All over the world, people report having been visited by people that can be named as "Shadow People"
They are pitch black beings that have a mist, or fog surrounding them to a point and can be horned or without
Some have glowing red eyes, while others don't
There isn't much information on these creatures, merely speculation as to what or who they are and what it is that they want from us.
Incidents of these entities involve being watched, or surveillanced by these entities, suggesting these creatures observe humans.
Others report acts of violence committed by these creatures.
The golden rule seems to apply regardless: Do not provoke them.
There goes a saying that merely talking or thinking or seeing depictions can excite a visitation by one of these creatures, but this is extremely debatable.
(I've personally never had any return of a Shadow Person after thinking, talking about or looking at depictions whatsoever).
Shadow people can announce themselves in several forms, yet are always (or at least 99% of the time) appearing in a human type form.
Some have had these beings follow them for as little as an hour to years.
Always watching, never doing (besides those that become violent for whatever reason that may be).
The theories can be merely summarised as such:
1. Demons
2. Extra-terrestrial beings
There is not much information besides the above written.
This thread is to talk about them, experiences and most importantly; to learn more about them from each other.