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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Welcome to the Star Gate Academy

>Developed and researched by the C.I.A.

So you decided to become a student of the star gate academy, see this post as an introduction and a warm welcome. The focus of the S.G.-Academy is a successful higher consciousness through the research documentation of the C.I.A.

To achieve this we will train out-of-body mechanics. Afterwards introducing tools, developed by the C.I.A. for example 'Remote viewing'. I try to get as many information into the OP to kickstart the training smoothly.


First session; introduction into the field of star gate; presented by the C.I.A:


>This need to be readed and fully understood

It might be helpful to get a little understanding about;

>double slit

>Quantum entanglement

>Planck distance; 1.616229(38)×10−35 m


Now you are ready. From here on out the pace of the process will Speedup, thanks to the C.I.A.'s investigation. Keep in mind, there will not a 100% success on your first try but still you will get some results. As more often the out-of-body task is done, as more successful you become. This will take one or two week/s. In this S.G.-Academy we will use the Hemi-Sync audio

>read "7. (Frequeny Following Response)" from the CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5 PDF again if not understood.

Here the audio file


as well a FLAC DL file

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Youtube just obliterated the video. Do you have any other link?



I'm fairly certain that this is the video, albeit split into 10 damn parts. It is a good lecture though.


I think this is pretty much the same script but given to a different audience



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Thank you for a quality post.

>And here's some of the hits I had a few months ago

I tend to forget how young the demographic here actually is. Most people get swallowed up by the wage machine as time goes on. Stay young.


Can we also have an earth gate academy that explores the energies of the earth?

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My conclusions:

1. Psychic abilities are real.

2. All psychic power is based on the fact all thoughts influence everything; other thoughts, your body, the world, etc.

3. Because of the very nature of every thought influence working itself upon a situation, psychic powers work best when used covertly or only in harmonious conditions with like-minded persons.

4. Different people, depending on their psychic makeup, can be useful or not in an operation.

5. The intensity of a thought makes it have a stronger effect. If your life or whatever you hold dear is on the line, if there is very much at stake, or you have cultivated the ability to will fervent and overwhelming desire it is easier and more natural for people to forget their limitations and use these powers.

6. Thoughtforms automate processes that otherwise would have to be bruteforced and can be used to build a psychic structure that becomes more reliable for higher level ops to be conducted.

7. You can insulate your mental structure by cutting off the "water element" but you will struggle to function psychically then. The water element is basically receptivity. Invoking "earth element" also stabilizes you making any likelihood of change slower. Used properly these elements can help you, in other situation they retard your growth.

8. It is possible to swing around extremely different mental dispositions and outlooks. Including extreme scepticism, whimsy, solid faith, intense self-doubting, etc. One day you can prove beyond all reasonable doubt the reality of these things, then another time it can feel like it never happened, even when you have solid and undeniable proof before you.

9. This can often happen by mental contact with persons whose mentality then infects you through the aforementioned water element. This can be because of an email exchange, a talk with a stranger or friend, having spent time posting in a thread, etc.

10. You have to learn to rest in the I APost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Me neither. I don't even know why he's so shilled around here. He's not even a magician, he's just your average conspiracy theorist with new age tier ideas about morality. I also get a generally bad feeling about him so I take everything he says with a grain of salt.

If ayy lmao conspiracy theories are your thing then I guess but I think that's all a waste of time when you could be doing actual magick.


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I think he was originally promoted here due to his correspondence with the prolific 'green pill' zeitgeist at the time.



Your posting style breaks those rules then, "anon".

Also rule #8



His truth analysis articles are highly valuable.



How do you know that that's possible?

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Can music change matter(DNA)?

DID anyone here do it?

I'm considering starting using dna-change music as I sleep,I sleep a lot so if it's real I'll quickly notice results.

Which channels do you recommend?

I heard good things of sapien medicine


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I have tried this sort of thing for many years. I'm not really sure about it. I have never researched it in an academic or scientific way.

I imagine it does something like to help you relax. I'm not sure if it can actually alter matter. Maybe only after many generations of progeny come and go after listening to 'binaural beats', and evolution takes effect? (lol)

It probably has a little a therapeutic effect, like to help relax.

I feel that some of the ones involving hypnosis or magic spells perhaps may invoke some sort of shades or rogue spirits, which then perhaps will effect the physical world.

Perhaps the synchronicity or God pays attention to you to see how you will react to stuff like that, whatever it may be. Perhaps God imbues it with power just because it is something you are trying?

I have done hypnosis and such containing stuff like magic spells and prayers and it seems like it brought about some form of intentional supernatural activity.



Yeah, I've used binaural beats & some carefully created psytrance (from a friend, now no longer on the mortal plane) in conjunction with LSD or DMT to attempt to reprogram myself, undertake pathworking & guided meditation.

There's a way to use the 3d-audio effect & rapidly move a kind of "pixel" around in your consciousness, to create a kind of environment of sound (like, the impression of a hallway, or a forest or some other almost visual, synesthesia impression). Play around with some music software of you're good with that. Add in some ASMR type effects & combine it with your meditation. Or move the "point" to each chakra, and vibrate it at the chakra frequency. All good stuff, since you can just let yourself enter a really deep trance and have the music & sound guide the experience.

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How you holdin' up, ?

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Hope that helps in any way. Existence can be a nigger sometimes.



Stop being a slave to society you fucking retarded cuck


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My anger and despair is screaming inside of me. It wants to kill, but I have no tools for that so it ends up torturing me with disgusting images and sensations so that I end up screaming in the real world.

I can also feel bugs crawling all over my body despite there not being anything



Why are you angry and despairing?



>It wants to kill


Whenever you say 'it', you know you're getting looshed, matey. That 'it' is some astral bugs latched onto you. You can even feel them now, you've been feeding them so much. Really gross.

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The 1987 movie Spaceballs based on Star Wars had a character resembling Yoda who would say "May the Schwartz be with you". Schwartza is Yiddish for Black. So he was repeating an incantation to Americans which meant "May Black people be with you". The 1990's saw a huge increase in Black culture being promoted to Americans.


Jewish Curses


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Would Latin be the counter magical language to yidd?


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Latin is a powerful language to use to make affirmations or blessings or curses.

Any language or alphabet that was used in a magickal way a lot is good to use for making incantations. The English language works as well.

A blessing or curse is really just a simple use of language. For example Rebekah was a pagan woman who married into the Jewish tribe in the old testament. Her family gave a pagan blessing to her Jewish descendants, and this is found in Genesis 24:60.

QUOTE from KJV of 24:60 Genesis: "And they blessed Rebekah, and said unto her, Thou art our sister, be thou the mother of thousands of millions, and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them."

The blessing they told Rebekah was: "may your offspring possess the gates of their enemies".

So if we fast forward 4,000 years from when that blessing was given to the Jewish descendants of Rebekah, and here we are 4,000 years later, The Jews have possessed the gates of their enemies for centuries.

They have been opening the gates to immigration to Europe and America. Not only the gates of human immigration. The Jews have also been in control of the information gateways. The book publishing, the TV and movie industry. So this is evidence that blessing and cursing does work.

And the pagan blessing given to Rebekah did not even invoke God.

If you want to put some craftsmanship into it you can construct incantations using Latin or carve incantations into stone. Carving an affirmation or phrase into stone is very powerful and functions like an antenna that broadcasts the vibration of that inscription.

Praying on mountains is very powerful too for the same reason you make an antenna very high and for the same reason obelisks are constructed with inscriptions.


Schwartza is Yiddish slang for black person: http://archive.is/nbcOk

based on the German Schwarz for black: http://archive.is/IDTaU



Well I think you are right about it not being a common practice in most religions. But I don't believe God gets vengeance on people without prayers for vengeance in some form.


Prayers for vengeance are common in Jewish tradition, but such prayers tend to be discouraged in many other religions. Prayers for vengeance are compatible with all religions though

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How would you make a deal with the devil?

I'm open to all your thoughts.

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The quickest way that I've seen was some Voodoo thing.

At midnight be at a crossroads where no people are likely to come by (so quite rural). There, practice whatever skill you wish to learn until the sun comes up.

Do this every night until a man comes and asks if he can try to do whatever you're doing too. Give him whatever tools he needs to do it, and he will. Then he will leave and so will you.

You will quickly master the skill you saw this man practice. You'll also die fairly early though.

Just be sure to bring rum and hard candies, because the large black hounds sometimes turn up and if this is the case, you need to stay calm, continue practicing your skill, but throw rum and candies as far away from you as you can.


Here's a serious answer

You cannot 'make contact' with God. It would destroy our reality should the creator descend to our physical realm .

You may contact many lesser beings such as a devil. (Demons) Angels, etc.

The framework for contacting your higher self is in the a.a. course work which is freely available online.

The higher self is an angel, which is the sum total of your ultimate evolution, after countless incarnations of your lives. It is closer to God than you could possibly get right now, and since it's you, (contains you) it's easier to contact than God itself. The framework essentially is all about getting yourself closer to a phase lock with the higher self, to allow it to freely communicate with you in its past without altering the (it's) past or interfering with your free will.

Look into Tom montalks realm dynamics, it's a good explanation of our universe.

Demons are a lot easier to contact but much less inclined to be helpful, as they all have agendas.



>aa coursework

whats that?can you provide any links please.



AA = Alcoholics Anonymous.

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I feel like Eris is trying all the time to break through my barriers and get at me. A little thought centered upon Eris and she's coming through hard and fast like no other deity ever will. I want to get away from Eris but it's so fucking hard. I just want to get some shit sorted already so my life doesn't have to be a never end roller-coaster ride of unstoppable chaos but I can't. Eris is the only one that listens. Eris is the only who can force me to submit. Eris is the only power and authority in my life. Eris needs to give me a break but I can't make any connections to anything else.

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I've been checking out different entities and gods for a while now in search for one to work with. Eris is one of those who I feel the best about. I've checked out discordianism and like it, but it't too vague and too general. I wanna work with Eris directly and see her and communicate with her, not just be a random chaos mage. How should one who is interested go about it?



Literally just do it. Just want to work with her and do stuff you think would please her. Ponder her mysteries, appreciate her glory. She will find you, and if she doesnt, that just means she dont wanna reveal herself. Remember this is the Goddess of Chaos. Some ancients even believed there were two Eris's, one of love and one of war so to speak. The point I wish to get at there is the idea that she can be a real bitch sometimes. Perhaps her fun comes from not revealing herself to you?

As for Discordianism being too vague and general, you are a Pope of the religion so you have absolute say over it. If you want it to be more specific just make it that way for you, and then tell all of us dumbasses about how we are stupid and you know the real Discordianism.

Some practical advice: when I decided I wanted to start working with Eris I took an empty water bottle and filled it with a bunch of random ingredients from my fridge. It looked absolutely fucking disgusting but upon taste was actually quite sweet. Eris is found in doing more than wanting. Chaos: make something happen.

Eris bless.


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Thanks, a surprisingly clear and helpful reply from a discordian. I expected to be trolled or be presented with a riddleor sth tbh.

I want to embrace both the love and the war Eris. But I can't just start "being in", even if I'm a pope and part of the Fenderson family, it feels half-assed and not real. I need to come up with fnord sort of initiation for myself first.

I've got a couple more question if you care to answer them.

1. Is an altar for her recommended or something like that?

2. I wonder about Chaos in comparison to madness and insanity. Is Eris a mad and insane god, or "just" chaotic? Where does one end and the other begin anyway? I always keep thinking of the mad god Sheogorath from the Elder Scrolls when thinking about Eris. Weird, unpredictable, babbles nonsense often or talks in riddles, can either help you or just fuck you up, like to prank and annoy mundanes in both harmless and deadly ways.




1. An altar probably wouldnt hurt but I dont use one. I have a glass paperweight in the shape of a golden apple and thats what I use as a sort of anchor when I feel I need one.

2. Eris is chaos, chaos contains order and disorder. If you are connecting to a mad babbling Goddess that is probably what she is showing of herself to you.


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Just look at all these virgins circle-jerking over their imaginary gangbang gf. I'll fuck Eris violently in my mind tonight, then throw her limp body into a ditch full of pig shit. The loosh is mine, goyim!

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Previous Music Thread: http://archive.is/ZMwz1

You've never heard music like this.



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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Forgot to add:

Funkadelic - Maggot Brain


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Greenpill me on the dark side of females and why they behave the way they do and how to defend yourself against it.

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Who the fuck are you? There is nothing someone like you can do to help me. You are not as smart as you think you are. You just shat unrelated nonsense on one of my post and now you keep whining and demanding some shit from me. I don't care about you. Fuck off you parasite. Also stop shitposting in literally every active thread here, the board is already shit enough.



I never said I was smart though



You are the one shitposting. Why don't you tell everyone here what your agenda is?

I am always open and ready for dialogue. Come back when you actually understand the English language instead of this incessant bitching



Girls, if you're going to fight, make sure to do it slowly and aim for tearing each other clothes.


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Archive link for old thread: http://web.archive.org/web/20180212212012/res/112718.html

Post your feedback in this thread. New posters are also welcome!

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For myself I have noticed that I feel more tired during the day and also weaker and more annoyed. I started taking naps during daytime after taking the spell. I dislike the daytime and sunlight more now.

At the same time I feel more secure and comfortable during the night. The desire to be more awake during nighttime has appeared. I feel more energized and happier during the night. It has almost a healing quality to it.

But as of now I haven't started to sleep during the entire day and be awake the entire night. I'm still mostly awake during the daytime like most other people. If I have the chance and ability I will try to become fully 'nocturnal' but right now it's still kind of hard to accomplish. That's just me tho, not saying this goes for everyone who took the spell and made it.

Day is shit anyway. It's the time of the demiurge, the time of the hylics. Hylics and their fucking dogs sperging around under the blinding sunlight of ignorance. The sunlight that keeps the accursed matrix running.

But everyone who is not a golem of clay knows that the 'blessed' nature thrives during the night. The night is the time of the spirit, true enlightenment, magic, wizards and cats. The night provides a little glimpse of what is real, of how beautiful it is outside of the mundane material shithole.


Please tell me what other changes the spell has had on you. I initiated the process 3 days a go and already have noticed changes in my very old established patterns. I'm not old but I'm no spring chicken and this isn't my first rodeo with magic.



I think you should head over to meguca fringe and discuss the matter there. You can post your results and progress there and ask more questions. Blood Anon, the one who created this thread and made the spell aviable, is there too.

Don't look too much for what happens to others, this is a personal journey. Just pay attention to what happens to you. Also there is a chance you might not complete the spell. Not everyone makes it through.


I don't know what meguca fringe is, can you give a link?



Look at the OP of the questions thread.

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I'm being abducted on my dreams. Whenever I find myself in a shady situation, I'll often become lucid, try to fly and end up paralyzed in midair while being promptly deprived from all of my senses. Sometimes I'd have just enough time to look upwards, and I'd see a giant, translucent ship floating several miles over me. Every time I got caught, I'd try to pray to God or Jesus for help while the bastards messed up my mind to misremember the prayer or made me unable to think at all.

I don't have any recollection of operating tables, but I do remember vividly nearly every time they fed on me. Most precisely, on my sexual energy. You read that right, I've got alien succubi. I feel like I'm not in control of myself when they're near me, it's like I've got this unruly desire to ravage and my body moves on its own accord. And that's only what I'm able to remember, God only knows what else they have been doing to me. I always wake up tired and in a state of overall lassitude. Most of the time, I feel like shit.

I've been looking for a way to get rid of these scoundrels, but there's a little issue: my mind eye is blind. Every method I've found requires at least a modicum of mental visualization. I don't know if you're familiar with it; I'm talking about entering a deep hypnotic trance in order to connect with your soul, remove any "implants" they place in your astral body and finally teaching your soul to not allow any entities to take advantage of it. I've already tried psychedelics (keep in mind, I'm a natural hardhead, so I get few visuals) for this purpose, and while I get CEVs, whenever I try to meditate, I'll suddenly start seeing them. Grey/insect heads, repitilian/feline eyes, and familiar music would start to play on my head in order to distract me. Whiles psychs make me able to "see" (barely), they also make me more susceptible to their presence. They are a double-edged sword for that purpose, but so far I've had no luck.

I don't know what to do. I don't know anyone in person who I can trust to help me out with this. What can I do in order to open my third eye? I'm open to any suggestions.

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Do not be deceived and tricked by dogma nor lying spirits (like the Demiurge).



Can you explain to me what's the Demiurge? I've read a theory from Corrado Malanga (italian scientist and ufologist) in which he said there are two creators, the second being a creation of the first, and all existence is essentially a part of him. Demiurges sound similar to what he described as "uomo primo" or primigenium man. I suppose I'm praying to the first creator, in hopes that he gives enough of a fuck to lend me a hand, or perhaps I'm actually communicating with the universal consciousness, or the source? I don't know. I don't know if it's even possible to know so.

I consider myself a christian in values, because I think of christianity as a whole as a necessary dogma for preserving the spiritual integrity of western civilization and protecting against the machinations of the jews. But I don't even know how to define God, nor have I ever felt his presence. I might be an agnostic in that sense. All I know is, that every time I dream and find myself in a predicament, I pray to Christ and they try their darndest to prevent me from doing so, and react negatively when I successfully do so. That makes me infer that there might be someone looking out for me. It's the only kind of esoteric defense that has worked for me. Do you have any other suggestions?



When did stop reading montalk.net?


If you see things when you meditate, your eye is pretty open. Now, nobody is trying to distract you. You are just trying to use a new sense you have no idea how to operate and its all over the place. Drop psychedelics altogether if you want to develop your skills at all. Meditate more.

Unless your woes have been going on for literal decades, I'd say they're just a sign your on the right track. I have gone through similar things. Keep meditating, take notes on your visions, and try to cultivate a detached view from your ego, meaning you are in control of your ego and not the other way around. You'll make it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Your question is answered in this short video, but I recommend you watch the whole playlist and in fact read the whole of Montalk's website.




You quoted me twice, brah. I can't see anything while meditating. I don't think I was ever able to do so, at least not sober. Psychedelics aren't all the same. There are vast differences between something like 4-HO-DMT and 2C-E.

I find the first to be rather emotional and introspective, but one of the last times I've tried it, I was attacked by something and felt drained and depressed. I've never felt like that before. I think I can also become some sort of conductor and might had unknowingly channelized energy that affected someone around me. I've seen it while tripping close to a sober friend. It's like he got an "energy slap" from something that channeled energy through me.

Shrooms won't suffer fools lightly. You definitely don't wanna mess around with them, and if someone if interested in trying them, it is of utmost importance that you do them on a spiritually clean set & setting. A common mistake is to assume that just being mentally on a good spot and in a nice place where you feel comfortable is enough to trip on them, but no. Seriously, don't fuck with shrooms.

2C-E, on the other hand, I find it to be emotionally neutral and quite analytical. In my experience, it can pretty hedonistic. Best substance I've tried for music enhancement so far. According to a friend, t's simply perfect for entering into a hypnotic trance. In fact, after years of failed trials, the first time he tried to do a self-hypnosis while on 2C-E was the first time he had success. He was being abducted too, and he managed to kick them to the curb. Sadly, he can't help me right now. He's been sick for a while, so I'm pretty much on my own.


I'll check it out, thanks.

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i am CIA ama

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what an idiot



imagine actually giving your life for the jew XD



Imagine centering your entire worldview on Jewish people.


so is this the politics thread? the terrorists are getting bombed by syria and russia at the border by turkey in case people don't know



Pretty sure it's option A there. And OP is a larping faggot (whether CIA or not).

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Hey /fring/os

I've been having a semi recurrent event right as I wake up, it happens every month or so, sometimes more frequently than that, sometimes it doesn't happen for half a year or so. I wake up in the middle of the night, stand up from bed and see a shadowy figure standing there, sometimes in my hallway leading to the rest of the apartment (last time I saw it right in my room). Whenever it happens, as I'm not fully conscious yet, I react stupidly, like I do in my dreams. I just scream and maybe throw a kick or punch or something.

It strikes me as odd that right after it happens, I'm not super scared or anything, just startled with my heart pounding full force. So I don't usually have any trouble going back to sleep.

How do I know whether this is the "shadow people" people keep bringing up, or simply hypnopompic hallucinations?

And how do I make it go away?

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I just told the one that was bugging me to fuck off and he actually did.

The absolute madman.


Psychologist here. This is sleep paralysis. Shadow people are very common visions. Theres a netflix documentary on this bizarre phenomenon.

Its also thought to explain alien abductions as people standing over you while you sleep is a basic fear.

While their is no "treatment," no one dies of sleep paralysis. The best thing you can do is keep your eyes closed until your brain stops dreaming. The sense of fear that accompanies the sensation is yout parasympathetic nervous system coming on (feels like an adrenaline rush). Basically you are waking up too soon, and you're concious when you shouldnt be.

If waiting it out doesnt work, maybe try to learn lucid dreaming.


That's it, pack your shit, guys. Netflix did a documentary about it.



>psychologist here

>netflix documentary




<No one dies of sleep paralysis

>People die in their sleep of heart attacks all the time.

<N..no, that's not connected at all. We know from our scientific study involving bored college brats that nobody dies from sleep paralysis.

And how do you explain the consistent nature of the "hallucinations"? Suggestion right? Well, my first experiences were in the pre-Internet age, and I was a good Christian boy who'd never so much as seen a scary movie. How do I wind up with precisely the same shared experiences? Cmon, you could use such a solipistic argument to debunk anything, including everyday reality. It's just worthless. The most you can say scientifically is "Yeah, we're not sure".

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You can't help but wonder, why do (((they))) care so much about abortion?


Abortion is used as a postmodern, surreptitious adaptation of atavistic rituals that require grown children to be sacrificed. By promoting legislation all over the world to legalize abortion, not only do they further their agenda to depopulate and replace whites, they also indirectly pay their due to Moloch without getting their hands dirty (at least not as often).

Now, what's wrong with vaccines?



Look at the dates. As an heuristic, I tend to regard anything censored by (((them))) as good and true.

So, what does it have to do with abortion?


Most government mandaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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OP is retarded but you're even more small-minded in this case.



>I never said there was magic at work. I'm not saying there isn't, I'm just joining the dots.

I agree it's shady, but I'm doubtful they have trained magicians in every hospital performing the rituals.




Judging by the video I posted, I'd say that a ritual might not be necessary for the souls to be abducted. It's hard to say whether their souls are at the mercy of these entities due to the sadness (or low frequency) of being rejected by their mothers or if there was any pact beforehand to give these entities free rein to catch them.

There's ample evidence for the veracity of hypnotic regressions, and there's also declassified government documents about experimentation with remote viewing.

My only supernatural experience, which made me go from agnosticism to ietsism, occurred from witnessing a friend entering a self-hypnotic trance while he was on a psychedelic.



I think you misintepreted my posts. I'm not a skeptic about magic. I know full well about magic. What I'm skeptic about is that there's an organized, centralized effort like you describe.

Maybe isolated cases take advantage of abortion to make offerings to their gods, but it's not an international agenda, I don't think so.

>their souls are at the mercy of these entities due to the sadness (or low frequency)

That doesn't work like that.

>there was any pact beforehand

This could be possible, but again, I don't believe a coordinated mass effort is reasonable to consider.



Just like they try to push the Overton window with child trannyism in order to make their pedophilic tendencies socially accepted, they pushed from first semester abortion all the way to late term (that includes killing a nine month infant while still inside) in order to realize, under the guise of a medical procedure and protected by law, covert child sacrifice. That's my theory. Ever since I saw the "temple" picture from Epstein's island, this kind of conspiracy doesn't really sound that far-fetched.

>That doesn't work like that.

How do you know? Lots of people get preyed upon by parasitic entities, but how did they let them in? According to the reported experiences from hypnotized subjects, emotions can serve as a backdoor channel, giving entities "permission" to mess with your soul. For example, males who are hosts of succubi may allow them access due to perceived unrealized sexual potential, or overall frustration with the opposite sex. The succubus will focus on perennially instigating these feelings in order to keep feeding off of you. In short, if you're in a low frequency, you're easy prey.

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I have a German WW2 war merit cross which belonged to a nameless soldier supposedly from the battle of Monte Cassino. The story goes that he was blown up in an explosion. By analysing the medal one side is clearly damaged and completely unrecognisable of any insignia with the other side displaying the Swastika and left largely intact.

One night I had a dream that I saw a transparent WW2 German soldier running somewhere. As soon as I saw him I called "Halt! Soldat!!" With that he became clearly visible, no longer transparent, turned towards me and ran at me shouting in German.

I'm unsure if the dream was a coincidence with the medal being in my room, but it got me thinking as to find out who the original owner was and contact him through spiritual means. I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I've thought about drawing blood and pouring it on the medal to invoke the spirit somehow but am relatively clueless on how to communicate with the dead. My intent is not malicious but rather to reawaken the spirit from it's slumber and see what it has to say.

Attached photo is not the actual as I'm on holiday and cannot take a picture.

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File: 7309fddd4648d76⋯.pdf (14.45 MB, Daniel Ogden - Greek and R….pdf)

Check the sticky for a few PDFs on necromancy (talking to the dead) which is what you are doing.

During dreams our consciousness is awakened and we move outside the body able to commune with others. Clearly this soldat wants to go home and see his family. You could try looking up the WW2 Registry of soldiers during the battle of monte cassino (allied atrocities happened here be careful) and look up names, then find the rank of the soldier and narrow down the list from there.

Once you find a list of canidates you can narrow down names. Upon holding the medal you should be able to get his name by calling out from that list or the name may jump out at you by reading it or simply by asking him "Name bitte soldaten" (my german is shit).

You might also want to look up necromancy, talking to the dead, ghost and psychic phenomenon. Those ideas will help you communicate with the dead.

Best of luck Cammraden


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Also you dont need to 'bond' the medal by using your own blood, that wont help you communicate with the dead.

Check the archive for bloodsigils if you want to get into that.

Also, try using the medal as a method of communal meditation and mediate with the medal as you like.

Also dont trust google translate for your german, do some basic reading and congratulate him on his heroism for fighting for our furher and the empire.


Much appreciated anon. I can't wait to get back home from my holiday and try to contact our kamerad. Hopefully I can bring him peace and give our gratitude to him for his sacrifice.



>talking to the dead

What about making zombie frens?



I'd like to add that most regular joe dead want or need to move onto the afterlife, so helping him do just that instead of being stuck here is probably the way to go.


Good luck and please report back.

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