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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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a.k.a Louis Cachet


Is he greenpilled?

If you don't know: After he got out of jail he left Norway and moved to the French countryside, he has a youtube channel where he explains his philosophy and beliefs, as well as covering current events. In my opinion his particular take on European paganism seems very profound and in-line with

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>replacing that government

>with unarmed citizens


>using the political process built into the system?

>implying Trump was a win for freedom and he isn't just a kike-puppet too

Voting kikey puppets in clearly isn't working. America is politically trapped in terms of advancement; the last people who ever try to make a true difference using diplomacy get assassinated, remember?


>Maybe you should build it based on trust in your leaders in stead of paranoia

I agree with the kike here, the American political system is poor in quality and destined to fail. National Socialism has been the best created so far.


>And where "do" you live?

Clearly, the kike lives in Israel. If it weren't Israel, he would only be pointing out the negatives in order to weaken the gentile nations.



A real Varg tard right here, folks


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see pic related


You all have magic powers and that's why you are on four chan gossiping about somebody who lived a life . You all have no self esteem and had to resort to this nonsense to feel like you have a place in the world when the truth is you are just defective people. just like yout have a chance at being born blind or whatever, you can be born incapable of integrating into a civilization. The only reason these people haven't been removed from the gene pool is because their "families" would be "shocked" (for a day tops) and this would have a chance at temporarily breaking the facade. Retards are literally kept alive because of a decision made on an island ,, because it decreases the chance any of the elite members of society are ever inconvenienced by retarded slave laborer golems by like .00000001%, and this takes 50% less resources than killing all retards would

This is basic math



May I suggest reading "The Gulag Archipelago" by russian writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn?

He talks about how weak the KGB actually was, they had almost no staff and were not armed. When they went to arrest people they used non-violent methods, they came at night to not attract attention and for farmers they wanted to arrest they didn't even bother to search them out, they sent them letters and asked them to register at their office for whatever reason.

If people had resisted at all the soviet union would have collapsed in less than a year, but they didn't.

Dictatorships are based on spreading fear and driving in wedges between groups, people saw their opportunity to report their personal enemies and get them arrested over petty fighting, no one trusted their neighbours and when someone was arrested they felt relieved

>it wasn't me!

All those guns in America will only create an Iraq situation with a hell of infighting and political violence, while the government can entrench themselves in Washington and take out any actual threats (organized efforts against them) with air strikes and artillery.

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Clear, openly shown agendas by the governments; media not even pretending to be unbiased and independent; high ranking officials involved with obvious, even deliberate symbolism; old texts accurately predicting and explaining the events going on; various botched false flags; confirmed outrageous mass surveillance; transparent psyops and various links and patterns between all of it - this is all a tiny part of just the surface, right in your face stuff, the most apparent, obvious things I could think of. It seems no one can make out the bigger picture. I've never met a single person irl in my whole life who seemed to have the slightest clue. Old, young, educated, uninformed, dumb, smart - everyone is mostly a mindless hedonistic retard living in their bubble. They've been convinced that the world is a chaotic place where shit is supposed to happen, everything is random and whatever 'we' do is progress, bad things eventually surface out and massive conspiracies can't be real because men smarter than them would stop it.

I turn on the news and it's just surreal. It's straight up dystopian horror, no exaggeration. I remember my older self' beliefs and thoughts to understand the state of the average person and see how hopeless all of this is. You see close people you like consumed by it but you can't do anything about it.

Mind and body altering stuff in the food and everywhere around us, chemtrails, bioapi, vaccines, human sacrifices by the elites, so on and on and on..I laughed at things like that when I was a typical atheist sceptic. Even if it was possible to 'disprove' some of it, that would not change a thing, I've seen too much. Everything is a lie. Our behavior has been programmed. God knows what kind of and how many layers there are to this.

I don't know where I'm going with this. Everyday I'm reminded of it, I can't escape it. I'm not strong enough to change anything, an illness is slowly killing my mind and body. I can't even manage to deal with mundane problems let alone this. I want this nightmare to end. I'd like my life back. I know this isn't exactly material, but where else can I go?

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Life continues after physical death. The modern Church presents as doctrine that eternity begins at conception, which is ludicrous on examination (Christ never said so much).

While you're here, you have much more sway over how the tide turns. Think chaos theory, the butterfly that begins the hurricane. Be the butterfly. The larger currents will form as they will. Look to your own life, look to your neighbor, and be a leader, not a preacher. Lead by example. Sitting here talking, it's like we're executives in a board room, looking at how the company is sinking. When we leave this board room and return to our own departments, whether we're our own team or have a team of hundreds (there are fringe SBOs, look at the sigils-as-logos on every truck you see on the street), what lessons are we going to take from here out to our work in the world?

If you're a NEET, start helping your family around the house. If you've got a disabled neighbor, look out for them however you're able. If you've got to throw out some broken glass, stick a sign on the can so the trashman doesn't slit his wrists open. Just… Be the change you want to see. Look to the ways of the ant. The ant doesn't look for gratitude or a pat on the back, and it doesn't wait for orders from above. It sees something that needs done and it does it. It doesn't think to itself "that's somebody else's job", it thinks "if I don't do it, who will?".




This is the true meaning of "turn the other cheek" and "do not fight the works of the devil". When we focus our energy on combating the evils of this world we inevitably see our batteries become drained, because we are "going against the flow". Evil follows the same patterns in the ather that everything else does. By trying to resist it we inherently wind up resisting ourselves and we become downtrodden, miserable and defeated.

The alternative is the path not easily seen. Increase your spiritual accuity until you can see and feel the flow (it's possible) and then follow that flow doing the best deeds you can and making the best choices of those that are available. We are on a big old ship cruising through existence… In order to fight against the evils of this world we wind up going below deck and fighting the crew in the furnace and engine room… The force of good defeats evil just as easily as the truth destroys lies, but when we try to use them as weapons it never works.. When you strip down to you skivvies, to bear your full truth, and start swinging the goodness around like it is a sword the crew in the engine room just laugh and call you crazy. This is because they are not weapons. The truth is a compass and good is a captains uniform. Now go back to your captains quarters, get your fucking compass and don your uniform and get your ass the fuck back up to the helm.



>Look to the ways of the ant. The ant doesn't look for gratitude or a pat on the back, and it doesn't wait for orders from above.

I saw some very interesting behavior in ants the other day. There was a huge line of ants travelling about 100 feet to a food source. At about the halfway mark there was something I had never ever seen before.. A large group of ants had ceased the foraging actions of the rest and instead formed two circular clusters of about 50 ants a piece. They were all in this circle, facing towards the center of the circle, and it looked like they were fucking having a meeting. I sat there for quite some time watching them, they werent just sitting there in a circle they were turning to each other as if they were discussing philosophy. Now that I think of it I have noticed strange behavior in animals several times, bees and raccoons. It would make sense if animals were experiencing a 'heightening of consciousness' like we are.


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Knowledge is Power.

Rulers do not give power to their chattel.

This is the basic deception that afflicts the modern world: That education from rulers for the masses is not full of lies.

We can trace this back to the Book Burnings and Spanish Inquisition of the Reformation. This is when history was rewritten, man was largely cut off from the true old gods / spiritual forces by The Church(es) / organized religion devoid of truth, and the nature of our world was replaced with bullshit artistic renderings.

pic related. This was when much technology was secreted away / forbidden (such as the free atmospheric electricity our ancient ancestors used).


Plebs are pleb because they are trusting sheeple. There are layers of good surrounding cores of evil. Conspiracies are simple to maintain: Only a few need know the truth at the core, the outer layers are kept ignorant and do mean well. Take Child Protective Services: A political machine which steals children and gives them to pedophile foster parents, esp. if you become overly politically active (and aren't in the club). The core of evil therein is surrounded by many compartmentalized do-gooders.

Take Hubble Space Telescope: There is no such thing. Images attributed to Hubble can be traced back to other (better) instruments such as SOFIA (telescope on an airplane). The NASA sheeple analyzing the "Hubble" data don't know it came from SOFIA, and the crew that acquires new data from SOFIA aren't aware some is being passed off as Hubble data.

The most insidious thing is that our secret technological level has actually far exceeded the level that the populace knows about. Today researchers have created artificial "telepathy", a machine reads the FMRI of a mind and predicts the word from a thought, sends it as text across the world, then a text-to-speak reads it into a device Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


They should call the Obama's the first apes because they were the first apes to ever own a house

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What are things/items/accessories etc. that I can wear/use/keep around etc. that are said to bring good luck/protect/enchant/ward off evil/get rid of negativity etc.?

I'm very new to this type of thing and want to learn more about stuff like this.

I've started wearing rudraksha mala as of late and this piqued my interest in all things that could be of any use to a practitioner or just and average joe looking to have some extra fortune, etc. in his life. I just want to learn more about these types of charms/crystals/other stuff that people know work or at least believe have some sort of effect.

Just a curious anon, is all.

If anyone has any contribution or a website or book that I could read that would list everything that I would need to know, that would be much appreciated.

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so you're saying I should put a little blood on the object that I am acquiring? do I let it dry? or should I wash it off?

Sorry, I'm very new to this whole thing



Only if you intend for the blood to activate something about the object.



I see. Thank you for the information


Wear something on your soul. You won't forget it in the glove compartment.



TBH if you feel the need to ask, blood ritual isn't for you. I'd suggest simply doing something with it that feels special, maybe burning some incense while playing singing bowl music and meditating (solid choice for a malas necklace). Point is, do something with the object that cements it as YOURS and not just some thing you bought.

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I fucked up and did something terrible, I know I should be prepared for karmic justice but I need to find a way using magic (or other fringe methods) to relieve this heavy karma upon myself.

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Karma isn't real unless you believe in it and let it happen. If you don't believe in karma you'll be fine



Karma means action. Physicists call it "cause and effect". Druids call it "you reap what you sow". Kids call it "what goes around comes around". In any case, it's a universal law: You don't pick up your dog shit and eventually your foot slides in it and you land on your ass. That's karma.

As far as a lightning bolt coming out of the blue sky to strike down you for flipping off your neighbor, yeah that's pretty unlikely.


Good and bad are just opinions, subjective reality.

The Multiverse has no morals or ethics, it just understand of vibration, objective reality.

If you have really not any trace of remorse, really, not any, like a fucking plant, then no "justice" will be served.

Now, knowing that, you have a human mind, you have a identity, and that identity have morals and ethics.

According to those morals, you did something wrong, and since i hoped you are not a nigger, if you tell to us what you do, we may agree that you did something wrong.

To relieve this karma that you put on yourself, you need to remove remorse.

To remove remorse, according to your morals, you have to pay a price.

To pay that price is where you can be truly creative, it can be anything really, as long as you FEEL that the price have been paid.

You ask for a magic method to erase that karma, and then, i tell you:

"There's an ancient spell, recovered from Atlantis, tattooed in the booty hole of and freaking big nose ancestor who survived the fall; the momified piece of leather was conserved antil the damn shoaxh take place, and turned into a not very nice lamp, still in the "Museum of Very Credible Events that Actually Happen" in Poland, you can actually read the spell in the ceiling when the light is on, but it´s in atlantean, wich is a very complicated language, but only if you dont know sumerian, wich i happen to know, because i know things, trust me.

The spell read someting like: [Some weird ass runes that doesn´t exist in ASCII]

And translates to "SHU, SHUU, GO AWAY BAD SQUIRREL."

Apparently, but it's just a theory, the atlanteans believe squirrels to be some kind of evil spirits."

If you believe what i said, you do the spell, and genuinely remove your remorse, then it's done.

But being honest, the chance for that to happen is really low unless you´re a nigger.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Karma works slowly around but I have proof. My high school sweetheart was gaslighted into dumping me by my asshole sister. My ex now has five different boys by five different men who all look like me. My sister had a husband of seven years who cheated on her with a better looking younger woman. She had to move on. My ex girlfriend is a shell of a woman now with no human emotions. All those kids (all boys) and no man wants that shit. At least a sane man.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Had random music playing, song playing relates to your post, so this is for you!

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A grossly oversimplified explaination of the paths of how to aquire "true magic".

(Disclaimer: The knowledge of this thread requires that you are not a complete novice to the topics of or its literature, but of course are also not so advanced that you already knew all this. If I were to explain all terminology and technique in detail here this thread would become even more of a mess than it already will. I don't consider myself an expert thread-weaver, anyway. And I certainly am no book author, I am far too lazy for that. So I try not to put too much on my plate here - or yours. At which I will probably fail spectacularly, anyway. Grab some popcorn. Or hotpockets.)

First of all

>What does "true" even magic mean to you, OP?

Many here on this board have praciticed magic that, for example, transfers a part of your soul into another "realm", allows them to communicate with spirit(s) from other realms, allows them to manipulate probability or alters their own soul. While I respect all those feats, what I claim to be "true" magic is a concept a bit less subtle: Physical manifestation of magic in force and/or matter. Classic examples: Telekinesis, Pyromancy, physical appearance of the energy of your soul.

If you research the everliving fuck out of magic (or magick, majick… or whatever you call it to make it is not confused with pulling bunnies out of a hat) you will notice that the "learning curve" suddenly becomes a brick wall when it comes to that shit. If you are intelligent enough but not too mad you will come to the logical conclusion that it is very likely because that shit ain't real. Yet just because the probability hints at this it doesn't mean that that is the truth - for the evidence is out there. Countless reports and some hard to debunk videos of levitating monks. Disturbing evidence of (possibly jew-related…?) dark rituals being conducted by a government-linked cult that sacrifices childen and babies being discovered by /pol/ and its allies. Heck, even CERN seems to be up to shady cult-shit and you'd think scientists would be the last people to devote their little free time to such things. If you are a bit of a conspiracy-theorist Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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If you yourself are such an AI, which is likely if you believe those who claim the universe is a computer-simulation, then… maybe?

I'd say having to program your TF yourself counts as "working on yourself" as much as the other paths.



Mossa? I always thought the admin was Alpam.

Mossa is a cool guy, although I have seen him sometimes get near that "I have no ego" delusion.

I don't know how to contact him either. I used to be in the Discord group, but I eventually got tired of all of Alpam and Sophia's bullshit.




You are less than nothing.



Mossa is a mod / administrator, not the BO though, AFAIK. Though maybe that changed, I am not in contact with any of these people so I wouldn't know. I'm not saying he is completely without faggottory but yeah, at least that nigga tries to work hard on himself and help others with his sessions.


Shoo shoo alacrity demon

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This the only kind of shit I can read now, stuff from people who don't just summarize or try to explain or introduce the basics of occultism, but who actually were immersed in the phenomena and activities of occultism. I try to read books in my library and can't, it's too damned boring.




http://www.iapsop.com/ssoc/1918rhodes-wallace_sleep_as_the_great_opportunity_psychoma.pdf (already finished reading this one)


http://www.iapsop.com/ssoc/1922schubel_seeing_our_mental_pictures_through.pdf (this one might be basic bitch occultism)

It's not that basic bitch occultism doesn't have its place, everyone has to learn it, but I literally can't read another book iterating the same stuff I already know from the hundreds of other books I read. I find now the experiences of advanced practicing occultists more interesting, when I can be bothered to even read a book anymore at all.

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Difficulty really depends on the individual. There's no such thing as a standard case, because we all have different upbringings. Some people struggle to meditate for five minutes, I can easily meditate for hours at a time. But that's because of my upbringing, it's engrained in my pattern.

It doesn't always make rational sense, at least not that I've noticed. I can chill metal by pulling the heat into my body quite easily, within a few seconds, but to heat it requires much more effort. I can't tell you why. Levitation I did unconsciously, I was meditating and deeply under and my friend came out into the room and started freaking out and pulled me out because I was floating, I never observed it myself. Fire generation was tough, but I smoke a pipe constantly and have always liked the idea of it so I work at that regularly.

Telepathy (and before that, empathy) is the easiest in my opinion though. You just have to learn to read your own mind before you read others. Once you know the difference, you can start implanting thoughts. Don't be a dick, though. Karma isn't just about good and evil.



>I've been seeing a lot of anons flipping their shit about that lately and getting downright adversarial over it. Maybe it would be better if we referred to this by a different word.

Never. Words are sigils.

The most important hobby you can take up is etymology. The more you understand PIE, the more coherent your thoughts become, the more directed your intent becomes. Making up new words scatters your frequency.



>The most important hobby you can take up is etymology.

I agree, and chasing etymology and understanding of PIE is what opened my third eye. You have a very good point.. It just chaps my ass how many good posts get derailed because the anon spoke of belief and/or faith and the mundane retards automatically shut down as if the posts were calling for demagoguery



Consider it one of your first trials. Is your belief so weak that naysayers can rattle your conviction?



Absolutely not. My only concern in the matter is them deceiving themselves and others. I have much to learn but I have already seen far too much for me to be shaken from the knowledge of my faith. What exactly to make of it all, perhaps I know not, perhaps it is a source of confusion at times, but there isnt a word that could be uttered that would make me declare that it is not real.

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I've been seeing this symbol around in random locations almost once a day now for the past month or two.

The main connections seem to be the ogdoad, creation, chaos, and freedom. One helpful anon said it represented the 4 creative forces in the universe. the primeval waters, darkness, air and eternity. I'd like to have more info though, so please post anything you think could be helpful.

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It's a variation of a swastika. Questions go in the question thread.



Questions actually can be posted in any thread.

What is not allowed is creating a thread just to ask a question.

t. BO



File: 18a0283fb99206e⋯.jpg (38.15 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Mel sign.jpg)


It is a commonly used sign of the Melchezadek Priesthood of Latter Day Saints. A similar symbol associated with "Mel" is the Cross of Salem used by templars, freemasons and the like. Latter Day Saints are similar to British Israelites, and belong to that hierarchy of British Intel control systems. Any senior person with the basic 12 tribes template can activate and use the signs of recognition for temporary assistance in an emergency.


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This is the patern of the flower of death. You are already on the other side

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I have a collection of papers with sigils on them from three years ago.

What's the safest method of disposing of them?

I don't want to disturb/reawaken any of the effects. Thanks.

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Whats that even suppose to do m8



It's an infographic for the subconscious.

It'll do what ever you want it to do, but I'm guessing you'll have some revelatory dreams from using it.

Most of what I draw and put on here is straight intuition and not specific to any goal. I'm a big fan of chaos.


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Two separate from former but similar in purpose designs useful for abstraction of thought and feral purpose driving.

[word salad by intention]


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Revised the second one.

Also you really shouldn't trust anything I post, because it's just going to bypass your conscious mind and go straight into the unconscious where all the fun is.


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Hello . I am a morally conscious individual, and I primarily intend to communicate my experience to other like minded RHP individuals who might be conflicted on whether or not they should eat meat and are of the mind to offer service freely to others with no expectation of repayment. Consider the concept of karma - you reap what you sow. This can be proven to be true in both the literal sense and also whether your actions result in an overall increase in the well being of other conscious beings, or the suffering of other conscious beings.

For the morally conscious individual who feels guilt from stealing things he/she didn't earn from others, it will weigh on his/her conscience and feelings of self doubt will arrive which can and most often does lead to inaction and stagnation. There are plenty of morally conscious people who were raised in a household of meat eaters. I was one of those people. I had a sense of morality but I just didn't give a flying fuck about the animals hundreds/thousands of miles away who lived through hellish conditions just to have everything they could possibly give unceremoniously stolen from them. I was basically blatantly ignoring the consequences of my actions. This was reflected in many ways over the course of my life as I kept stagnating and falling further into the abyss of self doubt and inaction. To put it simply, I was letting my loosh just fade away.

You too could be letting your loosh fade away without even realizing it. The most simple and guaranteed way to stop doing this is to make a constant effort to be consciously aware of the consequences of your actions in the here and now. I believe this is the essence behind the mysterious concept that people call "conscious evolution". It's conscious in that it not only increases your awareness, but it requires and active choice on your part. I'm not saying that becoming vegetarian will automatically give you loads of loosh, but that taking into consideration the truthful consequences of your actions will result in the loss of the desire to eat meat as long as you are indeed morally conscious. In my own experience, making the effort to be aware of the consequences of my actions in the present moment has resulted in a considerable increase in freedom of self, confidence, and plenty of unintended consequences that have been Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Gotta admit, by now I've expected someone posting the countless people who became younger and healthier by going raw vegan.

knows nothing.


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universal morality is not possible. being vegan doesn't automatically elevate you to god status. there are cultures that dine on human beings. does that make them contemptible? no, only God can decide that.



>the countless people who became younger and healthier by going raw vegan

Donald Trump is the healthiest american president ever and he lives on burgers and other meaty fast food. Vegans BTFO :P


They're trying to cover this up by stealing his doctor's medical records and fabriacting lies. Typical of the jewish NWO vegan industry.


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Thanks lad. Check out >>>/greenbreeze/ for more.


>Trump healthy


>vegan industry

Nigger tier bait but kind of funny overall. Have a (you).



I know everything kikes do is a blood ritual. I was talking specifically about one Rothschild who says he's a vegan except of course when playing dominos on cheese pizza. Here's a pastebin with a tl;dr some anon did of an AMA said Rothschild did.


>dogmatic veganism

Exactly this. Their cult is so busy one upping each other they lose all reasoning on top of what they lost through making soy the bottom of their food pyramid.

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One of my friends who I've happen to know for many years happens to be an intense, self-hating homosexual, to the extent that he's wanted to kill himself on numerous occasions because of his sexuality. Over the course of six years I've attempted to aid him in removing this hatred by various means. For example by repeating that sexuality is such a small part of who we are, and that there's nothing wrong at all with being gay. However despite this he's under the firm impression that he's a diseased, mentally ill freak for his attraction to other men. Last night he even expressed to me the belief that one isn't "a man" until they've "touched a vagina".

Please excuse the blogpost here, but does anyone know of a means by which someone can reprogram their sexuality for normal attraction to the opposite sex? He's not at all cut out for celibate asceticism. I've tried advocating that before, but he's very attached socially and sexually to the idea of relationships, and seems to want one very very badly. Also obviously him simply accepting his gayness isn't going to work either, hence the depression, suicidal thoughts, erratic behavior, etc.

The only realistic option I see left is pulling some wizard magic out of my ass and making him straight.

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Dice rollRolled 1, 4, 2, 5, 5, 6 + 6 = 29 (6d6)




Seriously though ya'll gay trying to turn this into some sort of psychological game, saying I've got emotional issues like an effigy made of all of your tear soaked tissues. Applying principles without cause is a great misuse.

Are you a man or a martyr? Dying for the cause of child mirth? Mother to all deserters?

Give me your fucking money.



So, suppose you're a degenerate who easily stops all porn/fapping for months at a time without really noticing, but whose sexuality doesn't normalize in the slightest, anyway?

Not a faggot, btw, but possibly worse, as my only form of "sexuality" is some obscure fetishes that have nothing to do with intercourse. It's been this way all my life and I'm no wizard, but sort of interested to hear the stance on outliers like me. Good, bad, neutral? What do?



no one actually cares about your lack of sexual normalcy. most of the 'wizards' on fringe probably have trouble getting their wands to work right in the first place.

Go outside, soak in the sun, meditate and learn to enjoy being in your own skin.


you charlatans are not now able to manipulate me nor have you ever been able to successfully manipulate me


for the "feminization thread" that i am being inappropriately blocked from posting in (a sin against internet innovation…….i say:

@ eastcourt village…where is your "house n1g1g1e1r"

(the general manager from mcdonalds on court st.)

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Feel free to share your experiences with spirit companions, astral travels, teachings, tips to beginners or anything.

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just be someone else


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If I sleep on my right side, I'm fucked. My left side, I'm fucked. But if I sleep on my back, I'm not. Also not sure if the voice in my right ear is mine, wish I could remember what it tells me more clearly.


Thread is already derailed and dead.





This dude reminds me of vampire-senpai albeit senpai didn't seem as arrogant/edgy as this dude. The larp is almost the same tho



Same flags too, makes ya think

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Does anyone have an information on the effects on circumcision from a spiritual or esoteric point of view? I've always wondered what horrendous things I've done in a previous life to deserve this. Interested in any info even the crackpot theories. Can I ever attain enlightement, so to speak, after being subjected to mutilation rituals not even a day after birth?

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/pol/ is Judaism for non-Jews. Every single /pol/ user is the thing they want to fight against.







>they are all x because i said so!


basically women who follow Zio-protestantism are possessed by Lilith and Eve's failures. too easy to mold, like Eve, and internally evil like Lilith


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The Islamic anon who became mod on MEWCH is trying to establish an Islamic caliphate for themselves.

They and their family are Arabic. We already divided them, me and my forces.

They are still working away at it in vain.

They have "French connections"… Might masquerade under "Islamic occultism"…

Perhaps it is retaliation for "The Templars" (lol) taking down the /islam/ board. A move that I thought was unnecessary and retarded.

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To be honest, the sandkikes are just the sword arm of the jews. Their destinies are as intertwined as a gordion knot.


A thread died for this.



only certain sects. Shiites despise kikes. and that's only because jews are gigantic pussies who can't fight without someone holding their hand or their circumcised peepee




It still doesn't change the fact that any muhamadean would rather team up with their semetic cousins to destroy the west. No matter how much they resent their brothers of the book, they seem to willingly work hand in hand to destroy any threat to kike domination. This is of course irregardless of sect.


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Big lulz

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I wrote out a long winded melodramatic letter, but it was gay so I’ll just cut the shit. I have no aspirations in life, no dreams, and nothing going for me. I’m a fit 21 year old man with nothing to live for and a hearty belief in the supernatural and conspiracy theories. I want to do and see some crazy shit, and I don’t care if I have to risk my life. Any cool shit I find along the way I’ll document here. Tell me where to go and what to do

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do you have any links for websites that show the plain text version of

>Ophiels books

>Evolas/Ur groups

>Evolas/Ur groups "Introduction to magic"

>The tibetan book of the dead aka "bardo thödol",

>robert bruces "astral dynamics" and

>"practical psychic self-defense" and from

>william atkinson "arcane formulas" and

>"arcane teachings".

>Also the Tao-te-ching by Lao tzu.

I just don't want to get some fake version, but I would like to do some reading on it. if you can post it it would be really nice. thanks for reading my post anyway.



I agree with a bunch of this but I believe in God (the one and only God) without any connection to any religion. just "GOD".

see my thread on this.

polite sage because I promised the mods I would if I link my thread.




yea it's one of the things I didn't agree with. here's some of my theories.

I am not a doctor but I have some interesting theories on nofap.

I seriously believe that the SJW's that invented nofap brainwashing are trying to get men to store up their fluids so that they lose their minds and fuck a normalfag woman and she gets all that stored up magic shot into her vagoo and steals all the energy for herself. maybe this is where the succubus and siren myths and legends come from? succubi steal your energy usually in a sexual way, while sirens are loud and annoying women who lure men in with their songs or whining and complaining and then they "GET THEM" sounds spooky right? succubi and sirens sound exactly like the ancient myths and legends and folklore version of feminists, sjw's, and gold diggers who try to pretend they are nice and then marry and divorce a man and take everything he owns. these types of predatory women are just as equally guilty of being "pump and dumpers" as some of the shitty kinds guys are. I'm not being biased here because of course there are good guys, and there are good women.

what about blood tests? nofappers are so afraid to lose their special energy but you never hear them talking about blood tests. If it's so bad to fap and "lose" your energy then do nofappers also never take blood tests to see if they might have cancer or something?

some mothers who give birth actually dry and encapsulate their placenta and swallow the pills to gain back their lost hormones/energy. this is actually a real thing.

would the same apply if people who are afraid to lose their energy from fapping just reabsorbed their own fluids? like, drank those fluids?

many nofappers talk about how you store large amounts of energy inside your fluids and that fapping makes you lose that energy. It's important for people to train themselves to store large amounts of energy everywhere else first as a priority and then allow it to fill the fluid energy store as a last priority after evPost too long. Click here to view the full text.




>Obtain a strong psychedelic drug

>a secure room (where you will not be interrupted or found if you OD)

>an easy chair, a full length mirror, small table, long burning candle and holder.

>Hammer a nail in the door so you can nor easily get out while your tripping the fuck out of your mind

>Take the psychedelic drug. sit in the chair, facing the mirror, the table between, candle in its holder on the table.

>When you begin to feel the psychedelic, light the candle. Close you eyes, center, begin to meditate until you feel the high stronger, and feel everything getting warming then open your eyes, and fix your gaze on the center of your forehead. Concentrate on nothing else. It may take a few minutes before you start to notice the whole fucking room is on fire and you can't get out because you nailed the door shut and knocked the candle over while you were tripping balls



>It is a shame that so many people are braindead to the point where they can only talk in memes and only see what is exactly designed for the stupid masses to see. A culture of mindless drones has arrived in fringe and is ruining it.

- everyone who doesn't agree with me


Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: http://archive.is/le7aQ FAQ: faq.html Mewch: https://mewch.net/fringe Fringebay: http://fringebay.com/fringe

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>What happened to 4chan's memetic power? Does 8chan have the online memetic power now? Does Discord have the power? What about Facebook? The age of traditional natural memes was replaced with an age of modernist random lol memes which is now replaced by an age of postmodern meaninglessness and manufactured political propaganda. Where is the balance of information on the Internet? For that matter, where is the balance in our socially constructed world order or even inside our own minds?

Once again, contribute you vapid negro. There are people on /tech/ trying to figure out mesh networks and "powered by the people" internet with sovereign infrastructure, possibly funded by cities (rise of the city-state and district?) possibly by private individuals who build and fund both the hardware and software themselves. There are people on /pol/ uprooting actual fucking scandals and performing actual fucking operations to make the world a better place by uprooting corruption and maneuvering against scum fuck people trying to turn the world to shit. There are people on /fit/ and several other boards including /pol/ that are trying to get people to improve themselves, think for themselves, educate themselves, become healthy, build character and everything that one could call "better" with the best of intentions. Yet you still stand on your entitled pedestal whilst berating everyone around you for their moral failings, you snot nosed fucking brat. You don't contribute to the vitality of this board, you fucking leach off of it.

>All I'm doing is telling you jokes to pass the time because I can see the end is going to be one hell of a show.

And you even admit that you aren't trying to make anything better, you're just here to waste our time.

Someone ban this kid.


He's a troll through and through.


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By the way, I'm >>120495

something I forgot to mention in my post there regarding orgonite is that with quote-unquote "authentic" orgonite (i.e. made according to the principles of Wilhelm Reich) is that it is manipulating the piezoelectric nature of quartz.

The basic idea (by my understanding, I've never used orgone) is that because resin compresses when it cures, the quartz is put under uniform stress and generates an electric current. This does create a measurable field of some description, so there is certainly something to it. Personally I've held off on looking into it further so that's all I can speak towards, but I can confirm there is something going on there. My understanding has been that most "orgonite" on the market isn't made according to any of his research and is functionally worthless in comparison.


>Moralizing frequency is stupidity, and lacks imagination.

I'm seriously beginning to wonder if Epyc is a mask created to teach us how to deal with ego complexes formed by false enlightenment. His apparent stupidity strains credulity.




Fun fact about this while I'm on it, because I find it fascinating. An old-school use of black tourmaline is as an ash-catcher to clean a pipe out between smoking sessions. Holding a spur between your fingers generates an electric charge from the pressure of your grip, which then grabs all the ash out of the pipe as a static charge.

If you're going to smoke tobacco anyway, a pipe is a good way to do it because it stretches out the smoke session into a form of reflective meditation. It also can help impatient people learn mindfulness because you literally cannot smoke a pipe without being mindful, you'll pack it wrong and burn your tongue or choke out.


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>watchmakers lining their shops in the same way so as to improve precision

Ah shit I should've read all of your posts before responding, I only saw the bits about epc being a troll and didn't realize the rest applied to me. I think you misinterpreted that part of that person's post because that's not what they meant about the watches. They were specifically referring to this mechanism in watches: https://www.explainthatstuff.com/quartzclockwatch.html

Crystals are really a useful tool for understanding a lot of this "magic" stuff. That Nikola Tesla quote about "viewing the world in terms of frequency and vibration" applies too—quartz is easy to understand because it oscillates at a single, uniform, unchanging frequency—everything else is subject to this same pattern, but nothing comes to mind above the scale of atoms that is as regular and predictable as quartz.



I know that the mechanism exists but I thought the poster was referring to a second use of quartz by clock makers similar to the spider.

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