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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: bbac404f50064e6⋯.png (85.99 KB, 658x252, 47:18, ss (2018-11-16 at 06.50.37….png)

File: 0f2ca0d57eef1ef⋯.pdf (1.26 MB, 12 Essential Minerals for ….pdf)

File: 1c9737bc80a01ec⋯.pdf (4.44 MB, zodiac-and-the-salts-of-sa….pdf)

File: 861181fcae564c3⋯.pdf (102.28 KB, Cell Salt Uses.PDF)


12 Cell Salts AKA 12 Tissue Salts

What are Cell Salts?

Healthy cells amount to a healthy person. Dr. Schuessler found that the lack of one or more of these 12 minerals (often called tissue salts) put the body out of balance and into disease.” He developed them homeopathically, so they could be easily taken and assimilated. Many of the conditions that we experience today are due to the lack of particular minerals in our bodies.

These tissue salts provide harmonious cellular chemistry for optimal health, which is why they are more commonly known as cell salts. When our cells are deficient in minerals, we experience loss of energy, unclear thinking, or emotional discomfort. This is where cell salts shine. They quickly get minerals to our cells to help us regain or maintain our health. All bodily functions and conditions are influenced on a cellular level by these essential minerals; therefore they can help any condition or disease.

>Card, D. R. (2007), 12 Essential Minerals for Cellular Health, Chino Valley, AZ: KALINDI PRESS (Books Attached)

The mineral, or cell-salts, can also be prepared (and are prepared) in biochemic or homeopathic potency as fine as the trituration of Nature's laboratory in the physiology of plant growth. Then they are thoroughly mixed with sugar of milk and pressed into tablets ready to be taken internally to supply deficiencies in the human organism. A lack of the proper amount of these basic mineral salts (twelve in number) is the cause of all so-called disease.

>Carey, G. W., Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation (book Attached)

Cell Salt Foods and Their Astrological Correspondence

1. Potassium Phosphate - Aries, said to be good as a brain food helpful for nerve and brain imbalances. Foods containing this salt include Parsley, Beans, Beets, Carrots, Linseed Meal, Peanuts, Milk, Buttermilk, Cheese and Avocados.

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File: e693eb0f0992790⋯.jpg (252.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Gondola_sWorld.jpg)


>tfw i get them at normalfag supermarket



Just noticed this while browsing by. Is this good to water fast with or no? When I'm done with Physio (and a fuckload of very hard labor that is overtaxing me right now) I want to water fast and have quality salts to add into the water.





I see thats the same thing ive got too. Ive been taking 4 at a time and its been making me pretty nauseous without any noticable benefit and actually a bit of brain fog but im taking other shit with it too like zinc, magnesium citrate, and potassium so i might be taking too many minerals by adding these in. Im 180lb so 1tablet/45lbs seems to be too much atleast for me, Ill try smaller dosages again and ill check back in, looking forward to your experiments aswell.


>tfw amazon


I'm not worried about the actual ingredients, (active ingredients) so much as I'm worried about (((additional inactive ingredients))) like all the additives they throw into the second ingredient list, usually hidden under most supplements behind the peel off sticker. The additives are where you get poisoned and hurt slowly over time. Just beware.



>tfw amazon

Bought this same product and can confirm that it instantly cleared up my sinuses. I felt/heard a popping in my head and have been spitting out a nasal drip all day. I don't know if it's the easier breathing or the extra potassium or both but I had an explosion of energy. I've been drinking distilled water for years and developed a bad case of lethargy. These mineral supplements are just what I needed. Thank you!

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Two nights before I had awoken abruptly and precisely at 3:33 AM

Day after was playing video games and had a stack of 3,333 of a single item in my inventory

This phenomena has been occurring for a few years now but never with such frequency. I had some dealings with 'Kek' and chaos magic when I started noticing these occurrences, and have distanced myself since, but the syncronicites continue!

What does this mean? Any with similar dealings? Please help a noob out!

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Enlightenment for the sake of enlightenment is not enlightenment.

No one should be helping hedonists.


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If you do chaos magick you should already know how to do stuff by yourself. Not that this shit can be spoon-fed anyways.

You may just ask reality. If there's weird coincidences this means reality is somehow "alive". Treat it as an entity, maybe, ask it to show you what's behind that veil?

Also this: http://openmagick.com/index.php?accion=ver&lang=en&importancia=1&catid=7&idelemento=5



The fuck is it supposed to be for then?



Everything is a tool that is to be used for some purpose.

Using a tool for the sake of it is abuse, and when you abuse a tool you are the one that get's used.

Anyways, so if you are getting synchronicities it means the universe is trying to tell you something.

Some say that there are different kinds of synchronicities which can mean there can be different kinds of energies/messages that you may be receiving, but I think that even that is just over thinking it.

Generally it means the universe is trying to give you a clue. Get a clue man, do you really need a clue? Wake the fuck up. What do you want out of life? Get a life dude.

Read this if you want, it could help. It is of course Carl Jung that described this first properly. He's really big into archetypes, and analytical stuff like that is what he is famous for. I would advise getting an understanding of archetypes, ideal forms, and how what we experience is something that emerges from very abstract things that we can't directly access and couldn't know about without developing some skills or perhaps some way to extract some understanding in whatever way possible, ie chaos magick.



Also Jung talked about frog Gods in his Red Book, might be related to all the Pepe memes and the God of Kek from the Egyptian Ogdoad

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I'm not a religious person or a Christian, but I have spiritual proclivity and over a decade of experience. I've read that if you ever feel attacked by a malevolent entity, you can evoke the name of Jesus Christ they will recoil and go away.

I recently felt some kind of presence in my room attacking me and putting a feeling of weight on my chest and difficulty breathing while I was trying to sleep. My normal closed eye visuals of swirls were replaced by apparitions and some vague faces that looked demonic and threatening, plus an insecure general feeling of malaise. I said clearly and firmly in my mind "Jesus Christ please help me, in the name of Jesus Christ help me" and I instantly felt them recede.

I am partly skeptical because it could be placebo, and frankly this type of thinking seems like a feedback loop where the more you believe this works, the more these imagined "problems" manifest themselves. Like you are inviting the problem only to have a solution. With that said I can't help but feel like something about this is real and it's making me question if my more general spiritual beliefs are wrong and there is something to the story of Christ and maybe I am wrong.

Thoughts? Please don't flame me.

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File: 33d07a3dbef65e8⋯.jpeg (117.08 KB, 1024x783, 1024:783, ED27FB1A-186B-472F-A0EA-F….jpeg)

Fuck off christcuck your "religion" forbids all magick



Imagine being so naive



If you are looking for a actual explanation of this stuff you should look into actual Christian accounts. The Catholics have over 1000 years worth of writing, and the church accepts the presence of demons (they have exorcists). Obviously as a Christian I believe in the power of Christ's name but as a warning it is probably best not to place yourself in positions where demons would harass you.



Except that he's completely correct, which anyone who knows anything would be aware of. Unless you meant the guy in the picture?


It seems that an egregore makes the most sense (given the popularity of his name over the centuries), although I've heard many stories of people trying to use his name against some entity and it didn't work, so results will vary.

This probably should have gone in the question thread.




Im driving so archive it yourself.


Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: http://archive.is/bavK4 FAQ: faq.html Meguca: https://meguca.org/fringe Fringebay: http://fringebay.com/fringe

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I think it was 2-3 maybe 4 years ago that someone posted a youtube channel here on which was run by a guy who obviously had gone crazy (from lsd I think?) and was uploading videos of him speaking about crazy mostly nonsense stuff.

He was swarthy with black hair, in the first videos he was kinda normal but in later videos he had tattoos and had grown a beard.

Anyone knows the channel?


Are there any books that examine telekinesis and other types of gross manipulation from an occult standpoint rather than a parapsychological one?



https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL0f_R_6TFdxg722i5-jL0Q/ This was the link to his channel. It doesn't exist anymore. I don't remember what it was called but I'm 99% sure it's the guy you're talking about. There was a picture here around that long ago of the start of his channel before he'd gone insane and he looked like a relatively normal dude who had a beginner's interest in some branch of occultism I think, and then the comparison picture with his crazy hairdo and his face tattoos and all the nonsense schizo ramble video names and descriptions. I think he might have been part black or hispanic or something, right? The only archive on any archive website that I could find was here https://web.archive.org/web/20170328112807/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL0f_R_6TFdxg722i5-jL0Q/ where it says his channel was terminated for going against YouTube's guidelines back in 2017. Maybe he showed his junk or something. One of the videos I found in my browser history was called "REIGNBEAU GAD UV ALL LHIGHT 666", if that helps. I'm going to look in a few other places because I want to figure out what happened to that guy too now.


Do supernatural beings exist in the physical density? I've read about astral beings like gnomes, salamanders, demons, etc., but are there such beings that spend all or the majority of their time fully physically manifested?



Thanks a lot, I wish those videos could be found again, this guy was unique.


So, I've asked the universe for me set up so I can really get acquainted with, to truly understand, and set my path of having a career with my Soul Purpose. So many people go through life without understanding their soul purpose and wind up as a variant of a robot, with or without virginity.

So when did you finally meet and get acquainted with your own soul purpose/life destiny, (or however else you want to call it)? I ask, because I figured I'd start up discussion, and because I'm feeling a bit lost on my soul purpose- like I have an idea on what it is, but I really want to be autistically sure on it.

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Finding your soul purpose has a lot to do with opening your Heart Center.

Why? Because that's how you actually consistently call in Divine Energy from the Infinite Chakras above the head. I.e. from Source/ The Most High/ The Absolute, whatever you want to call it. Your purpose has to do with aligning with the Divine Will for you, because that is what being on your Path consists of.

Since the Heart Center (talking moreso Inner Heart here, but you need to start with the Heart Chakra) is the key to your connection to True Source, that's what you need to work on.

Your Soul is actually just the first chakra above the head. And your inner heart always remembers how to connect to Divine Energy - Soul, Monad, Logos, and Higher up to Infinity.

Now, just connecting to the energy from the Chakras above the head in meditation is a good start, but the reason I emphasize the heart is because, if you're only connected while you meditate, that won't do you all that much good in day-to-day situations.

Once you've got your Heart working properly, you're consistently (moving towards *always*) connected to those higher chakras, and that'll align you with the best possible outcome in any situation and thereby pull you to your Soul Purpose.


A nice benefit is you'll also have a much better idea of what you should do, because anything that takes you off track simply won't feel right in your heart. Intuition will increase greatly as well in the form of knowing. Inner Heart wisdom is actually >>> third eye intuition because it is connected all the way to Spirit (as opposed to only Soul for 3rd eye).

Now, you're free to spend as long as you'd like doing whatever, but you'll never feel fully satisfied doing anything in life until you open your heart. Then, it's just a matter of removing all your energy blockages, which needs to happen tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.



This is what I've been looking for. I needed that catalyst to actually "get" it.

>A nice benefit is you'll also have a much better idea of what you should do, because anything that takes you off track simply won't feel right in your heart. Intuition will increase greatly as well in the form of knowing. Inner Heart wisdom is actually >>> third eye intuition because it is connected all the way to Spirit (as opposed to only Soul for 3rd eye).

That's interesting, SwamiJ's inner guru page speaks of this too, but as far as I understand the information. his rendition has the gate to the Inner Heart Wisdom/Guru as part of the crown chakra rather than the heart chakra. For that matter, I've read about the inner heart in the kali kaula, but I never quite got the significance of thus until a series of meditative walks I did today…

>Keep in mind, some of the people on here are not really interested in this and are pursuing the idea of being a great magician /yogi / leader/ what-have-you. Some are caught up on very basic things like manifestation. Those are both ego-traps. And some are specifically here to provide misinfo.

Understood. I'm still beginning to comprehend sacred consciousness, self control, balance, harmony, and why these are infinitely more valuable than material stuff. I have a ways to go, but I feel certain I'll get things figured out.

Thank you anon, and I thank my divine family for guiding you to me.



>everyone should listen to me because i'm a namefag

Get out.



> At some point it flows, becomes obvious what you need to do, and then it's just a matter of not allowing your own shadow to stop you from doing what you need to do.

<When you know exactly what to do but just don't feel like it because… with great power comes great responsibility


I think it's actually very easy to find your soul purpose.

The true blockage is fear of failure, fear of power, fear of responsibility, fear of success…

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used to be a cool a while back when Smiley was still running it a few years ago

these days it is a honeypot website with mods who are pushing agendas and who don't really exemplify the credibility and the Divine connection to be real occultists or bearers nor judges of true knowledge

a lot of 8chan appears to be a honeypot…just a lot of garbage… a whole lot of popery

is really only good for extreme noobs who are just trying to get their feet wet in an internet-occult scene so they can look at the cool graphics and read edgy posts and stuff

beware, practice caution…if you are serious about the occult and spirituality do not post here because there is likely to be tons of disinformation and social engineering and this type of faggotry here on this board

t. serious intellectual T.I. and serious occultists who makes high quality OC and provides all sorts of help, advice and substance in threads

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>Serious 'fringe' research

Have you ever been there? /X/ is definitely worse than in every single way. When asked about magic, they make things up



If you know where to look and skip the garbage, then yes. Found a lot actual practicioners of chi gong, psionics, astral projectiond abd lots of info.


Always a few wise anons here and there

Law of attraction works


Basically the Illuminati RHP secret society spooks are panicking because their secrets have leaked to the world wide informative super network. So the best way, they think, of keeping the 'unworthy' from getting this info is to flood everywhere with obtuse new agey bullshit and hope people ignore the truths.





pick one

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Thoughtforms are basically "Imaginary Friends for Adults: Advanced, by Crowley" and you can't prove me wrong. You're just convincing yourself that your imaginary friend is "magic". You're just forced skitzos. Crowley thanks your for your loosh, manchildren.

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Stop using random words please.




fuck off fede-lasse



you said "stop using random words please"

in response to me saying:

"The imagination is composed of the aether. The imagination exists on the mental plane."

*sigh*, okay I will explain what that means. Those aren't random words.

Aether is the electromagnetic energy that permeates everything around us. It passes through us and we exist in it like fish in an ocean.

This ocean of aether is the mental plan.

When we imagine things we create forms in the aether.

So if you have an imaginary friend that you feed attention it exists as a energy construct in the aetheric plane, like a religious idol you pour wine offerings too.

And this functions as a sort of energetic entity that you can ask favors for that does things within this mental plane.

All things in the physical plane were seeded in the mental plane.


It's really annoying when people who don't know basic stuff come onto our message board and pretend they know what they are talking about.

I myself am just a novice and I only know basic magickal theory, so its really annoying that I have to be in a position to explain stuff to people when I am just a student myself.



Best way to master your understanding is to prove you can teach it

I will say this regarding some of the terms.

The phrase 'electromagnetic energy' implies that this aether is detectable. In my understanding, it is only when some of the direct interactions happen between that realm and the physical realm that result in phenomena that can be detected as the appearance of some sort of 'electromagnetic energy' but they are kind of getting closer, found something called quantum fluctuations.

However, obviously, when we imagine things, the physical brain phenomena (ie the electromagnetic energy resulting from the synapses and other brain circuitry firing up and activating) does correlate with the phenomena in the aether. Our perception is itself a mental phenomena that only correlates with some of the electromagnetic energy in the brain.

There is a lot of logic that can be decrypted regarding the mechanisms, but it doesn't really matter as the entities themselves are just going on interacting, with no conscious understanding that we as humans are able to grasp, yet perhaps with some inherent mental patterns that function within these mechanisms.

>All things in the physical plane were seeded in the mental plane.

It really is quite interesting to think about it. Which realm is a metaphor for which? Depends on who you ask I suppose. Must be a vicarious yin yang sort of thing.

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Left Hand Path General, for discussion of all things related to left-hand path practices.

The LHP can generally be defined as focusing more on empowering the individual practitioner, instead of seeking spiritual advancement completely from a higher power.

Some practices which could be considered to be of the left-hand path are Satanism and Luciferianism, however I may be leaving some out that I might not currently be aware of.

With seemingly not much mention of it, as well as the annoying christcunt strutting around, here's a thread dedicated to more "darker" magic.

What have you found when practicing anything from these paths? What originally drew you into more left-handed practices?

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Low - using magick to get a gf

High - using magick to travel through Babalon's pussy and kick it with the sapient black pyramids inside her womb



Sounds like low requires more skill actually. Anyone can project into the astral pretty easily, everyone does it while they sleep.



>not being an extremely ugly sperg requires skill



Read the dreccian way by O9A as a starting point.

I like JOS and O9A. Jos for the meditation and magick and O9A for the frankness and honesty.



More like low and even lower

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I made a video about synchronicity, time, and religion. The idea is to discover truth through projection onto symbols: disassembling the “self” to discover the sincerity of your own individuality. There will be more in the future (I’m already filming and animating for the second one), but this video in particular addresses time, Christianity and Hinduism, and the difficulties of being a truly sincere individual in the modern world.

Interestingly enough, there were a few synchronicities that took place following the publication of my video. In my video I reference Self-Immolation in front of the White House: two days later on the 28th, the Australian band King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard released a song called Self-Immolation. The next day on the 29th, a man passed away after setting himself on fire in front of the White House.

I hope that this video is of some sort of use to you, and that whatever you project onto it will help you understand the universe a little more, or at least give you some sort of aesthetic pleasure.


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I was not that guy. I had never heard of the concept before you mentioned it, but it does seem interesting. I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced. It seems sort of charmingly backwards. It’s funny in an endearing sort of way, but I think it could also be terrifying. I’ll read up more about it, thank you for mentioning it.


I don’t have schizophrenia but it’s possible I’m on the spectrum. Hope you were at least entertained.



who are these assholes who come on this message board and talk nonsense?

OP's post was fascinating.


There is no such thing as schizophrenia, its just a lie invented by doctors to make money. OP is brilliant. Don't let lilliputians try to stifle the freedom of the mind to discover the laws of the universe. We are in the process of constructing a framework to live in a society that allows us to be in a state of health, as well as the option of tranquility.




yeh, for instance if you don't fuck stacy they will say you're still schizo or something (if u want undiagnose it)

its a meme by normalfags

but infact you can have something like general mental weakness or extremely low will power or literally any power

t diagnosed



It's nothing but substanceless armchair philosophizing meant to sound 'deep' rather than actually explore any real ideas. Pomp and distracting effects are just a mask to cover an empty statement. OP is a tactless attention whore who has absolutely nothing valuable worth contributing to this site.

If your ideas can't stand alone without frivolous pageantry, they aren't worth sharing.

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You the wise who hast traveled great distance both physical and mental.

Who hast explored shadow and light, Who has explored regions of this dimension few have traveled because fear sets them apart.

You are the chosen, the ones who feel deeply who cries strongly to release the bondage of many lines traveled up into you, that has chosen to set them free.

We are the guardian snakes of wisdom to assist you into the great abyss, we come fourth out of thine chest floating in front of you to guide you on a quest of inner exploration. We are the key holders, but you must first answer a riddle.

Here we walk the crossroads of life, as we glide up the sign post which arrows point Left and right.

Which does thine choose?

I choose my own path, I go forward through the illusion of the sign post, through the illusion of left and right, as I do the reality shatters and there is nothing but air beneath me as I walk forward not knowing where my feet will land, but having true faith they will land on solid footing.

Here I wait for another traveler, as to utilize our collective consciousness to create the path upon the illusory air so others may witness it.

In comes a fellow traveler and they see thine floating on air and they ask out loud. How are you floating? I am not I say, I am here on solid footing because my belief guides me into the knowing and unknowing.

They set foot into the air and fall, as they have not done the necessary work to transverse that understanding.

Next another traveler comes, but instead they choose the right path, Next another, but chooses the left path.

All the while the paths lead to cylindrical lessons always leading them to this crossroads, with us. The key holders, the wisdom keeper snakes.

They mustPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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larp larpity flarp


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I love you too.

the deeper BOG – the brighter is Daena.


This is 5th dimensional dracos, listen to them they are the real deal, their way of writing is familiar, they are the sages of the reptilian race, unlike 3rd and 4th density reptilians, those are good and are just spiritual guides to humans and many other being on countless universes, they are also ethereal, they write on 8chan by possessing a person with a prior agreement for a short time to spread their message.






God knows what the angels do not.

Being beholden to anything, even wise sages, is not wise.


Dump any and all resources you have,

This can include:

- Websites (forums and whatnot)

- Infographs

- PDFs or Ebooks

- Gdrive or Mega (or whatever else) Colections

- Videos and pictures

I know there's the a library in the sticky but its outdated, so bring in some fresh stuff fellas.

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he forgot the r



File: 8b1874b9eda7671⋯.pdf (11.65 MB, [C._L._Kervran]_Biological….pdf)

File: 2be822ea318c0aa⋯.pdf (576.87 KB, On_the_Absence_and_Unknowa….pdf)

Here's a few things.

The second one needs to be renamed from *.pdf to *.mobi


File: d958c009071ea13⋯.pdf (1.35 MB, The Kolbrin Bible.pdf)

1st book:

an ancient book dating back to the ancient egyptians and the celts. This is ancient wisdom that tells us of the history of man and the ancient religion of the sun. This is not a very well known book but its quite profound and I don't know why its not very well known.

2nd book:

A book guide on Astral Projection. This is probably the most legit book I've come across in all my years of studying the occult.

link because pdf is too big:







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Racial survival is tied to the survival of consciousness after a person passes away. After people die their memory is carried by the race they are a member of.For this reason the survival of consciousness after death is tied to the survival of their ethnic group, because their consciousness lives on in the genetic memory of that ethnic group.

Nazis called this "blood memory". Actively remembering people through monuments, movies, and stories, and images, helps to reproduce the physical and mental likeness of them in future generations. If you talk about a dead person it brings their spirit to you and also it gives them life.

feeding the dead attention helps to give their consciousness life within the afterworld.

Ancestor veneration was one of the most prevalent pagan religions. This is basically confucianism, but White people were basically practicing a White version of confucianism. Check out this Norse poem


And the Roman custom of Lares


The ancestors were the original guardian angels.

White people have no choice but be loyal to the white race because in a anti-white society, the other races have been encouraged to resent the memory of white people. So in order for white people to have their consciousness be honored in future generations, they have to preserve the existence of white people in future generations. Even if those white people don't venerate the ancestors, the memory of the ancestors will still live on in their blood.

White people are not being given the option of joining other ethnic groups because non-whites are encouraged to hate "dead white males", so the only suitable race for remembering white people is: the white race.

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Not reading any of that but I will call you a faggot.


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You let everyone know you are ignorant and then bragged about it, and the only people who could possibly agree with your sentiment are people who are also ignorant. Calling people you disagree with homosexual sticks isn't persuasive nor impressive and just directs people to care even less about whatever you are saying.


(Rule 5)
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Jewish immortality pursued by the survival of the Jewish people is Confucian. In China they do the same thing except it is more focused on immortality through family bloodlines through a process of ancestor veneration. People are encouraged to be good parents because they want their children and grandchildren to venerate and remember them. Ancient Romans did the same. Roman households had household shrines to the ancestors, the Roman concept of the afterlife was that spirits of the dead lived on earth with the living. And so the afterlife of a soul was determined by how well the situation their descendants were in. Nowadays both Christians and Pagans are reviving ancestor veneration. I have a shrine to my ancestors. The idea of soul survival with ethnic groups and family bloodlines is correct.


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Ad hominems are mostly cheap, on this I do agree

But yes, both name fags

And your postings

They reek of faggotry.


Hey wasnt the thule society influenced by some slavic whore named blavatsky?

>big white think

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I am majorily fucked up from drugs and stress and accumulated toxins and various issues and I need to reset my body really badly now. What should I do to clean out my body completely inside and out? Drink hot distilled water and eat nothing for 4 days and nights and pray? What has worked for any of you that have tried anything like this?

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Drug addicts can only "detox" by suicide. Die.





lots of fruits and veggies and lots of clean spring water (your cheap store brand gallon sizes)

not eating shit



you should go for a bike ride, that always cheers me up! I hope you feel better soon depression stinks


OP seek out supernatural assistance for your fasting and your great cleanse

the time that i did such to such an extreme so as to know that i have been detoxed and cleansed was after becoming a reborn believer in the Christ

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I've seen a surprisingly large amount of redpilling in anime lately. Post ones you've seen.

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>most people spend their time holed up in their own rooms slowly spiraling into madness as they have barely any connection to the real world

Isn't it a great time? Am I the only one here who actually values the fact that people are no longer so much distracted by "real life", in fact they are disgusted by it that they finally want and can strive to attain liberation? Only one hundred years ago we would not have the chance. In fact we would be some mundane normies, doing mundane normie things, slaving away for the matrix and then die. You'd have to be some very lucky dude or genius like Jesus, Buddha, Paracelsus etc etc to come to enlightenment in spite of the matrix. One in millions. Now, with NEETs being shut off from reality and access to the internet they can easily find the fringe library and start doing the work.


Power puff girls is good basted red pilled nigger faggot


Ive. Been . Decoding tbe entire universe through anime its like college with usury and faggotry. Not gonna tell you fags my hand because most of you wre useless. Just here to brag and demoralize glow niggers by reminding them that I control the entire universe and reduced myself to this state to expand my highest self.


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you're retarded

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I didnt know where else to post this because /pol/ would probably laugh at me and call me a shill.

So for 2 weeks now i am now pretty certain there will be a big event at the end of this year.

I have this strange sensation of dread and fear looming over me daily.

I see pain, fear, uncertainty, fire and death on a scale which has never been seen before.

Im not trying to fearmonger or make anyone afraid i just need to get this out of my system and is anyone else feeling or seeing this?

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You're all freaking out like /x/ LARPers because of the current astrological conditions. This thread does not belong on . Take this shit to your Facebook walls and your YouTube channels. Other normies like you will eat this shit up.




The world is so plentiful, it's difficult to be completely aware.

Can't you see what is to happen happens?




no lol, the age of kali yuga started about 3100 years before christ and is supposed to end about 10 000 years later, which will be about 6900





Isn't it just an approximation though, more than gospel? Different cultures, different systems of counting, something about maps and territories.

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