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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)


Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: https://archive.is/VlImO FAQ: /fringe/faq.html


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Moar liek question thread #14/88 amirite guise?


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Yes, my dear leader.


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>linking to my thread for most of the questions asked can be answered going through all the content in audio format




didi you keep greentexting incorrectly smh


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>linking to my thread for most of the questions asked can be answered going through all the content in audio format


I think you need to lay off them green pills for a while.


Hey does anybody know if its bad to stockpile energy? I've been pulling a lot of energy around into me. I heard it might damage my chakras but I have no idea in what way. Pros? Cons?



I think you need to look where you place your foot.

View my content, then you have my permission to comment.



Brother, all you had to do was put a comma in between your two thoughts.

>then you have my permission to comment.

Don't be so antagonistic.


Is there a translation for the Kybalion in Russian or Latvian?




black males are so belligerent smh

way to perpeuate stereotypes didi, you're really setting a fine example for your race



Now I am black? I was sure I was jewish according to some other anons, geez how can I keep up with all these geo-political labels I'm being given?



you've always been black didi

that's why you're a good boi and dindu nuffin


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I have music playing constantly in my head and I want it to stop. This has been the case for years. There's involvement with breathing patterns and tongue movement as well.

Please advise.


I asked this on the previous thread, but it reached bump limit before /fringe/ could enlighten me:

'I keep seeing comments like

>pray to Jesus Christ, he will help you

Are there any dangers in resorting to collective thoughtforms? How much of our energy is taken in exchange, in order to fulfill the requests of others? Is the taken energy inversely proportional to how much we believe ourselves to follow the Christian teachings? Is it also feeding on our guilt?'

It feels like christianity was the religion of love and spiritual enlightment, but, through satans effort, became based on fear, guilt and bondage, like the other satanic religions, long ago. How to find the True Christ?



I, personally, wouldn't do something yahweh told you to. If I had the choice, that is.



>remind you all judeo-type deities are war and destruction for pleasure energies.

>dont fuck wit jebus or jehwey or hehova

>protip jesus doesn't do shit unless u use jesus to spread jesus, example : tyler perry, evangelical tv presentors, bishops, propaganda politicians.

>you have to help spread the virus to benefit from it.

>is it really worth it?




Isn't the God of the New Testament different from the god of the Old Testament and Quran?

He didn't kill, torture or humiliate anyone, didn't promise land and wealth and wasn't concerned whether I eat pork or not.

He forgives me if I doubt him, his primary goal is my spiritual elevation. I would be Christian if they had remained to this God.



>le new testament

>let's just fix all the unlikeable qualities



Yes there is, just use search engine, you buffoon.


Just what is this 'inner world' thing I heard about while looking up tulpas? How do I make one?


Anything magick related on the deep web?



find out for yourself, this isn't /x/



meant for




If you're going to question /fringe/ then it's only fair that you at least start reading the books to get on some common ground.

If you have no time but really want to know more on the subject, you might want to start with The Reality of ESP by Russell Targ. It describes some experiments conducted by the CIA. It's still just another claim, but I figure you're looking for more of a source you can relate to, people with a background in hard science.

As for experiments, I'm not into astral projection, but you may find someone here to join in on your experiment.



keep a magickal journal for verification of works, read alan chapmans advanced magick for beginners, he is a fun guy and easy to read.




reading it now, thanks



The Fundamentals of Esoteric Knowledge by Jean Dubuis is also good for beginners, I personally think it's essential reading for anything related to symbols and sigils



This book is pretty good. The whole astrology thing seems interesting.



dope occult archive of rare & old books




also don't forget the astral temple in the second post.


What does /fringe/ think about this https://mega.nz/#F!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ? It's the occult books mega library from 4/x/.



Lurketh Moareth.


honest question, how bad is masturbation?


My final conclusion is that Atkinson is tl;dr. Lots of good information, sure, but the way he tends to drag on and on to explain miniscule things puts me off. He also not very practical and his tone is on a level of a snake oil salesman with all these "muh science" references.

There are better books that don't require you too read thousands of pages to get to the point. Though right now I am not sure if I even want to recommend books on this board…



please do



For once, it's not worse than having sex.

The real dangers lie in wasting time, not properly regulating orgasms/energy, a misfired Kundalini and most importantly the loss of vital substances upon ejaculation (females can ejaculate, too).

Better read up on Mantak Chia and Taoism, but even they only approximate the truth of this matter. Find out for yourself and experiment with celibacy. For me personally, celibacy makes me orgasm randomly without any input and I feel extremely well.



I am a person that requires the material to be highly refined and pure before I'd even consider recommending it. So far "Teachings of the Immortals" fits this criteria, but it's entry tier without clear instructions. Just be aware that Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection is what you're going to start with if you want to acquire real magical proficiency. That and knowledge of the physical and energetic bodies, the chakras, the Kundalini and how you manipulate your inner as well as ambivalent energy and electromagnetic fields. Releasing all limitations is the task.


What a steaming pile of rubbish.



but he has quite a few very short books like the ones on pyschomancy and mediumship or the kybalion even



These are actually ok, but they lack a lot of essential information to do these things properly. The Kybalion is also too mystified.

His book on breath is pretty good.



His books are good for a beginner with a scientific mind in my opinion. I usually read his work to appease my ego, and it's usually used as a companion piece to the main text I'm reading about a particular topic.

It's only a problem if you think you need absolutely nothing else.


On the subject of Gnosticism, is this the truth?

How would I be considered a Gnostic? And how would I experience gnosis? Astral projection? Meditation? Lucid dreaming? I can't do any of that. Where would a new Gnostic begin?


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Think for yourself, schmuck.


I will get to you just gimme an hour or two I am at uni atm



>i can't meditate

yes you can kek, just close your eyes and breath 5 secs in 5 secs out


what do you study at university omran?




Who are you?What are you?Who am I?

Oh I study Computer engineering



hack into ISIS' mainframe

you can save the world omran


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I am still learning gimme sometime until I learn, I also got a scholarship from a special organisation totally not illuminati

Hopefully in 6 month I will figure the fuck I am doing



would that special organization be al queda?


*tips turban*



I meant like deep meditation where you get in a trance and shit



Thank you I can wait




More weirder sheit


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>is this the truth?

Everything is true, Everything is permitted.

>How would I be considered a Gnostic?

by calling yourself one, I think.(I don't like the tags/names myself since I want to experience with other shit and don't like sticking to one belief-system/reality-tunnel)

>how would I experience gnosis?

connect to planetary/general deity current.

like Amon-Ra


If you feel you have problem in your life Ganesha is the way to go, there are also magic deity you might want to contact(Thoth,Herme,Agathodaemon,Tezcatlipoca,Veles, and Hecate)[but you can do it to monad using the monad sigil]

>Astral projection?

see pdf


> meant like deep meditation where you get in a trance and shit

The ability to attain a shamanic trance is the result of cumulative conditioning and mental training.

A weight lifter trains himself by practicing daily. He begins by lifting relatively light weights and progresses to heavier and heavier ones. Eventually he is able to lift a 200 pound weight above his head with relative ease. By working in this manner he has trained his muscles to respond according to his will. After he has reached his goal he can maintain the ability by practicing only two or three times per week. If he stops practicing entirely his muscles will gradually loose their conditioning and strength and, after a time, he will no longer be able to lift the weight. By reestablishing a routine of practice he will bring his ability back to where it was.

This same principle applies to the shamanic trance. You must train your mind to respond in accordance with your will in order to produce the ability to instantly produce a deep shamanic trance. This is done by daily practice. It may take some time and effort to establish that ability, but once you have it you will be able to maintain it by practicing only once or twice per week. If you stop practicing entirely your ability will gradually lessen. Like the weight lifter you will need to begin a more regular practice in order to reestablish your abilities.

I will give you three options(of course there are many more)

1.Liber MMM(by Pete Carroll)

2.Akenu's meditation:-


3.SHAMELESSLY SELF-PROMOTE and these thingy >>52078


>Lucid dreaming?

there is a method in Liber MMM where you hold your hand infront of you as a reality check, and dream recording.[thoughtforms are helpful in here, you can create a dream-tulpa to induce lucidity for you]

A ‘tulpa’ is a consciously-projected thought-form or servitor, which may perform a particular task for a magician or act as a general ‘helper’. They are of a similar nature to Spirit Desire-Forms. A Dream Tulpa takes the form of a shadowy figure - Tibetan shamans, from whom the name derives, often projected these figures in the form of monks - whom you should gradually begin to embellish with features over time. For example, you could spend some minutes working with the Dream Tulpa each night. Your aim should be not so much to impose features onto the shadow-form - but to let them arise. For example, you might notice, the first time you do this, that the Tulpa is a man. Mentally note one or two features (write them down when you can) and leave it at that. The next night, you might find yourself deciding that the man wears heavy gold rings on his hands. The trick is to let the shape build up gradually, taking on more detail and its own ‘life’, until it spontaneously crosses over into your dream experience.

Knowing that you have dreamt about the Tulpa is itself, a great step forwards. If you can reach that stage, then you may consider working with the Tulpa consciously, in waking, semi-waking, and dream states. You could for example, ask the Tulpa to act as a ‘trigger’ to bring you to lucid awareness in dream, or to guide you in travelling to different realms in the lands of dream. It is important that you build up a relationship of trust and confidence with the Tulpa, that you recognise it as an individual entity, albeit one that you are responsible for.

>I can't do any of that.


>Where would a new Gnostic begin?

Carefully paying attention to reality and get answers from the universe through synchronicity.


what's the next pill to take after the green one? what's the following truth? where do we go from here?



Take more greenpills until you're healthy again.



In my own experience, it dissipates too fast for efficient stockpiling.

It's easier to just breathe in massive amounts after entering the right mental state but I can't think of any cons to stockpiling it either.


Quiet mind meditation, stop listening to said music if you haven't already.

You can listen to music but it has to be of a drastically different genre, preferably classical.

I either do those things or transfer my mind to my mental sanctuary that basically consists of an endless even ocean.


What you want to do is on the level of a junior highschool student deciding to attempt a university level physics experiment without reading up on the theory or the method.

Read a book nigger.


Probably, but I never bothered to search for it.



so you badly wanted to comment feeling the need to try to contribute but realize it was simpler to just make a stupid facetious comment. Cool

Contributing is so hard.


Work on self, go do shadow work and address all your beliefs and hangups, after you know the occult dynamics and the memes of society, the mind control and the propaganda bullshit, all the magick, the occult, the psychology, the axioms, all of that - from then on you work on self-refinement and personal growth and empowering yourself, not to dominate, but to contribute to ..First your experience .. second those whom you desire to contribute to if such is your choice.



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>tfw haven't remembered a single dream for two weeks now




Banish before sleep

Do meditation/energy work/relaxation MPR until sleep




>what's the next pill to take after the green one? what's the following truth? where do we go from here?

Self-liberate even the Antidote.




I can't quiet my mind is the point.



observe the mental noise without judgement while gently guiding focus back to the breath.

attachment or aversion or identification with mental phenomena/perceptions are the issues, always.

it will either fade away or become a non-issue.



If you can direct energy and interact with your chacra's, you can start to cool down the third eye chakra. The colder it is, the slower is your thought process. When it's cool enough proceed with another mental clearing method, you will see success way more easily and rapidly because you will have fewer thoughts.


this is cool, so i've probably started seeing effects of meditation/magic for the first time, I meditated on the pituatary gland for the second time yesterday before going to sleep to increase testosterone for those gains, I honestly feel it working, nothing happened, but i'm angry as fuck now



>If you can direct energy and interact with your chacra's

Why would you think I can do that if I can't even do a quiet mind exercise.



You have delivered! Thank you man! Download ing pdf now as well


Is lucid dreaming enough to change your etheric body, or do you need to know how to astral project?



If you can lucid dream, you are easily capable of astral projection. So, yes.


Are politics meaningless?



Because I could and it's really easy, just stay still and breathe and do that



In short: yes

But you have to understand that it's a psychopath's world. Politics is just a show for the masses.



I'm not going to do that bunch of nonsense shit you posted.

Who would read 10 books to learn about new-age chakra bending shit (if it's not nonsense) so they can learn to do the first thing each of those books would tell them to do, on the advice of a dope who thinks that's a remotely acceptable suggestion?



read up on mindfulness meditation.

it involves focusing on the breath and allowing phenomena to come and go without judgement, till eventually you detangle yourself from it and it settles.

It is not a quick solution, it will take work.

Leave all this chakra business for more advanced work if you develop an aptitude for the basic stuff.


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What Is the redpill


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the tastiest smartie.

the red colouration is made of beetles or something.



This is a myth.

It's actually beetle jizz.


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Could a person preform a body swap? If the individual doesn't consent can you force the body swap?



Yes, but if the victim isn't aware he/she would fall unconscious and feel like a timelag(a period of time passed and he is back on but doesn't remember what happened.)


I need help with healing.

I currently have a few warts on my hand, I've had one for over a year and used mundane methods on it.

This year two more came up on the same hand.

I am currently doing visualization and auto suggestion for over a month and I am not seeing any good results.

Digging them out is not an option due to them being very sensitive, even tapping the wart will cause pain.

I have been considering outside help from other entities, but I want to be able to heal myself.

What are some more effective ways I can get rid of these things and heal myself more effectively?






Abracadabra is an ancient incantation basically means "it disappeared as it was spoken" in Hebrew. It was used for healing. The first known mention of the word was in the 2nd century CE in a book called Liber Medicinalis.

On the night of the new moon, chant out ABRACADABRA each time drop one letter out and imagine the sickness disappearing. The sickness will be gone as ABRACADABRA.

Try contacting a spirit or god of healing. Asklepios and Raphael come to mind; make an offering to them, pray for their help, vow a payment when/if you're healed, and carry through.(also marbas from Goetia is said to be a friendly healer, check him out)

Asclepius, god of medicine and healing(Give offering to Asclepius to get some medical help y)

A vow can be something as simple as "I vow to make a $50 donation to the American Cancer Society if you help me with this" or "I vow to learn reiki and practice it for free for others"; you don't need to slaughter a chicken or whatever (although some spirits wouldn't be opposed). Prayer can work, but vows make it a contract and give far more incentive and power to the prayer.

Basically, many spirits are willing to help, but just like people, many spirits don't work for free. Some spirits want payment for doing work, which can be as little as some public recognition (e.g. telling a friend about how awesome spirit X is for helping you out in a time of need), while others can be as demanding as lifelong servitude (e.g. dedicating oneself to a priesthood in service for a very large request made, such as how the prophet Samuel was dedicated to God). Angels tend to follow the will of God.

Here is mantra of rama

Healing OM RAM RAMAYA NAMAHA [Ohm Rahm Rahm-eye-yah Nahm-ah-ha



Shut the fuck up, you disgusting cancerous tripfag. Your posts are fucking spam.



Yes, of course it is possible. Google Vehicle Transference Sorcery & Theosophy and look at this thread http://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/14456978/

Body swap reports are rare, but they exist. Voodoo also records of it.

It's not particularly hard, but most of the time you'll end up in a different dimension which explains the rarity of the phenomena.


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He's nice enough to have a trip, just use the filter function.


Is directing energey aproximately to the place you want it to influence during meditation ok? I can't like pinpoint it exactly, it's the pituatary gland, I picture it being just below the brain and in the middle



It should be enough, as long you've imprinted the energy with the specific task it should find the gland automatically.



Wait, names are trips?



Closest thing to a trip we get.



why doesn't he use namefag instead of tripfag then?



Cuz he be a fag jus like you



Because it's late at night and I'm tired. I should have said namefag but I'm not autistic enough to delete my posts over mistakes like that.


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I had a dream that i had 80's rockstar kinda hair, long and huge.

What to do to achieve results?



Don't get your hair cut.



Long wavy reddish blonde hair is EXTREMELY regenerate.


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Don't post without your name. I can't filter you that way


Has any of you accomplished a noticeable change with Biokinesis?



Try more appliable things first. Sustaining your body without the need of physical food for instance.



H-Have you accomplished that? or any of you?



Is dream journal the best way to lucid dream?

Also what other occult benifits does lucid dreaming have?



You can astral project during lucid dreams. When in astral you can build astral temple and summon anything you wish instantly.



But is the dream journal method any good? I find that I'm an awareless moron in my dreams



Really you need to work on everything. Do the lbrp daily, when you wake and before you sleep, do the middle pillar daily, meditate daily. Offerings wouldn't hurt, ask to be taught to lucid dream while doing it. These things will strengthen the skills you NEED to lucid dream succesfully.

You can find how to do all of the above in this book: >>47073 offerings are in jason miller's sorcerors secrets which is in the recommended folder of "huge" mega

Try other lucid dreaming techniques such as WILD (use sleep yoga on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4r6r2lGKgU ), reality checks etc.

Find more on that stuff here: https://mega.nz/#F!SwBlCCyT!27XTLH5m13P-Hd-GobvtKA

Try lucidology.

Dream journal is bare minimum, but good place to start.



Thanks for all the help!



Thank you I will look into these! I thought that doing dream journals alone would have been enough. But thanks these will help a lot!


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>known black-version of jim jones

>incarcerated for pedophilia


the man did STEAL a lot of his info from older occult materials, so it's either true or it's just more propping up of the afrocentrics just like the white supremacists do with jesus/mormonism


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what smiley use to reach the 23D and fight Mecha-Allah.The ultimate tool for self-liberation is MUH GLAND.


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The Tohno gland



There's an anon who lives off of the sun already I think.



but what if you locked him inside a dark room?



Food does not sustain me.


He'll have to adjust to pure prana then. It would be fairly easy for him though.



but what if you put inside an orgone container where there is only DOR(negative orgone energy)



Do you still drink water or have you achieved a more perfect state? If you have please explain the transition from liquids to nothing at all and if you would care to even the transition from solid to liquid to none.



Even Jasmuheen herself had problems and was losing weight in a polluted environment. But it also depends on the individual. Some yogis can drink poison without harm.


It's not nothing, it is prana. The transition is just the realization and acceptance that physical foods do not sustain your system at all, that they are not needed and that prana/divine energy is the real source of life and everything. This transition can occur gradually, spontaneously, through various transitioning rituals or programs. The safest way is to go vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan, fruitarian, liquidarian, and by then going breatharian is just the natural step further. But there are people jump straight from omnivorism to pranic nourishment. So it's not something that has set rules. Highly individual and also dangerous when you come from a wrong mindset. Read some books if you're interested in details (though there is some disinfo).


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The thread you linked perked my interests. I want to go through with this. How would I start? The op in the thread said he shifted his mental energy into a "spell." How would I do this?


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Greenpill me about Rasputin /fringe/. Was he a conman? A wizard? A demon?


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Why is it that I can't maintain spiritual states of mind when in social situations?

When by myself I have no trouble seeing past the illusions of the ego and connecting with the astral, but when I spend time with family or friends, the people I love the most, I'm put into very secular state that feels like some sort of temporary blue pill.

Logically I would imagine that the opposite would happen, as the interaction of psyches should promote spiritual activity.

I'm naturally a very introverted person (as I imagine most here are) but I don't know if and why that would have such an effect.

Is this something that any of you have dealt with?

I'd love to know why this happens, and more importantly how to prevent it.




Just one of Chuck Norris's incarnations



yes, i've been noticing this since maybe I was 12 years old, I guess you have your own perception of yourself, yet the people around you all have different perceptions of you, and project those perceptions into your mind, I haven't tried this, but what I think helps is strengthening your etheric body, which i'm trying to do so now, but I need to learn how to lucid dream first



These people reflect the parts of yourself that are not what you define as "spiritual". We are infinite as far as perception goes so there are bound to be non "spiritual" parts. You do not always need to be in a "spiritual" state. Especially around those who are not spiritual. It will only do good to turn them away from you and create uncomfortable situations. To summarize. Allow yourself to just be a human part of yourself or a stronger ego version of yourself around others. This does not mean you completely shut yourself of from the spirit.



I've been feeling the same thing recently. I recently changed to fruitarian a few months ago and my body is still rejecting the food as I honestly feel like my body understands that this is not the true source of energy. Would you recommend the 21 day process of a 7 day dry fast into pure water fasting until you've healed enough to cut out water.


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I'm of Norwegian stock though a burger by nationality, for better or worse, and my grandparents would tell me all these great stories about trolls. I remember one type in particular–huldras. They'd approach men–lumberjacks, shepherds, men out by themselves in the wilderness–and try to win them over. If they charmed the man, they'd take him to the underworld, and the poor fellow would lose his soul. But a clever fellow who can keep his head can charm the Huldra-maid instead, and take her back with him and make her his wife. When they marry, the sound of the church-bells gives her an immortal soul. Children from such a union are always healthy, and clever, and wise, and are skilled in magic.

So, since I've just started the IIH, and I'm quite new to all of this, anything of that sort is quite a long way off. But tell me, /fringe/, do you know anything about the the truth of those stories? Can a man get himself, through study, discipline, and much practice, a huldra waifu?

Tfw I just want to start a good, wholesome family and society is such that I might need magic to get it


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here's the other.



If you truly believe that this is your path then feel free to do it.




you know you have to give your body's organs time to re-adjust right? which is said to take 10-15 years.

Also, if you aren't working out intensively every 2-3 days and you're a skinnylord doing this - you will die.

your body is programmed to ingest food atm, it's a slow process to re-align the construct - go look up sunfire jericho or R budd Gzus or dr sebi.



This is totally not true becuase this depends on the individual. Stop acting so high and mighty just because you read some books. Seriously, things don't have to go a certain way.



disinfo dindu strikes again!



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Thou two hast spoken thy truth.



w/e, i'm just giving information so the fella doesn't damage his body or dies.

If he has indeed reached actualization and he can survive by sucking in energy from matter - good for him, if he hasn't - he's going to have irreparable brain damage and nervous system issues.




>aging terribly

As of 2012, four deaths had been directly linked to breatharianism and Jasmuheen's publications.[8][9] Jasmuheen has denied any responsibility for the deaths.

53-year-old Melbourne resident Lani Marcia Roslyn Morris died in 1999, while attempting the breatharian "diet" advocated by Jasmuheen. Jim Vadim Pesnak, 63, and his wife Eugenia, 60, were jailed for six years and two years, respectively, on charges of manslaughter for their involvement in the death of Morris. Pesnak had delayed seeking medical attention.[10] Referring this case, Jasmuheen commented that Morris's practice of Inedia perhaps was "not coming from a place of integrity and did not have the right motivation".[8]

Jasmuheen offered similar defence in response to the death of Verity Linn, who may have died of self-starvation while practising Inedia in Scotland, her diary mentioning Jasmuheen's teachings. Linn's body was found in a tent.[11] In 2012, it was reported that a Swiss woman died of starvation after having attempted to survive purely on light, as taught in one of Jasmuheen's books.[9]

Jasmuheen has written that "If you haven't found the light that will nourish you, you may have the intention to become a breatharian, but in fact you may be putting yourself through food deprivation. There is one known case where a person died when trying to become a breatharian."


>But there are people jump straight from omnivorism to pranic nourishment

got some examples? not just anecdotal


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can you fuck someones soul



As above, so below.



Just a silly metaphor.



Sorry, but where I come from there are many breatharians who went through Jasmuheen's process. There is no reason to doubt them. Jasmuheen is not from free from false information, I know that. But this works and that's all there is to say about it.



I've been speaking on inedia since i started posting here - yes it's legit, consumption makes no logical sense in a hologram, - why the fuck would a god need material sustenance…

Flipside; jasmuheen is straight up a fucking sociopath, and you can discern that clearly.

which is why i tell folk to check out sunfire jericho and r budd gzus - among a few.

>this works and that's all there is to say about it

a loaded gun works fine too unless you point it at your own head, gun safety training is highly recommended.


What do you guys think about the effects of coffee and tea from caffeine? I hear the Tibetans drinking their butter salt tea and had thought it sounds like a nice beverage. Though I'll have to figure out a vegan version of it. I'm mainly worried about the effects of the caffeine on me though if it wreaks havoc on sleep and the adrenals.



I wouldn't recommend any of it. Raw vegan is the best and safest before attempting something like breatharianism. Coffee isn't really good.



You serious? Coffee is the best spiritual beverage you could ever drink. Drink a big cup of coffee, go meditate, and meet your guides.



what you sow you reap.



What I sow they shit on,

and bullshit makes the flowers grow,

isn't that beautiful?





How do I predict the future?




By understanding the present


Hey I have this question about gnosis and the state of deep trance associated to it. You know floating in to a universe of infinity within one's self.

I would want to know if it would be possible to move and especially move a finger while doing it.




Through past life regression until you find a copy of the current cycle.

It has all happened before and will happen again.



then how do I break the cycle?




it will all turn back on itself.

however its breadth can seem to expand like an elastic band.

awareness of the cyclical nature and experience of other times and lives leads to wisdom and contentment.

you can not wholly break out from what i have seen but can learn to float with the stream rather than being battered by the river of cosmic determinism.

chiilax, enjoy the ride, if the reruns get boring indulge in forgetfulness once more.





>this man disinfos on this board


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Thanks for mistaking me for didi dindu, greatest compliment this week.

>He thinks time is linear.



>this man

Lol Ive made one post on that list. Dumb people are impressive


Has anyone here astral projected while in a moving vehicle (car, bus, train, etc.)

did you have difficulties return to your physical body?

also when leaving your physical body were you relative to your physical body (i.e. moving with the vehicle)? or did you stay put while your physical body continued moving?





I didn't.


>pretend to be a viking

>listen to Finnish music

>walk daily in the forest

I never felt so fucking peaceful, and guess what, dont need shakras


Why is the kyballion regarded as one of the most important books here? I've read it, it's basically theory, it has no stuff you can practice at all, I mean it's an interesting read, but why not just practice instead?



99% of the people here just read and pretend magic is just roleplaying.



I think the same can be said for all of atkinson's books


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Why not read AND practice.



as i've said, it contains zero stuff to practice, you're better off not wasting your time on this book I believe






O man I need to screencap this to throw it at smiley



Nobody cares about that person anymore.


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I really think that the writing style of Atkinson is kind stiff and hard-to-digest style.Always with that attitude of "SCIENCE WILL PROVE THIS ONE DAY", sure Crowley said the same thing but only once and then wrote about different things, but Atkinson seem like a monotone personality devoided out of any feeling or emotion.



It's a hundred pages long, you're not wasting any time.

It might be just theory, but if you read it then read more practical material you'll realize why those practices work, as opposed to just doing arbitrary rituals and then shit happens and you have no idea why it happens. Think of the Kybalion as the WHY and something like Franz Bardon as the HOW.


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The hermetic laws can be found online, and they are explain in a down-to-earth style and don't need that "edgy" writing style.A little meditation on each law is enough to understand it and comprehend it, tbh the laws of magic in Whitcomb's Magician Companion are far more easier and detailed than the hermetic laws(but different strokes for different folks)


Is it enough to just keep a dream journal to learn how to lucid dream? I noticed I remember my dreams more often, but I still skip some nights and don't remember anything




What would you recommend?




also make a thoughtform/dream tulpa to induce lucidity.

Creation Of A Dream-Tulpa

A ‘tulpa’ is a consciously-projected thought-form or servitor, which may perform a particular task for a magician or act as a general ‘helper’. They are of a similar nature to Spirit Desire-Forms. A Dream Tulpa takes the form of a shadowy figure - Tibetan shamans, from whom the name derives, often projected these figures in the form of monks - whom you should gradually begin to embellish with features over time. For example, you could spend some minutes working with the Dream Tulpa each night. Your aim should be not so much to impose features onto the shadow-form - but to let them arise. For example, you might notice, the first time you do this, that the Tulpa is a man. Mentally note one or two features (write them down when you can) and leave it at that. The next night, you might find yourself deciding that the man wears heavy gold rings on his hands. The trick is to let the shape build up gradually, taking on more detail and its own ‘life’, until it spontaneously crosses over into your dream experience.

Knowing that you have dreamt about the Tulpa is itself, a great step forwards. If you can reach that stage, then you may consider working with the Tulpa consciously, in waking, semi-waking, and dream states. You could for example, ask the Tulpa to act as a ‘trigger’ to bring you to lucid awareness in dream, or to guide you in travelling to different realms in the lands of dream. It is important that you build up a relationship of trust and confidence with the Tulpa, that you recognise it as an individual entity, albeit one that you are responsible for.



Having the same problem. I have just started using various related sigils as well as affirmations to try to fix this.



just answered you



All right, I have a question for you guys.

I've heard it said that if you utilize multiple spells covering the same time period, wonky things may happen, including:

>amplification of power: instead of 3+3=6 you get 3x3=9

>nullification of power: instead of 3+3=6 you get 0x=0

>spreading energy out results in diminished results from all of them

>if using spirits they may be fickle in working with other spirits


I'm planning things on wrapping up at the end of this month, and I was wanting to know your opinions on this kind of thing.

At the moment I believe I may be able to get around it by having multiple people cast different branches of magic, all working towards the same intention.

What do you think?


what do you guys think about the stuff going onwards from page 59?


I'm thinking of doing this stuff, since I already work out a lot, I think this could help making muscle faster, but the exercises where you had to imagine a heavy object are a bit weird



Mundane here new to the esoteric life. I keep hearing how magick and shit will change your life for the better. Yet the people who wrote these are just normal people. They grow old fat and bald like everyone else. They aren't even rich or anything. And the rest are just teenagers on YouTube and new agers. I'm reading the kyballion right now and I love the 7 principles. For some reason they make so much sense, but how do I know I'm not really getting into something that will waste my time? We don't know almost anything about the supposed life of Hermes. How powerful is this esoteric knowledge if it cannot be used to transform the physical life along with the spirit?

I'm not trolling or anything. This is a serious question I had, so I would expect serious responses. Thank you.



I guess you could say I'm new too, but i've been reading up a lot on all these methods and shit, and there are certainly ways described to transform your physical life, which make sense, I personally have not tried some of the stuff yet as I have not yet learned how to lucid dream yet, but some of the stuff I tried with meditation seemed legit, Like the stuff where you focus on your pituatary gland during meditation to focus your energy there and get increased testosterone and grow in size, I feel this has helped me greatly in Weightlifting, I think you shouldn't doubt any of this, and try the smaller stuff first to see if you get any results, doubt will make this impossible though




yes what you want to look into first is definetly lucid dreaming and astral projection




Makes sense I'll try the smaller things then.

Oh and iv been trying to lucid dream for a while but it's tough as balls to become aware that you are dreaming. I feel that I'm like an actor in a play who can't realize every thing is set up. It's amazing how easy it is for so many people and I can't even gain lucidity at all



Iktf bro



try doing the stuff here



I just came across a spell that needed something relatively obscure, and I have no idea how to get it.

I need "unas de gallo", which is spanish for rooster's nails.

…short of finding a rooster and trimming him, which they don't like, any know of a place to buy animal parts online?



Never mind, I found a woman who has some lying around the house because of her husband.

>ebay, if anyone's interested.




>rooster feathers


The hell is this shit. Just will whatever you want, you pleb.


anybody here have a PDF of Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm (the Picatrix)?




I followed the link in the post and iv been doing what's in it. Hopefully it works soon.


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Hi guys. I have read a good chunk of the books on the MEGA folder. I'm currently ingtrigued by Crowley's works, and Thelema in general. Anybody here has any suggestions on where to start? Thanks.


Hello, I hope this question hasn't been asked before and if it does, I apologize for not being able to find the thread.

Basically I'm getting into fringe knowledge and I want to astral project, but I'm finding it difficult to do. I was wondering if it was possible (and wise) to create a tulpa/servitor and somehow help me regain my awareness while I am sleeping (for lucid dreaming) or somehow help me Astral Project. As far as I know, AP is basically lucid dreaming on steroids, right? So if I manage to LD, perhaps it would make it easier for me to AP? Or could I skip the lucid dreaming and go straight into AP? And how could I get help from a servitor? Could I just tell it to watch over me while I sleep and pull me out of my body?

Sorry if my question sounds silly, I have tried to express myself as clearly as possible. Thank you very much.



you lack chi, build up chi, do MCO in the dark for energy or in a dim room - sungaze more for energy, also your chemistry can affect it too.


is looking at sigils dangerous?



I don't see why it would be, unless you're giving it energy by thinking about it more.

I've made 3 sigils and never even used them, but I just realized I had them laying around. Since apparently keeping sigils around is bad, is this dangerous? Is shredding them good enough?


i have seen some very trustworthy evidence first hand, that they are extremely powerful. I want to know how to follow them and enter a relationship with them. Specifically, Shiva and Ganesha, but indian entity is great. Also please tell me about your experiences with them.

sorry if this should have been posted in /occult/ instead


Everything I look for regarding anything occult related on YouTube is ridiculous. All I get are new agers, teenagers and attention whoring women spewing shit about "love life xDDD and people xD", "your circumstances are your fault" bullshit. I want to meet my higher self/divine spark/whatever it's called, but I can't trust anyone. I would simply like guidance but everything is shit. I want the hardcore practical truth not the "think happy thoughts :))))" from these children of the demiurge. What do?



read books recommended here,meditate,learn how to lucid dream and astral project


Lately I'm somehow accidentally causing some small synchronicities, but they're pretty meaningless (literally related to certain kinds of shitposting), though it's more like the overall idea is that it is possible to cause them. How do I consciously trigger positive synchronicities?




Where you honestly expecting anything but shit? You might as well try looking for diamonds in a trash dump.

>your circumstances are your fault

But that's true.

>I want to meet my higher self/divine spark/whatever it's called, but I can't trust anyone

Read the recommended books then judge yourself what your next move should be. In any case you should start meditating.


>literally related to certain kinds of shitposting




A method that one anon here used to AP easily and quickly is to create a thoughtform that sucked his astral self out of his physical body. I've personally tested that and can safely say that it's a better method than the rope techniques from the 90 day guide, for me anyway.

You certainly don't need to lucid dream before APing, though the awareness exercises that you aught to be doing will make both LD and AP a much easier, more natural thing for you to do.

If you need tips on throughforming just use your internet search engine of choice as it's chock-full of information.



While I do believe you can change your circumstances by application. Not every problem iv had is my fault. This physical universe is flawed, it's rules are flawed, the people here are flawed. There are the things we are shoved into, not something we did ourselves. We just need to get past it. But I thank you for the rest of the post. I will read the books. I'v wanted to get into meditation, but it's so vague. What kind of meditation? There are millions of them. This what I meant by guidance.


All the joke edited "ALLAHU ACKBAR" videos spawning around the net, aren't they sort of giving power to ISISs cause when they're being watched?




Yeah. I watched the movies like a week ago or so and just found it kinda funny, but since that time on all the usual boards I'm on not any board related to tv or movies just to be clear I've been seeing so many references it's crazy. It hasn't ever happened before. Went on the literature board for no reason for the first time in years today, a thread on the front page had a Gillen reaction pic. Went onto a thread about a dirty house. Several people mentioned casting Gillen as one of the objects from the house (completely unrelated)…There's more and it just keeps happening I don't think I'm crazy but it's weirding me out



The way you write.

>i want to meet my higher self

you try the darkness meditation?


Every time I answer a question, two more questions form. When does it end? When does it stop changing as you observe it?



You hear about the plane crash?

There's some truth to what you're saying, but it's not BECAUSE of you, you're just part of it now.






To exist is to question


Humbly reaching out to you because I've been stuck on a plateau for a while now.

1. My current goal is to be able to see and visualize on the (now) black screen before my eyes. Therefore I've been trying to open my third eye for a while. When I close my eyes I see a blue/purple field surrounded by gold. When looking at a white wall I see it with my eyes open aswell. I therefore believe that my third is awakened, but not open.

Will there be a stage when this turns to an illumination or screen, for me to visualize on? If so, what should I practice?

I have had a few experiences with CEV, but sadly all of them drug (LSD/MDMA) induced.

2. Second wondering related to the first one, kind of same question.

I can't see what I see in my mind's eye, with my physical eyes. Is there a way to "move" the mind's eye to the black screen before my physical eyes?

Thank you all.



When you start making up your own rules and being more in control of your surroundings.

People can bash on books that don't provide any straightforward rituals and exercises but when you realize and apply the axiom that the Universe is Mental with the fact that magic is essentially developing your Mental powers, everything becomes somewhat clearer in a Mr. Bean "Magic" explanation sort of way.

In reality there are so many invisible influences acting on the world every second that it'd be a fool's errand to try and account for all of them, just try to maximize your own influence.


>there are people who ironically ask Omran for advice






I guess you get what you deserve.



at least I try to help people, I don't really intend to annoy people in /fringe/, but now I will probably I just stay anonymous and post content and hopefully people will stop picking on me that much without a reason(I mean there are time when people point at some bullshit I post and I actually research and try to find a way to correct myself).In the end hopefully my name won't affect the content I post

As gurdjieff said

"Don't judge a man by the tales of others."

but probably Smiley already shat on my name enough, and even when I show my contribution to people they ignore it for a day or two and then comeback and say "DIS SHITPOSTER"

Uh..well… I am feeling rustled by these people attacking me.




Post with your name, please.




we'll still know you by your flag though


>Implying flag can't be changed.


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They are the most based Hindu Deities.

I also recommend various manifestations of Shakti.

Ganesha is a gateway Deity, it is worth while calling on him before any future magickal operation or endeavour in life. He was associated with trade and business due to his ability to break down barriers and imbue good luck.

He is also associated with the arts, writing and material wellbeing, along with the Goddess’s Lakshmi (wealth) and Saraswati (Art, Eloquence, Writing). He is often depicted with two wives Riddhi (Material Well Being) and Siddhi (Spiritual Development), as well as a sole Shakti consort, who he is either eating with, fondling, or having intercoarse.

In India and some Buddhist countries a puja (ceremonial calling and offering) is performed before any major undertaking.

Within Puranic Shaivism (Worship of Shiva as the Eternal Brahman and attention and deference paid to the Puranic mythologies associated with him), Ganesha is an important deity as he one of Shiva's sons, albeit his creation is not thought of in the conventional sense, he was actually created by Shiva's wife Parvati out of clay as a guard since Shiva kept pestering her while bathing. This frustrated Shiva who in a fit of rage lobbed off his head, later a contrite Shiva replaced it with the head of a kind elephant who offered it willingly.

There is/was a tantric school of Hinduism who worshiped Ganesha as the Eternal Brahmin. They were a Kaula school (Left-Hand) who disobeyed Dharmic injunctions in search of enlightenment (utilising sex and unclean offerings). Various forms of Ganesha were worshiped for varying purposes, an overview of these can be seen here:


The tantric school is very secretive and a bit spooky due to their use of black magick. I am not sure whether there is a detailed account of their practices or beliefs written down which are easily accessible let alone in english.

One of Ganeshas popular epithets is Ganapati, meaning “lord of hosts”, as in charge of retinue of minor devas and other beings, so if creating or calling on beings or entities for a purpose it may be wise to address him under this name.

His most popular mantra is Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha



Pujas can be complicated and pedantic, you can research ways of performing them through youtube videos or reading Puranas associated with the various Devas. They can be quite elaborate both mentally and materially and put many ritual magicians to shame.

The easiest way to worship a Deva is japa mala, this is the recitation of a mantra (or ajapa the mental recitation), either all the time or a certain number of times using prayer beads, usually in sets of 108. The Rudraksha (Shiva’s Tears) nuts are used as prayer beads in the japa mala of Shiva and Ganesha generally. You can find these is various new age/occult stores around the world or online.

The other common form of worship is prasad, the spiritual offering of food (vegetarian non-spicy or garlicky) to a representation of the Deva (Murti) before consuming it yourself. This binds you in a relationship of sacrifice for the deity, all fruits should be for them until the bearer of fruits and actor is only God.

Anthropologists believe that Ganesha is not Vedic and emerged from indigenous Indus culture (or other indigenous cultures) before the Aryan invasion. It is also speculated that he emerged from demons associated with difficulties (obstacles) and shifted into the Vedic pantheon as the God of obstacles when the devotee needed a challenge to grow as well as the remover, similar to how Shiva is both the concealer (bringer of delusion) as well as its antidote.

Might post a Shiva primer later, am out of steam.


I am new to meditation. You know any good ones for beginners? One that will help me with astral projection/lucid dreaming, going into Trances/Void and other stuff like that?



Meditating lying down till you're asleep almost guarantees lucid dreaming



How are you supposed to convince me that /fringe/ isn't one big disinfo?



experiment with the infomation yourself and report back.

the only way to know is through experience and experimentation.

theory even if moving, palatable or sensible is just a theory until you apply the methods and achieve similar results.



we're not, it's not our job to clean the poop off of you, that's your job, all we offer is means to promote better hygiene.


>self-entitled folk : prove to me i can stop being a loser.



I just layed down and meditated. I focused on parts of my body and trying to block my thoughts out, that's it. I felt a very good sensation In my body but unfortunately my thoughts took over and before I knew it I woke up from a mundane scripted daydream of some sort. This all lasted about 20 minutes. Nothing mystical or lucid. It takes practice or should I have gotten it right right away?



definetly practice, but not much



Right I'll practice more, hopefully I'll get it soon


how much truth is there to the statement of joyofsatan that satan is the only true god that was known as enki?



Satan is a demiurge acumen. The Monad is true love, and true light.



Fuck auto correct, I meant demiurge scum.



Greenpill me on the monad, I've haven't seen it discussed here tbh



I'm new to the occult, but I know it is the source of everything in existence. And a spark of the monad exists in our core which will reunite with the whole source if we acquire gnosis. The Monad is perfect and is the embodiment of love. It is what led me to seek mysticism. It is perfect and above this piece of shit world.



Yeah, the plane crash was genuinely scary in how many things matched. Also, I know, but the thing is, if you can become part of something causing these synchronicities, could there also be a way to make these synchronicities something more positive?


Does anyone happen to have a pdf version of an english (or french) translation of Geber's Summa Perfectionis?

Looked through a few fringe-related mega libraries and couldn't find one.


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What about Krishna, specifically his super popular mantra?


Which method of meditation is best for that particular goal?



Idk I myself always meditate on the pituatary gland to increase testosterone before falling asleep, it works, but as I said not every time, it increases the chances though



While there is no formal definition for visualizing and most people will struggle to tell you what it is, your attempts to overlay the darkness you see with your eyes is unnecessarily hard if you're only just starting.

There certainly is advanced visualizations that overlay reality itself, visualizing with your eyes open essentially, but what you should start with is vivid imagination, not seeing images in front of your visual darkness.

Either way the solution is to keep practicing and do a whole bunch of chakra meditations, especially the third eyes obviously but be sure to have a vivid visualization of the colours as that's where the main benefit to your skill will come from.


>provides good answers to questions

>generally well liked for a namefag

>suddenly snaps and starts posting retarded shit

>anons get mad about the shitposting in a question thread

>wew you guys are such mean bullies

That's the whole point of anonymous imageboards you know, to have the quality of the content speak for itself rather than the fame of the poster.

When you and didi post quality advice nobody bats an eye because people generally came to expect something worthwhile from you, which made your shitposting all the more annoying.



didi is even more retarded


what's the demiurge and why is it bad?


how can I train my memory to remember images better?



Oh thanks then, I didn't pay attention to that…I feel stupid right now..I am sorry anon-kun >_<

I will work harder to get better stuff.




he's right tho, your content is obviously refined and you have that vibe which you can feel from a grandmother preparing a pastry - but then you ruin it all with ponyfaggotry (no offence to the homosexuals)

At least powerpuff girls was legit AF, this new wave of cartoon network crap is just complete garbage and has been shown to reduce IQ of folk.

Stop promoting, even as a joke or satire, one of the prominent social-cultural bullshits which enables and reinforces manlet beta-nice-guy mentality.



If what i say gives you cognitive dissonance, it's not because i am retarded it's because your brain isn't at the level required to overstand and innerstand what you attempt to understand, yet. You will get there tho.






Alright ^_^.

I think I understand now, it might have been just a hype I was begin pulled with.Hmmm….my writing style really seem to change when I don't post pony.

Oh well I live and learn.

Now I wonder Why is my name Omran, when in Quran it is Imran and in Bible it is Amram?




I almost forget to Thank you, guys.

Thank you.



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All Devas are revered regardless of what sect or flavour of Hinduism you are inspired by.

Your Ishta-Devata (Face of God which you devote yourself to until you can realise his formlessness) is dependant on your karma and temperment so it is not really a competition, all are part of God according to most Hinduism which tends towards Monism or Monotheism.

Krishna is the most popular avatar (born into this world as a human) of Vishnu and Vaishnavism (Vishnu as Eternal Brahmin) is most common overall. His adventures are very popular as featured in the Mahabharata and Bhagavata Purana.

I am yet to make a great deal of milage on these texts so cannot comment on them yet but http://www.amazon.com/Bhagavata-Purana-Set-Two-Volumes/dp/8129116618/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1442501090&sr=8-1&keywords=Bhagavata+Purana this modern english retelling seems like a great start.

Regardless of your preferences, if interested in Hinduism and Eastern Religion Philosophy generally, it is worth while reading a copy of the Bhagavaad Gita.It is a segement of the Mahabharata-a conversation about the nature of reality and means of enligthenment between Arjuna and Krishna his charioteer. It is considered a great distillation of the Vedas in terms normal people can apprehend.

The rise of Krishna to world dominance, especially amongst the lower castes and western adherants is due mostly to neo-bhakti movements such as the International Society for Krishna Consciousness which unlike most forms of Hinduism actively proslytize and their rejection of caste is appealing to the down trodden. I would not recommend them as they are very doctrinally narrow, denegrate a lot of other schools and carry some strange notions from their leader.

My personal favourite Krishna mantra is: Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya


From what I have read, Krishna seems like a pretty exciting character. Similar to the trippy stuff in the gnostic gospels about Christ. He possessed superhuman strength, could easily fight demons (even when a small child) and impart experiences of the absolute with a mere touch or glance. The ecstacies of his cow maid groupies often have a sexual undertone.


Would a dream catcher work to deter negative entities when going into sleep paralysis or trying to AP?



Isn't Ishta-devata like HGA concept?



only if it is consecrated/working.




>Greenpill me on the monad, I've haven't seen it discussed here tbh

>It is perfect and above this piece of shit world.

The above is dependant on the below and the below on the above.

It is all a Holistic construct, we are trapped here by powerful entities who are not evil but rather mediating gate keepers, we cannot grow without constraint and are here for a purpose.

Dislike or indifference to materiality is the start of the process but not the end (it is early initation).

The pagentary, worship and mundaness of the material world is vital in the maintenace of the above.

Read as much as you can about the Neoplatonism of Iamblichus-start with the Theurgy posts on this board. I am not an expert as of yet but I think Plotinus and his world denying Gnostic successors made a serious mistake and you are on the track to poverty of the soul if you continue this attitude.



So what your saying Is you agree that this world is shit, but it's shit for a good reading?

And I'm not denying the world but using its shittyness as motivation to become one with the monad.



He is the conceptual face you put on the Ultimate which you devote yourself to.

He is not part of a complicated initiatory ritual like the HGA.

Some devotees may be lucky enough to be visited by the worshiped form in person and through his grace he may make them a jivamukta (liberated soul) who is above the worries of Karma and will reunite with Brahman on their death.

There are forms of esoteric Buddhism which involves the meditation on various wisdom Gods as murtis (statues) whose symbology trigger ineffable insight in the prepared practioner, slingshotting him towards enlightenment in one lifetime.



Engagement with the world is important yet should be undertaken without attachment. If the world is terrible and ignorant it needs to be transformed, maintance on earth brings equanimity with the heavens.

While reuniting with the monad is a noble pursuit it can become a stumbling block of attachment. Best to be at ease with the world, then turn towards the Monad as a natural action not a desperate act to escape.

It is also important to be not purely inwards turning. Accenstion often takes place through the symbolic interaction with the universe and her building blocks (ie ritual and ceremony both Apollonian ordered and Dionysian chaos).

Exculsive inwards turning may only be useful in the beginning to shed past patterns and views towards the world.



One of the best descriptions for the HGA I've heard is that of the Divine Sockpuppet. It's hard, just about impossible, for most people to interact with pure, unfiltered Divinity directly; the old myths have people bursting into flames at the sight of a god's true form. However, we still need that connection, and it needs to be throttled back into a much tinier, much more limited form that we can comprehend and interact with. Thus, the Divine Sockpuppet: a small, almost ridiculous form of Divinity (when compared to Divinity itself) limited just to ourselves that's tailored just for our own eyes, ears, and mind.

It's like trying to charge your cell phone by plugging it directly into the Sun. Needless to say, that won't work, and you'll end up destroying the thing in short order. No, you have to go through a series of throttling back the power of the Sun into light that travels millions of miles into solar panels that transform it into electrical energy that has to be transformed into a proper voltage and put through a wire with the proper connections to interact with your cell phone's battery. Similarly, the HGA is that connection to Divinity, throttled back for us.

What we do with the HGA, once we get contact, is another matter.(you will get synchronicity from the HGA to further your development)

The source for the modern notion of the HGA comes from the Book of Abramelin. The Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley have written plenty on it, but you could do much worse than to check out Nephilim Press' book they released on the HGA earlier this year.

The most forward path to reach the HGA is devotion.(sometime it take less than 2 week, depending on the burning desire of your to face divinity)

This article really sum up the HGA in a humorous way




Yea a Ishta-devata is a divine sock-puppet. Your post rings true.

However unlike Crowleys notion, it is not a higer-self but the unindividuated Allness (Unless if partaking in a dualistic school in which he is a seperate God).

It has been a long while since i have read Crowley, I seem to remember an intricate ritual involving summoning and banishing demons and a short monastic period before visitation. There are ordeals which Sadhus undertake in order to be visisted by such a grace giver not unlike this.

However the relationship with the Ishta-Devata is usually one of gradual grades as you build a relationship not a lightning bolt off-on switch and not exlusive to ascetics or tanrikas.



even HGA is a gradual process

there is K&C of HGA and then there is Union with HGA.



Ah ok. I was only familiar with the latter.


Is smiley a roleplayer or just some deluded fuck?



The latter.


Has Smiley left /fringe/? I don't see any posts from him. Is freedomboard ever going to come back? I liked it a lot better there than on 8chan.


What's the backstory of smiley?


is Christianity compatible with occult stuff



yes, "real" christianity



good good i made the mistake of asking /christian/ and they denied it with bullshit logic



good ol alim bey will destroy christians / muslims with a single 10 minute segment of his many talks.

challenge them to watch alim bey or phil valentine breaking down the historical aspects and etymological and factual literature-backed.


real christianity is watered down egyptian magick combined with limited eastern concepts, the stories are allegory for human body functions. Jesus is oxygen, lucifer is phosphorous, christ is the kundalini fluid from the base of the spine traveling up to the brain to reach the golgota the skull and be crucified– > go up to the pineal to trigger sero+melo+pinoline →dmt.



or you can also ask them why the piso family's fictional bullshit ended up being the old testament they revere.



well i don't know about the allegory's being about the human body but, its good too know my love of the occult is compatible with Christianity



>real christianity is watered down egyptian magick combined with limited eastern concepts, the stories are allegory for human body functions. Jesus is oxygen, lucifer is phosphorous, christ is the kundalini fluid from the base of the spine traveling up to the brain to reach the golgota the skull and be crucified– > go up to the pineal to trigger sero+melo+pinoline →dmt.

figured as much, just knew that the traditional stuff does not oppose the occult


Damn this testosterone increasing meditation is working really well, but the more I meditate on testosterone increase the more I want to fap afterwards, is it wise to release this energy or is it better to hold it?



find your flame. Do sexual tantra magick. Drink the fluids of exchange.



hold it and become powerful as fuck bro



>this testosterone increasing meditation

what's that?


Anyone have any recommendations on incense? I just bought a few packs from the gnosticteachings site as they are supposedly pretty good. Sadly, both kinds I bought are really smokey, and what unique scent they have gets covered up easily by the smoke. They're not terrible, but I was expecting much more.

>read >>54248

>check out /christian/ out of curiosity

Wow, what a horrible board. Any differing opinion is met with cries of heresy and a lot of the posters there seem really narrow-minded.



Hem is good. Candles are probably a better choice because they won't make you smell like smoke.

pic related smells excellent.


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oops meant to attach a pic



I don't know, but I want to know more about smiley too.


Yes, he is addicted to drawing/drawing in denial.


Can anybody give Me some guidance on where to begin with meditation? I want to lucid dream/astral project, visit dimensions. Experience voids and trances. Can someone tell me where to begin? The internet is full of bogus new agers and mundanes but I want to experience the mystical.



so is it okay if the thoughts or your mind is just thinking about shit but you're not caring enough and thus ignoring it?



>>check out /christian/ out of curiosity

>Wow, what a horrible board.

Some of the worst fedoras are actually Christcucks.

>Magic? Ridiculous!

>I have personal conversations with a Jewish desert demon every day, sometimes he grants my wishes



pretty much yea. you need to observe without judgement but try to guide yourself back to the breath.

be too loose with the mind chatter and it will carry you away, be too firm with it and the chatter will dominate due to you focusing on repressing it too much.

be calm and detached and with practice you will be able to see thoughts for what they are and achieve a thoughtless samadhi with ease.


Has anyone done any work with the qilopth? If you have any good resources to get into working with and opening up the energies I would be well appreciative. Share any good experiences if you've had any as well.



Smiley should add a running dinosaur below the sticky and the FAQ.

Start with the Kybalion and other recommended books, all of which you can find the MEGA archive in the sticky.


Browse through the catalog, there was a thread on jewish magic here somewhere but good luck finding it since it's bee buried with shitposting threads since the last time someone bumped it.

It had a whole bunch of info on every sephira and other neat things.


Just ask himself on /ask/ but he's basically the old admin of /fringe/, from the days of old freedomboard and beyond.

Too bad you weren't here for Smiley's wacky adventures of monthly ascension rituals, him almost getting tricked into killing himself, saving his chubby girlfriend from mysterious black wizards and his creation of Fringe Illuminates hellbent on stopping some Neo-Reactionary cucks and generally stroking their wands about their super seekret club.

Someone should make a movie about him really, it's a shame the title is already taken.


How much do you agree with Evola's view on how the differentiated man should live his life?

I'm trying to think whether it's ok to get mad over my race slowly being bred out of existence with the whole goal of taking the stance of apoliteia.



>How much do you agree with Evola's view on how the differentiated man should live his life?

I'm trying to think whether it's ok to get mad over my race slowly being bred out of existence with the whole goal of taking the stance of apoliteia.

not the same guy, but don't be so gloomy, people in europe are rapidly swallowing the red pill due to the sudden immigration crisis and protests were organized, that said, whenever i think about people,politicians allowing stuff like this to happen it makes my blood boil, I haven't decided yet if i want to be indifferent to the world around me or I should do something to change it yet.




Isolation, Depression, Ascension, Fringe Wizardry, and White Power – The True Imageboard Story

What happens when an unstoppable force meets immovable autism?

Find out in theaters this summer…


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Does anyone know what this symbol means? I was given a necklace a long time ago by a new-agey type person with this symbol that said it meant something. I'm not very good at drawing.


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bars in the middle remind me of the shou symbol meaning long life


What is the easiest way to astral travel?

I need to know.




I haven't read Evola.

Anger is usually a waste of energy which clouds judgement and leads to unskillful action. Unless if you have the discipline to channel it into worthwhile pursuits.

I would say the best course of action is to raise yourself above the morass through clean positive living to set an example to your kin. Do not waste money or time frivolously, find a like minded woman and have children.

Openly communicate with people willing it listen but do not stoop to denigration of outsiders or ideologically muddled or naive kinfolk. Do not confuse the symptoms with the disease which is larger and more complex than all victims and players. Do not chase phantoms down rabbit warrens of demonisation of certain groups or fixate your gaze exlusively on one issue.

If the sheer scope of it brings despair, bring the awareness back to the present and be mindful of everday blessings and the good you can do at this moment.


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BoL, pointed out in a simple and more direct form in the pdf(the pdf is only 17 page).

Train the body, and take it slowly(you didn't start running with your physical body once you were born, take it step by step)


why does didi only shill black occultist?



because he's black himself i guess



They be jivin' his rythmn bey.



he's so much for equality but supports black supremacists



In fairness from what I have heard on his favourite podcast, the hosts and guests are mainly ex-esoteric black supremisists who have gotten past all that inferiority neurosis.

didi is pretty based, but can be very firm and stubbon in his views and sometimes jumps the gun.

Regardless I appreciate his passion and energy.



what do you mean by ex-esoteric? If they're still black supremacists then they're still racist



he mean ex-esoteric-black-nationalists lol



>he mean ex-esoteric-black-nationalists lol

ya whoops misleadin' on my part



Why is covering one eye considered satanic in media? Why would they put le secret evil stuff in the media at all?


How do I direct Energy to a specific part of the body? I haven't read on this topic much, but what i'm doing now is just imagining a current of energy entering that body part



You're doin it right. You can also build up energy and direct it to a body part using something like the middle pillar.



Any stuff you'd recommend reading about this?



Not energy work in particular. I hear Robert Bruce is good for energy work though.

Try this for how to do the middle pillar >>47073 Use the relaxation script too, gets you closer to theta brainstate where you can work with energy better.


I've been meditating daily in the past weeks (breathing meditation, while trying to inhale deep) and I've noticed that during meditation my mind feels like it's morphing, like things in there are actually moving, sometimes I even feel little bits of pain.

Is this normal? Is there a possibility that there is something wrong and I should go to a doctor? I only feel these while meditating.




Meant to say "my brain", my actuall brain.


To my fellow Germanics, it has been recently revealed to me by a trusted friend and his guide that I ought to look into Germanic shamanism.

I've done a quick google search which honestly only brought up shitty new age assholes who went to school (??? wtf) to learn shamanistic practices.

So I come to my beloved /fringe/, with a request for recommendations of legitimate authors and books for me to read and look into to learn about my ancestry and how to come into contact with my ancestors so they may guide me and I may enhance my practice.

Thanks guys, much love



I appreciate that very much.



Meme magic maybe? Or maybe they just get off to it. "lol we're doing it right in their faces and they don't even know it"


Funny how I guessed that. What your experiencing is pretty mundane though, i think. I think you saw all the references before and you just didn't realize it because your mind filtered it. I believe that you actually you see everything in your field of view at once in the back of your mind, and when that part notices something of interest your attention is brought to it. The other day I saw a random post with someone talking about their last name Newman. The post wasn't interesting or significant, yet the next day I drove past a billboard I already drove past a couple times but this time I noticed it said Newman. The mind is weird.



I would suggest checking out Uncle bearheart on youtube and his stuff with the grand order of draco slayers. He's pretty much the only Germanic pagan I've ever heard of.



I've tried digging before for Germanic shaminism, but I didn't really find much after searching long.




Playlist of rituals and videos


http://www76.zippyshare.com/v/CbtMy8Mn/file.html Also the articles he did before they were taken of from probably the government. If anyone here is a ceremonial magician I recommend this stuff because it's the most pure and strong version you'll find of the stuff.





Thank you brothers, I'll look into your recommendations.

But the search is not over! Anyone who holds any more information is encouraged to come forward and share out of love for the tradition!

Thanks again fellows


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I'd watch the shit out of that.


I fucking kills me that we've passed the point where a violent solution could have been avoided.

I'm mentally preparing myself for an upcoming task of having to do terrible things for the salvation of Europe but I know that it's key to do it with a sense of detachment, without any joy nor with sorrow.

Arguably some people may say the world in its spiritually dead state isn't worth fighting for and that the European civilization has done little, if anything, for the development of man himself rather than his quality of life. Despite all that, it's the time of the most liberated state of information and I would have been unlikely to find /fringe/ if not for the Western way of life and its old values.

For the sake of all who'll incarnate in this Earth, I'd like to at least let them have an option of swallowing the greenpill.


I'm already on the path of living that you described. Hell, one of the reasons I'm still carrying on my eternal no fap that's already lasted 3 months is because of my desire to do my kind proud. To advance rather than remain in this circular path.

I simply can't accept what's happening in the world though. I manage to suppress my anger quickly enough most of the time but more and more I keep wishing I was born about 100 years earlier and in a different place. Even dying for something I would believe to be right would have been better than constantly fighting the overbearing frustration brought by my inability to change the world for the better.


As the other anon already said, New Energy Ways by Robert Bruce is what'll be of particular interest to you.

Granted most magic books with a wide scope cover energy work at least in part. They may call it awareness training but whatnot but the sensations will all be the same.


Who knows, decalcification of the pineal gland maybe?

My third eye charka gets activated every time I meditate which causes some tingling sensation but there's absolutely nothing to worry about.



you're pretty much me, i will continue searching for a way to change this world, but until i find a way, i will be indiferrent to the politics and social issues, at the time being i fear not for myself but for the world i will leave behind when i have children


>>54488 (Hitler dubs checked)

Good to know more people like me exist, I hope you're reading up on philosophy to gain inspiration for the answer we seek.

I don't really like Evola that much btw. His writing style is barely readable and I don't agree with him on everything but I'd still recommend that you causally go through some of his works.

In his Ride the Tiger, he argues that the quality of his "differentiated men", the ones who don't belong to the world they're born in, us essentially, is not hereditary.

This he subtly uses to advocate asceticism and prevention of more soulless "masses" being born but my desire to leave a better world is not limited to just my own kids which I still plan to have, but the next, hopefully better generation which will inherit the knowledge that countless writers before us, and perhaps ourselves one day will leave for the next people who will keep the fire lit.



At the time being I'm still studying on the books in the sticky

what do you mean by

>In his Ride the Tiger, he argues that the quality of his "differentiated men", the ones who don't belong to the world they're born in, us essentially, is not hereditary.




Evola's book, surprised you've never heard of it.

In the chapter on marriage, he says that it's unnecessary for people like us to marry and reproduce, as "aristocrats of the soul" like ourselves will incarnate regardless of their family background.

Meaning that even the most materialistic family of yokels might give life to a future wizard.



I get it, still i need to confirm such stuff for myself


How much time of the day do you guys dedicate to studying this stuff?



Are you by chance the anon that wrote the thread about creating spiritual legacies of a sort to leave behind you and continue influencing the masses after you yourself would have ascended or died?

I was thinking of writing something up myself in a few days about magical/spiritual development while still doing "outward" work for the betterment of people around you in a few days to have a discussion and to have Omran and didi bitch about it, because it's going to take race into account. I think it would be worthwhile and, frankly, taking reincarnation into account, quite necessary.


It took me a minimum or 3 hours a day for about 8 months to read enough books, montalk articles and the old fringe site that I might get a somewhat clear understanding for myself. Maybe that's a bit of overkill for some, but I needed it.



You still practiced daily too right?


What is the general opinion here on the necronomicon or babylonian magic?



Yes, but not as much as I'd like. Frankly, I felt like I didn't know what I should go for and how to best achieve it.

As said, some can do both at the same time for good results.


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Most knowledge of esoteric practice of the Germanics is based on a few vague references in second hand historical accounts and Sagas.

These few references themselves barely scratch the surface as most pre-Christian Germania/Scandinavia had an oral tradition and even within those societies, shamans/gothis would keep the infomation secret and only pass it on to initiates.

Read up on the archeology, read all the Sagas, read Tacitus. The next source would be fairy tales, supersitions and folk practices of various Germanic people such as the Gävle goat, Maypoles and the Low German Krampus monster masquerade.

Pay particular attention to anything about Odin/Wotan as he is the God of Magic.

It is widely known that ancestor worship was important and the spirits were rooted to the land and sacred spaces- groves were found or made. Bodies of water were also very important as gateways to other worlds and places of sacrifice. There is also a belief that the essence of ancestors were past down bloodlines and if named after an ancestor you were imbuded with their power and seen almost as their reincarnation.

Pretty well all books on occult Germanic practice are based on unverified personal gnosis and borrow from vastly foreign systems like Kabbalah, so I would be wary of them.

Sorcery and Religion in Ancient Scandinavia by Varg Vikernes is well regarded by a lot of people, as he starts with the archeology and goes from there. But he does rely heavily on suppositions without a huge amount of evidence, he is also not a Hard Polytheist which will irk some people.

Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe: Early Scandinavian and Celtic Religions by H. R. Ellis Davidson is the best foundation, it is the best relevant book on archeology.

Do not be afraid of looking at sources of information from neighbouring Celtic people as well, there was a lot of similarity and cross pollination of religious practice same can be said of the Balts.

In terms of more primordial savage shamanism, the early people of Northern Europe were likely animist and their practices were probably not unlike the Lapp landers of North East Scandinavia. Sami magicians pop up in Scandinavian tales now and then.

I think the most important thing is once you have established a fairly strong outline of culture, place and worldview you should go out and practice. Go sleep in a cave on the side of a fjord in Norway. Research the psychotropic and medicinal plants of your Homelands.

Drum or dance till you feel certain presences- visit burial mounds at night and try to summon or give offerings to landwrights. Meditate on the runes and through inspiration find powerful combinations.

Speak to the old people in Iceland about the little people and their hidden kingdoms under the earth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRjatXe5bis




>In the chapter on marriage, he says that it's unnecessary for people like us to marry and reproduce, as "aristocrats of the soul" like ourselves will incarnate regardless of their family background.

>Even dying for something I would believe to be right would have been better than constantly fighting the overbearing frustration brought by my inability to change the world for the better.

Overcoming difficulty in spite of the odds requires courage. Couragous acts accrue honor.

The longing for a "noble" death these days tends to flow from a despairing suicidal drive to depart and impotently bite something without being around for the ramifications. Most suicide bombers for instance are weak not strong.

If you are racially minded be aware that the proper cultivation of the family unit is more noble and courageous than the misanthropic antipathy of society and seclusion on an imagined aristocratic throne.

Repair bonds or/and make your own communities.

Learn practical skills- how to garden, farm, build. There are people all over Europe wanting to reform communities and not be beholden to the sociopathic beancounters.

One thing Smiley has got totally right is the importance of growing food. Even if you cannot fully sustain yourself, it attaches you to the soil/land.

Your blood and this dark earth.


So with the right hand path you help others and with left hand path help yourself? Why not do both?



I will look into it thanks.


what happens on september 23, why is the date important?



It's my birthday.

It's important cus if I don't get decent presents I will punch you in the face.


How do I activate the metagene factor?





What do the Jews really worship? Some say Satan, some say Moloch. Is Satan really a bad dude?

What are Christians really worshipping? Is Christianity just a big loosh-farming pyramid scheme?

Do the entities in the Lesser Key of Solomon favor Jews? Would they be hostile to me if I am a doity anti-semite?




Hey brothers, any way for me to get an invite to the blog: http://grandorderofdracoslayers.blogspot.com/


my email is yourface(dot)myface(at)gmail(dot)com



Sadly as mentioned it had been attacked and shut down. Though that third link I posted has about 80% of the rituals and articles.



That's unfortunate, luckily we have the videos.

I also found this:




Thank you for all the help btw brother.

Also, you use the Taoism icon. Do you practice qi-gong? Are you familiar with any inner alchemy books/videos that are worthwhile?

Unfortunately I'm currently enrolled in university and am about to start an internship related to my field of study, so I'll be too busy to focus as much time and energy as I'd like into occult studies. My hope is to absorb the best of the best and syncretize it into my own form of Divine Worship so that I may clean/purify all my vehicles and become a pure walking reflection of the One Will.



Yes Taoism is my main practice and study.I used to study Hermetic ceremonial magic and Qabbalah though now I do practice Qi-gong and develop my own forms of magic and practices.

The greatest book as an introduction is Robert Bruce's New Energy Ways. This gets you familiar with feeling energy and the basic chakra system. After that I suggest you work through Mantak Chia's progression system.

https://kat.cr/mantak-chia-toaist-studies-series-t3157266.html All of his work can be found here.

If you just want the books then here is a link. https://kat.cr/mantak-chia-books-english-editions-massive-t875005.html

You should be able to find what books to read in what order roughly online. Though awaken healing light is probably the best all rounder to start with.

The links above are videos and books though he does also have videos on youtube (most of these lectures in the download link are on youtube as well). Other than Mantak Chia I honestly haven't been able to find anyone else worthwhile in the practical Taoist field online. Though there is one good 1k page medical Qi-gong manual in one of the fringe libraries. I don't recommend it unless you feel medical Qi-gong if your personal life path. I find spiritual Qi-gong works just as well.



I'll be making a chakra/ qi gong thread sometime soon as well since this board is severely lacking any information on it.




Thank you. Funnily enough I've had that first mantak chia torrent downloaded for years. Since before I became interested in the occult. I'll start with Bruce's N.E.W.

googled, the progrssion:

>Level 1. Inner smile, six healing sounds (SHS book not out yet)

>Level 1b. (optional) Chi self massage, Tao Yin (Book: Energy Balance through the Tao)

>Level 2. Microcosmic Orbit (books: Awaken Healing Energy, Healing Light of the Tao; DVDs: Guided Sitting Meditation, Awaken Healing Light)

>Level 3. Iron Shirt Chi Kung

sound about right to you?




>Yeah just about. First learn the inner smile to get you in touch with your organs and feeling negative and positive energy. Also learn the 6 healing sounds. They're incredible if you face a lot of toxic people or situations in life and need to de-rage or de-stress/ de any negative emotion. Next the microcosmic orbit which is pretty much the crown jewel of the Taoist energy work daily practices.

>After those three it's really optional but Iron shirt and all the other chi-kung stuff is great suplamentary material before going into his higher stuff with the pakua, elements and kan and li fusing.



Did not mean to greentext that.



All good, thanks for the info.

Hopefully soon we can have some more in-depth convos once I am more familiar with and have experienced the effects of Bear Heart's rituals and Chia's exercises.


I want to learn about the Monad. The one on the outside and inside, but I can barely find anything about it on the internet. Where do you find information on it?



>Are you by chance the anon that wrote the thread about creating spiritual legacies

Nope, but I've considered that too and to instill my vision into my children so that they may continue my work once I meet my physical death.

Looking forward to your thread.


I'd like to clarify that those two paths were something I consider similarly bad as I certainly don't idealize dying for anything.

I want to win, and I want to see the fruits of my labor.

Plus I'm a STEM student who's green/red pilling some people with potential on the side, the least I can do at the moment.


You can and should do both, don't fall for the ruse of there only existing two possible exclusive paths to follow.


Prophecies range from an inter-dimensional portals opening at CERN or a global economic collapse.

Just pick whichever you like more and hope that it happens.


>What do the Jews really worship?

Money and power, the deities they use in their rituals are just tools for them.

>Is Satan really a bad dude?

You'll get different answers depending on who you ask. I think he's a potent thoughtform like any other.

>What are Christians really worshipping?

The Christian God.

>Is Christianity just a big loosh-farming pyramid scheme?

Yes for the most part.

>Do the entities in the Lesser Key of Solomon favor Jews? Would they be hostile to me if I am a doity anti-semite?

I think Crowley used the same Goetic Demons in his evokations so I don't think they care much for whether you're jewish or not.


what are some things I could practice to see results, so I could judge it for myself if it's real or not?



I'm currently in the process of making a qi gong / energy work thread. Give me an hour and that'll be up. It's all practical work that you can find benefit for yourself and actually feel results from.



Jews were a henotheistic tribe (believed in other Gods but didn't worship them).

The God of the Torah is their God of War, Blood and Destruction which they made a pact (covenant) with. It was initially a local deity (Semites had local deities which were in conflict with the gods of other hostile Semites).

This Deitiy rose in their estimations as the God of all creation due to their hubris and pride proclaiming themselves the Chosen people of all creation by the sole creator.

If you read the Torah it is clear that this deity cares only for this one Tribe and advocates the destruction and slavery of other people.

Unlike Christianity it is not a life denying religion- it is very focused on the present accumulation of wealth, power and resources by any means (So long as it does not harm other Jews).

After the destruction of the second temple and the occupation of the Romans they reframed themselves from ethnocentric empire builders (Dream of Greater Israel) to nomadic wanders living down the shame of not fulfilling their expected promise (refer to the Talmud for more information).

The modern state of Israel is an abberration of the reframed faith, according to their prophecies they are not meant to return to their "Holy Land" until the messiah of their war God comes and punishes the Gentiles.


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This entire communal egregore-charging stuff has me confused on one point.

If a single person can give enough power to create a thoughtform with some effectiveness, and group efforts can create egregores with a decent amount of power, why hasn't Allah, fed 5 times daily by around 1.5 billion people since over a thousand years, long since conquered the world?

Is there some law of diminishing returns that makes massive cults or religions only mildly more powerful than small ones, or are they just so unfocused that they don't do anything, or are the small group egregores weaker than I'm assuming, or…?



I think one possible answer is the focus of intention. A billion Muslims are praying to Allah mainly for their own selfish nonsense. They also wish to support their own varying interpretations of Allah's will, which usually includes spreading over the world, and now they're successfully invading Europe like a plague.

Ebola-chan clearly failed to create an epidemic, but thanks to the initial outbreak being a news-worthy event, I'm sure even more people were acting against that outcome. But if a "small" group of people create an egregore and give it extremely specific purposes, and each person invokes it for the intended purpose only, and there aren't other agencies acting in opposition, perhaps you can get noteworthy results.

Though another problem with most Muslims (and Christians and Jews) is a complete lack of balance. The ones who are praying for conquest are typically not very grounded, even if their message is being transmitted properly (and it's not), it's not a very strong one.




Thank you for the explanations.



so if their god is a war god who is jesus christ



One of many false Messiahs who were poping up during the Roman occupation and general Rabbinical Degeneracy.

Whatever power his symbol has would be due to the mixing with the Mystery Schools of the ancient world such as the Cult of Mithras and Isis.



who is gonna beat the jews war god



who's the true messiah?



Perhaps there is an avatar who will move the cycle forward or to an end.

Or perhaps such questions are not valid and only due to the conditioning of an Abrahamic culture?


If gentiles as a collective ignore them and cultivate themselves (This include detangling themselves from destructive institutions and becoming more self-reliant).

Yaweh is most invested in wars which distablise his foes and strengthen Israel, this is his modus operandi in this age.


Is it safe to say that most people at the top of their game(either career or just skill) have come into their power using occult means?



Consciously, no.

unconsciously, Yes.



what do you mean by that?


should cuckolds be punishable by death? I believe so



Unconscious use of law of attraction


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Sometimes when I'm in bed getting ready to sleep I feel strange electrical shocks flow through my body. Always reminds me of pic related.

What does /fringe/ think?



I know a very successful guy who runs his own company. He doesn't believe in magic but he uses almost exactly the same techniques as Neville Goddard. That said he is also very smart and very hardworking.

He also uses such visualization to train for the the sport he is interested in and has competed successfully against professionals before.

I wonder if that feeling of being "in the zone" in a sport is some kind of magic. Like when you know with utter certainty that your technique is going to succeed before you do it and it is almost as if you are just along for the ride, watching it unfold perfectly as a dispassionate observer.


I'm interested in the learning chaos magic…

Where the fuck do I start?

Is there a "path" I can follow in terms of books?

This magic shit is so confusing to an outsider.

I've read the Kybalion and a couple books on the qabalah but I really want to learn about chaos magic.




Try hands on chaos magick, is very practical based.

Hopefully someone else can give you a more theory based book if you're looking for that.



If you want something noob friendly you should start with Phil Hine's "Condensed Chaos", and then start practicing with Liber Null from Peter Carrol.

But remember, Chaos Magic is just a very little approach to magic itself. The rest you should learn from a whole variety of systems and approaches.



Oven Ready Chaos by Phil Hine

Advanced Magick for Beginners by Alan Chapman

The Sorcerors Secret by Jason Miller

In that order. But if I was going to recommend only one book to begin attempting practice, I would say Advanced Magick for Beginners. It gets to practical stuff faster than any other books I have read. Some may say this is a bad thing, I personally learn much faster from hands-on work.



I'm readying Advanced Magick right now…

These techniques are crazy, cant wait to try them in a bit and see if I get results!

Thank you for the guidance.


This morning I quickly skimmed through condensed chaos.

Drugs are a big no no for me (mental illness runs in my family) so I try to avoid most mediums that discus/ promote them. So Liber Null is off limits for me.


I downloaded this book last night.

After I finish AM4B and TSS I'll get around to this. Thanks for the advice.


I read in the Practice of Magical Evocation that sorcerers would summon undines and such and take them for wife. Is that a thing? Good idea? Bad? Can anybody tell me about it?



Spirits, even though they are outside of the circle, have a profound ability to influence your mind. They are able to instantly know your deepest fears, strongest desires, and innermost thoughts. This is why profound elemental equilibrium/elemental mastery is necessary before evocations. A magician who has true elemental equilibrium is like a fortress; you cannot push him to any extreme. Thus, when an undine becomes a woman infinitely more beautiful than he has ever seen before, and tries to seduce him, he will remain unperturbed and resist her/it. Elementals often try to exaggerate the elements within you.



Not sure about the technical esoteric term for the sensation but this phenomena is often the prelude to sleep paralysis/lucid dreaming/oobe.

If you manage to maintain relaxed altertness during this between state interesting things will present themselves to you.



I didn't summon undines but I have once found myself in one of their astral realms during my travels.

They're pretty cool, swam around their infinite ocean and gave me some pointers on using the water element.

As far as having a spirit as your wife, the other anon has already specified the necessary precaution.

If you're reading the Practice of Magical Evocations you have practiced your way through steps 1-8 in the IIH, right?


Do you guys think it's "safe" for a beginner so jump straight to IIH and it's practices?

Or do you have any recommended books/practices I should start before studying it?



ye it's safe as long as you start with step 1



also read The Universal Master Key by Bardon after you read the theory part of IIH



Not yet, though I'm not fooling around with the PME's stuff yet, just reading through it for curiosity's sake.


When making sigils, what is the best way to forget the sigil and not anticipate results? I almost had success with one I made Saturday to make it rain today and the forecast was for rain all day, but this morning I kept accidentally thinking about it and expecting rainfall while I was out and the chances for rain went back down and the clouds cleared up. Will practice fix this problem? None of my other sigils have come close to working because of this.



I'm still only reading and haven't even begun any practices, but why not do a bunch of "equal level" sigils all at once and start off from something more abstract by charging them all with intentions that help transform your own mind little by little. And they don't have to be anything too dramatic. They can all be small changes to your thought patterns. You could keep doing this constantly and do them all at once so you don't even remember what you wanted to change within yourself. Not think too hard about them. So you could just make a quick list of stuff you want to change about the way you think, create some sigils, then do them all at once. Then just keep doing this practice all the time to fine-tune whatever. Let's say next week you don't like the way you're thinking about a particular thing (whether it was the result of previous practices or something you never dealt with), you can just make another new list and new pack of sigils and keep going. And make sure after you make the list to not throw it away but never look at the list either. Surely within a month or two you will notice a major change in the way you think, which, if in a more superior state, will cause you to make lists of a superior nature. Eventually you could get to the point where you start making lists to charge sigils with intentions to influence the external world little by little. Eventually lists that would make the weatherman go crazy;)

Don't know if this makes sense to you. I haven't tried this. Like I said I'm only reading shit right now, but I've already thought about how I would do this in the most effective way possible and this is what I got so far.

Good luck!



oh wait you're supposed to forget about the sigil? I thought you had to continue charging it by giving it your attention, kek, so this is why it didn't work


damn, what am I doind wrong, I want to lucid dream so bad, but inbetween a chain of remembering dreams starts a chain of forgetting them, this is going on for three weeks, and I still haven't learned how


Okay guys, So I learned how to lucid dream, How exactly do I change my etheric body now? I want to change my appearance



Have someone punch you in the face then go from there. Get your face to the point of dis-figuration so you can actually have something to work towards instead of the usual face you see in the mirror.



thanks a lot m8, aprec8 it


Ok I saw earlier that people think interdimensional portals will open or the global economy will collapse on September 23. My question is why is that date in particular thought to be the one. When did the predictions start and what evidence is there



Clear mind meditations where you silence all internal monologue will give you the skill you need.


You'd get more luck asking about the happening on /pol/ but read the thread on >>>50287 if you want /fringe/ input on it.


Didi, how do I get that double-sized dick to fuck all da hoes with?


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Isn't the whole idea of "knowledge" and "wisdom" kind of broken? Wouldn't the separation of these from everything make them less? Faulty and disconnected?

I often get the impression that people create mountains around a single speck of an idea, yet the mountain still fails to express the idea and also stands in the way (just look at any large religion, at fringe, at law, at science, etc). Whether people hoard their knowledge from books (rantings of others), higher selves, angels, dreams, hallucinations or just rant it together themselves, it is always just burying the idea deeper. And soon these mountains will stop being "bridges" that could lead others to the idea, and for some they become the idea itself, guaranteeing that the idea is forgotten.

Why do you want to learn, know, high, up, ascend, grow, light? Why do you read books? Why do you write books? Why teach? Why build the mountain? Why am I telling you this?


Who is going to be the new board owner?






a fair answer, isn't it?


Physical trauma leaving a mark forever is a shill right? I'm not talking about extreme cases where you lose a limb or a something, but breaking a bone or so, everything is supposed to heal fully



it heals fully, but doesn't mean it heals exactly the same way, this it will be different. it's like a broken vase, but a lot more flexible thus the difference is significantly less


Greenpill me on the archons


what's the significance of the black sun?



There are many explanations, but mainly it's just "muh hidden power source".



is it any legit?


what does fringe think about deathspell omega's lyrics?



edgy levayian satanist cookie-cutter shit



figured as much, they're sold as le enlightened black metal band, but it's pseudo-intelectual at best, plus the vocalist has ties to the porn industry, so degenerate too



levayian satanism is just a philosophy right? If it is it's kinda weird, why wouldn't you just be an atheist?



Well, back in the 70's when Levay opened shop there wasn't /r/atheism for fedora-tippers to congregate.


What power does lucid dreaming and astral projection hold?



No, it's mostly fantasy or yet another diluted explanation. Waste of time tbh.



A little harsh maybe? I've read a couple reports of people achieving success, what would you suggest is legit?



you can see yourself do anything. it's like being able to do anything



Not really the answer I was looking for, more than a handful users have pointed out that immense magical power is attained through lucid dreaming and astral projection


How do I into fringe illuminati order?



you need to buy the official shirt on amazon during the first full moon of the month



What kind of sigils do you guys use and where do you put them? I've been meaning to make some but I can't think of any


“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”


how do I activate the metagene?


Could some of the more experienced wizards share their process of servitor creation? What seems to work well, what do you avoid? How do you charge them? How do you know when they are charged? How do you know they are working? How long until they start working?


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>>experienced wizards



where else would you go?


is there any evidence for the demiurge,reptilians,greys or archons?


Do egregores work?



If all the participants are competent and on the same page? Yes



what about ebola-chan and bane?


how powerful is smiley if he's troubled by basic bitch shit like this?




If you've read some Satanist books, you'd know that in many cults, members mindlessly pour their loosh into a wish or whatever but only their leader consciously directs the loosh down the right path.

This means that thousands of anons might mindlessly spam baneposting or fap to ebola chan but there has to be at least someone who'll consciously control the whole thing.

It's certainly not as effective as say, two thousands initiates/adepts all consciously pooling their loosh into an egregore, but with enough time it'll work to some extent non the less.


Frankly my method is the same as whatever you might read online, create clear purpose, shape, restrictions and timeframe to complete the task, then 'feel' energy filling it. Type of emotion attached to the energy will depend on the task of the servitor.

Just remember that servitors aren't a do and forget sort of thing, be sure to refuel them at least daily for increased efficiency. Also the more emotion you pour into them, the better.


m8, you must have missed the time when smiley took two scoops of protein powder and said his final goodbyes to /fringe/ as he thought he was going to die.

(for skeletons, two scoops is the normal dose, and however much you take over that limit, you'll simply shit out later)


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>m8, you must have missed the time when smiley took two scoops of protein powder and said his final goodbyes to /fringe/ as he thought he was going to die.

the fuck? So he is just a roleplayer right?


>>>/1/ here

We welcome all /fringe/

In fact we were missing a thread linking /1/ to fringe and it has been rectified.


Thanks wizards and magickal beasts!


How would one absorb ambient magic from around them. And how to focus it onto sigils


why /fringe/ so dead the past few days? Is december 23rd habbening?


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Is Oberon Zell-Ravenheart a charlatan?

He does look silly.



most legit-looking dude i've seen in a while


Not really a question. But what are some decent paranormal news websites out there. You know sites that report on paranormal and unusual stuff happening. Aliens, light phenomenons, weird military related stuff and ect.



cuckchan's /x/ kek



oh, the irony


If I have a wet dream do I lose my energy?


Is it true that some races are better at magic than others? And if so, what are the best and worst races?



I don't think there's a difference, the ones who made progress in the occult during their past lives are the ones that have a natural predisposition to it in their current lives



then could this be that people who discover /fringe/ have been related to the occult in their past lives?


"Evoked entities should never be allowed to exceed the powers that the magician built into them, nor should the magician attempt to add extra capabilities to existing entities without careful consideration of the consequences. Evoked entities are the magician's servitors, you are their master, if you start accepting advice from them the results can be disastrous. Four entities are usually sufficient. One for execution of complex enchantments. one for divinations where simple techniques may not sufflCe, one for magical defense, and also attack if necessary. and perhaps a fourth for works of Octarine Magic."

- Liber Kaos

This paragraph is confusing. I thought you could evoke entities to gain knowledge and wisdom from them. Wouldn't this be a form of "advice?"

Also what's with the limitations?



>m8, you must have missed the time when smiley took two scoops of protein powder and said his final goodbyes to /fringe/ as he thought he was going to die.

Oh God, please someone post the screencaps.


okay not fucking around here, this smiley guy, he definetly seems like the type of guy who knows a lot about this and has read through a lot of the books, why does he still seem so pathetic?


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because he can only be OP or Anon on this page and both of these guys are massive fucking faggots.



not even joking, if smiley put in so much work into this why's he still such a beta faggot?



kvlt meme, but black metal is the worst sub-genre kek


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If I could post the same image again I would


so chaos magic is the best magic right?


I've heard reptilians can hide their appearance to normal human's sight and just walk down the street. How do i develop a technique to see through their disguise?


Are all movies,tv shows a waste of time?



No. You can learn a lot from mundane things and mundane media. Breaks are good but indulge after. A lot more magic happens there than you think.



really? like what? how they're brainwashed?



Nothing is a waste of time if you can create resonance within your consciousness to something external. You can look at a pile of dog shit and extract something profound out of it within your consciousness if you wanted to.



I see, but that's not what we have in mind usually when we watch something on tv



I don't know who you or "we" are or what they have in mind when they watch tv, don't think you do either.


this brainwashing stuff seems rather far-fetched to me at this point, I believe that there are higher powers controlling goverments and so, but I believe that the majority of people choose to be ignorant because it's easier, if there's any evidence for this it'd be greatly appreciated



People are mostly concerned with what's happening in their lives around them.


reading through advanced magick for beginners by alan chapman

what is the significance of ensuring yourself that the action has a chance of happening? I mean, what if it's very highly unlikely?



You create resonance with the external world through extraction and retraction which leads to synchronicity. Extraction is something external, objective reality influencing you and retraction is your inner subjective reality responding to the external stimuli. How you respond to external stimuli depends on your mental conditioning. The more you reduce the effects of the mental conditioning of the mundane mindstate (cultural/social conditioning, genetic/memetic tendencies), and start to focus on ways to expand consciousness, the more you can create resonance with the outside world in relation to your path. This can only increase by learning how to think for yourself, in the truest sense of the word. I can watch an excellent brainwashing propaganda piece on mass media and have their carefully structured NLP stream of absolute garbage resonate with me in a personal and non-transferable way, because my consciousness operates on a frequency that is on a totally separate, personal, individual wavelength than that of the masses. I'll have a barrage of synchronizations occur with my thoughts to the point where it feels like I'm on the Truman shoe how they fucking talk to me and how I talk back to them with my mind and how they respond back with a specific answer like it's a real-time conversation. It's entertaining, insightful, profound, and absolutely fuckin mind-blowing! This doesn't mean I'm totally immune to mundane frequencies, but I am far enough from that frequency that I don't interact with it as much as I used to. I look for knowledge, wisdom, understanding, but most importantly I look for anything that will take me further than where I currently stand and help me evolve as an individual center of consciousness, from the way my piss falls into the toilet to what an actor says in a movie and how he or she says it to studying the laws of tehuti and so on… everywhere I look. Sometimes I try too hard and don't get anything. Sometimes I stop trying and things just pop up and resonate and give me profound realizations or make me laugh.

So I don't know how el



seems about right, most of the time the realizations come to me, but I do find more interesting stuff when I try to notice it



well then it will be very unlikely for your magickal act to succeed.

>magic isn't le rocket science



Of course "unlikely" is not "impossible"



Depends on the energy you put in. Low energy low output, high energy high output. You also need to focus that energy. Unless you are an adept at the skill of concentration, you are not going to see any "big magick" result from a mere sigil.



no one can greentext correctly on this fucking board



>implying greentext is only for implying, quoting and stories…

>thanks for le loosh mundane


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the fuck's this?



I am having an experiment with "smiley", just testing how much can a desktop's background/wallpaper can affect a person.All you gotta do is:-

1.turn off screensaver

2.put the image related as Desktop's background/wallpaper and make it visible all the time(or let it stay open when you're not working on PC)


4.it work(or that is what is experiment is for)

now for explaining for the trends/tool used here:-

On lower left Chaos Mine: Fire this at any target and chaos will descend upon it.

On upper left:Glasyalabolas

This one incites men to murder and bloodshed.

on upper right:Andras

He is entirely destructive and when launched at a target will cause all manner of chaos


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btw it work automatically I have also put the original(image) related if you want to use it by yourself to influence,kill,disrupt, and seduce people using it.You put sigil/Seals from lesser keys of solomons/pentacle of Greater Keys into the "TRENDS" then put the name/sigil/hair/photo of the person you want to affect in "TARGET" and that is all.

NO NEED TO CHARGE IT, METATRON CUBE, AND FLOWER OF LIFE POWER THE CASTER.(the reset of the symbol are for empowerment



Did you make this system yourself?



did this ever work for you or are you trying it out for the first time now? also, since smiley is le epic wizard there's less of a chance of it working, but I suspect he's just a roleplayer



I used it on the desktop several times and got results.

I think of it as no different than a printed image the only difference is that unlike the computer, you dont have to eventually turn off the page.

it work with same concept as the symbolic hieronymous machine.


credit go to a user in a forum called Blaze07




I'm pretty sure it was back on the old freedomboard and I doubt anyone took screencaps.

You'll just have to take my word for it but oldfigs will confirm that it happened.


It's a very heated topic here which basically boils down to Esoteric Hitlerists and Egalitarians having a shouting contest.

Ultimately, no, race has nothing to do with magical ability directly, but the most spiritually aware individuals seem to only get incarnated as whites as asians, leaving the nigs to practice voodoo which has a poor rep here as an inefficient practice.

Think of that what you will.


I highly suspect this is meant to apply to servitor thoughtforms that the wizard himself creates rather than evoked pre existing entities, if not I'm just as confused.


The best magic is whatever works/resonates with you best. Unless of course it's wicca or some shit, then you're a straight up pussy ass faggot "wizard".


What forum is it that wants to troll poor smiley so much?



Nah the guy on the forum did te system, he just put smiley and some sigils on the original picture.



kind of a newfig, why the hate for wiccans? and is smiley legit powerful or no?



Smiley has a cocktail of mental and psychosomatic disorders. He is a reader, he doesn't do anything and the only thing he does he exaggerates and lie about. He is scared of everything concerning the occult. A delusional fag.

Wicca is just new age with candles and a witchy ambiance. New Age is the truth sugar coated and full of disinfo and shills.



how is new age even remotely the truth?



new age is actually 100% shill


Is this the place where one could request books?

I'm searching for a pdf of Guido List's "Das Geheimnis der Runen", if possible in german. Luckily, archive.org has it ( https://archive.org/details/GuidoVonListDasGeheimnisDerRunen ), but only with the old german writing, which is rather difficult to read even for a native speaker. There exists a paperback version, does it also exist digitally somewhere?


I have been reading a couple articles and some "soft" books about Magick, an I already gave a quick look in the books recommended in the FAQ, but somehow they don't resonate with me…

Is there any system of magick you would advise to begin with?



I guess smiley really is a fake, I solved shit like this with sigils in the first month of my learning here, this is trivial shit




New Age is actually the best if you're not blind and are able to discern truth from disinfo. It's just refinement of older stuff coupled with new technologies. Of course there will be shills and disinfo. But occult is always 90% bullshit…



Mike passio said in one of his workshops that new age is literally a one huge shill, it was created by satanists to just make people stupid



"Satanism" doesn't even exist.



joy of satan?



I don't think you even understand what "new age" means.



Nah, it's not refinement at all. It's destruction and commercialization (pay 500$ for a 2 day seminar, we will make you mindful! Make a phonecall to this number to hear a special binaural beat that will open your 3rd eye!!!) .

Of course as always not everything is shit. But to get any kind of good material you pay (an enormous amount of money.) I had a friend who was in GIN (Globoal Information Network, still got the audios and books if you are interested, for free of course.) cost him a couple thousands dollars to just get Abraham Hicks and Napoleon Hill tier info (literally one of his tasks was to buy some of those books….) I got access to it for free through him. I can say that the info, even though available for free, is good and legit. But totaly not worth 30000$. Especially that that is only the price for the "outer order" information….

I don't know what kind of books you read son, but if you can not choose good occult books you are the one to blame. Not to say that occult is 100% true, but that if you start by the basics and complete a good initiatory system (meditation, visualization, divination, ritual, akasha) you can detect the bullshit pretty quickly and do only what you like and what you deem true, It's 90% bullshit because you are 90% different from the person who wrote the book. Different strokes for different folks.



You're very confused if you think "occult" books are more valid than these "seminars".



this is top-tier shilling going on here


Are politics meaningless or not?



You think they shit the info from their ass ? It all boils down to the occult, it's the original source of this new age madness.

Honestly I've never seen any new age books/seminars out there giving you a complete initiation system. They all limit themselves to meditation and visualization at most crystal gazing…

Also if new age is so "better" why are they all focused on the law of attraction without mentionning all the others ?




You're just very confused about this "new age". Try reading some books not written by imbeciles.


Let's say I want to bind a certain behavior in myself to a phrase and/or tactile input. For example, quickly drifting into a theta state. How do I go about programming this and linking it to the desired phrase/input?



Well what do you recommend ?

Neale Donald Walsh? AH ? James redfield, eckhart tolle ? Scott Cunningham ? EG ? Richard Bath ? Pam Graut ? Ram Dass ? Carlos Castaneda ?

Which New Age shills are not imbecile authors by your standards ?

>implying such a thing exists

>implying there is less disinfo in new age then the occult.

>implying you are a solid source of advice

Enlighten me New Age guru


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Kek I never thought it was this fucking easy to get chicks with sigils, worked instantly the next day, shame that i'm so preoccupied right now, guess gfs are going to have to wait until I finish studying all this shit



I think I speak on behalf of all us sad lonely sub-neophytes when I say "tell us your secrets oh wise one". It doesn't work for me.



All magic results are relative to your own personal sphere of influence. Meaning the people you know, the places you spend time at, what you do, all connections to you, etc. Also that you need to be keeping on this stuff. Don't visualize for a day and expect results. If you really want something you do it every day until you get it. Even if you need to spend half a year on it. Physical work + magic will always get you results eventually.



rituals are more powerful in astral temples.

you lack the limitations, doubt and imprinting the information in the correct area is not impeded by psychological barriers.

I believe Omran had some worthwhile information of setting up the astral temple.



The main sigil practice written in advanced chaos magick for beginners by alan chapman, you make your sigil, masturbate, then at the climax stare at the sigil, after done, throw the sigil out and forget about it, it should succeed in a week at most




also forgot to mention: I don't think you should waste time on this, unless you're depressed about this thing or something, I tried sigil magick when I started out too, but it failed because I didn't do it correctly, forgot about it and continued studying more important stuff from here, tried it a few days ago just out of curiosity, once you succeed there really isn't much to it, seems pointless, I suggest you don't waste time on sigil stuff and read up on meditation or something more important





Thanks for the responses.

>but it failed because I didn't do it correctly

Could you please explain how you weren't doing it correctly?

Don't want to blog post, but so far my results are all classifiable as "just in my head"/placebo effect.

Sigils have never worked for me, though they seem the most pleb-tier form of magic. How can I believe in wizardry if I can't do the most basic stuff? If I can't make sigils work, what is the point of pursuing meditation or energy work?



well after i'd charge it through masturbation, I'd still focus on it sometimes because I thought you'd still need to charge it by giving it attention afterwards, could you specify what were the results you've gotten before? If you get results I don't think you should classify them as placebo, because most certainly it was the sigil's doing, the point in pursuing meditation and energy work is that you'll get major results from it, not this petty shit from sigil magick



I feel a bit embarrassed talking about it, because lusting after whores is frowned upon on /fringe/. But shit, I'm lonely and high magic seems so far off. I'm not ascending anytime soon.

I have gotten the number/email of a LOT of girls over the past few months. I think this is a result of the placebo effect. But apart from a kiss or two, nothing of note has happened. I am tall and I lift, I used to do pretty well with girls.

I meditate every day (currently using Inner Guider Meditation). I don't do energy work and honestly I don't know how it relates to magic.

When I do sigils I often come away with a feeling of "did I really charge that?". I don't feel like anything has really transpired. How long should i spend on them? How do I know they have been fired?

How do I make them work?


I heard that meditating cross-legged fucks with your dick chakra, is this true?



That's just a westerner spreading lies because he can't do le ebin full lotus position.

Nothing to worry about long as you are relaxed and your spine is straight.

Although, savasana or any simple *vasana are on many ways better then the full lotus pose.

Mainly in terms of relaxation, but also in energy circulation from the lower chakra's (the ones in your feet, knee,…). If you feel uncomfortable in any position, just don't do it, do what feels best for you.



From the sound of it, it looks like you're doing better with chicks then I do, If you'd been doing a lot of sigils then I'd say this is probably the effect of them, unless you've always been getting chicks easily



Try the Damon Brand book on love magic instead. His stuff is potent.




Dear /fringe/

Whenever someone is completely misusing a word or disregarding what is common knowledge amongst wizards: remember that this is exactly what you've been doing to all dem mundanes as well. They are using your own methods.

The good news: theoria in any form is theoria, you can't really contemplate wrongly or rightly, it's all contemplation,



Theory gets in the way sometimes when you're playing catch up. But I guess it has its place.


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Be careful when you summon Kath-Chap!



rational thinking is made by ignoring most of theory in service of a specific goal. rational thinking always has a goal in mind, and the entirety of politics, economics, law, etc arise from the large variety of goals. theory is utterly useless in itself exactly because it isn't attached to any goal - but that's why absolutely everything is okay in theory, while any practice makes most things "wrong".

i'm mostly fascinated by theory, and thus philosophy. it's pretty passive and mundane, demons will feast on my energy and soul and i'll die a wage slave of the system, but damn all these things to see~


can you turn golden apples red by summoning Kath-Chap?



>can you turn golden apples red by summoning Kath-Chap?

Not if you're be-heinz




love this board



There's no such thing as "Not doing it correctly". That's not how magic works. We work in a level beyond right and wrong. All of your rituals work but it's just a matter of how well they worked. Granted that not every ritual is going to work effectively for a novice. But that's when we use quantity over quality to test the waters.

I highly suggest you to study the LOA style visualization lesser magic. Every night before you go to bed imagine yourself with what you already want. Imagine as if you already have it. Start to feel the emotions for it as well and make it as real as you can. Do this for several different things. Start small as well.


So I'm looking for The Arcane Teachings in the book dump file, and I can't find it. Anyone else have this problem?



It should be under the new thought folder written by William Walker Atkinson as Anonymous. I just checked and saw it there.


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Try not to write me off immediately for this but I'm searching for an old site about the OTO(possibly Typhonian) Templar mindset and the abilities gained in it's higher consciousness states.




Reptilians are disinfo.

However a lot of those in power are high on the psychopathic spectrum therefore are reptile brain dominant.



Hello /fringe/.

I'm fairly new to all this so I don't know much about rituals or anything, but I would want to take advantage of the eclipse that will take place this week. Is it possible to just "absorb" energy into my body by going outside during the eclipse? As I said I'm not really familiar with practical stuff (atm I try to just read and learn without putting into practice until I am sure my intentions are all pure) but this seems to be a special occasion and if there is energy to be made, why not?

So my question is, could you tell me a quick or simple way to farm energy , if this is even possible, during the upcoming eclipse? I was thinking just about meditating thoughts of peace and compassion while sitting under the moon light.




Check out the Qi-Gong/Energy work practice thread. You'll find a practice for absorbing the heaven and earth energies which can be applied to any celestial body through intention.




Hi I heard my name about the astral temple here is the post I did before


I have found this method seemingly easier(PICTURE, yay)


P.S:I apologize for non content on my part lately, I will start writing on some kabbalistic formula from KTQ and probably something on radionics.


I'm planning on spending some $200-300 on occult books. What would be some books that I should absolutely get? So far I think I will get the Zohar, the Sefer Yetzirah and perhaps Crowley's Liber Abba. I wonder if I would be able to fully understand them but I guess if I never try reading them i would never find out.



sidenote I'd be interested to know about particular versions/translations of the books I'm buying, I'm thinking about getting everything in the original language with accompanying translation when possible


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I am creating a planetary talisman tonight, I wanted to know which talisman is best for getting FULL/HIGH MARKS in exam,quizzes, and assignment.

I wondering which will be the planet to go to, it is known that mercury rules intelligence, but Jupiter rule success and prosperity, and of course Sun is Jupiter on steroid.

Which planet is best for the job?




btw I got my table from here

Monday Moon Feminine, changes, emotions, secrets, dealing with women.

Tuesday Mars Enthusiasm, energy, passion, protection, competition, anything requiring aggression or determination.

Wednesday Mercury Law, education, travel, thinking, communications, dealing with siblings, medical.

Thursday Jupiter Increase (be careful what you ask for, you will get it in LARGE measure!) good luck, gambling, speculation, merciful, long distance travel.

Friday Venus Love, luxury, beauty, decorating, shopping for romantic or creative things, pleasure.

Saturday Saturn Long term stuff, career, institutions (such as prisons, hospitals marriage), investments, lords of Karma, good day for a reversal spell.

Sunday Sun Wishes, success, happiness, all-purpose, no secretive work on Sunday.



Why buy books? Everything's for free on the net



>support the authors/publishers.

>a tactile grimoire for theory and ritual


Is there any good books on Meditations for beginners?


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Physical books are robust, ebooks are fragile. What happens to your ebooks when the power goes out in your country because of civil war or cataclysm?


Why are mundanes so mundane?

You can show them all the proof you want, they still won't believe



because the thinker thinks and the prover proves

see: prometheus rising



Printing them on your own will be cheaper then, lol.



I usually write down a summary of key concepts in the books I'm reading in a notebook so even if I lose power I will still have an idea of what was in the book and what was important in it.


What do you guys think about the book of knowledge here?


Is there any reason why one should make a tulpa?



>thousands of sheets of paper for multiple books

>all dat ink



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Good stuff. Worth using and experimenting with.


It's an entity that can do tasks independent of you having to consciously take care of it. Some uses are like in pic related. Entities that remember everything for different specializations for you and you can easily access the information, finds new occult info for you and teaches it to you. Or create one that manipulates time for you like some chaos magicians did.



Maybe I'm missing something, butI don't see any tulpa construction under the heading Tulpa Construction. It looks like pretty straightforward affirmation.



Singlehandedly the only book I'd recommend without worries.



>occult is always 90% bullshit…

So when I started out, I remember reading this sentence and I actually believed it. Came to find out those people were/are as clueless as I am. Occult books are full of techniques/methodologies/theories of different people.

The problem is people's tendencies o blindly dismiss or accept either all the info or none of the info. Nobody bothers to analyze, refine, or change things according to what feels right. There is also some kind of irrational fear of becoming eternally possessed by the devil because there are still mental frameworks to be worked out.

If you can think for yourself, you can turn the shittiest, most misinformed pieces of shit into something great.

Occult is NOT 90% bullshit. It's all about how you take it in.



>Occult is NOT 90% bullshit.

More like 99% tbh, lmoa.



you people basically say that I don't really need to read the books because all that matters is what I make of their contents.

at this rate I could just choose to not read anything occult and still become a great wizard. oh wait, I already did that.

y'all mundanes need to let that divine spark light up your chaos flame. just play dark souls, go into lost izalith and meditate the lava circling around the archtree roots.



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>that's how intelligent the disinfo left you, son.



You became a wizard by playing dark souls?



I believe putting effort into acquiring physical copies and then carrying them around and reading them makes a deeper connection between you and the content. I could get most stuff for free but what kind of attitude would I have when I read it? Sitting in front of a computer just like I do when I watch porn or when I just idle around the internet

No sir I prefer taking the book with me outside and sitting under a tree and just feeling the pages with my fingers


What are your honest opinions on Early Christianity?

How does it compare to the modern filth we are presented with?

How would we spiritually unify Europe without any of the degeneracy we see today?







Probably Mercury since it's an intellectual thing you need.


What significance and implication would a birthday landing on today mean? I don't mean for a new born baby but someone's birthday being on today.



I have 2 ppl on my list who have their bday today, and its google bday, now i see this - das ist ein synch.




Early European Christianity was a bunch of superficial woo rituals which priests engaged in while most people were illiterate and functioned very much like they did under the previous pagan warrior cultures.

Warrior kings/knightly romances/oaths/veneration of saints/seasonal harvest festivals/folklore- these are all pagan in origin.

The problem occured when printing lead to books becoming abundant, literacy rose and people actually started taking the culturally-alien pacifist Christ seriously. Protestantism and other reductionistic back to the book movements were instrumental in further removing a lot of the pagan trappings that the Catholic Church appropriated from the pagan cultures.

The benevolent proslytising of the slave-mentality of Christianity to the savages outside of the boundaries of Europe did help in colonization to an extent, but now it is pacifying Europeans most of all and cucking them with the doctrine of universial love and brotherhood.

Humanist Athiesm is Christianity 2.0, just without the trancendence out of this shitshow through faith in Christ.

If a European nationalist I recommend exploring the pagan roots of your people as well as the pre-Christian greeks and Romans. Some non-cucked secular writers such as Niccolò Machiavelli are also useful, I recommend his Discourses.


Are we in a virtual reality?



you become a wizard by making the best out of anything. you can chop trees all day and end up being Hermes Trinityforce



but what does it mean?!



I still don't know if you meant what you said in your original post literally or not, if you did mean it literally can you actually describe what happened?



belief power it

and the collective mind of people empower that date, just like full moon, new moon,blood moon, birthday, planetary days and hour, they are all like waves of energy in the sea some people ride them by doing magic and some people don't.


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It was more of an example.

just fringe books -> any book -> any medium

i spent a lot of time just walking around in dark souls, exploring the areas, lore, and trying figure out how the gods/things are related to each other, if there is an arche, etc. the unusual use of fire, death/life, sunlight, darkness, souls, etc gave way to some interesting ideas. i don't think i'm able to just throw it at you in a few lines, but pondering the game world long enough surely brings about some ideas. i'm pretty sure pondering anything can bring about ideas sooner or later.

(of course some people who spend considerable time doing X and little time doing Y will always call Y bullshit, but i'm sure they are aware that their opinion/knowledge on Y is of low quality and that they just call bullshit out of trolling.)



And what have you achieved by doing so?


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Lately I've been feeling a constant pain in the middle of my forehead, it is usually faint but constant. Sometimes it spikes in intensity, and hurts a lot more.

I'm thinking it's related to the Mind's Eye.

Pain is a sign of something that is not right, so I'm wondering what this could mean from a metaphysical standpoint. Any advice?



means you're getting cucked by metaphysical lizard demons, scream ABRACADABRA as loud as you can and right now, or else you won't be able to use your magickal powers anymore, not joking here, do it now


How to achieve permanent death?

If I ever need it.



Hey guys every time I lucid dream a succubus will come disrupt shit. I'm muggle tier and have only succeeded 5-10 times, but every fucking time a succubus will steal me away.

Usually I'll become aware I'm dreaming, but then I feel my excitement almost launch me to being awake, so I 'chill' somehow, but then right away a bitch will come and fuck me and it's like I'm getting pulled like a magnet. When I've resisted I wake up. Really frustrating.

Here's an example

>be outside of my house in the dream world

>stoked about being conscious

>walk into my neighbour’s house to explore

>there's a female presence in there

>talk to her for a bit, very warm

>I turn around to go in a different direction and I see this portrait of an attractive woman floating to me

>I can feel myself being pulled toward it and I intuitively know it's a succubus

>I resist but then wake up


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I've been seeing these symbols during trance like states, such as meditation and hypnagogia. I recently found out the second one and the second to last, which are the symbol for water and the norse sigil Algiz, or the rune for its God, Heimdall. As to the others, I have no idea. Any help by knowledgeable individuals is appreciated.



Ever since I turned 18, and after my first intense meditation session I've been feeling that every single day.

But it's not pain, it's more like just pressure. I;ve only felt sharp pains like if there was a needle there about 2-3 times.

It's a good sign. Meditate more and don't "Feed" your mind with constant rubbish. A good diet free of red meats is going to help a lot, too.



I have the same, but also on my crown chakra and in my palms.



that's a very pragmatist question.

how could a person who doesn't have a complete understanding of absolutely everything tell what he achieved or gained by something? who knows, maybe if I cut my index finger off today, tomorrow it will earn me the pity of a lunatic that would otherwise shoot me with all those other people in the mall.

i also don't really care about what i did or didn't achieve with that, i just like to ponder whatever i end up pondering. not everyone is about goals and know-how, some people like philosophy for the sake of philosophy.


I have a small private business and I am planning on making new flyers and business cards. I want to incorporate a sigil to attract new clients. What kind of statement of intent would serve best? For example:

My business is very successful

My clients constantly increase

My business is very profitable

Or should it be directed at potential clients?

Also, should I charge the sigil myself first, or rely upon people who see the sigil on cards charging it with their own attention?

Alternatively, would it be best to create a servitor to draw in new clients and put his sigil on the card?



Use some of Jason Miller's financial sigils. Also read all of his financial sorcery book which the sigils are in. It's in the "huge" mega in sticky under recommended.



Thank you. But I can't seem to access the huge mega, it says it may have been deleted or removed.



Shit. I can't upload anything either. Something musta broke.




Thank you very much, that did the trick.



Thanks for confirming the link worked, will have to get a mod to replace the link in the sticky.

Jason Miller's books are great, try his sorcerors secrets and protection book out too.


Gypsies are the embodiment of black magic = subhuman parasites


How do I accumulate chi and how do I direct it's use?



Subconciously you are very preocuppied by sexual freedom and intimacy.

Either beat off once or twice before you go to bed so you are less likely to be horny while dreaming or practice mindfulness meditation so you can sex up the succubus and maintain awareness without your lucidity going haywire due to the uncontrolled passion.



how to get higher iq?


I've started getting a feeling when people are going to talk to me. Like, I'll notice them, and then think about them a little, and then I find them saying hello to me.

I'm NOT staring! I'm doing nothing to warrant their attention except being in their general area, but there are a lot of other people in the area too.

Once they talk to me they get the message that i want to be left alone, not verbally, but in my body language, and general avoidance of looking at them or putting up a lengthy how-do-you-do. It's really weird and it happened twice over the past couple days.

Once in my Uni's cafeteria, and on Monday when I was out checking out the Lunar eclipse.

Synchronicity or otherwise, could this have fringe causes? Kind of a rhetorical question, but just something strange that I wanted to share. Anyone else have experiences like this? Recently?



Everyone is psychic.


You are a person.


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Simple yet very serious question:

Do you guys have any info on this beings?



Well they're not made in paint, maybe photoshop.



"The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don't know anything about."



I had this happen the other day. People I didn't know were unusually friendly to me. In one of my classes at uni someone I had never talked to started talking to me about his dream from the last night and later a guy I barely knew asked me to hang out sometime.

I have been practicing stuff from the recommended books and it has made me more confident so that people want to open up to me more even though I have bad social skills. This might be the case for you as well. If you are a happy person people will flock to you more than if you're sad. "Laugh, and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone."



"I quote someone in order to add legitimacy to some bullshit pic I saw on deviantart all cuz I'm a lazy fuck who wants to believe in whatever people say" - Nikola Tesla



I've actually been rather depressed lately. Today I was cheery though because i was moving out of a bad roommate situation. Well not so much as a bad one as moving into a better one.

Over the past few days I had been saying to myself that I am alone and and no one likes me, but this is a contradiction, a minor one at least.

What books were/are you reading?


Anyone have some guides on transmigration of the soul? Body hopping?

Basically this: http://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/14456978/#14457052


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Whoops, forgot to answer. Sorry m8. You are right that it doesn't describe it, though.

For tulpa instruction check pdf related and contrast it with Zivorad Slavinski's books 'Invisible Influences' info on thoughtforms (or the whole of it) and with the info in 'The Book of Knowledge'. Don't make the mistake to think that it's a purely psychological phenomena as described in the guide compilation, though. That guide ir purely for ideas on how to do it. Tulpas can fuck your shit up and you might have to try and kill it off when you, for example, created a powerful god tulpa that wants you to worship it (as in TBoK on TF). There's a lot to take into account, frankly.



"Boy I sure love to suck dicks" -anon after posting a pic of ayy lmaos made by some artist using a computer.


That guy lucked out really hard, most likely he merely did a ritual that asked for a better life but he didn't specify that he wanted his own life to be improved rather than simply "gib better life".

Smileberg managed to transfer his mind into some banker at some point but it was more of a temporary astral projectiony sort of technique rather than a permanent swap like that.



>Smileberg managed to transfer his mind into some banker at some point but it was more of a temporary astral projectiony sort of technique rather than a permanent swap like that.

you sure it wasn't… lies?



I've managed to do it before with my mother. I went inside of her body via scrying and saw her walking past the corner into what was my possible field of view. Opened my eyes and saw her exactly there. You can do a lot of crazy things with the higher circuits. I hear cyclomancy has techniques for it but I've yet to read it.


what is fringe's opinion on edging? I thought it could give you more energy if you masturbate but don't ejaculate



You're best to look up tantric sex or

Mantak Chia's teachings on it. You can technically pull the "light" or energies out of the sperm so when you ejaculate it is only minerals lost. Except it's a dangerous practice of self destruction if done improperly. As a rule of thumb you don't do it as a lustful practice but merely one of energy building. If done right it's very potent for rejuvenation or energetic development.



>Believing in Smiley.

Poor you.


How can I become taller? Does meditation on the pituatary gland work?



You ever seen or heard those kids who're so autistic or interested in what they're doing that you can't help but believe them? Smiley's kinda like one of those kids.



"An even higher form of ignorance when you reject everyone that doesn't agree"



If you don't believe in something you don't understand, don't comment. As simple as that.




your mind might be full with disinfo and bullshit, but that doesn't make others who have actual knowledge ignorant. stop trying.



Advanced Magick for Beginners by Alan Chapman and working through some of the Atkinson books recommended in the faq.

In one of the exercises in Alan Chapman's book he recommends to tell yourself something like "I am attractive, intelligent, and everyone loves me" everyday for two weeks and record the results. This type of exercise might help stop having all those thoughts criticizing yourself. Also Quiet Mind Meditation is good to keep control of what you're thinking. I'm still pretty new to this stuff myself though.



I laughed.



Funny enough one of the best ones I've found is blessing food or water with an intention. This also gets your feet wet into basic magic since you're using the food/water as a medium to contact and talk to your subconscious.



I can do that too, look into the senses of a person and grasp their position as well as their thoughts/general emotional state but I can't really take them over completely.

If anyone ITT can do the whole ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL and can post a technique I'd be very happy to hear it.


Smileberg promised to make a grimoire with all of his experiences and practices but I guess playing vidya as a form of meditation and posting on 4chon takes precedence.



Feel free to stop posting.


Can you replace quiet mind meditation with meditation on a certain chakra? Are the quiet mind meditation benefits still there?



Yes and no. You're using your concentration skills to perform the chakra meditation. But It's kind of like taking out skipping and roadwork while practicing boxing.



Alright then, how long would you recommend quiet mind? Should I also decrease the time if i'm still going to meditate on a chakra later too?



I recommend you stick to one time and keep it at that every single day (or increasing it slowly if you're a beginner). If you are a beginner and are trying to build in the routine then start at 5 minutes. If you wish to take it further then try to work up to 10 and then 15 minutes. You may even take it to 20 if you feel the need for more concentration later on. This is the kind of exercise where results shine bright enough that you'll want to keep doing it laziness or not.


Do all the chakras have to be balanced to reap the benefits of meditation on one chakra?


Goddamn there's so much info in the book of knowledge, why isn't this recommended as the best place to start? It's so simple, but contains basically everything you could ever need



because smiley is a WWA shill


Don't think so, experiment.



what's WWA?


Can I do all my meditations lying down?



William Walker Atkinson.



oh, i've read two of his books, the biggest turn off for me is that it's only theory, i'd rather practice something



I couldn't agree more.


I've been to the fitness thread but it's filled with autists who can't agree on anything. So could you give me some pointers on what/what not to eat? I don't wanna get all muscular, i want a functional body that gets sick rarely, with strong joints and bones, healthy skin, hair, strong heart and circulation, etc. etc. Should i do bodyweight exercises? Also, how do i reduce my hip size? Do i have too much estrogen and too much fat?

Btw, is chili sauce good for you? Or any hot food for that matter.


I think there is a lot of stuff to practice in WWA's books. The arcane formulas is entirely practices and he give you ideas of how to put the principles to work in the kybalion like how to use mental alchemy. WWA was great for me because it cleared up doubts about magick and I wouldn't have understood much of the practical stuff otherwise.



it sure is, still though, there are many others books dedicated to one aspects of this stuff, like ludic dreaming and astral projection, which I feel are better guides than the one in this book


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gaze upon dis.



Where do I find the Book Of Knowledge? Is it in the huge mega?



I think, yeah, can't really remember from where I downloaded it



Frankly, I'd recommend you do your own research using mundane fitness sites and articles. As long as you avoid people who want to LEAVE HUMANITY BEHIND, you should be alright.

As to healthy eating, I'd go for a balanced diet. Not just vegetarian and obviously not vegan. Reduce red meat to preferably nothing though, while deriving your protein from chicken, eggs and fish.

Bodyweight is definitely good to start off with if you're a hungry skelly and just want a toned body. I'd recommend you join a gym though as you can make gains much faster there. Just bring a pair of headphones as gym music is absolute cancer.

I'm pretty sure you can't reduce hip size using lifting though, body manipulation like that is more in the area of magic.

I rarely eat hot food personally but I've heard some people have indigestion problems with it. Though if you have a stronk Plexus chakra it shouldn't really be a problem. Again, read up on it yourself.


I can totally understand why people prefer the books with clearly set out methodology, but they should work on their creativity if they can't apply any of WWA's theory to practice in their own, or even previously learned rituals.


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>not leaving humanity behind


what do you guys think about smiley? legit or not? me personally, I think no, not to say the stuff he is describing to be unachievable, it's just the stuff he is bitching about is easy as fuck to fix



You're right, roided up MUTANT wizards sound dope as hell on a second thought.



>Interval training to increase the number and efficiancy of mitochondria (power houses) in all your cells.

>Sleep hygiene so your hormones are functioning correctly.

>Meditation for focused rest and concentration.

>Puzzles and memory excercises.

>Novelty to keep the brain adapting to new circumstances.

>Keep a social dimension to your life even if it is not that challenging, social interaction is important for mental health and cognative efficency.


anyone else feel it's a lot easier to focus with dim lighting?



Some of the shit he talks about casts serious doubt about his adepthood, like him constantly putting off his youtube vid in the past, because of some acne problems that seems to have lasted for months.

I'm just eternally grateful to him for the MEGA library he created and posted here so I'm willing to disregard whatever retarded shenanigans he decides to pull off.





Any help with the location? I can't find it for the life of me.




Thank you very much, you're a champion.


fringe's take on evola?


Is it possible to use chi while lucid dreaming or astral projection?


Is prometheus rising basically just theory?



Apart from the exercises at the end of every chapter you mean?


If you open a chakra, is it permanently open?




Yes, the most important thing is that the body is completely relaxed.

You don't want to fall asleep though which is why a straight backed chair or yoga asana is usually recommended.



chi may be the thing fueling in the first place.


Still want to know about book recommendations >>55121

I am learning about kabalah ( or w/e spelling you use), but I'm stuck at the introductory stuff. I tried listening to https://gnosticteachings.org/courses/alphabet-of-kabbalah/ but at the fifth letter i'm ready to find another source, they just seem to love using hebrew words and repeating concepts (sometimes even making mistakes every time they repeat them) so even if I have learned a little bit about the letters, those audios are usually longer than 1h and what I learn from them could be summarized in 5 minutes.

So again, any good books? I will probably get Kaplan's Sefer Yetzirah, and I was thinking about getting Prometheus Rising as well.

BTW if anyone is interested in selling any books I might be interesting in buying them. I live in Spain so if you live in the EU shipping would be cheaper and it would be a good way to get rid of old books you don't read anymore



Politically interesting, his 'Introduction to Magic' book was hard to read when I read it a year ago, though.


Ultimately it's trash.


Yes. A lot of magical practice is even easier and more powerful in the astral.


Do you have previous experience with the occult? Frankly kabbalah seems just too theoretical to be of value in contrast any other possible mystical practice.



>Yes. A lot of magical practice is even easier and more powerful in the astral.

But then the energy should be gathered before sleep right? Also, I haven't really tried this yet, but do you have to have your chakras openened before you can cultivate chi?


any good guides to lucid dreaming?


What are your thoughts on fluoride? Do you make efforts to avoid it? If so, have you found it to be beneficial?



I've stopped drinking tap water for the most part, and I brush with a xylitol toothpaste instead.

>Inb4 thats bad too.

It hasn't had much of an effect on me. Then again im not really trying hard on any magical things.

If you're blue pill then it doesn't matter much if you stay with flouride because the small amount is neglidgeable. For high levels of wizardry i don't know.


Hey, /fringe/. When I meditate, lately I've been struck by a notion of a small fire in my belly–a campfire, actually. It's a good fire, it feels positive–it gives me a feeling of peace. So I've tried visualizing fire all around me when I meditate, and I've been getting good results. Is this indicative of anything? Thanks.



That's your lower naval tan tien.



Well shit, I guess there is something to this. Another question of this sort, if you/someone else cares to answer: oftentimes when I'm in a state of prayer/on sacred ground/around holy objects, I get a distinct sensation of "light" around the upper belly, and/or around the heart. Sometimes when I was a child I would feel this very intensely even when I was not around such things, accompanied by a tremendous amount of energy and a feeling of subtle, profound joy. The feeling would last a while, and then pass.

Likewise, I tend to sense spiritual trouble as a vaguely nauseous/sickly feeling around the same areas–stomach, heart. I've always had an interest in the occult, and would, for example, get that feeling when reading about black magic or demons. Could anyone help me to interpret these experiences? Again, many thanks.



Yeah that's your heart centre/chakra. This is the place where our higher self speaks to us through feeling, intuition and emotion. It's also the place which controls your compassion and connection to others. Through focusing on it and willing you can feel intense joy, bliss and love here. I'm personally what you would call an empath ( I developed it through occult work) so I feel other peoples emotions at this location kind of like a stabbing pain if they're negative and a warm blissful fuzz for the opposite. I heavily recommend you get familiar with esoteric anatomy like the chakras to learn more about this.

I'm working on a thread at the moment which explains how to manipulate, develop and train yourself into this kind of work. /fringe/res/54577.html Take a look through if you're interested. I'll stick around to answer some more questions for a little bit if you still have any.



I'm not familiar with tulpas but don't you need to feed them energy?



No I don't have any first-hand experiences, I am still trying to astral project/lucid dream, I meditate, but other than that , nothing. I just find the numerical aspect of kabbalah more interesting than learning about other religions, I studied engineering so numbers are something familiar to me.

But feel free to suggest other readings, I'm going through the fringe list of basics (kybalion, wwa, regardie etc) but perhaps there are books that contain the "core" of the knowledge, even if you don't fully understand it you could benefit from reading them.



Yeah, it's also mostly free from bullshit.



Look into interval training.

Research is starting to suggest that the quick engagement of the bodies muscles and cardiovascular system in a fight-or-flight way over a short period increases V02 max through the creation of more and new mitocondria in your cells.

Not only is this great for fitness but more/new mitocondrial function can slow or even turn back aging and reduce the likelihood of developing many diseases.


I nbeed to astral project to meet goetia/whatever, but i can't and i get stressed with the 90 day guide, is there a quicker way that doesn't involve psychedelics



listen to the latest audio i posted in my thread from panic on astral travel


File: 1443621171228.jpg (29.37 KB, 704x464, 44:29, Serial_Experiments_Lain_02….jpg)

How does one overcome despair/boredom/depression ?



can i get a link




what time specifically?



All of it. He has goes on some tangents, though.



can i get TLDR? or do i need to listen to all of it


File: 1443626648237.jpg (63.38 KB, 653x748, 653:748, hdr_box2.jpg)

Greetings enigmas.

I bought a HDR device (Hyper dimensional resonator).

How do I get it to work?


Tell me about the spine, /fringe/.



So does anyone know the technique he's talking about at




a waste of time


What's the best guide for lucid dreaming, and astral projection?


Is it possible to see demons? To see things and creatures that most humans can't see?

If so, how do I go about gaining this ability?


Also, I had a series of dreams last night and was able to achieve lucidity in all of them, but the moment I tried to take control I would vibrate immensly and the dream would end. It happened in each of them.

Am I doing something wrong?


Is it discordian to post using the golden apple icon, or do true discordians only post with a random icon?



Get a new hobby you lazy twonk



you can definitely hallucinate. you can see demons and weird things that way.

there's also optical illusions on things like the dollar that a lot of people don't see.


Looking for a way to astral project easily? without drugs, like some binaural beats that actually work or something


What does /fringe/ think of Dragon Rouge? Any other LHP organisations worth mentioning (beside ONA)?


Why is IIH so highly recommended? Some of the practical magic seems basically like sigil magic.


Is it possible to travel to worlds identical to fiction? if so how as i need to do this to get away from this earth



Idk, better read this




I've watched and read several works of fiction where people can see spirits and otherworldly apparitions as clear as they can see other people. Would that be possible without the use of substances?



Where are the stars?



Ask on a HDR forum. Get prepared for poltergeist activities and lots of weird astral travels. And why did you buy one without knowing what to do beforehand?



they've been dead for a long time

was the answer I got


What's the general opinion here about avatar power? Can you become more powerful (mentally and phisically,change etc..) or does it bring low-tier rewards like money and such?



Just hype and low-tier trash.There is nothing special about its astral projection technique for example. It's just fluff mixed with stuff that works mildly.



Alright, what do you think about posts like these?


And if not this, then what would you recommend to become more powerful and make great changes to your physical body, also don't rec stuff like "go to the gym" I already am


Question: Why practice magick or ceremony if you could just use Neville Goddard's method to to anyone a ritual might do?

Instead of performing an exhaustive, extensive ritual too make contact with some intelligence, couldn't you simply do what Goddard says and visualize yourself as having already contacted the intelligence?

Is this technique not basically magick stripped away of all the fancy occult stuff?



That's the middle pillar. Is good to do and standard western esoteric shit. Focus on improving whatever physical shit you want straight after doing it using the light.



alright, and do you have any recs for different methods or books and stuff?



The Qi Gong thread is more valueable than this half-baked scam.



I'd say Regardie's Art of True Healing, but I'm pretty sure its mostly the same. Is good technique for relaxation and building body of light.



what do you mean by body of light?



Astral body.



Oh so you have in mind the technique where you change your astral body and your physical body changes accordingly?



Well the light involved is supposed to able to be used for healing.



Yeah I know, but I've read in a couple of books that if you impose an astral body image, your physical body ultimately conforms to that image, it's something along the lines of your cells filling out the energy field that's keeping them in place, it's mildly related to that chinese man that lived 2 or 3 hundred years, it's your and everybody else's expectations that you have to die at age 80-100 or something, the cells in your body don't change too because everyone expects you not to change, apparently if you keep rebuilding the astral body every night after it is tore down by expectations, it soon becomes strong enough that you yourself feel like that astral body and after a year or so the cells would all be replaced by the new ones


Is new energy ways v2 the best energy development system? If not then can you rec me something better?



Has anyone tried doing sigils with a sentence like:

"I will discover the (secret/occult) knowledge to achieve (your goal)"



>The word "will" implies future tense. Use a current tense word like I have, I am. Though if you're curious about what happens when you use a past tense word it usually backfires or becomes hit or miss depending on low lesser the task is.



Ignore the greentext.



then how should I word that sentence?



Something like "I have discovered my desired occult knowledge." Or "I discover all knowledge that is desired".



thanks, but it seems kind of illogical, I thought this tense should be used for affirmations and such, I used to do sigils with the future tense, and they would work fine



Trust me. We all feel awkward using current tense. But hey if future tense works then use it. Magic "may" have specific rules. But these rules can be broken because they're only to help you work with your subconscious since it can't understand future or past tense.

Pick what already works and use it!



I guess it all depends on your mental ideas, if you feel more comfortable saying "I will" then do it, but you have to definitely feel like this "I will" means that whatever you want IS ALREADY COMING TO YOU. Suspend all disbelief, the universe brings to you what you want, BELIEVE, BELIEVE, AFFIRM AND REAFFIRM


Do gnosticists actually believe in magic?



how so?



an hour in and he's still babbling about some useless shit mildly related to astral projection


Is there really no such thing as fate? My sister had went to a scryer a year ago, and since then everything she had predicted had come to existence


Why do doomsday prophecies get shilled this hard?


karma doesn't real?



No such thing as fate, but all events follow an order that a skilled individual can predict.


Is David Icke legit?



fuck no, lol.






A lot of what he says is true, a lot of it is nonsense. "Lizard people" is the number 2 putdown of alternative research after "tin-foil".


So astrology? Is it any legit?


Why does everyone here say newfig instead of newfig?



I guess newf4g is wordfiltered.




is ask smiley still active?





Uh, Yes.



Did smiley quit?


so what are some of these ultra-based neville's techniques everyone's talking about?



I think he is more focused on himself nowadays, focusing on his studying and magic.


Why do I keep hearing the word "Orion" from many unrelated places in the past few days/week? Is it a synchronicity with some importance or is it just confirmation bias?


How many of you are being monitored? Excuse me if that is weak of me. I kinda got flung into this world. The second day into reading the cass scripts I've been having my thoughts monitored non stop for a while. At least that is what I believe constant non stop fluctuating ear ringing means. I'm not even an abductee, literally right in the middle of reading it the ringing started and never stopped. I'm just curious if any of you guys deal with the same shit or maybe you're too good for it. If so, you guys know which book I should read that might teach me a tech to block out this shit? Thanks



I used to have the same thing also. I would hear it almost all the time.

Here are some things you can do: The basic shielding bubble. And a LBRP or NBRP. (Lesser/New Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram)



Much appreciation, on that advice though. I am in reason to believe that using rituals is more like a crutch isn't it? The negs like to use them.



Negs? Like niggers?

It isn't like that at all. LBRP is a common tool for all occultists. You could banish things by yourself, but by summoning higher and purer beings that can purge stronger thoughtforms/beings you are much better off.

It is especially useful to do a LBRP before you sleep and before any sort of rituals. (Before and After a ritual.)



Out of curiosity do you guys pray to divine forces or your higher self? Would that also not be similar in effect?



Rituals are bullshit. It's for low tier individuals who think they're "occultists".



I've not talked to my higher self before. I'm currently stuck in some mundane business, so having magick as my priority is kinda low. (I wish it wasn't.)

I don't count 'praying' to be even close to that. Try and view it from their perspective. I wouldn't just do things for some lesser being if they 'prayed' to me. (Maybe, maybe not. It depends on the situation though.)

You can summon higher beings, whether it be 'angles' or 'demons'.



It depends on your point of view. Some people swear that rituals are the best way to do some things. (It can get you into the 'mood' and you can do some things at a lower level)

Although if you have strong enough in controlling yourself, you can make things happen just by yourself.



All is Mind Faggot



Depends, I know for a fact the holy spirit always responds. That's what it is here for anyway. It infinitely multiplies.


Is the LBRP really worth doing? it seems like a lot to remember and the guide I read didn't explain what to do very clearly. What is the reason to do it?



To expand on this question, If you could firmly believe that you were protected wouldn't that protect you just as much as believing a higher being is doing it? If the universe is mental it seems like these complicated rituals would be a waste of time when you could just convince yourself of the desired result and achieve it.



I've wondered and debated the same thing. Honestly having the divine forces work in your life is a great thing. However I also have heard that being in deep connection with the soul and utilizing the power of your solar plexus reality creation etc. Is much better then allowing spirits to interfere in your life. I have no idea which is better or both at the same time. I guess the idea is that believing and intending will keep you from attracting them as well as make whatever attacks on you less effective. If it makes them go away though is debatable.



So besides LBRP, what could someone do to stop this thought monitoring or any other kind of monitoring really.

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