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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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>It's all about activating schizophrenia with fear of impending death, and then immediately thinking about something that would save you from that death. This will activate your pineal gland and your subconscious will turn into a biological supercomputer. The Illuminati all have schizophrenia essentially, their pineal glands are activated to give them amazing athletic ability. The guys on Dude Perfect that make those trick shots? Yeah, they make them the first time, every time, simply because their subconscious is calculating and performing the shot with 100% accurate muscle control based on its calculations from previous handling of the objects.

>If you've never had a fear of impending death in your life. You can be programmed to turn your mind into a bio supercomputer and use your subconscious to do mad trick shots like Dude Perfect and be an untrained world-class fighter from just watching fight moves. Simply, the never-death-feared initiate is threatened by someone and they say "If you don't get God powers, I'll kill you". And then boom, the initiate instantly gets schizophrenia (activated pineal gland) and his subconscious becomes a supercomputer slave to him. He simply has to say to himself in his mind "get me this shot" or "beat this guy", and he'll be turned into an aimbot or an expert fighter until the command is fulfilled.

>The pyramids were built by the Illuminati. Basically the chief architect was a never-death-feared, and he was threatened by someone with "If you don't get the great pyramid built perfectly within 20 years, I'll kill you". And immediately his pineal gland would have activated, and would have trained his IQ and charisma very high and made him the most efficient boss.

>All the workers also would have been programmed by "do your job perfectly, or you will die".

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It's /pol/ - they're probably not as educated or don't know any better words to convey their message with.



That's a fair point to take into consideration. When I was a neophyte I also thought I was willingly succumbing to some kind of aberrant mental break, so in that sense I sympathize.

With that said, I feel sorry for /pol/ since most of its regulars have infodumped themselves into a delirium and are not in a position to easily discern useful material from a kind of data salad of half-truths. It isn't like we aren't used to that on other boards and certainly on here, but /pol/ is caught in a self-defeating narrative loop, and I fear that most of the exits out for them are going to be rejected out of hand. It's a shame since their energies reach such a fever pitch that they would make for fantastic initiates if they hadn't already uncritically fallen prey to a series of paranoia complexes.

Who knows, though? If this sparks something, there might be hope for them.



I think all the /pol/acks with any potential already broke out years ago heh



I kept lingering around them because I still fell for the idea that they were just like any other anons - oldfigs and anons from other boards - and not the mess that they still are.



>You can enter a state of gnosis using super-strong amounts of any human emotion, but for someone who has no idea what the fuck they're doing, they should stick to stuff like Love and Happiness. Imagine something you love like really strongly and how nice it is to be with it/him/her. Imagine that someone comes up to you and gives you something really fucking awesome, like amazingly unbelievably awesome. Imagine that moment when you hit a casino jackpot, or win the lottery. Keep mentally hyping yourself up, like "Oh my god, this is happening, this is really happening!" until you hit gnosis.

I believe I've hit that kind of potent, power emotion when I got scared shitless over some mystery figure stalking me over the internet and hijacking my stuff. It's fairly recent, and it's more of a desperate "shock to action" than a negative emotion.

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I've been on the path to knowledge for 21 years.

Initiated and taught by my extremistic master for 13 years every day.

I know something or at least have insight on any possible subject.

So come and challenge my ways. Ask away! No matter what!

I take critique and learn too if you tell your ways.

So, all-topic discussion and answers to anything!

With Mër ~

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thank you, i think i understand the concept.

I'll try blades since I have a bunch of knives lying around anyways.


Dad's been a piece of shit and treats me like a retard, even after 19 years. Is there a way to JUST him through gnosis or any other psychic shit?



Can you help me to understand the differences between these different "selections"

>all of the pagan options

>all of the 卐 options

>the #woke option

>the gondola option

>the wizard options

>the "pill" options

I currently don't know much about any of these options as it stands now, the most I can confidently identify with is the national socialist option, but I want to go deeper.


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>actual paths

Pic related should help



Memes of this type are disinfo. Various organizations comprising nominally different sects of a materially ruling class, typically associated with "the illuminati," are not *the* Illuminati, that is, the one which is actually important, which is without the need for classical organization. People who don't know any better take things at face/name value from other people who know even less. It's like saying that someone who knows karate also must know aikido because they're both martial arts schools, or that they are both "controlled" by kung fu, because someone who doesn't know anything about martial arts got karate chopped one time and now has a podcast about it.

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Declaration of Principles:

1. We affirm God as Mind, Infinite Being, Spirit, and Ultimate Reality.

2. We affirm that God, the Good, is supreme, universal, and everlasting.

3. We affirm the unity of God and humanity, in that the divine nature dwells within and expresses through each of us, by means of our acceptance of it, as health, supply, wisdom, love, life, truth, power, beauty, and peace.

4. We affirm the power of prayer and the capacity of each person to have mystical experience with God, and to enjoy the grace of God.

5. We affirm the freedom of all persons as to beliefs, and we honor the diversity of humanity by being open and affirming of all persons, affirming the dignity of human beings as founded on the presence of God within them–, and, therefore, the principle of democracy.–

6. We affirm that we are all spiritual beings, dwelling in a spiritual universe that is governed by spiritual law, and that in alignment with spiritual law, we can heal, prosper, and harmonize.

7. We affirm that our mental states are carried forward into manifestation and become our experience in daily living.

8. We affirm the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven here and now.

9. We affirm expression of the highest spiritual principle in loving one another unconditionally, promoting the highest good for all, teaching and healing one another, ministering to one another, and living together in peace, in accordance with the teachings of Jesus and other enlightened teachers.

10. We affirm our evolving awareness of the nature of reality and our willingness to refine our beliefs accordingly.


Who slipped that democracy crap in?

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How is it being "imposed" on you?



Pretty sure this declaration has been around and existed way before /pol/ has been a thing.



I've never heard of a theism that doesn't recognize god as mind.



>Welp, my "beliefs" disagree with that. There is Truth and there is falsehood. There is Order and the is chaos. There is Power and there is emptiness. These is superior and there is inferior. This is the axiom from which any spiritual path starts. We must learn to see the world with more clarity and discrimination, not less. Only to a blind man are all stones black.

Are you intentionally misunderstanding? They are saying people have the freedom to believe what they will and not be forced to believe other than what their own consciousness dictates. They also say in the last point "We affirm our evolving awareness of the nature of reality and our willingness to refine our beliefs accordingly."

This does not imply any belief is equally valid in terms of truth.



I think I can answer the baby question with the fact they're not in time so it doesn't matter. The exact age one enters into time varies but it could be as early as 1 years old but more like 4 or 5 years old. Until that has happened there are no experiences and the human is just a complex animal running on instinct, no driver behind the wheels, no spirit. The baby is morally irrelevant.

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Ether, the fifth element, is a substance more subtle than air. This means the ether is to air as the air is to the earth. When you gaze into the blackness of outer space you are observing the ether and this can attune your mind to the ether. The ether exists all around us. Physicist Sir Oliver Lodge wrote about scientific explanations of the ether.

SINCE THE ETHER PERMEATES ALL THINGS AND INTERCONNECTS ALL MINDS, IT IS THE ETHER THAT ALLOWS MAGIC RITUALS AND PRAYERS TO AFFECT REALITY, prayers and magic rituals create ripples in the ether and affect what we are focusing on.

The ether allows intuition to work. Intuition is receiving information directly by way of pure impressions by bringing our attention to something. If you close your eyes and think about outer space you may eventually experience thoughts come to your about outer space that provide you information about outer space, without having to perform a set of logical operations. If you look at someone you may have ideas come to you about that person, spontaneous ideas, that communicate you knowledge about that person, but you didn't have to perform logic to get that knowledge. Intuition is simply information coming to you spontaneously just by bringing your attention to something, and this happens because the ether allows this information to be transported by the fact it connects all things and the ether is a sort of information field and our minds are like antenna that can broadcast and receive etheric signals.

Sir Oliver Lodge provides a scientific basis for the existence of ether and he mentions isaac newton did an experiment to prove the existence of the ether. Below are links to his work.


The forgotten books version has print of a good size and can be found on amazon or gotten from the forgotten books website

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It looks like a painting.



Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke

The mind is a technology. Infact anything is a technology if applied as such.



Ether sounds to me a lot like Dark Matter, that thing scientists claim exists because there's no better explanation for why the universe is expanding at an increasing rate, along with some other phenomena I'm forgetting.



>Ether is disproved by special relativity

It wasn't "disproved".

Special relativity is a theory that explains a certain (small) set of experiments, without the need for ether. That's not the same as disproving.

What's needed is to build devices that use ether tech. Tesla did so, I believe.



Ether is real.

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I used to work for a Romani gypsy tarot card reader.


(If you try to shut me up again, I swear, you will lick my boot)

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which old gods?



No but seriously you killed a thread for this, bring something to the table if you want to be taken seriously.

That's my question: What do you have to offer us?


Which deck was she using?

Which deck do you use?

Did she charge money for her readings?



I personally find it interesting even if it just anon reporting the expected.


OP would you be able to do readings for anons on here? For fun? If so how would we go about this? Would I ask some question for you to do a reading about?

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>when you realize a generation of imageboard browsers got mindfucked by the memes into turning into hilarious absurdities that, rationally, you should prefer not to ever become

>when you realize you're a basement dweller NEET, weeb, abnormal, and general fuck up because you got memed on into becoming those things

>when you realize the daily rituals of shitposting and the self-concept you developed out of that and became identified with turned you into a joke

There's a huge difference between the "before imageboards me" and the one after. It changed me drastically, on a physiological level, on every level.

So many young men here whose lives have been drastically altered by pepe and wojack and other shitposting.

Time to meme ourselves into ubermensch now. There is literally no defense to the power of memes other than to avoid exposure or to pick your memes carefully.

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You know, if it wasn't the epidemic it is today, this whole pathological altruism thing… I could turn a blind eye to it.

The fact is the masses at this time worship ugliness, weakness, depravity, and inferiority.

The Hellenistic Greek culture worshiped virility, beauty, strength, and all things good and wondrous. An entire book in the NT had to be written just to show to the Greeks that Jesus was the "ideal man" in a way that they would accept.

Right now, for advocating eugenics, I am faced with universal condemnation by the masses. The improvement of the race. How can this be a bad thing?

When I read my old 1930s and earlier books eugenics was a fairly trendy idea. I think even a Rothschild or some other billionaires were into it and many countries had a stronger eugenics program than today.

Somehow that all went to shit. No, I don't want to hear you guys bash Adolf Hitler and blame him all for this, and I don't think it's all that constructive to point fingers (or is it?)… all the same we live in a society dominated by pathological altruism where the very worst of humanity is inheriting the Earth and the very best of it is dying off.

China at least is not burdened with this cultural decay that the west has and might proceed to creating a generation of children not burdened with sickness, low intelligence, and ugliness. I am not so sure though. It's speculative; could be another pipe dream like all those people who thought we'd all be in flying cars and have large cities built on the moon by now when all we really have is decaying infrastructure, debt, depression, psychiatry, suicides, mongrelization, autism, growing populations of subhumans, pornography, promiscuity, and other such apocalyptic visions.

Nobody who is sentient has any hope for the future amongst the young generation.

Isn't natural law the very law which god set down? That the weak and miserable would die early, and that the happy and strong would multiply? This is completPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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There are many types of Eugenic practices, some are good and some are bad. If Sparta was right then they would still exist today. So clearly they weren't right. We have eugenics already, our eugenics is called mental institutions. People who are non-conformists have been declared mentally ill for centuries and removed from the genetic pool. This type of eugenics has made westerners, especially white ones, a weak and cowardly people because it seems like the strong were actually removed from the gene pool by way of psychiatry.

And I think state enforced eugenics would have a similar effect. A better way of doing eugenics would simply be to PRAISE SMART PEOPLE. If you praise smart people then women think those people are sexually desirable, if you watch football then women think those people are sexually desirable. So you can do eugenics just by praising the men who have the sort of qualities you would like to see more of in society.

If you get the government involved in sterilizing people you really have no idea where that could lead to, you risk it going in a very bad direction where a very docile and slave-like population is created in the name of purging society of mental illness.


>muh gene pool

>muh magic

pick one, fool


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<muh genetic predisposition towards extrasensory perception.


>If Sparta was right then they would still exist today

Not necessarily. You can have the right practices and still be defeated trough overwhelming numbers. History is the grave of empires.


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Those within the Rh blood group- rhesus compound negative, being either type A- or O- have infact developed some of most well kept genes relating to a blood type. Those within this blood group (Rh-) then qualify for and/or are most pronged to the mutation of paired box genes. Paired box (Pax) genes are a family of genes coding for tissue specific transcription factors containing a paired domain and usually a partial, or in the case of four family members (PAX3, PAX4, PAX6 and PAX7),[1] a complete homeodomain.

Pax group 2 (Pax 2, 5 and 8)

PAX2 has been identified with kidney and optic nerve development. Mutation of PAX2 in humans has been associated with renal-coloboma syndrome.

Pax group 4 (Pax 4 and 6)

PAX6 (eyeless) is the most researched and appears throughout the literature as a "master control" gene for the development of eyes and sensory organs, certain neural and epidermal tissues, etc.

Mutations of these paired box genes result in a coloboma, a mutated eye or iris. Resulting in some of the best genes/eugeneics known to ourselves.

PS- this now leads to the fight known as Pizzagate, as wealthy Ashkenazi Jewish families (Rothschilds, Rockefellers) have begun abducting multiple children with colobomas and Rh- negative blood. I shall link more information about this fight below.




Altruism isn't the problem - it's NAIVE altruism. The belief that by nature, all humans are good and if they become bad it's the fault of their environment. By the way, know what the opposite of this is called, when you believe humans are evil by nature and have to work hard for being good? Realism.

Naive altruism are believes like "Gay people are like you and me." while in reality they are the least loyal and romantically (emotionally) stable people on this planet, changing their partners like socks. Or believing that if only you give refugees a place to stay and enough money to live, they will work hard because they will be thankful.

Everyone DESERVES a chance, sure. But you should always EXPECT the worst. Noone should automatically be considered to be good just for existing alone.


Since there is no thread up about the greatest happening of our time right now I will take the liberty of creating it.

What is the take on Brenton Tarrant?

I read in his manifesto that he contacted "the reborn Knights Templar" to quote it exactly.

The Reborn Knights Templar… who are these guys and what are their doctrines? If anyone here is from the Knights Templar will you speak up?

There's also conspiracies that the whole thing was a hoax and a lot of other conspiracy angles but I refuse to believe these as I do not want to be deceived by the "everything is a hoax and fake" crowd into believing there are no heroes in this world. They want to deprive us of the reality of this great victory.

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The modern Islam you're thinking of is a CIA creation.



Have you ever actually read the Quran?

If you had you'd see ISIS is just doing what Quran tells them to.



Have you ever actually heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?

If you had you'd see the Sith are just doing what Darth Plagueis the Wise told them to.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n

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Have you ever actually seen Middle Eastern culture?

If you had you'd see ISIS is just doing what the CIA tells them to.



I see you've taken the [redacted]!

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>why don't you prove magick for me

>why must I do the hardwork of figuring it out myself

>yes you, you personally, must prove magick to me; nevermind the shitloads of people mentioned in parapsychological research already who've already demonstrated all of the phenomena of magick

>no I won't read Sorcery by J. Finley Hurley, Science of Miracles by Max Freedom Long, or Magical Use of Thoughtforms by Dolores-Ashcroft-Nowicki

>I'm just going to ignore Wim Hof and that one guy who sets newspaper on fire with his chi who are both on youtube

>I'm just going to ignore Mirin Dajo, William James, Carl Jung, various famous scientists, famous mediums, etc. who are very well documented for what they do

>why, look at this stupid skeptic blog, which fails to actually disprove the accomplishments of genuine occultists by showing ways in which they produce a similar phenomena through trickery but at the same time completely fails to meet all of the requirements of the genuine phenomena

>hey you think that guy set the newspaper on fire with his chi? Well look at my bullshit, you just put these chemicals in here and crumple up the paper, and that's how it catches fire! nvm that the chemicals you're using produce a completely different colour flame and other effects that are totally different from when he used his chi

>heh, you think walking on hot coals is a miracle? look at me scamper across hot coals barely having contact with them for more than a few seconds, this clearly means the men who've been in far hotter piles of coals literally going through them slow or standing there and not getting hurt aren't legit… oh wait I can't reproduce this phenomena with my fedora bullshit at all

>*fedora sweat intensifies* stop showing me all these genuine examples of magick! I'm just going to ignore them all and assume it's a trick, and say science will explain it later! it's all just tricks/illusions/sleight-of-hand!!!

>fuck you, use up your vital energy and many hours of your day to personally prove shit to me

>heh,Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Skepticism isnt about proving people wrong. thats what edgy kids that read Dawkins and Sagan think.

I'm a Skeptic because I want to find the true nature of things and see through deception. If magick is truly real, I would want to have sure proof that it's real before I start putting my energy into it.

Stop being so self conscious that you think anyone that thinks differently from you is personally attacking you. I know theres some secret bullshit that stops you from just telling me how to do it, but honestly I just want to know if it's real or not first.

Its hard to tell on the internet because most of it are just lies or people who convinced themselves through poorly constructed logic that magic is real and they just dick tease people on because its the only thing that gives their life a semblance of control.

Don't treat skeptics as adversaries, they are a lot like you

(if youre telling the truth) they just are curious and want to learn most of the time.



Before you read my tl;dr posts, let me put magic in materialist terms: Magic is a controlled placebo, it's playing pretend until that pretending has an effect upon the experience of the world and its elements. If you're a hard materialist, it's best to assume that it's all a bunch of horseshit and we're just adults with mental problems.

Now that that's out of the way, your post deserves an answer by an actual scientist, which I can provide. To lend some background so that you have some idea of my familiarity with the hard sciences, the scientific method, and the philosophy of science, I have a dual degree in biochemistry and pre-medicine from a public state university, granted within the last five years. I currently work as a research scientist involved in identifying foodborne pathogens. This is no appeal to authority, only an indicator to you that I am not a stranger to STEM fields when I respond here.

>If magick is truly real, I would want to have sure proof that it's real before I start putting my energy into it.

That's not the case. Unless you are the first human in history to do so, you most certainly do not base your interests and investments of your time and energy on the objective truth value of that thing. You base your value off of the personal incentives they provide to you.

Science being 'real' simply cannot be your primary motivator because you don't actually know whether or not any particular datum you classify as scientific is objectively true. You, I am quite certain, do not base your ideas about how the universe is structured on only the experiments which you can independently verify, and if you do, boy you must be an exceptionally busy person to have experimentally proven everything up to the point of being able to claim that skepticism is worth your time. People's motivations have nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not things are empirically correct, and everything to do with whether or not the experiences of those interests hold incentives.

>IPost too long. Click here to view the full text.



>I know theres some secret bullshit that stops you from just telling me how to do it

That has never been the case, it's just that your idea of how magic works has no relation to how magic actually works. There are free resources on how to carry out magical acts, but you don't actually perform them because you're waiting to see if they work, but the only proof of them working is if they fit within your idea of what magic is, and if your idea of magic is stuff that's impossible, then magic is never possible. The moment you are given material proof of a thing which is practically workable, you then attribute it to science, that's what science has been doing since it 'broke off' from magic. You've set up conditions such that it is impossible to prove magic. Science just plays word games when it discovers magic. Google "quantum pseudo-telepathy" and then come back and try to tell me that it fits in any way, shape, or form with either classical physics or your normal experience.

Why is quantum pseudo-telepathy (just as an example) not called magic? Because at least two people in lab coats with degrees from universities that other people (their bosses) know the names of set up a series of objects in relation to a series of thoughts they had and decided to act upon, and then other people looked at those objects and their interactions and heard about the various thoughts those people in lab coats had, and those other people had thoughts of their own in turn that went along the lines of "wow, what a result but since their framework matches ours and the methodology is what we want, I guess that's right!" That's why it's called science. If you told some average person out on the street the gist of quantum pseudo-telepathy, they'd call that magic and wouldn't believe it, and yet if it has the veneer of peer-reviewed studies, suddenly, voila! It has all the versimilitude they need to buy it!

Magic is a catch-all term for what happens when you exert some conscious control over your various qualia. Whether or not this is imagined, the experience itself is the real thing. It is in fact the only thing you know, just experience, and even that, you may noPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Here, have a picture to look at as a reward for getting through all that.



But you missed the point of fringe, which is you don't fucking tell anyone about it.

That's kind of how magic is influenced and if you not only have other dense people influencing YOU but your magic development too then you fucked up.

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I think the Tree of Life is a beautiful symbol, and I've been wanting to utilize exercises such as the MPR.

However, all these posts I've come across regarding the Jewish matrix, the Demiurge/Yaldabaoth/YHVH have skeeved me out. Now I'm paranoid to involve myself in Qabala at all.

Though, even sources in the Fringe library make practical reference to YHVH - which, in my limited understanding, is also an elemental formula and not simply the Abrahamic God/Demiurge.

What are your thoughts on incorporating some of these things into ones Work and daily routine. Or do you believe it should be avoided at all cost?

I'm very confused about the whole subject is a tangled mess which I don't even know how to begin to unravel.

Thoughts? Opinions? Advice?

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If Israel figured out Trump didn't have their best interests, then Trump wouldn't be able to con them like he has. Anyways, let's keep the discussion and esoteric, not /pol/ and mundane

also I meant ironically true, was wondering how many people I triggered by using that incorrectly lol



>not an argument

Okay, Stefan Molyneux



Would love more info on this.

I'm currently using NAP with incredible results. Can you tell me about the entity and how I can avoid getting something like that attached to me?


The trap you’re in is akin to solipsism. It’s circular. Just experiment and draw your own conclusions. It’s the only way.

There’s no point in anyone telling you what to think or what to do. Just experiment and decide.



Minnesota Public Radio. Duh.



Post your experiences and success performing Occultist Magic. Especially relating to the Key of Solomon, 6/7th Books of Moses, Book of Honorius etc.,

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I think you need to study Plato more and consider what his philosophy implies about imaginary beings.



The word you're looking for is subjective.

Magick has objective manifestations and thoughts are an actual objective thing manifest on the mental plane. They are not contained in a subjective sphere of existence.

The placebo effect is a catch-all term for "wtf that guy appears to have spontaneously healed / improved, spontaneous because we can't identify the actual causal mechanism, since we deny the reality of thought-influence".


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Tulpas (imaginary friends/beings) on average have around 5% free will and 95% you the user acting out their thoughts; I pulled this number out of my ass based on how strongly I feel imagined beings of my mind had free will starting out. The better you get at it, the more the former percentage overtakes the latter percentage. For point of reference, the average human being I'd say is 80% free will and 20% a product of the universe's actions; again, a number I pulled out of my ass based on observation and experience that definitely varies from person to person. A person who can actively pursue their free will despite the environment's immense opposition might have 95% free will and be 5% a product of the universe's actions; again numbers I made up as a general way of understanding this concept.


This also applies to hivemind entities aka imaginary beings made of memes that exist across multiple people simultaneously, with the multiple people being 'servers' of sorts that host copies of the hivemind entity that together make it stronger. However, hivemind entities have to have active communication between their hosts in order for the hivemind entity to start gaining unified free will that transcends an individual's single brain and instead exists as one free will across multiple individual minds. Somewhat like establishing a more powerful country by unifying other territories under it.

What I'm saying here is backed by our observations -there is as much reason to believe in favor of this Theory of Hivemind Free Will, as there is to believe in the commonly accepted theory that there are no hivemind entities -which brings into question why the latter is accepted over the former when there's equal evidence for both.

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So in the case of Solomon, he was essentially just a hardcore tulpamancer?

theres lots of literature that references him being able to control and manipulate legions of Jinn (Demons), were these all just personalities within Solomons mind? can the Jinn themselves only exist within the mind of the person who summons them or do they exist in a spiritual realm before they are summoned, is a Jinn/demon/imaginary being only brought into existence when someone creates it?

As for hivemind entities, does that mean that the God of Abraham (Yaldabaoth/Saturn etc.) only exists within the minds of the "servers" that follow it? or was the Demiurge an entity or frequency that existed first and began calling people to follow it, and the more followers it has the more powerful it becomes


So are the effects of magick are subjective to the user, but come from an objective thought in the mind

I'll have to get around to reading the Kybalion eventually too



Solomon's probably not real but if he was real and if the claims about him are true, then yes he absolutely was just a hardcore tulpamancer. Nobody ever admits it, but pretty much anyone who genuinely believes they were or are in contact with religious entities were in contact with imagined beings.

An imagined being solely comes into existence by being imagined into existence.

Hivemind beings exist across multiple minds which is what makes them especially powerful because if one person wants them gone, that in itself won't get rid of them. Ideas by themselves can only go so far but memes have influential power to them. Thus, the hivemind tulpa always trumps the single-minded tulpa.

Servers in this case I mean more in the technical sense, like a video game's server; but it simultaneously also would mean server in the religious sense.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n

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I rolled a d100 for the first time in my life, rolled it when contacting an evil chaotic orcish war God (Gruumsh), and my DM then rolled against it to see how effective mine was. I rolled a perfect 100. My DM rolled a perfect 1. The odds of this absolutely flawless outcome are 1 in 9,999 (subtracting the fact two dice can't have a collective outcome of 1). The odds of this happening on my first d100 roll in my life, is perhaps 1 in 99,999, assuming I do just 10 in my entire life. The odds of all that combined with the odds of that roll being as important as a God-related roll, are difficult to speculate.

I also rolled 2 d20s at the same time about 3 sessions prior that both got nat 20s, the odds of which would be 1 in 399.

I also stated to my DM before I started playing DnD sessions with him that I'm a naturally lucky person.

Now statistically speaking SOMEONE on Earth was bound to eventually have this happen to them, but the fact it happened to someone of my mindset who routinely absorbs this board's knowledge, does lend credence to the notion I perhaps am… benefiting in a subtle way from viewing this board.

Does Dungeons and Dragons have any established relationship with applied magic, or revealing a person's magic powers?

For clarification, I do not claim I can do magic; but I am thinking there may be a relationship between my luck and my usage of this board. Again, statistically this outcome is inevitable for someone on the planet, but the fact it was a user of this board, let alone one as as over-the-top as me, is incredibly unlikely. I've also in general noticed I have oddly high luck in general in my life, though it of course is not so consistent I could prove it as at that point it wouldn't be luck but a greater force entirely.

Did me researching magic, memes, influence, persuasion, and this board's general subjects, increase my luck as a human being? Did something else cause this? Just random chance?


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Hey man that's not how maths works.

It being your first roll doesn't decrease the chances of it happening.

I could roll a million or one percentile die and it won't change the probability.



Shit. Still worth noting the importance and how you only get one chance in your life to get that good of a roll the first time you ever roll.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n


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Preliminary: You posted this on my birthday.

A week ago I rolled a double nat 20 much as your own.

Now the follow-up: Hamingja. A norse term, pre-Christian, defining one piece of the Self as it moves through space and time; loosely translated as "Luck", it is a part of the Soul Identity. The phrases "Luck be with you", "I wish you luck" or even just "Good Luck" all stem from this concept – The idea that luck can be lent to someone, just as a familiar spirit could be entrusted to someone else to serve as a temporary guide or a physical tool could be loaned, luck could equally be given or passed down through a family line.

There is more to this concept, but it is the sort that is better gained through meditation and personal revelation.



>But I don't even know myself if I somehow "observe" the roll without looking at it or if I "will" that roll into existance

Somewhere on the board, once upon a time and possibly now, there was a guide for neophytes that described the former as "invoking water" and the latter as "invoking fire". It was possible, the guide indicated, to do both: Invoke water and fire at the same time to see the result coming and force it to come (in other words, to know the best time to "push" or "will" it into existence, when you would encounter the least resistance).

Bonus point of indication: "Neophyte" merely means "newly initiated". It has never been an insult.


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Interesting. I'm unsure if I can outright control outcomes normally dictated by random chance, but I'll look into this.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n

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How badly is weed for spirituality really?

I do understand and notice that I get less aware, my dreams dissapear too, but is this always a bad thing? If I'm sober for over a month I tend to get anxiety and very high energy that is hard to control. It's not always fun to deal with. If I then, blow one I calm down and am relaxed for a good week.

Can anyone comment on how much weed hinders my spiritual progress? I do want to grow but I also want to be able to relax and be calm.

How much does it negatively impact my growth and my afterlife?

Can anyone write something decent about this.

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Depends on the sort of "spirituality" you're into I guess. The Left-hand Tantrics of India use it a lot, as did a few branches of Taoism back in the day.



There is not one fact in this post. It's some cringey nonsense you wrote to try to feel special. You have this fantasy where you are an expert that anyone at all relies on, yet you are too stupid to learn anything , so instead of trying humility you have to plague the world with another one of the billion faggotbook users "manifestos" like anyone other than narcissist con artists gives a fuck about the latest narcissist con artist methods

Kill yourself nigger



From my experience, frequent use (4+ times a week) will make you mentally slower and weed causes you to give less fucks which isn't good for progressing in life.


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So I take edibles from time to time and the other night I noticed something strange. I was sort of staring into space and thinking aloud in my head as one might do and I noticed another voice under mine. I don't think is new. I think I just hadn't noticed it before.

It was distinct from my voice but had no particular traits, more like a whisper.

So asking things in my head I started getting a response that would start mid way through my question. Something like "Is the moon (other voice: "no") made out of cheese?"

I'm not convinced this is anything external. Maybe like a type of auto hypnosis or brain wave state allowing easier access to, well shit I don't know. Subconscious? Higher self?

I've since asked questions not being high and it works but a bit softer and slower and less sure feeling. I haven't done anything remotely interesting enough in quite a while which is why I don't think I've attracted something. Although I have been told in the past I had some company. What do you think?


I've used it in the past to "open up" and channel stuff. It's a useful crutch for opening your third eye temporarily, but it's just a crutch and if you're not careful you will end up depending on it.

Same with many other "medicines" such as ayahuasca, mushrooms or whatever. Even alcohol and tobacco. In my opinion they are useful as a one-time experience so as to know what you're looking to do feels like, that's it.

Absolutely don't use them regularly or for pleasure or fun.

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I have successfully sensed unique bodily emotionally-charged sensations most closely regionally related to each of the areas associated with chakras. I do not believe this to be proof of chakras -on the contrary, I believe this proves the basis of what the chakras were based on. This will be a quick analysis of the sensations I felt, where in my body these were felt, and what chakra is symbollically associated with each region. I conclude because of these sensations being known to me and associated with biochemical processes I experienced, chakras are thus symbols based on these biochemical processes rather than chakras being the basis of the biochemical processes. This analysis will not focus on the obvious functions of these areas, but specifically on emotionally charged sensations which could reasonably be considered 'spiritual' by a normal person who had little to no understanding of science, even if one who understood science sufficiently could otherwise explain these sensations away as non-spiritual in nature.

Crown - Sahasrara

Relaxation. If I focus on the crown of my end, and specifically try to relax it, it will cause the rest of my body to relax and has helped me to go to sleep faster. This is not as much the case when I focus on any other area of my body, including my head in general. I would consider this the mildest and least interesting reaction and have otherwise found no emotional or strong experience associated with this area.

Head - Ajna

Mystification. Specifically, ASMR. The auto sensory meridian response is triggered exclusively in me by 1 of 2 different triggers: something incredibly comforting, or something incredibly meaningful. If I hear music that sounds 'epic' (1812 Overture Climax, Lacrimosa Dominae) or picture in my mind an epic event, that will cause me to have an auto sensory meridian response which means tingles of euphoric pleasure will occur within my mind and travel down my body to various random areas all over. If I watch a good ASMR video on YouTube (Gentle Whispering ASMR) I will experience the same thing though it will feel slightly calmer; I avoid ASMR done by men because for me personallyPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I'd been avoiding Chinese models due to a fairly widespread culture in China of covering up the truth with pretty feel-good lies from their beauty to their politics. But, if normal Eastern and Western models are failing to acknowledge the chemical sensational difference between the upper and lower stomach emotion-wise, then that indicates an atypical model which does may be more accurate.

May look into this later and produce a second analysis accordingly.

Reminder all chakra/spiritual models are highly inaccurate in regards to their spiritual meanings and should only be valued as symbolic maps of where the strongest emotionally-charged bio-chemical reactions occur in our bodies, as a means of us better understanding ourselves. But should I find any spiritual evidence outside merely the bio-chemical, which I am more than open-minded to experiencing despite existing evidence experientially to the contrary, I'll certainly report it earnestly as soon as it happens.

~ E p y c [redacted] W y n n



You avoid ASMR done by men because you're afraid to acknowledge your sexuality.



He's wrong about purposefully trying to trigger people. That's acting from the ego in order to maintain a perceived spiritual superiority. Whomever came up with that is a fraud.

Present your information in black text on white background and let it find whomever it needs to.

Who does he think he is, playing smartass like that? I feel sorry for his lowly ego based antics.


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No it's because ASMR is low-key sexual regardless where it comes from and men sexually disgust me.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


give this a watch, it goes deep into the intricacies of memetics and its implications. keep in mind this game came out in 2001

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Many are engaged in a search for 'gnosis' and for truth.

Practice caution on , pls…

Remember to not give yourself over to demon-manipulation and as I learned from /x/-paranormal to always research and understand something (at least as best you can) before trying it.

There is a lot of weird shite out there and I have witnessed negative happenstance here before and elsewhere on the web which often has irl repercussions….

t. srs intellectual who has read many books

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there are always paths of redemption and forgiveness of sins child



I had one. they're more trouble than they are worth imo.


Be strong, be true, be kind. don't let things take advantage of yyou you will be fine. I never fucked with tulpas but I did have magickal experience prior and some is probably necessary to keep yourself sane/grounded.



I'm sorry to have the bearer of bad news. However, as the previous posters have stated, there are ways to redemption and getting back on track. There is always a way. Here's my advice.

>perform cleansing and banishing rituals throughout your home

>meditate with the full intent and desire to cleanse your mind every day for at least 15 minutes

>wet fast for 3 days during this process

>cleanse your body with garlic, onion, and distilled water. Avoid garlic and onion afterward

Doing this ahould mentally and physically "reset" you. Spiritual matters are up to you, as your desire and intent will determine that. Make sure you practice your banishing rituals, because they're less effective if you can't properly draw a pentacle or hexagram in the air, let alone visualize the entire process.

I wish you the best of luck, my friend. And next time remember to READ READ READ. But never forsake responsible practice.


fucking ratpiss occultists


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>condemning occultists

>on an occultist board

Excuse me, what the fuck?

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