Human tribes produce verbal abuse and slander to exile rival humans from their territory. One form of verbal abuse is praying that God curse someone or that God curse a tribe, or to do a spell against a tribe, pray that Mars curse the Jews. Praying against a tribe is the use of distant mental influence to enact verbal aggression against them.
The key to driving Jews from a territory, both lands and economic territories, is to create an anti-Jew climate through constant slandering of Jews. Talk shit about Jews all the time and talk shit about jews to people of all races. Part of this anti-Jew climate involves prayers against Jews or spells against Jews too.
Spells and prayers affect the collective consciousness of an area.
If everyone hates Jews, then eventually Jews just leave.
If you look at latin America, whites there survived okay in a multiracial environment, a area relatively free of jewish influence manages to develop a relatively stable racial order, an order that is maybe now being somewhat subverted due to global jew media.
Driving jews from power and driving jews from the USA is important. If everyone hates jews then even if they can't be exiled from the country, then people would just pay less attention to jews and their media. VERBAL ABUSE AAND SLANDER IS THE EQUIVALENT OF PLANTS PRODUCING TOXINS, same with praying against someone or a group.
If a person is slandered enough they sometimes self-destruct too. I would also suggest that people pray for God to curse Jews. Prayers against Jews may have subtle effects on the intellectual climate.
I don't like to have to suggest that people speak out against Jews constantly and I don't like to suggest that people spread anti-semitism to all races. Maybe I should like suggesting it though.
But the jews have been doing the same to us, and we have no choice but to speak Post too long. Click here to view the full text.