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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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here it is completed



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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


accompanying soundtrack

w/o sage


I hope he has a backlog of fresh knowledge garnered during his absence and starts uploading his findings consistently.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reflection provides insight.

Metaphor provides context.

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We should explore psychic warfare to use against the enemies of our people, and in particular this psychic warfare, or telepathic warfare should be used against the jews. The jews have used psychic warfare against gentiles in the form of praying against gentiles. See this psalm, psalm 109


Psalm 109 is black magic, we should be cursing the jews every day. Pray "God curse the jews" and say this 9 times a day. To repeat something three times is a charm, and three times three is an incantation, a chant. 9 is sacred because it takes 9 months/moons for a baby to be born.

Please DON'T sacrifice animals or anything like that, doing stuff like that is not cool. You can do black magic rituals without that. Any sort of praying or chanting against your enemies, calling down th curses of God or Mars upon your enemies. You can focus your third eye upon your foe and imagine them consumed by a psychic flame as a means of cursing them.

We should start using black magic against the Jews.


Stargate Project was the 1991 code name for a secret U.S. Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International (a California contractor) to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications.


According to author Gordon Thomas's 2007 book Secrets and Lies tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

7 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



I like that you're using adjectives in all instances when you refer to the subject of your curse, meaning good Jews like myself will be spared. Thank you for taking that into consideration.

How do you empower this prayer?


HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Which one?!

You guys are testing me.

Pls don't make me snap. I don't want to snap. You wouldn't like me if I snapped.




the bible is filled with black magic, yes Psalms is filled

with it but also letters by Paul as well, I surmise that

Paul would talk about his sufferings as if to challenge

others to put themselves in those situations for Paul

to fool them into allowing abuse in their lives,

I think it is Corinthians where Paul says that his hands

are marked for Jesus, it was a ritual for some to have

their hands & feet branded by hot irons & for this they

stay in Greek temple of the gods for protection as if

to incite others to willingly get their hands & feet branded

& to allow injury to be incurred on themselves as I

believe that Paul would challenge or provoke people

to ruin their lives by willingly incur injury on themselves

as if it would make them better than Paul in the sufferings

he talked of in his life,


There's no need to level curses at the Jews.

Just call them out in their bullshit.

Jesus did that and they're still butthurt.


Avoid dogmatism. The Jews are lords of dogmatism and all manner of secret/manipulative dogmas.

(See: Talmud)


Don't fall for it

0 is not a number. 0 is not nothing. 0 is something. 0 is completeness.

> -10 = missing one cycle

>10 = one cycle extra

>0 = nothing missing

>0 = nothing extra

>0 = completeness

>0 = without need

Do not get this confused with the ouroboros "the snake eating its own tail"

It is:

>Always hungry

>Always eating

>Never full

It is:

>Always hurt

>Always healing

>Never healed

It is:

>Always growing

>Always shrinking

>Never complete

Zero is NOT ouroboros.

ouroboros is trying to impersonate zero.

11 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.



Are you real?

What is the point you made? This is pathetic for someone who actually wants to be taken seriously. I thought you just finished a DMT trip or something and posted the first thing you typed. Try again.


















If your rambling is true then I suppose the Buddhist conception of the self is more mathematically valid than the Hindu conception of self.



Thanks for explaining your proposition so well.



It is true, look at my premises.

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I find that kratom helps me meditate and puts me in a headspace in which I feel full of energy. I like to combine it with caffeine for increased focus but sometimes it will make it hard to clear my head. Anyone else have any experience with kratom? Let's discuss any herbs/substances that help us in meditations, rituals and such.

30 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.



lol nobody is trying to shittalk kratom. nobody knows what the fuck this green muck is. It's an opioid though and it has opioid withdrawals



What's it like being a weak-willed faggot?


Been taking Kratom for 4 years or so, now, probably 3 years of daily use. It was a great antidepressant for me at one time, probably more placebo at this point though.

But can confirm, opiate like withdrawals, mostly just minor fever like symptoms tho- achy and that. Nothing terrible in my experience. More annoyed than in pain, nothing like I assume heroin to be. The dependancy is similar to in between cigarettes and sugar)

Its shit to be dependant on anything. But its what i would recommend to anyone attempting to get off hard drugs (youll easily puke your guts out if you take even a bit "too much". Moreso, it has a neutralizing effect on other opiates, in my experience. Its safer and less addictive than that bullshit they give ppl now, i forget what their new wonderdrug is called) Also would recommend to people who are complating big pharma anti depressants, bc kratom doesnt come with the warning that :" youre either going to become a slug, get fat or kill urself"



Im going to add to my last post to say ;

"ur a pussy if you let kratom ruin your life" holy fuck dude.


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Why do almost all Tarot decks suck nigger cock?

It's unbelievable the pile of shit that one has to dig through, resulting in still finding nothing valuable.

I maintain that the only two interesting Tarot decks are Marseille (specifically, under Camoin-Jodorowsky's restoration) and Crowley's.

The first is undoubtedly a hyper-complex traditional book of meaning, yet always remaining consistent in its basic rules: left/right orientation, colours, aiming of the sights… most of which even Crowley failed to grasp.

If one wants to venture out of these safe grounds, he'll find countless of extremely low-effort decks, most likely traced on Rider-Waite's one, whose ubiquitous popularity is a clear sign of the Kali Yuga -as with its disgustingly explicit symbols and switching places of the Major Arcana to fit bizarre astological theories, it's clearly one of the worst decks out there.

, there must be something I am blind to: which Deck do you personally use? Which ones do you recommend?

Do you use it for readings or just for visualization?

Did you remember to have it gifted to you and not buy it yourself?

How did you consecrate it before starting to use it?

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That type of reading works, and nobody who has experience in this will doubt that it does. A read by a first-timer with zero experience will still give broad-stroke right-enough information, and it's important to do this to see how the meaning of the cards is not inherent in them but in the interaction between the perceived and the perceiver at that level (yes, Buddhists, I know these are false categories, don't jump down my dick about this please. Read later Wittgenstein).

However, to avoid learning the patterns that were deliberately placed into the tarot is to seriously hamper your ability to read the cards successfully, hence why it is of importance to people who plan on making a real go of tarot to get a deck which retains as much as possible these lessons. You are quite free to make an oracle deck of your own (such as the Thoth tarot), and it will give reads as accurate as can be expected from a deck of whatever complexity you desire, but please note that there are established patterns in tarot that you may find useful, beyond the recognition of broad archetypes.

As it happens, Marseilles decks are indeed likelier to give good reads, but only to the extent that the reader invests some time into understanding the relationship of the various elements of the deck and why small details become big deals further on down the line.

Rider-Waite and related decks might be a great introduction to the notion of tarot and cartomancy generally, but the loss of fine details means that further extrapolation past a certain point must be wholly a matter of the reader, because the relations between the cards will have been scrambled. In other words, is actually harder to give useful reads using more modern decks unless you are particularly adept at divination and have some pretty finely tuned intuition. It's possible to get great at divination with Rider-Waite, etc, and it happens, but the closer to the originals, the easier a time you will have. Any high school algebra student can tell you that the more you round your numbers at the start of a problem, the less accurate your final result will be.



Crowley's Thoth deck really deserves to be treated more like an oracle deck than a tarot deck for this exact reason. With most people, their changes are additions or shortcuts for them only, and subtractions for the rest of those who would use it, unless it's a learning deck, and even then, it's questionable if that's useful. Crowley is a special case. Even his worst critics must admit that whether he was right or wrong, he went hard with it and he meant what he was doing.

The Thoth deck has real merits and his changes are meaningful, but they are so extensive as to place it in a separate category from tarot broadly. Those decks which are paint jobs over the originals without any changes beyond shortcuts are really just dead ends, and students of tarot should avoid making their own decks if they're still in the process of learning, and should avoid using designer decks of others unless those others in some way merit emulation or have made quite sure to include the elements and patterns of the originals.


I've used Lenormand more than tarot. When I want to cast tarot, I use a standard deck of playing cards.



The best deck I've ever used is called "The Eternal Tarot". It uses the true order of the Tarot which is the Fool as the 21st, Strength as 11 and Justice at 8, as Eliphas Levi secretly revealed. Readings should be done at an altar with lit candles, an upright pentagram, and the seal of the sign of the cross.

Next best deck is Thoth deck but be careful with it as its easily turned into black magic.



I suppose that makes my progresses with the Rider-Waite as a beginner with accuracy from the first reading something worth looking back on. I haven't interacted with any cartomancy in a while.

I post because I originally thought that the Rider-Waite was as close as I could get to the old stuff while using money. I suggest that the perspective of the user also has an impact on the readings - the person who expects to have a less accurate reading will get that additional inaccuracy. Before even starting with the Tarot in a first reading by that deck, I invested time meditating with individual cards, and researching the meaning of the symbolisms that were present. I think I spent a few weeks doing this before diving in.

This being said, I'm more inclined to experiment with both before drawing any conclusions for my personal means.

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I am using the word scholarly in this title solely to differentiate myself from ungrounded ridiculous posts of this board, as opposed to using it in the strict sense of following some formal format or scientific method.

I am Epyc Wynn, and the following are findings I have discovered through a mindset of absolute open-mindedness, and absolute skepticism over my years on the board.

The occult is a mountain of delusional lies with grains of enlightened truth. Of that truth, most of it is obvious information that wouldn't even be considered occult by the common person. Much of the truth in occult knowledge is just self-help advice, helpful generalizations and rules of thumb, and practicing how to use your imagination to use imaginary worlds/beings to your advantage.

Since everyone loves talking about how the Kybalion is the bedrock of all occult understanding, let me normiesplain the Kybalion to you via this run-on sentence: it's just 7 generalizations/rules of thumb which are as follows: everything is imagined, what happens at the lower levels of any structure corresponds to what happens at the higher levels and vice versa, everything is always moving and being still is an illusion, everything comes in pairs of opposites which are identical in nature but have a degree of difference between them and this means all truths are half-truths and paradoxes are always reconcilable, all things whether they're ideas or the universe or civilizations move with a rhythm of rising and falling or in and out or left and right and the how far they move in one direction dictates how far they have or will move in the other direction, every cause has effect and vice versa and this is known as law and nothing escapes law no matter how low or high it is in a hierarchy and chance is just an unrecognized product of law, and finally gender is in everything and everything has its masculine and feminine principles.

tl;dr Kybalion is just saying everything embodies an imaginary hierarchy of constantly moving pairs of imaginary information known as half-truths that follow a balanced rhythmic pattern that always follows cause and effect and always has elements of masculinity/femininity. This seems to hold up and mPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Thank you for your opinion, but I prefer experiencing all that "bullshit" by myself. I'm not fond of the Idea of someone telling what's real and what's not.


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I never said I believe the male/female model pervades all things; I flat out do NOT believe it pervades all things. What people mean when they say that, is that masculinity and femininity are general styles and patterns and thus these styles/patterns appear in all things. However, you could by that logic generalize all patterns and styles to relate to something else instead of genders, such as good and evil or positive and negative. Thus, I don't believe that.

Of course the universe doesn't give that big of a shit how creatures choose to breed it's just one more means to an end among many.


You're going to hate education, philosophy, and reality a lot then.

~Epyc Wynn


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Bitches be ripping off my ideas: pic related.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n (Rule 5)



I didn't know you invented being an obnoxious faggot.



I really appreciate all of your posts. Good read. Thank you

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If someone says an insult, they enlarge themselves energetically at your expense. Energy is like blood. Blood travels through veins, so the insult itself establishes a sort of energetic vein that transfers your energy to their energy field. However this energy transfer often does not stop after the insult has occurred. Often times on a subconscious level there is a continual transfer of energy between the insulted to the insulter across distances, thus many people are walking around who are the subject of multiple energy vampires who are consuming the energy of their aura simultaneously even though the people who receive this energy are far away.

This consumption of energy can be inter-generational where certain bloodlines act as predators upon other bloodlines where a person is subject to the bullying of the same tribe that their ancestors were subject to. For this reason it is very important for people to be among the people of their own tribe, and tribe is not nation. A nation is a confederation of tribes. Tribes can be racially the same but not all tribes are of the same race.

In order to free oneself from unwanted energy vampirism it is important one to pray for their enemies to be cursed. Through the act of cursing ones enemies one acquires energy from them, their spiritual blood, and in doing so one receives payback. The amount of payback one receives does not have to be proportionate to the amount that was stolen, a person doing a action does not get to determine the level of reaction done against them. The extent to which one prays for an enemy to be cursed does not have to be equal to what was done to ones self.

Awareness of human on human energy vampirism came to me as a result of an LSD trip where I saw human auras surrounded by large headed extra-terrestrial cartoons that were munching on their energy field. At the time I assumed that this was simply a delusion brought about by LSD, and I still believe that it was that, because I do not believe that extra-terrestrials are involved in human affairs. However I eventually came to the conclusion that the spiritual entities that appeared as extra-terrestrials during the trip were in fact multiple humans at a distance who were subconsciously enlarging their own energy fields at the expense of pPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I happen to own a copy of the Vampire Bible which I ordered from the Temple of the Vampire. Anyone else?


Im going to meditate on this idea. Im not sure I would take it to your conclusion, but I have heard the idea that the idea that every person you interact with forms an energy connection.

It might not be that the person is an energy vampire per say. But if the victim felt inferior, and hasnt been able to "get over it", perhaps the victim could be "willingly" giving the energy away. In which case, breaking the energy connection consciously could be the thing that allows them to evolve past these issues.

Spitballing here, but it has piqued my interest.



if you have a knowledge, so what? You still trade something in, evenly.




Fuck I pressed post by mistake.

I was a member for a while, but they insisted on a no drug policy and I wanted to do an ayahuasca ceremony some time in the future, so they asked me to go away and deleted all my posts (although there were several caffeine and tobacco addicted members which wasn’t a problem apparently, and neither was alcohol).

Their leader Nemo is a cool guy. He’s like 70 or 80 by now and he sounds 30. His audios programs are OK and the books are nice (I got those pirated before deciding to join).

They’re pretty mundane overall.

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Many people argue that binaural beats work for biokinesis,but TBQH I think images are more effective.

programs such as


allow you to flash images while you browse.

LOA and some scientist agree on this;the eye,i think,is more proper than the ear to influence the brain.

what do YOU think?

whats the best biokinetical method?

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very nice! :D

i would add that "sin" is unexistent.

hmmm… the "punishment" would be of your own making, as you could fall back into nihilistic views, of which, in my opinion, the most extreme can conduce to suicide


this video may help you to manifest the colour you may or may not want anymore (it's a resource that complements your own power) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrgZ51jOG6c

**biokinesis/cymatics can most certainly help with your dysphoria!

videos such as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qRr-NDW_ZM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-B6CjCd6aM and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFXeCJ5j25o can be a start for the path of helping. :D

Read the instructions! for the last video, 1 time per day for 5 days, rest for 2 and then you decide if you want to continue. drink a lot of water through the video.**



seems that black-text/spoilers break when on multiline. actually… it is to be expected.


bumping this thread, any more useful channels out there?

so Far i think Quadible Integrity, sapien med, and dr virtual7 are the forsure safe ones.



You have to be looking at the centre of the screen for it to work?


What do you guys think of elder sign subliminals?

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Anyone here worked with the Necronomicon and H.P Lovecraft occultism ?

How did it go?

thoughts? protips?

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Everything you can imagine is real and can be empowered and worked with in accordance with its internal logic. Energy is not created or destroyed, only discovered and rearranged.

Lovecraft tapped into a very dark and chaotic realm of being, and you can establish a connection with it. Keep in mind this is truly alien though. These are not your regular demons.


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Behold, a book on the legit origins of the structure of Lovecraftian Magic including Shangqing Daoism, Kemetic Ritual, Polynesian Shamanism, Kenneth Grant et c



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‘Passing the Gates’ is a series of initiatory rites within the Necronomicon, a grimoire of highly dubious origins (the best grimoires usually are) supposedly chronicling the ancient rituals and Arcanum of Sumeria-Babylon. Contrary to popular misunderstanding, the Necronomicon, The Book of the Dead, has little to do with Necromancy or consulting the human dead, but rather a book of ‘dead’ names, names of elder Gods which probably should not be spoken too often lest they begin to stir and focus their attention on the speaker.

While I am thoroughly unconvinced the Necronomicon survived the vast passage of time to be reprinted and sold in the New-Age section of Barnes & Noble, I do concede Lovecraft and later “Simon”, did channel a forgotten but authentic lineage of sorcery, but for modern consumption upon the foundation of Hermetic/Western Ceremonial Magic. Like Wicca, another recreationist magical-religion based on the foundation of Hermetic/Western Ceremonial Magic, the tradition set forth by the Necronomicon is quite capable of rousing the slumbering forces from humanity’s past (maybe best left in the past) into present-day action. I can attest to invisible presences angrily answering my summons, and whom would not depart without leaving turbulence in their wake.

Passing the Gates is the second of three essential initiation rites (the first being the rite of ‘Star Stepping’ and the third having no need for mention here) a sorcerer must successfully undergo to experience the greater mysteries connected to the Necronomicon. Due to the near-certain connection between the Necronomicon and modern Western Ceremonial Magic, the structure of the Kabbalah supports the worlds or ‘zona’ (zones) each gate conceals behind it within the Qliphothic shadow cast by the Tree of Life itself.

Entering these shadowy realms, each manifesting atop the point of seven planetary influences, interacting with the denizens therein, the sorcerer enacts a special relationship between, themselves, and the intelligences native to each zona (as well as the overarching intelligence of the zona). The gate is shown to swing both ways. At times the sorcerer travels to their abode rather than they always being summoned to the world of the sorcerer. In this way, the sorcerer gains trulyPost too long. Click here to view the full text.



amazing to see you posting here

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I dream of one day being able to imagine things so well, I'll be able to just slip my consciousness into another world at will; do you think it can be done?

I'm not talking about lucid dreams here, no, I'm talking about being awake and aware but overriding every single one of your senses with ones originated from your mind, be it seeing, smelling, touching, tasting, anything, really. On one hand, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible, on the other, I believe it'd take years and years and years of practice before you could really say you are able to live "from within".


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Only a bullshit occultist can equate lucid dreaming with astral travel.



Astral is the Dreamland.


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Would you be so kind and post a pdf of the tibetan book of the dead or maybe a link or sth? I'm pretty sure I should read (its a feeling) it but I can't find it. Would be very grateful. What I have found is the egyptian book of the dead, might as well post it here. Enjoy.


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it can be done

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A newly forming religion, Autismysticism.

We worship Venus in the form of Korean Idols, The Sun and all explosions, the Soul which combines with the body to form ourselves, and Mars whomst takes the form of an Apache Helicopter.

We draw our doctrines from The Golden One, Styxhexenhammer666, and Jordan Peterson. Borrowing from Judeo-Christian and Pagan principles.

Devout Followers of all that is good, our mission is to find Virtue, to Sort ourselves out, to free ourselves and our brethren from Vice, and to destroy all that is degenerate.

Together we can overcome all. Together we can flesh this religion out. Together we will answer the call to save our Immortal Souls from the suffering that is life, to finally join our gods in the upper realms.

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Agreed, hell is preferable. At the very least getting a hot poker up the ass would be more interesting!




I have heard that the protest has been relatively disorganized.


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This entire thread is cyberspace beauty.



This is literally hell.

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Itt post anything you think might be useful for others.

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Or buy some fluoride free toothpaste like someone who isn't retarded



Great way to get horrible parasites is to walk barefoot outside. I will stand on a conductive mat that rests outside when I'm using it though.



antigod larpist



disinfo agent doesn't want people to look up how many grams of protein even carrot juice alone contains, not to mention other higher sources of plant protein like peas, and even other better ones.



>Never push away someone who truly loves you. Make it work.

Probably the most important one, and it applies in so many ways. Yet I'd say it's the easiest to commit. Such a horrible thing…

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Shit happened yesterday



Multiple people say they had bad dreams, multiple people report sadness. Look at this first image. This is how the damn counter is now, for the past 24 hours. Compare that to the second image which is considered "Abnormal Behavior", from when Trump was sworn-in in 2017.

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Dice rollRolled 4 (1d8)

I've been seeing the numbers 248 constantly, and it's only been ramping up. To the point its almost comical.


>>130880 Interesting that someone else sees 48. I have been seeing 48 for as long as I have been active on the internet. It stated out with a simple random number generator asigning me 48 when I created a runescape account. Since then I noticed it everywhere. I was born on 4/17, 4/1+7=8, my lisence plate adds to 48(WKN) 4chan+8chan, /pol's favorite number. I got nothing on the 2.


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There’s nothing big on the news but I found this right now at Montalk.



It aligns with my birthdate too. What does it all mean though?

Nice timestamp btw.




>Saturn, Pluto and the South Node are conjunct. Heavy duty stuff.

>pluto and saturn are going to be like this until 2020

>They’re also all retrograde

>And every two weeks the moon is either in Capricorn and conjunct the shitstorm, or in Cancer and opposite it. This transit is a painful growth cycle for everyone and it’s still early in the transit.

People are getting fucked up left and right, normies and initiates alike, and it's going to keep getting worse all year.

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I have some retarded clients who want to buy “red mercury” (which doesn’t really exist) for 70k€ a gram so I wanna take the opportunity to scam them. If there’s anyone good with chemistry and can somehow synthesize red mercury or know how to color it, leave your kik. You get 50% of profit. Also, various tests are done on the sample (it has to repel garlic, not stain clothing, color doesn’t wash off, etc…). Brokefags who know a thing or two about chemistry can think of this as a way to pay off their college debt or get out of the NEET life and buy an Avendator.

11 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



It's not about consent, retard.


Too much hassle for too little money. If you were going to sell a kilo with intent to sell more I can get it to you, but for grams I dont think so. Also, you would have to pick it up in Croatia as Im not gonna risk. maybe mutual pick up



mercury and iron will never amalgam. it wont amalgam with transitional metals except copper. iron cups can store mercury. chemistry 101.



has become so pathetic



then what is it about?

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Human tribes produce verbal abuse and slander to exile rival humans from their territory. One form of verbal abuse is praying that God curse someone or that God curse a tribe, or to do a spell against a tribe, pray that Mars curse the Jews. Praying against a tribe is the use of distant mental influence to enact verbal aggression against them.

The key to driving Jews from a territory, both lands and economic territories, is to create an anti-Jew climate through constant slandering of Jews. Talk shit about Jews all the time and talk shit about jews to people of all races. Part of this anti-Jew climate involves prayers against Jews or spells against Jews too.

Spells and prayers affect the collective consciousness of an area.

If everyone hates Jews, then eventually Jews just leave.

If you look at latin America, whites there survived okay in a multiracial environment, a area relatively free of jewish influence manages to develop a relatively stable racial order, an order that is maybe now being somewhat subverted due to global jew media.

Driving jews from power and driving jews from the USA is important. If everyone hates jews then even if they can't be exiled from the country, then people would just pay less attention to jews and their media. VERBAL ABUSE AAND SLANDER IS THE EQUIVALENT OF PLANTS PRODUCING TOXINS, same with praying against someone or a group.

If a person is slandered enough they sometimes self-destruct too. I would also suggest that people pray for God to curse Jews. Prayers against Jews may have subtle effects on the intellectual climate.

I don't like to have to suggest that people speak out against Jews constantly and I don't like to suggest that people spread anti-semitism to all races. Maybe I should like suggesting it though.

But the jews have been doing the same to us, and we have no choice but to speak Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

7 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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Nah, see, that whole emotional alchemy thoughtform has been purposefully degenerated.

I'm all for feeling and letting go of any emotions that arise, so as not to let them build up and stagnate, as they will cause harm in that way. I agree with you on that.

But, that is with the understanding that they're all coming from stuck negative energy that is being freed. Energy in MOTION, emotion.

If you can honestly tell me you enjoy it, or desire to feel those emotions, then, it's clear that your Heart is already blocked. Of course, as a Satanist, that is part of the package, whether you realize it or not - so you probably can't feel the difference.

Do you advertise that to new recruits?

"Hey, get your heart blocked over here! Trade in the one thing that's absolutely necessary to real spiritual progress in exchange for intellectual arguments as to why it's okay to do anything you want"

Any reasonable being would choose to feel joy, peace, calm, etc. which are the only emotions (though I prefer the term feelings to distinguish) that do not come from negative energy.


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To practice being angry, sad, etc. because "all emotions are equal" which is how I've seen emotional alchemy sold these days, is completely psychopathic and defying reason. They're not all equal because some emotions are of higher vibration than others. And trust me, we each have enough built up negativity in us that it certainly makes no sense to cultivate the corresponding emotions further.

Hate (and even its less severe form, Anger) simply cannot coexist with the higher vibrational states and feelings that come from the Source connection. Your choice.

REAL emotional alchemy is trasmuting the negative energy from your undesirable emotions, by grounding it into the center of the Earth, and receiving back purified energy in the form of Kundalini.

In doing so, not only do you release the negativity, and even accelerate the cleansing of other unrelated negativity via Kundalini, but also develop your energy body. That will take you in the right direction.


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This jew/nazi shit is such an obvious psyop lol



Ok give us your reasons.



Saturn symbolism. Black cube, hexagram, sun-wheel, swastika, alchemical symbol for lead, hammer and sickle. The symbolism makes it painfully obvious.

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