forms, and Aristotle pointing down for his disbelief in it.
01/16/17 (Mon) 15:40:26 No. 89744
>Raise your Kundalini.
white stuff comes out when I touch my kundalini
01/16/17 (Mon) 17:54:24 No. 89746
I'm about to try out chaos magick sigil making and activation. However, I'm not sure what goal I should drive my desire forward for a first attempt. In simpler terms, what should I try to achieve if I want to see how it works and get used to it?
01/16/17 (Mon) 19:40:56 No. 89747
xD nice, show these roleplaying losers wats up bro
01/16/17 (Mon) 21:47:02 No. 89748
How can I be sure of what is real and what is a delusion of my own devising? What (and whom) can I trust?
01/16/17 (Mon) 22:21:13 No. 89751
01/16/17 (Mon) 23:23:01 No. 89754
It's not like you missed a window of opportunity, unless perhaps you were offensive in the way you declined the offer. If you do ever do decide to take the plunge it's as easy as paying a visit to your local lodge or expressing your interest to someone you know. Contrary to how it may seem, being persistent helps.
01/16/17 (Mon) 23:33:48 No. 89757
>joining the masons
>selling your soul
why not just put your head in a blender?
01/17/17 (Tue) 02:15:56 No. 89771
>not joining the based freemasons and becoming a satanic blood drinking pedophile jew slave
but goy!
01/17/17 (Tue) 03:54:47 No. 89779
Well you seem like you understand this kind of stuff, can you please tell me how can I escape a potential hell? Or how can I make my future the best and safest possible, if there is such thing?
Can you please just make a quick survival guide? I just felt the pendulum swing against me and most of those things I thought were empowering me kinda turned on me and it twisted it into a negative spiral. How do I detach from all this and go back to the good life? What to trust and what not to?
01/17/17 (Tue) 12:53:30 No. 89789
What is the flu(I'm thinkin' astral parasite or elemental imbalance), and what can I do to get rid of this shit.
01/17/17 (Tue) 20:01:34 No. 89795
Is it normal to have to give something in return when performing magick?
I was casting a sigil I made to give somebody higher chance of succeeding at a certain task and in return I had a pretty terrible day today, full of negative emotions.
01/18/17 (Wed) 01:08:51 No. 89800
Law of cause and effect
As long as you act in material ways you will find material retribution.
01/18/17 (Wed) 04:17:55 No. 89809
The ultimate comfort is found by appreciating the fact that the divine miracle of the life and guidance of Jesus Christ are an indication that our Creator is benevolent. While there are endless mysteries to explore and hidden knowledge to obtain that can help (and severely harm) you in your journey to reach higher levels, overall salvation lies in your ability and your willingness to find your way back to the path that He has laid out for us. Even as you stray from the path, (which as imperfect men is to be expected) the comfort comes in knowing that no matter where you may have wandered off to - whether by accident out of naive curiosity - you can always expect Christ to put you back in the right direction so long as you call out for Him to come and find you. To know this is especially important as you may choose to delve into hidden areas (the occult) as it is too often the case that many fools become lost and they neglect to realize that calling out to Him is the only way to save them from terrifying darkness, whether due to their tragic ignorance or undue arrogance. Always know that God has command over everything, and having proven Himself to be truly benevolent you should feel safe knowing that He is willing and able to save you from any kind of darkness and keep your soul in the right place, so long as you stay true to the example that has been set by Jesus Christ.
Tl;dr - no matter where you may find yourself, it is important to understand Jesus Christ is the best refuge for your soul.
>bracing for impact from the edgy anti-Christians
01/18/17 (Wed) 04:33:21 No. 89810
I agree with you brother, death to those who oppose the salvation of Jesus Christ (PBUH). The Kingdom of God will be manifest when we have converted or killed all those who do not believe in His (PUBH) glory. Death to the unfaithful. Yaweh Akbar.
01/18/17 (Wed) 05:37:49 No. 89813
10 bux have been deposited into your /christian/ account. Thank you for spreading (((our))) message faithful servant, truly you are my greatest ally.
01/18/17 (Wed) 07:37:56 No. 89816
Why would you even come to /fringe/ to say this
01/18/17 (Wed) 07:48:26 No. 89817
We're just trying to save you guys from hell. A lot of the practices people are pushing on this board are from the devil and meant to turn you to damnation. Only through the eternal salvation of the King of the Jews can your soul be eternally saved. We just want you to accept Yeshua as your Lord and Savior so that you will have eternal life in heaven, you are currently going down the path to damnation. G-d bless.
01/18/17 (Wed) 09:35:32 No. 89819
>G-d bless.
Bit OTT tbqh fam.
01/18/17 (Wed) 14:13:10 No. 89824
Alright, but I have done that. I've yearned and prayed for him to forgive me for all my sins, even those which I wasn't able to recognize and I did it truthfully.
But how can he save me from a problem that I've created myself? (long story). I haven't committed any serious sin or crime, here in the physical plane, but I feel like I am being judged for trying to spread a positive message using the wrong tools on social media and such. But because I was foolish, all of the negativity that those «tools» (movies, music, etc..) contained, are dragging me down and clouding my mind. I wasn't even aware of this before, but because all of those things a corrupted and I used them as if they were my own, I'm getting not only the positivity back but also the negative part (the enemies, the judgement, the bullshit, insults) that they contained.
This didn't affect me before, but for some reason I feel it sometimes now and even had a vision, a dark vision.
Am I being tested? Should I just eliminate everything that is artificial and not of this world and turn to God and Jesus?
My intentions are good, but the message was corrupted.
Can you feel and commune with Christ? Or do you have to imagine it?
And what about that Montalk stuff? That seems to relate with some of these things.
There's just so many information and not enough proof of anything. I want salvation, I want to purify my mind from all this negativity and confusion.
But the irony is that I brought this all upon myself, mainly because I lost myself when I fell in love. None of this would've happened otherwise.
I've learned my lesson and realize all that I've took for granted, and my eyes are opened now. The danger is clear, but I fear not, but this isn't just. I thought I knew what I was doing before, but I didn't.
If Jesus Christ can save us, what is the best way? I feel like my mind is paying for crimes that I never did.
Only because I was foolishly following mine and other people's passions.
All of this has already changed me into a better person, but my mind is still corrupted and danger is still felt.
01/18/17 (Wed) 15:25:41 No. 89826
It's b8 m8. In this day and age turning to Christ is like killing yourself.
01/18/17 (Wed) 16:04:22 No. 89828
Says who? What is the solution then?
01/18/17 (Wed) 16:10:55 No. 89829
This flag is ironic, correct? Saying that god is benevolent while wearing a gnostic flag is irony, right?
Okay maybe it is.
01/18/17 (Wed) 17:39:11 No. 89832
B.O. please fix the CSS, recover the images that were lost from /edgy/, and get everything looking like how it used to.
01/18/17 (Wed) 21:58:47 No. 89839
How do I into intuition? I figure it's just a matter of asking for it and always being aware of its existence, but I haven't ever seen much discussion about it here or any books anywhere so I'm curious about anyone else's experiences.
01/19/17 (Thu) 00:15:00 No. 89852
Intuition? That'd just be stuff like following your gut, which by its very nature I think would make it kind of difficult to write about at much length. I suppose the more obvious way of pointing out its existence is through its absence in some people, whom may stick to some pre-prescribed, or pre-chosen routine/way of doing things even though their intuition would suggest something different. I'd say it's just like one's silent, "inner voice", so what you've said would probably be a great way of approaching it.
01/19/17 (Thu) 05:22:58 No. 89870
Is hermetics really the best way for a beginner? I like Chaos Magick better from what I've seen; I want practical magic without all the metaphysical baggage.
01/19/17 (Thu) 07:11:11 No. 89877
They don't conflict imo fam.
Chaos Magick's tools are great for their ease of use, and Hermetics is more of a meta-system to unify various subsets of magick, so I would argue that they are complimentary to one another.
01/19/17 (Thu) 08:28:58 No. 89882
>metaphysical baggage
Stay ignorant prole.
01/19/17 (Thu) 09:48:05 No. 89883
Ad hominem attacks, truly a reflection of the tradition! As below, so above!
01/19/17 (Thu) 10:26:48 No. 89885
Actually, having just recollected an old memory of a dream, I feel humbled and beg your pardon for my earlier comments. The paths of ancient Egypt and Greece are the ones I wish to pursue, and I will go henceforth to do so with enthusiasm and gusto.
tipp 01/19/17 (Thu) 11:07:01 No. 89886
Praise consciousness!
01/19/17 (Thu) 22:33:36 No. 89924
Why is this guy so angry, and can we ban shit like this when it's posted this much?
01/20/17 (Fri) 07:29:02 No. 89944
You are such a strong wizard Gandalf. You are so strong. You can bend time and space! I know you are TRIGGERED when a random anonymous person arranges letters in an order you don't like, but everyone has their weaknesses! Just get back to bending time and space. You are so strong. You will never be as strong as somebody who isn't affected by words, but your efforts will be an inspiration to somebody less pathetic than you. One day we will find the chosen one. It's not you, but you tried. You are just average. Deal with it worm.
01/20/17 (Fri) 11:29:26 No. 89950
Being unaffected by words is only a sign of your growing numbness, Saruman.
the true Gandalf 01/20/17 (Fri) 11:37:30 No. 89951
01/20/17 (Fri) 12:14:44 No. 89952
I want you banned because seeing so much autism distracts me, and obviously you don't want to be here. Go ahead and type some more long-form insults that won't change my view of the world.
01/20/17 (Fri) 12:50:13 No. 89959
>I don't want a reality-check
Yesss, we must be insulated from the profane one. Send out the mad and bad guy. Stupid goys.
01/20/17 (Fri) 13:43:12 No. 89963
This is more of a /r/equest than a question.
A year and half ago there was a thread here about sleeping/sleeping cycles, if i remember correctly, there was an image that showed a chart about the effects of falling asleep during certain hours, i forgot to save it. I tried with search engines but i didn't found that specific image, does it sound familiar to you? Thank you in advance.
01/20/17 (Fri) 16:42:47 No. 89977
What can I do to be less distracted?
01/20/17 (Fri) 17:42:44 No. 89982
I am here to distract you so you die faster. You are a faggot numale pussy and will be eliminated from this universe. There's nothing you can do about it. The weak lose to the strong. Deal with it. I get high off your anger, so keep reminding me that I'm effective at my job.
01/20/17 (Fri) 17:50:12 No. 89984
Donald Clinton and Hilary Trump have servents. You stare at the sun trying to figure out how to fix your situation. You have fucking down syndrome. Come out of your psychosis. I'm sick of seeing attention whore faggots exploit the mentally ill so they can get a 2 second dopamine release. You are worse than religious faggots because you have supposedly done psychedelics. You people are so fucking pathetic you aknowledge gay debunked religions and keep their schizophrenic rituals alive. The lesser banishing faggot ritual of the numale coke addict is so fucking retarded. Nobody on this planet doesnt think you are a fucking child. Stop humiliating the entire species and start solving some of the worlds trillions of problems, or get the fuck out of my universe. Abraham is dead. Deal with it mental patient.
01/20/17 (Fri) 20:26:39 No. 90010
>I get high off your anger
>You stare at the sun trying to figure out how to fix your situation
It's called sungazing dude, and if you don't find it an illuminating experience you might be blind.
>Stop humiliating the entire species and start solving some of the worlds trillions of problems
Which one out of the trillions of problems is most urgent? I figured 'levelling', but it could be deceit or evil. Perhaps being humiliating is the world's most pressing problem?
01/20/17 (Fri) 20:34:55 No. 90011
Does anyone know what these sigils mean?
They seem sinister.
01/20/17 (Fri) 21:17:08 No. 90015
Not sigils, glyphes for Mars (male), Venus (female) and a mix of the two (hermaphrodite-transexual) combined with the official logo for starvation, hypothermia, beggarism and lice.
01/20/17 (Fri) 22:13:26 No. 90021
It's for faggotry and autism
01/20/17 (Fri) 22:26:07 No. 90023
You'd have to ask the creators. You need to appreciate what it was like when man learned writing and how to draw symbols for the first time. Sigils aren't any different from initials or other stuff, just a technique for creating something nice to look at that symbolizes an intention or connects a thoughtform to it. It's not really any different from logos in advertising (although not every advertiser knows how to use occult techniques to imbue their logos, usually they get the energy in a more casual way by repeated exposure and conditioning). There are techniques you can use to look at the energy behind any sigil and know exactly what it's for and there's a couple people on here that can do that shit, I forget the name of this one guy but he was around during when /fringe/ was very new, and he didn't post much but I've talked to him on Skype and he's excellent at looking at any sigil and knowing exactly what it's ACTUALLY for (and not just what it is said for). Also some sigils are just dead (energetically inactive) because retards who make them don't know how to charge them, so all they've made is a drawing. It's like the difference between a magical circle drawn in evocation vs just drawing a circle and standing in it.
01/20/17 (Fri) 23:11:45 No. 90027
holy shit… thanks man. I'm not the same anon, but the more I listen to this chant the more it echoes in me.
01/20/17 (Fri) 23:28:09 No. 90028
Its what we will be seeing in the infernal realm
01/21/17 (Sat) 00:08:18 No. 90030
01/21/17 (Sat) 00:23:35 No. 90031
01/21/17 (Sat) 00:25:52 No. 90033
01/21/17 (Sat) 00:28:42 No. 90034
You're talking about Circadian Rhythm. I don't know what image you're talking about and I don't know much about the topic, but if you look it up you'll probably find what you're looking for.
What are you being distracted by? Is it thoughts, or is it material things like TV and internet?
It's the communist hammer and sickle mixed with male, female and probably some kind of third gender symbol. It's not a sigil. It's just some protesters trying to combine several arbitrary symbols together on their protest signs so they can look like the person who cares the most about everything. Nothing magick about it.
01/21/17 (Sat) 01:06:40 No. 90035
Make Americans Goyim Again
01/21/17 (Sat) 01:22:00 No. 90036
Man I'm so fucking tired of the material world.
When will Saturn leave Sagittarius?
01/21/17 (Sat) 02:04:30 No. 90037
Looks like some sexual degeneracy, lgbt and utter permisiveness, as in, "we own you and you must sell your body and be our trans nymph". It promotes rape and abuse and shits on human rights.
01/21/17 (Sat) 02:13:02 No. 90040
By being a white male you are literally raping poor opressed womyn and transqueerpedophiles.
Sage 01/21/17 (Sat) 02:35:47 No. 90043
The Sagittarius arrow and communism symbol, overlapping with male/female; it's about expanding gender roles and sexuality, or, sexual adventure for the collective, but not for the individual's sovereign rights, since communism is all about stripping human rights to "benefit" the collective, whilst being inefficient and terrible at it because it's a terrible idea. It's LGBT stuff as well as selling your body for the ideal of used whore. "Stop resisting and just enjoy it harhar!" Evil as Fuck. Mental Disorder.
01/21/17 (Sat) 02:37:19 No. 90044
My enlightened brother, here we stand!
01/21/17 (Sat) 02:39:31 No. 90045
Where'd you find this Shit anyhow?
01/21/17 (Sat) 03:01:48 No. 90050
>The Sagittarius arrow
Its some kind of "transexual" symbol, and the female symbol has a similar look to it.
If you mean that it was subconsciously put there, be my guest.
01/21/17 (Sat) 03:03:16 No. 90051
>Where'd you find this Shit anyhow?
01/21/17 (Sat) 03:29:07 No. 90053
It is implicitly Sagittarius. I understand it takes on new meaning with the circle and all. My point is emphasized however, that they injected Sagittarius into their b.s. because it represents expansion and adventure and new things, the propagandist cucks. Fucking Centaur "merge animal and man's nature!" Propaganda shills, my animal nature wants to kill you fucks that's what. Kill 'm. Now THAT is some integrated shit right there. The fact that it's all a fucking circle representing an expansion of unity is such manipulative carp. Dorf fort carp mind you, the deadly kind. This is war my niggas, lay down your lives for the justest cause and justest ends you can.
01/21/17 (Sat) 03:50:33 No. 90061
If you see here , the arrow you see is based off the ⚦/⚧ symbols. SJWs have no idea what Astrology symbols mean, their masters wouldn't want them to know anything remotely esoteric.
01/21/17 (Sat) 04:26:51 No. 90064
>Read up about Pluto in Sagittarius
>Absolutely hate it
>Check chart again
>My Pluto is in Sagittarius
I'm getting a bit troubled
01/21/17 (Sat) 04:46:53 No. 90065
I am on kindle and my Unicode does not reveal. Sag is arrow like shown, this must be sag related. Even if a permutation or deviation it is all about following some th ing to logical end, a transformative vector. Point still stands. Google images would be visible what do I type in.
01/21/17 (Sat) 04:55:24 No. 90066
Here's the signs in question.
>Sag is arrow like shown
>therefore this must be sag related
Not necessarily
01/21/17 (Sat) 05:17:37 No. 90069
I thought the sag meant transgender and neutral gender and zhe and whatever so I at least interpreted it right. It uses the arrow because it is about a break from tradition into new territory, thus is still means whatever Sagittarius likely means. Wikipedia can eat my fucking cock, tick tock hickory dickory dock.
01/21/17 (Sat) 05:20:49 No. 90070
Wait the arrow is fem and male sign combined wow this means a man measures his progress by how much he breaks awAy from female convention of course, the outter limits of femininity is where masculinity resides thus man is the gatekeeper and fuel of this movement thus we must focus entirely on the liberation of men from their stupid self limitations thus lift and stand out maggots.
01/21/17 (Sat) 05:28:27 No. 90071
Since heart is on left side and so is this arrow maybe men need to liberate their gender inclusive hearts from communism and become fucking leaders to demand retribution for the crimes humanity commits, to end all degeneracy and over stepping acceptance and instill family and societal standards that do not concern themselves with such foolery and distractions but with important matters such as war and technology and global extermination and space colonisation and artistic advancements that push technical Excellency and fitness and health and birth rates of the 7 to 9 billion world wide.
01/21/17 (Sat) 05:31:41 No. 90072
>Trying to draw out a corrupted interpretation of Astrology through that small Sagittarius sign
01/21/17 (Sat) 06:18:41 No. 90075
Astrology is bullshit, none of the established systems accounts for the movement of the stars in the sky relative to the earth over the millenia
01/21/17 (Sat) 08:02:00 No. 90077
Viva la Ophiuchus. Viva la 13 sign sidereel astronomically based astrology and fixed stars. Fuck the press we going full rebellion. END THE IGNORANCE, ART IS NO EXCUSE, TRADITION IS NO EXCUSE, IGNORANCE IS NEVER EXCUSABLE.
Yeah man I'm an air sign now you need me to breath.
01/21/17 (Sat) 08:02:48 No. 90078
I see beyond the obvious, for esoteric gains.
01/21/17 (Sat) 09:20:24 No. 90079
December 19, according to this book.
>"Sage" in the name field
>in a sticky
01/21/17 (Sat) 09:23:28 No. 90080
So what's the deal with crystals?
01/21/17 (Sat) 14:19:13 No. 90084
"A crystal or crystalline solid is a solid material whose constituents (such as atoms, molecules, or ions) are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure"
they are, for a lack of a better term, a higher order of arrengement of material substances.
01/21/17 (Sat) 14:21:00 No. 90085
is this book any good? Or just more of that "you'll be a wonderful mother" bullshit astrology?
01/21/17 (Sat) 18:44:53 No. 90104
Dude it's fucking Tuesday. Mars does not give you permission to drink orange juice today. Your life has been planned out for you, and the only way to learn the script is by paying Miss Cleo 55 shekels. And you better not even think about starting a conversation with somebody whose name starts with Z. People like you just aren't supposed to associate with people like them. This is all in the stars idiot. Learn how to look at them and maybe you'll start to understand what I know. You need to learn your place little bitch nugget. How dare you even think and obtaining a moderate amount of wealth on the 5th of next month. Venus is in the 12th tricentagrade, so you better get this through your thick fucking skull: you are going to obtain MASSIVE amounts of wealth on the 6th of next month, because that is when Zeus determined that all kikes will be gassed and my race war countdown will say NOW!
01/21/17 (Sat) 19:18:39 No. 90119
01/21/17 (Sat) 20:13:27 No. 90124
Do you guys have any meditation guides I can follow?
I feel like I was able to clear my head and meditate much more easily when I was younger. I have a lot of shit on my head now so I can't do that anymore.
All I want to do is be able to meditate in order to follow the exercises on the Initiation into Hermetics and Psionics manuals, but it's difficult to keep concentrated and have a clear mind. Usually I focus on the ambient sounds in order to steer away from having thoughs, but I don't know if that's the best method. I feel like the issue I have with these guides is I'm not good at meditating.
01/21/17 (Sat) 20:35:56 No. 90126
If you can't meditate you should try taking care of simpler stuff… like exercising, eating healthy, taking cold showers, stop consuming bulshit entertainment, and stop masterbaiting. That will help you clear you mind and become more focused. While you're doing that you should set a time to meditate every day, even you can't do it properly right now you should still try to do it.
It won't take that much time if you do it consistently.
Also focusing on sounds, or breath, or your body's energy field, or whatever, is just a doorway to enter a meditative state. The best way will vary from person to person as meditation itself is independent from what you use to achieve it.
01/21/17 (Sat) 22:41:55 No. 90133
Is it possible to use magic to change your facial structure?
01/21/17 (Sat) 23:56:13 No. 90134
It's helpful if you want to find out where all the planets where when you were born. I kinda thought most of the point of astrology was the traits that correspond with all of those. What about astrology isn't bullshit astrology? I just had the book lying around because I was curious about what it's all about. It didn't really answer that question. Also, it's not 500 pages of reading. The vast majority of the book is charts and things.
It gets progressively easier, so the more you do it, the better you'll get at it. It does take a while, but being a practical occultist was never meant to be easy.
I've heard of people changing the colour of their eyes like that. You just visualize it and will it, I guess. For the eye colour thing, I heard that you're meant to stare into your own eyes in a mirror and try to convince yourself that they're whatever colour you want them to change to (I assume it has to be natural eye colours, so not pink or rainbow polka-dots) until you see it objectively. I've never tried, so I don't know how much effort and time it takes (or if you can actually change matter on the physical plane like that).
I know 01/22/17 (Sun) 02:24:31 No. 90148
I know you are but what am K?
01/22/17 (Sun) 02:25:36 No. 90149
How do I develop ESP? I want to be able to guess coin tosses, and stuff.
01/22/17 (Sun) 02:44:53 No. 90151
Eating foreskin. Did you think the jews did it for fun? Eating foreskin will make you a GOD.
01/22/17 (Sun) 03:28:20 No. 90152
I meant in terms of the occult and energy and all that shit. I figure it's not completely new age bullshit since I've seen people mention using them here, but I haven't seen any books around.
01/22/17 (Sun) 03:37:53 No. 90153
>First book, Kybalion
>The ALL is the creator of the universe, with no little material reasons to have created it
>Second Book, The Arcane Teachings
>neither does It imagine, mentally create, dream, or meditate into existence a false and fictitious Universe “all in its mind,” as pseudo‑occultism and pessimistic philosophies would have you believe.
Why are the books contradicting themselves already
01/22/17 (Sun) 03:48:32 No. 90155
I'm not finding that quote anywhere in the Kybalion. What was the page number?
01/22/17 (Sun) 03:54:09 No. 90157
I didn't actually quote the Kybalion but I thought I had deleted that piece of text and replaced it with a actual quote, now I can't find it
Anyways in short, the Kybalion says that we're a "idea" or "imagination" of THE ALL. At least, that is what I remember. That directly contradicts the 2nd quote, "neither does It imagine, mentally create, dream, or meditate into existence a false and fictitious Universe “all in its mind,”".
01/22/17 (Sun) 09:58:30 No. 90169
W. W. A. was a hack.
Essential and Fundamental Truths cannot be expressed through word written or spoken.
01/22/17 (Sun) 13:11:21 No. 90172
But that's what they are in occult terms too. Being a higher order of material arrengement means each and every crystal is a condensed version of material aspects and therefore both produce and resonate with specific energetic patterns.
I'm pretty sure there are good books on the subject, but at the time studying stones is not a priority to me, so I just use them instinctively.
I just buy a few I feel attracted to from time to time (most of them are pretty cheap here) and make pingents with them. Sometimes I meditate looking at them, I've tried putting them in water and wine, I've also tried putting crystals around my house.
The weirdest experience I've had with crystals was a hexagonal amethyst that didn't allow me to get drunk while I was carrying it in my pocket, and I was drinking for 24 hours non stop.
01/22/17 (Sun) 15:42:15 No. 90174
My sides, thank you.
01/22/17 (Sun) 16:09:27 No. 90176
You buy 2 for the price of 3 but receive only 1.
01/22/17 (Sun) 17:56:23 No. 90178
All these people screaming about how great their life/practice is are full of shit. If you are feeling discomfort it means you are actually accomplishing something. Anyone who thinks you just gain shit without pain is preparing themselves for a big fall.
01/22/17 (Sun) 17:59:48 No. 90179
I thought that was what the left hand path was??????? You don't even need that gay name. Just be yourself and don't be a piece of shit. That's actually alot harder than it sounds, but that is how you will be succesful and harmonize with us insane fucks.
01/23/17 (Mon) 09:24:39 No. 90221
>Just be yourself
b urself brah
01/23/17 (Mon) 10:08:49 No. 90225
The Kybalion states that all truths are but half-truths but the Emerald Tablet has a funny note to it. let me use Isaac Newton's information:
"Tis true without error, certain & most true."
Is this tablet 100% true, or is it a "half-truth" like everything else?
01/23/17 (Mon) 11:50:49 No. 90229
I ask you your opinion of us, how you perceive syncretism between hermetics and christians, and you quietly remove me. Even though I gave you the chance to say, "I don't like them!"
I ask on your thread, and once again I am quietly removed.
I check the moderation logs, and the administrators have silenced the logs – /log.php?page=1&board=christian – despise the fact there was a recent moderation scandal within /christian/.
Your own bible would shout the words "LIAR" and "SNAKE" at this, you hypocrite. Remove yourself.
01/23/17 (Mon) 16:58:24 No. 90233
When was the last time you snuggled your demons /fringe/?
01/23/17 (Mon) 18:35:26 No. 90238
All truth are half truth because of the other polarity. When both truth merge, then you have Truth.
01/23/17 (Mon) 21:01:29 No. 90242
no truth is full truth because of the other polarity. When both truth merge, then you have no Truth.
01/23/17 (Mon) 21:49:59 No. 90245
>misunderstanding things this bad
01/23/17 (Mon) 21:50:49 No. 90246
It's curious, /christian/ is practically the representation of the myopic, abrahamic, monotheistic mundane figure. It's extra funny when you consider they claim to keep philosophy in high regards and such.
They have become the same thing most atheists and pagans make fun off.
Also, take in mind that most occultists in the past took the cape of christianity to cover their ass from other (((parties))) and (((institutions))), to say the absolute least (not that the bible doesn't hide occult knowledge, mind you).
01/23/17 (Mon) 21:55:18 No. 90247
Welcome to /fringe/
01/23/17 (Mon) 21:57:50 No. 90248
Which Chaos magick book is recommended to start with?
01/23/17 (Mon) 23:37:37 No. 90256
Stop pretending that you are real. You aren't. Deal with it. You are my slave.
01/23/17 (Mon) 23:39:35 No. 90257
Those people are just sociopath faggots who create faggot dances to justify their douchebag faggot actions. Join them for 2 seconds of pleasure. Join me for eternal fun. Trust me, I'm a guy telling you what to do, so cleary I know what I'm talking about.
01/23/17 (Mon) 23:49:36 No. 90261
I get it it's a shot in the dark, but I'm hoping to get useful suggestions from people who are more experienced. There are several chaos magic books in the fringe library and I don't know which one to pick first
01/23/17 (Mon) 23:58:24 No. 90265
Help! I'm a straight tranny and I can't stop shaking my ass! Someone stop this before we have world peace!
01/24/17 (Tue) 00:02:25 No. 90266
What do you want to do, cheat on your girlfriend and get away with it?
Sorry but Ashley Madison is dead. That is all those chaos faggots were doing - cheating. The reason all you hear anymore is meditation/being reasonable etc is because I killed all those faggots. They were stinking up my universe and I put them in their place. If you wanted to be a piece of shit you shouldnt have come to my circle of hell.
01/24/17 (Tue) 00:35:40 No. 90270
I don't think this one's in the Mega (I think I found it in the folder in the library thing in the banner) but it's meant to be an introductory book and it's only 68 pages. I haven't read all of it though.
01/24/17 (Tue) 00:39:37 No. 90275
Truly, /fringe/ attracts the most sophisticated schizos and i lose my shit every time.
01/24/17 (Tue) 01:21:23 No. 90281
Forum is getting slided, old threads being bumped
01/24/17 (Tue) 01:22:26 No. 90282
I will be honest and straight forward.
CAN i use a yoga/chakra- activated Siddhi to make other people do my bidding as long as I don't ejeculate, thus losing my Brahmacharya.
for example if i want John to give me his bread;can I use mind control without touching john?
01/24/17 (Tue) 01:23:16 No. 90283
It happened only a few minutes after this was posted >>90269
01/24/17 (Tue) 02:04:14 No. 90287
Haha magic the gathering xd. Le loosh. Le braincells. Le smart. Ooooh! You got pwnzord. Freaking nooblet wizard. Why dont you equip the right amulet? Next time you should think about staring at a tree for 15 seconds before engaging me. Any Dark Blood Chaos Magician should know that the only way to defend against lesser psychosis of the greater delusion is by grounding yourself in the rootly ways of a tree. I mean come on guys! This is 1 on 1! Didn't XSnApEx show you this with magic missle on day one at asswarts? Freaking nooblet. Learn about the TrRE oF liFe. Just trust me guys come on i want to roleplay! Please just follow my made up rules for life! If you dont im telling mommy!
*the world continue to spin while you fuck a 12 inch bbc dildo while wearing a cape*
Mommy! They arent following the rules made up! Mommy put them in time out! Mommy why arent they falling down when I say abrakadabra? Stupid schizophrenics.
01/24/17 (Tue) 02:11:11 No. 90289
Guys this is God speaking -
I have no fucking clue whats going on, and neither do you. Shut the fuck up.
ThAnkx wiZards XD
NoW Go Pwn somE draGons XD
Pluto is in the HEART stage. I think you might find some human beings of the opposite sex if you get really high and drunk and hang out in a bar filled with your clones.
01/24/17 (Tue) 02:53:54 No. 90321
Are there any good Wiccan grimoires? I don't care for Wicca, preferring a Chaos approach, but I wouldn't mind grabbing some useful stuff from their literature if there is any. There's just such a big pile of shit I don't want to wade through the muck.
01/24/17 (Tue) 03:42:46 No. 90324
haha u ppl are fukin PATHETIC!
fukin schizo
01/24/17 (Tue) 03:56:46 No. 90333
What useful information do you expect to find in Wicca that you can't find anywhere else? There is a reason there's so much shit to wade through: because the only difference between Wicca and anything else is the "look at me I'm a special snowflake" stuff. I do say that as someone who hasn't looked deeply enough into it to know everything about it, but clearly you're already aware of what I'm talking about.
01/24/17 (Tue) 03:59:24 No. 90336
The problem is not "Wicca". It's fucking 90% of the garbage labelled as "occult".
01/24/17 (Tue) 03:59:46 No. 90337
never stop posting
01/24/17 (Tue) 04:00:38 No. 90339
you mean all off the bullshit labelled as occult u retarded mental patient
if u seriously believe in this shit ur either underage or a fuckin loony bin
01/24/17 (Tue) 04:09:20 No. 90344
yes all occult is bullshit and the bullshit occultists should be gassed
01/24/17 (Tue) 04:16:23 No. 90346
+1 broseph
gas the occultists materialist war now
01/24/17 (Tue) 04:23:37 No. 90349
Materialism requires as much faith as any religion, probably more. That's why nobody but fedora guys buy into it
01/24/17 (Tue) 04:28:37 No. 90350
Why don't you tell it to your shrink schizo? "I control the universe with my mind MOM mundies just don't UNDERSTAND how POWERFUL i really am! I'll show them all one day, especially that whore in highschool who rejected me! REEEEEEEEE FUCKIN MUNDIES! I AM GOD" -literally you. You realize how retarded you people sound? Or are you too fucking crazy to see that you people are worse than people actually in mental institutions. You believe in crazy fucking retardation that even children can see is stupid.
Get. Mental. Help.
01/24/17 (Tue) 04:38:21 No. 90353
01/24/17 (Tue) 11:10:11 No. 90377
Why is "Salt" mentioned sometimes?
Is Salt important somehow? Is it magickal? I see it every now and then, like symbols for salt in magick books.
01/24/17 (Tue) 15:21:04 No. 90384
It's symbolic for a spiritual concept, I forget which thing
01/24/17 (Tue) 17:28:13 No. 90389
This doesn't really fit in the question thread, I don't want to bother starting a new thread or finding a more appropriate thread tbh. I noticed this most recently (and quite clearly) a few days ago when doing energy work, so I figured I'd compile some other observations so anons can give their own input, maybe it helps others figure some stuff out.
Doing simple stuff, breathing into the LDT like in an excercise from lonemanpai, having no problems, mind free. Then I start to get some sexually suggestive ideas, and at that moment I feel a sort of "closing" pressure at the very top of my head. I figured that that's something akin to the seventh chakra or the opening towards the "heavenly" energies closing when I'm having base/sexual thoughts. So I tried "opening" it in return, which also felt successful - concentrate on top of head or UDT area and generate loving energy (love itself seems to rush from the heart to the higher centers in a calming, "opening" manner) towards the higher planes. Likewise, when fantasizing about women before falling asleep, the usual result is nightmares or waking up feeling groggy/drained - most likely sending out an invitation to some entity to drain me while I'm asleep.
In relation to this I for the most part have my sexual activity under control, however. The times I am most likely to "give in" so to say is, of course, when I'm feeling sleepy, fatigued, tired - more easily influenced. Furthermore, back when I was quite a bit less in control and had a gf, the same shit goes down with sex. There was a distinct feeling of "darkness" in the mind during the process. Something that goes beyond just loosing energy, as if the baseness of the act harms you by itself. I have however once or twice tried generating a lot of love before uhhh… experimenting, and keeping it up until I'm done. The feeling is a lot more pleasant that average sex, there is less intense loss of energy and not as much a downer feeling, but I'm still worse off than just when collecting energy and not spilling seed.
Another irksome thing is being beset by thoughtforms trying to suggest you fuck friends, random people, animals, children. It feels very close to the mental attack like feeling I get when mainstream radio music (the brainwashing kind) plays - harder to think, thoughts are cyclical, fogginess in UDT area, closed off feeling, and all throughout a general attempt at planting suggestions. It's not like I am close to giving in, but it's a cross between annoying and disgusting (thankfully they are more prevalent during full moon, obviously, or when I am knocked out of my calm). It was worse at times when I would literally feel my second chakras front extension get warm and tingle-ish (3 or so cm under the navel). That feeling was more a general animal urge to fuck and conquer women, but it was a lot harder to control, but when controlled was easier to stop (thankfully haven't experienced it in a longer time).
The benefits of longer abstinence combined with energy and a normal lifestyle, however, are to my liking - a general can do attitude, a passion for conquest and self-mastery, skill learning etc, (The Chariot card would fit the description quite well, but that's more because it's the way I am supposed to be in this life when I'm at my best; so personal flavors apply in your own cases).
>What's the point?
To loop back into a question - I want to eventually have a wife and children and I want to teach them enough of the work so they eventually free themselves and others, and have children and so on. Problem is, with relationships come sex and benefits of sex (pair-bonding, linkage and childbirth) take energy and doing it at proper astrological times (like that one anon suggested). So I would be in sacrificing energy and spiritual power (for a time, or in the long term, because bitches need a dicking (more serious, than joking tbh)), in exchange for a happy household and children. But can it be done at all? The actual "benefits" seem to start after 3 weeks of abstinence + EW. Before that the urge to just continue spurting is strong, but it also feels "empty" or drained. It might be more due to loss of energy sensation or "warmth", not because of actual immense energy loss, because dreams are still about as clear if just meditating before bed and I might be able to regain energy control by dedicated longer EW sessions post expulsion, but who knows, I don't want to experiment with this. I know this is somewhat silly to ask here because /fringe/ desired more celibacy than coitus, but this hopefully future jivanmukta needs some food for thought.
In conclusion, the "spirutal sex, bruh; ancient yoni tantra and shieet" retards are most likely just degenerate pseudo-yogins and can go fuck themselves.
01/24/17 (Tue) 19:45:58 No. 90397
The divine paradoxe :^)
As everything you got exoteric christanity and esoteric christanity. Though you are right, a lot of practitioners did use christanity lore as a cover to not end up tortured by the inquisition or burned to death or worse.
The Liber Null is a good starter.
As >>90384 wrote salt can be a symbol. Thought physical salt can be used to do varied king of operation like protection or cleansing. Grey unaltered salt is best for this.
I dunno if it will be useful to you, but it was for me. I found the Taoïste way more clear and precise than other.
01/24/17 (Tue) 21:31:39 No. 90405
bullshit occultist pseudo-intellectual nonsense
01/24/17 (Tue) 21:44:50 No. 90406
01/25/17 (Wed) 01:47:39 No. 90415
01/25/17 (Wed) 02:44:04 No. 90421
A Hollywood/Hallmark marketing product
01/25/17 (Wed) 03:55:44 No. 90429
just a chemical reaction that people aren't fully conscious of
01/25/17 (Wed) 04:06:09 No. 90431
Cleansing then. That makes sense according to my knowledge.
01/25/17 (Wed) 04:13:43 No. 90432
Thanks, for the rec. Looks like that's one of Mantak's books I haven't read.
01/25/17 (Wed) 08:40:41 No. 90440
Can a massive thoughtform be helpful or useful, or do all overcharged thoughtforms become greedy?
01/25/17 (Wed) 09:35:16 No. 90442
Thoughtforms need a source of energy. The bigger the thoughtform the more energy. Humans get energy for the thoughtforms they call a soul from their body. So any artificial thoughtform is going to need some kind of energy source. An artificial thoughtform can conduct Awareness but it cannot gain Will and therefore cannot conduit energy by itself, it needs to be fed by a being with Will. So it's more trouble than it's worth.
01/25/17 (Wed) 10:47:25 No. 90444
01/25/17 (Wed) 13:01:58 No. 90446
Baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more
01/25/17 (Wed) 13:11:05 No. 90448
>Soul with chakras etc.
>merely a thoughtform
Hold on there, cowboy.
01/25/17 (Wed) 14:24:36 No. 90449
Can anyone give me examples of the different poles joining together, like in the Kybalion? It doesn't matter what realm it is, philosophical or material, I just want one to check it.
Have normal people done it, or is it something only masters come across?
Would the merge between determinism and free will(Compatibilism) be a merge of the two poles, or are they the same?
01/25/17 (Wed) 18:06:30 No. 90454
I'm not sure to understand. Does pic related help ?
Depend on the programming and the control you exert on it.
Are you asking about love or Love ?
01/25/17 (Wed) 21:37:24 No. 90462
chakras are thoughforms
That's why any number chakra system works the same, you can have 7, 8, 9, 1000 chakras and it doesn't matter.
01/25/17 (Wed) 23:18:33 No. 90468
I want a a example of this "opposites combining" thing to just help me in case I find it later. Have any philosophers done it?
tipp 01/25/17 (Wed) 23:53:56 No. 90469
>t. retard
the main seven chakras are etheric manifestations of glands or locations in the body with high neural activity and bloodflow, getting accustomed to the chakras means you have an interface to controlling your body by will which is more powerful than letting it do various activities automatically.
your idiocy and misinformed opinions are hurting me and everyone around you, go read a book.
01/26/17 (Thu) 00:10:34 No. 90470
Ah here we have the quintessential armchair occultist, the man who believes everything written in dusty tomes and does no actual experimentation and never thinks. The obullshitist at his finest. The "Tipp".
01/26/17 (Thu) 00:12:12 No. 90471
I have a question.
People say not to masturbate because it increases your loosh and shit. BUT WHEN I RUB MY WILLYDANGER IT MAKES ME FEEL REALLY GOOD AND THEN WHITE STUFF COMES OUT CUM! So my question is if I don't masturbate how am I supposed to get that pleasure?
t. hedonist
01/26/17 (Thu) 00:15:23 No. 90473
>t. Hedonist
A meme.
01/26/17 (Thu) 00:49:24 No. 90474
funny you say that… I don't know them but they are right. You shouldn't use your insight into relativity to undermine the experiences, not theirs, but of great men who lived long before you. This hurts you the most.
Sure you are right when you say the number of chakras vary, but that doesn't make it any less real. The number of chakras are equivalent to the number of colors, and just like light it will always be possible to distil the number of down to a minimum of one (being it white light or your whole body) or to dilute it to an infinite maximum (being the rainbow or every subatomic particle in your body).
Having said that, they are both real and independent from how you choose to express their existence.
01/26/17 (Thu) 01:34:36 No. 90476
Is it really possible to lose your soul? Wouldn't losing one's own soul result in immediate death?
tipp 01/26/17 (Thu) 07:51:15 No. 90481
You couldn't be more wrong but if that makes you feel better after being called names, sure.
01/26/17 (Thu) 12:34:57 No. 90486
>>chakras are thoughforms
>>That's why any number chakra system works the same, you can have 7, 8, 9, 1000 chakras and it doesn't matter.
>there are supposed """"""wizards""""""" out there who have fell for such weak ass Demiurgic spy-op
01/27/17 (Fri) 00:05:38 No. 90510
Dear /fringe/,
Does anyone have any resources regarding musical composition for magical effect? Certain rhythm structures or melodies, or, ideally, some kind of occult music theory book so I can write my own. I'm sure something like this has to exist, I just wouldn't know how to begin looking for it.
Thank you in advance,
01/27/17 (Fri) 00:15:19 No. 90511
I've been thinking about that for the last 5 years or something, never found a thing that's useful beyond the A = 432, my own intuitive knowledge, and zen methods for art.
But yeah, if any one has any material on this I would also like to know.
01/27/17 (Fri) 02:12:21 No. 90514
What do you mean when you say "soul"? I'd assume most of us here believe in physical, astral, etheric etc bodies, since that's what the books say.
Dear Tim,
Have you ever posted on an imageboard before? You're not sending an email. You don't have to format it like this.
Here are some things you might find interesting. I haven't read all of them, so they might not be useful, but maybe they'll at least give you some kind of inspiration.
Yours sincerely,
01/27/17 (Fri) 03:18:50 No. 90517
Dear Anon,
Thank you so much for your expedient reply! These are just the sorts of things I was looking for, thank you again!
01/27/17 (Fri) 07:08:52 No. 90521
I drink tea regularly, and I very nearly always use the same cup. At least twice now that I can remember the tea has leaked—and yet the amount of tea seems not to have been changed, despite the fairly large amount of spillage, and neither is there a crack in the cup. The last time this happened, I felt a strange feeling, the feeling I feel when something mystical or relating to God happens. As some of you may know, the 28th (or 27th in Burgerland) of January is Chinese New Year, and on the night of the Eve and very early morning of the New Year, there's a New Moon, which is quite the odd coincidence because the Year of the Fire Rooster supposedly symbolizes new beginnings and the like, coming after the Fire Monkey, which is change. Tonight was clear, and I felt strange upon looking at the stars. When I came back into my room, tea had somehow spilled everywhere, and there was no way it really could have, and definitely not the amount that there was. Does the tea spilling mean anything?
01/27/17 (Fri) 10:20:45 No. 90524
Have you tried using a different cup?
01/27/17 (Fri) 12:33:31 No. 90526
I haven't masturbated for over 2 months now but I don't feel any different at all. What gives?
01/27/17 (Fri) 17:12:03 No. 90546
Could be the so-called energy boost is actually the stress of withdrawal for porn addicted people.
01/27/17 (Fri) 17:29:03 No. 90547
Ego can act ignorantly of the soul. Life seems to lead people into suppressing feelings in order for them to carry on functioning, which might also lead to a suppression of the soul. That could cause people to feel their soul as mute and passive, secondary to ego, and resigned to watching as their body is strung along by external forces.
01/27/17 (Fri) 18:02:46 No. 90548
Well that sucks, even more so since I'm not going back to masturbating
01/27/17 (Fri) 19:24:54 No. 90551
Are you able to feel your energy at all ? No change in the way you act ? Like doing more shit, being active and all ?
Abstinence without redirecting the energy or transmuting it is actually counter productive imo.
01/27/17 (Fri) 19:25:40 No. 90552
I remember Wilhelm Reich said in one of his books that it's healthy when it provides relief, but he was a Jewish guy who seemed to think fascism was caused by people not getting enough.
Nofap has caught on largely because of internet porn.
You can't lose your soul.
01/28/17 (Sat) 02:07:52 No. 90574
How to remove entity attachments?
01/28/17 (Sat) 02:25:16 No. 90579
Stop doing whatever it is that's attracting them and they'll go find someone else to attach to. That's the only surefire way, anything else is a short-term solution at best, or ineffective at worst.
01/28/17 (Sat) 02:26:39 No. 90580
What if it has been years, how long would it take?
How do I also prevent doing things in my sleep that may also attract them further?
01/28/17 (Sat) 17:53:04 No. 90599
How do I start manifesting things in my life? Let's say for example I want to manifest winning the lottery. What do I need to do in order to manifest that?
01/28/17 (Sat) 18:38:02 No. 90604
Depend on your will. You can help getting rid of those bad habit with auto-suggestion.
By playing lottery first, duh. So you will need to start acting toward that goal before thinking of manifesting it in your reality.
01/28/17 (Sat) 23:21:42 No. 90616
That would require great energy, willpower and a strong mind since countless people want to win the lottery too, money is the neutral god of this world.
It can be done, but you need to rev up those daily affirmations, use the element earth and do a Sun square.
01/28/17 (Sat) 23:28:16 No. 90618
Do void meditation/shadow work to clean your mind from garbage thoughts and train it to silence them, the first step is stop giving attention to the attachment. The second step is cleaning your aura by vibrating mantra's, use RAUM or SURYA.
01/29/17 (Sun) 01:06:37 No. 90627
Hol up science doesn't make sense.
For example take the theory that the speed of light is a universal constant. But there is absolutely no proof of this. For all we know light could move instantaneously outside of the solar system and exertion of the Sun's gravity. For all we know outside of the gravity exertion of a Star's mass light could move without delay, at no speed at all. How is believing that the speed of light is a universal constant any less stupid that believing in a desert meme jew god being an all powerful omnipotent dictator of the goyim?
01/29/17 (Sun) 01:19:45 No. 90631
There's a lot more evidence for the former than the latter, don't you think? Science is based on evidence.
01/29/17 (Sun) 01:27:07 No. 90634
So you're saying that no evidence is proof? Lel Scientologists really are retarded.
01/29/17 (Sun) 01:31:05 No. 90635
Hegel - Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis?
01/29/17 (Sun) 02:42:48 No. 90636
Anon, what are you even talking about?
01/29/17 (Sun) 05:50:02 No. 90647
Here's the actual dialog dumbed down, since you're confused
>Why do people think speed of light is constant without proof? Isn't that like believing God is real.
>Actually there is evidence for the speed of light being a universal constant, and god being real has none.
>So you do things without proof?
As you can see third reply ( >>90634 ) is confused.
01/29/17 (Sun) 07:22:32 No. 90649
>Actually there is evidence for the speed of light being a universal constant
But there isn't.
>b-buh goy of course there is even though I have no understanding of physics other than popsci I read and am not going to bother posting sources with this supposed proof which doesn't actualy exist oy vey stop holocausting me schizo!
01/29/17 (Sun) 07:28:47 No. 90651
I had a really profound dream where I encountered this cat. It wasn't an ordinary cat, though. The way I'd descibe it is a black/grey and some white colored fur but it's neck and head were mostly skin. It was a really old cat with wrinkly skin with bumps on it with white hairs coming out like whiskers but all over its neck and near the back of the head. The skin on its neck was really thick. It had fur on the face, though. I just thought it was a weird dream but I feel like I came in contact with a spirit or some spiritual entity. I pet it and while I should have been disgusted, I was quite calmed by its presence- it had a protective vibe about it. Does anyone know if this is some entity that's known? I rarely come to /fringe/, but something about this compels me to dig into it.
01/29/17 (Sun) 08:50:50 No. 90656
Some days ago I had a similar dream. Except there were numerous hounds with similar fur. They were snarling at me while I was inside a car. I felt intimidated by their presence.
01/29/17 (Sun) 09:19:17 No. 90658
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>90649
You can't use the words evidence and proof interchangeably, Scientology has nothing to do with anything, and this has nothing to do with /fringe/. Vid related is evidence. Disprove it or fuck off already.
01/29/17 (Sun) 09:27:39 No. 90662
So you're telling me that a spacecraft has left the solar system and measured the speed of light within the interstellar vacuum?
Then you have no proof that the speed of light is universally constant. Relativity and your popsci bullshit proves nothing you imbecilic mouth breathing reddit cuckold.
01/29/17 (Sun) 11:48:10 No. 90663
What's the most magically potent metal? Also the most magically potent wood, please. I'd prefer direction to resources to research it myself if possible.
01/29/17 (Sun) 12:35:47 No. 90664
You've still given absolutely no evidence that the speed of light isn't constant, you hypocrite. Your theory is plausible, but you're being a dick. Why are you so angry? Insulting me like that just makes you look like you're only posting to annoy people. You probably are, but it sounds like a cool theory, so I'm humouring you.
I'm pretty sure there's something about gold being the best thing to use in fluid condensers in Initiation Into Hermetics, but I didn't completely understand it, so I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for. What makes a substance magically potent?
01/29/17 (Sun) 15:18:46 No. 90665
Well the guy in the thread down there isn't asking here even though he was asked so I'll do it for him
What is the meaning of Ouroboros(The snake eating its own tail), anyways? Is there anything esoteric about it?
01/29/17 (Sun) 18:29:33 No. 90666
>I possessed this girl's body
Just randomly found this today while going through my matches, heh.
01/29/17 (Sun) 19:23:00 No. 90669
what website is this?
Also dem satanic trips
01/29/17 (Sun) 22:41:36 No. 90676
Not quite. When I mean I use that cup, I mean I use it nearly every time I drink something.
01/29/17 (Sun) 23:24:49 No. 90678
I understand that the likelihood of getting a serious answer to this question is extremely low, but here goes anyway:
Once accepted, what is the Freemason initiation process?
01/30/17 (Mon) 00:43:36 No. 90682
>if you want to know how, message me!
01/30/17 (Mon) 01:15:17 No. 90684
it's literally described on wikipedia
You have to sell your free-will to them but in return they let you fuck little boys. Free masons are gay satanic jew worshipers.
01/30/17 (Mon) 01:39:35 No. 90685
Ok, but that last point is obviously not going to be found anywhere on wikipedia. Is there a legit source that ALL lodges and members are into that shit?
01/30/17 (Mon) 02:24:17 No. 90688
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>90685
read "334 Promille Lüge" by H. M. v. Stuhl
tl;dr: homosexual rape cult with entry level occult powers
01/30/17 (Mon) 03:09:54 No. 90692
>video with no English subtitles
>dead scribd link
I'll take the Hitler dubs as the only piece of credibility to this response.
I knew it was a long shot, so I'll be as clear as I can be one more time before giving up. Can anyone here answer the following 2 questions backed up by an actual concrete source or perhaps even a compelling enough personal experience:
1. What is the standard initiation procedure?
2. Why should it be assumed that every single lodge and every single member engages in all the ridiculously spooky behavior that people mention, with no exceptions?
01/30/17 (Mon) 03:17:00 No. 90693
>dead neo-nazi occulti imageboard
>no speak German
There is no available translation.
1. some symbolic nonsense or hardcore rape where you're forced to eat excrements as a metaphor for having eating society's shit as described in the book
2. because no sane person joins willingly a cult. all "occult" knowledge is free nowadays. there is nothing of value there unless you're gay, hate women in your "boy's only club", want to pretend you know "super secret stuff", want to show off how rich you are or some other inane bullshit that has no place in genuine spiritual teachings.
01/30/17 (Mon) 03:23:08 No. 90695
Anyone have occult books but in Portuguese?
Do Portuguese translations exist for Julius Evola or for any of the other philosophers books in the main library?
01/30/17 (Mon) 03:26:46 No. 90698
01/30/17 (Mon) 03:33:38 No. 90699
Need only the good quality books from there and not the junk. Want to pass em' on to a Pork & Cheese Wizard.
01/30/17 (Mon) 03:36:40 No. 90700
waddling through a sea of garbage and collecting the gems that you're able to spot with your magical sight is one of the first quests.
01/30/17 (Mon) 03:47:43 No. 90701
Fair enough, perhaps if I understood German I could make a better determination as to whether the guy is speaking from genuine first hand knowledge or simply LARPing.
Can't find any info on the book or the author. Translating the youtube comments seem to indicate that it is more of a philosophical piece of literature rather than one that is based on actual scriptures or corroborated first-hand accounts. What makes it a reliable source?
Thought-provoking and somewhat reasonable points, but again based on nothing more than theory. Is there a piece of primary text - such as a historical document or a leaked manual from the organization itself - that proves these activities to be their standard practice?
01/30/17 (Mon) 03:52:31 No. 90702
Here's The Kybalion in Portuguese. I don't know about any practical books, though.
01/30/17 (Mon) 03:56:09 No. 90704
of course you don't because you're a bullshit occultist
01/30/17 (Mon) 08:10:47 No. 90715
No it's because he's not a fucking huetardian monkey and actual Portuguese have a high enough IQ to find this shit for themselves. All Brazilians MUST die.
01/30/17 (Mon) 11:03:00 No. 90717
What happens when you wear a sigil somehow or get a tattoo of one? I've heard of people doing it, but everything I've ever read about sigils says they need to be charged once and then forgotten about, so wouldn't seeing it all the time ruin it?
01/30/17 (Mon) 11:31:26 No. 90719
>What happens when you wear a sigil somehow or get a tattoo of one?
It becomes an ideograph. Chinese characters are all descended from sigils.
01/30/17 (Mon) 12:05:30 No. 90721
You can google "Freemason initiation" and you should get non-hyberbolic results. The Royal Order of Jesters initiation is online; it's like a play, and there's an explanation of the GOAT thing and stuff like that at other places.
Acquaint yourself with keywords, search for them and then read widely. Seems better than trusting one source.
01/30/17 (Mon) 13:18:12 No. 90723
plenty of white Brazilians among all the monkeys
01/30/17 (Mon) 13:21:59 No. 90724
MAYBE 0.5% of brazilians are actually white, probably more than there are pure Spaniards still in Mexico in any case. But with almost no exceptions they're all in the military or government because the stupid huetards are too stupid to actually run things and Brazil would turn into Zimbabwe if it weren't for the few pure portuguese who remain.
01/30/17 (Mon) 13:30:37 No. 90727
One drop policy
How many Brazilians can say they do not have a single non-white ancestor in the past 6 generations?
01/30/17 (Mon) 13:32:26 No. 90728
>How many Brazilians can say they do not have a single non-white ancestor in the past 6 generations?
Just as much as any other white person.
And apparently you're unaware of the Nuremberg Laws which allowed quarter Jews.
01/30/17 (Mon) 13:34:36 No. 90729
>One drop policy
What the fuck are you going to do, set up the Nazi base in the Moon since that's the only country that didn't have any racemixing in it?
01/30/17 (Mon) 13:34:43 No. 90730
>implying my flag isn't ironic
>implying I don't think Hitler was a weak willed cuck who destroyed Germany through his soft morality
01/30/17 (Mon) 13:36:26 No. 90731
if your flag is ironic then so are your claims about Brazilians.
01/30/17 (Mon) 13:37:06 No. 90732
By the approximations I have made there are maybe 30 million or less total pure whites. The rest of humanity has got to go. Sterilize them and if they resist kill them. I'm sorry but it's gotta be done.
That's plenty of genetic material to restart humanity anyway, the rest of "people" are just chaff.
01/30/17 (Mon) 13:58:35 No. 90737
Can any of you fine Wizards tell me where I can get "The Collected Works of C. G. Jung" in German? Or at least the first one ("Psychiatrische Studien")?
From my uninformed perspective this seems to be the basis for chaos magick; at least, a heavy influence.
Sorry again for not reading the rules ;_;
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:03:48 No. 90738
Xd yeah lets do this for KAk! One more big mac and wel go kill all the non white xd. Actually walking dead is on next week xd so after that. The white master race needs a good dose of television before engaging in any aryan activities xd. The majority of trump supporters I know cant spell
Ayo hol up
Ok sorry the irony is just too much..
Anyways, these people cant spell or be bothered with "any of that gay thinking crap", but yea, you are right, inbred simpleton rednecks are not going to be the ones slaughtered by the 7 billion people who have moved the fuck on from golf hahahahahah. You won dude. The prep school army is gonna taKe oVeR the WorLd xd gahahahahahahaha
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:18:54 No. 90741
I didnt think it was possible for humans to look any dumber, but they outdo themselves every fucking time. Why was I cursed with this shit existence in this shit body in this shit universe? How are any of you still actively participating in this fake ass bullshit? Focus everything on destroying this shithole so we can create something better.
39 667 blah blah shut the fuck up roleplaying faggot . Fucking edgy losers. 39 hahaha i inverted it gahahahhahahahahhahaa! 665 ! Hail uhhhh this wall! Yea i dO whAt I Wilt DAwg! 94 dude! Lol i said a number im part of something xd.
Die in a fucking fire. Let your gay bullshit to and lets move on. Everyone is waiting for you. You are about to be left behind.
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:20:36 No. 90742
Damn you are pretty triggered right now. Are you literally shaking?
>I can't even just ugh stop it how could someone just ugh
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:22:15 No. 90743
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:22:44 No. 90744
To - go*
If you think you can do whatever you want with no consequences and your shit starts fucking with my shit I'll fucking kill you plain and simple. I'll bash your evil fucking face in until I am covered in your disgusting blood. Then I will go to your cults next meeting covered in your fluids and ask who wants to do what they wilt while i do what i wilt and a does what it shalt dont do what it is dont it dont dun did dud it? 92
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:22:58 No. 90745
drumpf is satan
if you do not oppose drumpf you will go to hell
death to drumpf supporters kill whitey
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:23:32 No. 90746
Take your meds.
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:25:16 No. 90747
Aw lilbaby eric so mad :) you got nothing but bad things comin to you buddy ;) enjoy =) for kok!!!! Praise kok!
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:25:52 No. 90748
Somebody you love is going to die this year :)))))
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:26:35 No. 90749
Funny isn't it. I'm here laughing at my computer and you're slamming your keyboard with rage.
It makes one ponder.
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:26:37 No. 90750
Aww triggered donald trump jr! Get tougher pussy. You are way too soft.
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:27:14 No. 90751
Haha im in your head now buddy :) i got you so mad im controlling you hahahahahaahahhaha
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:29:30 No. 90752
By saying the word ponder you showed how raged you are. You are resorting to a subtle claim that you are superior by using ponder instead of think like some 150 year old faggot. Do you go to civil war reenactments too buddy hahahahahhaha
Omg an aninymis person insulted you - are you gonna let me continue to own you tough guy hahahahahahhaah
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:31:49 No. 90753
You will post "lol hes assmad" or one of 10 other canned responses cause you are a simpleton faggot. I love controlling you. Its too much fun :) every bad thing that happens to you now will be caused by me, cause I rule your brain. My words dictate your emotions haahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahajajajjajajajajajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajajaja
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:33:28 No. 90754
How many blacks are there who do cuck porn and play the role of the cuck!?
13/66 master race check in by saying 39/665
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:37:16 No. 90755
Your dad died from brain cancer. All he did was say "fucking stupid niggers", and now hes dead. How are you part of the master race when your dad is a smelly stinky corpse and his wife is still a 60 lbs overweight cunt with 0 marketable skills?
You deliver boxes to peoples door for a living and repeat the same 5 jokes all day to borderine retards in redneck heaven. You are a fucking loser, but if you need to tell yourself you are special try to keep it in your head.
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:38:44 No. 90756
Your dad died from brain cancer because you and your family are all bigotted inbred pieces of shit. Meditate on that.
01/30/17 (Mon) 14:40:38 No. 90757
Your dads stinky corpse couldnt get a date with anyone, but you still post here about how hes a member of the MASTER RACE? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHA
Sorry but white women moved on. They don't like your dads smelly corpse or decaying dick. Deal with it. 13/77
01/30/17 (Mon) 17:58:14 No. 90765
T. Unenlightened subhuman
01/31/17 (Tue) 01:00:56 No. 90783
Now THIS is projecting son. Truly BRs are the greatest lolcows.
01/31/17 (Tue) 01:37:13 No. 90785
So do they get used any differently to sigils? How do they work compared to sigils?
01/31/17 (Tue) 01:40:35 No. 90786
They don't work at all.
You're supposed to create a sigil, charge it, and then destroy it. Getting a tattoo of a "sigil" is just something people do to virtue signal how hip and occult they are.
01/31/17 (Tue) 01:57:38 No. 90787
I thought as much. I have heard of some kind of process of enchanting something and wearing it so that it continuously does whatever you programmed it to do wherever you go. The only thing I found when I looked into it was talismans, and the thing I read said that they had a lot to do with the planets and some kind of kabbalistic process. I don't think that's what I'm looking for. I've had this weird hunch that I should get something like one of those things for the last month or two, but I don't know where I'm supposed to be looking. Does anyone (or do you) know what I should be looking into?
01/31/17 (Tue) 02:39:10 No. 90790
Anything can be a talisman, you can use anything as an association to energy or certain programming. You simply imbue the item with elemental or balanced energy.
However certain materials are better than others. Plastic and similar petrol based synthetics are absolutely horrible and fairly useless. Wood is good, silver gold and platinum are very good. All you really need is a very simple piece of jewelry or something you can keep on your body or near you at all times, by simple I mean made of one material only. Some gemstones are good for this but only if they contain certain metals within their structure, rubies for instance contain chromium which means they work fairly well.
01/31/17 (Tue) 05:01:21 No. 90797
Dear anon,
Not him, but do you have any books or further reading for this? I've been wanting to do something just like that and would love to be able to research more.
Thanks in advance,
01/31/17 (Tue) 14:10:13 No. 90814
hi im a newfig on /fringe/ and i don't usually post here but i just realised i was born 13 days after a solar eclipseso now i wonder what kind of occultic implications that could have.
t. /asatru/ and /pol/ regular
01/31/17 (Tue) 18:16:03 No. 90823
your date of birth doesnt define you
stop caring about systems created by the same people who created the prison you live in
01/31/17 (Tue) 18:25:57 No. 90826
but aren't the day and the night natural phenomena? i'm not talking about dates of birth, i'm talking about the amount of days between the eclipse and my birth. if an eclipse occurs and it also happens 13 (a number with certain occult importance) days before my birth i see that as a sign, i just don't know how i am supposed to see that.
01/31/17 (Tue) 20:59:31 No. 90832
I don't think that being born 13 days after an eclipse is important. What's important is the celestial energy you did get when you came to life, and to know that just do and read your horoscope. (choose the website that suit you the best, you'll need the day, the hour and the location)
Though remember that it is the energy you did get at birth, it's not fixed and if it's a sure way to understand you better, time and experience may have changed you.
01/31/17 (Tue) 21:12:52 No. 90833
01/31/17 (Tue) 22:24:55 No. 90834
Here's my question:
One day i went to an expo with a friend and we had a lot of fun, during the fair i felt so good that day that somehow i started feeling in front of my chest like as if i was projecting a golden cart wheel rotating at ticks like a clock's hand.
This feeling lasted for about 15 minutes before it started fading.
Also when we were leaving i passed under two street lights and both flickered the moment i was perpendiculary below them.
What do you think /fringe/?
01/31/17 (Tue) 22:58:04 No. 90836
Were you born in the Chinese year of the rat or the pig by any chance?
01/31/17 (Tue) 22:59:31 No. 90837
I meant
>>90836 for
Not to say it's wrong.
01/31/17 (Tue) 23:27:21 No. 90838
When I read these books (or any books) I can't take in what they're saying. What can I do to change that?
01/31/17 (Tue) 23:49:51 No. 90841
I found these on the deepnet in a lolicore archive. There was a lot of other stuff but only this particular stuff is worth actually reading.
Edit: I can't post it here, it exceeds maximum filesize… fuck. Here's a screencap of the first page.
01/31/17 (Tue) 23:50:30 No. 90842
Here are the 4 books I found:
Can't upload then on so I uploaded them there
01/31/17 (Tue) 23:58:04 No. 90844
So /fringe/ how do I deal with extreme shame?
02/01/17 (Wed) 01:06:10 No. 90845
You could try making notes as you go. Right after you've finished reading something that seems important, try to write it down in as simple terms as you can. Then, if your notes get too much, you could try simplifying larger parts of the notes, and keeping those first notes to clarify any notes you make that are too condensed. It's a good idea to break down big, complicated concepts into smaller ones, too. If you think you're having trouble retaining all the information because you can't understand a significant concept that the rest of the information is based around, you could always ask here. Maybe you're reading too much at once, too, and overloading yourself. Have you read much throughout your life so far?
02/01/17 (Wed) 01:15:32 No. 90847
Don't identify with it. If this is a habitual response for you then don't expect it to dissappear in a day. Try not identify it, observe it, try to note the various ways in which it is elicited. Observation alone, if applied regularly will begin to diminish its hold on you. This will require time and effort.
02/01/17 (Wed) 01:27:52 No. 90848
Thanks for you response anon.
02/01/17 (Wed) 01:36:47 No. 90849
If the books in this library are so powerful as to be able to unlock a person's hidden magical potential or whatever, why are they so easily accessible (relatively speaking)? Why have them out in the open like they are? It makes me think that the real secret books and knowledge are actually still hidden away somewhere. Feel free to mock me for this viewpoint, after all I have no reason to believe otherwise.
02/01/17 (Wed) 02:56:32 No. 90851
If you spray painted "If everyone learned how to have astral projections, organized religion would crumble" on a sidewalk, do you think everyone would believe it and do it, or do you think pretty much everyone would look it up on the internet, laugh at how silly and obviously untrue it is, forget about it and continue on with their lives the way they were? People don't suddenly change their view of the world unless they're receptive towards whatever new information they find. Just because this kind of information is easily accessible doesn't mean everyone's suddenly going to give it a chance. Probably higher than 99% of the people on all the other boards think we're all just LARPing. You're posting on a board with 60 active users (at least several of which just come here to spam "bullshit occultist" over and over) on a website that everyone avoids because they think we're all evil nazi autists. There probably is more powerful information out there that's intentionally being hidden, but the great thing about this stuff is that you can see for yourself whether it's real, regardless of the possibility that there's something better that you'll never know about.
02/01/17 (Wed) 03:11:54 No. 90853
Well said you big lovable bullshit occultist .
02/01/17 (Wed) 04:23:37 No. 90854
02/01/17 (Wed) 04:30:23 No. 90856
02/01/17 (Wed) 04:35:12 No. 90857
If you can do magic, you should post every spell you can do. The government will definitely just let it go. There are millions of people on this planet whose job is "investigating crime", and I'm sure not even one of them bothered to ever look at this. Keep posting everything you got. If you say "I USED MAGIC AND KILLED SOMEONE" people are definitely gonna be like lol lets let it go. Especially if you make that proclamation then continue to look at this shit and make it part of your life. Keep up your great decisions gandalf.
02/01/17 (Wed) 04:38:43 No. 90858
Wtf I hate magic now
I just talk to myself at this point cause y'all fuckin suckin fuckin gay ass fuckin dick.
02/01/17 (Wed) 04:43:42 No. 90859
Wtf u sed its 39 its 93 im the only person who knows things stop thinkin for urself idiot just let a man in a room youve never met make every decision for you fuckin idiot
Gosh. You better start paying your taxes. And NO drug use. Also please only speak the way I want you to. Now shut the fuck up and let your masters continue to do whatever they want, whether its rape, murder, theft, deception etc. They are doing wut thay wilt. They are smart people. They can do what they wilt cause you wont do a fucking thing. Fuckin pussy ass bitch. Sit the fuck down. People are doing what they wilt, because there are no consequences for them, but there are consequences for you because you are good at smart.
02/01/17 (Wed) 09:45:06 No. 90864
Not a single question and obviously you didn't do your yogic breathing yesterday.
It's interesting input anyway Gimli. Remember that if you find your axe you can just go and cut down the overlords, and do you think they might be at your nearest Pizza hut? You can also stop typing in the tourettes-like gutter dialect of internet orphans and TV/Music fans, if you still can.
JOHN RICHARD STANLEY 02/01/17 (Wed) 14:05:40 No. 90866
The books in this library are not the real secret books and knowledge. The real secret knowledge is hidden in the higher realms. Such books will help you access those realms. Books are only keys you can use to open that door.
Also, see the history of mystery religions and you'll see that these keys to esoteric knowledge were hidden and veiled behind metaphors for millennia. Now we are transitioning into the Aquarian Age which is bringing forth new forms of knowledge. Most people are simply exploiting it which is why it has no credibility.
02/01/17 (Wed) 20:05:29 No. 90871
Wtf u r mean im changing the way i am so you r never mean again. Your opinion is the most impurtint thing on erth Gandalf.
02/01/17 (Wed) 20:07:47 No. 90872
Hey me it's me. How's life? It's crazy how we are all the same person yet we sit here yelling at eachother. That gets alot accomplished.
Oh life. You crazy ass fucking game. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!
02/01/17 (Wed) 20:10:20 No. 90873
Holy freaking heck dweebs. I just tapped this magic tablet and these words started showing up in this box. Freaking magic is nuts. I'm gonna hit NEW REPLY and see what happens.
#gan #dalf
#mer #lin
#san #ta
#ju #den
#murka #buh
#kill #yourselffaggot
02/01/17 (Wed) 21:36:09 No. 90884
If two wizards walked past each other in a street would they recognize each other for what they are?
02/01/17 (Wed) 22:25:26 No. 90890
If they are both masters yes.
02/01/17 (Wed) 22:35:36 No. 90895
>I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!
extinction or enlightenment?
>#kill #yourselffaggot
Yeah and you plebs need to keep up! Chop!Chop!
02/01/17 (Wed) 22:39:12 No. 90898
Also stop data mining me. It's a little sad really.
If you want wisdom you just have to ask.
02/01/17 (Wed) 22:39:29 No. 90899
02/01/17 (Wed) 22:40:19 No. 90900
Yourmom 02/01/17 (Wed) 22:46:58 No. 90901
Where am I, why am I here, why do I feel like I'm on fire/can't breathe, why is my life in fucking shambles, and why despite all this do I spend most of my day smiling?
Are we actually gonna get LSD legalized? Are we exploring space? Are we gonna get the popes webcam out of my bedroom?
I honestly am not sure anymore. I thought we were going to win no matter what. I used to think the script had me becoming emporer of the world, but instead I am a fucking worm.
Everything I thought I'd have at this point I don't have, and every decision I made in the past was the wrong one.
I can't even find a connection to nature. I lost my connection to humans awhile ago.
I feel like I am in fucking hell, and all the odds are stacked against me. I feel like I am in a virtual fucking reality where every action I take is met with a complete opposite action by every soul in the universe.
So why am I in this moment the happiest man on earth? I HAVE NOTHING. All I have is a constant feeling of impending doom. I will never own a tower like Trump. The druggies are too smelly and the normies aren't smelly enough. I have no fucking place here. I am deluding myself by choosing to act like I will have my day and rule the world. I spent my whole life being an edgy anarchist douchebag psychonaut, and it led me to nowhere but the void.
So why the fuck do I still feel like the king of the fucking world? This is fucking GAY! SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING! OWN ME! SOMEBODY BREAK ME! THE HUMILIATION IS STACKING UP, BUT i just channel it all into happiness. I go from the trenches of WW2 to absolute bliss in the blink of an eye. Why? I am in so much pain. My body is broken, my brain is fried. I have 0 income and the lack of food is starting to make my bones feel frail. I want to run away but have nowhere to go. But right now, I still feel like God, and there isn't anything any of you can do about it. No curse, sanction, attack, or anything has any effect on me. In this moment I am invincible.
What could be going on????
Oh yeah, you all fucking suck. I'm ascending to paradise and there is nothing you can do about it. You are a skeleton with arms and legs. You are a lesser version of me. You should be mad, because you lost. You are gonna pretend like you win after you steal this technique, but I will already be onto this next thing.
Oh lordamercy I fucking run this shit!!!
02/01/17 (Wed) 22:55:25 No. 90902
Well guys I don't know about you but declaring myself messiah and ascending with my merkabah/lightbody feels pretty good.
The shitposts and dubs are just the cherry on top of my metaphysical sunday.
02/01/17 (Wed) 23:04:04 No. 90903
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. So what are you guys listing to right now.
02/01/17 (Wed) 23:39:55 No. 90907
Reasons you have to be happy:
You feel better than other people.
Everyone you look down on and don't like seems pretty fucked.
You're in a manic state.
You're aggravating.
You're neurotic in the special way that supposedly makes an honest-to-god prophet if they have intelligence.
Reasons you have to be unhappy:
You're deluded.
You're just as doomed as other people.
You probably need the help of other people.
You're bipolar.
You're living in a sort of hell of your own making.
You're dumb as a brick.
Your come down is going to suck.
You're a victim 4 lyfe.
Yourmom 02/01/17 (Wed) 23:40:34 No. 90908
Im shopping for fridges at
Yourmom 02/01/17 (Wed) 23:51:50 No. 90910
We are all deluded. We are deluding ourselves into even thinking this experience means anything. Still, the most deluded people are the ones who tell people they know instead of saying they think they know.
The reason I am blogposting on 8ch nowadays is because for some reason eric trump and his pigfaced friends decided that anonymous message boards where all voices are equal are only safe spaces for pig faced prep school faggots who are terrified about the fact that they are losing relevence. So since everything I post now is met with an attempt to dox/unmask who I am, whether its a black, a gay, a pussy, a libtard, or whichever boogeyman it is today, I am doing a psyops to remind the faggots in khakis that they are wasting their time. As soon as they realize this the power of the chans will be restored. It's hilarious how owning 99.9999% of resources in the world isnt enough for the chumps, but the fact that they beg us to share their opinion shows they either fear or are in love with us. Maybe all this pseudo macho bullshit is really these people wanting to be accepting by the enlightened. That is why I am reminding them that us original faggots killed our egos like a decade ago, and so their job is to lurk while we post.
02/02/17 (Thu) 00:44:21 No. 90911
>Where am I, why am I here
Well there's your problem lad
why do I feel like I'm on fire/can't breathe
anxiety, activating heart chakra,drugs
honestly I don't know cause I dont know any thing about you and neither do you. so drugs
why is my life in fucking shambles
well your alive arent ya? Is that how you feel or is that what every one is telling you cause NEVER listen to mundanes.
why despite all this do I spend most of my day smiling? perspective is a bitch to master
>Are we actually gonna get LSD legalized?
No cause then kikes loose their whole
modus operandi.
Yes goys continue chasing the life you can never have cause WE have all da money AND we're white!
and they say I'm delusional
Are we exploring space?
again kike modus operandi, does it make money and breed misery in peoples lives? no. No shekels for you! :^)
>Are we gonna get the popes webcam out of my bedroom?
If you can shit post here you can tell the pope to fuck off.
>I honestly am not sure anymore
not surprising
>I thought we were going to win no matter what
And we are, either the worlds ends or we ascended. win win for most people here
>I used to think the script had me becoming emporer of the world, but instead I am a fucking worm.
Always gonna be a bigger fish lad.
crying about it wont change anything
Everything I thought I'd have at this point I don't have
welcome to the club
>every decision I made in the past was the wrong one.
It's called learning my man, Also most of the time a perfect ending doesn't really exist. Unless you're a wizard so again welcome to the club.
I can't even find a connection to nature.
You should get a pet. Cat or dog are good but sneks can be fun too. It should be a pet you can touch. Play with for a awhile and if that doesn't work go look at a sunset or something. I cant install the awe and appreciation of nature in you.
>I lost my connection to humans awhile ago.
Sup buddie?
>I feel like I am in fucking hell, and all the odds are stacked against me.
in some cases that is true, alot of the stuff we grew up with was just ways of society and mundanes making sure the shekel machine keeps turning.
>I feel like I am in a virtual fucking reality where every action I take is met with a complete opposite action by every soul in the universe.
now you're just being dramatic. Also…
>in a virtual fucking reality
Maybe…hard to say what exactly its some call it an illusion others a dream.
until I have lift the veil myself I cant really tell you what it is and even then I will probably lack the words to describe it. But doesn't matter what you call it just don't let it dictate how to live your life. eyes on the prize
So why am I in this moment the happiest man on earth?
Thats not true I'm WAY happier than you. Also madness/enlightenment
02/02/17 (Thu) 00:44:52 No. 90912
part two comin to you
I HAVE NOTHING. All I have is a constant feeling of impending doom.
Great isn't it? Cant wait for kikes and mundanes to start spontaneous combusting!
>I will never own a tower like Trump
>The druggies are too smelly
then dont smell them. duh
the normies aren't smelly enough.
They smell like weakness
I have no fucking place here.
gotta find it for yourself
I am deluding myself by choosing to act like I will have my day and rule the world. I spent my whole life being an edgy anarchist douchebag psychonaut, and it led me to nowhere but the void.
And look at the people who worked their youth away for future that's not coming. you really think they are alot happier than you?
So why the fuck do I still feel like the king of the fucking world?
>i just channel it all into happiness
welcome to the club
I go from the trenches of WW2 to absolute bliss in the blink of an eye. Why?
I'm gonna mix it up and say kundalini.
>I am in so much pain. My body is broken,my brain is fried.
still have the energy to write a long ass post I see
I have 0 income and the lack of food is starting to make my bones feel frail.
get a job, I cant do dick about that
>I want to run away but have nowhere to go. I hear Spain is LOVELY this time of year.
>But right now, I still feel like God
again welcome to the club
>and there isn't anything any of you can do about it.
by all means continue no one can take that feeling away from you unless you let them.
>No curse, sanction, attack, or anything has any effect on me. In this moment I am invincible.
We'll just have to wait and see wont we? :^)
>What could be going on????
>Oh yeah, you all fucking suck.
>I'm ascending to paradise and there is nothing you can do about it.
I'm not a Kike
again by all means please do it.
>You are a skeleton with arms and legs.
You better have proof to back that up smart guy!
>You are a lesser version of me.
You should be mad, because you lost.
gg no re faggot
>You are gonna pretend like you win after you steal this technique
>but I will already be onto this next thing.
>Oh lordamercy I fucking run this shit!!!
well certainty think you do. Now go make a fireball with your stonk magic and film it so plebs will stop asking us to prove magic
02/02/17 (Thu) 00:47:37 No. 90913
The spirit in doing that is good, but it's not going to work. Every so often someone burns out turning against the crowd to try force the uproar that oh shit, the mods are shills and the board is compromised or vice versa, then that person gets drowned out or banned. At least that's how it goes on /pol/. I don't think fringe is as important in the news cycle right now. Maybe you should *takes a deep bong rip* uh… try to build up your intuition some more, like read more widely and that shit? Check some other boards: /shillgate Expand your mind, or just preach on in this manner. Whatever man, it's all the ride man, take it easy mane.
02/02/17 (Thu) 00:52:04 No. 90914
>>90913 meant for
>>90910 but the first sentence does apply to both.
02/02/17 (Thu) 01:39:52 No. 90915
I can't motivate myself to do anything if I don't get instant results. What can I do to change that?
02/02/17 (Thu) 02:11:28 No. 90916
02/02/17 (Thu) 06:03:41 No. 90917
Rolled 5, 4 = 9 (2d6)
>You feel better than other people.
Yes but not because of stupid shit like money and status. You be amazed at the number of people who just cant have fun. Also I'm playing with the dice
>Everyone you look down on and don't like seems pretty fucked.
True but I dont know every little thing about them. Never know might pull a last minute comeback.
>You're in a manic state.
I ate to much candy :^(
>You're aggravating.
Strange I hardly talk to people IRL. When I do I barely say 7 words. When I do it's usually stick to the basics. Hello, How are you? If they are bothered that I'm happy with myself then that's their problem not mine.
>You're neurotic in the special way that supposedly makes an honest-to-god prophet if they have intelligence.
Another mental disorder?
Doc I'm gonna have to see your medical certifications Also where did graduate and what were your grades?. It seems like your just looking for excuses to pump me full of pills.
>Reasons you have to be happy
See this is the problems with fedoras they think so its fact! Just like they think wearing spurdo flag makes you fit in.
>You're deluded.
but that's part of the reason why I'm happy.
>You're just as doomed as other people
>You probably need the help of other people.
occasionally yes, but it's usually simple stuff like "hey man can you give me a ride I cant drive."
>You're bipolar.
Yeah we covered that >You're in a manic state.
Are you just gonna throw every mental disorder word you know at me? You might want to look up some more to expand your diagnostics their doc
>You're living in a sort of hell of your own making
>It's hell because I say so
>You're dumb as a brick.
>Your come down is going to suck.
>You're a victim 4 lyfe.
Speak for yourself goy, just because you accept your sad lot in life doesn't mean the rest of us have to.
02/02/17 (Thu) 11:04:07 No. 90923
>Speak for yourself goy, just because you accept your sad lot in life doesn't mean the rest of us have to.
Actually, yes you have to.
Enjoy never finding peace.
02/02/17 (Thu) 11:56:46 No. 90924
02/02/17 (Thu) 13:11:07 No. 90927
You're one of the most grimy sounding people to have appeared here, grats.
Are you the same guy come to have a different crack at the same post? I thought the first reply was sensible. Two replies in two different tones is kind of erratic. If you keep switching moods how am I supposed to know whose who?
You're aggravating here, which I figured you'd be happy about as that seems to be your intention.
>Yes but not because of stupid shit like money and status.
If you feel you're better than other people there's no need to clarify it, it would just seem that you feel happier because of it.
>Another mental disorder?
Neurosis is like a personality type. Some people would prefer to have it than be an untroubled philistine, so maybe you can be happy about having it?
>It seems like your just looking for excuses to pump me full of pills
I wouldn't take meds, meds can fuck people up. You better cut down on those valiums or 'candies xd'. I'm not a doctor so I don't know though.
>See this is the problems with fedoras they think so its fact! Just like they think wearing spurdo flag makes you fit in.
If you think people can't state facts without being a 'fedora', then you're still an edgy juvenile, but that you still care about fitting in even while acting like a flailing retard for attention makes that obvious. If you want to pretend you're truly happy, as many people also say to themselves, then go ahead, but if acting like this is the realisation of your happiness then it's not going to last.
>occasionally yes, but it's usually simple stuff like "hey man can you give me a ride I cant drive."
You need the help of other people anyway. You come across like a NEET with a sense of humour that is the opposite of entertaining in a system piggybacking workers in the shittiest jobs, and then the NEET is complaining that they aren't fun people and everyone is miserable. You have the opportunity to get free money and time to pull yourself up and get skills and proper friends. Surely you aren't naive enough to think that except for a few other things, you're a grown-up individualist who just occasionally bums a ride?
You think this is just armchair diagnosis from someone in a lazy boy chair, but your reactions tell all. You're an open book to anyone who grew up with the internet and did similar things in more anonymous, non-lasting mediums: like virtual penguin chat, where everyone got to create their own custom penguin and chat with other penguins and make penguin hierarchies, penguin mafias and hurt or amuse other penguin avatars for one's own sense of enjoyment, and vice versa. It was more brutal back then but it was closed down, and nowadays the internet is a safer, less hurtful place, although there's more of a sense of it being a panopticon.
>Speak for yourself goy, just because you accept your sad lot in life doesn't mean the rest of us have to.
Fair enough, you might be bound to become more of the jailer type than the victim. You should shut up and figure out how you're going to change your fate instead of posting. XD. fug. lel. kek.
tipp 02/02/17 (Thu) 15:33:45 No. 90928
02/02/17 (Thu) 18:12:59 No. 90936
What should i do to be with my waifu and really feel like touch or everything else?
Not a tulpa because it wouldn't be really her. Please gib help
02/02/17 (Thu) 20:09:58 No. 90946
You and everyone here is a bot
02/02/17 (Thu) 20:26:05 No. 90949
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d6)
>Actually, yes you have to.
>You have too because I say so
pushy arent ya kike?
>Enjoy never finding peace.
>projecting this hard
If you actually bothered to READ almost any books here and practice you would know peace comes from within. Not by the circumstance of the world.
Fedora if your just gonna say shit like
"You cant be happy"
"Your delusional"
Can you at least read some of the books and ascended so it has some merit?
Normally I charge morons like you a billion dollars for my sessions because that's what you THINK enlightenment is worth.
02/02/17 (Thu) 20:26:31 No. 90950
Rolled 2, 5 = 7 (2d6)
>You're one of the most grimy sounding people to have appeared here, grats.
>comes in here asking stupid questions loaded with passive aggressive bull shit
You get what you give
>Two replies in two different tones is kind of erratic
I thought I was talking to a different person so different tone.
>If you keep switching moods how am I supposed to know whose who?
>Your posts should cater to my autism
If you were a wizard you would know :^)
>You're aggravating here, which I figured you'd be happy about as that seems to be your intention.
This coming from the guy who wrote >>90901 this post isn't trying to aggravate at all? hhhhmmmm?
>If you feel you're better than other people there's no need to clarify it, it would just seem that you feel happier because of it.
>Neurosis is like a personality type. Some people would prefer to have it than be an untroubled philistine
>Because not knowing ever sudo medical disorder makes you a philistine
>You better cut down on those valiums or 'candies xd'. I'm not a doctor so I don't know though.
>I'm not a doctor
So then all your diagnostics are just opinions.
>You're bipolar.
>You're in a manic state
>You have Neurosis
You would think you could call me a retard and move on instead of googling mental/personality disorders to sound smart.
>If you think people can't state facts
You have <insert mental disorder> I know cause I'm not a doctor. :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)
>edgy juvenile
This coming from the guy who's came in here to scream YOUR WRONG! YOUR SICK IN THE HEAD! just because we believe in something you dont? I wonder if good christens feel the me way about you?
>but that you still care about fitting in
yup so much that I…
>act like a flailing retard
mean while you keep trying to convey that you are the "cool sensible guy, who never acts out"
>If you want to pretend you're truly happy
>projecting this hard
I know you have a hard time comprehending happiness but keep trying fam you'll get it one day.
but if acting like this is the realisation of your happiness then it's not going to last.
>It's that way because I say so
I'm bored with that trick, do something else!
>You need the help of other people anyway.
no man is an island unto himself
>in a system piggybacking workers in the shittiest jobs, and then the NEET is complaining that they aren't fun people and everyone is miserable.
>the shittiest jobs
My heart bleeds for them.
>You have the opportunity to get free money
Sorry goy I have a job
>pull yourself up and get skills
and what do you think I do when I'm not talking to you?
>proper friends
>any friends you have right now dont count
ah gez :^(
>Surely you aren't naive enough to think that except for a few other things
Why dont you tell me what these things are since what I have doesnt seem to fit YOUR criteria.
>You think this is just armchair diagnosis
Considering you don't have a medical degree…yes
>but your reactions tell all.
Hey that's my line!
>virtual penguin chat, where everyone got to create their own custom penguin and chat with other penguins and make penguin hierarchies, penguin mafias and hurt or amuse other penguin avatars for one's own sense of enjoyment, and vice versa.
You mean club penguin? Never went on it but good to know your an old fag
who sucks at magic
>It was more brutal back then but it was closed down, and nowadays the internet is a safer, less hurtful place,
bwaaaah! some one called me a faggot on the internet!!
I'm watching you>>90928
>Fair enough, you might be bound to become more of the jailer type
level up? NOICE!
>figure out how you're going to change your fate
Already doing it
>You should shut up and figure out
Follow your own advice schmuck
I answered your questions now answer mine.
Do you have a billion dollars?
Have you ever been in a movie?
Are you good looking?
Can you sing?
Do you play a musical interment well?
Is your wife a super model?
Are you a big guy and fit?
Do you have a golden toilet like trump
Do you have 10 rolex watches?
I could go on but if you answered no to 2 or more of these questions then by your own mundane standards your a failure, giving out shitty advice that doesn't work.
> instead of posting. XD. fug. lel. kek
you have a limited vocaberly of memes their friend.
Some one get this hot head outta here.
>no wings
I'm working on it.
02/02/17 (Thu) 20:31:34 No. 90952
>feel the me way about you?
Same way
I'm watching you>>90928
sorry tipp wasn't for you, just made a mistake
02/03/17 (Fri) 00:33:13 No. 90956
Lets say I am falsely accused of a crime and have to spend 10 years in a cell by myself with nothing to read.
Which magic is going to assist me here? How do I obtain the "inner peace" to disregard the fact that I've been thrown in a cage like an animal?
You people have simple questions to complicated answers. It's an infinitely complex world, but you people respond to people who could be living in a completely different dimension from you with smart ass shit like "omg dude thats right there in intro to kek 15". Also, one person might be content with a house out in the woods and another might not be content until all their enemies have been destroyed. Lets stop being so fucking smug. If you are here its because you are desperate to be what you are not, but should be. Lets be realistic here, anyone who expresses interest in stuff like ascending/becoming their best self/finding secrets/learning lessons/solving impossible problems/playing some role other than mundane pleb glued to a screen is better than everyone else. There is no getting around that. If you are managing your life while also taking your future/past self/your enemies/your allies into consideration you are a wizard harry. Ok great. We are special. Now lets move onto phase 2 and start learning how to create fireballs, or at least guarantee that our next life is filled with other reasonable like minded folk. 99.9999% of the world hates us. They either think we are retarded or they are jealous because we can stretch our brain out more. Even if everything every mystic ever discovered is false, there is no doubting that by keeping one foot in this stuff you are able to communicate in ways plebs can't. I'm a fan of you guys (girls?), but stop acting like your way of living is the only way. Dont be the pol of alternative thinking. If someone says "I tried meditation and it didnt work i think this is bullshit", how does LOL NOOB FAGGOT or GO READ or any other smug remark accomplish anything? We lose a soul to the pope every time you do that. If I say the lesser banishing ritual is stupid and doesnt do anything to me, why not break down for me what I'm missing out on? Even if you cant PROVE it, maybe you could attempt a freelance scientific explaination? Then someone else can give some input, someone might convert to your method, we might form a better system?
This is no longer shitpost city. Its now wizard city.
02/03/17 (Fri) 00:51:18 No. 90957
execewent, this train of confusion is running off the tracks and no one knows whose responding to who.
Man, I'm not going to address all of that and this coming from someone who can get a kick out of pointless bickering. Talk about cherry picking or trying to make mountains of molehills. I said to you 'Feeling better than other people seems to make *you* happier', and you reply as though there's a different meaning behind that statement; like 'happiness is a fallacy' or something. Why don't you write "You obviously don't believe in happiness" (instead of implying that's my outlook) and then your point would be clear (but still wrong).
Lmao if you don't think you're neurotic. A normal temperament wouldn't get involved in this shitfest. Call that Argumentum ad TRAPPED. I'll put it like this: if someone's found rummaging through and closely examining every article of a woman's underwear drawer, but denies the allegation of being a panty sniffer, they may be telling the truth. Possibly they aren't though. But anyway fine, fine, you're not neurotic, you're not neurotic… you're a cool healthy guy. Yes I'm just trying to trick you.
Nobody needs to be recognised as a doctor to have medical knowledge. I have medical textbooks and can use them to diagnose basic health problems from the symptoms, o m g. I can also tell you (I did say) that taking lots of prescription drugs like valium at one time is a bad idea, so was the point of your reply to that: 'it's better to hold out for a qualified opinion' than to take my word for it? Mmm. Ok. By the way any time I make a statement on personality, It means I just browsed the DSM category of wikipedia and said 'AHA, I can use this', and my statements don't have any more validity than that. I hope that'll spare you further effort along the lines of trying to deconstruct every little thing. It's a bit tiring to engage an argument that foregoes a point in favour of trying to refute lots of snipped up little statements.
>act like a flailing retard
That was mean of me to retards. It's just a slur that I picked up from hearing too much, and everyone is so used to it by now it doesn't have any effect. I should have put 'brat' instead.
>meanwhile you keep trying to convey that you are the "cool sensible guy, who never acts out"
Even when I could be said to be a flailing brat and unrepentant flailing idiot, I would often get taken down a peg. Anyone should expect that if they're going to act to provoke, and here we're just using words. Anyway the point (don't forget the point) was that you said: "he used a badge to try and fit in", which; although just a little thing, shows you care about fitting in despite acting like a primadonna bringing the house down, which means you're just seeking lots of attention instead of merely trying to be a major annoyance. I'll check the wiki on what that means about your personality. Oh it says you're antisocial disordered.. oh shit, it says you're prodomal schizophrenia'd. it says your MB type is FAG-P and your brain is fucked up by memes.
>and what do you think I do when I'm not talking to you?
You sit at the bottom of shit hill, getting pelted by shit balls from on high.
>You mean club penguin? Never went on it but good to know your an old fag
I was lying about the penguins. I just used virtual penguins as a dumb example of a chatroom. That you know about actual penguin chat rooms indicates that you an were effeminate bird-watcher boy, probably too scared to go on the virtual penguin chat (which years later you would still remember the name of).
That's a crap bucket list of achievements. I don't care about them. For someone who says they don't judge people on wealth and status, it's funny those things should make up your entire checklist of success.
02/03/17 (Fri) 00:52:24 No. 90958
I posted 901. The next person you were talking to was somebody else. I made it clear that I have no money or income then that person started going on about how great his career is/neets suck or whatever.
There are so many people who try to be me, yet I'm still somehow bout to just go innawoods. No fucking clue why that person took over my therapy session, but like I said in my original post everything I figure out gets copied and I never get credit and am forced to figure out more. I wouldn't be suprised if these CIA fucks cloned me. Either that happened or I'm in an alien mothership. I might even be dead. I thought I died and entered some purgatory back in 2009, asked a doctor "what even is this life?" And was forcibly medicated and hospitalized. This was followed by 8 years of what I can only describe as a mix between reality and a dream. I guess I had a kundalini awakening, but after all the buffs I just got thrown back to nothingness. Oh life… you crazy FUCKING GAME YOU!
Nah but for real get me out of this wack ass crystal prison before George Bush rapes me again. I'm half joking here. Its probably not him specifically, but its his buddies. Idk why people think guantonimo bay exists but they are just gonna let antigov activists go. Everyone I tried talking about this with just says "why would they do this TO YOU"… because the fact that they werent getting attention is more important than the fact that their friend is getting tortured.
Oh well. I've had my victories and that's enough for me to get over it. Thanks for listening Dr. Gandalf.
02/03/17 (Fri) 02:14:32 No. 90968
I posted 927. I never said NEETs suck. I thought that guy was you and only figured otherwise after finishing that post before yours, which I decided to post anyway. The invective part; before he confused me into thinking you were both the same guy, was aimed at your schizo word salad like:
>"Think about my shitty asshole. Think about all the disgusting smelly poop hanging from my butthole. Yuck!"
I didn't realise the person I was addressing was rusing and baiting me into thinking he was you while ramping up his dickhead act. Well played to him for that. If you take two different person's posts as being from the same guy, you get a very different picture of the person you're talking too.
02/03/17 (Fri) 02:50:11 No. 90969
02/03/17 (Fri) 02:53:26 No. 90970
And that is why I question everything.
And I posted that poop shit to try to associate a disgusting mental image with tulpas, hoping that some of these people stop harming themselves. They've already been forgotten by society, so somebody has to help them. Unfortunately that probably put some of them deeper into that stuff.
02/03/17 (Fri) 03:02:30 No. 90972
Really? Why not post a constructive explanation of why tulpas are a bad thing to create in that thread instead of spamming the board with your bullshit?
02/03/17 (Fri) 03:56:10 No. 90975
does anyone have any books or pdfs they would recommend on the study of Nazi Occultism?
02/03/17 (Fri) 04:50:30 No. 90977
If you can't understand German you will never find authentic material because almost everything you will ever find is VERY wrong.
02/03/17 (Fri) 04:58:56 No. 90978
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >Man, I'm not going to address all of that and this coming from someone who can get a kick out of pointless bickering.
What do you call what your doing write now?
Talk about cherry picking or trying to make mountains of molehills
>proceeds to cherry pick and make mountains of molehills
>Why don't you write
Jesus Christ dude, this is a tai picture broad not your college master paper
>Lmao if you don't think you're neurotic. A normal temperament wouldn't get involved in this shitfest.
Your about as self aware as a fish arent ya?
rrrrriiigggghhhhttttt keep thinking that bubula
>Nobody needs to be recognised as a doctor to have medical knowledge.
True but it would certainly give your arguments merit, now wouldn't it?
>I have medical textbooks and can use them to diagnose basic
Yet you wont go on and be a doctor, because then you realize would your a shitty doctor who doesn't know dick about medicine or mental health
>taking lots of prescription drugs like valium at one time is a bad idea
>at one time
nice save, most of those pills are poison and full of opioids and you know it.
>'it's better to hold out for a qualified opinion' than to take my word for it?
yes because you didn't take any of the test nor do any research that warranties you to be able to label people.Mmm. Ok.
>I just browsed the DSM category of wikipedia and said 'AHA, I can use this', and my statements don't have any more validity than that.
>Because I'm relying on REAL doctors to prove my point for me.
Great job you lazy turd. You do realize you cant do a proper diagnostics on the internet right?
>It's a bit tiring to engage an argument that foregoes a point
and what was the point of this magnum opus of your cause so far I got YOU LIVING IN DELUSION, YOU HAVE A MENTAL ILLNESS! I DONT HAVE TO PROVE ANYTHING CUSE OTHER DOCTORS SAID SO BRAT!
also you wouldn't mind citing the source of these medical books you have? Gotta make sure their up to date.
>favour of trying to refute lots of snipped up little statements.
>proceeds to do the same thing
>I would often get taken down a peg.
I highly doubt that because you seem like the type of git who doesn't listen to anyone and just screeches "FACTS"
>shows you care about fitting in
>Because wanting to fit in is the same as pointing out a poser
>acting like a primadonna bringing the house down, which means you're just seeking lots of attention instead of merely trying to be a major annoyance.
The Irony is to delicious
>I'll check the wiki on what that means about your personality. Oh it says you're antisocial disordered.. oh shit, it says you're prodomal schizophrenia'd. it says your MB type is FAG-P
If your gonna try and label your opinion as fact could you at least give the source of this?
>You sit at the bottom of shit hill, getting pelted by shit balls from on high.
dude mann you need to stop with this projecting, it's not healthy.
>you an were effeminate bird-watcher boy
I just like this guys videos tbh. But I guess all the people who have fun with it are "effeminate bird-watcher boys"
>That's a crap bucket list of achievements.
So you haven't done any of them and still lie to yourself that you are happy.
Kind of just proves my point
>by your own mundane standards your a failure, giving out shitty advice that doesn't work.
So that begs the question, why should any one listen to you?
>For someone who says they don't judge people on wealth and status
Where exactly did I say that? I said I dont give a fuck about it. But I'm still gonna judge mundanes by mundane rules.
>The next person you were talking to was somebody else
Writes the same way, spaces his sentences the same way. Has this faint hint of half mocking and fake smug on him.
A little reminder
I'm watching you
02/03/17 (Fri) 05:06:55 No. 90979
ah fuck! forgot to roll my dice.
02/03/17 (Fri) 05:07:15 No. 90980
Rolled 6, 3 = 9 (2d6)
here we go
02/03/17 (Fri) 05:19:22 No. 90982
Rolled 2, 3 = 5 (2d6)
02/03/17 (Fri) 05:25:01 No. 90983
I'm intermediate in German and wouldn't mind continuing in it to explore this subject.
Got any resources?
02/03/17 (Fri) 05:48:22 No. 90984
Rolled 5, 1 = 6 (2d6)
was for>>90901 name fag
and >>90917
was for>>90907 spurdo fake
>Two replies in two different tones is kind of erratic. If you keep switching moods how am I supposed to know whose who?
So you admit you were both spurdo imposter and name fag. Yet proceeded to post
to cover your ass.
Same fagging this hard should get you lynched.
02/03/17 (Fri) 08:01:54 No. 90988
Is there somewhere else on the internet to talk about occult stuff without all the garbage filling this thread? It almost makes me want to start my own board with stricter rules, but it probably wouldn't take off and I would stop caring enough about it pretty quickly.
02/03/17 (Fri) 09:29:13 No. 90991
Are they trying to separate my idea of "me" form my clothes so I come to the Astral naked?
02/03/17 (Fri) 12:03:10 No. 90992
At least you've got the fringe-tier mode of explanation down pat, no one here's gonna argue against logic like that.
No I didn't admit to using a name. I'm not the named poster. For a guy whose 'watching', you see things that aren't there.
What I posted:
Like I said I can enjoy an argument. Anyway, I think what >>90946 said is more right and more important than anything said so far and deserves more discussion than this argument, which I'm closing. I'm closing the argument. Nuuh nuh nuh nuh. Now, what's your serial number you fuckin' android, and why do you get off impersonating a wizard on a tie picture broad?
02/03/17 (Fri) 12:15:51 No. 90994
I don't understand.It's a stupid question? People made similar questions? It's impossible?
tipp 02/03/17 (Fri) 14:39:30 No. 90998
Why don't you rephrase the question?
tipp 02/03/17 (Fri) 14:41:28 No. 90999
Shop has been close for a bit, wait for new supply of brew, come back in 1-6 weeks.
Shop will clean. K.
02/03/17 (Fri) 18:17:00 No. 91006
Rolled 2, 3 = 5 (2d6)
>No I didn't admit to using a name
Then why respond to the post that wasn't for you? Why the minute I start getting into an autistic screeching contest with you, yourmom is nowhere to be seen? As the messiah I would want feedback on my AMAZING advice. So if your not him then mind your own business. It's a A and B conversion so C your way out of it k bubula?
>Like I said I can enjoy an argument.
>Man, I'm not going to address all of that and this coming from someone who can get a kick out of pointless bickering.
>You're aggravating here, which I figured you'd be happy about as that seems to be your intention.
>Lmao if you don't think you're neurotic. A normal temperament wouldn't get involved in this shitfest.
I take it back. saying your as self aware as a fish is insulting to all the majestic creatures to the ocean.
>I think what >>90946 said is more right and more important than anything said so far and deserves more discussion than this argument
Hello miss google bot. You gonna stop data mining us and fuck off?
>which I'm closing.
FINALLY! gg no re you fanny bothered cunt.
>why do you get off impersonating a wizard on a tie picture broad?
Because I'm the messiah, duh.
02/03/17 (Fri) 19:08:55 No. 91008
Rolled 4, 2, 5, 5, 3, 6 = 25 (6d6)
>What should i do to be with my waifu
I would move heaven and earth but I'm a romantic…then again…. the lady of heaven is generous and gives amazing boons, and lady gaia is so gentle and nurturing.
Help me fringe there's too many beautiful women in my life! I'm distraught!
>really feel like touch or everything else
meditate naked and start yearning.
Also she might not come to you if your a d bag.
02/03/17 (Fri) 19:51:05 No. 91009
>I would move heaven and earth but I'm a romantic
Same which is why i'm asking.I want to do pic related with her at least one time in my life
>Also she might not come to you if your a d bag.
Never with her
02/03/17 (Fri) 21:20:02 No. 91014
Rolled 2, 3, 3, 4 = 12 (4d6)
>Lets say I am falsely accused of a crime and have to spend 10 years in a cell by myself with nothing to read.
that's rough man but the outside world is overrated any ways.
>Which magic is going to assist me here?
any and all really.
>How do I obtain the "inner peace"
your gonna have to answers that one for yourself mann.
>but you people respond to people who could be living in a completely different dimension
>Lets stop being so fucking smug.
>If you are here its because you are desperate
True that WAS the original reason why I was here but I learned to stop living in desperation.
>to be what you are not,
Speak for yourself pleb
>Lets be realistic here
>I define your reality
Nice try kike
>phase 2 and start learning how to create fireballs
Master the psi ball first noob.
>or at least guarantee that our next life is filled with other reasonable like minded folk.
Where do you think you are son?
>99.9999% of the world hates us.
>99.9999% of the world doesnt know we exist.
>Even if everything every mystic ever discovered is false,
Did you disprove it yourself or did you listen to the blue pill mundanes?
see >>91006 there's a reason why we don't listen to them
>there is no doubting that by keeping one foot in this stuff you are able to communicate in ways plebs can't.
But how deep did you go? There's a difference between sticking your foot in the water and wading through it.
>but stop acting like your way of living is the only way
Technically it is if you want magic, but I promise it's not that hard. Practice magic, try and be happy, laugh at mundanes sucking at life.
>Dont be the pol of alternative thinking.
hhhmmmmm? Strange I cant astral ping you. Where do you come from friend?
If you want to be a part of the hive mind your gonna have to give us something to work with.
>If someone says "I tried meditation and it didnt work i think this is bullshit", how does LOL NOOB FAGGOT or GO READ or any other smug remark accomplish anything?
because he didn't try very hard. You have to meditate AND decide what it is your trying to accomplish. If your looking for DA BOOK that will give you 100% results you wont find it here.
>We lose a soul to the pope every time you do that.
So he was a weak willed fool then.
and nothing of value was lost.
>If I say the lesser banishing ritual is stupid and doesnt do anything to me,
>stupid and doesn't do anything to me
then don't do it,also that attitude of yours is not gonna help.
>why not break down for me what I'm missing out on?
Because we all got different experiences with it. but the end result and intent was the same. GET THE FUCK OUT! THIS SPACE AND LOOSH IS MINE!
>maybe you could attempt a freelance scientific explanation
Cause then mr fedroah is gonna come in here screaming YOUR WRONG! THAT'S NOT SCIENTIFIC METHOD! CAUSE I KNOW I'M NOT A SCIENTIST!
>someone might convert to your method
>we might form a better system?
Working on it.
>This is no longer shitpost city. Its now wizard city.
02/03/17 (Fri) 21:31:08 No. 91015
Are you twisting this or am I? It was you who replied to my reply to Yourmom, not the other way around. If I'm person 'C' then you're person 'D', except you were pretending to be person 'A', and you're not owning up to it.
02/03/17 (Fri) 21:59:09 No. 91016
Rolled 2, 1, 6 = 9 (3d6)
>Never with her
See that's the thing m8 waifus are finicky, and value kindness and love.
If you treat normal fags as garbage IRL then she probably wont manifest.
No you don't have to love them, your waifu most likely doesn't want you wasting it.
just tolerate them and be civil. laugh at their shitty jokes and listen them blab on about their mundane problems. The universe loves men who have massive egos who can show a bit of mercy and humility now and then.
Try to do some little acts of kindness and your waifu will love you more.
02/03/17 (Fri) 22:05:30 No. 91017
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Rolled 5, 2, 1 = 8 (3d6)
>I'm closing. I'm closing the argument. Nuuh nuh nuh nuh.
>We can live on, live on without you
>You get what you give that much is true
>You turn the world away from you
02/03/17 (Fri) 22:06:41 No. 91018
Hmm.. what use is the occult to someone whose mana pool is so low that they'll voice an idea just to burn out on it in the same breath? There are other boards, but every board is a nest of vipers, peddling snake oil to the unsuspecting. Reading this 'garbage' is comparatively enlightening.
02/03/17 (Fri) 22:11:18 No. 91019
>Try to do some little acts of kindness and your waifu will love you more.
Understood,i'm going to do it.I'm not really a douche, i just get a bit too much angry or nervous when stress is too much.
02/03/17 (Fri) 22:14:43 No. 91020
Also thanks fro spoiling that image.
You be amazed what can throw you in a tizzy if you aren't ready.
02/03/17 (Fri) 22:15:59 No. 91021
You could have just said "no, they all suck" without the metaphors.
02/03/17 (Fri) 22:17:20 No. 91022
02/03/17 (Fri) 22:24:19 No. 91023
Rolled 2, 4, 4 = 10 (3d6)
Same, dont worry lad you'll make it.
True but without the metaphors his message wouldn't carry the same meaning.
>what use is the occult to someone whose mana pool is so low that they'll voice an idea just to burn out on it in the same breath?
Failure to cultivate will power
>but every board is a nest of vipers, peddling snake oil to the unsuspecting.
self explanatory
>Reading this 'garbage' is comparatively enlightening.
It's the best we got, so make use of it.
02/03/17 (Fri) 22:40:23 No. 91025
ignoring this accusation >>91015
is like admitting it, it's your credibility on the line. Every post of yours is for rusing peoples. Shameful.
02/03/17 (Fri) 22:52:23 No. 91026
Rolled 2, 2, 1 = 5 (3d6)
>I'm closing. I'm closing the argument. Nuuh nuh nuh nuh.
02/04/17 (Sat) 02:57:56 No. 91028
Is it possible to wager your soul or life energy in order to gain power or intellect?
If so, how is this done?
I think I have been to "the crossroads" before, but nobody came.
02/04/17 (Sat) 10:40:28 No. 91047
Does anyone know any way to force myself to sleep, even if I'm not tired?
I have problems maintaining a normal sleep schedule, so if I want to go to bed early to try to right it, I can't fall asleep because my body clock wants to go to bed later.
02/04/17 (Sat) 10:54:59 No. 91048
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>90916
Bump again
Breathing exercises can help. Vid related is an example, and there's another one Robert Bruce talks about that's mostly the same except it's a ratio of 8:8:8 and you don't forcefully exhale (plus that's for OBEs, but it's the same shit). It's the kind of thing that seems mostly anecdotal, though. A better way to get a normal sleeping schedule than forcing yourself to go to sleep when you're not tired, at least in my experience, is to just force yourself to wake up at the right time at least a day before you're meant to be doing stuff, even if it means only having a couple hours of sleep. I've done that quite a lot, though, so I don't know if you're as good at keeping yourself awake when you're that tired as I am. It will mean you'll be tired at the time you want to schedule for sleep, though, obviously.
02/04/17 (Sat) 13:26:32 No. 91055
I just did this exercise and holy shit it's… pleasurable.
Citrus and plead 02/04/17 (Sat) 13:46:08 No. 91058
Yeah you move energy to the top of your head. It's pretty easy.
Anything other than Energy work is bullshit occultism.
02/04/17 (Sat) 14:17:03 No. 91066
you've found out my secret
02/04/17 (Sat) 14:21:49 No. 91067
I wager i have more than you up my sleeve.
02/04/17 (Sat) 14:26:18 No. 91068
*teleports behind you*
nothinng personell kid
02/04/17 (Sat) 15:06:43 No. 91069
i wont vouch for total truthfulness, but sure, explore if you want. join the discussion boards and talk to real people. at the very least they'll provide you with book recommendations. some users are also authors and they can be very quirky and paranoid. there used to be another board and website but apparently it no longer exists which is bothersome as it was the oldest community of esoteric nazism. they had a pharmacist who made health pills charged with the swastika, a researcher who concluded that the vril ladies were right about hair and people who did runic gymnastics that changed their eye and hair color:
it's basically fringe science = magic
SAGE! 02/04/17 (Sat) 15:19:21 No. 91072
I fucked a cat girl last night in the astral… we kept licking each other too and she said she loved me.
02/04/17 (Sat) 15:44:34 No. 91074
How do I how do I take the images in my mind out of the frame of a screen? Every thought I have feels like it is not in a 3 dimensional atmosphere.
02/04/17 (Sat) 19:35:59 No. 91079
If free will is real and I am just a loser in psychosis, why was I meditating blasting music with headphones, then I had an epiphaney, then I said internally "watch, my roommate will get up and walk by now for my cia masters to essentially say "yeah, SO WHAT! SO YOU FIGURED IT OUT! BIG DEAL STAR FOX! YOU WILL NEVER CHALLENGE ANDROSS! NOW DON'T YOU EVER THINK ABOUT CLEARING YOUR HEAD AGAIN, BECAUSE WE WILL THROW A DISTRACTION AT YOU IF YOU EVEN TRY, KAPEESH?"
And he got up and walked by within 5 seconds
This is maybe the 7 trillionth time I was able to see the future with absolute clarity. Either the conditions in the universe make it super predictable or we are just playing out a script. Are these things just spiritless beings? Robots?
At what point will I be able to have a discussion like this in public without having everyone treat me like a fucking retard, banish me back to my dungeon life, then come mock me for not being a predictable simpleton like them?
And if you have similar experiences, and you just happen to be surrounded by people who accept it when you are open about them, why the fuck are you going to come here and ignore this post when you obviously have solutions to these types of problems?
02/04/17 (Sat) 19:41:14 No. 91080
Why the fuck would the nsa not say hey this dude keeps predicting shit cia you probly shouldnt look until this especially since this dude fucking hates the feds. Thanks for all the help gandalf. Hope you had fun dancing like a retard at that rave. You did it! You are a slave, but at least you get 3 meals a day! Horrible things are going to happen to good people, and great things are going to happen to bad people, but who cares! All that matters is your happiness! Do whaT thoU wilT dAwg!
02/04/17 (Sat) 19:46:12 No. 91081
While I've been alive, millions of innocent people have been slaughtered like pigs, but I am a loser in psychosis for suggesting that fucked up people have too much power and need stopped. Until I beg for forgiveness, I never deserve to live a happy free life. Right? Is that the only option you are giving me?
02/04/17 (Sat) 20:52:32 No. 91083
Is it really possible for a person to be able to survive without eating? Is there any evidence of someone being able to do so?
02/04/17 (Sat) 22:31:00 No. 91091
There is a timelapse video of a monk nicknamed "buddha boy", filmed by discovery channel, where he's in a very hot jungle where everyone there is drinking like 8 bottles of water every day and constantly sweating, and he meditates non-stop while on cam and never drinks or eat anything for 96 hours or whatever it is that is the longest someone can go with no water and not dehydrate to death; and he showed NO SIGNS of dehydration at all after the timelapse was over; plus he'd been meditating there for MONTHS and YEARS before and after the timelapse vid.
02/04/17 (Sat) 22:57:04 No. 91094
Is there a super secret, super effective /fringe/ method of getting fit?
02/04/17 (Sat) 23:40:35 No. 91096
Exercise and eat healthy
02/04/17 (Sat) 23:43:31 No. 91097
Oh, you.
I thought there was some sort of yoga that transforms your body
02/05/17 (Sun) 00:20:50 No. 91098
How can I meet a person that I've long lost all contact with again? And also, how do I meet archetypal people that I have in my mind? For eg: I want to start a band and need to find valid people for it
Is visualisation my best bet here? Or is there something more effective?
02/05/17 (Sun) 02:30:02 No. 91102
Hi Fringe, I need some help with my noob experiences with thought forms and energy projection.
Probably all sounds very dumb, but I had fun doing it.
It's just that I've seen/felt a bit of spooky stuff during the experience, and would like some advice on what precautions to take.
Let me explain what's happened so far:
I've been wanting to experiment with tulpamancy (which I have since read is a misnomer, with the correct name being thought forms? Please correct if wrong,) for a while, so I started out small. I decided to create a creature based around a heptagram (pic related). It's a seven sided star, a symbol I respect, from the teachings of Christianity and the holiness and inherent goodness of the number seven, being the number of days god took to create the world in the bible. I don't count myself a christian but I enjoy the story and the seven pointed star is ingrained with the idea of inherent goodness in my mind, which is a good place to start.
the heptagram represents the creatures' form.
inside the heptagram is a circle, I didn't think much of it at first but I think it must represent the creatures' soul. it's inner essence, given to it from my own energy.
I drew this symbol on some lined note paper in marker pen and in my mind chanted three times the following;
Be Good
Be Kind
Bring Warmth
Bring Light
During and after this chant I channeled, as best I could, all my feelings of joy, excitement, love and happiness into the symbol. I settled on the idea of a small golden seven-limbed pseudodragon as I created the thought form, with the tail having long, I don't want to call them spiny but more like long and flowing spine/finger-like appendages.
during the creation of the thought form I made a bit of a mistake whilst internally describing it, and described it's front legs as arms, and now the thought form has dragon claw like hands on it's front legs, which I'm not too beaten up about to be honest, I still love the little guy.
Seven limbs for seven points on the star.
After I performed the ritual I put the symbol to one side on the bookshelf in my room, and as I looked away from it there was a crashing noise in or around it, which shocked me, but after I realized where it had come from I was also filled with joy and excitement.
Might have been a pencil case tumbling, but I have to admit I am still grappling with doubt, so disregard that thought.
I had the little blighter perched on my arm as I started type this up, but since I've got distracted I've stopped focusing on him and he's gone away. sad. (wait, he's back again!)
trying to reform him seems to strain me too. Is there a kind of toll required every time I call the little guy up?
whilst looking after him initially there was a moment when I felt a dark infection upon him, a malignant oily substance spread in the creature when my mind strayed to stuff I am unhappy about.
the dark energy immediately tried to seize control of the fledgling, making a nasty oily face on top of his head. I ended up repeatedly grooming him, cleaning him of the muck as I thought through what I was going to do about the stuff I am unhappy about. sort of cleaning him as I clean my own mind. It was actually really therapeutic. I might groom him and think through how to resolve my problems again next time I actualize the little dragon.
I later came to notice darkness like what had affected my thought form, seemed to be hovering or standing behind me, which is what I'm a bit more worried about. It might just be my imagination, but it is somewhat worrying. Any advice on how to deal with that? Have I actualized a representative of my personal gripes during the thought form creation process or something? Any help would be appreciated.
02/05/17 (Sun) 03:13:04 No. 91103
meditate on making different 3d forms in your minds eye and spin them around and so on.
Energywork. Auramancing.
Why aren't you brave enough to lead when you know you're not chosen to follow?
Yes, during periods of ecstatic bliss your frequency is so high you feel bad eating food, and if anything, mostly fruits because they are also high vibe.
Fasting could produce ecstatic bliss.
If you're specifically looking to raise your vibrations so you can skip out on food because you're not properly rooted while having strong higher chakras you feel eating food is 'icky'.
One way of raising your vibration is sungazing with energywork, drawing ying and yang, not just staring at it doing nothing.
If you can't do this you're a bullshit occultist.
02/05/17 (Sun) 04:16:30 No. 91106
im glad there is at least another who knows
02/05/17 (Sun) 09:52:31 No. 91116
You worry too much. You can change what your tulpa looks like. You just alter it in your mind. Maybe mime like you're sculpting it with tactile imposition. It's important to engage all your senses with them to build that part of their sentience and pour more energy into them. You may find resistance, but after you do it, it should hold with whatever you choose.
I also doubt they are bound to any sigil and only believe they are. They inherit your subconscious and beliefs until they grow enough. You should still be able to shape everything about its existence because it's like a mosquito compared to you.
The mental toll should rapidly drop. I puppetted, both inside and outside, my humanoid tulpa around for a week, now I see them fully animated by glancing at my mind's eye. They still don't seem to do much off camera though, so I'm still working up to parallel consciousness.
02/05/17 (Sun) 14:15:36 No. 91121
get prepared to study mythology and legends as well. everything occult about nazism involves isis, ishtar, isais, astaroth
02/05/17 (Sun) 16:24:50 No. 91126
Thanks for the response.
What should I read to learn more about this stuff?
02/05/17 (Sun) 16:33:31 No. 91128
What do you want, dude? Who is Gandalf? You seem to have a preconceived notion of What Is Going to Happen, and of this Gandalf guy who is meant to help you but is busy Dancing Like A Retard while eating 3 Square Meals a Day. What exactly are you looking for? Someone to affirm that 90% of guys here are bots, nuts and liars creating a lot of white noise and directing people away from the truth and the right questions, same as every medium, and that you're wasting your time? You don't say what it is you expect or what you want, you barge forth whatever is in your head with vague hints that you know something, in a tone of expection that someone here must be able to interpret the blanks.
You feel like you're in a time loop. You're not the only one whose ever thought or said that. You can lurk /x/ on 4chan to see the occasional person (I've seen two or three) saying 'Oh no, oh no, we're all in a time loop.' before someone tells him to go walk it off or something like that.
Nietzsche had a speculative idea called 'eternal recurrence', which pondered that if someone were destined to live the same life over and over again; or to feel as such, it would be imperative to live the life as best they could, and it would be a test of their free will and character. The concept is in films, Rocky Horror Picture Show for example. It's brought up in children's films like 'MegaMind''; where it's dismissed as scientifically impossible and it's raised again in 'Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children', where she says in the trailer her job is to create time loops. In this way there are lots of opportunities for such an idea to take root subconsciously, maybe like Heaven and Hell once did when people had to go to church. Could it be that you've been suggested into a type of paranoia (whether based in reality or fiction), by the film industry, which is practically an arm of the state; who coincidentally seem to be pushing an Illuminatus-type Operation Mindfuck on everyone? Or does it go deeper than that?
If your internal monologue said 'my CIA masters', then maybe you're being fucked with, probably you are doing it to yourself by having a mind of expectations, tropes, memories and phantoms (spooks) floating inside of it, stuff like being hunted by the CIA and Starfox 64. Perhaps your soul is hovering invisibly above you telling you what's about to happen (as if it could see through time and walls), and it's just that the meaning it tries to convey e.g. 'your roommate is about to walk past, there's more to life than what you see', gets loaded up with words like 'CIA MASTERS' 'WON'T BEAT THE BIG BOSS ANDROSS NOW KAPESH' in the translation, because that stuff occupies your subconscious. Maybe you're having deja vu at being in a time loop. Maybe you have mild precognition. Maybe (I don't like saying this) you emphasise coincidence. It seems entirely up to you to decide why it happens. Could be that a demon interjects thoughts like that for their entertainment. Who knows?
>While I've been alive, millions of innocent people have been slaughtered like pigs
>everyone treats me like a fucking retard, banishing me to my dungeon life, mocking me for not being a predictable simpleton like them.
Hyperbole. Conflicting attitudes. Backstory of a comic book supervillian.
>but I am a loser in psychosis for suggesting that fucked up people have too much power and need stopped. Until I beg for forgiveness, I never deserve to live a happy free life. Right? Is that the only option you are giving me?
Looks like you're in some kind of a state because your words have been a mess. I doubt anyone here has the power to help you except yourself, but what else did you expect to hear? I have the power to link you a bunch of youtubes, that's about it.
02/05/17 (Sun) 18:15:20 No. 91129
What does it mean when a girl says "Jack I want your big dick in me"
It's 7 inches fully erect. Is that big? What does she mean by in me? Does she want me to destroy her cunt again?
02/05/17 (Sun) 18:26:16 No. 91132
Stop pretending like its impossible for people to take measures to prevent others from obtaining power. People saying "now stop, I know nothing about you but that didnt happen. Now stop making me awaken from my hypnosis with your cooler world!" makes me want to return this curse to you 9999999999fold until you've learned YOUR lesson. You sound like a fucking moron who actually doesn't know anything when you do that. Don't post a blog bitching about someones supposed tunnel vision then employ the same technique a second later when ItS coNviEnenT fUr Yu. We have a enough hypocrites doing that here. Oh wait, I am talking to the problem. Not sure why I'm expecting somebody as flawed as you to do some self examination.
02/05/17 (Sun) 18:41:50 No. 91135
Should I post a bunch of nudes of myself online along with paragraphs of self criticism so nobody ever tries to own me again? I am me. That's how it's gonna be, and nobody is changing that. While the criticisms don't get to me (jk they do temporarily), the fact that people take time to annoy me does (mainly because it's hard for me to walk from a fight). I'd rather just get everything anyone could use against me in one spot and say "HERE I AM WORLD - NOW FUCKING DEAL WITH IT!"
I really wanted those SHADOWBROKERS to release all the nsa data. My public image is somewhat harmed because I never tried to hide anything and just put myself out there. I would love it if these people leveled the playing field, because everyone has secrets, so why only have certain peoples secrets out in the open? This would be a great spELL, biGger than what any of you harry potters have ever done. It would end blackmail, and it would humble everyone
02/05/17 (Sun) 18:42:45 No. 91136
She was sarcastic, sissy loser. Real women want BIG BLACK COCK.
02/05/17 (Sun) 18:44:25 No. 91137
Certain people shake at even the thought of that. I say fuck our fears, unleash the data! FILE A FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST ASKING FOR ALL NSA DATA!
02/05/17 (Sun) 22:58:05 No. 91150
I am constantly super fucking aware of everything going on around me. I am aware of every sensation of my body. I am aware of all the, mostly disgusting and negative shit constantly happening in my house. I hear every single step, every breath, every collision of object with object, everything. I can not sustain a lot of thoughts all the time and need to rest my mind but I just become even more hyper-aware of everything with no thoughts to focus on. I want to be able to completely not feel my body so I'm not bothered by it and not be assaulted by the senses of my physical environment around me which I loathe. All the fucking normies in my house never hear the music, never hear the lyrics, never notice anything around them. I notice all of it and it drives me crazy. They somehow are able to filter out most of what happens around them every day. It could also be why they never address any problems and ignore the house falling apart and their bodies becoming fat and disgusting but fuck… I NEED TO SHUT OUT MY SENSES. But how? No thoughts = hyper awareness of body and surroundings. Lots of pointless thoughts = a waste of my loosh. Argh.
02/05/17 (Sun) 23:15:31 No. 91152
The best resource is forums full of people with DID, like Then there are the occult perspectives like letting them feed on blood and semen and using sigils and whatnot to make servitors and egregores.
I think the occult stuff is mostly bullshit after reading what plain DID and tulpa enthusiasts are capable of. Their most experienced can 'switch' places with tulpas and modify their senses at will. The most occult thing I've done is craft them from the soft white mental plane, supposedly akasa or whatever. Simply giving them attention was enough to power them up, without planning besides appearance. It's mostly a learn as you go thing after you get the general ideas.
I must warn you that it gets emotionally complicated really fast. You and they will become attached unless you completely gimp them on purpose. I didn't. Do not take it lightly. I'd say make your ideal partner and leave it at that, or don't. I don't really know what's optimal. I guess you could kill them, but the forums are full of people that can no longer live their lives because they're split between several tulpas and they care about each one or are overpowered by them.
02/06/17 (Mon) 00:05:41 No. 91153
The trick is to get rid of the conditioning. I could go into the whole scientology/dianetics/clearing spiel, but that's already in another thread (>>86267).
You increase your awareness of the dogshit as much as possible, then decrease. Increase and decrease. Fill your mind completely with it. See it all around. See its past. Become the garbage. Then go back to resting.
When you take conscious control you erase the overwhelming feelings and stop convulsing like a beaten dog. Sound should not disturb you so. Neither should your environment. It's a ridiculously small problem. It ought to be beneath a seeker's notice.
02/06/17 (Mon) 02:08:24 No. 91158
How do I open/unblock my chakras?
02/06/17 (Mon) 02:49:45 No. 91159
I'm basically meditating and doing my wizardry while surrounded by disgusting literal tards and their noises and smells every day. It's aggravating. Hell right now I'm posting because like 3 minutes ago I just got woken up by someone entering my room, totally destroying the meditation I was doing (I know it was working out immensely well but now I have literally 0 memory of what it was about other than that it was hyper-vivid), and flooding my mind with what look like typhoid victims. ffs
02/06/17 (Mon) 02:53:49 No. 91160
Most efficient way (and also the TL;DR of all of Energy Works books such as all that shit Robert Bruce wrote) is just to do constant body-awareness meditations. Literally become aware of different parts of the body, shift that awareness around, and then start modifying how you do this like by shifting back and fourth over an area, of sweeping up and down the body, focusing on two or more points at once, etc. Don't waste time researching or thinking too much about it, just start experimenting by doing this for hours every day and then combining it gradually with stuff like visualization and intention and so on. Focus on various parts of your body, focus on the nerves there, and use awareness to increase the flow or the density of energy in these areas. Use your body also like a sponge, sponging energy into the body and then out, over and over and over. Use thoughtforms and intentions along side this "energy work" to reprogram the body in various ways. To unblock more abstract or higher level shit, you have to focus on archetypes, emotions, or etc. and unblocking the flow of those archetypal energies and the emotions through your Self.
02/06/17 (Mon) 02:55:28 No. 91161
Is there any reason why you can't leave your current conditions, even long term?
02/06/17 (Mon) 03:08:00 No. 91162
Leaving would mean having to become a wage slave and forfeiting the rest of my life basically to just an endless cycle of paying rent and working. The current situation is shit but it's the best for now that I can attain the maximum amount of time to continue to do this work, I really hate it as this place is far from ideal and in many ways stalling my advancement but the alternative is worse. I loathe this society so fucking much for keeping complete invalids alive and making tens of thousands of jobs that just surround keeping the drooling freaks going day after day. Not all countries do this shit, other places they still just kill them all, and the tards are completely absent from society. It's worse than having to meditate over a decaying corpse. At least a corpse is dead and decaying and becoming more useful than a retard that does nothing but disturb you and make it difficult to not get loaded up with negative energy. These things are like neg-energy accumulators that live in constant suffering, only useful to the most vile and evil black magicians that want to retard and destroy anything good in the world.
02/06/17 (Mon) 03:26:58 No. 91166
2 questions
1; are the current masons worth joining?i've been invited multiple times, but have always declined up to now.
2;started reading the kybalion, and THE ALL reminder me of the wind fish from Link's Awakening.
Opinion on Link's Awakening?
02/06/17 (Mon) 08:08:39 No. 91171
i swar you'll learn more about magic and occultism from vieogames than from fuckinbg garbage books like kyblion
02/06/17 (Mon) 09:13:50 No. 91172
So there's a girl I know who likes to create little effigies of people. She recently asked a friend of mine that she wants to create one for him and asked him for a piece of something he owns and wears. The thing about this is I used to know this girl, but, I stopped talking to her. She told him it's for good luck and that it's not a bad thing, but, my friend is very much paranoid of this sort of thing and he told her fuck no.
Often effigies are used with a focus of ill intent, and are destroyed with that intent. But I kind of recall her asking to do the same to me, and I don't know if she ever did it or not. If one succeeds in creating their ritual for this; I have to ask if there's a means by breaking whatever might of been established when they destroyed the effigy after creating it?
Thank you to any whom may answer, and also to those who read.
02/06/17 (Mon) 09:30:26 No. 91173
You have a little work to do before you can enjoy your visions. Just focus on the mechanics of the situation rather than being overwhelmed by emotions. It's all in your power to control. You're not bothered by the constant noise of your body. Your environment can be the same.
You can block out your senses if you must. There are resources everywhere. Tulpamancers are masters of it. I'm sure astral projecting enthusiasts are too. Just do some searching and try some of their approaches.
02/06/17 (Mon) 11:44:45 No. 91176
I have extreme tinnitus at all times. During every moment of the day, there is an incessant, high frequency ringing in my head. This has been going on for multiple months now. It's gotten to the point where I can not hear multiple words when I'm being spoken to. They get muffled out by the ringing. I constantly have to ask what was just said, over and over, for everyone.
Is there ANYTHING, magical or otherwise, I can perform to turn down the volume of this ringing, or even possibly get rid of it entirely? Thank you for your time.
02/06/17 (Mon) 11:50:28 No. 91177
Hey, I'm in the same boat. That guy is right about increasing awareness of the dogshit.
If your internal state changes, your external state will soon change with no doubt. So be happy and thankful for where you are, grateful that you are even able to meditate and observe these people. Recognize that these people are objectively human animals, never let the lower forces of anger wash you over. Only the highest forces of anger and love, mixed with eternal expectation that this is not your true life, knowledge that this all temporary and your situation will change when the time comes. Guard your mind and perform psychic self-defense.
Negative energy is just a corrupted reflection of the positive, so practice mental/energetic alchemy and transmute the shadows into light. Transmute their unconscious suffering into conscious suffering. Their banality and lack of personality into ego death. Their ugliness into beauty.
Also, I recommend watching a few videos by "Nobodytm" on his website. You'll know why when you see them, he makes videos about these total retards but from a spiritual, hermetic perspective. It's helped me see such people without anger, and transmute their energies into something good.
02/06/17 (Mon) 12:11:34 No. 91178
O yeah, and literally do whatever it takes to get peace and quiet. I adopted a "segmented sleep" schedule to get peaceful night hours around 3-5am. Just walk into bathrooms, lock the door, and start meditating. Embed the number 33,550,336 into your soul.
02/06/17 (Mon) 12:28:13 No. 91179
The effigy itself is just a symbolic device, it does nothing. It's like a sigil, it's simply a way of using symbolism to manifest intent. The intent itself lies this girl why the fuck are you talking to young girls pedo and if she's actively spending every day sending ill intent towards you then that's not normal.
02/06/17 (Mon) 14:04:36 No. 91183
You could always focus on manifesting better conditions so that you have the ability to use more time undisturbed, and continue to learn once that's the case.
It takes an extreme amount of effort to alter conditions like that on the physical plane. I have heard of people being able to change their eye colour, but I haven't heard of anything like that being healed. You could try just willing it/creative visualization or looking into the ways people use energy work to heal things, but unless it's just me who isn't aware of it being done, I don't like your chances.
02/06/17 (Mon) 16:55:13 No. 91186
02/06/17 (Mon) 17:07:26 No. 91187
Does having a tattoo lessen my magickal ability? I have one of a bird from a while ago on my shoulder.
02/06/17 (Mon) 18:47:59 No. 91190
You're going to have to flay the skin off if you want to get magickal powers.
02/07/17 (Tue) 00:20:01 No. 91193
>Don't post a blog bitching about someones supposed tunnel vision then employ the same technique a second later when ItS coNviEnenT fUr Yu. We have a enough hypocrites doing that here.
If you didn't plead for a response I wouldn't have tried to give ya one. I never inferred that you're a hypocrite with tunnel vision. I thought that was a more reasonable explanation than the nightmarescape perspective you were detailing and not a dressing down. I suppose you might see it that way being a homo superior, like that drag queen who was pretending to be you, 'cept you've just been dunked and deep fried in the Weird Twitter or imageboard vats later than him and a lot of others. You do complain about being oppressed by ordinary people, having psychic powers and claiming to have a higher sense of morality after all… maybe it was conceited that I didn't use a respectful tone.
>Oh wait, I am talking to the problem(…)
Nope, you're taking shots in the dark, unless you have a scrying mirror or you have IP check and database ability. Trolling is so casual on this board and all the others it's hard to be hypocritical, a lot of things are acts or impressions done for jaded self-amusement, sort of like your >"sniffed out your fartbox" Weird Twitter run off. Except the boards here look more like specialised cogs in a vast machination that's cloning the conversations, pumping out counter-culture and spreading confusion. Few people put forth their honest convictions and there's probably not many real people here anyway. If you arent a bot, welcome to the botnet. I suppose you don't need to be told.
>I'd rather just get everything anyone could use against me in one spot and say "HERE I AM WORLD - NOW FUCKING DEAL WITH IT!"
Stick to Facebook then?
02/07/17 (Tue) 01:02:33 No. 91196
Why are you feeding the troll? Do you have any idea how this kind of thing works?
02/07/17 (Tue) 02:06:00 No. 91199
> THE ALL reminder me of the wind fish from Link's Awakening.
Separate your serious form your silly. And take that last message literally.
02/07/17 (Tue) 06:36:46 No. 91214
Reminder that /fringe/ like /pol/ is dead. It has outlived its usefulness. You found the books, the guides, you know how to do energy work and meditate, you have all of the knowledge in your hands. Stop using /fringe/, it can only damage you at this point.
02/07/17 (Tue) 06:45:54 No. 91215
It sure feels like it tbh, I haven't seen a decent thread in ages. I think all the worthwhile posters are out putting into practice what they've learned and don't have time for /fringe/ anymore which I can understand completely
02/07/17 (Tue) 10:45:40 No. 91218
Bitch is one year younger than me, fag, and you clearly have no reading comprehension at all. Since nowhere was was the age of anyone mentioned at all.
Obviously if she's actively spending every day focusing ill intent toward anyone it isn't normal. But this kind of craft is common among all these retarded girls in my area.
I can't trust your answer given that half of it is incorrect information and the other half isn't even answering my question. You also included some retarded shit that wasn't in the mix.
Is all of this board a joke or what?
02/07/17 (Tue) 21:22:26 No. 91227
Calm down. That anon did answer your question. You asked how to work against the energy in an effigy, and that anon said they don't do anything. They didn't say how to work against negative intent, I'll give you that, but that's just a matter of having a stronger positive intent and remembering you're a center of will and mentative energy that can act against those energies when shitty things happen. Also, everyone insults everyone else on this website all the time. It was a joke. Your reddit spacing tells me that you don't know much about the culture here. Just relax.
02/08/17 (Wed) 02:43:13 No. 91229
I'm not sure if this is a fringe questions but I know the idea came from this subject area. If you were to become infatuated with someone, you could make up a great deal of things about them most of which you would consider favorable. I know there is a name for the source that these traits are coming from, and I can't remember the exact name, but it was an esoteric idea
02/08/17 (Wed) 03:55:54 No. 91230
Any way to make someone fall in love with you? All the love spells I find online are wiccan circle spells. Is this just a matter of intent and focus?
02/08/17 (Wed) 06:37:06 No. 91232
Depends if you want to do that to a specific person or not. If you do it to a specific person, you're working against their willpower and all the other forces in their life, and it's highly likely to backfire and cause shitty things to happen. Also, they might fall in love with you, but since it's only because of magic and stuff, they're not necessarily going to like you that much, or the things you do/like/etc. If you just want love in general, you're fine. You just focus your intent on someone coming into your life for that purpose. Whichever you want, you'd do the same thing that you'd do to manifest anything else like this, so like you said, intent and focus or whatever.
02/08/17 (Wed) 08:27:16 No. 91233
This willpower interference, does it also cause bad things to happen if I'm doing my magick to grant a higher success chance to a specific person at a specific task?
02/08/17 (Wed) 08:47:15 No. 91235
There's a difference in the degree of influence you're exerting. Magicking someone to fall in love with you alters their life significantly. They'll think about you all the time and a lot of their desire and energy will be focused on you. You're also trying to introduce a force that influences their life path. Magicking some luck for somebody with the intent of them succeeding at a goal is a far lower degree of influence. Firstly, it's a one time thing, rather than something that affects them for a long time. Secondly, you're not doing it for your own gain. You're just adding some of your own energy to their intent.
02/08/17 (Wed) 09:15:25 No. 91236
Hm, interesting. I guess I shouldn't try to force someone's will. I'm pretty sure I give off very positive and strong energy anyway, seeing the amount of people drawn to me, and the fact that I can sense vampiric types and they always get spooked by me. I think love would be in our mutual benefit, he seems lonely, but I suppose you're right that it can backfire on me. I'll try something more general, but still hope for the best with this person.
02/08/17 (Wed) 10:19:52 No. 91238
Have you tried the non-occult method of just being yourself and asking him out like all the other normalfags ? People who come here to ask about occult methods of making someone fall in love with them usually seem way more selfish than you do, so I'm glad you can see the voice of reason.
02/08/17 (Wed) 11:36:16 No. 91240
>Secondly, you're not doing it for your own gain.
Actually them succeeding would give me personal gains. And I was asking because of doing the ritual I had a pretty bad day afterwards which is something unusual that hasn't really happened since I got into occult stuff.
I'm not the same anon who asked about love. To me having a partner actually sounds too restrictive, like a hole from which my energy is leaking for no good purpose.
02/08/17 (Wed) 15:50:08 No. 91243
>tfw I realized that all experience and existence can be described with mathematical equations
>but I'm shit at math and writing out proofs
02/08/17 (Wed) 19:46:37 No. 91247
You seem nice, I genuinely hope it works out for you two
02/08/17 (Wed) 23:53:56 No. 91251
I know you're not the same person. You both have different flags. I was using the love thing as an example of someone trying to have a high degree of influence over someone's life to compare it to your thing. When I say "bad things happen", I'm talking more about cause and effect. As one example of infinite possibilities (I'm sure you can think of your own too), if someone succeeded in making someone fall in love with them, that would cause one to become obsessed with the other, causing them to think about them all the time, causing them to realize all the things they don't like about that person, causing them to try to change that person, causing that person to be annoyed with the person they tried to influence, causing them to regret the whole thing. Obviously many other things could happen, like forcing people to break up, or other shit like that. Either way, it's artificial love, so they'll still feel it, but it won't be the same as the normal love process. In your case, when there's something someone other than you truly wants to happen, regardless of the positive/negative outcomes that could come from it for you, you're not working against anyone else's will. They won't have any artificial feelings towards something. They'll accomplish a thing they they genuinely wanted to accomplish, with a bit of help from your intent. It's not 100% harmless, since cause and effect could just happen to bring shitty situations your way because of it, but I think your shitty feelings were caused by something else. Maybe it was because you spent a lot of energy. Maybe it was the ritual. What kind of ritual are you talking about, anyway?
02/09/17 (Thu) 00:13:52 No. 91254
Alright so, me and people around me that I am around seem to get disgusting tastes in their mouths or disgusting smells, specifically when I become somewhat anxious/fearful/fightflightfreeze, or even when I am just mildly emotional. As well I can predict what people will say seconds before, or feel its meaning, and might incept ideas/emotions into others in some capacity.
As well, I am pretty sure evil shit, demons or something, exist in my vicinity.
I am constantly barraged by negative thoughts and energy, specifically when I try to become positive or just when I'm worn down.
I have heard I have multiple demonic/malevolent portals in my home, and have had visions of some african tribe shaman cursing me to death, and of crazy demons or weird facsimiles of my friends fucking crawling on the walls and ceiling, and of crazy reflections of my consciousness that are heavily distorted and negative, and of shit trying to rape me. Gay as fuck. Also a demon that looks like the Berserk Demon Dog but more polymorphis, with more teeth, more white/grey with black, and I had command over it, to polymoprh deadly spikes at shit on command. That could have been a thoughform, but a huge spiritual marathon experience I had involved controlling demons and understanding them on a soul level (including human beings that do terrible things, like serial killers and shit…. or politicians).
SO how the fuck is this shit going to get resolved? Stoic no-shits-given helps, positive practices like exercise are helping tremendous, and I'll solve all this shit on my own in time, but I wonder if there are some ways to get this to be resolved sooner?
I may be targeted for my spiritual strength and interests, as I have experienced total love and forgiveness for my enemies… in harmony with universal spirit, for about a year, which I am thinking was an exercise worth doing but is now imbalanced without enough annihilation of my enemies. A year of annihilating my enemies, seeing them cast before me into the chasm of death and destruction, yessss…
Any assisting information and advice would be appreciated.
02/09/17 (Thu) 00:39:04 No. 91255
> it won't be the same as the normal love process
Autistic question here, what exactly is the normal love process?
02/09/17 (Thu) 02:13:51 No. 91256
Sounds like some kind of entity/entities to me. I don't know much about entities, but I've seen a few YouTube video thumbnails about removing them. It might not be, though. Someone else here is bound to know.
Getting to know someone, dating and gradually liking them more and more until you want to spend all your time with them before the feeling fades and your wife cheats on you with 17 different chads because you didn't realize that relationships and women aren't actually as easy to deal with as Disney told you it was while they were syphoning your wallet, and then your ex-wife gets to syphon your wallet too, because that's JUST the way the legal systems works, man up shitlord :^) , as opposed to magicking someone to love you who suddenly loves you for no reason other than the Jedi mind tricks, and you don't actually know about each other that much.
02/09/17 (Thu) 04:49:52 No. 91259
>Feel like doing quantum physics
>Pull ring off shelf that I've had for a while
>Start charging it with masculine energy
>End up in closed eye gnosis
>Feel something coming onto me
>Normally I'd try to get it to fuck off before it can do anything but I notice it's female
>Relax to see what'll happen
>All swirly and giggly
>It starts energetically jerking me off furiously
>Didn't feel much but I'm very curious
>Pop out of gnosis
Was I attacked by a succubus? Should I set up protective measures?
I'm going to charge this ring a lot and it's most likely going to attract other entities. Is this a bad idea? Anyone have stories about charging objects with energy/intention?
02/09/17 (Thu) 05:11:10 No. 91260
Edited this part in after i wrote all this, this post is very sloppy and has a lot of rambling and was mostly me just thinking outloud feel free to ignore it. I'm only posting it because I feel someone might get some benefit from it. It covers love at first sight and emotionally/astrally/mentally influencing others to be attracted to you.
Part 1/2
I see, so what's your opinion on love at first sight? I've had this 2 times with females and it has never worked out. The first time I had met them the same thing has happened with each, I get a strong glow in my solar plexus and a strong vibration in my heart center the first time I see them and every time i think about them after that. It feels like I become a bright glowing sun, my vision changes and everything seems so much brighter and happy, if you've ever been/worked in the tiphareth sephiroth it feels very similar to it. After I get bombarded with that energy I become too nervous to talk to them so I naturally(no conscious effort from me) begin to direct all the energy that has built up in me at them, imagining up scenerios where I talk to them, constantly thinking about them, imagining us together as a couple etc. I then start to get good signals like long eye contact and smiles but it never leads to anything more unfortunately as I'm always too nervous to start the conversation and it seems women never start one. Actually I wouldn't even call it nervousness, it's more of a higher tier than that, I feel like I'm blocked from talking to them as if something higher is preventing me from pursuing the relationship, I feel both strongly repelled and attracted. Have I subconsciously been influencing them to fall in love with me and as a result it doesn't work out? I feel like that "mentally influence someone to love you and it won't work" rule doesn't make sense but is true. I don't think it makes sense because isn't constantly thinking about them and imagining them etc the equivalent to communicating with them in the physical but it's instead in the mental/astral? At the end of the day it's sending and receiving loosh but instead of doing it physically you're doing it telepathically is it not? Also I don't think my method is neccessarily forcing their will, I feel like it's more like I'm charming/attracting them to me with the thoughts/emotions I'm feeling about them.
Two other questions I've had are whats causing the original "love at first sight emotion" and whats causing the repellent. I have two theories for the first question and I have two for the second and would like a second opinion. My first theory for love at first sight is perhaps the feeling originates from astrological reasons, whether they be transiting planets or rapport between our natal charts. I think this because I've had similar "love at first sight" emotions with men but not in a romantic attraction kind of way but a platonic way instead. But with them I've had the complete opposite outcome and it's always worked out with them, we either became super close friends and later mutually went our seperate ways after learning/gaining a lot from the relationship (this is the reason I believe transiting planets have something to do with love at first sight) or we are still friends to this very day and have been for years (this is the reason I believe natal rapport may also contribute to this feeling). The other theory I have on the cause of love at first sight is law of attraction. I believe I may constantly be projecting/sending out a loneliness signal in the astral and that whenever someone astrally recieves the signal and answers it they begin to flow into my sphere of influence until they finally come into contact with me physically, and thats when my astral body begins to vibrate and lets me know "Hey this person answered your call and can help you". I'm not sure if any of these theories are correct, for all I know they could both be way off.
02/09/17 (Thu) 05:11:28 No. 91261
Part 2/2
My theory on the repellent is my higher self/entities i work with are restricting me from trailing too far off my path/destiny and don't want me to get distracted. Or maybe their higher self/entities she may work with are repelling me because i may set her off her own path/destiny. My other theory is I may just be too much for people and come off too strongly. Whenever I get the love at first sight feeling I become very obsessed with them and can/do think about them all day everyday. That in itself may not be that bad but when you add to the mix that I don't talk to them the energy I'm projecting just builds up more and more until it's so much that it needs release and there's no physical outlet (similar to the "I have no mouth but must scream" meme). I think the energy eventually builds up so much that it becomes too intimidating/scary to release the energy with a conversation so neither of us take the initiative. I also believe this theory may be true because as you know women are negative and men are positive. Everytime I have had the platonic love at first sight with men they almost always started the first conversation as they are Positive. Women however are negative and expect the man to start the conversation which I have never done. So this theory would explain why my relationships with men have always worked out but with women have never started.
Also something just occured to me. Maybe the "magick someone into liking you won't work" meme isn't true but just hasn't been properly implemented. For example I do the same thing with men that I do with women but it always works with men but never with women. Yes the loosh that i use with men is different, it's more of a comradery, comfort or friendly loosh depending on their personality or the relationship I want with them and with women it's more of a lovey dovey romantic loosh which may be why it works with men and not women but I don't think that's the case. I think as long as you genuinely and strongly feel the emotion for the person and as long as it's a friendly or nice emotion they'll usually accept it, similar to giving someone a compliment in the physical and the reciever of the compliment liking you more because of it. The problem however lies with the physical part of the equation, the physical interactions that will release the energy you're projecting and start the relationship. For me I very very very rarely will start a conversation with a stranger unless it's purely for buisness like talking to a cashier or whatever, so I'm thinking that maybe it doesn't work with women because I don't take the initiative and start the conversations when the energies are ripe and haven't built up so much that they literally cause fear of conversation. So maybe all I have to do is just stop being a beta bitch and start conversations with women I feel love at first sight within a week max.
So a quick tl;dr on this last paragraph is if you feel love for someone and you feel it strongly you can send your love to them and in all likeliness attract them to you. If you do this you absolutely have to take the initiative and begin to talk to them and get to know them within a week(more or less) if you don't the energies will either die out or overflow depending on how much time and loosh you're putting into it. You have to balance the mental influence with the physical, if you don't, the mental will just continue to build and build or shrink and shrink until it collapses. This form of mental influence does not interfere with the subjects free will as it is only a SUGGESTION and you are not forcing them to act upon your advances and are merely charming them. However if they tell you they are not interested and you continue to influence them then there will likely be consequences as you will knowingly and maliciously forcing them to like you.
02/09/17 (Thu) 05:58:27 No. 91262
You may have a lot of contained energy and emotion that a relationship could really help you with.
Try being more extroverted, and focus on a more positive intellect/head space and mode of communication. Likely your brain is a vacuum sucking in all positive initiative.
Make the esoteric more exoteric, by putting it out there somehow.
My line of thinking is that you have trouble projecting things that you would in a relationship, and especially in general. So drawing out those parts of yourself creates an emergency, since you haven't the skills or experience to process them to create the positive outcome that you require.
They emerge, have no outlet, so either build up or collapse into unconscious obscurity again.
Identify, Conceptualize, Resolve. Do the first two steps with the end in mind (Resolve). That is, resolve as in resolution and resolve as in conviction.
Perhaps you lack desire and initiative in life? Perhaps your lifestyle is to contained and stagnant? You likely require fresh new experiences, and some extra advantageous practices to keep you fresh with or without a trip to Scotland.
Start with the basics then move up the ladder of sophistication.
Light exercise every few hours? Walking multiple times daily? Fresh fruits and veges, healthy fats? Breathing well? Reading varied enlightening books besides occult stuff or what you agree with? Quality energy work? Combat practice (remember, 1 kick, 1 punch, trained 1000x is greater than 1000 trained once) ? Combat would help you overcome barriers for sure, energetically and psychologically.
Involved with the general currents of life? A macro lifestyle? As in, socially integrated and active, mentally aware of trends and culture (in general), politics even, etc? Do you dress well, have good hygiene?
Being apart of the general culture and society is important for mitigating intense social situations.
Autists separate themselves because they don't relate to the culture or society, probably by some wounding, and thus have no ground to mitigate social encounters. With no reference, they over analyze and read into things that have an easy explanation. Stop over thinking shit and just get involved with the experience rather than separating yourself from it with a wall of intellectual rationalization and analysis.
AtheistScum8 02/09/17 (Thu) 07:35:53 No. 91267
02/09/17 (Thu) 07:42:25 No. 91268
>Autistic question here, what exactly is the normal love process?
>be attracted by beauty of a youthful woman
>fail to inspect her hymen this was the fatal mistake
>have sex
>make children
>she stops taking care of herself because you're a beta bitch boy
>you become convinced she's cheating on you but are too afraid to confront her
>one day you come home and she's fucking Chaddius Chaddingson in the livingroom
>you fly into a mad rage and kill Chaddius
>since you don't live in Texas where that's legal you are tried as guilty of third degree murder, life in prison no parole
>raped by niggers and spics daily for years until you finally kill yourself
>your children turn into whores and criminals, your wife marries another man and becomes morbidly obese
ah love, truly great. Better to have loved and become a cuckold than never to have donged at all.
02/09/17 (Thu) 07:47:16 No. 91269
sure thing bullshit sissy wizard
02/09/17 (Thu) 10:08:50 No. 91273
>what's your opinion on love at first sight?
I've never had love at first sight, so I don't know. I based my answers about manifesting love on the stuff William Walker Atkinson, Montalk and other people who write about manifestation talk about, and my own experience. I've never seen any books about occult love theory that weren't new age bullshit, so the best I can say about that is that if you're getting feelings in your primary energy centers, it's probably significant in some way. I do remember reading somewhere about there being specific people you're meant to meet in life, but I don't remember who wrote about it, their reasoning, or anything else about it. I should also clear something up; as cynical as I was about what love the "normal" way is, I was just talking about how normal people get into relationships. I'm not a kissless virgin, so I was just saying that to be funny it is true though .
>Have I subconsciously been influencing them to fall in love with me and as a result it doesn't work out?
The kind of imagination you were using would influence them if you were imagining those things as if they were objectively real events, so it depends. If you were thinking of them as if to think "I wish this was how my life was", then maybe not, because you would have continued to "wish this was how my life was", as opposed to if you'd have thought of it from the perspective of "this is how my life is". You are right later on when you say that a big part of manifestation is actually acting on a thing when an opportunity presents itself. So, this all could be figured out if you had the initiative and the guts to ask them out. There's also the possibility that they don't know you're into guys, or they aren't into guys (from what I can tell you're a bisexual dude, correct me if I'm wrong), but then I don't really know the situation.
>I feel like that "mentally influence someone to love you and it won't work" rule doesn't make sense but is true.
It works if they're receptive to it. The point I was making in my other answers was that, if they don't know/care about you at all and the forces in their life are pointing towards something unrelated to a relationship with you, it's incredibly unlikely to work, and if it does, it'll be shitty. If you try to magick someone who already cares about you a bit in love with you, it might work and be fine. It's not black and white. You've just got to think of the consequences of someone suddenly feeling one emotion towards a thing without any of the other related emotions or circumstances. Like, if several people suddenly became obsessed with chocolate ice cream, but a few of them are lactose intolerant and/or hate the colour brown. They'll want to eat it, but maybe they're not meant to eat it.
>the astrology/law of attraction thing
My understanding is that if you feel lonely, the law of attraction will make you continue to feel lonely (it depends on your other emotions too). You attract what you feel. If you feel lonely, situations that involve feeling lonely will present themselves. The astrology thing kinda makes sense. I've only started learning about astrology recently, though (I only just finished understanding my birth chart), so I have no idea. I'm just responding to as much as I can since you're replying to my post. Maybe someone else here will know.
Have you read much of the recommended reading list? I can't tell if you've been here very long, since you're talking about tree of life stuff. Most of us here pay more attention to thoughtforms and hermeticism.
>Better to have loved and become a cuckold than never to have donged at all.
That gem deserves to be an /r9k/ banner.
02/09/17 (Thu) 10:09:50 No. 91274
I'm not gunna lie, I was hoping someone would challenge my theories on love at first sight and influencing others, but I appreciate you offering me help with my personal problems.
>You may have a lot of contained energy and emotion that a relationship could really help you with.
You're absolutely right and I'm currently in the process of trying to get a girl friend, but I need to man the fuck up and be able to start a conversation to even get one cause women never start the conversation from my experience. The problem is though whenever I think about starting a conversation with a pretty girl I just instantly assume that they already have plenty of friends and would just be annoyed by me striking up a conversation or I start to question why she would even care about what I have to say. I always come up with an excuse not to go through with it. A solution to this I've been considering is joining a dating app/website and starting a relationship with a girl there, this way the fear is less prevalent. Only problem here is I'm scared shitless of ever getting dox'd and refuse to post a picture of myself online.
>Try being more extroverted
Been trying brother but i don't get a lot of options to talk to others outside of the internet and the gym and I don't know how to start conversations with people. Also I don't like to befriend random people because I feel they just waste my time, I'm very shallow and only have desire to talk to people who are either attractive or I get the love at first sight kind of feeling or I can get a positional/financial gain from, with the exception of people in need of emotional or mental support I feel really good helping others with internal problems.
>focus on a more positive intellect/head space and mode of communication
See I may need some help with that, my head is weird as fuck and I know it isn't normal. Everytime i try to explain something in a conversation I have to take pauses cause my brain works like a fucking snail. Like I try to remember something I remember parts of it then it takes a while for the words to form in my head even though I know what I'm trying to remember but I can't put it into words. I may geniunley have some form of brain damage. The way I look like I communicate on my previous post is nothing like how I communicate irl/with others btw. That's how my brain works when it's trying to dissect something or learn how something works, it invokes my inner autist and tries to think of every possible reason something might happen and applies the who what when where why and how principle to it.
>Likely your brain is a vacuum sucking in all positive initiative.
No idea what you mean by this. Pls explain
>Make the esoteric more exoteric, by putting it out there somehow.
I do, as you could see from previous post that's what I'm doing when I'm trying to learn something. Dissect and dissect making it more and more basic until I reach it's core.
02/09/17 (Thu) 10:10:03 No. 91275
>My line of thinking is that you have trouble projecting things that you would in a relationship, and especially in general. So drawing out those parts of yourself creates an emergency, since you haven't the skills or experience to process them to create the positive outcome that you require.
This is KIND OF true, the problem is that I can't START relationships I can keep them fairly easily as long as I like the person. Also I can project all my emotions just fine except for love and anger. I think I feel love too strongly and it scares me, I probably do have some trauma that's preventing me from being able to express it properly it but I can't think of any. As for anger I was a fucking pushover but I'm already making progress in fixing this since I've started working with certain Mars entities. As for in general I can express myself just fine but I can't explain myself well unless I have time to think which never happens in real life scenarios. Mercury squaring my ascendant definately fucked me in this case.
>They emerge, have no outlet, so either build up or collapse into unconscious obscurity again.
This is spot on but only with my love emotion.
>Perhaps you lack desire and initiative in life? Perhaps your lifestyle is to contained and stagnant? You likely require fresh new experiences, and some extra advantageous practices to keep you fresh with or without a trip to Scotland.
Lack of desire ain't there, I have goals and I'm actively trying to achieve them. Stagnant and contained however is again fucking spot on. All I do currently every week for the past 3~ month is go to gym eat sleep meditiate and use the internet. Before the internet used to be able to satisfy my desire for adventure as I'd browse different websites and boards and just take in their culture, join in and just hang out with them, it would feel like I'm visiting a foreign country every time and was genuinely really fun however I haven't had that feeling for about a year now. Once I'm out of the situation I'm in I'll definitely try out new things.
>Light exercise every few hours? Walking multiple times daily? Fresh fruits and veges, healthy fats? Breathing well? Reading varied enlightening books besides occult stuff or what you agree with? Quality energy work? Combat practice (remember, 1 kick, 1 punch, trained 1000x is greater than 1000 trained once) ? Combat would help you overcome barriers for sure, energetically and psychologically.
I do all of these daily except for going on daily walks, fresh fruits and veggies (can you tell me some of the benefits to this btw or direct me to a resource I can learn more about this) and combat practice. I really should get into some form of martial arts or combat practice like you suggest though, you're absolutely right about it being extremely useful for breaking barriers. I'm sure the Mars entity I'm working with will probably recommend it soon but I'm currently in a shitty position where I can't do anything but go to the gym. I just need to be patient to get out of it, hopefully shouldn't take more than a month and then I can enter the real world again.
>Stop over thinking shit and just get involved with the experience rather than separating yourself from it with a wall of intellectual rationalization and analysis.
Again I agree with you here, I understand most of this but I have yet to actually man the fuck up and leap of faith into a conversation with a girl I find attractive. I know this problem doesn't seem /fringe/ but the problem is mental/emotional so it honestly is. I don't expect you guys to have a super secret solution to this btw I'm pretty sure I just have to begin to invoke confidence and ground it with a conversation, that honestly seems like the only way.
Anyways I really do appreciate you talking to me about this, I rarely get opportunities to talk about my problems/feelings outside of spirits trying to help me out (you guys have very similar solutions for the most part) so it's nice to ground this stuff in a more dense setting and just get all this bottled up emotion and thought out there. Thanks man.
02/09/17 (Thu) 10:16:12 No. 91276
Bumping this one last time. Does anyone have any books on enchanting physical objects or making talismans or whatever?
02/09/17 (Thu) 10:31:27 No. 91277
We posted at pretty much the same time, so just in case you didn't see, I replied here >>91273
02/09/17 (Thu) 11:21:56 No. 91278
>What kind of ritual are you talking about, anyway?
The sigil casting of chaos magick.
Now that I think more about it, I remember that I got pretty angry and was forced to remember all the bad things that happened in my childhood whch I thought I got over. It was pretty huge ammount of anger mixed with emotions of sorrow and hopelessness. Which was caused by people around me. For all I know, might've been my preffered pagan deity disliking the fact I tried chaos magick for first time as it all happened on the same day. It wouldn't be that unusual for deity of fate and luck to give me a punishment in that manner for something that might've been seen as disloyalty.
02/09/17 (Thu) 11:51:30 No. 91279
>I do remember reading somewhere about there being specific people you're meant to meet in life, but I don't remember who wrote about it, their reasoning, or anything else about it.
I do actually have a similar memory I can't quite put my finger on the source either.
>If you were thinking of them as if to think "I wish this was how my life was", then maybe not, because you would have continued to "wish this was how my life was", as opposed to if you'd have thought of it from the perspective of "this is how my life is".
Yeah it was never a present tense kind of imagination it was always a "If I was with her we'd be doing this this and this" and "wouldn't it be great if we could do this together" and such, and then I'd imagine the scenarios and how they would play out.
>You are right later on when you say that a big part of manifestation is actually acting on a thing when an opportunity presents itself. So, this all could be figured out if you had the initiative and the guts to ask them out.
>(from what I can tell you're a bisexual dude, correct me if I'm wrong)
lol no. It's not a romantic love I feel for them and maybe love isn't even the right word. It's more of a strong attraction of what feels like comfort and just a knowing feeling that you and this person can be good friends it's like when you first meet them they aren't a stranger to you but you know you'd get along instantly. It later develops into love like that of a brother however and you just feel like you would take a bullet for these people, they have your back you've got theirs.
>mental influence consequences
We seem to have the same opinions here.
>My understanding is that if you feel lonely, the law of attraction will make you continue to feel lonely (it depends on your other emotions too). You attract what you feel. If you feel lonely, situations that involve feeling lonely will present themselves.
Maybe law of attraction isn't the right symbol for what im thinking because that's what I've read about it too. What I'm talking about though is the force that brings the student to the teacher. I'm thinking the student is sending out pings charged with the desire to learn. The desire to learn ping is then picked up by the teacher with the willingness to teach and the teacher and the student are then being attracted to eachother until they finally meet. I'm not sure what the name of the force I'm thinking of but I think you will understand what im getting at. Or maybe it is law of attraction and u baited me. Imagine this, a lonely girl is sad and doesn't want to be lonely anymore and is projecting a lonely vibe, yes they will attract lonely situations that will enhance their lonliness and such but they will also attract other lonely people. The lonely people then are attracted to eachother through this common lonely vibration but also through the desire to leave this loneliness. Now if a person is content with being lonely then the law will make it so that he's always lonely and nobody will bother him because he may be attracting other people that want to be lonely but the desire to be lonely will prevent them from ever communicating with eachother.
>Have you read much of the recommended reading list? I can't tell if you've been here very long, since you're talking about tree of life stuff. Most of us here pay more attention to thoughtforms and hermeticism.
Yeah I've read most of the recommended reading list except for most of personal power and 2013 lessons cause theyre long as fug. I've been here since the second /pol/ migration around 2015 of december I think. See what I do with the tree of life stuff is connect myself to the planets/sephiroth and allow my body to absorb the energies corresponding to them and manipulate them through imagination. For example I need some good luck in finances, I'll connect to Jupiter, I need some self control, I'll connect to Saturn, things like this. To my knowledge the tree of life is a guide to what the planets represent and how they affect your several bodies. It's obviously way deeper than this and several more uses but I wouldn't be able to give them any justice in an explanation. You can also do the connect to the energy thing with the zodiac, you could do it with anything really but it isn't recommended. The Planets the Zodiac and the Elements are the only energies I invoke currently and recommend. All the others I consider unnatural and I do my best to avoid them.
I'm sorry, like I've said before it takes forever for me to process what I'm trying to get across, I was writing this reply right after I posted mine to the other guy.
02/09/17 (Thu) 13:42:48 No. 91280
I recommend you stop thinking in that mode.
Instead of "thinking", you should write. Instead of "dissecting", you should program.
You can practice directing your love at things you know? A great practice, please begin by directing love at a house plant or tree in your yard. Also, begin a self-love practice, and for all those things that contribute to your well-being. Air, water, warmth, home, people past and present (humanity wouldn't have bothered to create so much if not for the amount of us that exists). Feel love for your body, mind, and energy. Feel love for the normal human stuff, like socializing, with their small talk and mannerisms.
Try not to dissect stuff, read books and don't slow down too much when reading them. Learn how to play music, draw, something aesthetic. Try to think and speak a little more tastefully, more wholesome and integrated rather than breaking everything down into parts and pieces. Think, Skimming over the waters rather than Diving deep.
As for the love thing, try loving different people's personalities. Nourishing a person's personality, their self-expression, is essential. That includes what you deem as a flaw, true or not. Realize the relativity of your truths, and their emotional motivations that you hide in rice grain sized "cores of truth"
Doing this will set up a decent foundation for loving women. Don't dissect this and start loving atoms or "what's the absolute greatest love?" or some shit, try to stay grounded and stick with the normal stuff first. Hippy shit, new age, family values, whatever.
For communication, definitely turn your mind OFF. Watch a funny tv show, read through books without thinking too much about it, draw something, listen to music, multitask a little more. Have music playing while you read and eat. Do the dishes while imagining a conversation you're having with some random homeless man in a sci fi future world. Focus on creativity and fun first, analysis/intelligence second.
Practice the art of letting go of a train of thought.
02/09/17 (Thu) 17:00:29 No. 91285
I'm being serious…
don't know if you're referring to me
Still looking for thoughts on this
02/09/17 (Thu) 23:00:29 No. 91291
I think you might find pdf related or a reread of the end of The Arcane Formulas useful. I think your understanding of manifestation is a little off. It always has to be from the perspective of the conditions you want to manifest already being true. Stuff like "If I was with her we'd be doing this this and this" doesn't completely imply that it's a condition that's already true, because you're saying "if x was true then x would be true too", but the first x isn't true. Instead, you might want to think of it from the perspective of "we do this and this and this all the time" or something similar.
02/09/17 (Thu) 23:11:03 No. 91293
Did Montalk marry down? I was watching a stream of him and others and he was with some goblin. Not quite Jeb tier, but it was unusual. I think he manifested some sort of emotional vampire/lizard, tbqh. He would look more sane with a tulpa.
02/10/17 (Fri) 06:31:22 No. 91296
It might be his mother.
02/11/17 (Sat) 00:07:55 No. 91313
Any of you Wizard Anons have these? Please and thank you.
02/11/17 (Sat) 02:47:07 No. 91330
You're looking for Derren Brown books?
This is one tool to use for finding books:
Also in DuckDuckGo you can search something and then add :pdf at the end to get only results that link to PDFs.
I see some of the books you want here:
Btw, I looked into Derren Brown before, and he's kind of a fedora.
02/11/17 (Sat) 02:52:06 No. 91331
I tried to do this with an empty book that words were supposed to appear for me clairvoyantly. It attracted so many entities and caused me so many problems… oh man.
02/11/17 (Sat) 03:08:10 No. 91332
Thanks Anon. Excuse my naivety but whats a fedora? What did you turn up?
/fringe/res/ 02/11/17 (Sat) 11:09:02 No. 91336
My friend was channeling/meditating a while ago and got these numbers 8.14 6
I have no idea what they could mean, but he was talking about them having significance in terms of the future and well, does anyone of you happen to have anything on these?
02/11/17 (Sat) 14:52:37 No. 91338
Today there are 3 celestial events occurring. The full moon, a lunar eclipse, and a comet that will be the closest one to fly by the earth in over 30 years.
Any comments?
02/11/17 (Sat) 16:12:35 No. 91340
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Rolled 5, 4, 6 = 15 (3d6)
02/11/17 (Sat) 19:02:34 No. 91345
What are you trying to achieve?
Now if you imagine yourself to your dream.
Then what?
02/12/17 (Sun) 00:17:58 No. 91354
AtheistScum8 02/12/17 (Sun) 16:06:53 No. 91547
none of this bullshit is real
get a job and a life you fucking losers
02/12/17 (Sun) 18:54:06 No. 91549
I'm fine. Just a little tired like at the end of line.
02/12/17 (Sun) 19:03:08 No. 91551
I'm someone who's been interested in Gurdjieff for some time. I've read Ouspensky's stuff, plenty of articles and videos online about him, and Views From the Real World [collection of his early lectures]. Now I want to start reading delving into the actual works he wrote himself.
The question I want to ask is: Can one just read Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson as is without any "reading guides" or previous serious in-depth occult knowledge? For example, I once saw some random guy on YouTube claim that Qabbalah is a big deal in BTTHG and that you won't understand the book unless you know a lot about Qabbalah. Is this shit actually true?
02/12/17 (Sun) 19:05:22 No. 91552
Rolled 3, 6, 5 = 14 (3d6)
>What are you trying to achieve?
master magic duh
>Now if you imagine yourself to your dream. Then what?
One step at a time lad. It's easy to overwhelm yourself.
>Was I attacked by a succubus?
maybe hard to say but "attack" is a strong word to use considering it didn't really do anything to you.
>Should I set up protective measures?
If you feel threaten or drained yes
>I'm going to charge this ring a lot and it's most likely going to attract other entities. Is this a bad idea?
depends on your intention but you can always banish them if they cause trouble.
02/12/17 (Sun) 19:16:20 No. 91554
02/12/17 (Sun) 19:18:53 No. 91555
Rolled 5, 4, 4 = 13 (3d6)
enlighten us then, what is real magic?
02/12/17 (Sun) 19:19:32 No. 91556
Rolled 3, 4, 1 = 8 (3d6)
02/12/17 (Sun) 19:49:56 No. 91560
complete newfig , but from what I've seen so far, there's different "traditions" of magic, chaos, hermetic, and so on
What's the underlying principle that divides magic into said traditions?
Basically, are there different principles behind each, or is it more how the magic is expressed?
AtheistScum8 02/12/17 (Sun) 23:26:28 No. 91676
Rolled 4, 2, 1, 1, 6, 2 + 6 = 22 (6d6)
dubs check em
AtheistScum8 02/12/17 (Sun) 23:27:17 No. 91679
See that kids? 22 DUBS
That right there is REAL magic kids.
02/12/17 (Sun) 23:42:19 No. 91686
Rolled 6, 2, 3 = 11 (3d6)
>2 + 6
I smell hacks.
AtheistScum8 02/13/17 (Mon) 00:01:17 No. 91689
Rolled 487, 346, 164, 410, 50, 403, 258, 130, 95, 496, 194, 636, 359, 101, 296, 86, 140, 1, 88, 613, 385, 89, 239, 663, 251, 528, 212, 392, 608, 582, 605, 429, 261, 103, 173, 310, 505, 430, 440, 599, 260, 634, 568, 619, 68, 198, 39, 208, 198, 126, 154, 583, 215, 393, 579, 465, 254, 125, 191, 196, 41, 129, 625, 301, 231, 131, 611, 70, 561, 384, 3, 155, 351, 571, 107, 419, 102, 145, 626, 300, 271, 114, 216, 485, 506, 128, 284, 94, 252, 474, 290, 292, 603, 248, 593, 167, 379, 538, 237, 273, 256, 239, 427, 607, 143, 534, 359, 245, 13, 319, 544, 283, 432, 93, 102, 272, 221, 386, 366, 472, 194, 655, 98, 130, 237, 25, 297, 615, 563, 533, 222, 152, 106, 648, 92, 248, 516, 451, 492, 528, 104, 369, 144, 536, 462, 246, 142, 16, 631, 507, 488, 158, 495, 586, 288, 65, 611, 584, 14, 507, 451, 235, 658, 556, 217, 84, 138, 66, 535, 629, 593, 638, 332, 71, 508, 128, 316, 649, 143, 281, 489, 631, 439, 318, 550, 60, 383, 494, 644, 396, 334, 428, 631, 326, 317, 181, 409, 454, 246, 278 = 66841 (200d666)
how about this then
02/13/17 (Mon) 00:23:43 No. 91691
Rolled 597, 268, 14, 317, 492, 170, 157, 57, 307, 23, 394, 391, 70, 45, 483, 527, 194, 249, 350, 576, 287, 616, 666, 651, 439, 292, 436, 26, 6, 655, 326, 602, 256, 340, 253, 81, 509, 409, 138, 149, 432, 531, 540, 502, 575, 356, 362, 103, 605, 45, 13, 225, 660, 13, 210, 433, 304, 646, 459, 310, 634, 118, 245, 224, 457, 498, 305, 300, 241, 442, 449, 6, 307, 322, 507, 216, 12, 202, 319, 616, 246, 331, 175, 240, 343, 384, 6, 647, 363, 464, 290, 331, 581, 534, 554, 372, 366, 192, 5, 606, 634, 453, 611, 275, 109, 452, 490, 120, 653, 142, 69, 233, 472, 243, 472, 149, 627, 477, 129, 323, 275, 418, 654, 190, 286, 541, 561, 651, 67, 566, 591, 34, 353, 535, 308, 461, 321, 132, 581, 307, 274, 650, 540, 80, 227, 345, 228, 187, 156, 356, 510, 430, 108, 497, 619, 393, 372, 514, 378, 438, 414, 302, 472, 100, 171, 114, 561, 491, 245, 475, 132, 518, 459, 5, 597, 19, 350, 158, 205, 505, 514, 49, 269, 621, 545, 222, 348, 250, 69, 59, 22, 483, 361, 493, 583, 531, 606, 477, 355, 185 = 69194 (200d666)
how many dice does this thing generate anyways?
02/13/17 (Mon) 00:24:27 No. 91692
Rolled 174, 45, 281, 405, 501, 809, 459, 776, 708, 576, 258, 37, 739, 457, 18, 590, 36, 772, 993, 735, 519, 570, 733, 198, 664, 305, 372, 380, 446, 323, 210, 619, 368, 491, 1023, 868, 276, 458, 620, 983, 9, 877, 1019, 748, 310, 13, 313, 345, 784, 282, 56, 279, 851, 788, 476, 490, 69, 848, 869, 515, 146, 55, 109, 513, 545, 108, 357, 821, 565, 976, 779, 574, 829, 774, 297, 114, 786, 609, 459, 546, 890, 514, 824, 717, 278, 276, 182, 346, 99, 27, 860, 244, 82, 969, 757, 627, 53, 90, 423, 617, 41, 178, 167, 870, 952, 463, 983, 713, 48, 417, 235, 938, 931, 34, 630, 184, 309, 812, 529, 407, 838, 365, 651, 920, 310, 384, 523, 362, 473, 945, 979, 513, 99, 121, 358, 26, 583, 317, 739, 630, 734, 973, 544, 640, 1007, 149, 824, 291, 960, 329, 698, 774, 693, 324, 670, 1002, 708, 168, 340, 156, 89, 294, 668, 187, 414, 2, 213, 997, 319, 951, 603, 29, 900, 122, 669, 882, 270, 468, 148, 206, 796, 846, 979, 465, 146, 624, 443, 853, 792, 782, 1008, 880, 51, 652, 42, 465, 654, 254, 437, 973 = 101107 (200d1024)
02/13/17 (Mon) 00:25:47 No. 91693
>max 200 dice
>max sides 1024
answered my own question
02/13/17 (Mon) 00:54:15 No. 91699
>answered his own question
02/13/17 (Mon) 00:56:11 No. 91700
02/13/17 (Mon) 09:17:05 No. 91719
it's real when i allow it to be real
02/13/17 (Mon) 13:03:40 No. 91731
Honored friends, two questions.
Do you know of any good LHP sources, the only one I found in the sticky was 'Joy of Satan'.
Second, sources of magic being used for manipulationg beauty & appearance?
AtheistScum8 02/13/17 (Mon) 13:44:02 No. 91734
>Second, sources of magic being used for manipulationg beauty & appearance?
Facial Reconstruction Surgery and make-up, you deluded fruitbasket. LOL@you schizos thinking you can ooga booga mind magick your way to doing anything
02/13/17 (Mon) 15:25:05 No. 91740
Of course thoughts can influence the world, this can easily be demonstrated.
Anyway, I just wanted the sources, nevermind if it works.
02/13/17 (Mon) 17:58:54 No. 91756
yeah and you think he would have something better to do then come up with fedora tear insults. >>91734
If you don't believe in magic or don't want to believe then why hang out here ?
02/13/17 (Mon) 18:32:35 No. 91758
>What's the underlying principle that divides magic into said traditions?
little disputes on how magic works. Like any thing else magic evolves.
>Basically, are there different principles behind each
yes and no. Most of the time they rely on the same tools. meditation,visualization,energy work
hermetic believes there are rules and exact methods to do magic.
chaos magicians just throw whatever out there and keep the stuff that gets them results.
or is it more how the magic is expressed?
kind of, magic being magic is always gonna find new ways to express it self.
meme magic
Kenneth Grant was ok
austin osman spare is considered the forerunner for chaos magic
and these books helped me a little.!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ
all else fails look in here you should find something.
>sources of magic being used for manipulationg beauty & appearance?
no idea, probably gonna have to make a sigil to Venus or something
02/13/17 (Mon) 18:36:08 No. 91759
Rolled 2, 3, 5 = 10 (3d6)
oh magic dice. What do you think of my advice?
02/13/17 (Mon) 18:36:58 No. 91760
02/13/17 (Mon) 18:45:14 No. 91761
02/13/17 (Mon) 23:56:05 No. 91768
>depends on your intention but you can always banish them if they cause trouble.
If the intention is to increase my masculine energy?
02/13/17 (Mon) 23:58:21 No. 91769
Is the best way to acquire knowledge, contacting spirits? If so, what is the best way to go about doing this?
02/14/17 (Tue) 00:22:07 No. 91770
ah sorry, but my point still stands. Usually once you built up enough energy their isn't a whole lot they can do to you.If your building up masculine energy banishing whatever entity shouldn't be that hard. honestly it sounds like whatever it was just wanted you to share. If your still worried about other entities trying to get you then burn some sage.
02/14/17 (Tue) 00:26:54 No. 91771
Socks4Hands !!005L.eh5HA 02/14/17 (Tue) 05:27:53 No. 91789
You will Laing for this.
Socks4Hands !!005L.eh5HA 02/14/17 (Tue) 05:28:19 No. 91790
Boys betta know I work for Tavistock.
Socks4Hands !!005L.eh5HA 02/14/17 (Tue) 05:28:48 No. 91791
The worst part is that I do it for free. Isn't that fucking nuts?
02/14/17 (Tue) 10:33:19 No. 91810
sage 02/14/17 (Tue) 11:55:43 No. 91812
What do you mean by a god? That's where you should start.
02/14/17 (Tue) 17:23:58 No. 91819
What is the Discord server to this place and can someone help me find my relative?
Socks4Hands !!005L.eh5HA 02/14/17 (Tue) 19:45:34 No. 91827
02/14/17 (Tue) 22:34:47 No. 91838
There's a skype group in one of the stickies. Discord is terrible. What do you mean about finding your relative? You're going to have to be a lot less vague.
02/14/17 (Tue) 23:18:35 No. 91839
>can someone help me find my relative?
Where did you leave them last?
02/14/17 (Tue) 23:22:51 No. 91840
She works at a starbucks and the first letter of her name is R. We've been trying to find each other for ages and im tired of going back and forth without certainty she's there. Can you help me?
02/14/17 (Tue) 23:25:12 No. 91841
02/14/17 (Tue) 23:26:18 No. 91842
What is this supposed to imply?
02/15/17 (Wed) 00:03:47 No. 91845
I see all of this bullshit about being STO but nobody has ever wanted or tried to help me, so why should I care about helping anyone else?
02/15/17 (Wed) 00:16:01 No. 91846
Rolled 5, 3, 3 = 11 (3d6)
>but nobody has ever wanted or tried to help me
It's amazing the amount of people who preach about love and kindness yet fail to use it in their day to day.
>so why should I care about helping anyone else?
You shouldn't pic related I think, I'm not very good with leftie memes but you should try and find equilibrium. so my advice is do little acts of kindnessanswering questions in question thread for example but if you dont want to then dont.
02/15/17 (Wed) 01:32:20 No. 91848
I stopped going to Veelox in 2012 due to all the demons, but a friend and I want to return after all these years.
Is this unsafe to someone who has no experience dealing with demons? What precautions should I take? Are we better off creating a new plane?
For those who missed it, Veelox was an experiment years ago on 4chan /x/ where a large group of people attempted lucid dream telepathy within a geographic tulpa. We would constantly share information in the threads so that others could see the same things we did, but trolls started talking about demons and eventually Veelox was overrun with them so everyone left.
02/15/17 (Wed) 03:06:06 No. 91852
Nothing has happened to me that would convince me that magic is real. What's stopping me from shitting over anyone that does believe magic is real?
02/15/17 (Wed) 04:01:17 No. 91853
That looking for someone doesn't have anything to do with /fringe/. Have you tried asking the other people that work there?
I don't know anything about you, so don't take this the wrong way, but maybe you've been attracting selfishness through your own selfishness. Maybe not, of course, but not wanting to be STO because you haven't ever had anyone else help you seems like something someone whose mindset is stuck on the physical plane in their current life would say, since it ignores the bigger picture. You're welcome to be STS instead if that's what you want. Nobody is stopping you. Being STO could make you happier, and bring more happiness to you, but so could STS.
What have you done so far?
02/15/17 (Wed) 08:58:47 No. 91867
is there a fast way to make undesirable flavours tastey?
i know it should be highly similar to emotional conditioning. where x and y get associated
but if theres a magickal method please tell
02/15/17 (Wed) 10:32:55 No. 91872
What's the easiest (fastest and most immediete) way to astral project
02/15/17 (Wed) 10:33:18 No. 91873
02/15/17 (Wed) 10:51:20 No. 91876
Death x-d
But in all seriousness you should experiment with all the methods out there, for me the rolling out of your body is the only method that worked. I haven't seen any methods to get out of body quick though, only methods I'm aware of are where you need to lie down and fall into deep relaxation while remaining conscious and try separate your body from your physical when youre in a deep enough trance.
Maybe someone will have a better answer
02/15/17 (Wed) 10:55:31 No. 91877
I honestly hate this STO or STS bullshit, just be yourself my man. If you're a shitty person keep being a shitty person until you get your ass kicked enough to realize you need to stop being a shitty person. It's the natural way, the most comfy way, and the easiest.
02/15/17 (Wed) 13:07:46 No. 91892
>What have you done so far?
I read the Kybalion and Arcane Teachings, not really sure if I took in the information. I tried to do the exercises in the Arcane Formulas but that didn't go anywhere. I read the Science of Breath up to the exercises and tried to do the Complete Breath but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. I don't know what it'll take to make me capable of magic but I need it to happen sooner rather than later, I am quite aware of the relative meaninglessness of mundane life
02/15/17 (Wed) 13:15:25 No. 91896
Psychically attacked by a Scorpio. Romantic/sexual motives… possessiveness, hate, etc.
I mainly need recovery from it. I was psychically vulnerable during a night of the soul, and have been sorta fried. Demons were also prevalent.
02/15/17 (Wed) 13:21:07 No. 91897
Also, I'd like to think that if I shittalk magic or magic users someone or something will "teach me a lesson" or something to that effect, basically proving to me that magic is real. I don't even need to be a magician honestly, just that proof would be all that I need. If anyone has any other methods I can use to "bait out" proof of magic it would be appreciated
02/15/17 (Wed) 13:45:09 No. 91900
>Also, I'd like to think that if I shittalk magic or magic users someone or something will "teach me a lesson" or something to that effect
I've been shitposting and destroying this entire site for years and nobody done nuffin to me.
x———D ebin
02/15/17 (Wed) 14:05:21 No. 91901
>and nobody done nuffin to me.
Thats what you think. I shit in your sandwich last week
02/15/17 (Wed) 14:12:58 No. 91902
If you want proof, continue practising. You started yogic breathing, continue with that and you'll notice effects and change with time.
Killing your body. Though I doubt you want that.
Why is it disgusting to you ? If you understand why, you should be able to understand how to change you pov on those flavours.
But remember, if it's disgusting, or make you want to vomit, it's surely beacause it's not made to go into your body… if you're a normal human not conditioned to eat shit.
If you do good with the expectation of a karmic return, you're not doing STO.
"He who seek has already found" - Seth
02/15/17 (Wed) 14:46:14 No. 91904
Thing is, I don't know if I am doing the breathing right. Also, I can't count on noticing changes over time because I may (read: most likely) dismiss them as my mind playing tricks on me. I need something to prove to me beyond any doubt that magic is at work. I suppose I have a lot of doubt and faith in the wrong places which keeps me back and I don't know how to change that.
02/15/17 (Wed) 17:13:00 No. 91914
Remember that everything is mental. Read >>90238
Matter is just condensed thoughts. What you think, feel, is real. But is it objective ? It is the real question in our physical plane.
You know that everything is magic, it's just so common that nobody think about it that way anymore. When you cook an egg, you transmute it with the fire element to change it's properties. It's magic !
But I will reassure you, yogic breathing will make you fell something. It's different with everyone, but you will feel prana in you.
Remember to start low, with the abdominal part. Breahth with your belly, when you feel you can't take anymore, continue breathing but let the air fill the middle part of your lungs (torso part), then do it again with the higher part of your lungs. You will mostly feel pain in your shoulder/neck at start.
Take your time, practice, and you will get the hang of it. Do not overdo it ! And do it sitting, or lying down. I know I get to worked up and lost control of my body and fall regularly when I do pranayama.
Hope this will help you.
And for everyone, a little DIO to meditate on !
02/15/17 (Wed) 17:15:34 No. 91915
Damn, I'm already bad at engrish, but with all this typos it's just shamefull. I should be more mindfull when I correct my post before sending it.
02/15/17 (Wed) 18:59:58 No. 91923
Haha very funnny. I was thinking to astral project like how to somehow induce the WILD or some finger stuff or through mantras or etc.
Didn't want to talk about drugs either but that can be interesting.
Obviously I don't want to die, but I want to practice the astral state for when I do die.
02/15/17 (Wed) 19:01:17 No. 91924
So I guess better question is
What's the easiest (fastest and most immediete) way to lucid dream
02/15/17 (Wed) 19:42:05 No. 91926
What does prana feel like? How will I recognize it?
02/15/17 (Wed) 19:42:30 No. 91927
Also how do I know if I'm breathing right?
02/15/17 (Wed) 20:12:08 No. 91930
There is a lot of way to astral project. Though I did not do any AP yet for multiple reasons. Search, read, and do the one you feel drawn to. You can also try all and stick with the one working the best.
But first you need to understand on the most profound level that you are not your body.
I can attest that the exercise in pdf related, about imagining yourself watching you body is a good way to do that… and actually, imo, one of the many way to do an AP.
But remember, the astral is not as safe as it is claimed. There is a reason if it's a later step in IIH.
Be careful ;)
As I said, it's not really something you can describe. It can be a tingling, a chill, or whatnot. But I think you can say it's analoguous to that "butterfly in the guts" feel. But depending on your advancement, and the state of your body it may take a lot of time before you can start to feel it. You could try an another form of energy work on the side like Chi Kung to accelerate the process, but going to fast might tire you and make you lose confidence or determination in your work. Or worse, hurt you.
Breathing right would mean erasing the program we all got through our conditioning by society. Hence doing naturally and without thinking a full yogic breath. But starting with abdominal breathing is ok, and should be enough for a big time.
Pratice, take your time. With work you will start to understand how to do it right. Do not overthink it, your body, and your spirit know better than you. Do not hesitate to ask for their help.
02/16/17 (Thu) 01:36:31 No. 91952
The more I look into this stuff the more I'm reminded of humanity's relative weakness and insignificance. What can we do in the face of hostile higher beings and their thralls living among us? Why are we even allowed to continue living? Will we ever be truly free?
02/16/17 (Thu) 05:40:01 No. 91964
>I have a problem with anxiety and I am curious to know if anyone knows of any natural remedies that can be said to be comparable to diazepam or other benzodiazepines.
>I don't know what my problem is but no matter what I just can't seem to relax without it or alcohol and alcohol is seriously killing all of my spirituality.
You should probably start doing some physical exercise and see if that helps you. It did wonders for my social anxiety. Also get into the habit of doing proper breathing and do a daily stretch routine.
Maybe this book can help you too. Good luck famalam.
SAGE! 02/16/17 (Thu) 06:01:45 No. 91970
Btw the book is The Lazy Man's Guide To Relaxation by Israel Regardie
Only mentioning this since it didn't show up in the file name completely
02/16/17 (Thu) 06:26:15 No. 91974
02/16/17 (Thu) 06:27:08 No. 91975
02/16/17 (Thu) 06:28:18 No. 91976
>making me reply again
SAGE! 02/16/17 (Thu) 06:31:17 No. 91977
sage sage SAGE! 02/16/17 (Thu) 06:32:51 No. 91979
>not putting sage in every field
I'm on at least 7 more layers of irony than you right now.
SAGE! 02/16/17 (Thu) 06:33:36 No. 91980
02/16/17 (Thu) 07:18:46 No. 91996
02/16/17 (Thu) 07:19:27 No. 91997
sorry that wasn't very clear how do I
02/16/17 (Thu) 07:20:09 No. 91998
02/16/17 (Thu) 07:20:21 No. 91999
how do I get trips bitch?!
02/16/17 (Thu) 07:20:34 No. 92000
02/16/17 (Thu) 07:23:02 No. 92001
Rolled 1, 4, 4 = 9 (3d6)
hey magic dice you wanna give me trips?
02/16/17 (Thu) 07:24:12 No. 92002
anyone want shitty dice dubs?
02/16/17 (Thu) 09:09:04 No. 92005
How do I do a full detox? I've read fasting and drinking water is one method but I don't have access to purified water and I have to drink bottled water which.
02/16/17 (Thu) 09:51:13 No. 92007
What are some good books on Esoteric Hinduism?
02/16/17 (Thu) 11:25:55 No. 92010
I don't think Hinduism has any subterranean knowledge all that stuff is part of the mainstream religon depending on what variation of buddhism your following.
02/16/17 (Thu) 11:26:20 No. 92011
02/16/17 (Thu) 11:27:34 No. 92012
I does not matter what kind of water, anything besides distilled.
02/16/17 (Thu) 12:29:11 No. 92013
As >>92010 wrote, hinduism is pretty open on the metaphysical side. You will find what you need, but higher knowledge is still kept behind the doors of temples.
Fasting for a long time, but do not overdo it, especially if your body have not the habit. Distilled water is actually good, but there is some danger to it's use.
More info here :
Imo, start small, fast a few days and use whatever water you want, rain/unsoiled stream water being the best. Cut off the shit that you put in your body, and maintain a healthy life between fasting. It can take you a lot of time to fully detoxify your body, depending on how you live and the pace you decide to detox yourself. Do not hasten with it, you can really hurt yourself if you do it recklessly.
Relative. Yes, you can see what lies beyond the veil à la Lovecraft, being all madness and fear. But seriously, there is nothing to fear at all.
Concerning hostile entity, the really bad one shouldn't be of concern to you unless you start dwelling with heavy practice of negative polarity. Remember that we are part of the ONE that IS ALL. You have an immortal spirit being par of the divine. What you experience was decided before you incarnated, and you will always have a mean to overcome it. At worse your lower bodies will die.
Relax ;)
02/17/17 (Fri) 05:12:54 No. 92212
Best way to remove subconscious blockages?
02/17/17 (Fri) 08:22:00 No. 92217
I've fucked up. Not sure how bad.
Couple of days ago I was practicing tantric solo sex going through whatever dark corners of the internet I hadn't investigated before, I stumbled upon pic related, reading the whole thing while masturbating and cackling like a madman because shit is hilariously stupid/ stupidly hilarious, I'm sure fapping to this made something break like in that gif with germany and the gibs, the fuse because now I can't fap without laughing.
I touch my penis and I start grinning for no reason, a quiet grin or quiet "khekhhHH", I keep polishing the lamppost and I start laughing loudly, manically at nothing.
Especially when I see something funny that I didn't use to think was funny, five minutes ago I broke down laughing to how poor these women were at having sex.
I hope this doesn't an issue.
02/17/17 (Fri) 10:12:21 No. 92219
>johanna don't talk to that guy thats the one that can't stop laughing during sex
02/17/17 (Fri) 13:09:41 No. 92224
Either you've gone insane or you focused way too hard on how funny it is when you climaxed and created a super strong thoughtform that's keeping you in that mindset. Either way, hahahahahaha
02/17/17 (Fri) 15:06:28 No. 92227
>not drinking distilled water
man you really don't understand nothing
sage 02/17/17 (Fri) 17:54:55 No. 92230
This makes me concerned as I sometimes find the erotic comic I'm reading to be rather humorous.
!zcEmk9CD0M 02/17/17 (Fri) 18:12:45 No. 92232
>See this
>that guys looks semi brown
>I hope this doesn't an issue.
it is an issue now
!zcEmk9CD0M 02/17/17 (Fri) 18:16:43 No. 92233
ah fuck forgot spoiler
02/18/17 (Sat) 01:12:54 No. 92424
These kinds of posts are shill posts. There's no reason you can't continue to use /fringe/ for fun.
02/18/17 (Sat) 01:33:50 No. 92437
Imagine you have new hair colour, forget you ever had previous hair colour, do so as intensely as you can. That's all there is to it.
02/18/17 (Sat) 02:36:25 No. 92459
What are some good meditation positions for newfig s?
02/18/17 (Sat) 03:26:04 No. 92461
Are these women the same archtype?
02/18/17 (Sat) 04:22:00 No. 92464
fuck you telling people to calm down bitch
02/18/17 (Sat) 04:52:23 No. 92465
Any position that doesn't require muscle tension or balancing is good. Crossing your legs can make them go dead and can get uncomfortable (at least it does for me), but it's the most obvious one. You can also lie down or sit in a hard-backed chair. Lying down can make you fall asleep more easily, though, obviously. I guess just avoid standing up or hanging from the ceiling.
02/18/17 (Sat) 11:45:39 No. 92561
Interesting how Kali is the only one of the three portrayed as non-Aryan.
02/18/17 (Sat) 13:58:38 No. 92562
Why is the Kybalion and other stuff from Atkinson and Bardon treated with disdain on some other fringe/occult sites. Is it something to do with the line of New Thought ideas?
Also, what's half/x/'s beef with /fringe/? Their occult threads seem to hate this place
02/18/17 (Sat) 14:39:27 No. 92567
A lot of the people here who call them bullshit occultists are trolls, considering they never reply when anyone asks for their reasoning. I've never seen it criticized anywhere else, so I don't know about the rest of that part of the question. Also
>still going on 4shit
4/x/ has been nothing but meaningless cryptic bullshit, tulpamancy and creepypasta threads since well before the first exodus. Why would you even go there?
02/18/17 (Sat) 15:25:51 No. 92569
cuckchan is filled with Tavistock goons, especially /x/
People who hate Bardon are disinfo spooks. Atkinson is sometimes disliked because he was a book salesman and although he had good material in some of his stuff most of it was second hand knowledge and buried by shit. Honestly with all the first hand sources we now have you'd be a fool to use Atkinson.
02/18/17 (Sat) 15:46:28 No. 92570
>Why would you even go there?
I just wanted to see if their "library" was any different
02/18/17 (Sat) 16:46:57 No. 92572
>being a beast fucker
sorry man not seeing it with babalon
02/18/17 (Sat) 16:51:30 No. 92573
>Atkinson is sometimes disliked because he was a book salesman and although he had good material in some of his stuff most of it was second hand knowledge and buried by shit.
nail on the head. Some of his stuff is good but I'm not sifting through all those books just to find something someone else said better.
Bardon is pretty is good
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:57:43 No. 92593
their library is permalinked on fringe's library
02/18/17 (Sat) 17:58:35 No. 92594
because subhumans tainted hinduism
02/18/17 (Sat) 18:05:33 No. 92598
all bardon did was summarizing and making a step by step tutorial. his own input is ridiculous.
02/18/17 (Sat) 18:19:30 No. 92604
>his own input is ridiculous.
true but ME PERSONALLY I think he's better than Atkinson. gotta remember all writers of magic were human and still flawed in some way or form
02/18/17 (Sat) 18:46:26 No. 92609
atkinson is all talk with no practice besides some minor breathing techniques. but yeah, take only the good stuff.
02/18/17 (Sat) 18:53:07 No. 92611
we should take all the good stuff we got from the books and make a more concise
02/19/17 (Sun) 04:48:51 No. 92720
The Pseudo-Intellectual Nuisance:
"Magic can do X but it can't do Y." "Magic is psychological." Maybe after countless tries you have finally achieved something you believe was magical and now you've become an expert and try to lecture every "neophyte" you encounter with your elderly wisdom. You call others deluded and mentally ill whenever they don't fit in your narrow-minded magical worldview. You call yourself a magician but you're just a conjurer of cheap tricks. Real magic can do anything but you can't fathom that fact because you're a grade A bullshit occultist.
The Armchair Occultist:
"I reference my own books written under a pseudonym." "I'm a powerful wizard but I refuse to show off." Your "occult" library is filled with 99% garbage. You hoard every book of your autistically chosen brands of obullshitism and get euphoric whenever your favorite authors provide you with new fetish material. Your practical experience with the occult is that of an eternal neophyte so you decide it's about time you finally write a book on your magical expertise. Maybe you can artistically extend that one dream where you were Hermes Trismegistus into an actual past-life or take on a Hindu personality to make your books look ancient.
The Bullshit Sissy Wizard:
"muh rituals" "muh gods" Wearing dark robes chanting a bunch of nonsense while kneeling on a white pentagram encircled by candles and masturbating to badly drawn doodles. This and any variations thereof are placebos at best. Unless you like the flair and it really helps you personally to engage in esoteric roleplay, only a pants-on-head retard actually considers any of this an absolute necessity.
02/19/17 (Sun) 04:53:11 No. 92721
"Magic can do X but it can't do Y." "Magic is psychological."
I really hate that.
>You call others deluded and mentally ill
>Calling other wizards deluded
That's the saddest thing I see
>but you're just a conjurer of cheap tricks
If they were they might actually get more respect from mundanes.
>Real magic can do anything
thank you
>I'm a powerful wizard but I refuse to show off.
I REALLY hate that
>Hindu personality to make your books look ancient.
>Unless you like the flair and it really helps you personally to engage in esoteric roleplay,
This, unless I find it fun or it gets me hyped I'm not gonna do it.
The Armchair Occultist
The Bullshit Sissy Wizard
right forgot about those ones. thanks m8
02/19/17 (Sun) 05:04:41 No. 92722
"Magic is psychological."
you call yourself a magician but you're just a conjurer of cheap tricks.
Dont think I have forgotten about your ass surgo
"Why should I be bored to tears listing to peoples problems"
>I'll just hypnotizes them instead cause that's much better than actually trying to help them.
easy friend you proven your point. Hopefully it didn't fall on deaf ears
02/19/17 (Sun) 07:21:28 No. 92725
What did the deleted post say?
02/19/17 (Sun) 07:55:12 No. 92726
Now lets list feats of an actual wizard with a strong energybody tempered by thought and vitalized by ardent training of the body, a man educated in all the sciences and all the arts with knowledge of the laws.
02/19/17 (Sun) 09:21:26 No. 92729
I dont recall
you should know dummy you made it
02/19/17 (Sun) 09:48:40 No. 92731
>strong energy body tempered by thought
or lack of thinking
>vitalized by ardent training of the body
I can do 50 pushups now.
>a man educated in all the sciences and all the arts with knowledge of the laws.
sounds amazing! so when are you gonna do it?
02/19/17 (Sun) 10:12:56 No. 92732
you're thinking about non conscious self imposed complexes, not the same you bullshit occultist teen with emotional problems.
02/19/17 (Sun) 10:34:09 No. 92733
>non conscious self imposed complexes
wew! had to google each one of those words and really THINK about this one!
>not the same
your right
you bullshit occultist teen with emotional problems.
so hows it going Mr.Pseudo-Intellectual Nuisance
You have a degree to throw around those big words?
02/19/17 (Sun) 10:40:46 No. 92734
!ViBjFlRv5. 02/20/17 (Mon) 00:43:17 No. 92750
!!k5JpFmeGPI 02/20/17 (Mon) 01:00:39 No. 92751
02/20/17 (Mon) 02:10:09 No. 92762
Does anyone know much about entities and dreams? I've heard that they can come into your dreams before, but I don't know much about it or them.
>fall asleep again after briefly waking up
>dream that I'm half-asleep in bed in an apartment building
>there's a group of these really weird shadow things I can't describe very easily terrorizing the rest of the building
>one of them comes into my room, there's all this evil laughing
>I pretend I'm still asleep while it shoots me in the chest
>it leaves
>I make a bunch of noise and break things
>it scares them off and suddenly the building and the sky outside become bright
I woke up with a bad feeling around my solar plexus, and my dog in the other room was making a lot of scared, whining noises, which she hasn't done in a long time. Does anyone know if this was more than a dream? I've been passively trying to learn to have astral projections for a while, based on Robert Bruce's techniques that involve energy work and everything. I haven't been completely successful, but other weird shit has been happening.
02/20/17 (Mon) 02:39:41 No. 92768
People have been having these dreams. Don't worry about it. Shit is getting removed.
02/20/17 (Mon) 02:42:48 No. 92769
Thanks for not explaining anything. I want knowledge, not reassurance.
02/20/17 (Mon) 02:42:51 No. 92770
>Shit is getting removed.
are you gonna do it or should we just take your word for it?
02/20/17 (Mon) 02:43:16 No. 92771
It wasn't a dream, you need to learn to block such entities or how to rip them apart mentally or you'll die from a thousand cuts. Start off with cleansing solar plexus.
02/20/17 (Mon) 02:48:47 No. 92772
The entity's go away and the sky opened. Whatever that was.. was removed.
02/20/17 (Mon) 03:00:39 No. 92774
Nope. >>>/edgy/ for all those cuts. These beings are real niggah.
02/20/17 (Mon) 03:20:44 No. 92776
This guy is probably right tbh, it probably left you alone because you were conscious of its presence and showed or gave the impression that you're willing to fight (breaking shit). MOST malevolent entities don't want a fight, they want a pussy that won't defend itself to fuck with.
>Does anyone know if this was more than a dream?
What do you consider dreams to be?
02/20/17 (Mon) 03:30:35 No. 92777
>I pretend I'm still asleep while it shoots me in the chest
that's not good….weak heart
>it leaves
>I make a bunch of noise and break things
>I make….
no you didn't
>it scares them off and suddenly the building and the sky outside become bright
definitely a dream or you could have astral projected.
>I woke up with a bad feeling around my solar plexus,
but chest is fine? hmmmmm.
Sounds like it took hold of your energy body.
do you feel powerless? any bent up anger?
>Does anyone know if this was more than a dream?
cant answer that one
>I haven't been completely successful, but other weird shit has been happening.
your getting there but dont let >>92771
spook ya just do what he said AND the heart
chances are IF they come back their gonna try that same trick again. You could have astral projected but the thing hijacked your trip.
Did you actually break things in your house or was that part of the dream?
02/20/17 (Mon) 03:44:08 No. 92778
>>92762 here. This is a clusterfuck. If anyone can recommend any books, that would be very helpful, since none of you seem to be able to agree about much, and people like >>92777 (nice trips) keep giving me useless information like "nope" and "no you didn't". Thanks for the responses anyway.
02/20/17 (Mon) 03:53:52 No. 92779
>MOST malevolent entities
>don't want a fight
you sure about that?
sorry guy but when your dealing with "malevolent entities" they like to play with your head. Why break stuff? Why didn't you throw stuff at them? Punch them? Honesty it just seems like you were looshed farmed. or maybe it was trying to help you astral project? doubt it though cause it would have PROBABLY shown it's form to you if it was trying to help.
I do have a book in mind but I have to find it. might take awhile.
02/20/17 (Mon) 03:58:20 No. 92780
It wasn't a lucid dream, it was a regular dream. I didn't have control over what I was doing. What use is telling me that I didn't do what I said I did in the dream, anyway? Why would I lie about what I did in the dream? I'm trying to get an answer to my question.
02/20/17 (Mon) 04:12:19 No. 92781
Rolled 15, 33 = 48 (2d63)
>I didn't have control over what I was doing
So how do you know for certain you did what you did in a dream?
>What use is telling me that I didn't do what I said I did in the dream, anyway?
why did you feel the need to post your problem if you already know what the issue is?
>Why would I lie about what I did in the dream?
I dont think your lying
>I'm trying to get an answer to my question.
and I know next to nothing about you so if you want better advice more details would be nice.
02/20/17 (Mon) 04:15:07 No. 92782
>you sure about that?
Yes, from my experience the average dickhead/parasitic/vampiric etc. entity just fucks off whenever you show you have fight in you and this is true for most people I've talked to. Unless there's a personal reason they're fucking with you they'll usually go look for easier prey.
02/20/17 (Mon) 04:26:06 No. 92783
>just fucks off whenever you show you have fight in you
not always
>Unless there's a personal reason they're fucking with you they'll usually go look for easier prey.
True but sometimes it's about technique. why work harder when you can work smarter?
02/20/17 (Mon) 05:12:21 No. 92785
>not always
Yeah I know, which is why i made sure to emphasize the word most in my original post.
>True but sometimes it's about technique.
I'd argue that it's always about technique tbh.
>why work harder when you can work smarter?
Depends what your goal is. If your goal is getting your next meal then yea less work the better. However if you're trying to train a certain faculty you need to put it under resistance and the more resistance you can handle the stronger you'll make it.
02/20/17 (Mon) 06:09:49 No. 92787
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Rolled 11, 46, 45, 22, 55, 5, 37, 49, 26 = 296 (9d69)
>Yeah I know, which is why i made sure to emphasize the word most in my original post.
just making sure were on the same page here
>I'd argue that it's always about technique
Very true, That's why I'm curious about this. Went for the heart but could manipulate his will
>I make a bunch of noise and break things
>I woke up with a bad feeling around my solar plexus
>my dog in the other room was making a lot of scared, whining noises
The guy might have been thrashing and screaming in his sleep but he wont know. From my experience dogs aren't as astral keen as cats
>if you're trying to train a certain faculty you need to put it under resistance
>more resistance you can handle the stronger you'll make it.
>no pain no gain
hhhhhmmmmmm so they MIGHT have been trying to help him but…uh
>a group of these really weird shadow things I can't describe very easily
could have been one but we'll never know.
Homunculus 02/20/17 (Mon) 08:00:19 No. 92793
Tell me everything you know. From how to make one, to what magickal purposes they have, how to use them for spells, what kinds of breeds can you mix? Seriously, if anyone knows about these please share, you can barely find anything good or useful about them online.
02/20/17 (Mon) 08:10:30 No. 92795
I've been sleeping 8 hours every other night, sometimes more, and have been drinking a shit ton of coffee. What I notice is that while I get more motivation and do more, it seems that I have had low key health issues this entire time that are being REVEALED rather than CREATED by this schedule. Like how sprinting or deadlifts require perfect form and complete interconnected strength.
As well, the normal imbalance and schedule change has caused some mental difficulty starting out, even though I'm not that tired intelligence has dropped temporarily. I panicked a little about it and decided to sleep all day instead of getting up early to recover.
How will being awake for 40 hours, sleeping for 8, alt with 36 hrs awake, 12 asleep,
with the first sleep being during the chi times of ministeral fire and wood;
and the second sleep cycle extending to cover metal,
affect a yin wood birthday in a yin fire month in the year of a yang fire rat [yang water]?
Long term what will I have to do to compensate?
About to feng shui my room too. For a long time in my life the Earth element has been way over the top, and metal too high. Going to emphasize the Wood, Fire and Water from now on. I still live in a fucking box though.
How does weed affect the organ network, the chi, the elements?
I also have a 4 hour productivity cycle thing going, and 4 is the Wood number, yin Wood specifically. And a list of things to do every 4 hours is pretty wood….
02/20/17 (Mon) 08:22:32 No. 92796
>Also, what does programming, math, politics/news, reading, paying attention to astrological aspects/alignments, strength training (mostly bodyweight), learning new things, piano, journal/thoughts writing, mana/magic cultivation, meditation, tai chi gong, and cardio boost element/organ/chi wise?
02/20/17 (Mon) 16:50:32 No. 92808
Can't I just reject the existence of entities with simple willpower projection(IE:"No such thing exists!")?
Doesn't that make you immune?
Am I wrong?
02/20/17 (Mon) 18:07:17 No. 92809
No but you can avoid interaction with them by not being phased with them.
Shit works like a radio.
02/20/17 (Mon) 20:30:46 No. 92813
>Can't I just reject the existence of entities with simple willpower projection(IE:"No such thing exists!")?
>Doesn't that make you immune?
Let me give you an example. If you state the idea to yourself "my mother does not exist" she won't magically disappear and stop bitching at you for being a virgin NEET.
!!duA6xlxmRs 02/20/17 (Mon) 20:49:35 No. 92817
>look guys I finally organized my time efficiently
>About to feng shui my room too.
now THAT'S some real bullshit occultism
um guy if you can do all that why are you here?
!!duA6xlxmRs 02/20/17 (Mon) 21:16:31 No. 92819
>Can't I just reject the existence of entities
You can banish them but I don't think you can outright deny their existence. ESPECIALLY when evidence says other wise
>you can avoid interaction with them by not being phased with them.
sometime they make it hard for me to NOT to interact.
02/20/17 (Mon) 23:24:18 No. 92824
How do I banish fear and laziness from my mind?
It's taking over me big time.
02/20/17 (Mon) 23:35:32 No. 92825
Its not about "avoiding fear", its about invoking courage.
!!duA6xlxmRs 02/21/17 (Tue) 00:07:24 No. 92826
>How do I banish fear
by over coming it and realizing fear is self doubt.
>laziness from my mind?
cant help you on that one guy, I'm in the same boat as you.
but I think I'm starting to figure out this puzzle
02/21/17 (Tue) 00:57:18 No. 92828
02/21/17 (Tue) 01:27:41 No. 92830
I asked for both of them because, at least for me, they're related.
I'm lazy because I'm scared. Scared of trying, scared of failing if I try, scared of being bored and shit, I don't know.
02/21/17 (Tue) 01:41:06 No. 92831
02/21/17 (Tue) 01:43:34 No. 92832
You buy by exchanging your money for goods, performing a so called "monetary transaction".
02/21/17 (Tue) 02:29:14 No. 92834
A cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuckold cucks me cucking you cuck cuck cuck jew!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!duA6xlxmRs 02/21/17 (Tue) 03:16:50 No. 92844
I'm gonna need about tree fiddy
02/21/17 (Tue) 04:12:25 No. 92849
How do I steal the loosh from aborted fetuses?
!!duA6xlxmRs 02/21/17 (Tue) 04:28:50 No. 92851
>I'm lazy because I'm scared
things do seem hopeless now and then I admit
>Scared of trying
nothing is more scary to an artist than a blank canvas…so many questions that don't have answers .
>scared of being bored and shit
boredom isn't that bad I promise. it's good reminder that the world doesn't always go at the speed you want it to.
02/21/17 (Tue) 05:25:57 No. 92855
Set a woodchipper up next to an empty swimming pool, throw a few hundred in and drown in the resulting sludge. You'll be reborn as Christopher Reeve but he's actually Superman in real life and he doesn't end up breaking his spine.
!!duA6xlxmRs 02/21/17 (Tue) 20:30:30 No. 92918
>All that work
nope but I gotta admit you get points for originality
disappointed in you purple pill, no cutting corners. You gotta eat the pineal gland….or find the mother if they follow a religion or guilt ridden it's fair game
02/21/17 (Tue) 20:36:21 No. 92920
Finally we have succeeded in killing /fringe/. Death to occultism brudders!
!!duA6xlxmRs 02/21/17 (Tue) 21:16:33 No. 92928
fringe was dead at the get go
02/21/17 (Tue) 21:38:32 No. 92934
Everything has its rhythm, its tune, its music, if you could hear it, this tune is… not in disorder, harmonious discord and far from dead, this song never ends, it grows quiet to vent a roar, up and down, following the rhythm.
What you're seeing is normal, I wouldn't worry about it.
02/22/17 (Wed) 03:20:34 No. 92956
why is actual intelligence and actual beauty hated and feared
!!duA6xlxmRs 02/22/17 (Wed) 03:41:19 No. 92957
>why is actual intelligence and actual beauty hated and feared
because monkeys cant comprehend what real intelligence and beauty is. Also if you talk to most people they tell you there subjective.
02/22/17 (Wed) 04:06:16 No. 92960
You contribute literally nothing of value.
02/22/17 (Wed) 04:37:27 No. 92961
Anyone knows what happened to seems to be down since like 2 days ago
Pic unrelated.
!8x8z91r9YM 02/22/17 (Wed) 05:17:56 No. 92964
Rolled 7, 9, 8, 9 = 33 (4d11)
>You contribute literally nothing of value.
>>90897 Thanks a lot dick
Bitch outed the fedoras, so we can practice magic in peace. your welcome
Hopefully helped this guy but I haven't seen him in awhile…so probably sup mann?
helped little grey friend
pumped the masses for the happening
fought more fedoras cause their slow learners while giving out more helpful advice
played some dice
>>91693 answered one of the more meaning full questions in my life
gave a little advice and some books that helped me and hopefully him
>>91846 more advice
Discovered the force of kek
criticized some renowned magic authors
still trying to fix some those bugs, it would be nice if people would help….smh
and that brings us to now…so what have done cause I cant do everything YET
!8x8z91r9YM 02/22/17 (Wed) 05:24:20 No. 92966
Rolled 20, 86 = 106 (2d100)
Either they finally got taken down for CP or……You should go
!8x8z91r9YM 02/22/17 (Wed) 05:33:26 No. 92967
Rolled 47, 94 = 141 (2d99)
You know what guy I'm sorry…your right…here 4U
02/22/17 (Wed) 05:41:40 No. 92968
fringe is not dead
I was answered
and accurately
the weirding way
of memes I'd
tell you
is a mirror
So type away
!8x8z91r9YM 02/22/17 (Wed) 05:51:57 No. 92970
what are you blathering on about?
02/22/17 (Wed) 05:52:40 No. 92971
!8x8z91r9YM 02/22/17 (Wed) 05:55:04 No. 92972
Rolled 19 (1d100)
oh? please tell.
02/22/17 (Wed) 06:19:01 No. 92974
gunna need a sauce on that song bb
02/22/17 (Wed) 06:23:00 No. 92975
Why would fringechan be taken down? RIP
02/22/17 (Wed) 06:26:06 No. 92976
Oh great, we totally need more poor quality content here.
!8x8z91r9YM 02/22/17 (Wed) 06:34:15 No. 92979
Rolled 53 (1d100)
hold on looking…
!8x8z91r9YM 02/22/17 (Wed) 06:45:15 No. 92980
Rolled 96 (1d100)
because someone is playing mind games with us? dont know for certain.. There are a lot of chans that I cant access any more be cause of same issues. hopefully it will pass
!8x8z91r9YM 02/22/17 (Wed) 06:52:07 No. 92981
wait didn't you make it?
02/22/17 (Wed) 06:53:10 No. 92982
I was thinking the same about you. I assume no luck?
!8x8z91r9YM 02/22/17 (Wed) 07:12:06 No. 92985
Rolled 46 (1d100)
nope that's the things with webms if the song title isn't given then I usually have no clue what the song is and googling lyrics helps sometime but not always.
sorry I couldn't help. I promise if you save webm then it PROBABLY wont do anything to ya
02/22/17 (Wed) 07:14:33 No. 92986
yeah i tried to google the lyrics aswell and had no luck, thanks anyways fam.
!8x8z91r9YM 02/22/17 (Wed) 07:19:44 No. 92987
no prob, got any other questions just ask
02/22/17 (Wed) 07:52:15 No. 92989
I tried to do lucid dreaming yesterday because I want to enter the collective unconscious and get wisdom from it
Thing is, I tried to do the WILD Method and I have to say that sleep paralysis really made me feel drained as fuck in the morning, I felt somewhat sick and in a bad moon. The other thing is that I couldn't get to sleep during the REM part I got to a trance state, but I just couldn't sleep. I feel something is blocking me out of it, probably it's cause by myself.
I know this takes time and patience, but I don't know if someone has experience with trying to do esoteric/metaphysical stuff with lucid dreams and tips for it. There might be (and I have the feeling) something I'm missing, even if I get to a lucid dream, I don't know how to access the collective unconscious at that point.
!8x8z91r9YM 02/22/17 (Wed) 09:44:23 No. 92991
>sleep paralysis really made me feel drained as fuck in the morning
might want to stop then
>I felt somewhat sick and in a bad moon
>The other thing is that I couldn't get to sleep during the REM part
I think you are technically asleep when your in rem, but I dont know
>but I just couldn't sleep.
been there I try listening to music
>someone has experience with
sorry I got nothing
>I don't know how to access the collective unconscious at that point.
Try deciding ahead of time what is you want.
02/22/17 (Wed) 09:44:59 No. 92992
In there all the laws that you learn here apply noticeably.
02/22/17 (Wed) 09:53:58 No. 92994
If you visit realms, tune yourself slightly above that realms frequency if you want to be able to hear/see your surrounding, walk through walls and shoot fireballs or else you will acclimate to your dream*, think that it is your reality and play along until your consciousness is torn from that place and back into your body as you wake up for whatever reason.
*Visiting other consciousness in different frequencies in the thoughtsphere
If you play along and don't ask to many questions they wont notice you're there or will think you a bystander until you speak up, most of the times you will get tossed out. You pleb.
AtheistScum8 02/22/17 (Wed) 11:59:42 No. 93002
>Not having played Dank Souls
>Not using Dank Souls mechanics to invade or help other consciousness'
Just fucking kys already.
02/22/17 (Wed) 15:30:41 No. 93004
A fedora is someone who has no real understanding of the magic systems and the principles behind then, and/or no practical knowledge and experience in the field.
However, a fedora will be very quick to make assumptions, and as they like, "tip" the fedora( a sign of immature new wave, virgin atheists, who think that understanding the bullshit of mainstream religion is some significant act and that this means that they understand everything about every other mystical, esoteric tradition)
In simple, a fedora is a stereotypical dummy, who, because of danning-kruger effect, thinks that his low intelligence, is big intelligence, simply because he has not actually pushed it very far.
AtheistScum8 02/22/17 (Wed) 17:06:11 No. 93006
I obviously meant while in Gnosis or dream state, or dare I say it, in lucid dreams.
Not that I ever get to use such a technique because I suck at actual gnosis.
02/22/17 (Wed) 19:04:17 No. 93007
Got banned and just came back here eh? Do you know why the main sites down?
!8x8z91r9YM 02/22/17 (Wed) 19:13:52 No. 93008
>I suck at actual gnosis.
>implying you know gnosis
why would he know? he obviously doesn't care about magic or this site
02/22/17 (Wed) 19:26:20 No. 93009
Any practical help with tuning my realm frequency?
!8x8z91r9YM 02/22/17 (Wed) 20:03:09 No. 93016
>guy doesn't answer my question
>role player
You forgot alot of us aren't oblige to help you only if we want to…so you might want to ask nicely next time
02/22/17 (Wed) 20:34:16 No. 93020
those 2 posts are by different people though.
02/22/17 (Wed) 21:43:06 No. 93022
how do you know that? I cant tell because I dont know how to do the no flag trick.
If you want me to take your word for it you might want to put on a flag so I can tell it's different people.
02/22/17 (Wed) 21:55:01 No. 93024
Because I made 1 of those posts, I don't flag because I'm new to all the occult, magic and fringe stuff
02/22/17 (Wed) 21:56:11 No. 93026
Do not tell me anything! Needing to know is a sign of weakness, and to reveal ignorance is to expose oneself. If I truly knew everything, I would have no weaknesses, and all would tremble before me
02/22/17 (Wed) 21:57:11 No. 93027
True power is always costly. However, I think I can safely say that the rewards far outweigh any of the possible costs. Who cares for sanity, when you can burn the people claiming you to be insane to cinders with a thought? Who cares for purity, when this taint is so much more vitalizing? Who cares about conscience, when the mind can break all boundaries without it?
02/22/17 (Wed) 22:19:14 No. 93028
>I'm new to all the occult, magic and fringe stuff
> I don't flag
yet you stilled master the spell of no flag? I've been here for awhile guy and I still haven't figured it out.
>Do not tell me anything!
I wont
>Needing to know is a sign of weakness,
what do you know then guy?
>to reveal ignorance is to expose oneself.
>Because understanding your limitations is ignorance
>If I truly knew everything, I would have no weaknesses
Hard to say, if you knew EVERYTHING then you be god/god like but I dont know if they have weaknesses
>True power is always costly. However, I think I can safely say that the rewards far outweigh any of the possible costs.
>Who cares for sanity
Usually the first guy to define sanity
>when you can burn the people claiming you to be insane to cinders with a thought?
over kill for me I rather just mess with them and make them question their sanity but only for a little bit. people are so sure how the world works but that's because they don't actually live in it.
>Who cares for purity, when this taint is so much more vitalizing?
I dont know about that, both are pretty fun
>when the mind can break all boundaries
not all but MOST bounders but that's just my opinion
02/22/17 (Wed) 22:23:03 No. 93029
Rolled 2, 7 = 9 (2d10)
>I don't flag because I'm new to all the occult,
!8x8z91r9YM 02/22/17 (Wed) 22:29:15 No. 93031
good work guys capped for later
02/23/17 (Thu) 02:31:11 No. 93052
The "Whore" of Babylon is a degradation of a pure goddess. An ancient psyop.
…or the Indo-Aryans symbolized Kali as a subhuman based on what they saw around them.
Ever notice vulgar Jews always make this same facial expression?
02/23/17 (Thu) 03:03:18 No. 93055
Whore of Babylon is a mockery of Astaroth.
Kali is usually more than just about crazy murder though and if you look at the other Ingo-Aryan god images from India they all have that Indian/subhuman/mixed-race ugly look. Don't pretend they're any better than Kali.
02/23/17 (Thu) 08:07:29 No. 93074
What are the different parts of consciousness, and what role does ego play in higher realms/dimensions/vibrations/etc (also so are there any differences in these words, nuanced or otherwise?)
02/23/17 (Thu) 13:18:03 No. 93080
>Hopefully helped this guy but I haven't seen him in awhile
I'm here. I'm trying to learn more and be more positive and less angry.Time and will and hope that i will reach her
02/23/17 (Thu) 14:23:38 No. 93082
02/23/17 (Thu) 16:00:20 No. 93088
Hey man I managed to evoke entities before through masturbation. It creates an etheric charge that sustains the contact with the entity for enough time that even if you lose concentration for a moment, you can reconnect again. Fapping with an intention and all that is an easy way to get the ball rolling.
Also nobody seems to use sigils correctly, they're just like phone numbers or kind of like signatures, you contact an entity and agree that they will answer calls made with a given sigil. That's how it works. There are a few other techniques though I've seen and one is that chaos magick technique given by that person on youtube and from what I can tell it's basically a way to occupy part of your mind with some task while unfocusing from the immediate surroundings to focus on something else. I just do that with books though, where I start auto-reading a book while my awareness goes somewhere else. So, funny enough, I'm literally one of those wizards who holds up a book and reads it and shit starts happening… thing is that book could be anything, it's just a way for me to enter trance. Robes are supposed to fit you comfortably and not be distracting, they could be replaced with gym-wear or something.
>take on a Hindu personality to make your books look ancient.
lol Atkinson-hurt
He was clearly trying to give the same message but through every religion. He wrote stuff from every perspective, but gave the same underlying message. He wrote stuff for fedoras, for hinduism enthusiasts, for christians, for every kind of persuasion or occult current; but it's always the same message underneath just different style/wrappings. He was subversive in a good way because he was getting the metaphysical truths embodied in "New Thought" out to everyone.
02/23/17 (Thu) 16:09:59 No. 93089
I'm not paying $127 of what is probably US dollars for this:
Anyone know where I can the complete download of the whole site? Apparently they're fitting it all on a 4GB stick, I have a 256 GB stick though that cost me much less than their 4GB stick, and I want to put it on my 256GB stick.
Anyone have all of for download?
02/23/17 (Thu) 16:26:46 No. 93093
you have completely missed the point
!8x8z91r9YM 02/23/17 (Thu) 21:08:48 No. 93099
Rolled 2, 1, 1 = 4 (3d6)
>Whore of Babylon is a mockery of Astaroth.
maybe, I'm gonna have to do some research on Astaroth
That has to be the nicest response you ever gave implying you have emotions
>Also nobody seems to use sigils correctly.
>stopped reading there
sorry lad gonna have to side with the bot on this one.
!8x8z91r9YM 02/23/17 (Thu) 21:09:33 No. 93100
Rolled 4, 3, 3 = 10 (3d6)
one more time
!8x8z91r9YM 02/23/17 (Thu) 23:52:35 No. 93104
so wait who owns the board now? and does anybody remember when the board was wiped?
BoardOwner !S9hQtMs4ow 02/24/17 (Fri) 04:17:31 No. 93118
Rolled 1, 3, 4, 5 = 13 (4d6)
Look at me…LOOK AT ME!…I am the captain now
02/24/17 (Fri) 05:16:32 No. 93123
anyone else notice an extreme offness lately?
02/24/17 (Fri) 07:44:19 No. 93132
Anyone know what happened to fringechan? I need to see some threads that were on there, was ere an archive link?
02/24/17 (Fri) 07:52:27 No. 93134
The whole website is down for me
02/24/17 (Fri) 08:52:25 No. 93138
Yes but it changed today, go eat some sun you'll feel it's gone.
So when we have nowhere else to go we go to 4ch/x] and make a general fringe thread to gather in?
This will be Atlantis all over again.
02/24/17 (Fri) 09:02:54 No. 93139
/fringe/ will die. Imageboards have no future.
02/24/17 (Fri) 09:15:14 No. 93141
The Hindu pantheon are blue surfs because blue is holy to their culture, the aliens who created India were blue because they were eating space jelly, manna, which made their skin blue.
Manna or mana is a jelly or liquid that contains everything you need to live long and strong, likely to contain coloidal silver.
Greys are actually a tint of white unless they recently refuelled with this stuff.
Probably why blue is holy.
Veda, Vedda, Edda
02/24/17 (Fri) 09:18:25 No. 93142
please stop roleplaying
02/24/17 (Fri) 09:25:50 No. 93144
>was ere an archive link?
The best I can do is*/ hopefully you can find what you need there.
>Anyone know what happened to fringechan?
No idea
02/24/17 (Fri) 10:14:56 No. 93148
02/24/17 (Fri) 12:17:57 No. 93154
I understand that to create a thoughtform you have to focus on your intention on whatever and feed it loosh by feeling emotions while thinking about it as if it's objectively real in the present tense, but what are you actually meant to do? Are you meant to visualize it, or use autosuggestion, or both, or something entirely different? Do you have to be in the trance state? How long do you do it for? Is there any way to know that it worked other than waiting to see if its effects manifest? Is there any particular way you're meant to feed it loosh? I figured one way was to think about something that makes you really happy and then quickly focus your attention back to the thoughtform, but that would involve focusing on something unrelated, which seems like it might make it weaker. Plus, then the emotion would die down again quickly, since you're focusing back on the thoughtform and not the thing that brings out your emotions. The process also seems confusing when you apply it to different kinds of thoughtforms. Just as an example, say I wanted to manifest more friends into my life. How would it differ both in terms of the process of creating the thoughtform and how the results would manifest if I made an octopus servitor attached to something I'd wear that would extend its tentacles on the astral to anyone nearby and make them want to talk to me, or if I willed that at a specific time in a specific place I would meet someone who has a lot in common with me, or if I made a thoughtform that was just based around the idea that I already had lots of friends? I realize there are a lot of questions in this post, but all of the books I've read about thoughtforms have gone into great detail about how they work but never how to create them in explicit detail. Step-by-step guides seem few and far between.
02/24/17 (Fri) 20:38:25 No. 93165
>imagine a red circle
Here, you have a thoughform.
Depending on the attention, time, energy you put into it, it will be more or less strong. To energize that thoughform, we could start to feel it, add texture, name it, give it a task. And the more you'll do it, the more manifest it will be.
If you want to bring people in your life to make friend, imo, the better would be to ask sincerly your higher-self (who is part of the ALL), and ride the flow.
Remember that in magic, the more precise your demand is, the more energy and time it will take to manifest. It's easier to bring love into your life than make "that girl" fall for you.
02/24/17 (Fri) 22:45:31 No. 93174
>and does anybody remember when the board was wiped?
Yeah funny shit first time was that 14yo who said his father was a mason and mother was a wiccan and then it was some gril
shit that kids like 17 now
02/25/17 (Sat) 00:40:40 No. 93179
You didn't answer any of my questions.
>imagine a red circle
>Here, you have a thoughtform
I know. Like I said at the end of my post, I know what a thoughtform is and how they work, but not the specifics of how to make them dependant on your intentions, or how to make them specifically strong enough to carry out a task you want to do. You don't need to define a thoughtform for me.
>Depending on the attention, time, energy you put into it, it will be more or less strong.
After I asked "how long do you do it for?" I get that it varies, like you said, but I've never seen anyone even try to give a rough guide of the actual time it takes in minutes/hours/whatever and how much emotion to put into it (although that last one would be even more difficult to describe).
>To energize that thoughform, we could start to feel it, add texture, name it, give it a task. And the more you'll do it, the more manifest it will be.
Again, how much? 10 minutes? 15 hours? Do I spend one day putting that much time into it, or do it across several days, or several weeks? Do I feel nothing and just focus on the task at hand, or do I have to feed it loosh somewhere along the spectrum from a smile to a mental breakdown? How does the amount of time and effort differ between different kinds of thoughtforms? I already know the process, like I said.
>If you want to bring people in your life to make friend
That was meant to be an example of different kinds of thoughtforms a person might create, not something I'm necessarily trying to do. Telling me to ask my higher self completely misses the point of what I said.
I get that this isn't something that's easy to describe, and that it completely depends on a person's proficiency and the kind of thoughtform they're trying to create. I'm thankful that you tried to help me, too. But you're just rephrasing all of the books, and that's exactly what I'm complaining about. Considering it'll be hard to find someone who can actually answer me, I probably should have waited another 15 posts for the next question thread.
02/25/17 (Sat) 01:27:33 No. 93186
We need to turn /fringe/ into Esoteric Beachmaster HQ.
02/25/17 (Sat) 01:41:55 No. 93187
We need to finally finish off /fringe/ and save the FAQ. Everything else is shit .
Look at those fedoras getting aroused by this image
02/25/17 (Sat) 01:43:35 No. 93188
That image is not arousing, this image however.
02/25/17 (Sat) 01:52:29 No. 93189
My whole existence is nothing but envy. How do i overcome this or get out this state?
02/25/17 (Sat) 01:57:21 No. 93190
You will only leave envy behind when you have everything you desire.
Become the Beachmaster. Take what you want with violence, kill anyone who challenges your right to domination.
02/25/17 (Sat) 05:19:19 No. 93199
Can an anon post that thoughtform book? or link itt to it? gonna read books, not autism.
02/25/17 (Sat) 06:45:57 No. 93203
Which one? If you're talking about Magical Use of Thoughtforms by Dolores Ashcroft Nowicki and J. H. Brennan, it's in the library Mega folder.
02/25/17 (Sat) 16:22:05 No. 93212
Like hunger goes away forever by eating? Or lust decreases with sex?
I don´t think so.
02/25/17 (Sat) 17:55:15 No. 93216
You're focusing on details. By thinking/visualizing "that red circle is always with me and helping me find friends" you've made a thoughform that will help you find friends. The power of that thoughform will, again depend on the energy you put into it, the flow of energy being dependent on you. If you meditate on that for one hour then forget about it, the thoughform will be less powerfull than if you did it 10min everyday for a month. Like it would be less powerful than if you feel it's presence/see it everyday around you.
Putting emotion into it is like charging it faster, but thinking is enough.
It's up to you to determine how you should programm and "feed" it.
And if I just rephrased the books, it's because the rest will be learnt with practice, I can't relly give you more. Remember to Dare.
And sorry for missing the point, but it though it would be good to give you a better alternative on that precise query if it was not simply an exemple.
What do you envy ? Why ?
Change your mindstate, remember that you are not you. Personaity being a mask for the divine. YOU have no reason to envy, only you.
02/25/17 (Sat) 20:11:53 No. 93219
is there any truth to the anti-pork rules in the Judaic and Islamic religions?
the stellar man briefly mentions how god told moses about the negative properties of swine
02/25/17 (Sat) 21:08:56 No. 93225
Legal threats shut it down. I'm gonna try and see if I can get archive copies of it. In the mean time here are a few threads I found. If I knew this was going to happen I would have personally archived every thread.
>Meditation Super Thread
>Beginner Spirituality Thread
>Western Magic
>Grand Order of the Draco Slayers
>Energy work, Qi-gong, Chakras and Taoism
>/fringe/ Condensed & Concise
>The mundane's guide to the galaxy
>Inedia / Breatharianism / Living on Light
>/library/ sticky
>/ask/ sticky (question thread archive)
see also
From the above links, (and with a little creativity) you should be able to get much of the data. We're also working on bring fringechan back up but day isn't today.
Praise Thoth
02/25/17 (Sat) 21:12:16 No. 93226
i'm not giving any credibility to the book, just using it as a quick reference off the top
BoardOwner !S9hQtMs4ow 02/25/17 (Sat) 21:22:41 No. 93227
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>93087
OC? on fringe? good work! better than most of the junk floating around here.
>because making up sarcastic BS is "mystical" now
>please stop roleplaying
>please go
not so much the image just the idea of it
03/03/17 (Fri) 10:24:32 No. 93680
Fuck it. I was in the skype group of of the asperger board owner of / fringe/
Now this board has deteriorated to a trump circle jerk. Whatever. Any and all fringe poster are just an awfully stupid and simple racist fella. So… a challenge:
I will an hero if and only If… some truly chaos magician can give me a veritable wisdom. As in life challenging wisdom. Anything lesser than that, will be interpreted as another universal mockery; and therefore, another reason to an hero. Whatever. Fuck it.
I'm expecting no responses to this message. Why would I?