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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I have been helping people all my life. I listened to what they have to say, I gave them advice, provided them help but most importantly I gave them hope. In the process I neglected myself. I spent awful lot of time and energy listening to what others have to say. It was not worth it since those people never improved.

No one ever has any interest in what I have to say though, not even myself. But now I realized how much I neglected myself, and I want to forgive myself for it, but how can do that? It's a super strange feeling, I just realized this last night. The picture I posted depicts how I feel. I am incomplete because I gave away everything I had, I always felt worthless so I helped others instead. Sorry if this is offtopic or something but I don't know where else could I post it. I have no one to talk to. You see I was always there for everyone but when I need help I never get any, not even a conversation. I was always a listener but I no longer want to be just a fucking thrashcan where people throw all their problems then move on.

Dear fringe, can you give me some advice or just discuss it? How can I make up for all those wasted years?

Lesson I learned: people are fucking stupid, help only your close friends/family

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>Offline indie and oldschool games my friend. No need to waste time with the same online crap and subject yourself to the braindead hordes.


>I'm just happy I've never been such a low-level waste like you.

How lucky you are. It seems like I didn't have that luck to be spared of this fate


I see you are on a mission to make this board a better place. What a herculean task…but go ahead. I wish you good luck.



Well, if mine is a hurculean task, then what are YOUR intentions here? If you don't desire to acquisition of knowledge, and to hold civil discussions with those who deserve it, for there are many deserving people on this board, then I suggest you take your sour attitude elsewhere and go feed the Demiurge your loosh from the corner of your room… Alone.

I do have a feeling of where your coming from, though. Have you been here for awhile and are fed up with a lot of the nonsense? I can see why someone would lash out everywhere if most of everything posted here (these days) is all autistic trash.



You forgot to add "~The cuckold larper" at the bottom of your post. Just tought I'd remind you. What the fuck is this anyway, some sort of impersonation of epyc wynns aborted bastard child?

>then what are YOUR intentions here?

I come out once every few months and drunk shitpost for 1-2 days, then I'm out again. This time I saw this pathetic thread that would be better off just posted as a comment under some Teal Swans video or just told to that guys local psychiatrist and I just couldn't resist rustling this guys jimmies. I don't know who the fuck you are tho and when or why you have appeared here. Your posts in the suicide thread are all nonsense btw, god forbid someone actually may believe that crap. But sadly this is the state of fringe now.



You helped others because it's easier to push unsolicited and solicited advice on people instead of doing what you preach yourself. I was in the same boat years ago. Stop trying to vicariously save yourself by saving others, even if the hope is that they will return the favor and help rescue you. It won't happen because then you'd develop a dependent relationship and it's the wrong lesson for humanity.

You need to develop independence. Forgiving yourself is a great way to start. In healing such of this, I've attended Shamanic workings of group guided meditation on soul-loss and retrieval to connect with your past-self to receive your own forgiveness and love; if they were ready for it. Some of us weren't ready for forgive. Some of us were prevented by our own demons. Some of us realized we can only heal ourselves.

You may find this interesting:


Let go of trying to save those around you because it's harder to face and care for yourself. People you meet will be projections of your own situations. Until you fix yourself, the people you run into won't be fixed either.


>You don't have to forgive yourself like a fucking pussy.

You reek of self-avoidance and false machismo. Self-forgiveness is one of the most important self-healing there is and can be the easiest. Why would such a machismo be afraid of confronting themselves again with love, compassion and understanding? Who are you trying to impress? Who are you trying to prove yourself to so you don't have to do this self-work?

You sound more afraid than confident.



No, sadly this is the state of (you). I've been around the fringe boards lurking, reading, studying. I used to post threads for the BOND, but have since stepped away. You can insult me all you want, but I don't see how you're doing any better by apathetically shitposting. But be my guest, tip that bottle back a bit more and you might be able to see the reflection of a sad man at the bottom.

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Reality Creation 101

I'm writing this thread because I see a lot of confusion and even worse, disempowerment floating about here. Thus, It might be time for a refresher on reality creation. Now, there are an infinite amount of models on how the universe works. We're going to leave that out of this because I have mine, and I'm assuming you have yours. What this inevitably boils down to is one question; How good are you at getting what you want? Magick can be thought of as "The applied science of manifesting your will into reality." So let's get real here. How good are you at it?

If you can shoot fireballs out of your dongus, but can't find a loving girlfriend… Then you have failed as a mage.

If you can levitate your balls off the floor with the power of your mind, but need to wipe your ass with a crusty rag because you can't afford toilet paper…Then you have failed as a mage.

If I were to ask you "Do you have limits?" and you were to answer with anything other than an immediate and empathetic "Hell NO" then…eeyup. You have failed as a mage.

We live in a universe where you really -do- get to have everything. You can think of the universe a …cosmic chef. When it asks you "How would you like your desert" you're more than able (and entitled to) say "On the sweet side please!" the trouble is that most mundanes (and even some of the neophytes here) say "Just deep fry some pig shit for me thanks." and then endure eating it with all of the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain. Is this you? Well no more. I know you. I know you are better than that. So we're going to set out to changing your order.

Heres a sample of what we're going to learn in this thread.

A. Why the law of attraction sucks donkey balls.

B. How to use emotional resonace to create the reality you want, along with two simple tools and a discussion of how to select the right one for the job.

C. A brief discussion of the energy source we're working with and how to goPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Np son ;)



I am reading this now to get a better grasp how to harness energy, I will put this here for anyone interested.



I need a job but I don't want a job. Anyone know how to work with this conflicting energy when manifesting?



Either manifest a job you enjoy (no matter how unlikely that sounds, you're dealing with infinite possibility, and you don't have to know the specific job for this anyway) or, long term, financial independence.



hmm yes, so just broadly manifest 'a job i like' and let nature take care of the details? That sounds like a nice appraoch, I will try, thanks anon.



this is great advice for neophytes, magic is very intuitive, but you have to actually start doing it to learn it properly, all the knowledge in all the books contained in the library (and the OP as well) should merely function as guidlines, you'll be learning the most when you actually get away from your computer and start doing shit.

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"Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law." Matthew 7:12

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anti spam bumpanti spam bump



Thank you for your kind words.



The problem is, it can be kind of like buying people gifts that you want.



If God is all you have, you have all you need.

John 14:8

“Religion means to know God and to love Him.”

― Srila Prabhupada, The Science of Self-Realization


Or if you are jewsus be to others as they are to you.

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Do you think Chris-Chan's astral projection "Other world" has any validity? While it's fully possible that he could just be tripping on drugs or being an autist I think he may be actually achieving journeys to his weird pony world. Normally one would have to push it off but the strange detail that he goes into with his stories and amount of well thought out world building that he establishes in his many tweets about his travels. If anything, his constant struggle and autism could actually contribute to his ability to travel, as some kind of karma could be enacted to him for how much shit he has gone through. Maybe his other world is just god giving him a place of respite from his quickly failing mental, physical, and financial state irl.

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>Maybe his other world is just god giving him a place of respite from his quickly failing mental, physical, and financial state irl.



All cultures except a chosen few sects in the modern era, yes.

To truly be "powerful" (or whatever), you need to be able to wield dark and light, feminine and masculine. Otherwise it's like trying to run a marathon with one leg. Good luck, we're all rooting for you.



Seems like most of the world these days isn't doing all that much better than Chris.


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Remember in that Adventure Time Episode when we saw that Fionna and Cake was broadcasted into the universe through Ice King's brain waves while dreaming, and was picked up by radio antennas? Perhaps the thoughtforms of Christine are so vivid because of her autistic obsession with the Sonichu canon, which eventually leads to it realising itself in a powerful wave form, the properties of consciousness being consumed by this Chaos Magick elevates subjective perception towards the reality of the subject.

Obviously, this sister-dimension is a metaphor for the mental gateway to the creative structures which emerge in the Sonichu canon, but if your mind falls in line with this logic completely, then you enter into your own reality, which is why people who do this are labelled as crazy. Basically, she has a portal in her mind which for all intents and purposes allows a path into this reality.


Well, I never said anything about everyone else, though I do have the lowest possible opinion of humanity. I was talking about dumb people. When you talk to a legitimately stupid person, it feels like you're talking to a wall, like they are barely hearing what you say. People that you can talk to about almost anything and they will never know what you're talking about. Basically talking about the stupidest people I have ever seen in my life. People in my family, and a couple of teachers (not even most teachers are on that level), most of them women. My grandmother asked before about what the hell the sky is, and what is behind it, why it's blue and what is up with that black thing when it's night time, in her fucking 60s, and she's not uneducated. I had a massive amount of issues with her because she always believed in insane superstitious bullshit (she even called everything that I drew demonic when I was a kid and made me destroy a few things) that I didn't understand at all as a kid, and would attack me for it, and everything was an excuse to say that I was a piece of shit like my dad and threaten to kick me out. Her sister, until her 20s, thought that we live on the inside of a hollow planet (I would like to hear her younger self explain how exactly the sun works, that would be fun). My grandfather used computers since the mid 90s and to this day he doesn't know how to minimize, maximize and resize windows, and other basic window manager shit. My mother has used computers since before she was 20 and only learned how to use a search engine when I explained to her, when she was already in her 40s, and her browser was always 50% toolbars. She also basically believes she's a witch (I don't know much about that, and don't want to know), is a compulsive liar, and everything bad that happens is a curse. She lost her keys once and ended up screaming that the keys disappeared because her ex cursed her. All of these people are emotionally out of control as well. Because of this shit, I became incredibly paranoid and didn't let them see anything that I did. When I was watching TV and showed up, I would change channels. When I was using the computer and they showed up, I would close everything no matter what it was. I still have issues with this sort of thing to this day. My door has to always be locked. When I wasn't allowed to lock it, I would look behind me so much that I hurt my neck and it become a recurring issue for many years. I fPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: http://archive.is/5lDUF FAQ: faq.html Mewch: https://mewch.net/fringe Fringebay: http://fringebay.com/fringe

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>Also recognize that the "you" that is consciously reading and processing this right now is not the "you" that will go on said journey through the door and come back. They are different aspects of yourself working together.

Can you elaborate a bit? I can't quite grasp this.



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Hi so there was a book where a guy was teaching how to have oobes more realistic than life and that could last a year anyone has it or has a title? I it was michael something with and the title was about matrix or transcending the matrix or such



>Simultaneity. The division between days is arbitrary, every hour is an hour regardless of when it is. Find your productive hours for tasks that you find valuable and use those hours wisely.

Well, the problem is not finding the hours, but the tasks. Recently I've been getting additional energy but I don't feel like doing anything with it. Whenever I try something, it gets duller and duller, and some time after I put it aside.So, despite having whole days ( regardless of relativity of time), and surplus energy I don't feel like doing partaking in those activities. Is as if I was a super-athlete but no sports seem to interest me.

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Knowing a bit about duality, the outer light and darkness in the manifest world and so on, one who again experiences the infinite form of Bhairava procures illumination.

Like this, one should ever contemplate on the terrible darkness of night during the dark fortnight of the moon, if he desires to attain the form of bhairava.

Similarly, while closing the eyes, one should contemplate on the profound darkness spreading in front as the form of bhairava. Thus he becomes one with that.

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>Can I ask if you're the same hinduanon who was interested in Dzogchen? That thread was invaluable and this seems extremely similar

That was me, anon. It's a pleasant surprise to hear someone enjoyed the that particular thread I made about Natural Perfection. Personally I immensely disliked that entire thread. One anon in particular was hell-bent on debating me and kept responding with massive walls of text, turning what I hoped to be a pleasant thread discussing the common idea of universal perfection across various cultures into a petty debate. I did see your post by the way and did download that text you mentioned, the Hua Hu Jing. It's on the list now of things to read one day.

Just recently I finally finished Kali Kaula as recommended by Tantrabro as an introduction to tantric Shakta, and then I also finished Mr.Snellgrove's translation of the Hevajra Tantra, a Buddhist text on the old school tantric yoga tradition of medieval India. However after finishing this I learned that he censored some of the text that he found distasteful, and so I'm reading another translation by Farrow and Menon along with the ancient commentary of a Kapalika Yogi (ash covered ascetic with the sole possesion of a Brahmana's skull used to beg for alms) on the text.

It's a fascinating study on meditation practice and yidam deity worship, and this yogi is a highly insightful character, however I'm picking up on a variety of themes in the text that he either didn't notice or feel the need to comment upon. In the chapter on mantra usage the tantra seems to degenerate into being a simple spellbook, with mantras uttered to dispel tigers, elephants, monkeys, mantras to attract or dispel women, destroy armies and so on. At first appearance it's enough to make one sneer at petty superstitions, however earlier today it struck me that the author is simply being metaphorical and providing mantras for the destruction of negative aspects of mind.

The tiger is wrath, the elephant is slothfulness, monkeys are restlessness, repelling a woman (probably) means the repelling of lust, etc. It seems obvious now in retrospect.Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>degenerate into being a simple spellbook

>petty superstitions

>mantras uttered to dispel tigers, elephants, monkeys, mantras to attract or dispel women, destroy armies and so on

I totally get where are you coming from, nevertheless I wouldn't treat mantras for specific purposes as mere superstitions, nor would I ever claim that a tantra has "degenerated" in any respect. Tantras are scriptures revealed by either the central male deity of given branch of Hindu Tantra (agamas) or the Goddess Herself (nigamas), and in the case of Buddhist tantras - celestial bodhisattvas. To disrespect tantra is to disrespect the deity (or bodhisattva) that uttered it for the benefit of mankind.

I've come across many tantras that teach "folk rituals" along with mantras for a plethora of purposes. Protection from evil spirits, creation of misfortune, creation of strife, killing enemies, curing illnesses, attraction of a husband… That kind of stuff. I have no reason to doubt this, since Tantra is a really multi-faceted tradition, that blends magic and spirituality. There are Tantrik currents more attuned to one or the other (and those in between). I have no reason to doubt the efficacy of said rituals and mantras. Someone could say that creating some squibbles out of statements about what you desire is mere superstition. Nevertheless - sigil magic works, and in fact it's one of the easiest ways to prove to oneself that magic works, if one is in a need of a proof. If we agree that you can manipulate the world around you with just your mind, why sneer at the thought of being able to manipulate it with external rituals?

Same with traditional witchcraft, with the ancient magic, with many techniques contained in greco-egyptian magical papyri, same with tantras too. These texts contain very specific, precise instructions on what you ought to do to bring about the effect that you want. Back in the times when those texts were being created the written word was much more valuable than it is now. You wouldn't just make up complex ritual injunctures if they were useless. In my opinion the point of Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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An example of giving more esoteric meaning to external rites, from Vijnanabhairava (translation by Christopher Wallis):

The Goddess said:

If, O Lord, this is the true form of Parā, how can there be mantra or its

repetition in the [nondual] state you have taught? What would be visualized,

what worshipped and gratified? And who is there to receive offerings?

The revered Bhairava replied:

In this [higher way], O doe-eyed woman, external procedures are considered

coarse & superficial (sthūla). Here ‘japa’ is ever greater meditative absorption

(bhāvanā) into the supreme state; and similarly, here the ‘mantra’ to be

repeated is the spontaneous resonance [of self-awareness], which is the soul of

all mantras.

As for ‘meditative visualization’ (dhyāna), it is a mind that has become

motionless, free of forms, and supportless, not imagining a deity with a body,

eyes, face and so on.

Pūjā is likewise not the offering of flowers and so on. A mind made firm, that

through careful attention dissolves into the thought-free ultimate void [of

pure awareness]: that is pūjā.

When one is connected to [even] one of the practices given here, the aspect of

Bhairava called ‘nourished fullness’ (bharita) will arise and develop day by day:

it is absolute wholeness, it is contentment.

Offering the elements, the senses, and their objects, together with the mind,

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I honestly can say I didn't pay attention to most things people posted, I just know that you and the swastikanon quoted some stuff that immediately stood out as the real deal, to use a phrase which might here be ironic.

I'm counter-flattered that you would put the Hua Hu Ching on your reading list. I must admit it is a forgery, all copies are basically no more authentic than a "real" necronomicon, but the translation I have is alright. I don't know if I'd hold it up as the same as Longchenpa now that I've read both, but [insert some different-fingers-same-moon BS here]. I'm light of that, if you're not in the mood for more metaphysics, it might be prudent to leave it for later if at all.

I appreciate the direction/recommendations, though. I got back into magic to find a way to recreate a moment of satori, and having found it, now I'm looping back into magic for practical shits & giggles. Funny how it all loops back on itself, like an ouroboros, or autofellatio. Hmmm, maybe I really ought to get into yoga after all…



Christopher Wallis is in the process of making a series on Vijnanabhairava, so if you are not following him - you are missing out. At the moment - there is nothing available on VBT that would match his depth and understanding of Sanskrit, not until the original commentaries are translated at least.

I'm finally catching up with his works, he's been very prolific lately. If anyone read and practised VBT or is interested in Tantrik meditation techniques - you won't find anything better.


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UPDATE: I have given the board over to one of the mods from /pol/ and he is adding several other /pol/ mods, this will ensure that the board is in good aryan hands, I have told them though to ban rule 7 breakers for 2 weeks, and everyone else for 15 minutes per offense, hopefully they moderate fairly…

My youtube account and my gmail account have both been shutdown. I was using them both for many years and they have very suddenly today been locked down faster than I could react to salvage anything. My Samsung Galaxy Tab S which runs Android (Google shit) has stopped working and been locked down, I think it's about good for nothing now, or I have to put a new operating system on it that isn't android maybe to be able to use it again for anything. My board is being raided over and over incessantly by people skilled in social engineering who are trying to overthrow me, besmirch me, etc. and put an end to my mission to provide an uncensored outlet for occult information and discussions with their endless onslaught of spam. I am unable to post in the Order of Fringe Wizard's chat on Skype and some unusual fuckery is going on with that and I have a lot of problems with Skype in general, including leaks of private conversations and indications that my Skype account has been compromised. I have had my steam account hacked by IPs coming out of Russia and also because I just lost my gmail account I now have no way to recover my steam account, it is fucking toast. The games I paid for I will never be able to play because (((they))) can just disable my account and since everything is tied to the account and there's no way to keep a CD or something like back in the day the situation is fucked.

Although I have decided not to talk about it at all until now; I keep getting approached in real life by people from the military and undercover police and uniformed police, all of who regularly talk to me and "check up on me" and make me nervous sometimes how they seem to drop hints to me that could be concealed threats. Besides that I also keep encountering psychics everywhere with unusual powers that always recognize me right away, maybe by my aura or some other way, that there is something about me that is unusual and merits their attention and their open use of powePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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smiles come join us in riot find us in discord

riot is safe and encrypted.



please come visit,



>he is still doing this



Good post.


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This material body and brain is illusionary when compared to the soul.

Most religions have a string of truth to them, and that truth is that we

have souls and that they do reincarnate.

Even Christianity agreed upon reincarnation, that is in it's earlier years

before the idea of hell as a spiritual place took over for political reasons.

The existence of a soul is an objective reality to me.

I've been shot in the head, stabbed in the heart, you name it.

I remember these things from past incarnations and can go into further detail.

In all of the incarnations I remember I have been the same person with the

same family that I love very much.

Especially my grandmother.

Could knowing in the end that I will get a clean slate and be together with

my family again be considered enlightenment?

Then there's my name, which I feel is the biggest clue God has given me.

It means contemporary Phonetic Enduring, which is synonymous with

modern spoken God.

If I was a modern spoken God would I not have wisdom few others have?

Finally there's the origin of the word contemporary, contemporarius.

It means together with time, which is exactly what we will all be. Together

again with time.

Because if there's one thing I've learned it's that every incarnation is the

same reality with the exception of the choices we make. So if that's the

case I may indeed encounter the same friends and foes and even strangers

such as yourself.

We will all be together with time.

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>I've been shot in the head, stabbed in the heart, you name it.

Bullshit. :^) I've 'almost died' so many times that it has entered the realm of statistical improbability that I yet live. And, it was not just things like 'wew Im lucky that speeding truck missed me!' but situations where I should have died but did not. I believe this may be what it means to be born again.

>Then there's my name, which I feel is the biggest clue God has given me.

Mine means "his law's anagram"


and then there is "lead me not into temptation"


>the state of time

>lead me not into the state of keeping time


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You are insane. You have no wisdom. You lack understanding. Try researching something tame like political rights; your present 'occult' understanding is sonic.exe.

~Epyc Wynn


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What the fuck are you even trying to say?

~Epyc Wynn



That this board is dead


Let's just all love lain, and be connected through the wired. Connect with machine and into transhumanism. Stahp with this soykaf shill bickering

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Join here if you want to find out the truth and origins of UFOs, hollow earth, secrets of the pyramids and regular xpol talk etc!

Discord /25r5t6

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Thanks Anon.






Dude check the date of that post.. why is this place so dead?



It needs more posters re


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Know someone on SSRIs? Get them off now.

Anti-Depressants Kill Curiosity, and cause depression and autism.

Curiosity is a neurological process driven by spikes in the pleasure transmitters serotonin, dopamine, opioids . Spikes in pleasure transmitters occur while learning, and this creates a reward system that drives curiosity.

SSRIs create a constant increase in Serotonin levels by inhibiting the neuron's re-uptake function.

This constant increase causes depletion of serotonin levels, preventing major spikes which drive learning

The overuse of serotonin diminishes the effectiveness of serotonin / dopamine based reward systems


>Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been reported to induce an amotivational or apathy syndrome in both children and adults. Despite detrimental social and financial consequences, AAS often goes unreported and undetected.

Anti-Depressants deplete Neurotransmitter levels


>As the level of intersynaptic neurotransmitters increase, the Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) system is stimulated and increases the breakdown of neurotransmitters. If you do not increase the nutritional intake of serotonin and norepinephrine precursors in patients that are being treated with antidepressants, the net effect is further depletion over time.

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Nice argument bruh



I must be schizophrenic 'cos that kind of made sense. Easy up on the word salad dere


File: 57845bef06408c2⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 312x188, 78:47, 57845bef06408c2a20a031d487….gif)


It's exactly like your argument, stupid fuck.


I do constant witch craft over the psychiatric system among other

systems, thing is my bunch of events at the crossroads never

would have been the way they were if not for my psyche meds,

but yeah over all they aren't very healthy but the stress of my meds

cracked something in my mind & altered the way my mind thinks,

I see the world in a brand new way, the illusions have been dissilved

& I'm more aware of my surroundings now due to hyper vigilance,

learned witch craft & everything over time due to my meds even

though I know my doctor is trying to do damage to me with them,

I believe that way before they have a chance to kill me the chemistry

will evolve me,


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>does drugs

>"the illusions have been dissilved"

Fringe users in a nutshell.

~Epyc Wynn

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I've always considered this. This is what ancient cultures and societies were talking about when they produced the allegory of "evil blood magic". By using such injections bypassing the two main immune barriers (skin and lungs) you can directly "taint" someone's blood, as in the way of blood magic, in away that leaves them permanently altered with whatever you decided to inject them with.

Like circumcision, it is primarily pushed upon those too young to resist, who don't know the risks. It has also been pushed using the group mentality of shaming those who don't perform it (eww, head cheese? Who wants that?; fuck off, anti-vaxxing scum!)

As an American I was subject to one of the most aggresive injection schedule in the world. As soon as they started coming, I developed asthma, started to become pale, sickly, and had to be hooked up to a nebulizer for hours a day. I dug up some old health records and was shocked to see the correlation of my failing health (even at youth) to the vaccination schedule.

Also I'm curious if there is any coming back from this. Once you've been fucked on such a deep (blood) level, is there any chance? I've always been pale, sickly, and generally felt shitty ever since my youth when this all happened first.

Will this sickness, this eternal infection, be passed to our children through our sperm, or would it be only the baby's mother who has to worry about that?

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Build friends to talk to.



I clearly already have, it went off with a (big) bang.


File: 996d16db8be01b5⋯.png (31.62 KB, 250x250, 1:1, Floaters.png)

What would be the purpose of injecting floaters? I'm really curious what you think



> it would be so minuscule it wouldn't have a negative effect

Then why is it in there? Either its effective, therefore shilling for homeopathy, or it isn't needed at all.

<Also, can we really trust that list? Is that really all that's there?


lockjaw builds character, i say infect em all and let nurgle sort em out

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Looking for resources on the darker sides of magick and mysticism. Spooky rituals, skulls, all that neat stuff.

I've been reading about the Aghori, so naturally I'm fascinated.

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The cosmic gods are the archons. Ever the The Matrix? The agents and the people they work for. And whatever's above that.

The text posted above wasn't originally from the guy who reposted it; it was written by someone involved with Current 218 back when it was being reforumlated as Temple of the Black Light (I believe).

Most of it is basically correct, but.


>Why not completely establish yourself, like paid off house, a skill/trade, be reasonable, then once you are there fuck up people who try to fuck with your shit, and if people betray you then it wont matter because you will be set?

That's not bad in and of itself, but the real problem with that is (1) I want enlightenment and knowledge more than material things and (2) those people took everything I ever loved and hoped for, and they're not going to sit back and enjoy it while I build a shitty life devoid of everything I wanted over in the corner - if they want me to shut up and be happy, they can bribe me for it, but fuck threats; I'm too miserable to scare.

>There's a very good reason everyone just bowed to the new world order. Us military dominated everything, city of London has finances down, NSA has surveilence, cops can kill unarmed people, everyone on Earth has a microchip cell phone, the Jews have media/entertainment for psyops and mind control,

You're a faggot. Your defeatist attitude and its contagious nature are the only reason those fucktards have any power left at all.

And, no, I don't think they're going to win; at least, not against those who strive for spiritual practice, evolution, and survival.


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You are a flaming homosexual, and I'm not buying whatever bullshit you're trying to push.

Have a "dark art" fetish is fine and good, but the ultimate point is to develop strength, willpower, and develop a certain type of Gnosis. See this post:


>The blind dragon Tanin’iver will be awakened and shall ascend through the gates until his eye opens in the Ajna sphere (also known as Abbadon). When he regains his sight through gnosis of the black light, he unites Lilith (below) with Satan (above), and concentrates the nightside forces and thus manifests Azerate. The cosmic gods will then be destroyed along with the universe, and a new dawn shall begin.

That's the point. It's an alchemical formula. Nothing more, nothing less.

You're probably a typical Pete Carroll fanboy. Blow me.



Bumping for more spooky stuff

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Boneless pizza. What is this place.

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That's one cute slav. Sauce?


A meme infested shithole.


File: d56c461e5cd833e⋯.gif (483.75 KB, 711x1580, 9:20, meguca.gif)

why don't you come shitpost on meguca instead, it's live



>anime & nazis

looks gay af


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Most of the time it's the right kind of gay, just bully the traps until they go away and you're fine.

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>Initiation is your own life. If you want initiation, write it upon a staff. Whosoever has understanding let him understand, because there is wisdom within. Initiation is neither bought nor sold. Avoid those schools that give initiations by correspondence. Avoid all those who sell initiations.

Initiation is something very intimate to the Soul. The “I” does not receive initiations. Therefore, those who say, “I have so many initiations,” “I have such and such degrees,” are liars and fakes, because the “I” does not receive initiations or degrees.

There are nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries and five important Initiations of Major Mysteries. The Soul is the one who receives the initiations. This is a very intimate matter; something that one must not go about speaking of, nor something that must be told to anyone.

Indeed, all the initiations and degrees that many schools of the physical world confer have no value whatsoever in the Superior Worlds, because the masters of the White Lodge only recognize the legitimate initiations of the Soul as genuine. These are completely internal.

The disciple can ascend the nine Arcades, pass through all the nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries, without having worked in the Arcanum A.Z.F. (Sexual Magic). Nevertheless, it is impossible to enter the Major Mysteries without Sexual Magic.

In Egypt, everyone who reached the Ninth Sphere would inevitably receive by word of mouth the terrific secret of the great Arcanum (the most powerful Arcanum, the Arcanum A.Z.F.).


The first ordeal that the candidate has to face is the trial of the Guardian of the Threshold. This Guardian is the reflection of the “I,” the intimate depths of the “I.” Many are they who fail this terrible ordeal.

In the Internal Worlds, the candidate has to invoke the Guardian of the Threshold. A terrifying electrical hurricane precedes the terrible apparition.

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>so easily falling for distraction

why would you want it, indeed.


Man, that's a lot of shit to sift through.

Doesn't explain my experience whatsoever.

Self "initiated" from a single digit age simply by pondering the concepts of duality, unity, magic, etc. and ignoring the advice that we shouldn't talk with animals, plants and objects beyond childhood. If you have the idea of, "I don't know if it works unless I REALLY try it myself" then all this crap about a framework for magic just seems like a crutch that non-magical folk use to get started understanding the universe.

If you want to know anything it's simple: Just ask everything, it'll tell you.



>Man, that's a lot of shit to sift through.

>all this crap about a framework for magic just seems like a crutch that non-magical folk use to get started understanding the universe.

Most "frameworks for magic" are bullshit occultism with sparkles of truth so that fools get attached to shitty thoughtforms that are detrimental to actual development. This is the reason the "occult" is full of semi-religious nonsense for anyone who is capable to see through deception.

>If you want to know anything it's simple: Just ask everything, it'll tell you.

This requires a connection that usually gets lost in early childhood. It's not very helpful for seekers that had to wade through a sea of filth in their quest.


Accurate paradigm


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(2 Nephi 10:24)

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, reconcile yourselves to the will of God, and not to the will of the devil and the flesh; and remember, after ye are reconciled unto God, that it is only in and through the grace of God that ye are saved.

You are the Devil. Mankind is the Beast.

Carbon - 666 represents Flesh.

I am Saint John, time to wake up

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Until OP can prove he's immortal in flesh, any words from thy mouth will be rendered as null and hypocrisy.

Few will bother to find the truth when all their senses are distracted and satisfied through the machine of dependencies.

And when telling the devil he is the devil, he reacts devilishly, and may even permanently damage the chance and possibility of that spirit to redeem itself before death.

A sick man cannot get well when he wants to get well. He will only want to be well when he is sick of being sick.



On ==christ consciousiness==.


St. John please pray for me. Please show me the truth.

Reveal yourself to me and show me that it is as you say.


Reality > Dogmatism



There's a difference?

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