Question Thread #15 Post All Questions In Here 10/04/15 (Sun) 00:24:41 No. 55815
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: FAQ: /fringe/faq.html
10/04/15 (Sun) 00:42:30 No. 55816
Hi fringe I'm attempting to get good at writing short fictional stories. I'm okay with coming up with ideas once I have the initial "spark" that gets my mind going but I just need that one original thought. I was wondering if any of you could recommend me ways of increasing my mind's ability to generate ideas.
I am not asking for anyone else's ideas and I am not looking to rip anyone off or write something generic. I just need some way to generate lots of ideas which I can build upon into interesting stories.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
10/04/15 (Sun) 01:37:57 No. 55818
This is probably a really simple answer, but I can't get over it. If fate does not exist, how can we choose our lives path before reincarnation? I understand how seeing the future is more like seeing possible effects from present causes, but how could an entire life be predicted before it's started without calling it fate?
10/04/15 (Sun) 01:43:01 No. 55819
Fate does exist, in 5th density they give you choices on what life you can have. They show you everything that's going to happen, well at least the major points. Your freewill can change the direction of a lot of shit, however the main purpose and point of your incarnation and the lessons you are going to learn will always be there. Essentially you had a reason for choosing your life, and that's kind of what your here to remember.
10/04/15 (Sun) 01:53:27 No. 55822
Email me here:!ioYzTLTb!3n1LxNIrvtF8zLhNal4faya00pRQkPCby89kOwH4A3c
I'll get you a defence book I don't share publically.
10/04/15 (Sun) 04:11:27 No. 55826
10/04/15 (Sun) 04:34:45 No. 55832
10/04/15 (Sun) 04:39:07 No. 55833
Why would you get to the point where you can enter the astral and have sex psychically and waste your loosh on lust?
Not to say it doesn't sound amazing
Vlad the Superior 10/04/15 (Sun) 05:14:26 No. 55836
Why is it that a handful of genuine anti-racists feel comfortable here? For all this boards life it has rallied against these types and now it allows them to mingle?
I assume the original user base has since moved on from /fringe/
I will take it upon myself to remind all the
that the flesh shell you have incarnated in is disgusting and no amount of pseudo-mystic rationalizing (rambling) will change that. Maybe next time you subhumans will get to play on the good team.
10/04/15 (Sun) 05:32:06 No. 55838
lol all humans were made at the same time.
Only technical difference
Nordics are more aggressive and physically apt, they are white because they originate from a species that was farther from the sun.
Asians have more natural spiritual ability
Natives/blacks are more in tune with the earths vibration.
The reason why there are so called "anti-racists" is because none of the superiority crap is actually factual. Also because anyone who wants to leave this god forsaken realm has rid themselves of ignorance and prejudice in exchange for higher celestial truth and knowledge. Except for the satanists of course.
I suppress the urge to vomit when I look at mongrels Vlad the Superior (Truth Dealer) 10/04/15 (Sun) 05:45:08 No. 55841
>is because none of the superiority crap is actually factual
Hey kiddo
>not factual
Have you ever interacted with an Aborigines? Have you ever met a pack of thug niggers? Have you ever been on a reserve? Have you ever come face to face at night with aggressive Muslims (sandniggers)?
>has rid themselves of ignorance and prejudice in exchange for higher celestial truth and knowledge
Did you learn that in the New Age book your mom bought you from Chapters?
Get to bed champ
>god forsaken realm
>lol all humans were made at the same time
back to /x/, kid
10/04/15 (Sun) 06:43:53 No. 55844
Despicable creature.
10/04/15 (Sun) 06:44:03 No. 55845
This is the edgyest respone ever. Holy shit, don't even. I can't believe you think statistics and history is accurate. You do realize the entire world is pretty fake and society is specifically designed for you to think that nonsense. New Age book your mom joke? go back to /x/? I don't even need to respond to that, that shits just self explanatory.
10/04/15 (Sun) 06:45:53 No. 55846
Someone should probably answer this, you know for research purposes. DO IT.
10/04/15 (Sun) 07:10:22 No. 55847
So I'm trying to work through the IIH but am getting kinda stuck on the first step, controlling your own thoughts.
I can go for about 1-2 mins at most and then the most random thoughts keep popping up.
Anyone else struggled with this? Any tips/alternative methods would be appreciated.
Newsman !/0NK7Vf.9g 10/04/15 (Sun) 08:58:45 No. 55858
This is bait, if you want to 'farm loosh' go somewhere else.
10/04/15 (Sun) 09:03:12 No. 55860
10/04/15 (Sun) 10:50:53 No. 55869
Anyone have tips on developing willpower? I need to fight a food addiction.
10/04/15 (Sun) 10:55:05 No. 55870
Trust me that mindfulness meditation is not an easy task. It will take months before you will solidly be able to control your mind. You need to understand that thoughts survive and thrive on your emotional energy. Allow them to pass through you like clouds or a stream of water. Any interaction will only serve to strengthen them. Also never allow yourself to grow angry or disappointed at your failure. Feel free to continue onto the next step in your book as it's one better done multiple steps at a time.
10/04/15 (Sun) 11:06:53 No. 55872
how can you use pure will to manifest changes in your reality?
10/04/15 (Sun) 11:26:30 No. 55874
bump for these questions, interested as well
10/04/15 (Sun) 11:41:30 No. 55877
The ceremony acts as a way to build up and call upon energy. Energies are what we would call spirits. Thus you're calling up some non physical friends to help you with your goal. Either way both of them work. But there's no ritual like an evocation. Most effective as well.
10/04/15 (Sun) 12:50:21 No. 55882
Frankly can't tell what's supposed to be the difference between Psychic sex and Astral sex but people have reported those to be superior to the physical version. Though I highly doubt they have any physical experience to compare to.
Likewise, thoughtforms/astral beings are supposed to be superior. In particular undines if you want some gentle loving.
10/04/15 (Sun) 13:05:43 No. 55883
What books should I read to change my reality? I'm basically in it for materialistic reasons, but I want to change myself too
10/04/15 (Sun) 13:09:25 No. 55884
What's the fastest guide to open all chakras and raise the kundalini safely?
10/04/15 (Sun) 13:26:15 No. 55885
I want to be a girl. How would I even start?
10/04/15 (Sun) 14:32:46 No. 55889
Is this b8,shill,disinfo or what?
Vlad the Superior (Truth Dealer) 10/04/15 (Sun) 14:38:20 No. 55892
Seriously kid, you're too young to post here. The expression "the adults are talking" exists for a reason. When you can leave the kiddie table, your posts might be respected.
Be gone, husk
He's fresh out of 9th grade social sciences. He'll learn.
10/04/15 (Sun) 15:33:42 No. 55893
From my own experience, just write. Get good at writing shit ideas so whenever you have a good idea you already have the practice at making it better.
10/04/15 (Sun) 16:17:16 No. 55895
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>55825
It depends on your current level. If you're bad at convincing real life girls to fuck you, then that is the thing that will help you grow the most specially if you're kinda afraid of it.
After getting good at it (and quite frankly getting to know a lot of people in the process of trying to get good) you may try sex with fem wizards, but those are hard to find.
Going to other dimensions for sex might be a wonderful learning experience if, and only if, you do it once in a while and for learning purposes.
nothing better than an idiot with an unhealthy superiority complex and sense of entitlement to make the day brighter
Because statistics surely reflect the reality of each individual on that demographic.
Because iq actually means something in /fringe/ matters.
Because looking at history and interpreting through the little experience you have of the world is not biased at all. Plus implying we're better off now then before as if you actually knew.
Be honest here, have you even experienced anything about real african culture? I'm mean the real ones, not the jewish television ones. Not to mention the fact of course that african culture is made for blacks, not whites, judging it as worst because it doesn't fit your particular preferences is ridiculous beyond thinking
>not factual
It is not factual
I won't mind with the rest of your post as you already proved my previous points. The masses are dumb and idiotic in all races. Then below average people appear, like yourself, and reminds us of how bad the average could be.
I would recommend Retrospection as in vid related.
Well the one who identifies the thoughts that should be controlled, is a thought to begin with. Try noticing this during your meditation practices. From personal experience, when I understand this thoroughly (as in I understand without thinking about it) all other thoughts go into random directions and lose all relation to each other, like machines moving by inertia, til eventually the friction caused by immediate experience stop them naturally.
>materialistic reasons
I'd suggest Napoleon Hill. I've only read Outwitting the Devil but it seems fitting.
choose one
kill yourself. But seriously if you were born a man you can never become a woman in this lifetime. So kill yourself and better luck next time, or give up on that idea.
sorta but not really. Repeating anything in your head will annihilate your current self, because all of your energy will be directed towards one thing, and since that thing is in itself meaningless the practice will delete a lot of previous programming. Not for everyone though, try and see what you think of it. Also get your own mantra, don't get stuck in words.
10/04/15 (Sun) 16:28:37 No. 55897
10/04/15 (Sun) 16:33:20 No. 55898
what an attention whore
10/04/15 (Sun) 16:34:37 No. 55899
10/04/15 (Sun) 16:36:01 No. 55900
don't answer questions if you don't know the answer faggot
10/04/15 (Sun) 16:39:32 No. 55901
10/04/15 (Sun) 16:54:45 No. 55903
Can you explain this more in-depth?
>Repeating anything in your head will annihilate your current self, because all of your energy will be directed towards one thing, and since that thing is in itself meaningless the practice will delete a lot of previous programming.
Vlad the Superior (Truth Dealer) 10/04/15 (Sun) 17:03:01 No. 55904
Pump your brakes neophyte
>Because statistics surely reflect the reality of each individual on that demographic.
No silly, they represent them as a whole
>Because iq actually means something in /fringe/ matters.
Uh yea
>Because looking at history and interpreting through the little experience you have of the world is not biased at all.
yeah let's just dismiss history when it hurts your fee fee's
>Plus implying we're better off now then before as if you actually knew
kek so you're telling fibs now?
>Be honest here, have you even experienced anything about real african culture?
Blow it our your ass nigger lover, I've experienced how Africans live in white culture and that's all that matters. I've no issue with them tending to their mud huts far away in coon land.
>it is not factual
>recommending books you haven't read
>speaking about things you've never experienced
>suggesting suicide over shapeshifting
As always thanks for the loosh, mundane
10/04/15 (Sun) 17:28:51 No. 55905
A huge part of our experience is based in our mental state. The mental state itself usually (but it is not limited to) depends on the kind of thoughts we are having. Most of our thoughts are made by imagining sound. By chanting, that is repeating sound over and over again in a rhythmic manner, we stop listening to other sounds. That means that by chanting the previous sounds you were imagining disappear simply because you are giving more "energy" or focused attention to the sound you are chanting.
In order to accomplish this the sound doesn't need to have a meaning, it doesn't need to be a word even. In fact it is better if the sound doesn't come with a meaning, since the objective is to extinguish the thoughts you were having before it is better if you don't interpret the sound through the lens of your previous mental state.
Of course this is only enough to stop the previous programming not to change it for something else. Meaning that it is up to you what you do after it.
lel keep being useless it's entertaining.
10/04/15 (Sun) 17:32:01 No. 55906
A huge part of our experience is based in our mental state. The mental state itself usually (but it is not limited to) depends on the kind of thoughts we are having. Most of our thoughts are made by imagining sound. By chanting, that is repeating sound over and over again in a rhythmic manner, we stop listening to other sounds. That means that by chanting the previous sounds you were imagining disappear simply because you are giving more "energy" or focused attention to the sound you are chanting.
In order to accomplish this the sound doesn't need to have a meaning, it doesn't need to be a word even. In fact it is better if the sound doesn't come with a meaning, since the objective is to extinguish the thoughts you were having before it is better if you don't interpret the sound through the lens of your previous mental state.
Of course this is only enough to stop the previous programming not to change it for something else. Meaning that it is up to you what you do after it.
lel must have been fun projecting
10/04/15 (Sun) 20:03:07 No. 55908
>Nordics are more aggressive and physically apt, they are white because they originate from a species that was farther from the sun.
Not exactly correct. Nordics have great forward planing due to having to deal with very harsh winters. They have martial ability if need be (such as expanding West and East when their inferior plow was unable to sustain the frozen soil of Norway). You had to be strong, but impulsive chimping out would harm the community. On average I would say Nordics are the most stoic of the European groups.
Tend towards egalitarianism which works well on a small scale and without the interference of out-groups (a ting was democratic and leaders were not that distant from their free peers).
>Nordics aren't a pure group despite there being a certain nordic archetype. Blood type and rh factor are more important than phenotype in Europe to make distinctions in this racial clusterfuck.
Nordics as in hallstatt Swedes are the most pure Europeans and the closest to the ancient Europeans. Other Scandinavians are admixtures and other cultural-linguistic-ethnic Germanics even moreso.
10/04/15 (Sun) 20:53:01 No. 55910
>Nordics are more aggressive and physically apt, they are white because they originate from a species that was farther from the sun.
Not exactly correct. Nordics have great forward planing due to having to deal with very harsh winters. They have martial ability if need be (such as expanding West and East when their inferior plow was unable to sustain the frozen soil of Norway). You had to be strong, but impulsive chimping out would harm the community. On average I would say Nordics are the most stoic race of European.
Tend towards egalitarianism which works well on a small scale and without the interference of out-groups (a ting was democratic and leaders were not that distant from their free peers).
>Nordics aren't a pure group despite there being a certain nordic archetype. Blood type and rh factor are more important than phenotype in Europe to make distinctions in this racial clusterfuck.
Nordics as in hallstatt Swedes are the most pure Europeans and the closest to the ancient Europeans. Other Scandinavians are admixtures and other cultural-linguistic-ethnic Germanics even moreso.
10/04/15 (Sun) 20:58:00 No. 55911
Fuck it guy's this whole pointless race war thing is polluting the whole fucking board. Now you want to put some race bullshit on the question thread ?
Are you so degenerate that you need a fucking designed race war thread to put all your crap in it ?
Don't spoil the whole board in your loosh trap because you are incapable of dealing with your external world and have to blame your outer circumstances on others.
Shit don't change unless you get up and wash your ass, so just do it. Get up and change what it is you want to change. If you can't try harder, but please stop whining about it on an occult board, we are here for power,knowledge and spiritual advancement, not to be your therapist.
Is this /pol/, /natsoc/, /edgy/ ? No fuckers, it's /fringe/ now contain yourself or get out and don't you try to spew shit on how freedomboard's fringe was designed for esoteric natsocs. Times have obviously changed and I hope your idol isn't that degenerate genetic diseased smileberg anymore. This autist can't even care for himself.
10/04/15 (Sun) 22:18:44 No. 55912
I know there's already a thread on natural production, but is it worth taking DMT for a spiritual experience? I've heard that drugs are generally bad for the spirit but I feel like DMT would get me on the right track to start taking magick seriously. I've never done any drugs before either, so I don't want to destroy my brain by overdoing it the first time. Should I take anything to prepare like LSD to get used to hallucinating or just dive in?
Obliterate the Soft Hearted and Annihilate their Children Vlad the Superior (Truth Dealer) 10/04/15 (Sun) 22:46:10 No. 55913
Be silent cur your babbling stinks of weakness
Instead of taking acid as a warm up, read the sticky. Work through the beginner material and after completing this over a period of time you might not want to do DMT. Or you will at least have a clearer view of what you're getting yourself into.
>should I take this shortcut to prepare myself for this other shortcut that I know is bad for my spirit?
>btw I've never done drugs
>I feel like
It's been said that when you take drugs with expectations, you're often taken on a ride you wouldn't have chosen if you'd known that's how it'd turn out.
It's your call. I'm not saying taking risks are bad, but I'm implying that when they're born out of procrastination and laziness, they most likely will be.
10/05/15 (Mon) 00:04:12 No. 55916
You got it wrong brother, DMT already exists in your brain you use it every night, it won't harm your spirit like other drugs might. It's not really necessary though, meditation is a good enough start to this kind of stuff. If you want to get a good hard look at yourself I recommend ayahuasca, DMT will be really intense but really fast. Be aware though that it is possible to encounter a neg spirit in the higher realms even on DMT. You need to let the trip take you in, you can't resist it.
10/05/15 (Mon) 00:30:40 No. 55918
So let's figure this out here and now. Rituals are crutches aren't they? They brute force a change in reality. Rituals are only used by negs anyway right? Like in the LBRP you gotta chant yahweh right, but isn't yahweh like supposed to be evil or something? Or maybe I'm getting this wrong, correct me please.
10/05/15 (Mon) 01:55:27 No. 55919
In what cases would you select invocation over evocation? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each?
10/05/15 (Mon) 02:10:32 No. 55921
Why do I feel movement in and around my head? What's with the ear ringing? Are you guys protected from EMF's? Which methods do you use?
10/05/15 (Mon) 04:12:27 No. 55922
i constantly see the number 34. any meaning to this?
10/05/15 (Mon) 05:45:28 No. 55926
Attention whoring disinfo agent. Die in a fire.
10/05/15 (Mon) 06:23:14 No. 55930
Rule 34, if it exists there is porn for it. Fap furiously and get acces to le faplightenment.
10/05/15 (Mon) 08:53:19 No. 55942
Boy what a fucking great thread, where are the fucking answers? There are so many ways to do LBRP, which one is the best one?
10/05/15 (Mon) 11:40:22 No. 55949
/fringe/ is a board affiliated with /pol/ and there's nothing you can do about it, keep being buttblasted about it.
>Rituals are crutches aren't they?
in a way, there's no reason to deny yourself using them since spiritual development to the point where you can will things to happen immediately is quite a long process.
>Rituals are only used by negs anyway right?
certainly not, plenty of healing and other good rituals out there
>isn't yahweh like supposed to be evil or something?
it's a thoughtform, what you use it for is entirely up to your discretion.
is fire evil if it burns down houses when used by arsonists?
apply that logic to Yahveh and jews.
Briefly, an invocation pulls a being into you, a possession of sorts. You undergo some changes and acquire some of the essence of the being you invoked. Depending on what the being represents. For example if you invoked Mars the god of war you'd become more warlike and willful in accordance with the fire element.
Evocation is a more external experience, summoning a being in a magical circle you prepared and actively communicating with it, maybe making some offerings in return for help or advice, whatever you need.
Ultimately why you'd decide to use one over the other would depend on your goal.
Your 3rd eye is probably becoming more and more active. It happens if someone starts doing a whole lot of visualization.
Ear ringing usually indicates someone watching you or trying to influence you. It's sometimes followed by a sudden rush of drowsiness, especially when you're reading a book about magic. Check your defenses and reinforce those energy shields and it won't be a problem.
LBRP is famous for being modular. If you haven't used it before, follow the jewish version to the letter. If your system of belief doesn't put much power into angels and such, modify the holy names accordingly.
The best LBRP is the one you personally resonate with and feel to be the best one. Ideally follow your instincts and say what feels right, that should be the best version for you.
10/05/15 (Mon) 11:47:55 No. 55950
please go, disinfo shill
10/05/15 (Mon) 11:54:36 No. 55953
I appreciate the video very much.
10/05/15 (Mon) 12:12:52 No. 55954
quality post, you sure showed me.
10/05/15 (Mon) 12:30:16 No. 55956
stop spamming on this board, you freaking retard
10/05/15 (Mon) 12:35:35 No. 55957
Are you Joseph Joestar by any chance?
Because that was supposed to be my next line.
10/05/15 (Mon) 13:42:39 No. 55958
book of knowledge would be your best bet
10/05/15 (Mon) 13:44:40 No. 55959
what do you know about shapeshifting?
Newsman !/0NK7Vf.9g 10/05/15 (Mon) 15:17:54 No. 55963
Is it okay to do pranayama when I'm sick or should I wait until I'm better?
10/05/15 (Mon) 15:32:46 No. 55964
You'll alwas be sick with that attitude of yours.
10/05/15 (Mon) 16:01:44 No. 55965
The Tao anon literally made a thread about it. Overall Energy work for at least 2 months and afterwards energize whole energy body -> start loading up root chakra with energy. Do your own research and read more if you don't want to spontaneously combust from improper kundalini raising.
10/05/15 (Mon) 16:27:21 No. 55966
>spontaneously combust
kek what
10/05/15 (Mon) 17:01:09 No. 55967
what are the pros of an awakened kundalini?
Ales 10/05/15 (Mon) 17:04:31 No. 55968
[Hyperborean wrath intensifies]
Blood is everything, still people here seem to believe that muh visualization will change anything.
Ales 10/05/15 (Mon) 17:11:10 No. 55969
This guys gets it.
Nordics aren't aggressive. We're just better at organizing violence, when there is need for it.
Also, asians are everything but spiritual. I'm sure you're thinking about buddhism, so let me get to the point: buddhism is a cult of death of the ego disguised as hippy bullshit.
Asians have higher iq but they lack something whites have, otherwise they would have conquered the world themselves.
10/05/15 (Mon) 17:17:34 No. 55971
10/05/15 (Mon) 17:20:46 No. 55972
So i've read most of the essential books here, I still can't decide where to start, for one, when I relax I can visualize for infinite ammounts of time without my concentration being broken, idk, I just never had trouble with this, I meditate daily when I go to bed until I fall asleep, I guess I should try to open up the chakras?
10/05/15 (Mon) 18:03:10 No. 55973
Energy work (astral body and chakras)
Emotional work
Get into the astral
Make thoughtforms for fun and magical activity
10/05/15 (Mon) 18:16:55 No. 55975
I tried getting into astral several times, couldn't do it, I was trying the floaty method in this pdf, is there an easier way or do I just do it until it works?
What's emotional work? Also I haven't read any books on thoughtforms, any recs?
10/05/15 (Mon) 18:51:13 No. 55977
Another sigil question, anyone tried doing sigils like:
"I can astral project"
"I always lucid dream"
"My spiritual power is growing quickly"
10/05/15 (Mon) 19:05:36 No. 55979
As far as I can tell the main reason why people can't AP is a weak astral body, including chakras. Exit technique wouldn't do much, because, it's only a part of the process. Steps are, to quote Robert Bruce 1.Relaxed Body; 2.Clear Mind; 3.Raise energy 4.Exit technique. Raising energy and chakra work should be your primary concern. I find relaxation sets in naturally while doing energy work.
>Emotional work
Getting rid of hangups, negative thoughtforms and blockages you accumulated over time without knowing better or being able to do much about it, dealing with trauma, and simply generating an intense amount of the emotion, meditating on it. Z. M. Slavinski's books mentioned latter have a method to deal with them. So called dealing with your shadow self (Ask what makes you angry? Sad? Lonely? etc.) Find the event that made you have these negative issues and transform them into positive ones. I hope this is sort of clear what I'm going for, too tired to write more atm.
The usual recs on thoughtforms (and there's a reason why they are usually recommended:
'Magical use of Thoughtforms' - D.A. Nowicki.
'Invisible Influences' - Z. M. Slavinski ('Transcendence' is good in general, but I don't recall it having TF info).
'The Book of Knowledge' (especially for the creation technique)
Franz Bardon's 'Initiation Into Hermetics' has useful stuff about TF's as well.
Cosimano's various books have info on thoughtforms as well, I think I liked 'Psionic Warfares' take on the topic most since info in his books duplicates to a degree.
10/05/15 (Mon) 21:03:56 No. 55989
Bardon is a suspicious fat fuck and Cosimano is cringe-worthy…
10/05/15 (Mon) 21:06:52 No. 55991
10/05/15 (Mon) 21:09:49 No. 55993
So doesn't most of this magick stuff have power because people believe it does? Like in rituals you call upon thoughtforms and such. Isn't it really the intent of the user that does the job?
10/05/15 (Mon) 21:10:19 No. 55994
yes, also the prover proves what the thinker thinks
10/05/15 (Mon) 21:16:00 No. 55995
An element of majics that most people who shit talk on rituals don't get is that of momentum, the more force behind something the better it works, sometimes.
10/06/15 (Tue) 02:35:52 No. 56007
How do I find the names of my past lives?
10/06/15 (Tue) 11:43:47 No. 56015
What do you guys think about this?
10/06/15 (Tue) 12:03:15 No. 56016
Just to get an idea, how many people here would be interested in an evocation and invocation tutorial? I've been meaning to write one up for a while and am wondering if any of fringe is up to that level yet.
10/06/15 (Tue) 13:00:24 No. 56020
Go for it, m8. Even if the people ain't ready for it, they will eventually. Having the information in the back of their is better than hoping to find it when they're ready.
Frankly I haven't found information on evocation or invocation that I would deem all too useful up to this point.
Newsman !/0NK7Vf.9g 10/06/15 (Tue) 13:22:39 No. 56022
If I have an intense awakening am I allowed to talk about it? I am afraid of losing my siddhis
Please be honest
10/06/15 (Tue) 13:29:37 No. 56023
Alright I'll get down to some traditional western evocation and alter creation in the morning. Should be good fun.
10/06/15 (Tue) 13:56:33 No. 56025
10/06/15 (Tue) 13:57:52 No. 56026
10/06/15 (Tue) 14:03:59 No. 56028
Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law. Remember that your fear is the only thing that will ever make you loose them.
Newsman !/0NK7Vf.9g 10/06/15 (Tue) 17:17:51 No. 56045
10/07/15 (Wed) 00:36:10 No. 56082
Is it worth reading anything beyond the beginners books until I achieve self consciousness? I am reading The Arcane Formulas and I am feeling some change from the exercises but I do not feel conscious yet, which I am afraid could sabotage any other readings or exercises. However, I also do not want to stop reading and studying.
10/07/15 (Wed) 01:06:16 No. 56085
Can someone share sources for auto suggestion, positive subliminal, subconscious reprogramming, self hypnosis, etc
10/07/15 (Wed) 01:51:58 No. 56087
I find it absolutely fucking disgusting that Bernkastel is a little bit lower than Lambdadelta.
Also you should at least credit Hanyuu on the chart for putting it and its contents together.
10/07/15 (Wed) 05:02:39 No. 56106
Probably the light from the earth blocking them out.
10/07/15 (Wed) 05:06:30 No. 56107
10/07/15 (Wed) 05:16:36 No. 56108
>/fringe/ is a board affiliated with /pol/
Really? Is that why anytime something esoteric gets posted there everyone goes "back to >>>/fringe/ >>>/x/"
The last time I saw them do some type of magic work is when they wanted to start worshipping ba'al. I told them they could just create their own egregore but the dumbfucks dont listen.
10/07/15 (Wed) 07:00:15 No. 56113
Negs is short for negative entities. Which can be anything from ghosts to demons to aliens.
10/07/15 (Wed) 07:02:07 No. 56114
Anyone know how to summon something for some fug? Other then a succubus.
10/07/15 (Wed) 07:25:52 No. 56116
Hey fellas, I'm currently anxious as hell almost 24/7 and have been able to overcome depression by seeing things from the neophyte perspective, and I'm wondering if you have any ideas on how to rid myself on anxiety. I tend to just have certain ongoing thoughts stick in my head and make me anxious, any help is much appreciated.
10/07/15 (Wed) 07:50:16 No. 56117
So I was laying in bed earlier and some name popped in my head that was similar to yahoemin, yahomen, maybe even yahowin?
Does that mean anything? I also had a recollection of reading about some of the old Apocryphon involving some of the archangels like Samael and Sariel as well…
Can anyone direct me on a path to find more knowledge?
10/07/15 (Wed) 11:14:15 No. 56119
There are shitposters and retards on /pol/, big whop.
Like the other anons pointed out, /fringe/ was originally intended as a community for esoteric hitlererists or whatever they like to call themselves. Those anons were heavy /pol/ crossposters so that's why we're considered buddies.
As to why they post the back to /fringe/ or whatever respective off topic board is because it's politics board, you can expect them to be wizards, or accommodate all topics of discussion, that's what /b/ is for.
I'm certainly not saying you should start making "gas the kikes" posts or become a nat soc to fit in, but I think it's important to respect the demographic that started /fringe/.
Autosuggestion should be enough to help you. Actually a friend of mine also came up to me with anxiety issues and I'll tell you what I told him.
Before sleeping, or whatever time of day you're free, think to yourself "I am free from anxiety". Repeat it ad infinitum till you get tired or fall asleep but the trick is to get in the mindset of that already being the reality. That's a good thing, so get happy, cry from happiness if you want, what's important is that you don't repeat that like a mantra, but pour emotions into that line. Smiley's additional advice is to add something like "my autosuggestion work even if I don't believe in them" in case you doubt your powers.
10/07/15 (Wed) 12:22:44 No. 56122
It's a running gag that /fringe/ was started by /pol/tards because of the board owner. No serious practicing esotericist would actually be a natsoc retard.
10/07/15 (Wed) 13:02:26 No. 56125
can I charge multiple sigils in the span of a few days?
10/07/15 (Wed) 13:07:21 No. 56126
Sure can. Just be careful what you wish for.
Vlad the Superior (Truth Dealer) 10/07/15 (Wed) 14:02:27 No. 56128
The point, subhuman, is that you shitskins and race traitors are filth and you will be reminded to stow your egalitarianism in the overhead compartment when flying /fringe/.
Shills and fools, mostly the ladder.
didi 10/07/15 (Wed) 14:40:59 No. 56129
^ this is good roleplay irony
this is some tier 1 mundane stuck in a mind control program.
10/07/15 (Wed) 15:50:12 No. 56133
Unlikely anything.
10/07/15 (Wed) 15:58:40 No. 56136
I can someone your mum anytime I need a quick shag
another bump. I understand this isn't the dream board but I was hoping some anon here could help me out. This'll be the last bump.
10/07/15 (Wed) 16:00:54 No. 56137
Vlad the Superior (Truth Dealer) 10/07/15 (Wed) 17:25:07 No. 56148
I used to be annoyed by your bleating, but now it amuses me to witness the hypocrisy.
I have lost count of the times I've seen you reply to myself or other WN's (over the last…6 months?). I'm tempted to make a compilation image of your butthurt. I'll name it "Niggers Never Learn Vol 1: Loosh Through Troof".
10/07/15 (Wed) 18:29:14 No. 56150
You're the one the posts disgusting things.
10/07/15 (Wed) 20:14:19 No. 56155
Are you butthurt that my qt extradimensional loli is more powerful than yours?
10/07/15 (Wed) 21:28:35 No. 56161
you are not a loli.
you are not stronger.
you don't want me to tell my master about your bullshit.
10/07/15 (Wed) 21:33:32 No. 56162
Can I get a mega link to chinese medicinal herbs? I have counterflowing chi and I need to find some AMERICAN herbs I can use to treat it. Thanks.
10/07/15 (Wed) 21:44:02 No. 56163
10/07/15 (Wed) 23:26:42 No. 56167
thanks. I think I'm just gonna buy Bao He Wan pills for curing the middle. I'm kinda slow. I was planning on buying a pound of each herb to make my own mix when it would be much cheaper to buy the pills then forget about it when its cured.
10/07/15 (Wed) 23:28:44 No. 56168
Can I solve counterflow with taichi? Is there a taichi general?
10/07/15 (Wed) 23:43:42 No. 56169
Close to it. Feel free to discuss tai chi here if you wish.
10/08/15 (Thu) 02:27:16 No. 56179
I'm kinda new to this stuff, but I vividly remember that a while ago I had a dream and successfully predicted the future by analyzing it. I wasn't lucid dreaming in this one. What does this mean?
10/08/15 (Thu) 02:36:50 No. 56181
Dreams are like that, in fact every time you dream there is symbolic messages telling you of whats going on within you therefore whats going on in you life as well. The astral realm is emotion based it's like a universal way of communication. Someone else can probably word this better though.
10/08/15 (Thu) 02:40:51 No. 56183
I also wanna know this.
10/08/15 (Thu) 02:46:21 No. 56184
What does the Astral Body look like when you Astral travel? Is it like a ghost copy of you? Can you change it at will to whatever you want? Without mirrors how could you know?
10/08/15 (Thu) 03:18:15 No. 56185
Has anyone ever considered astral projecting or sending out a thoughtform, going into a sleepers dreams and telling them to go to or something? I think that would work for a lot of people, it's ironic that they deny the metaphysical but will accept that dreams can be prophetic.
10/08/15 (Thu) 05:50:55 No. 56192
All drugs except weed alcohol shrooms caffeine and ginseng are degenerate as fuck. Id say try acid, but I doubt whatever raver faggot is selling it isnt giving you some research chemical. Cough medicine is a good replacement for acid but you will basically be insane after doing it too much… holy fuck thats the only time I was ever able to astral project though.. I almost fucking teleported home the one time. They fucking cucks who are hoarding everything on this planet put poison in cough medicine now though so good luck finding pure dxm.
If you want to explore your primal instinct and become an evil piece of shit while destroying your body and your reward system, go smoke some meth or snort coke.
Maynard James Keenan said it best - try drugs once then spend the next 10 years figuring out how to get back to that state without them.. or something like that
Dont believe that fucking nonsense you read about mdma and ketamine "curing depression". All those braindead burned out ravers (sorry , I know Im offending some of you but fuck you considering you probly got someone else addicted to that shit) are literally zombies who think they are enlightened, but I prefer trying to reach a state of ecstasy without paying some unbathed coke addict who cheats on his girlfriend 40 dollars.
10/08/15 (Thu) 06:00:49 No. 56193
If you see a number follow it. Even if it doesnt really lead you anywhere its good to keep your mind active. Me and a bunch of other people see 27 all the time and I started following some other numbers too. It gets fucking creepy sometimes but they serve as "reminder from above" . Every time I see one of my numbers I feel at one with the universe or whatever. Theres a bunch of theories on what different numbers mean, and obviously nobody has that shit completey figured out but why not explore that shit?
10/08/15 (Thu) 06:06:55 No. 56194
* Dates are good to look at too. Lots of times people write these posts trying to make connections with dates and names and shit.. at first glance you are like lol what an autistic faggot but if you can find some connection why not make note of it? Weve all read some conspiracy theories where you go ok theres probly a .01% chance that Obama is a Reptile but its a good mind expansion exercise to read that stuff. Its fucking retarded when people automatically rule out a hypothesis just because its unlikely… thats part of the reason human progress has happened this slow.
10/08/15 (Thu) 06:23:10 No. 56195
>What are synchronicities?
Frankly, m8. That's the most basic shit I can think of that's pretty self explanatory.
I think Joseph Murphy's 'The Power of Your Subconscious Mind' had some info about it. As did Bardon right at the start of IIH. Zivorad in Transcendence had relevant info. Even smiley has posted about this
But it's basically:
>Get into relaxed state
>Create emotionally charged idea of what you want
>Repeat positively worded mantra with intense intent relating to idea
>Optional: Visualize/make a note of what is now or the negative part you're trying to change, have revulsion/disgust towards it, not as intense as positive emotion
>Switch back and forth, from pos to neg, pos should be stronger and more pronounced. Do this until you're done
Emotional transformation 101, concentrate on the positive emotion to counterbalance the negative. Just like in the greentext, switch back and forth from neg to pos and then remain in positive. I think the opposite of anxious is courageous or brave. Get that feeling going.
Maybe you weren't supposed to take control? The dream was showing something to you? All in all, try again, see if it continues.
10/08/15 (Thu) 08:36:56 No. 56199
Bumping for this. I want to try invocation, never tried it before.
Will the changes be permanent? Can I invoke Bain ?
10/08/15 (Thu) 08:57:44 No. 56200
Writing the thread up right now. Changes are permanent in the way that everything is permanent in a progressive way. Generally if you evocate for something then it's like adding fuel to a current fire or throwing a molotov to start a current fire. If you decide you want to opt out of your results then you can simply ignore or quit whatever it is. Like if you try to get a job you can just quit it.
You can technically call upon any egregore so yes Bain will work.
10/08/15 (Thu) 08:58:48 No. 56201
Thanks, looking forward to your thread.
10/08/15 (Thu) 09:18:56 No. 56202
Someone on the other thread posted something about a testosterone increasing meditation. Anyone got anything on it?
10/08/15 (Thu) 09:51:45 No. 56205
That's degenerate.
10/08/15 (Thu) 13:16:18 No. 56224
no it's not, you are just too weak to know how to transmute, faggot
10/08/15 (Thu) 14:16:20 No. 56228
What the fuck are you doing on /fringe/, Erika?
Lambdadelta is superior by the way
10/08/15 (Thu) 14:50:24 No. 56229
like if that sorry excuse for a tool would have the capacity to drag her retarded ass here. no, i'm Bern. and i really hope your love for candy is superior to my love for you, as you're gonna have them flowing right from your eye sockets until your head explodes.
if there's any plum or grape flavored ones, please keep a few for me. i'm off to see auau-sama about your autism, bye.
10/08/15 (Thu) 15:11:01 No. 56230
If you actually want to deal with me then why is still alive?
10/08/15 (Thu) 15:38:59 No. 56235
What's there more to learn from magic besides sigils, lucid dreaming, astral projection, evocation/invocation, meditation?
10/08/15 (Thu) 15:42:20 No. 56236
the blood sugar concentration of mice rise when they try to flee. pretty sweet deal.
10/08/15 (Thu) 16:02:17 No. 56237
You're obviously a fake. The real Bern knows very well who is.
10/08/15 (Thu) 16:42:37 No. 56241
That MEGA pretty much has what you need to know. There is tons of shit, but basically your mind can do anything so yeah happy birthday.
10/08/15 (Thu) 16:59:28 No. 56243
now you know i'm not bern
10/08/15 (Thu) 17:04:01 No. 56244
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 10/08/15 (Thu) 17:37:31 No. 56246
>dxm replacement for acid
>youll go insane
Dear god the lack of knowledge around dxm urks me. Its above lsd in terms from my experiences. You just gotta learn extraction and youre fine. Also if youre doing dxm without hitting plateau sigma youre just doing it wrong. I am the sigmashamam after all.
Dont take dxm if youre trying to replace lsd. Dxm is meant to detach from the ego to reduce barriers you place arouns yourself. Turns you into a lighthouse for spiritual activity. Mixing in other substances amplifies the spiritual effect immensely especially from a state of sigma.
And youll only go insane if you lose yourself in the process by detaching too far. Anyone who can self observe well enough doesnt need to worry.
Protip: Being in plateau sigma long enough permanently alters some brain functions and pathways. Increases intuition, creativity, curiosity, intelligence, etc. (Shortcuts do exist kids)
10/08/15 (Thu) 18:02:22 No. 56249
this is a fantasy forum you retard, it's made by and for roleplayers like smiley
if you take anything here seriously you're in need of mental help
10/08/15 (Thu) 18:07:07 No. 56250
what's with all the shitposters as of late?
10/08/15 (Thu) 18:16:19 No. 56251
what's whit all the people taking /fringe/ seriously lately?
10/08/15 (Thu) 19:10:58 No. 56257
More people are waking up, I mean A LOT of people are waking up. Before I took the stuff from seriously I was a part of a group of druggies. All empathic, they were all in the "gloom and doom" stage some people get before awakening. One fellow wizard helped me wake up and the montalk site did the rest. This is probably happening everywhere.
10/08/15 (Thu) 21:24:23 No. 56267
File: 1444339463291.jpg (33.69 KB, 400x226, 200:113, stock-footage-seamlessly-l….jpg )
posted this a while back in another thread, but it's a thread i don't want to bump again because it breaks rule 2. gonna post here again
i was just in bed, reading but i couldn't keep my eyes open, kept dozing, so i said fuck it and took a nap. i was having a dream, nothing special, just some sexy stuff, but i came half out of it when the good bit was about to happen, i could half feel myself in bed, opened my eyes and saw my room but sort of distant. i closed my eyes and was just looking at the back of my eyelids, trying to just imagine the dream so i'd go back. but on the back of my eyelids i saw this circle thing, not too different from the sort of undefined splotches of color i always see when my eyes are closed. i mused to myself that it looked like a portal, and i started to focus on it. it started to look more like a portal and then it got super vivid, and i started shooting down this portal at tremendous acceleration, with this vibration sound increasing in frequency and volume in tandem, sounded like a power drill. looked kind of like pic related. i got super spooked and mentally withdrew as fast as i could (i started to see things sort of start to form and was scared). when i came back my vision was distorted and i could feel my body vibrating fast kind of like psychedelics, they sort of sloped back down to normal feeling and slight pretty quickly
anyways, what the fuck was that? i've been into lucid dreaming for years now, but this was the most intense thing that's happened, and certainly did not feel the way passing from lying in bed to dreaming usually does. as far as /fringe/ stuff goes, i'm only just starting to look at it so i don't know if this is some common thing or what.
10/08/15 (Thu) 23:16:18 No. 56276
You were on your way to astral project. What is happening is a frequency shift which feels like getting hit by a fast moving train.
We call it, the phase.
You should have surrendered to it completely, you would have found yourself outside your body.
10/08/15 (Thu) 23:58:03 No. 56279
i kinda respect that you answered seriously to a trollpost.
10/09/15 (Fri) 01:15:35 No. 56283
i figured it was something of that ilk. i just had this sense of "don't go there," just fear of the unknown and things far more powerful than myself, i suppose. this is a problem i have run into on psychedelics more than once, where it seems i'm on the verge of some significant shift into a "deeper" headspace, but i get hit with some worry about harming my physical body, going insane, etc. I'll work on mastering the fear
any literature you you could recommend that describes this phenomena? would be interested in reading to see how it matches up with what i experienced
10/09/15 (Fri) 03:04:05 No. 56287
Samael -> Lucifer
Disregard names that pop into your head imo. Angels don't normally care for names, they just help you out of love. Demons want you to come looking for them if you are too protected to fuck with directly, so they'll slip one little thought into your head when the defenses are weakest, hoping it takes root.
10/09/15 (Fri) 03:38:04 No. 56291
What do you guys do when you get deja vus?
10/09/15 (Fri) 05:06:11 No. 56299
Is anyone here experienced with creating astral gateways and the interaction and rituals in the physical world? If you could give me the rundown on them or your own experiences that would be great.
My current idea is that you would enchant an etheric fuel source as a portal and command the energy to leak into reality via that. I'm wondering about fuel mileage and what is the best for long term. I hear fire is good on a per monthly cycle but that's not what I need so I was thinking of using chamomile tea soaked paper sigils.
10/09/15 (Fri) 08:50:52 No. 56307
Just got into reading initiation into Hermetics a month ago.
Read the theory a couple of times.
Started the practical steps.
The problem I am having is with the soul mirror.I have no idea what to write other than the traits given, and even if i come up with some traits i just cannot understand which element to put it in.To make things worse Rawn Clark's practical companion says that i shouldn't even use Bardon's given traits and just come up with them on my own!
Am I the only one who has this problem?
Or am I just being Pedantic?
Please some one help.
Give me a list of positive and negative traits of each elements.
10/09/15 (Fri) 09:03:52 No. 56308
'The Universal Master Key' by some guys compiling Bardon's notes will give you a better understanding on how you should be.
10/09/15 (Fri) 09:09:58 No. 56309
10/09/15 (Fri) 09:48:32 No. 56311
I know its fun n' all but this sort of teenage edgy belligerence is not really useful for spreading your ideology in fact it is counteractive.
10/09/15 (Fri) 10:05:00 No. 56312
most people on chans are underage though
10/09/15 (Fri) 10:36:29 No. 56313
hahahahhahahahahaha detached from the ego yet you identify yourself on an anonymous board like anyone gives a fuck. I hope you die in a car accident today faggot.
10/09/15 (Fri) 11:05:00 No. 56315
What exactly are you trying to do here?
I'd imagine you'd be able to gather the essence of the astral plane you want to make a gateway to and place it in a physical object to have act as a key of some sort, but having been on that plane once, can't you just go there by memory of the place?
Filling the tea with prana would further amplify its energetic content to remind you.
10/09/15 (Fri) 11:19:42 No. 56317
I can't say I have an intention per say. More or less just trying to dip my feet into a new field and area. I figure I'll just open up a basic planetary energy gateway in a room and experiment with that.
10/09/15 (Fri) 11:20:38 No. 56318
I think you mis-interpret a little. It's not a gateway as in a place for me to interact with and go to. It's a gateway for that area to come to here.
10/09/15 (Fri) 12:12:20 No. 56320
Righto, it may be useful for you to know that Smileberg reported that part of his room "merged", for lack of a better world, with the astral just from frequent astral travel though I don't know if he frequently traveled to the same realm or not.
You could try making a sigil in your astral realm of choice like a post sign and making an identical sigil in the physical since that seems to be your style. I bet that would provide a strong link.
Hope you'll share your experiences with us.
10/09/15 (Fri) 12:15:16 No. 56321
what's the easiest way to astral project? I don't want to force it like the guide in the book of knowledge, where you wake up at one time, wash your face, go lie in the bend for some time while repeating some shit and then supposedly you project, I want to know how to do it on command
10/09/15 (Fri) 12:41:19 No. 56324
I just finished writing about that phenomena in my thread funny enough. After enough of this kind of work you do set up semi permanent fields of energy. People who perform the LRP invoking ritual may notice this.
Either look up mental projection and scrying or grab some herbs which force you out of body. Other than that you have a lot of work to do.
10/09/15 (Fri) 16:27:08 No. 56341
I'm currently a fedora but want to get into meditation, or something that presents similar benefits. Mind you, I'm not a militant atheist, though, just an uncaring agnostic ("bluepill?"), and I'll try my best to keep an open mind.
Specifically, my aim is to better control my own emotions, and be less susceptible to stress/anxiety or temptation. Right now, I'm a nervous wreck, and my only escape is through indulgence, but I know for a fact that this lifestyle isn't ideal, and I want to get out of it ASAP.
Can anyone point me to the right direction?
10/09/15 (Fri) 16:39:13 No. 56343
For sure meditate, just including here imo the most important books for beginners
10/09/15 (Fri) 16:50:55 No. 56344
You can buy Sam Harris's fedora book about meditation and read a whole lot of justifications about why it is acceptable to be an atheist and engage in spiritual practices in a non-spiritual way, wasting a lot of time and money.
Or you can set a timer for 5 minutes right now, lay down, close your eyes and try to think about nothing but your breathing. Every time you think of something else, return your thoughts to your breath. You might worry about whether you a doing it "right" or not. For a beginner, yes, you are.
Congratulations, you just started meditation. Tomorrow do 10 minutes. After that, do 10-20 minutes every single day.
>Right now, I'm a nervous wreck, and my only escape is through indulgence
Try a simple banishing ritual every morning and every evening.
Even if you don't believe it, roleplaying as a neophyte wizard will allow you to pretend that you are on some path to improve yourself. Like attracts like.
The thing is that you can start this RIGHT NOW by trying to meditate for 5 minutes. Go.
10/09/15 (Fri) 17:12:25 No. 56346
Tried it for just 5 minutes. Distractions kept arising, and it kinda felt like trying to silence a room full of screaming retarded children, but at least I feel somewhat less distressed now. Could be worth it to try it for 10 minutes tomorrow. Thanks anons.
Care to elaborate on the banishing ritual, though? Never heard of such a thing. I'm not sure where to look for info on stuff like this, either.
10/09/15 (Fri) 18:18:29 No. 56349
In the book of knowledge by anonymous it says:
"Chakra Meditations
When starting the meditations described in this chapter, you must do them everyday for 1 or 2 weeks. It is safe to continue the process for 2 weeks. Some people suggest doing the Crown Chakra first, because the body handles the process better from the top down. When performing this meditation, you should feel tingling, pressure, or heat."
Should you do this for 2 weeks only or should you continue after some time had passed after the 2 weeks? Why is it dangerous?
10/09/15 (Fri) 20:36:30 No. 56360
been lurking here for a while, I know you guys know your shit when it comes to symbolism, does anyone know what this album cover means?
also these lyrics:
"White noises whisper along incandescent deserts
almost forgotten humanized fears revert.
The fluid oozes from my hands
falling down in a draining dance.
Corrupted by the honey sweet recall
the worst sins I'm going to invoke.
Every single attempt to resist
is rejected by acid puke.
Come closer, get slower,
the time is nearly over.
An instant which lasted for the eternity
when the totality had been curbed in a crystal.
Lighted up fuse of chain reaction
Having changed its primordial direction.
The missing scene preserved in resin.
A fossilised domino is going to fall
Tipped mountain upon the ocean floor.
We will see behind the director's shoulders,
Over the angle covered by emphasized senses,
On boundless horizons dressed in acrylic
Epileptic sequences of blackness.
My North is pointing down
It's the end of the last round."
Nobody 10/09/15 (Fri) 21:39:56 No. 56365
I'm gonna attempt to interpret the lyrics.
"White noise whisper along incandescent deserts" - maybe life, for the autor, is just a desert with the sand so hot that it hurts to walk. In it he astral projects - because when you do that you hear white noise.
"almost forgotten humanized fears revert" - Something the humans used to fear - death, since surviving is taken for granted today - reverts and becomes a great experience. After all, an astral projection is a near-death experience.
"The fluid oozes from my hands" - You can see in the cover he shot up some drugs up his hands. Maybe they caused the experience?
"Every single attempt to resist is rejected by acid puke." - It's common that when you take a drug that induces APing you throw up. It's your body getting rid of toxins and corrupted energy.
"Come closer, get slower, the time is nearly over. An instant which lasted for eternity" - Time moves very very slowly for you when you AP. People on DMT trips are tripping for, what, 10 minutes but to them it feels like 10 hours perhaps.
"When the totality had been curbed in a crystal" - Not really sure but when you are tripping you see a lot of geometry, some might think they are crystals?
"Lighted up fuse of chain reaction having changed its primordial direction" - Lazy way of interpreting this but those experiences tend to change your life - "primordial direction" - a lot which makes it viable to call them "lighting the fuse of a chain reaction" that does this.
"The missing scene is preserved in resin. A fossilised domino is going to fall. Tipped mountain upon the ocean floor." - Maybe on his trip he saw that a fossil will be found - probably inside of amber - that will explain a "missing scene" in science. It might be found when a vulcano errupts in the ocean OR the "tipped" is to be interpreted as "reversed" - so it could be found at a very deep spot in the sea.
"We will see behind the director's shoulders" - the director of life, perhaps, aka "god" and we'll understand what he did a bit better, obviously, since we found a missing piece of the puzzle that is creation.
"Over the angle covered by emphasized senses" - Maybe we will see everything from a different angle by using a way to improve our senses (using a microscope to improve seeing perhaps to understand the fossil better?)
"On boundless horizons dressed in acrylic" - To him, this trip is a boundless horizon and everything looks acrylic since, you know, it's a trip.
"Epileptic sequences of blackness" - Not sure what he means by that. Maybe when he closes his eyes (blackness), he sees DNA strands moving (epileptic sequences). Happened to me when I was tripping, but this guess is very bad and subjective.
"My North is pointing down" - You orientate yourself by using north, a compass always points at north. Maybe the center of his orientation is now the ground. Does he feel more grounded? Or does he simply believe the ground to hold a lot of secrets now, hence being a source of orientation?
"It's the end of the last round." - Round of what? Is it just the end of his trip or will the happening of the prophecy be the end of something much bigger?
My interpretation is A FUCKING MESS but hey I tried.
10/09/15 (Fri) 21:58:20 No. 56367
if magic is compatible with Christianity why does the bible denounce it so many times
10/09/15 (Fri) 22:00:39 No. 56368
damn, very nice, I thought that the "my north is pointing down" part is reffering to the album cover, and the needles with the compass forming an upside down triangle, a normal upwards triangle symbolizes enlightenment, and i've read somewhere that an upside down one symbolizes the bestial nature of man or something associated with satan, can't remember clearly now, could probably also be linked to the lyrics
" Tipped mountain upon the ocean floor"
Nobody 10/09/15 (Fri) 22:01:34 No. 56369
Because the church would have had problems in the middle ages controlling people capable of magic. Now they are (maybe?) less in control but old habits never die.
Also, the Church calls their magic "miracles" so it's not magic anymore.
10/09/15 (Fri) 22:02:50 No. 56370
so the church altered the bible?
10/09/15 (Fri) 22:49:16 No. 56374
two pillars holding a ceiling, held by hands and injecting their content into them (wisdom and method). An eye, a wind rose with its north marking 0º and its south marking 180º and a protractor marking around 190º by a line which points to the highest point in the ceiling. An inverted triangle defined by the top of the two pillars and the center of both the protractor and the wind rose.
The rest is just for aesthetics. Interpret this as you will.
10/09/15 (Fri) 23:02:12 No. 56378
Are you seriously asking that question ?
Do you really believe that a 2000 years old book that could control a huge number of people hasn't been altered to fit a certain agenda ?
10/09/15 (Fri) 23:05:38 No. 56380
The interesting parts (i.e. The Gnostic Bible) were cut out, burned and forgotten until XX century. Check out Nag Hammadi Library.
10/10/15 (Sat) 00:25:20 No. 56396
Distractions are to be expected. The important thing is to not have any reaction to them. Just let them go without judgement and return to your breathing. You might only make one breath before the next distraction, it doesn't matter, just keep calmly letting the thoughts go and returning to your breath.
The classic banishing ritual is the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP). It can be hard to perform because you have to learn a lot of Hebrew words. Download the info in >>56213 for a quick introduction.
A simpler banishing ritual can be found here:
Though I would change the words to some kind of affirmation (eg. "I am calm, centered and relaxed. All negative thoughts and entities have been cast out").
Have a look through the catalog and you can find some threads with a lot of information about meditation. I would recommend trying the Inner Guide Meditation due to some of the wacky things it can have you doing.
Nobody 10/10/15 (Sat) 00:32:06 No. 56398
Sounds smarter than my idea I guess.
10/10/15 (Sat) 01:05:19 No. 56407
Heya /fringe/. Recommend me and excercise that i can do on my free time for entering trance please, thanks a bunch guys :)
10/10/15 (Sat) 01:13:57 No. 56410
Take shrooms with the intent of entering a trance would be the laziest way of doing it.
But remember: Cheating is what all the cool kids do.
10/10/15 (Sat) 01:33:56 No. 56415
well I'm not saying it wasn't though I'm just curious if it was the sole intent of control or if it stemmed from actual bias against all magic
10/10/15 (Sat) 01:35:47 No. 56417
You can do it for as long as you want. The danger arises in developing and unlocking new potential of your body and mind. When you've never had an opened pineal it can come as a surprise. I also suggest starting from root to crown so you build up a proper foundation and don't develop crazy wizard syndrome.
All you need to do to enter trance is drop mind. Completely let go and relax your entire body. Focus inward and be. You'll first enter an alpha state of basic relaxation, think listening to music. Then a theta state where your internal and external rituals become easier.
10/10/15 (Sat) 12:15:26 No. 56435
which one is better? IIH or universal master key?
10/10/15 (Sat) 13:56:00 No. 56438
Not sure if anyone here interprets dreams, but do giant snakes have any importance in the spiritual world or anything? I had many super vivid dreams last night, all of them focussed on me needing to find a giant snake. These dreams were more vivid than any I've had in a while and I woke up very early after dreaming them. I can't help but feel that was someone or something trying to tell me something. Any help's appreciated.
10/10/15 (Sat) 14:06:34 No. 56439
actually similair thing happened to me a week ago, and the dream's main focus were snakes, but there were huge piles of little snakes
10/10/15 (Sat) 14:18:47 No. 56440
I've been working on New Energy Ways off and on the past few weeks, and I finally did the energy storage work since I had quite a bit of free time. I woke up with very deep aches and muscle spams the next day, alongside a headache centered in my forehead.
I'm assuming I should spend a few days resting, but did I possibly go too hard into it? I'm most likely going to just start again with the basics after everything subsides, but I'm unsure about how deeply I could have fucked up.
10/10/15 (Sat) 14:57:59 No. 56441
10/10/15 (Sat) 16:12:23 No. 56445
How important are the visualization exercises in Initiation into hermetics?
I can easily visualize places,scenes,objects,sounds etc.. but do you really need to visualize cold,warmth,gravity,lightness,hunger,thirst,tiredness? this is getting ridiculous
10/10/15 (Sat) 18:15:15 No. 56451
Why are you complaining? If you can visualize all of those things, you can apply their properties to a thought form.
10/10/15 (Sat) 20:46:12 No. 56456
You need to get into the scene bro, your a creator man. That detail is important.
10/10/15 (Sat) 20:46:40 No. 56457
10/10/15 (Sat) 21:05:07 No. 56458
You think I can gain immortality by auto-suggesting my body to stop aging? Or just start believing and intending that I am immortal?
10/10/15 (Sat) 22:17:24 No. 56462
How to become le epic freemason elerminati magical being?
10/10/15 (Sat) 23:24:39 No. 56466
How do you deal with saliva in meditation, it always bothers me in the first part of relaxation, it accumulates in my mind, making me have to contract some muscles and it distracts me from my goal. At a certain point it doesn't anymore, but that is shortly before I am mentally tired and have to stop taming my thoughts.
So how do you deal with saliva ?
10/11/15 (Sun) 00:28:20 No. 56468
Eat more pussy
Anyone got any good sources on NLP and defending against it. You know, sources that aren't using NLP themselves while teaching you about NLP.
10/11/15 (Sun) 00:40:51 No. 56469
10/11/15 (Sun) 01:12:05 No. 56472
Neural linguistic programming
10/11/15 (Sun) 02:58:36 No. 56478
Your energy blockages are appearing in the body. As for the headache that's third eye activity.
Are you using sharp intention and strong emotion?
10/11/15 (Sun) 05:41:50 No. 56488
I've typed up more on the dreams I had, if anyone can help interperet them for me I would appreciate it.
I had a series of dreams about a snake I had to find. A giant snake. They were extremely vivid and I seem to remember every little detail. The snake was orginally about 1 foot in diameter, 100 feet long, and venemous. I had to enter it's lair and kill it, but before I could I had to build up an immunity to the venom. I realized that it would dump gallons of venom into my system and trying to become immune was a fruitless idea, I gave up trying to attack its lair. The next dream the snake was much larger, several feet in diameter. I don't remember if it was still venemous or not, but there was no lair. The snake seemed much more ellusive and almost like it was on the run from me. By the third dream the snake was exactly 8 feet in diameter. I remember looking for it and walking into a PetCo store and they had a tunnel for the snake to get away through in the side of the inside of the store. I remember asking why they had the tunnel in an accusing way, I felt betrayed by them for letting the snake escape from me. I then woke up about 3-4 hours earlier than I usually do. I'm not sure if this means anything or what but it was super vivid, like more vivid than any dream I've had in a while. Also I originally refered to the snake as the hydra, but then in the dream I convinced myself basallisk was a more correct term. Now that I'm awake I know it's neither, it was a giant snake.
10/11/15 (Sun) 06:39:00 No. 56492
First I think the general idea of the dream is pretty obvious, you should have probably just went to dreammoods or something instead of posting this.
The fact that it's reoccurring means that your higher or subconscious mind is trying to get your attention on something you need to learn or address in yourself or your life. Think about what serpents usually represent try to apply that. Think about actions, so you are searching for it right? Then apply that to it. Most important about any meaning in dreams is the way you feel during these moments, take note of more then what you see but also how it makes you feel. This is important. Perhaps there are some symbols or reoccurring ideas or phrases as well as settings. Like first there was a layer, this is obviously somewhere where this serpent takes refuge, it's always in a specific dwelling. Just journal this shit and break it down bro.
10/11/15 (Sun) 06:40:15 No. 56493
Also apply your frustration of not being able to find it. Which seems to be related with the reason you came here in the first place.
10/11/15 (Sun) 10:17:50 No. 56501
10/11/15 (Sun) 11:09:52 No. 56503
I know technically anything that gives sex in exchange for loosh is considered a succubus so, does anyone know any tech for specifically summoning a non-demonic succubus. I already know how to summon a demonic one. Also any info on making contracts with these beings? Much appreciated.
>inb4 your mom joke
10/11/15 (Sun) 11:28:54 No. 56504
10/11/15 (Sun) 16:32:37 No. 56518
Read book of knowledge by anonymous,initiation into hermetics,universal master key and practice the stuff here
preferably read a lot of other related shit too
10/11/15 (Sun) 16:38:04 No. 56519
What am I missing out if I don't practice visualization?
10/11/15 (Sun) 17:13:29 No. 56520
I didn't know something like dreammoods existed. Thank you for showing me this. I read the portion about snakes and the dreams entirely make sense now. Thank you
10/11/15 (Sun) 19:58:05 No. 56529
When it comes to magick yeah probably.
10/11/15 (Sun) 19:59:42 No. 56530
Damn just had a dream of people watching my home and trying to lurk in. Some of my loved ones got hurt, the fuck am I supposed to do now.
10/11/15 (Sun) 21:55:25 No. 56532
Can computers be "programmed" by mind just as they can be programmed through languages? Has anybody ever done anything interesting with mind or is it just so inefficient that learning a language would be easier?
10/12/15 (Mon) 00:16:32 No. 56540
10/12/15 (Mon) 02:02:31 No. 56544
Good reading/listening/watching on Freemansonry anyone?
10/12/15 (Mon) 02:48:08 No. 56547
Research purposes
10/12/15 (Mon) 03:23:59 No. 56549
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Decent Youtube channels?
Thoughts on this guy?
10/12/15 (Mon) 04:06:39 No. 56551
spirit science is aight. Tom Montalks YouTube channel is great though
10/12/15 (Mon) 04:07:14 No. 56552
Who would win in a fight, Allah, or the Monad?
10/12/15 (Mon) 04:37:12 No. 56557
Any youtube channels that you currently find useful are the ones YOU need at this current moment. The way this works is that you need to slowly build up and "pull" back information that you already knew from the subconscious. You'll come back to old resources with a new perspective and they will be able to teach you more since each piece of information is just a projection of your own mind allowing the mind to experience a new and different thought. If you get what I'm saying.
10/12/15 (Mon) 04:52:01 No. 56558
is RAW /fringe/ approved?
10/12/15 (Mon) 06:13:57 No. 56569
Any notice that papa franku and h3productions are actually secretly wizards? I mean pay close attention to their videos. If that doesn't work watch them high. You'll notice some crazy messages behind them.
10/12/15 (Mon) 06:22:32 No. 56570
Yeah and Obama actually mentioned "Spark of the divine" in one of his speeches, i literally dont know what is true anymore
10/12/15 (Mon) 06:27:36 No. 56572
It's crazy how many people you realize are actually using NLP. I noticed some youtube videos are trying to program an anti illusion anti ego message in your subconscious. lol maybe I'm just fucking going crazy.
10/12/15 (Mon) 06:34:08 No. 56573
Yeah but the thing about stuff like Gnosticism and other occult things was I thought it was a real secret truth and the answer to why this universe is hostile, but even those who are higher up seem to be in support of it, so I'm confused.
10/12/15 (Mon) 06:41:00 No. 56574
Well I don't know, you gotta see motives, Like technically they don't want people to stay asleep forever but they intend for the enslavement of humanity before they wake up. It's also possible the divine agenda could be working out to humanities favor and we might actually end this prison planet shit once and for all.
10/12/15 (Mon) 06:56:41 No. 56576
Do you guys have any good guides on how to spot NLP? I don't view enough consumer media and news to know what it is or might look like.
10/12/15 (Mon) 07:03:15 No. 56579
Seriously watch h3h3productions reaction videos and tell me if I'm crazy. He's totally using NLP, it's a strange twist but it seems effective.
Well actually I'm still looking for some good NLP sources myself since most of them are actually just using NLP on you while teaching you NLP but there is this one video series from this guy I watched that was pretty good. Watch out though.
10/12/15 (Mon) 07:08:25 No. 56581
10/12/15 (Mon) 07:10:45 No. 56582
10/12/15 (Mon) 07:16:24 No. 56583
What about h3h3 is NLP? I haven't noticed anything.
10/12/15 (Mon) 07:16:43 No. 56584
>>56582 Seriously just, god damn the NLP is all over the video. He's even trying to point it out. If I'm going insane man, I gotta know lol.
10/12/15 (Mon) 07:19:14 No. 56585
Pay attention to all the gestures, even in the fucking news clip in the video says 'LEAN FORWARD' in the corner. Watch a few of his videos and look at all the repeating actions and themes. Especially when he does the choking noise every time some bullshit in the video happens.
10/12/15 (Mon) 07:36:45 No. 56587
Who knows maybe I'm just high as fuck? Gonna call it a night then
10/12/15 (Mon) 09:19:04 No. 56589
Downloaded and decided to start reading your pic related virtually today.
>synchronicity intensifies
10/12/15 (Mon) 11:34:57 No. 56592
It's this
Really good album, might just be album of the year for me, got very interested in the symbolism behind it, the cover itself is very symbolic
10/12/15 (Mon) 11:36:55 No. 56593
10/12/15 (Mon) 14:18:08 No. 56604
So much paranoya over NLP….
Choose what you watch, listen and read carefully, and don't be dumb neough to fall for this shit. That's all you need to know.
10/12/15 (Mon) 14:58:42 No. 56609
Should you stop practicing the previous step's visualization exercises after you succeed in doing them for 5 minutes in IIH? If you should practice every single one, then at step 4 you already have about 20 exercises piled up, that you should all do for 5 minutes
10/12/15 (Mon) 16:10:09 No. 56613
Most of the exercises in IHH can definetly be skipped I believe, if it does not relate to what you want to achieve
10/12/15 (Mon) 19:05:19 No. 56628
Any books on long lasting sigils, talismans or amulets? I'm on a magical break through and I really need information.
10/12/15 (Mon) 19:13:23 No. 56629
Don't know, but what do you mean by magical break through?
10/12/15 (Mon) 19:29:56 No. 56630
10/12/15 (Mon) 19:52:53 No. 56631
As in I've finally figured out a way to get desired results repeatedly. And if it works magic or evocation or whatever you believe in will be much easier to do.
10/12/15 (Mon) 19:56:29 No. 56632
Using sigilis? That's pretty basic stuff
10/12/15 (Mon) 19:59:20 No. 56634
I fucking know. I'm checking it out but the metaphor that sigels and talismans are training wheels hold up.
10/12/15 (Mon) 21:00:11 No. 56638
Anyone here got any info on how I can stop eating and drinking and live on life energy/prana instead? Also some mana info?
10/12/15 (Mon) 22:36:09 No. 56652
Look for the living on light thread here.
I simply did the 21 day process by Jasmuheen and achieved living off Prana. It's not for everyone though…
10/12/15 (Mon) 22:43:31 No. 56654
Well I would like to rid myself all desire for cravings and physicality. Otherwise It would be harder to transcend it.
10/13/15 (Tue) 06:27:44 No. 56697
You guys think I could change my hair to an unnatural color naturally using autosuggestion/reprogramming? What's the chance I could stop my aging using this method too? Thanks
10/13/15 (Tue) 07:28:23 No. 56706
learn the five laws of hypnosis and the two types of suggestibility and message unit theory of hypnosis. literally everything the body intakes is a message unit which carries along suggestions, every person you meet and every concept you come across is loaded with suggestions
10/13/15 (Tue) 07:46:59 No. 56709
Do you have any recommended books/webpage/material on these?
Also would you say that everyone when communicating is using these kinds of suggestions? I would often find myself switching mind states and being able to clearly see subliminal language from everyone. Is that just intuitive abilities?
10/13/15 (Tue) 15:20:52 No. 56738
I don't like my self anymore, i used to be really cool, but then i changed and became what i hated the most.
Everything feels meaningless, everything feels shit, i don't have the drive to do anything.
What do i do to go back to my natural state /fringe/?
Also, what does /fringe/ think about Nietzsche? Does nothing have objective meaning and we must give subjective meaning to it?
10/13/15 (Tue) 18:03:23 No. 56741
He's greasy and ugly and a shit. How do you watch this guy?
10/13/15 (Tue) 21:18:54 No. 56759
It seems the Temple of Solomon library is down, or at least the link in the sticky (!r8clUJgA!w9owH7ZHBveClXwTH0vM9w ).
Anyone have a replacement up already?
10/13/15 (Tue) 22:26:27 No. 56764
10/14/15 (Wed) 01:48:01 No. 56779
Death metal is a pretty hard genre for me to enjoy, but I gave it a listen anyway.
It was better than I expected.
If the lyrics were more pronounced I probably would've enjoyed it much more. Especially the first half, since a majority of the sonically interesting things seemed to be packed in the last four songs, leaving the first four to be a bit bland.
Also, I get that it's supposed to be chaotic, but some parts, especially in La Maison Diev, were slogs through throbbing percussion with repeated phrases in the other instruments. Honestly, I think a lot of this album suffered from that issue.
To end on a good note, this album kind of had a math rock feel to it. There's a good amount of technique in both guitars and percussion, but a little more direction would've helped.
10/14/15 (Wed) 11:54:21 No. 56795
reposting from other thread.
Where in initiation into hermetics does it say anything about shapeshifting? I've read through most of it, I still can't find anything on the matter
I've seen people claiming that it has stuff about shapeshifting, making yourself bigger/smaller etc…
10/14/15 (Wed) 12:21:32 No. 56798
I bet they meant the general wish granting through elementals that we commonly call thoughtforms now or autosuggestion.
Realize that it's not the true you that's being depressed but your persona which became influenced by external factors and that all it takes is connecting to your higher self to reprogram your mental state.
Nietzsche is alright. He's right on the money in regards to the lack of true spirituality in the masses by saying "God is dead" but I don't agree that everything we do is meaningless. As wizards we follow our higher self that other people might call internal drive or instincts. That is life's meaning for us, incarnating on this Earth to grow and learn our lessons in order to keep moving in our spiral path. STS may argue that they're in it for material gain but even that is a lesson for them to learn and grow from.
10/14/15 (Wed) 12:59:08 No. 56800
why do you guys say magick instead of magic?
10/14/15 (Wed) 13:49:17 No. 56804
>I bet they meant the general wish granting through elementals that we commonly call thoughtforms now or autosuggestion.
I don't think so tbh, they mentioned there was a specific technique for that only
10/14/15 (Wed) 14:31:01 No. 56805
fucking mad as fuck, I have at max 45 minutes of the day to meditate undisturbed, the whole day i'm being bugged by people asking meaningless shit
10/14/15 (Wed) 15:18:17 No. 56809
What is reality distortion and how do I do it? It's mentioned in the book of knowledge but there's no instructions on how to accomplish such an act
10/14/15 (Wed) 16:03:15 No. 56810
are thoughtforms and autosuggestion the same thing?
10/14/15 (Wed) 17:05:09 No. 56817
Anyone here had any success with the "Channeling the Higher-Self" technique from the book of knowledge? It's a pretty complicated technique, and it probably goes by some other names in other books so I'll post it here, I'm interested in hearing your opinions on this one.
"Everyone has a Higher-Self. This Self is You as real You really are. This is Your Divine Self, or Godself. This Higher Being, which is Us, guides you in your life. However, because of fear, guilt, etc, its influence can sometimes be distorted, so that any message of divine love is lost. Conscious mental filters, which have been established because of the Dark Matrix, keep you from understanding how to connect with your Godself. Your Spirit is more vast and powerful than you can imagine. Here is a technique which will allow you to channel your Higher-Self. Using this, you can ask for guidance in many, many things. For instance, after entering deep meditation, you can ask your Godself to teach you how to more effectively perform Telekinesis. If done properly, you WILL receive an answer. You can also pray to your Higher-Self for blessings, though you should grow from depending upon your Higher-Self to becoming it.
Go somewhere quiet and sit comfortably. First, do the Quiet-Mind Meditation. You might want to have a pen and paper in hand to take notes. Next, take three deep breaths. Imagine your mind (conscious) sinking into the warm, inviting Earth. Continue downward until you find a mineral that appeases you. See the mineral glow and grow brighter. Pick whatever color you prefer. Imagine the light now changing into a beam. "Feel" it and see it. Watch it as it enters into your bottom right foot. Become aware of your foot. Continue to draw the light up the right side of your body. Become aware of the right side of your body, which lights up the whole of it. Next, move the light beam to your left shoulder. Move it down the left side of your body, while keeping awareness of the areas it touches. Move the light into your left foot and finally send it back to the Earth. Imagine that the light is in continuous motion.
After this, see a third energy beam rise from the Earth. You can change its color if you wish. Watch as it enters your body at the base of the spine. Make sure you actually "feel" this happening. Imagine that your Root chakra is a circle of light, like a wheel, which fills it with energy and glows. It starts to spin. Soon, all negativity, fear and pain clears away. The chakra is spinning in wonderful alignment with spine, which acts like an axle. Imagine and feel your Root Chakra open up. Continue to move the beam up each chakra, repeating the basic steps. This is basically the same thing as the awakening the chakra meditation, but in reverse. REMEMBER: It is best to start with the Crown chakra if you are a beginner, otherwise these energies might overload your physical body. Only attempt to start at the Root if you feel you can handle it.
After reaching the Crown Chakra, shoot the beam of light out of your head. Make sure you feel this actually leaving. You might hear sounds.
Now, you are ready to meet your Higher-Self. See yourself rising up with beam that is shooting from your Crown Chakra. Enter into a sacred doorway, which is designed with your personal symbols. It is your favorite color, and material, and is absolutely beautiful. Visualize this until it is very, very vivid. This is your Temple. Only you have the key. It can look like anything you desire (a forest, a sitting room, etc). But whatever it looks like, imagine a fountain surrounded by a pool of clear water. At first, you see yourself clearly in the reflection. But the water soon gets wavy and out from this pool, you see a powerful being rise. Remember to keep it very vivid. Greet this being, because it is your Higher-Self."
10/14/15 (Wed) 17:05:27 No. 56818
"When you are ready, feel yourself merge with your Higher-Self. You as your Higher-Self now leave the Temple and follow it back to your physical form. You enter with your Higher-Self through the Crown chakra. Breathe in deeply. Do you feel different? In your own time, open your eyes. Now, ask yourself the questions that you desire to receive. Write down your impressions. If you hear words (often the case) write them down as well.
After the questions feel complete, close your eyes once again, and take your Higher-Self with you back to your Sanctuary. Let your Higher-Self return to the magical fountain pool, knowing that it is there for you whenever you need it. Now go retrieve your mind, accepting it as a part of yourself. You may stay in your Sanctuary as long as you like, or return to it whenever you want, for it is your space, a place where you are truly free. When you are ready, return to your body through the crown chakra. Your awareness returns to the room you are in and you feel refreshed and balanced.
When you are finished, return to the Temple and see your Higher-Self return to the pool and disappear. You are finished.
To begin honing your skills, ask yourself questions which you could verify later, such as “What will the weather be like tomorrow,” etc, etc. Write down your impressions and see if they are correct. Over time, you will become amazingly accurate."
10/14/15 (Wed) 22:44:51 No. 56831
What would you recommend for learning how to Tarot? I've got cards and want to learn about their symbolism and possible interpretations. Some practical pointers would be great also.
10/14/15 (Wed) 23:17:56 No. 56832
I made a cheat sheet with one or two basic meanings for each card and its reverse. The sheet also has stuff about elements and starsigns.
I would go through the whole pack. If I could quickly identify one of the meanings, the card went in one pile, if I couldn't, I would check the sheet and put the card in another pile. Then I would repeat the process with the "couldn't remember" pile.
I also do a lot of sample readings with different test questions to try to interpret combinations. I have a tarot app on my phone so I can do this when I don't have my cards.
Now that I have a framework of simple meanings for each card, I am trying to expand my knowledge of each card by referring to a handbook when I do test readings.
I also use a memory-assistant servitor to help with recall of card meanings.
10/14/15 (Wed) 23:29:31 No. 56833
My friend's a NEET and his livelihood is in danger. I've only been reading so far and don't have any practice. What practice would have the biggest chance of working for a complete beginner on such a matter? I've been getting him into occult too so anything different each of us should do?
I've been thinking of basic reality manifestation so far but I don't know how well that works without prior sharpening of the relevant mental faculties.
10/15/15 (Thu) 00:06:50 No. 56834
I'm a NEET too, definitely take him through the basics. Allow him to get control of his life with the reality creation books and reprogramming as well. He should do daily meditation as well.
10/15/15 (Thu) 00:10:16 No. 56835
aleister crowley coined the term to differentiate between esoteric magic and exoteric/stage magic
10/15/15 (Thu) 00:30:44 No. 56836
I've gotten him to meditate and explained basic theory on such matters so far but I'm talking of an immediate threat to his livelihood that needs intervention here.
10/15/15 (Thu) 00:35:39 No. 56838
I've gotten him to meditate and explained basic theory on such matters but I'm talking of a very immediate threat to his livelihood that needs intervention.
10/15/15 (Thu) 00:37:00 No. 56839
Thanks for the doublepost and wrong password, 8chan.
10/15/15 (Thu) 00:40:33 No. 56840
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>56832
That's where I started at, but I really want to go seriously in depth, something like vid related.
10/15/15 (Thu) 02:02:41 No. 56842
Is it a health problem? Did he pick up an attachment or something?
10/15/15 (Thu) 08:41:20 No. 56859
Is there any simple, practical magic that I can see results from very quickly? I don't want to have to do a bunch of bullshit for something that might not even have a pay off.
10/15/15 (Thu) 09:06:32 No. 56860
10/15/15 (Thu) 09:58:49 No. 56863
same guy updating, I tried this and succesfully predicted the weather, will try again today and try to predict some other stuff
10/15/15 (Thu) 11:02:31 No. 56865
What resource do you recommend?
10/15/15 (Thu) 11:18:40 No. 56866
There should be mountains of pictures, books and videos on it. Other than that I can write up a tutorial in my magic thread later on if you'd like.
10/15/15 (Thu) 11:34:35 No. 56867
Then maybe the part where he talks about transferring your mind into an animal? I think that's where he mentioned that wizards of the past would be confused with shapeshifters by taking over an animal.
Can't think of any other instances.
No thoughforms are mental entities you create/interact with and autosuggestion is hacking your subconsciousness or sending your wish to the universe so that reality bends according to your unshakable faith, whatever explanation you like more, if not both.
any magical act that can only be explained as a very convenient coincidence is essentially a reality distortion or manipulation caused by you.
I've been doing that, I usually just drop in my sanctuary to ask on whether I should attempt a project or not and how to go about it.
I find it's a generally relaxing experience but it seems like I'm not on the level of telekinesis yet which is a bummer.
It's the most common form of magic m8. Mountains of articles are out there online, just a jewgle search away. Pretty much all of them will come down to.
>formulate wish in a sentence in present tense
>remove vowels and repeating letters
>using remaining letters jumble them up into a sigil and add an artistic touch to it by redrawing it multiple times so that it stops reminding you of your wish
>fire it off with your method of choice, burning it if your wish is somehow tied to the fire element, putting it in a bowl of water if it's water based, tear it into pieces and let the wind take it if air and bury it if earth.
Pro tip, don't feel constrained by the firing off methods, do what feels right for you, but you should spend the longest amount of time on the first step of formulation, making sure it is accurate and won't backfire in any way.
10/15/15 (Thu) 11:51:23 No. 56869
Hello /fringe/.
I'm a complete newfig at this kind of shit, but one of my coworkers (IT-company) talked a bit about cybershamanism and it piqued my interest, so I was wondering if you'd help a a mundane on his way to becoming a neophyte with resources to read or pointers or what have you. Thanks in advance.
10/15/15 (Thu) 12:16:57 No. 56871
read the book of knowledge and the practice everything there, literally all you could ever need
10/15/15 (Thu) 12:37:52 No. 56872
Yeah, other books are nowhere near that useful.
10/15/15 (Thu) 14:01:08 No. 56874
How do i start alligning with my higher self? Keep in mind Nietzsche wasn't saying that everything we do is meaningless, he just said that sooner or later, by using logical thinking one will come to the conclusion that life lacks inherent or intrinsic meaning, value, or purpose.
He said that we should become what he called the Ubermensch, the individual that when sees that there is no real meaning to the universe, makes his own meaning and follows it. So meaning is only subjective.
10/15/15 (Thu) 16:55:47 No. 56879
Are ouija boards actually useful for communicating with spirits on higher planes? Are they actually dangerous?
10/15/15 (Thu) 18:30:27 No. 56884
At least what I hear from channeling scripts that I have read. It is the method that is hardest for dark forces to corrupt. However can't say if it's safe or not, be aware of what you are actually doing when you communicate to beyond.
10/15/15 (Thu) 18:32:32 No. 56886
Read the books by Neville Goddard and Joseph Benner. You should also consider a breatherian diet.
10/15/15 (Thu) 18:34:07 No. 56887
10/15/15 (Thu) 18:37:31 No. 56890
Yeah maybe it can, find out yourself. You're gonna have to become independent on this sort of thing. If you really want to align with you higher self you should find self realization so you can remember who you really are and why you incarnated in the first place.
10/16/15 (Fri) 03:33:07 No. 56950
I just had a strange experience and I'm hoping /fringe/ can offer some insight.
I was browsing a thread where some fedora was asking for proof and someone suggested flipping a coin and determining the outcome with thoughts. I was decided it would be fun to do the same and proceeded to grab a quarter off of a nearby bookshelf. It was a 2015 state quarter, tails up. I flipped the coin probably 15 times and was consistently achieving the desired results when something inexplicable happened.
I flipped the coin, trying to get heads, and I didn't hear it hit the ground.
I looked for over 10 minutes, but It was nowhere to found. I was flipping it into a open space, probably 5x5 feet.
I came to the conclusion that it probably somehow rolled away and decided to look around for another quarter. I passed the bookshelf and in the exact same spot as I initially found it was the same 2015 state quarter, tails up.
What happened /fringe/?
le demiurge fuged up?
TL;DR flipped quarter onto ground and it instantly reappears on third shelf of bookcase.
10/16/15 (Fri) 05:52:24 No. 56957
The Practice of Everything There?
10/16/15 (Fri) 05:54:38 No. 56958
What does fringe think of the cynic philosophy? Is it a healthy path for one looking to obtain enlightenment?
10/16/15 (Fri) 05:54:42 No. 56959
Oh my reading comprehension. I thought you were saying the title of a book I hadn't heard of. My bad.
10/16/15 (Fri) 10:09:58 No. 56975
yeah I meant "then"
10/16/15 (Fri) 10:11:20 No. 56976
So do tulpas/throughtforms/elementals really have an effect on reality? Out of all the stuff i've read this is the only thing i'm still doubtful about, it also seems like the easiest way to delude yourself, but yeah I know that buddhist monks would create these themselves, greenpill me on this
10/16/15 (Fri) 10:48:17 No. 56977
Demons and some aliens are thoughtforms, so I would say yes they have a big impact on our reality.
10/16/15 (Fri) 12:36:06 No. 56986
10/16/15 (Fri) 17:57:19 No. 56995
Was Tyler Durden a tulpa?
Nobody 10/16/15 (Fri) 20:01:30 No. 57003
Yes and he was part of the shadow-self along with… what was the name of the creepy woman? Mary? I forgot. But she represents his supressed inner femininity.
Then again, are all concious hallucinations representing your subconcious tulpas? What's the exact definition, what makes a hallucination a tulpa?
10/16/15 (Fri) 21:16:40 No. 57012
This is something that's always confused me. Aliens exist in the physical plane (I assume that's what the word alien implies) but they also operate in planes like mental and astral. Do they work like us, where they live out general lives in the physical and use the higher planes for knowledge and understanding? Or do they live out in both physical and mental forms, abducting people purely in thought and not physically?
It is very confusing.
Nobody 10/16/15 (Fri) 21:31:59 No. 57015
First of all, the definition of alien is "not from earth". That means an extremely high amount of entities you encounter through astral travel, channeling or whatever are aliens. The obviously is not just one kind and it is extremely likely that some are exclusively physical, some exclusively astral and some both.
Needless to say there are many different kinds of aliens which all have to be percieved seperately if you don't want shit to be extemely confusing.
10/16/15 (Fri) 23:27:37 No. 57030
quasi-physical state, i.e. can go in and out of physicality at will, most ETs are lower level 4th density beings
10/16/15 (Fri) 23:28:00 No. 57031
most ETs that interact with humans on a physical level, that is
10/16/15 (Fri) 23:55:54 No. 57040
Sources on shapeshifting?
10/17/15 (Sat) 00:30:30 No. 57041
10/17/15 (Sat) 00:46:59 No. 57045
Not really /fringe/, but you guys should have a good idea on it.
Should I save my journals permanently or not worry about it as long as I can get to recent writings? I have a large collection of dream journal entries but I barely ever read through it and they do not have nearly enough meaning as they did at the time. Now that I am starting more journals on experiences, I don't want to have an overabundance of data that is useless.
How does /fringe/ manage their journals?
10/17/15 (Sat) 02:03:23 No. 57050
What do I do when I live in a small place with loud people that I hate? The TV is blaring at all hours of the day. My only refuge is going out in nature and now it's getting too cold to stay out. I feel paralyzed. I've desperately been wanting to move out for a long time, years, but I have no money and I can't do anything about it because I can't do any practices in such a horrible space. I'm reaching my limits. I've turned to self-harm to quell my anger. I need to go get out of here. Do you have any advice for me? THanks.
10/17/15 (Sat) 02:14:45 No. 57051
Being /edgy/ makes you a subhuman.
10/17/15 (Sat) 02:55:21 No. 57054
lol wow the coincidence. I spent a decent part of my life in what I thought was the same situation. The first thing you should do is transcend that hate there, it's fake and is a cancer on your true self and abilities. Second, learning to love people and or not giving a fuck about trivial shit would also help your life entirely. There's books in the MEGA you can read on this as well as on resources page. If you refuse to do that then your only choice left is black magic. Good luck brother.
10/17/15 (Sat) 03:24:31 No. 57060
Use lesser magic! Just the other day I did an evocation to stop music at a party that was happening right next door. Way too late into the night and I thought I was going to burst a vein. A few seconds after the evocation it went completely silent. So beautiful.
Other than that you're going to need to learn how to overpower their rubbish with your own internal will and love which are located at the solar plexus and heart centre. Cultivate and allow these to flow and strengthen.
10/17/15 (Sat) 06:04:55 No. 57075
What exactly is DMT and how does it relate to Magic? I'm seeing a couple of threads about it.
10/17/15 (Sat) 06:10:53 No. 57078
DMT the spirit molecule.. It's a sick ass drug it pumps in your brain every night you sleep. Takes you to higher realms and shit. It's in your pineal gland. I never used it with magic though. But I guess you can use it to astral travel.
10/17/15 (Sat) 06:33:03 No. 57082
There's a streetlight that shines in my window all night as I'm trying to sleep. How do I break it with magick? I remember a few wizards talking about streetlights going out when they get near them.
10/17/15 (Sat) 07:44:48 No. 57086
First you want to get your pixie dust, then your magic gloves, then make sure you dress up in a nice suit.
Go outside to the streetlight. Look at the street light and take note of it's every detail.
Then you are going to want to drink some water before this next part. Sniff the pixie dust and piss all over the streetlight, climb up the street light put on your gloves and smash it with your fucking bare hands straight through the bulb. Make sure not to get any glass in your eye goggles are optional. Then piss inside the socket. Now you have completed the magic.
10/17/15 (Sat) 11:10:35 No. 57095
I have no idea what happened last night
I went to meditate before sleep as usual, but just at the start of my meditation, even though my eyes were closed, I could see for a second a very very bright flash, felt electricity go into my skull and heard a loud crack, what the fuck happened?
10/17/15 (Sat) 11:19:38 No. 57096
Common pineal activity. Just before we go to sleep the kundalini energy from your coccyx rises to the pineal and creates the chemicals required to sleep. The light is seeing with your first eye open. As for the crack it could be one of two things. Either the seams at the top of your skull could be opening showing more brain activity or it could also just be another pineal phenomena. A lot of people hear crackling or popping when they start working on this area (could be from the calcification breaking down I wonder).
10/17/15 (Sat) 11:53:52 No. 57098
Thanks for the info, also felt loads of pressure in my head at that moment
10/17/15 (Sat) 12:01:43 No. 57099
Yeah that's definitely it then. As for the rest of the people here who're feeling pressure and strange sensations around the forehead, inside and back of the head. This is just your third eye chakras and glands activating. These centers of the body have been dormant for so long in people because they've never been shown or taught how to active and use them. Thus once someone starts their journey into the occult and starts using them again they will re-open.
10/17/15 (Sat) 13:27:16 No. 57111
What's special about the horoscope?
Also, any special meaning to birthdays?
10/17/15 (Sat) 15:10:05 No. 57121
Is it in any of the archives we have here?
10/17/15 (Sat) 17:37:00 No. 57128
there is a thread on 4chon
10/17/15 (Sat) 19:44:11 No. 57142
I'm able to control my thoughts now but how do I control my emotions? They frequently overpower me and make me feel helpless and fearful
10/17/15 (Sat) 20:22:23 No. 57148
10/17/15 (Sat) 21:06:13 No. 57151
So it's basically the stuff that makes you dream?
10/17/15 (Sat) 23:21:29 No. 57172
Well if you take some while awake, you go somewhere better then dream land.
10/18/15 (Sun) 03:04:18 No. 57184
What are some cures to neurosis symptoms? Obviously psychology is incomplete because modern science and psychology do not acknowledge the metaphysical aspects of body and mind. Is this something I can deal with through mediation? Maybe just mental reprogramming?
10/18/15 (Sun) 05:04:44 No. 57191
Any way to get photographic memory?
10/18/15 (Sun) 07:42:09 No. 57193
10/18/15 (Sun) 09:47:25 No. 57198
this, interested too
10/18/15 (Sun) 10:27:05 No. 57202
10/18/15 (Sun) 11:08:03 No. 57204
I can't remember if the thread is still here but Smileberg once posted on how he photographically remembered the books he read.
It basically came down to the following
>read paragraph
>visualize the paragraph in perfect detail
>read it from "memory" like that
As you gain proficiency in that method you have to extend it further to entire pages.
10/18/15 (Sun) 12:39:07 No. 57207
kek, I'd be surprised, smiley is an autist who can't read and complains every two weeks on /4chon/ how he can't memorize/focus on his reading….
Read the book "photoreading"
Apply the same technique to anything you'd want to memorize.
IIRC, there is also a less detailed version of the method in the book "The way of the SEAL".
10/18/15 (Sun) 13:15:35 No. 57208
Any good books on Remote Viewing/Tele-Visualization?
10/18/15 (Sun) 14:03:09 No. 57209
Is this post proof that magic exists?
10/18/15 (Sun) 16:44:19 No. 57220
Best,easiest,fastest guide to astral project?
10/19/15 (Mon) 00:46:29 No. 57263
On a scale of 0 to 10 how doubtful would /fringe/ be if I did a series of videos on magick where every single video is uploaded from a different location in the world and every video has a different person in it narrating yet clearly continuing on from where the last one left off and each video is uploaded on the same account (actually might be impossible because Google has this detection shit to stop people from taking over your account from other locations and it might freak out so I might need to make a new account for each video).
Would it not be worth the effort due to fags just be like "he's paying off people around the world to narrate occult videos for him!" even though the reality of the situation would be, that I am in fact, possessing them temporarily?
Thinking it over I should probably focus on direct psychokinetic manipulation of video files in order to reproduce in 4k video format scenes from the astral for the first time to be viewed by people here in third density. Doubters will just think I suddenly became one of the world's very best CGI dudes ever or whatever but it wouldn't matter because there'd be so many cool things I could show from the astral and upload to youtube that my channel would become well funded I bet… then again if I actually just want money remote viewing stocks or the password's of people bank accounts and using online banking to withdraw some of their money is the easiest route it seems.
10/19/15 (Mon) 01:05:21 No. 57265
Don't do it for the people who doubt. At the end of the day every piece of evidence can look unrealistic to the mind of someone who does not wish to believe it. Even if you levitate or incinerate right in front of them they will still find a way to worm their way out of it. As for the rest of fringe, I'm sure they'll find it certainly entertaining and inspiring.
As for possession I need to ask. I found myself one night trying to possess someone while astrally projecting but I could not seem to "enter" or "merge" with them. Does it require a high level of ability or are there some other factors required to get it right? I remember the man becoming uncomfortable as if he knew something was wrong and then he closed up.
10/19/15 (Mon) 01:14:03 No. 57267
>Best,easiest,fastest guide to astral project?
Lift out your imaginal body (aka just sit up mentally) quickest + easiest but not efficient
Assume an asana position and just lift up your imaginal arm from your physical arm and accept the imaginal arm as real and then left up more of your imaginal body out of your physical body basically just sitting up and getting up. There is a sort of "gravity" you have to overcome here by bruteforce of the will but it is incredibly simple. Usually I just lay down, sometimes with arms crossed like a pharaoh, and then start lashing around with my astral arms gradually transferring the nerve-force (prana/vril/etc.) to the imaginal arms and feeling them become stronger until I manage the trash my way out of my body by twisting around and lashing about with my imaginal arms so much.
Please note that before you can astral project you have to actually know what the astral planes are so that you can correctly conceptualize them and intend to access that plane. Please be aware as well that the astral planes are in fact PLANES; they OVERLAP. It's not a place but a condition, a state of being. Also be aware there are many different planes to tune into (kind of like a radio).
If you want to remote view / see the physical world via the astral you can do that too in many different ways which I can describe but I'm just going to tell you plainly right now how to astral project not how to remote view.
You should read The Astral World by Swami Panchadasi. It's a short book in the /fringe/ library and won't take you long to read but is critical before attempting this.
Gravity Ball best + efficient but takes awhile to master
Use the method similar to what the aliens use in the book Chasing Phantoms of basically creating a gravity ball thoughtform that sucks your astral body out or your physical body. Just meditate and power up with loosh a ball shaped thoughtform that remains persistent in your room and which you can use whenever you want, at any time, to suck you out. It takes awhile to create this ball but once it's made and stabilized it's "easy as a slight impulse of the will" to command your ball thing to suck you out.
Traditional Shamanic Method great if you have a tulpa or any other companion entity at your disposal
Shamans have forever just used their spirit animals to take them to the spirit world / dream world. Just call upon your spirit animal to take you and it will. You can do the same with any other astral entity like a tulpa or whatever, just have them give you help getting you out of your body. One shaman I know has a bear take him to the spirit world aka astral planes.
Will Method
If you are very well developed, have a strong astral body, lots of energy, lots of will, refined astral senses, etc. you can just part your astral body from your physical body any time you like by a simple effort of the will.
Go to Sleep Method
Just go to sleep nigga. Dreams are part of the astral planes. Astral projection is natural and easy and something you do all the time already! Oh wait – but you think your dreams are subjective? They are not, another initiate/shaman/entity/whatever can enter your dreams, dream your dreams, etc. so it's an experience that can be shared with others. There is nothing in the All which is not infinitely interconnected with everything else. If you are looking for a more objective experience of the astral planes then your problem isn't with astral projection (which is easy) it's with navigating and using the astral productively for ESP and getting correct and accurate information that actually relates to this world. Perhaps you'd be more interested in psychomancy or in creating a shared realm in the astral in which you can hang out with friends?
If you don't dream when sleeping well start practicing Initiation Into Hermetics and unlock all your imaginal/astral senses. That is a simple matter of imagining sights, imagining sounds, imagining feeling, imagining smells, imagining tastes, and later on unlocking the other two physical senses and then their corresponding mental/astral versions.
Speaking of the other two senses; does anyone know of any literature at all that exists about them, if they have names, and if they can be described at all to people who don't have those senses?
10/19/15 (Mon) 01:42:02 No. 57268
>As for possession I need to ask. I found myself one night trying to possess someone while astrally projecting but I could not seem to "enter" or "merge" with them. Does it require a high level of ability or are there some other factors required to get it right? I remember the man becoming uncomfortable as if he knew something was wrong and then he closed up.
My advice is find someone with a grey/"flat" aura that doesn't show much strong colours in it. Those ones are the "ready made subjects" hypnotherapists love to use. If you find one, they will give very little resistance as they have very little will of their own, and you can take them over and use them easily.
Likewise, those with the most intense auras, are the hardest to bend to your will. You probably will have no luck with them but the key here is to either be even stronger willed than them or to examine their desires (the auric colours will tell you what they are) and use their own desires against them to gain control. If you can convince them to relax and submit unconditionally to you, letting you do whatever you want with them, it will be easier.
Also, sicker, drugged, nearly dead, etc. people who have a weak connection between their astral body and physical body are easier to possess too (provided there aren't OTHER entities already possessing them that you now have to fight with to get in!) and submissive people are easy to control especially if you use a special technique to discover a form that is very pleasing to them, assume it, and use that form to gain their confidence (many people are idiots that identify with form and don't know the special techniques in IIH to know the true form of things and think if something appears a certain way, that is what it is). Of course if you accidentally end up assuming a form of a friend or relative or something of there's then you'll have to either hope they don't notice you're "acting out of character" or you'll have to do some more astral magicks to become a better impostor.
Note: highly realized, spiritually advanced people are pretty much impossible to trick like this and can banish your ass with great ease after seeing through your deceptions.
You can also just keep contacting someone over and over and gain their permission little by little and establish a trust-based relationship in them in which they give over control voluntarily with no deception involved.
Now you might be wondering… how do I see the auras? Well, read this thread ( ) and do the rituals in it and read the books recommended in the thread, you will be able to objectively see the auras that surround all bodies. Note the thread is still live here: >>>/4chon/94834
Overview of the variables:
>the desires of the target effect how easy it is to gain possession (to whatever degree) of their body
>the strength of the will of the target can either assist the possession process greatly or hinder it greatly, a weak will neither presents much of an obstacle but also won't assist much either
>the resonance between you and the target secures and strengthens the connection, resonance is effected by desire/emotion
>very strong desire to possess the target on your part will make the process easier, and very weak desire on their part to resist makes it easier, but even better is when they themselves actively desire to be possessed / be a medium!
Note: you may wish to practice mediumship yourself before you try to practice possessing people. Possession is the flip-side of the coin of mediumship. Whenever there is someone wanting to be a medium, there is someone else on the other end (human or non-human) that has to take part in the process and work through them!
10/19/15 (Mon) 01:59:44 No. 57271
Second note: Highly realized, spiritually advanced persons will also respond very strongly to your intentions. If they know you have good intentions and don't mean any harm, they will probably respect that, and be willing to participate in what you want to accomplish by serving as a medium for you for a little while. If on the other hand you plan on using their body for something they'd find objectionable, maybe masturbation, sex, killing spree, vandalism, and causing general chaos… unless that's the sort of stuff they feel comfortable with doing and would love to let you do that using their bodies they will resist and reject your efforts to possess them.
I may as well add that the key to synchronistically resonating with and coming into contact with the very best and most helpful entities in this world and in the astral is to cultivate as much virtue as possible, keeping your mind pure and filled with good intentions. If you are a very noble person then you can expect to meet those that are like you. Like begets like. The pure intentions and high virtues will metaphysically protect you from encounters with energetically wasteful and tiresome struggles with deceptive and hostile beings. You can then gain entry to some of the most blissful and productive realms in the astral and have some very beautiful experiences there… just don't fuck up and get yourself banished by them (has happened to me and many others too). I once got into one of these heavenly realms while spiritually immature and knocked some woman off of a bike there because back then I had a GTA kind of mindset when it came to the astral and the woman just got up and banished me with little effort and I was butthurt because I found myself back in this world again having just had my astral travel cut short. Some places it's OK to do shit like that … others not really. It's a good idea to know where you are and what is acceptable and in line with the character or purpose of the particular realm you are residing within at the moment. You wouldn't normally go to an astral library to chimp out and beat everyone up there and knock over the books if the place was intended as a place for learning but then again another astral library you might go into might just be part of a realm that people go to to have fun fighting and stuff so who knows.
10/19/15 (Mon) 02:11:20 No. 57276
This is dangerous to be teaching people.
10/19/15 (Mon) 02:12:55 No. 57277
I very much appreciate all of the information. Time to get to working through it I believe.
All knowledge is dangerous at some levels. But we live in a world that is both dual but singular in polarity. Everything can be used both ways.
10/19/15 (Mon) 02:17:24 No. 57279
I mean for the person who uses it really, if you violate someones freewill to that degree you can be targeted by some serious divine intervention. Not to mention if you are within the karma system you will wreck yourself pretty hard causing this much havoc and destruction.
10/19/15 (Mon) 02:29:13 No. 57280
I see. Best not to be used for mischief or by the immature then.
10/19/15 (Mon) 02:30:23 No. 57281
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>57207
FYI I can not read and remember well in a very low-power state but once I am recharged properly by a combination of the right food + sleep + loosh farming I can recall in perfect detail the most obscure and fleeting moments of observation in my life and furthermore I can remember things I never experienced too aka draw upon the akashic records for a reconstruction of something that has happened before e.g. lets say one day 3 months ago I was walking outside and looking forward well I could revisit that in the memory but then see what was behind and around me and recover more information from the past than what I had actually experienced consciously the first time around. I am also myopic and refuse to wear glasses so the whole world is always a blur to me but I could for example do the following:
>lets say I am in a car a week ago and there are other cars in front of me and obviously they have license plates on the back which I completely can not see because of how blurry they appear to me, I definitely can't make them out
>well, lets say I saw a red car that week with something notable about it, perhaps it has a bumper sticker on it that is really big but I can't make it out so I ask the driver or someone else in the car to tell me what it is
>so fast forward to present time right now, lets say I'm with the person again who I asked about the bumper sticker, and the guy asks me "what was the license plate on that car"
>well, I couldn't see it… you know I'm myopic… but hold on a moment
>me enters meditation and calls up the memory
>the memory will be out of focus at first but I will carefully charge it and intensify it and bring it into focus
>now I can see everything in perfect detail and I can see the license plate that in the past I was never able to actually see but since I'm viewing the whole scene with mind's eye right now, no details are missed
>I can now tell the guy I'm with what the license plate was, we could then look it up, and confirm that the detail I just got out of the past was accurate; a detail I never was even able to observe initially
Something else I should say about memory btw is that the more loosh aka emotions involved in a memory the stronger the imprint in your astral matrix. ANY event in your life which is highly emotional is easier to recall. Traumas and moments of euphoria both will stand out strongly in your memory.
If you read a book and you are not interested in it very much you won't remember it well. If you somehow manage to work up passion and concentrate your desire to read and remember the book as you do it, then you will leave a strong impression of the book in your memory, which will take a long time to fade / dissolve back into the astral.
You can recharge and vivify a memory by simply accessing it again and pouring loosh into it again. Sometimes, for some people, you can become haunted/obsessed by your memories unintentionally. It can be very hard to banish the memory of some very traumatic and invasive experiences from your mind.
You can also create correspondences / associate memories together and recall them together in that way. Different things can remind you of a memory and trigger it again.
I prefer to read my books when in the proper state of mind so as to absorb them well and create a strong enough impression that I can easily recall most of it. However it doesn't have to be absolutely perfect either; I'm not obsessed right now with getting every single detail down on the "first run over". I have methods of reaching out into the faded parts of a memory, vivifying them, and bringing them to light again.
So yeah, I complain a lot, because with my insomnia and bouts of apathy and other afflictions of the soul and body I'm reduced to loosh farming and preparing and eating food and waiting for a chance to sleep before I feel ready again to read. I also have a tendency to burn out easily, my development hasn't been all that stable, and my imbalances are fucking me over… but I will never give up the struggle as I know what's at stake is and I intend to make the most of my present incarnation before my present body expires.
At a later time I will have stabilized and perfected and fully tested out a book thoughtform whose purpose is to reproduce the text of any book, even ones I've never read. When it's ready I will be able to just read my astral thoughtformed book with my mind's eye, allowing my physical eyes to rest then, and that will be good for me. I will also move onto exploring new information sources, hunting more astral books that don't even exist as physical or digital books in our world right now, which is a very fun activity and not hard to do btw.
Bring on the butthurt.
10/19/15 (Mon) 02:38:29 No. 57282
I can certainly agree that astral books, lectures, teachers or whatever other source of astral learning are great tools. Every magician should learn the skills of "Pulling light from darkness". By which I mean learning from internal experience. I'll probably end up doing a big writeup soon on this kind of internal work since it seems like there's a huge learning and understanding curve that's been hitting the neophytes and beginner practitioners.
10/19/15 (Mon) 02:45:33 No. 57283
Can I get a source that isn't DARK? I am a warrior of LIGHT. Give me something RIGHT.
10/19/15 (Mon) 02:51:59 No. 57284
You can't actually "violate" someone's freewill. Everything has various degrees of freewill, from the extremely limited will of base matter, to much more complex and developed wills of higher forms of life. God has absolute freewill and everything is subject to God. It's like Montalk says:
• some beings have more freewill than others
• the more consciousness, self-awareness, or spiritual evolution one possesses, the greater one’s freewill
• possession of freewill is useless until it is recognized and applied
• beings with freewill can be coerced into behaving as though they have none
• knowledge allows these deceived beings to regain the full use of their former freewill
• humans in general are beings with enormous amounts of freewill
• negative alien factions have instated a control system to trick humans into limiting their own freewill
• negative alien factions possess less freewill than humans, thus their reliance upon technology and subtle coercion as a form of spiritual jujitsu to overcome a spiritually greater opponent
• beings with actively applied higher levels of freewill, can override the actions, thoughts, and realities of beings with lower levels of freewill
• beings with lower freewill, either directly or indirectly serve beings of higher freewill
• physicality allows the violation of freewill between physical beings, the main reason why physical existence is a valuable experience in the path of spiritual evolution
btw, there is a special state people enter after they die, in which they enter a purely subjective realm for awhile in order to live and outlive their desires. It's talked about in Life Beyond Death by Willam Walker Atkinson. It's kind of like a karmic dump in that it represents an opportunity for the soul to rapidly purge itself of lower desires with less consequences for them from doing so. I can't remember the name of it right now though fug.
I should also mention that one of the abilities of high level occultists is to know the past of anyone instantly. There are people that can for example shake someone's hand (psychometry) and they will know everything about the person as well as there future. If you ever meet someone like this via the astral or here in this world… and they see what you did with your life… can you answer to them for what you have done? You will of course be judged then when your past comes to light and is examined. It's best to be mindful of this truth always and live accordingly. So many moments in my own past I cringe about and regret, they were inevitable though, and a product of ignorance and weakness. Some philosophers have said that all evil is a product of ignorance. Maybe it is so.
You can share astral books you've found or made yourself with others just an FYI. I'm working on a series of experiments with the Protagonist and hope to use astral books for telepathic communication too aka we both have a book and when we write into one of them, that which is written appears in both books at once, and in this way we can communicate and share notes!
10/19/15 (Mon) 02:58:11 No. 57286
Please do feel free to share your notes here so that we can see your progress.
10/19/15 (Mon) 02:58:46 No. 57287
LHP edgelord texts, if they are based on truth and not just bullshit disinfo, will contain the underlying principles which make their workings effective. You just have to deduce the principle then make your own ritual to do the same thing minus the LHP dressings. It is usually the case though that both LHP "darkness and suffering" and RHP "love and light" are hippie/edgelord bullshit, mostly noise, little signal. The authors tend to only grasp some basic truths while filling their texts with irrelevancy and nonsense.
The best texts tend to be neutral "it can be used constructively or destructively, for bad or for good, depending on the practitioner" in tone like for example William Walker Atkinson's books.
Whatever you aspire to be, whatever your intentions, keep this in mind when assessing the value of informational sources. You can learn from the light, you can learn from the darkness, and you can also learn in the dry way too without the drama.
10/19/15 (Mon) 03:10:36 No. 57290
Can anyone remember all of the hindu terms that were used in Life Beyond Death by William Walker Atkinson? I just spent awhile going through the book searching for the terms I'm looking for but not finding it and just ended up reading again random parts of the book… don't want to have to re-read the entire book all over again to find what I'm looking for fug.
10/19/15 (Mon) 03:16:16 No. 57293
tfw I need to develop a dowsing method for finding stuff
10/19/15 (Mon) 03:25:04 No. 57299
> • physicality allows the violation of freewill between physical beings, the main reason why physical existence is a valuable experience in the path of spiritual evolution
Depending on the spiritual progression of the violated person then the results can be impermanent and be done and UNdone in a span of 30 ish years.
10/19/15 (Mon) 03:37:51 No. 57300
10/19/15 (Mon) 03:49:10 No. 57302
The physical condition is a product of wanting to be able to interact with and experience intelligences outside of oneself to grow beyond one's previous limitations in this way. Physicality limits you but at the same time destroys your own inner-limits. It's the desire for "objectivity" that keeps us here, connected, and able to receive the influences of others.
If you want to be able to interact with others on any plane you have to accept resonance from them, accept that you can receive their words, feel them, be hit by them, etc.
If you shield yourself from everything, you lose out on the opportunity to grow, to have your weaknesses brought to light and tested, etc.
This is of course a very deep level desire, it's WAY deep in our core, but if you can reach to it then you can start messing around with it to produce various modifications with astonishing effects like being able to walk through or see through walls and turn off collision with the vibrations of all sorts of other things. You basically do this by fucking around with the metaphysical permissions system that governs physical interactions.
Why are you quoting 30 years to me btw? What's this based on, theoretical estimate, observation, a book / some source you read it in? I want to know.
Also why would they want to undo something that already has transpired?
10/19/15 (Mon) 04:03:03 No. 57303
Because trauma doesn't have to result in ruination. It can be transmuted into growth without a deep ruination and separation from god. It is a theory based on jesus, buddha, and my own personal reawakening. I was criticized and beaten like a LOT of people. Lied to and the like. And my chi was dampened and interrupted and counterflowed and all that and now I've been reversing it since about 18 and I grow more aware of the process everyday.
To put it in the context of kundalini some people experience persecution and their kundalini is brought down and coiled aroudn their root for a long time and they become the persecutor even worse that their persecutor (whelps of the Adversary) but some people have Fortitude and more than that and the very moment their kundalini is brought to its lowest point (around 18 years or so) it does not linger but proceeds to rise up at the same pace at which it was submerged below the crown, which in my case, like Jesus and Buddha, represents its final "Death"/"Rebirth" cycle before reaching a deathless state aka nirvana.
Everyone is testing things. Luciferian experiment and Godly experiments but what I describe is the viewpoint of one who is truly to be enlightened in this lifetime.
10/19/15 (Mon) 04:06:23 No. 57304
Information is neither good nor bad, the application of it is what is. Also if you read through the book the methods use to become a "shapeshifter" are just meditations, visualisations and the like.
10/19/15 (Mon) 04:09:27 No. 57307
The book begins by saying "You wiill be cursed if you share this information" I'm not with that shit. They can miss me with those cursed. Even though I nutrilized them.
10/19/15 (Mon) 04:21:49 No. 57309
Do I need to unlock all my chakras before I'm able to talk to my Higher Self for advice and guidance?
The Book of Knowledge said to spend 1-2 weeks per Chakra opening each one. Just wondering if that's necessary or if it'll really take that long.
10/19/15 (Mon) 04:34:24 No. 57310
You can speak to your higher self at any time. Though it is much easier with a good diet and opened chakras. Go into a meditative state and focus on your crown chakra. Simply place awareness there. Start to call and ask for your higher self. You will need to decipher the true voice if there are thoughtforms around you though. Then you can simply ask your questions. You may recieve answers via any of the 5 senses in visualization or even emotions.
10/19/15 (Mon) 05:07:58 No. 57314
Just tried it. I just voiced concerns I'd put before my HS if I met him. I don't think I got any clear answer other than some wishful thinking. I'll try again later.
I believe my diet is fine, but I'll focus on opening other chakras in between other tries. Thanks for your help.
10/19/15 (Mon) 05:44:07 No. 57316
Anyone have any good detox advice/method/guides? I mean both physically and spiritually. Pineal detox as well
10/19/15 (Mon) 06:05:48 No. 57317
Shit. The devil is a lie. I wrote out this whole thing and then like tabbed out and refreshed. I guess the devil doesn't want you to have extended info. So here is the cliffnotes because my back hurts to much to be typing this from my bed.
Vitamins: Vitamin D, Vitamin A (Now foods brand), Vitamin K (Innovix brand) These three need each other to work. Like pic related.
Calcium citrate (Now foods), Magnesium Citrate
These are for health.
Read The Beauty Detox Solution. It's wholly dope.
Stop eating dairy. 2.6 oz of dairy equals a net loss in calcium that day even if you eat 1300mg that day. The book covers that but I singled it out.
As for your Pineal gland: 1/2 tsp kelp powder (iodine) and 1/8(woman)/1/4(man) tsp of borax (a natural mineral which emulsified fat so its sold as detergent) a day. Work your way up to that does just to be safe. If your kidneys itch or whatever you're simply detoxing too quickly. Borax is 11% boron, a necessary trace mineral that completely cures arthritis for a lot of most peope. There is an inverse relationship to the amount of boron in a region's food soil and arthritis. The other 89% in boron is dirt. or something. It's natural. comes out of the ground.
Take with 1 liter of water in a capsule if possible. I tried adding it to 1 liter like some peple do and sipping but it just make me nauseaous then the fact that it smells like detergent faintly made me more nauseous.
That's all you need.
10/19/15 (Mon) 06:10:37 No. 57318
It does take some experience and work to get the link and channel open. Once you do you can ask questions and get extremely accurate results like the exact day you will see someone next.
10/19/15 (Mon) 06:14:28 No. 57319
How do I block out remote influencing and viewing? How do I make energy shields?
10/19/15 (Mon) 06:18:07 No. 57320
Git gud. Please no ban. Now ask how git gud for better information than you woulda got if I answered your first question.
10/19/15 (Mon) 06:22:27 No. 57321
Everything you want to do is done on an astral level. You impress your aura field with visualization and it starts to take effect in reality. So simply you need to visualize seeing yourself right in front of you and imagine yourself covered in a bubble shield. Colour it in violet for the most effect and then start channeling in your intention that it will protect you from whatever it is you want. Pro tip for empaths to shield themselves from negative emotion
10/19/15 (Mon) 06:26:51 No. 57322
Thank you, I have been trying to visualize a bubble shield but I never know if to visualize in first or third person. Thanks for clearing that up. I imagine this won't work right away? Should I just channel my intent to block remote influencing? How long should I do this?
10/19/15 (Mon) 06:54:42 No. 57325
I like visualizing self healing glass like a solid glob of glass that I sit in and can observe from. Lik a vimana.
10/19/15 (Mon) 07:25:53 No. 57327
I find it works almost instantly but it will depend on your ability in this. If you're able to keep up the visualization for over 30 seconds it will be up by the time you're done. To perform it first person you will want to focus on your solar plexus. This is where the gate to our aura field is. Push your intention into this area and feel as if it is projecting a shield. It's extremely effective if you're around someone you do not want to interact with energetically and can't spend the time closing your eyes visualizing a shield.
Whatever intent you want you can channel into it. For the amount of time you can spend about 10-30 seconds to keep it up for about an hour or so and 5 minutes per day if you wish for it to be a 24 hour thing.
10/19/15 (Mon) 07:29:06 No. 57328
Thanks so much, I imagine the only way I can permanently keep myself protected is with ritual magick?
10/19/15 (Mon) 07:33:16 No. 57329
Holy shit does that mean if I do it for an hour I can have a solid shield for 12 fucking days?
10/19/15 (Mon) 07:54:01 No. 57332
The visualization IS a ritual. It will be permanent if you keep doing it every day. And it becomes more and more ingrained into both astral and physical reality every day you do it.
Technically yes but I instead recommend 5 minutes a day instead of a ton of time on one day. Everything is more effective when you progressively do it.
Think of it this way. You're crafting a protection thoughtform that saves all the "settings" or intentions you give it. Each time you bring it up you will be giving it more and more energy. You can also tell it to connect to your aura and give it a name that you call out whenever you need it to activate at full strength.
Yeah I used to have a healing bubble thoughtform. It was like pain medicine and self healing on the go. I was too lazy to sit down and actually use my qi-gong so instead I just ended up crafting a thoughtform to do it hahaha.
10/19/15 (Mon) 08:23:23 No. 57340
Much appreciation, truly I needed this. I have the psychic defense books but I could not get to them right in, especially since I am being influenced to be stressed and antsy and unable to concentrate often. Sometimes they try to instill feelings of melancholy and doubt. Fucking annoying.
10/19/15 (Mon) 15:35:47 No. 57400
How do I ascend to 4th density?
10/19/15 (Mon) 17:27:33 No. 57402
Would negative emotions include apathy/lethargy/anything else that leads to procrastination and time wasting so I can get the important shit done?
A Fresh Neophyte 10/19/15 (Mon) 19:45:33 No. 57412
(from 8:12 to 9:58)
Is this meditation technique any good?
I have some difficulty with regular meditation techniques like the quiet mind meditation listed here >>33148
however, I have been able to do a 30min session of the strong determination sitting technique (described in the linked video) without much issue.
I want to know if the SDS technique will help me progress to the point of being able to do void meditation
Thanks in advance :)
10/19/15 (Mon) 20:39:27 No. 57415
Thank you so much for this info
10/19/15 (Mon) 20:52:18 No. 57417
Does anyone know the book/author linked by >>57033 and its authenticity? He seems to have a website selling a bunch of things, including shit like erasing karmic debts which usually signals scam, but at least the parts of the book talking about things I already know are decently legit to actually clever, so I'm not sure whether this is a fluke.
10/19/15 (Mon) 22:23:54 No. 57424
Good day my fellow wizards
I have a question for you.
I wish to make a pact with the demon ose. In this pact I promise to serve him for about 90-100 years earth time in the astral plane. In return I wish for him to turn me into a girl. I am currently 19. A friend of mine said Ose can do this because he specializes in transformation and change. Can Ose do this? Turn me into the female version of myself?
How would I solidify a pact like that? I am thinking I get a physical paper, write down the pact and terms, with red ink inscribe his sigil, then burn it and give him his praise. If this isn't the way to do it please tell me.
Thanks guys.
>inb4 illuminati
>inb4 hahah turning yourself into girl
10/19/15 (Mon) 22:55:46 No. 57425
you're asking how, i'd rather wonder if this demon sigil bullshit ever did anything directly
10/19/15 (Mon) 22:58:01 No. 57426
>violates someones freewill
This interests me. According to Atkinson, people that are not enlightened are hardly people, but rather personalities that disintegrate sometime after death. Are lives that are not enlightened worth anything? Is it really "against universal law" and black magick to deal with these personalities as you please? Obviously my mundane side is telling me it is unethical, but it seems more and more like non enlightened people are almost robotic machines that repeat what they want to hear. Sounds like edgelord black magick to me, but more justified.
>making a pact with a demon to be a girl
What's with all the degeneracy here? You and the giantess tulpa guy just within the last few days. Even without making a pact to a demon you can make such degeneracy happen (ascend past physical laws and shapeshift into woman) but you would have no reason to.
How do these people even get here without seeing why what they want is wrong?
10/19/15 (Mon) 23:00:54 No. 57427
shut the fuck up, there is nothing degenerate about becoming a girl
10/19/15 (Mon) 23:07:05 No. 57428
Fuggin this
Anyone else care to tell me how to make said pact and not taking time to learn that the demons of soloman follow no set of morality and that morality is a social construct? Its my fucking body and life, I do with it as I please. I'm actually doing this the natural non degenerate way. There is always the degenerate "transgender" bullshit but this is better.
10/19/15 (Mon) 23:10:59 No. 57429
First meditate and calm your mind.
Vibrate the entity's name.
Write the terms of the pact on a sheet of paper.
Scream his name with conviction, as if you were calling a friend accross the street or/and vibrate it.
Gaze at the sigil for a while while saying his name out loud or in your head (if it's in your head imagine screaming it so loud, the heavens would hear it.)
Then read the pact out loud in a firm voice.
Ask for an immediate sign to ensure he is present. (something might fall, temperature might go down, you might smell something or just have the general feeling that there is someone in here or whatever…)
Then anounce that you are rereading the pact. Reread it again. And ask him for a sign to confirm he agrees with it. If you feel something, continue, if not ask for imediate confirmation or cancel of the offer. If you don't get anything, ask for a sign to signify he want's to change the terms of the contract, proceed like this until you get a contract that suits both parties.
If you get another confirmation, sign it with a drop of your blood.
Express your thanks.
Do what you need to forget about it.
Feel free to add whatever, incense, praises, robes, use a sword/tools/whatever makes it feel more real to you,
I said add, not remove. More is better when dealing with evocation. If you need to make your room look like a hollywood scene, make it look like a hollywood scene. Don't be lazy, be convicted, express emotion but firmness and forget about it all.
Have fun. I won't judge you, everyone does stupid things. Sometimes they even turn out to be the best course of action.
10/19/15 (Mon) 23:13:51 No. 57430
10/19/15 (Mon) 23:22:41 No. 57431
thanks fam
also thanks ose
this is going to be fun
10/19/15 (Mon) 23:58:43 No. 57436
Is there a quick way to learn a language or improve my studies in learning a language? I would like to be very well-versed as if many languages were my first language. However I do not want to forget anything.
10/20/15 (Tue) 00:04:37 No. 57437
You have to know divine love, find self-realization and align with your higher self. This should be the first goal. Books in the MEGA and montalks site on how to do this.
You were once asleep and "mundane" so to speak. Imagine if before you got the chance to awaken, a big dick nigger satanist came in interrupted your fate of awakening and used black magick to turn you into his possessed butt slave instead.
10/20/15 (Tue) 00:17:38 No. 57439
Yeah they're negative thoughtforms. You might want to try creating a servitor thoughtform which destroys all of those. Also brightening up and shielding yourself in an aura of positive emotions will help. You need to detach and rewire are that.
I suggest thinking over this. Are you sure it's such a good idea? Is there no way you can make yourself comfortable with your current gender?
Get that kundalini going and you'll be learning it at an intense rate. Then all you need to do is live in the country which speaks it and you're good.
10/20/15 (Tue) 00:30:01 No. 57443
not at all.
I'm going to do it, wanted this since I was a fucking toddler. If this doesn't work (which I'll be surprised if it doesn't) I'm out. Suicide and hope next incarnation goes better.
10/20/15 (Tue) 00:42:39 No. 57446
Now that's fucking retarded, from what I've read and heard everyone regrets suicide. Some people don't realize they are dead and become lost souls. Even if you do make it back up to 5D and reincarnate good luck trying to reawaken in future earth. Probably not even gonna be internet. You are wasting your fucking life over some trivial physical shit. You probably already spent some lives as a women anyway. Not to mention at 4th D everyone is a hermaphrodite and can change to any form they like. You know whats ironic I remember hearing about how the first sex change surgeries were done in underground bases. They knocked out the staff and reprogrammed their brains so that they would think they wanted a sex change all their life more then anything. How do you even know if your desire to be a women isn't just some kind of negative thoughtform or societal/childhood damage.
10/20/15 (Tue) 00:53:03 No. 57448
Do you believe this will make you happy? That it will solve your problem?
10/20/15 (Tue) 00:57:25 No. 57449
Stop trying to moral fag him, karma is a thoughtform, happiness is subjective, suicide is a choice…
Dude is a sissy, not retarded, he made his choice.
10/20/15 (Tue) 00:59:14 No. 57450
When someone says they wish to give themselves over to an entity for a hundred years I can't help but feel some kind of need to act. The self speaking to the self.
10/20/15 (Tue) 01:01:43 No. 57451
I never mentioned karma and I didn't even mention morals. You didn't even read the post, you assumed what it said from the first line right? Pshh. People keep saying karma is a thought form but it is how the matrix is structured. Obviously he can make a choice but it sounds like it's coming from the ego and not what he truly desires. Otherwise why would he have incarnated as a man? If his true desire was to experience life as a women he would have incarnated as a women.
10/20/15 (Tue) 01:02:57 No. 57452
I don't fucking care, none of you are going to stop me. Soon I'll be a woman.
10/20/15 (Tue) 01:06:14 No. 57453
Really just sounds like some part of you knows the truth, and your ego is trying to break away and solidify a mistake.
10/20/15 (Tue) 01:09:24 No. 57454
I know exactly what magick you need to achieve this
first, you need to obtain ROPE
10/20/15 (Tue) 01:11:20 No. 57455
This honestly won't work and is a terrible way to go about this.
10/20/15 (Tue) 01:11:39 No. 57457
No, your part in the post was suicide is a choice. You will note I have responded to someone else making huge implications.
Karma is something you can choose not to identify with. You will thus not go against it, nor with it. It's a fantasy.
The ego is you, you can fix yourself instead of destroy it in some "kumbaya everything my divine self is going to clean up the mess for me!".
The true will is some stupid narcissic being who, to get a glimpse of his beauty projects part of his consciousness into the universe he created to the image of himself…
Now let that sink down a little…
Who is making decisions from the ego again?
10/20/15 (Tue) 01:15:57 No. 57458
I think you have completely misunderstood the proper teachings in the matter. I suggest you reup. I don't know where you got such insanely misinformed nonsense from. The ego is the sense of "I" the identity. It get's corrupted into something it's not during the early years of a childs development. The universe was made for learning, I suggest reading.
>cassiopean transcripts
10/20/15 (Tue) 01:38:08 No. 57462
Yes you are right. The ego is the I, the identity. Instead of killing it, like buddhism and the Right hand studens advocates, or giving the task of purifying it to some HGA, how about fixing it yourself, and knowing how it works?
This is the path of the true magician, One who truly has his feets in hell and his head in the heavens. For he has knowledge and knowledge is divine.
Or you can be an "enlightened beings". Nothing wrong with that,
If this is who you want to become, please do so, have fun in nirvana. Just know that eventually the cosmic wheel of things will spin. And when it will, what will you have accomplished ?
This universe is a whole joke played upon himself, learn to chill and play the game once in a while…
10/20/15 (Tue) 01:54:43 No. 57466
>The ego is the I, the identity. Instead of killing it, like buddhism and the Right hand studens advocates, or giving the task of purifying it to some HGA, how about fixing it yourself, and knowing how it works?
You just implied that buddhist don't know what they are talking about and convinced themselves that I must be done away with for no reason at all. I'm a buddhist and I know what the I is and know it is an artificial construct. Like an iron plating on a gold globe. Of course it should be done away with because it is a product of spiritual trauma, is artifically sustained, and is less valuable than the thing which is is covering Infinitely less valuable and is not self-sustained but externally sustained by things which hate the true self.
The I is to be destroyed. No one is happy unless they do that.
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:00:06 No. 57468
I don't think you guys are understanding each other.
Buddism's ego is different than William Walker Atkinson's ego, which we read about in the Arcane Teachings and Formulas. The Ego WWA talks about is the 'I am'. The personality is the 'me'. In buddism, it is reversed. (I haven't read the books, don't know the terms.) Their ego is the 'me'. Your personality.
Hopefully this clears things up for you guys.
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:02:06 No. 57469
ONE MORE THING: Nirvana is a state outside of the spinning of the wheel. It is deathless because it is dependent on absolutely nothing. It i the lack of clinging and aggregates. You didn't know that so don't act like you did. It's obvious you didn't know that because you acted like it isn't so. >>57468
It doesn't.
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:05:58 No. 57471
The idiot thinks the higher self is narcissistic, when it is in fact your future self at your full godly potential. It doesn't project itself, it reaches back in time to help itself. and if he is referring to the "one" and not the higher self then he is even more lost, since the "one" is the universe in it's entirety which spread out so it can experience and learn infinitely in a finite amount of ways.
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:06:13 No. 57472
Yes of course, just so you know, I don't care about happiness, all I want is knowledge. Knowledge of all things implies knowing all states and being able to experience them at any time.
Yes you need the ego for that, because wanting to do that is really retarded. The ego gives you the means and the excuses, kek.
Once you realize that life is a game, you have as much time and tries as you want, you just can't settle for something like hapiness, stability and spiritual well being.
You just want to see what is the highest score you can get? And for that, you need the ego. It's simply a tool. Again, I want to become a magician, not buddha.
I do not act like I know anything, I am a fool who want everything. Thank you for clearing one of my many mistakes.
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:09:39 No. 57474
>life is a game
kek, I think you need to take some DMT bro, and mellow out. You perception is jaded.
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:14:17 No. 57475
>I don't care about happiness.
We are reaching ultimate levels of degeneracy, folk. You're possessed by a full on DEVIL anon. That is blasphemy of the a very low level.
By the way, Nirvana and knowledge of ALL things goes hand in hand. What you are actually gonna get on your path is IGNORANCE or all thing (meaning you'll know nothing), unhappiness, and pain. I KNOW. I KNOW IT. YOHOHO.
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:15:04 No. 57476
WWA's Ego, is the I Am. I don't know the equivalent in buddism, but is basically knowing that you are not 'John Doe'. I don't know the term for this in buddism, but it is reversed in that religion. The buddist's Ego is the 'John Doe'.
-WWA's Ego is the I AM
-WWA's Personality thing is the 'Me'.
-I don't know the term for the Buddists version of the I Am.
-The Buddist version of the 'Me' is the ego.
Basiclly, the terms are switched.
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:16:27 No. 57477
I don't know that to be true. It makes no sense to me.
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:17:52 No. 57478
Probably because you arn't ready for higher level magick. Getting thrust into it when your mind is at a low level can be damaging to other beings. (Basically you thinking your in a video game. It isn't.)
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:19:51 No. 57480
You're wrong. I'm not gonna walk down that path.
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:22:46 No. 57481
How is not caring about an overly used concept being the Devil ?
You can't even define hapiness.
I am headed for ignorance, yes, ignorance at my feet, knowledge at my head. It seems so simple to understand, yet you emprison yourself in such a narrow minded reality tunnel, it's funny.
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:23:09 No. 57482
Down what path? The path to enlightenment/becoming a higher level being?
Good luck after you die.
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:30:17 No. 57484
He who is not happy is unhappy. Unhappiness stems from ignorance of the right way to live. Ignorance of the HEAD. Not feet. You, who would gainsay happiness, are speaking bi dumb harmful words. You're like a person leading a person to slaughter who says he is in pain in the legs and saying "pain is bullshit" so he will keep going just so you can pounce upon him when he is tired and cause him great pain to take thrill from his unhappiness and stress caused by the pain. Get off that path or you will come to ruin and you won't like it one bit. Accept jesus and god the father into your heart. God is the creator and highest spirit. He is worthy of worship and will bless you and bring you knowledge and happiness and well being. Knowledge and unhappiness cannot reside in the same place. Well-being and ignorance cannot reside in the same place.
If you are without happiness be CERTAIN that you are without right knowledge too.
Down the path of your sidetrack in the conversation.
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:35:37 No. 57486
Please my ignorant negros. Suffering comes from illusion, ignorance is a product of illusion. Your ego that you develop on earth was formed by the matrix system by the home you grew up in by the society that influenced you. By following your fake ego and not your true ego you breed suffering both within and without. This is why it's better to align with you higher self, it will open your mind to TRUTH and not the blind self indulgent perceptions that the world forced you to believe are yours. Good day my negros.
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:40:31 No. 57488
To experience hapiness one must experience unhapiness. As above So below.
>Get off that path or you will come to ruin and you won't like it one bit. Accept jesus and god the father into your heart.
Okay I'm stoping there, showing your true colors, no logic, appeal to emotion and dogma. That is pathetic.
>muh accept jesus u dangerous faggot, you will die if you go to the path of satan!
haven't laughed so much in a while…
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:42:12 No. 57489
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:43:13 No. 57490
lol my nigger, was with you until you mentioned the god and jesus part. Jesus came here to teach us that we can ascend just like him. We are all god, worship is a demiurgic practice.
10/20/15 (Tue) 02:55:45 No. 57492
>To experience hapiness one must experience unhapiness. As above So below.
No. That's wrong.
>Okay I'm stoping there, showing your true colors, no logic, appeal to emotion and dogma. That is pathetic.
You say appealing to emotion like its a bad thing.
It's a simple statement, an yes or no statement. It's too small for logic. where is the logic in a chile pepper? A chile pepper is absolute. Is IS or is not. How much more simple things will you reject because you don't have it's extended logic? Do I sound crazy. It's because I gotta say crazy things to try to reach you in your crazy state.
Appeals to dogma are rejectable in your dogma.
Dogma is just a description. Even NO DOGMA is a dogma. If you get it you get it, you are worthy. If you don't and do not seek to understand you are unworthy. Not getting it doesn't make what I'm saying wrong.
Pathetic is blaspheming god and happiness and wellbeing.
The internet is continueing the trend millenia in moving of making people dumber while convincing them that they are enlightened. You have traveled far down that path. Turn around and feel good about your self and engender goodness in others. You will be accepted without punishment. God is all-forgiving. You only need to accept forgiveness and accept him.
You don't get what I'm saying. Not completely. You have half knowledge of what I've said.
Jesus was enlightned and came to show those specifically who listened to himself in that time how to become and reside in enlightenment. And he sent them forth, like buddha, to show those who would listen to them specifically, at the time they spoke, how to be and reside in enlightenment. Is it so that you have been personally shown the path to enlightenment from fleshly mouth to fleshly ears by and enlightened one send, ultimately, by jesus in this age? If not then I believe you cannot know what I speak of. I have been initiated by my friend and know the way of all things.
Be humble and accept jesus and god and you won't see unhappiness or ignorance or ruin but will be happy and knowledgeable of all things and saved forever without end.
10/20/15 (Tue) 03:00:56 No. 57493
Yes, of course.
At this point this is like "arguing" with a christian retard, it feels like a demonic entity is exploring your anal cavities…
You win…follow jesus kids! Feel the love, feel the lght and follow it!
10/20/15 (Tue) 03:06:09 No. 57494
This nigga is in a cult ayy lmao.
>Be humble and accept Jesus and god
I was christian once, then you realize the catholic church is a pedophile coven and they are practicing magick in the Vatican and use blind faith religion to control the masses.
10/20/15 (Tue) 03:15:18 No. 57496
Thank you.
Jesus already predicted that. "They will confess me with their lips and their tongue but their hearts will be far from me." That's no reason to talk down about christ's message. That's sorta like a kid who lost trust in a single person and thus things trust is worthless. That is a foolish thing like your reason to talk badly about the christian doctrine. Christ and god is love. if its not love its not of christ and god. That's an easy litmus test. Please remember and use it and seek the happiness and wellbeing and peace that comes of salvation through christ.
10/20/15 (Tue) 03:25:43 No. 57497
Okay first, the Bible was seriously edited and changed. It is being used for a couple of ancient agendas that involve keeping the masses asleep. If you want teachings more closer to what Jesus actually said read the gospel of Thomas. Love is the energy that made the universe, we are all already apart of god and that is what our higher self is. It is within our heart chakra which is where true divine eternal love resides. You should look up gnosis. True faith in love is about inner knowing. Gnosis, the intuition. Divine knowledge of all. The christian doctrine was made specifically to dis-empower people. Be aware that Christianity was originally not what it is today, and has pagan and Gnostic origins. They killed off the Gnostic part and called them heretics for the sake of control. All this shit has been planned since the beginning. Buddhism is more close to the truth then modern Christianity. I grew up in a christian home I know first hand.
10/20/15 (Tue) 03:38:36 No. 57498
I know that. I've read the gospel of thomas, the essene gospels, and parts of the nag hammadi. It's a good thing I've not to date mentioned the bible or I might see myself "boxed out" of this conversation. ;)
>le salvation is collective. Nothing need to be done.
You have yin disease. DISEASE.htm
"Collective salvation. A spiritual concept those who are too yin often embrace is called collective salvation. The Western religions such as Judaism and Christianity, along with Eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, believe in individual salvation. This means that you are “saved” and will prosper based on your individual thoughts, words and deeds.
Collective salvation is the idea that it is not what you do as a person, but by the behavior of your group or nation. This sounds good. However, it quickly becomes an excuse for bad behavior. What follows from this belief are:
1. Actions to control everyone in society that way you think they should be and act and think. This quickly becomes tyranny, an old word for oppression and horror. Think of ISIS and some liberal thinkers.
2. The person himself or herself is “exempt” from the rules because he or she is doing their best to change things. So Al Gore, for example, who believes that capitalism is “killing the earth”, lives in a gigantic mansion and travels around the world on a private jet plane. He excuses this by saying that he is teaching others, so he needs all this.
3. the collective salvation doctrine excuses and justifies other horrors, such as raping people, murdering those who do not believe as you do, use of immoral methods to raise money for the “cause”, such as prostitution, human trafficking, and more.
4. To “fix” society, these people believe in a large, powerful, totalitarian type of government. They do not realize how corrupt this always becomes, and they are dupes for the communists and socialists who love to perpetrate this false doctrine."
10/20/15 (Tue) 03:41:11 No. 57499
I'm sorry wtf? How does this fit in with anything anyone here is saying.
10/20/15 (Tue) 03:44:46 No. 57500
10/20/15 (Tue) 03:45:44 No. 57501
How do I get kundalini? It seems like it's from getting more enlightened. Anything I can do to encourage it?
10/20/15 (Tue) 03:47:40 No. 57502
Confirmed for loosh farmer. What are you retarded? Yin disease? I'm specifically saying to do the opposite of what yin disease is. I'm saying having blind faith in false concepts of deities won't save you. You can only save yourself. The fuck is this collective salvation shit? Is English not your first language? Damn autists these days.
10/20/15 (Tue) 03:50:56 No. 57503
Kundalini si already part of your psiritual anotaomy. Where it is and where it is going.
10/20/15 (Tue) 03:51:36 No. 57504
Check the Qi-gong thread. I did a writeup on it.
A Fresh Neophyte 10/20/15 (Tue) 04:40:04 No. 57507
Bumping my post since I still don't have an answer
10/20/15 (Tue) 04:40:31 No. 57508
10/20/15 (Tue) 06:21:56 No. 57515
I always feel this intense tight feeling and heat on the back of my neck and pressure on my head. Followed by temporary feeling of irritability and stress, my coherence gets out of wack too. What kind of psychic attack is this does anyone know?
10/20/15 (Tue) 06:22:01 No. 57516
No. Meditation isn't ignoring bad stimulus. It is bringing about their non-arisal. Ignoring pain and itches and feel falling asleep is dead bringing. Practicing whatever brings about their non-arisal is life bringing.
10/20/15 (Tue) 06:22:49 No. 57517
I'll pray for you.
10/20/15 (Tue) 06:26:15 No. 57518
10/20/15 (Tue) 08:12:32 No. 57534
What's the reasoning behind it that this will even work?
Try it, but don't commit fucking suicide over this if it doesn't work out. Please…
10/20/15 (Tue) 14:27:16 No. 57565
Are you the guy making that pact with the demon? fyi, it's not going to work, there are ways to do what you want to do… this is not the way to do it. You can't even successfully evoke a demon without like a years worth of practicing certain things beforehand to prepare yourself to be able to do it.
10/20/15 (Tue) 14:29:24 No. 57567
Tell us how. I know abou the book of knowledge and astral projection. Is there more?
10/20/15 (Tue) 14:40:00 No. 57568
10/20/15 (Tue) 15:00:44 No. 57569
Every body has a blueprint to which the cells conform. It is called the etheric body. In alchemy, it is the mercury (physical body is salt). You can think of it as a hologram that is like your physical body but without the random bits of damage and stuff. If you made a hole in your etheric body, the cells would not heal in that spot, and would dissolve. If you make a hole in your physical body but not your etheric body, that space is filled in with blood and so on and your body repairs itself as best as it can as it strives to retake the shape of your etheric body.
Every etheric body in turn conforms to an idea/archetype/essence aka the astral body (sulphur in alchemy). This is your "energetic signature".
• Salt denotes the physical component, the seat, base, matrix, anchor, or ark of the nonphysical aspects.
• Mercury is the etheric component and represents the dynamic, vital, transmutative, vivifying energy present within the substance.
• Sulphur denotes the archetypal identity or pure vibrational essence, analogous to the human astral body and spirit because it contains the “Idea” unique to that substance.
You will want to start by experimenting on a different body than your own (maybe a plant or some animal or something) but you can change around these bodies and reprogram them.
This is the key to changing your own body ultimately. However you're also going to need much more etheric energy than you are configured with by default to power the transformation quickly… otherwise it might be very slow (on the order of, however long it takes for every cell in your body to be replaced, and that would only even happen if you had double the default energy… you're probably going to want far more than double).
You don't need a demon or other entity to change your body just your imagination and a lot of power. However I would still obtain the assistance of other entities whether they be ones you created yourself or ones you met via channeling or whatever in the operation, especially as you might pass out during part of the process of transformation, as has reportedly happened to some other people who have done/attempted it.
I would suggest that for today you get yourself a glass of water and you start creating thoughtforms of roses, smelling the roses, and seeing them in perfect detail. Let the water droplets on your roses you've thoughtformed drip into the glass of water and infuse it with its scent. Then drink the water to test it tastes like rosewater, then bottle it up in a glass container with a seal, and drink some of it again another day to test it. When you are able to do this meditation and create rosewater that retains its rose scent and taste for an indefinite period of time, the next step is to find someone else to taste your water, and if they notice it smells and taste like roses you have completed this exercise. This simple exercise will develop many faculties simultaneously which will prepare you for the transformation of bodies. When you are more adept and understand the principles well and have applied it already to many things you can then apply it to your own body. In this case, you would aim to make your sweat smell like roses. Once you're able to walk into pretty much any room and anyone notices you smell like roses you have succeeded. After that you will want to experiment with alchemically modifying and transferring all sorts of different properties to bodies… you might even change lead to gold if you want. Eventually you'll want to replace your own DNA with that of a female and you'll want to make sure you have enough power to do it completely all at once for otherwise an awkward chimera condition could take hold in which some of your cells are that of a woman and others are that of a man.
A tulpa or other being can help assist you in the whole process. Make sure if you create a tulpa you do so out of pure intentions and not just to satisfy your lust… you want to create a servant that will be very friendly and helpful and keep you on track not one that will lead you away from your main objective.
10/20/15 (Tue) 15:12:17 No. 57570
Also one more thing about tulpas they are not just purely subjective creations of your imagination they are sentient beings born out of your own auric substance and should be treated with respect you would give a living being it's not the same as a videogame character or something. If you wouldn't hurt or kill an animal or another human, don't do the same to a tulpa.
Its moral value does vary though depending on how well manifested the tulpa is and it's probably lacking the divine spark too but then again would you kill a human if you knew that human was an organic portal that doesn't actually experience / isn't aware of anything but just acts like it? Maybe you would (provided the law didn't protect them just the same as actual spirited humans.
If you treat your tulpa with the respect and consideration due a living being it'll grow faster and be more sentient than tulpas that are neglected and viewed as mere automatons.
10/20/15 (Tue) 15:24:24 No. 57571
not the same guy, but I still don't get it, what exactly do you have to do?
10/20/15 (Tue) 16:15:03 No. 57573
Ways to make myself smarter, getting rid of concentration problems, thinking faster?
10/20/15 (Tue) 16:45:24 No. 57576
Pretty easy. Read more often, sleep well, eat well, and maybe meditate occasionally.
10/20/15 (Tue) 17:37:49 No. 57579
10/20/15 (Tue) 18:07:06 No. 57582
Best guide on creating thoughtforms? Wouldn't say i'm a beginner, but this is one of the few topics i'm almost completely clueless about
10/20/15 (Tue) 18:40:28 No. 57588
What's the main technique? Just visualizing yourself changing? How can I get that energy you talk about and use it?
10/20/15 (Tue) 19:32:33 No. 57591
\ ______ . / \ , ´ ` / /゙, \ / ヽ . / / } /\ ヽ // \ / f{ j._/ ̄ ̄\/ _j,r‐┐// / / ∨ 丶 . / 〈 ̄≧=-c从/ ̄ 〈: :\ \ 〈 j7^ ノ// / / ∨ / ',  ̄`C゚)⌒ ノ: :/ \\/|/ // ′/{ / { ∨ ./ `, ⌒}\ / /./\ \ \ ∨.i / /-| / / | Ⅵ { j\ |: :∨ :}//: :,:::::: ̄`\__ }∧l|l||,' ! , l| | i Ⅵ | ハ: :\__j: :{ヽ/ //:::::::::::::::vf灯hVヽ|l/V7^Nl ! { | l| | l l |l | i | \: : : :/ /厶=くx::::::::::::hヒl_ リハ |l { {んハl|_ { l∨ | | lV∨ | } l| /\// イ{r' j} ::::::::::::::`ニ く::}j ll! >=く::::::\_xv7弌v个¬^Y / ∨ l| ,' | |i弋ブノ::::::::::::::::::::::::イ i/{ :::::::::::::::::::::::: 弋r リv'li l | i| . \.__/| | __,_/| ハ:::::::::::::: ' 人 j从 、_' `¨¨´:| | l l . \|_l \/ll\| l∧ rv‐='7 イ///} jハ. マァ ┐ | l l | j : |. `′ \ ヽ. _ノ ///// j/ ,), ヽ.__ノ _! ! | l/// : |∨ _{ 三二ニ´////厶く そ込。 __ --‐ァ'゙/ j| {/// . 〈 x( ̄ ̄ ' , \\_0ヘ \//,=-=\ ( /∧. / / /i| ∨/{ ./ しヘ_ ' , `く )o{ニ }.//-‐…‐-∨) /// 〉´ / / | \!
Can Ascii Art be paranormal? Can you make a sigil out of it?
10/20/15 (Tue) 20:32:08 No. 57598
can sigil magick make anime real?
10/20/15 (Tue) 20:55:53 No. 57601
Is the vital force described in the book of knowledge the same thing as prana?
10/20/15 (Tue) 21:09:10 No. 57604
10/20/15 (Tue) 23:05:15 No. 57617
How can I use the occult and magick to make myself filthy rich? I need about 20 Billion US Dollars.
10/20/15 (Tue) 23:29:00 No. 57621
Does anyone here recognize the word "erascian"?
10/20/15 (Tue) 23:41:32 No. 57624
What happens if you do a ritual wrong or stop in the middle of one.
10/20/15 (Tue) 23:43:31 No. 57625
that essentially opens an unguarded unsolicited portal to the spirit world and you get poltergeists
its like leaving sweets and sugar on the floor, it attracts ants. In this case it attracts lots of angry spirits.
10/20/15 (Tue) 23:51:28 No. 57628
Even if it's a banishing ritual?
10/21/15 (Wed) 00:02:03 No. 57629
lol should I do the ritual over?
10/21/15 (Wed) 00:02:53 No. 57630
Cleanse and banish everything.
Essentially clean the floor again.
10/21/15 (Wed) 00:09:09 No. 57632
It was a banishing ritual though.
10/21/15 (Wed) 00:16:02 No. 57633
Do it properly then I guess.
Did you summon anything beforehand or do anything else?
10/21/15 (Wed) 00:20:05 No. 57635
No I just fucked up during the LBRP
10/21/15 (Wed) 00:43:33 No. 57637
Anyone else feel a cold chill over their bodies whenever they do a ritual? Whats the deal? I'm not summoning ghosts.
10/21/15 (Wed) 00:49:08 No. 57638
Yeah this is pretty common.
10/21/15 (Wed) 00:55:37 No. 57640
Alright I guess I'll do the LBRP again.
10/21/15 (Wed) 01:03:06 No. 57641
What're you buying?
10/21/15 (Wed) 01:32:22 No. 57643
Holy shit I fucked it up twice
10/21/15 (Wed) 01:33:02 No. 57644
Yo am I gonna die?
10/21/15 (Wed) 01:50:27 No. 57646
10/21/15 (Wed) 04:44:50 No. 57666
So right now I'm high as fuck on MDMA but I didn't take any MDMA. I've been fasting eating once a day and taking borax and vitamin A, K, D and Calcium and MAgnesium. And eating vegetable only when I eat. Nevertheless I've got this almost too much euphoria and I would clench my teeth and I'm freaking HIGH and I'v taken nothing that isn't food
Anyone else ever get high AF from no oral or anal drug?
10/21/15 (Wed) 05:20:33 No. 57667
Alright guys so I need some help/info on how to cure traumas and negative entity attachments. I seem to have quite a bit of trauma from some bad times I had while high when I was still mundane. I was unfortunate enough to have my former friend be a satanist and when I was baked he did some weird demon shit to me and it was like the worst high ever. I think some of it is still lingering on me. I also don't know of he made some secret pacts with me without me knowing. What can I do about this shit. It's really backing up my progression and it smells like death.
10/21/15 (Wed) 05:42:01 No. 57668
10/21/15 (Wed) 06:04:06 No. 57671
You are literally the devil.
10/21/15 (Wed) 06:07:04 No. 57672
10/21/15 (Wed) 06:13:32 No. 57673
Well you farm loosh like one.
10/21/15 (Wed) 06:16:50 No. 57674
People with insecure jimmies gonna get slightly rustled but I'm completely geniuine and authentic about my faith and spreading it and helping people through it.
10/21/15 (Wed) 06:20:48 No. 57675
What faith is that? Why does it involve farming loosh like a pitiful lizard?
10/21/15 (Wed) 06:23:10 No. 57676
It's faith. FAITH. I'm not farming. Why do you say i am?
10/21/15 (Wed) 06:27:18 No. 57677
Forget it man, peace and love.
10/21/15 (Wed) 06:50:00 No. 57678
have you taken mdma before? you may be detoxing it from your system and thus it is circulating through your bloodstream
10/21/15 (Wed) 07:01:13 No. 57679
Yeah but it definitely never hit me as hard as it hit me then. I did think of that as an explanation though.
10/21/15 (Wed) 07:02:41 No. 57680
You are probably right though. I took chlorella, a detoxicant plant powder, for the first time today. I've got gas and bubbly guts so its conceivable that it's the chlorella and reminiscent mdma. I only took mdma like twice because it never really hit me. Now it has.
10/21/15 (Wed) 07:03:18 No. 57681
I choose to believe such states are possibly through spritual-physical connection and without drugs.
10/21/15 (Wed) 08:19:29 No. 57688
How do I forget a traumatic memory? It's been 6 years and the memory is still in my head. I've read about repressing memories but all the articles I've read are about research, no guides. Memory erasure is still some time away, I can't wait any longer. Please help me.
10/21/15 (Wed) 08:30:17 No. 57690
You gotta contemplate your part in it, what gave rise to it, then FORGIVE all involved. It is the only way to erradicate your clinging to it and "it" clinging to you.
Maybe tell me about it and I can tell you how it usually goes down. Just so you know, all parents entrap their children into ruination if they are not spiritual advanced. Every single parent endeavors to do that.
10/21/15 (Wed) 09:35:57 No. 57699
I'm sorry but I can't say what happened, it's something I have to take to the grave with me.
10/21/15 (Wed) 10:15:36 No. 57702
Are there any good /fringe/ movies or novels about someone's ascension to godhood through magick (or just using magick for his own selfish reasons)
I'm thinking of something similar to Limitless, but with esoteric wizardry instead of a drug.
10/21/15 (Wed) 11:38:54 No. 57705
Sadly, not all of these are selfish enough and way too short. Good luck finding ascension in Hollywood movies. Besides the usual Star Wars and superhero movies this is what I have gathered:
The Covenant
Powder (not selfish, but ascension)
Firestarter: Rekindled
The One
The Sorcerer's Apprentice
10/21/15 (Wed) 12:01:48 No. 57708
worth mentioning also: The Butterfly Effect
10/21/15 (Wed) 13:20:48 No. 57713
Any other movies where the protagonist starts out powerful and impeccable? Like jumper, Lucy, Chronicle etc.
10/21/15 (Wed) 13:31:39 No. 57715
If you're ok with Mangas: One Punch Man
10/21/15 (Wed) 13:39:34 No. 57717
Movie. I'm watching OPM weekly
10/21/15 (Wed) 14:42:25 No. 57719
Are thought forms delusion?
10/21/15 (Wed) 15:29:08 No. 57722
what is a delusion
10/21/15 (Wed) 15:49:43 No. 57724
is there a way to use acid for a spiritual purpose? Tripping is fun of course but how could you use it to develop yourself, to visit another plane, to be clairvoyant etc? and what about microdosing?
10/21/15 (Wed) 15:56:41 No. 57725
A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.
10/21/15 (Wed) 16:11:40 No. 57726
I realize this is a slow board but I'm on the brink of suicide, I can no longer live with these memories it consumes my mind, body and soul, I only find solace in my sleep. I pray every night when I go to bed I don't wake up, if there are angels, why haven't they answered my prayers? I can't do this anymore.
10/21/15 (Wed) 16:13:06 No. 57727
So what montalk is basically saying about aliens is that they made the Earth into an giant loosh/energy farm?
10/21/15 (Wed) 16:26:23 No. 57729
How can I predict the future without any items?
10/21/15 (Wed) 16:40:37 No. 57731
I suffer from a pretty bad case of anxiety, and I find it hard to just sit down and read the recommended books. I also seem to have a pretty bad memory, which I guess is because of my anxiety also. It's hard to focus when you're so anxious that you feel physical pain I guess. What baby steps can I take to get well enough to start studying? I'm doing meditation already, is there anything else?
10/21/15 (Wed) 16:41:00 No. 57732
10/21/15 (Wed) 16:55:38 No. 57733
Short Answer: Everything thought you think is a thought form. They usually last a short while and don't have to much of an effect. A combination of visualization, focus, and energy work can make thought forms stronger and more effective. READ THE BOOKS! The books in the /fringe/ sticky WILL HELP YOU. Just make sure you read them in order, check the FAQ.
Short Answer: Read the books. They will help you.
10/21/15 (Wed) 16:56:57 No. 57734
Also, you are very much a beginner. Thought forms are the basics of magick.
10/21/15 (Wed) 16:57:55 No. 57735
montalk is disinfo
10/21/15 (Wed) 16:59:57 No. 57736
Well okay, if you say so. What about the Demiurge? Is that disinfo too? If not, what is the ALL and what is the Demiurge? Are they the both same thing?
10/21/15 (Wed) 17:01:22 No. 57737
Montalk is NOT disinfo.
Do NOT listen to >>57735
Montalk is a very good site and is in the /fringe/ sticky.
10/21/15 (Wed) 17:02:06 No. 57738
About the All and the Demiurge, read the Kybalion. I understand that books may be 'bleh'. But the Kybalion is a short book that will teach you A LOT.
10/21/15 (Wed) 17:03:26 No. 57739
I did read the Kybalion, only once though. But a little clearing up on the demiurge would be useful.
10/21/15 (Wed) 17:04:57 No. 57740
Demurge = YHWH The Christian 'god'.
The All = Universal Creator. We are inside the All's mind. Similarly to how you can imaging beings inside your own head.
10/21/15 (Wed) 17:11:26 No. 57742
Montalk is pure shit.
10/21/15 (Wed) 17:11:57 No. 57745
10/21/15 (Wed) 17:15:53 No. 57746
I just don't get it. I mean i know that the ALL is alike to a mind and we are mental constructs inside that same mind, much like an thought is a mental construct inside my mind, but is my mind also part of the universal mind? Is that why we can affect reality?
And then there is the demiurge. So the demiurge is like a god, also inside the mind of the ALL but is corrupted by the aliens/evil dudes or whatever
10/21/15 (Wed) 17:21:19 No. 57747
Yep. Basically there are many levels of existence within the all. Each higher level gets closer and closer to it. You can effect things in the universal mine because you yourself are a creator. It may seem kinda weird/mind boggling, but looking at things as if YOU were the All (You arn't) helps bring some perspective.
>>Highest level (Very high vibration)
>>High Level
>>Medium Level
>>Lower level (I think this is where we are.)
>>Low levels (Basically animals)
(Than plants, minerals, elements, molecules, and atoms.)
The demiurge is just another entity, albeit a powerful and negative entity.
10/21/15 (Wed) 18:24:21 No. 57751
Care to recommend a meditation to bring this about?
Would QMM fall into this?
10/21/15 (Wed) 18:33:01 No. 57752
Very helpful. One more thing, Montalk taks about getting into higher densities (probably the levels you just mentioned).
How do we do that? Is it by higher knowledge, or by accumulating more energy? I see how wizards here use magic for their intentions, but i don't see how that could help one reach higher levels.
10/21/15 (Wed) 19:15:04 No. 57757
A bit of both. Having more knowledge does help, it 'enlightens' you. Opening up your eyes to the real world. Accumulating more energy does help, along with many other things.
I'm not a high level wizard, but from my limited knowledge, you have to train yourself to get into higher densities. You know about meditations? Those are the spiritual equivalent of lifting weights. Astral projection is also a large part of it.
The path idea that I'm trying to follow:
Meditate a lot > Do higher level magicks > Prepareing for astral > Astral Projection > Astral projection while I am awake > ?
One thing I will be doing soon is living off of Prana. (There is a thread on the topic, if you are interested.)
Living off of energy around (Or within?) you helps remove you from the environment. This current density that we are on is a more STS, kill or be killed, type of density. Eating food, even plants, harms other beings for yourself. Removing yourself from that equation will help you a lot. No need to loosh farm to prolong your astral time, no need to waste time for food and water, maybe even needing less sleep, and many other good things.
The food that we get are full of poisons and toxins. Removing them from our diet will greatly help the physical body.
10/21/15 (Wed) 19:48:21 No. 57760
Does an 'abyss' hold any signifigance in magick? I keep dreaming about it every so often, and last night it spoke to me, although I can't remember what it said but it was an incredibly booming voice. It was as if someone was yelling in my ear.
10/21/15 (Wed) 19:56:05 No. 57761
Yes. But it might not be in the same sense as you're experiencing it.
I have never seen anyone explain what the abyss actually is and what crossing it involves.
10/21/15 (Wed) 21:26:39 No. 57767
How can I balance compassion with forcefulness? Sometimes I become bitter in fear of being too compassionate
10/21/15 (Wed) 23:03:23 No. 57769
Its a sidetrack not a motorcycle.
No. A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite being wrong whether there is evidence or not, whether the majority supports or not.
Open your eyes. Decalcify your pineal gland.
Look for the audiobook of the book on youtube or torrent sites or [s][/s] an if there is no audiobook move on. I could not internalize non audiobooks for year but now I can because I've gotta used to the language again.
To say the creator is inside will shame people who know. To say the creator is outside will make them sad. To say he is both outside and inside will make them turn away. To say he does not exist is blasphemy and you will be in the company of people who wish to see everyone suffer.
It is only something that can be known by direct experience. It is knowledge that transcends the third eye and thus cannot be vocalized or worded at eeven a bit.
I don't know what QMM but probably not. If its titled its probably wrong or if its old and titled it's probably taught poorly or facilely by new people.
This density is actually a medium density. A trransitional density made up of people going one way or the other. At the worst times it's the highest of the low density worlds and at the best times (when everyone is STO) it's the lowest of the highs. This realm is always becoming and when it fosters one who has ceased becoming and is just being then that first person in each age is a christ, buddha, or whatever.
10/21/15 (Wed) 23:04:18 No. 57770
10/21/15 (Wed) 23:07:06 No. 57771
We have similar issues. Try to be mindful and aware. You need to reprogram your mind to not be anxious. There is a post in this very thread on the same exact problem ironically. >>56195
On that note I have my own question. How do I remove negative entity/demonic attachments, I have a pretty nasty one that attacks when ever I'm experiencing extreme doubt/uncertainty. I used some basic tactics to weaken it but I don't think I fully removed it. It almost killed me the damn thing. I also want to remove all ties I have with a former friend of mine who was a satanist. Any advice here on /fringe/? Thanks
10/21/15 (Wed) 23:20:46 No. 57777
How cryptic.
Share with me a resource which positively changed you.
Since you can't seem to tell me where the creator is, nor what type of meditation is helpful for finding him, maybe you can point me in the right direction at least.
10/21/15 (Wed) 23:35:11 No. 57783
Nice quints.
(Not the guy who you are responding to.)
What creator are you talking about? The All? Or something else?
10/21/15 (Wed) 23:50:58 No. 57784
Shit man, I have a whole slew of terrible memories that love to pop up and remind me of how weak, naive, autistic I've thought and acted. Some times, depending on the memory, it physically freezes my body and I audibly constrict my throat and have a heavy panic attack.
I've done what >>57690 suggested before, and it does help if done correctly. I still do regret some things I've done and wish they never happened, but I can live with them now. I can learn from them as well, as I can only improve when I feel I'm at my weakest point.
However, if you really can't post what memories are troubling you or work them out internally, you may never recover, or worse. And as anonymous, I can't see why you won't post it. I'll always be here to help out, as are (probably) others.
10/22/15 (Thu) 00:47:02 No. 57788
the creator is in every single atom of existence
10/22/15 (Thu) 01:26:10 No. 57791
I was initiated by a master a long time ago because he chose me because I was ready and seeking. The books I read from then to now were just windowdressing. They could not have gotten me anywhere down the path the initiator showed me.
10/22/15 (Thu) 02:14:42 No. 57792
What are the keys to successful practical magick?
I have tried sigi and affirmations, but I can't seem to make weird things happen. Even more subjective, personal things like inducing lucid dreams, etc.
I meditate (not as often as I should, but sometimes I do 30+ min a day) I do daily LBRP, I keep a diary, I pray.
I've read the Kybalion and some of Arcane Teachings but it seemed to be the essentials I picked up from my law collection of books.
Other than getting lots of synchronicity and stuff, I don't really get notable results.
Help me…
10/22/15 (Thu) 02:17:51 No. 57793
Yesterday when I was going to bed I had an experience. When I closed my eyes I saw a light, it was like most of the weird static type stuff you see when you close your eyes. But I decided to visualize the feeling of movie speedily towards it like I was on a track. Faster and faster I went and I could feel like I was altering my brain state. I eventually entered some kind of trance for 2 seconds where it felt really familiar. It was timeless, I felt so comfortable. To bad I lost the focus on it. What the fuck did I just do?
10/22/15 (Thu) 05:16:03 No. 57798
Any drugs recommended for kickstarting my journey into magick?
10/22/15 (Thu) 05:19:09 No. 57799
Any psychedelic really. But drugs will get your demons. And without spiritual awareness they'll stay with you. No enlightened purson recommended drugs.
10/22/15 (Thu) 06:14:04 No. 57800
I've been pondering about the general idea of Artificial Intelligence lately. Nobody yet has invented true a.i. as nobody knows how to make life spring out of algorithms and circuits.
Say if some adventurous wizard was also in the field of a.i. research, could they theoretically use magick in a way that brings that spark of life to a machine? load it with energy or a thoughtform perhaps?
wondering what your guys take is on the concept.
10/22/15 (Thu) 06:17:55 No. 57801
Thoughtforms are already artificial intelligence. And if you are thinking about robots or androids, thats exactly what the greys are. They are robots.
10/22/15 (Thu) 06:25:22 No. 57802
10/22/15 (Thu) 07:09:11 No. 57805
It would be basically putting a tulpa into a machine. EZ PZ
10/22/15 (Thu) 08:05:14 No. 57808
No idea. I'm pretty sure they already have the science for it, just not released to the public yet.
10/22/15 (Thu) 08:16:39 No. 57810
What are you >implying?
10/22/15 (Thu) 11:25:05 No. 57817
how long does it take to create a tulpa?
10/22/15 (Thu) 11:41:28 No. 57818
There are threads about tulpas already posted. With the right method you can make one fairly quickly
10/22/15 (Thu) 11:52:57 No. 57819
Different guy, but I'm in the same boat. Bumping for help.
10/22/15 (Thu) 15:43:44 No. 57837
I'll do it the slow way then, many thanks
10/22/15 (Thu) 15:44:57 No. 57838
Oops, meant >>57837 to reply to you
10/22/15 (Thu) 18:07:42 No. 57850
Check out the Tulpa threads. Most other places consider tulpas as not real, the catalog will show you the way.
10/22/15 (Thu) 19:41:55 No. 57858
WHY do thoughts supposedly affect reality?
10/22/15 (Thu) 19:53:45 No. 57859
Yeah, but tulpas are the same thing as thoughtforms right? If they are then most people here consider them real
10/22/15 (Thu) 20:09:40 No. 57860
All phenomenal perception is sensory data. Reality is in our heads, as a vivid image/dream/illusion.
If reality exists in our head, then our thoughts can affect it just like they do each other.
Think of God as the brain, and everything else as a thought in God's head.
It's all pretty recursive and paradoxical, but if you think on it for a while it starts to fall into place in a nonverbal way.
10/22/15 (Thu) 20:15:12 No. 57861
I don't want to skepdick or anything, but this is still where I am stuck on believing that it's delusional, and I really want to believe that magick is real
10/22/15 (Thu) 20:39:35 No. 57862
Tulpas are more than thoughtforms. Tulpas have a mind of their own, just like you. The thoughtform's mind is at a very low level.
10/22/15 (Thu) 20:44:12 No. 57863
Is there any way I can confirm for myself that thoughtforms have an influence on reality? I mean fuck, maybe i'd become so deluded that i'd see what I wanted to see, maybe everything would just be imagined in my mind and I would be literally crazy?
10/22/15 (Thu) 20:46:06 No. 57865
In the meditation thread there is a way to create a poltergeist to prove that magick is real.
If you just want thoughtforms though, try sigil magick and make the goal something simple yet obvious.
10/22/15 (Thu) 20:50:34 No. 57866
It's easy to understand that The All is a mind and the universe is a mental creation. I just don't see how the mental creation (we) can also manifest inside the All. In order to do that we would have to be the ALL.
10/22/15 (Thu) 21:13:56 No. 57869
Newfig tbh, how is it easy to understand that
>The All is a mind and the universe is a mental creation.
10/22/15 (Thu) 22:49:38 No. 57872
Just read all that. If tulpas are part of you, then it wouldn't make much sense to make one just for sex IMO. (but I've never visualized sex other than in dreams, so maybe it's nice)
But it seems to me the best use of one is to craft a tulpa to be the kind of person you want to be. If you want to be rich then make a cunning billionaire. If you want to be calm then make a monk.
Am I wrong? What are the best uses of a tulpa?
10/22/15 (Thu) 23:00:41 No. 57873
Eat more healthy and get a high school degree. Learn to meditate regularly. It will all fall into place.
10/22/15 (Thu) 23:02:23 No. 57874
It's the hardest/easiest thing to do because it cannot be understood through words. Whatever can be understood through words is not the highest truth.
10/23/15 (Fri) 01:16:42 No. 57888
Oftentimes when lating in bed I get the sensation that my physical body is goong into sleep mode, but I maintain full consciousness and get the feeling that I'm floating away. I usually end up panicking and forcing my body to reawaken by way of thrashing about. Does this have any spiritual/mystical cause? Do I need to be afraid of this?
10/23/15 (Fri) 01:28:37 No. 57892
You are astral projecting. It is spiritual. You body is leaving you body. You body won't die. You don't need to be afraid. Whenever I leave my body 9/10 an entity captures me and make me wake up but that's just a bummer because I don't get to travel in the astral. It's not at all dangerous I think. Less dangerous than existing in the first place is.
10/23/15 (Fri) 01:43:21 No. 57894
I don't know if I have some entity attachment but I feel movements inside my body in my head,face, and neck. Especially on the back of my head and neck. It slithers around and it feels really bloated and tight. When I tried to do an aura shield it moved around a bunch. What is this shit, how do I get rid of it?
10/23/15 (Fri) 04:22:29 No. 57915
I'll pray for you.
10/23/15 (Fri) 04:29:57 No. 57916
Your shitty prayers don't work.
10/23/15 (Fri) 05:06:25 No. 57918
Yes they do if there is adequate faith. I pray to god for them because I know how.
10/23/15 (Fri) 05:17:11 No. 57919
This is a question thread, provide adequate answers to the questions or fuck off. Some people really need some legitimate help and advice.
10/23/15 (Fri) 05:45:19 No. 57923
It's an entity. I know how to get rid of it but I can't tell you how I would do it because you're not as stable as me. I WILL pray for you though because I know my prayers to God are potent and I care for you as much as I care for everyone?
10/23/15 (Fri) 05:46:52 No. 57924
call me a shitter, but perhaps the rice/water experiment? We all know it, and most people here would probably shit on their pants on anger if they even heard the name Masaru Emoto.
But it's a damn simple experiment, and it can be made over and over changing the conditions to build reliable evidence. Hell, I'm planning on doing it myself, and making a daily video with the updates, including full footage of the words shouted at the rice, how far away are you from the jars (I would put them inside a glass box to prevent as most physical influences as possible)
then perhaps try it with a plant, plants are more alive, so perhaps they react better. Take one plant and treat it nicely, take another one and call her names.
The only problem with the experiment with the plant is…I don't want to shout and yell at the poor plant ;_; poor little thing, all lost and confused
10/23/15 (Fri) 05:52:14 No. 57926
How do you know how stable I am? I also make prayers to the divine creator and the holy spirit daily. It works and helps but has not removed this entity.
10/23/15 (Fri) 06:07:18 No. 57930
I know how stable you are by looking and understanding through my direct experience of the truth. But I didn't say "Your stableness is this much" I said "You're not as stable as me." I know your not as stable as me because you're here asking about how to get rid of an entity in the way that you just did. I'm not judging you but I'm not ignoring any bit of you either.
10/23/15 (Fri) 06:24:01 No. 57933
double slit experiment, watch tom campbells calgary lecture on youtube
10/23/15 (Fri) 06:40:16 No. 57937
10/23/15 (Fri) 07:07:36 No. 57941
Yeah okay, stable is a weird way to put it though. Care to give some practical advice?
10/23/15 (Fri) 07:11:14 No. 57943
I would that I could but I can't so I'm just gonna pray for you.
10/23/15 (Fri) 17:27:46 No. 58011
Intrusive voice in my head repeating "I want to fuck you" over and over. I've been plagued by this for 5 years. It's recently increased to a daily occurrence. This is 'coincidentally' happening as I'm currently living the most responsible and healthy lifestyle of my life so far.
I've been practising and advancing in meditation over the past 4 months and my nutrition has never been better. This voice first latched onto me when I had drug induced psychosis 5 years ago and it had stopped appearing, but recently has reared it's head.
More information: The voice runs alongside my thoughts. I can speak mentally and the voice can be heard alongside it. It will appear at unexpected times and only in presence of people I DO NOT want to fuck. It will not bother me in the presence of a attractive women, but with random men or even members of my family (, it will start playing.
Very irritating as it has been derailing my train of thoughts mid conversation!
Please /fringe/ what do you advise?
10/23/15 (Fri) 17:45:34 No. 58013
What have you tried so far? Have you tried a banishing ritual?
10/23/15 (Fri) 18:10:30 No. 58016
What is the best beginner's book for kaballah? Is Hermetic Qaballah by Oliver St John a god one?
10/23/15 (Fri) 18:15:57 No. 58017
I've been doing a variation of LBRP every day for the last 8 weeks. To be more specific the voice has cropped up in the last week which is when I've started to have the most progress in regards to energy work.
I also started reading the Cassiopean transcripts during this time. So the progress in energy work and reading those are the only two changed variables in my day to day. The voice has never bothered me when I'm pursing mundane ambitions (career, school) only when I begin to delve into fringe topics.
10/23/15 (Fri) 18:35:46 No. 58028
Meant to type "good one"
10/23/15 (Fri) 19:18:43 No. 58032
Are all chakras located in the center of your body? except for third eye of course
10/23/15 (Fri) 19:27:25 No. 58033
Go read a book, you are beyond help.
10/23/15 (Fri) 19:30:08 No. 58034
On the morning of September 11, 2001 I remember clearly thinking, "Something will happen this morning at about 8:50." I didn't know what it would be, I just knew it would be big.
What exactly was I experiencing and how can I hone this ability?
10/23/15 (Fri) 20:10:05 No. 58037
Hey anon, I reckon it can only get so bad then the entity will get tired and it will abate. If nothing else just weather it with fortitude and it will pass like a wave on the beach whcih increases in size as it makes landfall and then breaks on the shore.
lol google chakra and click images then come back and apologize for wasting everyones time.
10/23/15 (Fri) 21:08:32 No. 58041
I remember a post about a guy talking about thoughtforms, specifically he mentioned a heart on a wall that would show his current health state. Obviously this is unnecessary, but the thought of stationary thoughtforms as decorations interests me. Is there any specific books focusing on small things like this?
Also, you don't have to banish thoughtforms, right? I've put energy into balls of light to change how I act and now that I no longer need them I've just stopped feeding them.
10/23/15 (Fri) 21:15:52 No. 58042
>I've put energy into balls of light to change how I act and now that I no longer need them I've just stopped feeding them.
curious a bit, did the effects on you remain after the thoughtforms dissapeared?
10/23/15 (Fri) 21:35:27 No. 58044
I'm not sure. At the time, it was a thoughtform to stop caring about my ex, and I haven't seen her since. But I have been attracted to women that look like her and have broken porn-free streaks to actresses that look like her, so I'm not sure. It worked because I stopped caring about her , but I'm still attracted to what I was before.
I wouldn't use thoughtforms to modify your own behavior. Try affirmations. Somebody more experienced should have an efficient way.
Also, I've just remembered another example for my original question
There was a guy on talking about how he was creating a servitor that acted as a "HUD". So I would like to know about small things like that, visualizing items and generally being more efficient.
10/23/15 (Fri) 22:13:13 No. 58049
Will do, thank you for the reply!
10/23/15 (Fri) 23:36:51 No. 58055
Reminds me of the villain of the Series 3 finale of Sherlock. He could mentally pull up information about people as if reading from a computer screen.
10/24/15 (Sat) 00:04:17 No. 58061
Oh wizards of .fringe/, you who dwell here in your neckbeaded magnificence, I am a simple wanderer in search of enlightenment.
What is ==Meme Magic== ? What are its sekretz? For years now we have seen its effects within the world, first infiltrating the Normies on social media, next crashing planes with no survivors and now manifesting Kucks into reality. What is the truth of Memes? Are they our allies? Are they a life of their own? Do they seek supplication in the form of eternal Goatse? Teach me, oh wizened unbathed ones.
10/24/15 (Sat) 00:08:02 No. 58064
I think you may have a few misconceptions about what goes on here.
10/24/15 (Sat) 00:35:43 No. 58071
I'm new to this but I though if anyone could help me out it could be /fringe/
would some one interpretative my dream It is the first one I remember
my dream was that of a place devoid of light yet could see clearly an abyss really
I stood there in the solitude of darkness unthinking
I didn't even know who I was there was only that place at
that moment no fear no awareness no ego nothing else
seemed like a eternity
10/24/15 (Sat) 00:38:25 No. 58072
10/24/15 (Sat) 02:30:35 No. 58075
Don't thank me. Just be grateful. Thank you is a bad ritual.
10/24/15 (Sat) 02:36:18 No. 58076
It's all pointless. The end is declared from the beginning.
10/24/15 (Sat) 02:41:20 No. 58077
Only god can interpret your dream. Dreams aren't always about what they contain but sometimes they are a shadow of spiritual movements unseen. Only god can sort like from unlike and reveal the truth to you.
That sounds like a good dream to me. That state you describe is what is the best. Thinking is just replaying and it stretched the mindstuff that should not be stretched.
10/24/15 (Sat) 02:44:53 No. 58078
thanks anon but I'm not looking for jesus right now
10/24/15 (Sat) 02:53:50 No. 58079
10/24/15 (Sat) 02:57:22 No. 58080
you know I didn't come here for jesus
If i want to make right with god I'll go to my local pedophile.
10/24/15 (Sat) 03:09:23 No. 58081
In theory, this should be possible. If you learned how to read auras, nonverbal body movements and general mind-reading, you could present that information into a visual form. It would most likely be useless because you already know how to do all of that, but if anybody has attempted anything like it I'd love to hear their experiences.
All the more reason to look into smaller things like these.
10/24/15 (Sat) 04:09:50 No. 58083
What's bad avout saying thank you? Different anon here
10/24/15 (Sat) 05:33:53 No. 58084
Wow. Much arrogant. So empty. Very not happy.
Do you say empty house when you leave your house for vacation? Do you post you work schedule on the outside of your door? Routine is to vice as spontaneity is to virtue. A trained response which occurs regularly makes you spiritually pliable. If a demon know you will do X after a given stimulus is can enter you swiftly because you will do X after given stimulus.
Do you want spiritual attachments? Because please, thank you, excuse me is how you get them.
One may be thinking "That's how my parents raised me." Yes, it is. That was bad. Welcome a little bit closer to my level of awareness.
10/24/15 (Sat) 05:55:15 No. 58085
What if he's actually thankful and wants to express it?
10/24/15 (Sat) 06:14:51 No. 58086
He shouldn't be thankful and want to express it. That's characteristic of a spiritual deficiency. He should just BE grateful.
It's fine if he's actually "thankful" and want to express it but he cannot be that and make truthful claim to ultimate enlightenment. When he has casted out the seed of arising of "actually thankful and want to express it" he has gone closer and not further to irreversible enlightenment.
10/24/15 (Sat) 08:42:52 No. 58089
>being a christcuck
For what purpose?
10/24/15 (Sat) 08:51:05 No. 58090
10/24/15 (Sat) 08:57:25 No. 58091
Is it true that if you merge with a thoughtform you gain power?
10/24/15 (Sat) 09:45:49 No. 58096
NO, stop listening to the bullshit occultists here. Maybe you can but you can develop all the power you need within your subconscious mind. Lucid dream and make the you that you want to be a reality.
10/24/15 (Sat) 12:11:52 No. 58104
So enlightened people don't say thank you because it's too routine? I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Being grateful isn't a weakness.
10/24/15 (Sat) 12:45:14 No. 58105
How do i stop being sick all the time? My throat is really vulnerable and every once in a while i become diseased. Is my thorat chakra imbalanced? What do you suggest i do with my diet?
10/24/15 (Sat) 12:46:27 No. 58106
Also, is there a way i can cure an disease?
10/24/15 (Sat) 13:10:00 No. 58108
When charging a mantra/visualization/thoughtform emotionally, how to know when it's done charging? Or that I have charged properly?
10/24/15 (Sat) 18:45:05 No. 58129
What books would you recommend on learning how into Enochian magic?
10/24/15 (Sat) 18:50:56 No. 58130
Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter series
10/24/15 (Sat) 19:02:17 No. 58132
Hilarious :^)
Now, can someone else answer my question? Preferably someone not retarded.
10/24/15 (Sat) 19:06:23 No. 58133
10/24/15 (Sat) 19:17:21 No. 58134
Try the middle pillar and at the end direct all the energy you've built up to the body part that is sick
10/24/15 (Sat) 19:39:27 No. 58137
What's the middle pillar? I see it mentioned here so much, any books on it?
10/24/15 (Sat) 19:49:51 No. 58140
10/24/15 (Sat) 20:02:17 No. 58141
I use the version in new avatar power, the relaxation script beforehand supercharges it in my experience.
10/24/15 (Sat) 20:02:57 No. 58142
Also if you use the nmp (updated nap) version you can end it with an invocation for health which you can find in the book I linked to.
10/24/15 (Sat) 20:08:49 No. 58144
If you want a book exclusively ABOUT the middle pillar rather than just how to do it, try Israel Regardie's middle pillar.!z1RgyRDC!epBmnU2bodYl07SOheeLIWTYr1FufJeDQeB8YqPxV5k
10/24/15 (Sat) 20:09:48 No. 58145
That was fast, thanks a lot
10/24/15 (Sat) 20:10:45 No. 58146
Deleted post had the wrong mega link in, try >>58144 for the right link
10/24/15 (Sat) 20:26:54 No. 58149
Can anyone explain what is this "Protagonist" thing I see people talking about?
10/24/15 (Sat) 22:44:07 No. 58155
Why do people have fears embedded mainly about spiders and snakes? Snakes i can get, they are reptilian and a lot of legends mention ancient reptilians. But what about spiders? Does it have something to do with past lives?
10/24/15 (Sat) 22:57:53 No. 58158
being grateful is good.
saying thank you is demon-conditioned response. which is mutually exclusive from gratefulness.
>So enlightened people don't say thank you because it's too routine?
This is a message board. My posts will be there until the grid collapses. Reread them is you wanna understand. I won't b baited into repeating what I've already said completely.
Into traditional chinese medicine/acupuncture/pressure and figure out what part of your meridian system is failing and then fix it. The other suggestions are dumb.
It's becaus thy move erratically unlike practically all other animals. Snakes move geometrically, squirrels move like dogs and humans. Spiders are unpredictable and non-routine.
10/24/15 (Sat) 22:58:02 No. 58159
Does the terms Athens/Athena/Athenai hold any signifigance in an occult sense? I had a dream where several of my professors and teachers from grade school referred to me by these names. Not a particularly important question but if it stands out to anyone I'd appreciate an answer.
10/24/15 (Sat) 23:42:28 No. 58163
Athena was the Greek virgin goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature.
10/25/15 (Sun) 11:33:37 No. 58216
10/25/15 (Sun) 16:06:40 No. 58229
The book of knowledge exists and it's probably the best book here tbh, the title is very generic magicky-sounding so it was probably put there because of that, also I don't think the book of knowledge was released in the 80s or 90s
10/25/15 (Sun) 18:07:58 No. 58234
Yes, it is the best book. Fast results, no bullshit.
10/25/15 (Sun) 18:41:57 No. 58239
File: 1445798517275-0.gif (Spoiler Image, 383.12 KB, 300x300, 1:1, alien-dracula-witch-anigif….gif )
File: 1445798517277-1.gif (Spoiler Image, 674.48 KB, 400x400, 1:1, alien-dracula-witch-anigif.gif )
can anyone explain what these are? i think they are called alien dracula witch angels but i don't know what they do or what they are for.
10/25/15 (Sun) 19:17:16 No. 58242
I apologize in advance. I know there are threads for this but I wanted to post it here so I might get a response faster.
I have been getting many dreams involving spiders lately, each dream ends with some interaction with a spider and me trying to avoid it so it would not harm me and I wont harm it. It is getting to the point where I have nearly 7 of these dreams with a spider trying to interact with me within one week.
I do have some theories in regards of the symbolism but would like to hear any of your thoughts on it as well.
Thank you for your time.
10/25/15 (Sun) 20:47:18 No. 58246
This is what I want to happen to me.
I want to be initiated by someone, a physical being or a spirit or a hyperdimensional entity, doesn't matter.
I'm just sick of reading books and getting nowhere.
Maybe its because I don't really meditate, like at all.
10/25/15 (Sun) 21:03:34 No. 58249
I don't meditate enough either, and I don't think either of us can expect outside help if we are not willing to take basic steps to help ourselves.
What do you suppose such an initiation would involve? I think it likely would require basic self discipline and the ability to concentrate.
Step it up! We can do it!
10/25/15 (Sun) 21:22:14 No. 58253
There's a course of meditation techniques in the daily practises folder here:!zwpQhbpR!bWoALF2-vvMSxIKKmP9npw
Do the lbrp, middle pillar and 20 minutes meditation daily.
10/25/15 (Sun) 21:57:40 No. 58257
Aight /fringe/ Why would cern release a video like this?
Is it a huge joke or is it really fear mongering on a global scale? I stil used to visit /x/ on cuck chan a few months ago and every day there would be at least a few september 23 threads active, what do they get out of making all these doomsday predictions?
10/25/15 (Sun) 23:10:51 No. 58260
I was wondering how to achieve a ridiculous amount of wealth through occult means, so I checked the FAQ and saw this:
>The Master Formula of Attainment is as follows: “(1) Definite Ideals; (2) Insistent Desire; (3) Confident Expectation; (4) Persistent Determination (5) Balanced Compensation.” Reduced to popular terms, it is as follows: “You may have anything you want, provided that you (1) know exactly what you want, (2) want it hard enough, (3) confidently expect to obtain it, (4) persistently determine to obtain it, and (5) are willing to pay the price of its attainment.”
What is the price? How can I be willing to pay it if I don't know what it is? It says "Balanced Compensation." Does that mean, for example, if I want $50 million, I'll be expected to pay back $50 million soon?
10/25/15 (Sun) 23:20:24 No. 58262
Not exactly. The cost could be time, as in the time it takes to work for the money. Or it could come at the death of a family member, their life insurance could give you the money.
Magick takes the easiest route to attain the goal.
10/25/15 (Sun) 23:33:33 No. 58263
So I'll basically be blindly willing to pay whatever price?
10/25/15 (Sun) 23:35:50 No. 58264
No. You have to direct it the way you want. Such as:
I will earn lots of free and easy money that will come in a positive and helping way.
Just remember 'no' isn't seen by magick. So if you say: I am not scared, it turns to I am scared. Verses saying I am brave.
10/25/15 (Sun) 23:48:42 No. 58266
You mean I should direct my desires in a way so that the price is something I'm willing to pay?
ie the use of the words "free" and "positive and helping" makes it so I will be satisfied with the price.
10/26/15 (Mon) 00:14:23 No. 58270
Could being too associated with technology harm my body or spirit? I've started to use my smartwatch again but I'm afraid that the bluetooth could somehow harm me.
10/26/15 (Mon) 00:56:02 No. 58275
10/26/15 (Mon) 00:56:20 No. 58276
10/26/15 (Mon) 01:10:52 No. 58277
10/26/15 (Mon) 01:22:43 No. 58279
What makes you say that?
10/26/15 (Mon) 01:47:50 No. 58282
Can you elaborate further? I understand how technology CAN harm us (my eyes are terrible from staring at screens) but how does it do so and what should I avoid? Where should I limit myself?
10/26/15 (Mon) 02:11:52 No. 58284
Cell phones are worse. Computer are not good. Having them in your etheric field makes one restless and reachy and unnerved. Do them away and do better, if your timing is perfect.
10/26/15 (Mon) 02:27:11 No. 58285
Don't do the yahweh version, for any rituals.
10/26/15 (Mon) 04:19:15 No. 58288
Sometimes reality doesn't act the way you think it should.
I should have died in a car accident but thanks to some temporal shenanigans I'm still here.
10/26/15 (Mon) 09:37:57 No. 58314
Why do negative entity attachments try to force you to breath air through your mouth? >inb4 I'll pray for you
10/26/15 (Mon) 10:54:39 No. 58322
Kek if it weren't for those meddling negs am i right?
Maybe you're just being retarded
10/26/15 (Mon) 16:38:14 No. 58332
How would I go about using this?
10/26/15 (Mon) 18:34:05 No. 58333
Any way I could get clearer answers with the technique described here?
This would be probably the most helpful thing for me
10/26/15 (Mon) 21:46:54 No. 58339
How can I improve my Visualization skills?
10/26/15 (Mon) 22:47:38 No. 58340
10/26/15 (Mon) 23:18:00 No. 58341
Try guided meditation that involves visualisation.
Here's a yoga nidra session with visualisation in, do the rest as well to get you into a decent relaxed trance state while doing it.
10/27/15 (Tue) 00:07:58 No. 58346
If we assume conscioness is undying and some sort of universal force like gravity, then what exactly is "unconsciousness"?
Why is there nothing between the spaces of waking experience, only what seems to be a timeless void.
Is that No-Thingness our afterlife, or simply something else?
10/27/15 (Tue) 00:21:00 No. 58348
Well there's unconscious drives and forces that we're not aware of yet they're still a part of our psyche.
10/27/15 (Tue) 03:46:24 No. 58365
Does /fringe/ know why god said not to have engraven images? I do. I'll tell you. Because to externalize things which are internal, in this case your viewpoint of perception of the world from a time, leaves one spiritually empty and they do horrible things trying to refill themselves that doesn't work. So god said not to empty yourself of your spiritual stuff from yourself.
10/27/15 (Tue) 04:13:40 No. 58366
It's because god's a jealous god and if you worship external things he's not the one getting your l00sh
10/27/15 (Tue) 04:40:13 No. 58367
what? Who are you are why are you responded to me? I don't understand why you think you belong here.
curious 10/27/15 (Tue) 12:33:46 No. 58398
So recently, I've experienced a lot of my desires simply dropping away. In their place emerged a new "will" to something indefinite but probably spiritual or transcendent in nature.
Searching for some way to start actualizing this will, I came to some resources about chaos magic(k). I found some of it exciting, and the rest kind of pointless. I live a reasonably comfortable life, and I'm content with solitude and simplicity, so I don't see much of a point to magical practices attempting to effect change for personal purposes.
When you don't have too many desires driving you, I think it's natural to start thinking about how you can benefit others. However, it seems that many apparently selfless acts only perpetuate suffering for those intended to benefit, and that the most concrete 'good' one can do is actually through the simplest of human interactions.
This leaves me without much of a spiritual practice or morality in imperative terms, which is fine, I guess, although I still have that will, gently pushing me in some unknown direction. So my concern is now with effecting some change, but exploring where this will takes me, and learning about the spiritual realm.
With that in mind, what would you suggest I do to learn more? I'm looking for resources that lead to truth and an expanded perspective, more than causal results. Should I start with astral projection and just poke around in 4D?
10/27/15 (Tue) 13:07:44 No. 58399
>I'm content with solitude and simplicity, so I don't see much of a point to magical practices attempting to effect change for personal purposes.
I know your conscious mind will give you a definite answer to this question, but ARE YOU SUUUURE?
Maybe you should indulge a little bit. I'm on the same boat as you. My primary self as of right now doesn't need much on a realistic level, but there are many compartmentalized selves which I must address and not ignore, lest they get bigger and bigger in the shadows.
I think you're just afraid of some form of divine punishment.
curious 10/27/15 (Tue) 13:42:32 No. 58403
On a conscious level, yeah, I'm pretty sure. So there can't be any harm in a little indulgence.
I like your emphasis on compartmentalized selves. I guess having a stable "core" self means you can integrate any subconscious processes in a healthy manner. Kind of like depth psychology. I'm sure there's a lot of good material to work with down in the unconscious. I imagine it would work out kind of like a soul search.
Do you have a preferred technique for dredging up a compartmentalized self or other unconscious structure? I'll look elsewhere too. I imagine this would give me a bit of direction.
10/27/15 (Tue) 14:23:31 No. 58407
Because it will hurt you and feed them.
10/27/15 (Tue) 14:25:18 No. 58408
Detox your pineal gland with borax.
10/27/15 (Tue) 19:35:26 No. 58425
What's the opinion here on "chasing phantoms" by Carissa Conti?
10/27/15 (Tue) 22:39:01 No. 58442
Is it wrong to use magic to obtain wealth? Will it impede my spiritual progress?
10/27/15 (Tue) 23:12:14 No. 58445
only if you use the wealth like a degenerate
10/28/15 (Wed) 02:18:53 No. 58466
Yes. Maybe. It won't take you closer to god nd happiness but it might be part of your spiritual path to find out how awful it is to be without god.
10/28/15 (Wed) 02:56:41 No. 58467
What happens to animals when they die and rocks when they're destroyed, and trees when they're cut down? Do they work their way up the cycle like humans?
I am god
10/28/15 (Wed) 03:06:09 No. 58470
They continue living.
10/28/15 (Wed) 03:07:32 No. 58471
It hinders you if it serves as a distraction from occult.
If it enables you to eg. spend more time on it because you don't have to work as much, or allow you to travel to some significant place, feel free.
10/28/15 (Wed) 03:47:43 No. 58473
With wealth you will have more time and moeny to dedicate to the occult.
10/28/15 (Wed) 04:01:59 No. 58476
I'm poor as shit an yet all my needs are met and I have all the time of the day to study.
10/28/15 (Wed) 04:04:10 No. 58477
What job do you do?
Not saying its not possible to study while neet or employed but still, more money = more opportunity.
10/28/15 (Wed) 04:05:11 No. 58478
Opportunity for courses with more direct contact to mentors and teachers, paying for retreats or travel to different countries and things like that.
10/28/15 (Wed) 04:26:45 No. 58480
Nothing. I collect food stamps and study library books and internet sources. I'm maneuvering my resources to homestead the land and I live in my mother's home, until such a time I am able enough to survive off the spiritual power I'm taking back from her which she ruined me of in my childhood.
10/28/15 (Wed) 06:42:57 No. 58490
That sounds pretty rough. Good luck.
10/28/15 (Wed) 06:50:17 No. 58491
It's not even a little rough. I'm perfectly suited to my life.
10/28/15 (Wed) 11:27:11 No. 58498
The price can mean a whole lot of things in your case. If you don't specify how you get the money/don't put any real work into it apart from affirmations it can come to you through inheritance after the death of your parent or other relative.
The best price to pay is both affirmations and actually physically working towards those millions.
You'll have the easiest time in the long run if you follow that path.
If it's money you'll spend frivolously on things you don't really need then it's certainly not something you should use magic for. If it's for a noble goal however, like money for someone else who really needs it, that'd be a different story.
Khan 10/28/15 (Wed) 11:59:16 No. 58502
Is anyone here a zodiac wizard or astrologer? I'm interested in learning about the 12 zodiac signs and how astrology relates to our matrix system. If there are any good books or resources someone could direct me to I would be well obliged.
10/28/15 (Wed) 13:40:14 No. 58512
How could I test my mental powers? I was thinking something like doing sigils, but I honestly can't think of something I want (or need) to manifest at the moment (health, money…)
I just want to try something to prove that these things work, I don't wanna start with something hard, just small things. I was thinking about maybe creating some thoughtforms to help me with stuff, for instance maybe one thoughtform to communicate with animals, or another one to help me find lost items.
Would you say these are easy to achieve? How do I know if I have the mental strength? Would I be better off trying other smaller things? Could you help me thinking about small "tests" for my mental powers?
10/28/15 (Wed) 13:47:49 No. 58513
Thoughtforms are pretty easy to make, you should try them, try the very first method in the tulpa thread, it won't create in a day, but maybe in a week you should have it
10/28/15 (Wed) 14:01:35 No. 58515
But how much power do I need to have in order to influence the external world? I mean, most of us won't believe on the power of thoughtforms until we see the influence in our external lives. For example, if I decide to create a thoughtform to help me find lost items, could I make it so that the form moves the objects by itself? Is this feasible? Could I have a thoughtform to which I could just say "Hey, I lost my keys. Find them and bring them to me" and would I see the keys moving through the room, or would they just appear suddenly next to me?
10/28/15 (Wed) 14:20:36 No. 58518
Yeah, pretty feasible, but will take a lot of power for them to be able to do that
10/28/15 (Wed) 15:07:24 No. 58525
How do I know if my power is enough? What could be some other things that require less power? I would want to start with easy things, kinda like a martial art, you start from the bottom. Any suggestions?
10/28/15 (Wed) 16:01:32 No. 58529
tulpas that have a subtler influence would require less power, your power will always be enough, it will only take more time if you want your tulpas to practically manifest in reality
10/28/15 (Wed) 16:07:40 No. 58530
Any tips on the 12th step here?
For some reason I just don't feel it, I repeat the phrase in my mind, should I speak those words? Also what if your first language isn't english? should I say something similair in my native language?
10/28/15 (Wed) 17:13:00 No. 58539
What other sites are good for discussion of magick and such? Preferably /pol/ free.
10/28/15 (Wed) 17:29:38 No. 58540
10/28/15 (Wed) 17:44:27 No. 58542
more like mundaine society tbh
10/28/15 (Wed) 17:52:12 No. 58543
I found it weird that they dimiss everything else apart from self-healing as impossible
10/28/15 (Wed) 18:53:48 No. 58550
The only meditations I do daily are the chakra opening meditations described in the book of knowledge (quiet mind too, but this goes without saying), anything else I should be doing for faster development?
10/28/15 (Wed) 19:42:11 No. 58553
Me and a crack team of namefags and super secret bardonian techno rangers are working on a collaborative effort above. Do the daily practise, do the elemental balancing (which is still being worked on) and try out the gems.
10/28/15 (Wed) 19:58:52 No. 58554
10/28/15 (Wed) 20:01:29 No. 58556
Middle pillar, lbrp and offerings found there will supercharge your magic.
As there's obvious problems with the batshit crazy egregore behind the judeo-christian origins of lbrp and middle pillar we're going to be adding the planetary combination of the two practices by Bear Heart soon… but for now the lbrp and middle pillar will likely help more than they will hurt.
Everyone should have a daily practice, the daily practice folder in there should help a lot if you're stuck on what to do daily or if you want to try new approaches such as offerings or japa or try new meditation methods.
The meditation folder is designed to be done as a course where you take 2 weeks to delve into each method before moving on. Then by the end you'll have a decent idea of what techniques are right for you.
10/28/15 (Wed) 20:07:26 No. 58559
Is there any difference between tulpas, servitors or thoughtforms?
10/28/15 (Wed) 20:24:56 No. 58562
Kinda but not really. But also yes.
Thoughtform is the original translation of tulpa. Tulpa in its original essence was a manifestation of thought in beautiful spontaneous spectucalure which was to be transcended.
Tulpa in the modern sense is deliberately made imaginary friend. Servitors are deliberately made magical entities which serve you or fulfill some function. Servitors were popular in the 80s-90s chaos magic scene, tulpa more popular more recently. Tulpa, servitor and thoughtform can all kinda be used interchangeably these days.
Tulpas and servitors are thoughtforms.
10/28/15 (Wed) 20:34:49 No. 58564
what exactly would fall under "subtler influence"? Is moving an object easier than pushing a person? How about generating heat on someone else's skin? On my own skin? Is there any way to connect the "power" of the spiritual teachings with physical power? If "intention" was something that we could measure like voltage , what would be something that would require little intention?
10/28/15 (Wed) 20:36:16 No. 58566
But they can all make changes to reality right?
10/28/15 (Wed) 21:30:01 No. 58571
Hancock, but you'll hate it
10/28/15 (Wed) 22:47:48 No. 58578
Can I create a thoughtform that literally knows everything and can answer every question correctly?
10/29/15 (Thu) 00:04:22 No. 58581
Try philip h farbers meta magick or brain magick, can't remember which, which involves tapping into entities/intelligences and drawing information out.
10/29/15 (Thu) 06:55:13 No. 58603
look in very old threads, there are gems hidden
10/29/15 (Thu) 11:17:57 No. 58607
There has got to be some practical REAL information on negative entity removal and defense. As well as cleaning methods. Everywhere I look they give some simple techniques and tell you to contact someone from professional help. But the simple techniques only work for basic cleansing.
10/29/15 (Thu) 11:37:49 No. 58608
Shut up and do the lbrp correctly.
10/29/15 (Thu) 14:38:44 No. 58616
The lbrp does not remove internal entities. It also makes your position in the astral known to the whole damn universe. Unless you fully intend to live the life of a magician or have an invisibility ritual it is best to stick to non magick banishing methods. Oh and by the way, yahweh is an archon and is giving your energy to the illuminados.
10/29/15 (Thu) 14:52:05 No. 58619
Yeah, that's why I said correctly, anyone not doing the lbrp with planetary names is an idiot.
And yes, it does remove internal entities when done correctly.
>It also makes your position in the astral known to the whole damn universe
Yeah, that's why you formulate your spiritual armor everyday, don't you ?
10/29/15 (Thu) 14:57:30 No. 58620
Well it's not necessary if you don't actually practice invoking spirits or astral travel. There should be more talk about invisibility rituals though. That could go after an lbrp.
10/29/15 (Thu) 21:45:38 No. 58643
There is no point being proud of a race, it matters not what you are but what you do. It's okay to feel superior when you have earned the right but being born white and straight does not take any effort.
10/29/15 (Thu) 22:49:23 No. 58648
It takes no effort to be anything else. You should be proud to be white because it's a characteristic that comes with good traits and good ancestry, but that doesn't excuse you from not trying to be the best you can be. Be proud of who you are, but be even more proud of what you are becoming.
10/29/15 (Thu) 23:14:02 No. 58649
Please keep your /leftypol/ shit out of /fringe/.
10/29/15 (Thu) 23:29:36 No. 58650
I'm not left wing or right wing but nice assumption m8y
10/30/15 (Fri) 02:46:45 No. 58657
Best books on sigil magick?
10/30/15 (Fri) 02:54:56 No. 58659
I haven't forgetten about you guys. I've been dreaming of you and taking care to think of you and your problems and to reach out to you spiritually to assist you in healing and alignment.
10/30/15 (Fri) 05:55:27 No. 58669
Hey guys, I'm new to fringe, and have taken an interest into it. I am currently secular in belief, but have talked to people with similar ideologies. I am currently practicing basic meditation and have been reading snippets of fringe literature. Yet, before I give a part of my life into this I'd like to have some first hand experience. Are there any easy but weak magical rituals or something I can do to see that this isn't just fictitious? Just something I can do that's relatively safe for a newbie that provides definite evidence this stuff works.
10/30/15 (Fri) 05:58:02 No. 58671
Check the meditation thread. There is one that teaches you to create a poltergeist that will throw shit around.
10/30/15 (Fri) 06:05:48 No. 58674
Thanks anon, I'll check it out.
10/30/15 (Fri) 06:20:33 No. 58676
Also, isn't that extremely dangerous and isn't a poltergeist harder to get rid of than a tulpa? I've seen what tulpas do and that sounds extremely dangerous.
10/30/15 (Fri) 06:43:17 No. 58678
Doesn't the Serpent who winds itself around the Tree of Life in Kabbalah have a name?
I think it does… It starts with an N?
Any help would be appreciated.
Also, anyone want to say anything about the significance of snakes?
~One Love!~
10/30/15 (Fri) 09:04:01 No. 58681
>mfw this book right here ( ) got rid of my entity attachments just from fucking reading it, and all your prayers did was piss me off.
10/30/15 (Fri) 09:31:50 No. 58682
10/30/15 (Fri) 10:00:41 No. 58683
10/30/15 (Fri) 10:16:45 No. 58684
10/30/15 (Fri) 10:25:25 No. 58686
What does Quetzalcoatl stand for? I had a dream of him and I think he was guarding scarlet/glowing rose-colored eggs. I'm not sure. Someone tell me what you know.
Khan 10/30/15 (Fri) 12:42:08 No. 58691
10/30/15 (Fri) 17:04:01 No. 58697
>Not a snake
Jesus said judge not but he said to be descriminating.
10/30/15 (Fri) 17:29:09 No. 58700
Any good active fringe-esque communities?
10/30/15 (Fri) 18:40:03 No. 58701
>feathered snake
>not a viking longboat
10/31/15 (Sat) 04:14:55 No. 58744
I often see these specs of golden/white light just floating around in the air. They don't have a predicable movement pattern and seem to move completely independent from one another. I can usually see them for 5-10 seconds and then they just disappear. Today I saw them right after I got out of the shower.
Are my eyes just fucking up, /fringe/, or is it something else?
10/31/15 (Sat) 04:19:01 No. 58745
So, I fell asleep on my bed during the afternoon while reading a book. A little over an hour later there was a loud noise outside, and I tried to quickly get up. I remember doing so but very, very slowly, like the slowmotion of a movie, and everything was dark (my windows were open and the room was pretty illuminated when I laid down), but I could see my body (and only it) perfectly. Right when I realized I shouldn't be this slow and it shouldn't be this dark I fell on bed again, and this time got up quickly and the room was all clear again. Was that astral projection?
10/31/15 (Sat) 08:38:33 No. 58753
It's something else.
10/31/15 (Sat) 15:32:23 No. 58772
Same thing happens to me when I was younger. I always thought they were wind spirits from that show Stigma of the Wind.
10/31/15 (Sat) 15:33:33 No. 58773
Would evocation be better on Halloween?
10/31/15 (Sat) 15:45:00 No. 58774
Reposting from other thread
It says in aspects of evocation that there needs to be a timer set for a thoughtform to self-destruct, is this mandatory? What If I want an astral projection-causing tulpa to remain forever?
10/31/15 (Sat) 17:10:32 No. 58778
Well you can keep it alive for as long as you want, there are some things with that though. First is our particular reality functions in cycles. Creating a egregore is a microcosmic imitation of the original act of creation itself. It's sacred and should be handled with care, giving the egregore purpose and drive, and then eventually an end. However if you want a less sentimental reason, basically it can be bad to give these things to much energy and attention for too long, they are sentient and can become powerful. I think you should get more opinions from more people with experience but I'm pretty sure if you are just making a brainless servitor, it should be fine to keep it alive as long as you need.
On an unrelated note, does anyone know all the methods to remembering past life and before incarnation memories as well as keeping my memories forever?
10/31/15 (Sat) 17:44:05 No. 58781
10/31/15 (Sat) 18:54:18 No. 58783
happy halloween, /fringe/!
10/31/15 (Sat) 19:02:39 No. 58785
What about dia de Muertos? I have a few Spanish rituals I would like to test.
10/31/15 (Sat) 19:46:53 No. 58787
I don't know. I'm not familiar with the cusstom but if the legend is that the dead can walk around and the veil is thinnest on that day then the answer is yes. YMMV it might b region specific.
01/07/16 (Thu) 10:20:18 No. 66743
Can anyone give me tips on how to dream? I rarely dream but when I do it tends to be vivid to the point I can create things but something tends to shock me out of each dream, ranging from a feeling of fear from something huge looming over me suddenly or if I touch anything I feel like i'm getting electrocuted but without the pain.
>pic related, this jolted me awake except it was me and it was only when I looked in a mirror
01/07/16 (Thu) 15:18:50 No. 66762
Use the current question thread, this one is full. >>65652
02/02/16 (Tue) 07:38:45 No. 69550
I am incredibly depressed and contemplating suicide, I got kicked out of college twice and they gave me a final chance and I blew it again (for the third time), and I probably have AIDS because I fucked a tranny hooker without protection in drunken stupor.
What happens to the spirit during the phase between depression -> suicide. And how negative is it to have homosexual sex? Is there any way to climb out of this hole bot mentally and spiritually?