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Esoteric Wizardry

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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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What motivates satanists to worship satan? When they understand that christianity at large (and judaism/islam) consider satan to be evil.

Im trying to learn the motivations and drives of people who do rebellious acts and criminal idologies, so that I may better understand the moralistic ideology that enslaves us all.

If you follow a similiar ideology/religion/path, please feel free to contibute your motivations for following it, the more we understand what drives us, the better we understand where we are going and will end up.

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Keep telling yourself that.


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Maybe we should bring back some of the old banners so people don't get the wrong idea of where they are.



satanism taps directly into the demonic, mechanical.

A very forceful element, irrespective of free will, prone to possession/takeover of those foolish or uneducated in their exploration of it.

Christianity is directed toward source, higher self. Benevolent self sacrificing towards goal. Respective of boundaries. Not machine like.

In my personal opinion (true Christ following versus Christianity) is more conducive to Chaos, free flow, independence.

Holy Spirit operates spontaneously, where satanic influence is greatly dependent on controlled outcomes.


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I will add that it may be that the demonic is more about the creation of reality while the angelic is more about the conclusion of reality.

Forced rules to establish something but that eventually must be outgrown and escaped.

That should be enough information to engage those who have the capacity to understand.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ultimately it is an internal question/struggle.

We are bound by the zodiac, living out lifetime after lifetime in pursuit of some granular truth just outside of our grasp.

How easy is it to buy into the perceptions of those presenting themselves to have it all figured out, only to find a few lifetimes later that they were purely poseurs.

The hard path is the straight path.

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I'm trying to figure out what to do with my life and I feel lost. About to go crazy.

As my contract is about to finish and I analyse what should I do next, I keep arriving at the same point.

There are billions being thrown around left and right purposelessly and I am stuck here with a vision, which is a result of a diligent, honest work, with which I can't do anything with, becasue it is too abstract to commercialize in the next 7 years.

1. I cannot just stop working, becasue I need money to eat.

2. I cannot go to work, becasue the stiff hierarchic structure does not allow strive for your vision. If I am to be honest, I will just get fired.

3. I can continue my research, but academia is just a circlejerk of connections

4. I can find some foundation to work on it, but I need money.

5. Investors have money, but they don't care about anything beyond that.

6. There are various insitutional funding opportunities, but they hire morons who can barely interpret their guidelines, let alone see the horizon. Taxpayer money being thrown into the trash.

7. I am not sure if I shouldn't just destroy my notes, becasue this research can be misused in the future, but then I'm back at point 1. But the fact that my publication has been rejected 3rd time suggests maybe it shouldn't be published.

So, you've got money, vision and brain. All are needed, but there always one missing.

Does it make sense?

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Holy shit you're old



Different country

purchasing power-wise simmilar to today's $6/h I guess.

The point is: I know what slave-wage labour is.



Money is just an means to an end. It is not an end to itself. I asked you over and over, what you really need and you keep saying money. You are FUCKING RETARDED.

>the actual existence in the public sphere, where politics and business hapens is possible - money is the blood of this system.

>This world is broken (by design), but I chose to ignore it and do the best thing I believe is right.

>And this leads me to this Gordian knot.

It's like YOU WANT to be a slave. What the fuck?



Yeah, I'm naive enough to think I could change anything.

With perspective of time, I see that the best option is just buy some land and live by.



Trends aren't made with money

Trendsetters make the money

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It seems like Kabbalah and all sorts of Hebrew garbage have infected a great deal of what is meant to be the Western magical tradition, thanks to Christcuckery. What are some tried and true magical traditions or systems that have no influence from (((them)))? Voodoo and various African traditions, as well as various Native American traditions and Eastern traditions come to mind. What European magical traditions, orders, or systems exist that don't use Kabbalah or other kinds of Jew magic? And what would be recommended reading on them?

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>law of gravity

>physicists don't understand it!

if you can't explain something, then how is it a law. You might as well call it God



Science is the most retarded fag shit of our time. Anyone who believes in science is beyond help.


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it can be explained just not concretely proven. like read a book bro



gOD CAN BE EXPLAINED BUT NOT concretely proven. LiEk ReAd A b0OK 8R0


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For the Devil and all of those spirits out there who condemn humans and this and that - it is true that we are but mere mortals and cannot match the power of the spirits. It is true that most of us are without knowledge of the Spirit World, yet they have knowledge of us.

But perhaps their judgments and perspectives are distorted because just as we cannot understand them, perhaps they also cannot properly understand us?

It is said that Jesus walked among us as one of us, and took on our mortality and the weight thereof. Perhaps Satan and those voices of condemnation in the Spirit World are too quick to condemn humanity without a proper understanding.

This post was inspired by God Elohim talking to me in my prayers. I think He said something along the lines of, "Is it okay that the demons get "spacecraft" and their own Marvel Universe and you don't?" I was like, "sure, I'm sure I don't understand the existential reasons for this sort of stuff…it's not my way to judge the way the Spirit World was created."

Then I feel like God said, "Who do you think is jealous of others like humans receiving things from God?"

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>we can't reverse engineer

>we do not have those same capabilities which they have

Speak for yourself man. As for Humanity and society at large, obviously there are powers that are stalling development. Speed it up yourself if you can, otherwise stop bitching



>why is it that we do not have those same capabilities which they have?

Have you ever even tried to astral project? Just think before you say shit like this



nice response but your response is just for appearances of having something to respond with, you are not making any sort of a point

if the truth was anything otherwise then you would actually explain yourself like i do with all of my points



UFOs is literally just shit they don't want us to know about



Are you serious? What capabilities do you think you are lacking? You're the one who hasn't actually said a damn thing yet

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This thread is for discussing theories of how immortality potentially works for your consciousness, upon your brain/body death.

I am having a great deal of trouble finishing a beta framework for a new philosophy I have been working on and that's because I can't figure out the capstone -a logical explanation of immortality.

If immortality were to work for consciousness, then the consciousness would have to be transferred by some unknown mechanism to a safe harbor. I currently have theoretically concluded, at least for myself, that this harbor would be a Hivemind -a categorical boundary of collective consciousness which exists nebulously across multiple minds at once, coexisting along other Hiveminds which are formed around cultures, sexes, races, fandoms and so-on to the degree people collectively focus on said things. The latter notion of a Hivemind I believe I can argue in a scholarly setting -though via an uphill battle of intense philosophical argumentation. However, the transferal mechanism of individual consciousness to hivemind consciousness upon death, I simply cannot reason without ignorantly saying "it just happens." I need to know how consciousness gets transferred from the individual into the hivemind, or else I have no logical argument for immortality. And further, I need some form of logical argument that not merely work, but feels accurate to reality as to how the individual consciousness is safely transferred out of a person's body.

This is made further difficult by the vague definition of consciousness as "unified experience," the difficult to discern difference between consciousness and the electro-chemical reactions between neurons which produce/embody consciousness, and the interdisciplinary hard to pin-down nature of studying consciousness.

The transferal of consciousness from the individual mind to the Hivemind is imperative to forming a logical argument for immortality -without knowing what, how, and why such a transfer should, could, and would occur, there is no argument for immortality.

Thus, , I leave it to you all to discuss your various theories on how the immortality of consciousness works, as wePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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It is information that could be useful, but not yet the satisfaction I seek. Thank you for the insight though.


(Rule 5)
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Dark room enlightenment supposedly is one way to achieve immortality. Take this with a grain of salt though, as the author has his own spiritual agenda he want to pull people into, of course.


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You're well over complicating things.

Consciousness is self-evident. The need to fit it into a box is the result of the intense focus we have on the physical body's waking state. It appears to be in a box, but it is not. It's like a cup in the ocean.

'Immortality of what?' is a better question. It's obvious that we are infinity itself, but existing as a particular for however long we choose is the real issue. Limitation engenders creativity, the flavor we all enjoy from an individual perspective, rather than the broad all-in-all. It isn't wrong to want the individual to continue however long, I think; but how can it be done?

Idk bro, walk the path.



Appropriate image for this thread.




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>typical occult wizard

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>not wanting to be a rambling vagabond wizard



Based Tom O'Bedlam


Hobos who aren't mentally ill or drug addicted are based. Making the sober decision to stay out of the ZOG framework is very noble. Society has failed ascetics by mocking and trivializing the monastic life.


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Diogenes is /b/



How much longer will humanity complicate things in arrogance of denying the most simple truths? How much longer will we continue to disrespect the fundamentals?

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wu Wei is the ideal of learning, doing, being; when one attains this to this state they accomplish very much with no effort. Remember also this; that for God there is no effort. All things are possible in him. So to be like God is not to struggle at all but to be in perfect harmony.


When your body is not aligned [形不正],
The inner power will not come.
When you are not tranquil within [中不靜],
Your mind will not be well ordered.
Align your body, assist the inner power [正形攝德],
Then it will gradually come on its own.

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The translations you have been reading must be horrendous. Knowledge is only dangerous when the limitations are not understood. Wisdom is not knowledge. Having the wise understanding of knowing, or rather witnessing, your 'true self' will allow you to operate from a higher state of being, with consultations of tao


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You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.” - Bruce Lee


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Those changes you made below only appear to change the above




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Belief is a powerful thing. Well, not your belief: your opinions couldn’t be less important. But there is someone, and there always has been someone, who can control the universe by his powers of belief. You see, at any given moment the universe is controlled by what one particular man believes. All things, right down to the laws of physics, are subject to instantaneous change as soon as one dies and another is chosen.

Amelia Earheart?

Disappeared when the new Believer couldn’t fathom a female aviator. Ever wonder why Newton’s seemingly obvious laws of motion took so long to come around? Well, for thousands of years all the Believer’s put their stock in Aristotle’s physics. Believers don’t even know about their powers, and it is flat out impossible to tell who is one.


Do you have a single fact to back this up?



This is gay nigger shit. I believe that. Egads! Look! Now it's true!



No, he/she doesn't. I'm glad to see people questioning motives and facts, though. Most here are inclined to not use any form of discernment.



Stop fucking telling people about this shit you goddamn niggers.



what's your point? obviously the universe would never choose someone that could risk destroying the universe, so what do you think?

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Ireland has a habit of summoning magicians from within their genetic pool into incarnation if there is a need for the use of magick in order to counteract magick used against the Irish, but then according to the dream I had, the Irish then cull those magicians from the gene pool due to fearing their power, only to summon them again in the future if their services are needed. According to the dream though, the magician tribe can withstand the culling process and continue to exist as a reproducing segment of the population if they play their cards right.

Jews are a tribe of magicians, and so naturally magicians from other ethnic groups are being called into existence in order to preserve their ethnic group against the jewish subversion. Yet non-jewish ethnic groups have betrayed their magician classes in the past, and so the magician class may face their biggest struggle for survival from within the ethnic group whom they serve. Because in the past these ethnic groups have culled their magicians through ostracism, priestly celibacy, witchcraft accusations, and through the concept of magicians being old souls: which is done to push them out of normalcy. All attempts to make magicians pariahs from the herd.

Magicians are part of the herd though.

***Dream transcribed below:

I had a dream last night I was sitting with Kyle and Sinead upon some rocks on a hill, Sinead told me that every so often Ireland summons a tribe of priests into existence on earth from within its DNA, if there is a threat that needs to be dealt with that needs to be addressed with priestcraft(using words to bless or curse). But then the Irish tribe later eliminates this tribe of priests from reproduction because the priest tribe within the Irish community is viewed as a potential threat to the wider community due to their knowledge(especially knowledge of cursing). Yet the priest tribe can withstand the elimination process if they establish themselves as a cohesive unit and prevent the usual process of being eliminated by the tribe from the tribe, where they are cast aside only to be summoned later from within the gene pool if the tribe sees a need for them.

In othPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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This implies that there is a group tribal mind that can influence and perhaps does generally influence mate selection, thus within human tribes it is not necessarily survival of the fittest genes, rather it is survival of the genes of individuals whom the tribe as a collective selects to pass on their genetics.


I can… feel it though? That there's still another "resurrection" left for us to go through. We've been reborn from non-existence before. It's time for us, not as wizards or druids, to put ourselves back together again, as a people.

Are you Irish? You need to stop hating the English, Scottish, and Welsh. We have our freedom and it's time to plot the future with these sister ethnic groups as allies and friends. There's HOPE singing out across these islands if you have but the ears to listen for it. There's a lordly and scholarly part of you just waiting to reclaim the dignity and nobility that burn so bright in every Hibernian soul.

Reclaiming Ireland and these islands starts with reclaiming yourself. Learn our history. Better yourself both physically and mentally. Reproduce. Let go of our old grudges and senseless hatred for our occasionally misguided cousins. Now is the time to create the new "Irish Sterotype". A time of great rebirth is coming and it's to each of us to shape the image of this new perfection to be.



>group tribal mind

it influences the spirits that get to incarnate in the physical realm. Has nothing to do with genetics, not does it even really mean anything since the spiritual conditions/characteristics of an individual only affect the thresholds like predisposition to spiritual abilities and such


If you are Irish do not participate in this thread.



>don't change the status quo

oy vey

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2 years ago I used chaos magick to get money, fame and pussy. It fucking worked. Beautifully. Now I’m stuck in this weird place. I’m way better than I was but I want more. A lot more.

Help me /Fringe/ to get more. A lot more.

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And then I realize that's me being a stupid nigger, falling for the same trap. There was no logic in trusting them. There was no logic in entertaining or believing anything about them, God or no. If they weren't such greedy suckers, they had me around their finger. I don't know how, but it never crossed my mind to doubt them or wonder why I should even give a shit about them and go along with their schemes. Maybe it was daddy/society issues or something turning me into a blindly trusting animal, I don't know. If I hadn't tried to bargain about the pain or my blind devotion to my helper, I don't know if the delusion would have crumbled.

Doubt and refusal are my new default. No amount of feelings or intuition will change that. I got lucky. I will never be taken like that again.



I think we'd be better off making a new one at this point.


I want to thank everyone for your support. It means a lot to me, having you here in one of the darkest points in my life. I'd never felt so hopeless and alone, but having you witness and try to help me lifted my spirits. I'm sorry if I didn't engage you in a fulfilling manner. I try to tell you every bit of my experience, no matter how humiliating, so you are prepared for such events in the future.

Some closing comments.


They came as a pair of angel's suggestion in the beginning. Arguing with me, mistakable for my own thoughts. However, I never consciously identified them as angels. It was just plausible and I accepted it without reason. Then the shape of the con became one pretending to be God and God presence, while the other was the questioning angel. They alternated between these roles while that thing was latched to my chest.

Given how easy it was to cast them away, I believe they try to instill a sense of powerlessness in the target with suggestion and emotion. They began antagonizing me as a pair of angels at the end, then dropped the act when I was down. I sensed the only way out at that point was suicide, but I still was fighting their suggestions and eventually that technique came to mind.

This was all in my mind's eye. The entire time I was coming to terms with the fact that what I was seeing with my mind's eye wasn't an imagining and neither was the sense of presence. However, there's a difference between imaginings and these creatures, so don't be afraid to imagine them.

I still feel horrible sometimes. Like I'm dangling over a pit of demons to be tortured for eternity for no reason, but these dark spells always end. I think it's a symptom of what they did to my heart and was targeted to inflict such hopeless feelings. I make a conscious effort to never believe these feelings because there is no reason to. I have never observed such things and cannot.



*they try to instill a sense of trust and powerlessness

I genuinely believed and trusted them. Their power of suggestion is incredible. No more trust or powerlessness. No more accepting plausible ideas or suggestion. Nagging thoughts get scrutiny for thoughtforms.

Fuck, I'm spiraling. I'll just leave it at that.



>Thank you for riling me up.

MY PLEASURE you got me riled up more though. And staying away from estoeric phenomenon is good advice sometimes. I forbid myself coming to this board because it felt appropriate, because i felt I had nothing good left to say. Clearly what I already had said, was more than enough! But it always is. Your efforts are only the icing on the cake that is humanity.


By the way, although I was incredibly skeptical I didn't say anything. Because I am always open to the idea that God or something legitimate COULD directly contact me, but then they would be violating my free will in which case they are no good!

Anyways, the legitimate attempts to make contact are always incredibly subtle. They surely are not direct, and the best you can do is develop mechanisms to 'decrypt' the synchronicities which is what I let my autonomous thoughtforming do for me since I consciously don't even give a fuck and just consider everything as input sensations for consideration to my output phenomena so might as well let my idle processing power be put to good use

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I want to accumulate in this thread all the rules about what unconscious understands and what unconscious doesn't understand.

Post linguistic formulas from your traditions, from NLP, from psychology, anything you know about right wording.

For make it easier to compare let's imagine we all want to resurrect Lenin.

My try: "It Is my will Lenin not dead anymore" (here's I obviously point to the most famous rule that unconscious doesn't understand "not", "no" and things like that)

Ironically my linguistic english is pretty bad, bad i pretty hope you understand what I'm trying to communicate.

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Yes, I understand what you’re saying and I agree it’s a good rule of thumb. However, the words are just a vehicle of your intent and it depends a lot on how the person thinks, the way their culture and language works et cetera.







>tfw you're so magically advanced your wizard duels are also online rap battles


word, form, will

bird, worm, kill


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ibble, bibble, queeble ribble

wee wee pee pee, feeble dribble

rot and snot, blood no clot

death to chad, cuck, kike and thot

fabble, drabble, normies babble

naught but prattle, till death rattle

may my mind make mindful matter,

or matter mindful make mind matter




Nice. Just very nice.

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You can call upon the spirits of aborted babies, and invoke their aid in order to curse or bless people. They will appreciate the fact that someone is working to help materialize their existence.

Whether or not you think abortion should be legal, you can call upon the aborted unborn souls in order to curse the political left. That is if you wish to place a curse upon the left. Perhaps you are a leftist, if that is the case then this advice is not for you.

You can also make a doll and ask for the soul of an aborted baby to come and possess the doll, and by doing that you can give that aborted soul a life on this planet.

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I'm curious about these "spiritless humans". Seems like they've been rediscovered as "NPCs". How could humans that are not a vegetable not have a spirit?


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If you've ever experienced zoning out and suddenly 2 hours (arbitrary, could be any length of time) are gone in an instant and you've gone from Point A to B with no recollection of anything happening inbetween? Somehow during those 2 hours you managed to navigate a city, to talk or do any necessary actions, but you weren't there.

Think also of the sleep walker phenomena. They're not all there; some parts of the cognition are typically impaired. Yet they manage to walk about a house and sometimes open a fridge and do all sorts of things without that core being present.

Something else - read up on MPD. I think it's mentioned in Sorcery by J. Finley Hurley and some other books in the library maybe the Holographic Universe Theory book too. MPD is basically a case of multiple spirits switching places in and out of a body.

Look also at animals and young children for they have no core, no self.

Science has tried to demonstrate the presence of this self through the mirror test. That is there way of testing for sentience.

>Very few species have passed the MSR test. As of 2015, only great apes (including humans), a single Asiatic elephant, dolphins, orcas, and the Eurasian magpie have passed the MSR test. A wide range of species have been reported to fail the test, including several species of monkey, giant pandas, sea lions, and dogs.


It is unfortunately not a perfect test for sentience.

I am convinced that there are empty humans. I just am not sure how we'd discern their emptiness with 100% reliability. Even montalk mentions there are also spirited humans who are just very damaged or inhibited that appear like an NPC and yet are not.

I Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>You can also make a doll and ask for the soul of an aborted baby to come and possess the doll, and by doing that you can give that aborted soul a life on this planet.

Do they really desire this? Being stuck not only in this shithole matrix that most of us are trying to escape in the first place, but also in a barely moving plastic toy. It's even worse than being in a human body of flesh. I already have a negative oppinion on getting children normally and bringing souls in here, but having them stuck in a doll seems like extra torment. I wouldn't call this "life on this planet". It sounds like a cruel punishment.

I'd rather have them be free and far away from this hell. Also I think that if I ask a baby soul to come into a doll what will really come in instead of the baby is some vile parasite from the astral.



>I am convinced that there are empty humans.

I'm convinced too. Not everyone has a "spirit", but everyone has a soul. Having a soul makes you just an animal but you cannot be anything higher than that without a spirit. Some people here probably have different understandings of the meaning of spirit so I'll say that in my theory spirit is what makes you self-aware, makes you think about your situation and allows for higher thought and desire for more than the mundane. It's hard to explain but if you feel it and have it yourself, you'll know what I mean.

Without a spirit you are just a animated golem, a zombie and a true NPC. A golem just acting out their programming and nothing more. They don't ever strive or care for something higher or any kind of truth at all. And I've seen a lot of those people, who seem to run completely on autopilot and be 100% immune to all attempts of enlightenment. I don't need some MPD-like test to tell who is a NPC, it is rather easy to tell just from observing casually long enough. I have no idea if you can get or develop spirit sometime during your lifetime, but I don't think so tbh. Either you have it not. Some animals seem to have a spirit like some cats, but most of the animals are golems on autopilot just like most humans.

I think the aura test is complete bullshit since a golem will have energy and a soul too, therefore also an aura. If you are alive you have an aura, hell even just merely being created is anough to let you have an aura hence why some people can even see aura on inanimate objects like stones and household objects. Being merely alive, created and animated doesn't mean you have a spirit tho. The spirit is something else entirely than normal living energy of this created world. Unlike matter energy, body and soul etc, the spirit is not created.

When you start realizing this and you find that your loved ones, your family members etc are all mere golems and you are basically alone surrounded by animated spiritless golems hell can come to your mind. It is hard to deal with being alone, but it is even harder to deal with the fact that people you care for are npcs.

If someone has a sleeping spirit, it may be Post too long. Click here to view the full text.





No guys, it's never okay to actually conclude that someone is spiritless.

However, it is absolutely futile in trying to help certain kinds of people.

I can even imagine mapping out all the kinds of people that appear spiritless and figuring out how to manifest some sort of expansion of consciousness but that is not very effective since it's much easier to pretty much do anything else and honestly I would think requires a full understanding off free will since it would be immoral to violate the will of someone else but at the same time people are brainwashed precisely because their will has been manipulated and hijacked by first manufacturing their consent, so yeah. I think it's better to go after the hijackers, so to speak.


everything is aware, but not everything is aware that it is aware.

terms like sentience, consciousness, awareness, etc even in academia are not understood let alone standardized at all.

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There is a sickness in the mind. What is happening? What is being pushed onto us under the guise of modernization?

I threw up out of disgust upon hearing California depenalizing the purposeful spread of HIV/AIDS, instead of a felony, it's just a misdemeanor, no prison time.

I feel like I'm in a sci-fi horror movie. Why am I the only person in my life who can see how sick things are. I bring these things up and people are hostile to people who question these sick, demonic behaviors they are normalizing. Aids for everyone! Finally true equality! Progressive! Something has to snap soon.

40 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



You're clueless.


It's early in the morning. The sun won't be up for another couple of hours. You're fast asleep in bed, lost in a dream, when the phone rings. Rather than waking up, you roll over and cover your head with a pillow. Hours pass. The sun rises. The phone is ringing.

When you wake up, your alarm clock is blaring and the phone is ringing. By the time you will yourself to turn the alarm off, the phone has stopped ringing. You realize that it's been ringing all morning. You slide out of bed and press the blinking red button on your phone as you stumble into the bathroom. The phone beeps, followed by the friendly, electronic voice. "Hello. You have six hundred and sixty-six new messages."

Message one.

The phone beeps again, and you're not prepared for what comes next.


You spin around, thinking that she's standing right behind you. There's pure terror in her screams, accompanied by other disturbing noises. You stand there, horrified, for about ten seconds. Screaming gives way to hysterical, garbled crying before dying out with the sounds of spilling meat and tearing flesh.

The phone beeps again. You're shaking.

Message two.


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>You're shaking.



I got that vibe too. Women and numbers aren't scary.



We're plunging into a dark age. How is this progress?

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SviK_papIw0 [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu3HLwIebmc&feature=youtu.be [Embed]

Okay so I don't remember this shit happening at all. "electrical explosion" LOL. RIGHT. BECAUSE "transformer explosions" TOTALLY look like that.

Is this a goddamn PORTAL I'm seeing? What the FUCK did they do? I don't remember this, at all? This is extremely newsworthy and I don't remember it at all?

The official story is absolutely fucking bogus and I dare any real electrical engineer to come in here and say everything looks legit.

Thoughts? I'm disturbed and panicking rn. This is the most abnormal shit I've seen during the past twenty years and I think something happened beneath our noses.



you were just under a rock when it happened lmao, everyone I know knows it happened



>implying shit doesn’t constantly happen right under our noses


Well yeah. I mean anyone have an inkling of what likely really happened in these events?





If I am to wildly speculate, an EMP, or a case of the aura borealis appearing all over the planet due to solar flares and disturbances in the Earths crust (muh pole shift), or some anomalous light phenomena that I don't understand at all.

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Continuation of this thread: http://archive.is/XqeXn

1) Pledge an amount of time. Preferably a number of weeks. Post it in this thread.

2) If you break your pledge, you must also confess your transgression in this thread.

3) If you keep your pledge you may reward yourself… with more time pledged!

4) For purposes of this thread, "masturbation" is defined as touching your genitals for purposes other than basic hygiene and expulsion of wastes.

For those of you who have entirely transcended physical sex but who use succubus and so on you can also make pledges here to control your sexual thoughts and try not to evoke or meet any entities to have sex with.

Remade the thread since the last one was very popular and hit the bump limit and many of you want use your generative powers for a higher purpose than mere wasted moments of hedonism.

Post any techniques for the transformation and proper use of sexual energy here also.

Personally I feel that stage one should be to completely stop with touching or physical stimulation of sexual energy and learning to take that desire and drive and focus it mentally into thoughtforms. If you are going to entertain lustful ideas at least don't be a silly mundane about it when you could be using thoughtforce to telekinetically get yourself off or something similar. Straight up fapping is for mundanes.

745 posts and 134 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



I feel like the brain is just another one of saturns cubes that we project our ignorance onto. We arent physical beings till we are reminded of it. This image is mass propaganda and oversimpication whats actually going on.

>muh fancy science terms



Well no shit. It was made by a poltard.



pol is a group of people who found out they think the same but dont know where they came from so they cling onto has been masonic programs to pretend theyre elite for self gratification of their tortured ego, the one thing they have in common, yet no amount of brothership can answer to the individual struggle each of us must face alone.


I relapsed the last two days to porn. I pledge no fap for a week.



Sigh relapsed after 4 days, I'm gonna have to stop using my computer late at night. I pledge another week this time.

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