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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Blake K's Greenpilled Fitness & Nutrition Library


Previous thread here; http://archive.is/tr1ew

What is fitness? Being fit means…

>Competency in biomotor abilities (strength, endurance, power, flexibility, balance, speed, agility, coordination) in relation to needs or goals

>Muscle size, body composition, and activity level that matches needs or goals, not societal definitions or pressures

>Mobile joints & relaxed muscles

>Natural spinal and body alignment fostered by strong bones

>Effortless nasal, diaphragmatic breathing

>Youthful respiratory quotient)

>Efficient digestion and elimination

>Healthy heart and good circulation (strong pulse and warm extremities, tip of nose)

>Rarely experience sickness

>Excellent sleep, libido, and fertility

>Relaxed yet focused mind

>Positive outlook

Fitness is an essential part of proper initiation. While bodybuilding is not necessary, (and bodybuilding can easily become an egoistic pursuit for "a beautiful body" and not good health!!), proper exercise connects us to our physical vessels, giving us more conscious control over them. And as the cliche points out, "A healthy mind in a healthy body"; a well oxygenated brain strengthens our consciousness, fends off mental haze and sluggishness and improves psychological functions such as memory.

A well-trained body gives a sensation of masculinity and connects us to our bodies from which we have alienated ourselves from…Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Every time you get the urge to snack, stop and analyze that impulse that is driving you. Analyze where it's coming from and what exactly its telling you to do and why. Keep doing this. Eventually try and subtly transmute the urge. Practice using your active mind to seed your passive mind with modifications to the urge. As you get proficient at this you will eventually be able to fully transmute the voracity compulsion into a satiation compulsion.


File: 124150046c151ab⋯.pdf (5.51 MB, The_Amazing_Liver_and_Gall….pdf)

File: 20673788ec6bdd2⋯.pdf (6.01 MB, Timeless_Secrets_of_Health….pdf)

Not going to read through the whole thread, but the top things in my experience:

*Liver flushes - https://www.davidwolfe.com/liver-gallbladder-flush-protocol/

The two Andreas Moritz books attached are the most useful - one focused on liver flush and why it is so beneficial, the other on exactly what the title is - Health and Regeneration, lots of tips and suggestions, with the theory to support it as well.

Two of his best suggestions -

*MSM (Organic Sulfur) for detoxification, pineal and otherwise - work up to a megadose, take it for at least 2 months.




*Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) - healing clay taken internally, also for detox, from heavy metals and radiation, environmental poisons, especially. Pairs well with MSM.


File: 917393ac6ef1b99⋯.pdf (8.73 MB, Arnold-Rational-Fasting.pdf)

File: b6a73c5c592b3c0⋯.pdf (5.26 MB, Robert_Morse_-_The_Detox_M….pdf)

*If you go Raw/ Fruitarian, even for a time, it will benefit you a lot. But, most people cannot handle it energetically or physically right away. Best to incorporate the above first, and slowly transition if you so desire.

Dr. Morse is the best on that topic, so that pdf is also attached, and check out his Q and A videos on Youtube.

*Use herbs for improving the function of your glands and organs. It doesn't matter which diet you consume, they are your friends.

*Fasting is really good to regain health because of detox. Seeing a pattern here? Yeah, detoxing is probably the most important thing you can do for your body.

Arnold Ehret book attached - one of the people who understood fasting best conceptually and mastered it without making it complicated. Painless read, 170 short pages.

Other than that, I will simply point out that most of it does not need to be super y or metaphysical. Let common sense and your intuition guide you in staying fit (exercise, eating healthy, breathing well).

Be careful of getting dogmatic. At one point, a certain diet may be amazing and healing for you, and then later you find that's no longer the case. No problem, as long as you didn't get too identified with that diet or the framework supporting it. Be like water, flow with the needs of your body, mind and spirit.




Bowie had it right


>bell peppers


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Saint Paul was also known by his Jewish name Saul of Tarsus (Hebrew: שאול התרסי‎, translit. Sha'ūl ha-Tarsī). THIS DUDE WROTE A LETTER TO ROMANS TELLING THEM NOT TO CURSE ENEMIES. Quote:

"14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.[c] Do not be conceited.

17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[d] says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;

if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.

In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”[e]

21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."



Saul is a jew who changed his name to Paul(jews change names to sound more goyish, like those jewish actors who take on WASP surnames), he wrote a letter to the Romans, the same people who were crucifying his people, the jews, and he told them to not hate enemies. Who were the enemies of the Romans? The jews were. So you think maybe a jew has a hidden motive when telling Romans to not hate Jews? You think he is doing it for the best of the Romans, or is he telling that for the benefit of the jews? The guy is obviously just trying to help jews out. He probably doesn't even care about Romans.

OK so he based that teaching on a verse from A Song Moses sang, but he totally took it out of context. Here is a few verses from that song.


"39 “See now that I myself am he!

There is no god besides me.

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>something one has to adapt to now

t. early medieval pagan

>as all the Churches are Christian


>all the viable women are Christian

Lol what

>make pagan temples

Is paganism outlawed or ostracized or some shit in your country? Paganism is experiencing a revival everywhere in the world. Hellenists are growing in numbers, as are druidic celts, and norse pagans. Granted, most of them are somewhat cucked especially the norse ones apparently but all mass-religion is cuckery by definition.

What is stopping you from making a pagan temple? Most people are actually supportive of this type of stuff if they aren't hopelessly trapped in christian and "muh western" dogma.



>that flag

You wouldn't know what half of the original greenpill references even mean, but thanks for the laugh anyways. What board did you crawl here from to play pretend?



I've been here from the start.


What is stopping me is the fact that all the pagans in my area would end up being druggies, depressed, mentally ill, criminals, etc. and and at same time all the based and redpilled Christians would ostracize me.

I'm a hellenist at heart but the Bible is here to stay, for now. We will just have to subvert Christians gradually over a long period of time until they drop it all and become full on Pagan.



I sort of agree with the idea of deconverting christians, but at the same time I'm thinking that it keeps them trapped which is more or less advantageous for pagans.

>based and redpilled christians would ostracize me

They're really NOT based and redpilled if they would ostracize you for merely being a pagan and calling gods those beings they call angels and demons. Infact, in my view, that makes them retarded and an enemy to the progression of mankind. Because honestly what the fuck does it matter whether you call a higher being a god as opposed to an angel? People have gone to war over shit like this and humanity is better off without those semantic brainfuckeries. Fuck 'em.



Dionysus, patron god of wine and party?

>mentally ill

Dionysus, patron god of madness?


Hermes, or literally any other god with no faux pretense as to morality?


A man's faults are taken from his epoch; his virtues are wholly his own. - Goethe

>based and redpilled Christians

<worshipping a middle-eastern tribal war god while claiming pure love and benevolence

Very based indeed, not at all two-faced/schizo/slave-mentality, mhm.

And in any case, you can and should mingle with and teach these people if you want to add momentum to the archaic revival. Don't be a bitch and stand up for your gods. If they truly are your gods, they will provide.



You have a funny way of showing it.

>All the churches are Christian


>I want to bang Christian girls



There's no 'we' here. You are (or are roleplaying as) a proselytizing type who wants society to mimic his taste because he still buys into social proof. You measure success by how many strangers say things that reinforce your positions. You're just laity that got lost and confused.

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so fringe, I want to get your opinion on 2B from Nier: Automata. Has the collective use of her visage for lustful purposes (aka fapping) granted her some form of deification?

for anybody that doesn't know:

>fans post sexual images of character from a big budget game

>creator of said character catches wind of this

>instead of being offended, he asks fans to compile these images for fapping pleasure

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sage does nothing


File: dcf9c08aec7498d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 603.45 KB, 846x1345, 846:1345, gassy_sweaty_hyper_booty_g….jpg)



That might be the 01101001 01101110 01110100 01100101 01110010 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 proposal.


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woo lad is this OC?


Terrible thread. This kind of thing is why I stopped using

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Is there a real-world equivalent to the Black Lodge of Twin Peaks?

Watching the series and film, I couldn't help but feel that David Lynch was hinting at some real shit rather than just writing straight-up fiction.

(Rule 2)
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brainlet post


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>race, gender and class oppression

Kek, all this whining right after quoting Nietzsche? Have these NPCs ever heard of master and slave morality?



Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>haven't you heard of our lord and savior epic mustache guy?


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The Mauve Zone, see Kenneth Grant's books (Libgen)

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Any chance it's anything good? Asking for a friend.

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread)
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Depending on the method used, pretty much the same as what happens to everyone else. If a slow method, then your senses will shut down one by one, til all are gone, and your awareness withdraws within. You will then become aware of the dance of the two spheres in the lunar and solar channels, they will eventually merge, a bright flash, and you will be outside the body, connected by a thread of light. The thread will shatter, a portal will open, a suction will draw you in, you will hurtle through a long tunnel, be ejected into a white light that will shock the spirit into unconsciousness. When you awaken, you will be a disincarnate entity floating in a luminous void. After some time, being without the body you were addicted to will cause a paroxysm, like being in a floatation tank too long. After that, your formless spirit will begin to build itself an illusory body of sorts that will allow interaction with antarabhava. You will begin to see phantasmagoria akin to what is described in the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead'. Eventually the entire process will culminate in rebirth in heaven world, hell world, earth world, etc. Wherever your destination, sooner or later you will eventually be reborn here, and find yourself in pretty much the same place and situation you were before you did the suicide. The bad news is that suicide is only a temporary reprieve, and not any true escape.




There is some negative karma attached to suicide, but nowhere near as much as killing someone else. The spiritual fallout is manageable.



>you have to lose your "lust for living" in order to achieve enlightenment

This is patent bullshit on par with "you must destroy your ego in order to see higher". Your ego is a part of you, just as you are a part of the all. And if you can't enjoy life and the suffering inherent (all suffering is challenge to be overcame), if you can not enjoy the now then you won't enjoy what comes next.



>I believe that God controls everything and that even free will isn't technically 100% real since

Everything follows the 'fingerprint' of the metapattern (father pattern) even our thoughts and actions.. But, the metapattern is absurdly complex to the point that any attempt to visualize it always results in what appears to be pure chaos (though it is orderly, just hyper complex) But, I believe that what free will is is that we have the ability to consciously alter our course through the pattern.


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==The True Meaning of Magic:== Diagramming and spreading diagrams of ideas, symbols, and memes, such as symbolized philosophies and theories, in order to manipulate hiveminds and the individuals composing hiveminds. (This is unconsciously done by many political, religious, and general organizations in order to gain and maintain power, as it's essentially Advanced Propaganda 101.)

==Why this is true:== All main lines of occult history both in this board and across the field lend themselves to the notion that there is an Ideosphere, aka Imaginary Reality, and the best way to interact with this reality is through organizing, understanding, and applying diagrammed systems of ideas, symbols, and memes, in order to influence the Ideosphere on a large scale, which is best achieved by manipulating Hiveminds.

Based on our board's history, magic's history, and most magical information I have encountered, magic is uniquely conveyed through webs and hierarchies of diagrammed symbols, ideas, and memes. These diagrammed systems represent spiritual constructs and personalities. Our most iconic "theories" or "symbol systems" look like giant maps for exploring the symbols in our mind. These include the Golden Drawn Cross, Kabbalah, Astrological Maps, Alchemical Systems, Chakra Maps, and miscellaneous diagrams you can find throughout our board. These are symbolic maps meant to explore a strictly Imaginary Reality which is overlaid over our Physical Reality, and it is known as the Ideosphere in the scholarly field of Memetics. The Ideosphere is the house of Hiveminds, whereas in our Physical Reality we have a Biosphere which instead of having Hiveminds, has Packs and Armies of living beings which often act as a byproduct of being manipulated by Hiveminds. Hivemind in the sense I am using it in, should be thought of as an entity with its own unique singular individual free will, which exists as a mosaic nework of nodes or fragments scattered across numerous individuals it uses as both pieces of its collective brain, and as pieces of its collective body. This is divergent from the common weaker definition of a hivemind as a collective observed force that can take over a riot or mob of people as a reaction to a collective experience. Magic is almost universally focused on viewing reality as imaginary, and I simply argue that while tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I saw the red pills in the second one and groaned internally at /pol/ before I realized heh


Please stop responding to [redacted] and his threads, he's a complete retard


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idk who the op.. [redacted], is.



I bet this guy still believes in the holocaust.


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This is a good point, magick can be used to manipulate the collective consciousness because we in a sense are part of that already. And politics and culture are expressions of the collective consciousness.

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I'm a Christian but this is what was communicated to me by ethereal entities.

So whats going on? Well see the ethereal is real. Certain groups insert thought forms into the ethereal recesses of your mind. The thought forms normally negative energy create creatures in your mind that can alter conciousness, insert thoughts, speak, move independently. Every thought form seeks the same power to enter the astral. Where they can propagate and act freely, feeding off the energy of peoples conciousness.

Groups? Not sure but monroe institutes research provided the mechanical means for non spirtual thought forms to propagate.

Those most strongly affected are mental "sensitives" taking the brunt of their flagerant use of thought forms.

Sleep is when you are most vulnerable to these thought forms. Working in the foreground.

Ethereal is the astral and inner planes where ideas and archetypes can form and function without the physical.

Alexy is my thoughtform he will form and flow eventually propagating the astral.

But there are others in my head pushing for space and activating predatorial nature within me.

To gut, stab maim / end your life before you end anothers.

Seals and sigils to protect your back that simple nothing else, excovations as well.

Magic is a lot like creation.

Sigils - symbols concoted to cement meaning and cause change.

Demons they exist, archetypal thought forms striving for the status of gods. They insert their symbols into your thought streams to cause you to call them fourth.

Gods power exchangers. Devotion brings their power into your life not nessecerily into you.

Thought form - thoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Hahaha oh no


Just sounds like the OP is schizophrenic and misunderstanding tulpas as negative entities. Am I wrong?



“Tulpa” implies he created the thought forms on purpose, and that they are fully sentient seperate egos. This poor fool is just grasping at every thought form that whizzes through his brain, assigning it to some sort of Christian hierarchy, and taking it seriously. Basically he’s a fucking schizo, from the tulpamancy point of view.



"Illusion" is a meaningless term. All that can be perceived has its origins in something real. All is matter just as all is mind and all is spirit. The three mean the same thing.


I thought I knew what "larp" meant until I saw this thread.

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I need help dealing with my mother or at least to hear the stories of others concerning their mothers.

Mine makes my life hell. It is like being under house arrest. She never lets me talk to other people including people at stores, on the streets, the police, etc. She questions me about everything, every unsolicited phone call, any time I try to leave the house, comments people make around me, etc. She stalks me at work and does random check ups on me. She stays awake all night and keeps checking in on me, not sleeping until she thinks I'm asleep, and in doing this causes me to never get sleep because of the constant anxiety and her coming in and disrupting my attempts to relax. She constantly yells at me and is never pleased with anything. She hates my father and gets 4 thousand a month from him every month and yet somehow always spends that all before the month is over and says we don't have any money then takes my money from me. I can't leave the home because she controls all my money, controls everything in my life, won't let me gain any friends, treats me like a slave, is obese and lazy and forces me to do everything for her so I can't ever study or work at any jobs other than odd job shit because I can't keep a real job as she always sabotages it. I feel utterly trapped in this situation and it is exhausting me and making me feel horrible despair that because of her leeching and exploitation I will never be able to make a life worth living and will just become a 30 yo virgin slaving away for my mother who will never be happy and treat me like shit always. I have tried to talk to social services and police and it got nowhere and besides I can barely ever reach for a phone or find a way to do anything unmonitored. She has cut my internet before and tried to apply filters on the internet and so on but I have found ways around it. I need some serious advice on how to fucking escape this nightmare. My mother has ruined this family and won't let me escape her insanity.

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Idk how old you are but get a skill mane. Maybe do the college stuff if you're smart but being smart mostly means you can memorize stuff right? And apply knowledge but… getting a skill like carpentry or something will not only pay you to learn while you're in school (in my state they do) but will quickly afford you an opportunity to become independent. Even laborer jobs on craigslist offer like $15/hr AT LEAST usually.

Good luck to you manee.


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>Nightmare Mothers

>thread isn't about the universe


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Oh dear!~

This may be sound advice



Can you not go with your father?

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As some of you may already know I have been working with some other initiates and I've taken it upon myself to complete Step VII of IIH and do something from Liber KKK as well.

A battery could have been used, rocks could have been used, various forms could be used to house them. I wanted a doll though and one that could hold a fluid condenser or at least blood in it.

I have to work out the details still of how I'm going to make these dolls. I thought of making them out of wood but that just wouldn't do. I thought about yarn and similar materials but it didn't seem right.

I got 20 pounds of air-drying clay here. I could have got polymer clay which I could bake later but it's more expensive and this is very experimental, I might fuck this up, and have to restart.

I want to make my doll so that its limbs and legs and head can move. Maybe the head doesn't have to move. I'll probably have a hole go through its head and into its body for the blood to go inside and then seal it off with candle wax.

If you want to know why a battery doesn't work nice for me, it's because I can't put anything into it, and it doesn't feel right to put a humanoid form into a battery. As for rocks, I'm afraid they might already have entities within them, nature spirits and so on… and so I just want to work with clay and make something with my own hands that is new and ready to house the elementary I am to create.

How I am going to create it, well, once it's infused with my own vitality and a supply of energy for it to live on it I'm going to use my imagination and create its astral body and so on and have it take up residence in the doll.

Now you might ask why I need a doll at all for this. I need it to ground the spirit. The doll will be its home and I will be able to stab the doll to kill the entity if needed. Most importantly I will be able to call the entity back to its home whenever needed – I have had a long history of creating tulpas or evoking beings just to have them look at me funny and then walk off and do their own thing neverPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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It amazes me how you cannot see how ridiculous of a question this is yet.



You have to remember that it took a book to teach this person that one shouldn't breathe with their mouth.




sup, mod fam?

Reminder: Computers are physical and spiritual vessels, electrons and chips are all real things not fake, so your 3D model that can move is as real but more live than a dead wooden doll.

(a live woden doll is another story)


File: d4c7d506988abde⋯.jpg (66.13 KB, 540x413, 540:413, dollho.jpg)


My doll is more magical than yours.


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So what's your progress now?

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I am making a frogoid GF. Basically a female Kek. Got her powered up enough that she lept on top of my bed and kind of nuzzled me then became more ethereal again and dissipated into a constantly changing form. My frogoid tulpa is unstable and primordial for now. If I keep up work on her however she'll start talking and be able to interact with me in more ways. Should I keep doing this?

I want to expose myself to everything there is to know about female frog-humanoid entities.

I not too long ago learned how to sacrifice desires and lifeforce to create whatever I want. I can manifest beings by killing parts of myself so the energy is transformed into the new entity. It just requires reaching a mental state in which I am absolutely serious and absolutely determined to make my intention manifest immediately with the same sincerity as a man dying.

I am seriously considering sacrificing my life in order to bring physically manifested frog-beings into this world and to power up Kek to new heights.

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>But the mistake people make is thinking that thoughtforms can't dissolve you like you can dissolve them if given enough of your Will and energy.

do I have some strange fetish too if I find this arousing?

like being at her mercy & having to beg her not to consume me


How are the frogoids coming along anon?


op you are a schizo


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Any frogress?

I've found that repetitively starting a lucid dream involving your "tulpa" and a certain scenario / setting / location can help get into the right frame of mind to meet up, then allow play to differentiate from there.

One method involves slowly graduating lucid dreaming into sleep paralysis, then imaginations into small hallucinations.

Just be careful. I suspect these independent thought forms are the origin of ye ol' "wizard gone mad" trope.


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how's this for progress?

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Apparently she has hugged 30+ million people, and many report feelings of elation, some people burst out crying and can't stop. Some people report feelings of spiritual awakening as a result.

Even a hardcore skeptic like Louis Theroux was hugged by her, and you can tell by his voice that he felt something spiritual he didn't think he would.


So I ask, what exactly is this woman doing on a spiritual level? Is she slipping past some kind of psychic barrier, to have such a strong impact on people?



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It's their dilemma, and the reason I hate them. Instead of a functional dictatorship forcing people down with arms, they want to use democracy and individualism to make people believe that they're free while they're mind controlled by mass media and schooling. But this shit doesn't work, because now people start thinking in ways the elites couldn't predict, simply because when they thought this shit up everything was collective and they went by that model, assuming people would act according to collectivism but individually, like sleeper cells. In reality they don't and now the fuckers are losing control and ruining the world.

This is why we need Trump as the God Emperor to disarm them and put them back in their place, remove public schooling and create a new aristocracy in america.



I really ought to be more thankful I didn't go to public school, just based off this post alone.


She doesn't seem too bad at all. In fact she seems nice. It's Braco who is the real trickster.


Upon researching about her not long ago, she apparently is able to reflect the self back to an individual who comes into contact with her. Perhaps she has somewhat mastered her own ability to readily redirect someone's energy back to themselves, engaging somewhat as a medium for the self and the Higher Self to connect and possibly unite. However, mediums are something I do not consider lightly, for there are many who proclaim their powers and are just like those who do the same and claim to be alpha. One is not alpha upon speaking it, yet they are by showing/demonstrating it (lead by example, not word).

Some of the research entails a brief dive into the system of Human Design, a system which claims that the spleen (or spleenic authority) as part of chakras, expanding them to 8. This system is neither promoted or denounced, for there are tidbits of truth in many things. This system (or soul trap) elates that people fall under 5 categories: Generator, Projector, Manifesting Generator, Manifestor. and the last which holds less than 1% of the world's population, Reflector. She happens to fall under the last, which explains that those who are Reflectors are completely open figures, with certain channels within their centers designed for specific purposes. In short, she is able to directly reflect the energy of an individual she comes into contact with upon being in their presence, which possibly explains her situation somewhat. They are open, and thus susceptible to harm by others (such as 'Manifestors', who have a very dense energy field). Upon taking the test, this anon here happened to fall under the same, and although coincidences are something I do not feel drawn to traditionally (because reasons, obviously), it does shed light on some areas of this life.

Furthermore, she has been prone to blackmail from agencies supposedly, and those who have initiated critical backlash on her, as to which I am uncertain, if it was in relation to her work. For the record, I do not see her as a threat or a possible operative, as there may be those playing on her work of course, and possibly setting her up or attempting to deface what she does. Keep an open but skeptical mind as always, and do not feel afraid to question. Although I would question why this thread was derailed and turned into a shitposter's wet dream about sometPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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How did you find yours? Did he find you? Are you one? How has he/she helped you on the spiritual quest?

I'm currently in need of one. Should I seek them out or will they appear to me? General spiritual guide / mentor thread.

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I'm glad he did. It's good to shuffle the board around.



This is an old post of mine. I now reject some of my old claims.

Specifically, one should ideally cultivate heroes in one's own mind that then proceed to be met with and interacted with. The more built up the master is in the student's head beforehand, and especially, the more disappointed the student is upon the discovery that his ascended master is human and subject to what is human, the better the revelation as to the nature of mastery and the source of valuable lessons (value itself, too). After that point, the student, if the student is sharp, can be instructed solely by their [insert whatever term you use for HGA].



5 star post on a four star scale.



Ah, a very important PS! It is crucial that the student see that the master is still masterful! It should be that one's definition of what mastery is and what defines mastery is shifted, *not* that the student stupidly rejects their seemingly imperfect master for the high crime of existing on this plane and being subject to it. The student should see it as an opening, not a closing, of possibility. A great number of failures come from having inverted this lesson.



The Guru is archetypal, and thus can be found both within and without. Search inside for your answers. If they do not manifest then Fate will guide you.


These modern Rosicrucian groups are utterly Masonic. But I am hard pressed to believe that they do not understand the importance of initiation by the Master.

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Im very scared of being mislead.

People on here talk a lot about how there are many corrupted traditions and paths in mainstream spirituality today, perhaps such as new age, wicca, or normie oversimplified hindu-buddhist doctrines, various occult authors who are jews etc.., but they rarely highlight what specifically they mean as far as I know.

well I'm going to assume the people who say these things, have direct experience of actual truth, and can recognise what is false.

So please share, what are the problems with these things? Which ideas are wrong that 90% of common books on magic/yoga/meditation promote, and how can you tell if an idea is false or authentic to reality anyway? How do you know if you are being misguided or not?

Would anybody more wise than me, help us understand what are common half-truths, or lies supposedly floating about in the esoteric world?

What are some examples of obviously wrong teachings in new age / buddhism / hinduism / occult?

Besides all the books that are 'kosher' on the fringe reading list, what are some authentic hindu, and buddhist paths / traditions that you reccomend to learn from? If I were to learn Kriya yoga from a local western ashram, how do i know if it is legitamate teaching, or if there is disinformation in these schools? How can I choose a suitable path other than an arbitrary decision??

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i don't know about all that now…any proof?



He didn't particularly hate Jews at all. That's just a mundane-ization of his Theosophy. There's a great quote by Manly P. Hall about it but it seems to be wiped from the internet, like many interesting and useful things as of late.



There is a lot of passion in this art, so people can get really opinionated on what an ultimate truth means… but when it comes to the worst of half truths and lies?


Dogma is a bitch, and it bites. >>113198 laid it out perfectly.

if anything, you should look up the tactics of abusive personalities, Joe Navarro's Dangerous Personalities is a good book to learn about this, and it covers more life advice than just spiritual frauds.



Demiurge fags don't realize they're the ones fueling their own fucking monster.

Rule 19. The more you hate it the stronger it gets


> what are some authentic hindu, and buddhist paths / traditions that you reccomend to learn from?

Learn Chinese (do a lot of dominochinese.com with Anki for six months and you'll be about halfway there) or Sanskrit and read the original texts.

Read what the academics that have studied language differences and studied these texts say on how to interpret the texts – they have many, many years of studying the differences between modern and ancient usage, and most academics usually have the spirit of honesty behind them. Linguistics andor historical language are not lucrative fields, tenure is difficult to achieve, and there are no big grants by people with biased attitudes. To survive in such a field you have to have a love for what you do.

The only way, the *only* way, you can know what Buddha really said, is not by studying versions of events that have gone through thousands of years of chinese whispers. It is by reading what the buddha was recorded reading, and learning how the language has changed over time so you can really *understand* the buddha. Likewise any worthwhile philosophy.

If you wish to seek for truth in Judaism, converting to Judaism means learning ancient hebrew, and their original text has been passed down basically unedited because the Torah is nonsensical and impossible to translate, the worth of the Torah is in reading it and they believe that God will tell you what to read/see.

Those are basically the only options you have if you want to avoid people telling you what they *think* is the truth.

In metaphorical form, what I am saying here is,

do not drink from downstream, where thousands of animals have shat in the water. Get it from the source of the stream, where it flows crystal clear.



> This is what atheists actually believe.

I have a lot of atheist friends.

They do not believe this.

Indeed, I actually wondered this and asked around a lot of pro-atheist forums, and the like. Even in closed communities, there was nobody that professed this to be true.

This is a construct of your mind, not theirs.

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fair warning: this is a very very /x/ thread, and it's also heavily /pol/ related.

if you don't like /x/ and you really really don't like /pol/ then turn back now and don't read this thread.

I'm giving fair warning, so don't ban me. it is heavily related to religion, spirituality, and very fringe stuff, but I don't know if it's YOUR brand of .

however. I can't just give you one piece of the story. it's all connected.

I hope that whoever does read this learns alot, and becomes a better person as a result. I really like the as well as /rel/ and a few other boards so please don't be like /pol/ and /x/ and all the other boards that ban people like crazy. I can't even post this on /pol/.

anyway, that's enough precautionary bullshit. I'm going to get on with this thread and hopefully change some lives. I'm just going to make the thread the way it needs to be made, and hope that someone really likes it.

>inb4 tl;dr

it's a big read. fair warning.

I did try to find a flag to follow the rules, but none of them fit or fit unironically. I'll be going flagless for this thread. sorry about that.

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Why should I?


This shit is what happens when you get your information on occult practices from the fucking history channel and then shit bricks because you managed to push thoughts like "black people are called black… I've heard that alchemists talk about black stuff… Races mix, alchemists use to mix ingredients… Must be the same thing…" out.

"Hmm, lemonade is a yellowish liquid, so is pee… They must be the same."


Schizophrenic bullshit.



>black people are called black… I've heard that alchemists talk about black stuff… Races mix, alchemists use to mix ingredients… Must be the same thing…

That is the case though.



A small child could tell you how flawed that logic is. Even if his claim is in some universe the case–and as far as OP is concerned it might as well be, not that he would know what to do with that information–that kind of association is an unsuitable proof. If OP wasn't such a "keep my rantings like they're the bible" fag, maybe he could have made a parallel, but you would have to be a tremendous brainlet to think any of this constitutes proof of anything other than OP being a run of the mill conspiracy theorist too annoying for either of the other boards.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


New Lindsay Zywiciel video, fuckers:

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Its still a symbol of impurity, and submission to the backwards neo-norms like cattle. How old is this woman anyway? Is she still living in a car like Terry? Maybe they are soul mates.


Fresh Lindsay when?


28/29. Not sure she lives in the car permanently, not sure I'd trust a woman to accurately run over CIAniggers.



She is 28 years old? Thats a surprise.

>not camwhoring to steal the loosh of hundreds of NEETs


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literally who?


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