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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 4ac9b5adaded597⋯.jpg (84.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, pastlife.jpg)


What are some good sources on Past Life Regression and Akashic Records readings on past lives? Has anyone done past life regression, or done any work on the Akashic records? Share your experiences and resources.

6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


If you can look something up on amazon and get a bunch of results despite the fact that all rich and powerful people completely disregard that concept then it's snake oil. There is no such thing as a magic symbol that gives you power. All these buzzwords anyone has seen while trying to find credible information about the nature of reality are complete fucking nonsense. The easy way to know when somebody is giving credible information is if they are open about the fact that they have no fucking idea what they are talking about and are just coming up with theories. Thank you so much for being the ninety millionth person to waste the universes time by making somebody use their time telling you to not act like a toddler. If you look around for fifteen seconds you will notice that in this shithole universe , an adult human can post "hehe here's my dog (dog emoji) they are cute! Hehe!" And 90% of the processing power will be directed to a circle jerk loop for hours. If you ask for advice related to your dogs health, organize a protest against humans experimenting on dogs to give rich people new surgeries, or want to do anything that doesn't involve people orbiting around a "celebrated person" , the npc will read your post and go (IF this leads to attention, YES, IF this leads to knowledge, NO) and then complete disregard you and your cause. Then when the time is right they will pretend to worry about animal cruelty .

The best way to fight fraud fucks is to stop being a fraud fuck and promoting fraud fuck causes on what is supposed to be an anti fraud fuck board you fraud fucking faggot


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>despite the fact that all rich and powerful people completely disregard that concept then it's snake oil

yeah man totally i mean rich and powerful people are so woke, whatever they do must be the way to spiritual liberation

brb gonna read Trump's biography and reach samadhi



>the rich


What's wrong with exploiting the degenerate retards you just described?


cursed image


yeah man trump is totally going to mention his profound esoteric experiences in the books he publishes


Bryan Weiss is a good starting point.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



7 minutes in mentions a prison on the moon and the American Feds having the capability to move prisoners there.

I am now massively intrigued by this. Can anyone tell me more about this?

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It's happening.



I presume to do experiments on them. That is why you'd make a prison on the moon and why you'd send prisoners there. Prisoners are morally irrelevant.



Also, remember, Australia was used as a dumping ground for prisoners. Why they spend all the money and time to ship them all the way to Australia?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

File: c711f92390e202d⋯.jpg (181.74 KB, 500x339, 500:339, 18971a16fe9df6d2ef31d64bfc….jpg)


We are imprisoned in a global system of mind control created not by conspirators but by emergent, self-perpetuating, and self-serving sociocultural structures that subvert all agency except for the most trivial choices and won't die out because these structures are constantly competing for mind share and evolving to better exploit it, and if one structure dies another will replace it.

Consider religion. Christianity hooks people by playing on fear of death and hell as well as desire for eternal life, salvation and truth. Once it implants itself it burrows in, into mental habit, hijacking emotion. Eventually the believer experiences God, loves God and feels God's love, literally. It has hijacked the most powerful emotion we can experience to perpetuate itself. Through a few years the totalizing belief system becomes a perception of their world. They then are compelled to spread this belief system to others and their children, to spread the good news. And so it is with all religion, in various ways and degrees.

But even if traditional religion died out, it wouldn't matter. We have recently seen the fresh emergence of technology-worship in the wake of Christianity becoming less popular. Gods are promised as super-AIs that are beyond the limits of all humanity, benevolent machines that will save us. We will live eternally by uploading our minds. We will have limitless abundance as robotic servants do every task imaginable for us. We will ascend to the very heavens themselves in shiny spaceships and live among the stars. We will make Star Trek real. This is the atheistic religion of the technology consumer whose appetites know no end.

Nationalism, globalism, political ideologies and parties, socioeconomic systems, just look at how the Believers of these structures act, the mechanisms of control that act upon them, and you will see the truth of this. The Enlightenment myth is that we are rational actors, able to judge claims and ideas by reason alone, that being in error is merely a matter of ignorance, not having enough information. The reality is that we are usually ruled by our emotions, especially when our beliefs and perceptions are deeply ingrained. Because we are immersed in these systems of control our entire lives, we do not know otherwise, the illPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>awareness meditation

Yeah this is interesting.

I know somebody who has a history of engaging in meditative behaviours (including transcendental meditation), and they report similar problems. Sensing some kind of buzz from mobile phones which occasionally prevents them from holding it.

Are you sure it is from the battery? Have you taken a phone battery and checked?



>by Pepe, Kek and Donald Trump

>live on stage she'll take a dump



> muhhh emergent strategies

> no hostile agents

Okey I'm convinced you are a disgusting JIDF pushing the "jews dindunofin" narrative.

Yeah yeah, domino effect, emerging strategies and complex systems.

That doesn't mean that there aren't bad faith actors pushing the chaos of the collapsing building in the direction they want.

Begone kike, your memes have no power here.



You yourself are perpetuating the cult of emergence on which this age is founded, by presenting it as the designer, the architect of the age. That is the god worshiped today, the only god that would suit the times, a headless designer without design. You will never be able to tackle the established order if you succumb to its vocabulary, as you will be fighting on their own turf with their claws inside your mind.

That the conspirators are without a leader and act only locally does not absolve them of agency or responsibility. Aristotle's four causes may also be applied here. They are the efficient cause of the system as much as the various forms of degeneration you have mentioned are the formal cause. Then likewise there must also be a final cause, a telos. Nothing is without purpose.



love and emotions are opposed to reason

File: 52a0ac659cbbe38⋯.png (4.03 KB, 800x272, 50:17, discordpara.png)


Sup guys we got a server up and running for paranormal/occult/conspiracy/dr00gz/shitposting/politics/history/numerology/all that good sheeet. Did really well advertising here yesterday , met a lot of great people on /x/ so far, hoping for the same here: https://discord.gg/a6ED8f

We'd really like to see more of an Occult focus coming into the group.

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Kek, reserve*


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I fully understand your fallacious reasons. Power does not denote righteousness -your ability to do something is not the same as your right to do something even if you convince others of as much. A true right is universally just in all situations it is applied in. An act of censorship is always unjust, as-is the act of isolation. By your same logic I can simply argue the reverse and proclaim it a childish ignorance of your users and their criticism to fight this notion rather than accept the existence of the issue and seek to justly resolve it rather than unjustly censor your critics. Those who censor and isolate are weak of will for they fear the notion of allowing disagreement and difference of opinion. I encourage people to not waste their time getting burned by injustice unless they truly lack the experience and need to learn from new burns. You say I should let people, as if I control them, yet here you, one with moderating power who actually can control me on your server, abused your power whereas I merely offer education to those who might not want to be controlled by you. Send me the isolated and the censored and the critical and the humorous for they are my saints and your outcasts.

~Epyc Wynn



Abused my powers? no I just didn't want you in my server, you don't have a right to be there, your ability to be there is a privilege, not a right. You sound incredibly entitled.


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Also this


File: b31bc2e32293b8e⋯.png (57.06 KB, 797x438, 797:438, larp.png)

>when you join discord and it's literally just larpers

Damn. The LARPers are probably worse than schizophrenics.

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The creator, the demiurge is the true God, who gave His only begotten Son a sacrifice of many. Gnosis is a teaching of Satan, faith alone is the means of salvation. God will judge the world according to the One who rose from the dead

>And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us

John 1:14

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>all this anger

Mommy forced you to go to church this sunday? And I am not chirstian at all, I just respect it and am not an ignorant larper like yourself.


I preformed a ritual to trap Yaldabaoth in a crystal so it wouldn't hinder me and a few months later it disappears on me. Turns out you can't trap the entirety of physical reality in a crystal. Go figure.



You really have no idea what it is you're enabling, with that position. You have a basement to leave, and a world to explore. Next time you hear a conversation, throw away that rose colored filter you have of the world.

<Maybe you'll see things for what they are


Who bumped this pro-Demiurge propaganda


enjoy worshipping pedo jew church generic christcuck.

Jesus wasnt even crucified

File: 0294d696211ede1⋯.jpg (148.91 KB, 479x600, 479:600, emblems_Hermaphrodite_chil….jpg)


Feel free to use this thread as a resource, experiment, note, teaching or other sharing space. I'll prepare some of my own experiences in order to get others started and fuel the alchemical furnace(soon). Though I encourage you to use this as your own collective thread.

Chemistry discussion is also welcomed. I'll probably end up bridging some spaces between both schools of thought if no one else wants to.

Check the mega for alchemical book resources. Other than that youtube for practical chemistry usually in the field of extractions and pharmacology.

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Do you have any book recommendations?




small cache of alchemy books I thought you guys would like to have a look through them



I prefer the watershed.



Pick up a copy of the I Ching. It could save your life when your vision scries on to metals.


I am working on my thesis that defines a safe space for the location of elemental water.


I do not extend my hand to offer a flower.


Zen is for surviving a world with empowered metals.


It is best to consider differences in degrees of temperature and processes in parallel to the cube of their space.


Study the first case of the Mumonkan.




I hope you find enlightenment soon.


Freemasonry is a difficult stuPost too long. Click here to view the full text.



And that's how Christianity discredits itself. It insists that its a special snowflake, immortal and removable from what pretty much is the reality of the energies.

File: d52f093b08750b0⋯.jpg (449.42 KB, 800x541, 800:541, d52f093b08750b05b20ea792d6….jpg)


Why don't you accept Christ, ?

It's clear that the void which everyone has in their souls is only replaceable by God's love. Repent :) Come and see that the Lord is good.

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>Christ explicitely says immigration and miscegenation is left-handed - "Satanic"

citation needed





>I am also pro-Mohammed

nice to know you're a retard, disregard what this guy says.



>thinking you're not above a worm

Wow, atheism somehow got even more self-loathsome since I last saw through it.

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How do we kill this evil faggot called god?

It is a pathetic being allowing and creating evil and misery beyond imagination.

It has no right to exist.

If I were god, I would be so ashamed of my actions that I would just kill myself.

But this faggot has no honor whatsoever.

So how do we kill this piece of shit? Because it ain't gonna kill itself.

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God is a synonym with the verb "Be". Nobody stands a chance.

He only kills those tainted by Satan and the Watchers. They knew it'd make him look bad.. that was the point of screwing things up. So they could point and say "Look at all the murders!" Then fast forward thousands of years later and imageboard posts like this one could be made..and futile questions asked about the impossible.



god is a synonym with the noun "shit".


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>>How to kill god?

God is the first and last, the biggest and the smallest, heavier than infinite universes and lighter than an atom… Good luck whit that.



This guy has seen stuff. I second him.


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The Powers That Be are pushing anti-semitism in online forums and using it to derail discussion. It all boils down to not wanting people to look into the Qaballah. Discuss.

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>I've never understood most occultist's obsession with hebrew.

My assumption would be that it's because ancient egyptian is an unknown entity, even the names of their gods are conjecture. Hebrew's as old as anyone can get without making shit up.

Thank you for your work, it has been informative.


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I am not going to comment on whether anti-jewish sentiment is justified of not or whether there is validity to it, but I will say that I have noticed it being focused on so much that nothing else gets discussed and I do think anti-jewish posts could be distracting on a board like FRINGE because anti-jewish stuff has a habit of dominating everything and this message board is supposed to be about magic and the occult. I think the danger of anti-jewish stuff said here is the anti-jewish stuff if it started off as small could grow to dominate the board.


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Well said my fellow white anglo saxon person.



Case in point. All dogma is cancer.


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>All dogma is cancer.

Let's not get too dogmatic about that, man.

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13 leaves in the olive branches

13 bars & stripes

13 arrows

13 letters in: ‘E Pluribus Unum’

13 stars in the green crest above

13 stones in the pyramid

13 letters in ’Annuit Coeptis

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File: 4a6d64f1bc32a53⋯.jpg (179.85 KB, 1400x1411, 1400:1411, 1dolla.jpg)

>he's still looking at old dollar bills



To get the number 666 they just arbitrarily ignore the mcx?



I hope someone reposts the Pythagorean library. It's a treasure trove of the objective, mathematically based, meaning of geometry and symbols. I want more books on Pythagoras to read myself. I saw it posted all before this big list of books for Pythagoreans to read but lost the post. This was like a lonnng time ago and I want someone to repost.




Isn't every thread on this board archived automatically?

File: 36140a5454ce6f5⋯.png (22.41 KB, 330x175, 66:35, Schrodingers_cat.svg.png)


Can we have a thread to discuss the implications of quantum mechanics? To begin with, some things which are widely accepted in the theory

>things can exist in superimposed states, in which they are neither one thing or the other, but the two at the same time

>the evolution of these superimposed states is deterministic and given as a solution of the Schrödinger equation, except…

>…if you try to measure something, in which case the wave function collapses the system presents to you as one definite state

>this gives rise to the "measurement problem", which is a hole in the theory that one could interpret as placing conscious beings apart from the physical reality

>the act of measuring can also change the past of a particle, even if you are observing a photon which has been traveling for billions of years before reaching you (see Wheeler's delayed choice experiment)

All this seems really odd to me, like it's pointing towards something transcendent about reality. And if that wasn't enough, one could argue: why do we ourselves always assume definite states? If other things require conscious entities to look at them in order to take a state, then each of us has to be constantly observed by an external consciousness in order to exist, which could be what people have always recognized as "God".

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Are you talking about tachyon based telegraphs? Many think that such a telegraph is either logically impossible or else not useful for interacting with your own timeline



What is the mechanism behind the wave function collapse? Is the transformation of a particle from the superposition to a seemingly random single position truly random or an objective phenomenon?



samefag here. I never actually read this post


very interesting. yes. indeed


people tend to forget that the cat is aware of himself, he knows if hes alive or dead.



That's what I always say. It's a dumb meme for redditors anyway.

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As we already know, a parasite may cause "cat lady syndrome" in humans, maybe feminism is caused by something similar?

For reference:

>A microscopic parasite that breeds in cats has been found to make chimpanzees less fearful of predators in what scientists believe is further evidence that the microbe can also affect human behaviour when it infects people.

>A study of Toxoplasma gondii, which is estimated to be infecting around 1,000 people every day in Britain, has found that it makes chimpanzees more attracted to the smell of leopards, their main predators in the wild.

>Previous studies have shown that when the feline parasite infects mice, the rodents lose their natural fear of cats. Now the same kind of behavioural changes appear when T. gondii infects chimpanzees, the closest living relatives of humans, which usually harbour a natural fear of leopards.



>The Oxytocin hormone and it's importance to pair bonding, maternal behavior, in-group preference, pregnancy and other functions


>Biological and psychological differences between liberals and conservatives


>Biological differences among gays, transsexuals, and pedophiles


>Birth control causes frontal lobe brain damage, as well as other things like infertility, cancer and deprPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I have a friend who was in court recently and is probably going to jail. They gave him a "flu shot". He got REALLY sick from this, more sick than he ever has been before, and has been non-functional for days now. NOW today I am suddenly really sick too. A flu shot immunization isn't supposed to get a person sick and then that sickness spreads to others. I am convinced someone engineered a flu virus that probably inserts something else into the DNA besides the usual flu stuff and I am at ground zero now for this outbreak.



Those shots have compliance-inducing drugs in them. My god usa is a messed up place…



You know when a parent knows when their child dies with their "sixth sense"??

Probably the same thing. Sympathetic magic.



>Is feminism caused by a parasite?




>a parasite may cause "cat lady syndrome" in humans

but feminism and socialism in general is about seeking safety and stability

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I've been hanging out with an older alpha male legionnaire (FFL) and his behaviour is completely contrary to how I've been raised to act.

I literally can't help myself. I don't want to be the way I am. However my father was a beta cuck who settled down with a 30 year old woman, having been a virgin until about 40, and created me; then got dominated by my mother who basically just spends his high income all the time and never cleans or works or does anything but is entitled to everything for merely having a vagina.

Growing up I was raised by mother who didn't let me have friends, didn't let me play, never let me swore, never let me do anything dangerous, and basically raised me to be completely cucked and soul-broken. She now wonders why I am in my mid 20s and still haven't married, never had a gf, never have kids, etc. inbetween ordering me around to do bitch work like taking out the garbage, cleaning the table, doing the dishes, etc. while she does nothing. All my life for some reason all the choirs of the household, all the cleaning work, all the shit my mother should have been doing; it all fell on me. Meanwhile my sister was raised to have everything, have friends, more masculine upbringing, she drinks alcohol, parties, works a job, etc.

When I should have been learning how to be a man I was instead being coddle by abusive narcissistic mother and forced to do everything for her because she's too lazy to even open doors for herself or do anything at all. She treated me like a complete bitch and that's what I've grown up to be. An unusually effeminate, tired, low-test, no beard, bitchboy. I could become a trap easily.

Regards from the neo-marxist dystopia of Canada. How do I undo all this damage and transition from a sissy boi to an actual fucking man? Is it too late now? Do people ever change themselves from effeminate bitch to proper man at this age?

Also feel free to share your stories of having been feminized and dominated by your mothers or others here too if you are suffering from this same problem. Found this board btw from a skype chat where we were talking about this issue.

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we must fight gynocracy



1. You already know an alpha male to learn from. Ask him to mentor you. Don't have any expectations, though.

2. If you are really self-conscious about your looks, read up on and check with your doctor about HRT (hormone replacement therapy).

3. Start lifting. You describe yourself as conscientious and that's gonna help when you lift. You might have anxieties about being seen as a whuss in the gym or whatever, conquering it is a part of the process of becoming a man. Look up Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe.

4. Try nettle tea to grow hair on your body. Good to drink and to apply directly on skin. In general, anything that's green and edible is good for your hormonal profile.

5. Nofap.

6. Honest self-reflection. This is imo the sign of maturity in either sex and necessary for self-improvement. I notice f.e. that you talk a lot about what your mother did to you. I was raised by an abusive single-mother. I used to complain a lot, too, but it just makes it worse. I empathize with you, Anon, but your mother will keep having you under her thumb as long as you relate to her this way. Your resentment feeds her—it makes you slave and her master.

Wish you all the best



There is no "gynocracy." Feminism is oppression of women, and ultimately the rest of us.



>feminism is what i want it to be


>I hate mommy because she made me do chores!

Grow up, anon. We all had to do chores. Sounds like you’re the lazy one.


Another unknown occultist. He also explained how this makes their eyes tense. Here is the quote:

Those who practice hypnotism, mesmerism, magnetism, or things like this, will have very tense eyes - obviously, because they are trying to move their energy through the eyes forcibly. They are bringing their total energy near the eyes just to influence, impress or dominate someone. Their eyes will become tense because then their eyes are flooded with energy, more than they can tolerate.

Their eyes will be red, tense, and if you look at them you will feel a sudden shivering: they are using their eyes in a very political way. If they look at you, they are sending their energy to dominate you.

And through eyes, domination is very easy.

This was the case with Rasputin, who dominated Russia, before Lenin, just through his eyes. He was an ordinary peasant, uneducated, but with very magnetic eyes, and he came to know how to use this. The moment he would look at you, you would forget yourself, and in that moment he could send any suggestion to you telepathically and you would follow it. That is how he dominated the Czar and the Czarina, the royal family, and through them, the whole Russia. Nothing could be done without his will.

You can have those eyes also; it is not difficult. You have just to learn how to bring your total body energy to the eyes. They become flooded, and then, whenever you look at someone your energy starts flowing toward him. It envelopes the person, penetrates his mind, and in this flooded shock his thinking stops. And this is not a very rare thing that happens just with man, it happens all over the animal kingdom. There are many animals who will just look at their prey, and if the prey looks at them he is done for. Then the prey's eyes become fixed; he cannot move, he cannot escape.Then this is what has been done always: the hunter can stare into the eyes of the lion, and now it will depend on whether he has more magnetic eyes or the lion. If the lion is less magnetic and the hunter can bring his total energy to his eyes… And it is easy, he can do this, because when death is there one can do anything. When death is there the hunter can put his total energy at stake. If the hunter can look directly into the eyes of the lion and forget everytPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Skilled hypnotists do it trough the phone.

It's via voice tough, so that's that.



G. I. Gurdjieff talks about it. Affecting the decision making of others by maintaining a clear image of the outcome you want while talking to them.

You can find some stuff in martial arts about it. Some charismatic and pentecostal preachers develop the skill to an extent.

There's already a lot of good info in the thread.

One commonly used exercise is summoning someone. Usually someone in another room, or to get them to contact you. Think about the person intently, call to them with your mind.

Intent is a big part of what your doing. Having ill will towards someone is going to be sending negative energy to them, even if unintentional. They can refuse it/reflect it back causing negative consequences to you.

Hypnotic suggestion in general is just putting someone into a passive state. Tell them a story or ask about a memory. Layered stories are the best.


File: c01a08e5895670e⋯.pdf (309.67 KB, forbidden_parapsychology.pdf)


Check out this book. It deals with techniques involving manipulation of people through 'occult' means. Like most magickal operations, the techniques involve concentration, intent, imagination, etc. Nothing ground-breaking, but I think it's worth a read.



thanks! im looking into it now



have you heard about how gurdijeff killed animals with his gaze?

File: 34bba6a4fb0d7c0⋯.jpeg (494.88 KB, 752x950, 376:475, image.jpeg)


Does anyone have and tips or starting points for those interested in shamanism? General Shamanism thread.

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>not sacrificing the horse





Could you two better elaborate on this please? In a general, wholistic way. I also have a few specific questions.

Why do spirits choose some people at all, what is the purpose there?

Forced spirit rape of what?

What does it mean for a spirit to break someone?

Why do shamans become aquainted with their spirit code?

>It has its purposes

Like what, in the modern and old world?

What are the pros and cons to this?


What sort of Dharma would be a requisite for this sort of thing?

Sorry about the load of questions. Need some help on finding answers. Thanks


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Sure, I can try. I'll only be handing out my own experiences, but I hope it helps.

For me, I was chosen because my early life experiences(0-6 early) made me mentally suitable, and I would not have survived without their assistance. As far as I have been able to tell, they literally reached into me and cured me of a crippling, ordinarily incurable disease just to make use of me.

Forced spirit rape. AHaha. AHSAHGSHGS. Yes, the first times they reached out to me was in horrifying nightmares. Learned my first rituals that way. Forced spirit rape is a word for it.

For me, 'breaking' me was to mold me into what they needed. I can only assume that is how it is for most; they make you into what they need and create a front that is useful for them to wield.

I'm not sure what he means by 'code'… but I did get a keen understanding of myself, the way I'm programmed, and my internal functions physical, mental, and spiritual as a result of watching those functions be painfully torqued and mutated and rewritten for years. Constantly. I'm not traumatized, what makes you think I'm traumatized?

The pros and cons are 'someone has to do it' and 'wow, I'm perfect for this job because I am a tool forged for decades to perform this singular task'. It's… existential. I am not as intimately familiar with other ways of doing things, so I don't know what he means.

Whatever kind of Karma or Dharma or whatever can earn you this, avoid it. Apparently I was a soldier repeatedly in past lives, so maybe that's it.





>sacrificing anything other than your consciousness

Why the heck do you think they use herbs and drums to drug themselves.

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