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Esoteric Wizardry


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RIP freedomboard.kirara.ca.
The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

 No.31522[Last 50 Posts]

Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: https://archive.today/6wPgk


Fringe FAQ: /fringe/faq.html


Any reason why shills might want to suppress discussion about "Succubus?"


Is there a way to commit suicide by astral projecting?

How do I remove sexual thoughtforms/entities that are attached to me?


No-Fap and counter with your own thoughtforms
Be persistent.


>Is there a way to commit suicide by astral projecting?

Cut the silvercord. It takes a lot of will and effort but eventually can be done.

>How do I remove sexual thoughtforms/entities that are attached to me?


On what board / where?


"Counter with your own thoughtforms"

Please explain.

I try to no-fap but it's very overwhelming.


Eventually as in over a course of days or eventually as in putting the most will into one session of detaching?


The 4 most recent threads were deleted on purpose, but before that they were allowed to live out their full lives. I think the 5th newest succubus thread was the one that crossed the line, because powers were deleting all the ones after.


What are some surefire methods of creating thoughtforms?

Could someone point me to some teachers or writings that cover this topic succinctly if possible?

And what can you do with thoughtforms, is the sky the limit with them? Please share your methods.


Everything on /x/ that isn't creepypasta gets deleted, so all esoteric stuff is suppressed there.

Meanwhile /fringe/ is basically an inversion of /x/, hates creepypasta, and focuses on esoteric.

Did you read the books in the library? There purpose is anything imaginable and they are powered by loosh. Also knowledge of the elements helps in making them.

I've been practising thoughtforming for years and can make simple and very powerful ones extremely rapidly but mostly refrain from doing the powerful ones without careful planning and consideration beforehand as one does not simply fuck around at that level.


Best way to hurt/kill/maim/slaughter someone with magick? I need the BEST and the most easiest was. I'm looking through a bunch of Satanic material trying to find something. But all I see is the black mass ritual, initiation, and a whole bunch of rituals fore marriage, birth, and other shit.
So, best way to destroy someone with magick?


Drain them of their loosh until they collapse to death. First practise manipulating your own energy centres in your own body. Then just apply the exact same thing to someone else's body, hijacking their chakras, and draining them.

This is bound to get you in deep trouble and cause many complications though.

I'm guessing you've been inspired by the Fringe Illuminati's recent work in successfully influencing Rockerz88 and possibly having done something to that other individual mentioned as well?

There are many ways to kill others with magick but it all depends on the situation what is best.

Just pursue a general magickal/occult development and you'll figure out for yourself countless ways to successfully kill others.


Thank you anon. I will looking into this.
I still don't know how to do the basic Chakra spin. Fuck being a neophyte.
I will keep practicing my magical ways and hopefully come up with a foolproof technique for killing someone.


Don't worry about that shit, all these energy centres are basically at least on a physical level, is collections/bundles of nerves in high concentration. You can just feel them. Robert Bruce is a good authority on this subject but we have yet to acquire in PDF form his newest book on the subject!!


Thanks anon.


Are there really guardian spirits/angels/demons?
If so, how do I summon mine or acquire one?
It would be helpful when dabbling in dangerous things, along with going astral.


how to get into /illuminati/


So weird fet are etheric parasites? how can i tell i have on attached is there a way to tell? also in the dark i tend to see dark colors and blobs of color, is this normal or is it esoteric? and finally is there a demon/spirit that gives occult knowledge i wish to contact him in the astral.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Hey /fringe/, I just finished watching this video. How truthful is it? And where should I go for more knowledge of this kind?


How can you trust any information that is presented to you as anything more than an interesting story or a possibility?

There are many authors who tell similar tales, one author SS themselves cite. But can you even tell anything about it beyond pure reasoning and fact seeking?

Why do you not learn from the Greeks and Egyptians? That to understand what is true without, you must first develop yourself within? Why do you not put off for now the wish to understand which lies you've been told are more true than others?

Why waste time with seeking out authors who make guesses and not develop yourself and to be able to ask higher forces of truth or to visit the events unfolding yourself?


How do sexual entities attached to someone feed?

Is it through the orgasm or can it also harvest from the pleasure given to someone?

Someone earlier said try abstinence but not sure if it can sustain itself off of something else.



>I heard that but also read that it screws up natural melatonin secretion?

You know what you want to do and what you don't want to happen. Use your own energy. Do your research. Follow your inner guidance.


When i try robert bruces stuff i panic and when i try breathing exercises i feel sick, is there a easier way to induce astral projection in less than a day.


please someone help me i am losing hope.


>Etheric parasites are negative thoughtforms, which are temporary beings generated in the etheric plane. The etheric plane is a nonphysical substructure underlying our material reality.
I think it OVERLIES our material reality. Yeah. You can't punch a spiritform but a spirit can totally WRECK you. Overlies. It is the superior.

Every evil person in this world wants to completely control everyone else. It is a product of uncertainty and a lack of real identity. This is just another step in the direction of the world being one with hell. Mods are evil too.

>also in the dark i tend to see dark colors and blobs of color
In your eye that just like normal induced visualization by background entities. If it has depth and you can perceive that it is x meters away and y/z length and width then you are sharing a space with dark entities. If this is so you certainly have some sort of etheric parasite as well.

You certaintly have some sort of etheric parasite. The world is a sea of contamination on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level (in this current age). It is impossible to pass through it without being contaminated. Even the enlightened ones (Jesus, Buddha, present-day enlightened beings) were/are contaminated by it temporarily before reaching full enlightenment.

I'm only 15 minutes in (gonna watch the whole thing) but it is VERY TRUE. Seek the knowledge and you will find it. Take the "maybe's" as you take other things, to analyze and digest, but the things like "this happened then this happened" are just historical fact.


I've finished the movie. Good stuff. Excellent.


There is a problem in your premise. You do not know how to discern truth from lie. You are thus advocating that everything is a lie. In to the trash your words go. They lead one not to truth but to avoidance of responsibility in all forms. Into the trash your words go.


First they attach themselves to your vital system. Then, when they need to feed, they make you aroused. A physical corrolary would be like a leech that can, once attached to the circular system, release a toxin which increases the heart rate so it can thus feed freerly. The orgasm is unnecessary. They can feed on general arousal. The orgasm is more energy to them though.

To rid yourself of a sexual parasite you must take possession of your sexual energy in your vital system such that there are no leaks.


How does the bad karma work? In Stellar Man there was a statement that for helping someone who has a negative karma the heavy karma falls upon the helper. So how does that work? If someone here asks how to kill someone, how to kill himself/herself and someone answers, isn't that helping? Giving the person information that they desire? Or even occult books which are the source for information, that may be used for 'bad' purposes?


That is a lot of questions.


Isn't that what question thread is made for? (Oh and I know, another question!)


Yes there are to all. They're all spirits. Demons are negative and angels are positive on the spectrum. This does not mean good or evil though.
As for summoning, I've been thinking of making a thread since we don't need to have a lot of evocation knowledge on this board.


One example is when Franz Bardon tried to help a girl who had a medical condition. He has fixed her condition but it was a karmic illness. This means Bardon took on her negative karma and was haunted by it. At the end he had to give it back to her sadly.


>give it back
HOW DO YOU GIVE IT BACK????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Create a thoughtform which has the purpose of giving back the karma.


From the last thread because it died a day after asking this

Helllo /fringe/ I'm someone who is extremely new to this as I've just finished Montalk's Fringe Guide and I'm still reading the kybalion. For now it wasnt hard to learn as i was even familiar with some concepts but in less specific ways, despite my horrible vulnerability for distraction, but I'm still aware I've got a long road to do full of learning and practice that will take several years

My first one: Whats the best way i can take to guide my learnings of magic and such into helping a friend?, You see, this frriend is kind and extremely helpful not only to me but for many that have went for his help, however he simply cant feel certain emotions, always suffers headaches (and worse) and is slowly losing the feeling he always had of phantom wings now. He knows about many esoteric matters, so does some of his friends that do magic who according to him are as helpless as himself or the doctors who havent found out whats wrong after so many years. I've gotten the vibe he is being drained by something and that finding out whats his problem and fixing it before he loses the sense of his wings is something i definitely should aim for

The other question is nowhere as important but definitely very important to me anyways. As a total noob, how do i make things happen? I'm not talking about winning the lottery altho it requires to succeed through many unprobabilities. The situation actually is a series of exams where the specific subjects are mostly unknown to me and would very likely be hard to find what they are without failing the test and seeing for myself (Yeah i can do them again but i can barely afford that if at all, again as im a fucking basement dweller who cannot dissapoint his parents) Passing these exams on the next week would allow me to move through an epoch of my life, make several of my worries dissapear and let me devote more time to my study (helping my friend sooner, also would be the first time i'd have a experience of the "impossible" happening with me wanting to at that scale)

Sorry if i sounded like an idiot somewhere, it is because of my ignorance on these matters that i come for your help


>When i try robert bruces stuff i panic and when i try breathing exercises i feel sick, is there a easier way to induce astral projection in less than a day.

You need to be persistent. Observing the sensations instead of fighting them and focusing on breathing my help you deal with it. If Bruce isn't doing it for you work on Lucid dreaming and "wake up" in the lucid dream. This often leads to sleep paralysis from which you can project easier or spontaneous projection.

Good luck.


Work on apprehending chains of causation and origination, through meditation.

Once you have some insight you should be able to rely on the judgement of your good intention.

Helping people even if it involves taking on illness or others troubles is not karmically bad for you, karma is not a contagion. In fact taking on illnesses of others expands the well of your strength and power, like how physical stress through exercise strengthens the body.

Just remember good karma will improve your situation in the long run but will not liberate you from samsara, to be karmically neutral on the other land…


I'm suicidal because in some week I will be homeless and my nihilim keeps harassing me.
What demons should I summon to to get money?
I'm fearless.


-food stamps
-soup kitchens
-food shelf's
-homeless shelters
-section 8


I don't want to live to survive.
Thrive or die.


>Summon demons
No, use reality creation, envision already having the money and being wealthy/having a stable job and home. Demons would mean fucking around with too many variables when you can get to the juice right away.


>I don't want to live to survive
Some times it has nothing to do with "live to survive" it's survival or die.
Have fun dying. It's a tough fucking world.


He can literally fix his shit, no need to be so pessimistic. The most bland mundane solutions aren't the only ones to keep in mind.


reality creation is weak shit, it won't make you gain lots of money, just make you a little bit luckier

Belphegor is where it's at


>Weak shit

It works fantastically for me, so I'll keep recommending it :^)


success story?


Keep in mind, I'm still a neophyte and I already get wonderful effects ranging from manifesting the kind of job I want (which is related to the case at hand), to just getting money, to having food made I envisioned, to having things, to having people experience something I wanted, to influencing people, getting information and knowledge, and influencing how fast I learn things both mundane and mystical alike. The more you use it, the better you get.


>Helping people even if it involves taking on illness or others troubles is not karmically bad for you
Not true. Do not that thing which is good for another and not good for you. Think, speak, and do those things which are good for self and other simultaneously. That it, in truth, the supreme means of life.


What is your opinion of this practice?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
You better make up a plan! Look into woofing.


>Yes there are to all. They're all spirits. Demons are negative and angels are positive on the spectrum. This does not mean good or evil though.
>As for summoning, I've been thinking of making a thread since we don't need to have a lot of evocation knowledge on this board.

Any basic summoning tips? Or possibly a pdf on summoning that I could look through?
Like the anon that you responded to, it would be useful for a neophyte to have some guardian thing keeping me safe.


Seems cool. Thank anon.


You're welcome. Be safe.


I might do this. Maybe even get a good place to live for a long time and work magicks.
But I also want to buy some land and build a self-sufficient home there.
I'll just see what happens.


It is not as it appears. It is badder than good and eviler than good and unskillfuler than skillful.


Could you elaborate a bit?

And what is your frame of reference?


I won't. My frame of reference is myself.


Use psychomancy, that's how everyone gets the password and username to get in.


>successfully influencing Rockerz88

What are some factors that would make one more or less susceptible to this type of influence?

Would being undisciplined, unaware or having a weak willpower make someone an easier target for mental influence?


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A combination of both although at some point you're going to need to really exert a lot of will to make it happen.

Go read the library, there's books on the subject in there, especially Franz Bardon, Zivorad, that one Magical Use of Thoughtforms book, etc.

>Are there really guardian spirits/angels/demons?

You can call upon one or create one. Anyone who says however that everyone has one is bullshitting as that's not true. If you do so earnestly enough and give enough loosh and know what you are doing it is a trivial matter to make happen although you should plan things out and pick your spiritual associates carefully and avoid deception (montalk's site is a very good resource for seeing through all the deceptions of hyperdimensional beings).

>If so, how do I summon mine or acquire one?

Do some basic elemental work and pour out enough loosh to attract one.

Sorry if I'm vague, it's really easy once you know how, but you need to read up. Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic and those other standard recommended books talked about in the FAQ will help you.

Develop your astral senses to tell. The Psychomancy book by William Walker Atkinson will help you there but that's an advanced book that expects you to have a general occult knowledge first so read those other standard recommended books first.

Seeing dark colors and blobs of color in the dark is just your astral senses being very weak so… it's both esoteric and normal (as in practically everyone has at least that level of development).

Any random humans and spirits you meet in the astral can give you knowledge. I advise you to intentionally avoid anything famous or well-recognized as only deceiving spirits try to assume forms familiar to you.

>And where should I go for more knowledge of this kind?

Into the /fringe/ library. Some of Atkinson's books actually cover shit that Spiritual Science covers. The 2013serieslessons book should have you covered.

This is very good advice also once he can check the akashic records for himself he can know for sure what actually happened independently of what lies the historians have intentionally or unintentionally wrote about the past.

They feed off of lust. Emotions are astral energy, a type of loosh, that powers thoughtforms.

Yes; use your imagination intensely and pour out emotions into the forms you visualize. The quickest way to AP is to rev-up your imagination and induce a total suspension of disbelief, so disregard the limitations you think are real, and you should be able to move past them.

I'd recommend reading a fuckload more though. There are multiple authors covering this subject in the library. At my level of skill I can pretty much astral project anywhere even in adverse conditions as indeed I have had to practise my magick while starving, in pain, lots of noise around me, and other crap making things much harder than it all has to be but as a result I am extremely powerful now.


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>I think it OVERLIES our material reality. Yeah. You can't punch a spiritform but a spirit can totally WRECK you. Overlies. It is the superior.

Develop your own etheric and astral body and you can physically interact with them on our own plane. What thing neophytes do not seem to get is that our material plane is immaterial to other entities. What we perceive as a physical plane that proceeds in an orderly fashion along the lines of linear time is an astral plane to other beings who interact with it from outside. Materiality is not a place it is a state/condition. All things are material to one another on their own plane. Thoughts themselves physically collide with each other if they are on the same FRV with one another.

>In your eye that just like normal induced visualization by background entities. If it has depth and you can perceive that it is x meters away and y/z length and width then you are sharing a space with dark entities. If this is so you certainly have some sort of etheric parasite as well.

If he hears an ear-ringing as well it can be due to etheric overlap as that tends to cause pressure changes in the inner-ear.

That's not what he said AT ALL. I'm pretty sure that anon is saying "develop your higher faculties first, then you can perceive truth more clearly, otherwise all is but guesses and speculation". I don't think he's advocating that "everything is a lie" just that you couldn't know truth from lies without first undergoing the correct metaphysical development.

You can also do emotional alchemy and transmutation. Then you can turn fear, sadness, anger, disgust, lust, and anything else you want into anything else such as euphoria and of course you can then pour it into thoughtforms by focusing on them with your awareness while feeling the emotions and thus charging them with your loosh.

Replace "karma" with the much better word of "causality" and you will see more clearly. Karma, if it means anything special, just refers to a more complete understanding of causality that includes causal influences from higher planes.

I'll give you an example of how someone's bad karma can fuck you over:

>you want to heal someone

>you invoke water
>you connect to the cell-minds in their body
>through sympathetic vibration / resonance the bad feels and shit from those cell minds infect you
>you now have to work through the other persons karma, using the raw power of your will and arcane knowledge to counter it
>if you are stronger then it, you can subdue all of those cell-minds and get them functioning perfectly again
>you will have then healed the other person and they will have felt it all of course, because your influence is felt in the mind of the other person
>you will now have to close the connection and cleanse yourself of any "bad karma" you've picked up from the other
>then once that is done, the "karma" is resolved and all is good

Hopefully from my example you get a better understanding of what I'm talking about. Just keep "thinking hermetically" and reading and developing your powers and you will understand better. We live in a mental universe and we can connect with and pick up the thoughtcurrents, thoughtclouds, etc. of others who are also of course part of the Universal Infinite Living Mind like us.

Any occult books that don't recognize non-duality / degrees / principle of polarity are shit btw. The true teachings are always that one who can heal can curse, who who can suffer can enjoy, on that can warm can cool, etc. So if you teach anyone how to heal you are inadvertently teaching them how to do a lot of other things as well. Atkinson's books recognize that the occult powers can be used either way.


Top kek


Well I have fed it freely for years, will it have a ton of energy stored up? With that much energy will I need much more will to detach it?

Also the link you gave me earlier mentions using "jesus's" power to detach the entity. What I have been told is that he is just a thoughtform, why should I use him? Any other methods.


>Develop your own etheric and astral body and you can physically interact with them on our own plane. What thing neophytes do not seem to get is that our material plane is immaterial to other entities. What
Hi! I didn't see you over there so far from my point.


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>If he hears an ear-ringing as well it can be due to etheric overlap as that tends to cause pressure changes in the inner-ear.
>mfw I had overlapping ,pressuring changing, where'd-the-ambient-sound-go ear ringing experience not 30 minutes ago.


Same here. Although I get it almost all the time. Fuck me.


I had just got done raging-not-raging at possibly the wrong person (although both parties were silent so even if it was the right person they were being mighty deceptive) over yet another in a long instance of microaggression. I had put some sticks on the deck last night and had planned to make them into a sort of spirit home or whatever and when I went to get them I found them not just in the trash but broken up. They were all of the pretty sticks from our yard.

That person is best alone.



>Did you read the books in the library?

I've read about half of the essentials, more Atkinson than anything. I've actually answered some of the questions for myself by reviewing old stuff and reading another book on Thought Forming.

How similar is sigilcasting to thoughtforming?

It seems similar and I've had some minor success with sigils in the past but thoughtforms seem more precise and more powerful.

>If he hears an ear-ringing as well it can be due to etheric overlap as that tends to cause pressure changes in the inner-ear.

for a while I pretended the tinnitus was aliums listening to my thoughts so I would mentally replay the sanic ear rape theme at the loudest possible volume


Does /fringe/ have any experience with tulpas? I'm not sure if that's even the correct term, as I've seen the word shoggoth pop up instead a few times.
Anyway, I'm practically a mundane that just likes to read the materials, but I'd like to get my feet wet with something for a change. Is an imaginary friend a good way to do this, if not, could you guys suggest something else?
Lastly, are there any guides for a creation of a /fringe/ approved guides for tulpas?


Just a warning, tulpas can be extremely dangerous. Once they get powerful enough, they can kill you.
Always be careful.


I think if I got killed by a tulpa, I wouldn't really mind. I mean, there's so many ways to die in this world, I could get hit by a car tomorrow. Might as well see something cool before I kick it. To be honest, I just want to experience something otherworldly, /fringe/ related.


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I just use demon to mean negative entity and angel/angelic to mean positive entity.

It's better to just use terms however like the ones laid out by Robert Bruce such as "negs" or "benevolent" and "hostile" as that sort of use of the language is much more clear whereas everyone has different ideas as to what angels and demons are. Originally the word demon comes from Daimon which is the name of Socrate's tulpa that helped that great philosopher throughout his life.

The way you explain it away as "karmic illness" surely just confuses the anon more. There is no such thing as an illness which is "non-karmic". All illness has its cause.

Via induction / use of the basic elements of fire and water. Water attracts/receives/is-feminine/negative/moon/desire/etc. (you should really know all the elemental correspondences) and fire projects/ejects/imposes/is-masculine/positive/sun/will/etc….

Everyone should read The Universal Master Key to know all the shit they need to know to master the elements.

Just a random note: in The Steller Man he talks about Hermeticists embracing suffering 'cause advanced Hermeticists like to seek out that kind of shit (without intentionally creating it), process it, and strengthen their will and knowledge thereby; the more shit you endure and overcome the stronger your will becomes and the most you can advance to higher spiritual powers.

lrn2psychomancy and detect what is draining him of his vitality then process it (probably destroy or transmute it).

The rest of your shit I answered already before in the thread you made, did you never read what I said to you?

If you need to memorize shit very well, pour tons of loosh into your studies, like become extremely fascinated and emotionally charged while reading it and it will strongly impress itself on your astral memory. I personally wouldn't even fucking bother with university but I guess you're trapped in that situation. The best way to educate oneself is to develop concentration, memory, the astral senses in general, your own personal astral realm, a set of thoughtforms and intentionally created entity attachments, all to augment and enhance the fuck out of your intelligence making it very easy for you to learn and process massive amounts of information and become a savant. Then you can rapidly learn and master many fields of knowledge and get your credentials and make all the mundanes in the universities impressed with you.

>not just casting out some loosh energy and awareness out and about at random in your room until you hook into something and letting it pull you out or using a chaosphere or gravity ball to force AP

Also, breathing isn't supposed to hurt or really produce any sensations at all, he has to breath right… has he read Science of Breath? He can make thoughtforms that induce the correct form of breathing all the time without him having to think further about it.

Too much negative karma will fuck you up and stunt your development. Many of the people on this board have way too much negative karma and it's suppressing their development… they can only hope that a few of the masters here will set things in motion to bring them healing so they aren't held down longer than necessary by this bullshit.

An advanced soul can easily handle what plagues the weakened soul.

Taking your exercise analogy, there's a big difference between getting the proper amount of exercise in the right amount, versus being worked half-to-death and doing tons of damage to your muscles and growing weaker as a result.


I bet it wouldn't be such a fun way to go.
And wouldn't you want to do high level things eventually? Maybe you could have basic Astral Projection as a goal and work towards that? That is what I want. But I still have a lot to complete before getting that level.


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You should have prepared for this shit long in advance.

I have everything I need to be homeless and comfortable. Money in my backpack, clothing, a mat thing to lay on, tablet to connect to internet, etc.

You can be homeless and comfortable and have fuckloads of free-time to read, practise, browse internet… even if you live in a hostile climate like me.

Why use demons to get money? Read The Book of Knowledge if you feel you really need to rush things I guess. I would just use mental influence on others to get some work to do.

If you are gonna use evocation, don't think of a specific entity at all, just use pure intent + arcane power to attract exactly the entity you need. I do evocation with great mastery and ease and I NEVER summon/evoke/invoke famous entities and intentionally reject any entity that assumes an identity along those lines? See the buddha? Stab that fucker!!

If you go into a trance and use the right intent and emotions you will bring fourth an entity to help you that will resonate with those feelings you sent out and will have been looking for this opportunity to advance its own growth by helping out others like you. Just caste out tons of energy into your surrounding environment with which it can use to manifest itself to you.

Depends on the operator. It can be intensely powerful for some and weak for others.

See what I mean ( >>31688 ) ?

Yes proper and frequent use makes you more powerful although frequent but incorrect use won't advance you. We have plenty of reality creation texts in the library from Tom Montalk and Neville Goddard that should instruct people how to do it right.

You sure are illiterate.


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Have you not read Franz Bardon's Practise of Magical Evocation? Regardless, it's an advanced practise, and you're going to have to read and master many other things before you can do this. Franz Bardon himself says so in the book. Atkinson also explains how to evoke stuff too if you read his books, he gives you only the principle, and not specific examples; if you are wise then the principle will give you mastery anyways.

I recommend you finish Initiation Into Hermetics and The Universal Master Key and Kybalion/ArcaneTeachings/ArcaneFormulas/MindPower/Psychomancy first then start doing evocation.

Also, I recommend you don't piss off entities that DO NOT WANT TO BE EVOKED. Be courteous like me and send out psychic pings / call upon entities lightly and wait for them to respond. If you force an entity into your presence (human, alien, elemental, whatever) it will be angry with you and you don't want that!

If you want a guardian then just make a thoughtform for it. You can make thoughtforms whose soul purpose is to detect threats and make you aware of them, or process them, as well as thoughtforms whose soul purpose is to constantly monitor your body and heal you. Just feed them lots of loosh so they keep functioning. In this way you can automate a lot of processes that would otherwise have to be done manually… you'll still have to do it manually at first when you're developing but eventually you can make these more permanent thoughtforms to handle problems like this for you all the time. Be careful how you design them btw; I say process for a reason. Just blindly banishing or destroying or transmuting or whatever everything around you is not necessarily a good thing, use the air element and give your thoughtforms some actual intelligence to decide what is best and learn to deal with entities / thoughtforms in the correct manner that fits the situation. Zivorad's books are full of techniques for entity processing.

There's a FringeVille thread that might interest you, read the posters of swastika anon.

I'd let other wizards like with me on a 25 acre farm in 2 or so years if I am sure they won't financially burden me by being around and they aren't weird messed up sexual deviants or non-whites or other undesirables.

>What are some factors that would make one more or less susceptible to this type of influence?

The degree of development of your astral senses / your unfoldment.

>Would being undisciplined, unaware or having a weak willpower make someone an easier target for mental influence?

Yes. Also organic portals which lack the connection to spirit are like a canvas for anyone to work their influence on and remake however they want without any inherent resistance coming from them other than whatever elemental energies gave rise to and animated and previously influenced that organic portal. Most organic portals on Earth are extremely fucked up because of how much ambient negative energy there is to influence them… they are very primitive. Working on them is like working on a pet animal to create a familiar ( witches in the past would basically make tulpas that would inhabit the body of an animal such as a rabbit, cat, frog, whatever and these were called familiars; the animal body is the alchemical salt see http://montalk.net/gnosis/174/the-philosopher-s-stone and is useful since creating a whole new physical body purely out of arcane power is an extremely advanced and difficult thing to do).


Problem, mundane? Can't psychomance for shit?


>You sure are illiterate.
Fight me in real life.


Thank you so much for your help.
I really appreciate you for answering my questions.
I'm really looking forward to a FringeVille project. It is just the thing we need.


I have a question for the advanced guys. What was the first thing you did accomplished that made you believe in magic? Also, how did you end up doing it?


What did I link you that said anything about using Jesus's power? If it did say that, it probably means "use the same power / principle as Jesus used which is available to all".

Any Jesus you encounter or any other famous entity you can bet is indeed a thoughtform/elemental/impostor.

Due to your lack of use of greentexting, I'm not sure what part of my post you're even responding to. Whatever you have fed for a long time will be very strong… I personally derive insane amounts of loosh energy myself from all the immense suffering I went through for many years of my life on end + transmutation. I can probably fuel my magickal power for many years to come, maybe hundreds of years, just on cannibalizing the immense suffering from the first two decades of my life on Earth.

You can connect to any of your emotionally potent memories and use the law of polarity and vibration to change the energy extracted from it until those memories become emotionally numb and fade away and pour that energy into new thoughtforms.

What? There is no need for me to "stick to your point".

I have no idea what the fuck happened there though, something got fucked up when I was cutting my huge post into multiple smaller posts.

One's native plane is material to its inhabitants and fluid to outsiders. It's a little hard to explain but beings outside of linear time string together parts of our linear timeline into other timelines they create and reshuffle from all these experiences put together in a new way holographically… ah fuck it, just read montalks Realm Dynamics article.


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It begins

Read Chasing Phantoms if you want to know more about this phenomena and wish to greet your alien overlords. You would however be advised to try and just ignore them and focus steadfastly on the other books to bring about your general occult development first before plunging into the chaos that reading that particular book will bring you.

If you feel like just plunging into dangerous waters without giving a fuck though, proceed.

Then you are heavily monitored. I suggest making a safe place for yourself that is physically, etherically, and astrally shielded in order to be able to cut yourself off temporarily and be able to think clearly without them fucking with you so you can experience for awhile what it's like to be not under their influence / pressures / exertions / impulses…

This exact thing has happened to me before, odd enough. I collected tons of sticks from the wood-lot around me, all the good ones, and some mundanes came and destroyed them and then fucking burned them all and ever since the only sticks around were the crappy mostly rotted ones and the soil in the forest has been eroding a lot more due to less ground-covering to hold things in place.

>reading another book on Thought Forming.

Post this book?

>How similar is sigilcasting to thoughtforming?

In the Chaos Magick library on /fringe/ there is a paper about chaospheres. Use a chaosphere to charge sigils and they will be way more potent. A sigil that doesn't have some thoughtforming going on with it is useless.

>It seems similar and I've had some minor success with sigils in the past but thoughtforms seem more precise and more powerful.

See: ( >>31587 ).

Tulpas are sentient thoughtforms. They are extremely powerful and should not be created until your knowledge has reached a higher level of maturity… maybe after you have read 15 or so occult books in the library you can go ahead and make one.

There are guides on making tulpas except they are called thoughtforming guides here, as we realize that creating tulpas is a subset of the thoughtforming process. See: ( >>81 ).

This is true.

It's potentially a nice way to die but there is SO MUCH beautiful and wonderful things you can experience if you don't die early on in the ascent. I advise surviving, unfolding, and learning for years to come so may continue to experience things of immense beauty and wonder.

So you mean the astral right then? The astral is more real than this small subset of reality called the "physical".

We need to create and stabilize an astral realm to meet up on.

Remote viewing I guess. If you want to know how to do it read Psychomancy. When I did remote viewing I was very ignorant but still managed to do it but reading that book will help you do it intentionally and skilfully.

However even before that I did astral travel and many other things, I just didn't fully recognize the significance and true meaning of these things. It was remote viewing that allowed me to realize magick is definitely objective in nature; as in it's not contained only to just your own mind, it's something that can be shared and experienced with others in this realm we inhabit.

It was really a gradual process for me. I went from atheist fedora nihilist to theistic wizard mystic very slowly… I was on /fringe/ since its very inception and also involved with the people that created /fringe/ before it existed at all. Since then I have accomplished many seemingly miraculous things and developed a clear understanding of how it all works. The seeds of illumination however have been within me from the very start of my awakening into consciousness here on this Earth at the age of 5… I have always had natural ability and various qualities that would lead to my flowering into gnosis. Even if you are of a very lowly development though with little of value inherited from your previous incarnation if you happen to find your way to /fringe/ and vow to read and to understand and practise you can go from being a barely comprehending animal with extremely dull astral senses to advancing way beyond the understanding and powers of the general populace in a few short years if you are very disciplined.

The main issue is in removing various hindrances, distractions, etc. so you can fully dedicate your time to your ascent. Those who have come before you here on /fringe/ have already done a wonderful job of pruning away a ton of bullshit as well and hunting down good texts so neophytes can skip past tons of wading through garbage and develop at a much faster pace.


How to I create a shielded area?
Make the basic bubble except expanded?


Just imagine an opaque shield-filter thing all around the room, charge it, and make it so that it acts as a filter which can burn off negative entity attachments just passing through it and blocks out unwanted influences from coming into the room.

Many many different ways to imagine it and create it.

Some people also just create and charge auras around their own body but me personally I like to be extremely open to and sensitive to my surroundings so I don't like the idea much of wearing a heavy astral shield all the time, I like to just protect my room.


What are your thoughts of crystal, water, mirror and blood scrying? I found through evocations that my scrying skills were much easier to do through purely imagination/ astral sight. But I seem to read a lot of people advocating the use of a scrying mirror or other items for this purpose.


Is it possible to AP with an entity attachment or is it much harder?

Especially one that bothers you when you try.


The problem with only creating an astral realm to meet upon is that all neophytes couldn't join until they get to a high enough level.
Verses the idea of a perfect place on the physical realm for magickal advancement.


oh sorry, i couldnt see your reply on the last thread because my internet died, thanks for your advice, it really motivates me


thank you and blessings for your answers.

the book on thoughtforming I am currently reading is the one in the library, Magical Use of Thoughtforms. I'm looking for an OCR program to run it through and shrink the filesize.


How can I tell if my third eye is opened and not just opening?

My third eye tingles with either strong or soft sensations, this happens every other day or so but I am not sure if it is truly open and if I should put more effort into opening it.


None of that shit has anything to do with the third eye. Visualization is the actual method by which you open the third eye. Just keep practising visualization and it'll get better. If you want, force a bunch of Earth energy through your brain and see if that sparks off some intense visuals too, but you need to realize third eye is just a reference Lobsang Rampa made up to the Mind's eye aka the power to see visuals with your mind.

All of the astral senses can be unfolded. Initiation Into Hermetics and Psychomancy will help you do this better than worry about tingles and stuff which have to do with another faculty and not really the "third eye".


Not a magician but an enlightened one who is awakening. The first things that anchored in the ether the notion that my awakening process was not simply some lowkey mental illness was I was lounging in my room thinking/working through the attachments placed on my be others and suddenly this really warm, pure, loving sunlight came pour out of the side of my head. I felt it on my skin, pouring out of my head, and I saw it when I looked over when I felt a change. When that happened there could be no legitimate certainty that something extraordinary was occur in or around me.


What do you mean it doesn't have anything to with the third eye?

Strong sensations sometimes flood the area the third eye is supposed to be, how is that not related?


>If you feel like just plunging into dangerous waters without giving a fuck though, proceed.
I FEEL like I have a handle on it. So I'm gonna proceed as I feel. If I KNOW I don't or feel I don't have a proper handle on it using the things already inside me I'll look for something to shore up that deficiency.

>So you mean the astral right then? The astral is more real than this small subset of reality called the "physical".
I'm a lover not a fighter.

Is it possible to run away with someone pulling your arm? Same thing. If your bound you are bound. Direct your energy to becoming unbound then you can act freely like the thus-unbound.


What are your thoughts on drug abuse? Can one forge themselves into a proper Neophyte while shooting up opiates?


It is generally a good idea to stay completely clean. Most drugs will take you into detrimental states where you cannot either fully control or develop yourself. I recommend them for mundanes who need to open their mind (psychadelics) but the aspiring neophyte will want to be completely clean.


Thank you, I suspected as much.

Also, I'm pretty positive that my drug habit was induced by some kind of dark forces.
Ever since childhood I had many spiritual experiences, I self-thought myself how to meditate, my grand-father was a healer and psychic etc.

I've had fear of aliens for as long as I can remember, even talked with my grand-father about them. I felt endangered my whole life to the point that I started visualizing golden protective spehere each night before bed since I was like 6 or 7 but I stopped when I was 12 or something, I had the period of disbelief. Those were dark times.

It only got worse though. When I was 16 I started drinking heavily and taking codeine, morphine and xanax.

There were some periods when I felt like I was becoming aware of myself, in these times I was completely sober, and didn't suffer from any withdrawal symptoms.

I also was diagnosed with clinical depression when I was 17.

I apologize for posting, although I've done some reading and some spiritual practise of my own I still consieder myself very mundane. I didn't plan on posting, it sorta just "came up".

Why do I feel endagered my whole life? How can I stop succumbing to the drug habit? I want to fight back, I really do, but after countless loses I just feel… I don't know… Totally disheartened.

Apologies for asking.


Quit your apologizing for one, read books to understand your true nature and keep trying to kick the habit using various methods in conjunction.

Read the axiom thread to understand the principles but what you should basically do is autosuggestion and realize that there is a higher you that is in control, not your lower base urges. I have found that I can assert the higher dominance when the my own lustful urges come by sitting in my asana and doing some energy work to remind myself of my true goals and aspirations.

Even if you give in you must remember to keep trying as every attempt, even if unsuccessful will build on your willpower if you learn from the experience instead of just letting your negative emotions of embarrassment take control.

Keep practicing magic and it will only get better from here.


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Why do kabbalists love the number 7? Does anyone know what it represents?


I don't know the answer to your question, but would like to comment on your image.
Every year it's the same with all these "on date x it's le happening". It's so fucking annoying, and every year nothing happens.


There's only one way to find out


Why is this board so slow and what can we do to make it better?


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You are right sir! I can't. But I still find this delightfully funny. <3


Nothing. If anything, people that are here need to visit more often.
Attracting visitors from /b/ or any other board would be detrimental to this place.


The buzzing sound is me being watched by aliens or other entities? Because sound in my ear(s) is always there, varying in strength. When I meditate it gets VERY strong, is this bad? I try doing the basic bubble and creating a protective aura around myself, but it never quite seems to work.
Whenever I try purgeing the entities that are around me, everything feels chaotic like there is a lot of movement or something.
I don't know what to do and the buzzing is getting stronger.


Does everyone have a guardian angel or something like that? Or is that higher-self guiding and helping you?



Sorry! Thanks though.


No worries.


so that means I can acquire someone's username and password for all these private trackers I want? How to do that?



Try evoking the spirit of gullibility and social engineering your way in.


Someone help


Astral wings guy, are the wings orangey-coloured and feathered?


I'm not sure if you mean my post >>31651
In case you do, he said he saw his wings in color once and were a glowing golden, theyre feathered aswell


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Please seek clarification on how "gold" these wings actually are. Are they strictly the hue of gold or just approximately golden?

Is the colouring closer to the image on the left or the one on the right?


So is robert bruce or William Buhlman books better?


the first one but a bit brighter he says, the tone is about right


Then it's a perfect match with what I just experienced in a trance today. I'm not sure if I tapped into his mind or what was going on but somehow I experienced those exact wings for myself today… and yes they were a bit brighter than in that first image.


*tips fedora*

These guys making predictions about the happening are literally preventing it from happening and thank goodness for that.

>1) Awareness / anticipation repels.

>2) Ignorance / denial allows.
>3) Intent / emotional resonance attracts.


Whoah, Well now we gotta find what it means
This might be the cause why nothing happens on the world today despite 100 years ago being much smaller and regional that had a lot of happenings. It also means the things that happen are everytime more bizarre and they usually end as conspiracy theories or go generally unheard of
Of course all of this could be explained by today's world monolithic structure of leashed states but thats no fun


Please look up the history of the so called third eye and what it really is. It's quite simple, it's just the ability for visualization.

Those strong sensations you are experiencing do not have to do with the third eye, they have to do with another astral sense, and pertain to Earth (elemental) energy. That is, the feeling/touching/pressure/heaviness/etc. sense.

The astral senses tend to unfold together most of the time so if one sense is unfolding others will too.

…but the actual way to know your third eye aka mind's eye is working is by getting intense visuals, seeing thoughtforms lucidly.

Lobsang Rampa is the author who coined the term "Third Eye" when he wrote a book by that name. Prior to him that specific term wasn't really used. Lobsang Rampa is regarded on bibliotecapleyades as a "New Age Trailblazer" and you should know New Age is one of the most delusional paradigms to come out yet, mixing tons of lies and nonsense with the truth, and thus leading people astray.

I don't like the term Third Eye as it leads to people being confused like you.

As for your pineal gland, its function is to produce melatonin, and melatonin regulars your circadian rhythm / lets you sleep or be awake at different times. It's nothing more special than that.

When Descartes said that the Pineal Gland was the seat of the soul that was very stupid of him. The soul in actuality distributed over the whole body and extends beyond it as well in a holographic manner. Your soul is not in your pineal gland, it's in all of your cells, and beyond them.

Strong sensations can flood all and any parts of your body if you work with Earth element and this ability and sense has a special purpose but it's not the third eye / mind's eye.

If you want to awaken the third eye just create a desire elemental to strengthen your lucidity and give you clear visualizations and it can be done very fast so long as you know how to concentrate and feed it the emotions it needs to operate.


No, weird things happen constantly right now and I doubt it has died down at all it probably increased, you just need to get in touch more / pay attention better / ignore the mass man and mass media.

Alien activity, demons, possession, people running around with super powers fucking shit up, it's all happening all the time.

Even youtube has a lot of shit on it but it's hard to find and often gets taken down.

There is no shortage of the paranormal in the world but you won't really notice it much until you yourself reach a high level of development or you decide to do some synchronicity manipulation in order to bring the weird and paranormal more into attention in your life.


Well i mostly meant how this world is extremely big compared to a century ago and more things should happen but instead less things happen on the surface so all the things that should be happening for such a place with 7 billion people and who knows how many billion entities more are getting weirder and weirder (as the ones who get deep down there try to be more aware and take patterns), making it really hard to anticipate them
>you decide to do some synchronicity manipulation in order to bring the weird and paranormal more into attention in your life.
thats what i wanna do


>Those strong sensations you are experiencing do not have to do with the third eye, they have to do with another astral sense, and pertain to Earth (elemental) energy. That is, the feeling/touching/pressure/heaviness/etc. sense.
I read that Earth/Root = Smell, Water/Sacral = Taste, Fire/Solar Plexus = Sight, Air/Heart = Touch, Aether/Throat = Hearing, and that Third Eye = Inner sound and Crown Chakra = Inner White Light/ineffable whole (to say nothing of the Soul Seed which I'm starting to give energy to discerning if its real or not).

What discipline corresponds to such designations?


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Hey guys, is there a way I can specifically use magic/mediation or what not to help rid myself of acne.

my acne is not THAT bad, but it seems like a new spot(usually always around my mouth) comes up as soon as another is gone. rather annoying. i take multiple cold showers a day, use creams, and other mundane tasks to keep it in check, but just wondering if theres something more i could do.


dont take more than two showers a day. stress relief can make acne better, so theres meditation for that. minimize irritation and inflammation


>As for your pineal gland, its function is to produce melatonin, and melatonin regulars your circadian rhythm / lets you sleep or be awake at different times. It's nothing more special than that.
Not true. It releases DMT. DMT is not worthless.

Skillful meditation will contribute directly to relieving you of that thing which is causing your acne.




Some help, please. I can't do anything with this loud ringing in my head.


Follow the ringing up.
>you do this, you AP


Are you sure? I hear it all the time always getting louder and quieter.
Another anon said that it was me being watched, not AP. I will try though.


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>Are you sure?


I'll try.


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Take your time! No need to rush!


Is the KKK Greenpilled?

Could someone who knows more about the KKK make a whole thread about them on /fringe/?

I'm asking the question here but I'd like to see a whole thread on it just don't know what to say.

If someone makes a thread link me to it.


Stop with the showers and creams or your acne will get worse.

Use this technique to heal it: https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/res/17870.html

Also correct your blood circulation, for some reason not enough blood is getting to your lips, if diet or exercise techniques can't handle the matter use a thoughtform to direct more blood flow there consistently so that your lips aren't cold and feel constantly warm and vital.

Acne mostly appears around parts of your face where your face is cold, do your hands also feel cold?


>implying it's not handed out in IRC



That is strange. My skin(face) actually feels the best by far when it is "cold" whether it be after an ice cold shower, or whether I'm outside.

When I'm in doors for long periods of time, and when I'm hot is when it "feels" worse.

Thank you for your link though, I will print that out and utilize the information at once.


So will the robert bruce guide, whats my chance of astral projecting with it as i really wish to.


Does anyone know good herbs which can be smoked to enhance astral sight or spiritual abilities?


>doing drugs
Depends upon your capabilities, but Robert Bruce is very skilled in AP and you should definitely try it out and see how far you can get with it. In case you don't end up AP'ing, it'll just take you longer, but you'll surely get there.


What this guy said. It is so that artemsia herb enhances spiritual abilities but it is not the same as strengthening your spiritual abilities or ability to use them daily and correctly. It's a psychic steroid. A performance enhancing drug. It won't help you into that state where all things are within your reach now and forever.


Castaneda's books explain why this is a bad idea.


Anyone have any good Yoga excercises? I'm currently really tense and it creates problems when trying to meditate and perform rituals, so any exercises or stretches that could help would be appreciated.


>>32091 here.
I meant to say artemsia herb enhances PSYCHIC abilities. I don't understand that it does or doesn't enhance spiritual abilities.


how do i time-travel?
i know about astral plane, and about the relation between mind and reality.
I,seriously want to start again-from the moment of birth,but knowing all i know now-of course everyone else will be the same. I will be able to correct every single mistake in my life,and,by the time i am again the age im now, i will have a much more brither future.
so, how do i pull this audacious trick ?


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I'm investing a lot into Atkinson's new thought philosophy as I feel that changing my perspective in accordance with the tenets exposed in Personal Power is something that would greatly empower my current workings.

Seeing that i came across all this in this board I'll assume most of you have at least a basic knowledge of it.

What's your success using Atkinson's methods?
Do you have any advice for me?

Thanks in advance



I don't have the time to read Atkinson at the moment. Am I the only person who hasn't? How much of his philosophy impacts you guys work?

I only have time for bare bones of technique at the moment. Will have more reading time in a few months.



Here's the good news: magic works acausally, beyond time.

Here's the bad news: that's why your life sucks.

You're not going to get another chance unless you have a system of metaphysics that allows for the opportunity to be reborn in the same life again with innate knowledge of how not to fuck up.



>worthless delusional boomer

>that's for faggots

>I am just a superior being who wields the laws of the universe to his advantage

>kill yourself

>worthless shitstain!

Wow, and this one's pretending not to be a child? I haven't seen this pathetic amount of edge outside of /b/ in years. There's a whole lot of angry insecurity going on there. Good luck kid, but you're probably going to kill yourself over all that overcompensation.


How can I use magick to learn a new language?


Astral projection or projection of consciousness back in time? What is required is only back to the beginning or even middle of the month of February 2015. Given how long it would take to understand if this ability is ever acquired, it would probably have to be a longer timespan.

It is absolutely vital to travel back to that time with one's astral self or simply consciousness. The time does not have to be specific to a minute or even day.

Any assistance, proven experiences?


Look up Psychomancy by Atkinson, You will need to access the Akashic Records.


You will want to summon a spirit who majors in language. Hermes for example is a master of written language. Otherwise you will want to read what has been posted about memory and how to use it correctly. I would suggest for you to "learn" how to efficiently learn. William Walker Atkinson has many good books on using the brain in this way. Memory for example.


Alright /fringe/ I need some good material on how to into Tarot cards.
Any help would be much appreciated.


Now that's a fun thought. I'd like to astral forever. Can anyone give some additional tips on how to live in the astral forever?


Burn the totality of your earthly karma. There's no other way, breh. Even if someone manages to cut the silver chord, he will be reincarnated again in this plane after a short period of astral dwelling.


How harmful, if at all, are GMO porducts to a wizard?

If they are harmful what can be done to negate the effects other than buying organic/growing my own.


do i have find the system or develop it myself?



Both. You can change but you cannot change who you are. You can change your path in life but the path you walk will still be the path you walk. You can change your place in life if it is your place in life to change your place in life.

Since the acausal time-shattering aspect is so neatly interwoven esoteric gibberish like this is all I can offer. Someone with a different perspective (with or without direct experience of time shattering magic) will tell you something completely different and they'd probably be more right than I am.


In my understanding, which I hold in high regard, you are absolutely correct. OP is absolutely trying to obliterate himself up to a certain point. Such a thing is absolutely impossible. There is no impermanent being and ever experience is indelible. The craving to extinguish ones experience or world of experience is a source of stress, invariably.


who/what is smileberg?

I think I might already know who it is but is it something else?


>who/what is smileberg?

A legend.


i WILL have my experience, since i will remember all i did wrong, im going back to modify it and actually live better,its exactly becuase of experience that i can do this


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Ok, sweet summerchild.


Any herbalists here? I'm looking for a resource to help me with orthodox medicinal/magickal uses for plants. I live in San Diego but a broader resource is also appreciated.


Here's some material on herbal magic



Cheers, friend.


I found myself getting flustered with where to start and what to read first. This is the solution I found. Adobe Reader can search across multiple pdf's at once (ctrl+shift+f) so I've downloaded all of the pdfs (including a pdf with the medicinal herbs of socal) and I'll use it to cross reference several pdfs at once so if I want an herb for X effect or want as much information on X herb that's how I can do it. It is technological psychomancy.

I thought I would share. That is good information and great for people who want to streamline their knowledge searches.


The GMO are probably not that harmful compared to the herbicides they apply to them.

The only reason the major grain crops are genetically modified is so they could resist the poison. Avoiding GMO grain is one easy way to do it.

stop eating mundane food, start eating whole foods and vegetables and the best meats you can get when you can afford it, and you'll stop exposing yourself to maybe 80 - 90% of the problem.


Apparently Castaneda was full of shit though.


I don't think there is anything wrong with using a substance in careful moderation, but substances are like training wheels since they are unlocking a power that is already latent within you. Meaning don't rely on them when you can strengthen yourself instead. Most disciplines are meant to get your own mind out of the way so you can access them, and certain substances and herbs are a shortcut. They can't make you do anything or access anything that you already can't.



Do you know how a magician earns his hat?

He covers his head in batshit and then walks around in the sun until it dries.


>jews can't walk or count their shekels in the daylight though


Can someone help me with meditation. I am new to it, does anyone have any good guided meditations?


Check JoS. (Joy of Satan)
It has a lot of good meditations and beginner type guides.


Fuck that, he should just read Initiation Into Hermetics which is where JoS stole all the meditations from anyways.


Whoops, sorry.
It was just the first place that I learned about meditations.


I require a compilation or list of texts that deal with the subject of removing moles, worts, and other growths on the skin by occult means. If I am not mistaken, Robert Bruce has a method somewhere that he has written about, if someone can find it for me or cite the specific page in whichever book he has written about it for me, please do.

I am already familiar with the whole host of mundane methods but want to use magick to remove them.

The Holographic Universe talks about the fact it can be done without going much into the details of any specific method for how it's done.

It seems there's some way to program one's own immune system to attack and kill worts and make moles fall off.

Also any texts that mention the skin at all I might be interested in.

If anyone wants to do this please make a thread about it. I'd like to completely transcend skin problems of all sorts once and for all.


I've got a wart. Nasty little thing.
The most common mundane way is killing it with nitrogen. Although it has been very ineffective with the wart on me.


What is loosh? Sorry, a rather new mundane here. I've watched Montalk's basic fringe summary and the Holographic Universe lecture.

I want to learn, but I learn best with small tangible examples. I meditate, but I never visualize anything, or know what to visualize. I keep trying to have lucid dreams, but with no success. In the past I was able to induce them by setting my alarm early and then going back to bed. It doesn't work anymore. Am I fucked?


Loosh is your vital energy. It is the power than enables you to move and empowers and sustains your thoughts and consciousness. When someone 'gets your goat' and otherwise unsecures you about the needs of your life ( in order your needs are your physical quality, your existential safety, your sense of belonging, your distinguishment within the group (self esteem), your self-actualization, the spiritual compenent to your live, and the seven thing ) they move your life to a lower state and necessarily free up the energy that existed to empower and sustain you in that state for themselves or others. In the same way an electron falling from one potential state to a lower potential state releases energy, but unlike an electron, a being which has fallen from a state to a lower state continues to release the vital energy which would otherwise being empowering and sustaining themselves in that higher state. Thus, bringing a person from state A to a lower state is seen as profitable by malicious entities.

As for visualization and lucid dreaming, it might be so that you need to endeavor to decalcify your pineal gland. Get cracking: http://www.wakingtimes.com/2012/12/15/how-to-decalcify-and-detoxifythe-pineal-gland/

I recommend seaweed (sakame) as it has high iodine content which is positively indicated for pineal gland decalcification.


What's /fringe/'s opinion of the Dark Enlightenment? I remember there was a thread where people here were laughing at them. I vividly recall a venn diagram that stated that those who supported it were atheist, neckbeards and fapped at r/clopclop. I think they may have raided the board or something back then. I can't fully recall what was stated in the thread but one thing's certain–I never saved what was discussed. I think the thread that spammed with crap near the end too.


nitrogen worked for me years ago when I had warts on my fingers.

I doubt the method of treating them is any different to any other healing work, either creating a specific thoughtform with a task of removing the wart or energy healing should get rid of it.


How serious is the counterindication of metal vessels in herb magick?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Wouldn't it be easier to look for stuff that focuses on skin health like in this video?



Loosh comes in its most common form as emotion. Astral energy = emotions. Emotions are used to vitalize and power up thoughtforms. If you make a tulpa and fill it with emotions it will grow strong and fast, if you don't, it will barely take off and be really retarded.


I feel disconnected from my source of emotions. How can I cultivate a connection to my emotions?


Thank you. Bought two supplements from the link, and I'll start adding lemon juice to my salads. Will continue meditating and lurking here.

Another question that I'm sure has been asked many times: Does marijuana have a negative effect on the pineal gland?


With a tulpa, for example. ^_^


Don't I need emotional energy to MAKE a tulpa? Regardless, tulpas don't feel good to me. I don't like the idea of making life and subjugating it. In the same way I don't mess with demons. If I saw a demon I would endeavor to cast it out if it was my ability and prerogative. I want an exercise, preferably one sans visualization because I'm certain visualization requires emotional energy.


i think i'm going crazy
today i spent the day reading about aliens
now, nighttime and was trying to sleep, but fucking alien imagery keeps appearing in my head in rapid succession, like images of greys that were deeply buried in my subconscious.
my thoughts were crazy, i was thinking like a book
sometimes i felt spaced out, like when you start astral projecting, but i just wanted to fucking sleep

so, shit, i'm frightened.
i won't sleep tonight
i will wait until dawn

what should i do? if i stop thinking about aliens, greys images pop up in my head


That is a natural response to something you do all day. Don't worry about it. I recently took up painting and would find that upon laying down to sleep I would get painting specific closed-eye visuals. Your brain is working as the brain does in this age.


You can't create a tulpa without emotions. If you have intense emotions + concentration + intention your tulpa can be done in an hour. If you have little emotions to give your tulpa it will be stunted.

Lrn2emotional-alchemy and transmute painful emotional memories into useful energy. I basically cannibalize pieces of my lifetime of suffering to do high magick and have tons of loosh from all the shit I've suffered in my life.

EVERYTHING requires emotional energy / loosh. It is the one resource in all of existence that is the most valuable.

You can unite your consciousness with other beings, maybe that would make you feel better?

You spawn new astral lifeforms with your thoughts all the time anyways.

They do not necessarily have a spirit; and a spirit is what is needed for them to actually have free will and to experience what happens to them. So there's nothing wrong really with subjugating a spiritless thoughtformed being… although who knows maybe some tulpas end up having a spirit.

You can create servitors too. They live and die just to serve the purpose that gave rise to them. Humans do pretty much the same thing.

I don't know what to say to make you feel not bad about it… you can always have an extremely benevolent and mutually beneficial relationship with a tulpa and make them your closest companion in life.

Read an Atkinson book and focus your thoughts on what Atkinson is saying… or just go deeper and read Chasing Phantoms.


I don't wanna PUSH the anti-tulpa thing I feel or make people feel bad but I do feel and think that the most benevolent thing a person can do to a tulpa is to not creat it. Existence non-moleste.

I'm more connected to my emotions now then I have been at any other time in -recent- past, and now that I think about it that has been a singular focus of mine for about 5 years so I know I'm on the track to fulfilling that. I'll just keep looking and doing the practices I'm doing (which I don't have names for and can barely name).


chasing phantoms is how you invite ETs in your life


How do I get rid of a curse? It happens every time without fail. Also how would I get such a curse?

>talk normally to people online

>don't say anything wrong or bad
>suddenly they stop messaging me
>this happens to everyone I talk to
>get a message from someone
>say hi back and never get a response


Are you an anti-natalist?

What do you mean by "connected to your emotions"? Me personally I have no automatic emotions at all, my mind is extremely stable except when tapping into other minds and receiving the impressions and thoughtcurrents from them, and I have to choose what to feel and to what intensity for everything.

Cultivate personal magnetism. Go read Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magick.


Oh also start saying things that are "wrong and bad" and say more than "hi". Non-offensive politically correct people are boring and nobody wants to hear their crap. Rant about random shit and be imaginative and people will become interested in what you have to say.


>Are you an anti-natalist?

I formed my view independent of the codified doctrine. I am an anti-natalist though.

>What do you mean by "connected to your emotions"?

Well lately I've noticed that I'll think of something witty, charming, and attractive-on-all-sides things to say or do but I can't seem to empower those ideas and manifest them to bring that thought to reality with energy. My affect is flat but my ideations revolve around the notion of "This is how I would behave if I had the energy to energize my actions." It's clear to me there is a purposeful disconnection from my emotions. I think I've been purposefully traumatized into this place by malevolent/malicious forces.


I didn't literally mean I say just "hi"

I have some good conversations with people and then they just stop talking to me like I have a curse.

Can mundanes read bad auras? I have a gray one



>Can mundanes read bad auras?

Yes. Mundanes have a considerable amount of skill even if it is unconcious.



They have no skill at all but are still governed by those subconscious forces.

Grey is a fear aura. Whatever subtle impressions you are giving off they will pick up and respond to.


So all gray auras are fearful? Aren't there different shades?

They can pick up on a depressed gray aura unconsciously and from that decide not to message me back?



>They have no skill at all but are still governed by those subconscious forces.

Some are more self aware than others.


I've read somewhere on /fringe/ that there's a book about aliens that, if you try to read it, they're going to try to prevent you from reading it and that it has many truths about them. Does somebody knows what's book I'm talking about?


Is there some kind of reverse Tummo meditation, to make the body colder instead of warmer? I looked around but found nothing in depth about it.


Tummo meditation is just invoking the fire element. You will want to do the reverse by invoking water. Try to imagine yourself breathing in this element through your entire body. Every time you do, imagine yourself getting colder. This all needs to be done with visualization/imagination until you start to feel coldness. It's a technique with takes practice. Though if you've already mastered tummo it will be extremely easy to transfer it to another elemental invoking.
I believe that is Chasing Phantoms.


What does invoking earth or air do for the sense?


Earth makes you feel extremely heavy and dense. Air will do the opposite by making you light. That is how people perform levitation tricks.


Why does fringe force us to read The Kybalion as its essential book when it leads to a religious background?

Why are there no alternatives? It is like forcing us to become Hermeticists


Because Hermeticism strikes a very nice balance between real power you can use and elevation of your character.
This doesn't mean you must only practice what's written in Atkinson's books or the IIH.

You are free and even encouraged to try other practices such as various yogi paths or whatever other disciplines you like.

Do your own research as that reading list is intended for people completely new to this.


/fringe/ isn't forcing you to do anything.
The Kybalion has the best explanation of the universe and the All. It explains a lot of things which are refereed in many of the different books. The book is the real truth of the universe.


I say "force" because they give you no alternative option. It just seems fishy/weird to me.


It is just because it is the very best book for getting into magick. It explains the basis of the universe and all the laws of it. Best thing every.


How does one stop reincarnation from happening?




I don't think I have much time.

Would extending time help? (multiple years in the astral = seconds here)


If you're suffering from some illness the correct course of action would be to treat that first.
Ascension is not something to be rushed.


Why do you think extending time is a bad idea? Seems very useful to me.


I am about 30 pages into the kyballion, would it be the same to listen to the audio book than to read? I think I can give most of my attention to sound than my sight.

I am asking this because I am wondering if it will leave a lasting memory the same way as reading.


Because things can often go wrong with your ascension.

Having seen Smiley make goodbye posts throughout the years saying that's he's on the verge of ascension has taught me that true ascension is not easily performed and takes physical density years for even someone as advanced as Smiley.

For that matter it's best to make sure you have at least the next decade to work on it rather than trying to ascend now and simply dying in a year or two from something you've decided to ignore.


I don't have an illness, it is just that I am in a weird position in life.

What's the difference between studying here than the astral? It surely should be the same thing, I don't think it makes sense for you to tell me that extending my time in the astral is "rushing" it.


No I wasn't referring to extending time in the astral at all, if you can do it go for it.


This post below made me think you meant extending time in astral = rushing it
I don't know how to do it but it sounds like a very good idea for when I CAN do it.


Spending an extended time in the astral fucks up some people, apparently some people even start entering it involuntarily during the day.

Just don't forget to take good care of your 3rd density "life" and it should be alright.


People say if you spend 2 years its around some seconds/minutes? I can see how it can fuck up people's minds though.

I was in some occult groups and some people did go crazy that used to AP everyday. I don't know what caused it but maybe extending time in the astral did, or maybe fucking with a powerful entity did as well. People in the group said they had gone crazy both in the astral and physical like something twisted their minds.


if magic is real where is the evidence? shuldnt there be like tons of videos and instructions in the internet?


Go to the greenpill thread either here or on the freedomboard, it has the evidence of parlor tricks but the feeling of actually doing magic is has to be experienced to be believed.


There actually are vast amounts of internet tutorials, videos and books all over the place. Only problem is that you need to know the lingo or what you're looking for.
Lesser magic is extremely common on regular mundane sites like youtube or even facebook.


holy fuck
anyone knows how to do this?


The basis of your creation is it's purpose. Don't you think it is better to exist with a purpose than to never exist at all? Do you really think making something to aid your evolution, providing it with happiness and fulfillment for doing so (because you program this into them as a sto individual) is really wrong?

Anyhow, that aside, the method I used to increase emotions is to remember a time I felt it very strongly and focus on that, pouring will power and concentration into making more and more of it. It took me a long time, but now I can feel not just good emotions, but pleasurable body sensations at will. The more you do it, the better you get/stronger you become.


I believe all of those justifications are absolutely and morally dishonest. If one wishes to come into being I will see that they come into being if it is my place to do so. But I will not make one come into being because I want them to be for my benefit. I act on need.

I use the law of attraction to self-improve.


capitalized words


Can fringe give some advice on how to reverse male pattern balding?


what's dishonest about it?


It is dishonest insofar it does not acknowledge and express the benefit which is garnered upon the tulpa maker at the direct, unspontaneous and non-inborn willed, expense of the tulpa. It places a burden on the tulpa that the tulpa creator would not touch with one finger.


symbiotic relationship, let it evolve in sequence with you.

if you can't be creative enough to make it work LoA is fine. Just realize that your probably going to be causing human beings or the conscious macrocosm to be forced to your will in some way by using it and are therefor a scumbag.


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I've been reading Atkinson's Mental Magic book and at one point, he specifically states that in order to keep the flame of desire alive, you must continually add the oil of suggestion. I always thought that some people were just naturally motivated and some weren't but it seems even Atkinson has this opinion.

My question is, would it be possible to create a loosh-farming thoughtform in the astral that would channel loosh into your desire so you're always on fire? If this is possible, then I definitely have something to look forward to.

>Tfw motivated to be motivated


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I have a question.

I have heard from a lot of people/sources that the entities from the Necronomicon are very different from other entities in different esoteric systems (say, the daemons of the Goetia for example or the planetary spirits of the Picatrix) and some are even reluctant to call on the necronomicon entities because they are so 'alien' and are difficult/dangerous to perform workings with.

Why is this?

Why are the likes of Chthon and Shrub Niggurath so different from the likes of Anromalius, Bifrons, Adramalek and Mulciber? What is their relation to humanity?

Also many say the necronomicon is purely a fictitous work of Lovecrafts imagination while others profess that Lovecraft was passed on arcane information from his father (a member of an Egyptian themed sect of masonry)
Whatever the reason, a working magickal system has spawned in its stead. Is it possible that these entities are actually powerful egregores or do you think it more likely they are actually eldritch 'gods'?


This needs to be adressed.


Gray auras are fearful and muddy colours in the aura in general are terrible and indications of sickness whereas bright pure and vibrant colours are healthy and good.

Seeing the aura is basically a form of synaesthesia you know, akin to "hearing colours" or "smelling sounds". Normally people only feel and pick up the vibrations of the aura, like how when someone walks in a room the atmosphere just seems to change, and they fill up the room with joy or melancholy.

Yes, all of them respond subconsciously to these things which are always present, even though they can't recognize it on a conscious level.

Go read up on Personal Magnetism man, Atkinson has read a lot about it, and it deals with a lot more than just auras.




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That will not have the desired effect anon. You have to use the fire element for both cooling and heating the body. If he uses water very different things will happen. Tummo is basically about consciously controlling your metabolism and burning up body-fat or fat in the diet to produce tons of heat. You can also control your immune system and other normally subconscious processes along these lines.

If he wants to feel cold then he has to imagine, very intensely, that he is cold; then he can achieve an effect where he has actual goosebumps over him even though it's hot. You can also do the opposite and sweat and get overheated while in a very cold environment.

Initiation Into Hermetics has the method you are looking for.

Chasing Phantoms is the book.

No they perform levitation tricks by cheating and using stupid tricks. Actual levitation is extremely rare and isn't done by merely invoking air. If you can levitate legitimately you have already reached an exceptionally high level of development and made many modifications to your body and you can probably teleport, bilocate, shapeshift, etc. at this point.

Invoking Earth has a variety of effects depending on you use it, one of them being a sedating and drowsy effect on the body, but also stabilizing ones thoughts.

Invoking Air can cause your thoughts to be extremely fast and turbulent or it can make your body energetic and fluid in your motions and so on.

Just depends how you use it. Read The Universal Master Key.

What's this talk of a "religious background"? The 7 hermetic principles are the very basis of how the universe works and Hermeticism has been the foundation of all Western Magick period.

There are no alternatives to universal truth. If you want you could learn the exact same thing but in the clothing of an Eastern tradition or you can dick around for years and years with falsehoods and wonder why you're not getting results until you start to recognize Causality, Mentalism, Correspondence, Polarity, Gender, etc….

>Do your own research as that reading list is intended for people completely new to this.

No it's not. It's intended for everyone. Even people who've studied the occult for years can benefit from reading those books for the first time as it will clarify and make sense of everything they've been doing allowing them to reach higher levels of attainment.

It's not even /fringe/ that recommends The Kybalion, it's pretty much every western occultist ever that does this. Go to any random occult site that has even heard of The Kybalion at some point and you will find it in their recommended reading. Joy of Satan recommends it, /x/ recommends it, Tom Montalk recommends it, and of course /fringe/ also recommends it.

Reincarnation happens because of desire and underdeveloped consciousness.

To stop reincarnating unconsciously, become more conscious.

To stop reincarnating altogether, master desire and become immortal.

Obviously mastery over time will give you an advantage.

He didn't say that. Extending time is a very good thing. You need lots of time to cultivate yourself and ascend. Rushing ahead or trying to accomplish things in a small time-frame leads to mistakes and setbacks that really screw you over. If you can attain more time for yourself in order to study, practise, and learn then this is a good thing.


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Memory is a product of mental fascination. The more emotions (loosh) released around an event the stronger the impression in the astral memory. This is why extremely negative and extremely positive events in ones life are remembered very potently but things that bored you and you tuned out emotionally leave no lasting impression and are forgotten. So the best thing then is for you to read or listen to the book with concentrated excitement and fascination and you will remember it very well.

I have personally both read the book and listened to it in excess of 10 times.

I myself anon have been studying books here in third density for years now. My goal is to finish all these books here ( >>30727 ) and then create an infinitybook in the astral and use that for further studies conducted in the astral itself. Try to learn everything you can while here in this density which is very stable so you can develop as much as possible with just the knowledge of books and then you can create an astral realm or join me in my astral realm and study further with me there. If you try now to study in the astral, due to the fluid and unstable nature of interactions with the astral, you will have a hard time doing much… also there's that problem of translating astral memories into physical ones, you could spend a year in the astral learning, just to have it slip away from you when you come back to third density just like when some idiot druggy dislodges his astral body by poisoning himself with some drug and launching himself in the astral in a state in which he is not prepared to deal with anything and doesn't understand what's going on at all. So many druggies come back from the astral with a sense of having had a profound experience but never being able to hold onto it as it all just slips away from them when they come back to Earth.

This is why you don't rush into shit you aren't prepared for otherwise you become fallen and end up being an example to the rest of us to actually study and read all our books first before proceeding.

If your fedora is real why haven't you even bothered to look for the evidence or to get yourself familiar with the subject enough in order to know what keywords to search? There's shitloads of evidence of magick if you know what search keywords to use and where to look, so you can get past the shitloads of television and fantasy books and RPG games spam.

As for "instructions in the internet" why the fuck haven't you gone into the sticky here: ( >>1 ) and looked into those 4 mega libraries? There are literally thousands of books in those libraries with instructions. There are also lots of sound files for guided meditations and there are in fact videos too.

Jenny does… if you can find her.

Go read the Corpus Hermeticum and also learn about elementals. You won't feel bad about an elemental for example serving you and then being dissolved back into its element after thousands of years will you? What exactly is the basis of your anti-natalism / what has you worried? Maybe you should also go read Life Beyond Death by William Walker Atkinson.


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Healing and body modifications is a really complex subject I have studied intensively for a long time now. There are simple methods of healing and very elaborate ones that require the use of thoughtforms, the astral senses, diagnosis by magickal means of the underlying problem, etc.. Also occult knowledge always combines well with any other field and being a doctor and an occultist is no exception as for example if you know what each organ in the body and is and what it looks like in its healthy condition and you combine this with psychomancy and some highly developed astral senses you can look into someone's body and see what is going wrong and know what needs to be corrected and then start addressing it through a variety of means ranging from diet and exercise to sending increased currents of prana and removing negative entity attachments and reprogramming that organ and so on.

I advise you read all of the books dealing with the subject of healing or at least the ones by Atkinson (Self-Healing, Hatha Yoga, etc.) and also Robert Bruce's new Energy Work book and then Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic and so on.

There are many ways to deal with your problem anon and many possible causes and solutions. You can try some basic healing techniques and see what effect they have or you can really buckle-down and study this matter extensively and use the full arsenal of magickal methods to tackle the problem and solve it for sure.

I also know a very powerful shaman you could go to and he'd heal you no problem just be very respectful and do not piss him off. However male pattern baldness isn't really an issue in need of immediate correction like cancer and other problems are so I advise you just learn to cure it yourself; in the process you will have to learn practically everything and become an extremely powerful occultist. For me solving problems with my own body has been a compelling motivational factor to go the full length and study hard and practise with discipline.

I can describe about a hundred different ways to heal you but if I'm going to do that I might as well make a whole thread on the subject instead of a crapload of posts in this question thread all directed at your specific issue.

You are NOT your mind and your are NOT your body.

A tulpa does not necessarily have a spirit and therefore does not necessarily suffer. A tulpa is intelligently organized astral matter animated by your will and the loosh you invested in it. Stop feeling so bad about the tulpa! Zivorad has whole books dedicated to the ethical treatment of thoughtforms so go read those books please and if you want to go ahead and make a whole thread on ethics as it applies to the astral and astral beings. If you want to be very careful to treat your tulpa very well and in engage in the highest and most proper ethics concerning it, you can achieve a symbiotic relationship with it that is very beneficial.

You can also engage in those class of meditations that has been described as meditating upon a god-form which has been done by Chaos Magicians, Tibetans, and others for centuries in which you create a perfected version of yourself as a sort of tulpa that you merge with via become possessed by it later and in so doing taking on all its perfected qualities into yourself.

Another alternative; use evocation to get in contact with a being that already exists, so you can skip the guilt you have about bringing a new being into manifestation as the entity you'll be contacting already exists.

>if you can't be creative enough to make it work LoA is fine. Just realize that your probably going to be causing human beings or the conscious macrocosm to be forced to your will in some way by using it and are therefor a scumbag.

This is a ridiculous notion and suggests that the cosmic will is the ultimate "scumbag".


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>My question is, would it be possible to create a loosh-farming thoughtform in the astral that would channel loosh into your desire so you're always on fire? If this is possible, then I definitely have something to look forward to.

Not only is it possible but I know several persons who have personally done it and I'm pretty sure our very own realm exists for the exact same reason, some really powerful being in the past created our realm as a loosh farm to power itself, and is living off of all the loosh people are constantly bleeding off to it who live unconsciously. The more conscious you become though the more your loosh is used by you instead of it empowering the demiurge and that's why the corrupted demiurge (or the negative aliens) try to oppose our development so much.

If you manage to funnel tons of loosh from the astral into yourself you can achieve Inedia by creating a thoughtform that continually energies and repairs your body by converting akasha into the necessary elements and energy that makes up your body.

You know you can also get immense loosh from your memories accumulated over life too right? If you know emotional alchemy, understand the use of the principles of polarity, rhythm, and vibration, and get good at transmutation you can use painful memories of suffering accumulated over your life and gut them of their emotional content thus releasing immense supplies of loosh for a uesful purpose you direct it to. I have been doing this for awhile and have severely cutdown on the need for loosh farming (both in this density or the astral) as I can release immense amounts of power, often-times repeatedly, even from one moment of suffering in my life. You can do it again & again, draining the negative energy and transmuting it and putting into new thoughtforms for positive purposes, and sustain the process for a long time before old experience is pretty much dissolved or entirely transformed and gives up no more loosh. In so doing you remove the pain and shit from your life while creating new experiences and enabling new powers that will lead to your advancement.

Pain and pleasure are different degrees of the same thing and can be transmuted into each other.


>Go read the Corpus Hermeticum and also learn about elementals. You won't feel bad about an elemental for example serving you and then being dissolved back into its element after thousands of years will you?
I tell you in truth I would come to ruin by knowingly doing such a thing to even the smallest kind of life.
>What exactly is the basis of your anti-natalism / what has you worried?
I am not worried. I am anti-natalism because a human is ideally a whole thing, reproducing not, "raising" not. I tell you truthfully that parents bring to great spiritual ruin the beings they say to raise. He who says child says hegemony. There is no being which is fundamentally superior now or in the future such that he can govern another. To believe it is not so is to believe an evil thing.


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Whatever passions, desires, intentions, etc. give rise to an elemental being it will strive to seek more of the same in order to preserve itself.

A desire elemental born of fear, suffering, lust, etc. will seek out and try to propagate more of the energy that sustains it or else perish.

If you happen to make a tulpa out of love and made sure to really concentrate that love into it and not let any impure thoughts corrupt it then you will have a being that does nothing but strive to create more of the love that created it and sustains it.

You, as a spirit, have two special qualities; awareness and will.

At your very core are these two properties and they are eternal and can never be stripped away. You always will, and you always are aware of something (even if that awareness is purely of awareness or of a void).

With your awareness you can work through things by resonating with them.

With your will you can direct things and choose what to focus on and empower.

If you choose to create a thoughtform that embodies every virtue and become possessed by it, the transformation this may enable is incredible. Some people become possessed by demons of fear and suffering but imagine becoming possessed by an angelic being of vitality, courage, love, and service to others…

Cultivation of the virtues and your meditation upon them is perhaps the single-most uplifting, transformative, and powerful tool to freeing yourself from suffering, becoming more conscious, and more powerful.

Go read The Universal Master Key.


>I tell you in truth I would come to ruin by knowingly doing such a thing to even the smallest kind of life.

What about a robot?

>There is no being which is fundamentally superior now or in the future such that he can govern another. To believe it is not so is to believe an evil thing.

Oh you're a hardcore retarded egalitarian. Ok, you're practically a hopeless case then, and I will just have to wait for your retarded mindset to dissolve on its own years from now but by then I will be beyond this world anyways.

There's lots better arguments for anti-natalism then your egalitarian crap.


I had a question a week ago about getting rid of sexual entity attachments.

I have gone a week with no-fap and will continue to do so, also every night I try to purge it with my will and energy. I think I seem to get close but it just reattaches itself or something, my senses are not very keen yet so I can't even tell how close I am. I try to shield myself after I think I have "removed" it but I clearly don't know what I am doing.

I think its attached to my chest area or the general location of my heart chakra. I have had it for a few years.

I have started reading some occult books but I really want this thing out of me now, anything to really help me?


>What about a robot?
Is it so that a robot is alive?
>Oh you're a hardcore retarded egalitarian. Ok, you're practically a hopeless case then, and I will just have to wait for your retarded mindset to dissolve on its own years from now but by then I will be beyond this world anyways.
>There's lots better arguments for anti-natalism then your egalitarian crap.
You're not correct in your thinking.


How do I manipulate loosh in such a way that people who are 21 but act 12 suddenly stop procreating?


How do you stop laughing? I mean how do I prevent laughing when I find something funny or if people say something funny?


>Egalitarian doctrines maintain that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or social status.
That's fundamentally wrong though, how fucking childish do you have to be in order to think that a burger flipping HS dropout is an equal to a professor of physics or that materialistic professor to a wizard that is close to ascension?


I am incapable of laughing audibly. Are you sure you want to be like this?


If both the HS dropout and the professor of physics and the wizard operate their life on the same principle (maximize happiness and minimize suffering) then they are functionally of the same order. The only difference is circumstance and association. Circumstance and association is a false identity.
>Egalitarian doctrines maintain that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or social status.
BAIT. I'm not gonna even engage.


>BAIT. I'm not gonna even engage.

Typical of egalitarian cultural marxist filth. They can't justify their obvious delusions so they flee in the face of contradiction and find a hugbox to reinforce their easily flustered sensibilities.


>Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy definition of Egalitarianism is bait
Forget what I said before, kindly kill yourself to make the world a happier place.


>This is a ridiculous notion and suggests that the cosmic will is the ultimate "scumbag".
I agree. It's only ridiculous because it mirrors the thought process of the previous respondent of using your will on another being for your benefit as some absolute moral failing.


Since astral projection is just accessing your imagination - the mental universe so to speak. How do you get yourself into a sleep state which allows you to view it extremely clearly? Or is it best viewed with awake astral senses?



If you could be kind to make a new thread then, please.

I looked into Atkinson's Self healing but I was not compelled to do his first exercise because I felt that I was not yet free of the hate and jealousy in my life

Thankyou for replying


What, if any, are the esoteric meanings behind eye color?

Specifically green eyes.


Any experts on auric sight here?
I've managed to see the aura but I cannot perceive the colours, all I see is the white outline.


What happens if I burn a sigil after it's been charged?


You destroy it.



Stop being surprised, and you'll stop laughing.


>Stop laughing


It's pointless.


Valid point


Is it possible to botch a sigil to make it do the opposite of what you want?
>be me
>I'm pretty lucky in general
>decide i should do some fringe related stuff
>decide to make a sigil for good luck
>charge it
>use photoshop to make sigil my new wallpaper
>draw sigil on side of my thigh today
>have shit luck today
Did I fuck up?


Sigils are things which should be set not up in the middle of your attention. They should be where it can catch your subconscious attention but not your conscious mind. Your periphery. Somewhere where you will see it but not really take not of it. You put your sigil in a spot which was not opportune for you.


if you are referring to me, i don't see it directly at all, nor have I even thought about it all day until not too long ago when i realized my day was not going very well. It's on the side of my thigh where it is completely covered up and i can't see it. It is set as my wallpaper but my monitor is almost never opened up to to it. My wallpaper just flashes sometimes. Anyway what I really want to know is could I have caused the sigil to take my luck and/or bring me bad luck?




Do you need it out now? I believe the answer is not. Collapse your wanting and let it merge back into need and move with what is needed.


If I didn't "need" it out now I wouldn't have lasted so long with the no-fap with its temptations.

Obviously I need it out, and I NEED a more clear answer than an ambiguous one that gives me nothing.


You won't get one from me. I don't know.




This book will help. Use the banishing, master and entity removal rituals.


If a complete beginner had no distraction and immense willpower, what do you think is the minimum amount of time they would be able to increase their spiritual growth to the point where they can influence the world around them with legitimate effects?


A couple hours ago I entered hypnotic trance to work on mind, and I went into a state of hypnagogia. My eyes were closed the entire time.

maybe 20 minutes or so in deep trance and feeling sleepy I saw an intense blue-violet form manifest in my field of sight with lots of movement at its edges, fire or plasmalike. I've never experienced anything like this in trance or otherwise.

I tried to see if I could manipulate this form with thought by shaping it into a square and the like, and it didn't do much but disappear when I started forming the straight lines and reappeared when I stopped. I'm still practicing my thoughtforms and visualization skills.

Does anyone have any insight as to what I encountered and why?

I didn't sense any malevolence, if anything it just seemed like it was observing me. Maybe my senses are waking up?


This entity is sleep depriving me. It's starting to become the second day in a row I have gone without sleep, whenever I lay down it keeps me up. Though tonight I got about 2 hours of sleep.

I got fed up with it and tried to remove it with my will. If I chant a mantra in my head such as "Get out" with my will put into it the entity usually starts to surface from my heart/chest area and I can feel it oozing out of my being. Sometimes it gets to a point of my chanting where the entity becomes sharp and jaded, not too sharp though as it scrapes against me, a very noticeable unpleasant sensation.

This doesn't last very long.. my eyes start to flutter and my breathing goes heavy as I try to keep up with it. (Very high energy from an attachment? Is it strong?) The will that I gave out and energy in order to make it surface QUICKLY fades. I can no longer chant my mantra or even force it out with will, it quickly reattaches itself to me.

I can feel it better now and seem to know what I am doing but it is just rooted so deep that I don't know what do anymore.

Can any initiates or above move this stubborn thing?


Note: I did it 3 times in the row and got the same results, especially the part where it overwhelms me and reattaches itself.


can negative thoughts be undone with positive thought, before the negative thoughts manifest?


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I have an interview tomorrow, how should I prepare?


You influence the world around you with legitimate effects.


Use reality creation before going to bed for maximum benefit. Summon a spirit to aid you on getting the job. Meditate in the morning and perform your chakra meditations so you get super social abilities. The mindfulness should help you retain your cool throughout it. You could even create a thoughtform as an extra addition to this.


Here is my hippy-dippy words, which I regard well: You encountered a multi-dimensional being who manifested in our dimension as a geometric shape and he liked-not your manipulating his form. When you seeked to trangress his self-governance he hid himself. When you ceased he came forth.


What do you guys think about meditating all night? I'm thinking of doing it since sleep is too much of a time waist I feel. There is work to be done after all.


Yes. Linguistic preciseness.


sounds like a passive confusion loosh farmer to me.


I've heard that instead of just sleeping, you can instead, lucid dream/astral travel and meditate there instead. I've even heard that meditation is more powerful when you're in the astral (but less so in a LD).


One seeing it as that has the possibility to be correct. It is, in truth, a single thing.


Thanks. I'll give it a shot. My only gripe is of the asana. I'm wondering if it is dangerous to be in an asana position for too long. Since I might fall asleep being in bed.


creating reality with words?
plz elaborate i'm just a rookie.


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try something like this perhaps



Did you do the rituals here… >>32788 ?

They're simple and work well.


Thnakyou. That looks very comfortable.


Law of Attraction. A thread containing the conversation on Law of Attraction is here: /fringe/res/32236.html


1.There are no affective banishing spells for the spirits in the Necronomicon

2.There's nothing within the Necronomicon that can't be done elsewhere with less danger

3.It's basically just a book of dangerous sigils, why use those when you can just craft your own?


Sigil crafting for sigil makings sake is my favorite thing to do with the impulse arises. Its a pure and creative activity. I don't even have to think of what its for. The form will occur to me, stick, exude or draw out a certain energy and I will go to work creating it when it resonates with my energy.


Is there a way for me to download PDFs from the library on my iPhone? I could get way more reading done that way.


Do the normal process for getting pdfs onto iphone to get the PDFs onto your iphone. Duh.


It had nothing noted about entity attachments in that book. Also I am not down to summon random beings just to remove an entity. I know there are better ways.



Removing parasitic entities is the first situation specific ritual in the book.

They're not random beings they're based on hebrew holy names of angels I think. I know there's hate for the jews round here but it works for me.


a lot of people (both on the internet and IRL) seem agitated as fug around me for no reason..
is there a /fringe/ reason for this?
am i carrying around "bad vibes" today?


Hebrew holy names is really something I don't want to mess with, and yes jews are hated around here.

I am just going to wait for someone else's answer, thanks though.


>a lot of people (both on the internet and IRL) seem agitated as fug around me for no reason
this was happening in my town for the last couple of days but I thought it was limited to my geographical location, why the fuck is everyone so damn anxious and nervous?
there's been extra car crashes and police chases recently so people are really on edge.



We are entering full alignment. Expect #crazymagic soon.


Lately people have been trying to run into me on the road a LOT. Like they can't sense my presence. Hashtag what does it meeeean?


And what does it mean for me during this full alignment #crazymagic time? Am I to be a survivor when shit hits the fan by virtue of my invisibilty? Or am I gonna miss out because I'm on that "I just come here for fun" flow. I do magic but none of that money magick, etc stuff. I like talking about the orthodoxy.


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All right young one, time to channel some higher knowledge.

You remember the Hermetic Principal of Vibration, yes?

Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates.

Consider what that means. Everything is, truly, vibration. Every atom, every thing which has form, is merely an advanced oscillation, much like what you will see when you vibrate water, and have platonic solids form from the dust within.

Consider another thing you have been taught. Gravity is only pull, only feminine. Now, is this true? If it was, would it not stand to reason that every planet in our solar system was on a collision course with the sun, that a slight nudge is all that it would take to send everything crashing into it? That, seeing as we are all orbiting a supermassive black hole, everything is logically going to get sucked into that black hole?

So why hasn't that happened? Why is our orbit so perfect, so orderly?

The simple answer is, gravity is pull, gravity is push. It expands outward from a body, up to a point, then comes rushing back to its origin. Where these waves meet, fire and water, male and female, push and pull, the space oscillates. From those meeting points, is stillness, is Air, is intellect, is the child of father and mother. In those places of stillness, where intellect rages from the harmonic meeting of push and pull, Earth forms, platonic solids, and yes. . . Entire planets.

Our star orbits the black sun along another such massive ring of fire and water meeting. Along that ring can be drawn a six pointed star, and a pentagon. From these two arrangements we receive the science of astrology, and the Mayan calendar.

Now that I've very briefly touched on the #huehuehuebasics, lets answer your question. The alignment is when that six pointed star, and that pentagon, share a point on this massive ring of air in space. This is a #cosmicalignment which only happens every ~26 thousand years. Along each point of each respective geometry, there is a changing and influx of energy from the cosmos. At the very top, the New Year of our system, there is a MASSIVE influx of energy and a MASSIVE catalyst for change.

Everything you've been seeing in movies about humans vs superhumans, about magic, about the wars which will come from such an event, is all programming to make you behave a certain way, when the supermen actually appear, born from the new patterns and energy our planet is, yes at this very moment, starting to be bathed in.

Evolution happens, not gradually, but in explosions and with all the pain and glory of childbirth.

Hope everybody is studying, hope everybody is learning everything they can. Because, boys and girls, you're going to #fuckingneedit.

Montalk mentions it in his gnosis series, but doesn't go into the same details I do. I'd give it a look if you want some more food for thought and a broader perspective.


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How can i use magic and such to:
Learn to focus better and avoid distractions so i can learn it more efficiently (this is a huge problem to me, i got a lot to read but i get distracted just by staring at pictures i already saw)
Use it to acquire skills faster such as drawing or musical instruments
And whats a good way to remember dreams after waking up, i cant even write dream journals because i barely remember a thing other than a few patterns in most of them (such as visiting a market or remembering known places i made in my mind)


Where can I learn more about this? Preferably a youtube link.


I posted this on halfchan but I'm optimistic-not. Where can I get a REAL natal chart made? To keep the question short, I found out that I'm truly a virgo according to where my sun,moon,mercury,mars grouping is but on the natal chart I used on astro.com it said all those were in Libra. Where can I get a chart that is true in all its information? Please help!


IMO when getting into the occult the first place to start is sorting out your diet and exercising/stretching regularly.

> Learn to focus better and avoid distractions so i can learn it more efficiently (this is a huge problem to me, i got a lot to read but i get distracted just by staring at pictures i already saw)

Start with breathing exercises, then learn the concept of mindfulness, then when you feel ready move on to meditation.

I suggest you start with this before tackling your other queries.


Nvm. Stellarium mistake.



Hate to break it to you, but you're going to have to read a book or seven to put all the pieces together. I'd check out montalk first, because he has a pretty good grasp of it all.

As far as youtube videos go, I've got no clue.


>start is sorting out your diet and exercising/stretching regularly
Problem is that I'm absolutely clueless where to start or what to do when it comes to diet and fitness, ive always postponed getting a better diet because i dont really know whats healthy, how should i combine it and how to exercise efficiently along with it


Scratch that. Stellarium is right. The second source I got was ALSO wrong. Anyone have a source which gives wholly correct astrological charts?



There is a designated thread on here for fitness and nutrition but keep an open mind and be wary of shills.

I would recommend checking out /fit/ to start out with.

Most importantly of all, lurk more. (But not to the point of procrastination!)


People always talk about stretching. Do you have any good resource or routines on the matter?


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Just bear in mind that it's meant to hurt and feel uncomfortable at first, but it's a good pain.


Be warned the woman in this video is some what hypnotising but it's still a nicely made video and ideal beginner routine IMO



>>32979 here.
I'm just gonna abandona western astrology as a means of divination. I won't make a chart according to the constellations because it doesn't really translate. Somewhere there is a wheel which is perfect and right and I'll find it and reside in it. This might be a catalyst for me developing my psychic powers for divination/prophecy fullstop.


Thanks. That gives a beautiful workout. I'll get a sweet core in no time.


She looks like a non-white pierced degenerate.


I'm new here as you can see and i'm having some trouble understanding one of the essential principles in The Kybalion.

In the second chapter, the first principle discuss is "Mentalism"

Mentalism is the belief that the universe, as we know it, is mental. I lack complete understanding on this philosophy. Can someone better explain this to me.


You're living in an infinite universal living mind (god / the All).

All things are at their core mental in nature.

Do you know what idealism is? Idealism is the same thing.

It is contrasted with materialism which is the belief that matter is the most fundamental force in the universe and not mind.

>In philosophy, idealism is the group of philosophies which assert that reality, or reality as we can know it, is fundamentally mental, mentally constructed, or otherwise immaterial.


Have you studied philosophy / taken any courses in philosophy before?

It should all become more clear to you once you've finished reading The Kybalion, The Arcane Teachings, and The Arcane Formulas.



Yeah, you can have them on your phone. It's really easy and figuring it out is intuitive


Whenever I pour my loosh into thoughtforms I get symptoms of being sick, specifically a cough.

Am I doing something wrong?


>probably a wanderer
I'm asking you to help me.


not just crazy magic, I've found that while my magic intensified the urge to revert back to animalism also got stronger.

the pole ends just got further from eachother but the mundies are about to go full degenerate due to their ignorance.

I can't remember where I read it but it's pretty much the end of days where half(actually less) of humanity ascends and the other become hedonistic lower plane entities.


Are women inferior to men?

I've never met a woman who wasn't a slave to her emotions. What are your thoughts on gender equality?


We are certainly not equal.
In terms of societal order women have an important role of looking after their families while the man provides the necessities.

In terms of magic women often rely on their instincts and are more drawn to magic than men, however due to their weak willed nature they are also very easily manipulated and they rarely become anyone of value.

There are exceptions of course, some women even ended up leading fairly powerful orders and cabals of witches but nothing compared to what the men in charge of their own respective orders could produce.


I would not call them inferior. I would say that they contain different strengths. While men start with lesser abilities in the occult. Women by default start out with great amounts. Though we live in a society which does not teach them how to use these abilities.
Any of you who have played around with the water element will have felt compassion. It is a dreadful thing around the wrong people. This is one of the abilities women have by default. They carry the characteristics of feminine energy which is much more receptive. As males carry that of the male counterpart which is forceful and more aggressive.



Thank you.
Also I have another, kind of related, question - does my True Self has a gender? I assume that it does (as above so below) and if I am right, then is it possible that one's True Self's gender would be different than that of his physical body?


You are made up equally half female and half male. Even in your own current body it is equally both forces. So no.


I have pretty severe problems with anxiety, to the point where I'm considered disabled and am collecting neet bux. This year I've done a lot of things in an attempt to improve my life, but a month ago I had a mental breakdown where I was convinced that I was about to die, I heard weird noises and loud ringing, and for three weeks I was so fatigued that I was bed ridden. All my effort went down the drain. I've tried therapy and medicines but they don't help, so fuck it. Does /fringe/ have any advice for me? I know basic meditation and have a lot of experience with lucid dreaming, but that's it.


Seconding what the other two posters said.
Your higher self is essentially a hermaphrodite in a non degenerate sense of the word.

Higher density entities can change how they look like and their "gender" at will so it's inconsequential.


You have a lot of reading to do, start with the books in the OP but right now look into autosuggestion.

When you learn some thoughtforming and emotional alchemy use those in conjunction with autosuggestion to fix your mental state.


why do you think you're a wanderer


>I would not call them inferior. I would say that they contain different strengths

lol fuck off pussified egalitarian, they are inferior, don't try to worm your way out of language you find uncomfortable

>While men start with lesser abilities in the occult.

Not true at all. Women are just stronger in the water element and all the things associated with that element like channelling, being open to messages, etc.

>Women by default start out with great amounts.

Completely not true.


Women are wonderful conduits for a man's power and a strong-willed magickally adept man will find it easy to reform and reshape a woman to his will. They are inferior and in the ancient world the only notable magickal females are ones strong in the water element acting as oracles, channelling stuff, letting higher forces work through them, etc. but they are always outclassed by male adepts. There are no female philosophers, occultists, etc. worth a shit that don't have an influential male in their life that raised them up to the position they occupy. Females are very useful and can be well appreciated for their qualities but one should not just call them "just different lol" or forget their nature and start acting as if they were some sort of equal, that would cause you to lose your grips over a woman, and enable degenerate influences to degrade her and lead her astray. If a woman is ever better than you it's because there's a stronger and better male (be it a disembodied spirit or a physically incarnate male) working their influence upon one of them.


Spirit is male/masculine and body is female/feminine in relation to it. The "True Self" aka spirit is male. If you mean the higher self, aka that refined version of you that has been elementally balanced and represents the end product of your spiritual evolution, it has developed both masculine and female principles to an extreme degree and is transcended beyond physical gender because it can take on the forms and functions of either gender at will.


Sex is a manifestation of the Principle of Gender not the other way around like you imply it is. Go read The Kybalion.

>Even in your own current body it is equally both forces

Nu uh. The masculine and feminine elements are not equal in people. One dominates over the other, we're not all androgynous trannies in this world. These forces aren't balanced until much further in our spiritual evolution. If you are normal male the masculine principle is stronger and if you are a normal female the feminine principle is stronger.

Unfold your astral senses and start protecting and purging the negative entities in your room and attached to you, they are obviously draining you of your vitality too much, so you are ending up fatigued and bed ridden for weeks on end. Protect your loosh!


Loosh is a vitalizing force, go read Desire Power which is part of the huge Personal Power book by William Walker Atkinson. You're giving off too much of your vitality to thoughtforms at once so you're getting sick. I suggest you make thoughtforms to funnel loosh into you and protect your health and repair your body and so on so you control such a large supply of loosh that you can make new thoughtforms easily without getting sick.


You could also read a bunch of books on the subject, watch videos on it for 100 hours total, and then create a tulpa for the purpose of helping you stretch for the ultimate magickal stretching experience… and use energy work to refine, repair, and change the properties of your muscles and bones to make them more flexible faster.


I am very flexible and use an extremely wide variety of stretches for everything.

This channel here I think has every single stretch ever on it: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNAZjyS5XZQVUCWjyOPkqjQ

You could also take some martial arts or gymnastics or yoga classes or something.

All stretching is pretty much a matter of warming up lightly to increase blood circulation beforehand and then extending your muscles as far as they go in a given direction and holding it for 5-10 seconds and releasing. You can figure out how to do every stretch on your own but there's also lots of videos of people doing stretches on youtube you can watch for inspiration.

You could also read a bunch of books (one of the /fringe/ janitors, Blake, can give you a library of books on it) on the subject, watch videos on it for 100 hours total, and then create a tulpa for the purpose of helping you stretch for the ultimate magickal stretching experience… and use energy work to refine, repair, and change the properties of your muscles and bones to make them more flexible faster.


This site makes it easy to just pick a part of the body you want to work on and find all the stretching videos and information you want concerning that part.


">Women by default start out with great amounts."

"Completely not true."

I'm a neophyte so bare with me but I do find that women become manipulative at a younger age than men, but I also believe that a man who puts effort into honing his shall we say "psychic warfare game" can become more powerful than a woman, most likely because women seems to lack the strength and determination to reach similar heights.


Wow. /fringe/ has a deep unappreciation for the female principle. You're basically saying the female principle would be worthwhile if it was completely opposite. You fail at discerning the value of the female principle

The true self is not just equally female and male but a third thing born of the reconciliation of those two things. It is androgynous which is a wholly different thing from "Both female and male" It entering a different country rather than standing on the border of two.


When I do the exercise Atkinson suggests in order to raise my ego-consciousness and realise that I am not my body and feel the inner sensations of my body from my feet all the way to my head, do I need to include my arms as well and if so, in what order should I do this?

I do feet, calves, thighs, torso then I go down again but starting at my fingertips, going up my arms before finally reaching my shoulders/collarbone finalised by the neck and head. Is this right?


The female principle is inferior just like a dog is inferior to a man that doesn't mean women aren't useful, beautiful, and wonderful creatures in their own right. The feminine principle is extremely useful but it is inferior to the masculine principle which always acts upon it. Deal with it. It's only your egalitarian conditioning which makes you afraid to declare something inferior or superior.

>The true self is not just equally female and male but a third thing born of the reconciliation of those two things. It is androgynous which is a wholly different thing from "Both female and male" It entering a different country rather than standing on the border of two.

No it is not. The true self, spirit, is masculine/male. It is that which wills and acts through a mind and body. There is nothing female about the spirit. It's the mind which is female and male (acted upon by spirit, acts upon the body) and the body itself which is entirely female.

What exercise are you talking about? If you want to achieve conscious egohood like in The Arcane Formulas you need to do void meditation and strip away everything you are not until the two most fundamental and eternal aspects of yourself are left; will and awareness, nothing else.


>The female principle is inferior just like a dog is inferior to a man
Hah. You're so funny.
Without the female principle nothing would be perceived. With the male principle nothing would exist to perceive. They are equal. You don't see even though I tell you this truthfully.

>No it is not. The true self, spirit, is masculine/male. It is that which wills and acts through a mind and body.

You're wrong. The spirit is androgynous. Period. I have nothing more to say other than to repeat that you're wrooongo. And the the spirit is an androgynous wholly third thing. I could repeat it again but I don't see that helping.


>No it is not. The true self, spirit, is masculine/male. It is that which wills and acts through a mind and body. There is nothing female about the spirit. It's the mind which is female and male (acted upon by spirit, acts upon the body) and the body itself which is entirely female.

Where can you read about it?


I don't know. Someone else can tell you. It something wisdom I have obtained through meditation and knowledge of the spirit.


>Without the female principle nothing would be perceived. With the male principle nothing would exist to perceive. They are equal. You don't see even though I tell you this truthfully.

Nope, read what you just posted, without the male principle there wouldn't even be anything in existence to perceive, the male principle is superior and comes first before the female principle.

>You're wrong. The spirit is androgynous. Period. I have nothing more to say other than to repeat that you're wrooongo. And the the spirit is an androgynous wholly third thing. I could repeat it again but I don't see that helping.

How the fuck is the spirit androgynous? The body with the spirit could be seen as such but the spirit just on its own is masculine.

Unless maybe you consider awareness to be feminine and will to be masculine…

So you got le tricked by elementals then.


You're not gonna get my loosh. Tight is my loosh. Knowledged properly you are not.
>How the fuck is the spirit androgynous? The body with the spirit could be seen as such but the spirit just on its own is masculine.
>Unless maybe you consider awareness to be feminine and will to be masculine.
That is literally what i said.


>Evolution happens, not gradually, but in explosions and with all the pain and glory of childbirth.

this is great, thanks for posting this anon


Ok if you put it that way then it's an expression of (or cointains?) both feminine and masculine principles.


I was however talking of the relationship between body and spirit in which case I see spirit as male and body as female.

…and regardless, female humans are inferior to male humans.


how one can become more intelligent through magick?


Yeah, in the arcane formulae, Atkinson breaks it down into chunks, claiming that the first step is to realise that you are not your body, hence the exercise of sensing your body. Also, he says in the paragraph to sense the whole body, starting with the feet so this answers my question.

Thanks for the response btw.


>female humans are inferior to male humans

How does this make sense if we aren't talking about body differences? Shouldn't their minds be equally strong? Why the differences? Can a woman improve herself?


And greater than its keeping is a whole new thing, superior to the plane which is the union of the two.


Willpower and use of desire-will in a controlled manner.

It's a case by case thing, but it seems that they are generally limited by how much will is acted upon them from without. Meaning - they can try if they want, but to do requires something that they usually have little of so they don't succeed.

Wider range of knowledge and better memory, use the new impressions with creative composition. After a while this becomes second nature. Reading material Atkinson's ``Your Mind and How To Use It`` and ``Creative Power`` part of ``Personal Power``.


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I got kicked out of high school and I would like to use my NEET time to gain as much knowledge as possible.
What should I be learning?
I already purged the disinfo my libtard school was teaching.


>graduate highschool
>don't go for college for a year to study the occult
>like an idiot I play games all day and read NOTHING
>now thinking about skipping another year
>problem is most of my family probably won't let me

Please stick with learning the occult and not be an idiot like me. (Just a warning not a tip)


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What is "Heaven" and "Hell"?



Is it possible that what I saw was an elemental, or something else? admittedly I am not familiar with elementals or entities like that since I've concentrated on thoughtforming at the moment.

I'd like to hear from anyone who has encountered anything similar and what their experience was.


>Drop out of college
>smoke weed for a year (two years?). I smoked a lot of weed and thought.
>fast forward 3 more years
>studying occult
>gitting gud


I'm going through the same path right now, except I dropped out on my last college year. When I realized a third of the year is almost over I freaked the hell out.


I'm really enjoying these learning synchronicities, on top of all "wanderer symptoms". The whole "follow your heart, mind and truth" concept lead me there.




Hey, I made a bet with a friend (100 dollars), I have to show him that I can do magick.
What's an easy mindblowing thing you can do?


-tips le fedora-


Go on a random number generator and "guess" 10 numbers in a row


this is done with water to get the number and fire to will that number, right?
also, what should i think about when i use water? about water?


Get him to try it himself if he will. Start him of with simple lesser magic.


Is it just me or does intense exercise require more will power in the spring/summer?


Heaven is life resplendent with beauty. Hell is emptiness.


Humans are seasonally different. I personally find it more difficult in colder seasons like winter.


Heaven might refer to higher planes of astral, or 4D-7D; Hell might refer to lower astral planes.

I am more "summer-oriented" because I have more possibilities to exercise to my liking in summer.


earnest desire/absorption/gravitational pull

Water has many qualities and feelings associated with it. Bardon lists several in IIH and really gets into it in Universal Master Key


1. Shout "ALAKAZAM" while punching him in the dick
2. Take 100 dollars from him while he writes in pain
3. Put on sunglasses, say "Mentalism bitch" and walk out of room.


That created an exceptionally amusing mental image for me tyvm

except writhes*


I got into the mindset that everything in the world is meaningless and anything you do will not grant you happiness/peace (call it whatever you want), but that happiness comes from inside. So i thought, if anything we do is just for the sake of doing it, i thought like, fuck it, anything that happens will not matter.

Am i wrong?


You are wrong.



How do you go about enchanting a small object?

Lets say I wanted I wanted to make a necklace that would make someone want to forgive me, would I just summon up feelings of forgiveness in myself and then pushing them into the necklace? Or would that just cause someone to forgive everyone in general? How would I make it target just me?


Use a higher law against a lower. Summon up feelings of forgiveness and then direct/channel them into true forgiving of those who has tresspassed against you. Thus forgiving forgiveness will be yours where it matters.


Thank you very much for you reply, I will do this.


Gladness is myself.


Seemingly Failed Astral Projections
Can you momentarily, unconsciously, project your astral body and then move on with your day?
Today I tried to project 5 times, every time I had vibrations, spasms etc., never fully projected
I don't feel like myself anymore, maybe my astral body is still wandering in the astral?


Also, my muscles are spasming, I feel depressed and depersonalized
What the fugg


I think 5 times in one day might be expending your energy, especially if you are a noob with energy work.

I think in order to attempt more and more you have to work on controlling your energy.

I am not too good on AP myself but that's what I have learned from image boards.


check out this - it's called "active dreaming" in the article. Grabbed it off a Montalk source:



Do any of the old vedic books or literature and philosophy still survive to this day? if so does anyone have some links to them?


Ayurveda (vedic medicine and surgery) is practiced today still in its original form . It's fantastic.


I've never heard of that before but am very interested. Anywhere you could direct me?


File: 1429233756385.pdf (3.56 MB, The Complete Book of Ayurv….pdf)

Check this documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgJJlceH-vA

Comfortable I feel sharing this book. Seek and you shall find.


I appreciate this very much my fellow wizard.


Just say I want to use reality creation to get myself a vehicle. I'm curious on the actualization side of it. Of performing the physical task to bring it into manifestation.
How exactly could this happen for things that require money if there is currently no foreseeable way that money can roll in? Will someone hand me a job in the future randomly? Will I get flashes of insight for a business? Does anyone have similar experiences they could perhaps share.


Now four dimensionality implies that my spirit exists across every time at various stages of development.

How can I go about invoking my own spirit from a future point in time? Do I need to know the name of my own spirit or can I invoke it by referring to it as "The spirit which once occupied the body known as X?"

Actually, better question. Is it wise to do this? Or will I end up with something pretending to be my future spirit that'll fuck with me?


I'm dropping out of high school to practice magick full time
Family says that 2 years and I'm out of home, even if homeless
Do I have enough time to develop in a way money will not be a problem?



I've never heard of any occultist anywhere who didn't have a mundane source of income.

If you're young, don't get too caught up in the talk on this board from people who say that 'magic can do anything, solve all your problems, etc.' Notice that these people never talk about their own accomplishments. Their talk is theoretical, not practical.

Dropping out of highschool is almost always unwise in any situation. Doing it to study magic is extremely unwise. You have no way of knowing for certain (nor, I expect, does anyone on this board) that magic is even something that is real, let alone to know that it's something that you can derive a sustainable income from.

Stay in highschool. Go to a college or trade school and pick up a marketable skill. Study occultism on the side. Don't build your house on a foundation of sand. I can't imagine that any occultist anywhere would disagree with this as the wisest course of action.


Does anyone have any experience with "Binaural Beats"?
What do they do, exactly?
Do they work as is claimed?
Are they mainly used as placebo?


*tips it*



go do your homework.


I'm not an expert on those but they mostly induce trance, makes you feel certain body parts warm. etc. Don't believe on every Beat you find since some people just arrange a random amount of sounds and slap names like: "Money atraction" or "out of body experience" they do not work.



Not for the reason Fedora Sam was giving you, but I agree with his advice.

If you are still at the stage where you need to tell /fringe/ what you are going to do, then I can assure you that you are on a road to failure.

Work on yourself so that you are no longer dependent on us, or anyone else for energy and motivation.

After you've reached that point, you'll only come here to get new books, and to ask questions about things you've DONE rather than seek a loan of energy for things you want to do.

Don't drop out of school. Take advantage of it, study the environment from an occult perspective. Turn this frustration into opportunity, by finding the opportunity which is staring you right in the face.


They work. They are real action.


>If you're young, don't get too caught up in the talk on this board from people who say that 'magic can do anything, solve all your problems, etc.' Notice that these people never talk about their own accomplishments. Their talk is theoretical, not practical.

Bullshit. What about the guy with the 4.1 million bank account? What about that other guy who got himself a wife, homestead, and everything by using magick + investing? What about … oh yeah you probably can't visit /illuminati/ kek.


File: 1429321093171.png (18.72 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1405363022307.png)

Hi, I'm here to talk to you, Neophyte, and extend an exciting, risk free AdViCe SESSION!













Stay sharp, neophytes. Remember to use your affirmations intelligently, and you will have a powerful tool that works for you in the unseen places your awareness has not yet seen.


Welp.. there goes my loosh.


Oddly enough I found this to be a great reminder


is there god, what is god? i keep hearing that i can become god and we are all energy but at the same time you talk about summoning spirits. are we spirits? are spirits god?


read the kyballion


can entities fuck with you in your dreams?


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>I believe everything I read on the Internet


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I believe I personally have experienced results with magick and I believe that contrary to the previous assertion others do share their experiences with magick and it's not just "all theory" for everybody here.


Happened to me last night.


I halfheartedly did some 2nd (sacral) chakra meditations, and recently my libido is through the roof all the time. I haven't had any diet/lifestyle changes or anything, so what are the chances the meditation actually worked?


Does anyone have any occult tattoos?
Is it worth getting a sigil or something?


Why do you ask this question when the cause and effect has already been laid out for you.


Cause I haven't had any other effects or benefits related to work on the 2nd chakra, only this, so I'm not sure if it's actually related


Physical people can. Non-physical people can. Both are so to occur. I remember.


No tattoos I have. Worth-not are they. How not do you see it is better to paint your skin if image is what you wish to be upon your skin?


>be not a pleb
>always have vivid dreams


If you have sex while you're lucid dreaming, does it deplete your energy like having real sex would?


Yes. You will generally be "disconnected", wake up and feel hazy.




I haven't been having sex or masturbating and I have a lot of energies pent up and am experiencing a shit ton of sexual desire. I need to figure out how to change this energy so that I can use it.



I forgot if we had any resources on the best way to lucid dream. Anyone have a link?


I've never had much good results out of thoughtforms. Are there many common mistakes or pitfalls while creating these? and are there any solid methods or should I just go through the list of giving it a shape, objectives/ideas then refining that and giving it energy.


Is CreepyPastas banned on this board?
Becuase i would like to see some suggested reading here.


Extra note:
I ask this because /x/ is shitost central.
I need a place to focus and read good /fringe/ literacy and original creepypastas.


What view does fringe have on the Misanthropic Luciferian Order, and their book, Liber Azerate?


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I don't know for sure but the lack of creepypasta threads indicates that they're off topic here.

This is a serious magical board that has no time for fiction.


Creepypasta is not really /fringe/, sorry.


Best way to astral project?
I've read about creating a UFO thoughtform that absorbs your soul.
Any other cool innovative thoughforms like that?


>I believe I personally have experienced results with magick

I've believed that at various points in my life, too. Looking back, it's clear to me that, in most every case, I was seeing what I wanted to see. I have a feeling that not many people here understand what cognitive biases are, but these are undeniably what a lot of people are experiencing when they think they're experiencing magic. I've read a lot on the subject of magic, and you see this constantly when people recount their successful workings.

It's telling that you can't even discuss magic in this way here without everyone and their uncle throwing fedora pictures at you. You'd get about the same result if you went on a Christian forum and started asking critical questions about theology. It's a shame; occultism should be closer to a science than a dogma, but empirical analysis seems to be unwelcome among most practitioners.

I've probably been involved in occultism longer than the majority of people on this board (I'm a little older than most of you, I suspect). I'm not just a contrarian come to argue. But it seems to me that, whether you're on Mormon.org or /fringe/, when even a mention of such a thing as "critical thinking" gets met with sneers and pictures of fat kids with scraggly beards and unfashionable hats… you're not talking to seekers of truth.


Nigga, you've been involved with the occult for lots of time and you still can't do magick?
Try to summon some demon/invite some STS alien into your life, get fucked over and then come here again.


>It's telling that you can't even discuss magic in this way here without everyone and their uncle throwing fedora pictures at you
Good. I mean who cares? If you think magick isn't real it's cool just don't come in here shouting MAGICK DON'T REAL LOL UR ALL CRAZY because this is what this board is about so don't bring everybody down to your level with your so called "truth". It's your truth.


Can magick be used to get videogames? There was always this really strange event in my life where, after dreaming that I had Tomb Raider 2, the disc appeared in my room on the floor. I never asked anyone about it, I don't remember buying it, it seemed to just be there. I always just rationalised the incident away, assuming it was a load of baloney, or that my cousin left it over but I couldn't help but wonder.


Is it true that if you read Chasing Phantoms you'll be contacted by ETs?
Any experience?


>tfw real life is the plot to little nicky but also with aliens and ascended masters


Remember that one plane crash recently? It made me think of the dream I posted in /fringe/ back in October (?).

I dreamt about being in a plane with wizards from /fringe/. I remember them talking about stuff I can't recall, but one of them could navigate the plane. He did some dangerous manoeuvers like flying close to skyscrapers, teleporting the whole plane (like in the movie Jumper), and then he deliberately crashed the plane into the ground which looks really like the one from this Germanwings crash. Apparently he crashed it many times or I could relive this experience, and everytime we "died" I would feel this intense rush of energy in my heart chakra.


File: 1429385914823.png (1.1 MB, 4000x3758, 2000:1879, Lucid Dreaming Guide.png)

I think this pic covers everything. The Mega here >>18045 also has a big folder on Lucid Dreaming



>when I jerk off, it feels TWICE as good as all you faggots!

This is a decent way to describe what you've just said. The problem isn't having vivid dreams or enjoyable fantasies, it is the fact that you are not accomplishing anything useful with your astral body.

Proper use of affirmations serve to focus your astral self, and keep it from wandering this way and that way, always half asleep, never doing anything useful. When you are repeating "I am doing blank in the astral" all day, whenever you have a quiet moment, in the time you would normally be fantasizing, then your astral self takes that cue and performs that action. The duration of this will vary widely from person to person, as each astral self is at a different level of development. To put it another way, some astral selves might need a reminder every fifteen minutes, while others might require a constant mantra, because even six or seven seconds is long enough for them to lose their focus. As a side note, if you've been having your astral self perform a certain task for a long period of time (over 26 hours), it can be good training to tell it to take an hour or two as a break before continuing the task. This serves the purpose of allowing you to refresh yourself, while staying focused.

Rest assured, however, that it IS active and without training, accumulating mostly useless experiences. If you are guiding it, then even if you are not aware at the moment, and cannot AP yet, you will still be able to accomplish useful tasks in the astral. In fact, this is one of the strongest techniques I can think of for Pre-AP neophytes, as it pre-emptively trains your mind to be working on two things at once. This paves the way for 24/7 AP, full and continual awareness of the invisible world, way down the road. To put it another way, I have yet to see an occult curriculum which does not include affirmations as an important part of the program. Let that sink in.


What's so special about a special snowflake? Your potential makes your unique, and only that. If you could jerk off and have it feel twice as good as everyone else, that is still a talent which is useful in the occult. Your vivid dreams could pave the way to an exciting and productive future, if you would put forth a little intelligent effort. Study the astral realm and find, within its infinite depths and endless possibilities, the thing which will motivate day after day.

I can guarantee that everybody who is having trouble staying motivated hasn't thought hard enough about what it is they are attempting to do, and why they want to do it. When you realize that you can study history by watching it as a silent observer, that you can learn martial arts from batman, that you can see into possible futures and explore every world mankind has ever imagined. . .

Keep your faith, neophytes. Live up to your potential. See the possibility that truly motivates you, and if you have been humble and honest with yourself, you will know you have found the power to achieve your goals.


This is a good practice, in general. If someone has helped you with advice, take a moment to train yourself by attempting to follow the trail of their post, however you might want to do that, and focus intently on expending your energy in such a way that the poster is rewarded for their help. Always find a way to use what you've learned in a practical way, and you will have advanced farther than most on the road to initiation.

/fringe/ is a good place to learn, make your gratitude known however you are able, and it will come back to you in unexpected ways.



Normally I would not respond to a post like this, but it will be useful information for someone other than you.

When you have grasped the principal that the universe is mental, and all is mind, then you will understand the attitude you've encountered. Belief is a tool of magic, and asking someone to perform magic who doesn't believe in it is akin to someone carving a lightswitch on a tree and claiming that electricity isn't real.

Cognitive biases are real, and have you ever stopped to consider the true meaning of that? Placebo is also real, but how many people have really looked at it and understood that it is indicative of a much deeper and more powerful process.

Anon, you want the occult to be scientific, but that is a paradigm which only works when dealing with fixed, chemical reactions. When you are dealing with mental constructs, the state of mind IS the chemical reaction. There are laws, but they are based on the principals of the mind, not on matter.

I would suggest that you research the Hanged Man, and try a radically different approach to your research. I appreciate that you've stuck with the subject as long as you have, and if you do make it, then you will be much stronger for it.

Best Regards.


Good stuff.


>It's telling that you can't even discuss magic in this way here without everyone and their uncle throwing fedora pictures at you.
That's what makes this a productive space. The cleaving to the line of the space.

Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Yeah. Duh.


Also there's the /lucid/ board, but it's pretty slow and infested with fedoras so I wouldn't recommend it.


I went for a walk through a park at midnight and went into a war memorial. When I got close to it it felt like there were spider webs all over me.

What does this mean?


File: 1429405163335.jpg (82.47 KB, 905x1280, 181:256, LS.jpg)

Seems like you are receiving some love from Ellis

Pic is the Linking Sigil, google for more info.




My first guess was that the spirits of dead soldiers were feeling me up or something but that did seem far too basic bitch

The affirmations grow stronger whilst the seed of doubt rots :)


I don't know if this is the right place but I'm looking for book(s) on geomancy. I'm 3/4 of the way through Geomancy for Beginners and I'd like some resources to refer to when I have to return it. I've already checked the usual and unusual channels.



I've never heard of that source. All of those books are quite stultifying. I'm going to copy all the reference information I'll need from the book I have. It doesn't make me feel stupid or call to mind old or big ideas when a culling of attention is what is needed in divination. I'm just not advanced enough to fit in with things of that level. Cheers.


If you're a girl, perhaps the spirits of dead soldiers actually were feeling you up.



Nice documentary, it's in my native language as well! :D


11/22/14 (Sat) 15:22:53 No.10617
Today I dreamt I was in a plane with guys from /fringe/. The pilots were advanced wizards that could teleport the plane, avoiding obstacles like sky scrapers. Yet they intentionally crashed the plane on the ground. I felt a shock in my heart chakra and travelled back in time, only to repeat this crash and shock. I knew the wizards did this on purpose, each time the shock in my heart chakra became bigger. I only remember two crashes though, but I knew it happened many times. What the?





oy vey


The problem is the lack of folklore in /fringe/ and the lack of a dedicated board for ONLY Creepypastas.
If the board owner of /fringe/ start a new board for it and add it to the "friends of /fringe/" list, than i would thank him for it.


(friends of /fringe/ as in [/asatru/] [/edgy/] [/4chon/])



I doubt that will happen, there are already multiple threads of people trying to banish various distractions from their lives and folklore is likely to become another one down the line.
You could ask Smiley in /ask/ on the old freedomboard.


I have to ask since I find myself just wondering around sephirots. But what really is there to do in the Astral? just say I wanted to spend an hour or two there.



I couldn't find it in the 8archive.moe. Where was it?



question thread #4 or #3, freedomboard



no i'm a guy



Are you so boring that you have to ask? You can do anything you set your mind to. Literally. ANY. THING. So what is there to do in the astral? Everything.


Should the exercises in The Arcane Formulas be completed before moving towards other things?

I ask this because I have had no success with them so far, and I have been stuck in this situation for a while.



If they don't work for you then try something else. Don't stick to anyone elses routine of what works for them we're all different

What do you want to achieve? I'll try find a suitable book for you.


Some week ago I was deeply concentrated and I said the name of a good entity and my head started trembling as I pronounced it. Thoughts?



The formulas have the goal of making the practitioner realize his true nature as spirit, something beyond the shackles of personality.

You're supposed to come to an actual realization of this, not merely intellectual. It is similar to void meditation, although I am not sure of how to do that either.

I know that " I am", but do I understand that? I do not know what it is I should be feeling.

I have hit a strange wall where everything after this point appears alien and out of my reach.



Try fasting for a couple of days. This will drive home, hard, the divide between you and your ego. You will be strong in wanting to fast, your ego will oppose you.

This is a sure-fire way to get closer to the realizations you need to encounter.



Also I realise it might be trivial but thinking back about it makes me wonder if I fucked up in some way, was pretty weird and unnatural.



That makes sense, I'll try it.

Thank you.




It didn't want to be called/summoned maybe.


How do you make jewhoo account without a mobile phone?

This group keeps posting on forums and websites, but never goes into the actual techniques.




go to mail.com instead


What happened to the "delete post" feature?


Are the books in the sticky the same collection frater k posted in /x/ by 2013 (ignoring the updates, obviously)? I downloaded the thing from mega but for whatever mysterious reason I got it all in a huge folder instead of how it was organized over there. I'm thinking of deleting that clusterfuck and re-downloading from the sticky (and hopefully get the thing with the damn folder structure this time).

Unless I had something you guys don't?

Also when I was young and had loads of time to just think and do nothing I could reach a certain strange mental state by constantly thinking "what would it be like not to exist?". The mental state always took me by surprise, never have known how to replicate and I would be so surprised I would immediately return to normal consciousness. Any of you guys know what I was doing there?


How can I quickly use magick to get a large amount of money i.e winning the lottery?



I'm a simple man. I burnt out my ego really badly before starting this kind of work.



Hah. That sounds like the truth. But really just go with the flow. Do unto others as you would do unto yourself. It isn't imperative that you have fun but there is fun to be had but the one prepared for it. Infinite fun.



I'm not a special snowflake.

I know too much and try too little.


I think I fucked my ego real bad last time I did LSD. been spending weeks trying to passively reprogram it.

Or am i still hallucinating..?


I have two questions. I hope someone answers me.

1) What effect do psychotropic medications have on a person in relation to the esoteric?

I take antidepressants for anxiety, OCD, and just general neuroticism. The last time I tried to quit them (slow taper) I became very sick and psychotic. Couldn't eat, sleep, or leave the house, etc.. I say this in case someone simply wants to answer "stop taking them," because it doesn't seem like an option to me.

I don't feel numb on these meds. All the symptoms they are supposed to treat are still there, only at a much more manageable level. I still feel all kinds of emotions and energies, but they no longer overwhelm me.

2) Can sex be spiritually dangerous? Can sex with certain people have a permanent or lasting effect (good or bad) on a person's spirit? (Is there, essentially, spiritual STDs?) It is always something that has felt serious to me on a spiritual level, and I have somewhat of an aversion to casual sex.



>So many druggies come back from the astral with a sense of having had a profound experience but never being able to hold onto it as it all just slips away from them when they come back to Earth.

are those who remember the experience and don't know how to act upon it perceived as "fried" to normies?

>I want a PsyFried flag



What is the freedomboard?

I am talking 8chan's /creepypasta/ here.


(Because i like to do readings of folklore and famous rituals like "13 steps", "3 chairs" and "midnight man" to understand what is happening in the world, and i put less focus chaos magick in favor of history)




(CreepyPasta is critical for historical reading, but not for Chaos Magick)



Why don't you create the board?



How can one keep from criticizing oneself about not being present? - Self-deprecation `I's are not self-remembering. They are yet another waste of time and in reality reflect a lazy mind.

How does criticising oneself reflect a lazy mind? I mean, I can see in myself that this is clearly true but I can't see why.


I'm coming to terms with the fact that everything is backwards and humanity is enslaved by the demiurge whilst its reptillian archons are carrying out its will through the elite family puppets. Most importantly I'm really starting to grasp the fact that humans are the most unfathomably powerful beings in the universe by being the only ones capable of true creative thought.

But I'm still in what I assume is the conditioned mindset that all races and creeds are equal underneath everything.

So to put it bluntly: Please "greenpill me" on race. I am more than serious about learning magick and am in a position where I have complete free time and comfortable income to do so.

For the record I am genuinely white (germanic).


Will this stay offline forever? http://www.occultcurriculum.com/




Admin Name: Cody Garrett

Admin Organization:

Admin Street: P.O. Box 18979

Admin City: Texarkana

Admin State/Province: Texas

Admin Postal Code: 75501

Admin Country: United States

Admin Phone: +1.4694200825

Admin Phone Ext:

Admin Fax:

Admin Fax Ext:

Admin Email: DailyMusic@hotmail.com

email him and ask him


Can someone greenpill me on White Magic? Atkinson mentioned in Mind Power that it's magic used for "good" purposes, but that definition is really vague.

Also, I've seen someone posting White Magic ritual (invoking the monad or sth liek that) here on /fringe/, how can one devote oneself to studying and practising White Magic? Any book recommendations?



I perceive the original essence of white magic as tantra and the ultimate ritual to be that of a creation of life as the opposite of the retard arts is blood sacrifice murder and disrespect for self, flip everything to the other pole, it's one of the 7 principles of the 8 in hermeticism, you can use those principles to navigate pretty dang well from my experience.

Neville talks about this a lot too when he says of good experiences he willed upon others.

That is of course if you are referencing the LABEL white as being of a morally upstanding notion to natural law, where as I believe pure darkness is absolute good, as all exists from darkness and white or light or the perceived is simply a bending and confinement in order to navigate a possibility.

It would be so much easier if we stopped all these odd labels and just agreed to called it stupidity and self-awareness when talking about evil ad good.


I have read very little on the subject on Alchemy, but what are the possibilities with this field? Is it just making elixirs, or does it go to manipulating the Mercury/Sulfur of other living things? Manipulating your own Mercury and putting it somewhere else? I already have some ideas of how this could be done.


I'm looking for a pdf of Practical Self Defense by Robert Bruce it is (surprisingly) not in the mega. Also its hard to find. I found an RTF but even when converted to pdf that doesn't get it done if you know what I mean.

I've been getting into angel magick lately. I don't mess with demons unless its to cast them out.



I only know there is a Russian word document of that book. :(




Also my whole robert bruce folder with his latest book (energy work secrets of healing 2011) https://mega.co.nz/#F!TsoU1CTY!FQ8yryYxDxBQe6BtADN4tw



You spoil me /fringe/ <3


I don't speak russian except in spurts of intuition. It isn't in my karma to be a russian citizen.


smiley, why do you wanna become homeless?




Also if you're interested in working with angels try Damon Brand out, he's newly published and his stuff is good.




It (practical self defense) has the same formatting issues as the one I converted from rtf. I don't like it. I'm going to look for something else.


I'll check him out.


Anyone knows if there are magick-centered forums around Tor? Ever since those server takedowns it's almost impossible to find anything around there that's not readily available on the surface web. You'd think there would be places with picture proofs and book/guides to shit considered "taboo" like mind controlling and physical changing, but so far I've found nothing.



I think I might have bought it on kindle, if I have I should be able to try make you a pdf copy.



Sorry dont have it.



Thanks for checking. I've made peace with its potential absence from my life. I am moved on.



You could always just buy it on kindle yourself and convert it, how to here: >>33940

Also the damon brand book on protection is really good. Not much theory but powerful and simple technique.


What's with the non-whites rhetoric? Is there esoteric significance to race/genetics other than the effects it has on one's external influences in their incarnation?



Certain races (joos)/abrhamic religions have pacts with certain entities that have spanned millenea.



There is no way I can pay for this and I really want it. Is it possible using magic to materialize this combo deal in my room?




btw race mixing is about the new world order



It is possible. You must believe enough. That you are asking indicates that you are far off from residing in that spiritual place where believing and fruition are one and the same. You can do something inferior to materializing it in your room.



people that spend their lives meditating can manifest pearls through siddhis

a mundane can't even manifest a boner



True and vulgar.



Come on /fringe/, atleast give me a hint. Also, how do alchemy and drugs work? Do the drugs have greater effect if separated, and then rejoined when refined.



Are you dumb?

I built my computer for around 1k and it can run most games on high.


Hi guys, neophyte here. Can anyone recommend me a visualizing excercise that can strengthen my 3rd eye that i can do while on a bus to work ? I dont really have much free time to meditate sadly.

Also other question. Does the 3rd eye open while you're just waking up from sleep? Cause lately i've been seeing some entity on my mirror for about 3-5 second after waking up then i can't see them after that.



1. Look at things in your environment, look away / close eyes, recall with as much clarity as possible what you saw in your mind's eye.

2. Use emotions and desire coupled with your concentration to vivify these astral impressions in your mind.

3. Imagine numbers, basic geometry, words, objects, etc. with your mind's eye while on the bus. Sometimes rotate these things you imagine, sometimes make sure to keep looking at the one thoughtform for a long time, othertimes just flash one thoughtform after another in rapid succession, etc. mix up the variables.

4. Paint/daw pictures in your mind's eye. I do this one all the time. First you imagine a surface to draw on such as some asphalt, a chalkboard, a canvas, paper, or you can paint in some void, or whatever. Now you imagine your material to paint with, like a paint brush, or some chalk, or a pencil, or whatever. Now move it in your mind's eye and start drawing stuff with it, holding the whole image of the thing as you go along. The more complex and intense your drawings get without parts of it you drew already before dissolving the stronger your astral senses will become. You can end up drawing very huge pictures over a very big canvas with a lot of stuff in the scene and moving your mind's eye around and back looking at stuff without it dissolving. Although at first you probably will be able to barely even draw a line, and then another, without the first line dissolving.

I ought to go post about my painting meditation in my meditations thread…



> Cause lately i've been seeing some entity on my mirror for abo

Mirrors can be used for psychomancy. If you want to understand what's going on better then read the Psychomancy book by William Walker Atkinson that we have in the Fringe Library.

…and the third eye / mind's eye / astral senses all tend to expand and take in more impressions from the astral just before, during, and the moments after sleep.




Thanks for answering, both of you :)


tl:dr for every single book on the occult:

have a great imagination and strongly believe that you can do anything


What is with this weird superiority thing you guys have going on, I mean in all honesty it seems to go against what you believe/read-honestly seems like none of you have the emotional or mental state you want to achieve and honestly act really childish most of the time-okay well not all, but most; I want to believe, hell I think they're some actual people here who can do magic and have achieved that mental and emotional state that they wanted, but these types also seem to be the least vocal and don't really seem to interact on the boards here, maybe throwing some people a bone every now and then.

If I had to sum this up, I would say to take Smiley, who acts like an unlikeable person and uses /fringe/ as his blog half the time, and when anyone says something about it he says "lol thanks 4thelooshmoondane", from your books that most of you seem to tell 'mundanes' to read, that kind of behavior seems to be what you should be avoiding.

On another subject, if we're all mental thoughtforms or whatever, why would race/sexuality matter in the slightest, it seems to contradict the general I guess "belief" system /fringe/ has.



Thanks, I needed the honesty.



good goy

monkeys are mental thoughtforms too



This is what I'm talking about, I guess I could of worded it better, but a post with a buzzword, and what I will assume is a racist term for blacks doesn't actually contribute anything or answer any questions-it's shitposting.

Unless you're trying to say *Dirty niggers can magic too!* in which case, I would have to say you could of worded it better.


if will and imagination can manifest everything you want into reality, why the fuck doesn't the Illuminati project what they want into reality, without all this conspiracy bullshit?

and, why don't they realize that they're the slaves of the demiurge? do they even care?



there are developed niggers, like there are retarded whites

fact is, the majority of niggers are stupid

when you talk about race, you don't talk about individuals, you talk about the whole



I understand that, however I have seen many people on /fringe/ say just because a person is of a certain race they can't do magic.



About Damon Brand mentioned earlier - I've started to read his Magickal Protection and wanted to perform The Sword Banishing Ritual (I feel I'm in need of protection and some banishing) but I wanted to consult it with /fringe/ first.

There are eleven Hebrew names that need to be learned and repeated, I don't feel comfortable with calling to some Jewish entities I don't know anything about. Are this methods legit?





How do I turn a mental scrying session into a full Astral projection? It just gets a bit annoying scrying since it's not as clear and fluid as in the dream state.



Dunno about his methods but if I remember correctly those are Angel names. They are obtained from verses of the psalms and are 72 but he uses less in his books because apparently he thinks those are the best or something like that. I heard some people here on /fringe/ saying he's legit but I haven't personally tried it yet.


Isn't the purpose of chanting the chakras to make your body vibrate with the M/NG sound?



Works well for me, so far at least. The banishing is more powerful than the LBRP in my opinion and the I've been getting effects from the master ritual.

You only need to scan over the hebrew names listed once for the banishing rital to work btw. You only need to memorise yohack, kalach, natzaree ell and ozee ell. (phonetic spellings)

natzaree ell translates to God is my guardian



In one of his books he uses 32 shem (shortened from shemsomething) angels, the rest are apparently coming out in a new book soon. In the rest of the books the holy names are combined based on his groups experiences with combining them for best effect.



/fringe/ went through a pretty rough fedora MAGIC AIN'T REAL phase when we moved for fullchan so the automatic habits of disregarding a poster when he starts questioning magic remained.

Furthermore any seed of doubt can screw up neophytes who haven't yet produced their own undeniable evidence of magic so that's another reason why questioning it is looked down upon.

In regards to /fringe/'s /pol/ tier beliefs, that's due to the fact that there is a very clear separation between people who have the capacity to perform magic and people who don't. In theory, books state that anyone can learn how to astral project and acquire other "paranormal" abilities but in reality most of humanity is deeply routed in the material and are thus considered closer to animals, if not lower, rather than humans in the intellectual and spiritual sense. Of those the primary example is black people and their "nigger culture" that revolves around material pleasures, getting money, women, social status etc. which directly contrasts more traditional white culture, though not without its degenerate aspects, it is much more evolved and could lead humanity on its spiritual evolutionary path.

Naturally all races can perform magic and various shamans existed in Africa and the Americas but those non whites had a very rough understanding of magic and most of their practices came down to very basic STS black magic which pales in comparison to what the Oriental wizards, various Yogi and European cults could do in their time.

Hell, the alleged father of Hermeticism, a tradition that practically all modern occult groups take inspiration from, Hermes Trismegistus came from Greece, not Zimbabwe.


I want to make a Spagyric elixir. Can i buy regular spice herbs from your everyday supermarket, or should i grow my own plants?


so basically you have to be totally STS or totally STO in this life to ascend to 4th density

lukewarm polarities won't make it

what are you gonna do?



jump straight back to 5d mechanoid overseer.


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This place isn't for the green pill'd?

/pol/ hates it, /x/ created the term and hates green pill, and the most opened minded board in existence hates green pill.

I don't get it.


Why must you be so obtuse about sharing relevant knowledge and discussion to people who want to break the shackles of everyday servitude?


I don't know man.

I want to believe in the efficacy of magick, but I look at the writers and they all seem to be fat underachievers, and they all still work to get money.

Bardon was a fat fuck, Atkison was a fat fuck that had to write 900000 books to make money, Robert Bruce is a fat fuck.

Is Montalk even rich? He studies the occult since the '90!



If you want to be rich get a good education and job or start a business. Magic isn't always results orientated and the results you get and siddhis you can develop are mostly not all to do with getting money.

You know what jesus said about a rich guy getting into heaven right?

That said there are magic books about getting money, try damon brand's cashbox and wealth books or jason miller's financial sorcery.


I stopped playing video games a few months ago. All of a sudden I realize I HATE video games. WTF? How did that happen?



When you stopped distracting yourself with A your energy was allowed to accumulate in that superior space B. Once it has accumulated to a certain extent its existence can be palpated by your consciousness and you will realize consciously that A is inferior. It is the same thing as when you stop orgasming. The energy that goes to body tingles will pool someone else and do something else and do something superior.




>Atkison was a fat fuck that had to write 900000 books to make money

Atkinson was not fat.


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1. /x/ did not create the term "greenpill" that was /fringe/

2. wtf are you talking about?


Pic related.


>If I had to sum this up, I would say to take Smiley, who acts like an unlikeable person and uses /fringe/ as his blog half the time, and when anyone says something about it he says "lol thanks 4thelooshmoondane", from your books that most of you seem to tell 'mundanes' to read, that kind of behavior seems to be what you should be avoiding.

He is doing his Will and that is all the matters. You on the other hand are getting involuntarily butthurt at him.

>On another subject, if we're all mental thoughtforms or whatever, why would race/sexuality matter in the slightest, it seems to contradict the general I guess "belief" system /fringe/ has.

How the fuck do you even come to this conclusion nigger? How does everything being thoughtforms mean race and sexuality do not matter? The universe is composed of memes trying to propagate themselves and not be destroyed. Every thoughtform has a self-preservation instinct or is rapidly wiped out. Race and sexuality matter a LOT.


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/x/ created green pill back on 4 chan, before /fringe/ existed.

And what I am saying is that why can't we have a green pill general thread on /fringe without the mods and everyone else going ape shit and pruning the thread.



People who use magick to become exceptionally wealthy are either some of the utmost famous celebrities you can think of or people you will absolutely never hear about in the material world

But they are all slaves to the demiurge



what do you think they do?

law of attraction with visualization and affirmations?


How do you decalcify the pineal gland?

I heard citric acid works, any other suggestions?


i'm about to go homeless

and i don't live in a pro-NEET country like america, so no foodstamps (thank you based europe)

what magick should i do?


I'm curious about the life of wizards

What the fuck do they do?

Do they astral travel all day long? What do they do there? How much astral time do they spend there? Years in a single travel?

Do they live like normal people when they don't astral travel?

Is astral travel even a big portion of their lives?



I believe you're taking typical modern day African-American culture and using it as a basis for all Africans- in Africa right now is trying to get their culture back even through all of their current struggles; a quote for you

Our culture provides us with an ethos we must honor in both thought and practice. By ethos, we mean a people's self-understanding as well as its self-presentation in the world through its thought and practice in the other six areas of culture. It is above all a cultural challenge. For culture is here defined as the totality of thought and practice by which a people creates itself, celebrates, sustains and develops itself and introduces itself to history and humanity

— Maulana Karenga , African Culture and the Ongoing Quest for Excellence,

and then there is Kwanzaa which principles are as such

Umoja (Unity): To strive for and to maintain unity in the family, community, nation, and race.

Kujichagulia (Self-Determination): To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves.

Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility): To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers' and sisters' problems our problems, and to solve them together.

Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics): To build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together.

Nia (Purpose): To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.

Kuumba (Creativity): To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.

Imani (Faith): To believe with all our hearts in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.

While Kwanzaa is a recent thing, it was made for African-Americans who were shut off from their roots, and is a easy way for them to connect back to it.





>For more effect buy my Break Up Magic Spells incense packey


>It would be good if he said justly what is in it, its effect, and how to make ones own.


I started watching a documentary on Aleister Crowley while eating almonds. As I started watching it I ate an almond AND IT TASTED LIKE FUCKING SOAP to the point I had to spit it out

One of my coolest experiences with the occult so far tbh


I'm doing some progress, I can't tell on what but i'm getting results. I don't know if I'm guessing stuff or successfully projecting my toughts into reality, some really simple events ocurred last week that happened exactly as I expected moments before they did in the way I had them in my mind. What is this? I just started reading the contents of the mega folder so I don't have much knowledge to clarify my doubts. Also, i'm feeling a pressure between my eyebrows now and then.


Just say I wanted to create an astral pocket dimension/world. I create the pocket, but how do I attach a sigil to it? Do I plainly announce "This sigil is the pathway to the pocket" and then view it? Also to travel here, I imagine I would just enlarge the sigil until it engulfed me right?


Hi /fringe/. Any wonderful wizard here can enlighten me the difference between the 3rd/Mind's eye and Photographic Memory ?. Thanks in advance !


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Perception, that thing which is the inner sound following and superior to mere acknowledgement in sense-input occurs in the third eye level of the energetic chakra system. Understanding and memory is action of the crown chakra.


Truthfully the sigil is fundamentally unnecesary as sigils get their meaning from communication on the level of collective unconscious and its really context specific. I.e. You make a sigil, think "it is for this place" now ever entity everywhere in entirety knows that sigil unconsciously. There are those it it more salient because they know you, are connected to you, live in your proximity in space-time and don't have another association with that symbol will use that symbol and meaning as its primary meaning. Basically, sigils that mean X work via psychic communication of pure knowing and it is so that the sigil is vestigial to one knowing and understanding this fact and who is superior to its action.


All is mind. It's the action which has been labeled Law of Attraction and which has been deplaned as "All is mental. To know more, seek those things on Law of Attraction (there is a thread on /fringe/ about it) and read the Kybalion and then even The Arcane Teachings (there audio readings of them on youtube).


I've tasted shit (literal shit) before. Demons are shit.



Learn2Psychomancy and make a portal others can use and then sigilize it and test with a tulpa to see that it works (if the tulpa can use it, so can humans).


One pertains to the visual perception of astral phenomena and the other to the retention and access of records in the akashic records.



I requested awhile ago a guy do an audiobook of The Arcane Teachings for youtube did he complete it?





Thanks. I appreciate the help. I'll go test things out.



Ah fuck him, I hate listening to that guy read because the audio is shit and he says a lot of stuff rather than just plain reading it all. Someone else needs to do it better than he did it.

He needs a better mic or to talk louder or something and to read it better without the comments.



Coming back to this question, I haven't done anything meditation or chakra related lately and yet my libido is even higher than before. Got off 4 times yesterday, what the fuck? Anybody know what might be causing this?



I hated him so much too for his unnecessary not-book bullshit. But I dislike reading more than I dislike the passive/not-passive listening to a bullshit person saying perhaps useful things. The material outweighed my dislike for him so I've grown grateful that he made the recording. It helps, I assume, that I am not reading along with him because I can A) tune in/tune out and also am not irked by his superfluous comments because I've not read with my own eyes even one sentence of the source material.

I would reccomend to the person who want to physically read their occult books as least as possible.


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>Got off 4 times yesterday

That's such an uncouth way to describe yourself masturbating or having sex. It betrays the fact that you are perpetually trying to orgasm and only circumstantially succeeding. Please stop talking.


Is it advisable to destroy your own soul so that the reincarnation process will no longer continue?



It is impossible to destroy ones experience of the world nor the world of experience. The want of doing so is one of the three causes of stress. There are only three causes of stress. Craving to do that thing is one of them.



Can't login in the computer.

Once the board is created, i can't control it.

Also, i asked smiley about it, and he pretty much want it "minimal" (which i am okay with that).


How do I know if I'm violating someone else's freewill?

Are actions taken that influence other people's emotions or descisions bad? As an example, if someone used magick to make someone else fall in love with them, would that be a violation of freewill? The one inciting the feelings would not be forcing the person to do any actions, but they would be manipulating their emotions. Is this bad, even if done with good intentions?

I want to influence others in ways similar to this, but the idea of forcing them to do things is horrible. I'm not going to violate their own will, and I need to learn what the boundary for this should be.

Furthermore, is influencing people's perceptions of the world bad if they are unknowing? As an example (not that I am doing this action)

>changing myself to make myself seem more charismatic


>changing how people perceive me so that I appear more charismatic without actually changing anything about myself

Is the second action bad/worse than the first because it is influencing others without their permission?




I was also worried about this a while back and what I've found is that the basic rule of thumb is short of using magic to take direct control of a person you're not violating his or her free will.

I think I read Atkinson say somewhere that even healing a person without his knowledge is the super evul black magic and a violation of his free will but that's straight up retarded imho.

In your specific case both of those are not exactly violating anyone's free will as that second "questionable" option is comparable to consistent advertisement that makes people more predisposed towards products.

It's definitely influencing people but you can't quite call that a violation of free will.

That's just my two cents though, would love someone else's opinion on this.


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Hello. I will try to answer though I will say that I do not know for sure and am myself learning how to respect the freewill of others. Bear this in mind, please.

I believe the Cassiopaeans give a good answer here, http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/oneness_with_god.htm (If you read further, be careful on everything after 2003, there's corruption there. . .) The point I want to emphasize is;

>Q: How does it come that you are taking energy from someone by giving them love when not asked?

>A: Because an STS vehicle does not learn to be an STO candidate by determining the needs of another. (!!)

>Q: I don't understand how that means you are taking energy?

>A: Because the act is then one of self-gratification. If one "gives" where there is no request, therefore no need, this is a free will violation! And besides, what other motivation could there possibly be in such a scenario?!? Think carefully and objectively about this.

Maybe this will help, too; http://montalk.net/matrix/66/why-negative-forces-seem-to-respect-freewill

So it boils down to getting a permission to work before doing anything, otherwise it is "a freewill violation" according to Cassiopaeans.

>Are actions taken that influence other people's emotions or decisions bad? As an example, if someone used magick to make someone else fall in love with them, would that be a violation of freewill? The one inciting the feelings would not be forcing the person to do any actions, but they would be manipulating their emotions. Is this bad, even if done with good intentions?

Well, making someone fall in love with you cannot be, in my opinion, nothing but a selfish act. There's a lot egoistic implications in such an act, say, like wishing to own somebody or thinking "I am the person he/she deserves!". And what would the good intention be behind such a love spell? If it is the wish to "help" the other person by "saving" him/her from some situation, this seems to me to be an act that denies the another the chance to learn a lesson on his/her own. In my opinion, true love doesn't wish to alter the subject of love.

I do not know how to answer to the rest of this question, because it is a complex subject. Giving advice is OK because we are giving a possibility to another to exercise his own freewill to either accept or deny our advice. What comes to other types of influencing, it is difficult because we cannot (being 3D beings) know what is good for another. We often want to help and change others "for their own good", but we often just make things more worse. I believe we ought to avoid influencing others "for their own good" because of we indeed cannot know what is good for another.

However, I am not satisfied with my own answer because it feels lacking. I am sorry, but my current level of understanding cannot give an adequate answer to your question, so please discern critically what I have said because it is built on unsure foundation.

>Furthermore, is influencing people's perceptions of the world bad if they are unknowing? (The two examples). >Is the second action bad/worse than the first because it is influencing others without their permission?

Hm, in this case I would say that the first example is less bad because you are not trying to change others but are giving the others a chance to choose how to perceive you.

What do you mean by influencing the perception of the world? Say, there is a skeptic person. He doesn't believe in magic and he doesn't want to. You are a wizard who wants "greenpill" others on magic. Would it be OK for you to show magic to the skeptic, even if he doesn't want to believe in it? No, because you would be breaking against their freewill to believe; breaking beliefs is freewill violation, even if done with the purpose to "enlighten" or "correct" people.



Thanks for the clarification

Jesus, the STO path seems boring as fuck

I understand why the intelligent lizzies and nordics are STS


Hey /fringe/, can you point me in the direction of info regarding esoteric practice with the ancient Germanic religion?


last night when i was sleeping i suddenly woke up, i was over my body, it was an involuntary astral projection

in front of me there was a powerful entity that was sending me thoughts, i was scared and i was trying to defend myself with MY thoughts. i remember i thought "NO MIND PROGRAMMING, NO MIND PROGRAMMING"

now, what the fuck happened?



I don't think free will violation is the main key in the STS/STO dichotomy. That would boil down to STO being utterly and completely useless as even your mere existence may be regarded as unwanted.



Chances are it was probably just a friendly higher dimensional guide. Everything is terrifying the first few times you're there. Try to completely calm down and decipher everything.


Hi /fringe/ I have a question that's been nagging me for a while now.

In case of someone having multiple personality/identity disorder; are they merely pretending to be someone else or is it a case of thoughtform/demonic possession? Or is it something else entirely?



Pretending is the least likely option but be wary because these people are psychopaths (which isn't a bad thing but still be wary of them)

Demonic possession/thoughtforms are more or less the same thing. No being can actually possess you they just lead you to believe you are possessed then manipulate the matter around you to make you think they are in control.

Basically bipolars are either idiots being toyed with or powerful spirits being enslaved to stop them awakening.

This is one of the reasons sobriety is vital in later stages. Consuming narcotics gives entities an excuse to fuck with your mind whilst the mundanes will simply assume its the drugs.


Does mindfulness make you less hungry and improve sleep? I've been taking self-remembering far more seriously lately and I've noticed some odd changes. Hell, I even think my intuition's improving as I have a much easier time remembering names and details.


Hello, I'm new here and only have a basic understanding of magic, simple, entry level crap. I was wondering if there's some method by which magic can be used as a form of empathetic healing, specifically for mental illness, or even physical ills. Any information, even just a link would be appreciated.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Are you trying to heal yourself or a friend? This guided meditation I've found to be very good in both my own life and trying to help someone close to me.


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>Are actions taken that influence other people's emotions or descisions bad?


>As an example, if someone used magick to make someone else fall in love with them, would that be a violation of freewill?


>The one inciting the feelings would not be forcing the person to do any actions, but they would be manipulating their emotions. Is this bad, even if done with good intentions?

Yes. Emotions are equal in importance of self-sovereignty to actions.

>Furthermore, is influencing people's perceptions of the world bad if they are unknowing?

One can hardly not influence ones perception of the world. By merely existing in a form which can be perceived, where you are where people can perceived you will be perceived where you are.

>>changing myself to make myself seem more charismatic


>changing how people perceive me so that I appear more charismatic without actually changing anything about myself

When you create illusion or a mental area without putting in energy to then inhabit that place which you have created the idea that you will inhabit, you disconnect yourself from the people around you. Suffering will be the wage of you action, as disconnecting yourself from other leads to LONELINESS which is the highest SUFFERING. So I have said it so it is.

>Is the second action bad/worse than the first because it is influencing others without their permission?



>I was also worried about this a while back and what I've found is that the basic rule of thumb is short of using magic to take direct control of a person you're not violating his or her free will.


>I was also worried about this a while back and what I've found is that the basic rule of thumb is short of using magic to take direct control of a person you're not violating his or her free will.

You're not even a non-zero percent correct.

>I think I read Atkinson say somewhere that even healing a person without his knowledge is the super evul black magic and a violation of his free will but that's straight up retarded imho.

You've repeated something stupid.

>In your specific case both of those are not exactly violating anyone's free will as that second "questionable" option is comparable to consistent advertisement that makes people more predisposed towards products.

It's definitely influencing people but you can't quite call that a violation of free will.

You're wrong.


It was probably something malevolent. Nothing good would think "I will tell this thing what to do earnestly." That's called manipulation, summerchild.


Obviously, fucking obviously, there is a line where crossed is STS and where fallen from is something less than STO. You've ignored it and made an absurd assertion leveraging your ignorance.




are the recommended books full of CIA disinformation?

like, is atkinson a quack?

is bardon?



All of the recommended books have disinformation in them. Not a single one is wholly and fully true and presented in a way which is without obstacle to understanding.



>how can I find out what's inside a book?!?

>I know I'll ask a board full of shitposters XD



Shut up. His actions are like "How can I perceive the most prudent path of action? I will perceive the information available from those who have tread that path I might go down.

You little shitcock.



Is there any Tor based site where I can find stuff untouched by kikes?



When you are ready, the master will arrive in that very moment.




CIA disinfo shill detected



Uncertain pleb detected.




what could be the purpose of fucking with someone in a dream?


Thoughts on the volcano eruption in Chile?



Someone was on nofap and on the 666th day he decided he couldn't hold back anymore…



>So I have said it so it is.




You influence other people by your mere existence and in the course of magical development your magnetism strengthens, others bending to your desires or making your desires theirs. The only way to not influence indirectly others is to degenerate. Direct influence might fuck with free will, but then what of it? What's the extent here?


How do I go about cleansing my self of astral parasites?



Your point? Don't waste my time by talking carelessly.



He's asking what is the line between harmless influence through daily interaction and purposeful magical influence which counts as free will violation, you snobby prick.



The line IS the line you fucking idiot. If you have to ask you've crossed it.


I've been reading further on the satipatthana and I've found the statement that you need to be aware of your breath throughout the day only as a way to guide you towards being aware of your more subtle inner sensations. The article I read spoke of learning how to use the inner sensations of your body as your absolute frame of reference and this requires continuous awareness of your breathing at least.

Now, perhaps I'm nitpicking but is there an ideal point to be aware of in the breath or can I just pay attention to any point and gradually, I've a full internal bodily awareness?


I swear most threads these days are slide threads…


where are some books located on visualizing and working with energy?


Just finished the Kybalion, what now? What books should I read?


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Read each book row by row from left to right. Not one of these books in completely and wholly true.



why is self defense last?



I've been noticing it too anon



Because none of the books contain actionable things, I reckon, which will put you in harm. I'm on the science of breathing but I'm sure all of these books are merely knowledge.



>I think aliens (or my subconscoious (them again)) could be attacking me merely because I have knowledge.



I miscommunicated. I mean none of them have actionsable things which (the actionable thing) would put you in danger were the present. To continue, none of the books have demons summonings. It's all knowledge. Which is why is it seen as proper by the list maker to have self-defense last. Lol What a misunderstanding.



Have you read Carissa Conti's Chasing Phantoms yet, my friend?


The self-defense book is fantastic anyways. I mostly agree with the ordering, but Robert Bruces book might be more urgent and useful for those that have a tendency towards bouts of emotional instability and feel like they generally are "down" more than "up", or any other symptom for someone not in control of themselves mentally or emotionally.



I agree. Let us give our fellow wizards the benefit of the doubt that they have the agency to access their own needs or wants and reorder the list to the circumstances past, present, and future. Prudence attracts prudence.



What's up with chasing phantoms?



The author, montalk's gf, lists personal experience and what she knows of aliens citing others as well. Good book to understand how aliens and military types influence you to degenerate you until you kill yourself become useless, or how they influence their "designated" targets as they need.

The fun part is that many anons have mentioned perceiving aliens or alien-seeming thoughtforms or related things more while/after reading it. Myself as well.

Had more frequent nightly drainings when I started reading the book, which slowed down after finishing Practical Psychic Self Defense

It contains good info, though. An /illuminati/ anon mentioned some weeks back that you should strive to make your thoughtforms work like the aliens use them in the book.


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anyone else notice lana (larry) wachoski is slowly becoming fringe girl


So what's the skinny on the LBRP? Anyone willing to post it in full?


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That's cute.

I wonder where fringe girl comes from. Did Smiley see this one deviantart piture and decided her to be the mascot? And who drew the other art of her?

Also, do you people know Eden Saga? http://eden-saga.com/en/healing-magnetism-laying-on-of-hands-subtile-body-assist-aura-kirlian-chakras-quantic-touch.html


Hello /fringe/. any expert here can recommend a way to reprogramm my mind so i wont always fall asleep everytime i close my eye to meditate/practice visualization? Thanks in advance


Anyone experiences with sexual ankhing? I think I can do the basics techniques but I definitely am not reaching the full potential.

I can feel like the tip of my prefrontal cortex lighting up, but ideally this sensation should resonate through the entire brain and back down the spine, correct?



Correct. It should resonate up and down your body. Whoom whoom whoom whoom. And the rapidity should increase until there is not unblissful feeling left and you reside in a state of pure unending bliss.



Do you use Drunvalo's method or another one?


How do I eat crystals and gems and minerals? There is an ayurvedic method for making them suitable for consumption for medicinal qualities. I would like to know this thing. P.S. The earth is flat.



I don't know.


Please fringe I have a friend who is in critical condition right now, is there anything I can do, meditations chants anything?

if anyone is on please if you take the time to tell me what I can do I'll be eternally grateful.

Thank you all so much.


What does fringe think of this?:



How do I access the akashi records for the purpose of discovering the name of my higher self, or to discover the names of my previous lives?


I've been trying to learn energy work through Robert Bruce's latest work, but I'm having trouble making any sense of it.

He briefly explains the concept of body awareness, but then immediately tells me to feel parts of my body "using my body awareness".

I don't feel like it was properly explained how to actually DO that, because I have no idea what he wants me to do.

Does anyone know a better explanation for how to use body awareness, or should I be reading different work entirely?



You quite simply ask while in a deep meditative state. "What are the names of my previous incarnations?" You should then receive an answer in one or many forms. This answer will come from an exterior "controller" but will probably use your voice.

As for the higher self question, you can ask the higher self if you would like. The higher self resides in the sphere of Tiphareth so you may call them down if you create a suitable circle for yourself.




Try brushing your big toe or one of your hands with a brush or a finger. Do this for a while and get used to this feeling. Now stop brushing and try to recreate this feeling and continue it. You can try and move this feeling to any place on your body with ease after you understand what it is your are attempting to do.



That depends on the condition.

For pretty much any ailment sending in some positive energy is good, I colour mine green and white to signify health and peace of mind in order to calm and relax a cancer patient I'm currently treating.

If your friend got in a carcrash and his organs are damaged summoning some earth element into his body with the intent of solidifying and returning his body to normal will help.

If it's some internal problem such as an infection use fire to PURGE. Fire is an element of action so it can boost one's immune system if properly applied. Been using that to avoid getting the flu when everyone around me in uni was sneezing their heads off.

Water obviously if there is an inflammation or a burn as its properties are cold and contraction.

That should just about cover you, if you can use clairvoyant vision send the energy and elements into the localized affected areas but no worries if you don't, won't hurt to fill his whole body with the stuff to fix his other ailments.

Atkinson has more on the subject in the series lessons so refer to that if you'd like to know more.


Ever since I smoked salvia I have been experiencing these vivid flashbacks one or twice a month. By flashback I mean a really strong sense of deja vu, a friend gets me a gift and I can swear this has already happened, I can REMEMBER it but not until it actually happens again.

For example:

I was going to this smokers shop with a friend of mine to buy a pipe for the first time and I got a flashback of me already owning a pipe and my parents losing their shit and in the end of my life being ruined, so I bought it but am currently keeping at a friend and am staying away from weed.

This other time a friend bought me this book for my birthday and I remembered that I have already lived through that, that exact book, exact location, but it appears that it was in a past lifetime or …I don't know.

Can someone explain to me what those flashbacks are, because atm I have a feeling that my life is being repeated.


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After mastering astral projection, can you actually "flee" from this universe like this document states? http://pastebin.com/Bwjaf8At



pretty sure i read multiple times green is a bad idea for cancer as cancer is a growth and green stimulates growth.

You're wanting orange.



green = heart chakra


how can i astral project to my dream universe and STAY THERE?

i mean, i could technically stay there for an eternity, while my "real" body is in this reality for a minute

anyone managed to live another life in the astral?

i want to live a life as a reptilian



read this >>34561


Personal story here:

I had my 'awakening' a few days ago. I believe I experienced gnosticism as a result of shill gate and facing the resistance to my efforts in trying to expose it more widely on 4chan. After posting for a while, I have a feeling the 4chan I ended up in wasn't the same as the one most people use, in fact it was demonic. The text was faintly distorted and the images were creepy to say the least. It was 'Hitler's Birthday' which had a lot to do with it. I was so freaked about the possibility of a nightmare with the power to break my mind that I popped a valium before sleeping and I don't recall any dream.

What I was convinced of was this: everyone had died in a nuclear war and I was living as a lost soul who had been living an artificial life mostly on my computer and routine surroundings. The only thing that stopped me from renouncing existence as an entire hoax is the love of my father who kept me grounded in existence at this point. He said that it had not happened yet, that something is stopping 'them' (which to me is the negative energy feeders that have power) from killing everyone. I felt his presence as though he was God, I felt myself as God, I imagined my grandfather as a higher God of pure order, being overwhelmed with trying to keep the order of reality stable from the chaos that is flooding over it from all the fake news stories people are seeing on facebook and the like.

I told my parents I had had a past life when I was a young boy. That's the only paranormal thing about me. I've been a normalfag for a long time.

What the hell has happened to me? This experience was without any drugs. What the hell is going on right now? The world is getting crazier everyday. Chaos is re-framing our existence but none of you are talking about it.



Love yourself, and watch.

A moment of awareness leads to a lifetime of awareness if you do.



You and me are both new to this with childhood connections, don't let fear corrupt your love. Just love yourself and watch. Let answers come, wise discernment comes with experience and love. Do what brings inner peace, do not try to force peace on others.


What are your thoughts on financial magick?

I don't care much about money or wealth, but earning money takes time - time that I would rather spend on gaining occult knowledge and becoming more dedicated to bettering myself. The need to work to get money creates too many distractions.

Is gaining money via occult means safe? I mean, I don't suppose that anything comes without certain price and money and wealth probably aren't worth it (as anything material I suppose).

To clear things up - I don't want to become a crazy rich person, in fact I despise people obssesed with wealth, I'd just want to be able to live in most simple conditions and study.

I've started reading Damon Brand book on the subject, but I would be glad to know your opinion.



>What are your thoughts on financial magick?

It is better to do that thing which will free you from the bond of money which does not entail gaining more money but renouncing that thing which makes you dependent on its acquiring, retention, and spending and acquiring, retention, and spending.


How do I eat crystals and gems and minerals? There is an ayurvedic method for making them suitable for consumption for medicinal qualities. I would like to know this thing.





I've been expending way too much energy on thoughtforms lately and it has been leaving me having symptoms of sickness.

Anyone know methods that I can use to rejuvenate myself quickly and fill myself with energy? It is urgent that I be as productive and powerful ass possible for the next two weeks.



*as possible.

Fuck. Haha




In the Science of Breath there is a rejuvenating breath where you do a full breath and pump your arms then do a cleansing breath.

Gets your heart pumping pretty good, just do it every couple hours perhaps.



antidepressants are really really bad. I genuinely feel slight anger towards who ever made you think beginning to take them was a good idea.

My best guess in terms of trying to cope without them would be learning mindfulness and meditation, having a good diet and maybe doing some stretching and exercising if you feel able.

Just to put things into perspective for you; we view the concept of needing food to live as insanity and many of us are at a point where eating certain food types alters are body chemistry.

So drugs are just complete filth in comparison



lol what a faggot



Not getting my loosh fukboi


Heya /fringe/. Explain what loosh is and how to use it to a total newb please :)



Astral Energy (emotions) and Etheric Energy (a kind of energy that overlaps physical structures). Read the exact definitions in the glossary on the montalk.net site.

How to use it? Real the section of the Personal Power book in the /fringe/ library that is called "Desire Power". That will teach you how to use it.


Can someone greenpill me on cats?

I know for a FACT they have massive spiritual significance i'm just having trouble fully understanding it.



Oh ok I found out they are carriers of a parasite that infects the amygdalla of creatures around them into having strong emotional reactions towards them.

I'm sure they aren't the only things doing this though



>I'm sure they aren't the only things doing this though

Are you making a reference to human women?




Feminine is matter, receptive, outer-into-inner. Masculine is pattern, creative, inner-to-outer. In yoga, Ida channel is the feminine channel and the pingala channel is the masculine channel. Both of these terminate ascension at the level of the brow chakra and that energy which enervates them continues up the sushumna channel that which is both Ida+Pingala and its own thing. So I ask you fringe, what are the characteristics of the Androgynous principle? If it were just both feminine and masculine together then the channels would end at the termination of the Ida and Pingala channels. But it continues onward up one more chakra on its own chakra because it has its own qualities which necessitates its further rising and resided in that Crown Chakra. I ask you /fringe/ what are the qualities of that Androgynous principle which is powered by the Sushumna channel?



>tfw recognize all your posts over the entire board by the weird way you talk and also see you posting on youtube



Hi I like you.



You feel many different things towards my various personalities.



work with a goetia demon


yeah, like shelter? fuck that



Your personalities are covering something everyone loves. I love you.



more like every single thing that manifests itself as matter.

But yes women are heavy hitters ofcourse. I look forward to having full dominion over my frequencies so I can look through them all



I solved this.



I give it a specific task to only heal the rest of his organism, just as I task the fire element to only purge the cancer but leave the rest of the organs alone.



What is the marker or indicator by which you direct the fire element to discern cancer cell from normal cell?



I'm clairvoyant, I look into the body of the patient and show the fire element the growths on the internal organs.

Just in case I also have a "doctor" thoughform that stays with the patient and guides whatever I put into him.





Can someone spoonfeed me on what loosh is? I know it's emotional energy and whatnot, just how is it used? How is it transfered? What isbit used for? How do I collect it? Is there a book on loosh? Would it be ill-advised to get into a relationship for the purpose of farming loosh? How do I go about preventing loosh leaks? Sorry for all the questions, I just prefer to have the entire picture.



I know it doesn't fully answer your question, but >>34702 pointed out two posts that say what loose is.






>mfw I heard one five minutes ago after I finished specific private bussiness




Sorry, didn't see that. I'm on mobile and my phones melting trying to load this thread.


Mundane here. My gf has suddenly become insanely existential and emotional. She said this has happened in the past, but only now is it really coming back. What can I do /fringe/? I recommended she meditate or at least be mindful and focus on the now, but she doesn't believe any of it (she's very fedora, as was I). What do.



I'm having the same problem with a few friends of mine. I found a good quote describing it the other day "If one drives the mind far enough, one IS eventually faced with the choice of nihilism or faith. One then comes back to logic and satisfaction to justify one or the other according to irrational choice."



no one wants to help?



The are either real or fake. So one hearing that should ask of themselves or other the wise question: how do I discern a real vision from a fake vision?

Perhaps one would say "Learn the hallmarks of a hallucination so you can know the pitfalls of mistaking a fake vision for a real vision and thus see the danger in misunderstanding."

Perhaps that one would continue in saying "Thus understanding the danger inherent in misunderstanding, proceed with awareness of your actions in relationship to understanding vs misunderstanding."

Maybe one would say, "It is either visions of things to be or things which might have been in alternative timelines. Use your own energy to discern the difference. Only you can bring to yourself the wisdom to discern the difference between true and false, potential and actual, parallel and convergent." One saying that would do you a service were you to keep hear, understand, and keep his words.




jesus, since two months ago i and my two friends started talking about the meaning of life every day

then i found out about fringe, we're all reading the recommended books

the world is getting weird

something's about to happen



Yeah I know what you mean. There are more and more wizards every day. The more people doing one thing the easier it becomes for everyone. We're entering an era where the herd will be cut.


What do you think about DMT?

Anyone attained psychedelic experiences without drugs?


How into thoughtforming and tulpas? What books should I read to begin practising effective thoughtforming?


holy fuck guys


grab a magnet

lie on your bed

put it above your "third eye" (over the middle of your brows)

start doing pineal breathing


fully activate and decalcify pineal gland



It's in the library


anyone here learned his soul purpose with the akashik records?

i think i'm a wanderer, how can i confirm it?




In his Psychomancy book WW Atkinson talks about the rare ability to dream of the future. Being a dream you might not remember it until the sequence of events you dream of begins irl and jogs your memory. I'm sure you have had dejavu before, did this feel the same? If it was a future dream you were lucky to dream of yourself so you know to hide your crack pipe from your parents this time round.



What's a wanderer?



>What is pineal breathing and why can I do it?



It's a technique by Zivorad Slavinski. It might have been his book "Transcendence" where it was presented. Check out the Megafolder for more info please!



I feel that its a title people who go on /x/ gives themselves to feel like they are part of something. I'll think of something anon.


The Wanderer: Adventurous person who has the habit of wandering around aimlessly and letting life takes its course. To fully fit into this archetype you are to emulate the swaying tree and become flexible, going about life at your own pace.

Stagnancy and boredom is worse than death itself to you, hence it is recommended you go on an adventure, preferably away from home.

Along the way of your journey there may lie beautiful sights that are hidden away from the rigors of modern life.

Though you love to live in the moment, you have learned to keep in good memories whilst discarding the bad. Thus you are happy and content with life.

Your soul purpose is to live.



wat the fuk did i type and why




It's ok you don't need to try this hard.


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Do ouija boards work? Does it work if i print one out? What is the proper way to use it?


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How do I summon a goetic demon?



Make a circle with squiggles. Call out to a goetic demon (maybe have a consecrated weapon). And boom, bam, thank you man youve summoned a goetic demon. You didn't even need the Goetia.



squiggle like in a rope?

i read that i need candles and incense

do i see him?

what is the Goetica i read Solomons books



If you read them why are you asking here?


what if bardon helped hitler?

why didn't he?

wasn't hitler a warrior of light, againt the dark jews?


Does anyone have any seperation methods for Astral Projecting? I've come so close twice now, last night I went from a lucid dream to waking up and I felt like my spirit was ready to leave, I just couldn't seperate.


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I find it that I'm easily influence by other people's perseptions. may i have some advice on keeping a level head and not be so easily persuaded. thanks



Universal Master Key page 132 about watchfulness



thank you



Yes they work but they are awfully ineffective. Real spirit communication is telepathic and near instant. That and you pick up whatever entity is lurking about if you're not experienced in evocation, which is probably some disgusting illuminati minimum loosh worker drone.


Draw the sigil down on some printer paper with a black marker. Banish your ritual area with an LBRP or some charged water(or be a lazy magician and don't). Sit down and drop mind, it means to enter a pure meditative state. You should start to begin seeing static, which means you're in trance. This will take maybe a minute or less of relaxation, you might get it within a second or two.

Start to gaze lightly into the sigil. Don't stare, allow the sigil to glow or fuzz or illuminate slightly. Try to keep your eyes open while you do this and feel a connection with it. Call out to the spirits name "come Paimon" over and over while gazing into the sigil. Do this maybe 10 times. You might begin to feel a presence in the room or something changed. If not don't wary because it still worked.

Now you wont "see" or "hear" the spirit in physical reality because this is not a full manifestation but an astral. To communicate with the spirit you will want to use your astral senses or what we call the imagination. Once you have opened the sigil then you just need to state your wishes or purpose, or possibly are you trying to open conversation. All responses will be given telepathically back and translated into speech which will probably be in your own voice.

After you are pleased you will want to end the ritual by telling the spirit to leave and thanking it. Do another banishing after to clean the room out.



>You should start to begin seeing static, which means you're in trance.

TIL I am always in trance.


Why does burning sage make the atmosphere around me so desperate and panicky?



Some people see static all the time. They have good connections to the astral realm.

I suggest all of you to do this as a fun experiment. Grab a white piece of paper, go outside, put it on your lap or on the ground near your vision and start to enter trance. Softly gaze at it until the static appears, but not only static will appear as you will find out. I wont spoil the fun because you need to experience it for yourself. Remember that you must be outside to perform it.



Well I see beings walking around and shadowing creatures who rest in my line of attention, and what I can assume are my house fairies in translucent mode. It's like I'll momentarily resonate to their frequency and they'll flow off. I'm always seeing non-physical things descending into or ascending from the my living space. I know I'm active on the astral unconsciously and consciously, even when it seems to my 'self' that I'm only on the computer or just reading a book.



You certainly do have great astral senses. Both realms seem to be merging together for you. This is of no problem or harm so wary not. You will make a fine mystic. Remember that our astral body is "alive" at all times of the day. All manifestations of yourself from each planetary sphere are active.



I too see the static all the time and it is clearest when looking at a white surface or with eyes closed. With eyes closed I can also see a stream of what I can only describe as some kind of images.

It is very interesting to watch this stream and maybe that is what you are refering to.

I will try the paper outside tomorow if the weather is nice.



I would advise you to look into aura sight. Try to lightly gaze at your finger tip under a black or white background with fair light. You will begin to see a glow or smoke in your peripheral vision.



I can see the glow you speak of but how can I into colours with auric vision?



They come with much practice. You eventually grow the ability to see the entire bodies aura field while looking off into the distance so their body is in your peripheral.



noice, thank you.

I was worried that to see the colours I had to modify the process but practice is something I gladly do.



thoughts on this?


yahweh is the demiurge

the demiurge < the all

lucifer rebelled against the demiurge

christ was killed by the demiurge because he was speaking the truth

is lucifer christ?



That's one of the methods Robert mentioned in the book, but I didn't have any results with it.

I tried every exercise up to the "Hug Circuit" and couldn't get any sensations with any of them. I'm not sure if I'm just doing them wrong or if there's some prerequisite I'm not meeting.



Look into Primordial Gnosis and Esoteric Hitlerism if you're interested.


Is there any difference between daydreaming and visualizing?



Yes, daydreaming doesn't require as much concentration and effort as well as being simple unproductive fantasizing.



Thanks for the advice. I thought it was neat but never found any use for it.



I see trails of prana or dots of it that correspond to specific types of intuition.


Guys lately i have been experiencing some sort of out of body experience on my sleep, but the two times that it happened i felt a lot of pain, there as a vibration that hurt my ears and my teeth a lot, i mean it was like my ears and teeth was about to explode because of this so called vibration, the first time i was able to sit in my bed, the second time i was aware that i was out of my body and i went through my window but i panicked and got pulled back, all of this with this fucking vibration/noise hurting me, what is this?


Hi /fringe/ I have a rather silly question. Asking opinion of all of you. Which one is better for a relationship; a human women or a tulpa :) ?



what the fuck


Question /fringe/,

How does one go about masturbation without ejaculation? I've been following the techniques from the PDF in this thread:


But I find that when attempting to channel the energy, I end up ejaculating anyway. I want to save my loose, but no fap seems like an extreme alternative.

tl;dr - what do you do for fapping



i don't masturbate, that's degenerate

instead do this:

learn how to breath the energy from your chakras to your throat chakra, then hold your breath and send all the energy on your magick






So just never touch down there? Whenever aroused, focus on breathing / channeling energy and storing it?

so no fap?



i have massive libido, but i channel it

do like taioist monks, imagine women as disgusting rotting lice infested sacks of shit


Sup /fringe/. As a recent fedora to neophyte convert, is it correct to assume that the 3rd/mind eye in most people like me is akin to that of an athropied muscle, in that because i never use its in a really weak state?

And that by practising visualization im basically training it to function normally again just like lifting weight build up the athropied muscle. Or is my hypotesis incorrect? Help me out /fringe/



Do those things which decalcify your pineal gland.




Your hypothesis is not completely correct. It may also be, if you live in America, that you pineal gland has been neutralized by the fluoride in your water source(s). I recommend A) checking if the water in your city is fluoridated B) Drinking distilled water then C) Eathing a gram of ground wakame seaweed a day (iodine) to decalcify your pineal gland.

Since I've started doing that my visualizations have become more potent, my other sight has become more frequent, and I've started to truely sense with my astral sense spirits of the astral plane in my very waking life.


Lucifer is the bringer of fake light.

Embody your higher self.

Embody Christ consciousness.

Accept The All as your only God.

Don't bow down to any other divinity.

Don't let physicality get in the way, the world is fucked and evil.

You have to ascend.



your other responder has good advice but as to your question

bringing yourself to the actual edge of climax will usually result in the reflexive release. I find that if rather than going all the way to the edge and just getting in the ball park, I can cease action, "push/pull" and try to create the orgasmic pulsations. Its not as intense but you can keep going over and over and eventually when you get good at it it will be better than the old way of doing it and you can channel it/pulse your whole body with it. Try focusing on the pleasure while feeling your blood pulse.


why do some satanists get famous (lady gaga, lebron, jayz bla bla bla all the entertainment industry basically) and some communicate with satan and get nowhere near those riches?



I had tried that for a while and it worked but the energy was gone. Then I tried moving the energy elsewhere in my body and it works even better plus I retain control over the energy.



Because it shakes loose, temporially, those entities which have a foothold on my psyche.

They lose their foothold by the virtue of the burnt sage and get panicky and desperate trying to recling to I.




Oops. Wrong link. Here's the right link and the information I wanted to relay

>Sage is a powerful tool, but it is a tool that can only drive away evil when used properly. It will drive away Evil spirits that are not connected to a place or spot; but if the spirits already have a foothold in someones house it will only serve to weaken them and purify the house causing them to have to retake the house again. It will not drive them away entirely.


The other link is not exactly bad though.



And how would one decalcify their Pineal Gland?



Sorry I meant without buying any extra ingredients. Is it possible with meditation alone or anything related? If so, what?



Does this work as an alternative to seaweed? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iodized_salt

We don't have fluoridated water around here but I've been taking fluoride toothpaste my entire life, no wonder I can sense astral thing way back when I was a kid and didn't do much of toothbrushing



Also, not to sound like a looney but . . . Is there some weird conspiracy thing behind the content of fluoride in almost all the thing that we modern human consume?



yeah that would work well. I don't mean to be a dick because I truly appreciate it, but are there any exercises for decalcifying it without taking a "supplement" so to speak?



No it isn't a good alternative. It taste poorly and provides a piddly amount of iodine less than the iodine in sea vegetables in wakame seaweed. You can find wakame seaweed at any asian market.

Switch to fluoride free toothpaste. SLS free too if you fancy that switch too.


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