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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


I need to attain healing. If I don't heal myself soon, my ability to function in this world is going to be so badly damaged, that I might as well be dead. I won't be able to read or do anything. I will just be stuck at home all the time unable to walk around and straining too hard to read big letters. I just don't have the time I used to anymore to be armchair about this or to continue my research thinking I will have years to figure this all out.

If anyone here has successfully witnessed or been involved in healing please tell me all you know.

Here is all I can think of concerning it:

1. Healing is a natural function that the body does all the time. Anything can be healed but SOMETHING sometimes stops it from happening or things don't heal back the way they should.

2. Thoughtforms could be used to heal the body but I'm pretty terrible at making them due to constant insomnia and exhaustion and depression.

3. Forgiveness seems to have some kind of role in healing. I don't understand why.

4. Certain kinds of dreams seem to heal and other kinds you wake up more exhausted. I don't understand why.

5. Like begets like. If I center my awareness in a particular thing like love, healing, or hope I should be able to draw it from the source of all.

Any other variables that might be worth testing please mention. Most of all just tell me actual stories about healing so I might glean clues as to how it happens.

I'm thinking this might be my last thread on here in awhile so whatever you guys tell me I will try to use what you've told me and I will be spending all my time working on being healed and staying off the computer. I am going to be a complete mess at an early age when I should be experiencing peak health right now.

6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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This is some Tumblr-tier logic, but you're not wrong.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



Why don't you give your healing advice that can lead to objective healing of limbs, eyes, etc.?


File: 5f3b38c854d3bf6⋯.jpg (397.32 KB, 929x1200, 929:1200, MAD-Magazine-Katrina-10_55….jpg)


Anyone who believes that shit is a fucking idiot. I recommend nobody encourage research into this area as it is a health hazard to promote this disinformation. This is on par with promoting anti-vax lunacy and should consistently result in ridicule when treated as plausible, let alone legitimate.

If you don't go to a hospital for that shit, you are wasting your time and potentially endangering yourself.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n



The doctors here can't help with shit and are known for accelerating the deaths of their patients. You are a legit fucking retard to trust the medical system, especially if you live in my country, but I assume it can't be much better wherever you live. At best they can do exactly fuck all for me (actually, I've spent about a thousand dollars trying to get help through the normal ways, and all their promises have failed and I've kept up with what they've been asking and kept paying… and tried to find other people as well, and guess what? Zero progress.) and at worst they can hurt me more. The only reason I even turned to conventional medicine was out of desperation and it has completely FAILED ME. Before I gave them money I had them give me a timeline as to how many visits should be required at the minimum and how much at the max, what kind of results to expect, etc. and I've already gone way over the max with no real results.

It is only reasonable for me to look to alternatives.


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You are describing an issue created by medicare not being a universal single-payer system. You are not describing an issue created by medicine in itself.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n

File: 459b49783c596ce⋯.jpg (61.1 KB, 620x591, 620:591, 1491970355381.jpg)


>Bible refers to both Lucifer and Jesus as "the morning star"

>Apocryphon of John and Gospel According to Judas regarded as gnostic texts

>Gnostics say the god of the old testament is the evil demiurge

>Gnostics resent the demiurge for earthly suffering

>Gnostic Illuminati cause tremendous earthly suffering by abusing countless children and fomenting catastrophic wars

>They are allied with the antichrist

>Jesus casts them into hellfire in the end (although Lucifer is the god they devote themselves to)

WTF is going on here!

T. Terribly confused Christian.

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Even Jesus himself confirmed that he is not a Satan/Lufcifer in Mathew 12;22-37

Then they brought him a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute, and Jesus healed him, so that he could both talk and see. All the people were astonished and said, “Could this be the Son of David?”

But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.”

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. 26 If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.

“Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can plunder his house.

“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.

This means ,Dear OP that if you still believe that Jesus and Satan are the same you are commiting the worst sin of them all , the eternal sin which according to Mark 3;28-30 and Luke 12;8-10 will not be forgiven unless you change your views



It should also be noted that the image of Christ is much older than the image of Baphomet which was made in the 18th century.


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>there's no such thing as…

What better training ground than the fires of sulfur?

To refute your post in short:

"His biggest trick that he pulled on the world was making it believe he didn't exist"

We look for the devil in all places except for the place we should look.




>however there is one character that is not named at all and it is the very first fallen one. You can call him satan, but he is not "the satan".

He is Azazel.



Become Gnostic.

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Does anybody have any leads or has anybody ever come across something akin to a 'conspiracy theory' which shows an alternative theory to the postulation that Atlantis was a powerful unknown nation and people connected to the Mayans in Central America?

I hear a lot of people talk about Atlantis, and say that they were the most powerful magicians and had a more complete esoteric understanding… being an empire with supposed connections with Egypt and the Maya across the ocean.

Is it possible that this is disinformation? Either by man or by the gods and higher forces?

Would it profit the gods and higher forces to spread such disinformation at this point in human history?

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File: 2bd52e138f94615⋯.jpg (87.85 KB, 500x603, 500:603, Traditional-Berber-costume….jpg)


you obviously haven't done any research of your own if you believe this propagates kungz crap. that one twin reference at the end was just a joke and north africa's negroes are imported slaves.

apart from often looking perfectly european, berbers have a very high rh neg rate, clearly indicating a possible link to what plato was writing about.



Why is this ignored? I thought of all people would know about this.



I want a Berber wife (4th one)




The word reminds me of one person and one person, only. Pic related.

(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)


Psychiatry is a practice for the mentally ill.

War is on the horizon.

The odd belief is internal to the Oedipus complex.

File: 1471818864281.jpg (193.65 KB, 966x966, 1:1, esotericshitting.jpg)


The average person spends at least 45 minutes a day defecating. That's 11 days per year, or 2.5 years of your lifetime wasted on inefficient defecation. This is time that can be freed up for personal improvement activities such as meditation. Furthermore, improper defecation leaves you vulnerable to spiritual mischief. In this thread I will uncover the secrets of defecation taught to generations of professional alcoyotes.

The first rule is no premature shitting. Just as we eat when we aren't really hungry, getting fat, we shit before we need to. You should only shit when you have a properly full colon and the need is urgent.

The second rule is to have proper log formation. This is achieved by adding enough fiber to your diet, but not so much that you are constipated. The goal is a uniform, dense log that slides out nice and smoothly without leaving much of a mess. Ideally it would leave next to no mess on your anus. Proper exercise is also crucial to get your guts moving so they can digest properly, as is a good diet not too high in fat.

The third rule is haste. When you shit, push it out firmly and aim to empty your colon completely in a few seconds. If there is any "remainder" (there shouldn't be if you followed the second rule) rock bath and forth on the toilet and/or lift up to bounce up and down a little.

The fourth rule is position. Proper colonical orientation is a force multiplier. The squatting position is ideal, install specialized or trough-style toilets if possible, though squatty potty is also great.

The fifth and final rule is total sanitation. Toilet paper won't do. Try a bidet, incorporating morning defecation with your shower to clean your anus, or in a pinch sit on a sink and clean your anus with soap.

You now know the secrets to master shitting on your way to enlightenment.

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This should be stickied/required reading.


Go away CIA



>45 minutes a day defecating




>45 minutes a day defecating

are you a vegetarian or some shit




I need a guide for how to overcome kratom shits

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>Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (anti-christ in islam) has fulfilled multiple of the predicted signs.

>There are 10 signs of him coming, of those 10 8/10 have been fulfilled.

>There are 4 signs of his emergence, of those 2-4 have been fulfilled (2 are arguable)

>Particularly noticeable is a very specific sign of date-palm trees in Baisan no longer bearing fruit

>In islamic eschatology there are 5 major signs of end times.

>Of those 2-3/5 have been fulfilled.

>There are also 60 minor signs.

>Of those 25-33/60 have happened.

>A lot of those seem like they could happen in the nearby future.

Is this a real possibility or just a large amount coincidences?

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>you can't even bring yourself to make the effort of fucking even just 1 woman.

>And yes, I'm projecting.

Just forget it. Let the demiurge keep his dog-treats for himself. You are incredible lucky to live in the end-times, because the end times provide incredible freedom and chance for Gnosis for every thinking man. ( while the society around him collapses and most other people go to shit). Use this opportunity wisely, forget women and attain enlightenment.



only a kike wants the end of times to happen, which it isn't



>Is the end of the world coming




kys normie


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The Hour has come near, and the moon has split in two.

And if they see a miracle, they turn away and say, "Passing magic."

(forgive me allah)

File: d26b09b3595b710⋯.png (5.12 KB, 200x200, 1:1, images.png)


Is Joy of Satan a "disinformation website"?

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread )
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most people who do the devils work never even realise it.

inciting corruption is as simple as joining a church, or a mosque, or any other kind of organisation you can think of; pretending to be the most pious person in the congregation - all the while subtley encouraging the evil you see around you.

(think about the different kinds of evil in rightwing politics and leftwing politics, for example)

why do you think christianity and islam (and even freemasonry, atheism, etc) are in the state they are in?

most people in ISIS truly believe they are carrying out the will of allah.

your average christian zealot believes they are doing what god wants; they dont realise they are being used to pervert the teachings of god.

it goes so deep its scary. i could talk about the literal conspiracies and plots that i know about; but at its source this is a spiritually controlled operation.

yknow, if you base your opinion on horror movies, then youd believe demons spend all their time making crosses fall off of walls and little girls heads spin round.

in truth, the highest demons spend their time whispering to wealthy and influential people, or putting a single thought into someones head or out of their mouth which sparks a whole chain of evil events.


youre probably right. think about society today (our opinion towards sex and occultism compared what it was a couple hundred years ago)

it is getting more and more overt, but personally i believe the devil is just as responsible for, say, sexual repression as for sexual perversion.

theres still as much war and injustice in the world.

i dont read the bible in a dogmatic way, but i understand what youre saying.

the devil probably has more hands in our world today than ever before


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Praise be to Allah.



>"in truth, the highest demons spend their time whispering to wealthy and influential people, or putting a single thought into someones head or out of their mouth which sparks a whole chain of evil events."

sorry to trouble you, do you have any evidence?



evidence abounds

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So fringe, which one is the true world religion? and which is the religion of the Antichrist.

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>It's like National Socialism

You mean obsolete and followed exclusively by naive, broken people who recognize something is wrong but lack the intellectual and emotional fortitude to carry out a genuine investigation so they fall back on a prefabricated template-of-being authored by intelligence agencies?



Okay then what ideology supersedes National Socialism?



almost all of them, honestly.



Sure, sure… fucking mundane. National Socialism is the one ideology that will give increase of the superior for once instead of the world-wide trend of degeneration.



Matthew 12:26, Jesus says

If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?

So how can religion be satanic if it tells people not to worship satan?

Dont get me wrong, religion is controlled by the Demiurge and easily corrupted, but inside the Gloom of religion is the light of Elohim.

Religion represents both the disease and the cure. People who can rise above the ignorance of limiting themselves to a single religious sect and embrace them all equally are the Generation of the future

See New thought >>128551


The time has come for us to rise from the shadows!

(3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET) )
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File: 742ecaab4ad7438⋯.png (165.1 KB, 618x383, 618:383, epycmemesalesman.png)


That last message was not mine. Anyone can use the [redacted] flag. Unless they go out of their way to sign off as me, or reply with a sign-off as me, assume it is not me.

~E p y c [redacted] [BECOME AN AUTHOR]


File: 562aae5c8ca6467⋯.png (71.63 KB, 2788x2692, 697:673, through.png)

Super Powerful Sigil of Whatever You Want

One time use. [Kali 108]

Use with caution

Or abandon (I go abandon, I like the rollercoaster ride)

Good Luck.



>Imagine the following scenario:

Stopped reading their.

Imagine intuitively knowing every fucking thing you need to know, then suppressing such knowledge into your subconscious mind so that your conscious mind could live spontaneously without all the fucking back story and bullshit.

Just saying.






>at that fucking point.




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We sail from the coast of California towards Hawaii. We pick a spot in the Pacific closest to an inhabited island but still in international waters.

We drop a line and sound the bottom, then set a buoy. Ideally using recyclable materials since it isn't intended to be permanent. Just a way to park a couple of boats short term while we commence to build a floating island.

Our floating Island Nation is initially a barge made of ferrocement an floatation foam. Three tubes of ferrocement filled with floatation foam, with a deck of ferrocement made on an unoccupied shore of the nearest island and towed to the buoy. Where a flag is raised.

Once in place we can use scrap steel to construct flotation spheres. Solar panels attached to each sphere will induce the sea-crete process. This gives us zero rust for all submerged steel and a platform for cultivating coral.

Flotation foam can be utilized for redundancy.

The connected spheres will create a floating harbor where mangroves will be cultivated inside and on the perimeter. Again utilizing scrap steel a false bed will be created under the slowly expanding island, somewhere between 50'-150' for aquaculture.

Scrap vessels can be incorporated into the structure utilizing the sea-crete method, as long as they are made of steel. If the organization is non-profit this provides free structure and a tax write off for those donating used cargo ships.

For issues of sovereignty we negotiate w/a U.S. based Native American nation to fly their flag, since they are sovereign nations, and therefore we bypass all the b.s. of starting a new nation.

Income is based on tourism and advertising.

The society is based on the Mandalorian model in the star wars universe, including the language.

The island is eventually free floating, utilizing diesel engines running biodiesel, and or syngas from waste, following a simple circuit in international waters.

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Joke's on you.

fuk u

~Epyc Wynn


File: 7d6a8860190498a⋯.png (38.64 KB, 962x1103, 962:1103, download (1).png)


Contact me via evors.org or osei, would like to have a private conversation with you :)



Put up a description on the Intentional Communities website. Make it hospital to rainbow people.

You'll be crawling with hippies (and lice) in know time.








>know time(?)

Gnose time.

File: c67165cf694ca26⋯.jpg (15.73 KB, 185x272, 185:272, download.jpg)


Ive heard that there are different levels of advancement which the magi possess. Some of them have enough energy to control nature and some can only manipulate the minds of weak people. The "advanced" magi can destroy the whole cosmos as we know it. would anyone like to classify the magi (occultists) from different sects and which one is the greatest?

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The site's coding is genius and is built on flash and use of swf files for all their core content.

However, the ownership has switched numerous times the past couple years and major updates to the code haven't happened in a long time.

~Epyc Wynn



Hermes is not at the top of the pyramid; he's just good at saying he is.



I think people overstate the rank of magus. Yes, it's impressive. But I think it just describes something who is knowledgeable, and has successfully performed several types of magic. I encourage you to look at just the table of contents of the book "The Magus" (available on sacred-texts). It's interesting how "entry level" a lot of it seems. I've noticed that most people on will label themselves as "initiates" because it's a rank which says "I'm not a total idiot, but don't actually test me on anything." It's the safe option. (Smileyberg is a chaos magick/new thought type, so he uses the illumates of thanateros hierarchy)

Most people seem to get stuck at the level where they're moving psi-wheels and lucid dreaming, but not doing anything mind-breaking. I think that once someone is competent enough at magic that they could serve a king or lord and not be totally useless, they can be considered a magus. The magus is someone who has gone beyond basic energy work and things like that. He is strong at the alchemical science, strong in philosophy, and strong in practice. The word "magus" is essentially the same as the word "magician." Yes, historically it was a revered position, but I don't think initiates should bow to magi like they do here. An adept can do many things that people might classify as within the magus' domain. But this final rank cannot be determined by the ability to perform certain actions. People astral project randomly. People dream. People pray. Lower ranks can summon spirits and interpret alchemical symbolism. What I think separates the magus from other practitioners is that he is prepared to work with others. He is at a level where he is able to take on a student. He is at a level where he can offer his services, as if they were a prized asset. He is at a level where he speaks, and the wise listen.



>flash and not pure gtml text

Fuck that shit nigga



Ah yes that is quite right. Also a magus is able to defend his rank.

File: 1656cbb73b3abf1⋯.jpg (155.87 KB, 900x728, 225:182, just some nuns having the ….jpg)


Is there a combination somewhere? A way to turn computers into occult conduits? If we manage to make a connection somehow, the possibilities would be endless.

I did my googling homework, but there isnt much available on this subject.

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I have on different occasions witnessed two different people influencing and controlling electronic devices, changing/disrupting electrical flow, and causing other effects without actually having physical contact with any of the items. One demonstration was done over a period of about an hour and involved fucking around with all kinds of electronic objects in his room. Another demonstration was done by a certain anon messing around with his tablet.

So you can turn on/off electrical devices by magickal means and cause them to fuck up. I bet with some refinement we could have cases of machines typing out words that person only thinks and it then appears. Telekinetic typing.


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Ah yes. Nothing fills me with mirth like the vapid whining of a haggard has-been.



This is interesting. Can you elaborate on who these people are and what schools of thought do they study?



One is a Christian Jew of Italian descent who is into and likes tarot cards and so on. He's jewish by descent but hates judaism and embraced Christ. Just read typical books and throw in some talking with jesus and a dose of jewish mysticism.

The other is a German and believes in simulation theory but for the most part is an ignoramus who has schizo tier ideas about things but still has these powers. Doubt he's ever even read a book, but he's a prolific shitposter. I don't really know how to categorize him.


great thread goys

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Life Beyond Death, by Yogi Ramacharaka, Chapter 7: "The Soul's Awakening"



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Life Beyond Death, by Yogi Ramacharaka, Chapter 8: "Astral Plane Geography"



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Life Beyond Death, by Yogi Ramacharaka, Chapter 9: "Primitive Soul-States"



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Life Beyond Death, by Yogi Ramacharaka, Chapter 10: "Astral Religious Experiences"



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Life Beyond Death, by Yogi Ramacharaka, Chapter 11: "Astral Heavens and Hells"



This thread is temporary but is to announce that we have a new board page:



If you have a discord or anything else at all which you want to advertise then post it here in this thread and it will be added to the board page.

Later when this thread is gone, please post all ads in the questions thread or any other pre-existing thread, but do not make threads purely to advertise.

Note to mods: unsticky this thread after approximately a week, delete by March 1st 2019.

5 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



You are making a lot of work for the mods, sigh.


File: aafbe404aba4d12⋯.jpg (17.54 KB, 494x375, 494:375, 967.jpg)


[redacted], wanna raid [redacted]?

(Doxxing, Inciting Interboard Raids, Rule 5 [30 day ban])
Post last edited at






File: 243558373bf59a5⋯.jpg (66.16 KB, 435x650, 87:130, manlypalmerhall.jpg)


"Transcendentalism and all forms of phenomenalistic magic are but blind alleys - outgrowths of Atlantean sorcery; and those who forsake the straight path of philosophy to wander therein almost invariably fall victims to their imprudence. Man, incapable of controlling his own appetites, is not equal to the task of governing the fiery and tempestuous element spirits."

- Manly P. Hall

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>high magick

nice save of our Atlantean sophist acquiescence-demanding priesthood philosophy



Hmmm legit magicians use the same things though (when they create them in the first place and have full mastery over them). It's just the copiers that come later that fail to achieve what the originators accomplished.



Yeah that might be what he's saying.


black magick is bad mmkayyyyyy


but it's a good idea to know how to do it. but not actually do it. especially in the case of knowing how to defend yourself in case someone else does it

it's kind of like the 2nd amendment!

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Problem: Am completely demoralized about life in Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0. Not a single likeminded soul here to keep me company in this sea of degeneracy and if I was going to find one then it would have happened already it's time to just admit I'm completely alone. Desire to escape is all-encompassing because there is nothing here to build a life out of.

Solution: You tell me. I am fucking tired and want to hear from anyone how to get out. If anyone has got out, please tell me how. Surely some of you have escaped the planet or reached a state of being or something that allows you to never have to deal with Earth life again. I'm not interested in trying to make things better or salvage the situation on Earth any longer, I've been trying that for too long, and it's amounting to nothing. The only sensible thing I can think of is to check out and maybe come back in a hundred years to see how things are.

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My own personal studies and insights, but you shouldn't care too much about my theories and instead focus on your own progress in getting knowledge and insights. My theories may prove to be completely wrong anyway. You should come to your own conclusions, if you care enough that is.



>How could this possibly be Hell?

<Demoralization to not fight back

>In his own image

<Rather than kindling the inner spark and flame, you jerk off a sand 'god'

>live to see him smash the niggers

<Rather than doing it yourself and self actualizing

>You should come to your own conclusions

<Although you clearly haven't done so yourself



maybe go to live in a jungle


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Solution: V8+ Energy/Starbucks bottled coffee, ASMR/porn, tulpamancy, self-improvement, organize your thoughts, reevaluate your core intentions in life, looking up Discord servers to join, exploring Wikipedia articles/links, and finally get comfortable settling for tulpas and online contacts while continuing to improve in-person social skills.

The silver bullet solution is found in mixing various subtle helpful choices which overall add up to a silver bullet solution. Test, mix, and match the above with other choices you think would be helpful to your desired outcomes. This is about as good a general answer as you can expect to such a broad question.


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You huge fucking black pill faggot if you really believed any of what you said you would have killed yourself already; why do you come here and try to demoralize others as well?

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