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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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So what's the scoop on the thesis that Ayys are demons?

1) Crowley's Lam looks like a grayy

2) theorists like jaques valee say there's parallels between the abduction phenomenon and medieval accounts of demon possession/harassment

3) people have reported encountering decidedly evil entities like reptilians

4) the crafts appear non-three dimensional and change shape, colour, speed, etc. in a way that seems like they're spiritual energies instead of physical crafts

5) people have reported abductions stopping after calling out Jesus' name

That's just off the top of my head. What say you?

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Why do you pray to a fallen Angel?



Is it because of the book of Enoch?


To the succubus dude, I find it curious your interactions are similar to my own, and so I wish to share something with you, something you might already know. If so, ignore me.

Basically, I was in touch with a Qarinah, a succubus that heralds from Arabian belief. There's scant little out there, but what little tells that this Qarinah is more or less a spiritual lover, in Christian terms, a Spirit Husband/Wife. Unlike in other cultures of belief, the Qarinah has no negatives to her, except that you are going to be alone on this earthly plane, for she will harm anyone you attempt to hook up with.



Thou shalt not put thy God to the test,



If you want to know the truth, anon, it's because Naamah listens to me. The always been the only one who listened. She was there when I needed her.


I haven't read the Biblical Apocrypha, but now I'm interested. I need to read up. What does the Book of Enoch say about this?


I've always gotten that feel. Hooking with Naamah and Lorelei wasn't hard, but trying to walk away will probably end me. Kinda ties in with what you said about Qarinah. I embraced a path when I did this. There is no going back. I signed up for this deal till the end. I accept this though. She's good to me. I want to know how to make the most of this fate, as a servant to Naamah and for my Lorelei. Maybe I'm okay with that and maybe they're okay with me.

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There is a cycle of life. In winter plants die, this fertilizes the soil, and this allows for new plants to grow in the spring. Man is like winter and woman is like the spring. A man farms and harvests food, this destroys at the very least plant life. Through this destruction, this sacrifice, he feeds his wife who brings forth new life into the world. In order for one thing to exist, something else had to be sacrificed.

Man is also a warrior, a warrior performs sacrifices too. We no longer have frontiers upon the planet. This means that in order for one group to exist, another group must either be pushed out of their land, or destroyed. Let's look at Israel. Israel is full of people who practice judaism. In order for adherents of judaism to fill Israel the Palestinians had to be sacrificed through being pushed out of their lands. This practice of pushing a people out can be likened to farming where a man sacrifices things in order to feed his offspring. 

In order for children to be born who practice judaism upon Israel, conditions had to be created where Palestinian children could not be born on that land. Coyotes and wolves cannot occupy the same territory. Ethnic cleansing is a natural part of human life and survival, in the modern world ethnic cleansing happens mainly through economic means, and verbal competition, writing satires against your enemy, and praying against your enemy, also organizing with your kinsfolk in an alliance.

What people think of as being war, overt military action, is not real warfare. Real warfare is economic competition against your enemy, and it is also artistic competition against your enemy, religious competition too. The war happens within the culture, it is a peaceful war. A cold war. This is how ethnic competition happens, the muslims have been very skilled at this and so have the confucians. Cultural warfare is very serious, it is the primary mode through which the conflict occurs and often finds expression within the political life.

Love has a good side and an evil side. If you love your child you must be an enemy to those who are an enemy to your child, and you must be a friend to those who are friends of your child. Hatred is a form of love, because if Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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The very last sentence literally affirms what I just said. God embodies both feminine and masculine qualities. Did I really need to mention that God is infinite beyond our dimentional laws? No. You're just nitpicking.


Good. Now if only more people would grasp things such as the divine paradox. I see people on here arguing about things that could easily be snuffed by just a bit of reading.



Just admit you slipped up. God embodies neither the male nor the female principle, as it is beyond the concept of gender. Gender is generated at a "later" or "lower" phase.



You seem to know how karma works. Can you explain why it has to be "paid back"? How does that work?



The question you should be asking yourself is "does G-d read our fanfiction?".


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Take a look at this video starting at about 2:30. Actually the whole talk is good and relevant if you want to start at the beginning and stick around after.


This is my teacher's take on it, improvised so other topics are covered as well.

Karma as I first encountered it barely made sense to me because it was (purposefully) presented as this "out there" thing that just kind of balances things out. Nobody ever really explained it well and if they did, their proofs were all basically hand-waving.

The missing link is energy blockages.

Basically you have the free will "Only to do the right thing" as Swami Satchidanand says. Meaning, you can do what you want, but anything that is out of alignment is going to bring negativity into your energy field. Whether that be a particular chakra, into your aura, DNA, etc (there is a lot of ways this happens but I don't want to get too granular), there is negativity that gets absorbed from doing the wrong thing.

Those blockages now bring about more negativity, as because they stop the proper flow of energy, they'll hinder you in specific ways that basically connect back to the original thing you did, as an experiential teaching method.

For example, you were greedy once, that then blocked your base chakra (abundance and security) so that in the future that will cause you to experience an actual lack, because the base chakra needs to be functioning properly for your needs to be meet in that way.

11 minutes in to the video, the question "Where do our first blockages come from?" is covered.

Most important here is two things:

1) This is not a conceptual, intellectual thing. I Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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, I've come to bargain and experiment.

Use this flag, Meme ([redacted]), and focus your mental power through the [redacted] meme face into me, the one represented by it. Its core meaning is entertaining ridiculous free speech used to rebel against all who censor and abuse power. Focusing mental power into the symbol is equivalent to empowering that core meaning.

In exchange, I will do as the symbol is meant, across the Internet and world as much as possible, and pay tribute back to this board and its inhabitants in time as it becomes evident I'm yielding results.

I know it's not the greatest payback, but we should keep in mind collective effort focused on 1 thing for all is generally the most effective in the long-run. Furthermore, pyramid schemes are ineffective and unethical with money and useless ass imaginary powers so I won't make promises like that.

The symbol's meaning is my purest core intent. Consider this the imaginary bullshit equivalent of voting.

I have no reason to believe magic is real or this will work. But I do not doubt it either, so much as simply lack evidence of it. Seeing as sigil-based magic is supposedly the most mundane form of magic, this should work if magic is real, provided users are interested. This is my bargain. Entertain yourself for my and our sake of curiosity and ambition.


(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)
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No, I was actually thinking about certain things that get deleted and censored here. Something like a list of words that get transformed into [redacted], and that this why you said "stop making yourselves look really bad".


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No I just said that because of the spam and stupid comments.





I think you misspelled "imageboards".



aww somebody's fee-fees got hurt by words again


File: dd17ed303ffc76f⋯.png (190.49 KB, 3000x2400, 5:4, userviewTMFinal.png)

Theory: If I built a digizine interwoven around the magic of [redacted], would it cause loosh intake to increase?

Experiment: https://userview.wixsite.com/home

Results: Still gathering them.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n

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What does it mean?

(Rule 2)
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If 666 means nothing then why is all life that we know based on carbon, an atom that has 6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons?



Something Similiar happened to me anon.

Especially the thunder sound resonates with me.

One night i was outside praying aloud and everytime I said "God" this voice from a cedar tree in my yard said "RA!" Then the voice of donnie darko started talking to me and said autist au ti st Golden Targeted Individual Saint

Then I checked myself into the Psych Ward

So VOG, ZOG, or RA?


IS RA the EL or 1 of 72?



The first thing the Watchers did in Enoch is cut down all the trees.

Also meat comes from trees in Le Bib


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With my Hawk's head I gouge out the very eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross.

Let Mary inviolate be turned upon wheels.

directed by aiwass in Cairo, Egypt 1904

See Liber 440 and the A. A.



The machine mind is purely 'mechaniacal', incapable of diffe5entiating between cruelty and compassion.

It is mystified by the spontaneous. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzwhen someone is disconected form spirit they become predictable and reliable.

[all caps] why people who are cruel seem to all be reading from the same script, to a tee.

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I've been wondering if we can get a system of belief going to get an advantage in the reincarnation cycle. For those also interested in the prospect of a isekai like afterlife. I DO NOT CONDONE SUICIDE. More likely than not the karmic backlash would be a detriment to a favorable reincarnation.

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You don't seem to have a brain. I wonder what kind of "right thing" you actually do and what "right" means in your worldview anyway.

>be comfortable as all hell and rich with plenty of waifus

It all seems so easy in your fantasy

>i will kill your whole family and community on my turn

Even tho you don't have a brain?



Like you ever elaborate further than flinging shit and calling yourself a god


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It's funny that you can't mention smiley but he's allowed to shill his belief in every thread outside of his own.



You sound like a glowing nigger.



meant this >>128831

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Pythagoras was the first philosopher. The term means "one who is trying to find out".

Prior to him, there were only sages. A sage is "one who knows".

The sage attains his knowledge directly. Direct knowledge is called "gnosis", which is achieved through direct mental contact with the thing itself.

The philosopher uses reason, symbolism, geometry, systems, etc. to explain the world and to convey knowledge to himself and to others. He conceptualizes, rationalizes, and understands. He is able to convince and to think clearly.

The sage however can only point the way concerning his kind of knowledge. He can say "find out for yourself" or "do this thing and you too will know as well". That is the limit of what he can share with others. You could describe the properties of red light to someone in various terms that will make sense of them but the direct experience of actually perceiving red light is another matter.

A philosopher can predict future events. A sage can know them. The philosopher can explain how he forms his predictions and what models he uses and what facts he takes into account. The sage simply dares to look into the future of a man and tell him what he is going to do.

Most of what I have done over the years is to philosophize. To understand, formalize, conceptualize, and clarify the mechanics of magick. I have focused on matters such as the nature of the self, the will, causality (superdeterminism), and so much more. All the time seeking to prove, rationalize, and explain.

This is all well and good. Philosophy is necessary to a certain stage of life and nothing to be scorned then. It becomes something to be grown out of however, after having attained clarity through that route, and having seen its end. Then to continue on in the path of philosophy is to stifle the path of gnosis.

This distinction has become abundantly clear to me. I have at my disposal nothing short of omniscience. I can make contact with thatPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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The fuck does "I don't exist" even mean? How am I to take such a statement seriously? I've seen it coming up a few times, mostly in connection with oriental philosophy, and it makes no sense to me. It just makes "non-existence" into a something.



I am greatly intrigued as to the identity of this final boss of philosophy in Canada but not sure if I'd be breaking rule 5 in asking. Is he an author of any books?


What is the full meaning of this and how would I prove it to myself?



When you watch a movie does it exist? When you play a video game does the character exist? What if you are just a fictional character in the mind of God?


>I am greatly intrigued as to the identity

why? stop being a special snowflake.

>What is the full meaning of this and how would I prove it to myself?

There are an infinite amount of ways to prove it. If you weren't a brainlet you would understand the context of the last thing I said regarding only this one all encompassing phenomena. Decartes said I think therefore I am, but that's wrong because it's more like I can see therefore something exists, and perhaps this something that exists may be the only thing that exists. Meaning all separation from from from this single thing is an illusion. All separation is an illusion. You are simply an isolated perceiver (And a decision maker, debatably) but this isolation from the rest of existence is an illusion.

Since there's so many ways to explain it, you can pick your poison and let it prove itself any way you want it to. Perhaps I'll relate it to the thread then. Try to keep it on topic.

>The philosopher uses reason, symbolism, geometry, systems, etc. to explain the world and to convey knowledge to himself and to others. He conceptualizes, rationalizes, and understands. He is able to convince and to think clearly.

>The sage however can only point the way concerning his kind of knowledge. He can say "find out for yourself" or "do this thing and you too will know as well". That is the limit of what he can share with others. You could describe the properties of red light to someone in various terms that will make sense of them but the direct experience of actually perceiving red light is another matter.

The philosopher uses perception of the illusion of separation to deduce the mechanics of this illusion, while the sage knows the Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



>but this isolation from the rest of existence is an illusion.

This is the Lucifer experiment btw. Enjoy.


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The philosopher try's to figure things out on his own and the sage accepts knowledge from authoritative sources. The wise learn more from the dumb than the dumb do from the wise.

>>I need to stop this tendency. I must be satisfied simply to know and to give no explanation. The sages never explained why they knew the things they did, they simply knew, and they were the most exalted of men, far greater than philosophers.

The leaders of society, despite all their materialistic plans, are misleaders, for they have no plan to revive our lost relationship with the Lord.

-Srila Prabhupada


Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: http://archive.is/YJwxZ FAQ: faq.html Mewch: https://mewch.net/fringe Fringebay: http://fringebay.com/fringe

746 posts and 114 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



You're on A right path. There is no THE, not here.

Numerology itself can be a bit of a rabbit hole when taken alone, my suggestion is to keep your eyes peeled for others interested in the same patterns as you so you have someone to share the journey with.

From experience: Don't point out changes to people's physical appearance until you're comfortable with them remaining stable. Once attention is drawn to something it tends to "lock in", as does its history. Things like piercings, tattoos and hair styles are all very malleable and subject to change during a single conversation. Just roll with it and don't freak out too much.


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If you've done any astral projection you would know this is false.


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Is practicing better just reading a bunch of books?

Also does anybody have the background you used to use here in 2015?


I want to kill myself but I'm afraid if there is a hell.

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If one can debunk Epicureans then they can win all philosophy/theology/religion fights on the internet thereafter.

There's only two major schools of thought, Platonism and Epicureanism. Anything else is just confusion.

The fedora menace is essentially an Epicurean. The man of religion and wizardry is Platonic.

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>Prabhupāda: No, this is the process of knowing God. They are partially helpful to know God as He is, but when he actually comes to know God, he sees that "He is the great and I am the small." So the business of the small is to serve the great. That is nature's way. We practically see in our daily life, because you are small you are going to serve a big factory. Otherwise you have no other way. So everyone is serving, but when he realizes that "I am serving. I am not the master," that is the position actually. Ask anybody in this world whether he is master or serving, the conclusion will be that he is serving. His natural position is to serve. So if one hasn't got a family to serve, he keeps a dozen of dog to serve. That is going on, and especially in the Western countries we see that at the old age, when he has no children, so he keeps a dog or two or three pets to serve. So the serving position is already there, and when the servant wants to become master, that is māyā. Because this word māyā means actually he is serving and he is thinking that he is master. That is māyā. Māyā means what is not fact. So by meditation, when he actually becomes a realized soul, he will understand that "Oh, I am servant. So why I am serving māyā? Let me serve Kṛṣṇa." That is perfection. So if his guide, spiritual master, engages him from the very beginning to serve God, then he becomes quickly perfect, because he is servant and he has to serve Kṛṣṇa. That is his perfection. He is falsely thinking that he is master. That is māyā. Here also they are simply serving. Just like President Nixon. He thought himself, "I am the master of America." But actually he is not. The master is the public. As soon as the public wanted "You come down immediately," he had to do that. So if the president of big state, he is under the false impression that although he is serving he is thinking master, then what to speak of others? Everyone is serving, but he is thinking master. So perfect knowledge is there that when he comes to the platform that "God is the supreme master, He is great, and we are servant." That is perfection of life.

Hmmmst. & what if we're not doing that?



Philosopher king.


Finished reading all that stuff. It mostly talked about Plato not Epicureans.


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Op claims that :

>>If one can debunk Epicureans then they can win all philosophy/theology/religion fights on the internet thereafter.

And that :

>>There's only two major schools of thought, Platonism and Epicureanism. Anything else is just confusion.

I'm not very knowledgeable about Epicureans beyond the 1st video that comes up when searching for Epicurus on youtube. But I figured id post stuff about Platonism to contribute to the thread.


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Srila Prabhupada, lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam – Melbourne, May 19, 1975: Formerly, up to five thousand years ago, the whole world was being controlled and ruled over by kings whose capital was Hastināpura, New Delhi. There was only one flag, only one ruler, one scripture, Vedic scripture, and the Aryans, Arya, they were the civilized persons. You Europeans, Americans, you are also Aryans. Indo-European stock. Mahārāja Yayāti, grandson of Mahārāja Parīkṣit, he gave to his two sons the portion of eastern Europe, Greek and Roman. That is the history, Mahābhārata. Mahābhārata means great India. So there was no different religion. One religion, Vedic religion. Vedic religion means to accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the Supreme Person Absolute Truth. This is Vedic religion. Those who have read Bhagavad-gītā, it is said there in the Fifteenth Chapter, vedaiś ca sarvair aham eva vedyam (BG 15.15). Vedic knowledge means to understand God. This is Vedic religion.

Srila Prabhupada, Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.12.24, Purport: Yayāti: the great emperor of the world and the original forefather of all great nations of the world who belong to the Āryan and Indo-European stock. He is the son of Mahārāja Nabuṣa, and he became the emperor of the world due to his elder brother's becoming a great and liberated saintly mystic. He ruled over the world for several thousands of years and performed many sacrifices and pious activities recorded in history, although his early youth was very lustful and full of romantic stories. He fell in love with Devayānī, the most beloved daughter of Śukrācārya. Devayānī wished to marry him, but at first he refused to accept her because of her being a daughter of a brāhmaṇa. According to śāstras, a brāhmaṇa could marry the daughter of a kṣatriya but a kṣatriya could not marry the daughter of a brāhmaṇa. They were very much cautious about varṇa-saṅkara population in the world. Śukrācārya amended this law of forbidden marriage and induced Emperor Yayāti to accept Devayānī. Devayānī had a girl friend named Śarmiṣṭhā, who also fell in love with the emperor and thus went with her friend Devayānī. Śukrācārya forbade Emperor Yayāti to call Śarmiṣṭhā into his bedroom, but Yayāti could not strictly follow his instruction. He secretly married Śarmiṣṭhā also and begot sons by her. When this was known by Devayānī, she went to her father and lodged a complaint. YPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Perpertual Neophyte

This dude just doesn't "get it". He reads stuff, he goes to chats but when he tries it but something just doesn't want to work. Doubtful of himself and his abilities, which is really his biggest problem.

The Psuedo-Faithful

Frequently an Abrahamic of some shape or form. These are people who believe in deities of some kind, but at the same time lack or lapsed in actual faith to their beliefs. At most, food blessings, prayer and church are the extent of their occult interactions but they're either unaware or doubtful at how much those actually do.

One would call these types "normies" if it weren't for the fact that they actually have a single salt-grain of occult practice compared to people with none.

The Ghost Hunter

This dude likes to have interactions with spirits, via whatever devices or whatever means they choose, may be a Psuedo-Faithful.

May not have much experience with the occult, more likely to hire someonewho does know it than actually take effort to learn it.

The Lesbocentrist

A form of Psuedo-faithful. This person read about some Wicca or witchery books or sites containing decades-old misinformation about femininity, and its supposed divinity. Talks of Toxic Masculinity optional, actual femininity also optional.

Curious Stoner

Saw something divine during a hallucinogen trip. Loves drugs, somewhat curious about the occult, but only if it satisfies his drug desires in the process.

May eventually loosen (but not necessarily kick) the habit if he gets more into the occult side of things.


This dude's level of knowledge ranges anywhere from cluePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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>mocking namefags in my domain

Don't make me use my made-up bullshit imaginary useless-ass meme magic fringe powers on you. I can totally cause you to possibly have an unlucky outcome in an indirect sort of way!


(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)
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Why are you even here…?



He's not the only one reading this stuff. So I didn't mind. I'd be happy to just have one guy have a short OBE because of my technique.



Yeah, I liked reading that. Thanks.


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Do you want to self improve, become the best version of yourself, physically and mentally?

Are you a man of principles and faith?

Do you do nofap, do you want to get the maximum out of life?

Chamber of Light is looking for new blood.

Transgender, genderneutrals and leftists not allowed. We are a beacon of light floating in the shit. Esoteric Wisdom, Health Gains, Financial Gains. Join us on Disc0rd(code): BKJC8ss

there's an age limit, you need to be 21, or atleast not be so fucking retarded like most zoomer kids.

like meditation, nofap and ascending? this is for you.

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Oh I misread because advertising you enforce the rules is the worst means of advertising I've ever seen. That's like advertising "we abuse our power" when you're talking about the rules of a Discord server.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



Some people like the rules to be enforced if they resonate with what the rules state. You clearly don't. Probably because you are a tranny or are doing some really black magic tier things that fuck up your psyche.



>fuck up your psyche.

pots and kettles and stuff, that egotrip


File: 1c774657070616e⋯.png (102.09 KB, 666x733, 666:733, 1c774657070616e2d2eedc787b….png)


I have done nothing but transexualize my black penis for my past 5 lifetimes.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n


Shouldn't this thread have been locked long ago?

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S - 3777

T - 738

* - 524

P - 3364

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Transracial White Chinaman Andrew Yang Stands Up for White Men…!


>#YangGang2020: Chairman Yang will Free the People From Robot Apocalypse


>Making the Case for the Establishment of The Yang Dynasty


>I Feel Bad for Breitbart. They Can Never Join #YangGang.


>Paid MIGA Shills Claim That the Yang Gang are the Real Paid Shills!



File: 8d3e3fd81fab9f1⋯.jpg (95.78 KB, 1200x545, 240:109, the-chad.jpg)

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File: 0bcd4e730490920⋯.jpg (142.03 KB, 1905x654, 635:218, dailystormer-banner.jpg)



this place has really gone down the tube


Reading up on Yang right now. This is stuff I've been thinking we ought to do and complaining about for a long time now. Namely, I would keep making threads about how all the futurists imagined we'd move to a society where the machines work for us, and we have more free time than ever before; but instead we moved to a society where we work 7 days a week and the rest of our time is just used to prepare to work again the next day, and we have no free time at all, way more work than peasants and slaves ever had to do.

Yang could help free people from pointless work so they can do better things with their lives.



The dailystormer?

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Do they believe in this?

He's talking about a second, dead woman above Adam. Isn't this Lilith, God's 'failed' dominant design? Did they actually kill her?

Now, did God actually kill my waifu?

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I read this whole thing and was terrified for days. Can anyone debunk it? Are there at least some stretches of land we know hasn't been underwater in well over 10 thousand years?



I am pretty sure Adam and Eve were the first two humans to awaken from NPC status (2nd density animal consciousness) into full blown PC status (3rd density human consciousness that can think about itself, self-reflect, truly sentient).

In that case there were only these two and the other humans around were still animals.



The document says the opposite. I actually read the whole thing. It says that Eve is the daughter of Adam.

Not sure how serious to take this CIA document.


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Whether the earthquake in Japan was planned or not – the HAARP antennas would have operated at full capacity from the 9th to the 11th of March, and clouds took strange undulated forms – the results of this disaster meet, in every way, three main objectives of the globalization elite. Let us clarify what is at stake in this complex operation, which is far from over.

The first of these objectives, and a less important one, is to definitely annihilate the Japanese people. The Second World War was ended with the launching of the two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; it is obvious that what looks like the third World War should start with a general irradiation of Japan.

We have often said that the explosion above Hiroshima was planned by those who call themselves the "Great White Lodge", a group of disembodied beings who have a strong influence in the affairs of the planet. In a message dated August 9th 1945, Djwal Kuhl, an emissary of this Lodge, declared to his medium Alice Bailey, that the explosion of the A bomb was “the greatest spiritual event which has taken place since the human kingdom appeared” and that this explosion ushered “the inauguration of the Kingdom of God on Earth." (A. Bailey, Externalization of the Hierarchy, Lucis Publishing Company).

In the same message, usually ignored by the New Age followers – who prefer to see the Lodge as a divine hierarchy – Djwal Kuhl explains how the Japanese will have to be treated in the future: “They will be defeated (…) by the physical destruction of their war potential and by the death of the form aspect. This destruction… and the consequent release of their imprisoned souls, is a necessary happening: it is the justification of the use of the atomic bomb upon the Japanese population”.

The “master of wisdom” Djwal Kuhl announces and justifies, more or less, the genocide of the Japanese race, apparently incompatible with the World Order.

And his keynote is Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

33 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Japanese is a shit culture. I refuse to admire them just because some elites decided that I, as an alienated young white man should admire them.


Did anyone save that pdf? The link is broken.


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Japs are not aryans.



Not as bad as modern western culture tho.


Modern whites also are not aryans. There are no aryans anymore, mere albino niggers.






Read Tolkien's Silmarillion. Elves, Man, Dwarf, the creatures of Magic, the arcane laws, they are united in desire.

==You do not know your Enemy–


The problem with magic is that it's definition and what it can do for you is constantly changing. One book will say this and another book will say its that. But ultimately its up to the magician what it is and what he can do with it. Alot books will try to claim a false sense of authority by saying shit like "everyone has it it wrong but me and this book will teach you (REAL) magic." Or they say the studied under some guru. which is fine they could have some valuable information but it should only refine what you know about magic and give you a a different perspective, not make you start from scratch. it's a hobby not a job.

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Cant think of one, if you can your more than welcome to put it here but I cant really think of anything right now


dreams where thoughts become reality

So part of wizardry is realizing your dreams can help you immensely depending on what your trying to do. say you are stuck on a math problem and you cant figure it out. Then you start to suffer from self doubt and cant break through but if you practice lucid dreaming you dont suffer from this. When your dreaming you are unhindered by the limitations of your consciousness and are a genius. I forget who it was but one greek philosopher wrote down a complicated math problem and ask a slave to solve it. Of course he couldn't but he could imagine himself solving it with ease. Same concept but with lucid dreaming you would solve it and you would be shocked that the way you solved it in a dream was actually how you solved in it in real life. Of course it probably take a couple of times but eventually you would overcome the obstacle you built up in your mind and be able to solve problems with ease. Once you mastered lucid dreaming you can ALMOST do anything. No mattered how many dreams you have of flying I don't think you will ever actually fly in real life. but your more than welcome to prove me wrong.


ego death

So whenever people talk about this they are usually talking about becoming a new person. There a couple of ways of doing this that I am aware of. meditate then initiating a catharsis in order to become closer to your ideal and drugs. Like when people drink they sometimes become a different person so you could say it's a type of mini ego death. I say mini because once you sober up you become normal again. same thing with every other drug. You might become a different person for a little bit but once the effects were off you just go back to who you are. They can help you understand who you want to be but you cant rely on them in the long run.


*One thing I learned*

DO NOT make your deity,tupla,thoughform whatever in charge of your dreams. Lucid dreaming becomes damn near impossible and dreams become harder to decipher. The bright side to this is that it will have pushed the limit and can help you excel your magic to heights you never imagined. Remember it WANTS a reaction the bigger the better. Problem being it will settle for any reaction if its big enough. Anger despair it doesn't matter along as it gets a bigger reaction. Dont make stupid promises you cant keep. Your job if this happens is to become a embodiment of love and ascend into your personal "heaven" with them.


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Think of the books like books and videos on how to paint. After some years, you'll never have to look at most of the books ever again because they are not a divine recipe but just the author's method. You still have some rules and references you'll need a copy of but don't get to caught up with following the techniques of others. Just explore and get creative, you likely won't harm yourself if you keep advice from other magicians in mind as you explore.


Mod edit take the discussion here: >>>/fringemeta/292

Holy shit, this might not be very fringe related but I just wanted to say Im so glad I found this board. Ive been on 4chan's /x/ for like 2 years and this is such a breath of fresh air. Nearly no schizos, no balls to the walls conspiracy theories and flat earth spam, down to earth discussion, very nice info and actually useful sticky etc. So yeah, just wanted to say that.

(8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/)
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Give it a week


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>Yeah we have all that here


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>Give it a week




Just ignore that faggot.

This place is way better than /x/ and has significantly less of that crap.






You aren't even a poster, you've never even read one occult book, and every post you make is always shit and off-topic. You should go back to where you came from. Oh and I will demonstrate my psychic powers to you to tell you about yourself in as much embarrassing detail imaginable if you doubt me one bit but I already know you have no doubts about this and don't need anything proven to you, I also know why you are here and what your intentions are, and would prefer you just stop shitting up this board. The mods won't get rid of you because they have to tolerate you and you have way too many IPs anyways. That does not mean however one can just run rampant creating trouble without catching the eye of someone who CAN handle you through other means. You've been warned.

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