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8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The 7 Hermetic Principles | #WitchBabyWednesdays

>I started off on Youtube in 2009 doing music videos just to get over my fear of singing in public. Since then Youtube has grown into a home for me to connect with & inspire my beloved followers.

>I've slayed my own dragons, healed myself of depression, overcome drug & alcohol addiction & survived the suicide of my daughter's father & now I am here having walked in the trenches with all of you to share every bit of wisdom that I've been blessed with along my journey.

>My driving force is the deep love that I have for all of you suffering, unseen but with a deep internal knowing of your own magical potential. I'm here to show you that magic.


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nice troll if trolling


Why do people read Kybalion when they can read the Corpus Hermeticum, also it seems that New Age hermeticism is based much more on idealism than platonism.



yeah, good point

a lot of the times imo reading ancient texts is way better and way more profitable than reading modern studies or modern renditions of ancient texts



It's so endearing when girls take an interest in magic. They don't even have to go through thousands of years of philosophy to start seriously believing in it. They just start doing horoscopes as teenagers. I guess that's how male-female consciousness works though.



Why not read both when you can read both?

t. have read both, multiple times over, along with a few hundred other books

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Satan wants me to kill and hate myself according to at intuition. I may do it. I have depression, I'm alone, and I have no skills and I'm not remarkable in any positive way.

Demons like talking to me a lot and it's hard to tell which "voice" is my intuition or demons.

Satan is trying to take everything good away and make me miserable as fuck. He wants me to be afraid of myself and everyone else and he succeeded. He wants to shame me for my views and hide in my room until I die.

What should I do about this?

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shilly willy and the blowfish update image.

had a nice conversation with the BO or a mod from (didn't get a reply yet)

but I promised I was going to create a thread just for my content only and that instead of reposting the images and bumping multiple threads with it, I was instead going to just link back to my thread only in threads where my content is relevant but "Sage" my posts so that I don't end up bumping a bunch of threads unnecessarily. I haven't created my new thread yet but I have this shill stalker update so I'm updating this and creating my thread later because I'm very busy.

I usually keep my promises because I can't account for absolutely everything because "muh imperfect human being" but I am keeping my promise here so this post is saged and will not bump this thread

this is probably the last set of updates (all saged posts) I'll be posting outside of my yet to be created new thread so I'm sure some people who are genuine posters (and not shills) will be somewhat pleased by this news.

In good faith I'm hoping these saged updates wont be taken as an act of hostility against what I have been told not to do anywhere (which is bump a bunch of threads) sooo yea.

to be totally clear:

>posting this last shill image update in the same threads with the other updates and then stopping because I will soon be making a thread just for my content as I have been instructed to do by mod/BO. (you're all very much welcome to post your content in my thread if it's relevant.)

>these posts are SAGED and will not bump the threads they are posted in.

>I'm going to stop posting these big shill/ spiritual religion redpills outside my thread (hasn't been made yet)

>in the future I'm going to link to my thread only where relevant (as I have been, on topic only!) but it will not include an image because it will only be in my thread, and the link to my thread will be politely "SAGED" as to not bump the thread either.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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pray this OP



fallacy detected

globalism doesn't equal communism



good work anon



Really? That's the only error you could find in that clusterfuck?

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So last year I met this guy from Senegal. He told me he is a rasta and that he is muslim, and we were friends of each other. He talked me about spirits and that we are surrounded by them I started talking with a spirit around that time. His family are a family of mages, at least his father. I have seen him surrounded by a dark aura with horns.

Okay so yesterday I ate some mushrooms and I started watching a black man and like he was trying to make me submit to him, and I saw the black who was my friend like laughing being bad and I remembered all the times I was with him that he was not a real friend and that he always had a bad intention in mind. He wants me to suffer that fucking piece of shit. The shrooms showed me.

Okay so I was under the influence of his magic and then I put a mantram of Kali to remove black magic and I was fine then. Original aryan magic is more powerful than the magic of blacks and you cant get harmed by them if you are on the protection of the aryan gods.

What can I do to fuck up this motherfucker? I would just kill him if but I would go to jail so I wont. I am waiting to see him for telling him he is a coward, he is paltry and a literal piece of shit.

He acted like a friend just to end up betraying me and trying to harm me. Thank god I believe in the true aryan religion and his wicked magic cant afect me.

Thanks Kali and Shiva and Hanuman and Wotan for your protection.

I was not racist in the way I respected and I admired every races, and I didnt mind blacks coming to my country, but I saw this is a spiritual conquest from the part of the blacks. They want to substitute our original aryan gods with their black spirits.

5 months ago he suddenly stopped talking with me for some reason, like he got angry at me at that time. Now I see he had made black magic to me and I want to punish the motherucker

He acted like he was my friend but all the time his intentions were bad, the shooms showed me.

What can I do to punish him?

What can I do for putting a real curse on hiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Even if he doesn't feel guilty, he's escalating the situation, putting in more energy than there already is. That's asking for trouble. When the energies seek to balance out, he could get fucked.

I would rather focus on using the black guy's own karma and the energy he already had put in motion against him. Just retribution but no more.


This is the right way to go about it in my opinion.



>When the energies seek to balance out

Could you elaborate on what you mean by that? Two people aren't a closed system, you know.



I'll elaborate as best as I can on >>132887's post: When you act, your environment reacts to your actions.

I admit, I don't exactly know the intent of what >>132887 means by that, but for someone like OP who's just beginning occultism as an emergency means of defense, >>132865 is a lot of work with a lot of potential problems he may not even know how to deal with, let alone how to set things up. Furthermore, if the asshole in question really is skilled with magick, he could turn things around on OP, destroying the thoughtform and pulling the trick against OP if he so willed.



>death ritual

edgy LARPers


>He acted like a friend just to end up betraying me and trying to harm me

That seems like a common theme when dealing with people that deal with negative energy entities, figures.

Best advice in the game… hold it…. Stop fucking caring

Fuck the black dude if he wants to fuck with you then there must be a reason like envy or rage… it doesn't matter you should liberate yourself from people who are trying to drag u down with them.

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Woohhh-aahhhhh Boooooooo!!!!!

hey what happened to the holiday flags like the 'ghost flag' and 'pumpkin flag'?? is that only during halloween? …or was that only on megamilk-chan?

what do you guys think of the KKK, were they legit at all? were they actually wizards? what was the "invisible empire of the knights of the Klu Klux Klan" all about?


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It would be fine if she didn't look like some anime piece of shit



Hanz was medicated and released from mental ward and Smiley got the blame for putting him there to begin with. Taking down his last and making him homeless was part of Hanz's revenge.




I highly doubt it….highly doubt that this claim is anything other than speculation or disinformation

the hanz posts on /x/ were always spoopy though


The information was openly available, just not on mainstream chans. Just a few days after the threats were posted and mewch was hacked and destroyed. There really aren't that many people around if you know how to identify them. Some of the old regulars can be baited into replying by just mentioning them and you'll know it's them by their posting style. Megamilk and his programmer didn't know how the site was built and couldn't recreate it, they were just running it.


8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/

5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.

All you rulebreakers are reported and hopefully will be banned soon. This isn't a board for personas drama.

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I have a demon slowly approaching me. Its image in my mind is that of a spider crawling towards me.

In this thread, let's discuss how to protect against mind-parasites, demons, demonic forces and evil spirits and evilastral creatures….pls & thank you

I will start. I have heard an old gypsy spell being that if you acquire a rock with a hole in it, and hang it from your ceiling….this is to protect your home and ward off evil.

^I have not tried this "spell" myself but would like to try it.

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Haven’t seen a shadow demon in my room since I hung a crucifix.


Lbrp regularly, grp in a pinch. Keep your living space clean, keep your head clean.



What is "Lbrp" and "grp"?


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hey , you guys know anything about living in caves?

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What is some of the most insane things out there that might be true? Isn't free energy actually one of them!!?? I mean. NO MORE OIL, NO MORE POLLUTION! Heaven on earth if you ask me! <3

Will anyone want to help fund my project of replicating this "free energy" device from a manual that I bought online? A 125 pages long instruction.

Thank you!!!


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This will actually revolutionize our world more than mere energy production will. It will change computers, cars, and all our electronics. Also, lithium is only found in economically viable quantities in one mine in South Africa, and the world is basically fucked if South Africa falls apart because we won't have lithium then. Moving away from a dependence on lithium for our batteries is very important for the future.


…I recycle every day…I take everything that's recyclable in my house and set it aside and then every couple of days carry it out and toss it in one of the neighbor's recycling bins




>indefinitely as far as I know.

Are you this dumb?


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Here is a sigil about fulfilling ones goals.

Its a mixture of both discovering what one really wants and finding the path to that goal.

It should be on fire, while resting. Ignoring it would be best because it feeds on silence.

Also it likes to break things.

Thanks and good luck.

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Image looks lovely and appropriate for its goal.

Did it work? Been a while since your post.


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Can anyone help me charge these?



For casting in general or charging sigils you don't really need a trance state, you just need energy (yours or external) running through a symbolic ritual set up with intent.

Trance is only required for perception, not projection.

I'm not parroting dogma, I'm speaking from experience.



Correction. You can use a trance state because it will help you detach from the ritual and forget it easier, not muddling the magic later with unwanted energy.

However, once you get to a certain level of skill in energy manipulation, you don't need to forget about sigils or rituals in order for them to manifest. All you need is to make sure not to interfere with the spell energetically.


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The Prosperity Gospel is biblical. The "Christians" that want suffering and misery on Earth are bitter, jealous, covetousness, or just warped. It's true that the Bible is bigger than the Prosperity Gospel but there's nothing wrong with the preaching of Joel Osteen and anyone else who is optimistic and wants Christians to be blessed here on Earth and in Heaven. The idea you have to suffer horribly with disease, debts, and other afflictions your whole life until you die is nonsense. Those things are mainly from Satan not from God. God chastens his people but he doesn't let them pointlessly suffer and he is merciful. Also Jesus tells us to check our thoughts for a reason.

I am not convinced that people criticizing the Prosperity Gospel are right in their assertions.

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i DEFEND social inequality.

hierarchies are sacred.


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I want to recruit indians to gang-stalk local girls



This. We are to have hierarchies and to serve one another and to know our place in the world and play our roles. We aren't to all be made into one interchangeable mush.



Because it triggers you.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>be me

>get into Christianity

>start going to every church and theology group I can

>read boatloads of Christian books and also the KJV

>get deeper and deeper into it for months

>biggest key issue I come across in Christianity is salvation and grace

>learn more and more about salvation including that it's by faith and not by works

>seemed simple at first, but talking to Christians the whole matter became more and more convoluted, suspect that I'm probably already saved but Christians keep telling me I would know if I was saved and since I doubt I'm not

>absolutely frustrated about how to be saved

>jumbling all manner of stuff in my mind all the time, obsessing about it constantly

>fall into major depression because of this, can't sleep, lots of problems, last couple days been in a lot of pain from hunger and thirst and can't motivate myself to do anything about it

>am weaker and more sad than ever right now

>badly want to be saved but everything is sinful

>can't run away from sin and even though I stopped playing videogames and even if I were to just never go near my computer the painful, intense, loneliness and isolation that I have to endure hour by hour, day by day, will just be all the worse for not having even this as a form of human contact

>majorily confused and constantly frustrated

>can't do anything about my salvation, it's either going to happen or not

>have already tried bargaining with god and every other thing I can think of and nothing seems to work

>seem like I'm going to die from despair

>I feel like my soul is literally being eaten by Christianity because before this I felt closer to god, felt like I was on the right track, etc. and now I feel hopelessly fucked

>Christians also always discouraging me from reading anPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>read books and Bible…

By lying you are only hurting yourself.

>by faith not by works

This proves you're lying because Jesus says otherwise only about a million times. "Feed the hungry cloth the poor" "Do unto others" "Don't have slaves" "Honor thy father and mother" "Don't commit adultery" "don't murder" "take care of your mind and body" etc etc etc etc

These are all works not faith.

"I help those who help themselves"

"The way way heaven is through me"

Don't be a pussy, either you want to be a better person or you don't but the path to salvation is by becoming Christ like by following his advice.



>This proves you're lying because Jesus says otherwise only about a million times. "Feed the hungry cloth the poor" "Do unto others" "Don't have slaves" "Honor thy father and mother" "Don't commit adultery" "don't murder" "take care of your mind and body" etc etc etc etc

When did he say any of that stuff?

Btw the law becomes a message of "thou shalt have no tendency to" under grace instead of condemnation under wrath.

>Don't be a pussy, either you want to be a better person or you don't but the path to salvation is by becoming Christ like by following his advice.

Won't make a difference if you don't have Christ in you.

What a waste of a GET.


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Are you going on Atlantiss's Netherwing realm? It's a free WoW The Burning Crusade server (that will eventually progress to Wrath of the Lich King expansion). Unlike other realms it's not shutting down due to Blizzard's half-assed SJW-operated cash grab called WoW Classic. Libtardfeline is wanting to make a 4chon guild, though if you decide to make a Fringe guild he'll join that instead.

Read FAQ https://atlantiss.eu/faq

TBC client https://download.atlantiss.eu/tbc/torrent-tbc.html


Humility bump


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Try reading Kierkegaard, OP. He was a Christian Existentialist and is considered to be the father of Existentialism. Like you, he was also a tortured soul who had to choose between his happiness and his principles.

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Illusionation is not enlightenment, and I'm going to tell you all this definitively: do not pursue enlightenment, it is equivalent to pursuing your own death. Likewise, DO NOT pursue raw illumination -rather, pursue something similar that is better for what you truly desire. To explain to you what I mean I must explain to you four concepts I have logically and categorically figured out and defined over time.

Enlightenment: To be enlightened is to see past the curtain at a cost you do not want to pay, an equivalent to the Faustian argument of trading your soul for a great power. It requires trading your free will for an all-powerful circumstantialness, meaning you get to be one with everything in an abstract vague sense, and achieve a greater subtle unified understanding of things, at the cost of no longer being a player in this game and losing your free will to absolute circumstantial tides of change in the universe. You come into a mystical contact with truth directly in a subtle abstract way, and in doing so destroy your own ability to not be directly influenced by that truth's agenda of sorts. For instance if our administrator of this particular universe made this universe to be built around something arbitrary like dark grey cats, you would forever have that at the core of who you are and have it permanently influencing all that you do, while your free will will be long gone by the time you finally come in contact with whatever arbitrary truths are governing this universal system. Enlightenment's pursuit throughout its teaching requires removing your sense of ego and desire, purifying yourself down to nothing more than a blank sheet of paper, and in doing so has you obsess with loving the unpainted canvas rather than enjoying the healthy pursuit of crafting yourself into a master piece. You trade your soul for truth, in other words. Don't pursue it. This is worse than being delusional -at least when delusional one has some iota of free will.

Illumination: To be illuminated is to know you are immortal with 100% certainty. It does not require throwing away your self in exchange for truth -but has a similar consequence of circumstantialness you also should not desire. To demonstrate this, let's ask a question: What would happen if everyone know upon their death, they would be immortal in some relatively desiraPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Spoken like a true terrorist


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Spoken like a true fag enabler.



Whatever you say terrorist


Where is the term "illumination" originally used in occult texts? I'm interested



right up there with the likes of new world wicca.

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Is there any intersection between programming and magick?

I'm someone who hasn't quite taken the greenpill, somewhere between mundane and neophyte. I see a lot of similarities between the two, using arcane texts to invoke a command on something is a huge parallel.

Most normies would consider programmers to be the wizards of the modern world. I'm in that boat for the most part, but as an aspiring programmer I've got to wonder if there is any way to channel the occult into my programs. Are there any books that discuss this at length? I've downloaded parts of the library and haven't seen anything that addresses this as a larger observation.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Arthur Clarke

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Idea: Why hasn't use IPFS to share the libraries with others?

Better yet, use >>>/hydrus/ to tag books and rebuild the library of Alexandria?



>astral computers

lol no real olollol

there's nothing occult about code that controls an elevator

stop larping you pretend monkey yellow wizkid and get a life!!



can't into jung, his writings were put down on the principle that all you talked about and more was hogwash






https://fauux.neocities.org/login.html Impressed but also disappointed. I wonder whether there's an actual platform behind that site.


XParanormal detector works just as well for summoned spirits as it does wandering ghosts. Keep in mind: the language they know may not be english, thus the words they choose could mean different things than how you normally know them.


I remember back when I was on 4/x/ years ago, some random rich occult anon showed a thread a page of his spellbook. It looked less like an series of incantations and more like a visual set of mathematical equations. Math is the root of all programming, maybe you should try looking for sacred mathematics or something like that.


The thing is, I've heard of something like what >>93702 was talking about in regards to a "Psychic Internet" of sorts. It involved a specific sigil, and the last time I heard about it was when some thelema dude in the IRC I was in musing on the intent to make a trolling thoughtform with the express purpose of causing informational chaos in it.

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Christian here. I am scared to admit that I am convinced with the whole God=Saturn, Jesus=Satan=Prometheus thing. I want to learn more but I am scared of eternal damnation if I turn my back to God and start looking at other beliefs. Any ex-Christians here that has the same problem as me?

Also where do I start to find the truth?

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Don't worry, keep on the path, keep questing.




No self-respecting God would condemn you out of questioning reality. And if he did, he'd be an asshole. Specially if you've been "good" according to some basic common ethical ground.

Indeed if you truly get into exploring these stuffs, having a "good heart" will probably save your ass a couple of times.

Also, fast track: Get some Psilocybe shroomies and ask them (I mean truly ask them before you eat them) to show you what is this really about. Then lie down on your coach and wait.



God killed Jesus, it took three days, but Jesus was able to get revenge, then he returned to tell his disciples about it. After the day of Pentecost, he took to the heavens with his new Army of angels and is taking the battle back at those that would keep humans down. Someday he will return and we will be free.



earth is hell


i believe that Earth is the time to prove ourselves

i believe there is a life worse than this something akin to hell and a life better than this something akin to heaven

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I write this to those of you who are still on the Chaos wheel of endless acquisition. Some day, you'll get tired of the game. You'll see that the cycle is by definition incapable of scratching the deep itch that you need attended to.

When that day comes, I just ask you to consider that the Buddha has the technology to alleviate your deep-seated dissatisfaction.

Good luck out there, frens.

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>. It's important to get Nagarjuna's material in front of people in that process,

yikes, cringe and blue-pilled



You wanna fall into poverty? Cuz that's how you fall into poverty.

Too many hippy burnouts end up roaming the streets, believing they can just ignore material conditions of existence.

The material realm must be dealt with detachment, but it doesn't disappear just because you stop believing in it.


What is this thread supposed to be for?


The Buddhapill is raoften misinterpreted. Or rather, there are many Buddhapills. Which one did you have in mind?


Any actual discussion of Buddhism requires an understanding and exploration of Nirvana and Samara.


If everything is Samsara, and the ultimate Nirvana is supposed to end it all…

Is Sunyata real? What appears real to us is Samsara…

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Someone to ask me a question about the initial exercise of Initiation into Hermetics?

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It's not arrogance if you're right. Your claims are subjective, but I appreciate the levelheadedness. The principles are an objective matter, though. If they do indeed reveal the underlying similarities between other magical sects, then this is only evidence that all magical traditions find their root in Hermeticism, against their objections. The same can be said for any chemist, mathematician, or astrologer. They can all (objectively) find their root in Hermeticism.

The principles are law. The principles are irrefutable. The principles are the only written word from that which is divine. All magic owes credit to this body of god given information, but some would rather just sell oils on etsy while ignoring the great work.

Your level of initiation determines your understanding of the principles, because passive acceptance alone will do you no good. Magic is a science, you wouldn't get a pass in math class for simply accepting a formula as true just because it's inherent in reality. You must learn and understand also, a skill apparently lacking in most here.



you need to lurk more bucko



Why this and not that, so goes the question.

It's the best so far, perhaps but is it good enough? And why is it good?

It's the most concise? Could be more concise honestly.

Is it based on precedent? No one knows it's origin apparently. Personally it's just one of many things I plan on researching for what is most genuine in terms of precedent of logic and appeal to antiquity…

I think anyone smart enough can use their common sense to recreate something like the 7 principles, and perhaps more concisely!


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You say that anyone smart enough should be able to do such things, yet you have done nothing yourself to amplify or expand on the principles. This is an admission of ignorance, and I've seen this kind of trap/diversion before.

You can go ahead and try to find the source of the Kybalion, of course. I actually encourage you to. It always leads back to heresay and the green tablets, but those are "just a myth". I'll tell you I told you so later.

Hermes sends his regards.



>yet you have done nothing yourself to amplify or expand on the principles.

What makes you say that?

Would you like something to be amplified or expanded on? I am always open to dialogue?

>Green tablets

Did you mean the Emerald tablets? They aren't the meds you swallow buddy.

File: 770136633e7ecd9⋯.jpeg (6.41 KB, 280x267, 280:267, lain.jpeg)


Do you love Lain ?

The Cult of Lain is real, I'm not talking Tsuki project bullshit. There is a growing movement of Lainists around the world.

Close this world. Open the Next.

140 posts and 59 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



File: 4fc96f8a803ebdd⋯.jpg (23.73 KB, 800x800, 1:1, DhFt042V4AA9nLB.jpg)



more like /cringe/


File: 87b6f2dba7a2cc2⋯.png (239.57 KB, 840x1025, 168:205, goddessa.png)


this is the first time ive ever seen another lainist who wasnt trolling. i feel less alone now, though i know we are never alone. it feels nice to see someone else out there who sees Lain for what she is; a goddess.



you know, in higurashi after the incident in all the doomed timelines they promptly filled the swamp with cement

maybe thats a lesson.

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