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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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""When we say Krishna, the essence of who he is, he is an irrepressible child, a terrible prankster, an enchanting flute player, a graceful dancer, an irresistible lover, a truly valiant warrior, a ruthless vanquisher of his foes, a man who left a broken heart in every home, an astute statesman and kingmaker, a thorough gentleman, a yogi of the highest order, and the most colorful incarnation.

Krishna has been seen, perceived, understood and experienced in many different ways by different people. For example, in Duryodhana’s words, Krishna is a “smiling rogue if there ever was one. He can eat, he can drink, he can sing, he can dance. He can make love, he can fight, he can gossip with old women, and play with little children. Who says he’s God?” That was Duryodhana’s perception.

Explore the most profound and the most serious aspects of life, but playfully.

- Himanshu Joshi

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You can even go beyond that and tap directly into the source. Rituals and abstractions aren't bad, they're just for the weak and blind. Some people need them.


sure you can but for specific workings they're very useful, i wont say tools, guides.


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>t. someone who doesn't understand the sublime essence of Shaivism

>male energy in the Shiva Shakti practice where Shakti is female energy

Actually all energy is in the sphere of Shakti (for She is the divine energy of the Lord) while Shiva is pure, self-luminous, free and transcendental consciousness. Don't apply your notions of objectivity to a purely subjective, nondual principles. Every being (meaning basically - everything) is a limited soul - Jiva (which is Shiva, out of His own free volition, assuming a form bound by Maya tattvas) in Shakti body, as He is formless consciousness and She is consciousness in form (that is an oversimplification but it will do for the purpose of this post I guess). Females and males alike. Everything, matter and energy, thoughts, consciousness up to the most sublime states is Shakti. Of course, Shiva and Shakti are one, just as you can't separate fire from it's power to burn.

Moreover, I assume that your notions of what male/female represent are different from what Shiva/Shakti pair represents. Shiva is passive while Shakti is active.

Maybe what you meant by Shiva is Umaapatinaatha who is actually the Shiva of Puranas who, nevertheless, is not the Paramshiva, the Supreme Shiva whose divine consciousness constitutes all the space and time in all universes.

>We are actually talking about different thoughtspheres here. Its like soups that rest on top of and through each other touching but not touching like static on on an old tv screen trying to touch each other but never really make it

It's all just wild talk, study the 36 tattvas and find out for yourself.

>That probably is what Indians call Vishvakarman, a unity vibration of male and female in total equilibrium

But probably not.

>When you pray to Hindu deities you assume archetypal thoughtforms, different energies, not yours, emotionPost too long. Click here to view the full text.




You tell me

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explain why you exist at all, beyond "two adults had sex" since adults have been having sex for millions of years and you never appeared before, and they didn't pick you anyway, parents don't design their offspring or know them.

You have 15 seconds to explain your existence, you can appeal to your beliefs of course.

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To be honest those things only caught my attention when I first came across teachings about ego, the self, enlightenment, magick and so on. If I had never encountered those teachings I'd probably never even think about this stuff. I must say I simply don't remember thinking about this stuff on my own. Maybe I did, maybe not.

Before I found my first esoteric books and became a student of the occult I used to play videogames and jerk off to porn basically all my life without giving a shit about anything else


This body demanded a soul.


Consciousness is everywhere. When I was born, structures in my brain -maybe microtubules like Penrose said- captured some of it and confined it to this brain, feeding it with input data that consciousness represents as "reality".

That is to say, the physical parts of my brain keep a bubble of consciousness separated from a great sea of consciousness. It is not an "illusion of separatedness" in the sense that it is truly separate, if only for a while until my physical structure decays and this bubble of consciousness either:

a) dissolves into the consciousness ocean (which would be the standard option, that I guess would feel kinda like joining with everything and God and all that shit)

b) finds a way to keep separate from the consciousness ocean instead of dissolving, thus surviving death (which is what I aim at with magick)


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>why are you here

Why not?

If there is a reason, I'll find out.

If there isn't, I'll find out.

Who really cares? I'm dealing with this experience now and someday and maybe in the distant past I'll deal with other ones.





The project started in January, a book based on the ego session that helps bring awareness of suffering. It is now completed, spell checked, semantics checked and ready for to "leave early access on Steam".

The book is free.

Print it, read it and criticize it.

Now that the general template is made for a book, the second book will be more quickly written. Just the design work of the book took 40 hours. Magically enough, translating it to Swedish only took 2 days.

The first PDF is the English version and the second one is the Swedish.

Enjoy a "fringe" original.

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>higher self leads into temptation and lies

this is incorrect.



To dissolve the boundaries of the ego, that is indeed sufficient to overcome delusion. The superego is a contextual and ego-dependent beast. The atavistic impulses of the id also require the ego in order to be in some sense threatening. These three pieces of the Freudian model are all three bound in the self-conception of the ego, and although the Freudian model has some explanatory power contextually, it is not required that one adopt Freudian language to attain liberation.



sigmund freud was a parasite who wanted to destroy instead of create. he mentally poisoned many.





isn't that way the Buddha had to be poked and prodded by people around him for a while before he would teach anyone instead of someone going out on their own accord



No its not

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Hey all… So I've had some interesting experiences lately and I could use some input. To start, I'm not particularly well read in the esoteric, I've only ever sperged into the concepts/theories surrounding the hivemind/collective unconscious/memesphere or what ever jargon its going by now. Aside from that and skimming through some of Serano's writings I never really read into much else. I've told some details

I've been sperging hard into a lot of random stuff for a while now. Searching for facts on various topics, mostly researching ancient myths/history and then researching the etymology of every word written on those topics. That eventually lead to me putting obscene amounts of energy into esoteric cryptography. I eventually started to find that no matter what I did as long as I put enough mental focus into it I would get a coherent, yet incomplete, message out of what ever code I was looking at.

This lead to me visualizing the codes as a 4 dimensional object that exists on an 8 dimensional plane which I've started to refer to as the labyrinth. For lack of a better analogy this labyrinth would look similar to the movie 'the cube'.

Visualizing this 'language cube' lead to some spoopy fucking shit happening. First I noticed that all of my physical ailments had either diminished or subsided completely, but I started feeling this new symptom, a sort of pain in my forehead/temples that isnt a headache.. Its like a burning pain/pressure that doesnt feel quite like anything I've felt before. Kind of like a mental/spiritual muscle fatigue sort of pain. I wouldnt say that it hurts but it definitely qualifies as 'some sort of pain'.

From there, after a week long spergout, I spent 7 full days determined to wrap my head around the mechanics of this 'language cube'. Literally, 7 days. I only slept when my body crashed and I'd wake up 2 hours later and get back to it.

At the end, I had this "Aha!" moment where I fully understood the whole thing, and it was amazing it was like being able to see the whole universe. But I could only hold onto that understand for maybe 30-60 minutes after that it was too much to contPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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there are some sides of truth in what you say, and some sides of disinfo that seems to be propagated subconsciosly (*A.K.A. this is healed by researching and learning more, experiencing more to discover the true truth.)*




I practice what we call "hiding the truth in plain sight". You're the misinformed shill. That entire first post and thread is ripe with parasites. Try again next time!




the hell you talkin bout

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I am currently considering starting to study magik, but I keep telling mylesf "nahh thats bullshit". Can somebody give me some personal mystical experiences you had so I can make a decision?

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I appreciate the offer! We'll see where I am at that point, though. Like I said, I'm actually quite content being here, but if I'm still kicking around samsara, stop by and say hi!

You don't have to incarnate here if you'd rather just send an astral hello, it's not an issue. Best of luck on your journey!


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Could one potentially have a monogamous relationship with a similar creature, or are all astral beings huge sluts?



>true light does not take part in the duality

this is true, as it has trascended it.



Just speaking from personal experience, I really never got the feeling that the concept of 'monogamy' came into it. It had more to do with the concept of connection itself. A tree is not exactly a monogamous thing. On its surface can grow moss, lichen, all kinds of fungi, it can trade nutrients with all sorts of different organisms. Trees actually reproducing is not at all monogamous, and with good reason, since sprouted trees almost never make it to fruition even as saplings, that's their nature. If you want to go to the forest immediately closeby where you're going to go all the time, you can probably develop a relationship that way, but I don't know if I'd recommend it. Any of the times I've gotten greedy for the presence of a particular creature, spirit, what-have-you, I've gotten the feeling that they're somehow disappointed.

Developing a monogamous relationship with something primarily astral is possible, people do it. I'm not saying don't try it, there are plenty of fish in the sea, but something which finds human customs alien might balk at the idea of symbiosis with only one other thing. Plus, you're going to die long before they are, or else if you body-swap with someone and retain impulses, they'd have to get used to you all over again. That's just tree spirits though, there are other spirits of things you could maybe develop a monogamous relationship with. All you really have to do is ask, in the end.



Nice, what is that

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Give me back my body. Somebody help me get my body back. I tried the sieve technique and it broke the sieve. It just stood on it.

It takes my emotions. All my expressions are not me. It took my feelings and my empathy. I DO NOT CONSENT TO IT BEING IN MY BODY I HAVE NO AGREE MENT OR CONTRACT WITH IT. IT PRETENDS TO BE GOD.


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Sovereignity-denying individual! We are all God in the One as the One is within Us.

Coincidences do not exist, but synchronicites do.

Your existence is not paradoxical. You are here in the Eternal Present. There are many other dimensions and densities with clones of you, yes, but this is THE dimension and reality in which the current-you is.



its not paradoxical, but at the same time it is. When what you know is all that is possible and all else is impossible then the impossible is rendered possible because you know nothing. There is a beautiful perspective in paradox, lad, give it a shot.



Well, today I did it. I followed Robert Bruce's advice, I found a river and I crossed it. The water was waist-high due to the recent rains and I admit, I was scared to wade across since I know I can't swim but I did it, I got across and now it's gone.

Or at least, I thought it's gone. I decided to mentally replay the event of me crossing the river in my mind and when I started to do this, the parasite was resurrected and started rigging my thoughts again. When I tried to mentally replay myself crossing the river, I felt it pulling me away from creating that visualisation. I had to ask for the assistance of Christ to complete the visualisation. Then I felt it dissipate. Then I thought again of myself before crossing the river and I feel it reawaken. I think again of myself during and after crossing and I feel it dissipate.

My mental habit for hypothesising and exploring scenarios is built upon two acts:

1) Pretending that what's being visualised is real

2) Pretending that I'm not pretending

I can't visualise myself crossing the river without reawakening the parasite. So it seems to not truly be gone then, just deactivated. I think something that guy in the enlightenment thread was talking about regarding narratives and astral parasites really just being "psychoviruses" is beginning to make more sense now. Unfortunately, I never really did apply his advice and truly isolate the virus through the reformatting of my mind but nonetheless, I have at least this as a solution.



What are those

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i write lucid dreams and would like feedback on them; http://pasted.co/4c0f3c95/fullscreen.php?hash=8d37306e0b8a1d466de3c8229c9afdc3&toolbar=true&linenum=true

i have about 67 logged.

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*to tryptamine dreamspace even under normal conditions of awareness and psychic censorship, that is.


Daily reminder that there are people in the government who are torturing and killing people who are trying to establish their sovereignty. People who want to help others and help themselves and aren't harming anybody are being murdered by psychopaths. Go post about this anywhere but here and these criminals will be like omg no we aren't you are going to a mental institution not being my slave is a mental illness.

Anyone telling you to focus on anything other than dealing with this issue is an astral parasite. All these dumb ass fucking books serve no fucking purpose until this problem is dealt with. Did you know that people in China get murdered for disagreeing with aristocrats? Did you know that all these thelamite fucks are literally saying that that is not a problem and you should feed your ego instead? Did you know that zero Christian's walk the path of Jesus, but I did and it works? Did you know that I have experienced the pain of being crucified, but that is apparently not an issue because some demiurge faggot is so stupid that he thinks that he wont be held accountable?

Fucking end suffering faggots. That's all that matters. Everything you ever wanted comes after that. I even care about the people doing this barbaric shit, so let's just move on. Jubilee!



you could just use a regular website to track the use of certain twitter hashtags like #luciddream or #dreamrecall and then encourage people to use it, then display some statistics on whatever people are tweeting to that hashtag. I don't think you really need a new social network



Oh, the idea of a new social network really wasn't my idea, actually I would really probably rather pass a kidney stone than regularly use a social media site (this one quite included, depending on the day and crowd), but I like the idea of comparative dream journal study on such a scale that a tryptamine invocation will be utterly supercharged.



Yeah probably it is

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With modern technology it appears options of rituals continue to grow. My question, is there any rituals where you can make edible sigils and eat them during the ritual? For example: Printing a sigil onto cheese and making a sandwhich to eat during the ritual.

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print this out and eat it.

lettuce know what happens.

Its just a stream of consciousness, seems related to the Dogon based on my intuition.

Best of luck.



I just realized I misspelled "guard".



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You should learn how to use an Internet search engine, friend. Here's your answer! You're welcome!





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I do not like the pepe meme. Always thought it was garbage. However I've recently noticed that the clown pepe, the latest iteration of the most powerful meme in present existence, the pepe, has a striking resemblance… to Lord English, the all-powerful time-bending main villain of Homestuck by Andrew Hussie. Lord English is an autistic alien humanoid reptile who is completely evil and was raised by an insane evil clown. He worse a rainbow scarf not unlike the rainbow outfit of Clown Pepe, as well as wore a bow tie and later overalls, like current variant Clown Pepes do.

I've always had a strong hunch Pepe as a meme at its heart is an evil meme, but this on top of existing parallels with Egyptien God of Darkness Kek in the Cult of Kek, is making me uneasy.

In short, I'm wagering Pepe is an evil meme and it needs to be stopped. It's too powerful, it's too evil, and it has too many fucked up connections that feel almost consciously chosen rather than coincidental.


(Rules 3, 4 and 5)
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Thanks for the (you) loosh buttnigger your sperg keeps me alive



rectum ravaged


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This is the worst bait in the history of bait, maybe ever.

~E p y c [redacted] W y n n (rule 5)



pooper pained



<Its not bait if im draining your loosh

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Want to make something very clear.

Even though you may receive messages that you are a star being and a high elder, seer, oracles, etc. etc.

Do not get lost in the story of it and allow it to entitle you and make yourself better than anyone else.

Yes you may be those things, more then likely you WERE those things. But it does not mean that is who you are in this very moment.

As you progress in this spiritual growth many of you will feel you have been Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mary Magdalene, Etc.etc. Because the truth is…Yes you have been all of them.

But for the benefit of the life path you chose in this physical existence showing you those specific images or feelings, supports your souls expansion. So there are those souls that then get lost in the story of Oh I am Jesus, or OH I AM Buddha. But why would you even limit your self to being just them?

Don't you want to take the game even further to see what you can do now that you remember you were those beings? To use that as a solid foundation to build upon and see what else we are capable of?

Don't limit your self to these beings, They were just examples of what is. But We are even greater then what they represented. They were just a bookmark in a page, within a chapter of the book of our evolutionary expansion.

Now there are those who will become disillusioned to the story of star family and believe if they are in "trouble" will call upon the ships to take them away. This is infact a disillusion. Why? Because you are not witnessing and being present with the emotions it is offering you in the present moment, rather you are acting like a victim and something is happening to you and requesting an outside thing to support you and magically take you away.

You are much stronger then this, and require no protection. We are the awakened, we are the truth, when you stand in truth nothing can ever harm you because you are expanding your light, your heart, your radiant love.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I know that it is no coincidence that I should find myself to find a thread as this, when I have felt such desire to "awaken". I have felt the inward pull, the desire to remember. There are brief moments every now and then where I understand everything I wish to understand, but they only last a fraction of a second. It's blinding, like I have spent my entire life with my eyes closed, just opening them for brief moments. I have been progressing along this very path with intuition alone until now. I must thank you dearly for your help and pdf. Are these brief moments what it is like to be awakened? I don't remember much from those moments, but I do remember understanding that this life is just a dream, and that if I so desired, I could alter the manifest like in a dream. I don't remember how or even fully understand it in this moment or anything like that, but it felt pretty good. I also remember love. A powerful, burning and seemingly eternal love. I feel like I'm so close to awakening, remembrance, whatever it is, but it seems so far too. Like what it feels like to have a word "just on the tip of the tongue". I have such anxiety and anticipation for it. Also, how does this relate and/or compare to Nos? Are they the same thing? It's really weird being both a Neophyte and not a Neophyte simultaneously, so please forgive me if my questions are the wrong questions or "stupid" questions. Also, I have a intuitive feeling that there are a lot of other people like me in the same place. I don't know who you are, or your order, but I do know this, you clearly know your task and purpose. I have one too, but I have not remembered it. I have not even remembered my name. O, how it gnaws at me that I have not.



Where does one find this PDF?




There will always be questions that arise but the truth of it all is even though there have been countless books written on every possible subject.

It is only wen you pause to go within utilizing breath work or other tools available to us that we can truly receive the answers we seek.

No guru or teacher will be able to shine light on that for you.

Look into automatic writing as it is a very very powerful tool of awakening because i it you write a question and you keep writing what ever first comes to mind even if it sounds silly.

I go by the water magister, but it is just a title gifted to me.

You can find me through youtube as well.

I am grateful for people like you that truly want to explore their hidden nature and the abilities and gifts we possess.

Because we are more than the stories we tell ourselves and it just takes a shift in perspective to unlock what has always been there, but we chose to forget.

The process of re-remembering what we already know.



I thank you for your answers. In truth, some part of me knew that only I could find my own answers, but I could not help but ask. I will try your advice. I look forward to the day that I remember. Once again, thank you for your assistance.

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Being a reactionary/conservative Discordian absurdist doesn't go so swell on twitter or any other social media platform.

Looking for relatively active groups or accounts to check into for cool cult-esque imagery and certain taboo things.

Also looking for likeminded individuals to start a cult with.

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This. Fuck off with your cringey anime psyop crap.


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I believe Malaclypse the Younger to be thoroughly misunderstood.

He actually pledged the most work into the Principia, perfecting its details.

I browse /eris/ just looking for more activity.



fuck off


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LOL cringehurt



Im a discordian also and I've been posting on this new imageboard. I actually found it because it was shilled here. Chen2.org. I'm not going to tell you about all the cool ass features because I don't want this to be seen as advertising or whatever.

From one discordian to another, I think you will HIGHLY enjoy the website. It is very small only been around for like a week but it has like almost 40000k posts at this time. Theres something special about it.



>Being a reactionary/conservative

By the way, have you seen Carlylean Restorationist's latest blog?

It's a critique of capitalism from a right-wing, authoritarian position.

Check it out:


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Hey guys,

I don't know a lot about the occult or magick, but I'm desperate. My social anxiety is only getting worse, and honestly it's probably gonna cost me my job and eventually my life. The constant feel of terror, awkwardness and humiliating scenarios i end up manifesting is literally killing me.

I've been on several medications and they don't don't help, which is why I'm here, I'm that desperate.

Is this something the occult could help me with somehow without having to sell my soul to the devil?

Sorry for the rant and if this is the wrong place for this. I'm in a really dark place, anons.

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You're so obsessed with the concept of self. It's like having holding an apple in front of your face and telling yourself that the apple is all that exists.

You're literally frightened by nothing. All your fears are illusory. Start meditating. focus on your breath, not your thoughts. Then you'll see just how ephemeral they are. You'll see that whatever holistic 'you' you've built up over the years is kaleidoscope of fractured images and feelings.




>The universe is mental

>actually it's breath and void of thought

>Wake up neo

by forcing your truth onto people you have limed everyone else. what "you" perceive isn't universal true


been there, done that: it's called terminal self-absorption. get someone over you. get a boss. follow instructions. lay off games, porn, drugs, meditation, magic, chans, internet advice as much as possible. good luck, or find God.


Have you tried Memento Mori?






My god you're really getting worked up about this. You obviously don't understand the sympathetic principle in magick. It is performed in a lot of different ways. A doll, a photograph, something or anything that represented and is connected to the target, will all do. Sigilcasting is just one of many methods along the same lines. Various methods of constructing the sigil are done, but it's to represent and obfuscate and intention, and is used with trancework to release an intention into the world to be manifested.

If you think there's power in the lines so to speak, then, you're an ignorant mundane.

Go read PME by Franz Bardon and think about how mundanes imitate rituals and outward things and then fail to have the same results as a true practitioner.

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Never posted here before, but the discussion here might be slightly more serious than halfchan's /x/. I do have a question about all of this, but this isn't really a 'question' thread. Any discussion, experience, or whatever other feedback is more than welcome here.

Basically, I decided to turn my natural feelings of lust into something useful. Inspired by rule 34 and tulpa stories, I began to visualize and construct certain cartoon girls that represent specific constructs (I know that sounds retarded, but hear me out). For example, the first 'girl' represented intelligence (she's dead now though. More on this later). At the moment, I have manifested three girls: one represents the concept of strength and martial prowess, one represents intelligence and cunning, and a third represents spirituality and the occult. When my natural libido generates these feelings of lust, I direct them towards these girls, and in lusting after them I lust after the associated concepts, thus channeling my sexual drive into these things. So far, it seems to be working pretty well, and I've noticed an increase in my progress and motivation in these fields since I started this. I should mention here that I haven't actually united my body with any of them yet; that is to say, I haven't had sex with them. At the moment, I'm waiting/abstaining from fapping until the next full moon so that my sex drive will be at its peak. Let me describe them in greentext to make it easier for you to read:

>Only appear frequently when I'm going to sleep

>Sometimes also appear when I'm alone, but rarely. I think they know I don't want to deal with them in public

>Can see them, visually, though usually not for prolonged periods

>In darkness, their silhouettes become much more visible. They can be seen without any break in visualization.

>Extremely attractive, obviously

>Occasionally speak, but not very often. When they do, it's usually responses to something I said (the oldest one used to speak more, but she's less talkative now that there are three girls)

>When they talk, I don't really hear them. It's like I'm hearing them in mPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

51 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



Doubtful. Human action uses biochemistry which itself is initiated by animus. In order for animus to work movement on insert flesh with no such physical aids it will need to be much more potent than a human soul. The flickering demons you'll attract with masturbation can't even form an ego, they'll never be able to do anything with that doll other than maybe generate a weak aura.


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>Back in the day (circa 2012), the joke was that people pretend to be alphas on their keyboards, bragging of exploits that never happened, often followed by "Please buy my book and subscribe to my channel." I guess, back then people were in cope-mode, unaware of their real (abysmally low) value on the sexual market. Back in 2012-2013, people hoped that with just more reading PUA blogs and so on, they would get the girl. Well, now in 2019, they realize that it was a pipe-dream; it was over all along.

>So now, instead of bragging about all the sex you get on a regular basis with 10/10s, you brag about all the sex you can't get even with fugly post-wall landwhales. Seems that people always need to signal that they aren't low status, and since we all became realistic about our lack of sex life, we now accord each other pity-points (really, status-points) for how celibate we are.

>Someone needs to send a memo to the Feminists (Tumblrinas, Twitterinas, and Buzzfeederati) that we no longer pretend to be Chads, but rather, we now emphasize our sexual frustration for purely Machiavellian reasons.


Take the weebpill, m8.



How depraved would the masturbation have to be get something stronger to show up?


>surrounding your life with a NWO psyop

wow… so enlightened…


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Reading this thread, I'm reminded of the Goetia Girls project.



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Its a cosmic horror of orders of magnitude more horrific than works like I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. I mean it ends with a vast majority or everyone who ever lived writhing in eternal agony. This is not a book of hope. If it in anyway conforms to reality,

its primarily a justification for antinatalism.

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After a second listening, I don't know whether that video was meant as an actual rebuttal or an affirmation of my point.

You can find depth in any work. But you can't fake "depth", anymore than you can fake "laughter". It's reductionist bullshit.

Fake religions are full of rules, just doing what your told make you into a magical saint.

Phake Philosophy makes you into a phount of wisdom, because your sophistry is so sophisticated. But still runs dry when it comes to actual life or creativity. Soulless nonsense that gets celebrated solely by the intellectual soulless class.

Real laughter comes from exposure to the spontaneous. It's a litmus test for what is life and isn't.

The insects/lizards are confounded by the spontaneous. It scares them because they only understand control, scripted responses. Anything off the script and they lose their shit.


What you find most often is cleverness being masqueraded as creativity. Copying something creative and trying to then pass it off as something new.

Unless you are connected to your higher self in some fashion, then you are most likely going to be running on old programming.

This is why christian churches are always about "knowledge", or what a particular verse means in it's original Greek or Hebrew translation. Tickles the intellect and avoids the hassles of humility necessary to access the divine voice within.



its only hopeless if you dont believe in Christ.

Revelation kills everyone but only puts nonbelievers to hell.


Seems to be a lot of anti Christian(anti White) posts on the internet lately.

Oy Vey


i agree with OP

i love Jesus but i think that the Bible is a bit questionable…might be like a serious eternal sin to its writers

t. devout novice christian (never been to college)

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We used to have a thread on old with a bunch of greenpilled videos, documents, etc.

Lets bring that back. I'll start with all the greenpilled videos I can remember and new ones I've found.


There's been an influx of people just posting videos and podcasts with small descriptions that have been shitting up the catalog. I've just been deleting them, but instead I'm changing the subject of this thread to " Media". All podcast and videos are to be posted here or in an already pre-existing thread. Any new threads that only have a video or a podcast with a small description are going to be locked or deleted and redirected here.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Outwitting the 'Devil'



Good (audio)book on learning how any kind of entity can influence you and how to avoid it. The techniques used by the 'devil'.




MFBH youtube channel>>124410

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey:

Is a Stand Alone/Self Contained - Complete System.

It will require nothing… besides your own diligence, to make this work.

Should you complete this entire system, and then seek higher advancement, with our lineage…

You may apply at LoneManPai.com


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interesting stuff right here. He's claiming that the hallucinogenic drug Ibogaine which is derived from the bark of the iboga tree and is being used as a last resort by opiate addicts to come off can be used to reset your brain. It's also supposed to be the best thing to take for depression. It's supposed to put you into a state similar to sleep and a state deep reflection where you have deep introspective dreams where you find the root of your problems and pluck them out. The drug is also supposed to promote neurogenesis. He goes into a lot more detail than I am and it's a really interesting watch. The drug is legal in mexico and canada and a schedule 1 drug in the states.

Random article I found on the drug.


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