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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Alright, I'll bite. Who is the Anomaly / the Nobody?

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread )


Is it really that hard to use a question thread?


i don't need memes to express how intelligent and witty i am


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Seeing as this board is dead, lets gets a debunking New Agers / Wiccans / Retards thread here. If any of you have heard a really stupid claim or shoddy reasoning for something debunk the shit out of it in this thread.

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From what I understand, higher self is you in the distant future sending messages back in time to you now



Spirit and soul are different things. Higher self is another way of saying spirit, but not soul (although some people swap these two terms, but they are still two different concepts).

You have one spirit and many souls (one per incarnation, at least).

Read Montalk.


>distant future

Rather from outside of time. From outside the matrix.



Montalk is bullshit. Getting info from a ouija board doesn't prove that it's true.



Higher self is like in between spirit and soul. The spirit is more timeless, at least in the sense it is more present than the higher self



I read my own post and go, wait did I mean that the spirit is between the higher self and the soul? Then I read it again and it makes complete sense once more.

Spirit is all encompassing; everywhere and nowhere all at once at the same time. It is the god-spark, the vibration energy that is the essence of your spirit. Some say that without ego we are all the same, as we all come from the one source and shall return as such. But even if it is God that is behind the essence of awareness, it is that unique perspective that your awareness has that results in the essence of your vibration energy that is your spirit.

Spirit comes from the highest, and possible lowest, dimensions.

The higher self is like an ego from like 5D or 6D or something, not a big deal compared to the very essence of awareness itself.

In fact I'd say there can be realignments if I didn't know better. People's personalities shift all the time. Ego death is a funny thing after all.

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So I was listening to this you tuber called Enlighten and I just figured something out:

The feminine mindset and religion is always about having sex, making love, procreation and the circular current in the Universe

The masculine mindset and religion is always one about abandoning the matter, renouncing the pleasure's of the flesh, purification for the transcendental, virtually denying the feminist religion mindset. That is the reason why monks and holy men were supposed to abstain from sexual intercourse with women. They were above women, they didn't want to contribute to the profiliferation of the material world with their seed.

And in many ways, we the incels and mgtow of 8chan are the same. Despite what reddit propaganda would have you think most guys here could get a roastie or a degenerate feminist. But they choose not and to derive pleasure from denying them their reproductive mandate and seeing them dying childless.

In many way we are the last outpost of the masculine mythic mindset.

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Willpower is something you learn and train, not something you're born with. Bare minimum, set aside so much time a day for just spiritual development and get in that habit. Getting /fit/ might help too.


just turn gay bro, embrace those masculine energies



So you desire truth. Well the first step is to find out the truth about yourself. Analyze your desires, keep asking why you're doing this until you can't ask anymore. Find the core of your being, what really motivates you.



What are you guys even arguing about? The solution to this is simple:

Sex drains vital energy from both men and women. To obtain spiritual enlightenment whilst simultaneously maintaining a physical racial presence, one would have to be celibate and only engage in sex for the purpose of procreation, nothing more.



Yes! In all seriousness, girls are very easily convinced and happy to think about babies in connection to sex. Probably not the thots though

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This is a specific sigil.

It's a summoning sigil.

For a pipe.

Because currently my tobacco pipe sucks. And my favorite pipe is burnt out.

So I want a new one. But I want one through summoning a pipe, not just to go to a store and buy one. Because this current [replacement] pipe sucks fucking balls. A good looking pipe doesn't necessarily mean it's a good smoking pipe.

So I made a sigil to get a good pipe. Grant Morrison writes entire comic books to get laid. I just want a pipe.

Look at my sigil. Be happy.

Then watch "Blade Runner".


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remove terrorists



What are terrorists?



That's not relevant to this board as far as I can tell, other than perhaps generally raising awareness or something. But you know, slaying demons in the astral realm could help.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>thx me2

Listen Twice.


Notice everything, take nothing seriously.

I was pretty drunk when I made the ama post, and forgot I made it. So, that happened.


Dude, a Missouri Meerschaum is like $2.

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Don't normally browse this board and frank;y I don't know if this is >>>/x/ but I know I can't be the only one that experiences this, am I going crazy?

>close eyes

>see typical swirling colours

>a few days ago this started changing

>closing eyes now shows eerily accurate depictions of people

>they all seem to be dancing or talking

>they always turn around when I show up ie- close my eyes

>I can't recognize a single person

>I can't hear them but their mouths clearly are moving trying to say something

>the faces aren't blurry but fully fledged and detailed

>they always turn and smile or frown or laugh when they see me

>its really smokey, like there's a fog

>if I open my eyes in the dark their reflections/imprints follow me in the waking world

As a young adolescent I had a pretty bad depression with psychotic effects (voices/images) but its been many years since that, and I never experienced what I just retold during those times. Other weird stuff that has happened is that as a child (according to my parents and siblings) I could foretell who was calling (before caller-ID existed) or who was at the door. Note that by child I mean between the ages of 3-5. So am I fucking bonkers or anyone here have similar experiences

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Mundies first step into the pond




>tells OP to do saturn/satan stuff

they're hungry and dying. DO NOT FEED



>for now



satanic disinfo.

There is only One God. all religion is wrong



I'll bet you're that spamming faggot from a year ago.

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What does think of the black cube?

(2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread )
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Who remembers Crowley referring to the being he interacted with in Egypt as "the Beast".


>"Freemasonry is heavily cynical of humanity and seeks progress as an escape from the cruel order of the universe."

Perhaps we find that the Freemasons were/are "dogmatized".



This, Saturn is a difficult planet to work with but an important step for advanced practitioners.



oh shit hes based


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Hi all, I'm looking for some advice on working with archons, or the demiurge/physical master themselves. My understanding is that they are very powerful, although the price one may pay can be quite hefty. I'm in need of some powerful magic, something sigils, hoodoo, the goetia, and even some enochian evocations have not been enough for. Likewise, if you know if something especially powerful or effective, I'd love to hear it. I'm in quite the bind.

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It is evident from Lord Kṛṣṇa's dealings with Sudāmā Vipra that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is very, very pleased with a person is possessed of brahminical qualities. A qualified brāhmaṇa like Sudāmā Vipra is naturally a devotee of Lord Kṛṣṇa. Therefore it is said, brāhmaṇo vaiṣṇavaḥ: a brāhmaṇa is a Vaiṣṇava. Or sometimes it is said, brāhmanaḥ paṇḍitaḥ. Paṇḍita means a highly learned person. A brāhmaṇa cannot be foolish or uneducated. Therefore there are two divisions of brāhmaṇas, namely Vaiṣṇavas and paṇḍitas. Those who are simply learned are paṇḍitas, but not yet devotees of the Lord, or Vaiṣṇavas. Lord Kṛṣṇa is not especially pleased with them. Simply the qualification of being a learned brāhmaṇa is not sufficient to attract the Supreme Personality of Godhead. A brāhmaṇa must not only be well qualified according to the requirements stated in scriptures such as Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā and Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, but at the same time he must be a devotee of Lord Kṛṣṇa. The vivid example is Sudāmā Vipra. He was a qualified brāhmaṇa, unattached to all sorts of material sense enjoyment, and at the same time a great devotee of Lord Kṛṣṇa. Lord Kṛṣṇa, the enjoyer of all sacrifices and penances, is very fond of a brāhmaṇa like Sudāmā Vipra, and we have seen by the actual behavior of Lord Kṛṣṇa how much He adores such a brāhmaṇa. Therefore, the ideal stage of human perfection is to become a brāhmaṇa-vaiṣṇava like Sudāmā Vipra.

Sudāmā Vipra realized that although Lord Kṛṣṇa is unconquerable, He nevertheless agrees to be conquered by His devotees. He realized how kind Lord Kṛṣṇa was to him, and he was always in trance, constantly thinking of Kṛṣṇa. By such constant association with Lord Kṛṣṇa, whatever darkness of material contamination was remaining within his heart was completely cleared away, and very shortly he was transferred to the spiritual kingdom, which is the goal of all saintly persons in the perfectional stage of life.

Śukadeva Gosvāmī has stated that all persons who hear this history of Sudāmā Vipra and Lord Kṛṣṇa will know how affectionate Lord Kṛṣṇa is to the brāhmaṇa devotees like Sudāmā. Therefore anyone who hears this history gradually becomes as qualified as Sudāmā Vipra, and he is thus transferred to the spiritual kingdom of Lord Kṛṣṇa.

TPost too long. Click here to view the full text.



Aspiring for elevation to the heavenly planets, or liberation or all kinds of material opulences, or perfection in the mystic yoga powers, everyone throughout the universe worships the lotus feet of Lord Kṛṣṇa. Yet the Lord was so kind to me that He did not give me even a farthing, knowing very well that I am a poverty-stricken man who, if I got some money, might become puffed up and mad after material opulence and so forget Him."

-Srila Prabhupad, Krsna Book

A nice incident in a train while Srila Prabhupada was on the way to Nellore in Jan’ 1976.

“Tamal Krishna Maharaja went out to wash and swiftly shut the door behind him. When he came back he sidled through the half-open entry and again quickly shut it. "There are three men hanging around in the corridor hoping to see Prabhupada," he said, answering our quizzical looks. "They'll just come in and ask some nonsense and disturb him, so don't let them in." People in India are often eager to ask for blessings from holy men, but unfortunately they rarely have any serious spiritual intent. There are also many sadhus accustomed to offering such meaningless ashirvada, or blessings.

Srila Prabhupada refers to this kind of sadhu as an ashirvada-maharaja. Usually they give a wave of the hand, a nod, and exchange a few polite words. There is no spiritual discussion, no transmission of knowledge, and no transformation. Yet both parties are satisfied with this giving and receiving of they know not what — 'ashirvadas.' From our understanding of Prabhupada's teachings, such intangible exchanges are of no practical value. Naturally, as Prabhupada's servants, we don't like to see his time wasted with such blessing-seekers.

When Harikesa and I went out of the compartment, the curious men were still there. On our return, despite our obvious reluctance to let them in, they strained to see past us, knowing that if they caught Prabhupada's eye, etiquette would oblige him to let them in. Prabhupada was awake, eye-contact was made, and he instructed us to let them in. The tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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itt - typical users



because it works



Try any system the encompasses astrology and the zodiac, they are a facet of archonic forces, otherwise, try reversing the gnostic teachings and apply it to any system of conjuration.

Question is why would you?

We are basically trying to undermine the demiurge and the archons,and weaken their grasp on all of us?

why would you want to tighten that grip upon yourself and others?

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I'm determined to master lucid dreaming but it seems to be the one topic over the year's that I've never been able to find any concrete information on.

Can anyone share books, videos and anything else they've poured over in the past and found useful? Any advice for someone dedicated to the art but struggling to find a way to get started?

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Its thread bait, at the least. I'll call that a sigil, as the redirection of attention and energy.


A million cheap tin spoons are still just tin spoons. Just because nobody else has the autism to make a million spoons, it doesn't mean that we need to drown in spoons.

<Now replace the word spoons with memes

same anon btw



Good thing I'm immune to 3DPD.



That's just the surface level of the image, though



Does anybody care about LDs anymore? Boards dedicated to it are dead.



I imagine most care about them, but there's a drought of good resources on how to learn to do them reliably, so people just give up trying.

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>in some remote pockets where civilization didn't pozz everything up.

Doubt it since material existence is inherently mentally ill.



I think the "slowly convincing" part wasnt really necessary. He clearly wanted it from the beginning.



can this really happen?

are tulpas *that* dangerous?



Dude they can do anything if given enough power. They are extremely dangerous.



Anything with unfettered access to your mind is extremely dangerous. I've read quite a few stories like this, and they generally have four different stages.

>Recently she told me she wants to absorb me so that I become part of her. She abuses me and, what scares me most, really enjoys herself doing this…

Stage 1: Cursory awareness of an attack by a foreign entity. Anon could still fight it at this stage if it wasn't for his giantess fetish being exploited, but even if he escaped he would still have a bad time.

>Although she likes to make me tremble with fear before her, she never did anything to harm me.

>But I'm happy I can serve her and let her enjoy herself thanks to me. It's a blissful feeling to be her toy no matter what you think about it.

Stage 2: Beginning of endorphin-based Pavlovian conditioning. At this point anon no longer has any hope of recovery on his own and is too addicted to get help, the entity must be forcibly severed from him.

>If I understood her right, she claims to be a manifestation of my 'higher self' and sort of a guardian to me.

>Well, she is my goddess. And I have no reasons not to believe her.

Stage 3: Deep endorphin/telepathic programming. Entity exploits anon's existing beliefs to firmly embed herself in his mind. Even if he were to be dragged into an exorcism no amount of therapy could fix his wrecked psyche, he'd need to be on constant suicide watch afterward.

>She said 'Maybe' and smiled. Then added 'I'm an Aeon. I'm here to take you home.'

Stage 4: Consumption. Anon has been trapped in an illusionary inner world where his consciousness is being stripped away, and will ultimately be reduced to a barely-sentient spark that exists only to feed the entity while she impersonates him in his body. If anyone asks, he's "fine".

As for other people who fell for this trap, I've seen one guy on an /x/ succubus thread preaching about how youPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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but not nearly as bad as the FBI because they rape them in the ass every chance they got i bet half our FBI agents that served between 2003-2009 still have NK rice in their asses

north korean hackers and chinese hackers are the worst they have pozzed everything from your phone to your graphics card thanks to incompetent alphabet boys

There were lots of memes about how the CIA was secretly just literally autistic bronies (and made up the majority of the MLP base themselves explaining the fandom in the process as well as the furry subculture itself) which were true thanks to sassycat and merlian assange but the FBI was the worst because they failed to do anything literally besides provide the inspiration for the X-Files which was entertaining at least

when north korea launched their fifth version of Kwangmyonsongdong (KMS-5) in 2017 there was a media blackout but all of the major online satellite tracking websites showed it clearly flying in the air and you could track it. If you pulled up two browsers simultaneously at the same time and looked at the location of current earthquakes at the same time as the satellite you would see a literal line of earthquakes off the coast of California, up towards Alaska and going far south as Hawaii and all of the islands southeast of it. It should have been common sense to major larp psyops that this has happened but nobody really acknowledged it and for that I blame the incompetent FBI yet again for who else but the pozzed alphabet boys run this very website and allow such lies of omission?

if you dont believe these statements then go try to find information about the satellite KMS-5 (some news reports that it blew up before it could be launched, while others say it made it to orbit, wikipedia does not even acknowledge that it exists which makes me to believe its currently in space launching literal nukes from orbit that explain directed energy weapons technology and also ties into CIA operations (which are literally autistic bronies which makes it even worse that autistic bronies cucked the FBI) this is a literally memory-holed topic but it seems so stupid with other even more absurd news on a daily basis thta this mere chain of events was whitewashedPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>which makes me to believe its currently in space launching literal nukes from orbit that explain directed energy weapons technology

Launching nukes at what? Obviously not the Earth as I don't see any nuclear explosions happening on Earth.


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perhaps they are simply using phone hacks and gpu hacks for target practice




why is intelsat 21 allowed to broadcast kctv?



northkoreatech shows that the dprk through starnet jv had limited access to the internet at best. dprk affiliated agents in the china sure? but dprk proper. how can you hack seriously with that kind of bullshit bandwidth and ip addresses?

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I have pondered over this trying to come up with some sort of ritual that can erase the spark of sentience from someone's mind but my only conclusion so far is that such a thing is impossible, since all magick requires at least some form of self reflection to perform correctly, the only possible method then would be some form of mundane mindbending technique such as buddhist style meditation or yoga, and although I'm clueless about such things they don't appear to be anywhere near effective enough to change a person's mind in such a drastic way, it is really impossible to undo the "red pill" process short of sacrificing yourself completely to some thoughtform, and even if you were to do that, I doubt it would drain all your potential for internal monologue.

Does anyone here know of any way to accomplish this? I know it's antithetical to this board since most threads here seem to be focused on ways of heightening awareness not reduce it, shedding your sapience becoming a bugman.

1 post omitted. Click reply to view.



There are plenty of reasons to do this, I personally want to regress to this level so that I can try different methods to break out again, and see what it's like to have no cognitive ability deeper than the instinctual level so I can find out if such people truly are "zombies" in the Robert Kirk sense.



I guess it depends on how "red-pilled" you are. If you just know some things you've read on /pol/ then it's good that you're intellectually honest, but knowing those things alone doesn't make you a non-NPC. Plenty of people can be socially conditioned into believing those things; they used to be, in saner times. If you've reached the point where you're striving to be a Greek Hero then you're probably "too far gone" to go back unless you become a prisoner of the demiurge.



(Exoteric) Buddhism sounds right up your alley

But it also sounds like you're already where you want to be.


Some synchronicities going on with this thread. Someone was just talking to me about this very thing except they're worried they are an NPC or becoming one.



What you are asking for is disconnecting your soul (the sentient energetic spawn of your current incarnation) from your spirit (what you call "the spark of sentience", the immortal spawner of souls outside of time and space).

The problem is, ignorance is not bliss. Your soul in that disconnected state is going to keep feeling miserable, and your spirit is going to keep throwing you clues to find your path to it again.

If you insist on trying, though, all you have to do is basically lie to yourself every chance you get. Since I believe giving up self-honesty once you have really conquered it might be impossible, suicide might be your only real chance at this.

Think about it: if you threw yourself at drugs, wouldn't you almost unconsciously strive to gain knowledge about yourself from that altered state? Even with alcohol this happens. You could try embracing your unconquered flaws, but in doing so you would be actually on your way to conquer them.

I know this post is very disjointed, but words don't come easy at this moment.

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Full pepe tarot card deck.

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>Thanks d00d

You're welcome!


>I wish VPNs worked on 4chan. Looks funner than here these days.

Sorry for you misfortune! Glad to bring you some fun back from 4channel!


You're welcome!


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>I wish VPNs worked on 4chan. Looks funner than here these days.

How do VPNs not work on 4chan?


Are you doing tarot readings or what?



4chan might choose to block more than 8chan chooses to block

you should be able to find one for 4chan eventually, though

unless there is some sort of conspiracy on 4chan where 4chan is connected to some military matrix construct which actively targets users who use vpn's



>unless there is some sort of conspiracy on 4chan where 4chan is connected to some military matrix construct which actively targets users who use vpn's

This is unironically true. I found a VPN in some shithole country that was slow as fuck but I was happy with it. Used it for about 24 hours and then somehow they found me out.

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Fringe Girl Thread

ITT: Post art and discussion about the board mascot and possible egregore "Fringe Girl".

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hey [redacted] the christcuck is your huion drawing tablet completely covered in dust?


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Trips confirms that this is actually a masterpiece.

What do you mean you doubt the majyykcal powers of the trip sevens? When has meme magic ever been wrong? Answer: never.

tl;dr quit being a normie able to utilize basic powers of observation


I have no evidence at this time of the astral plane existing in a way which is distinguishable from the ideosphere.


(5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.)
Post last edited at


I put up some Fringe Girl stickers at a Tim Horton's drive-through. Everyone who is waiting in line at that drive-through will see the stickers.


what do you get when you breed a girl and a ghost cat?



some gay shit for incels

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I've been thinking about the act of changing timelines.

Assuming that subtle changes occur through simple decisions, doing something versus not doing something, it would seem like consciously changing something in one's environment would affect a subtle shift to a different timeline.

Acting/doing something spontaneous: Getting a different haircut, by flipping through a book at the barber or stylist and picking one at random.

Attach an intention to the process, some change in lifestyle, new interest, desire for learning.

Then observe the result.

My assumption is that this would become a both spontaneous and intuitive process towards shifting timelines.

This is all assuming the John Titor style of time exists, which I think it does.

I think sometimes the more extreme versions of timelines bleed over in the dream time. Both positive and negative. I've seen horror worlds, bleak and treacherous where that horror is normal everyday survival. "Just the way it is."

But more so I see places where our level of survival is extreme. Where money, debt, hatred, are unheard of. Different versions of people who are shocked at my animosity towards them. Where the entire life isn't struggle but just positive growth.

Anyway, a thought experiment and some rambling.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I remember Pikachu without the stripe, but I remember thinking what a coincidence my Sun sign being Saggitarius and the Earth being at the end of the Saggitarius Arm of the galaxy. Only the Earth is in the Orion Spur, which I hadn’t even heard about a year ago. Cognitive error? I don’t know what to make of it. I do believe in changing timelines without breaking continuity of memories, and it is not that hard to do it willingly. Who knows maybe this is not all that different.



>likely all working magic is resulting in shifting timelines to reflect desired outcomes

And it has to be done from outside time. In the Montalk model (which is really just a compendium of sources), there is only one part of us that exists outside time. This is a clue as to how to master magic and more. I purposely mention Montalk without explaining more because I think it’s beneficial to read montalk.com entirely and get acquainted with the concepts there (I think he’s wrong in some aspects, but that’s not relevant).



That is how it feels like to me. I need to get back into this show.




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II like occult devices and technology, but there doesnt seem to be very much of it. You all know of any others?

Also, I understand some see all tech as occult, this os obviously not what I mean.

#1 Gysin Dream Machine

#2 Scientology E-Meter

#3 Crystal Powered Time Machine

#4 Reichian Orgon Accumulator

#5 Chi Generator

44 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



Report number 7762.


"Inflective.png" in post number 129055 on 8ch, posted on 2019-03-03.


Consists of two lines joined orthogonally, weighted on the top 1/3 of the image, with what appears to be MS Paint pencil-tool tracing behind.

Attached is the text 'here is an inflection device. Print it out, put it in a frame (cut to size, doesn't affect energy). Hang it on a wall or put on a desk, flat surface. Should be in field of vision for at least ten minutes a day. No idea what it does, but seems friendly. If you use it for a week please report back outcome.'

Initial examination reveals subjects experience paredolia showing a leftward looking 'face' spanning the full length of the longest, vertical line. The instance appears to be smiling, with a slightly out of proportion mouth and nose.


12 subjects were selected from random available population. Subjects are primarily caucasian, between 20 - 30 years of age, with a third of the subjects being female.

Subjects were placed in a standard room, with a table, chair, and paper. They were given a simple non-repetitive task to do (Writing, Drawing, etc.) while a replica of the item, duplicated as described, was placed on the desk, in their field of vision. The subjects were told to remain in the room for one hour, and would be called out at the end of the hour.

All of the subjects passed the initial standard 'whiteroom' test, with no abnormalities. At least one third of the group expressed a minor interest in the item, and were allowed to retain a copy of it.

Standard two-week follow up showed that of the subjects, all of them had duplicated a rough rendering of the item, and placed it in their bedroom. Eleven of the twelve subjects had mentioned duplicating Post too long. Click here to view the full text.





LOL, it looks like a WIP Scalie/Furry/Bara thing with two intersecting lines over it.


the only one that works and the only one you need that isn't an outright scam/ fake is the infamous and powerful tepaphone that takes ones desires and wills and amplifies change in conformity with will through focusing it with light and having it aimed at the witness material of its target.



>Scalie/Furry/Bara thing

English, please!



Eloptic transgenic morphosis would be more accurate.

Basically meditative larping mixed with field resonance and a bunch of other shit I don't understand.

"If it were easy, it wouldn't be any fun."

_direct quote from Demiurge

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