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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I remember an 80s Film was made based upon it that had a midget play the alien.



I don't give a fuck.


Will be the time the great American Civil War takes off.

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Well… we're waiting…



Don't worry it's happening. I myself am just putting in a large order of ammunition (at least a thousand rounds) and some more guns. Antifa also is going apeshit lately in my area. The mentality where I am right now is such that everyone is just putting all they got into arming themselves and fortifying everything.



>a larp will change the world order



File: 4cfd0a4c8d77f4a⋯.mp4 (6.06 MB, 490x360, 49:36, where do you think you are.mp4)

lol don't doubt the fact a revolution is coming but it's simply too soon, I give it 2-3 more years of slow shit stewing in the background before it will hit it's tipping point and SHIT WILL HIT THE FAN.






>posts on fringe to talk shit about somebody having a opinion different from the mainstream

>mp4 related

Beyond getting paid to shill in one of the lower traffic boards, do you suck penis in your "free" time?

Your breath smells like matzah and cum, go wash it out with bleach, k?



>mundie thinks he isn't mainstream


File: 2e4de8739a10dde⋯.png (912.99 KB, 600x718, 300:359, Ordinaries.png)


Jews stole magickal ideas and practices from Egyptian wizards and are now using these ideas to rule the world, Jews practice a series of blessings and curses in order to attain wealth and power, they also use curses to retaliate against enemies and blessings to help their own tribe.

The Bible is a book of Egyptian magick. The Bible is a book of spells that were initially practiced by Egyptian Wizards.

Study Torah, it contains the wisdom the Jews stole from ancient Egypt. Animal sacrifice is stupid and does not work, but prayers do work.

But its important to pray every day in order to develop a relationship with God and offer wine libations to empower Gods spirit on earth.

The goal of Americans should be to establish a Christian nation with a Christian ruled media. We should exile the Jews from all positions of power and influence. We should pray for the Jewish community to be cursed.

This is an extreme curse found in the book of psalms, it is a prayer that not many Christians know of. It is a curse prayer.


The Gospel takes the Egyptian identity of The Bible full circle and presents us with Jesus whose life mirrors that of Horus, with Satan being Set. Set is the deity who The Hyksos worshipped, and the Hyksos were the Jewish rulers of ancient Egypt before they were exiled by Egypts true rulers.

We are a Christian nation, Christ is our King. The Jews are the enemies of God. God curse the Jews. God bless America. America is a Christian nation.

Full series on hyksos


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Can't you see how evil and Jewish that prayer is? Don't engage in that shit. You will harm yourself more than your enemy.


Ok so perpetuate Judaism by Jewing Jews with Judaism with the intent of ending Jews?



>red-pilled on jews

>admits that much of the bible was stolen from other peoples

>still wants a christian theocracy



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Christcucks are just straight-up delusional, so it isn't a surprise.

File: 7eb6d09928f2fbe⋯.png (456.42 KB, 1663x1131, 1663:1131, Screenshot from 2019-01-19….png)


The CIA has declassified a lot of information on Project Gateway and Project Stargate and rather more recently published it online. This thread is dedicated to digging through that material and finding anything of interest.

Dig here: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/collection/stargate

Some stuff of interest I have found so far:





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A meta-personality is one that oversees the sub-personalities. Being meta means being superior to or "over" the thing one is meta to. Meta-feelings, meta-intentions, meta-etc.



I know what meta means, I don't know what he means by

>learn to meta


File: 3859329f32f41bb⋯.jpg (290.94 KB, 640x830, 64:83, 19540210_190691_01.jpg)

File: ee91d2985e8e34d⋯.jpg (239.44 KB, 640x830, 64:83, 19540210_190691_02.jpg)

I don't have the direct link but these were apparently on one of the discs you could order

CIA Document Mori ID: 190691

Title: Hypnotic Experimentation and Research

Date: 10 February 1954



Learn to meta means to observe and gain control over aspects of the self.

You can fix and control and change basically everything just by becoming meta to it, shifting awareness to the control point.


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Jews stole magickal ideas and practices from Egyptian wizards and are now using these ideas to rule the world, Jews practice a series of blessings and curses in order to attain wealth and power, they also use curses to retaliate against enemies and blessings to help their own tribe.

The Bible is a book of Egyptian magick. The Bible is a book of spells that were initially practiced by Egyptian Wizards.

Study Torah, it contains the wisdom the Jews stole from ancient Egypt. Animal sacrifice is stupid and does not work, but prayers do work.

But its important to pray every day in order to develop a relationship with God and offer wine libations to empower Gods spirit on earth.

The goal of Americans should be to establish a Christian nation with a Christian ruled media. We should exile the Jews from all positions of power and influence. We should pray for the Jewish community to be cursed.

This is an extreme curse found in the book of psalms, it is a prayer that not many Christians know of. It is a curse prayer.


The Gospel takes the Egyptian identity of The Bible full circle and presents us with Jesus whose life mirrors that of Horus, with Satan being Set. Set is the deity who The Hyksos worshipped, and the Hyksos were the Jewish rulers of ancient Egypt before they were exiled by Egypts true rulers.

We are a Christian nation, Christ is our King. The Jews are the enemies of God. God curse the Jews. God bless America. America is a Christian nation.

Full series on hyksos


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File: e2863b84bb741fe⋯.png (224.32 KB, 648x567, 8:7, 1466982080824.png)

Fuck off christcuck we arent worshiping the demiurge and giving him our loosh.

Your reverse the name game cant convince the goyim to worship (((yahweh))) the demon just because you say so.

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>tfw want to be Christian

>tfw sometimes my magick ways kick back in

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t. Irenaeus


You can't op


File: b7297896585266f⋯.jpg (26.38 KB, 550x495, 10:9, mp,550x550,matte,ffffff,t.….jpg)


>This isn't supernatural, this is science.



good post


I'm glad I've had enough natural intuition to not fall for the whole "magic is sin" bullshit

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Do you guys know some rituals that actually work? I don't care if satanic, occult or whatever.

Pic unrelated

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File: 9db79e8c5eec1fc⋯.jpg (29.56 KB, 320x239, 320:239, maryisis.jpg)


eh? of course this is , not /christian/



>discern the eternal truth in christianity and point it out

>this triggers the christcuck


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I am not a theologian, and all i really have to know right from wrong is my own subjective experiences…however, i will say…

here's what i believe: (as a Christian-gnostic) the eternal truth is Mary and the virgin birth of the Messiah, and this probably is that "truth" that the ALL (God) chooses to emphasize, perhaps due for his intention or his love for His Son (i don't deny those Bible facts that are just as possible as any other religion)

…however that is not to say that, for instance…those people who experienced the "Divine Feminine" in past times through Goddesses like Isis/Ishtar/etc… were not experiencing the same entity that is the Christian Mary, who to me represents the "Divine Feminine" as we know Her in the modern times (especially seeing the prevalence and popularity of Mary)

it is a mystery left to God, at least as a mortal I have never been given "secret evidence" but rather I am a mortal before God

the Jews believed that anything that was not Jewish was Satanic or whatever…they might be right, but they are only one civilization out of so many who believed otherwise so….

Even if Jesus and Mary and the Apostles in their day believed that all other religion was evil and that Jews were the only people who had any real spiritual truth…even so, based on all of my experiences I have to still side with logic to the best of my ability and all of my personal experiences


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Dangle yourself by your foot from an oak tree for three days. You'll become way smarter than everyone you know.


Y’all need some Peter Novak

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wow how stupid

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If you want to astral project then imagine yourself outside of your body. That is all that is required. This immediately places your awareness within a thoughtform on the mental planes. All the various techniques of astral projection that are described are just different ways to imagine this. You can sit down tonight and think up hundreds of different ways to imagine this and carry it out yourself, you don't need to go around asking people to give you examples like the rope technique and so on.

>but no it can't be that simple

It is that simple. There is no need to over-complicate this.

>but I can't imagine for shit

Then you need to develop your imagination. Make use of all the senses and imagine different things. Create thoughtforms and pay attention to how your emotions, intent, and beliefs change how these thoughtforms can operate. Use thoughtforms for EVERYTHING.

>but I want to remote view or remote influence people/places/situations in this world and timeline

Then you need to imagine that. Do this through the intention to be out of your body and viewing something within a given time and place. If your intention is to prove astral projection doesn't real or if you are plagued by doubts and negative emotions which make you feel it can't be done, you need to get over that.

>but I have no faith and I'm a cynical skeptic

Practice raja yoga and discover your real self and the powers of that real self. Seek out experiences that will prove to you the reality of perception of distant scenes and related occult phenomena. Study idealist philosophy and seek logical proofs and metaphysical explanations that make the reality of astral projection easy for you to accept. Convince all aspects of your mind from the intellect to the gut-feeling to the emotional and so on of the reality of what you can do when you put your will to it.

>bullshit occultist! bullshit occuPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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What the fuck are you saying?



>No, seriously. That "you're guest here. Not a god" comment sounds rather intimidating, just robbing me of power and agency.

What the fuck are you saying?



>Why you have taken it upon yourself to discourage everyone from the study of occultism? >There is no harm in it and it prepares the way for the attainments.

>thers is no harm in it

you have no idea


I've only managed to do it once successfully but every time I try I have the feeling that something grabs me and tries to pull me down. Is that normal or is there a way that doesn't feel like I'm being dragged to some sort of underworld?



Try to let yourself be dragged. I've been dragged down to places before and it has never been a bad experience.

Always remember that your emotional state is your body out there. Keep calm and in control of your emotions and you have all the tools you need.

If in doubt, practice emotional transmutation. Try to feel different emotions at will, change a spontaneous emotion into another, etc.

That skill will come in handy in your daily life and in the afterlife as well.

Advice for everyone on this thread: read Robert Bruce's Out of Body trilogy.

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I was largely believed that most things esoteric were complete wastes of time. Entertaining perhaps, but little else. Then about a year ago I had many synchronicities - just one after another after another - that woke my mind up to the fact that I've been ignoring things my whole life. Since then, I've dived head-first into all these things, experimenting personally with claims I find interesting.

One of those interesting subjects is crystals. As a child, geology and mineralogy were subjects I greatly enjoyed, so when I happened upon info on "Vogel crystals," of course I bought a couple cheap Chinese-produced ones to test. If nothing else, I just got a couple pretty stones to display, right? I bought a small clear quartz Vogel and a medium-sized lab regrown citrine quartz.

I started skeptically, but quickly I found that these things have many secrets. I first followed an old video of Marcel Vogel, clearing and programming them. Afterward, I held one and pointed it at my hand and felt an invisible ripple wherever I pointed it at my opposite hand.

After a couple months of experimenting, here are the interesting experiences I've had with them:

- Temporary (several hours) relief of my wrist tendonitis when used on the area.

- When placed near my head as I sleep, with the male point facing my head, I have vivid dreams again. When I sleep without them, or with them away from my head, I sleep as normal.

- I once fell asleep with the citrine in my right hand. My phone was next to me, and at some point I put my other hand on it. My phone vibrated when I got a text, but at the same time, for the same duration, the citrine in my right hand also vibrated, and very strongly! I've tried to reproduce this but have had no luck.

- A day or two after getting the citrine, I was waving it around my hand, bored at the time. I absently thought "burn, burn" as I circled the palm of my hand. I then got distracted and put it away. The next day, I decided to try using it on the solar plexus chakra (citrine supposedly resonates there). I used it there, nothing really happened, and I went to work. An hour and a half in, and I had the absolute worst cramps of my lifPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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To balance the body, anyone can use the lower chakra crystals. red orange or maybe yellow or green crystals, not purple or anything.

I'm thinking something red for your case.

The clear ones might be nice too.



You have no idea what men want. Women go insane without a father. My advice is to spam Owen Benjamin videos and to learn to run. You can do both at the same time. Seeing a man act like a man will change your thinking right away in ways you can't imagine. Running properly will make staying in shape painless and enjoyable.

Owen Benjamin:



Running technique:


Male attraction isn't completely physical. Don't get desperate and start lying and shapeshifting, it's an instant turn off. They can see your soul shine through your face if you accept the truth and work on yourself. Look for genuine mutual attraction and love, never lies. Developing a hard skill also indicates that you're not a liar and have an eye for beauty and still growing/alive. Biblical Christianity without any churches is the next big thing. Get a KJV Bible and pray to God about everything. Praying to God should always be the first thing you do. Pray for God to help you.





Concerning the Bible and Christianity, beware of these things:



>falsehood & lies

>powerful demonic entities acting under the guise of Christendom such as the "Demiurge construct"

Aside from.these things, the anon writing this post to you (me) is a believer in Jesus.


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This thread made me place all my quartz under my head pointing towards me and my dreams have been real vivid ever since. I will need to wait some days to be sure this is not a coincidence.

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hey …why is everybody honking at me in their cars all of a sudden?

(Rule 2 & 3)

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ITT we share different fashions that a fringe wizard would wear

What do you wear on your nonethereal body?

I'll start off with this semi-casual mage gear. With this you can blend in with the mundanes while still be prepared for mage school training.

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File: 754aed93a97d635⋯.jpg (103.13 KB, 634x756, 317:378, 30B3DC9100000578-0-image-a….jpg)

…i have only made about two posts in the past hour. I always have very high quality and educated posts

The internet is full of tricks and disinformation

This is my first post in this thread




>full of tricks and disinformation

>high quality and educated

I, too, am a poster of extraordinarily educating and high quality information.


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Should i wear bearsuit to protect myself from profanity of the world?



>dat manlet



I think that Joseph is Jesus's Earthly Father.

I brought this up in a theology group and was rather condemned for it so I want to search out this matter more as to arrive to a more definite conclusion.

I don't think "virgin" meant what it does now, back then.

Here are some random articles that talk about it:




http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1908-09mysticchristianity.pdf (see chapter 2 "The Mystery of the Virgin Birth")

What is the truth about the lineage of Jesus and the manner in which he was born into this world?

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I'm pretty drunk rn, here's your hahahahaah





>the supernatural must obey natural rules


What is omnipotence?

I dont think it matters either way if you believe Jesus was who he was



>filthy christcucks think they can be wizards

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I don't belong on this earth and am seriously contemplating suicide. I have been for many years (I'm 21) and basically as I grow older the thoughts are turning from an unconscious desire to be free from the suffering into a conscious realization of the absolute agony that the rest of my life will be. Basically all I have to look forward to is a life of prayer on my knees begging God to give me the strength to bear the weight of this miserable, stupid, dark world which I am forced to live in.

I don't believe in heaven or hell but I do believe in a many dimensional universe and life after physicality. However I know that I know nothing so I came here to get some perspective. Is suicide the right call?

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If someone was gonna kill themself they wouldn't make that face silly


File: 009b18e6077246a⋯.jpg (44.37 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, elbane.jpg)


You're a depressed guy!




You don't want to throw away God's gift. He's badass, but you have to try to find it. When you finally see it, every moment of Hell is worth it. You'd give up everything, even your own soul, for that one thing.


File: 779278bdd18425d⋯.png (425.47 KB, 640x565, 128:113, dio.png)


>god's gift

>have to find it

>give up everything including your soul for it

Sounds shitty already. We have to keep slaving and suffering away here just to maybe find, maybe not, some illusive "gift" in the middle of hell and potentially even sacrifize our own soul for it…. DO YOU THINK YOU CAN TRICK ME THAT EASILY? What kind of brainfart would fall for this obvious bullshit? It's so disgusting…that it makes me burst…INTO A LAUGH!

Keep chasing your shitty easter egg, hylic bitch-bunny. The worst part is that you seem to imply I'm throwing some badass gift of god away by liberating myself with that method above >>133372 >>133370 but then go on to make me run the endless maze and try to find it first…. G R O T E S Q U E.

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The truth about America that we frequently fail to consider is that it is intrinsically a primeval, backwards caste society of spiritual darkness.

I am not sure which came first. Spiritual darkness or totalitarian militarism.

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one Nation under God indeed…let's get rid of the bullsh*t we're dealing with

let's all go off the grid and live off the land and boycott the broken system and become renegades and rogue patriots and chastise the nigs


or better yet let's go to canada and build a legacy for our people (Americans)…we'll call ourselves American Canadians…there's so much land up there


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I'm in Canada and it's horrible


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